THE DAILY TEXAN 102 79 Wednesday, August 11, 2010 Serving the University of Texas at Austin Community Since 1900

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THE DAILY TEXAN 102 79 Wednesday, August 11, 2010 Serving the University of Texas at Austin Community Since 1900 1A SPORTS PAGE 8 LIFE&ARTS PAGE 6 Texas volleyball looks for another national title shot A look at why three businesses closed along the Drag this summer SPORTS PAGE 8 Is this Texas football’s season to rebuild? TOMORROW’S WEATHER High Low THE DAILY TEXAN 102 79 Wednesday, August 11, 2010 Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900 Budget cuts TODAY Wade into Deep Eddy’s waters increase load for faculty in Calendar UT college Who’s got talent? “American Idol” comes to Austin By Collin Eaton with tryouts for season 10 at the Daily Texan Staff Frank Erwin Center. Professors and lecturers in the College of Communication will be required to teach three courses ‘Follow me into within their departments next year nowhere’ as a budget-trimming measure, the Crystal Castles, Rusko, Sinden college’s dean said Tuesday. and Destructo play Stubb’s Dean Roderick Hart said the Bar-B-Que at 6 p.m. Tickets start new policy is a measure to help fund merit- at $35. pay increas- es and two state-direct- ed budget cuts, but Campus watch that it will not produce Hulk smashed a windfall for the col- 210 W. Sixth St. Susan Gaetz lege’s bud- A non-UT subject was reported Adjunct lecturer get. Hart to have been jumping on the said he is not sure of the amount hood of a parked car, jumping the move will save out of the col- into the street and chasing lege’s $46.4 million budget be- moving vehicles. The subject cause the college has not yet re- then confronted a pedestrian viewed who will get increased who was waiting to cross the teaching loads. street. The officers detected a Kiersten Marian | Daily Texan Staff “We’ve cut a back a bit [on non- very strong odor of alcohol on Jody Klopp swims laps at Deep Eddy Pool while visiting her daughter in Austin. In addition to lap lanes, Deep Eddy also features a large tenured personnel] but we haven’t the subject’s breath and noted wading area with natural, spring-fed water. done anything in a wholesale way other signs of intoxication. because we have a lot of students The subject was taken into Editor’s note: This is the sixth in a weekly needed shade. Many pool visitors sprawl and a lot of teaching responsibili- custody for Public Intoxication. series highlighting swimming holes out on blankets and read or enjoy a laid- LOCATION: 401 Deep Eddy Ave. ties,” he said. “To cut back on fac- Because of the subject’s around Austin. back lunch on the picnic tables by the ulty is pretty difficult given the de- intoxication level, the subject park’s entrance. mand placed on our college, but HOURS: Open 8 a.m.-9 p.m. year-round was transported to a local By Aaron West “It’s awesome and cold,” said Sam Wa- we’re looking for ways to [continue area hospital. At the hospital, Daily Texan Staff then, 11, a pool visitor. “It’s like swimming operations] more efficiently during the subject again became Deep Eddy, the oldest swimming pool in in the Arctic. I live down the block, so I COST: $1 children this next academic year. We’ll focus combative and assaulted a Texas, is a 33-meter-long pool located just come every week.” $2 12-17 on how can we [produce] the same nurse. After being released from west of downtown Austin that gives peo- The pool takes its name from an 1850s $3 adults quality, increase our capacity and the hospital, the subject was ple a great place to cool off in its chilly, swimming hole located on the Colorado $1 seniors do so at a reasonable cost.” $180 annual pass Other efforts to save money transported to Central Booking. spring-fed water. River where a boulder formed an eddy in Located on the northern shore of Lady the fast-flowing current. In those days, the November-March is free may include “squeezing a couple The officers learned the Bird Lake, just west of MoPac Boulevard, land was owned by Charles Johnson, a of more students” into classrooms subject had four outstanding Deep Eddy Pool is surrounded by grassy Swedish immigrant. UPCOMING: “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood and using Web-enabled courses, outside agency arrest warrants. slopes and impressive oak trees. The trees His children, Mary and Henry, opened Prince” will be screened Saturday at dusk as but there are no official plans yet, Occurred Saturday at 1:21 a.m. offer a refuge from the fierce summer sun part of the pool’s Splash Party Movie with leafy branches providing some much- POOL continues on page 2 Night series. COLLEGE continues on page 2 Today in history Texas Democrats P In 1929 Babe Ruth hits the 500th home run of his career at League Park secure funding in Cleveland, becoming the first player in history to do so. for school districts By Nolan Hicks prevent the layoffs of up to 15,000 Daily Texan Staff teachers statewide as school dis- Inside The U.S. House of Represen- tricts grapple with budget defi- tatives passed a $26 billion relief cits. In Opinion: package Thursday aimed at help- “[Rep. Lloyd] Doggett’s amend- Take a break from required ing cash-strapped states avoid ment is important because it pre- reading while you can page 4 laying off teachers and govern- vents the money from being fun- ment employees. neled off,” TSTA spokesman Texas Democrats in the House Clay Robison said. “If Rick Perry In Life&Arts: managed to work a rider into the doesn’t accept the funding, it puts Dystopian novel focuses on bill, which attached strings to the 14,500 teachers at risk.” romance, earns an A page 6 $830 million allocated to Texas State Republican leaders furi- in education funds and required ously attacked the effort. Both At- Gov. Rick Perry to guarantee that torney General Greg Abbott and public-education spending cuts Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst threat- would not be disproportional to ened to sue the federal govern- funding reductions at other state ment over the provision and Per- agencies. ry claimed the measure was un- Destinee Hodge | Daily Texan Staff Officials at the Texas State constitutional. The hillside community of Greenland is one of the most populous areas on the island of Tortola in the Teachers Association and the As- “Here’s what’s not a responsible British Virgin Islands. sociation of Texas Professional Ed- ucators said the funds would help BILL continues on page 2 INSIDE: 48 Hours looks at tourism in the British Virgin Islands on page 3 Quote to note “When the president Rally takes on corporate corruption of the United States ‘ By Shamoyita DasGupta to help raise awareness and con- said. “It’s no longer ‘one person, comes to‘ visit, you Daily Texan Staff tact their representatives in Wash- one vote.’” Various organizations joined ington about the January Supreme The rally also focused on the make time.” members of the Austin communi- Court ruling on Citizens United v. Fair Elections Now Act, which ty in front of the Capitol in a ral- Federal Election Commission that would allow candidates for fed- ly Tuesday to fight corporate cor- allows for unlimited spending on eral office to run without rely- ruption in Washington. elections by corporate organiza- ing on large contributions or lob- The Austin chapter of MoveOn. tions, thereby giving these corpo- byist reform to try to decrease org hosted the rally with several rations more say in the election the influence that lobbyists have other groups, including Environ- process. Members of MoveOn. on politicians. ment Texas and Public Citizen. org encouraged attendees to sign “Lobbyists have too much con- The event featured speakers from the Fight Washington Corruption trol in Congress,” Environment the organizations as well as mu- Pledge to overturn the ruling. Texas Director Luke Metzger said. sic and street theater with papier- “[The ruling] allows corpora- “They write checks to politicians. — Dave Player mache puppets to represent cor- tions to spend as much money They wine and dine them.” Huay-Bing Law | Daily Texan Staff Editorial board member porations, lobbyists, Democrats as they want and is taking mon- Those present at the rally Daniel Llanes, member of, leads the crowd in a chant and Republicans. ey away from individuals,” Mo- Tuesday at a rally in front of the Capitol. Activists gathered to protest OPINION PAGE 4 The rally called on participants coordinator Bill Hamm RALLY continues on page 2 corporate corruption in the political system. 2A 2 NEWS Wednesday, August 11, 2010 BILL: Leaders Lady Liberty cleans up fight over abuse of school funds From page 1 thing, is for Washington, D.C., to try to mandate to the states how to run our states,” Perry said at a press briefing Friday. “If [Tex- as Democratic Rep.] Gene Green wants to run for governor, tell him to come down here and pay his money and sign up. Don’t sit up there and start telling us how to run this state.” Perry also said Doggett, D-Tex- as, who led efforts to get the bud- get language attached to the bill, should be ashamed of himself. He said Doggett’s efforts would pun- ish Texas schools. Democrats have spent the past week firing back at state Repub- lican leaders, saying their actions were prompted by what they be- lieve was an improper reallocation of federal stimulus funds during the last budget cycle.
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