Directions to TEP’s Office TEP, Genesis Centre, Birchwood Science Park, WA3 7BH

TEP’s office is in the Genesis Centre on Garrett Field in the Birchwood Science Park, Birchwood in the north-east of Warrington (see location plan). Telephone 01925 844004.

Arriving By Car from the South From the M6 North, exit at junction 21, immediately after crossing the Viaduct. Once off the motorway, take the second exit (straight ahead) onto Woolston Grange Avenue and run parallel with the M6 for around 2 miles, taking the second exit (straight on) at the first four roundabouts. At the fifth roundabout, turn right (third exit) onto the A574 dual carriageway (signposted to the M62), crossing over the M6. Take the first left at the next roundabout, passing beneath a pedestrian suspension bridge, and then turn right at the next roundabout.

Take the third turning on the left into the visitors’ car park of the Genesis Centre. There is an intercom to speak to Reception who will open the barrier.

Follow the internal road towards the centre of the building, then bearing right. TEP has reserved car parking spaces outside its offices in the east wing and there is a TEP sign on the building. Enter the building via Reception in the centre to be directed to TEP’s office.

Arriving By Car from the North From the M6 South, at Junction 21a follow signs for M62 and then use directions below for arriving from the west.

Arriving by Car from the West From the M62, take Junction 11 and turn right for Warrington A574 (the only principal road from this junction). Continue to the next roundabout and take the second exit (straight ahead). The next roundabout has a large sculpture – take the first exit (straight ahead) onto the dual carriageway. Take the right hand lane and turn right (third exit) at the next roundabout. Continue forward passing beneath a pedestrian suspension bridge, and then turn right (third exit) at the next roundabout.

Take the third turning on the left into the visitors’ car park of the Genesis Centre. There is an intercom to speak to Reception who will open the barrier.

Follow the internal road towards the centre of the building, then bearing right. TEP has reserved car parking spaces outside its offices in the east wing and there is a TEP sign on the building. Enter the building via Reception in the centre to be directed to TEP’s office.

Arriving by Car from the East From the M62, take Junction 11 and follow Warrington A574 (the only principal road from this junction). Then continue using the directions from Junction 11 for arriving from the west above.

Arriving by Train Birchwood Station is on the Manchester- line and the majority of the trains using the line stop at Birchwood. Some shuttle buses are timed to coincide with these trains and stop at Garrett Field which is opposite the Genesis Centre. Taxis are also usually available or we can collect people from the station as it is only 3 minutes from the office by car.

The West Coast Mainline runs through Warrington and stops at Warrington Bank Quay which is approximately 5 miles to the west of the office close to the town centre. There are usually taxis at the station and the journey to TEP’s office will take around 20 minutes.

Arriving by Air Manchester Airport is approximately 40 minutes’ taxi journey and there are also some direct trains from the airport to Birchwood Station.

Liverpool John Lennon airport is approximately 40 minutes’ taxi journey.