Senior Raiders model remain opens competitive Page 18 DECEMBER 28, 1995 VOLUME 3, NUMBER 10 Van Hessen taking over mayor's seat BY PAUL FIORILLA choice because his office is around the cor- ner from town hall and he has more time Staff Writer for the responsibilities of the job, he South Brunswick Township "I expect if Ted becomes mayor, he will Committee will be led by a new do a fine job," Hoffman said. T man in the new year. Van Hessen said he wants to establish a Mayor Douglas Hoffman said on "dynamic" committee by encouraging Tuesday that current Deputy Mayor Ted debate among members. While not wanting Van Hessen will get a promotion to the to compare his availability with Hoffman's, mayor's chair when the committee has its he said the location of his office is a plus. reorganization meeting on Jan. 2. "By virtue of the fact that my office is Van Hessen, 39, is in the third year of around the corner from town hall makes it his first term on the committee. He is the easier for me to get to the building during president of the DR Group, which admin- those times when I need to," he said. isters claims for self-insured dental plans. Van Hessen said he spoke with the com- "If the members of the committee de- mittee's two Democrats, Dcbra Johnson cide to support me, then I welcome their and newly elected Edmund Luciano, but support," Van Hessen said. had not asked them for support. He Hoffman said the move is just a con- shouldn't expect it. tinuation of the committee's tradition of "I don't think Debra and I will go along appointing a new mayor on an annual basis. with the majority vote," Luciano said. However, he said that the time demands of One week before the committee votes to the job made it difficult for him to consider appoint members to nearly two dozen doing it again. township committees and boards, "I never expected to be mayor two years Democrats said they were unhappy with the in a row," he said. "Most people don't real- level of consultation by the Republicans. ize being mayor requires an extraordinary Johnson said that last year, before her investment in time away from one's family first year on the committee as a lone and job. ... It's time for someone else to do Democrat, Republicans consulted her about it." possible nominees. This year, she said, she With only three Republicans on the has yet to have a conversation with the five-member committee, the choice of a majority party. successor for Hoffman boiled down to Van "In the past, we have had the opportu- Hessen or Committeeman Roger Craig, nity to sit down and discuss ideas," John- who was mayor in 1993 and 1994.son said. "We haven't had that opportunity Cold weather makes it necessary for Volkswagen of America's building workmen Hoffman said Van Hessen was the logical to install a wind/weather barrier. Now they are Farfromfreezin. Continued on page 5 (Photo by Michael Guiliano) $2.3M fire vote set "It's something we feel very strongly BY PAUL FIORILLA has to be done," Young said. "We have Staff Writer totally inadequate office space to properly house the equipment we have now. We esidents of South Brunswick's have one small office that is totally over- Dayton, Deans and Monmouth crowded and we have inadequate facili- R Junction sections, and other areas ties to train new recruits. served by Fire District No. 2, will be "We're trying to provide training to all asked in February to decide whether to volunteers to avoid having to go to a paid spend $2.3 million for a new fire station. department, which is very costly," Young District No. 2 commissioners yester- said. day announced plans to build what they The district services residents of say is a badly needed 14,000-square-foot Dayton, Deans and Monmouth Junction, station on a six-acre site acquired in as well as a few scattered residents in 1994. other sections, Young said. There are two Thomas A. Young Jr., chairman of the other fire districts in South Brunswick in District No. 2 commissioners, said the Kingston and Kendall Park. South Brunswick resident Mark Anselmo admires his catch before he throws back new station will improve fire safety for the fresh water bass he caught while ice fishing at Mill Pond Park. The proposed new building would be (Photo by Michael Guiliano) the entire town, and will not cost taxpay- ers any money until the next century. Continued on page 5 SENTINEL, DECEMBER 28, 1995

^Mfi'-Pt ' '/V " %'^vV1

RiiiJi AgJicr Stephen Galle Mark Maury Susan Thorsheini Jaines Allinder Paul Gentile Henrietta Wayne Timpi-r Alfred Aiido Judith Getty Amia McAkirney Susan Tlnsman Lmanwel Aneson Josephine Gi/zo Dawn McClcnnen Ileleue Thisty liciijaiuin Appleby Bertram Gold Patrick McCobb JacqueHne Torbik ( harles Ai'gast Scott Goldstein Joan McCormlck Sara Illlinan Charles Argast Kalhryii Goode Joanne McDonald Karla Van CHef Lmlly Aniistfong Vincent Grassla Dcbra McNichoI Hank VaudclKfk Oi.sne Aveiy Jeffrey Greenberg Maureen Mendez Deuiarlc Vicen.s Azarko Geny Haggerty John Mercurio Linda Voyillla Mariangela Bach William Halm Douglas Met/ Tracy Warcch Jeanne Barrett Darlene Hall Glenn Metz Brian Whak-y Prank Baxter William Hamill Dick Metzgar Lynne VChltemau Gregory Bean Barbara Haran Daniel Miller John Wilkinson KochcUe BelJtiii Ann Harding Diane Monti Terry Williams Jacqueline Belter Sandra Harms Steve Moore Edwin Williams Barbara Benko Stacy Harms Samuel Morales Kevin Witt man William Benko Bruce Harvey Charles Morea William Wolfe Mark Benowltz Jessica Hiiusmann Tim Morris Andrea Wolferl James Billerman Roert Havens Scott Midler Krlfilyna Wonskki 1-dgar Blnch Carl Hennicke Luisa Nagel Adele Young Darcie Borden Charlie Henrex Clare Nagengast Lisa Zajeck Sam Botocowsky Kathleen Herban Jane Naporski Thomas /.lagos Allen Boyce Cindy Herrschaft Donna Nasatka Greg Zeller Mary Boyce Joan Hertwig Peggy O'Brien Amy Zucchl Mary Brown Pat Hoops Frances O'Neill JeffU'vim- Karen Bryan Howard Inman Laurie Occhlplnti Andrea Roseilgarten William Campbell Briane Ivanitskl John Olfe Christopher Edwards Michele Casalino Diane Jackson Sandra Palazzolo Vince Moro Arells Ceballo Jeremy Jackson Debra Parana Christina Sukovlch Paul Cedeno Lauren Jaegar Paul Pastrick Theresa Tumbleson Jennie Centaro John Jefferson Leoonardo Perez Tracy Wehrlnger Kusemarle ChappeiHno Richard Jerome Jane Pettigrew Jerry Mirande William Charette Samuel Jesse Etliel Polochak Jason Genthe Siszette Chartier Thomas Jones Marco Pons Mary David Hong Chen Earo Jones Cheryl Porelle Ruth Wagner William Chesney Kenneth Jorgensen Jonathan Piuikln Set Centaro Helena Christie Helen Kaczorowski Robert Rapp John Wolfe Geprganime Clark Donna Kampf Warren Rappleyea William Tumbleson Henry Colbert Thea Kanter Joann Reccoppa James Zago iMatthe Colon Linda Kelly Robbin Reevs Melissa Poplla Maureen Conway Karen Kesten Cynthia ReiUy Coreen Seeman Marian Coppola Jann Kipp Vance Reilly Ray Harms Johanna Cordes Chandra Kodery Jill Rice Randl Shook Kathleen Coyne Anne Marie Kolb David Rivera Walter Hayes Mclodie Cucura Kobert Konopack Mark Rosman Horacio I'lccinno Michele D'EUo Eileen Koutnik Liivinia Runyon Kathleen Pino Vincent De Muro Linda Kovacs Richard Russell Ann Pi/.zlmeuii Albert De Santis Dolores Kozo Michael Sacco Corinne Seetnan Lynn Devine Marc Krajewski Anthony Scliiano Ray Harms Roy Delisa Laura Kuhn Beth Schiller Randi Shook Bhargavl Desai Jennifer Lamanna Margery Schwartz Walter Hayes Robin Dewindt Larry Lamb Heather Sexias Horaclo Piccinno Kobert Dickinson Ivan Latanlsion Linda Siclliano Kathleen Piao Hnan Donahue Harry Lanzetti lindsey Siegle Ann Plzziinenti Pamela Dryka Klmberly Lau Benjamin Siniiikln Corinne Seeinan Marilyn Duff Michael Lawless Dean Sirlnakls Kim Silveretein Cordellia Duff Richard Lawlor Tonl Smith Chaiicne Stumpp Thomas Duns heath Donald Lecorchick Daren Smith Leo Tosh Robert Duran Gene Lennon Stuart Solomon Maryanne Tosh Patricia Ellis SheldaLevine Diane Solomon Mathcw Wachala Tracy Eppinger Suzette Iichter Amy Spiezio AHa Weissen Ralph Esola Dorothy Llndstrom Gerald Sprlngard Toni Vasll Elaine Esterman Alan Lissy Harold Squlndo Eileen Timper Magaly Figueroa Linda Litsky Harold Stack Benjamin Sukovlch Dennis Fulnier Eric Low Sarah Stack James Tumbleson Richard Ford Brian Lustig Margaret Stranlero Patricia Speece Kevin Friedlander Casper Marrazza Judith Swain Ralph Weincr Joan Fruchter Linda Mardnlello Steven Szaraz Edward Galirmann Walter Mashanski Torano Taylor Rebecca Marottl-Ogrodnik Michael Gaines Robert Mattel Alan Tecliner Jean Costa

Employees of Greater Media Newspapers and Greater Jersey Press

i L &ti& «#fa&dkUiU, ^ t j NS SENTINEL, DECEMBER 28, 1995 3

Linda Schwarz ofColdvvei Banker Schlott Realtors, South Brunswick, has been honored for her achievements in real estate sales. Page 6 LOOKS LIKE HOME — Millie Parillo, a resident of Apartment Complex. The model was constructed on the Newton Road, North Brunswick, tours the model of the third floor of the township's Government and North Brunswick Senior Housing Corp.'s Senior Community Complex, Hermann Road.

Page 21 Editorials Page 12 Page 12 s Bank-based managing firm hired by ihe impressed with the si/e of the "A" unit. Obituaries Page 16 housing corporation to oversee operations, "One thing we have heard today is ilmt ° Police Beat Page 14 said they have had a lot of positive com- people who have applied for the larger 'IV ment from the viewing applicants. unit are changing their minds when they • Real Estate Page 17 NORTH BRUNSWICK -- Altci ,i lew Joan lierlew, an Oak Leaf Village resi- sec how much room they would gel in Ihis * Sports Page 18 setbacks, ihe model for I he North dent, said she likes the location. si/e "A' unit," Thompson said. Brunswick Senior Housing Corp.'s Senior 'Truthfully, the security is what I like, One of the selling points of the apart- Apartment Complex opened lor inspection being right here next to Ihe police station." ment is the large foyer between the iron I Tuesday. Berlew said. "I'm not in such a good neigh- entrance and the living room. Roughly 50 people took the inaugural borhood now." "With Ihis design, people won't feel tour of the model, constructed in the town- Constructed on the third floor of the closed in and it gives the appearance of Phone numbers: ship's municipal complex on Hermann Government and Community Complex on more space," Thompson said. Editorial Road. Hermann Road, the model is one of the Commenting on Ihe space issue, 254-7000 Ext. 226 The Rev. Mark MeGralh, a member of standard-size, 600-square-foot apartments, McGrath said, "For those people coming FAX 254-0486 the housing corporation, said the cor- which are the most readily available in the from a 1,000-square-foot home, the place is Circulation poration was very pleased with Ihe reaction complex. going to look small," said McGrath. "But in 254-1755 to the model. Vigna said the apartment is equipped the real world, there's plenty of space in the. Display Advertising "The response was much greater than with kitchen appliances and non-functional apartments." 254-7000 Ext. 253 we had anticipated for the day after plumbing fixtures. Furnishings were pro- Still, housing corporation members FAX 254-0256 Christmas," said McGrath. vided by Wenzel Furniture, on Route 27, admitted that you can't please everyone. Classified 1-800-660-4ADS Thomas Vigna, assistant business and Bcrman's Decorating Market Place, on Jean Fischer, a Somerset resident view- Classified FAX 432-0016 administrator and committee member for Route 18 in East Brunswick. ing the apartment, said she thought the the corporation, said the lour originally was "Both of these places have been great in apartment looked bigger on the floor plan scheduled for early December, but manu- creating a look for the apartments," Vigna than il appeared when she visited the facturers encountered problems providing said, "The place looks wonderful and very model. the proper cabinet fittings for the galley- comfortable." "Looking around, I still think it would style kitchen. Thompson said a full living room set, be very comfortable," Fischer said. "Still, Sentinel Work began on the model in the be- bedroom set and dinette were provided to you know, a woman can't have a big ginning of September. give the applicants an idea of what kind of enough closet." Managing Editor "We wanted everything to be perfect decorating choices they have. Other applicants mentioned that the when we opened the model for the public," Emily Federico, a Monroe Township closet spaces seemed to be lacking in the Paul Fi.oril.Ja Vigna said, explaining the three-week resident, said she was picturing Ihe apart- bedroom, but in response to this, Vigna Executive Editor delay. "We decided to wait so that they ment with her own furniture in place. said a hall closet and linen closet in the Gregory Bean could see a.finished model, just like one "It is large enough that pieces I already bath made up for some of that space. Publisher they would be moving into." have would fit," Fedcrico said. Vigna said there is an area in the base- Kevin Witt run ri From the responses of applicants view- Vigna said a lot of people viewing the ment of the building that housing corpora- ing the model, it seems that housing corpo- apartment realized they knew each other. tion members hope to be able to dedicate as ration members made the right decision. "Acquaintances found out that their a common area of storage. Lorraine Kelley, a Mink Court resident, neighbors would be people they already "But really, the hall closet docs provide brought her mother, who was visiting from knew and that made them happy," Vigna A Greater Media Newspaper a lot of space for storage," Vigna said. Florida, to view the model. said. Thompson said a letter has gone out by "I'm glad we got to see it while she was Federico, who lived on Hermann Road PRC to those applicants who have already here with us for the holidays," Kelley said. for 40 years before moving away, said she been approved, announcing that tours are The 149-unit apartment complex is would like to move back to North available. The model will be staffed three scheduled to open in April. The apartments Brunswick. The Sentinel Newspaper is published days a week — Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday by Sentinel Publishing Co., will be open to any resident, but preference "It would be nice to move back to my Thursday —• from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Edgeboro Rd., East Brunswick, N.J. 08816. will be given to Middlesex County resi- old stomping grounds," Federico said. For information about touring the Se- Third-class postage paid at East dents. The model is based on the smaller of the nior Apartment Complex model, call Brunswick, N.J. $37 a year. First-class mail Joseph Thompson, a representative subscription available at $72 for 26 weeks, two apartments available, but housing cor- Joseph Thompson with PRC Management 40 cents a copy. from PRC Management group, the Red poration members said applicants were at 222-5062. NS 4 SENTINEL, DECEMBgR28,_1995_ •—f

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Short term financing fur quali Tne fJ^W f ?^,?fe? ' buyers Ckoice Driveaway in Coup, vu/T^I) | pks! »nJ Voyogir W22T pfcg & ABS Awumes tlcali-t p.rticip.hoii nf $525 (Cirru.) $575 (Sctrinc) $260 (NYonl Jfi^rlt.^r.l.'r^'r A7iTfr HCI A diAnni?;1" i t!]i»c. fy lliKtirani-L t of $''76 (Ci.rur.) nr $0IS/m. ,«u SENTINEL, DECEMBER 28, 1995 S $2.3M fire vote set OU'RE INVITED TO OUR OPENING Continued from page 1 anticipate having to purchase any major All Phases of Nail fire fighting apparatus within the next five & Skin Care Massage Therapy constructed on property located between years." Featuring This Month: the abandoned approach to the old rail- S S Young said the building would include Full set acrylics 45 • Manicure & Pedicure 32 road bridge on Ridge Road and the one S three large double bays for fire apparatus, • Stress Relief Massage ('A hour) 22 recently built as a result of the realign- offices, a meeting/training room, and a ment of Route 522. c workout room. ~ msmm~

x&&wmi&Jcgi&teia&e CRANCI OpENlNq CEIEBRATION CAPITOL DECORATORS WE CAN GOT ALMOST ANYTHING...... A CouNrey DECORATOR'S q SHOP US LAST AND A Unique Country f BRING IN TOf Jit PRICE QUOTES! Qift Boutique a * HUQE SELECTION or QUALITY TILE • GUARANTEED INSTALLATIONS You Must See! t • GORCSEOUS SHOWROOM Featuring a variety of ??• "Our Name Says It All" Country Folk Art and Country Qift Items Sdcoltle Regular Store Hours Tue.-Thur. 10-4 Frl.-Sat. 10-6 561 Route 1 S. • Wick Plaza • Edison, NJ 08817 Sunday 12-4 Monday Closed Next toTJ Maxx's Flagship Store • Right Off Rtes. 130,1 & Exit 9 NJ.Tpke CALL FOR DIRECTIONS AND HOURS (908) 819-8000 46 MAIN ST. (Rr. 27) . . KINQSTON, NJ (609) 252-9698j (NEXT TO Good TIME Ok) NS © DECEMBER 28, 1995, SENTINEL Advertise Your AmmOti PROFESSIONALS SB agency houses Professional Services Tin np II: in our sir INCOME INCOME TAX mm No. 1 saleswoman her sales work. BY PAU1. FIQRII4UV She surpassed $17 DIRECTORY million in sale.s two years in a January 3rd thru April 1996 IIDO( jotiMi jam c« SOUTH BRUNSWICK — What's the row, which puts best way to get houses sold? Not by kcep- Choose the papers that target the lip: :11c lip- her in the top 25 area you wish to reach. ing houses priced artificially high to appease the ego of the seller. out of 13,650 • Transcript k Examiner Sr1- •a5s8s3a Coldwcll Bankei • Sentinel, Monroe, Suburban At least that's the advice of Linda associates na- Schwarz, and she should know. The sales • Independent tionwide. She has • North & South Brunswick associate for the township office of Coldwcll Banker Schlott Realtors listed qualified for silvei Call for more information and closed an amazing 88 homes between and gold awaids July 1994 and June 1995, which made her offered by the New Linda Schwarz 1-800-660 4ADS the winner of this year's Middlesex Jcisey Association County Multiple Listing Service's of Realtors and hci President's Award. own company's "Fllile" award Her colleagues rejiaul hei wink vwlh "If I have a client who wants to sell his "Serving house, but wants to price it loo high, I will wonder. tell them so immediately," Schwar/, says. "She has ama/ing povveis ol pcisu.i- Bird sion," said hei assistant, Doiecn I115.111, Hobbyist "It may sting for a second, but he will be thrilled in the end when his home sells "Buyers tend to appioach osi.iif pci- mon-sat 9:30-8 for sons with suspicion, but Linda is so candid sun 11 -5 85 Years" quickly." All major credits The multiple listing award goes to the and down-to-earth, they 111c (.ikon ab.u'k cards accepted associate with the gicatcsl number of list- "But don't contuse hci easy (JeiiRMiioi ings closed. Schwar/. won this yeai alter and laid-back niannci," I'SMII "She's Largest Selection placing second in the 1993-94 contest. a dynamo who's vciy locusnl ,tiul Schwarz, who lives with her husband, demanding-—a detail poison anil .1 pi'tltv- of Premium Bill, owner of Schwar/, Painting, and two lionisl " Bird Food and Supplies sons, Jason, a Rowan College Student, Art Napohtano, niauajH-i ol the IX- and Chad, a junior at South Brunswick member Coldwcll Banki-i South tn The Area High School, says her persistence and Brunswick office, calls Schw.u/ "atypi- knowledge of the area are keys to her suc- cal " cess. "She makes people led cornloitable "I don't pressure my clients. I provide And she tells it like it is. She'll ncvoi mis 908-6 them with the tools and knowledge to lead a client," he said. "She is one ol (he 1020 Rt. 18 E. Brunswick 13 Purler St. Totowa make their own investment choices," she hardesl-work ing people I know She woiks (movie city 5 plaza) (blockbuster) said. "They appreciate that." harder and longei than any sales associate Schwar/ is fast becoming a legend for I've met since I've been in (his business " No. Bruns police at 82 after 2 join ranks BYVINGENTA-DEIVIUROIR. Maltese said the iwo new olliccis will go through a three- in foui-monlli training Staff Writer period, and will be assigned to senior old NORTH BRUNSWICK — Two cadets cers before they begin patrolling (he town- from North Brunswick entered Ihe ship on their own. Middlesex County Police Academy 19 "I would say within six inonlhs Irom weeks ago. After graduating yesterday, now they will be independent in their they became official officers of the town- patrols," Maltese said. When the holiday stress gets too much., ship. Both officers were hired from a state Patrolman Jonathan Kelly and Pa- Department of Personnel Civil Scivice come back to Serenity. trolman Brian Hoiberg are the newest list. The addition of the two patrolmen members to join the force, since five of- brings the department up to 82 officers in the field and the police director hopes to Give the gift of relaxation and ficers graduated from the Somerset rejuvenation this holiday season Relax and County Police Academy in the beginning expand the force even further. unwind at the new Serenity Day Spa, of this year. "My goal is to get as many officers on recently moved into our new quarters, in the grand old restored J. Van Nest House Kelly, 22, a four-year township resi- the force that we can allow," Maltese .said. (c.1840), located at 330 Old Bridge dent, has an associate's degree from The township was able to hire the two Turnpike, South River Mercer County College. new officers as part of the "Community With a 10-year history in East Brunswick we look forward to many more years of Hoiberg, 20, has been a lifelong town- Oriented Policing Services, Funding service to the community ship resident and is in his second year at Accelerated for Smaller Towns" (COPS Middlesex County College, pursuing his FAST) program, sponsored by the degree in Criminal Justice. National Crime Bill. Son of retired Police Capt. Mclvin COPS FAST is a program where fed- Hoiberg, Brian's brother, Officer Robert eral funds are awarded through competi- any service Bernelh, is a dispatcher for the township. tive grants to townships throughout the $£0S 0 or package of Mayor Paul Matacera swore in the state, in efforts to speed the deployment of cadets Aug. 11 during a special ceremony, police officers onto the streets of (owns 5 Exp 2/29/96 cannot be combined with their friends and family present. At with less than 50,000 residents. yesterday's graduation, the same friends The township was informed in Febru- and family saw them become police offi- ary that it received $150,000 to supple- cers. ment the salary of two new officers over Established 1985 "Nineteen weeks later, these officers the course of three years, matching (he were trained in all the areas of law en- grant for $75,000 the first year, $50 000 SERENITDAY SPYA 257-8118 forcement and now begin their training in the second year and $25,000 the third Community Operational Policing," Police The township's starting salary for pa- 330 Old Bridge Turnpike, South River N.J. 08882 Director Thomas Maltese said. trolmen is $31,500. ' SENTINEL, DECEMBER 28, 1995 T $93K grant to put more cops on beat get from headquarters, this allows them immediate knowledge on warrants and summonses." COPS MORE is one of several grant NORTH BRUNSWICK — With the programs established by the crime bill, help of a federal grant, the township police signed by President Clinton last year, thai department will be equipping 15 patrol cars would facilitate putting 100,000 new offi- with computers to help keep its officers out cers on the streets of America's cities and of the office and on the street. towns. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-16th District) Pallone said the grant helps law en- said the program — known as Community forcement agencies purchase equipment, Oriented Policing Services, Making Officer hire support staff and pay for overtime, Re-deployment Effective (COPS MORE) expanding the time available for these — was geared toward law enforcement police officers to do community policing agencies serving communities with less work, rather than administrative duties. than 150,000 people. "This way, instead of having to leave North Brunswick received $93,000, the their patrols and come back to the station highest funding of six municipalities in house to do their reports, they can stay out Middlesex and Monmouth counties that on the street and send their reports in over qualified for the COPS MORE program. the computer," Maltese said. "They are on "That, to me, is a pretty significant the streets more and out there fighting crime achievement," said Police Director Thomas instead of doing paperwork." Maltese. Pallone said the COPS MORE appli- COPS MORE provides 75 percent of cations became available to communities at the cost of equipment, staff hiring or over- the beginning of this year through the U.S. time, with a 25 percent local matching Department of Justice. effort. Communities are required to demon- The grant funding will go towards pur- strate how the funds would result in an chasing 15 Mobile Data Terminals. The ter- actual in the number of officers minals are computers which provide infor- deployed in community policing. mation on warrants and identification. They Maltese said the additional equipment will be installed in the police vehicles. allows for the equivalent of having 10.5 Each terminal will be hooked up with more lull-time officers on the street a year. the police station headquarters to provide The funds must be in addition to, rather officers with the information they need to than instead of, previous funding commit- do their jobs more effectively. ments for law enforcement. "The new equipment will mean making "When it gets down to it, it means hav- a safer police officer," Maltese said. "By ing more men out on the street," Maltese giving them the access to information on said. "And that's what I've been trying to the road that they would normally have to do all along."

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY — The North Brunswick Volunteer First Aid Track and field certification is available and Rescue Squad has decorated the display case in the lobby of the Government and Community Complex in celebration of its 40th an- The Track and Field school track and field official. niversary. Residents can see a number of badges and pieces of Association, Central District, is accepting Classes begin on Jan. 18. equipment used since the beginning of the squad, to equipment applications from anyone 18 years and The deadline for submitting applica- used today. over residing in Middlesex, Union, tions is Jan. 11 (Photo by Jackie Pollack) Somerset or Warren counties, who is in- For more information, contact Robert terested in becoming a certified high Zifchak, 111 Hof Road, Edison, 08817. The NASAL fcf SINUS Center RESTAURANT GALA 'Tor Great Noses Inside 8L Out" NEW YEAR'S EVE If you are having breathing, snoring or allergy BUFFET discomfort this winter - Come in to our office SI A 95 dedicated to diseases of the ears, nose and 14 throat and find the solution to your problem. All You Can Eat # Reserve Early# FeHow American Academy of Cosrrwfic Surgery OUSt FABULOUS MiNIl I*ia WS$ We specialize in Nasal Conditions • Allergies • Plastic Surgery of the Nose • Adult & Pediatric Ear, Nose & Throat • Functional Surgery of the Nose Conditions fye/kaU, 2W Sam., • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery • Evening.Appointments Available 636 Ridge Road, Monmouth Jet., South Brunswick Twp., NJ 3 Hospital Plaza Old Bridge « Next to Old Bridge Hospital Mon-thure. 11:30am-10pm; Frl. 11:30pm; Sat. 12 noon-10:30pm; Sun. 3pm-10pm Practising Since £968 In (908)329-2722 Nasal Plastic Surgery 679-7575 SENTINEL DECEMBER 28, 1995

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Kyle Ctetffi * <*m0e 5 • Cambridge School Pierre's Restaurant and Deli 4095 Route 1 South South Brunswick Square Mall, Monmouth. Jct^v 582 Georges ttd. • Monmouth Jet. 438-1212 329-2908 1 © SENTINEL, DECEMBER 28, 1995

to place an ad Your message retrieval

A REAL FIND STOPI BALANCE GOOD-LOOKING & JEWISH DINNER FOR TWO HEART OF GOLD You have found herl Ver Caring and shy SJM, 23. en|oys SWM. 24, 6'2', 143lbs, prafe Intelligent SWCM, 20, 5'11 Attractive, loving, kind mar- Attractive SWPF, 33, 5'4 sional chef, easygoing, down bearded, husky, long hai riage-minded, athletic SWM, 40 TO RESPOND TO PLACE pleasant lady, lots of fun, enjoy: health-fitness-career-famil) fun times, movies and good 5'1 M similar interests, for LTR male In Middlesex County seeks to tutor and educate some, enjoys motal, playmrj I t_M228(exp1/24) Seokmq slim, allractlvo to sluiro rorn inlu walks. 10/y g4283(exp1/31) SWF, 23-30, in movies, dining, SWF, 18-23 wlio halo1! rap and ovunliuj', mul >i>nc lal mo TAKE A CHANCE extra credit for romance Lont mcnls "&111/(nxpi/i/) YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN SF, 31, 5'5 , blue eyes, enjoy: with similar and diverse inter- lerm position sought W422 loves brutal music IT 414/ SJF seeks that special 38+ N/S ests, for possible LTR B"408 (exp1/24) (/) I S/OJM who likes the usual and bowling, movies dining out (exp1/10) DREAM OF- YOU outdoors, parks, pizza, ice ME AND YOU SPRING CHICKEN especially the unusual We car WHERE'S Wldowod WM. senior, sooks Adnrablo waim ,wniit ;,WM make next year a great one cream, dunkin' donuls Seeking Hearts can be true SWM 38, 30 fi 10 IH(lll)' ,nok'> 11I111 SW/HM, 27-40, for possible PRINCE CHARMING? tall tsddy bear seeks warm non-working lady to bo my g42B6(e/p1/31) LTR Middlesex county IT 4215 Slim petite SF, 39 long hair, friend I like dining, convert,1 pri'lly. thin M to spmul LET'S GET ROMANTIC needs romantic, sincere SPM, heart and sweet kisses Love tlon, fishing, going to Atluntlc tliu rt",t cif my life with IT lO'M Full-figured SWF, 57 , 19 33-49, 5'8"+. to sweep me off can bring lifetime wishes City Mlddfosox County only (oxp 1/1OJ brown/blue pretty, seeks SWM WANTED SINCERE MALE my feet and make me a priority g4219(exp1/24) •nMi46(oxp1/17J _ SE[.KING Sincere Bronx SBF, in NJ regi ACHY BREAKY HEART 19-22 clean-shaven, medium, in his life g40B7texp1/10) Cute, kind, sensitive, loyal SWEET-N-SHY FRIENDSHIP athletic build lor quiet times larly, seeks sincere SBM, 21 ROMANTIC BEAUTY SWM, 23, ctark/lwol, fit, loving, BIHM ?U. .'(It)lh'i tiinwn/lirown romantic nights, fun TBT4282 35, childless, N/S, for compati- SWJM, 29, 5'10', IBOIbs in and carlnq, iooks Sh who likos t) ? 'jfusk't CiM unclur .)') ID ble companion and serious rela- Attractive, sexy, shapely affec shape, seeks attractive, blender (exp1731) tionate blonde. N/S. various SWF, 23-33, for romance and romnntlc, moonlit strolls, for shaio qiuillty timo ,it honin 01 tionship If you qualify, please interests, seeks S/DWM, 50-60 long-term relationship 33*4144 workinu out at uyni IHP'U'tn PRETTY, OLD-FASHIONED respond g4218(exp1/24) intimacy gJ217(exp1/24) (exp_1/17J__ _ (oxpl/.TI) Divorced mom of two, 40, 5'7 for friendship, possible LTR I'M ALL YOURS reddish-brown/blue, enjoys fong CUTE AND SWEET CTO8/if SWM, 20, brown/blue, 5'7' THE SIMPLE LIFE PEEKING walks, movies, dining out, loni Outgoing SWF, 5'4 , brown, BEWITCHING BLEND 135lbs, seeks SWF, 1D-22. fo 71 year-old widower for 11 SPECIAL GUY talks. Friendship, honesty, trust! hazel, enioys dining, dancing, Laughter, elegance, warmth ong, quiet walks, partying, likes years, looking for famalo, near |}IM £>(JOKI» male partntir !c> we'll see from there •fr4276 movies, etc Seeking marriage- awaits you Pretty, feminine to watch all kinds of sports, andsame age For only the simple spond ovtminn 1 tocitithor C t!l minded SWM, mid to upper !fe_styje_?r4i4?(e>ip1/1 /] mo, lot ) Inlk •a'«i:l7?(t>xjil/?1) (BXP1/31) 30s, with similar interests, to artistic DJF, healing arts thera- exercising, for friendship, possi- BROWN-EYED possible relationship 13*4166 pist, 5'4", 112lbs, brunette/ ble relationship g4216 (exp HEYTREAD THIS " " SEARCHING AND ROMANTIC lexpi/17) green, seeks strong, tender, U2SL SWM, dreamer Seeks sun- Middle ,ici QWM seoks tainu OWPF, 42, zest for life, differen emotionally available, tall, hand- Someone you meet right here in our paper. LOVES TO LAUGH shine girl Lel'a gel together and for muttJtil frloncistiin and for interests, seeks S/DWPM 41- BACK IN ACTION some gentleman, 45-58 W SWJM, 26, 5'4' 145lbs, brown iretond we're somewnoro olsa cold wlnliir nlotils All rnnlins Attractive, professional DWF, 4077(6X01/10) Maka this year's celebration a lillle more romantic 47, smokerl s ok,for possible srown, enjoys dining out, danc- 0 yuppies freehold Aroa answerotf 1S4i.'7[mp\h /) LTR Bf4267(exp1/31) 57', 140lbs brown/brown, en- HONEST & AFFECTIONATE Our new matching features make it easy for you to ing, going to clubs, and making tiliilexpJ/iZ) SEEKING joys theater, travel, dancing, Energetic, physically fit SWJPF, get wrapped up in jomeono special leople laugh Seeking honesf ATTENTION'ALrSJF'SII DREAMS OF MISTLETOE outdoors, quiet evenings. SOMEONE TO DATE DWF, 36, mother of two, sassy, 28, 6'5", black/brown, friendly To listen and respond to voice peitonal ads, call Friendly SWJF, 21-27, Tor dating SJM, 29, brown/brown, young GWM, cult), l.ilo 20* 1tiSlt)S Seeking romantic friendship and fun Seeking life partner, and, isible LTR SM220 (exp athletic, thin, handsome profes- Intelligent, fun, seeks honest, with intelligent, sincere fun-lov- (havn to loses POIbs) scipk-, GM secure, professional S/DWM, honest, kind, caring, SWPM 1/241 sional, seeks SJF, 21-29, N/S undei 3P who Is good looking 38-45, N7S, 5'9'+, who en|oys ing DWM, 46-55, for joys of life 24^10, N/S g4075(exp1/10) 1-900-370-2131 HONEST & WITTY who enjoys movies, comedy g41S9(exp1/17) clubs, beach, traveling, for LTR cleian 3havoa n tuis a full head c it dining, dancing holiday happi- ATTRACTIVE BLONDE Call costs J1 95 per minute Must be 18 or over SJPM, 31, enjoys reading hair nnd s roasonabloasona y in ness and more, for friendship SEXY SENSITIVE SWF, 64, 5'5\ honest, sincere, movies, dining, romance Seek- •ihaph o (n>4iHi(oxpi/i/(i/i/j j first, possible relationship SJPF warm, hazel-ayed, patite caring, and fun-loving, seeks Your Match - ng intelligent, sincere, caring RUGGED GOOD LOOKS g4270(exp1/31) blond with shiny hair, seeks mature gentleman, 60-80, fo SWF, 24-32, for friendship anc iWM, 33, 6'3", 250lbs, long, A MAN SJPM, 50s, warm, funny, heal- ong-term relationship. BT4167 light brown/blue, enjoys out- IN BLUE NOT THE AVERAGE BEAR LTR g4074(9XPi/10) SEEKING ARE YOU FOR ME exp 1/17) 49 yoar-olci b thblhi attrac- Attractive, very selective SWPF, thy, happy, with inner/oute PRETTY, SOUL MATE 65, WJPM, would like to meet, doors, fishing, bowling, dining tive, masrutlno, muscular, woil early 40s, 5'7', brown/brown, beauty g4143(expt/17) OLD-FASHIONED LADY Widowed WPM, young 54 57' a caring, petite, JF, 55+, fo HUMAN TOUCH out, movies, trying different propoitlonocl, sook'i slim Hindi enjoys shore, music, dancing, BEAUTIFUL WIDOW roung 41, DWF, long brown/ trim, seeks SWF, 45-55, N/S' relationship. g4242(expi/P4) Outdoor-oriented SWM, 32, hlngs Seeking attractive SWF, uni bulled, ijay main to uhnru quiet evenings. Seeking hand- Blonde, 56, 5'6\ would like to )lue, loyai, affectionate, 5'4" attractive, shapely, upbeat, sin- ABSOLUTELY enjoys contemporary rock, 25-40 g4136(exp1/17) quality tlmo, coinpanion'ililn some, ambitious, tall, honest, meet caring gentleman, to date ilce shape, Intelligent, active cere, for dining, Atlantic City GREAT BODY romantic dinners, beach Seek- MESSAGE NUMBER SEVEN" tT409a[oxp1/10) dancingancing, cuddling, companion- ing physically fit, professional, DWJM 5'10", 160lbs, seoks SWPM, 40s, for romance an for LTR I like hiking, biking lumerous interests, seeks tall, ship possible LTR TT4275( SWM, N/S, honest, good-look- fun 04253(6X01/241 i, boating and danc- attractive, fit, masculine Si hip, possible LTR. TT4275(exp ing, caring, athletic, affection- sincere SF, 24-37, with light- curvy. Intellectual female, 40- learted sense of humor, g 50, who likes psychology, sci- SEEKING DOCTOR 38(exp1/17) DWM, 30-45, for togetherness ate, seeks similar WF, N/S, 25- fun, and romance SP4070 (exp ARE 35, honest, fun-loving, slender, 4165(exp1/17) ence, stocks/bonds, humor, fS/OBB( Attractive, well-educated, active CLASSY LADY YOU SINCERE? pretty, affectionate, tor relation- MRMR .L LONELY midnight dates and conversa- professional SWJF, 33, enjoys SWF, 37, 57", N/S, attractive >hv. sincere SWM 39, 5'10', on. g4134(exp1/17' PARTNERS the beach, sports, movies, trav- brown/brown sensitive, honest, BEAUTIFUL TEACHER, Young, attractive, witty SWM ship and everlastin Ug bliss seeks attractive, mature, N/S g for a relatlon THIS AD area g4162(exp1/17) Seeking petite SWF, 20-24, for Honest, canng widow, 54, 57", ng, caring S/DWM, 29-39, must hiphf' . "ftNo'! hea! 3d games g427-8 SWPM, 33, 5'H", brown/blue un times. No games. g4129 Campaigapaignn on nights and weeweekk- blonde-haired, seeks honest, love kids, for a serious refatlon- iright, warm, caring, very per- VERY AFFECTIONATE :exp1/17) ends SerioSeriouu s iiinquiriei s onlly shlp g4135(exp1/17) onable, no children Seeking smoker, into the outdoors, film outgoing SWM. 55-70, to spend /ay above average SWPM, 40- BLUE-EYED sports. Seeking slim, petite SWM. 29, attractive, 6'. 180lbs, ROMANTIC GENTLEMAN pJeaseja40Bpiexp 1/Jpj time with and develop lasting ATTRACTIVE REDHEAD SPF, 5'4" or less, with similar long brown/brown, N/D, easy- friendship and relationship. >2, for above average LTR Bf very handsome hunk. DWM joing, honest, sincere, many •unny, caring, sincere SWM, ruly attractive SWPF, 5'4\ 067(exp1/10) interests, for possible LTR interests Seeking SWF.26-32. 6, 5', medium build, many •g4251(6XPi/24w M""HHfc-T)l ______19Jbs, nice color redhead, with 39,6', 167lbs, N/S, N/D, home: Race open g4241texn1/PF, age unimportant, Bf4156 Italian WM seoks female, 25-45 warm, bright, attractive JPM iWM, 30-40, for good times/ WM, young 40, 6', 190lbs, SWM, 24, 6'2", brown/hazel, who enjoys himself, work, living, START THE loved. Race unimportant ~ marriage-minded, loves travel, for fun-loving relationship and im. TR Middlesex County. No Inancia ly secure, athletic 4237(exp1/24) FOR THE SOUL good phone conversation with iaunhinq g42-)6(exp1/24) YEAR TOGETHER lead games. g4066 (exp1/10) mjoya dining, dancing, vaea- movies, music, dancing, soda SEEKING do not touch, I feel I search activities Seeking SWF, 18-27 no strings. Race/ ethnic back- NO ATTITUDES /Ivacious, professional SWJF, IT'S YOUR MOVE •ons, sporting events Seeklna ind do not find DWM, 34, ground unimportant TS'4234 SWF, 20, 135lbs, blonde/blue, stunning model type, 5'8", edu- ittractive, slim SWCF, 25-3ff BEST FRIEND for friendship, LTR, possible :ated, with eclectic interests ittractive, funny, intelligent, full Attractive, warm, gentle, kind, landsgme, intelligent, desires marriage Interested? Leave seeks SWM, 21-28, 5'10"+ igured SWPF, 35, auburn/ /ho's romantic, fun, outg' considerate SWJM, 29 5'10 leautifuautiful soul mate. g4157 long hair preferred For good Seeking educated, successful, ireen, enjoys travel, sports, 1/17) messagssage g4123(exp1/1•a4123(exp1/177) PLAY GROUP times, hanging out, pool, mov- •ofessfonal SWJM, 28-38, 6V, lutdoors, Bugs Bunny cartoons HP1/17) ROMANTIC TAURUS Married mother, new to area, •eat shape, for life of dreams TIRED OF BEING ALONE Handsome, European DWM, seeks other stay-at-home moth- ies, talks, possible LTR -Ef ieeking LTR with romantic, out-i HONEST iWMTIRE, 28D , 57", 145lbs, brown/ 4247(exp1/24) /S g4130(expt/17) Iping SWF, N/S g4140(exp| 49,5'10", 190lbs, N/S, N/Drugs ers to form a play group for chil- AND SINCERE irownWM , enjoys outdoors, dining, seeks romantic SWF for friend- dren ages 3 and under Free- LIBRA SEEKING PERSONALITY PLUS likes 3aa uiet times at home Seeking COMPANIONSHIP WF, 5'2\ pretty, enjoys dining, A ^cnon^lt.hl hold Township area 1T4224 Humorous, outgoing, honest, dancinq, music, quiet evenings ROMANTICd AND FUNNY 8!£*jjfcto relationship* (exp1/24) adventurous SWF, 25 5'7" t home. Seeking WM, 45-55, XxinVTho'me'ar' Tall, dark, handsome SWM, 34 MUS CIANS NEED LOVE TOO , , PLAYGROUP ith good personality, similar nan, 2*5-35, who is serious ,- JONE SPECIAL swf M. 6 7", I45lbs, looking for seeks SWM. 26-35, for friend- AOS FROM MEN 1 abouout t rrelationship ®4268 aring, loving SWM, 40s. Looking to form Friday morning ship, possible relationship No Iterests.g4131(axp1/17) j exp1/31) enjoys similar Interests, for mjoys dancing, movies, quiet letite SWF, 25-30, for possible Playgroup with moms and their mind games tt4245(expi/24) imaa. home, fun. Seeking LTR LTR My Interests Include children ages 18-24 months. FIFTIES, FIT, FRISKY ROMANCE LTR tr4235(exp1/24l E STARTING OVER (/ery attractive, slender, long- FORTUNATE FELLA rtth SF who loves kids. Must be music, art, walks on the beach . ")°y adult conversation while AND MORE DON'T... lonest, loving, and outqolnq and working out. TT4118 (exp Loving, Loyal, Original, Vivac- legged, happy, professional SWMVM, . 332, attractive, educated, ,pend the holidays alone "•- -hlldren play Mom ious, Independent, Nice, Grac- DWOF, auburn hair, active life, athleticiletlc, en)oys comedy, danc- 1WM, 6', 175lbs, dark brown/ Please call. g4i54(exp1/17) Lgraa JHM161(exp- ious JF seeks young-at-heart ipbeat attitude, seeks tall, trim ing, sports Seeking SWF, 24- jrown, financially secure. Seek- JUST MOVED QUIET, EASYGOING GUY FRIEND WANTED" JM, 60s, N/S, fofulfil l tomor- nan, 50-60, of substance, sin-; 36, honest, romantic, great SWM, 36, , 57",, 15Slbs, N/SN , straight DWF, 46, seeks straight ing attractive SF, 18-36 prefer- toved a year ago, now looking sskiinm g hiking, bicycli rows happines s with yoy u :erity•ity, warmth, to sharsi e good sense of humor with similar fora_SWF, 21-26. 5'9"+, around S"jjjg' * 9, hiking, bicyclii WF Trend, 38-50, to go to sin- <&/ Orientaln Or . Filipino ftsSc, . LooRIng for a SWF, g4244(6xpi/24) jfr41g5(exp1/17) interests. g42B7i» asiWs* ncj M»pw«1W ily•* i»MpW,|Kts»ol .,., and rait The odvsrtfeef «8»e* fa fe j In its *a|a discrfllion, % Senses NS SENTIMEL, DECEMBER 28, 1995

A New Yew's Rve Watchnight woiship seivice will be held at I 1 p.m l-oi more information, call (609) 921-8K95 BY VINCENT A. DE MURQ JR. the pre-existing section of Davidson Mill Road. Staff Writer The John Adams PTA will meet at 7-30 Program to focus Weiler said that when he arrived at p.m. on Jan 4 at the media room. Guest SOUTH BRUNSWICK — A the scene, Jobmann had been partially speaker will be Mrs. Shulas. For inlorma- on Livingston Park Helmetta man was injured in a one-car thrown from passenger's side of the ve- lion, call Debbie Drukcr (90S) 297-7209. accident Dec. 2t, when he apparently hicle. Focus on North Brunswick, NoJth Brunswick's local access cable TV pro- lost control of his car and Hipped over a This (act made it apparent that the Contemporary giam, will present seveial events at snow bank. driver was not wearing his seatbelt dur- Livingston Pink Hleinentaiy School this Patrolman Robert Weiler reported ing the accident, police said. month. One segment will locus on the said that Steven Jobinann was appaiently The Monmouth Junction I* ire Kingston Piesbylenan Church, 4561 awaid-wuming progiam, Piojeci Hannony traveling east on Davidson Mill Road ai Company responded to extricate the vic- Route 27, will hold conlemporaiy seivice at Also, Dinah Hinhorn, past l*TA piesidenl, 8:46 p in. and lost control of his 1993 tim from the vehicle and he was treated X 30 a m and tiadilional worship at 11 a.m and I'nncipal Di Peter Bowman will dis- Pontiac Grand Am as he approached a by the Monmouth Junction I'irst Aid Sunday cuss the school's centennial in January. Foi Hghl-luuul curve foi llie New Jersey Squad belore being transpoited to Hispanic lellowship meets tor chinch inhumation concerning the school pio- Turnpike bridge. Robc-it Wood Johnson University school at 11 a m. and woiship at 12 30 p.m giams, call (90K)247 'ill ft. The vehicle continued traveling Hospital, New Brunswick. straight, ciosscd the westbound lane of Police stress tin- important.e ol wear- trafltc and spun sideways, striking a ing a seatbelt while traveling in a car, snow bank with the right side ol the ve- especially during the winter months hicle. when roadways can be shppeiy. The car flipped over the top of the The cause of the accident is under snow bank, rolled and came to a rest on investigation by Weiler.

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Mild for a child or Hot as a Open for Lunch Five Alarm Fire & Dinner Banquet Room Available Daily Specials for any Special Occasion Whatever you taste buds will allow!

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i / HOURS: Mon.-Tues. Reserved for Private Parties Birthdays, Anniversaries, Special New Year's Eve Menu * Seatings 6PM & 9PM • Wed.-Fri. 11:30am-10:00pm Showers, Holiday Parties FINE DINING AT ITS BEST Sat. 5pm-10pm • Sun. 4pm-9pm GET WESTERN 1 (without inflated per person prices) We Guarantee You'll Love It! Thank You For Your Patronage And Hope To See You New Year's Eve VaSodaii Village 2188 Route 130 • North Brunswick, Nf Can (908) 422-7070 (908)297-7577 2248 Rt. 130, Church Lane Plaza • North Brunswick, NJ 12 DECEMBER 28, 1995, SENTINEL

further than politics outh Brunswick Republicans enchanted people in the town, and will have three members on would be wise to allow those peo- the Township Committee in ple a voice. The public is crying 1996. Township Democrats will out to stop development in this for- have two. merly rural town. Many residents Add it up and the numbers say are looking for leadership from thai the Republicans can do what- town hall on various issues. True e\er they want the entire year, as leaders inspire others to follow. A long as they stay unified. The Re- true leader is willing to listen, and publicans don't even have to con- change directions, if necessary. sult with the minority members of If Republicans wish to regain the council to make any decisions. their electoral strength in town, Republican committee members they must show the public they are Douglas Hoffman, Ted Van Hessen willing to listen, and learn, and will and Roger Craig can just go ahead take the views of all into consider- and appoint whomever they want ation, if they block out the voices ior each of the township commit- of those around them, the losses tees and boards. They can pass they suffered the last two years their own budget without regard to will become routine. the opinions of Democrats Debra Johnson and Edmund Luciano. On the other hand, Democrats fhey can make changes in person- should not just cry wolf, as minori- nel and programs. The majority ty parties sometimes do. Voters can make any decision, big or tend to get tired of politicians who small, without being disrupted by cry about problems without offer- the council minority. ing solutions. But we hope things don't work Certainly, it is premature to out that way. for a couple of impor- make any judgments about how the tant reasons. The first is that coun- new Township Committee is going cil members should always work to go about its business. On Jan. 2, together for the good of the town. the 1996 council will commence Partisan bickering and petty poli- business, with Luciano replacing tics never is in the best interest of Republican Larry Gildenberg, and, the public. A governing body can- if things go according to plan, with not be effective without the input Deputy Mayor Van Hessen taking of all of its members. After all, over for Hoffman as mayor. We Johnson and Luciano have the sup- have confidence that Van Hessen port of a significant number of will do a good job if he is made the people in the town, Each was a next mayor. He has the experience leading vote-getter during elections and the ability. in the last two years. Secondly, for their own sake, We urge that members on both sides of the aisle to take the high Republicans would be wise to see road of communication and coop- that, based on the results of the last eration over the rocky path of par- two elections, there are many dis- alarms So tisanship. The cost of municipal government is - resident increasing, but I am alarmed at the sky- tion to take a careful look at every c? rocketing tax rate we must pay for munic- pensc to determine its value and necessit' ipal government. South Brunswick Town- Example: Two Saturday mornings ago,' Think before you drink ship is certainly growing in population at heard the rumble of a plow going dow a rapid rate. Witness the large increase in Cleveland Lane. I looked out in wondc ^O ear's Eve, a tradition- the school enrollment each year. because I could not see any snow on th al time of holiday partying The-abuse of alcohol leads to street. s The township must provide services N i rapidlj approaching We for its new residents, but these people are When the plow turned up Taylor Roat h"P' Hut all our readers have^a also taxpayers. Ihc*rd a loud crash. The plow at las jo>mis time with faniilv and Their taxes should more than cover Plowed something - a manhole covet friends. services provided. Welcoming them to the TJT got out to inspect for dam township does not require the expense of a " goo-, without sayin« that in thC manholc new administration building or a new g '•"-ler u>be happy, one must be d administrator, and probably, not even new Plowing non-existent snow on Satur H-a tin. And one way to stay staff. LPay"VimC and a half overtime to ck ^;;'!tl.}. both physically and men- Yes, expenses may increase incremen- maghl 1;;IJ>-'^o be cautious in the use of « ^P^nt need alcohol. tally, but the tax base is also increasing. I removal is cannot understand why the tax rate is not - going down because of economy of scale? It is time for the township administra- PAUL C. MURRAY South Brunswick SENTINEL, DECEMBER 28, 1995 13 Report Card for Morth Brunswick 1?

High School Proficiency Test (HSPT) Grade 11 Reading Mathematics Writing NBTHS 91.5% 88.8% 95.4% State avg. 83.2% 84.4% 88.5% Scholastic Assessment Tests (SAT) (68% students took test) Mathematics Verbal Total NBTHS 530 456 986 State avg. 481 418 899

95.6% of grade 12 students North State graduated. Brunswick Dropout rate is 3%. Post graduate plans Average cost $7,619 $8,619 4-year college 55% per pupil 2-year college 29% Other school 5% Faculty Military 2% avg. salary $43,060 $47,924 Employment 3% Undecided 6% experience 13yrs. 16yrs.

Early Warning Test (EWT) Grade 8 % students at Level I & II tori Ann P*se Age Reading Mathematics Writing Linwood 95.8% 90.0% 96.8% £,CMt^ State avg. 90.8% 80.6% 88.4% N.B. education good value for the dollar increased in the reading section, but decreased m the mathematics and writing sections. School Board President Helen Schuler is NORTH BRUNSWICK — The town- very pleased wilh the distucl's results in the ship's ahilily to maintain a low cost per rcpoit cards. pupil and above average lesl scores are only "We do a really good job, although (here two of many statistics revealed in the newiy is always room to get better," Schuler said. icleased stale rcpoit cards Schuler said the district offers an ed- The 1995-96 report cauls show a cost ucation which is a good value for the dollar. pei pupil of $6,701, which is moic than She points out that the district's cost per $ 1,000 below the state average of $7,71 I. pupil is $1,000 less than South Brunswick Oven though the cost per pupil is low, and about $2,000 less than East Brunswick, test scores still remain significantly higher The report cards also show that ad- than the stale average. The average vanced placement scores have remained 2625 QL 130 Cranbury • 6O9-655-TOO Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) scores steady, and the number of graduating stu- (or township students have increased by 24 dents planning to attend college icmains points since last yeai and aie now reported high. MEW YEAR'S EVE 95-96 at a combined 986. This aveiage is nearly The rcpoit cards show that the stu- Conic Celebrate New Year's Eve with all four friends mul 100 points over the stale average combined denl/tcachcr latio is higher than the stale family at four favorite place - CranlMiry Station! scoieof'899. average (14.2:1) in all the schools except The pcrcenlage of students who pass the Linwood School, wheic Ihe ratio is 11.8 Great Food, Great Fun High School Proficiency Test (HSPT) students per teacher. Champagne Toast At Midnight Char NORTH BRUNSWICK — Charges cedure to follow. Shnmp Cocktail filed against five high school students "The school district writes up the inci- Clams Oreqmuto caught smoking on school property were dents, but the complaints are filed by the I'lietl Cnhmari dismissed last week by a municipal court local Board of Health," Goldin said. judge. According to Goldin, the school district The judge's decision to dismiss the does not have the authority to issue charges charges followed several instances when or summonses itself, but the Board of district officials failed to appear in court. Health can. Prime Rib King Cut Judge Gerald Gordon released all five Earlier in the school year, 13 other stu- Chicken Sallhnbocca students from their possible fines and court dents were fined for smoking, but some of Met MUjnon Chicken Royate fees, although only three of the students had those fines were later suspended with the Surf and Turf Vl'al Madiera appeared in the courtroom. hopes that the students learned a lesson. NY Strip Steak Recent amendments to the district's North Brunswick Township High smoking policy on school property forbid School Principal Bob Rimmer has been Prune ,„ a Pink Vodka Sawe GrilteH Svvordfsh people from smoking anywhere on school stepping up anti-smoking efforts this year, lai grounds. Penalties for violators include se- including initiating the amendments to the ?!°\ Salmon vere fines and court appearances. existing policy. According to Martin Goldin, attorney — Brian,/. Lustig for the school board, the district has a pro- DECEMBER 28 1995 SENTINEL NS

glan/edDec 2b Ihe dauyhtoi of the home ownei came home to find the place lan sacked Patrolman Kovin Dickinson investi- A car was broken into at the Heart gated and found the point of entry to be a Specializing In Quality Collision Repairs & Re finishing Breakers go go bar parking lot Dec 21 broken pane of glass in the back door, Patrolman Thomas Szabo investigated the which was ajar What was suspected to be complaint by the owner of the car a Kendall blood was found on the dooi jam and on a Park resident The victim had been frequent- broom that appeared to be used to clean up ing the bat and at the end of the evening, the broken glass from the door Burned Fast, Reliable, Guaranteed Craftsmanship returned to his 1990 Chevrolet Cavalier and matches were also found at the scene, found the passenger's side window which are suspected as the light source for Auto Glass Replacement smashed, and his wallet and several cas- the intruder sette tapes missing The management Approved Licensed N.J. Auto Body Shop turned over video surveillance tapes of the Referral Facility For Many Insurance Companys parking lot, but police believe them to be inaccurate, or the wrong tapes No further 24 Hour Towing & Recovery information was gained A 1989 GMC 3X3 Silverado was stolen Licensed Towing Service for South Brunswick Police A 1987 Ford Thunderbird belonging to from a Georges Road residence Dec 17 a New Brunswick woman was broken into Patrolman James Stoddard investigated the while parked at the lot of Malouf Ford, Route theft Police said the victim said the $10,000 908-297-7100 1/130 on Dec 21, and had various items truck was parked locked for the evening and removed from it Patrolman Michael Brandt in the morning was gone investigated the complaint by dealership A number of arrests were made this 24 Hour Immediate Towing employees that the car's passenger side week involving offenders driving while intoxi- window was smashed and a cellular phone cated was removed from the center console The • Theodore Vanweeren, 48, from (vlill- 908-297-9390 thieves attempted to remove the stereo, but town, was involved in a one-car motor ve- were unsuccessful They did however, gain hiclo accident on Dey Road Dec 21 Van- access to the trunk, damaging it in the weeren struck a utility pole, but was unin- process and removed a multi-disc CD jured He was charged with DWI changer Total damage was not available • Ronald Domanski, 39, a Miller Drive The victim was given a property loss report resident, was arrested by Patrolman Robert A "peeping Tom" was arrested Dec 22 Weiler as a result of a single car accident on for incidents occumng at Sassafras Court Haypress Road Dec 22 He was charged Residents of the area called in numerous with DWI reports of a voyeurism and gave a descrip- • Steven Becker, 28, fiom Franklin Park tion of the suspect Patrolman Thomas was stopped on Dec 23 by Patiolman Store Hours: PranicBiii Plaza Szabo spotted and individual matching the Robert Cannci on Route I Becker was 1199 Rt. 2? description walking along Finnegans Lane charged with DWI Mon.- Sat. 9am -10pm Eric Spector, 29, a Somerset resident, was • Torrence Reilly, 34, a New Road resi- Sun. -12 noon -5pm somerset m J arrested and charged with violating township dent, was stopped on New Road by Pa- 5 DAYS ONLY ordinance regarding voyeurism Spector trolman Scott Bevensee Doc 24 Reilly was 1 2337 DEC 28-JAN said he was walking in the area of Sassafras charged with DWI Court because he was thinking of buying a A 1988 Mazda RX7 was broken into in a unit there, police said lot off Route 522 on Dec 22 Patrolman A Lee Ave residence was burglarized John McNamara investigated the burglary, settfgram's f Dec 22 The victims left for work and return- wheie the driver's side window was ing that evening, found the home ransacked smashed and the car stereo, speakers and 175 L Whiskey Patrolman Jason Hatez investigated the amplifier, valued at $700, were removed H2* crime scene and determined that the point A 1984 Mercury Cougar was stolen of entry was the rear door, where a pane of from a Lincoln Lane tosidence Doc 24 glass had been broken A number of items Patrolman Scott Williams investigated the Dewars Evan Williams weie missing and the victim filled out a vic- scene The victim said the car was there in 1 75LSC0(Ch 1 75 L Bourbon tim property loss report the evening, but was missing the next morn- Hennessy v.s. Oifvas A Revere Road resident was the victim ing No signs of forced entry were found at 750 ML Cognac 750 ML Scotch of credit card fraud On Dec 22, the victim the scene became aware that three of her credit cards A 1987 Dodge was broken into on Barret Tanqueray Bacardi it. or Ok. were missing when more than $8,000 in Drive, Dec 26 Patrolman James Stoddard 1 75 L Gin 1 75 L Rum charges showed up on hei account One investigated the crime, where the driver's Jos® Cuervo Rflalibu charge appeared for paying a court fine in side window was smashed and the car 750 ML Gold Tequila 750MLRlim Edison Township The issue was turned stereo and CD player and one speaker were over to the Detective Bureau removed The total value of the equipment iailey's Irish Cream GoSdscliIager A Birchwood Court tesidence was bur- was $500 750 ML Liqueur 750 ML Liqueur glarized Dec 21 The victims returned home The hydraulic pump for a snow plow from a brief errand and found the front door was stolen fiom a 1987 Foid pickup Dec 26 CHAMPAGNES & WINES unlocked and noticed that a gold watch, Patrolman Frank Lombardo investigated the $150 cash and a set of car keys were miss- crime and reported that suspects neatly §c©rbes Frelxenet ing The victim's daughter had lost a set of removed the bolts connecting the pump to 750 ML 750 ML house keys earlier this month Patrolman the truck and removed the hydraulic mecha- Brut/X-Dry/Rose Cordon Negro Brut Kenneth Riley is investigating nism The victim said the equipment was in An Allgair Avenue residence was bur- place when he parked the truck that evening. Moet & CHandon Martini & Rossi Asti 750 ML While Star 750MLSpumanta fuantio Asti Domains Ste. Michelle Rutgers hosting career day 750 ML Spumante 750 ML Brut/X Dry/BJc de Blc Taylor Ballatore Employcis, college students and Rutgers Students and giaduates planning 750 ML Brut/X-Dry/Pink 750 ML Spumante graduates will have the chance to get to attend will have the chance to speak Harvey's Bristol Cream Andre together at the New Jeisey Collegiate with iecruiteis who aie hiring or scicening 750 ML Sherry , 750 ML All Types Careei Day at Rutgers University, New candidate*, foi luture openings carlo Rossi Brunswick, on Jan 5 Those planning to attend the program Suiter Home 4L Btt All Types 750MLWI Zinfandel The event is. sponsoied by Rutgeis Ca- aie advised to bung an ample supply of BEER & COOLERS reer Seivices and the New Jersey State lesumes and to diess as they would loi a Chamber of Commeicc job interview No fee will be chaiged foi Molson More than 125 New Jeisey and New attending and theie is no pre-iegistration eartles & Jaymes Yoik metropolitan aiea companies will set Companies will generally be located in Golden/lce/Ught Coolers S 2/12 pk 12-oz NRBtls up booths at the Rutgeis Student Center the following aieas 4 pk 355 ML NR Stls and BIOWCI Commons on College • Rutgeis Student Centei Scientific illSCll Avenue Students and graduates liom any and technical icuuiting Heisieta or Amstel it. college oi university can speak with • Browei Commons Business and lib 2/12pk 12-oz NRBtls. 2/12pk 12-oz Cans employers between 9 10 a in and 4 p m eral lecruiting MieteSob Reg. or i.t. Natural Light All degree levels and academic majois Foi mote infoimation and directions, 4/Spk 12 oz NRBtls 2/12pk 12-0/! Cans... aie welcome, said Janet Beirut din, pio- call Rutgeis Caicet Sciviccs at (908) 932- giam cooidinator ol taiccr suvices at 8105 NS SENTINEL, DECEMBER 28, in<; lo hospital ollicials, the township was- n't hi,1.1 enouyh lor Iwo such olliccs. Laitr, howrvn. Robert Wood Johnson barked out allei hospital ollicials could not come to 1 trims wiih officials Irotn Ihe Medical eui'i "suspu ions," although their \\ a , no l'eiitci a! Puncelon, which w as also pait of locial nu)oi ('e or any reported mimics No 1 (he pioposcd move • nii'sis wen evei m.tde ]ul)S was a hil1 year (or lasl-lood en- Luciano, who had ne\ei hcloie won ,111 Bujsimcs.s mews SOUTH BRUNSWICK SHUT v ihusiasls in Ihe township' a new Wendy's January, Soulli Brunswick lias scon its .share elected political OIIKC, edged (tildcnbeig The township's economy ; ol a ma|oi icstauianl opened on Route I, and con of controversy, and had a double helping ol by roughly HO \ oles The Democrat will boos! when two companies Volkswagen slruclion began on a new Burgci King, to bolh good news and had news. join paily mate IVbia Johnson and the rest America Inc. and Tommy Ilill'igei Inc. be located cliieelly acioss Route I from of the Township Committee at the commit- This was a year of ups and downs for announced plans lo open huge McDonald's. tee's Jan 2 reuigani/alional meeting. warehouse/dislribulion lacilities in South the township, a year when numerous Nursery school H^ht School System statewide, regional and local issues came to Brunswick. Both companies held ground- This was also a big yeai lor Ihe Soulh The Kendall Park Co-Operative nursery breaking ceremonies in 1995 each a head and put South Brunswick in the school, which has existed for decades, sud- Brunswick school system. Mareie spotlight more than jusl a few times. attended by (!ov. Christie Whitman and Kaminker, one ol the most popular Board ol denly found itself in need ol a home when plan lo have their facilities up and runninj', Topping the list of important issues horn the Sand Hills Presbyterian Church lulucation members m die history of Ihe 1995 is Route 92. After years on the stale by late 1W6. lown, announced thai she was stepping announced thai il would nut renew Ihe Co After months of negotiation, the town- Department of Transportation's (hawing op's lease. Nuiseiy school ollicials thought down liom liei position as school board hoard, (he east-west spur of the New Jersey ship and Comcast Cable Inc. dually agreed piesidenl and would nol seek re election to they had an easy move when Si. Barnabas on a rclVancliismg aj'iecnienl The new Turnpike became a swift and sudden reality lipiseopal Church oliercd lo house the Co- the hoaid. School Board member John Woll in 1995; and not even the combined efforts contract will eventually bung I 10 channels op. into Ihe living rooms ol township residents, was named as Kaininkei's leplaeemenl. of the Township Committee and several I I I lai i y DCISMIIO of Ihc South state politicians could dissuade the DOT. However, Township Attorney Joseph as well as a new school .system only cable Benedict and several othei neit'bbots ol Si access channel and a "B" loop lor closed Biunswiek Police Department, meanwhile, Township CommiUeeman Roger Craig ciieuil television ihioiij'hout the municipal was re elected to the hoard, while Kami even hatched an alternate proposal, which Barnabas vociferously opposed thai ieloc.1 lion, and dragged the mailer mil in a gut complex anil Ihe school system Sokel and Anna fiipc won hoaid .seals. included a new New Jersey Turnpike exit lo 1 )i. Judy Zminiei man, ihc only pi incipal be known as 8B. However, DOT officials wrenching, moiilhs-ionj', Zoning Board Soulh Biunswiek's lirsl cable access hearing. channel, SBTV Channel 50, j;oi oil (he lo I'UT hold the irins at Ihe Indian Fields would have none of it, and plans for Route I'ienienlaiy School, lei I the dislricl for a job 92 have proceeded full steam ahead. When the Zoning Board eventually ground in 1995. Since Cios.sioads New.-, ruled in favor of Si. Barnabas and the Co- (he channel's first regularly scheduled with Ihe Spring! icId School sy.slcin. But the turnpike spur was not the only Zimmerman was leinpoi.iiily replaced by transit-related dilemma dropped on the Op, relocation opponents announced that show aired in January, (lie station has they would, indeed, appeal. However, they produced four oilier shows, including Soulh I )i. John I lavinond, (lie distntl's diieclor ol township's head this year. NJ Transit an- lestiii;.', and (hen permanently replaced by nounced a proposal lo run a commuter train decided to forego Ihe Township Committee iininxwick Dispatch v/1, which is now also and take the mailer to eoml; lot good mea- being shown on one of Comcast's county- Harriet Heckennan, a principal from ihe through the back yards of several .lainesburi1, school .system. Monmouth Walk residents: that pioposal sure, several relocation opponents also filed wide channels. a defamation of character lawsuit against Health cure And even a.s a scries of smoke bombs sparked an intense resistance movement, as disrupted classes at South Brunswick High locals banded together to form the Coalition nursery school supporters. Those matters Two major' hospitals — Robert Wood of Neighborhoods to Stop the Train, should be resolved sometime in 1996. Johnson University Hospital anil Si. Peter's School spring and this fall, school of- ficials have moved ahead with plans to However, despite the best efforts of The Township Committee voted to hike Medical Center, both in New Brunswick — the residential lax rate by eight cents in announced plans lo open satellite medical construct a new high school at (he inter- those residents, Township Committee section of Ridge Road and Stouts Lane. members and state officials including As- 1995, after Iwo years of no increases in Ihe offices in South Brunswick in 1995, sembly woman Barbara Wright (R-14th tax rate. allhougli bolh backed out of those propos- A groundbreaking for that new school District) and Congressman Dick Zimmer Police blotter als later in the year. was held in September, and officials expect (R-I2th District), the proposed Lakewood- Liarly in 1995, North Brunswick resident St. Peter's backed out because, accord- it will he open by September 1997. lo-Monmouth Junction commuter rail has Bienda Wolf was killed during a botched made NJ Transit's shortest of short lists, holdup at Ihe store she operated with her and may become a reality when the mass- husband, the Jeffrey Scott I'ine Jewelers transit organization announces its plans shop on Route 27. early in 1996. Grieving husband Jeffrey Wolf — who Township officials also began a push to told police at first that one ol' three men see Route 522 completed. Construction on who entered his store had shot Brerula - the portion of the east-west inter-county later admitted thai the fatal bullet came roadway that will run from New Road lo from his own gun, fired as he attempted to Route I, behind the Whispering Woods ward off the robbers. Wolf was never development, has begun, and is expected to charged in the fatal shooting. he finished by mid-1996. The actual robbers, however, have all The township also sparred in court with been caught and charged with murder — several development companies and United including fugitive Avrani Gottlieb, who Jersey Bank over ownership of Promenade was tracked down in Canada and allegedly Boulevard, or section 5A of Route 522. The masterminded the plot with local dentist road was closed for roughly two months and former South Brunswick resident Harry while a Superior Court judge tried lo figure Insabella, who police said was allegedly out who was responsible for the road's using the Wolfs as unwitting fences for maintenance; in the end, Ihc judge decided stolen jewelry. thai United Jersey Bank — by virtue of a Other 1995 police stones proved to be contract with the development company, less macabre bul more entertaining. Rock Eastern Properties Inc. — was the responsi- 'n' roil star John Popper, lead singer for the ble party. band , was arrested in South The year in politics Brunswick in September after police dis- Democratic Committeewoman Dcbra covered eight hollow-point bullets in his Johnson took her seat at the Township car; Popper entered a plea of no contest at Committee's dais in January, breaking a his local arraignment and the matter was two-year Republican stranglehold on the quietly shipped off to Superior Court. five-person committee. The township became an emergency air- Republican Cominitteeman Douglas port twice in a single month this year, as Hoffman, with only one year's worth of two single-engine planes were forced to experience on the committee, was named make emergency landings. In both cases, mayor, and quickly forged himself a repu- the planes suffered catastrophic engine fail- tation for being somewhat abrasive towards ure; the first had to float lo a landing off of his constituents. New Road after its engine conked out 1,000 That issue came to a head in November feet over Route 1, and the second made a when Hoffman got into an argument with slightly more bumpy — but equally safe — former Superintendent of Schools Dr. touchdown off of Route 522 shortly after James Kimple. They wound up publicly taking off from Old Bridge Airport. No hurling personal insults at each other one injuries were reported in either incident. lively Tuesday night. In late March and early April, the South Roger Craig, meanwhile, embarked on Brunswick Police Department and the an unsuccessful campaign for Middlesex South Brunswick Fire Safety Bureau inves- County Freeholder, while his former run- tigated a series of "suspicious fires" off of ning mate — Committecman Larry Langley, Slillwell and Drinking Brook roads. A total of five fires were reported as tusatiL OLE ANDERSEN 89 of South Brunswick fore moving to Arlington Texas for three years Interment was in Washington Monumental died Dec 26 at Robert Wood Johnson He lived in South Brunswick for the past 13 Cemetery, South River University Hospital New Brunswick Born in years He was a service writer for McDonough Hojstrup, Denmark he came to Chrysler Plymouth, East Brunswick, for 15 ELEANOR W. ROSS, 48, of Amherst, Va , in 1923 and moved to the Kendall Park section years He also was a delivery person for Boyt's died Dec 23 at The Bnarwood Home, Amherst of South Brunswick in 1970 He had been a Pharmacy South River, for four years He was Born in New York City, she lived in East baker for Beas Honey Buns in New York City a member of Summit Engine Company in South Brunswick before moving to Amherst She was before retiring in 1981 He was a member of River, a life member of the N J Exempt predeceased by her husband, Bruce, who died Christ the King Lutheran Church, Kendall Park Firemen s Association, and a member of the last year Surviving are two daughters, Tamra Surviving are his wtfe Anna O Anderson South River Moose Lodge, No 165 He was a Montgomery of Pasadena, Md and Rama M I C M A E L Services were held at Christ the King Lutheran communicant of St Marys Church, South River Langan of Syracuse, N Y , and her mother, Church Interment was in Gnggstown Cemetery, Surviving are his wife the former Colleen Martha Weber of East Brunswick Funeral HEGARTY Franklin Lynch, two sons Robert Shawn and Frank arrangements were under the direction of the Funeral Home John both of South Brunswick a brother Rezem Funeral Home, East Brunswick 3377 Route 9, Old Bridge, NJ 08857 CLAIRE HARRISON BALDWIN, 72, of Mill- Alexander Kovach of Council Bluff Iowa, two Tel: (908) 679-4422 Fax: (908) 679-7388 town, died Dec 25 at Robert Wood Johnson grandsons, and several nieces and nephews DANIEL PATRICK RYAN, 26, of University Hospital Now Brunswick Born in Funeral services were hold at the Brunswick New Brunswick she movod from Edison to Memorial Homo East Brunswick followed by a Spotswood died Dec 21 at the University of Milltown 24 yeurs cigo She was employed as a Mass of Christian Burial at St Marys Church, Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha Born in New senetdry for Superior Court Judge C John South River Interment was in Holy Trinity Brunswick, he lived in Spotswood most of his vie- Stroumstbos in Middlofpx County Sho was a Cemetery Hopelawn life Surviving are his parents, Daniel and Bar- communicant of Our Lady of Lourdes Chuirh bara Radick Ryan of Spotswood, two brothers, Ifa W CHURCH STREET Kenneth Ryan and Michael Ryan, both of JAMESBURG. NEW JERSEY 08831 Milltown Sho i > Mirvivod by hor husbnnd JOSEPH LEZARK JR 66 of Noith William Baldwin hoi mothoi Blanche riobiiv on Brunswick diocl Doc <'() at Robi rt Wood John Spotswood his maternal grandmother, Theresa hor son William Main on and stepson ^ son University Hospital Now BIUIISWK k Born in Radick of East Brunswick, and his paternal 908-521-0020 William Gharlfis Dunn and David Baldwin hc>i Nr w Brunt wick ho livtd in North Brunswick for giandmother Elizabeth Ryan of Spotswood daughter Blanche Harrison Blown and fivi more than 40 yoar Ho owned Raiitan Valley Funeial seivicos were held at the Rezem Fu- Stanley J Lester Gregorys lostcr David L Lost or c noral Homo East Brunswick, followed by Mass Owner Director Manager Director grandchildren Hinoial sorvuo. wore hold Roofing Co Noith Umii^wic k • ine e 1 ib Church, Milltown Inlormont was in St ddughtois Candy Drocit of North Brunswick Jo Cemetery, Morganville Lisa M. Wolf sen Manager Marys Omotory East Diunswick Ann Voorhoes of Highland P irk and Judy Funeral Director Stickel of Bordentowna brother Luqono of Old GEORGE NORMAN TABAY, 63, of Surf- MARILYN BROWN of Diqlishtown, diod Bridge throe bisters bll/aboth Hunt of Tranton, side Beach, S C , died Dec 23 in Grand Strand Doc 12 at GantruStntu Modical Center Lillian Toth of Spotswood and Doidno Mirkalski Regional Medical Center Born in Beaver, Pa , MONMOUTH Freehold Township Born in Brooklyn she lived in Florida, and throe qrandrhildren Services he was the son of the late George and Mary in Old Bridge for 11 years before moving to were under the. direction of Selover Funeral Yaros Tabay He was a member of the Deer MEMORIAL Englibhtown a year ago Mrs Brown was a Home North Biunswick Entombment was at Track Golf Resort He was a manager of Sayre- yuneralOiotnt bookkoopoi for Morty Blown Assoc , Old Bridge Franklin Memorial Park Mausoleum North woods South Little League in Old Bridge and for 20 years before retiring 30 years ago She Brunswick served on the board of directors for more than 89 Highway 34, Aberdeen, NJ 07747 was a communicant of HacJaosan Surviving aro 15 years He is survived by his wife Nancy Tel: (908) 566-4444 Fax: (908) 566-9680 hor husband Morton a s>on Errol Brown of CHARLOTTE RACKENBACK POPP, 80, of Williams Tabay of Surfside Bearh, one son, Jon Syosset, NY a daughter Jamie Biown of Fort bayievillo died Dec 22 at home Bom in Sayre Chustopher Tabay of Old Bridge two daugh- L.M.Wolfsen Manager Lee a sistei Adip Scherl of Boca Raton, Fla viilo sho was a lifelong resident Hei husband ters, Jan Guglielmi of Monroe and Jillian Funeral Director and hor father, Harry Scherl ol Doerfiold Bearh Harold H Popp died in 196H and hor biother Peltzman of Irmo S C , two brothers Frank Fla Funeral arrangements wore undor the di- Fred Rackenbai k died in 19B3 Surviving aro Tabay of Beaver Pa , and Raymond Tabay of S" rection of Bloomfield Cooper Jewish Chapels two sons Harold W and William Popp both of Coraophs Pa one sister, Frances McPatten of Inc, Manalapan Jackson, two daughters Merilin Williams of Monaca, Pa , and two grandchildren Services Sayiovillo and Valorie Niomlarn of Edison a sis were held at Goldfinch Funeral Home, Beach ROBERT CHARLES KOVACH 59 oftor Erma Gourloy of Spot'.wood, and seven Chapel in South Carolina Memorial donations South Brunswick died Deo 24 at St Peter s gidndchildron Seivites woio arranged by Mai may be made to the American Heart Associa Medical Center New Brunswick Born in Perth iszewski Funeial Home Sayroville, with a Mass tion 5805 Porcher Ave Myrtle Beach S C at Our Ladies of Victories Chuirh Sayroville 29577 MEET YOUR MATC Go ahead - give it a try.*, YOU WON'T BE ALONE FOR LONG! 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Mail to: THIS INFORMATION IS CONFIDEN1IAL Greater Media Newspapers Wr CANNOT PRINT YOUR AD WITHOUT IT. Meet Your Match Phone 7 Edgeboro Rd. Name East Brunswick, NJ. 08816 Address Fax: City 908-432-0016 State Zip * .Td lialmi trad respond jp SENTINEL, DECEMBER 28, 1995 17

3103 Commons Way $120,000 11 Huron Court $274,000 26 Gaifield Avo $140,000 49 Jernee Drive $280,000 8 Monroe Place $124,000 128 Hntfiold Lane $62,000 307 Ktaemer Court .$159,990 8 Montclaii Couit $292,500 62 Herbert Dnve $123,000 2 Fairfield Road $178,000 11 Packard Road $210,000 C Morgan Place $81,000 25 Jernec Drive $267,000 10 Yorktown Road $260,000 1 I Pearl Road $178,000 304 Kraemer Court $159,990 37 Addingto n Court $315,000 5 Rutledge Court $130,000 305 Kraemer Court $139,990 39 Addington Court $255,000 396 Ryders Lane $126,000 19 Laurie Drive $134,000 I8BIUCC Court $125,000 14 Albeniarle Road $184,000 43 Treat Lane $139,990 14 Hnikins (load $110,000 102 Longfield Court $54,000 25 Bosko Drive $280,000 507 Chester Couit $80,000 39 Lincoln Avo $1Gb,00() 3 Meadow/lark Lane $181,000 13 Carter Road $241,500 235 Blew Court $64,000 49 Leonard Road $1 69,000 18 Peach Orchard Drive $203,500 15 Dallenb ach Lane $102,000 30 Buck Road $195,000 49Leonaid Road $111,000 41 Peach Orchard Drive $314,500 34 Frost Ave $224,000 33 Crandall Drive $116,000 24 Haig Avo $103,500 4 Lonczak Lane $315,000 79 LaRue Lane $120,500 3 Dorolee Road $352,000 3 Lynbrook Place $190,000 26 Lewis Court $172,000 496 Riva Ave $182,000 6MontclairCourt $251,622 560 Riva Ave $682,500 14 Oxford Road $155,000 249 Rooney Court $149,000 26 Revock Road $265,000 6 Sheridan Ave $130,000 21 Ross Court $148,000 67 Flaglor St $214,500 8 Adams Court $165,000 25 Innes Road $253,500 148 Barono Lane $119,000 303 Kraemer Court $159,990 62 Covington Court $134,000 347 McDowell Drive $83,500 8 Delaware Drive $285,000 13 North Drive $176,000 40 Dexter Road $228,000 3 Rebel Run Drive $292,500 215 Dunhams Corner Road $178,000 6 Rodney Road $122,000 20 Ellison Ave $214,500 15 Rolling Rosta Road $195,000 5 Farmingdale Road $208,000 7 Timber Road $270,000 3 Griffin St $281,000 2 Appleby Lane $233,000 20 Harvey Circle $127,000 12 Azalea Court $165,000 49 Hillsdale Road $148,000

Mmmffl! 1582 Rt. 130 North •••; "A Champion m lii.i.s FieldField" f/ t mammummm Lake I'urritigton Pliiza 30-year Fixed 15-year Fixed 1-year A.R.M. North Brunswick, NJ LENDER PHONE# Rates / Points Rates / Points Rates / Points Access Moitg.ijrc SVLS (K00) 571 -40-10 6 61/300 6 13/ \ 00 4 13/3 00 American (-ederal Mlg (K00) 767-2% 1 6.50/3.00 ft 25 / .UK) 4.63/3 00 908-297-0600 CViHial Jeisey SVJJS Bk. 0)08)254-6600 7 38 / 0 00 7 00/0 00 5.63/0.00 Ch,i|K-l Mortgage Coip (K00)457-205S 6 75 / 2.88 6.13/3 25 A 63 / 3 (X) ('hoice Montane Corp (K00)244-2821 7.3K/O.IK) 7.13 /0 00 5.25/0 00 GENESIS ||ffl. C'omNei MoitgaKC (609) 6<54-96% 6.75 / 3.00 6 25 / 1(10 4 (X) / 3 00 MIS CoieSlutes Mortgage (K00) WJ-3KK5 6 80 / 3.00 6.25/3.00 5.25/2.00 "Our People Make The Countiyvviile Mortgage (908) 7KO-8855 6.63/3.00 6.00 / 3 00 '~~ 5.25/2 00 1-iist hdelity Hank (800)225-5332 6 88 / 3.00 6.3H / 3.(X) 5 13/3.00 Heedom Mortgage (H00) 220-8700 6.63 / 3.00 6 (X) / 3.00 No Quote Fieehold Savings & Loan (908)462-6700 7,50/0.00 7.I3/O.OO No Quote Genesis Mortgage Svcs. (K00) 304-5757 6.88 / 3.00 6.3H / 3 (XI 5.25 / 3.00 Ivy Moitgage Coip (H00) 489-5363 6.75 / 3.00 6.25 / 3.00 No Quole Spotlight Manasquan Savings Bank (908)223-4450 7 25 / 3.(K) 7 3K / O.OO 5 75/0.00 Meinll Lynch (KOO)8I7-3K99 7.50/ 1.00 7.00/ 1.00 5.88/ 1.00 Morgan Cailton (908)290-9100 6.75 / 2.KH 6.13 /2,«H 4.13/2.88 •Nicolas J. DiMeglio, President of The Prudential DiMeglio Realtors, National Puturc Mrtg (8(X)) 291 -7900 6.50 / 3.00 5.88 / 3.00 5.25/0 00 attended a three-day session in which Prudential Affiliates from across (he U.S. Nat west Mortgage (K00) 888-6761 7.13/3.00 6 75 / 3.00 5.00/2.50 gathered in Costa Mesa, CA , to discuss new advances in technology and real Presidential Home Hnanee (800) 528-9246 6.50 / 3.00 6.13/3.00 4.00 / 3

oming off a season in which its boys' team finished at 11 1 and its girls' team at 6-3, the North Brunswick Township High School swim- ming program hopes to continue its suc- cessful 1995-96. Gregg Anderson, who has been coach- ing the Raiders since 1973, seems opti- mistic that his squads will remain compet- itive. "The girls' team is deep and very strong in every event," he said. "And the boys' team, while not as deep as in prior years, should hold its own." The leadership will be supplied by se- nior captains Mark Csanlos, Scott Mason, Marylynn Matacera and Krista Doby. Amy Hill will serve as the diving captain. Back from last year's boys' team are senior Brian Alexander (butterfly), juniors Brad Weinstein (butterfly, breast stroke, and individual medley), Mike Marino (sprints) and Brian Troichuck, and sopho- more Glenn Billard (freestyle). "Brian is starting to come around as a point scorer for us so far this year," An- derson noted. The girls' team returns New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) Meet qualifiers Jennifer Willis- ton and Roberta Salerno, who head up an impressive junior class that will make up BUTTERFLY1NG — Brad Weinstein of North Brunswick Township High School's swimming team is one of the the bulk of the team. veterans Coach Gregg Anderson will be counting on to continue the program's winning ways. At an intersquad scrimmage held ear- lier this month, Williston set a new school (File photo) record in the 200 individual medley. She Jessica Socha. Anderson's outlook for the season is a A makeup meet with Hillsborough was specializes in backstoke, but will be used Making their debuts for the boys are a good one and the undefeated starl gives scheduled for Tuesday. in a variety of events this season. pair of sophomores, Chris Cafiero and reason for continued optimism. Also on tap for the boys' team this The girls' team's other returning ju- Jeremy Snepar. "The girls have a very good shot at week is a Friday showdown with tradi- niors are Erin Strimple, Jennifer Lesko, So far, both teams are off to good starts winning the Greater Middlesex Confer- tional state powerhouse St. Joseph's of Elise Barbaro and Rachel Perla. at 2-0. They were both victorious in meets ence (GMC) Meet," he said. "They have a Metuchen. "Our very deep junior class will anchor versus Hightstown and Old Bridge. strong rivalry with Bishop Ahr. Bishop On Saturday, Jan. 6, the Raiders will our girls' team both this year and next," Weather and other factors have caused Ahr won the meet last year, but we beat host the 19th Annual North Brunswick Anderson said. the cancellation of four other meets. The them two years ago by just 1 1/2 points. Diving Invitational at the high school, fea- New to the girls' team this year will recent snowstorms and the replacement of "Hopefully the boys can take second at turing divers from 20 schools. be freshmen Kaitie Colligan, a breast their diving boards will lead to reschedul- the GMC meet," he said. "With St. For additional information, please con- stroke specialist who will also swim in ing of their meets against Lawrence and Joseph's of Metuchen around, I would be tact Anderson at (908) 873-2225, or call other events, and butterfly specialist Steinert. very satisfied with second." the school at (908) 821-8200. Palazzo takes helm of NB track team BY NEIL SCHUMAN Staff Writer New coach inherits experienced team from Bazemore Last year, the North Brunswick High "Tiran is looking at beating the school and Pete Lamanna. ture some depth at the middle distance School boys' winter track team amassed a record at hurdles this year," Palazzo said. At the distance events, Dan Lupa and events, but we may not be quite as strong 5-1 meet record under the leadership of Key returning track performers include Mike Lupia will lead the charge for the in the high jump, where we aren't very Coach John Bazemore. junior sprinter Brett Johnson, sophomore Raiders. experienced." This year, Mike Palazzo, who has distance runner Greg DiNapoli and junior Rounding out the squad will be sprint- Although he is optimistic, Palazzo has- coached the cross country teams for the middle distance runner John Flores. ers Mike O'Neal, Eddie Ortiz and Del fin n't really seen enough to be certain of the past 17 years, takes the helm, as the The field squad will feature the return Quijano and middle distance runner outlook for the season. Raiders take an experienced team into the of junior shot-putter Jamie Strauss. Shawn Regan. . "The East Brunswick Relays were season. New for the Raiders winter track squad Palazzo thinks his team has the ingre- snowed out and that was my only shot at The experience and leadership will are sprinters Chris Malekkides, a senior, dients it will take to remain competitive. seeing how we stack up," he said. "We're come from senior captains Joe Notariani and Jack Lee, a junior. "We're very deep in sprinters and at looking for the guys to be really psyched (shot put), Naveen Sikha (sprints, 800, New to the winter field squad this year the shorter distances. With Mike, Dan and up for the meets and for the experienced and 4 x 400 relay), Bryan Tedesco (800 will be junior high jumper Brian Anatol. Greg coming off strong cross country sea- guys to show the newcomers the tricks of and 1,600), and Tiran Winston (55 and Other sprinters who have looked good sons, we should be tough in the 800, 1,600 the trade, So far, though, there appears to other sprinting events, and 55 hurdles). so far include Steve Gabay, Mike Horvath and 3,200," he said, adding, "We also fea- Continued on page 19 SENTINEL, DECEMBER 28, 1995 1 @ North Brunswick The Veterinary Group basketball wrap up ofMrnston Pedro Berrios and Dyshion Simonson middle-school player, led North combined for 28 points to iead the North Brunswick scorers with 11 points. Brad Proudly Announces the addition of Brunswick Running Rebels' middle Davis and Roberto Berrios added six a school basketball team to a 53-39 win piece, while Chris Chibbaio scored five. over Perth Amboy in pre-season play on Despite Amber Shanahan's 10 points, KARINHALL Dec. 17. Berrios, one of only two re- North Brunswick's girls' team was blown turnees from last spring's Freeholders out by the Sayreville Gems, 42-14. The CERTIFIED MASTER GROOMER Tournament runner-ups, notched nine of mostly young and inexperienced North iwfib 20years grooming experience his 15 points in the second half, when the Brunswick team was shut down offen- Rebels staged an 18-4 burst to defeat the sively in Ihe first half, falling behind 30-2. undermanned Perth Amboy unit. Caroline Rebeck and Loti Schmidt scored Simonson added 13 points, including the other Mustang points. The Mustangs six, in a key second-quarter spurt that put are 0-2 in pre-season contests. Our Full Service Hospital is Open for North Brunswick ahead to stay. George In the day's most exciting game, North Appointments, Surgeries & Boarding Langcr scored six points and John Brunswick's elementary school Running Bellavia chipped in four for the Running Rebels (1-3) lost a 62-61 heartbrcaker to Mon. • lues. • Thurs. 9-7:30 j FMEE J Rebels, who pushed their pie-season Perth Amboy in overtime. The Rebels Fri. 9-5 • Sat. 9-2» Sun 9-12 record to 3-3. trailed 33-17 at the half against the speedy i Pet Exam i On Saturday, Simonson scored 14 Perth Amboy unit. But in the thiid quar- 4491 Route 27, Kingston, with tw. coupon points, while Kevin Walters added nine in ter, LaQuon Rankins sparked an incredi- | new clients only North Brunswick's 44-38 win ovei Bay- ble comeback by notching eight points to call for appointment onne. The game was one of streaks as the cut the lead to four by the start of the 1 Rebels found themselves down 12 at the fourth quarter. half before taking an 18-point lead, then In that quailer, Andicw Rcmm took almost blowing it at the end. Berrios control in the middle, scoring five points added six points lor the winners. and pulling down several big rebounds. In The middle school students were the addition, Rcmni hit two free thiows with only winners in pre-season play this three seconds left to tic the game at 55. weekend for North Brunswick's traveling In the overtime, Perth Amboy's> basketball units. Roberto Olivicrre hit a twisting, Earl In their prc-season game, the high Monroe-like drive down the lane for Ihc school boys blew a nine-point third-quar- game winner with 10 seconds to play ter lead and lost to Perth Amboy, 69-55. Two North Brunswick shots missed uarino Kevin Garrity's eight first-half points and belore the buzzer. (our blocked shots helped give the Rebels Remm finished the game with 12 Pre-SeasojQL a 33-27 half-time lead. points, while Rankins added 10. Jairod Gamty left before ihc second half lor Marshall hit lor 9, Jared Kahn for 7, John an NBTHS practice and the quicker, Daugeit for 5, Shaheid Williams, 4, and pesky Perth Amboy team found smoother Sean Cameron, 4. sailing, driving down the middle for easy The teams will be dedicating their sea- baskets and outscoring North Brunswick son to Fran Venute, the Linwood Middle 25-12 in the fourth quarter. School teacher who passed away last Jonathan Jean-Louis, the team's only month. Palazzo takes helm SAL1 Ends Dec. 31 si Continued from page 18 Palazzo hopes the Raiders can win as be a lot of camaraderie on the team." many of their meets as possible and that The Raiders' main competition will there will be some great individual per- For nearly SO years Furs by Guarino come in the form of their neighbors and formances along the way. has been wrapping you in luxury. On Wednesday, Jan. 3, North chief rivals, the Vikings of South Come visit one of our convenient Brunswick. Brunswick will take on Bishop Ahr in a Last year, the Raiders' lone defeat dual meet. The following Friday and Sun- showrooms and see our tremendous came at the hands of the Vikings and this day, they will be competing in the Greater selections oft Shearling, Leather, year they hope to avenge the loss. Middlesex Relays. Cloth', Mink, Fox, Beaver, Raccoon, Coyote & More! AM at tremendous Sale Prices! "EMPORIUM" INTERNATIONAL FOOD We Carry Guanno RUSSIAN STYLE COLD CUTS Pnciotufurs for Precious little... since 1946 IMPORTED CHEESES Grceaibrook • 190 Route 22 (906)968-8700 SMOKED FISH & OTHER Open Daily930-5:30, DELICACIES Thureday Hi 9, Sunday 12-5 East Brunswick • 1020 Route 18 SPECIAL DESSERTS FRESH EVERY *'f (908)254-0666 DAY FROM BROOKLYN BAKERY Open TUesday-Samrday 9:30-5:30, •1 Thursday Til 8, Sunday 12-5. Closed Mondays WE ALSO MAKE SANDWICHES •Financing - 20% down payment, 12 month terms, subject to credit approval, other tenns as per contract with American General Finance Co. " Fur Lease - No down payment, 2 months security & credit approval required, 1299 Et. 9 North • Old Bridge, NJ $50 lease service change, restrictions may apply. On the property of famous Emporium" gas station SO DECEMBER 28, 1995, SENTINEL NS

The South Brunswick Soccer Club offering an indoor soccer league for will be offered on Monday afternoons league for fifth- and sixth giadcis wil Board meeting will be held at 7;30 p.m. youngsters, ages 4 through fourth grade. and Tuesday evenings. Dance lessons for also be offered Iroin April lo mid-June on Jan. 8 at (he municipal building, Children, ages 4 and 5, play on Friday children, ages 4-6, will be held on For more information, call (90S) 129 Route 522, Monmouth Junction. The and Saturday afternoons; first- and sec- Tuesday afternoons and Saturday morn- 1150. meeting is open to the general public for ond-graders on Wednesday afternoons ings. Beginner to advanced swim lessons Ihe first hour and then goes into closed and third- and fourth-graders on Monday for 6- to 14-year-olds are available on Beginning Jan. 3, three week hilling session. and Thursday afternoons.Young basket- Tuesday afternoons at the Princeton and pitching clinics will he conducled ai ball players, ages 6-9, can participate in Theological Seminary pool located off the South Brunswick Grand Slain, 51 The South Brunswick Family the Y's traveling basketball teams. Route 1 South, behind the Princeton Stouts Lane. There will be basic and YMCA is now accepting registration for Games and practices are held on week- Market Fair. This spring, the YMCA will advanced programs in both activities with their winter youth sports programs. end afternoons. The season runs from be offering a T-ball baseball league for 4- participants in (he hilling progiam lonued Starting in January, the YMCA will be January to mid-March. Karate lessons and 5-year-olds. A traveling lacrosse into groups of six and pitching progiam participants will be formed into groups ol four. Both programs will be divided based on age and ability. Basic hilling and basic and advanced pitching will be conducted in one-hour sessions. The advanced hit- Ktoyd*4*C Itn 44+ ting clinic will be conducted in 90 minute sessions. The hitting program will be con- ducted on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and the pitching clinic will be held on Thursdays. The cost of both basic clinics is $50. The advanced hilling clinic cosls $70. Advanced registration is icquinnl and the programs will be filled on a first Y^AtJhMM come basis. For more information call (908)274-1919.

The Greater Middlesex Conference- Holiday Greetings to Middlesex County Residents from the is seeking an assignor for all varsity soc- cer matches effective with the 1996 sea- Middlesex County Improvement Authority son. All interested persons should send a resume to: Greg Fiearrn, Athletic (MCIA) Director, Perth Amboy High School, Pcrlh Amboy, New Jersey OKKM. Trees: As part of the Middlesex County Improvement Authority's yard waste recycling program, Christmas trees will be chipped this season at several county & municipal locations. Following January 1st, your municipality's Department of Public Works will determine and carry out collection schedules for the curbside collection of Christmas trees. Please call your local recycling coordinator for more information. Hanover Remember, before placing trees at the curb, remove ALL decorations including tinsel. f: MAQNIFICENTS HOLES ON TOP^OF HILL, 8 MILES S.VV. OF: GREAT ADVENTURE ON #537 Greeting Cards, Gift Wrap, Gift Boxes: Make it a "blue" Christmas by placing these holiday paper goods in your "blue" mixed paper container. Flattened, uncrumpled gift WINTER RATE BEGINS NOVEMBER 1ST OF 1995 THROUGH 2/28/96 wrap and boxes will save space in your container. For municipalities in the MCIA's SENIOR MQNBOlRy IRIDA1LXCCPTJIOLIDAY curbside recycling program*, all of these itemjs, EXCEPT metallic and foil gift wraps, §iP~£MJ±fiOAM AFTER 11,00 AM $12"°-Green $10"-Green should be recycled in your blue, rectangular recycling container with the other mixed J18°°-Grcen & Cart J16»-Grcen & Cirl REGULAR paper - mail, computer, office, colored & white paper, glossy inserts, envelopes, etc. WEEKDAYS WEEKENDS & HOtlDAYS 2MM:U 00 Jl-f-Green J2<1"-Creen $20"-Green k Cart $32"-Green h Cdrt * Municipalities currently participating in the MCIA AFTER 11:00 AM fflB_121W NOON Middlesex County Improvement Authority J12--Green J15"-Green 101 Interchange Plaza curbside recycling program include Cranbury, $16™-Green&Cart J20"-Green & Cart Cranbury,NJ08512 Dunellen, Helmetta, Jamesburg, Milltown, Monroe, David B. Crabiel New Brunswick, Old Bridge, Plainsboro, Piscataway, IN CASE YOU Freeholder Director MCU liaison Sayreville, South Amboy, South Plainfield, and South HAVEN'T River. For other municipalities, please follow the MCIA Commissioners HEARD... Anthony J. Zarillo, Chairman mixed paper guidelines set by your municipality. Christiana Foglio, Vice Chairperson Leonard J. Roseman Ralph Mocci Robert G. Luban

Richard Pucci Executive Director STARKEY All Make Service N.J.LIC.#209 ^sssigglk. Since 1957 Edward Windas Recycling Manager 1-800-488-MCIA L Requests for accomodationymaterials in alternate format please call Jane Leal (609) 655-5141 or D- 1-800-852-7899 via New Jersey Relay Service. 254-1122 152 Main Street (Rt. 535) IMUcOffKt. la/South River NS SENTINEL DECEMBER 28 1995

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LPN i & RN HELMETTA Handyman $$$1$ Top Hay $$$$$ Special 3 bedrm 1 bath ranch 50 x 100 comer lot 1/2 SALES cellar $89 900 908 521 2907 FREEHOLD 1-800-257-0894 olosce Lingerie Home Par Sale or Rent 10 800 siift RETAII tlej Is now in llil.i area $75 - OLD BRIDGE Ranch 3 bedrm warehouse Includes office" $100 per party $25,000 + full 1 '/a baths Fenced c/a, alarm Great location near Rt 9 SALES & STOCK lima 908 390 d501 sprinkler extras $139 900 ByClear span 2 loading docks Regency L Inona SALF5 Income opportunity owner Call 90B 721 8422 Call owner 908 4b2 1991 East Brunewlck 90B 257 4700 lor motivated Individuals In riouso sales business* | SALES HEPS business Flexible hours, sal 025 B Uslriess ory plus commission Call 008CoriqpsH $50-$75,000/YEAR Darfene for interview lOarn- Financial sarvlce company 1pm 908 390 4)325 TOvvonbiises seeks reps to market collec LAUNDROMAT lion ceivlCB Unlimited quail fEad leads Top commission & SCHOOL BUS DRIVER OUR ADS (?£? ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS We have locations available + training Full or part time Pro school van Freehold the best financing in town Spacious 1 bedrm Condo w/ Garden State Laundry Sys 1 000 411 0053 area COL required Will train toft as 2nd bedrm or den Ail or 201 417 1811 Excellent opportunity for par- Use our handy Private Party Coupon. appls Close to NYC transp & terns NJs only authorized beaches NO DOGS $950/ Wascomat Dealer Get the ent with pre-schooler Call Select the ad that best meets your needs. mo Call 908 530 9087 facts Coma to our FREE SECRETARY 908-431 0718 INFO seminars every Fuli/Part/Tlme East Brunswick TAX PREPARATION EAST BRUNSWICK FOR Wed at e 30pm chiropractic office Previous Computer Input of tax roturno CU FS®Q (Items under $75) One item per ad RENT 2 bedrms 2nd floor 1026 W Elizabeth Ave experiences with tnsurance and related duties, basic A/c All appliances No pets Linden NJ 1-800 841 4608 desirable but not necessary knowledge of Income Tax Call^OB 390 1403 or SOB 862 4479 Will train Returnees welcome preparation essential Flexible • BIG DEAL (Items over $75) Attention to detail essential hours F/T available Benefits available For Inter Matawan For appointment view call call from 1100 330pm at Please include all spaces and punctuation One character per box OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Dr. Ken Freedman 908 583 4715 * MOST AGGRESSIVE RATE IN MARKET * 908-254-6011 * Tinton Falls - Shrewsbury Ave TELEPHONE in 6,000 sq ft available immediately Your INTERVIEWEES -k Like new condition * Fust Floor - Lobby Exposme Market Research Co. Ad Name if Convenient to all amenities, No Sales Involved Address. Fort Monmouth Red Bank & Gaiden State Pkiv) Evenings/Weekends Can City - State CALL Flexible Schedule Zip .Day Phone. .Evening Phone. Doug Twyman or Gary O Sullivan Good phone & Be people skills a must' V!SA# Here! MC# $7 -8 per houi + bonuses DISCOVER* No experience necessary Call Expiration dote DAVID T COMPANY Ads are subject to approval. Exci USIVE BROKER Call Maris 1-800-660-4 ADS (908)981-939^ 908-308-0500 NS 22£ SENTINEL, DECEMBER 28, 1995

Bud qumm w/m.ittos0/* & box TECHNICIAN- PAT, entry REFRIGERATORS- $85 8. UP Guaranteed spring Htand up c leu k level Invidual needed to as- SPOTSWOOD Onontal cupol O'xU1' Clmi.t sist in consumer product test- Refnqerators wanted ft© Loving childcare in my home Repairs Call 908-566-3J )J cloiot Minor ')0fl :>')/ 16b3 ing Work hours will vary Ap- Call 908-251-8917 plicant must have flexible availability $6 50/hour to start WASHER 8. ELECTRIC 01 O- King bi/o Snilii I'ortoct DRYER, General Flecino Sloopor ur.uul Mn ,ler Mal- For more information call tro',;>. box i.pnng & ai'.tfmi Opportunity Awaits You- 908-247-2902 Goodcond, $150 each 7 Call 908-290-8249 upholitofod hfadnoiird I x< el- Greater Media Inc., publishers of weekly newspapers in Monmouth and lont condition $400 908 4?'> 04 i', potential Reading books 908-251-3490 APPLE II QS- Pnntsr, s,cro»n, Toll Free 1-80p-ffl3B-977B 2 disk drives 8. accessories Ul O Brnv, Uuuan, romplotn Ext R-6151 (or details MANALAPAN Excellent condition 908-446-4157 '/Ortho mutirov, "'tit Unused, DRIVERS ATTENTION in box Cobt $fi0O !.oll K'bO HEADERS TOP NOTCH APPLE HE - 2 floppy discs. Call ooa (>o;> % 73 Routes available for once a week delivery. Reliable vehicle necessary No collections. Ads under thin classification are Mature live-In Nanny needed hard dnve w/Spoctrum LX-80 not offers of employment Often for beautiful 2 year old boy & eait Chris at 90S-2S4M755 thono advortlsors offer a service b/w printer & many extra-. newborn baby girl very high $3bO Call 908-821-1957 BED-KING tor a foe If you place a call to asalary & standards I am look- "Sorta" 1?' thick orthopmllc. "900" number you will automati- ing for a very caring, patient, cally be billed a too, which varies CALL THE PC MD • For allmaltro'is lot Now novur TELEPHONE SALES hard working person who Isyour computer needs At usod $4 0431) dedicated to developing and home servico of IBM & EARN MONEY nurtunng children I am notcompatibles running DOS/ FJLDROOM Sill Tripln ilii!',', PART TIME looking tor a babysitter Some Windows 908-238-6779 or, 2 night tahli»i. aimolrn 8. .' 20 FLEXIBLE HOURS PER WEEK Reading books! $30,000/yr professional training in child- mirror'. Italian 1'rovlnnol Call income potential Details care, nursing or teaching COLOR PRINTER MACIN- 008-411 X'07 ARE YOU: 1-800-513-4343 ext, Y-2111 ideal, but will consider special TOSH, H/P XL Paint wntor, Looking for a place to work while the kids are In school? S40.000/YEAR INCOME homemaker who has raised W/extra cartndgos Canon NP Bt-DROOM- Beautiful h pr potential Home typists/PC children of her own 115 Copying machine AB oak, king !,l?o bud w/l>' iimi- seeking a Job close to home" users Toll Free Please call 1-201-358-5208 Dick Mimeograph, Gestotnor olro Quality ',ot, a'.klng $1)2S 1-800-898-9778 EXT T-5008 Stencil Maker Apple 2 Plui, Hamilton W«'.tmlnslor (tilmo A good communicator who wants to earn extra money? clock, $Hr) Nf-W chorry ilti'.k for listings OLD BRIDGE - Full time to dbl disc drives, printer 1HS J WE OFFER: take care of 3 & 6 year olds 80 model 4D W/dbl disc $9b Oak toll top dii-ik S: (K) • Salary & commission 12 to midnlqht References dnves Imagewriter pnntor Antlquo;. Hoikor, $10 Wlcknr POSTAL & GOVERNMENT Call 908-723-0266 TI994A, printer, SUPER ytrollor. £13!) I ar(jo ma • Flexibility JOBS $21 /hour plus benefits SKETCH Much softworo hooany rjocrotnry broakfront No experience, will train Best offers Call 908-888-034') $475 Pink tonox Uim|i. $100 • Pleasant working environment Appl + info 1-800-875-7608 SELECTIVE NANNY Mahogany Uonnot (ho'.t Please fax or send you? resume to: Nannies For Great Families IBM COMPATIBLE- 486 DX-$?85 Muhunntw dro'.'.nr Live-in, Live-out 33 8 RAM 212 HD lape cheiit & mirror $300 Vanity, M. Tiusty, Greater Media Newspapers SALES Call 908-432-9500 back-up $1,100 or bust olfer mirror & bunch, $16') lull ouk One of the Fastest growing 288 Summerhlll Rd E B NJ Call 908-422-1872 ever, armolru, S??b Mnhofinny ta 7 Edgeitoro Road, East Brunswick, NJ 988IE, Fax (90S) «S2-0O16 comapnles in the world is ex- bloa $30 i)0 on Carvod oak pending in the area We need hulfot SI!") Old Holiday liar •our helpl P/t up to $500/ MONITOR bin Doll, lUunmoli » much 11,200 month, f/t up to SVGA Color, 14 Inches mom c:all 0 MAIDS WANTED or loss Groat pneos on 486 Call OOH i"W-M>M> Apply in person to: ARE YOU EARNING A GOOD WORKOUT systems Will customize, ro- AND GREAT PAY? SIGN UP pnir, upgrade nny computers COCKTAII IAHII- Kuliioy Greater Jersey Press WHAT YOU'RE WORTH BONUS Call America':, top lor fair & roasonablo prico". shaped (>f> Inch I x 33 Inih w, 10 Connerty court, East Brunswick, NJ ©SB 16 Work from home or office home cleaning service Paid Peripherals sold nli.o Cull liipoc!, down to I'O mi I) w Earn $1,000 - $4,000 PT weekly Day hours Car 908-316-0305 Beautiful '/.-iruh tliu k glo'.'i $5 000-$10 000 FT Free va- required Miles paid East top, '.ntlii finl'.lusd nold Ujy*. ft cations Call 908-493-1645 Brunswick 908-257-8200 UPfiRADES/Ropair!,/Sybl(jmo maiblo '.holl I x< ullont i omll r PHOTOGRAPHER $35,000/YEAR INCOME- Free lelephono consultation tlon $'!/!. Cull '1()n- i/fi ll'i'i.' potential Reading books, Toll Multi-Task 908 ?54 1fl?( Free 1-800-898-9778 ( OUCH - I Bhuimil i. 'Ki/3 Cindy 908-566-0706 Business Services; SUIT DINI 111 V.>" rciumi ••mnkuil MEN'S DOUBLE BREAST LI) [jlass tiiblo w/4 urryliv '.wivdl CHILDREN'S CHOICE $50 Call 908-5P5-9740 i hails w/whito ktiilliur sodt'. 46 W Ferris St E Brunswick S1bO or bo'il offor Cull Ages 3 montns-5 years 15 FREE RESUMES 9011 /:I1 0^/1 Part-time. To cover municipal beat for the News Transcript (Freehold- Kindergarten Slate Certified w/first order Written/typeset, Open 6 30am-7pm, 12 months laser pnnted RUSH Service 046 Firewood DINING nooSTSI 1 • Ciilivi Manalapan area). Job includes covering evening meetings, writing features etc. a year Call 908-613-4488 Write For You 908-446-8012 Ibl, w/G bliu'k ku (iiioi (fuilrs $.600 Pt All OHM Eiri) Sail Murk Bosnian, Managing Editor cat 908-972-6740 HOUSEKEEPERS, NANNIES, Uuoon Gray formica. $2'iO Wednesday thramgn Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nurses Aides, Elder Care Minor $150 9()8-2!>4-')11l) All nationalities Lie /Bonded FIREWOOD Aurora Agency, 540 B'way , Cords, Halves & Quarters L Br, NJ 908-222-3369 Seasoned Delivered DINING ROOM TABLE MESSENGER Call Anytimo 908-257-1416 Ig rjlai.'. $1bO g0B-6/!i-b!>0b KIDS COUNT MERCHANDISE FIREWOOD eves or Q0a-?(54-H999 days Part-time. 3 days a week. Car needed. Valid driver's license. To pick up light Child Center/State Licensed Full cords. 1/2 & 1/4 FULL/PART TIME Seasoned $110 per cord KITCHEN SET packages and deliver in Middlesex, Monmouth and Interoffice. Ages Infant to 12 Years 042 Antiques/ S Oak & Hardwoods Call Light wood formica top, 1 lorif, 658 Englishtown Rd Old Bndgo ; 908-792-1578/908-446-0922 6 chairs $300 or tmnt offer Sail Toni 908-254-7000 X 360 Call 908-723-9416 ;} Collectibles FAST FREE DELIVERY Call 000-679-5198 Greater Media Newspapers MANALAPAN-(Monmouth LIVING ROOM • Sofa & lovo Heights) Stay at home Mom, •2 Edgeboro Head, East Brunswick, eu ©80is love kids Meals, games & ANTIQUES FIREWOOD seat Asklnn $550 ? end 8. fun All ages 908-845-1842 Top prices paid for Antique PICKED UP $85/cord coffoo tblo $175 Kit/din, 4 East Brunswick, NJ 08816 furniture, oriental rugs, (Delivery extra) 908-390-0900 swlval chairs, extra leaf paintings, jewelry & silver We Asking $500 908-525-5840 FIREWOOD-100% very clean MARLBORO purchase entire contents of LIVING ROOM- Five matching FfT • PfX Good care In myestates Will come to your seasoned oak & cherry mixed home Call 908-888-0736 $115/cord, 100% verV clean pieces, slats grey valour fabric home TLC, activities, toy seasoned cherry $130 /cord w/linht oak wood trim & ovor- Greater Media Newspapers room Refs 908-536-1148 BEDROOM SET- Antique Co- Call 609-448-5349 slulfod cushions 2 club OLD BRIDQE-Exp teacher/ lonial style, solid walnut, dou- chairs, 1 love coat, & 2 full- E.O.E. Mom will watch your child In ble bed w/headboard & foot- FIREWOOD-Seasoned, split size sofas, $200 each ploco My home P/T Call board, dresser w/ attached hardwood $100 per cord Call eves 908-780-4343 908-591-5970 mirror Excellent condition Delivery available Call Call 908-566-0053 609-259-2735 TABLE & 4 CHAIRS-4?" oval PARLIN/SAYREVILLE with (2) 1?" leavoa, formica Non-smoking mature mom will top, dork wood & 4 matching care for infant/toddlers in my LAGO'S FIREWOOD captain's chairs Best offer home with TLC Exp & refs SEASONED PREMIUM Call 908-671-3759 Call 908-727-0069 THE HARDWOODS $120 Per cord FREE, FAST DELIVERY •Antique Shoppel i 908-294-0463 SPOTSWOOD AREA 482 Mam Street Babysitting in my home for Spotswoad, NJ 08884 §! CAMERA MINOLTA 7000 CLEAN working parents Please call TOR SALE With flash Like new anytime or leave message (908) 251-9502 Cost $500 Sell $250 90B-251-3815 CHERRY FIREWOOD Call 908-495-4985 Antiques & Clocks 1.33. per cord (Across |rimi the GtuiKoia Dealership)« CHANDELIERS §_j^_ Limned [Jfiiier sfoce ^tollable J (2) Crystal-Best offers Call OAK FIREWOOD 908-446-0654 per cord DIETIII-Lose up to 30 lbs In Your 30 days starting at $30 MIXED HARDWOODS MAGICII! Carol 908-542-6642 1 1 U« per cord Ad Stacking-'15. pa'A cord KITCHEN CABINETS Save up to 70% on major *25. per full cord brands whilo quantities last Can 'TREE WORK* 908-329-6000 WITH A FLEA.. 1043 Appliances MOVING SALE 908-329-3091 Dryer-White elec Ronga-new, Be almond Conventional oven, DISHWASHER - Caloric JACK RUSSELL trash compactor, Bedroom Almond Good cond Under set-new, charry, Country the counter $50 or best offer. French, Ferrante oil painting, see the Here! Call 908-792-1320 T V stand, pantry, yard Items, Incl barbecue & patio set DISHWASHER-Westlnphouse NO REASONABLE OFFER Filter Clean-FREIZER REFUSED Call B08-446-7740 CHEST-both $100 Call NINTENDO-w/2 controllers Classified Call 908-316-0647 Includes 6 games Excellent A.H. FORMICA condition $50 Call CUSTOM LAMINATED 908-238-6208 • REFRIGERATORS * FURNITURE & REFACING Guaranteed, 90 days • KITCHENS • WALL UNITS ORGANIZER-CASIO BOSS 1-800-660-4ADS $175 + Choice of sizes and • BEDROOM SETS Model 5300 w/64,000 memo- Pages colors. Very clean • CHILDREN'S ROOMS ry Great holiday gift '/a store Can deliver 908-225-5272 908-745-2102 • 908-390-1609 price-$35 Call 903-566-0445 NS SENTINEL, DECEMBER 28, 1995 .Ilillfliliilfli POWER TOOLS FOR GUNS swords, military items BOARDING-(Horses) Trails, A BARNIE OR WOODWORKING at low pric- Lie NJ/Fed Dealer House ART SCHOOL ACHIEVE lighted outdoor ring horses A LION KING PARTY CHILDREN'S PARTIES I'M THE BAKER es Call for details calls Bert 908-821-4949 Math/Bio/Chem/Physics/SAT bought & sold East Brunswick Call 908-525-1273 Clown or Comedy Magic Home made cakos, pies & 908-583-9564 In E Brunswick B0B-257-8127 Your Homo 908-780-4428 bread for Holidays or any 908-297-5113 WEEKDAY DISCOUNTS occasions Call 90B-446-4T22 RUG-Sears, beige with gresn MAKE MONEY FELICIA'S SCHOOL OF A BARNJE, CLOWN, Professional entertainer Rofs and maroon border $150 PIANO & MUSIC Private ALGEBRA 9 & i!DACHSCUND PUPPY-10 mo • Balloons • Face Paintings Call Barbara after 7pm lessons Call 908-525-9286 old mini long haired FEmale, DJ, MICKY MOUSE, Geometry & Baste Skills spayed, very sweet Crate & • Magic & A Live Bunny PARTY PLANNING 908-446-4277 Need help? Feeling frus- JIMBO 90B-297-f369 SERVICE 908-2740143 CLEANING trated? Experienced teacher papers included Must sell, POWER RANGERS RUGS AREA (2) - 1 Oriental, GUITAR LESSONS and tutor Call 908-613-9225 heart broken $500 firm Call PERSONALIZED SPECIALTY 1 Solid light blue, w/mint Beginners-Intermediates 908-446-7740 OR SAND ART PARTY! COLOR CARICATURES CANDLES Unique favors & green boarder $250 each YOUR CLOSETS In home instruction by experi- * Games * Music * Fun Plan your party now Any gift Ideas fund raising & cor- Call 908-390-1403 enced player Reasonable CHEMISTRY/BIOLOGY GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS- & Much Morel 908-536 6936 occasion Cull 2O1-837-7ffl0 porate aocts 908-297-3223 Consign your women's & kid's price t, Call Scott Advanced placement Bioloqy (2) 5 months old good with SEGA GENESIS-with 2 con- 908-432-8409 Exp Teacher 908 238-0652 children AKC registered, A BEAD Stringing or Sterling trollers-Includes 5 games, ex- clothing, closeouts or 100% health guaranteed Silver Jewelry Making PARTY; DISC JAKEY cellent condition $50 Call salesmens samples Black & tan Direct Garman for kids Call 908-44(3-7930 Pnces Mart at $250 900-238-6208 Call 10am-4 30 for info & appl PIANO, KEYBOARDS, COMPUTER TUTORING 90B-23B-43O6 O60bfickets 2nd Turn Around 908-431-7667 GUITAR, ORGAN & BASS In your home or my Sayrevllle lineage Puppios also avail Popular & Classical All levels office Fnendly, relaxed at- able Call 908-722-6583 A BIG DEAL! $1,000-$10,000 PAID Prof instruction at your home DJ ANY OCCASION/MUSIC 049IWet'ehartdise for antique Oriental Rugs 25 yrs teaching expenence mosphere Beginners wel- ALL AMERICAN-Ozzie, Nets, James Proctor 908-545-4868 Hank Ploskon 9O8-23B-1555 come Affordable Call & leave INVISIBLE FENCING THE $250. PARTY PHIL 90B-727-120b Glant^Jels Rangers, , 3 or 800-358-7847 massage at 908-651-2255 Canine containment specialist Radio Active Disc Jockeys Tenors 800-069 0571 A BUYER OF ALL TRAINSI COMPUTER TUTORING For more information & a free DJ TO GO Top $ paid for LIONEL, Flyer, STUDIO 63 OR CONSULTATIONS FOR brochure pack 908-946-3232 1-800-727-DJ4U Marx, others 908-271-5124 050 Musical beginners, students & pros ALL OCCASIONS There is a difference Call 908-264-8774 KINDNESS A KEYBOARDIST instruments v MUSIC DOG TRAINING ACADEMY Ed the ONE MAN BAND Reasonable 908-238-6596 AAA AAA ANTIQUES Professional Instruction Professional In-Homo Training 609-275-6881 • 908-745-5464 You name it, Til spin It! Used turn , estates contents 63 Milltown Rd E Brunswick HEBREW TUTOR No choke collars or restraints of homes,, etc 908-888-8377 PIANO TUNING 908-257-8637 Bar 6, Bat Mitzvah Prep Avail dog tattoo Identification Kelli Richman 908-536-2914 For free consultation call A STQRYTSME DJ'S WITH PIZZAZZ SERVICE DIRECTORY AAA ANTHONY S ANTIQUE Now Client Discount $25 off I 1-800-29/'-7080 Interactive show w/puppots Call 1-BO0 295-4fa26 PAYS TOP $$$$ for used fur- FULL SERVICE-9O8-39O-82O3 | MATH Tutor-college teacher songs & crafls 908-254-9389 DJ GOOD VIBRATIONS niture, glass art, toys, all col- All levels quality lessons New * Master Tuner-Est 1960 * SAT E B area 908-238-3042 KITTEN-Malo, black A-DJ GOOD TIMES Robusl personality any occas lectables, etc Love attics & :063a Softools Needs good home 5 Months Weddings, Birthdays, etc lon-roasonable 908-290-0060 Wa Air/Heat basements Estate contents old Call after 6pm 16 000Iil(os Ballroom to bought or auctions Est 19/9 062 Flea Market^ READING & MATH TUTOR 908 254-6094 Tecfino Fun Dancinq 908-264-3130 Baskm Robbms Levels K-9, SAT Prep Call 90S 406 0288 ERIC THE GREAT 908-739-9847 for Uncle Joe COMPUTER Lie Teacher 908-679-3616 And His Wondorful World Of LARMONIE SAVE THIS AD THE PET NANNY ABSOLUTE BLAST Heating & cooling SKILLS READING S MATH- Basic Quality pet sitting *MAGIC* YARD SALE AMERICA Skills Exp K-8 teacher Your In your homo Call Lynn at ALL CHARACTERS Humldlfiors 908-679TO5 ALL LIONEL TRAINS GIANT WAREHOUSE Individuals & Businesses home or mine 908 254-8567 308-230-0012 BALLOON SHOW & GAMES Any Occasion 908-536-6936 Or Flyer Top cash appraisal 32 Main St, Matawan FACE ART MAGIC & MORE Price no object 908-946-2893 Wed-Sun, 968-566-1178 Freehold Computer GENE MACHINE SAT B08-/23-0179 One Mnn Onnd - All Training Center Private sessions in your AN EXOTIC DANCER Occasions 90B-446-2B09 ANTIQUES home Expenenced staff di- Bachelor/Birthday parties & QUALITY COLLECTIBLES 1-800-342-1110 908-308-0222 rected by the College Board's All N J - 908-255-9080 ESTATES PURCHASED SAT Software author We use MAGIC AT ITS BEST DAVE'S CONSIGNMENTS WANTED only real tests Top scare Llvo Animals & More APPl IANCE SERVICE freehold Antique Gallery gains for 15 years Score At MISCELLANEOUS BELLY DANCER Biuce Biny 1-000 491-2729 J-lefriooratori. & All Major Appl Victoria Collins, Manager Use your VISA ihe Topi S00-877-8005 Call HELENA for a profes- MR MAGIC - FANTASTIC Ropnir/lnslalls 908-363-3356 INSTRUCTION SAT VERBAL. 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LET'S TALK 908-367-1125 ZOO tool Call 908-9,28-3597 Addition S"Sunrooin!.fGarHg0s 1 -900-378-2500 Slding'Windows'Basemont# s Ext 3893, $3 99 per minute L)ock3'Kitclien!> Bathroomo Portraits Must be 18 years Serv-U PRETTY PARTIES rroo est S Ins 908-?rj1-3G88 619-645-8434, Phoenix, A2 Create a LaMinq Memory Call 908-257-6327 The Perfect Gift CELEBRATION R S S DJ SCHVICE-$10/hr LEVEL BUILDERS ELECTROLYSIS ENTERTAINMENT • DJ FOR ANY OCCASION - Custom homos, Additions, Permenant Hair Removal for • Call Ruhboll 908 251-8913 • Renovations, Improvements, Created in Oils LOST & FOUND Men 8 Women DJ's Also Video Taping Repairs Ins 908-238-7708 Disposable Probs/Pnvate or Pastels Skilled Cert Prof Eloctrologist Joa Fortunate 908-721-0892 SINGING TELEGRAMS Suzenne Rlbustelli. CPE Custom Roasls - Funny/Swoot • Birthdays • Anniversaries 064 Cost;% Found Call 908-290-8406 Need help All occasions 908-972-3366 • All Special Occasions MASSAGE THERAPY writing your ad? 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Our Business I CENTRAL JERSEY TSLE ^09-1313 JUNK CaU Our CARS Seryice Advertisers Ceramic Tiles Busimss ALL FLOORS TILED A SPA AMERICAN SCHOOL BOUGHT TILE SAMPLES AVAILABLE OFrAPERHANGIHGAtlTS FULL WRITTEN GUARANTCC & SERVICE Get The Job Done. ON ALL W0m MARLBORO • Kitchens • Entrances » Foyers AUTO To Advertise, Call • Stores and Offices Tiled ADVERTISERS ErieR.Kaplowitz Shop at Home •HKR0FNB WRECKERS t-800-660-4"AD$ Res [9081577-1835 Comm «REFERENT AVULE «IHSURBP 908591-1400 2© SENTINEL DECEMBER 28 1995 NS Illiiiliilililll INFINITI G20 93 Burgundy SCREENPRINTIhSG w/otddle loothor interior I dr They didn't try and steer us T shirts, sweats jacket1; hul ABS sunroot lully loaded signs aecaK vinyl lettering 24 000 mileb I IKE NCW b DOLLY 908 294 8979 Asking $13 900 Call Lita 908 L. 11 9229 to a more expensive car NISSAN MAXIMA Sb 1)/ Runs great 5 -justd loaded unroof 137 000 miloi $3 500 or best offer Call Every Saturn we make comes with some eighty- ALEX SMUTKO after Spm 900 J^9 fa?55 NISbAN JI-NTRA (17 ROOFING SPORT COUPI- Rod to 000 three unexpected standard features like dual onq miles air ain/fm jtor< a SYNONYMOUS cassette c \r phono unroof airbags, dent-resistant bodyside panels and Taxes and inflation ire hutlinq C ir in oxt t ondition ., 1 ? JO both of ur I need you Call aOB hlb 2/')'i something called a powertrain control module, YOU WILL SAVE PONTIAC SUNBIRD '92 MONEY WITH ME Rod p/ p/b inti unit wij)or l/r bufVot oat i tutu which allows the engine and transmission to The toot of rooting, h ib hot ( thru the rool Be a 'milt ron *3) 000 mi oxt cond A KUKJ suniei ind >hop inund thin !>!J000 900 iU> 1792 eve talk to each other for optimum performance. So (..ill Smutko noofinn. Yonr POMTIAC SUNDIRO L[ 90 1 iftPr yeir proven to Ix onRod auto A/L ini/fm ( i top ol Iho loofinc; iiidu try Alum whtu I I ow miloatju every Saturn we make is an exceptional value in Mint LOIKI S'> 100 or tin t CRAZY LOW offer Lnll 9011 )ld 0990 its own light. Hey what do you suppose those FALL PRICES!! O (i LICA ni no Hind imlinci it it IK I C ill 4 cyl into [V (jood OOHMJIOti? 1)00 794 ROOI uncjiiio radio (f')00) & tin' two talk about anyway/ Hmm, we'll try and PIi AJL A&K ion Ait x fli od trin wnik l\n t offor ANYTIML ANYWIItHf Call 901)879 have the answer for you when you come in. THE ROOF DOCTOR °i dl*1 your loik*" when you ru od proK rtion iho mo t Hope to see Rool rep ur pi CI ill t AAA AHI I I' Til All / Oiy GUTTER CLEANING I rf o Roniov ll of lunk C u you soon. net obtimatpj I ully In^uiod $ for now/old 'OH 190 '>•» J1 SATLRM Lvin^ Munt 1 1100 )03 itt/J Al t UJNK ( AHS ft ]IHJ( k i CARLIN ROOFING Mfe ONinucnoN Rl Any r oudition l> iMi [i 'H vinyl ill it |) ur r ill 90(1 /»7 70 !') tsl BOO lr)R ' t H I P. H llOOHNd h HlJlNd ALL SCRAP CARS AND IFIULk I Al 101 Oil UNBEATABLE RATES SMAII ANYfONDMION Lxp ft In' 900 816 fi") II i, II AUK) WrO Kt II ) fa & n nooriNn a IDINI Windows Ciipcntry I ully In yon I91 o)w rm_r Ljunnto 0011 bit i ">i $ AUTO CASH BUYER $ lliqlu t I'fKO 'Kill ' >l J">V NEW 1996 SL-2 "CARS/TRUCKS" SLIPGOVLnS Til torn m idn FOR EXPORT Your fabric OUALIIYWORK 110 91 I'ayinq 1 000 ovor A DIFFERENT KIND of COMPANY. A DIFFERENT KIND of CAR. BIG SAVINGS 900^57 faUJU dual! r Hi mile OK I (,i » h I) ink p lyolf OK ( n h it TELEPHONE Installation your door ( nil 90H 4()' 'MU nap-in J u ki Wirinn 2b yr pxp w/NYNl X CASH FOR YOUR CAR Cill [ d 908 511) 21/V AR1YS AU1O SAII S I 1 t Hrun.WKk 9OH '••il h/00 $ CASH PAID $ mmm^msmmummmmsmmsmMmmsmAll iruiko. (4 models C \J\ on tho SPOT Call 90H Ml b!Mt> AFFORDABLE CASH PASD l SNOW PLOWING For |unk cars trucks, lor 4 cyl VIN P0260498 2 dr 4 cyl 5 spd p/s p/b no VIN PZ236968 4 Dr 4 cyl 5-apeed psA) pwr/w nds^ks/m rrs 2 dr 6 cyl auto p/s p/b a/c am/fm st/cass gauges a/c rr del am/fm stereo iini gla 11 cm so nl wprs i p oclom PLYMOUTH VOYAGER VAN buckets r/def am/fm cass 38 575 mi air am/lm st/cass buckets r/def tint 34 202 cruise Intermit wipore buckets r/del rec/soats p/w 86 Tully loaded with sun tach consoo dnver airtag cloth int bkl seals bl^kwalsall console p/d/l stylwh Vin 8NLI69673 42 690 miles season ad bited rad 36277 m blue/green Slk SB6M54A roof, 1 owner 67.000 miles BMW 3181 91 Red 4 door $$ Best offer 908 257 8235 "8,395 *8,495 $ 4 cyl 5 speed AM/FM tape & 10,795 -'10,995 CD loaded 72 000 miles $10 000 or best offer Call 1993 SATURN SL2 1994 SATURN SL2 1994 SATURN SC2 1994 SATURN SL1 908 295-7652 VIN PZ34244B 4 dr 4 cyl DOHC aulo air am/fm VIN RZ113383 4 Dr 4 cyl aulo ps/s/b pwr/wlnds VIN RZ358258 2 dr 4 cyl 5 spd p/s/b a/c am/lm st VIN RZ151141 4 dr 4 cyl auto p/s p/b a/c am/lm CHEVROLET Blazer S 10 92 cass lilt alloy wheels ASS r/drf 25 £00 mi a/c am/fm cass tint gls tilt cruise mi wprs trip cass gauges ml wprs buckets r/def rec/seals lira pn sl/cass p/mir cruise intermit wipers buckets r/def Red 4WD 2 door Tahoe odom tach dual airbags 47 520 ml strip 15 203 mi reo/seats p/w tint consolo p/d/l 12 513 miles Package all options ABS Your $ $ 56 000 miles 20 month $ 19 000 mile warranty 11,395 11,995 12,795 $13 500 orbestolfer Call 908 542 5538 Ad 1995 SATURN SL2 1995 JEEP CHEROKEE" 1994 GMC JIMMY SLT 1995 FORD BRONCO VIN SHI 36099 A Or 4 cyl 1U1O p &b pwrwindo VIN SL432052 4 dr 6 cyl auto p/s p/b a/c VIN R2517289 4 dr 4WD 6 cyl auto p/s VIN SLAO6619 2 dr 4 wd 8 cyl aulo p/s p/b pv k&nu raitunlo'hoocl/QQB lank a/c ir dul um/1m s ereo am/fm st/cass rt rack buckets r/def slyl wh n g nil ctuse Ini wp s gauges tnp odom tacn co see p/b ar am/fm sl/cass leather/ml p/ssats a/c am/fm sit/cass p/mlr cruise intermit wipers dual aiftngs sun rt 010 s&als Ep I seals olov wfis a 9 931 miles cruise rf rack nt wipers buckets r/dsf p/w buckets r/def p/w lint p/d/l alum wh 11443 Can •seasonslee b) racials ABS iraclcnircJ 6715 1 nl console p/d/l 29 998 miles miles FORD ESCORT $ ''17,995 WAGON 95 LIKE NEW 14,895 23i®95 Owner must sell $10 500 Be Prices include all costs to be paid by the consumer except for licensing, registration & taxes. Call 908 238 6671 FORD ESCORT GT 89 Black stick shift Low maintenance Great stereo Here! New tires $2 600 GREAT SATURN of BRUNSWICK GIFT Call 908 521 4057 GEO METRO 90 Mint in and out' A/C am/fm cassette 1500 Rt. 1 • North Brunswick • 908-418-1888 48 000 miles Must sell Celt SATLRN SALES: M-F...9-S SAT...9-6 SERVICE & PARTS: M-W. .8-7 THR & FRI...8-5 SAT...9-3 $3 200 Call 908 431 8406 HONDA ACCORD 87 Gold 4 Door Auto loaded 90 000 1-800-660-4ADS A DIFFERENT KIND of COMPANY. A DIFFERENT KIND of CAR. miles Asking $3 999 Good J condition 908 727 9296 NS SENTINEL DECEMBER 28 1995

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$16,795. Price irid, all coststo b e paid by a consume excqjt for lie. tnd. »4?5 baili (M( (325 r«. me. wp. & 1 it poyinjfi); 30 po/n-iwiri tc*d 18,9/0; costs, reg. Ices &taxes. No t reip. lor lypos. End a raitc purai. opiSon far irat, vdm. UtHM reip. for inanl,,,au:uj wear !> bar & ot end A/C, AM/FMSt Can. PS PB PW/I/M, STO25243; VIN M53292, MSRPS19.270. 36 mei closed endlease for lessees wbecl to ol KCMfor mileag e in excesi of) 2,000 m/yr at 15 ceflit/rn.Pficn Ind. (Jl willto b e pad up|iro»al bv piimary lender No ixiymrnl required al delivery 3(5 oaymenls total $9,268. End of lease purch. option $10,719. Uss«w rosp hwsfi tor tic. DMit,r^. fees & town. Uotreip.fof r/poi. (or'nminl., exaisi wrar 8,too; (ot - ™, fees alter 1 si y.M & at um/oflease for mileage in excess of 12.CXX) mi/yr al 1B cents/mi. Prices incl. all coststo h e paid by consume/ INCIUDING for lie, costs, reg. fee 8J^J^^P^j^i 28 SENTINEL, DECEMBER 28 1995

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