arXiv:gr-qc/0211014v1 5 Nov 2002 est steol ofral a—ntesneo the of sense symmetric solution. [15]—circularly the tensor flat—in Cotton the demonstrate energy conformally of constant we vanishing only with way, the solution the is fluid By density perfect the work. that this here in corrected is est;i hudb one u htteepeso of expression energy the that constant out for pointed solution their be single should it a density; equation this derived es- for and [14] equation, Zanelli hydrostatic Oppenheimer–Volkov and the equilibrium from Cruz arising hand, consequences some other tablished the On cosmological a are solutions. they determine the consequently to and to extend , solutions way whole these Hence no surface. is pressure zero there zero constant, for Ne- derived cosmological were equation. solutions Cornish’s polytropic [13] progress since Frankel a vertheless, obeying some and universes Cornish context, all achieved. this derived without previously In and been with has surfaces. fluids pressure perfect cosmologi- to zero with coupled constant cal symmetric circularly static 13, [12, others. fluids perfect among scalar— [11], 8], 14], cosmology 7, 10], 6, [9, 5, fields 4, dilaton [3, fields electromagnetic physically to of coupled instance: for study sources, the with has static and models interest search and the solutions the relevant now, in till exact focused of beginning been framework the the on In from literature vast. The solutions, extremely on. is so respect and topological this physics, gravity, hole solutions, to black exact coupled aspects, of fields search of the quantization the gravity: 2+1 in developed † ∗ lcrncades address: Electronic lcrncades address: Electronic nSc I yasrihfraditgaino h Ein- the of integration straightforward a by II, Sec. In h ups fti ae stedtriaino all of determination the is paper this of purpose The been has researches of number a decades two last the In g N tt bd pcs[,2,sai n ttoaymetrics stationary and static 2], [1, spaces –body mti opnn rsnsamsrn,which misprint, a presents component –metric l ttcCrual ymti efc li ouin of Solutions Fluid Perfect Symmetric Circularly Static All ASnmes 42.b 0440 established. 04.20.Jb, is numbers: gravities PACS 3+1 o and similarity full 2+1 A the of o metrics. density of uniqueness class energy the studied demonstrate the we d within by–product, fluid nonrelativistic a gases, As ideal arbit deriv radiation. diatomic explicitly general and are in monatomic equations remains ter, state which polytropic density, and energy derive linear are the solutions on 2+1 depend fluid perfect symmetric circularly i tagtowr nerto fteEnti equation Einstein the of integration straightforward a Via .INTRODUCTION I. eatmnod ´sc,Cnr eIvsiaio eEstu de Investigaci´on y de F´ısica, Centro de Departamento let .Garc´ıa A. Alberto po otl1-4,000MeioD,MEXICO M´exico DF, 07000 14-740, Postal Apdo. Dtd uut2,2018) 25, August (Dated: ∗ n uutmcCampuzano Cuauhtemoc and a osatculdt efc udslto ihvari- with solution fluid the density perfect a able for cosmologi- to a coupled solution with constant general metric cal 2+1 the symmetric derive circularly static we equations, stein ino tt fteform the of equa- state given a For of system. tion coordinate canonical a in times h efc ud21slto with solution 2+1 constant, fluid cosmological perfect the with solution 3+1 Schwarzschild energy decreasing conversely. monotonically and density, a possesses fluid stable ρ o ntne o oiiepressure positive for established, instance, are solutions for studied the of properties certain xmls h ucsso ud byn h ierlaw linear the p obeying fluids of concrete p as subcases derived; the are solutions examples, fluid perfect of families iseneutos nsc aeteenergy–momentum hold. the corresponding trivially case the equations the such conservation directly On in solve results. equations; desired to Einstein the prefer obtain to we has clue contrary, a equation, as Oppenheimer–Volkov con- used energy–momentum been the the 14], i.e., 13, gravity,servation, [12, (2+1) in instance solutions for fluid see perfect of search the with ino h neirShazcidwith Schwarzschild interior reduc- A dimensional the a of spacetimes. Via 2+1 tion presented. and is 3+1 table and these comparison functions repre- of adequate structural quantities an corresponding related for the search we of mind, sentation in aim this With efc ud21slto ihconstant with solution 2+1 fluid perfect byn tt equation state a obeying , = = e.IIi eoe orpeetalti ls fspace- of class this all represent to devoted is III Sec. nSc ,t aiiaetecmaio fteinterior the of comparison the facilitate to V, Sec. In nSc V rmteOpnemrVlo equation Oppenheimer–Volkov the from IV, Sec. In h ieeeeto ttccrual ymti 2+1 symmetric circularly static of element line The dealing publications the of most in know, we as far As ial,w n ihsm ocuigremarks. concluding some with end we Finally, .Enti qain o + ttccircularly static 2+1 for equations Einstein A. ρ C d hydsrb,aogohr,si mat- stiff others, among describe, they ed; ρ γ h efc udsltoswt constant with solutions fluid perfect the f .Tesrcua ucin ftemetric the of functions structural The d. gnrt emos noeetadpure and incoherent fermions, egenerate γ n hs ud ujce oapltoi law polytropic a to subjected fluids those and , ihcsooia osat l static all constant, cosmological with s ndtisaederived. are details in h osateeg est perfect density energy constant the f ay pctmsfrflisfulfilling fluids for Spacetimes rary. ymti efc udmetric fluid perfect symmetric ρ n pressure and isAazdsdlIPN del Avanzados dios † p p p . + Gravity 2+1 = = p p ( p ( ρ ρ ρ ,cranparticular certain ), n oiiedensity positive and ,amicroscopically a ), const = ρ λ sobtained. is ouin the solution, . sderived. is 2 spacetimes, in coordinates {t,r,θ}, is given by therefore r r dr2 r r ds2 = −N(r)2dt2 + + r2dθ2. (1) N(r)= n1 dr ≡ n0 + n1 dr. (7) G(r)2 Z0 G(r) Z G(r) Note that we are using units such that the velocity of The evaluation of the pressure p(r) yields light c = 1. 1 The Einstein equations with cosmological constant for a κp (r)= [n G(r)+ λN(r)] . (8) N(r) 1 perfect fluid energy–momentum tensor Tab: 1 The metric (1), with G(r) from Eq. (5), and N(r) from Gab = Rab − gabR = κTab − λgab, Eq. (7), determines the general static circularly symmet- 2 ric 2+1 solution of the Einstein equations (3) with λ, T = (p + ρ)u u + pg , u = −Nδt , ab a b ab a a positive or negative, for a perfect fluid, characterized by R = 2κρ − 4κp +6λ, (2) a pressure given by Eq. (8), and an arbitrary density ρ(r). for the metric (1) explicitly amount to The fluid–velocity is aligned along the time–like Killing direction ∂t. In the derivation of the obtained solutions N 2 dG2 no positivity conditions were imposed, thus these fluids G = − = N 2(κρ + λ), tt 2r dr allow for negative p and ρ. Nevertheless, to deal with re- 1 dN 1 alistic matter distributions one has to impose positivity G = = (κp − λ), rr rN dr G2 conditions on the density, ρ> 0, and the pressure, p> 0, r2 d2N 1 dN dG2 requiring additionally ρ>p. G = G2 + For a finite distributed fluid, the pressure p becomes θθ N dr2 2 dr dr   zero at the boundary, say r = a; this value of the radial = r2(κp − λ). (3) coordinate r is determined as solution of the equation p(r) = 0. Notice that the combination of the Einstein equations For non–vanishing cosmological constant, assuming r2 G2G − G = 0, for N(r) 6= const., gives rise to an rr θθ that the values of the structural functions at the bound- important equation: ary r = a are N(a) and G(a), the vanishing at r = a d2N dN dG G of the pressure p(r), given by Eq. (8), requires n = G + − =0, 1 dr2 dr  dr r  −λN(a)/G(a), hence d G dN λ −→ =0, (4) κp (r)= [N(r) G(a) − N(a) G(r)] . (9) dr  r dr  N(r) G(a) which will be extensively used throughout this paper. If one is interested in matching the obtained perfect fluid metric with a vacuum metric with cosmological constant λ, the plausible choice at hand is the anti- de II. 2+1 SOLUTION WITH Sitter metric, with λ = −1/l2, see Sec. IV, for which VARIABLE ρ(r) 2 2 G(a)= N(a)= −M∞ + a /l at the boundary r = a . Incidentally, forp a non–zero cosmological constant, there In this section, we derive the most general static circu- is no room for dust. The zero character of the pressure larly symmetric solution via a straightforward integration yields the vanishing of the density, and consequently the of the Einstein equations with λ for a perfect fluid. It is metric describes the (anti)–de Sitter spacetime. easy to establish that the structural functions G(r) and For vanishing cosmological constant, the expression of N(r) can be integrated in quadratures. the pressure (8) is Integrating the Gtt–Eq. (3), one arrives at r r G(r) κp (r)= n1 , (10) G(r)2 = −λr2−2κ rρ(r)dr ≡ C−λr2−2κ rρ(r)dr, N(r) Z0 Z (5) from which it becomes apparent that the corresponding where C is an integration constant in which we have in- solution represents a cosmological spacetime; there is no corporated the constant value of the integral at the lower surface of vanishing pressure. integration limit r = 0, thus the remaining integral de- For vanishing λ and zero pressure, the situation slightly pends on the upper integration limit r; we use the r– changes: the function N becomes a constant, and the notation for the upper integration limit as well as to de- corresponding metric can be written as note the integration variable. This convention will be 2 2 2 dr 2 2 used hereafter. From the second relation of Eq. (4), one ds = −dt + r + r dθ , (11) obtains C − 2κ rρ (r)dr R dN r for any density function ρ. Of course, the choice of ρ is = n , (6) dr 1 G(r) restricted by physically reasonable matter distributions. 3

III. CANONICAL COORDINATE SYSTEM arbitrary one. There are only two equations governing {t,N,θ} the problem namely: d2H In this section we show that an alternative formulation Gtt : = −2λ − 2κρ (N) (19) dN 2 of our general solution can be achieved in coordinates dH {t,N,θ}. Indeed, from Eq. (6) for the derivative of the GNN : = −2λN +2κNp (N). (20) function N, in which we are including–without any loss dN of generality– the constant n1, (N/n1 −→ N,n1 t −→ t), It is well known that the vanishing of the Cotton tensor one obtains in three dimensions determines locally the class of con- formally flat spaces, in the same fashion as the vanishing dN dr = , (12) of the Weyl tensor singles out conformally flat spaces in r G(r) higher dimensions. The evaluation of the Cotton tensor 1 hence C := −L ,L := R − g R , (21) µνσ µ[ν;σ] µν;σ µν;σ 4 µν ;σ N 2 yields only two independent non–vanishing components r = C0 + 2 G dN. (13) Z 1 2 dρ CttN = − κN , To derive G as a function of the new variable N, one uses 4 dN 1 dρ the Gtt—Eq. (3) in the form of C = − κg . (22) φφN 4 φφ dN G dG = −(κρ + λ)r dr = −(κρ + λ)GdN, (14) Therefore, from the above relations, we conclude that the perfect fluid solution with ρ = const. for static cir- therefore, one gets cularly symmetric spacetimes is unique. This result can be stated as a theorem: The perfect fluid solution with N constant ρ is the only conformally flat static circularly G(N)= C1 − λN − κ ρ (N) dN. (15) Z symmetric spacetime for a perfect fluid source with or without cosmological constant. It is noteworthy the sim- Substituting this function G into the expression (13) for ilarity of this theorem with the corresponding one formu- r, one has lated for the interior , see [16, 17]. We shall return to this spacetime in Sec.V. 2 2 H(N) := r = C0 + 2 C1 N − λN N N − 2 κ ρ (N) dNdN. (16) A. 2+1 perfect fluid solutions for a linear law Z Z p = γ ρ

Finally, our metric in the new coordinates {t,N,θ} Although in the previous section we provided the gen- amounts to eral solution to the posed question of finding all solutions dN 2 for circularly symmetric static metric in 2+1 gravity cou- ds2 = −N 2dt2 + + H(N) dθ2, (17) pled to perfect fluid in the presence of the cosmological H(N) constant, from the physical point of view, even in this lower dimensional spacetime, it is of interest to analyze which is characterized by pressure certain specific cases, for instance, the solution corre- sponding to a fluid obeying the law p = γρ, or the more C 1 1 N p (N)= 1 − ρ (N) dN, (18) complicated case of a polytropic law p = Cργ. κ N N Z The starting point in the present study is the linear relation between pressure and energy density and an arbitrary energy density ρ(N) depending on the variable N; for physically conceivable solutions, both p (N)= γρ (N). (23) functions p and ρ have to be positive. Substituting p(N) from Eq. (18) into this relation, one The metric (17) together with the function H from (16) gets give an alternative representation of our general solution. This representation will be used to derive particular so- C N 1 − ρ (N) dN = γNρ (N). (24) lutions for a given state equation of the form p = p (ρ). κ Z In this approach the expression of the pressure (18) plays a central role. Differentiating this equation with respect to the variable For completeness and checking purposes we include the N, one obtains Einstein equations for perfect fluid and cosmological con- d 1 (Nρ)+ (Nρ)=0, (25) stant for metric (17), considering the function H as an dN γN 4 which has as general integral Using again the expression of p (N) from Eq. (18), the above polytropic relation can be written as γ − 1 − γ+1 ρ(N)= C N γ , (26) 2 γ2 C N 1 − ρ(N) dN = CNργ (N). (32) where C2 is an integration constant. Since we arrived κ Z at ρ(N), Eq. (26), through differentiation, then one has Differentiating with respect to N, one obtains to replace the obtained result into the relation (24), or equivalently into Eq. (23), to see if there arises any con- d − ρ = C (Nργ ), (33) straint from it: dN C1 1 p (N)= + γ ρ (N)= γ ρ (N) −→ C1 =0, (27) κ N which, by introducing the auxiliary function Z = N 1/γ ρ, can be written as In such manner, we have established that the constant C vanishes. Replacing the function ρ(N) from Eq. (26) 1 1 into the expression of H(N), Eq. (16), and accomplishing d(Zγ−1)+ d(N (γ−1)/γ)=0, (34) the integration one arrives at C

2 (γ−1)/γ 2 H(N)= C0 − λN +2κ C2N = r . (28) therefore

Thus, the metric for a perfect fluid fulfilling a linear 1 state equation in coordinates {t,N,θ} is given by d ργ−1 + N (γ−1)/γ =0. (35)  C  

2 2 2 2 dN Consequently, the general integral of the studied equation ds = − N dt + 2 (γ−1)/γ C0 − λN +2κ C2N becomes 2 (γ−1)/γ 2 + (C0 − λN +2κ C2N )dθ . (29) 1 −1 −1 −1 γ−1 γ−1 To express this solution in terms of the radial variable ρ = C γ N γ B − C γ N γ , (36) r, one has to be able to solve the algebraic equation h i Eq. (28), in general a transcendent one, for N = N(r). where B is an integration constant. Entering this ρ into The evaluation of the Cotton tensor leads to two inde- pendent non–vanishing components: the equation (31), taking into account that the integral of the density ρ amounts to 2 κ (γ − 1) 1 − γ CttN = C2 3 N , N N γ 4 γ −1 γ−1 γ−1 γ γ 2 ρ (N) dN = − d B − C N , (37) κ (γ − 1) − 2γ+1 Z Z C = C N γ g . (30) h i φφN 2 4 γ3 φφ one arrives at Some examples of physical interest are described by the treated state equation, for instance: dust, γ = 0, stiff n1 C1 γ γ matter, γ = 1, pure radiation, γ = 1/2, and incoherent p (N)= + Cρ = Cρ −→ C1 =0. (38) radiation, γ = 1/3. Details the reader may encounter κ N in [18]. Considering that the first integral of ρ is given by (37), the expression of the structural function H(N) becomes B. 2+1 perfect fluid solutions for a polytropic law p = Cργ γ N − −1 2 1 γ γ−1 2 H = C0 − λN +2 κ B − C γ N γ dN = r . This subsection is devoted to the derivation of all so- Z h i lutions obeying the polytropic law (39) Notice that the mentioned integral can be expressed in p = Cργ. (31) terms of hypergeometric functions, hence

γ γ γ H(N)= C − λN 2 +2 κBγ/(γ−1) N F [ , − ], [ + 1],N (γ−1)/γC−1/γ B−1 . (40) 0  γ − 1 γ − 1 γ − 1  5

Summarizing, in the case of a polytropic equation of be non–positive, consequently the cosmological constant state, the general solution is given by the metric (17) with ought to be negative, λ = −1/l2 < 0. We shall continue H(N) from (39), and is characterized by energy density to use λ instead of −1/l2, keeping in mind that λ is a and pressure of the form: negative constant.

γ The definition of the mass contained in the circle of 1 −1 γ−1 γ−1 p = B − C γ N γ , radius a is given by N h i 1 a −1 −1 −1 γ−1 γ−1 ρ = C γ N γ B − C γ N γ . (41) M := 2π ρ(r) r dr, (46) h i Z0 Incidentally, for zero λ, the derivation and study of and since the metric components g = 1/G(r)2 has to static circularly symmetric cosmological spacetimes, cou- rr be positive in the domain of definition of the solution, pled to perfect fluids fulfilling the polytropic law was then there exists an upper limit for the mass, namely accomplished in [13], where also have been discussed Robertson—Walker cosmologies. π M ≤ (C − λa2). (47) The non—vanishing independent components of the κ Cotton tensor (21) are Assuming that a state equation p = p(ρ) holds, the 2 γ 1 d −1 γ−1 γ−1 2 γ γ matter content is said to be microscopically stable if CttN = κN 2 C1 − C N , 4 dN h i dp/dρ ≥ 0. Since Eq. (44) can be written as 2 γ 1 d −1 γ−1 γ−1 CφφN = κgφφ C1 − C γ N γ . (42) dp r dρ 4 dN 2 = − (κp − λ)(ρ + p)/ , (48) h i dρ G2 dr These polytropic fluids contain, amongst others, cer- tain physically relevant samples: nonrelativistic degen- one concludes that for a microscopically stable fluid with erate fermions, γ = 2, nonrelativistic matter, γ = 3/2, positive pressure p and positive density ρ, this density monatomic and diatomic gases, γ = 7/5 and γ = 5/3 occurs to be monotonically decreasing dρ/dr < 0. More- respectively. over, the physical requirement that the sound speed is less than the velocity of light imposes an upper limit on dp/dρ ≤ 1. IV. OPPENHEIMER–VOLKOV EQUATION For our general solution in coordinates {t,N,θ}, me- tric (17), from the expression (18) for the pressure, one Although when Einstein equations have been fulfilled, establishes the energy-momentum conservation law trivially holds, it dp 1 dρ is of interest to establish certain properties arising from = − (ρ + p)/ , (49) the Oppenheimer–Volkov equation, see for instance [14] dρ N dN in 2+1 gravity. An alternative derivation of this equation therefore the density is monotonically decreasing consists in differentiating with respect to r the Einstein dρ/dN < 0 if the matter is microscopically stable G –Eq. (3), this yields rr dp/dρ ≥ 0, and conversely. dp 1 dN dG2 G2 Moreover, our fluids, fulfilling the state equation p = κ = − dr rN dr  dr r  γρ, γ > 0, as well as those ones obeying the polytropic law p = Cργ , C > 0,γ > 0, are microscopically stable G2 d2N 1 dN + − ( )2 . (43) fluids. rN  dr2 N dr 

2 2 Substituting the second derivative d N/dr from Eq. (4), V. 2+1 PERFECT FLUID SOLUTION WITH and the first derivative dN/dr from the Grr–equation CONSTANT ρ into Eq. (43), one arrives at the Oppenheimer–Volkov equation: As we demonstrated in Sec. II, for constant ρ the Co- dp r tton tensor vanishes, and consequently the corresponding = − (κp − λ)(ρ + p). (44) dr G2 conformally flat space occurs to be unique. In this section it is shown that one can achieve a full At the circle r = a of vanishing pressure p(a) = 0, the correspondence of the metrics and structural functions pressure gradient amounts to for constant energy density perfect fluids in 2+1 and 3+1 dp λa gravities. By an appropriate choice of the constant densi- | = ρ(a). (45) dr r=a G(a)2 ties and cosmological constants, via a dimensional reduc- tion (freezing of one of the spatial coordinates of the 3+1 Since inside the circle the pressure is positive, p(r spacetime), one obtains the 2+1 metric structure from 0, hence at the circle r = a the pressure gradient has to the 3+1 solution. To achieve the mentioned purpose, the 6 conformally flat static spherically symmetric perfect fluid Summarizing, the studied perfect fluid for the met- 3+1 solution with cosmological constant is presented in ric (1) is determined by structural functions G(r) from a form which allows a comparison with the static circu- Eq. (53), and N(r) from Eq. (57), and characterized by larly symmetric perfect fluid with λ–term and constant a density ρ = const., and pressure p given by Eq. (58). 2 ρ of the 2+1 gravity. The gtt = −N metric component, with N from (57), In the canonical coordinate system {t,N,θ}, for ρ = corrects the corresponding one, reported in [14]. const., the metric, the expression of the function H, which on its turn establishes the relation to the radial coordinate r, and the pressure are given by: A. 3+1 conformally flat static spherically symmetric perfect fluid solution dN 2 ds2 = −N 2dt2 + + Hdθ2, (50) H In this subsection we review the main structure of the 2 2 H = C0 +2C1N − (λ + κρ0)N = r , (51) interior perfect fluid solution in the presence of the cos- C 1 mological constant λ–the interior Schwarzschild metric p = −ρ + 1 . (52) 0 κ N with λ–for the 3 + 1 static spherically symmetric metric of the form This unfamiliar looking solution can be given in terms of dr2 the radial variable r by expressing N as function of r, ds2 = −N(r)2dt2 + + r2 dθ2 + sin2θdφ2 . (59) G(r)2 N = N(r).  Having in mind the comparison of the 2+1 constant ρ perfect fluid with its 3+1 relative–the Schwarszchild in- The Einstein equations for a perfect fluid energy– terior solution– we shall derive it from the very beginning momentum tensor in four dimensions have the same form by integrating the Einstein equations (3) in coordinates of the ones in three dimensions (2), except for modi- {t,r,θ}. fications due to the change of dimensionality, namely, For ρ = const., the integral of (5) gives the expression of R now amounts to R = −κT +4λ = κρ − 3κp +4λ. Because the corresponding equations can G(r)= C − (κρ + λ)r2. (53) be found in text–books, we do not exhibit them here ex- plicitly; we include them for reference in the Appendix. p Substituting G(r) from (53) into (7), one obtains Since we are interested in conformally flat solutions, we require the vanishing of the conformal Weyl tensor, n N(r)= n − 1 G(r), (54) which for static spherically symmetric spacetime leads to 0 λ + κρ the following equation which can be written as N(r)= C + C G(r). d G2 − 1 1 2 =0 −→ G(r)= 1+ c r2. (60) The evaluation of pressure p(r) from Eq. (3) yields 2 0 dr  r  p 1 κp(r)= [n κρ G(r)+ n λ(κρ + λ)] , On the other hand, from the Gtt–Eq., one arrives at (κρ + λ)N(r) 1 0 (55) 1 G(r)= 1 − (κρ + λ)r2, (61) this pressure has to vanish at the boundary r = a, r 3 which imposes a relation on the constants: n0 = −n1 κρG(a)/[λ(κρ + λ)], where G(a) is the value of the therefore, comparing with Eq. (60), one has c0 = −(κρ + function G(r) at the boundary, i.e., G(a) is equal to the λ)/3, −→ ρ = const. Hence, the solution constructed un- external value for the G(r) corresponding to the vacuum der this condition would correspond to a perfect fluid solution plus λ. A similar comment applies to N(a). Re- with ρ = const., named incompressible fluid by Adler et al. placing n0 in Eq. (54), the function N(r) becomes [19]. 2 2 Moreover, from the Eq. (r G Grr −Gθθ) = 0, taking into n N(r)= − 1 [κρG(a)+ λG(r)] . (56) account the form of the function G from (61), the general λ(κρ + λ) expression of N(r) is

Evaluating N(r) at r = a, one comes to n1 = N(r)= C1 + C2G(r). (62) −λN(a)/G(a). Consequently, N(r) amounts to The evaluation of the pressure p, from Grr–Eq., yields N(a) N(r)= [κρ G(a)+ λ G(r)] . (57) 1 G(a)(κρ + λ) κp (r)= [C (2λ − κρ) − 3C κ ρ G(r))] . (63) 3N(r) 1 2 Substituting n0, n1, and N(r) into (55), one gets where G(r) and N(r) are determined in (61), and (62) G(a) − G(r) respectively. p(r)= ρ λ . (58) κρG(a)+ λG(r) This result can be stated in the form of a generalization 7 of the G¨urses and G¨ursey theorem [20] to the case of non– For the external Schwarzschild with λ solution, known zero λ: the only conformally flat spherically symmetric also the Kottler solution [21], the functions N(r) and static solution to the Einstein equations with cosmolog- G(r) are equal one to another, N(r)= G(r), namely ical constant for a perfect fluid is given by the metric (59) with structural functions G(r) and N(r) defined re- 2m λ spectively by (61) and (62). Moreover, replacing in the N(r)= G(r)= 1 − − r2, for r ≥ a. (67) metric (59) sin2θ by sinh2θ, and θ2, one obtains corre- r r 3 spondingly the pseudospherical and flat branches of so- lutions. Evaluating the mass contained in the sphere of radius The constants C1 and C2 are determined through the a for a constant density ρ, one obtains 2m = κρa3/3, values of structural functions at the boundary r = a, therefore where the pressure vanishes, p(r = a) = 0, they occur to be: 3 κρ a λ 2 G(a) N(a) 2λ − κρ N(r)= G(r)= r1 − − r , for r ≥ a, (68) C =3 C κρ , C = , (64) 3 r 3 1 2 2λ − κρ 2 2G(a) λ + κρ consequently at r = a, one has where G(a) is the value of the function G(r) at the bound- ary r = a, i.e., G(a) is equal to the external value of G(r) corresponding to the vacuum plus λ solution. A similar κρ + λ N(a)= G(a)= 1 − a2. (69) comment applies to N(a). We shall return to this point r 3 at the end of this subsection. Substituting the expressions of C1 and C2 into In the limit of vanishing cosmological constant, λ = 0, Eq. (62), one has one arrives at the interior Schwarzschild solution. N(a) N(r)= [3κρG(a)+(2λ − κρ)G(r)] . 2G(a)(κρ + λ) (65) Replacing C1, C2 and the above expression of N(r) into B. Comparison table (63), one gets

G(a) − G(r) A comparison table of perfect fluid solutions with con- p (r)= ρ(2λ − κρ) . (66) stant ρ in 2+1 and 3+1 gravities is given as: 3κρG(a)+(2λ − κρ)G(r)

Perfect fluid solutions with constant energy density

3+1 − solution 2+1 − solution 2 2 2 dr2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 dr2 2 2 ds = −N dt + G2 + r (dθ + sin θdφ ) ds = −N dt + G2 + r dφ 2 1 2 2 2 G =1 − 3 (κρ + λ)r G = C − (κρ + λ)r 1 N(a) 1 N(a) N = 2(κρ+λ) G(a) [3κρG(a)+(2λ − κρ)G(r)] N = (κρ+λ) G(a) [κρG(a)+ λG(r)] G(a)−G(r) G(a)−G(r) p(r)= ρ(2λ − κρ) 3κρG(a)+(2λ−κρ)G(r) p(r)= ρλ κρG(a)+λG(r) Kottler : anti–de Sitter: λ = −1/l2 2 2m 1 2 2 2 G(a) =1 − r − 3 λr ; G(a) = −M∞ − λa ; 3 2 2m = κρa /3 C = κρa − M∞ > 0 N(a)= G(a) N(a)= G(a)

2λ4 − κ4ρ4 → 6λ3,κ4ρ4 → 2κ3ρ3 G4(r) → G3(r),N4(r) → N3(r),κ4p4(r) → 2κ3p3(r)

Comparing the structure corresponding to perfect fluid κ4p4(r) → 2κ3p3(r). Remembering that in 2+1 grav- solutions with constant ρ in 3+1 gravity with the struc- ity there is no Newtonian limit, the choice of κ3 is free, ture of the 2+1 perfect fluid solution one arrives at the thus by selecting κ3 appropriately one can achieve that following correspondence : 2λ4 − κ4ρ4 → 6λ3, 3κ4ρ4 → p4(r) → p3(r) and ρ4 → ρ3. 6κ3ρ3, which yields G4(r) → G3(r),N4(r) → N3(r), 8

From this comparison table one easily conclude that only conformally flat space—its Cotton tensor vanishes— the 2+1 perfect fluid with constant ρ can be derived from sharing the conformally flatness property with its 3+1 the Schwarzschild interior metric by a simple dimensional counterpart–the Schwarzschild interior perfect fluid solu- reduction: freezing one of the spatial coordinates, say θ = tion with λ; a comparison table for these solutions with π/2, in the 3+1 solution one obtains the corresponding constant energy density is included. 2+1 spacetime. Since we accomplished a scaling transformation of the r-coordinate, accompanied with the inverse scaling of the Acknowledgments angular coordinate φ, one may argue that a conical sin- gularity could arise; one may overcome this trouble by saying that the angular coordinate should be fixed once This work was partially supported by the CONA- one brings the 2+1 metric to the canonical form with CyT Grant 38495E and the Sistema Nacional de Investi- 2 G3(r)= 1 − (κρ + λ)r . gadores (SNI). p

VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS APPENDIX A: 3+1 EINSTEIN EQUATIONS WITH λ FOR PERFECT FLUID In this contribution we have derived all perfect fluid so- lutions for the static circularly symmetric spacetime. The The Einstein equations with cosmological constant for general solution is presented in the standard coordinate perfect fluids for the metric (59) explicitly amount to system {t,r,θ}, and alternatively, in a system–the canon- ical one– with coordinates {t,N,θ}. From the physical N 2 dG2 point of view, particularly interesting are those fluids ful- 2 2 Gtt = − 2 r + G − 1 = N (κρ + λ), filling the linear equation of state, p = γρ, as well as those r  dr  ones subjected to the polytropic law p = Cργ ; both fami- 1 dN 1 G = 2rG2 − N + NG2 = (κp − λ), lies are derived in details from our general metric referred rr G2Nr2  dr  G2 to the coordinate system {t,N,θ}. Therefore, the derived 2 2 2 r 2 dN 1 dG 2 d N r dN dG solutions describe, among others, stiff matter, pure ra- Gθθ = G + N + rG + N  dr 2 dr dr2 2 dr dr  diation, incoherent radiation, nonrelativistic degenerate = r2(κp − Λ), fermions, etc. The constant energy density perfect fluid 2 solution with cosmological constant of the 2+1 gravity is Gφφ = sin θ Gθθ. (A1) singled out among all static circularly spacetimes as the

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