Temple Sholom he in Broomall T MARCH 2013 ADAR/NISSAN 5773 T e m p l e T i d i n g s


On Friday night (March 15), there will be a Potluck at 6:30 PM (reservations are requested), followed by Shabbat Services at 8:00 PM. Danny will talk that night on "There's No Such Thing As a Small Mitzvah: More than 36 (2 x Chai) Easy Ways to Make a BIG Difference With Just a Little Money and/or a Minimum of Time, Effort, Stamina, Talents and Personal Strengths and Preferences."

On Saturday afternoon (March 16), there will be a study session at 3:30 PM, entitled "Jewish Values for Ourselves, Our Families, and Our Communities: Interactive study of Jewish texts not often Trivia Night Team Winners. Thank you to everyone discussed." who helped make this evening such a success!

It will be followed at 5:00 PM by Havdalah and a Reception of light hors d'oeuvres. WHAT’S INSIDE On Sunday morning (March 17), Danny will present 2 Rabbi’s Message 12 March B’nai Mitzvah to the Religious School joint session (grades 3 Scholar-in-Residence Trivia Night Recap through 6) a talk on: "Making the World a Better RSVP form 13 Religious School News 3 Cantor’s Message 14 Book Fair Update Place" at 9:30 AM. Tanakh Study Sisterhood Walks for MS JLL: Our Prayerbooks 15 Preschool News At 10:00 AM, the Brotherhood Brunch will begin, 4 Office News Kids Concert and at 11:00 AM, Danny will talk to the brunch Preferred Vendor List 16 Sisterhood Scholarships 5 March Oneg Sponsors 17 Hospice crowd on "Everyday Miracles." Mazel Tovs Sisterhood Book Club Tzedakah Opportunity 18 Hilltoppers The Sunday Brunch will have a fee ($12 in advance, 6 Message from the Board Lobby Café $15 at the door), or its cost is included if someone Interfaith Couples Social Sisterhood Shabbat makes a donation in honor of the Scholar ($50 for Gathering 19 Women’s Spirituality 7 Bereavement Group 20 Happiness & Memorial one ticket, $100 for two, with any amount Conversations with Men Cards appreciated). The Saturday program is free. Top Chef Shelter Contest ToaSTY’s Tidings Contributions to the Potluck dinner and/or the Mitzvah Core JNF Trees & Water reception on Saturday are always appreciated. 8 B’nai Brith Scholar-Athlete 21 TS Staff and Board Award Passover Means Freedom Mitzvah Meals Brotherhood Invitation Please Support our Scholar-In-Residence Program Jewish Meditation 22 Gift Garden by making a donation to this wonderful annual Cantor’s Concert 23 Tzedakah event. 9 Sisterhood 24 Temple Funds 10 Tambourine Event 25 March Yahrzeits 11 Second Night Seder Flyer Recent Deaths See page 2 for reservation form. 27 March Calendar

March 2013 1 Temple Tidings

FROM THE DESK OF RABBI RIGLER This year at Temple Sholom we and asked friends and relatives for a dollar or two to have seen an incredible growth in give away to tzedakah upon his arrival in the Holy the mitzvah work that we are doing! Land. I am so grateful that so many of you were willing to sign up to make Once in Israel, Danny went in search of Mitzvah Joel Perlish Photography a difference this year. We have Heroes, those Good People, ordinary Israelis who hosted dinners, offered financial were doing extra-ordinary work, by simply trying to contributions, helped our own members, provided make the world a better place. Within a short time, he Shiva minyanim and much more. In connection with learned of the efforts of such greats as Hadassah our push for more mitzvah work, the Scholar-in- Levi, who made her life's work the rescue of Residence Committee invited Danny Siegel, well- abandoned babies with Down Syndrome from known author, lecturer and poet who has spoken in hospitals; Myriam Mendilow, who found 's more than 500 North American Jewish communities poor, elderly residents on the streets of the city and about tzedakah and Jewish values to be our Scholar- gave them respect and new purpose in her program, in-Residence this year. Yad Lakashish (Lifeline for the Old); or Uri Lupolianski, a young teacher who started Israel's now Many years ago, I remember sitting in a small famous lending program, Yad Sarah, in his living classroom waiting for a speaker. We had been room. (Uri eventually became the mayor of traveling for weeks on end and now finally found Jerusalem). ourselves in a well air-conditioned quiet space. I was sure I would end up asleep for the lecture. Instead, I Returning from each trip, Danny wrote a one-page was inspired and transformed. Danny taught me so report to all of his donors in which he described all of much about what doing mitzvot and living a life of the places that he had distributed their tzedakah mitzvot means. He has helped connect the Jewish money. community with Mitzvah Heroes and found ways of giving and changing the world. His books and work have had a deeper impact on the Liberal Jewish community. We have the chance to As one example of his work, he founded the Ziv learn from and with him. Don’t Miss it!! Tzedakah Fund in 1981 after making several trips to Israel carrying money to be distributed to those in ~ Rabbi Peter Rigler need. Jewish tradition teaches that anyone on a mission of good deeds will be saved from harm, and so, on each trip, Danny followed this age-old custom

Scholar-in-Residence Reservation Form Number attending Sunday brunch:

DANNY SIEGEL’S EVERYDAY MIRACLES $12 per person with reservation; $15 at the door. March 15 - 17, 2013 Brotherhood members free with reservation.

Name: Return by Friday, March 8

Phone:/email: Please make checks payable to: Temple Sholom in Broomall

Scholar in Residence Number attending Friday potluck: 55 North Church Lane, Broomall, PA 19008

We will bring (vegetarian, dairy, fish): I want to help with the Saturday reception. Sign-ups

to follow via email. For information, contact Jen Isayev Casserole Salad at 484-557-9930 or [email protected]. Fish Vegetable

Pasta/grain Other I want to support S-I-R with a contribution $ Potatoes Please no meat or nuts


CANTOR SHAPIRO’S MESSAGE Zachor. Remember. Nisan. This year, that day falls on the evening of April 7 on our secular calendar. In 1951, the Israeli Sometimes it seems like remembering Knesset declared that the 27th day of Nisan is to be is at the heart of what it means to be Yom Hashoah, a day of commemoration of the six Jewish. On Friday evenings, during million Jews who perished and for those who showed Kabballat Shabbat (the welcoming of resistance and heroism during the Holocaust. It was the Sabbath) we sing the words of L’cha Dodi, a originally proposed to be on the 15th of Nisan, the mystical poem, written by Shlomo Alkabetz, a rabbi anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising (April 19, who lived in 16th century Tz’fat. L’cha Dodi enjoins us 1943), but this was objected to as being the first day to “keep and remember” (shamor v’zachor). This is a of Passover. Instead, the 27th was chosen, being reference to a Talmudic explanation of a discrepancy eight days before Yom Ha'atzma'ut, or Israeli in the Torah! There are two versions of the fourth Independence Day. commandment. In Exodus 20:8, the text reads, “Remember the Sabbath day,” and in Deuteronomy In Israel, every year, since 1989, the Knesset (in 5:12, “Keep the Sabbath day.” According to the cooperation with "Yad Vashem") performs the , (Shebuoth 20b) both words were ceremony of "Everyone Has a Name" in which the simultaneously uttered by God. In so “resolving” the names of all of the Holocaust victims are read out discrepancy, the Rabbis of the Talmud made a loud. At 10 AM on Yom HaShoah, air-raid sirens judgment that remembering and observing were of sound for two minutes throughout Israel. Public equal importance. transport (including virtually all highway vehicles) comes to a standstill for this period, and people stop During the Days of Awe, we utter the prayer, and stand silent. During Yom HaShoah, public “Zochreinu l’chayim,” asking God to remember us for entertainment and many public establishments in life and inscribe our names in the book of life. During Israel are closed by law. Israeli media transmit songs every service, we mention and remember our of mourning and documentaries about the Holocaust ancestors, avot v’imahot, when we engage in the and no commercials are shown. All flags on public central prayer of the service, the t’fillah (literally, the buildings are flown at half-mast. prayer) which is also called the Amidah or standing prayer. Here at Temple Sholom, we will join with our neighboring congregations to commemorate our own So many of our holidays are about remembering – at public reading of names, which will be broadcast via Shavuot we remember the revelation of the Torah at the web. In the coming days you will learn how to be Sinai, during Hanukkah we remember the resistance a part of this important observation in which we take of the Maccabees. time to remember.

We are approaching Pesach when we remember our Zachor. enslavement and redemption from Pharaoh in Egypt as we relive the story in our own homes through the B’shirah ~ Cantor Kerith Spencer-Shapiro Passover seder.

Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, occurs every year on the twenty-seventh day of the month of

Jewish Life and Learning TANAKH STUDY WITH Wednesday, March 13 at 7:30 PM RABBI RIGLER Rabbi Rigler will be discussing Wednesdays “Our Prayerbooks” Come out and join us to learn more about March 6, 13 & 27 the Prayerbooks we use and their at 10:30 AM in the Library significance in our ritual life.

March 2013 3 Temple Tidings

NEWS FROM THE OFFICE Director’s Corner Community Coordinator

We are always concerned about the It may seem early to you, but we are safety and security of our Temple already in the midst of planning the community, and continue to look for 2013 - 2014 Temple Sholom

Joel Perlish Photography ways to make our building calendar. The senior staff started simultaneously safe and welcome to Joel Perlish Photography working on High Holy Day scheduling all. It is our pleasure to buzz our congregants and in January. In February, families with visitors alike into the Temple during office children celebrating a Bar or Bat Mitzvah from hours. In addition to being a good practice of September 2013 - June 2014 received a letter from me safety, it is a wonderful way for us to touch base asking them that if they want to rent space at Temple with you and say hello. Please stop by and let us Sholom following the service to let me know so I can know if there is anything we can do for you. reserve the room for them and avoid any potential scheduling conflicts. In March all of the auxiliaries will Our school has recently updated our carpool be getting letters about the calendar planning system procedure. All students now remain in the Temple and a time line of the process. So, if there is a building until their carpool car has arrived at our program you would like to see next year, now is the front door. Thank you for your cooperation in this time to talk to an auxiliary chair or share your thoughts matter. This is just one way that we can maintain a with me. All of our programming is done with a great safe environment. This procedure also allows us deal of thought in terms of how it fits into the Temple the chance to say hello to each family. Of course, Sholom mission statement, Jewish values, the content as always, you may park and come in for your of the program, who is the audience, the cost, and child/children. logistics to name a few factors we consider. We also need to ensure that events aren't too similar and do The front and back door cameras have recently not overlap or cannibalize each other. This is just a been updated. In addition to viewing, we now also hint of what goes into creating the strong and diverse record all door activity. calendar of special services and programs that we are able to offer at Temple Sholom. Our Security Task Force is being led by Margaret Husick. If you have any ideas or suggestions you Meanwhile, we have a number of wonderful programs would like to share with us, or if you have the coming up including: expertise to be a part of the Security Task Force, please contact me ([email protected]) March 3 Sisterhood Tambourine decorating program or Margaret ([email protected]). (see flyer on page 10)

Together we will continue to maintain a safe, March 12 from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM - American Red secure and welcoming community. Cross Blood Drive. To register go to http:// www.redcrossblood.org/ and use sponsor code: ~ Warmly, Abbey Krain 0222044

We are compiling a Temple Sholom March 13 JLL Rabbi Rigler will be continuing his Preferred Vendor List. discussion on "Our Prayerbooks” Please contact Sandy Cohen with information on March 15 - 17 is Scholar-in-Residence Weekend with the renowned Master of the Mitzvah Danny Siegel (see  Party Planners page 2 for reservation form).  Florists nd  Invitations March 26 Brotherhood's 2 Night Passover Seder (please rsvp promptly - see page 11)  Caterers

 DJs/Bands ~ B’shalom, Sandy Cohen  Rental Halls/Banquet Facilities [email protected]



March 1 MAZEL TOV TO: Carl and Kathryn Rosin in honor of the Bat Denise Moser for being the featured performer at Mitzvah of their daughter Elena rd Milkboy in Ardmore on March 23 ! Tickets can be March 8 purchased on the Milkboy website. Please come Gimel Families in honor of Gimel Shabbat out to support her!

March 15 Daniel and Ashley Berger on the birth of their son, Kevin and Mollie Plotkin in honor of the Bat Hudson; Irv and Betty Berger (great-grandparents); Mitzvah of their daughter Macie Steve and Ilene Berger (grandparents); Jeff and Liz Berger (uncle and aunt), and Cindy and Jeff Nissen The Sisterhood in honor of the Scholar-In- (aunt and uncle) Residence, Danny Siegel To Sharon and Charles Goldman on their son Marc March 22 receiving his Master's degree in Electrical The Sisterhood in honor of all the women of Engineering from Johns Hopkins University. Temple Sholom Shaun, Allison, Aaron & Corey Goldberg, Neil & Judy Schwartz on the birth of their daughter, sister, CELEBRATING A SIMCHA? and granddaughter, Gemma Paige SHARE IT WITH AN ONEG! Honor your loved ones and the Temple by Let's share our happy occasions, milestones sponsoring an Oneg and sharing your special and good news with one another. Please day with us. A birthday, anniversary, baby submit your information (anniversary, birth, naming, or marriage blessing are all perfect graduation, new job, etc.) by Tuesday of each week to our Temple office: occasions. Please contact the Temple office [email protected]. at 610-356-5165 or [email protected] for details.


Please Help us sponsor a Seder for individuals who suffer from mental Illness!

Our dollars will be used to cater and run a program for dozens of mentally ill adults in our area. This special Seder, to be held on March 24th, run by Tikvah/AJMI is a wonderful way to support an incredible organization. Tikvah/AJMI (Advocates for the Jewish Mentally Ill) helps to improve the quality of life for persons with mental illness by providing psychosocial rehabilitation via social experiences and life skill education; long term housing; and so transitional employment opportunities.

We have been asked to underwrite the cost of their Seder this year, a very large expense. Please send or bring your contributions made out to “Temple Sholom in Broomall” with “Tikvah/AJMI” in the memo line if you wish to support this wonderful event that will be held the day before Passover. For more information on this incredible organization please go their web page http://www.tikvahajmi.com/

March 2013 5 Temple Tidings

A WORD FROM THE BOARD Our members have so much to offer when it comes As the kids got older and it came time for Sunday to connecting, conversing and congregating. Our School, the same thing would happen. I would Temple offers a variety of different options for recognize people when dropping off and picking up helping members choose the right setting to the kids, however still did not know most of their partake in these activities. names. Volunteering at the Sunday Lobby Café and Purim Carnival over the past 2 years has been From my own personal experience, I’ve seen things a terrific experience for getting to know some of our change so much over the past seven years since Temple’s members, and the Lobby is a wonderful my kids began attending Temple Sholom’s place to simply spend some time on Sunday Preschool. As much as I wanted to connect, mornings. Joining the TS Bike Riders Club converse and congregate with the other parents, organized by Howard Cylinder has also been a very there was really no place to do this in an rewarding experience. However, the biggest acceptable way. I would simply drop off my impact came recently when I joined forces with children at the back door, turn them over to their Rebecca Parmet and Laurie Burstein-Maxwell in teacher or teacher’s aide, pray that they didn’t cry hosting and organizing two social events – the first and off I went. It wasn’t much different at pick up was for Couples with Children in the Religious time. The children were loaded into their car seats School (took place on December 1 titled “Munchies, by the designated teacher or aide, and again, off I Margaritas and Mitzvot”) and the second (coming went. On occasion, I might take the kids into the up on March 2nd - see below) is a Winter Gathering school to chat with the Program Director or teacher for Interfaith Couples. The first event was very prior to class, or share a parent and me experience successful and led to the scheduling of a sequel with the child not yet in preschool. The most that will take place in May. As a member of the appropriate time to converse, connect and/or Board, I appreciate all the staff and volunteer work congregate was when it was time to attend a that goes into creating and implementing the program in the Multi-purpose room for an upcoming wonderful programs and events our Temple has to holiday or weekly Shabbat festivity. Most of this offer. I promise to keep up my part by creating occurred in the hallways either prior to or after such outlets for our members to connect, converse and a gathering. When the High Holy Days would come congregate outside of the Temple! around, I would see many of the parents who I knew, and many others whose names I never ~ Robin Gall, Board Member knew, smile at them, and take my seat.


Home of Laurie Burstein-Maxwell and Lee Maxwell 401 Dartmouth Road Bryn Mawr

We’re having a Potluck dinner. Please let us know what you would like to bring. We need appetizers, salad, entrees, side dishes, desserts, drinks.

(This is an Adult only event … a family event is being planned for the summer).

Please RSVP by February 26th. Questions? Contact: Robin Gall [email protected] or 484-467-3717 or Laurie Burstein-Maxwell 610-527-8895 or [email protected]



The Temple Sholom bereavement group is announcing the formation of our third bereavement program. SHELTER CONTEST

Barbara Smilk, a trained bereavement counselor, will The annual Top Chef Shelter Contest will be be facilitating a sibling bereavement support group. If held on March 2nd at 6:00 PM in support of the you have lost a sibling within the last 6 - 12 months Eastern Delaware County Life Center, the please join us for this informative sibling grief support Family Management Center and the Wesley group. House, all of which are in dire need of funds. Currently there are five Churches and We will have the opportunity to share our experiences that will be participating in the Top and express our feelings in a safe and confidential Chef Shelter Contest, which will take place at environment. We will be using a workbook with weekly the St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church near journal entries. Helping you to heal and move forward the Life Center in Upper Darby. is our goal and we will support you on your journey. All Temple members and their friends and family The course will begin April 2 and meet for 6 - 7 members are invited to come and sample the sessions Tuesdays at 7:00 PM in the Temple food from each of the Synagogues and Library. The class is free of charge and is open to all Churches. The price for admission will directly Temple Sholom members. help keep the shelters alive and vibrant. Tickets are $25 and are available at Please contact Sandy Cohen in the Temple office at http//www.caadc.org/. 610-356-3165 or [email protected] to get more information or to sign up for the class. Please Temple Sholom members are being asked to RSVP by March 25 so that the facilitator can fully cook for the event, as are the members of the involved churches. Our contribution will be a pasta and meatball dinner with salad and rolls, similar to the one that we often make for Mitzvah CONVERSATIONS WITH MEN Meals. We need volunteers for serving as “Middot” - Virtues and Values well. Please contact Deanna Levin at 610-642-9124 or [email protected] if you Sunday, March 10th from 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM are interested in helping. in the Rabbi’s Office

"The Torah is greater than the Priesthood and royalty, seeing that royalty is acquired through thirty virtues, the MITZVAH CORE Priesthood through twenty-four, while the Torah is acquired through forty-eight virtues." Please let us know if you are aware of someone …. These virtues are called "Middot" or values and they serve as the guide for how to live life. We will explore a  Entering the hospital few of these virtues through text and discussion,  With a new baby including, humility and gratitude. This ancient middah  Death in the family (value) practice has many elements of the modern  Shut-in mindfullness movement and we will explore those deep  Other connections together with Rabbi Peter Rigler. We will also explore the Mussar movement where these values We want to help! Working together we are truly have been studied and experienced. a caring community.

Questions? Contact Bob Isaacson at PLEASE CALL THE TEMPLE OFFICE [email protected] AT 610-356-5165

March 2013 7 Temple Tidings

ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS: B'NAI BRITH SCHOLAR- ATHLETE AWARD OF DELAWARE COUNTY IS JEWISH MEDITATION ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Did you ever wonder what's happening in the To support our student-athletes we are collecting Temple Annex on Wednesday at 9:30 AM? It's the names of Temple Sholom high school seniors Jewish Meditation; and you're invited to join our who live in Delaware County who would like more small group for some quiet reflection. As we information. Intrigued? Please contact Sandy meditate on Jewish teachings and prayers, it can Cohen at [email protected] and your become a welcome and calming time to start your name will be forwarded to our contact at B'nai day. Meditation can cultivate mindfulness and Brith. He will mail a letter to potential applicants awareness along with wisdom, compassion and outlining the program. If students are interested, kindness from a Jewish perspective. The practice they just mail him a copy of their High School can teach us how to direct our attention into the transcripts and their athletic endeavors. Once present moment. completed, their application will then be put into the pool for consideration. Every Temple member is welcome to join our circle when we meet in the Temple Annex every We will be hosting the awards presentation during Wednesday in March from 9:30 to 10:15 AM. If you Shabbat services on May 3rd. It would be great if plan on sharing in the meditation experience, some Temple Sholom students applied (or better please help by arriving by 9:25 AM. yet, one wins!). Meditation Dates to Remember

March 6, 13, 20 and 27 MITZVAH MEALS PROGRAM CONTINUES TO BUILD In case of inclement weather, please check with the Temple Office or contact Linda Tarash at MOMENTUM 610-446-2101 or [email protected].

Thanks to the outpouring of support after our Mitzvah Core appeal during the High Holy Days last fall, we still have more volunteers than we can actually use Save the Date: for the Mitzvah Meals program (over 250 folks and counting)! Everyone who signed up to volunteer will Annual Spring Fundraiser be asked to get involved in some way in our efforts to feed the hungry. However, many of you will be Cantor’s Concert offered other Mitzvah Core projects beyond the six scheduled Mitzvah Meals at the Life Center shelter. Featuring:  Cantor Claire Franco of Port Washington, NY If you have signed up to help with a meal, please do not buy anything or plan anything definite until you  Cantor David Berger of Los Angeles, CA hear from the person who is coordinating that meal. They will be in touch at least 6 to 8 weeks  and Cantor Kerith Spencer-Shapiro before the planned meal. Saturday, May 4 We look forward to continued opportunities for Time to be determined everyone in our community to serve people in need.


SISTERHOOD KEEPS BUSY WINTER THROUGH SPRING Last month, when I wrote the Sisterhood column, the Walk MS, see the separate article written snow was falling steadily outside my window. Today, by Barbara on page 14. TSSH while writing about springtime events, a forecast for accumulating snowfall was just announced on the We’re also looking forward to our April 25 radio. event, which combines both elements of creativity and social action. This will be our “Crafty Service Project” I think I’ll remain in denial and believe instead that it with committee women Linda Hershman, Julie Leavitt, really, truly is almost spring! and Liz Mellman. I’ll provide more details on this next month. No matter what the weather is outside, Sisterhood is busy, busy, busy offering you some great programs. It’s definitely not too early to be thinking about First, I want to discuss last month’s Brotherhood/ Passover, coming up sooner than you think. Why not Sisterhood combined event: Movie Night. More than make this celebration of freedom from bondage even 50 people turned out to enjoy the delicious catered more special with a purchase from The Gift Garden this dinner – thank you, Mitch Wolfson, and then were month. In March, Passover items are on sale. Don’t dazzled by spectacular desserts by “Ashley.” The forget, Sisterhood members are entitled to a discount! evening was a great success thanks to the help of Regina Levin (chair), Evalyn Elias and Cindy Meyer. Come join the Sisterhood Book Club on March 21 when we’ll be discussing “The Language of Flowers.” We’ll We’re also excited to be offering two scholarships of be talking about “The Dove Keepers” by Alice Hoffman $500 and $250 to worthy Temple members between in May. The discussions are lively and the the ages of 13 and 22. Scholarships will be awarded refreshments can’t be beat. based on a submitted personal essay. See the flyer on page 16 for further details. Hurry and attend a Sisterhood Board Meeting before the year is out. I promise you, it’s never boring and Just around the corner is our Tambourine Event for we’d love your input. Our upcoming meeting is on women ages 8 to 80+. We’ll be creating individual Thursday, March 7 at 7:30 PM in the Temple keepsake tambourines using beautiful paints and Library. You needn’t be on the board because following stencils and special designs made for us by everyone is welcome. two of Temple Sholom’s resident artists, Barbara Litt and Andi Lieberman. Please be sure to note that these For questions about any of our events, to become 10” wooden tambourines are actual musical involved in Sisterhood, or Sisterhood in general, please instruments purchased from a music company. They contact me at 561-445-0021 or send me an email at are definitely not toys. They even have a really nice [email protected]. jangle to them. See the flyer on page 10 for more information and get your reservations in soon! I can’t Sisterhood is such a great way to become involved wait to dance along with all of you and our tambourines Jewishly with our Temple Sholom women friends! during Sisterhood Shabbat on March 22. Come join us! I look forward to seeing you soon,

Sisterhood Shabbat is being coordinated carefully by ~ Donna Hendel, Sisterhood President Barbara Barr with Cantor Shapiro. Also helping to make this Shabbat distinctive are Louise Schmidt, Cindy Meyer, and Evalyn Elias. I know they have planned many special elements for our Sisterhood Shabbat celebration.

It will definitely be springtime when as many of us as SAVE THE DATE possible join Barbara Clarke on Sunday, April 21 for

Walk MS East Goshen Township Park. Last year, th Sisterhood decided that every year we would become The Brotherhood brunch on May 19 will feature involved in a social action cause near and dear to a a speaker from J-Street. J Street calls Sisterhood member’s heart. We’re pleased to lend our themselves the political home for Pro-Israel, Pro- monetary support and more to Barbara, a long-time Peace Americans. They promote a two-state active and devoted Sisterhood member. To find out solution in Israel. more about how you can become involved in this year’s

March 2013 9 Temple Tidings

Temple Sholom’s Sisterhood Presents


For Women

[original artwork by Barbara Litt] Ages 8 to 80+

Sunday, March 3, 2:30 to 4:30 PM

Come on over to the Multipurpose Room to create your own keepsake tambourine. Or, make one for a favorite female in your life! This event has been inspired by one of our resident artists, Andi Lieberman, who has created stencils for us to use on the 10” tambourines. (Of course, you’re also welcome to create your own artistic masterpiece!)

Save the date and bring your tambourine to Sisterhood Shabbat on March 22nd! As you dance with your “timbrel” you might even be mistaken for Miriam the Prophetess!

A cost of $12 per person/tambourine includes all materials. Girls under age 10 must be accompanied by an adult. By the way, these are not toys; they are actual musical instruments.

Please write your check to Temple Sholom Sisterhood, indicating “Tambourine Event.” Reserve your place now; we want to make sure we’ll have enough tambourines for you! RSVPs must be received by February 25. Contact Donna Hendel at 561-445-0021 or by e-mail at [email protected].

TEMPLE TIDINGS 10 March 2013

Temple Sholom’s Annual Second Night


Sponsored by Brotherhood, Sisterhood and Hilltoppers

Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - 5:30 PM

RSVP by noon on Friday, March 22, 2013

Yes! We’ll see you at the Temple Sholom Second Night Seder!


Phone Email:

Menu includes: Appetizers, Gefilte Fish, Matzoh Ball Soup, Roast Potatoes, Green Vegetable, Kugel and a choice of Brisket or Salmon (Salmon is $3 extra per person), Dessert. Grape juice and wine will be supplied.

____# Adult Members (age 10 and up) $25 ____# Adult Non-members (age 10 and up) $30 ____# Child Members (age 3-9) $10 ____# Child Non-Members (age 3-9) $15 ____# Children under age 3 FREE


___Total number Brisket entrees ____ ADULT ____ CHILD ___Total number Salmon entrees ($3 extra each) ____ ADULT ____ CHILD


Can you bring a seder plate to share? Please let us know when you RSVP. Questions? Contact Mitch Wolfson, 610-356-4205 or [email protected].

___ Yes, I will bring a seder plate to share during the Seder.

List all names of attendees on a separate sheet (please indicate salmon orders)

Please return the completed form along with your check made payable to “Temple Sholom Brotherhood” no later than noon on March 22 Temple Sholom in Broomall, 55 North Church Lane, Broomall, PA 19008

March 2013 11 Temple Tidings

MARCH B’NAI MITZVAH Elena (Ellie) Anne Rosin, daughter of Daniel Joseph Long, son of Janet Kathryn and Carl Rosin, and sister of Reswick Long and Jim Long, will Cassandra, will become a Bat Mitzvah become a Bar Mitzvah on March on March 2nd. 23rd. Grandma Irene Long from Connecticut; Aunt Karen and Uncle Dan Governanti A 7th grader at Radnor Middle School from Ithaca, New York; Cousin Lila Reswick Lynch student, Elena is an avid participant in from Poughkeepsie, New York; Cousin Lisa Reswick the Watershed program at RMS; she’s from Queens, and Cousin David Weissmann from a field hockey fullback, actress in New Jersey will be among the family and friends several community theater productions sharing in this special day. (most recently at the Colonial Theatre), singer and trumpet player, A Strath Haven Middle School lover of dogs and sarcasm. 7th Grader, Daniel enjoys: gaming (Minecraft), basketball, For her Mitzvah Project, Ellie, who loves nature and chess, politics, and debating. ecology, can often be found on vacations watching, catching, and (of course) releasing bugs and other Daniel describes his Mitzvah small animals. Discouraged at the trash she found Project: I taught chess to while on a field trip to Brown's Run in Martha Brown's children in an after-school Woods (Radnor Township), she was inspired to program at the Chester Eastside organize a cleanup operation of the area. Her Torah Ministry in the City of Chester. I portion, from Exodus, refers to the census, which went five times to the Ministry suggested the responsibility of citizens within their and helped children who are not society. Ellie came up with this plan because she feels as lucky as my friends and strongly about the importance of our being stewards of me. They took away a new skill, and I think they got the Earth, for the Earth and for each other. a sense of achievement because they learned something they could teach to someone else. Macie Plotkin,daughter of Mollie and Kevin Plotkin, will become a Bat Mitzvah TRIVIA NIGHT RECAP! A FUN on March 16th. She will share her special day with TIME WAS HAD BY ALL! her brother Grant, sister Hannah, grandparents Temple Sholom Trivia Night was a huge success. Mary Weiner and Steve We had a great night challenging ourselves with and Marcia Plotkin, along with relatives traveling from interesting trivia, and raised a total of $3,761.00 Israel, New York, Florida and Nevada. for the Religious School. A portion of those funds that will be going to our sister reform A 7th grader at Radnor Middle School, Macie enjoys congregation, Temple Israel in Staten Island so playing field hockey, participating in social action that they can continue to help the Hurricane projects, being crafty, visiting with friends and studying! Sandy victims. We could not have done it without the help of all the volunteers including: Temple For her Mitzvah Project, Macie is working with the Sholom Staff, and food donors for all of their help women's shelter located in Chester, PA. She and in making it a wonderful and fun filled night. A friends are making food to take to the moms and special thank you to Merraine Rein for organizing children who live at the shelter, as well as stocking their all the food donations. pantry with non-perishable foods. The families that live at the shelter are provided with a room, but are not provided with any food. Often, they must use food stamps and Macie would like to make this part of their lives a bit easier. She is collecting canned goods at Radnor Middle School over a two week period and will be soliciting canned good donations from friends, family and neighbors.

TEMPLE TIDINGS 12 March 2013

RELIGIOUS AND HEBREW SCHOOL NOTES Take a Look at What is Happening Around Our School in March!

Kindergarten and First grade Family ALL SUNDAY CLASSES Education Dor l’dor Sunday, March 17 Sunday, March 3 ALL students are invited to attend the early session Kindergarten & 1st grade families will come (9:30 AM – 11:00 AM) as we learn and engage with together to create, dance and celebrate just the ultimate mitzvah “guru”, Danny Siegel. Danny will as Miriam and the women did after crossing the sea be visiting our congregation as our Scholar-in- and celebrating freedom! Residence and will be spending time with our students on Sunday morning. Danny Siegel will inspire us to Gimel Class Leads Family Shabbat! perform acts of Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam (fixing the Friday, March 8 world). Students in the Gimel class will share their knowledge of the Friday Shabbat liturgy as well as their “bimah” Passover/Spring Break skills as they lead our congregation in worship. Sunday, March 24 – Tuesday, April 2 There will be NO SCHOOL Third grade Alef Naming Ceremony Saturday, March 9 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM SAVE THE DATE Parents, grandparents and siblings will come together Sunday, April 21 9:30 AM - Noon to celebrate with our 3rd grade Alef students as they ALL students and parents are invited to attend a very celebrate their names and their link in our chain of special day in our school! Jewish tradition. Please join us as we not only learn about our new vision for education at Temple Sholom but have an Fourth grade Family Education Dor l’dor opportunity to experience our new model. Sunday, March 10 Passover is coming and what would the Seder be ~ Lori Green, Education Director without the perfect Seder table. Families will come together to unleash their creativity as they craft their own Passover heirloom.

Want to see more about what is happening in our school? Check out our school website, www.temple-sholom-school.org to see pictures, postings, blogs and so much more.

Gesherim trip with Cantor Shapiro to Scott Arboretum on the campus of Swarthmore College. We learned about the concept of Bal Tashchit (You shall not destroy) and conservation and sustainability.

March 2013 13 Temple Tidings


The Temple Sholom Library depends on the Each year Sisterhood chooses a generous contributions of books and money to “cause” to support as a group. This thrive. This year's Used Book Fair on Sunday, year we have chosen to put on our January 27th doubled the donations we received just walking shoes in support of Multiple two years ago. Our success is attributed to the Sclerosis. There are a number of generous donations of books from your book Temple Sholom members who have shelves. We had more donations than ever been affected by MS, including Barbara Clarke, a before! Thank you to all our donors who scavenged past Sisterhood President who has been living with through book shelves and boxes to donate their books MS for over 20 years. She is this year’s Social to us. The proceeds from the Book Fair will buy book Action inspiration. covers for new books that we add to our shelves weekly. “I participate in the MS Walk because I am passionate about research currently being The Book Fair would not be possible without the help conducted to find the cause of MS. It is my hope from volunteers, who gave their time to set up, run, that a drug will be developed to stop my MS from pack up and distribute the left over books. Many progressing and that researchers will find a way to thanks to Alison Holt, Sharon Ehrlich, Cindy Meyer, restore lost function. Jim Meyer and Joanna Gould for their many hours of service to make the Used Book Fair possible. It has not been an easy road for me. After completing my Master’s degree in Library and So where do your left over treasures go? Co- Information Science, I worked for just over a year Librarian, Erica Danowitz takes some books to the before my diagnosis of MS forced me to retire at age Delaware County Community College Book Swap in 32. Over the years, my MS has progressed to the the Spring, Cindy and Jim Meyer take the Jewish point where I need assistance with getting in and out books to their Genealogy group that meets monthly of bed, transferring, dressing, showering, preparing and new this year, Steve Kanes took books to a group meals, laundering and I am no longer allowed to in Delaware that distributes reading materials to drive. While MS is very difficult to live with, I am doctors’ offices and hospitals all over. grateful to my friends at Temple Sholom for all of your support and caring. We will again be start taking book donations for the next Used Book Fair in July 2013. We always take It is only with ongoing research and study that my current Jewish author and Jewish content books for dreams of finding solutions to MS will happen. our collection. So, dear friends: me again! Join me and my ~ Mary Ann Gould and Erica Danowitz S’myelin Walkers’ team at East Goshen Township Co-Librarians Park on Sunday, April 21. If you can’t walk, please show your support by making a donation to the S’myelin Walkers’ team!” ~ Barbara Clarke RECYCLE PRINTER CARTRIDGES To sign-up for the Walk or to show your support by AT TEMPLE SHOLOM making a donation, please visit: https:// PLEASE DON'T TOSS OUT THOSE OLD PRINTER secure3.convio.net/nmss/site/SPageServer? pagename=WLK_PAE_Landing_Page&search=true CARTRIDGES. RECYCLE THEM! USED INK AND

LASER JET PRINTER CARTRIDGES ARE BEING Wow! We have received over 250 requests COLLECTED BY SANDY IN THE MAIN … and counting … to be a part of our Mitzvah OFFICE. PLEASE DROP OFF ANY USED CARTRIDGES Core. Please let us know if you would like to review our brochure and sign up to do a AT THE FRONT DESK. THANK YOU. mitzvah today!

TEMPLE TIDINGS 14 March 2013

ETTA NATALIE KIDS CONCERT ROSENBLATT PRESCHOOL WITH STEVE PULLARA A Perfect Purim! SUNDAY, APRIL 14 The results are in! We had the perfect Purim in the AT 1:00 PM Temple Sholom Preschool this year. The children had wonderful costumes! We had a parade of IN THE SANCTUARY Esthers, Mordecais, ballerinas and super heroes! There were lots of three-cornered hamantaschen. Everyone learned the story of the Be sure to stay after Religious School and Jews of Shushan and sang fun Purim songs. Every join us for this fun-filled concert for time we used the name of the evil Haman, we booed families! and made lots of noise! “Be happy, it’s Adar,” our tradition teaches us about the month in which Purim Purchase tickets in advance for only $5 per falls. This year our Preschool’s Adar-Purim person. Tickets will be available in the celebrations were very, very happy! Lobby during Religious School.

And, if that wasn’t enough we also had another PJ $8 per person at the door Havdalah event. Everyone wore their warm, cozy

PJs complete with “feet,” teachers, aides and the Director, too! We said goodbye to Shabbat and Steve Pullara is a Grammy nominated, welcomed the new week and then were ready to go multiple award-winning, Philadelphia based home and go to sleep! singer/songwriter whose musical roots go deep within many cultural traditions. His Coming up next month is the greatly anticipated interactive children's and family mix of Preschool Passover celebration. No sooner than we upbeat, traditional and original songs keep finished telling the story of our ancestors in Persia, kids, moms and dads entertained. we are starting to get ready “to leave Egypt” and learn all about the Exodus, matzah and how we To listen to some of Steve Pullara’s music, walked through the sea on dry land. But that’s a go to: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/pullara2. long story and we will have to get back to you next month to complete that tale! Looks like we are headed toward a perfect Passover at Preschool!

~ Shalom, Miss Liz BIMAH BASKETS Liz Sussman, Early Childhood Ed. Director 610-886-2065 Festive baskets to decorate the [email protected] Bimah and benefit Temple Sholom’s Religious School and the Life Center for Eastern Delaware County. Two Bimah baskets are $150 ($75 each) and a smaller Oneg Basket is available for the Oneg Table for $45. Interested in ordering the baskets?

Please contact Stephanie Albero at 610-459-3645 or email her at [email protected]

March 2013 15 Temple Tidings

The Sisterhood of Temple Sholom in Broomall will be awarding 2 Scholarships this year to Temple Sholom members who plan to participate in a Jewish sponsored camp or program during the upcoming summer or the 2013 – 2014 academic year.

Applicants between the ages of 13 and 22 are encouraged to apply. Birthright participants are not eligible.

First prize is $500 and second prize is $250.

Scholarships will be awarded based on a submitted personal essay. This year’s topic is:

What will this Jewish experience mean to me?

The essay should include your thoughts and feelings regarding:

What do you think you can bring back to Temple Sholom? What lasting effects would you like to gain from this experience?

Deadline for submission is March 15. Winners will be announced during Sisterhood Shabbat services on March 22.

Please submit your essay to [email protected]. Include your name, your age, and the name of your program.

[A designated panel will judge submissions anonymously.]

For questions or further information, please contact Donna Hendel at 561-445-0021

TEMPLE TIDINGS 16 March 2013

HOSPICE REMEMBER TEMPLE SHOLOM COMMITTEE WHEN YOU SHOP ON AMAZON.COM About 25 years ago, a group of people from the Temple Please remember to make your amazon.com joined together to help congregants and their purchases through the Amazon link on the bottom families, to help them at a most difficult time. of our website - http://www.temple-sholom.org and Temple Sholom will automatically receive a Our group assisted by staying with patients while commission based on your purchase. No further their families "take a break," shop for them, give steps are necessary. books to children to cope with a family member going through a terminal illness, and many other To make it even easier, click on the icon from the needs. Temple Sholom webpage and save it in your favorites! Thank you for your support. We are still here and still working!!

Should you have such a need, please call. We will answer any questions you may have.

We are here to help. The Temple Tidings Publication Guidelines Please contact Pam Haas at 484-802-1186 or Amy Berkowitz at 610-353-8077. Deadline for the April, 2013 issue: March 5 ~ Pam Haas, Hospice Chairperson The Temple Tidings is published monthly. Material submitted for publi- cation may be edited for style, length and content. Anonymous sub- missions will not be printed.

Please make submissions by EMAIL if possible. A confirmation mes- SISTERHOOD BOOK sage will be sent on receipt of your e-mail or send submissions to the CLUB Temple TYPEWRITTEN or CLEARLY PRINTED. Questions? (Sisterhood Membership is not [email protected] required).

Our next meeting will be held on March 21st at the home of Susan Herring, 113 Ceton Court, Doing Mitzvot in the Community? Broomall. Susan’s cell phone is 610-420-6317. We will be reading “The Please let us know so we can share Language of Flowers,” by Vanessa Diffenbaugh. your story with the congregation! Refreshments will be provided by Susan and Contact the Temple Tidings Editor at Margaret Husick. [email protected] Please remember to RSVP for the March 21st book club to Laurie Burstein-Maxwell at [email protected] or call 610-527-8895. New HERE IS HOW TO FIND OUR members are welcome. LIVE WEBCAST .... Go to our website: On May 9th, the meeting will be held at the home www.temple-sholom.org of Laurie Browngoehl, 21 Courtney Circle, Bryn Click on “Live Webcast” Mawr. We will read “The Dove Keepers,” by Alice It’s on the home page. Hoffman. It’s that simple! *Not all services will be webcast.

March 2013 17 Temple Tidings

THE HILLTOPPERS Board Meeting Philadelphia. He was a key team member for the 29th International Jewish Genealogy Conference in The Hilltoppers Board will meet on Thursday, Philadelphia and has designed and delivered many March 7th at 10:30 AM, in the Temple Library. As a engaging workshops on Jewish Genealogy. Hilltoppers member you are invited to join us there and see how our programs are planned. Dr. Schecter earned his Doctorate at Temple University and has built a consulting practice in executive coaching, project management and General Meeting – Multipurpose instructional design and delivery. Room The March 14th meeting will conclude with Our General Monthly Meeting will refreshments and a chance to socialize with friends take place on Thursday, March old and new. Our meetings are open to Hilltoppers th 14 at 7:30 PM. Steve Schecter, members at no charge, with a suggested donation for Ed.D., will be our guest $2.00 for non-members. speaker. His topic: “How to Search for Your Ancestors.” Book Discussion Group – Annex

Steve has researched his own On Thursday, March 28th at 1:15 PM, our book group genealogy for over twenty years and has documented will review, “In the Garden of Beasts,” by Erik Larson. ancestors dating back to approximately 1760. He Ed Ostrow will facilitate. sees genealogy as more than research for names, but rather to understand the lives of Jews, their culture Donations and how they have impacted us today. To better understand how they lived, he has visited his Please direct your donations to the Hilltoppers Fund ancestors’ shtetls in the Pale of Russia, by making checks payable to: “Hilltoppers of Temple Sholom” and mailing them to the Temple. Your In addition to conducting his own searches, Steve donations will be listed in The Temple Tidings. serves as the Vice President for Programs and Projects for the Jewish Genealogy Society of Greater SISTERHOOD SHABBAT - JOIN US FOR AN INSPIRING WORSHIP LOBBY CAFÉ - A SUNDAY EXPERIENCE TRADITION! Once a year, we have a Shabbat service dedicated to The Temple Sholom Sunday Café is Sisterhood, as an acknowledgment of all that we do to up and running for the New help the Temple, and of what an integral part we play Year. When you drop the kids off for in the daily life of the congregation. This year the Sunday school, why not stop in, relax, meet up service will be on Friday, March 22nd at 8:00 PM. This with new and old friends and have a cup of service is being written by Sisterhood members and coffee and a snack. The WiFi is free and the Cantor Shapiro, and is designed to honor Jewish company good. The Café is open from 9:30 AM women. - 1:00 PM on Sundays when school is in session. Please Come and Join Us In the Congregation on that Night! Thanks to the many volunteers who made the Café such a success this fall! We are just We will have a great time, and you will get to know getting the schedule together and can use more some other members whom you may not have known help. Please take a moment to sign up at: before. Please mark your calendars and bring your http://tinyurl.com/TS-Cafe or drop Steve Kanes family to the service. Let's have a sanctuary full of an email at [email protected]. Sisterhood!!

TEMPLE TIDINGS 18 March 2013


All women from Temple Sholom in Broomall are KNITTING AND welcome to join us. TOILETRIES COMING

Women's Spirituality will be There’s an URGENT need for wool! The Knit Wits traveling to Manayunk on wool supply is empty. For just a few dollars at AC Thursday, March 21 to meet with Moore, you can get a huge ball of wool for them to Rabbi Yael Levy. Please note the spin into beautiful blankets for the homeless and change of day and time for our home hospice patients.

March program. You buy the wool …. The Knit Wits do the work! …. It’s a win win for all! Your gift will help keep people This year the beginning of warm this winter! What Passover will start with the first better way to send someone Seder on March 25th. The a much needed hug! Please Passover Seder and the story of our Exodus from call me at 610-353-8077 if Egypt is traditionally retold every year. Each of us has you have any questions. our own way that we prepare for the holiday. When we ~Amy Berkowitz meet with Rabbi Yael she will engage us and teach us about the 'Spiritual preparation for Passover.' adult life. The years of drilling the Satmar belief Rabbi Yael Levy, from Mishkan Shalom in Manayunk, system into her and her peers gave way to her need has taught classes in Mindfulness, created to liberate herself and pursue a wider view of life. Her contemplative services, and led all-day and overnight curiosity was led from early years on by reading Shabbat retreats and weekly meditation "sits." Her "forbidden" books, taken out from the public library. approach to Mindfulness is deeply rooted in Jewish Finally, she had to give herself the voice and tradition. It grows out of her personal commitment to expression she needed to be at peace with herself. spiritual practice and a passionate belief in its The book informs us about the positive and negative potential to change not only individuals but the world. aspects of the narrow world she grew up in; her courage to take a stand outside of that world, the If you would like to share in this experience of learning price she paid, and the rewards she gained, for her about a 'Spiritual preparation for Passover,' we will decision to make a new life for herself. carpool and leave from Temple Sholom at noon on Thursday, March 21. Please plan to arrive at Temple We are looking forward to our Thursday, March 21st Sholom a few minutes before noon. meeting. All women from Temple Sholom are welcome to join us. The address of Mishkan Shalom is: 4101 Freeland Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19128 Please Note: Donations to Women’s Spirituality are 215-508-0226 welcomed and encouraged. All funds donated help make it possible for us to invite the knowledgeable The meeting will take place on the third floor of scholars who teach us so much. Mishkan Shalom at 1:00 PM. There are elevators to the third floor from the first floor (front parking lot) or ~ Linda Tarash second floor (back parking lot). [email protected]

In addition, please note, the book for our July 24th book discussion program is “Unorthodox,” by Deborah Feldman.

“Unorthodox” is a memoir by the author. Her journey from being born into a Chassidic family in Brooklyn and her decision to leave that community in her early

March 2013 19 Temple Tidings

HAPPINESS & MEMORIAL TOASTY’S TIDINGS CARDS In early February, ToaSTY had a great Did you know that Sisterhood can handle all of your shul-in with 17 high schoolers sleeping over at the "Hallmark" needs? For $2.50, including postage, you . They participated in a scavenger hunt, can send a Happiness/Memorial Card for any had a cupcake decorating contest, celebrated occasion, including birthdays, get well, sympathy, Havdalah, and participated in a social action etc. program. Thank you to everyone who came to the event. We hope you had fun! Your support through card purchases helps Sisterhood in their many endeavors. It’s so easy – Our next event is Saturday, March 23rd. Look for contact Shirley at 610-328-2171 or email her at: more details soon! [email protected]. There are two NFTY-PAR (North American To: Serene Friedman Federation of Temple Youth-Pennsylvania Area From: The Hilltoppers Region) events coming up. The first is NFTY-PAR Best wishes for a speedy recovery Elections, hosted by Temple Beth Or in Maple Glen from March 15-17. The second is Spring Kallah, held To: Ira Kedson & Mary Rourke from April 12-14 at Camp Harlam. Information and From: The Sisterhood Board registration can be found at nfty.org/par. Mazel Tov on the Bar Mitzvah of your son, Jack Kedson Keep your eyes open in the coming weeks for more information about upcoming ToaSTY events. If you To: Todd & Carden Jordan have any questions, From: The Sisterhood Board please feel free to email Mazel Tov on the Bat Mitzvah of your daughter, me at toasty@temple- Janna Jordan sholom.org.

To: Carl & Kathryn Rosin Shalom! From: The Sisterhood Board ~ Alyssa Kress, Mazel Tov on the Bat Mitzvah of your daughter, ToaSTY Advisor Elena Rosin

To: Kevin & Mollie Plotkin JNF TREES AND From: The Sisterhood Board Mazel Tov on the Bat Mitzvah of your daughter, WATER FOR ISRAEL Macie Plotkin A quick and easy way to honor To: James & Janet Long and/or remember a friend, relative or event is to From: The Sisterhood Board have one or more trees planted in Israel. Or a Mazel Tov on the Bar Mitzvah of your son, Daniel donation may be made to help meet Israel's water Long needs. In either case a lovely certificate is sent to the honoree and/or family. For details and to make arrangements through the Jewish National Fund, please call Shirley Birenbaum at 610-328-2171, or Editor’s Note: email [email protected]. Looking for Photographers and Two trees were planted by Ken Weiss & Family in Reporters. Interested? memory of Marion Weiss, beloved mother of Leesa Weiss & Lawrence Weiss & Family. Let me know! A Ring of Three trees was planted by Irene, [email protected] Julian, Jason, Eric, & Alexandra Gladstone in memory of Herbert Tudor, beloved father of Mrs. Gail Simon & Family.

TEMPLE TIDINGS 20 March 2013

TEMPLE SHOLOM STAFF AND BOARD Professional Staff Temple Sholom Board of Trustees Rabbi Peter C. Rigler (term ending in 2013) Cantor Kerith Spencer-Shapiro Margaret Husick Rabbi Emeritus Mayer Selekman Carl Miller Cantor Emerita Patrice Kaplan Alexis Rosenfeld Mark Rubinoff Abbey Krain, Executive Director Mitch Wolfson Lori Green, Education Director (term ending in 2014) Liz Z. Sussman, Early Childhood Ed. Dir. Dina Stonberg Sandy Cohen, Community Coordinator Robin Gall

Steve Querido Temple Sholom Executive Board (2012-2014) Matthew Frankel Michael Danowitz, President Melissa Shusterman Brett Amdur, Executive VP (alternates for 2012-2013) Emily Mendell, Senior VP Stephen Kanes Steve Granoff, Treasurer (term ends 2013) Laurie Browngoehl Jim Meyer, Secretary Carol Herman Steve Berger, Member at Large Auxiliary Representatives Mary Ann Gould, Member at Large Elliot Wunsh, Brotherhood Cindy Meyer, Hilltoppers

Donna Hendel, Sisterhood

Alyssa Kress, Youth Group Advisor

PASSOVER MEANS FREEDOM A SPECIAL INVITATION FROM THE ROTHERHOOD For many centuries at this Passover season, Jews have B talked about Freedom. What does it mean not to be a slave; how do we achieve spiritual Freedom; how can we Brotherhood invites the entire congregation identify with the Slavery of our ancient past. My wife, to join with Brotherhood, Sisterhood and Hilltoppers for our annual Second Night Beverly told me of her struggle to teach the concept of th Freedom to her third graders. I’ve been struggling with Seder on Tuesday, March 26 at 5:30 PM. the concept of handling the Freedom we now enjoy. Reservations are a must for all attendees (and this event almost always sells out)! While achieving Freedom is a thrilling thing, it comes with Sign-up flyers are available in the Temple vast responsibility - the responsibility to do the right thing, Lobby as well as on page 11. We to learn about problems and difficulties in the world, and encourage you to share the wonder of to take action. Passover with your Temple Sholom family. As usual, we will serve a choice of Brisket or Freedom gives us the right to do absolutely nothing. We Salmon ($3 extra per person), along with can center all of our thoughts on our own small piece of appetizers, gefilte fish, matzah ball soup, humanity, choosing not to know, to care, or to do, instead potatoes, vegetables and of course, focusing on acquiring things and comforts for ourselves. delicious desserts too!

We know better - our Jewish tradition and our American In order to prepare for this event, reservations must be received by Friday, tradition tell us to rise up, to know, to care, and to nd do. This Passover let our Freedom to be whatever we March 22 . Remember, early RSVP’ing wish to be, bubble up from the depths of our souls, and helps us plan a more memorable event. drive us to be helping, caring citizens of our community We look forward to seeing you and your and our world. Tikkun Olam, baby. Amen. family there!

~ Howard Cylinder For more information, contact Mitch Wolfson Para-Rabbi sermon given March, 2012 at 610-356-4205 or [email protected].

March 2013 21 Temple Tidings

SHOP SHOLOM SUPERMARKET & THE GIFT GARDEN GIFT CARDS / Shop Sholom! Come into The Gift Garden and AMAZON see all the wonderful items for sale!

Families! Try Gift Cards online ordering system. We are always looking for volunteers ... looking for Please use the following code when registering for something to do while waiting for your children, ShopWithScrip.com 983DL9A317L72 want to do a mitzvah, meet new people or just Gift cards can also be ordered now through the want to be there for our kids so they can get School Office or during Sunday Religious School their snacks … call Linda Phillips at 484-431-3724 hours in the lobby or the easiest and BEST WAY: or Elyse Endy at 610-296-0496 or [email protected]. Become a regular monthly subscriber! BONUS: ALL VOLUNTEERS GET 20% OFF Contact Nertila in the School Office at 610-886-2065 EVERYTHING ANYTIME (EXCEPT OUR EXCLUSIONS). or [email protected]


Look for our sidewalk sales throughout the year on Sundays. The Visa and Mastercard accepted for purchases over Temple Tidings $25.00. If you don't see something you like, please ask!

Temple Sholom in Broomall 55 North Church Lane GIFT GARDEN HOURS* Broomall, PA 19008

610-356-5165 Phone 610-356-6713 Fax 610-886-2065 Education Office SUNDAYS, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM

www.temple-sholom.org MONDAYS, 6:00 - 8:30 PM [email protected] FRIDAYS, 9:00 - 9:45 AM


THE GIFT GARDEN OFFERS Whenever there is a Program or Event ** INVITATIONS (not including those on Shabbat) Newborn Announcements  Stationery  *HOURS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Bar/Bat Mitzvah  PLEASE CHECK THE GIFT GARDEN DOOR FOR UPDATES  Wedding  Save the Date **AS LONG AS WE CAN FIND THE VOLUNTEERS TO STAFF THE Contact Nancy at 610-325-4297 or STORE DURING THOSE TMES [email protected] for more information

TEMPLE TIDINGS 22 March 2013

TZEDAKAH Cantor’s Discretionary Fund In memory of Andrew Solomon In memory of In memory of Ralph Opstbaum Arthur Zabell & Louise Schmidt Adolph Rosenberg Tim & Ellisa Habbart In memory of Anne Hilco Howard & Ruth Rosenberg In memory of Rose Fishelman Richard & Honore Poch In memory of Norman Jablow Hal & Barbara Litt Judith Bernick Music Fund Susan McMillan In memory of Henry F. Morley In memory of Jordan Hersh In memory of Jacob & Ida Bluestone Lottie A. Morley William & Jessica Charmont Jay & Nancy Handwerger In memory of Leon Poch In memory of Muriel Frank Sacred Music at Temple Sholom Richard & Honore Poch Robert & Shirley Plotkin In memory of Joseph Sacks In memory of Berta Rios Marlene Kleinman Campership Fund Adele Persky Alberto & Myra Rios In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Chase In memory of Wayne Babington In memory of Joel Schwartz Mendell Steven & Beverly Granoff Richard Wagner & Lisa Learner-Wagner Ellen Milgrim & Andrew Keiser In memory of Fred Lerman In memory of Sophie Mintz Preschool Fund Charles Lerman Arthur & Sylvia Rabin In memory of Leon Rosenfeldt In memory of Maury Buxbaum Financial Assistance Appeal Philip & Lisa Rosenfeldt Marcella Buxbaum In memory of Esther Usset In memory of Nathan Roth Sanctuary Book Fund Myron & Analee Granik Matthew & Shelby Frankel In memory of Maurice Klempner In memory of Menashe Ender In honor of the birth of Gemma Paige Benson & Lynne Klempner Adam & Robin Weinstein Goldberg In memory of Marie Seltzer In memory of William Lipshitz Bob & Marcie Berke Jeffry & Harriet Bleiman In memory of Annie Lipshitz Preschool Music Fund Selekman Jewish Leadership Fund In memory of Hattie Gold In memory of David Levine In memory of Harry Apt Thelma Greenbaum Richard & Honore Poch Lottie A. Morley General Fund Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Technology Fund In memory of Dr. Howard L. Smith In memory of Robert Sheffler In memory of Milton K. Berger In memory of Herman Smith Brian & Joan Bortnicker Martin & Shirley Birenbaum In memory of Jean Smith Much In memory of George Persky In memory of Arthur Berger Elaine Smith Adele Persky Martin & Shirley Birenbaum In memory of Jean Munin In memory of Gilbert Soifer Temple Beautiful Fund Norma Munin Harvey Soifer In memory of Rose Hoffman In memory of Nathan Roth In memory of Barry Vitow Robert & Arlene Hoffman Wendy Frankel Nina Vitow In memory of Sydney Ellis In honor of Arline & Warren Lieberman’s In memory of Jean Weinstein Marion Ellis special anniversary Adam & Robin Weinstein In memory of Isa Barnett Elaine Smith In memory of Sadie Lieberman Stephen & Janice Barnett Hilltoppers Fund Warren & Arline Lieberman Tzedakah Fund In memory of Charles Mintz In memory of Ruth Seid Michael Nelson & Madelaine Saldivar Arthur & Sylvia Rabin Jay Seid In memory of Hannah Friedman Hospice and Healing Fund In memory of Meyer Silverman In memory of Sue Myers In memory of Henry Rosenfelt Eric & Linda Cantor & Family Carol Rubin In memory of Michael Haas In memory of Robert Seitchick In memory Barry Vitow Dan & Pam Haas Edwin & Annilee Seitchick Nina Vitow In memory of Leonard Levy In memory of Sidney Rowling Women’s Spirituality Fund In memory of Mark Lerman In memory of Sheldon Bernheim In honor of Erza Beaubien’s Bar Mitzvah Elaine Smith Michael & Lori Rowling In honor of Aaron Berkowitz’s engagement In memory of Laura Shur’s mother Sylvia In memory of Stanley C. Perkins, Sr. In honor of Jamie Cooperstein’s Sandy Michaels Thomas & Audrey Perkins engagement In memory of Frances Hoffman In memory of Ruth Fein Elaine Smith Robert & Arlene Hoffman Robert & Melissa Fein In memory of Barry Vitow In memory of Estelle Satzman In memory of Harry Bernhang Nina Vitow Roy Satzman & Brita Nelson In memory of Netta S. Waldbaum In memory of David Morgenstern Joan Waldbaum Alberto & Myra Rios In memory of Edward Burstein In memory of Frieda Zabell Leland Maxwell & Laurie Burstein- Arthur Zabell & Louise Schmidt Maxwell In memory of Mel Beckman In memory of Harry Schlar Please Support Temple David & Barbara Smilk Steven & Donna Hendel Sholom by donating to our In memory of Carol Jablow In appreciation of Rabbi Peter Rigler Susan McMillan Ian & Caryn Gourley & Sylvia Perelman various Funds. In memory of Sophie Sitner Religious School Education Fund See page 24 for list of funds Norie Margolis Michael Nelson & Madelaine Saldivar and the Contribution form In memory of Sam Dennis In memory of Dr. Kenneth Chalal Barry & Carol Jacobs David & Beth Verman

March 2013 23 Temple Tidings

Advertising in the Temple Tidings SH P SHOLOM Advertising contracts are arranged and Grocery Shopping paid IN ADVANCE of publication through and Gift Cards the Temple Office.

Call Elyse at 610-356-5165 or email her at: Contact Nertila in the [email protected]. Advertising School Office at rates are posted on our website at: 610-886-2065 or schooladmin@temple- www.temple-sholom.org/aboutus/ sholom.org newsletter/


Cantor’s Discretionary Fund Religious School Education Fund Contributions to this fund will be used at the discretion of our Cantor. To support programs, special events and materials for education at all levels. Financial Assistance Contributions can be earmarked for Women’s Spirituality Group studies at the donor’s To offset the reduction of revenue incurred when a Temple Sholom family cannot afford to discretion. pay their total dues. Contributions go directly into the General Fund. Cantor Kaplan Chair for Sacred Music Endowment General Fund To endow the cantorial position at Temple Sholom, ensuring the future of Jewish music in To support Temple operations. our congregation. Hospice and Healing Fund Sanctuary Book Fund To assist the Hospice Committee in carrying out its support programs. To defray the cost of purchasing books for our sanctuary. A book plate is placed in each Howard Weiner Library Fund book indicating the donor’s name and the occasion, for a minimum donation of $36. An endowment fund in which the interest is used to purchase books and supplies for the Technology Fund library. To maintain and improve all aspects of technology, including our new Webcast used by Jubilee Endowment Fund Temple Sholom. To secure the future of Temple Sholom in Broomall. Temple Beautiful Fund Judith Bernick Music Fund To improve and maintain the aesthetics of the Temple, including decor, furnishings, An endowment fund in which the interest may be used for the music program. grounds and gardens. Marlene B. Kleinman Campership Fund Tzedakah (Food) Fund Interest is used to send students to a URJ camp each year. To feed the hungry in our community. Contributions are distributed at the close of each Mayer Selekman Jewish Leadership Fund fiscal year to outside charities at the discretion of a special Tzedakah committee. To provide grants for graduate study toward becoming a Jewish professional. Youth Scholarship Fund Preschool Fund To send Temple Sholom Youth Group members to National Federation of Temple Youth To support the programs of the Etta Natalie Rosenblatt Preschool. (NFTY) sponsored events. Scholarships are awarded based on financial need. Preschool Music Fund Established by the Confirmation Class of 2008 to support Preschool Music Programs. Contributions also may be made directly to the Temple Sholom Brotherhood, Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Sisterhood, Hilltoppers and Women’s Spirituality. Contributions to this fund will be used at the discretion of our Rabbi.

TEMPLE TIDINGS 24 March 2013

YAHRZEITS IN MARCH … Z”L March 1 March 8 March 15 Nathaniel Resnick Harry Clein Sheldon Bernheim Maury Buxbaum Irving Breggar father of Myron Resnick father of Warren Clein father of Lori Rowling husband of Marcella Buxbaum brother-in-law of Analee Granik March 21 Sidney Joseph Goodman Mildred Joseph father of Laurence Buxbaum Gertrude Cohen Myron Bortnicker father of Alan Goodman aunt of Nancy Hays Rabbi Albert Silverman mother of Nancy Shubin husband of Florence Bortnicker Libby Segal Maurice Klempner father of Amy Berkowitz Albert Fineberg Alan Brody sister of Thelma Greenbaum father of Benson Klempner father of Susan Garelik brother-in-law of Carol Rubin uncle of Elyse Endy Mark Sheppard Robert Seitchick Lazar Tyutyunikov Florence Holender Joann Callahan brother-in-law of David Albert father of Edwin Seitchick grandfather of Ellen Bedenko mother of Dorothy Rodney friend of Sherry Halpern March 27 Carol Shapiro March 9 David Nathan Kane Robert Whitehead Maxwell Deitch aunt of Lawrence Husick Barbara Faktorow grandfather of Michael Kane grandfather of Donna Witonsky father of Serene Friedman Bertha Simons sister-in-law of Sylvia Oxman Gertrude Lasker March 22 Ida Levine March 2 Norman Jablow grandmother of Julie Massey Bette Goldfarb grandmother of Honore Poch Ernest Buckwalter father of Susan McMillan Henry Rodney aunt of Eileen Wolfson Fannie Shulman father of David Buckwalter Adele Mellinger husband of Dorothy Rodney Roslyn Lang Rose Wilson Rose Goldberg mother of Natalene Kramer Florence Usatch sister-in-law of Ellen Shapiro grandmother of Carl Miller grandmother of Valeri Riesenfeld Isaac Tontak mother of Heidi Boudreau Frances Rotenberg March 28 Frank C. Horwitz March 10 Samuel Weinman mother of Nancy Bloomfield Peter Davis father of Ellen Shapiro Beatrice Leavitt March 16 David Stukelman cousin of Lynne Klempner Isadore Segal mother of David Leavitt Beatrice Babad father of Judith Brenner Della Marcus father-in-law of Eleanor Segal Robert I. Lipton aunt of Barbara Goldstein Marc Teller grandmother of Barbara Barr March 3 Sophie Mintz David Bianchi uncle of Shaun Goldberg Arthur Uhr Menashe Ender mother of Sylvia Rabin grandfather of Donna Witonsky March 23 friend of Jeffry Bleiman grandfather of Robin Weinstein Phyllis Powell Jonas Carpenter Hattie Godfrey March 29 Albert Goldfarb mother of Julie Leavitt father of Mary Ann Gould Rae Rosan Morris Kernitsky uncle of Eileen Wolfson Bessie Schwartz Inise S. Engelman mother of Burton Rosan grandfather of Mark Kramer Benjamin Greenbaum grandmother of Jerald Mark mother of Jayne Wessels Matthew Weinberg Linda Pappas husband of Thelma Greenbaum Irving Stein Barnett Plotkin cousin of Cynthia Fastman sister of Beverly Cylinder William Levenson father of Barbara Smilk father of Robert Plotkin Mary Young Stanley Peitzman husband of Ethel Levenson March 11 Gerson Stein mother of Sara Shapiro grandfather of Wendy Deutsch Charles Mintz Meyer Bolotsky uncle of Barbara Smilk Joseph Zbar William Stone father of Sylvia Rabin father of Michael Bolotsky Charlotte Vanett father of Deane Lappin Evelyn Rokaw Joel Schwartz Claire Chanin mother of Bruce Vanett March 24 great aunt of Nancy Hays nephew of Richard Wagner & grandmother of Jennifer Morgan March 17 Larry Grass Molly Salitsky Lisa Learner-Wagner Sam Dennis Florence Bernkrant father of Karen Munin March 30 March 4 uncle of Barry Jacobs mother of Arlana Gottlieb Regina Kornspan Tillie Block Isa Barnett Betty Lester Joseph Irvine grandmother of Regina Levin mother of Rosalyn Smolinsky father of Stephen Barnett mother of Ken Lester uncle of Daniel Endy Celia Schechter Sonya Lubar Muriel Frank David Levine Herman Krangel March 25 mother of Jodi Lubar sister of Shirley Plotkin father of Honore Poch father-in-law of Rebecca Krangel Louis Hirsch Emil Schneider Norman Sobel March 12 Ruth Lovenvirth father of Arthur Hirsch grandfather of Elliot Wunsh March 5 Martin Bloom friend of Beverly Granoff Arthur Kaplan March 31 Ernest Edwards father of Jon Bloom Ruth McCutcheon father of Jeffrey Kaplan Simon Richard Bloomfield Jane Ettelson Carol Clarke grandmother of Kimberly Segal Bill Moore father of Philip Bloomfield mother of Shirley Chalick sister-in-law of Steven & Solomon Radwill friend of Carol Herman Frank Borloff Etta Rosenblatt Barbara Clarke father of Howard Radwill Irv Moser father of Carol Borloff late wife of Herb Rosenblatt Edwin Clarke March 18 father of Michele Cooperstein Buddy Bortnicker March 6 father of Steven Clarke Peter Chapin Denise Moser brother-in-law of Florence Nathan Bronstein Roslyn Laver friend of Staycee Liberatore Isaac Sherman Bortnicker father-in-law of Nina Bronstein grandmother of Donna Meyer Sherman Friedman grandfather of Peter Witonsky Lt. Herman Chuck Drizin Dr. William M. Lester cousin of Barbara Clarke March 26 brother-in-law of Barbara Drizin father of Ken Lester William Margulies Ralph Barron Hyman Harris Stanley Peitzman Harry Schlar father of Linda Litwin grandfather of Ilene Berger stepfather of Hope Stone father of Donna Hendel Richard Robinson Nathan Protas Harry B. Trachtenberg brother-in-law of Susan Robinovitz grandfather of Staycee Liberatore father of Trudy Itzko RECENT DEATHS Marie Seltzer March 13 March 19 sister-in-law of Harriet Bleiman Victoria Brody Jacob M. Bluestone March 7 grandmother of Elyse Endy father of Nancy Handwerger Ruth Cohn, mother of David Cohn Thomas Bondy Bella Datner Henry Kozloff Henry C. Philips, father of Randy Philips friend of Edwin & Annilee aunt of Elizabeth Datner father of Susan Bilsky Saul Rosenberg, cousin of Loraine Bailie Seitchick Albert S. Fein Suzanne Perzan Celia Esther Eisenstadt father of Melissa Fein March 20 Florence Zbar, mother of Deane Lappin grandmother of Adina Stonberg Otto Rosenblatt Michael Ettelson Dr. Richard Weinberg, husband of Abby Fuhrman father of Herb Rosenblatt father of Shirley Chalick Eleanor Weinberg aunt of Barbara Mark March 14 Henry Kane Betty Danowitz, aunt of Mike Danowitz Abe J. Goldin Seymour Halpern father of Michael Kane Paul Junod father of Sherry Halpern David Kohler Larry Luterman grandfather of Elizabeth Berger Ruth Oxman Garrison Lapides Sophie Kean Kenneth Klausner mother-in-law of Sylvia Oxman father of Jules Lapides Sayre Shulman, cousin of Sandra Levy & husband of Pearl Klausner Abraham Schwartz Murry Mason Cantor Shapiro Al Kowit grandfather of Jerald Mark Jack Neff Arlene Liss Andrew Solomon father of Robert Neff Caroline Pliskin, grandmother of Mindy Haenn mother of Judith Schwartz father of Louise Schmidt

March 2013 25 Temple Tidings

TEMPLE TIDINGS 26 March 2013








eid eid Pesach







Ki Tisa Ki In




TorahPortion: Shabbat Parah TorahPortion: TorahPortion: TorahPortion: TorahPortion:

Vayakhel/Pekude Shabbat Hagadol


20 Adar Adar 20 Adar 27 5Nisan Nisan 12 19Nisan 10:30AM Mitzvah: Bat Rosin Elena 6:30Interfaith PM Adult Potluck 6:30Alef PM Class Naming 10:30AM Mitzvah: Bat Macie Plotkin Scholar 3:30PM Adult Program 5Scholar PM Reception 10:30AM Mitzvah: Bar DanielLong















8Shabbat PM Service with


“There’s Such No Thing As a

19 Adar 19Adar Adar 26 Nisan 4 Nisan 11 9:30AM Preschool Shabbat 8Shabbat PM Service 9:30AM Preschool Shabbat Tot 6 PM Shabbat Service 6:30 PM Potluck Dinner PM 7:30 GimelFamily ShabbatService 9:30AM Preschool Shabbat 9:30AM Preschool Shabbat 8Sisterhood PM Shabbat Service PreschoolVacation 8Shabbat PM Service Passover






3/25 3/25


3/20 3/20




2nd Night 2nd Seder




PreschoolMatzah Factory

25 Adar Adar 25 Nisan 3 Nisan 10 Nisan 17 10:30AM Hilltoppers Board Sisterhood PM 7:30 Board 8Discussion PM Group PM 7:30 Hilltoppers Program WS PM 1 trip to Manayunk Sisterhood PM 7:30 Book Club 1:15 PM HilltoppersBook Club Passover







Adar 24 Nisan 2 Nisan 9 16Nisan 9:30AM Jewish Meditation 10:30AM Tanakh Study PM 12 Marple Newtown ClergyMeeting B’nai 4PM Mitzvah Class Executive PM 7:30 Board Sisterhood PM 7:30 Meeting 9:30AM Jewish Meditation 10:30AM Tanakh Study B’nai 4PM Mitzvah Class PM 7:30 w/Rabbi JLL Rigler 9:30AM Jewish Meditation 10:30AM Community Seder B’nai 4PM Mitzvah Class 6:30Gratz Cooking PM 7:30 GeneralBoard Mtg. 9:30AM Jewish Meditation 10:30AM Tanakh Study B’nai 4PM Mitzvah Class Passover
















Blood Blood Drive




7 PM 7 Blood Drive

Interfaith Couples Potluck



23 Adar Adar 23 1Nisan Nisan 8 Nisan 15 Hebrew 4PM School 5:30B’nai PM Mitzvah Class 6:45Shalom PM Rav Rehearsal PM 7:30 Rehearsal Choir 2 Hebrew 4PM School Gesherim 4PM 5:30B’nai PM Mitzvah Class PM 7:30 Rehearsal Choir Hebrew 4PM School 5:30B’nai PM Mitzvah Class 6:45Kol PM Shalom Rehearsal PM 7:30 Rehearsal Choir 5:30 2nd PM NightSeder Sponsored Brotherhood by Passover/2ndSeder

4 4




March 2013 Adar/Nisan 5773 Adar/Nisan 2013 March




22 Adar Adar 22 Adar 29 Nisan 7 14Nisan 6:30 PM HebrewSchool Academy PM 7 6:30 PM HebrewSchool 6:30Gesherim PM Academy PM 7 9:30AM Preschool Matzah Factory 6:30 PM HebrewSchool Academy PM 7 Passover/1stSeder






Book Book Club

3/22 8 3/22 PM


3/7 7:30 3/7 PM

3/3 2:30 3/3 PM

3/21 3/21 PM 7:30

Board Board Meeting



Sisterhood Events Sisterhood

Daylight Savings Daylight Time

ReligiousSchool Vacation ReligiousSchool Vacation

21 Adar Adar 21 Adar 28 Nisan 6 Nisan 13 Nisan 20

9:30AM Religious School/Café 9:30AM pre K/K/1st l’Dor Dor AM 11 Sholom Kol 11:30Gesherim Family Showcase PM 2:30 Sisterhood TambourineEvent 9:30AM Religious School/Café 9:30AM 4th Grade l’Dor Dor 9:30AM Conversations w/Men AM 11 Sholom Kol 9:30Religious School/Café 10AM Brotherhood Brunch AM 11 Danny Siegel, “Everyday Miracles” AM 11 Sholom Kol Rhr Sisterhood PM 1 Rhr Passover

March 2013 27 Temple Tidings


Tuesday, March 12 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM

To register go to http://www.redcrossblood.org/ and use sponsor code: 0222044

or sign up with Sandy Cohen at 610-356-5165 Walk-ins are welcomed where schedule permits.

LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! IN CASE OF INCLEMENT WEATHER: Search for "Temple Sholom in Broomall" or follow this link: For Programs and Events: please check with the Temple Office or check the website www.temple- http://www.facebook.com/TempleSholomInBroomall sholom.org (please note, KYW radio only covers school closing, not programs)

Then click 'Like'! For Religious School: Listen to KYW 1060 AM for Religious School closing; our Cancellation is #510 and 'Like' us! or visit our website: www.temple-sholom-school.org

Temple Sholom in Broomall 55 North Church Lane, Broomall, PA 19008 www.temple-sholom.org Rabbi Peter C. Rigler Cantor Kerith Spencer-Shapiro Rabbi Emeritus Mayer Selekman Cantor Emerita Patrice Kaplan

TEMPLE TIDINGS 28 March 2013