A P Liaiirl)Pbtpr Mpralh
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, 1988 — 19 N0ME8 IFOB m i \I ________ M ALLARD View- Quality MANCHESTER. 2 bed Churdi plans Deep h o le fflfS g » ^ (||rii| constructed 3 bedroom room Townhouse with P O N T IA C Phoenix 1980.4 Olds Cutlass C ruiser 1987. Brougham Wagon. R. 1 year attached single family fireplace. Heat, car door, hatch, front homes (you own your Loaded. All options. 4 lex. 3 bed- peting, A/C, all ap wheel drive, auto- Concerns about own lot),flreplocedliv pliances. Nice loca- motlc, air, cruise, AM- months old, 3900 miles. Whalers two games behind Revenue Increase I baths, full Rust proofed, etc. Paid , p r iv a t e ing room , V /i baths, tlon. C a ll 647-1595. FM . 48K. $1950. 649- Anderson permoshleld MI8CEUANE01I8 1337. ____________ $15,600. asking $13,000 \retlrement-center /3 Canadlens in Stanley Cup /13 1 fully car- MANCHESTER- Main ___ I CHILD CARE . or best offer. 649-2178. may cover budget /4 stove, re- termopone windows, Street, 1 and 2 bedroom 8ERVICE8 SUBARU DL Wagon 1981. ronge, refrigerator, and dls- apartm ents. 529-7858 or BABYSITTER Avolloble. New clutch, new axels. 1983 C h e w C a v a lie r '1 nyl siding. dishwasher and win 563-4438._____________ Experienced Pre- TAX.ATTORNEY R e t i r e m e n t L iv in g Good condition. $1300 Wagon, 4 speed, power Is. On aulet dows, range, refrigera School Teacher ovolla- ( M M trom mS) D & B PAINTING Everything prbvided negotiable. Call 649- steering, power tor, dishwasher and 3 Rooms partly f urnlshed- Immediate ble to babysit. 6pm- Will advise and prepare Exttrlgr M#ns# PahrtlBg for your comfort even 7494 offer 6pm._______ brakes, AM/FM microwave oven, car ,heat. Working single . $139,900. male preferred. No 11pm. Call Nancy all tax returns. Dependable and axperlenead. nursing service. Rotes PLYMOUTH Horizon Cassette. $3200. 742- t9-2947. peting, full basement 645-6570. reasonable. Coll 649- 5459. and even an attached pets. Leose. 643-2880. Low Prloee and Fully Insured. 1980. Good condition, 4 WHITMAN , Free Eetlmeiea 2358. ________ cylinder, 4 door, 4 dsor llne- NEW Apartments on bus- la s Downey Drive., Apt. A garage. $149,900. B lan ODD lobs, Trucking oom Colon- chard 8< Rossetto Real llne. 2nd floor. $550 per Menoheeler, S2S-lsei NEIL - 649-4136 speed. $1500 or best month. 1 month secur LAWN CARE Home repairs. You offer. 649-3692.________ loor family tors," We’re Selling nam e It, we do It. Free J 4 b e d - H ouses" 646-2482.0 ity. Peterman Building INCOME TAX 1 ^ ROOFING/ AMC Eagle 4x4 1981. estimates. Insured. 643- 57,000 miles. Good run sre'sevena QUALITY and Elegance Com pony. 649-9404.D LAWNS Cut. Reliable 0304. CLYDE the living work, reasonable PREPARATION E i]8 ID IN 0 ________ ning condition. $1200 CHEVROLET-aUICK, INC. can be found through TWO Family flat, first In Your Hom e wood stove floor, 4'/i rooms. Ap rates. Call Mike 643- HAWKES TREE SERVICE negotloble. 646-6173. ROUTE 83, VERNON out this exquisite new 8 Inleuding; Rental and Sole R.J. Roofing. No lob too r room. All 0720. Buckal, truck S chippar. Stump D ATSU N 210 1980- E x c e l room Contemporary pliances, Adults pre Proprietorship. C all Jim Wheeler 82 Regal Coup# *5695 liaiirl)PBtpr Mpralh It's located big or too small. Will Ronch. This custom ferred. No pets. Secur Need your lawn mowed ramoval. Fraa aatimataa. lent running condition. mllvnelgh- work 7 days, until lob S4CameroCpa. *7995 built home offers 3 ity. $500 per month. or rokedH Any odd lobs “ 742-1009 Special conaldaratlon for Automatic, A/C, ra- $185,900. complete. 10 percent 84 Century L T D 4 dr. *8295 bedroom s, 2Vi baths, 649-7885._____________ outside. 649-3104. Reas aldariy and handicappad. dlols. $1200. 649-5121. Real Est- discount for senior citi 84 Citation 4 dr. *4995 charming living room, 3 Bedroom apartment on onable rates. OLDS Cutlass Wagon .D zens. Free estimates. 85 Spectrum 4 dr *3995 flreploced fam ily 2nd floor In 4 family CARPENTRY/ 647-7553 1980- 1 owner, 75,000 EASTERN Jo e 649-9251.________ SSOIdaCallizdr. *7995 R- Beautl- room, formal dining house. $600 per month. REM0DELIN6 miles. Automatic, very Friday, April 8, 1988 wlth 2flre- room and ultra modern LAWNCARE 85 Chav. Aetro Van *9695 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents C a ll 645-8201. O t f f t n g • Pu// L ln 0 of PRESTIGE ROOFING HANDYMAN good condition. 872- e 1st floo r kitchen. Am enities In 65 Century 4 dr. *5995 MANCHESTER. For Ltwn 6 Yard Sgry/cM Roofing of all typaa. Shlnglaa. Home Improvement - Polnllne 6122. ) with slld- clude; whirlpool, sky w ro CARPENTRY A 85 Cavelier C S 4 dr. *5995 rent. B ig 3 bedroom on MovNng. B OI . Rlwitlno A Mofol flat roofing, roof rapalra. - Boiemenrt Flnlihed - Tlllna ■ c, walk-up A lights, central vac, sun- Llahl Carpentry ■ ODD JOBS - 68 Century 4 dr. 9uRy lft«ir«tf • 9rM EMImMoi REMODEUtM SERVICES *9995 busline. $575 plus utili All work gutrinitod. iht living raom, paddle fan, • tOfMor C R in n OlBOOuni* CompMa home repairs and re INSURED 88Camarocpa. *10,795 ties. Security and ref modeling. W s a p a ^ lz s In bath tor enter- recessed lighting, 2 Call 66 Olde Delta Cpa. *11,2 95 ar garage, erences reaulred. 6^- 447-9910 Kendall Ksyss rooms and kltohsna. Small seals BARRY SCANLON LIPMAN #1 decks, 2 car garage and commarolal work. Raglalerad, In- 67 Caprice wagon *12,595 1 P o r t e r 1577. 742-7331 646-2411 free eitimatee more. Coll for a show aured, ratarenesa. VOLKSWAGEN 67 Chav. Celebrity 4 dr. *6995 . Reduced ing. $349,900. Klernan MANCHESTER. 454 Main PHIL’S UWN CARE Afghan accord is ready MIRRORS • MIRRORS me M ille r Street. 2nd floor, 3 C o s i e s Conaarvotlva way to BS Subaru QL, 3 dr, Silver, 5 sp. 67 Pont. 6000 4 dr. *9995 Realty. 357 East Center • Spring cleanup Brighten up your hom e 647-eOOO.o Install or repair your root 4 WD. AC. AM-FM, <7205 67 Century 4 dr. *9995 Street. Manchester, room heated. No ap Rsaaonably priced, pliances. Security. $480 • Mowing FARRAND REMODELING and tovei Deal direct with SO v w QTi reoes R- Spec- CT. 06040. 649-1147. o roofer. Wood and ctdar rararancae, Inauied. per m onth. 646-2426, • Weekly service available. Room additions, dseka, roofing, SOTrant Am, BIk, '11,895 tem porary COVENTRY- Profitable thaketpeclallfll Saal • Over 20 years sxparlanes. 872-9111 Gorbachev says Soviet troops will begin leaving May 15 ] beautttui P weekdoys 9om-5pm. aiding, windows and gutters. 80 Toy. Tarcal. 2 dr, rad, '8185 auto body, repair and Call for free estimates. d o w n i. 27 y e ars X)0 sauare Baekhoa and buNdozar sarvics ACCENT GUSS CO. SS (2) Tareala 4 dr. AT, '6995 used cor bulsness... 4 Room Duplex with sun- exparlenca. 85 GENEVA (AP) — A settlement ury... 1st available. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. Chav Cavalier Type 10, '3285 ilVA (AP)—A settlement the Afghan government since "It‘It is not a perfect agreement The United States is the giguerril land, bulsness, build deck and garden In __ 742-7476___ 647-0146 88 Cutleee Clerra brn, '7985 ced fam ily 8 7 1 -7 9 9 0 . to end the war in Afghanistan and April 30, 1978, after a communist because it was worked out by las’ main weapons supplier. The ing and tools Included wonderful neighbor Bus. 047-8509 EASTERN WATERPROOFINO 84 Audi 4000, querto, '6485 ry, 3 bed- hood. $530plus utilities. *****GGBGaGBn«B«gg MDTDRCYCLES/ clear the way for the removal of coup set up a government human beings,” but it "reflects In this great opportun G & G L awn S ervice Bst. 845-6849 COMPANY 64 Volvo DL, 4 dr, brn, AT, '7595 Soviet Union had argued that U.S. ken tlre- ity... Good going buls No pets. AyallobleMay 64 VW QLI '6795 ( 3 3 MDPEDS Soviet troops is completed and friendly to the Soviet Union. the reality of the situation," aid to insurgents couldn’t be Mowing, trimming and spring H&R ROOFING SPtCIALIZINa IN I ng room , ness.. Buy NowIM Call 1st. 643-9691._________ 63 VW Cemper AT. '7995 ready to be signed, a U.N. Soviet troops entered the war Cordovez said. ng room , claanup. DapandaWs ssrvica Rsaldsntlal roofing of all types. • Wot Baoomonlo • Hetohwsys compared to Soviet aid to the Bob Klernen today! and low pricsa. For frss 64 VW Rabbit, 4SK, '4295 Y A M A H A 1980 250 E x c i mediator said today. on Dec. 1979 and an estimated Chen, ex- MANCHESTER- Ayalla 8A8 Home FREE ESTIMATES. • Sump Pumpo • Foundation Crooks “The test of this agreement will government. $395,000. Klernan ble M ay 1st. 6 rooms, satlmats call 62 VW Convertible. >6996 ter. Runs good. Needs Radio Moscow reported that ster bed- Improvemonti A Repair 10% Ssnior CItIzan Discount. FREE ESTIMATES 62 Buick Skylark. '3295 115,000 are in Afghanistan now. come in its implementation, and Cordovez refused to discuss the Realty. 357 East Center w all to w all In 3 rooms, Paul - 646-6868 or WRITTEN QUARANTEE minor repairs. Asking wlth let Complete, home care. All Work Quarantasd. 62 Ford EXT, '2195 Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorba Radio Moscow reported that therefore I hope that people will issue and said it was not part of Street, Manchester, no appliances, wa- Dan - 228-9094 $250.