AGENDA Meeting: September 14, 2020 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Virtual meeting:




4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1 August 10, 2020 Regular Meeting 4.2 August 24, 2020 Special Meeting

5. DELEGATIONS 5.1 Bassano RCMP 6:00 p.m. 5.2 Newell Further Education Council 6:20 p.m.

6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1 Regional Emergency Management Agency Bylaw 903/20 6.2 Land Use Bylaw Amendment 907/20 – FAB Village Square 6.3 Business Development – Offer to Purchase 422 – 1st Avenue 6.4 Strategic Plan 2019-2026 Revisions 6.5 Road Maintenance - 1st Street Close

7. NEW BUSINESS 7.1 Business Development – Offer to Purchase – 418 – 2nd Avenue – ADDITION 7.2 2020 Tax Recovery Auction Dates 7.3 Regional Transportation Service – Request for Funding 7.4 Resident Complaint – Compensation Request 7.5 ATCO Franchise Fee


8.1 Mayor R. Wickson . Joint Services Committee – August 11, 2020 . Newell Foundation – August 11, 2020 . Mayors, Reeves, CAO and Ministers Meeting - September 1, 2020

8.2 Deputy Mayor T. Rose . Newell Regional Services Commission – August 19, 2020

8.3 Councillor J. Slomp . Newell Regional Solid Waste – August 20, 2020

8.4 Councillor K. Jones

8.5 Councillor D. Barlow . Nothing to report

8.6 Councillor I. Morey . Shortgrass Library System – August 19, 2020 1 of 2 . Bowling Club AGM – August 31, 2020 . Community Futures Wild Rose – September 3, 2020 9. CAO REPORTS 9.1 CAO Operation Report 9.2 Financial statement for the month ending July 31, 2020 and August 31, 2020 9.3 Cheque listing for the month ending July 31, 2020 and August 31, 2020 9.4 FCSS Director Report for the period ending August 31, 2020 9.5 CPO Report for the month ending August 31, 2020

10. CORRESPONDENCE 10.1 Regional Assessment Review Board Appointment – August 18, 2020 10.2 Regional Assessment Review Board Appointment – City of Brooks – August 26, 2020 10.3 Regional Services Commission Executive Minutes – June 11, 2020 10.4 Southern Energy to Waste Alliance – July 31, 2020 Minutes and Facts 10.5 Oldman River Regional Services Commission Executive Minutes - March 5, 2020 10.6 TELUS – Prioritization of Rural Connectivity Across – Request for Letter of Support

11. CLOSED SESSION 11.1 None


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Regular Council Meeting August 10, 2020


ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYOR Ron Wickson COUNCILLORS Doug Barlow Kevin Jones Tom Rose John Slomp Irvine Morey

STAFF Amanda Davis – Chief Administrative Office Jordan Mitchell – Executive Assistant Sydney Smith – Administrative Assistant

OTHER Sandra Stanway – Brooks Bulletin Tom Leavitt – MPE Engineering Jody Petrone – MPE Engineering


Mayor Wickson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


. Tom Rose . Doug Barlow


192/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR MOREY that the agenda is approved with the following deletion:

Delegations . 5.2 Public Hearing – Bassano RCMP 6:30 p.m. CARRIED


Councillor Rose entered the meeting at 6:01 p.m.

4.1 Adoption of minutes from the regular meeting of July 13, 2020

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Regular Council Meeting August 10, 2020 193/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR ROSE that council approves the minutes of the regular meeting held on July 13, 2020 as presented. CARRIED


5.1 Public Hearing – MPE Engineering

T. Leavitt and J. Petrone entered the meeting at 6:02 p.m.

Leavitt and Petrone presented and discussed 2017 Capital Projects warranty and dispute related to contracted documents (M# 073/20).

Councillor Barlow entered the meeting at 6:12 p.m.

Leavitt and Petrone departed the meeting at 6:27 p.m.


6.1 Regional Emergency Management Agency Bylaw #903/20

An amended Regional Emergency Management Bylaw #903/20 was presented and discussed.

194/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR SLOMP that council give second reading to the Regional Emergency Management Bylaw #903/20 as amended. CARRIED

6.2 Public Works – Surface Improvements – 1st Avenue West – Amendment

Surface Improvements – 1st Avenue West Amendment was presented and discussed.

195/20 Moved by COUCNILLOR MOREY that council rescinds motion 146/20 and directs administration to submit an amendment to the Gas Tax Fund for the 1st Avenue West rehabilitation projects to contact Brooks Asphalt and the County of Newell to complete the project upgrades with a total project expense of $88,000 to include approximately 182 meters of filter cloth and 24” of granular base to improve soft spots. CARRIED


7.1 Business Development – Offer to Purchase 422 – 1st Avenue

A written Offer to Purchase for 422 – 1st Avenue, Bassano was presented.

196/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR SLOMP that council rejects the offer of $6,000 for Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 15 and offers the lot to the interested party at a sale price of $10,950 plus GST with the following conditions: first, that Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot ______2 of 6 Mayor CAO 14/09/20 14/09/20

Regular Council Meeting August 10, 2020 15; Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 16; Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 17; Plan 3872T; Block 3, Lot p.18 are consolidated. And second, that a development permit is obtained to extend the security fence in accordance with the Land Use Bylaw around the perimeter of the consolidated property. CARRIED

7.2 Public Works – Surface Improvements – Sidewalks

Councillor Barlow recused himself from the discussion and vote on new business item 7.2 Public Works – Surface Improvements – Sidewalks in accordance with section 172 of the Municipal Government Act.

Public Works Surface Improvements Sidewalk was presented and discussed.

197/20 Moved by MAYOR WICKSON that council approve Mudrack Concrete Ltd.’s proposal for the 2020 Sidewalk Repair and Replacement for $28,315 plus GST and directs administration to submit a $20,000 application to the Gas Tax Fund to offset the cost of the project. DEFEATED

198/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR ROSE that council approve Ry Bar Oilfield Services Ltd. proposal for the 2020 Sidewalk Repair and replacement for $31,479 plus GST and directs administration to submit a $20,000 application to the Gas Tax Fund to offset the cost of the project. CARRIED

7.3 Assessment Review Boards Bylaw #906/20 – Proposed

A proposed Assessment Review Boards Bylaw #906/20 was presented and discussed.

199/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR BARLOW that council gives first reading to the Assessment Review Boards Bylaw #906/20. CARRIED

200/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR ROSE that council gives second reading to the Assessment Review Boards Bylaw #906/20. CARRIED

201/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR MOREY that council has third reading of the Assessment Review Boards Bylaw #906/20. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

202/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR MOREY that council gives third and final reading to Assessment Review Boards Bylaw #906/20. CARRIED

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Regular Council Meeting August 10, 2020 7.4 Tax Recovery – 413 – 2nd Avenue, Bassano

Recovery of 413 – 2nd Avenue, Bassano, was presented and discussed.

203/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR ROSE that council directs administration to proceed with a tax forfeiture pursuant to the Municipal Government Act for Plan 3872T; Block 3; W1/2 of Lot 4 (413 – 2nd Avenue) whereby the Town takes possession of the property. Upon possession, that administration obtain an environmental proposal to determine abatement requirements in preparation for demolition. CARRIED

7.5 2019-2025 Strategic Plan Review

A review of the Strategic Plan 2019-2025 was discussed.

204/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR MOREY that a special virtual council meeting is held to review the Town’s Strategic Plan 2019-2025 on August 24, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. following the Municipal Planning Commission meeting. CARRIED


8.1 – 8.6 Written board and committee reports were presented and discussed.

205/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR ROSE to accept the Board and Committee reports as presented and discussed as attached to and forming parts of these minutes. CARRIED


9.1 Operations Report

A written CAO report was provided for the period ending August 6, 2020.

Office Hours

Discussion held regarding the current workload and the impacts the pandemic has had on municipal operations.

206/20 Moved by MAYOR WICKSON that to address impending workloads because of pandemic planning and response that council authorizes the closure of the Town Office two days per week for three months. Updates regarding outputs will continue to be provided to council to monitor the amended office hours. The Town Office will be closed to the public on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s beginning the week of August 17, 2020. The Town Office will remain staffed five-days per week during this period. CARRIED

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Regular Council Meeting August 10, 2020

Emergency Management – Council Meeting

Discussion held regarding meeting procedures.

207/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR BARLOW that all council meetings are held virtually until further notice. CARRIED Goal 2 – Task 2 – Unique Project – Tiny Home Pilot Project

New siting options were discussed regarding the FAB Village Square project and public consultation as per motion 174/20.

208/20 Moved by MAYOR WICKSON to directing administration to undertake a public engagement process regarding the new siting options for the FAB Village Square project. CARRIED 9.2 Financial Report

A second quarter financial report was presented.

9.3 Financial Statements

Financial statements for the months ending May 31, 2020 and June 30, 2020 were presented.

9.4 Cheque Listing

A cheque listing for the month ending June 30, 2020 was presented.

9.5 FCSS Director Report

A FCSS Director Report for the period ending July 31, 2020 was presented.

9.6 CPO Report

A CPO report for the month ending July 30, 2020 was presented.

209/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR ROSE that the CAO report for the period ending August 6, 2020 is approved as presented and discussed as attached to and forming parts of these minutes. CARRIED


10.1 A letter of support for the Energy to Waste Project was presented.

210/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR MOREY to accept the correspondence and to file the item as information. CARRIED ______5 of 6 Mayor CAO 14/09/20 14/09/20

Regular Council Meeting August 10, 2020


Mitchell, Smith and Stanway departed the meeting at 7:57 p.m.

211/20 Moved by MAYOR WICKSON to enter a closed session at 7:58 p.m. to discuss legal matters in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act (FOIP) Section 25 (1)(c) with all persons excluded except town council and CAO Davis. CARRIED

212/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR JONES to revert to a regular meeting at 8:12 p.m. CARRIED

213/20 Moved by MAYOR WICKSON that council accepts the information regarding legal matters as discussed. CARRIED

214/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR ROSE to direct administration to proceed with the waterline repair on the north end of 11 Street as stated in motion #073/20. And, upon completion of repairs that administration invoice PME for all costs incurred related to the 2017 capital project deficiency. CARRIED


215/20 Moved by MAYOR WICKSON for adjournment of the regular council meeting of August 10, 2020 at 8:15 p.m. CARRIED

______Mayor Chief Administrative Officer

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Regular Council Meeting August 24, 2020


ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYOR Ron Wickson COUNCILLORS Doug Barlow Kevin Jones Tom Rose John Slomp Irvine Morey

STAFF Amanda Davis – Chief Administrative Officer Sydney Smith – Administrative Assistant


Mayor Wickson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


. Kevin Jones


216/20 Moved by COUNCILLOR ROSE that the agenda is approved as presented. CARRIED


4.1 2019-2025 Strategic Plan Review

An open discussion occurred where council reviewed their strategic priorities and outcomes.

Smith departed at 7:54 p.m.


217/20 Moved by MAYOR WICKSON for adjournment of the special council meeting of August 24, 2020 at 8:27 p.m. CARRIED

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Regular Council Meeting August 24, 2020 ______Mayor Chief Administrative Officer

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DELEGATION Meeting: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 5.1

SUBJECT: Corporal Sebastian Andrews, Bassano RCMP

Delegation time: 6:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.

Corporal Andrews requested attendance at the September 14, 2020 council meeting to present an operations update as outlined in the attached report.

Action required: . Open discussion/dialogue.

Attachments: 1. RCMP – 1st Quarter Report 2020/2021 2. RCMP – Monthly Mayor’s Report – August 2020

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Bassano Annual Performance Plan 2020/2021 1st Quarter Progress (April 1st to June 30th). Priorities were chosen based on the feedback received from area communities policed by the Bassano RCMP for the 2020/2021year. The following results are generated based on activities within the detachment’s entire area of jurisdiction of the Counties of Newell, Wheatland, and Villages and Towns of Gem, Bassano, Rosemary, and Hussar. COVID 19- Bassano RCMP is dedicated to continuing to provide a of service to all our residents in our current crisis. Rest assured we are fully operational to answer all calls for service in the safest manner possible during these unprecedented times. With this in mind our level of community engagement will be tailored with social distancing in mind to keep all parties safe from the transmission of COVID-19. We are here to keep all our community members safe, and will continue to strive to improve our level service in the future. Stay safe and remember we are here to help in your time of need. 1. Priority - Community Engagement a. 19 Online youth engagement Sessions Bassano, Gem, Rosemary, and County of Newell. b. 14 event participation and attendance. i. 10 Birthday Parades ii. Participation in Rosemary’s, and Bassano’s Graduation parades. iii. 4 Online interactive education programs( Bike safety, RCMP career, water safety, Sun safety etc) iv. Hussar Town Hall Q&A on how we can improve police services. Below our pictures of our members in action during COVID-19. Cst. Andre BISSON (breathe Bassano workout), Cst. Hugh JIA (bike Safety), Cst. Logan TATARYN RCMP (career info session).

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Bassano Annual Performance Plan 2020/2021

2. Priority - Contribute to Safe Roads Due to Covid safe roads will be tracked next quarter. 3. Priority – Crime Reduction (Rural property crime) a. 241 pro active Rural Crime Patrols to Hussar, Bassano, Gem, Rosemary, Counties of Newell and Wheatland. b. 104 Hot spot Patrols* Based on our Intelligence program from last year we have identified hot spot areas where Copper thefts is prevalent and have increased patrols in these designated areas. 4. High Priority Calls. a. 4 Sudden Deaths b. 6 MHA transports c. 10 Charges laid in Person crimes * Defined by Assault, Sexual Assault, Harassment, Utter threats *We have noted since Covid 19, Their has been a decrease in the amount of calls for service from last year’s 1st quarter of 389 calls for service to 200 calls for service this quarter. Although we have noted an increase in person crimes, overall calls for service has been trending down due to Covid restrictions. • R stands for Rosemary, B stands for Bassano, G Gem, H for Hussar Ba ssa no Detachment TRAFFIC COMMUNITY ENGAGMENT APP Tickets/ Vehicle Impaired Events 2020/2021 Schools Rural Patrols Copper Patrols Warnings Stops Suspensions Presentations APRIL 4 4 1 5 1 87 48 MAY 16 16 1 5 1 77 34 JUNE 14 14 1 5 2 77 22

TOTALS 34 34 4 15 4 241 104

Bassano RCMP would like to thank its community members for helping to curve property crime by calling in suspicious people on or around their property and continuing to keep an open line of communication.

Bassano RCMP will continue to improve on our policing based on further Town Hall meetings in your community and engagement with your leaders.

Prepared by: Cpl. Sebastian ANDREWS Bassano Detachment Commander

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Bassano Detachment “K” Division Alberta

Annual Performance Plan (A.P.P.’s) Community Priorities:

Community approved APP’s are: (1) Community engagement a) Crime Reduction rural crime

(2) Traffic

(1) Community engagement: a. School visits With School, re-opening Bassano RCMP will start slowly reintegrating back in the school following all school guidelines. b) Live Communications. Bassano Detachment started a live reading program on Tuesdays via Facebook to connect with our community resident’s youth. Update: With school re opening the program with FCSS is done. In addition, Bassano will be limiting online reading session from once a week to twice a month since we will be back in schools.

In the month of August, we completed Four reading sessions.

We also completed a Bike Rodeo in partnership with FCSS, which gave kids a more thorough knowledge of bike safety, and numerous prizes were given out. This was ran By Cst. Hugh JIA


(2) Crime Reduction Rural/ Copper Patrols a. Rural patrols With recent Covid 19 concerns, Bassano Detachment is determined to stay on top of helping to prevent crime and be more visible in our rural areas to keep residents safe and stay engaged. Therefore, we have greatly increased our rural patrol in your areas during these unprecedented times.

b. Copper theft patrols. Bassano Detachment continues its new intelligence-sharing program to help combat copper theft in our detachment area. This has helped us identify hot spot areas where we can allocate more resources to these areas and greatly increase patrols.

*A patrol consists of a minimum of 45 minutes in the said area.

c. Community relations

WE ARE NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC WITH NEW SAFETY GUIDELINES FOR CRIMINAL RECORD CHECKS ETC. We still urge residents to call our administration line for any non-emergency questions or concerns to help prevent spread (403 641- 3684). PSE Stephanie STOKES is working Monday to Friday to answers our admin line with any questions or concerns. Please urge residents with any emergency questions to call 911

(3) Traffic:

Due to Covid-19 concerns, we continue to patrol our roads to keep residents and motorists safe. We are starting to increase screening for impaired drivers with strict safety protocols to keep all parties safe. • * Chart below starts from April 2020- March 31 2021 • R stands for Rosemary, B stands for Bassano, G Gem, H for Hussar


Crime Total Year* prevention =R+B+G+H R B G H to August 2020 Date Rural patrols 86 20 39 13 14 393 Copper patrols 19 136 School visits/ 4 * * * * 20 Facebook Live sessions Vehicle checked 30 25 for sobriety • Due to Covid 19, School visits will be demonstrated through Facebook live feeds, which are shared to all community major bulletin boards. • UPDATE: With school open, we will limit online session to twice a month.

Notable occurrences for the Month

• Two impaired drivers this month with one driver having an alcohol reading over 3 times the legal limit.

• Community Contributions to APP’S

- CAO Amanda DAVIS and Town Council has been instrumental in keeping us informed and the spread of information flowing as it pertains to Covid-19 and the RCMP’s response. - FCSS program director Victoria has been an enormous asset in helping us keep our positive relationship with the community we police.

New Community Concerns (Update on concerns raised in the past if not yet resolved): -Update we are now doing criminal record checks in person and online services for all jobs.


• Bassano Detachment responded to a total of 166 calls for service during the month of August 2020

Year to

August Date August Year Total OCCURRENCES 2020 2019 2019 Fiscal April 20- March 31, 2021

Assaults (all categories) 1 6 1 19

Break and Enters (Residence & Business) 2 7 1 18

Theft of Motor Vehicle 0 1 2 9

Theft Under $ 5000.00 2 8 8 18

Theft Over $ 5000.00 1 1 1 4

Drugs ( Possession ) 0 0 0 0

Drugs ( Trafficking ) 0 0 0 0

Liquor Act 0 1 0 2

Causing a Disturbance / Mischief (including public 4 20 10 29 intoxication)

Impaired Driving 2 11 4 28

Other Complaints 154 383 ** 890

Total Calls for Service 166 438 ** 866

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this report or any other community matters, please feel free to contact Cpl. Sebastian ANDREWS

Cpl. Sebastian ANDREWS Bassano RCMP Detachment Telephone: (403) 462-4597 email: [email protected]


DELEGATION Meeting: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 5.2

SUBJECT: Newell Further Education Council

Delegation time: 6:20 p.m. – 6:35 p.m.

Jackie Seely representing the Newell Fureher Education Council requested attendance at the September 14, 2020 meeting to present an update to council on operations with the intent of creating awareness of services and education provided to the community by the organization; to outline challenges since Covid 19; and to outline what how the town, business and individuals may support members through knowledge of programs and referrals.

Action required: . Open discussion/dialogue.

Attachments: 1. None

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REQUEST FOR DECISION Meeting: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 6.1

Regional Emergency Management Bylaw# 903/20 - Proposed


During the June 8, 2020 Council meeting, first reading was given to Bylaw 903/20 which provides for the implementation of a regional approach to the management and control of emergencies and disasters within the geographic area encompassed by the County – excluding the City of Brooks.

Member municipalities discussed the same proposed bylaw and agreement over the past three months and are prepared to give 3rd reading at their September meetings.

One final change was made to the agreement (s. 30 a xii) following 2nd reading at the August 10, 2020 meeting as stated:

The following agencies are also invited to attend and participate in Agency meetings and events: xii. Neighboring municipalities and communities.

o Deleted: , Kneehill County, and Siksika First Nation

Next Steps

Upon passing this bylaw, the Planning and Coordinating Group will be required to commence their role. Recreation facilities are planning to gear up for the winter and fall season which requires operational facility plans to be planned and coordinated by the group.


#1 – That council give third reading to the Regional Emergency Management Bylaw #903/20 as amended.

#2 – The council request further revisions to the proposed bylaw and agreement (define revisions).

#3 – That the Town of Bassano refrain from entering into a regional agreement for emergency management and that the function responsibility the sole responsibility of the town.


ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PLAN Goal 1 – Task 2 – Implementation of ICF – Emergency Management


That council give third reading to the Regional Emergency Management Bylaw #903/20 as amended.

Attachments: 1. Regional Emergency Management Bylaw #903/20

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Prepared by: Regional CAO’s/Deputy CAO’s.

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BYLAW Bylaw Number: 903/20 Bylaw Name: Regional Emergency Management Bylaw


A. The Town of Bassano is responsible for the direction and control of its emergency response and is required under the Emergency Management Act, Chapter E-6.8, RSA 2000, and the Local Authorities Emergency Management Regulation (203/2018) to appoint an Emergency Advisory Committee and to establish and maintain a Municipal Emergency Management Agency.

B. It is desirable and in the public interest, and in the interests of public safety, that such a Committee be appointed, and such an Agency be established and maintained to carry out Council's statutory powers and obligations under the said Emergency Management Act.

C. It is desirable in the public interest, and in the interests of public safety that a regional emergency management group be formed to coordinate a regional emergency approach and programs.

D. The municipalities of the Newell Region wish to establish a Regional Emergency Advisory Committee, a Regional Emergency Management Agency, and a Regional Emergency Planning and Coordinating Group.


1. This Bylaw may be cited as the "Regional Emergency Management Bylaw".

2. In this Bylaw the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:

(a) “Act" means the Emergency Management Act, Chapter E-6.8, RSA 2000 and the Local Emergency Management Regulation

(b) “CAO” means a person appointed to that position by the Town of Bassano Council as per section 205 of the Municipal Government Act, RSA,2000,cM-26;

(c) "Council" means the Council of the Town of Bassano;

(d) "Deputy Director of Emergency Management" (DDEM) means the person responsible for the duties of the Director of Emergency Management (DEM) in the absence of the DEM;

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(e) "Director of Emergency Management" (DEM) means the person who occupies the position of Rural Fire and Emergency Services Coordinator or equivalent position for the Newell Region and by virtue of a resolution approved by each of the participating Local Authorities, is responsible for the Emergency Management program throughout the Newell Region;

(f) "Disaster" means an event that results in serious harm to the safety, health or welfare of people, or in widespread damage to property or the environment;

(g) "Emergency" means a present or imminent event that requires prompt coordination of action or special regulation of persons or property to protect the safety, health or welfare of people or to limit damage to property or the environment;

(h) "Emergency Coordination Centre" (ECC) means the location (including internet based meeting applications ) that functions as a point of coordination, addressing the needs of the municipality or the Newell Region as a whole, exercising the authority of the local officials, as well as anticipating and supporting the needs of one (1) or more incident sites;

(i) "Local Authority" means, where a municipality has a council within the meaning of the Municipal Government Act, Chapter M-26, RSA 2000, that council;

(j) "Minister" means the Minister charged with administration of the Act;

(k) Newell Region means the geographic area encompassed by the boundaries of the County of Newell and includes the Town of Bassano, the Village of Duchess and the Village of Rosemary

(l) "Newell Regional Emergency Partnership" (NREP) means the Newell Regional Emergency Partnership established by agreement that has been adopted and is attached as Schedule “A” to the approving bylaws passed by the respective municipal councils of the Parties;

(m) “Newell Regional Emergency Planning and Coordinating Group” (Planning and Coordinating Group) means the Newell Regional Emergency Planning and Coordinating Group as established by agreement between and the bylaws of the respective municipal councils of the Parties;

(n) "Parties" means the County of Newell, The Town of Bassano, The Village of Duchess, and The Village of Rosemary;

(o) "Regional Emergency Advisory Committee" (REAC) means the Advisory Committee of the Newell Regional Emergency Partnership as established by agreement which has been authorized through bylaws approved by the Parties;

(p) " Regional Emergency Management Agency" (the Agency) means the Newell Regional Emergency Partnership Agency as established by Agreement between and the bylaws of the respective municipal councils of the Parties;

(q) "Regional Emergency Management Plan" means the Newell Regional Emergency

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Management Plan prepared by the Planning and Coordinating Group for managing potential emergencies or disasters within the Newell Region.


(a) Council agrees in accordance with the NREP, to establish the Regional Emergency Advisory Committee (REAC) to advise Council on the development of emergency plans and programs. This bylaw in conjunction with other related bylaws approved by the Parties establishes the Regional Emergency Advisory Committee

(b) Council agrees through the NREP, to establish a Planning and Coordinating Group whose role is to assist and provide administrative support for the REAC in the creation, implementation and evaluation of NREP plans and programs and setting direction for the NREP Agency and any of its sub groups. This does not include the power to declare, renew or terminate a state of local emergency.

(c) Council agrees in accordance with the NREP, to establish the Agency to act as the agent of Council in exercising its statutory powers and obligation under the Act. This does not include the power to declare, renew or terminate a state of local emergency, nor the powers contained throughout Section 9.2 of this Bylaw.


4.1 Council shall:

(a) by resolution, appoint one (1) of its members to serve on the REAC and at least one (1) member as an alternate;

(b) provide for the payment of expenses of its member(s) of the REAC;

(c) ensure that emergency plans and programs are prepared to address potential emergencies or disasters in the Town of Bassano and the NREP Region;

(d) approve the Regional Emergency Management Plans and Programs as they relate to the Town of Bassano and the NREP Region;

(e) review the status of the Regional Emergency Management Plan and related plans and programs at least once a year;

(f) by resolution appoint as the DEM the person that occupies the position of Rural Fire and Emergency Services Coordinator for the Newell Region, or equivalent position as may be revised from time to time and

(g) by resolution appoint one (1) or more DDEM.

4.2 Council may:

(a) by bylaw that is not advertised, borrow, levy, appropriate and expend all sums required for its share of the operation of the Agency; and

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(b) enter into agreements with and make payments or grants, or both, to persons or organizations for the provision of services in the development or implementation of emergency plans or programs including mutual aid plans and programs.


5.1 REAC Structure:

(a) The REAC shall be comprised of municipal Councilors (preferably the Chief Elected Official) representing each of the Parties, with each municipality appointing one (1) primary member, each of whom shall have one (1) vote regarding any matter coming before the REAC;

(b) Each municipality shall also appoint one (1) alternate member to the REAC who shall be permitted to vote in the absence or in place of the primary member;

(c) The Chair of the REAC shall be elected annually by the members of the REAC after the annual organizational meetings of the Parties have been held.

(d) Quorum is a minimum of three members. Decisions are based on simple majority of members present;

(e) Meetings of the REAC may be held at the call of the chair and must be held at least once annually.

5.2. REAC Role:

(a) Review the Regional Emergency Management Plan and related plans and programs on a regular basis;

(b) Make the Emergency Management Plan available to the Alberta Emergency Management Agency for review and comment;

(c) Advise Council, duly assembled, on the status of the Regional Emergency Management Plan and related plans and programs at least once each year.

(d) Provide guidance and direction to the Agency;

(e) After emergency or disaster events and related recovery periods have passed, the REAC shall meet to assess outcomes and recommend changes (if any) that the Agency should consider in preparation for future events.


Council agrees that a single Agency shall be established to oversee the management of all disaster events, regardless of whether the scope is contained within the boundary of any one of the participating Local Authorities, or extends across the boundary in a way that may impact more than one, or potentially all of the Local Authorities that are a partner to this agreement.

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6.1 Agency structure is intended to provide flexibility and may be adapted to manage the needs of disaster events that range from an event contained within the boundaries of one of the Local Authorities to larger events that may impact more than one, or all of the Local Authorities. Members of the Agency shall include those listed in (a) through (c) below and may include others referenced paragraph (d) below

(a) The DEM;

(b) The individual DDEM’s that have been appointed by each municipality that is a member of NREP.

(c) If the DDEM appointed is not the CAO, then the CAO is a member of the Agency.

(d) The Agency may request that the following persons advise the Agency on either a standing or as needed basis for each period of time that the Agency deems appropriate:

i. The Chief Elected Official of each of the Parties;

ii. RCMP Detachment Commander or designate;

iii. Fire Chiefs or designates for department providing service for the Local Authority or the affected area;

iv. Newell and District Emergency Medical Services Association Manager or designate;

v. Enforcement Services Supervisor or designate;

vi. The Family and Community Support Services Director having responsibility for the affected Local Authority or their designate;

vii. Public Works Supervisor that has responsibility for the affected Local Authority or their designate;

viii. Utility Manager that has responsibility for the affected Local Authority or their designate;

ix. Emergency Public Information Officers that has responsibility for the affected Local Authority or their designates;

x. Emergency Social Services Manager that has responsibility for the affected Local Authority or their designate;

xi. representatives or designates;

xii. School Superintendent or designate;

xiii. Disaster Social Services Managers or designates;

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xiv. Representative(s) from adjacent municipalities or First Nations;

xv. Representatives from local business;

xvi. Representatives from local industry or industrial associations;

xvii. Representatives from Alberta Municipal Affairs;

xviii. Representatives from local utility companies; and

xix. Anybody else who might serve a useful purpose in the preparation or implementation of the Regional Emergency Management Plan.

6.2 Agency Role is as follows:

(a) The Agency shall meet a minimum of once per year for the purpose of reviewing emergency management plans and providing an update on the Agencies activities;

(b) The Agency shall ensure that the command, control and coordination system prescribed by the Managing Director of the Alberta Emergency Management Agency will be used by the local authority’s Agency in the event of an Emergency.

(c) The Agency shall make the emergency plan available to the Alberta Emergency Management Agency for review and comment annually.


7.1 The NREP Planning and Coordinating Group shall:

(a) Consist of the DEM, the DDEM appointed by each of the individual Parties, and the Administrative staff member or CAO who provides administrative oversight for the Emergency Management Function. Despite a vacancy in any of these positions from time to time, the Planning and Coordinating Group shall continue to exist;

(b) Provide administrative support for and assist the REAC with the creation, implementation and evaluation of Regional Emergency Management Plans and programs for the NREP Region;

(c) Determine the direction of the Agency and any of its sub groups;

(d) Coordinate all emergency services and other resources used in an emergency;

(e) Ensure that in the event of an emergency, an individual or group of individuals is designated under the Regional Emergency Management Plan to act, on behalf of the Agency. The designation of an individual or group of individuals to act on behalf of the Agency shall be guided by the following:

i. once an ECC has been activated, the DEM or any one of the DDEMs that are members of the Agency may serve as DEM for the incident. Whenever possible, the DEM or DDEM from the impacted municipality shall fill that role. The intent

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is to ensure that there is leadership in the ECC while the DEM may be on route to the ECC, or the DEM is away or not available for whatever reason;

ii. in the event of an Emergency within the NREP Region, the first DEM or DDEM to the ECC will serve as DEM for the incident. As other DEMs arrive at the ECC, they will jointly decide who will take the lead role. DEM and DDEMs from the Agency may rotate through the role of DEM for the ECC;

(f) Ensure someone is designated to discharge the responsibilities specified in paragraphs b, c, d, and e.


8.1. In the event of an Emergency within the Newell Region, the authority and powers to declare or renew a state of local emergency under the Act, the authority and powers specified throughout Section 9.2 of this Bylaw, and the requirements specified throughout Section 9.1 and in section 9.5 of this Bylaw are hereby delegated to the REAC. The REAC may at any time when it is satisfied that an emergency exists or may exist, by resolution, make a declaration of a state of local emergency. Whenever possible, this resolution should be made by the REAC which includes at least one (1) member or alternate from each municipality affected.

8.2 In the event of an emergency entirely within the boundaries of and affecting only the Town of Bassano and the REAC cannot be reached or convened in a timely manner, the authority and power to declare or renew a state of local emergency under the Act; the authority and powers specified throughout Section 9.2 of this Bylaw; and the requirements specified throughout Section 9.1 and in section 9.5 of this Bylaw are hereby delegated to a local municipal committee that is comprised of the Mayor, or any two (2) or more Councilors of the affected municipality. The local municipal committee may, at any time when it is satisfied that an emergency exists or may exist, by resolution, make a declaration of a state of local emergency that is limited to that municipality.


9.1. When a state of local emergency is declared, the REAC or the Local Authority making the declaration shall:

(a) ensure that the declaration identifies the nature of the emergency and the area in which it exists;

(b) cause the details of the declaration to be published immediately by such means of communication considered most likely to notify the population of the area affected; and

(c) forward a copy of the declaration to the Minister forthwith.

9.2. Subject to Section 9.1, when the REAC or Local Authority has declared a state of local emergency, the REAC or Local Authority may, for the duration of that State of Local Emergency, do all acts and take all necessary proceedings including the following:

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(a) cause the Regional Emergency Management Plan or any related plans or programs to be put into operation;

(b) acquire or utilize any real or personal property considered necessary to prevent, combat or alleviate the effects of an emergency or disaster;

(c) authorize or require any qualified person to render aid of a type the person is qualified to provide;

(d) control or prohibit travel to or from any area of the Town of Bassano;

(e) provide for the restoration of essential facilities and the distribution of essential supplies and provide, maintain and coordinate emergency medical, welfare and other essential services in any part of the Town of Bassano;

(f) cause the evacuation of persons and the removal of livestock and personal property from any of the Town of Bassano that is or may be affected by a disaster and make arrangements for the adequate care and protection of those persons or livestock and of the personal property;

(g) authorize the entry into any buildings or any land, without warrant, by any person in the course of implementing an emergency plan or program;

(h) cause the demolition of removal of any trees, structures or crops if the demolition or removal is necessary or appropriate in order to reach the scene of a disaster, or to attempt to forestall its occurrence or to combat its progress;

(i) procure or fix prices for food, clothing, fuel, equipment, medical supplies or other essential supplies and the use of any property, services, resources or equipment within County of Newell for the during of the state of local emergency;

(j) authorize the conscription of persons needed to meet an emergency; and

(k) authorize any persons at any time to exercise, in the operation of the Regional Emergency Management Plan and related plans or programs, any power specified in paragraphs 9.2(a) through 9.2(j) of this Section in relation to any part of the municipality affected by a declaration of a state of local emergency including as part of a Regional Emergency affecting more than one (1) municipality for which a declaration of State of Local Emergency was made under Sections 8.1 or 8.2.

9.3 When a State of Local Emergency has been declared and the impact of an event is contained within the boundaries of one Local Authority, all costs incurred that are outside the scope of the approved budget for the Local Authority will be funded by the Local Authority where the event occurred. In cases where an event spreads beyond the Local Authority’s boundary to encompass areas beyond, costs incurred will be shared on a proportionate basis that shall be determined by the REAC. The basis for the cost sharing determined by the REAC may include; proportionate share of total geographic area involved, proportionate share of population impacted, proportionate share of the assessed value of property impacted, or some other to be determined factor or combination of factors agreed upon by the REAC.

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9.4 In accordance with Section 28 of the Act, no action lies against a Local Authority or person acting under the Local Authority's direction or authorization for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith while carry out a power or duty under this Act or in the regulations during a state of local emergency.

9.5 In accordance with Section 535(2) of the Municipal Government Act, Councilors, Council committee members, municipal officers and volunteer workers are not liable for loss or damage caused by anything said or done or omitted to be done in good faith in the performance or intended performance of their functions, duties, or powers under the Municipal Government Act or any other enactment.

9.6 When in the opinion of the Local Authority in which the state of local emergency was declared, or the REAC, as the case may be, an emergency no longer exists, the Local Authority or the REAC shall, by resolution, terminate the declaration.

9.7 A declaration of a state of local emergency is considered terminated and ceases to be of any force or effect when:

(a) a resolution is passed under Section 9.5;

(b) a period of seven days has lapsed since it was declared, unless it is renewed by resolution;

(c) the Lieutenant Governor in Council makes an order for a state of emergency for the same area; or

(d) the Minister cancels the state of local emergency for the affected area.

9.8 When a declaration of a state of local emergency has been terminated, the REAC or the Local Authority who made the declaration shall cause the details of the termination to be published immediately by such means of communication considered most likely to notify the population of the area affected.


10.1 The REAC is delegated the authority to enter into an Emergency Management Mutual Aid Agreement with another regional group or single municipality. The decision for the REAC to enter into a mutual aid agreement must be approved by unanimous vote of all members of the REAC. The Parties shall be permitted to vote in person or by way of fax, conference call, email, or an online meeting system.

10.2 The REAC is delegated the authority to create policies relating to the emergency preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery and the operation of the Regional Emergency Partnership and the Agency.


If any section or sections of this Bylaw or parts thereof are found in any court or law to be illegal or beyond the power of Council to enact, such Section or Sections or parts thereof shall be deemed to be severable and all other Sections or parts of the Bylaw shall be deemed separate

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and independent therefrom and to be enacted as such.


12.1 Bylaw 898/20 is hereby repealed.


13.1 This Bylaw shall come into full force and effect, when it receives third reading and is duly signed.

14. EFFECTIVE DATE AND READINGS 14.1 This Bylaw shall take effect on the date of 3rd and final reading.

14.2 Read a first time this 8 day of June 2020.

14.3 Read a second time this 10 day of August 2020.

14.4 READ a third and final time this ______day of ______2020.




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The County of Newell, a Municipal Corporation of the Province of Alberta;


The Town of Bassano, a Municipal Corporation of the Province of Alberta;


The Village of Duchess, a Municipal Corporation of the Province of Alberta;


The Village of Rosemary, a Municipal Corporation of the Province of Alberta;


1. WHEREAS: a. The Municipal Corporations of The Newell County, The Town of Bassano, The Village of Rosemary and The Village of Duchess, (referred to hereinafter as “the Parties”) are local authorities situated within the Newell Region, of the Province of Alberta;

b. Each of the Parties have appointed a Director of Emergency Management (“DEM”) pursuant to the provisions set out in The Emergency Management Act R.S.A. 2000, c E6.8 (“the Act”);

c. The Parties recognize that many of the local resources controlled by each of the Parties could be required by more than one municipality in order to cope with a Disaster or Emergency that affects one or more of the Parties;

d. The Parties desire to form a Regional Emergency Partnership for the purpose of emergency planning, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery;

e. Pursuant to S. 11.3(1)(b) of the Act, if authorized by Ministerial Order, a Local Authority may delegate its powers and duties under the Act to a joint committee representing two or more Local Authorities that is composed of one or more members appointed by each of the Local Authorities; and

f. The Minister responsible for the Act has issued Ministerial Order No. ______.

NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto agree as follows:

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2. For the purpose of this Agreement, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings:

a. “Act” means The Emergency Management Act of Alberta, Chapter E-6.8, Revised Statutes of Alberta,2000,c.E-6-8 and the Local Emergency Management Regulation;

b. “Assisting Party” means a Party to this Agreement providing aid in the form of resources or services to another Party or Parties to this Agreement;

c. “CAO” means a person appointed to that position by the County of Newell Council as per section 205 of the Municipal Government Act, RSA,2000,cM-26

d. “Deputy Director of Emergency Management” (“DDEM”) means the person responsible for the duties of the Director of Emergency Management (DEM) in the absence of the DEM;

e. “Director of Emergency Management” or “DEM” means the person who occupies the position of Rural Fire and Emergency Services Coordinator or equivalent position for the Newell Region and by virtue of a resolution approved by each of the participating Local Authorities, is responsible for the Emergency Management program throughout the Newell Region;

f. “Disaster” means an event that results in serious harm to the safety, health or welfare of people, or in widespread damage to property or the environment;

g. “Emergency” means a present or imminent event that requires prompt coordination of action or special regulation of persons or property to protect the safety, health, or welfare of people or to limit damage to property or the environment;

h. “Emergency Coordination Centre” (“ECC”) means the location (including internet based meeting applications) that functions as a point of coordination, addressing the needs of the municipality or the Newell Region as a whole, exercising the authority of the local officials, as well as anticipating and supporting the needs of one (1) or more incident sites;

i. “Emergency Social Services” (“ESS”) means services including but not limited to Registration and Inquiry during an Emergency, Emergency Food Services, Emergency Lodging, Emergency Clothing and Emergency Personal Services;

j. “Local Authority” means, where a municipality has a Council within the meaning of the Municipal Government Act, that Council;

k. “Minister” means the Minister charged with administration of the Act;

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“Newell Region” means the geographic area encompassed by the boundaries of the County of Newell and includes the Town of Bassano, the Village of Duchess and the Village of Rosemary l. “Newell Regional Emergency Partnership” (“NREP”) means the Newell Regional Emergency Partnership established by this agreement that has been adopted through by-laws passed by each participating Local Authority.

m. “Newell Regional Emergency Planning and Coordinating Group” (Planning and Coordinating Group) means the Newell Regional Emergency Planning and Coordinating Group, as established by agreement between and the bylaws of the respective municipal councils of the Parties.

n. “Parties” means the County of Newell, the Town of Bassano, the Village of Rosemary, and the Village of Duchess;

o. “Regional Emergency Advisory Committee” ("REAC") means the Advisory Committee of the Newell Regional Emergency Partnership, as established by this Agreement and the bylaws of the respective municipal councils of the Parties hereto.

p. “Regional Emergency Management Agency” (“Agency”) means the Newell Regional Emergency Management Agency, as established by this Agreement and the bylaws of the respective municipal councils of the Parties hereto;

q. “Regional Emergency Management Plan” (“REMP”) means the Newell Regional Emergency Management Plan prepared by the Planning and Coordinating Group for managing potential emergencies or disasters within the Newell Region.

r. “Requesting Party” means a Party to this Agreement requesting aid in the form of resources or services from another Party to this Agreement.


3. The Councils of each of the Parties to this Agreement have resolved to enter into such Agreements as may be required to establish a Regional Emergency Partnership, including this Agreement.

4. The NREP shall be comprised of the Parties to this Agreement and shall include any Local Authorities that subsequently become parties to this Agreement.

5. Any Local Authority interested in becoming a member of the NREP shall have the opportunity to request membership by following these procedural steps:

a. The interested Local Authority (Applicant) shall contact the REAC to request information regarding the NREP and this Agreement to which all NREP members are Parties;

b. The Applicant shall provide the REAC with their written request to become a member of NREP;

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c. The Applicant may ask for such additional information or clarification as it requires, and the REAC shall use its best efforts to address any questions or requests for information made by an Applicant;

d. The REAC shall review the application and consider the operational impact of the Applicant joining the NREP;

e. Following its review of the application, the REAC shall submit a recommendation to the Councils of each of the Local Authorities within the NREP, that the request of the Applicant be either approved or rejected. The authority to approve or reject the request rests collectively with the Councils of the member Local Authorities. REAC shall then communicate the outcome of the application to the Applicant.

f. If approved, each of the member Local Authorities and the Council for the applying Local Authority shall execute the documents required for the requesting Local Auhority to become a party to the Agreement.

6. Any costs incurred by the Applicant in seeking to become and/or becoming a member of NREP and a signatory to the Agreement shall be the sole responsibility of the Applicant. .

7. Supported by the registration of a Ministerial Order issued pursuant to s. 11.3(1) (b) of the Act, the Parties to this Agreement hereby collectively form a Regional Emergency Partnership for the purposes of emergency planning, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery.


8. The municipal councils of each of the Parties to this Agreement have passed by-laws to establish the Regional Emergency Advisory Committee (the "REAC"). Upon issuance of a Ministerial Order pursuant to 11.3(1)(b) of the Act, the partner municipalities will, through their respective Regional Emergency Management bylaws, delegate their powers and duties under the Act to the REAC which include the authority to:

a. cause the REMP or any related plans or programs to be put into operation;

b. acquire or utilize any real or personal property considered necessary to prevent, combat or alleviate the effects of an Emergency or Disaster;

c. authorize or require any qualified person to render aid of a type the person is qualified to provide;

d. control or prohibit travel to or from any area of the Newell Region;

e. provide for the restoration of essential facilities and the distribution of essential supplies and provide, maintain and co-ordinate emergency medical, welfare and other essential services in any part of the Newell Region;

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f. cause the evacuation of persons and the removal of livestock and personal property from any area of the Newell Region that is or may be affected by an Emergency or Disaster and make arrangements for the adequate care and protection of those persons or livestock and of the personal property;

g. authorize the entry into any building or on any land, without warrant, by any person in the course of implementing an emergency plan or program;

h. cause the demolition or removal of any trees, structures or crops if the demolition or removal is necessary or appropriate in order to reach the scene of a Disaster, or to attempt to forestall its occurrence or to combat its progress;

i. procure or fix prices for food, clothing, fuel, equipment, medical supplies, or other essential supplies and the use of any property, services, resources, or equipment within the Newell Region for the duration of the State of Local Emergency;

j. authorize the conscription of persons needed to meet an Emergency; and

k. authorize any persons at any time to exercise, in the operation of the Regional Emergency Management Plan and related plans or programs, any power specified in Paragraphs (b) through (j) in relation to any part of a municipality within the Newell Region affected by a state of local emergency including as part of a Regional Emergency affecting more than one municipality for which a declaration of State of Local Emergency has been made.

9. The REAC shall consist of municipal councillors appointed by each of the Parties, with each municipality appointing one member, each of whom shall have one vote regarding any matter coming before the REAC. Each party shall also appoint at least one alternate council member to the REAC to attend and vote when the serving member is unable to do so. Notwithstanding the foregoing however, all Councillors of all member municipalities shall be entitled to attend REAC meetings.

10. Any member of the REAC may withdraw their membership from NREP and this Agreement, by providing all other Parties hereto with twelve (12) months advance written notice. The withdrawal of any party from this Agreement shall in no way impact the remaining Parties hereto, and this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect as between the remaining Parties. No member of NREP shall be permitted to withdrawn from this Agreement during a declared state of local emergency or Disaster.

11. All assets of NREP shall remain with NREP and the withdrawing party shall not be entitled to any assets (property, vehicles, equipment, plans, studies, intellectual property, etc.) when leaving.

12. The REAC shall meet a minimum of twice each year and shall have the option of calling special meetings of the REAC on an as need basis, upon fourteen (14) days advance notice to all members of the REAC. The DEM which has been appointed by each municipality, or his or her alternate shall attend all meetings. In the event of a pending or imminent Emergency, no notice shall be required to call a special meeting of the REAC. The DEM or his / her alternate together with support staff shall use their best efforts to be present at all meetings despite no notice having been provided. The DEM and/or the DDEM appointed respectively by the Parties shall be responsible for reporting to

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the respective municipal councils to ensure that strong communication is maintained and to ensure transparency of the NREP.

13. Agendas for all upcoming regular meetings of the REAC shall be distributed to all members a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled date of the meeting, to provide sufficient opportunity for the members to review and prepare. A standing agenda item of the REAC shall be a presentation from the Planning and Coordinating Group to provide the REAC with relevant information regarding the development and implementation of Regional Emergency Management Plans, programs and policies.

14. Minutes shall be kept at each of the REAC meetings and shall be circulated to all REAC members and/or their alternates and the DEM from each municipality within fourteen (14) days of the meeting.

15. For regular meetings and business, three (3) REAC members shall constitute a quorum of the REAC and a motion or resolution of the REAC may only be passed by an affirmative vote of the majority of the members voting on the motion or resolution.

16. The REAC shall have the authority to alter, establish and implement rules to govern the conduct of their meetings from time to time, subject to the approval of the majority of the REAC members.

17. The REAC may seek the advice of agency staff and others as deemed appropriate; but such advisors will have no right to vote on matters coming before the REAC and such advice is not binding. Advisors may include, but not be limited to, DDEM's, the Department Head of any of the Parties' Department of Protective Services, or its equivalent, or representatives from such organizations as the RCMP, Emergency Social Services, Alberta Health Services, Public Utilities, the Alberta Energy Regulator, Alberta Environment, and School Divisions, Industry or others.

18. The REAC shall oversee and approve activities of emergency planning, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery within the Newell Region. The REAC may create policy related to planning, preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery and the operation of NREP.

19. The REAC shall also cause to be developed and approve a Regional Emergency Management Plan which shall meet the requirements of the Act.

20. The plan will be reviewed by the REAC once a year and at a minimum the plan shall meet requirements of the Act including training and exercise requirements, and plan reviews.


21. Each of the Parties to this Agreement have passed bylaws which in addition to establishing the NREP, also provide for establishing the Planning and Coordinating Group, which will guide the creation, implementation and evaluation of NREP plans and programs as well as set the direction for the Regional Emergency Management Agency and any of its sub-groups.

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22. The Planning and Coordinating Group shall consist of the DEM appointed by each of the Parties to this Agreement, and the DDEM’s of the County of Newell, the Town of Bassano, the Village of Duchess, and the Village of Rosemary, along with the South-Central Alberta Field Officer of the Alberta Emergency Management Agency or designate, or equivalent that has been appointed by the Government of Alberta. Despite a vacancy in any of these positions from time to time, the Planning and Coordinating Group shall continue to exist. Unless otherwise designated by their respective Municipal Councils, the DDEM appointed by the Parties will be that municipality’s CAO.

23. The Planning and Coordinating Group may seek the advice of agency staff and others as deemed appropriate, to afford the Planning and Coordinating Group access to their expertise.

24. The Planning and Coordinating Group is also responsible for coordinating all emergency services and resources used in an Emergency and will create and maintain a management process for all events.

25. The Planning and Coordinating Group shall establish a regular meeting schedule subject to the requirement that meetings shall be held on a quarterly basis, at a minimum. The Planning and Coordinating Group shall have the ability to call special meetings on an as needed basis upon fourteen (14) days prior written notice to each of the members. In the event of a pending or imminent Emergency, no notice shall be required to call a special meeting of the Planning and Coordinating Group. All members shall use their best efforts to be present at all meetings despite no notice having been provided.

26. The Planning and Coordinating Group shall have the authority to alter, establish and implement rules governing the conduct of its meetings from time to time, subject to the approval of the majority of the group members.

27. The Planning and Coordinating Group shall report to the REAC at each REAC meeting to provide their comments and input with respect to the design, creation, implementation and evaluation of Regional Emergency Management Plans, programs and policies. The Planning and Coordinating Group shall also have the option of presenting information to any of the Parties to this Agreement directly where it deems appropriate to do so.

28. The DEM shall be responsible for performing those duties, powers and functions set out in s.11.2 (2) of the Act.

29. The Planning and Coordinating Group may hire staff, consultants and other workers as approved by the REAC.


30. Each of the Parties to this Agreement have passed bylaws to create the Regional Emergency Management Agency, which will act as the Operational Agent for the Parties hereto in exercising the powers and duties of the Parties under the Act. Agency staff include the Chief Administrative Officers or designate from each of the parties as well as the DEM and DDEMs for each of the parties.

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a. The following agencies are also invited to attend and participate in Agency meetings and events: i. RCMP - Bassano, and Brooks ii. Fire – All Fire Departments operating within the Newell Region iii. Dispatch Service Provider iv. Enforcement Services v. Newell Public Works vi. Newell Regional Utility Manager vii. Electrical & Natural Gas Utility service providers viii. AHS - Facilities Manager, Public Health and Emergency Medical Services ix. FCSS & ESS x. Public Information Officer xi. Superintendent of Schools xii. Neighboring municipalities and communities Deleted: – Rocky View County, Kneehill County, and xiii. Major Industry Siksika First Nation xiv. Seniors Housing and Care Facility Agencies / Alberta Municipal Affairs and Housing xv. Eastern Irrigation District xvi. Commercial Vehicle Enforcement xvii. Local Search and Rescue Organizations xviii. Others who may assist in the process as approved by the Agency

31. The Agency shall also utilize key staff of the Parties to this Agreement as well as partners identified in the Regional Emergency Management Plan, or any other external agencies or services as may be deemed necessary at the time of an Emergency.

32. The Agency shall dedicate itself to networking and fostering relationships between various sub groups, agencies and organizations involved in emergency response and to increasing understanding between such groups, agencies and organizations of their respective roles and how best they may work together to achieve common goals in the event of an Emergency.

33. Staff and resources of the Parties, as outlined in the NREP Emergency Management Aid Agreement, shall be available to the Agency during Emergency operations.

34. It is recognized that the Regional Emergency Management Agency or parts of the Agency may be called upon from time to time to provide emergency response or services in areas outside of the Newell Region or to provide services within the Newell Region to individuals from outside of the Newell Region. Response to those incidents will:

a. Be committed only after an assessment of what resources can reasonably be freed without endangering the Newell Region and its residents.

b. Be committed only after ensuring that reasonable care will be provided to the staff being deployed; if the requesting organization cannot provide care for staff, resources will only be deployed once the NREP has been able to arrange for reasonable care.

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c. Request a tasking number from the Provincial Operations Centre or Office of the Fire Commissioner.

d. Costs for resources will be recovered from the requesting Organization. Costs for those services will be billed according to the policy of each individual department or party.


35. A primary and backup Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC) will be established by the Planning and Coordinating Group and shall be maintained in accordance with the Regional Emergency Management Plan.

36. Responders designated to activate by the Planning and Coordinating Group may activate the ECC in accordance with current procedures.


37. Public education or public awareness programs may be undertaken within the Newell Region.

38. Key senior management, supervisory and support staff of each of the Parties to this Agreement will be assigned Emergency operations roles.

39. Personnel will be provided with training to fulfill their designated Emergency operations.

40. A list of all personnel assigned / trained for emergency operations roles, along with their contact information, shall be maintained within the NREP. This list will also be maintained in the dispatch Communication Centre. This list will be utilized for ECC activations.


41. Once the ECC has been activated, the DEM or DDEMs that are members of the Agency may serve as DEM for the incident. Whenever possible, the DEM shall fill that role, however, in the event of an Emergency within or affecting a municipality within the Newell Region, the First DEM of DDEM to the ECC will initially serve as DEM for the incident. When the DEM or other DEMs arrive at the ECC, they will jointly decide who will take the lead role in the ECC. The DEM and DDEMS from the Agency may rotate through the role of DEM for the ECC.

42. In the event that the primary DEM from any municipality is unable to act as DEM in the ECC, the following persons, in order of priority, shall be responsible for adopting that role:

a. If the DEM has specifically identified someone to adopt the role in their absence, that person shall have first priority to assume the role of DEM in the ECC;

b. If the DEM is away and has not identified someone to adopt the role, the Deputy Director of Emergency Management for the primary local authority involved in responding to the emergency shall have next priority to assume the role of DEM in the ECC; or

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c. If no person has been appointed by the primary DEM and the DDEM is unavailable, the first available DEM or DDEM from any other municipality shall be responsible for adopting the role of DEM or DDEM in the ECC.


43. A regional hazard assessment shall be undertaken by or on behalf of the NREP to establish priorities for mitigation strategies and preparedness.

44. Results of any individual municipal risk assessments conducted shall be shared with the REAC and the Planning and Coordinating Group as a whole to identify commonalities among the Parties and identify opportunities for shared mitigation programs.


45. In response to any identified risk, the Council of any one of the Parties may direct that:

a. A program be established to mitigate the risk within their boundaries;

b. A program be jointly undertaken by one or more of the Parties to mitigate the risk; or

c. No action be taken where the Council believes that the cost of mitigation is greater than the potential benefit, the benefit is not achievable, or such other reasons as the Council may deem appropriate.


46. Recovery programs and business continuity efforts undertaken by the Agency shall be prioritized to accomplish the greatest good for the most people.


47. It is understood and agreed that the Assisting Party shall not be liable for any penalties, damages or losses whatsoever for delay or failure to respond to any request for aid or for any breach of this Agreement committed by the Assisting Party, notwithstanding that the penalties, damages or losses may result wholly or partially from the negligence of the Assisting Party.

48. The Requesting Party, or the municipality in which an Emergency or Disaster occurs, shall indemnify and save harmless the Assisting Party(ies) for damage to or loss of any apparatus or equipment which is the result of the Assisting Party(ies) providing assistance.

49. The Requesting Party, or the municipality in which an Emergency or Disaster occurs, hereby remises, releases and discharges the Assisting Party(ies), its/their successors and assigns of and from all manner of actions, causes of action or claims and demands of every nature or kind which the Requesting Party or the municipality in which the Emergency or Disaster occurred may have against

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the Assisting Party(ies) by reason of any breach of this Agreement on the part of the Assisting Party(ies) notwithstanding any negligence on the part of the Assisting Party(ies).

50. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, no Party shall have any liability to any other Party:

a. With respect to their respective obligations under this Agreement or otherwise for consequential, indirect, exemplary or punitive damages even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages; and

b. For any losses, claims, demands, actions, payments, judgments, costs or expenses whatsoever that a Party may incur due to the other Party's refusal or inability to provide assistance.

51. During the term of this Agreement, the Parties shall each, at their own respective cost and expense, maintain in full force and effect General Liability Insurance in an amount not less than FIVE MILLION ($5,000,000.00) DOLLARS per occurrence for personal injury and/or property damage and any other insurance that is mutually agreed to by the Parties and reasonably obtainable by both. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is agreed that the aforementioned policy limits do not define or limit a Party's liability to indemnify the other Party under this Section.

52. Each Party agrees to forward a copy of this Agreement to their municipal insurer and to be responsible for the costs of any increase in insurance premiums which may result.


53. This Agreement shall come into force when it has been signed by all of the Parties hereto, and the Ministerial Order referred to herein has been issued and has come into effect. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of five (5) years thereafter, or until such time as the Parties mutually agree otherwise (the "Term").

54. Unless a party gives written notice to the contrary no later than 90 days prior to the expiry of the Term or any renewal Term, as the case may be, the Term of this Agreement shall be automatically renewed for successive periods of five (5) years and all of the terms of this agreement shall remain in force.


55. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Alberta.


56. If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement should be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby, unless, as a result of such determination, this Agreement would fail in its essential purpose

Newell Regional Emergency Partnership Emergency Management Agreement Page 11 of 13


57. No party may assign its rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of all of the other Parties hereto.


58. Article Headings do not form part of this Agreement and are included solely for the convenience of reference.


59. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

Newell Regional Emergency Partnership Emergency Management Agreement Page 12 of 13


______, Reeve Newell County

______Date Date

______, Mayor , Mayor Town of Bassano Village of Rosemary

______Date Date

______, Mayor Village of Duchess


Newell Regional Emergency Partnership Emergency Management Agreement Page 13 of 13

REQUEST FOR DECISION Meeting: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 6.2

Land Use Bylaw Amendment 907/20 – FAB Village Square


Pursuant to Motion 208/20 administration undertook a public engagement process regarding new siting options for the FAB Village Square Project. An online and mail out survey was made available for public comment with four possible sites (see Survey Findings in Attachment 1).

Of the proposed sites, Option 4 (see Image 1) tends to have the most advantages, provides the greatest project value, and aligns with the core values of the project. Option 4 was also selected by most respondents (see Table 1).

Ownership: Town of Bassano Location: Plan 151 0415; Block 51; Lot 1MR

Image 1. Site Option 4 – 5A Avenue near the hospital

1 of 4 Siting Options

Site 1 - 1st St.t near north ball 2%4% diamond 9% Site 2 - 6 th Ave. near BMX track

Site 3 - 6th Ave. alley - Kinettes 30% Park 55% Site 4 - 5A Ave. near hospital

Opposed to the Project

Table 1. Siting Options Results

A Land Use Bylaw Amendment is proposed to redesignate land at 702 5A Avenue from Residential Manufactured Home – RM to Public and Institutional – PI, as shown in attached Bylaw 907/20, to accommodate the development of an intergenerational self-contained housing project. The below notes provide context in reviewing the proposed rezoning.

Amendment to Land Use Bylaw No. 845/13

Address: 702 5A Avenue Legal Description: Lot 1MR, Block 51, Plan 1510415 Existing Land Use District: Residential Manufactured Home - RM Proposed Land Use Public and Institutional – PI District: Attachments: Bylaw 907/20


The proposed rezoning is part of a larger strategy the Town is pursuing to accommodate the needs of existing residents and attract new businesses and residents to Bassano. The intent of the rezoning is to allow an age friendly village pilot project, which could be developed under the Senior Citizens Housing use, which is a permitted use in the PI land use district.

The age friendly village pilot project would consist of seven to nine individual units on an underutilized lot. The housing units would be an innovative product called FABhouse that are compact, portable, and mass produced in to provide affordable, accessible housing particularly suited to the needs of seniors.

Discussion on the FAB Village Square Pilot Project has been ongoing over the last year. A previously proposed site for the project was on vacant green space beside the Bassano Community Hall. However, after hearing concerns from the public about rezoning this site, Council decided to pursue other locations for the project instead. On August 21, 2020, a survey was mailed to residents and was available online requesting feedback on four other possible locations for the FAB Village Square Project. The Town received 155 responses to the survey and the site at 702 5A Avenue was selected by most respondents as the preferred location for the pilot.


The subject property is owned by the Town of Bassano and is currently designated as a Municipal Reserve lot. North of the site land is zoned Public and Institutional - PI and Urban Reserve – UR and is currently 2 of 4 undeveloped. East of the site land is zoned Residential - R1 and is developed with a single family home. South of the site land is zoned Residential Manufactured Home - RM and developed with a full block of manufactured homes. West of the site land is zoned Public and Institutional – PI and developed with a helipad for medical use. Southwest of the site is the Bassano Health Centre.

This site was chosen because it would provide easy access for future residents of the FAB Village Square to a medical clinic, while still being close to residential development and integrated into the Town. There is also land adjacent to this site that could be developed with more FAB housing if the pilot project is successful. This would expand the FAB Village Square and provide housing to more people in need of additional medical supports.

Rezoning to the Public and Institutional - PI land use district would facilitate the development of the intergenerational self-contained housing project, while still allowing park, community and institutional uses on the site.


The decision on the proposed rezoning should be evaluated based on the suitability of the land for the intended use within the Public and Institutional - PI land use district. A public hearing will be held in compliance with the Municipal Government Act and the Town of Bassano’s Land Use Bylaw prior to second and third reading on the Bylaw.

If first reading is completed, future steps to develop the FAB Village Square Project include:

. Preparation of a bylaw to discharge Municipal Reserve on the lot . Public hearing to discharge Municipal Reserve and hear from those opposed or in favour of Bylaw 907/20 . Second and third reading on Bylaw 907/20 . Collaboration with the Newell Foundation to ensure funding and connection with the Continuing Care Facility . Preparation of the site including review of servicing options, potential road closure and consolidation of land, and detailed site plans for development


#1 – That council give first reading to Land Use Bylaw Amendment 907/20 and that a public hearing is scheduled for October 13 at 6:00 p.m.

#2 – That council defers first reading of Land Use Bylaw Amendment 907/20 until the October 13, 2020 regular meeting.

#3 – That council selects and alternate site for the FAB Village Square pilot project and directs administration to prepare a revised Land Use Bylaw Amendment to accommodate the site. (Define alternate site).

CAO COMMENTS: To keep the momentum of the project, the land re-designation should commence immediately.

On September 15, 2020 John Brown Architect and I will present the Bassano Project redesign to the Newell Foundation. The redesign was approved as a 3-way cost share by the Town of Bassano, the Newell Foundation, and the Health Foundation.

The redesign reflects how FAB Village Square ties into the Bassano Project and how this pilot project is expected to advance the efforts of the parties to build the Continuing Care Facility. We have been working closely with Alberta Health Services Innovation Team and the Southern division to align each project with grant objectives to potentially re-direct ASLI funds for the project and meet various outcomes.

3 of 4

Recent announcements have been made by the provincial government related to Brooks/Bassano’s ASLI funds and other opportunities related to seniors’ care and public private partnerships. This pilot project is very timely and advantageous for the Town.

The Newell Foundation has not yet committed to a partnership. We expect the September 15 presentation will strengthen the partnership opportunity.

ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PLAN Goal 2 – Task 3 – Unique Project – Implementation of Intergenerational and Multigenerational Tiny Home Pilot Project Bassano.


That council give first reading to Land Use Bylaw Amendment 907/20 and that a public hearing is scheduled for October 13 at 6:00 p.m.

Attachments: 1. FAB Village Square Survey Results – September 9, 2020 2. Land Use Bylaw Amendment 907/20 – Proposed

Prepared by: Amanda Davis, CAO & Madeleine Baldwin, ORRSC Planner

4 of 4


On August 21, 2020, an online and mail out Siting Option Survey for the FAB Village Square Pilot Project was released for public participation (see Table 1). Survey findings are shown below.

Number of Respondents

 155 responses were received representing 13% of the population.  154 respondents were from the Town of Bassano or the County of Newell region.


Online Paper

Table 1. Survey Respondents Online VS Print SITING OPTION RESULTS Four siting options were presented as shown in Table 2.  Siting Option 4 – 5A Avenue – Plan 151 0415; Block 51; Lot 1MR (lands east of helipad near the hospital) was selected by most respondents.  th Siting Option 3 – 6 Avenue Alley – Plan 4437AD; Block 9; Lots 23-33 (area in and around the community garden – Kinettes Park) was selected as the second location.  st Siting Option 1 - 1 Street - Plan 911 0620; Block 9 (greenspace adjacent to the residential properties of Centre Street Close across from the north ball diamond) and Siting Option 2 – 6th Avenue - Plan 2016BA; Block 15A (lands in and around the BMX track behind the arena) were not prioritized based on respondent interest.  2% of the respondents did not select a site and left a comment to oppose to the project.

Beautify – Build – Benefit For more info contact the Town Office 403-641-3788 or [email protected] (check out

Siting Options

Site 1 - 1st St.t near north ball 2%4% diamond 9% Site 2 - 6 th Ave. near BMX track

Site 3 - 6th Ave. alley - Kinettes 30% Park 55% Site 4 - 5A Ave. near hospital

Opposed to the Project

Table 2: Siting Options Results

NEXT STEPS A huge thank you to everyone that took the time to responded to our survey and leave comments/feedback. This feedback will be factored into the upcoming phases of the project.

 At the September 14, 2020 meeting, survey findings will be presented to council with the recommendation to give first reading to a Land Use Bylaw amendment to locate FAB Village Square on Site 4. If first reading is passed by Council, a Public Hearing will be scheduled in October and a site plan will be developed.

 The project continues to build momentum. The Town will present the survey findings to the Newell Foundation on September 15, 2020 and how the project compliments the advancement of the Continuing Care Facility.

 Join us at the virtual council meeting on September 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. ( to listen in on the FAB Village Square discussion. Detailed information regarding the project will be included on the council agenda and may be viewed online

Beautify – Build – Benefit For more info contact the Town Office 403-641-3788 or [email protected] (check out

Respondent Survey/Project Feedback A comment box was provided to give respondents the opportunity to provide additional input. All comments are recorded per the comments of the respondents. Comments are divided into Site Options, respondents that did not select a Site Option and strictly opposed the project, and general comments related to the pilot project and the Town.

Site Option 1 - 1st Street - Plan 911 0620; Block 9 (greenspace adjacent to the residential properties of Centre Street Close across from the north ball diamond).

. Too much traffic. . Homeowners were told this would remain greenspace due to lines underground – this was a selling feature when lots were purchased. Many wanted to purchase lands behind their homes and were refused. It is not appropriate or fair to build there now. . The residents in Option 1 tried to purchase lands behind their houses and was told no. They should have first option to own. They were told it would remain greenspace when purchasing their lots to build as it had utility and fibre optic lines. It would not be fair to build there now. The road is too busy and no sidewalks for easy walking – not the right location. . Regarding the greenspace in in Option 1. Should not be in consideration. Was promised to residents as a permanent greenspace. Residents were refused right to purchase greenspace designation cites as reason for refusal. . Siting option 1 – 1st Street and siting option 2 – 6th Avenue are on busy, noisy streets/areas. Not good locations. . Option 1 & 2 are providing the most interesting sites. Close to downtown and activities like school, playground, pool, and arena. . For Siting option 1, is a huge safety concern for seniors, as a homeowner at that area I can directly relate to how busy this road is coming in and out of town, the speed that people drive going in and out of town is concerning along with motor vehicles not stopping at stop signs from 9th ave to the golf course and vice versa. People often run these stop signs, people also stop on the road coming in to town and then speed up to see how fast they can go coming into town on that radar speed indicator. There are several semi trucks, grain trucks, large farming equipment that’s being driven or moved on this road. Another reason I don’t choose this site is there’s absolutely no sidewalks for seniors or anyone for that matter to walk down to downtown until you hit the Armando‘s parking lot if you’re walking down Main Street and the next closest sidewalk begins at the arena heading down the school Street. On a more personal note we the residents directly behind siting option 1 went to the town years ago offered to buy the green space to ensure that nobody could build behind us and we were turned down stating that there Beautify – Build – Benefit For more info contact the Town Office 403-641-3788 or [email protected] (check out

was a fibre optic and service lines there and it would always be a green space for this reason with no chance for future development. . the first option is the best because it will keep the residents from parking the extra vehicles on it and it is a place which the town needs to beautify also perhaps the town will finally fix the street out of town

Beautify – Build – Benefit For more info contact the Town Office 403-641-3788 or [email protected] (check out

Site Option 2 6th Avenue - Plan 2016BA; Block 15A (lands in and around the BMX track behind the arena).

. Can’t remove BMX fun from kids . Great location, nice to be near the pool. It is a good open spot should show well. . Best site but power lines on north side of lots should be put underground. Perhaps arena/swimming pool lobby could be used for activities. . I believe option 2 would be best suitable for this project. That BMX track is rarely used, an extra weed area for town employees to maintain. Building the project in this area is close to down town and also may allow the possibility of those living in the project to utilize the joint use facility, which is another building in our town not being used to its full potential. Maybe the residents of the project could use the common area for socializing and gathering, maybe they could use the kitchen facility for potlucks or rent the lobby/kitchen for family events. Putting the project by the arena and pool could also bring more people in to watch the local sporting events and increase membership of the pool. Thank you to the town employees and council for all the positives you are doing for our community. Unfortunately with social media and the individuals in our community who like to complain and be negative, that clouds all of the positive that you are doing and trying to do! So thank you for caring about our great little community! . Reasons for option 2: Chance for regular interaction with young people (school)- Close to pool - Close to older residential area where other seniors live - close to services and seniors center (a doable walk). Kinsmen Park is a second choice but it is too isolated (all they would see are the backyards of other houses)- trips to seniors and elks and drugstore etc more frequent than trips to hospital and therefore Option 2 is a better choice. It is also close to the golf course. The BMX track would need to be eventually upgraded (remove weeds and have grass where bikes don't go). As a senior I like the sound of young people playing. Option 2 is also close to the arena.

Beautify – Build – Benefit For more info contact the Town Office 403-641-3788 or [email protected] (check out

Site Option 3 6th Avenue Alley - Plan 4437AD; Block 9; Lots 23-33 (area in and around the community garden - Kinettes Park).

. Option 3 only if Community Garden remain – otherwise Option 4 . Is the back alley going to be paved? . Get Her Done – Kinettes Park makes the most sense. . The lands east of the hospital and Kinettes Park make the most sense. Option 3 has nice green space and gardens and option 4 is close to the hospital and lodge. . Siting option 3 – 6th Avenue: has no direct access so costly to provide one. Not a good choice. . Would have to pave a street and upgrades sewer/water lines to the area. Too costly. . I like Option 3 because it is a quiet area that is close to downtown and hospital. . Site #3 is my first choice because I feel residents would be able to take advantage of the community garden & is still very close to health services. . My thoughts on siting option 3 is that I personally would not want to live in these homes and have the view of peoples backyards, and no one will be able see them and we want to show off this amazing project.

Beautify – Build – Benefit For more info contact the Town Office 403-641-3788 or [email protected] (check out

Site Option 4 - 5A Avenue - Plan 151 0415; Block 51; Lot 1MR (lands east of the helipad near the hospital).

. Option 4 is a good spot also but 3 is also a good spot. . Siting option 4 – 5A Avenue: the best choice. Close to the hospital and a quiet location for the most part. . One of the stated objectives: to strengthen health care and to move toward the continuing care facility, then construction on lands east of the helipad is the only one that makes perfect sense. Residents should be close to health centre. . FAB Village should be placed near the hospital on 5A Avenue for accessibility reasons, and because it is a nicer location. I would like the Town to consider not every placing FAB Village in any location already dedicated to Sports, Families, and Children (ie. Playgrounds, Baseball Diamonds, School Yards, and the BMX track). In addition, please consider Families and Children in any future developments in this town. . I shop in Bassano. I need to be by a hospital but we are living in Crowfoot, Alberta. . Is our best choice. . I wish you well. The area of Option 4 – 5A Avenue is already familiar to seniors who frequent that area for the medical facility there. Very important. I notice no mention of attached garages. Very important to me. . I think this is would be the best location for this project. It’s closest to the clinic/hospital. . Makes the most sense for seniors housing: it is practical, realistic and functional. . Close to hospital and potential future care facilities; could create a parklike setting with rows of trees between the homes for privacy and outdoor use (patio etc.). If the homes are on serviced pads and are portable and the project failed to succeed; the serviced properties could be sold as mobile home locations. . If residents want quieter and less traffic, this would be he best location. For seniors its close to healthcare. I don’t feel is should be up to lodge people to caretake yards and snow removal. This is town property and it should be taken care of by the “town”. It would be nice to know how many units would fit at each location before a decision is made final. . Option 4 would be close to Bassano Health Center. Fits in to the overall Bassano Project better than the other options. Would be nice to have a wind screen of trees on the north side of the property. . This site would be the most logical. As long as Willys wheels cleans up their mess so no one has to look at it.

Beautify – Build – Benefit For more info contact the Town Office 403-641-3788 or [email protected] (check out

. Keep it away from the ball diamonds, school and bmx track. This is where our children play and yell and scream...where they can be kids. Being placed by the hospital is perfect for easy access to drs and medical care. . If it is the hope that homes can be moved to hospital location in future, I would rather not pay for services twice (i.e. sewer, water costs 1,2 or 3 and then again 4 if moved) . Being beside the Heli Pad would cause me anxiety as well as hearing the ambulance come and go, and the ambiance of the trailer park across from me would not be appealing.

Beautify – Build – Benefit For more info contact the Town Office 403-641-3788 or [email protected] (check out

Not Favorable to the Project – No Site Selected

. This is a trade off for new hospital for small house. We will have to have taxi service. There out of money – will not happen. . This survey should include the question of whether people are in favor or oppose the FAB Village project itself. I am not in favor of this project. . Waste of money. . With all the houses for sale in Bassano, I don’t think building more homes to sit empty is in our best interest. Suggestion: tear some of the desperate buildings down on main street. . Bassano has an available Life Lease home that is available but occupied by our CAO who does not fulfill the age requirement. How can we fill the FAB units?

Beautify – Build – Benefit For more info contact the Town Office 403-641-3788 or [email protected] (check out

General Comments

. Rental rates must be realistic and affordable otherwise the project will be a complete failure. . Why not put the FAB Village on the same site where the future Community Continuing Care Project is going to be on? The rent is way to high on this project at $2,600. Not good for the average Bassano people. Why do this to us people? The FAB Village cost a unit of $2,600 will only bring in richer people from around Bassano and is not helping Bassano people at all. Rent of $1,400 would be good. Council should help its own less rich people first. This is a very serious project to take on that Bassano cannot afford to do. Bassano Town Council has to be realistic and use common sense about this FAB Village “Just think about it? Ok for Bassano”. . I do not believe this project will have any positive impact on our town. It boils down to brining 7 seniors to live here if they are occupied immediately – the Life Lease units have not proved to be successful yet (also, very bad location for them. Also, balled prairie behind you (re: cold northerly winds in winter and mor protection and commercial business in front of you. FAB homes are too hi-tech. More Dr. Scott apartments are needed in this Town. . Close to downtown, close to medical facility, fenced area for privacy, sheltered, no heavy traffic. . There is a lack of sidewalks on all streets and avenues in this Town. Some areas have sidewalks on both sides of the street, others have on one side and some areas have none. Please consider this when planning the sire so the people that occupy the FAB sites can safely move about town. It would also make walkability for all residents better. Some repairs need to be made as well. . Way too expensive to start with!! Dumb idea!! This is not going to bring people or business to Bassano. Need better directions to these places!!! . What about something like Dr. Scott Apts. with a single car garage attached? . Why do we need something so elaborate? Why not more Dr. Scott apartments? . I live on 6th Avenue. Three of your four suggested sites would affect and increase traffic on my street. This street is already the first or second busiest in town because of the school and the rec centre. Your fourth site it close to the hospital which I think is a bonus. Construction would have the least impact on the residential area. . Hope its affordable. . Make sure two or more are rented out before proceeding. When do you set rates (rental)? . I would buy in on any of the four locations. . I would live in a FAB home if subsidized. Otherwise it is not affordable to the majority of the population. Option 2 and 4 are nicest as they have greater accessibility to recreation/snow removal in winter and close to the hospital. . Will be nice for Bassano. However, but they do resemble chicken coups. Not near Community Hall. . I think this is a very forward-thinking project and Bassano is very fortunate to be part of it. I just hope the overwhelming cost of the units doesn’t prevent there to be accessible to those of moderate income. . 538 – 2nd Avenue – seniors said why want to be closer to downtown. . Not to far from the hospital. Community garden close by. Cost could be s little high for seniors. Most of them are on a budget. . Kinette Park offered green space, garden and a residential feel with the safest access to sidewalks to reach the hospital and downtown. Sidewalk access in Bassano is very restricted Beautify – Build – Benefit For more info contact the Town Office 403-641-3788 or [email protected] (check out

with some areas having none, some with one side and others with both. The area behind Center street close should not be developed on due to utility or optic lines and residents be told no building would happen as part of their purchasing the lots. Unfair to construct there now. Those residents should have first option to purchase the land as many wanted to when they bought their house lots. It is also a very busy road without sidewalk access. The area by the hospital would be my second choice, as it offers residential feel and access to the hospital and lodge and sidewalks to downtown. . Options 1 and 2 are not in my favour as these are very busy roads , safety concern for the amount of traffic on these roads , no sidewalks for seniors and further away from downtown. Option 3 would be my first pick as this is an established quiet area for seniors followed by my next choice of option 4 . When a town is near broke, this is not the way to get out of debt. . Awesome project, keep up the good work. . Site 1 and 2 have no sidewalks, very poor street lighting, and close proximity to the school, pool, and Arena. These are all high traffic areas where this project would be the least desirable. If older people are the focus of this development, wouldn't closer to the hospital be a good location just as the life lease properties were located. Common sense to me! . I feel the town dropped the ball big time when it comes to the planning of this project. The residents were not informed properly and something like this isn't going to help boost our economy. There is no need to charge that amount of money per month in rent. It's more of a look how cool we are Alberta move. . Thanks for this survey and I support the FAB village square project. . I think this is a wonderful project and a great opportunity for the Town of Bassano. Thanks so much for helping us be on the cutting edge of innovation and technology!!! . Thank you to the town and council for all the work you have put in regarding this project. . Great concept. Survey format a little confusing. . Sites 3 & 4 make the most sense. . This project is an incredible waste of resources to attempt to revitalize Bassano. To increase economic diversity and growth, a community needs to attract a thriving population with income to put into action in the community. Younger families will inject students and financial support into the schools. They pay higher taxes. They open and support businesses and they fill employment openings. Their kids join leagues and find connections with a community they want to support. This project does not align with the right values to promote and grow a community like Bassano. I appreciate that people in these type of facilities need the opportunity to age in place. However if Bassano wants to remain a viable community, they need to first look to sustain and grow what we have before we take on the challenge of supporting someone else. . If the project is not funded by the Newell Foundation the rent of $2600/month is not feasible. . I think the idea is ridiculous. Charging people over 2000 a month is not going to fly. It’s a waste of time and space. What we need is affordable housing. Anyone that could afford the rent would certainly not live in such a tiny space. I think if the town wants to move forward with this whole plan they should be required to get tenants prebooked before even starting the project. Pushing this idea through is just another fine example of town politics gone wrong. Can’t afford to fix the pot holes in the roads but let’s build a tiny housing complex that will sit vacant because no one can afford the rent. . Glad to see so many options. Hopefully the council and residents can find a common ground. . Honestly seems like the biggest money grab Bassano has tried yet. Hope it works but don’t see how it can at those costs. Should be local contractor building these home which would support Beautify – Build – Benefit For more info contact the Town Office 403-641-3788 or [email protected] (check out

our community & potentially reduce the cost of each home, but doesn’t seem like either of those is what your trying for. . Very excited to see council coming up with innovated ways to grow our community and some forward thinking into the future of Bassano. . This is an excellent opportunity to enhance the Town of Bassano and hopefully inncentive to move forward on the Bassano Project . At $2600.00/m I don't know any seniors able or wanting to spend that kind of money for essentially nothing. I don't believe the town should be looking at this venture as a revenue source. Sell the lots to people who wish to put up tiny homes. This being said the homes would need to meet standards. . I don't think any senior will want to pay the proposed $2600/month for rent. I see the town building these and them remaining empty. . Why doesn't the town talk to the owners of the old paint store? I'm sure they are willing to make the town a deal just to be rid of it. That area would be perfect, it's next door to the library and close to downtown, and once the existing building is removed it's easily developed. . I think there is a real social benefit to this project happening in an active residential neighbourhood. Across from the school by the bmx track seems like the best location. The hospital location on 5A makes it another “medical” environment which removes it from the community. I would like to see it in a place that’s visible, where the residents have a pleasant outdoor atmosphere to enjoy. The activity of children on playgrounds is a really nice energy & could be quite pleasant. . Please make these affordable for seniors on a fixed income with lower rent . Thank you for asking for my input regarding this project. . In my opinion the location by the hall in the original plan was the best. The corner by Schaffers old paint store is kind of an eyesore and is and is close to everything. I know it isn’t likely owned by the town.

Although I go to the post office every day and read the ads posted there, somehow I missed seeing the notice of the meeting. I understand the initial site by the hall was not liked. To me that was the best and the hall is not often a “rocking joint”. In fact a little music would be fine!

I am 75 years old an d friend of similar age and I looked at all the sites yesterday. I drive, but she doesn’t. The ability to walk downtown is the key for seniors, as often we quit driving, or when it is -30 degrees Celsius and blowing snow it is easier to walk a block or so then to shovel out and start the car. The stretch from the library to the bank, sore, and seniors centre is where we would want to go.

I chose option 2 because it is closest to downtown – although still a distance. It is the only one I would be comfortable walking in the winter and probably carrying groceries. It is not landscaped, but that would be new to any of the sites. Trees and grass would make it an attractive area. The area is close to the school and hockey arena which causes some traffic, but I think we like to see a bit of life!

Comments on the other sites:

Site 1. It is not close to anything and adjacent to the only unpaved street in Bassano. Beautify – Build – Benefit For more info contact the Town Office 403-641-3788 or [email protected] (check out

Site 3. This looks nice and already has grass and trees, but one the alley becomes a road and the buildings are installed, the landscaping would start from nothing anyway. It is walking distance to the hospital, but too far from downtown.

Site 4. Again, too far from downtown, but an area that could use some beautification. The FAB Village Square buildings would improve the aesthetics of this area. However, when we were looking, the comment “one foot in the grave” came to mind, as the only close place is the hospital. However, seniors do visit the clinic more than most. With the senior duplex close, it could be the beginning of a senior community.

Beautify – Build – Benefit For more info contact the Town Office 403-641-3788 or [email protected] (check out

BYLAW NO. 907/20



WHEREAS the purpose of the proposed amendment is to redesignate land legally described as:

Lot 1MR, Block 51, Plan 1510415 from "Residential Manufactured Home - RM" to "Public and Institutional - PI", as shown on the map in Schedule 'A' attached hereto to accommodate the development of an intergenerational self-contained housing project.

AND WHEREAS the municipality must prepare a corresponding bylaw and provide for its consideration at a public hearing.

NOW THEREFORE, under the authority and subject to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, as amended, the Council of the Town of Bassano in the Province of Alberta duly assembled does hereby enact the following:

1. The land described as Lot 1MR, Block 51, Plan 1510415 as shown on the attached Schedule "A" be designated Public and Institutional – PI. 2. That the Land Use Districts map of the Town of Bassano Land Use Bylaw 845/13 be amended to reflect this designation. 3. Bylaw No. 845/13, being the Land Use Bylaw, is hereby amended and a consolidated version of the Land Use Bylaw reflecting the amendment is authorized to be prepared. 4. This bylaw comes into effect upon third and final reading hereof.

READ a first time this ______day of ______, 2020.

______Mayor – Ron Wickson Chief Administrative Officer – Amanda Davis

READ a second time this ______day of ______, 2020.

______Mayor – Ron Wickson Chief Administrative Officer – Amanda Davis

READ a third time and finally PASSED this ______day of ______, 2020.

______Mayor – Ron Wickson Chief Administrative Officer – Amanda Davis

REQUEST FOR DECISION Meeting: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 6.3

Business Development - Offer to Purchase 422 – 1st Avenue


A counter-offer was received to purchase 422 – 1st Avenue.

Location: 422 – 1st Avenue (Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 15) Owner: Town of Bassano Zone: Industrial Commercial (IC) Lot size: 50’x150’ List Price: $2.25/sq. ft. $16,875 plus GST Serviced: Unserviced

At the August 10, 2020 meeting, council received a $6,000 offer to purchase the above property. Motion 196/20 was passed:

1 of 3

A counter-offer of $8,500 was received per attachment 1. A weighted average reflects a price of $1.46 per square foot based on recent sales. The offer is $0.88/sq. ft.

309 – 1st Avenue 1002 – 2nd Avenue . Sold in 2018 . Sold in 2019 . Industrial Commercial . Industrial Commercial . $18,000 for 0.34 acres ($1.20/sq. ft.) . $150,000 for 2.64 acres ($1.30/sq. ft.)

514 – 2nd Avenue 901 – 3rd Avenue . Sold in 2018 . Sold in 2020 . Central Commercial . Industrial Commercial . $20,000 for .26 acres ($1.77/sq. ft) . $35,000 .52 acres ($1.55/sq. ft.)

Site Notes - The parcel of land is unserviced - Developability of the site should be considered. Is the site compatible to sell independently? If so, what type of Industrial Commercial business would this be? - Is it more realistic to consolidate the lots to provide a larger parcel of land to accommodate business?

Purchaser Development Intention The buyer’s intention is to expand his existing construction and storage yard and would consolidate the four lots onto one title with the extension of a security fence for privacy.


#1 – That Council accepts the offer of $8,500 plus GST for Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 15 pursuant to the letter dated August 24, 2020 from Top Connection Ltd. with the following conditions: first that Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 15 ; Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 16; Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 17; Plan 3872T; Block 3, Lot p. 18 are consolidated. And second, that a development permit is obtained to extend the security fence in accordance with the Land Use Bylaw around the perimeter of the property.

#2 - That Council accepts the offer of $8,500 plus GST for Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 15 pursuant to the letter dated August 24, 2020 from Top Connection Ltd. without conditions.

#3 – That Council rejects the offer of $8,500 plus GST for Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 15 and directs administration to include the listing of the lot within the real estate project in accordance with Motion 183/20.

CAO COMMENTS: Council directed administration to negotiate a real estate agreement with Jolene Ledene Reimer (M#183/20) to list all residential and non-residential properties for sale at the July 13 meeting. In addition, administration is to complete an analysis to determine the competitiveness of land prices in Bassano. Reimer was engaged and we are working on list terms.

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As part of this process, I reached out to people who have expressed an interested in purchasing lots in Bassano to advise them that properties would be listed for sale in the coming months. If they wanted to prepare an offer to purchase, it was recommended prior to the Town listing the lots.

I have not assessed lot prices beyond what is provided above.

The consolidation of this lot is appropriate and it suitable at the location.

ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PLAN The sale of this property aligns with the Town’s vision and growth objectives of being open for business and supporting business expansion.


That Council accepts the offer of $8,500 plus GST for Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 15 pursuant to the letter dated August 24, 2020 from Top Connection Ltd. with the following conditions: first that Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 15 ; Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 16; Plan 3872T; Block 3; Lot 17; Plan 3872T; Block 3, Lot p. 18 are consolidated. And second, that a development permit is obtained to extend the security fence in accordance with the Land Use Bylaw around the perimeter of the property.

Attachments: 1. Counter Offer to Purchase – August 24, 2020

Prepared by: Amanda Davis, CAO

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REQUEST FOR DECISION Meeting: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 6.4

2019-2026 Strategic Plan Revisions


On August 24, 2020, a special council meeting was held to review the 2019-2025 strategic plan; to discuss current priorities to ensure they were in alignment with council vision for the future of Bassano.

The strategic plan is a key planning document and sets the direction for the entire municipality, confirms where resources are allocated and how the council operates. Once passed, council can expect administrative actions to align with stated priorities.


#1 – That council approves the Town of Bassano 2019-2026 Strategic Plan Revisions as presented.

#2 – The council amends the Town of Bassano 2019-2026 Strategic Plan Revisions (define amendments).

#3 – That council directs administration to present the Town of Bassano 2019-2026 Strategic Plan Revisions to the public for comment prior to considering its approval.




That council approves the Town of Bassano 2019-2026 Strategic Plan Revisions as presented.

Attachments: 1. 2019-2026 Strategic Plan

Prepared by: Amanda Davis, CAO

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“Our vision is to be the most attractive and affordable urban community under 2,500 in Alberta where industry leaders want to invest, where tourists come for a new experience, and where people choose to live, work and play.”

Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020


In 2018, the Town of Bassano’s Mayor and Council undertook A Strategic Plan is a working document and must be reviewed a comprehensive strategic planning and visionary exercise. on a regular basis to ensure the goals and action plan remain The purpose of the exercise was to identify where the elected relevant and to confirm that implementation is in fact leading to body wanted to see the community in the future. It enabled the community’s desired outcomes. them to develop a shared vision and to understand how the Decision makers should refer to the plan before a resolution is decisions they make influence the trajectory of the community. made to substantiate that the item being considered A plan outline was presented at a town hall meeting in mid- contributes directly to the goals and objectives of the plan. November to which 70 residents attended or 6.0% of the Following this process ensures decision makers stay focused population. Public engagement at the meeting confirmed town on achieving priorities. council’s vision and plan for Bassano. Attendees expressed All goals and action items must be prioritized, and resources their desire to see improved marketing and attractions along need to be allocated within the municipal budget to ensure the TransCanada highway, the importance of beautification, implementation can occur. While decision makers may get the need to celebrate and recognize the successes of the community, with balanced infrastructure renewal projects. excited to implement every action at the same time, it is important to understood that this cannot occur. Plan Having heard the desires of the community and reflecting on implementation requires many calculations and methodical the initial plan outline, the Mayor and Council reconvened for a actions as each item builds off the next to create a lasting second time on February 20, 2019 to develop a plan of action whole. that enables the implementation of three overarching goals. The action items below is the first phase of the plan. As town council and administration work through implementation, tasks Goal 2 and outcomes will be added as the action items grow and

Community evolve. and

Economic Development

Goal 1 Goal 3 “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Regional Infrastructure Partnerships Renewal – Peter Drucker

A Prosperous Future for Bassano 1

Goal 1: Regional Partnerships Purpose Status quo is not an option for Bassano. Actions need to be taken to ensure the community and region is viable well into the future. A viable community is service rich, affordable, welcoming, and efficient. Regional partnerships are essential for cost savings and improved service delivery. Partnerships will contribute to the long-term viability of the region.

End Result (Why) The Town of Bassano will change how it does business in order to: 1. Enhance and/or develop partnerships to eliminate the duplication of services and free up limited resources for other initiatives. 2. Ensure the municipality meets all legislative requirements. 3. Enhance the promotion of Bassano and the Brooks Region. 4. To improve competitiveness in the market. 5. Improve the quality of life for residents and visitors. 6. Foster innovation and solve complex challenges. ______

Action Plan (G1) Task 1 Timeline Responsibility Resources Measurement/Outcome Confirmed Completion

Develop and approve an Completion by March 31, CAO to complete Human capital – CAO (20- ICF is approved and COMPLETE Intermunicipal 2019 administrative tasks and 40 hours). executed by both parties Collaboration Framework negotiations as directed by within the defined timeline. (ICF) – Town of Bassano town council. Legal review (if required) - and County of Newell $2,000 ICF is equitable for both Town council to provide parties. direction for negotiation of ICF. Improves partnerships between the parties.

Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

Action Plan (G1 continued) Task 2 Timeline Responsibility Resources Measurement/Outcome Confirmed Completion

Implementation of ICF Recreation program CAO’s (town and county) Human capital – CAO or 1. Development of Implementation is completion by December to draft an updated designate (30-40 new recreation underway. First year of 31, 2019. recreation agreement with hours/annum). agreement. recreation grants issued in recommendations to 2020. Updates to recreation councils. Update Council/RFC (20 2. Formation of a new program throughout its agreement, facilitate hours/annum). committee. implementation to meetings with recreation develop/maintain a user groups as required, 3. Negotiate with program/plan that meets and provide information to General (e.g. supplies, stakeholders. the needs of the councils so they can be the honorariums, etc.) - $1,000 community – Ongoing boots on the ground. 4. Approve new recreation Councils to act as agents agreement. (boots on the ground) to complete any negotiations 5. Exchange/allocate with stakeholders. recreation funds.

Recreation Funding 6. Monitor the Committee (RFC) to implementation of engage with user groups to the ICF to ensure it encourage the use of the is meeting intended program and oversee the outcomes – success of its updates to be implementation. included in the monthly CAO Town administration to report. market and advertise the program. 7. Complete internal reporting to Town administration to maintain files for manage full scope of RFC. the program.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

Implementation of ICF Emergency services bylaw Town to engage with the Human capital – CAO (60 1. Council motions the Underway, third reading and agreement completion County of Newell, and hours/annum), request to enter a will be presented in by December 31, 2020. Villages of Rosemary and regional emergency September 2020. Duchess to form a regional Council (10-20 management Policy development and emergency management hours/annum). agency with county. implementation by agency. December 31, 2021 Legal review (if required) 2. Formalize CAO to work with $2,500. negotiations with neighboring municipalities the County and to develop a regional Membership costs $5,000 - other stakeholders emergency management $10,000 per annum. if applicable to agency. complete an emergency management agency.

3. Develop and approve an emergency management bylaw and agreement with stakeholders.

4. Councils appoint members to the regional emergency management roles.

5. Policy development completed internally by administrations.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

6. Appointees obtain training.

7. Bassano meets mandatory legislative compliance for emergency management. Professional, trained organization takes over emergency management responsibilities to eliminate the duplication of services.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

Goal 2: Community and Economic Development Purpose The people of Bassano matter which is why community and economic development is imperative to the town. Community and economic development will help build the local economy, bring greater awareness to our assets and provide value added opportunities for residents, businesses, visitors and investors.

End Result (Why) The Town of Bassano’s message to the world is that we are open for business and partnerships. To us, being open for business and partnerships means we work to improve the experience every individual has when they enter the community and interact with the elected body, municipal employees and residents. By doing this, we aim to improve the quality of life for the populace which will lead to a more sustainable future. ______

Action Plan (G2) Task 1 Timeline Responsibility Resources Measurement/Outcome Confirmed Completion

Development permit December 31, 2019 – ratify CAO and Oldman River Human capital – CAO (200 1. Development Checklist complete. simplification Safety Codes Agreement. Regional Services hours). permit checklist Commission (ORRSC). available. Training underway with March 31, 2021 Municipal ORRSC (20-40 hours). municipal staff. Development Plan. CAO to develop a step-by- 2. Municipal staff are step checklist to aid in the General items $5,000. trained on how to Development permits September 30, 2020 for development permit use the modified. checklists, fees and application process. Design and engineering development permit guides. standards $75,000 - checklist. Development fees are CAO to develop permit $100,000. reviewed/updated. September 30, 2021 for guides to simplify the 3. Development development and design development process. permits Safety Codes Agreement standards. applications are ratified. CAO to ensure the updated/modified. Land Use Bylaw municipality complies with Development permit modernization – start development legislation 4. Development packages are complete January 1, 2022 (e.g Quality Management permit fees are and online/pickup.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

Plan and Municipal reviewed/updated Simplification being Development Plan). (if required). Last promoted update was 2013. internally/externally. CAO and ORRSC to review the Land Use Bylaw 5. Safety Codes MDP timeline has been and make Agreement is pushed – revisions recommendations to ratified in required. update the bylaw to accordance with simplify the development the Joint Quality Joint QMP requires process if necessary. Management attention this fall or next Program. spring. CAO/planner and engineers to prepare 6. Development development standards permit packages and guidelines. are complete and available for pick- up in person of from the website.

7. Municipal Development Plan complete and approved – public consultation included.

8. Approved set of community design/engineer standards – public consultation included.

9. Agreements/plans are approved by


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

council and are being implemented.

10. Developer feedback is positive – how is the process of dealing with Bassano and sub agencies.

11. Development simplification is actively promoted internally and externally.

12. LUB – public consultation for modernization.

13. Complete LUB update to modernize development standards.

Action Plan (G2 continued) Task 2 Timeline Responsibility Resources Measurement/Outcome Confirmed Completion

Beautify Bassano Initiative Ongoing and immediate CAO is responsible to Human capital – CAO, 1. Attractive/clean Action plans are being (BBI) until 2025. direct and oversee the administration and public community. implemented. implementation of the BBI. works (10 – 30 hours per week per annum). 2. Expand volunteer Volunteers are being Town council is committee. empowered. responsible for promotion


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

of the BBI through public Town council (1-3 hours 3. Less unsightly Budget approved by engagement and per week per annum for properties. council for implementation. consultation. public consultation). 4. Crime reduction. Town council is General items $50,000 responsible to make services, promotion, bylaw 5. Renewed pride – decisions that improve the enforcement, revitalization. volunteers and aesthetics of Bassano. community members buy into Residents and volunteers the BBI and must buy-into the BBI and actively work to assist with its help with its implementation. This can implementation. only occur if the town sets the standard and leads the 6. Positive feedback way. from community members and Town council upholds the visitors. terms of the Community Standards Bylaw and BBI. 7. Improved work processes for municipal employees.

8. Efficient use of municipal resource

9. New investments.

Action Plan (G2 continued) Task 3 Timeline Responsibility Resources Measurement/Outcome Confirmed Completion

Unique Project – Tiny Develop initial report CAO/Palliser Economic Pt. 1 Human capital – CAO 1. Feasibility report. Phase 1-3 complete. Home Pilot Project March 31, 2019 – Partnership. (75-100 hours). 2. Business plans. Began implementation of December 31, 2020 3. Implementation the report in Q2, 2020. In (Phase 1-3). Consultant Consultant fees $70,000 plan. consultation with Newell


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

Implementation of the 4. Community Foundation and AHS for Intergenerational and Implementation of Task 1: Pt. 2 – Implement FAB engagement. partnership to implement Multigenerational Tiny Deploy an Age Friendly Village Square – Human FAB Village Square pilot Home Pilot Project Village – “FAB Village capital – CAO 75-100 5. Increase Bassano’s project. Bassano Square”. April 1, 2020 – hours. tax base to support August 31, 2021. long-term Project fees - $500,000 - affordability. Implementation of Task 2: $1.9M depending on Concept design for business model. 6. Confirm land Business Innovation availability. District. Pt. 3 – BID planning - $25,000. 7. Public consultation for FAB VS. Site selection. Pass site selection.

8. Negotiate project options with Newell Foundation.

9. Fundraising campaign. Secure project funds where applicable to offset costs.

10. Design BID.

11. BID public consultation.

12. Marketing Plan for BID.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

13. Confirm economic and employment opportunities.

14. Variety of housing and development opportunities.

15. Create a competitive advantage that helps Bassano stand out.

16. Update the Land Use Bylaw if required to accommodate growth.

Action Plan (G2 continued) Task 4 Timeline Responsibility Resources Measurement/Outcome Confirmed Completion

Economic Enrichment September 30, 2020 – July Consultant Human capital – CAO (5- 1. Prepare an Strategy 31, 2021. 10 hours) economic enrichment strategy Strategy development - that confirms how $50,000 the town can take advantage of the transportation and logistics corridors to build a robust local economy.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

2. Approval/rejection of the strategy.

3. Implementation of strategy. Implementation would be the next phase of Task 4 (build out).


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

Action Plan (G2 continued) Task 5 Timeline Responsibility Resources Measurement/Outcome Confirmed Completion

Bridging the Recreation February 1, 2021 – July Town council – engage Human capital – CAO 100 1. Engage with user Gap. Develop partnerships 31, 2023 with organizations to hours. groups to define the for marketing and encourage partnerships to recreation gap. promotion of Bassano with build/enhance the town. Consulting fee to develop 2. Review all recreation local/regional Agencies, strategy for recreation plan agreements to Boards, Commissions, and Administration – provide in Bassano $80,000 - identify gaps and volunteer organizations. support to volunteer $100,000. opportunities. organizations to 3. Secure a consultant encourage partnerships to Addition of 1 FTE to to assist with the build/enhance the town. implement recreation development of a strategy and work with the recreation strategy. Stakeholders (may community. $60,000 - 4. Engage with CON re: include): $80,000/annum. ICF agreement - Agencies, boards regarding potential and commissions. $25,000 - $40,000 for change to funding - Regional tourism project specific items. agreement. association. 5. Prepare the - Joint Shared Examples – signage, recreation plan. Services. permits, website 6. Hire an FTE. - Volunteers and redevelopment, branding, 7. Implement the societies. etc. recreation strategy. 8. Increased promotion of Bassano.

9. Active leadership – leading others.

10. Resources secured through platforms such as Grant Advance to advance the interest of the


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

town and special projects/partnerships.

11. New/renewed partnerships with stakeholders to support/develop new or ongoing projects not necessarily managed by the town (e.g. tourist booth, revitalization of buildings on main street).


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

Goal 3: Infrastructure Renewal Purpose Infrastructure renewal is essential in Bassano. With the resources available, the town will endeavor to upgrade local infrastructure to maintain and improve services, to build the local economy and to attract investors.

End Result (Why) The Town of Bassano’s concludes that infrastructure renewal will lead to a strong foundation to support services and growth. ______

Action Plan (G3) Bassano must ensure it manages wastewater in accordance with its license granted through Alberta Environment and Parks. This is an essential service that must be provided to the residents.

Task 1 Timeline Responsibility Resources Measurement/Outcome Confirmed Completion

Sewage Lagoon Upgrade 2017 – December 31, Administration – project $7.020M (provincial/federal 1. Achieve Capital budget complete. 2021 management – 1000 hours grants, reserves and compliance with general taxation). Alberta Project design and Town council – resource Environment and operations plans continue. allocation. Parks. Ongoing consultation with External (engineers, land 2. Grants have been AEP. agents, legal counsel, applied for – secure Alberta Transportation, external funds Waiting ICIP award to Albert Environment and where applicable. review and tender the Parks) project. 3. Project is designed.

4. Project is tendered.

5. Project is awarded.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

6. Project is constructed.

7. Project is in full operation.

8. Operating agreement in place with NRSC.

9. Any debt is paid off.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

Action Plan (G3 continued) 5th Avenue infrastructure upgrades are a priority as a result of their deterioration. 5th Avenue services the hospital, emergency services, school, residential and commercial business district. It is a main thoroughfare and requires attention.

Task 2 Timeline Responsibility Resources Measurement/Outcome Confirmed Completion

5th Avenue (above ground September 30, 2020 – Town council – resource Refer to the Infrastructure 1. Define exact and below ground March 31, 2022 allocation. Master Plan - $1.2M location of upgrade. infrastructure) (sanitary, water, road 2. Prepare engineer Administration – project surface and manholes) - RFP. management. figures to be updated with 3. Award engineer tender. RFP. 4. Project is designed. Project funding, grants, capital reserves and 5. Project is tendered. general taxation. 6. Project is awarded.

7. Project is constructed.

8. Any debt is paid off.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

Action Plan (G3 continued) Revitalize our core. Upgrade above ground and below ground infrastructure to promote development, accessibility, tourism and active healthy living.

Task 3 Timeline Responsibility Resources Measurement/Outcome Confirmed Completion

2nd Avenue Revitalization September 30, 2020 – Town council – resource Human resources – CAO 1. Define are of road to Tax forfeiture underway. – Main Street (above December 31, 2025 allocation. 200 hours. be repaired in 2021. ground and below ground 2. Prepare engineering infrastructure) The project will be divided Administration – project Resources to be updated RFP. nd into three segments, 2 management. once reports are obtained 3. Award engineer. Avenue road reparation for each of the three 4. Design section east of the Community stages. upgrade. Hall (exact location to be determined by council). 5. Tender project. Road reparation is Refer to the Infrastructure 6. Award project. intended to occur in 2021. Master Plan - $4M 7. Complete (sanitary, water, road construction. Part two is to incorporate surface, manholes, 8. Complete tax main street revitalization curb/gutter, sidewalks, forfeiture for property. planning into the project lighting and outdoor 9. Obtain abatement and start engaging with features (e.g. benches, report/EIA. residents to reimage the monuments, etc.)). 10. Address options for downtown core. This will building. commence in 2021 and Project funding, grants, Abatement/demolition. will continue for +/- 12 capital reserves and 11. Abate or demolish the months. general taxation. building.

Part 3 obtain an 12. Engage abatement report for the architect/planner re: former Stiles building on main street main street to determine if revitalization. a demolition is required. 13. Community planning session – what do we want to see.

14. Design rendering.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

15. Public engagement process – present design rendering.

16. Approve design rendering.

17. Develop fee structure for upgrade – cost analysis.

18. Hard infrastructure design – engineering.

19. Project is designed.

20. Project is tendered.

21. Project is awarded.

22. Project is constructed.

23. Aspects of project tied to the economic enrichment strategy – monitoring /measurement plan.

24. Any debt is paid off.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

Action Plan (G3 continued) Bassano is the gateway to the region and, as such, we want to showcase what our community has to offer. We aim to be everyone’s first stop when travelling east on the TransCanada highway. In addition, we aim to be everyone’s final stop before leaving the region. Bassano has services and amenities to meet the needs of those living, relocating, working or commuting through the region.

Task 4 Timeline Responsibility Resources Measurement/Outcome Confirmed Completion

Highway Re-development January 1, 2024 – Town council – resource External - design rendering 1. Community No action. Project September 30, 2026 allocation and public for features – (estimated planning session – consultation. fee $50,000). what do we want to Purpose: to upgrade the see. highway commercial Administration – project External – engineering development to ensure it is management. design for hard 2. Design rendering. attractive and accessible infrastructure – (estimated for users. The design must fee $200,000) 3. Public engagement be attractive to draw process – present people off the highway to Project cost – (estimated design rendering. come and experience what fee $2M). Bassano has to offer. This 4. Approve design project consists of more Project to be funded by rendering. than just pavement, it may grants, capital reserves, include new/upgraded levies and taxation. 5. Develop fee signage, wind barriers, structure for picnic tables or bathrooms. upgrade – cost analysis. Key features include paving, curb/gutter and 6. Hard infrastructure utility placement. design – engineering.

7. Project is designed.

8. Project is tendered.

9. Project is awarded.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

10. Project is constructed.

11. Aspects of project tied to the economic enrichment strategy – monitoring /measurement plan.

12. Any debt is paid off.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

Action Plan (G3 continued) To improve the flow of water and to eliminate dead end water lines, water looping must occur. This will ensure improve water pressure and eliminate the risk of stagnant water in sections of the lines.

Task 5 Timeline Responsibility Resources Measurement/Outcome Confirmed Completion

Water looping project. January 1, 2024 – Town council – resource Refer to the Infrastructure 1. Project is designed. No action. September 30, 2025 allocation. Master Plan – North water main looping $1.6M 2. Project is tendered. Administration – project management. Project funding, grants, 3. Project is awarded. capital reserves and general taxation. 4. Project is constructed.

5. Any debt is paid off.

6. Water system reaches full capacity for flow.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

Action Plan (G3 continued) Ensure the Town of Bassano’s approved stormwater discharge point is unobstructed to maintain the flow of stormwater. Work in collaboration with the Eastern Irrigation District and County of Newell to develop a proactive plan of action to mitigate stormwater conflicts.

Task 6 Timeline Responsibility Resources Measurement/Outcome Confirmed Completion

Bassano Spur Line 2017 – December 31, Town council – resource 1. Develop a 2026 allocation. cooperative plan of action with the Administration – project Eastern Irrigation management. District and County of Newell to Eastern Irrigation District develop a plan of action to mitigate County of Newell stormwater conflicts. Province of Alberta 2. Implement plan of action.

3. Proper easements are in place to enable access and flow of stormwater.

4. Completion of a storm water management plan.

5. Completion of a community needs assessment.

6. Risk mitigation checklist complete and monitored.


Revised on August 24, 2020 – presented for consideration on September 14, 2020

Conclusion Communications Plan 1. A copy of this plan will be provided to the County of Newell as per the terms of the Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework. 2. A copy of this plan will be available to the public on the Town of Bassano’s municipal website ( 3. A copy of this plan will be available for pick-up at the Town of Bassano’s Municipal Office at 502 – 2nd Avenue, Bassano. 4. Administration will include regular progress updates regarding strategic priority outcomes in the bi-monthly newsletter.

Town Council’s Responsibility 1. Town council will refer to this plan when making decisions that impact the community to ensure there is priority alignment. 2. Town council will complete a formal review of this plan by March 31 annually. 3. Town council will update this plan accordingly and ensure adequate resources are designated so projects can occur. If projects exceed the town’s financial capacity, the projects will be modified or removed from the plan.

Administration’s Responsibility 1. Administration will implement this plan once it is formally approved by town council. 2. Administration will provide monthly updates regarding strategic priority outcomes at the regular council meeting. 3. Administration will assess all current and new projects to ensure they align with the town’s approved priorities. 4. Administration will notify town council immediately of issues/opportunities as they arise in relation to the priorities within this plan.

Citizens of Bassano’s Responsibility 1. The citizens of Bassano will consult with Town Council and Administration and assist where possible to improve the development and long-term viability of the community. 2. The citizens of Bassano will take part in community planning and development exercises. 3. The citizens of Bassano will notify Town Council or Administration of their approval/concerns of the listed priorities listed in this plan.

Participants Town council: Ron Wickson, Tom Rose, Jackie Seely, Kevin Jones, Doug Barlow, John Slomp, and Irvin Morey (revised plan) (Lynn MacWilliam original plan).

Adoption/Review March 19, 2019 (M#50/19) November 12, 2019 (M#259/19)


REQUEST FOR DECISION Meeting: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 6.5

Road Maintenance – 1st Street Close


At the June 8, 2020 meeting a motion was made to direct administration to seek and review files related to the 1st Avenue (should have stated Street) Close drainage upgrade. If applicable, that administration obtain an engineering proposal to address further drainage upgrades (M#150/20).

In review of the files, general repair work was completed in the area in 2011/12 to include an overlay. In 2015 MPE was consulted for options however administration did not find any formal action to address the drainage upgrade.

On August 10, 2020 an inviational Request for Proposal was issued to Associated Engineering and MPE Engineering (see Attachemet 1) as both firms have completed work for the Town in and around the area of concern. Respondents were asked to develop a proposal to investigate shallow subsurface issues at the stated location and follow up with a proposal to develop a long-term practicle solution to divert and manage surface drainage.

1 of 2 Two proposals were received, and each submission was graded using the matrix provided: Percentage Qualifications 20 Cost and Competitive 20 Structure Project Methodology 25 Project Innovation 15 Previous Work Experience with 10 Bassano Completion of Submission 10 Total 100

Grade Price Associated Engineering Ltd. 61% $58,199 MPE Engineering Ltd. 67% $7,450

The variant between the two proposals relates to the comprehensiveness of the geotechnical investigation and inclusion of lidar survey data versus a GPS topographic survey. Both proposals capture similar data to understand groundwater and surface drainage. The methodology and internal data available at each firm differs based on past work and knowledge of the Town.


#1 – That council approves MPE Engineering Ltd.’s proposal dated August 31, 2020 for TOBCap – 1st Street Drainage in the amount of $7,450 plus GST as presented and to direct administration to initiate the project immediately. The analysis shall be funded by general operations.

#2 –That council approve Associated Engineering Ltd.’s proposal dated August 28, 2020 for TOBCap – 1st Street Drainage in the amount of $58,199 plus GST as presented and to direct administration to initiate the project immediately. The analysis shall be funded by capital plan reserves.

#3 – That council rejects both proposals and takes no action.


If MPE Engineering is awarded the project, they can undertake work immediately. The two variables that would impact their ability to complete the analysis this fall is line locates and drill rig availability.

ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PLAN N/A – this is an operational matter.


That council approves MPE Engineering Ltd.’s proposal dated August 31, 2020 for TOBCap – 1st Street Drainage in the amount of $7,450 plus GST as presented and to direct administration to initiate the project immediately. The analysis shall be funded by general operations.

Attachments: 1. RFP dated August 10, 2020 2. Associated Engineering Proposal dated August 28, 2020 3. MPE Engineering Proposal dated August 31, 2020

Prepared by: Amanda Davis, CAO

2 of 2


August 10, 2020

Associated Engineering Sent via email: [email protected] 600 Crowfoot Crescent NW #400 Calgary, AB T3G 0B4

The Town of Bassano experiences surface drainage issues on 1st Street Close West. The cause of the surface drainage issue is unknown to the Town and has occurred for more than a decade, specifically on the south end of the bulb near 8th Avenue (see Image 1 and 2). The Town is aware of sidewalk and driveway elevation changes as a result of visual observation and resident complaints.

The Town requests a proposal to:

1. Investigate shallow subsurface issues at the stated location. 2. A proposal to develop a long-term practical solution to divert and manage surface drainage at the stated location.

Your firm may have appropriate data to support a thorough investigation at this site to help determine the cause and to design a long-term solution to the surface drainage issue based on previous work undertaken in the area.

Submission Deadline Quotations must be provided by August 31, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. MST quoting project reference number TOBCap – 1st Street Drainage to:

Mailed Hand Delivered Emailed

Amanda Davis, CAO Amanda Davis, CAO Amanda Davis, CAO Town of Bassano Town of Bassano [email protected] P.O. Box 299 502 – 2nd Avenue, Bassano Bassano, AB T0J 0B0

Proposals will be presented to Town Council for consideration on September 14, 2020. Project notification will be provided by September 21, 2020.

Completion Requirements The project shall commence by October 15, 2020.

Proposal Detail Proposals including project methodology and references shall be limited to a maximum of five pages.

The RFP is by invitation only and will be graded according to the attached matrix. Questions regarding this project may be directed to the undersigned at 403-641-3788.


Amanda Davis, MBA CAO


BASSANO GRADE MATRIX TOBCap – 1st Street Drainage

Each submission will be graded using the following matrix.

Percentage Qualifications 20 Cost and Competitive Structure 20 Project Methodology 25 Project Innovation 15 Previous Work Experience with 10 Bassano Completion of Submission 10 Total 100

Associated Engineering Alberta Ltd. 400, 600 Crowfoot Crescent NW Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T3G 0B4

TEL: 403.262.4500 August 28, 2020 FAX: 403.269.7640 File: 2020-01912

Amanda Davis, MBA CAO Town of Bassano P.O. Box 299 Bassano, AB T0J 0B0


Dear Ms. Davis:


Associated Engineering Alberta Ltd. (Associated) is pleased to provide this proposal to the Town of Bassano (the Town) to complete a hydrogeological investigation in the immediate vicinity of 1st Street Close West, where surface water has been ponding sporadically over the past decade.

Since 2018, Associated has been involved with an investigation to define groundwater conditions and associated basement inundation on 8th Avenue Close. For this project, a number of wells were drilled to monitor groundwater conditions and other relevant information was reviewed. This information provides Associated with a good understanding of this new area to be investigated.

We believe that the ponding conditions could be related to a number of causes. As the development was built on a clay till type environment, it is possible that swelling or shrinking of subsurface clay is causing the asphalt and pavement areas to shift when soils are wetted or during long periods of drought. Therefore, it is important to understand the groundwater levels and soil types at the ponding area (the Site). Another possibility is overland water not effectively draining away from the Site and causing leakage to the subsurface where, again, swelling and shrinking conditions could be occurring. At this time Associated is not considering leakage of water mains or drainage infrastructure but recommends sampling regardless to ascertain if chlorine concentrations might suggest leakage problems.

To complete the investigation with these two different mechanisms in mind Associated proposes the following scope of work and estimated costs.

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Associated propose the following scope of work for this Investigation:

1. a. Drilling of up to four boreholes to characterize the sub surface. Geotechnical soil sampling and analysis to verify the types of clay in the subsurface. b. Groundwater sampling and analysis. c. Slug tests and analysis of aquifer parameters to be used in a conceptual groundwater model. 2. Survey well points and Lidar survey. 3. Depression mapping, upstream and cursory analysis of flood mechanism. 4. Completion of a technical memorandum. 5. Based on the recommendations from the investigation provide a future proposal with a conceptual solution and design.

3 METHODOLOGY Task 1a – Drilling and Geotechnical Sampling Associated will procure a contractor to complete the drilling of up to 4 boreholes using a solid stem auger and split spoon sampling. Boreholes encountering groundwater saturated conditions will be converted to monitoring wells by installing 2” PVC casing and screens in the required sections. The wells will be constructed with artificial sand in the screen area and bentonite to surface and finished with a flush mounted well cap with locking mechanism.

During drilling an Associated hydrogeologist will log all boreholes and design the monitoring wells; and record any zones of saturation in detail. A geotechnical representative will be present during drilling to collect soil samples for the investigation into the swelling or shrinking nature of the soils. Physical tests of the samples will be completed in the field as well.

Task 1b – Groundwater Sampling One week after drilling completion, Associated will return to the field to measure static groundwater levels and obtain groundwater samples. Four samples will be collected using a Grundfos low flow submersible pump and be submitted to an accredited laboratory for analysis of the following constituents:  Major cations and anions, dissolved metals; and  pH, EC, TDS, total alkalinity, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen. Field parameters will be measured using a multi parameter instrument. Chlorine concentrations will be measured in the field using a photometer due to the impossible holding time of such samples.

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Task 1c - Slug Testing, Analyses and Conceptual model During this field visit Associated will complete up to three slug tests in monitoring wells that encountered groundwater conditions. This will be completed using either slug in or slug out methods. An electronic logger will be used to measure the change in groundwater levels during testing. Analysis of the data will be completed using Aqtesolv third party software to obtain the hydraulic conductivity of the sub surface units. Once the data is available, a cross section conceptual model will be compiled to show groundwater flow direction, aquifer conductivity and groundwater level relationship with the lithological units at the Site.

Task 2 - Well and Lidar Survey Third party consultants will be used to survey the well heads and complete a Lidar survey of a 4 km2 area around the Site. This is necessary to obtain the flow of groundwater and its position relative to the asphalt and pavement areas, but also as input data to Task 7 below. Note that this will be 1 m resolution which covers the Town of Bassano and surrounding lands and could also be used on other projects.

Task 3 – Trap Low Analysis It is unknown if the problem relates to mitigating nuisance flooding or flooding during high intensity rainfall. The methods to identify and/or address these flooding mechanisms can be significantly different. Associated will use the Lidar terrain model to digitize vector polygons which represent topographic depressions. The depression mapping would be completed for the entire terrain model within the Town’s boundary and be delivered in an ESRI geodatabase format with attributes for depth, volume as well as stage/storage curves. Associated will estimate the maximum depth of the depression(s) at 1st Street Close West using the depression mapping. This will help gauge the severity of the problem and help estimate the number of impacted properties. Associated will also estimate the upstream contributing area to the depression(s). The upstream area will help indicate whether the standing water illustrated within the RFP is due to nuisance flooding (standing water after low intensity rainfall) or due to rainfall induced flooding (ponding water during high intensity rainfall).

If the mechanism of ponding turns out to be surface related, rather than subsurface, Associated will highlight this in the recommendations and future proposal.

Task 4 – Technical Memo A technical memo will be compiled once field work, analyses and interpretations are completed. The report will contain methodology, results, conclusions and recommendations, maps and relevant figures. The outcome of the memo will not be the design of a solution, but a greater understanding of the cause of the ponding and movement of the surface and ground water.

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Task 5 – Future Proposal with Recommended Next Steps Once the problem is identified Associated will provide the Town with a future proposal to recommend a solution to mitigate the problem. This could also include additional tasks to complete before design and construction of a solution is possible. At this time, without more information on the cause of the problem, it is difficult to know if the proposal will include just the scope and costs for a design and solution or additional surface water modeling work.


Due to the intrusive nature of the investigation it would be best to complete the field work before freezing conditions set in because of associated cost implications. Associated anticipates completing the field work component by the end of October. Due to laboratory turn around time, the analysis and interpretation would take another two weeks. We anticipate the final report completion by mid November and the proposal by end of November.


Associated has confirmed drilling costs for the groundwater geotechnical drilling program with qualified contractor quotes as well as the Lidar, geotechnical engineering and well survey consultants. The estimated cost for Associated to complete the tasks is summarized in the table below and includes 10% administration fee on the contractor/consultant and lab fees, 5% minor disbursements and excludes GST:

Task Professional Sub Contractors Expenses Sub Total Fees and Consultants Drilling and Geotechnical Sampling $2,818 $18,521 $1,500 $22,839

Groundwater Sampling $3,053 $530 $900 $4,483

Slug Testing and Analyses and Conceptual Model $3,738 $3,738

Well and Lidar Survey $466 $7,310 $- $7,776

Trap Low Analysis $3,708 $3,708

Reporting and Proposal $10,716 $10,716

Project Management $4,939 $4,939

Totals $29,438 $26,361 $2,400 $58,199 Note: Costs for subcontractors and consultants include, drilling contractors, geotechnical engineering consultant, Surveying company, Lidar services company and laboratory.

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The following assumptions were made when compiling this proposal and estimated costs:  Access to the site will be made available by the Town.  Associated will adhere to health and safety plans, based on our standards, a copy of which will be issued to the Town for review before field work commences.


We look forward to working with you on this project and thank you for the opportunity to submit our proposal. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions or would like to discuss any aspect of this proposal.

Yours truly,

(for) Jacques Groenewald, M.Sc., P.Geo Nadeer Lalji, P.Eng. Senior Hydrogeologist Manager, Urban Infrastructure

In accordance with Canadian anti-spam legislation, the recipient consents to Associated Engineering contacting the recipient and its personnel through electronic messages relating to Associated Engineering's services and other matters of interest to the recipient. The recipient may withdraw consent by contacting Associated Engineering at [email protected].

C:\Users\Howattl\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Inetcache\IE\PS2O2EKA\Prp_Bassano_Hydrogeo_Investigation(1.8).Docx Suite 300, 714 – 5 Avenue South , AB T1J 0V1 Phone: 403-329-3442 1-866-329-3442 Fax: 403-329-9354

Town of Bassano August 31, 2020 P.O. Box 229 File: N\Proposals1446\P07 502 – 2nd Avenue Bassano, AB T0J 0B0

Attention: Amanda Davis, Chief Administrative Officer

Dear Ms. Davis:

Re: TOBCap - 1st Street Drainage

We are pleased to provide the following proposal in response to the Town’s RFP to address drainage concerns along 1st Street Close West.

Project Understanding We understand that the Town has concerns regarding surface drainage issues on 1st Street Close West. Based on previous site visits of this location and on work performed in other areas within the Town; MPE is confident that we can propose a solution to address the issue and concerns at this location. Bassano has issues throughout the Town with shallow ground water and interactions of this water with swelling clays. This has caused problems with portions of roads and sidewalks heaving seasonally through freeze/thaw cycles. MPE has addressed these issues successfully in other areas where we have previously designed improvements for the Town. This is resolved through addressing water issues and providing a suitable structure for roads and sidewalks.

Scope of Work & Methodology The scope of work and methodology for this assignment would include the following:  Start-up Meeting with Town personnel including an on-site review and initial assessment.  Review available existing information, including original design drawings from previous consultant.  Review previously completed surveys of the area (MPE 2015).  Complete additional detailed GPS topographic survey of existing concrete, road cross sections and existing catchbasins and manholes of storm pipe system to the west of the site, if necessary.  Complete a borehole drill adjacent to the location to sample and classify materials and measure ground water elevation.  Material samples will be taken to our materials testing lab for analysis to determine material characteristics and properties.  Using the collected data, develop a suitable practical solution to divert and manage surface and ground water issues at the stated location.  Complete a cost estimate of the proposed solution for budget purposes.  Review meeting with Town personnel to discuss proposed solution and cost estimates.

Project Innovation Drainage improvements involving the installation of underground piping could be completed with trenchless options. MPE will investigate options such has horizontal directional drill for any storm pipe to minimize disturbance and restoration.

Town of Bassano RFP – TOBCap – 1st Street Drainage

Qualifications & Project Team MPE has proven capabilities in all aspects of civil/municipal projects; from the preparation of preliminary engineering studies to surveys, cost estimating, design, tendering, project management, contract administration, construction inspection, commissioning, controls system setup and programming, and record drawing preparation. MPE has built a solid reputation with all clients with a particular focus on government branches, cities, towns, villages, as well as rural municipal districts and counties.

The team members selected for this project have extensive experience in stormwater management projects including recent upgrades for the Town of Taber, Town of and the Hamlet of Shaughnessy.

Project Manager and Design Technologist: Blake Smith, C.E.T. Blake will be responsible for the successful completion of this project. He will be the primary contact and will communicate with the Town on a regular basis. Blake has worked successfully on multiple municipal projects involving storm water drainage analysis and infrastructure improvements. Blake will coordinate the data acquisition, including surveys and materials sampling and testing. Blake also has significant experience in construction inspection and will use his real world experience to ensure a practical and constructible solution to address the drainage concerns.

Corporate Representative: Jody Petrone, C.E.T. Jody Petrone will be responsible for the corporate review of the project. Jody is the Municipal Infrastructure Manager for MPE Lethbridge and has 20 years of experience in municipal projects throughout southern Alberta. Jody will also be in contact with the Town as required to ensure that MPE is meeting the Town’s expectations.

References Included below are two references for which MPE has completed various infrastructure upgrade projects. We encourage you to complete a detailed reference check of the names provided prior to making any consultant selection.

Town of Fort Macleod Town of Susan Keenan, CAO Kevin Lewis, Director of Operations 403-553-4425 403-634-1627 [email protected] [email protected]

Previous Work Experience with Bassano MPE has worked extensively with the Town of Bassano in recent years including the following assessments and projects:  Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Study,  Infrastructure Master Plan o Included analysis of all storm water management for the entire Town,  2015 Capital Projects Included 1st Avenue Drainage Improvements, o th o 4 Avenue Road Reconstruction to address poor surface and subsurface drainage affecting road structure and causing seasonal heaving,  2016 Sanitary Replacements project,  2017 Capital Projects,  Storm Water Management Plan – Supplement for Bassano Spur Drainage.

Through these projects and the experience of our people we have a unique understanding of the challenges Town of Bassano RFP – TOBCap – 1st Street Drainage

that need to be addressed within the Town of Bassano due to the soils and materials in the area and the ground water interaction.

Fee Schedule We respectfully suggest an upset engineering fee of $7,450 (not including GST) to complete this work.

We thank you for the opportunity to provide a fee proposal. We are available to begin work on this project upon notice to proceed. Should you have any inquiries with regards to our submission please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (403) 317-3644.

Yours truly,


Jody Petrone, C.E.T. Municipal Infrastructure Manager


REQUEST FOR DECISION Meeting: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 7.2

2020 Tax Recovery Auction Dates


In accordance with Section 418-419 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) council must tend to tax recovery properties.

Three properties are up for tax sale in 2020.

1. #1 831 – 2nd Avenue (Plan 2016BA; Block 33) - $32,000 2. 225 – 3rd Street (Plan 3872T; Block 6) - $107,000 3. 216 – 3rd Street (Plan 3872T; Block 7) - $21,000

Council must: • Set the date/time/location of the public auction. It is recommended that the public auction is scheduled between December 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020. • Identify terms and conditions of a sale (outlined in the attachment). • Set a market value for each of the three properties. The MGA provides that council must establish a reserve bid that is “as close as reasonably possible to the market value” of each parcel. Benchmark Assessment Consultants provided a market value assessment for each parcel.


#1 – That the 2020 tax recovery and public auction will be held on December 2, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at the Bassano Town Office (502 – 2nd Avenue), with the terms outlined in the attachment, and finally, that a reserve bid is set as follows for each of the properties:

1. #1 831 – 2nd Avenue (Plan 2016BA; Block 33) - $32,000 2. 225 – 3rd Street (Plan 3872T; Block 6) - $107,000 3. 216 – 3rd Street (Plan 3872T; Block 7) - $21,000

#2 – That the 2020 tax recovery and public auction will be held on December 8, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at the Bassano Town Office, with the terms outlined in the attachment, and finally, that a reserve bid is set as follows for each of the properties:

1. #1 831 – 2nd Avenue (Plan 2016BA; Block 33) - $32,000 2. 225 – 3rd Street (Plan 3872T; Block 6) - $107,000 3. 216 – 3rd Street (Plan 3872T; Block 7) - $21,000

CAO COMMENTS It is recommended that the public auction is held at the Town Office on December 2, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.

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ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PLAN This is an operational matter.


Be it resolved that the 2020 tax recovery and public auction will be held on December 2nd, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at the Bassano Town Office (502 – 2nd Avenue), and

Be it resolved that the Terms and Conditions of Sale for the 2020 Public Auction are hereby approved as follows: 1. A parcel of land offered for sale may be redeemed by payment of all arrears, penalties and costs by guaranteed funds at any time until the property is declared sold. 2. Each parcel of land offered for sale will be subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing certificate of title. 3. The lands are being offered for sale on an “as is, where is” basis, and the municipality makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the state of the parcel nor its suitability for any intended use by the successful bidder. 4. The auctioneer, councillors, the chief administrative officer and the designated officers and employees of the municipality must not bid or buy any parcel of land offered for sale, unless directed by the municipality to do so on behalf of the municipality. 5. The purchaser of the property will be responsible for property taxes for the current year. 6. The purchaser will be required to execute a sale agreement in form and substance provided by the municipality. 7. The successful purchaser must, at the time of sale, make payment in cash, certified cheque or bank draft payable to the municipality as follows: a. The full purchase price if it is $10,000 or less; OR b. If the purchase price is greater than $10,000, the purchaser must provide a nonrefundable deposit in the amount of $10,000 and the balance of the purchase price must be paid within 20 days of the sale. 8. GST will be collected on all properties subject to GST. 9. The risk of the property lies with the purchaser immediately following the auction. 10. The purchaser is responsible for obtaining vacant possession. 11. The purchaser will be responsible for registration of the transfer including registration fees. 12. If no offer is received on a property or if the reserve bid is not met, the property cannot be sold at the public auction. 13. The municipality may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land that is not sold at the public auction. 14. Once the property is declared sold at public auction, the previous owner has no further right to pay the tax arrears.

And finally, that a reserve bid is set on the following properties:

1. #1 831 – 2nd Avenue (Plan 2016BA; Block 33) - $32,000 2. 225 – 3rd Street (Plan 3872T; Block 6) - $107,000 3. 216 – 3rd Street (Plan 3872T; Block 7) - $21,000

Attachments: 1. Terms and Conditions of Sale 2. Market Value Report - #1 831 – 2nd Avenue 3. Market Value Report – 225 – 3rd Street 4. Market Value Report – 216 – 3rd Street

Prepared by: Amanda Davis, CAO; Taxervice Representative

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2020 Public Auction – Terms and Conditions

1. A parcel of land offered for sale may be redeemed by payment of all arrears, penalties and costs by guaranteed funds at any time until the property is declared sold. 2. Each parcel of land offered for sale will be subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing certificate of title. 3. The lands are being offered for sale on an “as is, where is” basis, and the municipality makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever as to the state of the parcel nor its suitability for any intended use by the successful bidder. 4. The auctioneer, councillors, the chief administrative officer and the designated officers and employees of the municipality must not bid or buy any parcel of land offered for sale, unless directed by the municipality to do so on behalf of the municipality. 5. The purchaser of the property will be responsible for property taxes for the current year. 6. The purchaser will be required to execute a sale agreement in form and substance provided by the municipality. 7. The successful purchaser must, at the time of sale, make payment in cash, certified cheque or bank draft payable to the municipality as follows: a. The full purchase price if it is $10,000 or less; OR b. If the purchase price is greater than $10,000, the purchaser must provide a non- refundable deposit in the amount of $10,000 and the balance of the purchase price must be paid within 20 days of the sale. 8. GST will be collected on all properties subject to GST. 9. The risk of the property lies with the purchaser immediately following the auction. 10. The purchaser is responsible for obtaining vacant possession. 11. The purchaser will be responsible for registration of the transfer including registration fees. 12. If no offer is received on a property or if the reserve bid is not met, the property cannot be sold at the public auction. 13. The municipality may, after the public auction, become the owner of any parcel of land that is not sold at the public auction. 14. Once the property is declared sold at public auction, the previous owner has no further right to pay the tax arrears.

Town of Bassano – Tax Recovery Appraisal

Roll #: 42001 Address #1, 831 – 2nd Avenue Bassano AB Legal Description: 2016BA 33 Zoning: RMH Manufactured Home Park Parcel Size: Leased Purpose of Appraisal: To estimate market value for tax recovery

Neighborhood Description: Bassano Mobile Home & RV Park

Site Description: Leased Lot

Description of Improvement-

Year Built 1994 Effective Age: 1994

Floor Area 1,216 Overall Condition: Fair Windows: Original Siding: Painted Wood Paneling Interior: No interior inspection was conducted.

Assessment $32,000

Value according to sales comparable approach (see attached) is $29,180 but with only one comparable sale available for the analysis, the assessed value of $32,000 is considered a fair indication of market value.

Value as of September 4, 2020 is $32,000.

Ryan Vogt, B.Mgt, AACI, P.App.

Sales Comparables

Roll: 42001 Address: #1, 831 - 2ND AVENUE Roof: $0 Legal: 2016BA 33 Plumbing: $15,498 (x 0) Fireplaces: $0 Location: 101 Heat: $6,716 Base Code: A/C: $0 Mt-Qu-St: 040-04-33 100% Bsmt Finish: $0 Prog.: 100% Other Dep.: -$17,030 Subject Eff. Year: 1994 Phys Dep.: -$104,189 CDU: F Main Bldg: $131,005 Bldg Size: 1,216 Ft² (Asmt/Ft²=$26) Other Impr.: $0 Land Size: Land: $0 Bsmt Fin Sz: 0 Ft² Total: $32,000 Remainder: 32% Avg.Value according to TOP 1 comparables: $29,180

Roll: 42026 Sale Price:$15,000 Adj. Price: $15,180 119 % Address: #26, 831 - 2ND AVENUESale Date:12-06-2017 Roof: $0 $0 Legal: 2016BA 33 Plumbing: $7,708 $7,790 (x0) Fireplaces: $0 $0 Location: 101 Heat: $5,275 $1,441 Base Code: A/C: $0 $0 Mt-Qu-St: 040-03-33 100% Bsmt Finish: $0 $0 Prog.: 100% Other Dep.: -$19,674 $2,644 Eff. Year: 1976 Phys Dep.: -$66,976 -$37,213 CDU: A Main Bldg: $91,667 $39,338 Bldg Size: 1,154 Ft² (Asmt/Ft²=$15, Price/Ft²=$13) Other Impr.: $0 $0 Land Size: Land: $0 $0 Bsmt Fin Sz: 0 Ft² Total: $18,000 $14,000 Remainder: 36% Est.Value: $29,180

Printed on 09-04-2020 09:30:15 AM by RYAN Town of Bassano Page 1 Town of Bassano – Tax Recovery Appraisal

Roll #: 284000 Address 225 – 3rd Street Bassano AB Legal Description: 3872T 6 Zoning: R1 Residential Parcel Size: 278.7 m2 or 3,000 ft2 Purpose of Appraisal: To estimate market value for tax recovery

Neighborhood Description: Central

Site Description: Relatively flat, rectangular lot at the SW corner of 3rd Avenue & 3rd Street

Description of Improvement-

Year Built 1965 Effective Age: 1965

Floor Area 2,751 (1,765 on the main level and 986 on the upper level) Overall Condition: Fair Windows: Updated Siding: Concrete block and 1960s stucco. Interior: No interior inspection was conducted.

Assessment $107,000

Value according to sales comparable approach (see attached) is $107,733 (rounded to $108,000) therefore the assessed value of $107,000 is considered a fair indication of market value.

Value as of September 4, 2020 is $107,000.

Ryan Vogt, B.Mgt, AACI, P.App.

Sales Comparables

Roll: 284000 Address: 225 - 3RD STREET Roof: $0 Legal: 3872T 6 Plumbing: $15,416 (x 0) Fireplaces: $0 Location: 101 Heat: $12,573 Base Code: 1 A/C: $0 Mt-Qu-St: 002-03-09 95% Bsmt Finish: $0 Prog.: 100% Other Dep.: -$4,913 Subject Eff. Year: 1965 Phys Dep.: -$148,332 CDU: F Main Bldg: $211,256 Bldg Size: 2,751 Ft² (Asmt/Ft²=$38) Other Impr.: $0 Land Size: 278.70 M Land: $21,000 Bsmt Fin Sz: 0 Ft² Total: $107,000 Remainder: 38% Avg.Value according to TOP 3 comparables: $107,733

Roll: 136000 Sale Price:$135,000 Adj. Price: $136,400 89 % Address: 713 - 2ND AVENUE Sale Date:02-28-2018 Roof: $0 $0 Legal: 3154AC 22 4 Plumbing: $13,489 $1,927 (x0) Fireplaces: $0 $0 Location: 101 Heat: $5,049 $7,524 Base Code: 1 A/C: $0 $0 Mt-Qu-St: 002-03-00 100% Bsmt Finish: $0 $0 Prog.: 100% Other Dep.: -$3,182 -$1,731 Eff. Year: 1965 Phys Dep.: -$82,387 -$65,945 CDU: A Main Bldg: $134,031 $77,225 Bldg Size: 1,105 Ft² (Asmt/Ft²=$110, Price/Ft²=$123) Other Impr.: $22,000 -$22,000 Land Size: 696.80 M Land: $33,000 -$12,000 Bsmt Fin Sz: 0 Ft² Total: $122,000 -$15,000 Remainder: 46% Est.Value: $121,400

Roll: 322000 Sale Price:$115,000 Adj. Price: $115,800 95 % Address: 529 - 3RD AVENUE Sale Date:08-28-2018 Roof: $0 $0 Legal: 3872T 8 8 Plumbing: $7,708 $7,708 (x1) Fireplaces: $6,744 -$6,744 Location: 101 Heat: $4,079 $8,494 Base Code: 1 A/C: $0 $0 Mt-Qu-St: 002-03-00 100% Bsmt Finish: $5,869 -$5,869 Prog.: 100% Other Dep.: -$3,523 -$1,390 Eff. Year: 1965 Phys Dep.: -$72,223 -$76,109 CDU: A Main Bldg: $109,346 $101,910 Bldg Size: 893 Ft² (Asmt/Ft²=$123, Price/Ft²=$129) Other Impr.: $19,000 -$19,000 Land Size: 696.80 M Land: $33,000 -$12,000 Bsmt Fin Sz: 282 Ft² Total: $110,000 -$3,000 Remainder: 46% Est.Value: $112,800

Roll: 41000 Sale Price:$50,000 Adj. Price: $50,000 136 % Address: 801 - 2ND AVENUE Sale Date:03-26-2020 Roof: $0 $0 Legal: 2016BA 33 Plumbing: $13,489 $1,927 (x0) Fireplaces: $0 $0 Location: 101 Heat: $2,189 $10,384 Base Code: 1 A/C: $0 $0 Mt-Qu-St: 002-03-00 100% Bsmt Finish: $5,603 -$5,603 Prog.: 100% Other Dep.: -$1,247 -$3,666 Eff. Year: 1960 Phys Dep.: -$59,381 -$88,951 CDU: F Main Bldg: $67,347 $143,909 Bldg Size: 479 Ft² (Asmt/Ft²=$141, Price/Ft²=$104) Other Impr.: $10,000 -$10,000 Land Size: 696.80 M Land: $30,000 -$9,000 Bsmt Fin Sz: 259 Ft² Total: $68,000 $39,000 Remainder: 33% Est.Value: $89,000

Printed on 09-04-2020 09:46:08 AM by RYAN Town of Bassano Page 1 Town of Bassano – Tax Recovery Appraisal

Roll #: 296000 Address 216 – 3rd Street Bassano AB Legal Description: 3872T 7 Zoning: C1 Commercial Parcel Size: 464.5 m2 or 5,000 ft2 Purpose of Appraisal: To estimate market value for tax recovery

Neighborhood Description: Central

Site Description: Relatively flat, rectangular lot on the eastside of 3rd St between 2nd & 3rd Ave.

Description of Improvement-

Year Built 1965 Effective Age: 1965

Floor Area 1,344 Overall Condition: Poor Windows: Updated Siding: Quonset-style building, the roof is essentially the siding. Interior: No interior inspection was conducted.

Assessment $21,000

Value according to sales comparable approach (see attached) is $22,740 (rounded to $22,500) therefore the assessed value of $21,000 is considered a fair indication of market value.

Value as of September 4, 2020 is $21,000.

Ryan Vogt, B.Mgt, AACI, P.App.

Sales Comparables

Roll: 296000 Address: 216 - 3RD STREET Roof: $0 Legal: 3872T 7 Plumbing: $0 (x 0) Fireplaces: $0 Location: 102 Heat: $0 Base Code: 10 A/C: $0 Mt-Qu-St: 0% Bsmt Finish: $0 Prog.: 0% Other Dep.: $0 Subject Eff. Year: Phys Dep.: $0 CDU: Main Bldg: $0 Bldg Size: Other Impr.: $0 Land Size: 464.50 M Land: $11,000 Bsmt Fin Sz: 0 Ft² Total: $11,000 Remainder: 0% Avg.Value according to TOP 3 comparables: $22,740

Roll: 395000 Sale Price:$78,500 Adj. Price: $79,100 92 % Address: 318 - 6TH AVENUE Sale Date:06-27-2018 Roof: $0 $0 Legal: 4437AD 11 31-32 Plumbing: $6,560 -$6,560 (x0) Fireplaces: $0 $0 Location: 101 Heat: $3,628 -$3,628 Base Code: 1 A/C: $0 $0 Mt-Qu-St: 001-02-01 100% Bsmt Finish: $0 $0 Prog.: 100% Other Dep.: -$1,813 $1,813 Eff. Year: 1965 Phys Dep.: -$43,520 $43,520 CDU: G Main Bldg: $75,145 -$75,145 Bldg Size: 794 Ft² (Asmt/Ft²=$91, Price/Ft²=$99) Other Impr.: $0 $0 Land Size: 696.80 M Land: $33,000 -$22,000 Bsmt Fin Sz: 0 Ft² Total: $73,000 -$62,000 Remainder: 49% Est.Value: $17,100

Roll: 124000 Sale Price:$65,000 Adj. Price: $65,000 55 % Address: 216 - 6TH STREET Sale Date:09-20-2019 Roof: $0 $0 Legal: 3154AC 21 Plumbing: $0 $0 (x0) Fireplaces: $0 $0 Location: 101 Heat: $0 $0 Base Code: 1 A/C: $0 $0 Mt-Qu-St: 0% Bsmt Finish: $0 $0 Prog.: 0% Other Dep.: $0 $0 Eff. Year: Phys Dep.: $0 $0 CDU: Main Bldg: $0 $0 Bldg Size: Other Impr.: $0 $0 Land Size: 1045.20 M Land: $36,000 -$25,000 Bsmt Fin Sz: 0 Ft² Total: $36,000 -$25,000 Remainder: 0% Est.Value: $40,000

Roll: 469107 Sale Price:$18,000 Adj. Price: $18,120 99 % Address: 309 - 1ST AVENUE Sale Date:08-15-2018 Roof: $0 $0 Legal: 0411235 50 7 Plumbing: $0 $0 (x0) Fireplaces: $0 $0 Location: 101 Heat: $0 $0 Base Code: 21 A/C: $0 $0 Mt-Qu-St: 0% Bsmt Finish: $0 $0 Prog.: 0% Other Dep.: $0 $0 Eff. Year: Phys Dep.: $0 $0 CDU: Main Bldg: $0 $0 Bldg Size: Other Impr.: $0 $0 Land Size: 1393.50 M Land: $18,000 -$7,000 Bsmt Fin Sz: 0 Ft² Total: $18,000 -$7,000 Remainder: 0% Est.Value: $11,120

Printed on 09-04-2020 09:57:18 AM by RYAN Town of Bassano Page 1

REQUEST FOR DECISION Meeting: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 7.3

Regional Transportation Service – Request for Funding


In 2019, the municipalities in the Brooks Region (Bassano, Brooks, Newell, Duchess and Rosemary) and Grasslands Regional FCSS collaborated on a regional pilot project to provide transportation to residents seeking medical services in . The project was funded through a Government of Alberta Regional Collaboration grant (2014 surplus funds). Program funds will be depleted in October. Joint Shared Services referred a request for funding to member municipalities to support the continuation of the transportation service (see Attachment 1).

To fully understand the impact of this request, the following questions were posed:

. Was a success metrics developed as part of the pilot project initiative? If so, what determined its success and how has this been applied against the continuation of the service? . Was there a long-term funding model planned for this project? If so, what was it? . Has there been any feedback or consultation with the physicians regarding the continuation/discontinuation of the service? . What is the impact if the service does not continue? Is there a viable business for a private entity to take over? . What is the projected cost or request from municipalities to support the continuation of this service? . Is there a breakdown of usership from each municipality?

In response:

The pilot project was undertaken to determine what the level of unfulfilled need existed within the region for a service to Medicine Hat. Before the project commenced, a number of discussions were held with local doctors whose patients were being referred to specialized services in Medicine Hat. Other agencies that had clients who also required access to service in Medicine Hat were likewise consulted. The parties involved in the discussions expressed confidence there was a need for the service because a number of patients / clients did not have access to their own transportation. What was not known nor could be predicted was how many would use the service. Hence the decision to proceed with the pilot to gain a clear understanding regarding the level of the need. The pilot has confirmed there is a limited number who will consistently use the service if it is available.

No long term funding model was planned for the pilot project. The initial base funding that allowed the pilot to proceed was a residual balance from a 2014 Municipal Affairs Grant that had been approved for a Regional Transportation Feasibility study. It was hoped that demand / usage would be higher, which would have reduced the ongoing subsidy required to operate the service.

The physicians and other agencies are aware that the pilot project is coming to and end and will likely not be renewed or extended.

Based on the limited number of regular patrons, it is unlikely that there is a viable business case for a private operator to step in. It is our understanding the two private services that had been offering a

1 of 3 shuttle service have recently shut down. Their decision may have in part been the result of COVID-19 concerns.

The cost to continue the service is $50,000. A reasonable distribution of that amount between the municipalities, would be to base it on a per capita contribution. To date, no formal response has been received from any of the municipalities.

If the service does not continue, it is anticipated that riders will revert back to arrangements previously in place. Some of those situations were that essential services were simply not being accessed and individuals who chose not to pursue other alternative means of transportation took a chance that there would not be any significant detrimental outcomes.

There are currently 163 registered riders for the service with the breakdown of residents as follows:

Bassano – 1 Duchess – 4 Rosemary – 1 Brooks – 157

Bassano FCSS provides additional background:

FCSS Bassano has not assisted community members in accessing the Regional Transport to Medicine Hat. One of the main barriers to accessing this service is most individuals requesting services with transport from Bassano are attending out of town specialist appointments in Calgary.

Many members of the community have required assistance with out of town travel, this generally involves appointments in Brooks, Calgary, or Strathmore. When appointments are located in Brooks, we work to make use of the volunteer driver program or minibus service.

When appointments are located in Calgary and Strathmore, we work with individuals to access shuttle services based out of Medicine Hat. Shuttle Services are offered through Prairie Sprinter and J&L Shuttle. The cost of these trips are often covered through Alberta Seniors, if the individual is a senior from Alberta or through Alberta Income Supports if the individual has financial barriers to accessing the appointment. FCSS works with individuals to access services to cover these costs as required.

Both Prairie Sprinter and J&L Shuttle offer a punch card program where you can get every 10th ride free. Some people choose to utilize this service exclusively because of the punch card program.

Other barriers to accessing the transport services is that many individuals’ doctors are not located locally and unable to connect with the transport network about booking appointments in unison with the buses schedule. Often once we hear from individuals requesting assistance with transport out of the community the appointment is already booked with a specialist and they are unable to change it as it has been assigned to them.


#1 – That council thanks member municipalities for their dedication over the past year to coordinate and manage the Regional Transportation Service between Brooks and Medicine Hat. The Town of Bassano is not in a position to financially contribute to the service to see it continue upon conclusion of the pilot this fall and encourages the committee to seek outside funding sources.

#2 – That council thanks member municipalities for their dedication over the past year to coordinate and manage the Regional Transportation Service. To determine the Town of Bassano’s financial capacity to contribute to the project beyond its pilot this Fall, that a business plan is provided by the committee to highlight the long-term feasibility to the service and specific financial request from member municipalities.

#3 – That council thanks member municipalities for their dedication over the past year to coordinate and manage the Regional Transportation Service. The Town of Bassano defer discussions related to financial contributions to December as part of the budgetary review process. And requests, that a 2 of 3 business plan is provided by the committee to highlight the long-term feasibility to the service and specific financial request from member municipalities.

CAO COMMENTS: The County of Newell offers transportation services through the minibus program in which the Town contributes $2,200/annually. This is a separate service that is not directly connected to the Regional Transportation Pilot Project. County administration advised that, unless the 2021 budget process requires significant cuts to other programs and services, the minibus will continue to operate in the future as it has up to the present time.

At their September 10 meeting, County Council made a decision to decline funding for the Regional Service to Medicine Hat after the current funds have been expended. It is my understanding that the City has taken the position that in order for the service to continue, the round-trip rate charged would have to increase dramatically and all five municipalities would need to contribute funds.

ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PLAN No – this request does not align with the Town’s strategic priorities.

PROPOSED RESOLUTION: That council thanks member municipalities for their dedication over the past year to coordinate and manage the Regional Transportation Service between Brooks and Medicine Hat. The Town of Bassano is not in a position to financially contribute to the service to see it continue upon conclusion of the pilot this fall and encourages the committee to seek outside funding sources.

Attachments: 1. Regional Transportation Service Funding Request Package

Prepared by: Amanda Davis, CAO

3 of 3

REQUEST FOR DECISION Meeting: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 7.4

Resident Complaint – Compensation Request


Duncan Stuart is requesting compensation for a tire damage claim. Stuart claims that the rubberized crack sealant that was placed along the road near his property was picked up in the tread of his tire which caused the vehicle to shake. The tire was repaired by a tire shop as he was unable to remove the rubberized crack sealant. Stuart seeks compensation for Invoice IN017038 for $55.13.

Location: 817 – 3rd Avenue

1 of 3

2 of 3

Details of Claim (Stuart) – received via email Comments/Investigation by Public Works

“This occurred Aug 6th / 7th . Crack fill product was laid at the end of The vehicle was parked in front of my property July in this location. Curing time is within overnight. a couple of hours. If a vehicle drives over As I drove away the morning of Friday 7th the uncured crack fill product, it is possible to vehicle was shaking, get in the treads of a tire. I stopped and inspected the vehicle and noticed half the tire was covered in crack sealant that had It is unlikely/debatable that the product recently been applied by the Town Of Bassano, would impact a tire two weeks after it I was unable to remove the tar and had to take the cured. car to a tire shop to be repaired.

The bill I dropped off at the Town Office this morning reflects the labour involved to at least get the vehicle usable, I was informed by OK Tire that they were unable to remove all "Tar" from the tread pattern and it would result in a new tire if there were any further issues caused by it.

Inspecting the crack sealant that was applied, the adhesion to the road surface is very poor due dirt underneath the sealant.”


#1 – That council rejects Duncan Stuart’s request for tire damage compensation of $55.13 because crack sealant was applied in the area of questions two weeks prior to the claim and well beyond the standard cure time.

#2 – That council approves Duncan Stuart’s request for tire damage compensation of $55.13 due to the collection of crack sealant.

#3 – That council approves Duncan Stuart’s request for tire damage compensation and provides 50 percent reimbursement of the $55.13 claim due to the collection of crack sealant.

CAO COMMENTS There is no way to confirm where the crack sealant was picked up by the resident. Crackfilling is done annually in town in accordance with the Beautify Bassano Initiative. As an additional mitigation tactic, the Town will post boards in area that are receiving crack fill product for greater public awareness.

ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PLAN This is an operational matter.


That council rejects Duncan Stuart’s request for tire damage compensation of $55.13 because crack sealant was applied in the area of questions two weeks prior to the claim and well beyond the standard cure time.

Attachments: 1. Compensation Request – Invoice

Prepared by: Amanda Davis, CAO 3 of 3

REQUEST FOR DECISION Meeting: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 7.5

ATCO Franchise Fee


Each year as part of the Town’s Electrical Distribution System Franchise Agreement with ATCO, the Town can either increase, decrease or keep the franchise fee the same, with written notice.

The Town of Bassano must notify ATCO by November 1st annually of their decision to increase, decrease or keep the franchise fee the same.

What is a franchise fee?

Franchise fees are collected from consumers and payable to municipalities monthly. Franchise fees are revenues in which the municipality allocates to reduce the overall electrical charges incurred. One benefit from collecting franchise fees is that non-taxable properties contribute as no general taxation revenue is received.

Records show the Town has maintained a 25 percent franchise fee since at least 2013. The franchise fee cap is 35 percent.

In 2019, the Town’s estimated revenue was $100,000 for three years. As part of the three-year budget analysis, an increase in franchise fee percentages were not planned (re: 2020 or 2021).

Franchise Fee Options

2020 ATCO FF budget (25.0%) $100,000 2021 ATCO FF revenue (25.0%) est. $100,000 Difference 0 2021 ATCO FF revenue (26.0%) est. $102,000 Difference >$2,000 2021 ATCO FF revenue (27.0%) est. $106,000 Difference >$6,000


#1 – That the Town of Bassano maintains the ATCO Electrical Distribution System Franchise Fee at 25% in 2021.

#2 – That the Town of Bassano increases the ATCO Electrical Distribution System Franchise Fee from 26% effective January 1, 2021.

#3 - That the Town of Bassano increases the ATCO Electrical Distribution System Franchise Fee from 27% effective January 1, 2021.

CAO COMMENTS: For planning purposes, administration contacted ACTO to inquire if they have heard of any plans from the government of their intention to change how delivery tariffs are charged or collected? With the 1 of 2 government’s red tape reduction strategy and economic incentives may changes have occurred and we would like to know if the Town needs to plan for it through these channels as well. Answers should be available for the meeting.


This is an operational matter that impacts all budgetary requirements and projects.


That the Town of Bassano maintains the ATCO Electrical Distribution System Franchise Fee at 25% in 2021.

Attachments: 1. Franchise letter dated August 19, 2020

Prepared by: Amanda Davis, CAO

2 of 2

Ron Wickson Mayor Meeting Reports

Joint Services Committee August 11, 2020 The bus service for Newell Region funding was discussed. This was a pilot project to provide busing to Medicine Hat for medical appointments for residents of the area. Funding is running out and the project will be discontinued if support from municipalities is not continued. All municipalities were asked to bring this issue back to their respective municipalities for discussion. There is a surplus in the economic development budget of approximately fifty thousand dollars. No decision was made on what to do with the money not spent during the Covid 19 shutdown.

Newell Foundation August 11, 2020

The FAB home pilot project and discussions with the Town of Bassano were the subject of discussion at this meeting. The board has not agreed to any partnership with the Town of Bassano at this time. We are awaiting the John Brown consultation report regarding the Bassano Project (Integrated Seniors Housing and Hospital replacement). The new restructuring consultation report was discussed and plans are being settled to hire a permanent CAO.

Mayors, Reeves, CAO, Municipal Affairs Minister Tracy Allard September 1, 2020

The new minister of Municipal Affairs called this meeting to discuss the financial implications of the proposal to have rural municipalities reduce their taxation of energy companies. As many of the Rural Municipal Association members, especially the County of Newell, would see drastic reductions in tax revenue is these proposals, there were a number of serious questions raised about RMA members ability to continue to operate. Further, these tax revenue reductions would affect the County of Newell’s financial support of Town of Bassano recreation facilities. Fortunately, the Town of Bassano has concluded an agreement with the county that provides 50/50 financial support (either party may give 12-months notice to terminate the agreement). The new minister appears to be listening to the concerns raised in the meeting and suggested that it was her objective to work in partnership with municipalities to find common ground and work out a solution that everyone could support.



Newell Regional Services Corporation Operations Report August, 2020 Hamlet Distribution and Waste Water Systems Distribution Systems • There were two water main leaks in Rolling Hills since the last board meeting. o 3rd Ave and 3rd St. – Repaired August 14. o 4th Avenue – Repaired August 5th. Rural Water • Nothing out of the ordinary to report. Wastewater Collection • The pump for Lake Newell Resort’s lift station has been rebuilt and installed. It is back in service and working well. • The pump for Scandia’s lift station has been rebuilt and installed. It is back in service and works well. There have been some electrical issues at this lift station, a transformer in the control panel is operating erratically. A new one has been ordered and Inphase Controls has the old one working for the time being. NRSC • We had some issues with the raw water pumps plugging off. This was caused by organic material plugging off the screens on the pump suction inlets. It was discovered that along with increased organics in Lake Newell, the inlet screens on the line from the lake weren’t seated properly. This has been rectified and the pump screens have been cleaned. • Raw water pump #4 was rebuilt and reinstalled. Pump #3 has just been rebuilt and will be reinstalled later this week. Respectfully Submitted, Kole Steinley Enviro. Sc. Tech. Operations Manager

REVENUE REPORT: During the 1st half of 2020 we achieved total revenue of $2,191,922. This equates to 45% of budgeted amount. Overall Revenues are down due to the wet weather in the first half of summer. Looking forward it is difficult to say if we will meet our budgeted revenue target for 2020. A good 3rd quarter of 2020 will go along ways in getting us close to our anticipated budgeted revenue but is dependent on hot dry weather. Our Waste Water collection revenue has already reached 75% of the budgeted amount and this is due to the unanticipated maintenance and repairs to these stations. Expenditures For the first 6 months of 2020 we had expenses of $2,012,065 and this equates to 49% of total budgeted expenditures. For the first half of 2020 we are on track to meet budgeted expenses overall. At the end of June, we have almost completed our SCADA upgrades and the costs is within budget and do not anticipate any cost overruns. At the end of June, we had spent $245,426 out of a budgeted $259,800 for SCADA upgrades. COVID- 19 did not affect expenses as much as we had anticipated but the year is only half over and the pandemic is predicted to last through 2020 and into 2021. I do not anticipate increased costs due to the pandemic going forward but it is a dynamic situation that can change at any time. We may run into increase costs due to the pandemic but I do not anticipate any financial challenges or adversities that NRSC cannot meet Overall, we achieved a surplus of $179,856.61 at the end of June and this equates to 25% of our budgeted surplus

There has been an energy audit performed on whether or not to buy an existing energy contract or stay the same as we are doing now.

3 options were presented. Discussion ensued. It was decided to go with option b as listed below.

From: B. Rollag General Manager Subject: Energy Audit At the beginning of March, we began and energy audit with Adeib Bashar who was contract by the City of Brooks to evaluate their facilities and they offered to include the WTP at NRSC as well. We have completed the first stage of the audit which consisted of analyzing our electricity billing contract, our monthly billing and our consumption. The result was an opportunity to reduce our contractual demand with Fortis. Our current contract charges us for electricity we do not use. According to Adeibs’ analysis our Max historical demand was 474.4 kW and an average of 366.8 kW over 12 months. Our contract is currently 897 kw and is a difference of 145%. Mr. Bashar has presented 3 options to bring our contractual demand more inline with our actual consumption:

Option A Provide Notice: Provide 21 months of notice based on the Expected Peak Demand of 1345kW in staged increments of 12 months. Stage 1 - provide notice of 12 months based on the Expected Peak Demand of 1345 kW Stage 2 - provide notice of 9 months based on the Expected Peak Demand of 805 kW

Option B make a Payment In Lieu Of Notice (PILON) plus Provide Notice: Stage 1 - immediately pay PILON of $28,026.36 (not including GST) based on the Expected Peak Demand of 1345kW plus provide 9 months of notice based on the Expected Peak Demand of 805kW.

Option C make a Payment In Lieu Of Notice (PILON): Immediately pay PILON of $91,202.16 (not including GST) based on the Expected Peak Demand of 1345kW. Mr. Bashar recommend going with Option B at a cost of $28,026.36. He indicates that all options will result in the same amount of savings just on a different timeline. He calculated the savings to be approximately $6,600 per month. This is a significant amount of savings going forward. Please note that due to the time that has elapsed Fortis will need to another analysis as the previous offer was time sensitive but we do not anticipate any large variances. Due to this I would like to add a 5% contingency to the recommendations. I would like to propose we go with Option B as recommend by Mr. Bashar and included a budget amendment of $29,427 ($28,026.36 + 1,401.33 (5% contingency)) to our WTP Electricity budget for 2020. The next stage of the audit will be a site visit by Mr. Bashar to evaluate our building to see if there are any efficiency we can gain at the plant and this visit will be happening Friday August 21st. Respectfully Submitted, Brian Rollag General Manager

August , 2020 BOARD REPORT


NRSWMA meeting August 20, 2020

County of Newell meeting room

1) In July 3220 tonnes of special waste were received with $68,545 in disposal fees, down significantly from past months 2) In July, 2908 tonnes of municipal waste were received with $40,665 in disposal fees. $23,000 of this was for asbestos from Calgary. 3) The approval of a hydrovac pad is stalled at Alberta Environment and parks. 4) In 2018, it was decided that member municipality annual requisitions would increase 1.75% from 2018 to 2020. The County asked that the annual requisition be set for the next 4 years so it was decided we would increase the requisitions by 1.5% for the next 4 years. 5) The Alberta recycling management authority announced that the e-waste program has finally been expanded on a trial basis to accept almost all smaller household electronics.

Aug 19/2020

Shortgrass Library

Agenda moved, accepted and approved Minutes from May 20 meeting accepted and approved Financials approved as read from May 20 2021 Operating Budget approved as presented

Various policies involving Violence and Harassment, Domestic Violence Leave and Staff , Trustees and Volunteer Recognition approved as read

Other policies involving Resource Sharing , Collection Development of Donations and gifts and Deletion of Patron Records approved as reviewed

Information items as per agenda approved as presented

Next board meeting Sept 16/2020 Adjourned at 1:45

Irv Morey Councillor

Aug 31/2020

Bowling Club AGM

Oct 27/2019 minutes read and accepted Financials read and accepted as presented Financial records will be audited officially in 2021

After elections Chairman. Doug Leavitt Vice Chair. Verna Hereford Secretary Treasurer. Corinne Stevenson

Discussion was had regarding opening of fall Bowling season I suggested they come up with a plan and submit it to Sydney Smith and Amanda Davis to look over and they could advise further action if required

They were planning on doing that very quickly as they would like to get started before the end of Sept

The Bowling Club is still waiting on Contractor to do the painting project that they received funding for and are optimistic it will be finished before year end

Financially the club is in good shape with $22,000 in their bank accounts for ongoing and future upgrades and repairs and are optimistic for this winter activities

Irv Morey Councillor

Sept 3/2020

Community Futures Wild Rose AGM

2020 version of AGM was held at the Rocking R Guest Ranch just outside Strathmore Ab and included a few notable dignitaries including MP Martin Shields, Chief Ouray Crowfoot of Siksika as well as 2 Representatives from Community Futures Alberta

After the regular reading and approval of past minutes and financials were approved as read and and an accounting the financials by the appointed Accounting firm there was a briefing of the years events by Chair Amber Link and General Manager Chantelle Hache

Loan numbers for the year were up to 20 from a WD target of 12 and loan disbursements were also up to $1,075,043 also exceeding WD targets by 79%

The year has concluded with $6,815,836 Equity in Investment Fund and a further $849,311 in unencumbered operating reserves CFWR also has currently $1,984,412 invested in the CFNA lending pool account

CFWR also loaned out almost $900,000 through the RRRF(Regional Relief & Recovery Fund) in the year

This meeting was also the AGM for the Shareholders , Directors and a short Reg meeting of CFWR

Date of next AGM and Reg meeting to be determined by Executive

Irv Morey Councillor

MONTHLY CAO REPORT Meeting: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 9.1

Amanda Davis, Chief Administrative Officer

Report Period: August 6, 2020 – September 11, 2020


INTERNAL Intended timeline To date 1. Tax recovery file – unresolved Ph. 2 - December 31, 2018 In progress TR#42014 (*correction – roll number was recorded incorrectly in previous report and on contract work plan). 2. Plan 3872T, Block 7, Lot 19 (main Ph. 2 - December 31, 2018 Final release executed street) in May 2020. Property relisted for sale.

3. Unsightly premises properties – Ph. 2 - January 31, 2019 Ongoing workplan 4. Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Ph. 3 – February 1, 2019 – Ready for second January 31, 2020. reading.

5. Beautify Bassano – implementation Ph. 3 – ongoing Orders in progress, steering committee active, work plans.

6. Strategic Plan – Goal 2 – community Ph. 3 – February 1, 2019 – Project on hold re: and economic development January 31, 2020 pandemic. 7. Lagoon Upgrades Ph. 3 – February 1, 2019 – Project reinitiated. January 31, 2020 – ongoing 8. Bassano Spur Line Ph. 3 – February 1, 2019 – No action. ongoing. 9. Legal matter (1) Ph. 3 - ongoing In progress 10. Legal matter (2) Ph. 3 – ongoing In progress

General Administration . Administration is working through some code issues with the new website. Priority functions are not accessible publicly and are being worked on. . HR – three students completed the terms of their employment. One temporary seasonal employee was hired to assist public works this fall. . Benchmark Assessment Consultants will begin their annual reinspection cycle starting the week of September 14. The 2020 focus area (1/3 of town) is north of Railway Avenue between 2nd Street and 5th Street up to 9th Avenue.


. Attended a meeting in Lethbridge on September 1 with Mayor Wickson regarding potential changes to linear assessment. The panel discussion was hosted by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. At this time, it was data gathering. Refer to Mayor Wickson’s report for additional information.

Emergency Management

. As the member municipal council are proceeding to give third reading to the regional emergency management agreements and bylaws, administrations have stated policy developments. A meeting is scheduled for the week of September 14 to set out operational policies for municipally recreation facilities. The Town will have facility guidelines that user groups and patrons must follow in addition to their respective sport guidelines.

. Laptops and operating systems were purchased for each administrative employee to ensure uninterrupted work during regular business hours should the office have to be closed for any reason again in the future.

. Administration has been working with a local group to allow an adult ball tournament the weekend of September 18. The organizers required permission to camp up to 8 teams in and around the ball diamonds. The tournament was easily accommodated. Camping was not permitted in accordance with the Town’s pandemic response plans. It is unknown at this time if the tournament will proceed without camping.

Capital Projects

Lagoon A meeting was held with MPE and Edwards Land to prepare a new pre-qualification process for the lagoon project to tender the project pending an ICIP grant announcement. Upon receipt of the announcement, affected landowners will be notified of the project commencement.

To align with the ICIP grant request, administration amended the Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) capital grant request with anticipated allocations. If the Town is successful with the ICIP application, the project will be fully funded. The Town’s contribution is $938,814. A debenture is not required.

Projected project cost $7,020,000 ICIP Application $2,723,264 AMWWP Allocation $2,424,502 MSI Capital $933,420 TOB Lagoon Reserve $938,814


PERMIT NUMBER LOCATION DEVELOPMENT TOB-D-10-20 940 – 5th Avenue Change of use to Auto Sales and Service TOB-D-11-20 501 – 2nd Avenue Restaurant addition and landing pad upgrade TOB-D-12-20 201 – 1st Avenue Change of use from a weld shop to a cannabis production facility TOB-D-13-20D 530 – 2nd Avenue Building demolition

. Development permit TOB-D-01-20 is non-compliant. The permit was approved for an accessory building. At construction, the applicant installed living quarters. The applicant has since applied


for an amendment to the Land Use Bylaw to accommodate this type of development in the residential district.

A planning meeting is required with council and ORRSC to discuss this development. A special meeting is recommended for September 21 at 6:00 p.m. begin to review this application. MOTION Required.

. Development permit TOB-D-17-18 (514 – 2nd Avenue) was not complaint with the landscape condition. This matter has been resolved and a plan of action was agreed to. Sod will be laid this fall, trees will be planted in 2021.


o At the March 19, 2020 regular council meeting, a motion was passed (086/20) that effective immediately, the Town of Bassano waive the four percent utility penalty applied to outstanding utility accounts. This relaxation is nearing six-months. An internal assessment confirms that the four percent utility penalty waiver assisted on average 2 non-residential and 3 residential property owners. The other accounts that are unpaid are consistent and the penalty waiver did not incentivise the account holders to pay. Most penalties are due to late payment not non-payment of utilities.

To date, the town has waived $6,000 in utility penalties over six months.

Administration recommends that the four percent utility penalty applied to outstanding utility accounts be reinstated on October 1, 2020. MOTION Required.

Economic Development

The sale and consolidation of 901 – 3rd Avenue is complete. Administration recommends that sale proceeds of $33,000 are transferred to the Land and Development Reserve. MOTION Required.

The timeline to publicly list all municipal properties for sale was extended to September 30, 2020 to allow administration to prepare necessary documents for the realtor. Documents were provided in late August.

Public Works

2017 Capital Projects

. Now that the crop is off, site repairs will be scheduled. . A letter was sent to MPE Engineering requesting compensation for engineering expenses incurred regarding work produce deficiencies of $4,279.90. A response has not been received.

1st Street Close West

. Road reparation is scheduled for the week of September 14, 2020. The road will be limited to one lane of traffic and the upgrade is expected to take up to four days. All adjacent property owners and the landfill has been contacted about the upgrade.

Sanitary Line Cleaning . 100 meters of 6” sanitary pipe on 11th Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues was replaced the week of September 7, 2020 that included repairs to both manholes; frame and cover, new donuts to support frame and covers, new parging inside existing manholes and asphalt rehabilitation.

. There was ongoing correspondence between the Town and the property over of 301 – 11th Street East regarding the installation of a screening system at the discharge point of the carwash to catch solids from entering the sanitary mainline. After multiple meetings and comparative


research, it was determined by the public works department that the existing set up is sufficient and does not require an upgrade. The discharge point is lower than the mainline entry; other carwashes in the area have a similar set up. With proper maintenance at the carwash a screening system is not required based on current day standards. A final letter will be issued to the property owner to clarify this.

1st Street Drainage Project . Engineering RFP’s are included as an agenda item for council.

Sidewalk Upgrades . Sidewalk replacements are scheduled to be complete by September 15.

Playfair Lodge Hydrant Upgrade and Waterline Replacement . No update on construction timelines.

General Updates . The coin wash on 1st Avenue was replaced. . Hydrant flushing complete. . Winterization of sprinkler systems underway.

Strategic Plan Updates

Goal 1 – Task 3 – ICF Implementation – Emergency Service . Regional bylaw and agreement are expected to be passed by all participating municipalities by the end of September. . Administrations have begun policy development to support this work.

Goal 2 – Task 2 – Beautify Bassano Initiative

. Beautification volunteers scheduled a Cenotaph clean-up on September 12, 2020. . There has been lots of positive talk about the new murals on the Creaky Floor with inquiries for more. Administration is helping facilitate these requests with property owners and volunteers to enhance main street beautification. . Bylaw enforcement has evolved, and administration has started to undertake orders that require limited enforcement support. This process is being monitored closely for effectiveness. Considerable time has been taken to train an administrative assistant with this task. Refer to the bylaw enforcement tracker that is included with this report for an update on files.

Goal 2 – Task 2 – Unique Project – Implement Intergenerational and Multigenerational Tiny Home Pilot Project Bassano

Task 1: Develop an Age Friendly Village – “FAB Village Square”

As reported in business item 6.2 a survey was released to the public to help determine a site for FAB Village Square and a recommendation has been made to council to being the process to rezone Option 4, Plan 151 0415; Block 51; Lot 1MR for the project.

A Capital Siting Costs analysis was completed. Capital site costs which include a 600 square foot shared common room building, landscaping, piling, transportation and logistics, decking, stairs, ramps, fencing, geotechnical, permits and utility servicing is estimated at $510,000.

There are various funding methods for this site:

. It may be possible to redirect a portion of the Newell Foundation’s ASLI grant towards site development if a partnership is formed with the Foundation. A site plan will be presented to the Foundation by JBA and the Town on September 15 as reported in business item 6.2.


. The provincial government allocated $500M to municipalities through the Municipal Stimulus Program. The Town is eligible to apply for $140,000 through this program for capital projects that would not have otherwise occurred without stimulus funds. As a condition of the grant, the municipality must complete red tape reduction reports and analysis to showcase its innovation in supporting the creation of jobs in Alberta and simplifying development processes. The application deadline is October 1, 2020. FAB Village Square is an eligible project.

Administration recommends that council authorize and application to the Municipal Stimulus Program to assist with Capital Site Costs related to the FAB Village Square pilot project. MOTION Required.

. Per the operations budget, planning funds were allocated for the implementation of this strategic priority (MSI Operating and PEP grant, economic funds). Administration with the support of Randall Strategy Corp. initiated a fundraising campaign to target Foundations. The fundraising campaign has three functions depending on the Foundation’s areas of interest:

o Assist with capital cost if the FAB units were leased over 5-years o Resident subsidies to assist with monthly fees over 5-years o Funds to assist with land development costs

The benefit of the fundraising campaign is that the funds may be applied towards the entire project (Town of Bassano, Newell Foundation or Alberta Health Services) as the pilot project is the stepping stone to the achieve the Continuing Care Centre.

The contract with Randall Strategy Corp. is effective until August 31, 2021 and may be terminated at anytime if the project funds are received in full or if the project is terminated. In review of 6,000 Foundations in Canada, we have narrowed down approximately 150 Foundations whose mandate aligns with the pilot project. Randall Strategy Corp. is responsible to develop individualised proposals to each of the Foundations. The contract includes a base fee for service plus 10 percent commission on successfully secured commitments from funders.

. The Town may choose to allocate funds from the Land and Development Reserve account toward this project.

Administration, JBA and C. Sturgeon, Newell Foundation CAO have worked closely over the past 8 weeks to develop business cases and financial modelling, reports and site designs to present to the Newell Foundation regarding the requested partnership. This includes regular meetings with the Alberta Health Services and seniors care representatives. The support of the community to utilise the lands on 5A Avenue greatly benefits the Bassano Project because this allows us to tie FAB Village Square directly to the redesigned Continuing Care Center.

Goal 3 – Task 2 and 3 – 2nd Avenue and 5th Avenue Infrastructure Upgrades . MPE will prepare an Order of Magnitude (cost analysis) per the image below. The outcome of the Order of Magnitude will enable council to prioritize areas for rehabilitation. Council can expect to receive this information by October 10. Selecting priority locations by October 15 will enable us to design the project, prepare a tender and move to construction in the spring/summer 2021. The information you are to receive will outline suggested underground and above ground infrastructure replacements.


. Administration has engaged with John Brown Architect to address long-term planning options for main street and the Business Innovation District to advance the direction of council.

. The Town is now the registered owner of 413 – 2nd Avenue (former Stiles building). Public works has removed the stairs from the rear of the property and secured the upper door. Pigeon spikes will be purchased and installed at the site to mitigate birds from entering the building.

Administration has engaged with Pinchin Ltd. an environmental company to discuss building assessments. Three assessments are required, and an RFP will be developed in the coming weeks for a structural assessment, hazardous material survey and a Class D for remedial work. Proposals will be presented to council accordingly.

Council should be aware that there is a group of local activists that are concerned with the demolition and want to see the building repurposed. There is another group of local activists that want to see the building demolished. The structure assessment will provide the basis for council to determine if the building could be repurposed.


1. Action Items List – no action required


Town of Bassano Council Meeting Action Items 2019-2020 August 20, 2018 Regular Council Meeting Directed to Action Completed Follow up with MPE after receipt of report for Seely re: 4 Avenue Cl. (written report, liability, Davis, A. etc.) - report to council Dec. 10, 2018 Special Meeting Directed to Action Completed Davis, A. Research Gibeau negotiations re: annexation. Jan. 14, 2019 Regular Meeting Directed to Action Completed Davis, A. Prepare councillor reduction bylaw.

Apr. 8, 2019 Regular Meeting Directed to Action Completed Davis, A. Follow up with ins. Re: piggy back on municipal policy - external groups for content ins.

October 15, 2019 Regular Meeting Directed to Action Completed Davis, A. Prepare RFD for engineering standards. Davis, A. Brand logo review.

October 28, 2019 Special Meeting Directed to Action Completed Davis, A. Prepare TOR for economic development committee. Davis, A. Letter to CoN re: value add project. Davis, A. Add RV's on town property on action list for 2020 BBI orders. Davis, A. When preparing dev. standards - research back flow prevention for water system.

Dec. 19, 2019 Regular Meeting Directed to Action Completed Town of Bassano Council Meeting Action Items 2019-2020 Davis, A. Offer to Bassano Golf re: truck donation.

Mar. 9, 2020 Regular Meeting Directed to Action Completed Seidel, J. Post Bylaw 897/20 online. Seidel, J./Petkau, C. Prepare administrative policies to rectify FS deficiences for CAO review. Davis, A. Add water meter utility (multi-plex summary) to next agenda.

May 11, 2020 Regular Meeting Directed to Action Completed

Davis, A. Add credit cardpayments for tax payments to the agenda for the meeting on May 21, 2020. Davis, A. Add Andrejcin, K.'s opinion letter to next regularly scheduled Council meeting. Mitchell, J. Post Press Release on all media channels and in paper. Completed June 11, 2020

June 8, 2020 Regular Meeting Directed to Action Completed

Submit an amendment to the Gas and Tax Fund for the 1st Avenue West Rehabilitation prject, Davis, A. contact Brooks asphalt and the County of Newell and infor Public Works. Complete Not MPE, BSEI, in Davis, A. Consult with MPE and other firms re: drainage upgrade proposal on 1st Ave. progress

July 13, 2020 Regular Meeting Directed to Action Completed Mitchell, J. Ensure single signed copy of Bylaw 902 is in bylaw print index - not proceeding. Printed. Davis, A. Contact Jolene Ledene Reimer re: negotiate real estate terms to post lands. Emailed on Jul. 14, 2020

Complete - RFP developed Davis, A. Follow up with MPE a second time re: 1 Ave project and previous quote/project review. Aug. 6, 2020 Town of Bassano Council Meeting Action Items 2019-2020 August 10, 2020 Regular Meeting Directed to Action Completed Mitchell, J. Rotate Minutes Completed Aug. 11, 2020. Mitchell, J. Print minutes/ agenda package for signing (R. Wickson and A. Davis.) Printed Aug. 11 2020 Mitchell, J. Print bylaw 903/20 for signing (R. Wickson and A. Davis) and update website and bylaw index. Submit amendment to the Gas Tax Fund for the 1st Ave. W. rehabilitation project and contact Davis, A. Brooks asphalt and the County of Newell to complete project Upgrade. Complete - Aug. 25, 2020 Davis, A. Update PW re: 1st Ave. project amendment. Complete - Aug. 11, 2020 Raymond, L. Arrange 1st Ave. infras. upgrade. Complete Davis, A. Notify CAO's re: 2nd reading of Emergency Management Bylaw Complete - Aug. 11, 2020 Davis, A. Prepare counter offer to B. Ching for 422- 1st Ave. Complete - Aug. 11, 2020 Davis, A. Decline Offer to Purchase for 422-1st Avenue and provide B. Ching with counter offer. Complete - Aug. 11, 2020 Davis, A. Contract award to Ry Bar -for the 2020 Sidewalk Project. Complete - Aug. 11, 2020 Davis, A. Contract rejection to Mudrack for the 2020 Sidewalk Project. Complete - Aug. 11, 2020 Davis, A. Draft letters to affected property owners of the 2020 Sidwalk Project Complete - Aug. 11, 2020 Smith, S. Send letters to affected property owners of the 2020 Sidewalk Project. Complete - Aug. 11, 2020 Smith, S. Contact all property owners within 72 hours of sidewalk upgrades as per the statement letter. Complete Prepare signage for upgrades areas to be placed on sandwich boards or barricades by August 11, Smith, S. 2020. Laminate and provide to Public Works by September 30, 2020. Complete - Aug. 11, 2020 Davis, A. Call priority 1 residents of the 2020 Sidewalk Project. Complete - Aug. 11, 2020 Mitchell, J. Prepare a write up for the August newsletter regarding the Sidewalk Project. Complete Prepare and submit a $20,000 application to the Gas Tax Fund for the Public Works Surface Davis, A. Improvments for Sidewalks Complete - Aug. 25, 2020 Print Bylaw 906/20 for signing. Updated Website, bylaw tracker, and MAP Final Deliverables Mitchell, J. folder. Davis, A. Prepare a letter notifying the public of tax forfeiture of 413- 2nd Avenue. Completed. Aug, 12, 2020. Mitchell, J. Post Tax Foreiture Letter on social media channels. Completed. Aug 12, 2020. Davis, A. Contact Taxervice re: proceed with tax forfeiture Complete - Aug. 11, 2020 Davis, A. Set virtual Special Council meeting date for August 24, 2020. Complete Davis, A. Prep agenda for special meeting. Complete Mitchell, J. Notify public of August 24, 2020 Special Council meeting. Complete Complete a letter notifying the public of the change in operational hours of the Town Office and Mitchell, J. post on social media channels. Completed: Aug. 15, 2020 Town of Bassano Council Meeting Action Items 2019-2020 Survey issues online and Prepare public engagment process regarding the new siting options for the FAB Village Square maildrop - Aug. 21 -24, Davis, A. project. 2020. Davis, A. Engage with inspectors re: co-op expansion and build requirements. Complete - Aug. 12, 2020 Q2 2021 re: address unsightly properties - with or without fences yards need to be cleaned - bring Davis, A. back to council for further discussion. Includes unregistered vehicles. Complete and emailed to J. Petrone on Aug. 25, Davis, A. Letter to MPE re: 2017 Capital Projects cost. 2020 Davis, A. Proceed with waterline repair on North end of 11 Street as stated in motion #073/20. In progress. Upon completion of repairs invoice PME for all costs incurred related to the 2017 capital project Davis, A. deficiency. Mitchell, J. Prepare August newsletter highlights. Draft complete

August 24, 2020 Special Meeting Directed to Action Completed Davis, A. Complete strategic plan updated for Sept. 14, 2020 agenda. Complete MONTHLY STATEMENT Town of Bassano Period Ending July 31, 2020

General Account Net Balance at End of Previous Month $ 338,670.38

Receipts for the Month $ 1,215,619.55

Interest $ 579.65 Transfer Sewage Expenses $ 5,000.00 MSI Grant $ 50,045.00 Cancelled cheque $ 85.14

Sub-Total $ 1,609,999.72 Less Disbursements for the month -$ 186,921.12 Bank Charges -$ 485.26 Returned TIPPS -$ 365.40 Transfer MSI Grant -$ 50,045.00 Bank - Tax Payment Reversal -$ 1,086.15 Correction - Fortis Tax payment allocated as franchise fee -$ 14,457.67

Net Balance at End of Month $ 1,356,639.12 Bank Balance at End of Month-Bank $ 1,413,087.80 Outstanding Deposit $ 6,568.63 Sub-Total $ 1,419,656.43 Less outstanding cheques -$ 63,017.31

NET Balance at End of Month $ 1,356,639.12 Savings Opening Balance Interest/Transfers Closing Balance Fire Reserves $ 33,277.37 $ 25.37 $ 33,302.74 Sewage Upgrade $ 1,150,242.14 $ 876.82 $ 1,151,118.96 MSI Capital $ 1,322,689.61 $ 1,008.28 $ 1,323,697.89 Fedral Gas Tax Refund $ 207,795.35 $ 158.40 $ 207,953.75 MSI Operational $ 80,015.89 $ 50,117.07 $ 130,132.96 LLUP Grant Funds $ 30,550.44 $ 23.29 $ 30,573.73 Capital Plan Reserve $ 2,007,664.24 $ 1,530.43 $ 2,009,194.67 Land & Development Reserve $ 726,840.52 $ 554.07 $ 727,394.59 Recreation & Culture Reserve $ 329,939.78 $ 251.51 $ 330,191.29 Municipal Reserve $ 433,748.59 $ 330.64 $ 434,079.23 FCSS Reserve $ 70.63 $ 0.05 $ 70.68 AMWWP Grant Funds $ 638,949.37 $ 484.73 -$ 5,000.00 $ 634,434.10 Recreation Funding Committee $ 9,923.07 $ 7.56 $ 9,930.63 Shydlowski $ 105.74 $ 0.08 $ 105.82 Common Shares $ 5,093.51 $ 5,093.51 Investments Shydlowski Scholarship $ 4,556.40 $0.00 $ 4,556.40 Nesbit Burns Fixed Income $ 884,098.20 $0.00 $ 884,098.20 Cash Account $ 161,451.16 -$636.32 $ 160,814.84 Transaction Total $49,731.98 Total $ 8,027,012.01 $ 8,076,743.99

Mayor Wickson

C.A.O Amanda Davis MONTHLY STATEMENT Town of Bassano Period Ending August 31, 2020

General Account Net Balance at End of Previous Month $ 1,356,639.12

Receipts for the Month $ 138,396.06

Interest $ 1,083.09

Sub-Total $ 1,496,118.27 Less Disbursements for the month -$ 173,662.80 Bank Charges -$ 784.99 Returned TIPPS -$ 163.32

Net Balance at End of Month $ 1,321,507.16 Bank Balance at End of Month-Bank $ 1,351,001.50 Outstanding Deposit $ 125.00 Sub-Total $ 1,351,126.50 Less outstanding cheques -$ 29,619.34

NET Balance at End of Month $ 1,321,507.16 Savings Opening Balance Interest/Transfers Closing Balance Fire Reserves $ 33,302.74 $ 25.39 $ 33,328.13 Sewage Upgrade $ 1,151,118.96 $ 877.49 $ 1,151,996.45 MSI Capital $ 1,323,697.89 $ 1,009.05 $ 1,324,706.94 Fedral Gas Tax Refund $ 207,953.75 $ 158.52 $ 208,112.27 MSI Operational $ 130,132.96 $ 99.20 $ 130,232.16 LLUP Grant Funds $ 30,573.73 $ 23.31 $ 30,597.04 Capital Plan Reserve $ 2,009,194.67 $ 1,531.60 $ 2,010,726.27 Land & Development Reserve $ 727,394.59 $ 554.49 $ 727,949.08 Recreation & Culture Reserve $ 330,191.29 $ 251.70 $ 330,442.99 Municipal Reserve $ 434,079.23 $ 330.90 $ 434,410.13 FCSS Reserve $ 70.68 $ 0.05 $ 70.73 AMWWP Grant Funds $ 634,434.10 $ 483.63 $ 634,917.73 Recreation Funding Committee $ 9,930.63 $ 7.57 $ 9,938.20 Shydlowski $ 105.74 $ 0.08 $ 105.82 Common Shares $ 5,093.51 $ 5,093.51 Investments Shydlowski Scholarship $ 4,556.40 $0.00 $ 4,556.40 Nesbit Burns Fixed Income $ 884,098.20 $0.00 $ 884,098.20 Cash Account $ 160,814.84 $837.94 $ 161,652.78 Transaction Total $6,190.92 Total $ 8,076,743.91 $ 8,082,934.83

Mayor Wickson

C.A.O Amanda Davis TOWN OF BASSANO Page 1 of 2

Cheque Listing For Account Payable 2020-Aug-31 3:51:39PM

Cheque # Cheque Date CEO CAO Vendor # Vendor Name Amount Batch # 19037 20200503 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 1043 2052900 ALBERTA LTD. 11,513.41 20200504 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 171 AMSC INSURANCE SERVICES LTD. 3,030.62 20200505 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 1036 B. J. ZIBELL TRUCKING 5,126.64 20200506 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 522 BENCHMARK ASSESSMENT 1,634.15 20200507 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 487 CANADIAN LINEN 78.39 20200508 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 492 Chinook Financial, A Division of Connect First CU 1,000.00 20200509 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 1056 CLEAN SPOT 123.74 20200510 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 962 DIGITEX CANADA INC. 367.50 20200511 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 1029 FRANKLIN'S TIRES BASSANO LTD 51.45 20200512 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 811 GREGG DISTRIBUTERS LP 153.82 20200513 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 972 McGILL'S INDUSTRIAL SERVICES 6,670.66 20200514 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 1064 NEW WAY IRRIGATION 41.77 20200515 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 217 PLAYFAIR LODGE 1,040.30 20200516 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 25 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD. 34.58 20200517 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 483 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PHOENIX 1,320.46 20200518 2020-07-10 686 ROSE, THOMAS DAVID 191.40 20200519 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 696 VILLAGE OF DUCHESS 4,320.00 20200520 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 1010 WICKSON, RON 378.16 20200521 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 900001 RANDALL STRATEGY CORP 5,145.00


Batch # 19038 20200522 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 564 AZTEK SECURITY COMPANY 467.64 20200523 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 1050 CHINOOK FINANCIAL C/O COLLABRIA 222.99 20200524 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 121 COUNTY OF NEWELL 3,875.00 20200525 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 479 DPOC 1,500.00 20200526 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 926 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 172.51 20200527 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 509 MITCHELL CURTIS ENTERPRISES INC 32.50 20200528 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 3 PIONEER GAS CO-OP LTD. 370.79 20200529 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 7 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA 10,443.58 20200530 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 881 SOUTH COUNTRY CO-OP LIMITED 994.56 20200531 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 1049 STAPLES ADVANTAGE CORPORATE EXPRESS 298.06 CANADA, I 20200532 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 1 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 1,194.51 20200533 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 1035 TELUS MOBILITY 143.67 20200534 2020-07-10 EFT EFT 1058 TOWN OF BASSANO 439.02


Batch # 19086 20200545 2020-07-23 EFT EFT 877 ALBERTA MUNICIPAL SERVICES CORPORATION 17,121.04 20200546 2020-07-23 EFT EFT 121 COUNTY OF NEWELL 141.25 20200547 2020-07-23 EFT EFT 926 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 24.61

17,286.90 TOWN OF BASSANO Page 2 of 2

Cheque Listing For Account Payable 2020-Aug-31 3:51:39PM

Cheque # Cheque Date CEO CAO Vendor # Vendor Name Amount Batch # 19087 20200548 2020-07-23 171 AMSC INSURANCE SERVICES LTD. 2,559.18 20200549 2020-07-23 EFT EFT 8 BASSANO AUTOMOTIVE (1985) LTD. 203.87 20200550 2020-07-23 9 BASSANO PUBLISHERS 68.25 20200551 2020-07-23 EFT EFT 132 BROOKS ASPHALT & AGGREGATE 1,611.02 20200552 2020-07-23 EFT EFT 703 COCHRANE, CORY 185.14 20200553 2020-07-23 EFT EFT 1033 MR. WATSON'S YARD MAINTENANCE 120.00 20200554 2020-07-23 6 MUNICIPAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 855.76 20200555 2020-07-23 356 NEWELL REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MGMT AUTH 51,454.44 LTD. 20200556 2020-07-23 EFT EFT 1040 SEELY, JACKIE 193.52 20200557 2020-07-23 EFT EFT 58 W.R. MEADOWS 181.13 20200558 2020-07-23 EFT EFT 953 WATER BLAST MANUFACTURING LP 58.64


Batch # 19089 20200559 2020-07-31 652 MAYHEW, BRIAN 720.00 20200560 2020-07-31 902 SIEBEN HOLDINGS LTD. 682.50


Batch # 19091 20200561 2020-07-23 EFT EFT 578 NEWELL REGIONAL SERVICES CORP. 20,095.48


Total 158,652.71 *** End of Report *** TOWN OF BASSANO Page 1 of 2

Cheque Listing For Account Payable 2020-Aug-31 1:58:06PM

Cheque # Cheque Date CEO CAO Vendor # Vendor Name Amount Batch # 19134 20200581 2020-08-14 877 ALBERTA MUNICIPAL SERVICES CORPORATION 16,666.34 20200582 2020-08-14 1050 CHINOOK FINANCIAL C/O COLLABRIA 2,269.08 20200583 2020-08-14 121 COUNTY OF NEWELL 16,466.65 20200584 2020-08-14 962 DIGITEX CANADA INC. 2,934.36 20200585 2020-08-14 3 PIONEER GAS CO-OP LTD. 260.58 20200586 2020-08-14 1063 QUADIENT LEASING CANADA LTD 280.20 20200587 2020-08-14 7 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA 10,584.52 20200588 2020-08-14 881 SOUTH COUNTRY CO-OP LIMITED 1,446.80 20200589 2020-08-14 1049 STAPLES ADVANTAGE CORPORATE EXPRESS 100.86 CANADA, I 20200590 2020-08-14 1 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. 1,195.06 20200591 2020-08-14 1035 TELUS MOBILITY 133.07


Batch # 19136 20200592 2020-08-14 1043 2052900 ALBERTA LTD. 25,157.50 20200593 2020-08-14 490 BADLANDS WELDING 315.00 20200594 2020-08-14 20 BASSANO BUILDING CENTRE LTD. 66.68 20200595 2020-08-14 46 BASSANO PHARMACY 65.08 20200596 2020-08-14 522 BENCHMARK ASSESSMENT 1,634.15 20200597 2020-08-14 266 BRASSARD GREENHOUSE LTD. 73.50 20200598 2020-08-14 492 Chinook Financial, A Division of Connect First CU 1,000.00 20200599 2020-08-14 703 COCHRANE, CORY 213.58 20200600 2020-08-14 1044 FRONTIER SAFETY MANAGEMENT 104.95 20200601 2020-08-14 812 GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA 61.90 20200602 2020-08-14 811 GREGG DISTRIBUTERS LP 175.58 20200603 2020-08-14 954 MARTIN, RICK 88.50 20200604 2020-08-14 529 MPE ENGINEERING LTD 724.50 20200605 2020-08-14 1046 MUHLBEIER, VICTORIA 192.13 20200606 2020-08-14 6 MUNICIPAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 855.76 20200607 2020-08-14 1062 NEUSTAETER, PETER 60.18 20200608 2020-08-14 1006 PARRISH & HEIMBECKER 131.25 20200609 2020-08-14 989 PETKAU, CHRISTINE 879.55 20200610 2020-08-14 217 PLAYFAIR LODGE 1,194.80 20200611 2020-08-14 1061 PLETT, JUSTIN 60.18 20200612 2020-08-14 25 PUROLATOR COURIER LTD. 166.19 20200613 2020-08-14 948 TAXervice 21.00 20200614 2020-08-14 696 VILLAGE OF DUCHESS 5,400.00 20200615 2020-08-14 900001 INDUSTRIAL BACKHOES LTD. 3,024.00 20200616 2020-08-14 900001 MCCONNELL, LORIE 1,105.15 20200617 2020-08-14 900001 SAVEONHOSTING 151.20

42,922.31 TOWN OF BASSANO Page 2 of 2

Cheque Listing For Account Payable 2020-Aug-31 1:58:06PM

Cheque # Cheque Date CEO CAO Vendor # Vendor Name Amount Batch # 19158 20200628 2020-08-28 1050 CHINOOK FINANCIAL C/O COLLABRIA 3,692.75 20200629 2020-08-28 926 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 30.49 20200630 2020-08-28 509 MITCHELL CURTIS ENTERPRISES INC 58.50 20200631 2020-08-28 578 NEWELL REGIONAL SERVICES CORP. 19,498.49 20200632 2020-08-28 7 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA 9,149.98 20200633 2020-08-28 1049 STAPLES ADVANTAGE CORPORATE EXPRESS 240.91 CANADA, I 20200634 2020-08-28 1035 TELUS MOBILITY 147.81 20200635 2020-08-28 83 WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARD 1,068.68


Batch # 19159 20200636 2020-08-28 932 A-1 IRRIGATION & TECHNICAL SERVICE 160.37 20200637 2020-08-28 171 AMSC INSURANCE SERVICES LTD. 2,711.65 20200638 2020-08-28 20 BASSANO BUILDING CENTRE LTD. 17.93 20200639 2020-08-28 492 Chinook Financial, A Division of Connect First CU 1,000.00 20200640 2020-08-28 703 COCHRANE, CORY 290.53 20200641 2020-08-28 923 ECONOMIC DEVELOPERS ALBERTA 1,145.00 20200642 2020-08-28 1019 EDWARDS LAND SERVICE LTD. 413.34 20200643 2020-08-28 811 GREGG DISTRIBUTERS LP 533.46 20200644 2020-08-28 737 HILLSIDE EXCAVATING INC. 924.00 20200645 2020-08-28 413 HI-WAY 9 EXPRESS LTD. 61.96 20200646 2020-08-28 1057 ITRON CANADA INC. 1,236.82 20200647 2020-08-28 652 MAYHEW, BRIAN 570.00 20200648 2020-08-28 1046 MUHLBEIER, VICTORIA 936.06 20200649 2020-08-28 946 RAYMOND, LONNIE 525.00 20200650 2020-08-28 7 RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA 41.90 20200651 2020-08-28 902 SIEBEN HOLDINGS LTD. 682.50 20200652 2020-08-28 1045 STEINBACH, BERNARD & RUTH 2,934.71 20200653 2020-08-28 857 SUPERIOR TRUCK EQUIPMENT INC. 221.76 20200654 2020-08-28 948 TAXervice 1,693.60 20200655 2020-08-28 900001 DABOYZ VAC SERVICE LTD. 1,874.25 20200656 2020-08-28 900001 DARRIGOL, JEAN-PIERRE & FABIENNE 1,075.21 20200657 2020-08-28 900001 MARC AUBIN & ASSOCIATES 500.00 20200658 2020-08-28 900001 PETKAU, ALEX 350.00 20200659 2020-08-28 900001 WASHTECH 317.10


Total 149,364.59 *** End of Report *** September 2020

FCSS Director’s Report

Supporting Community Members – In this past month there have been no COVID related call. FCSS has continued to engage with 25 families on a weekly basis through the craft kit program. There have been 2 additional community inquiries from families requesting supports with provincial and federal benefits. There has been 1 additional call from a individual community member requesting supports with relocating to the community. Calls for seniors’ supports have continued to be limited, there has been 9 inquiries about Alberta Seniors benefits and the S.H.A.R.P. Home Adaptation and Repair program this month. Assistance has also been provided to 2 additional senior community members regarding transportation for appointments and federal benefits applications. We have assisted 11 seniors in total this month. No seniors were new to the community, 3 seniors were new to FCSS services and 8 seniors were previously assisted by FCSS.

Craft Kits – The craft kit program came to an end on August 25, 2020. The program was very successful in its first year and supported over 37 children coming from 27 families within the community. Our August Craft Kits were themed around getting Active in August, to compliment the theme we partnered with the Breathe Bassano Initiative to raise awareness about Active August and events in the community. Survey data was collected from the craft kit program and is currently being aggregated; this data meets requirements to be submitted for yearly funding updates to the Government of Alberta based on the FCSS Measure and Outcomes and Guidelines.

Seniors Focus Kits: Arm Chair Travel – The Arm Chair Travel program was successful with seniors who received the kits, they enjoyed being able to travel to India from the comfort of their own homes! We still have kits available to anyone who would like to participate in the program!

Kick it to the Curb- Kick it to the Curb was completed on the weekend of August 7th and the feedback from the community was that it was a well enjoyed event! The FCSS board will be looking at host another Kick it to the Curb at a future date!

Bike Rodeo – We had 10 children attend the Bike Rodeo hosted in partnership with the Bassano RCMP. The children were taught bike safety and rules of the road before completing a bike obstacle course with Corporal Andrews. Each child was given an opportunity to decorate their bike and each child was given bike lights from the front and back of their bicycles. The children completed trivia with Corporal Andrews and Constable Gia to win prizes during the event. Thank you to local sponsor Bassano Dental for their door prize donation!

Geocache Event– For Active August FCSS placed 3 geocaches in our community. The Geocaches were placed in time for National Geocaching Day on August 15, 2020. FCSS encouraged families to get out, get active and search for geocaches around town! We have had 2 local families find the geocaches currently and 9 guests from out of town stop in to find our local treasures! Upcoming Projects

Welcome Wagon – FCSS will be working in partnership with local businesses and groups to create a welcome package for those moving to Bassano. The welcome package will be a way to help connect new community member to their new home.

Volunteer Registry - FCSS will be working with local service group to create a volunteer registry. Bassano is a Town with spirit, heart and initiative! Many residents are looking for ways to give back and FCSS wants to work to bridge this gap in our community. Through support of the FCSS Board of Directors we will be reaching out to local non-profits, societies and service groups to find out what they are looking for in a volunteer. How many hours a month are required of a volunteer’s time? What will they do while they are volunteering? What is the mandate and mission of your group? Through a registry of groups looking for support in the community we will be able to match community members with their perfect volunteer fit!

Suicide Prevention Day – World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) is September 10th, 2020 . Take time to check out the display FCSS will have at the Rec Centre in honour of WSPD. FCSS will have painted rocks with positive messaging around the area. We encourage you to take as rock and keep it or re-hide it to brighten someone else’s day!

International Older Persons Day - Mark your calendars, international Older Persons Day is coming up on October 1, 2020! A great time to celebrate and thank the older people in your life for their wisdom and contributions to our community!

Halloween – FCSS continues to monitor the ongoing COVID-19 situation and will release details of Halloween plans at a later date if feasible to hold and event.

Keep your eyes peeled for other FCSS events coming your way this fall!

Contact FCSS to find out more about any of the above events:

Victoria Muhlbeier 403-641-3788 403-501-8540 [email protected] Bassano Family and Community Support Services on Facebook. BASSANO AUGUST 2020 REPORT

During the month of August our department completed six hours of Municipal Enforcement duties. Officers will be as well receiving direction from the CAO on any matters that require investigation that their office receives. Our department investigated four case files for this month. The files were for unsightly properties and a vehicle parked on the street with no plate. During this month, our department issued three warnings for unsightly properties and one warning for parking on the street without a plate. This concludes the report for Bassano for August. Town of Bassano Bylaw Enforcement Tracker 2020 Case Files Orders within BBI Priority Area

Date File was given by Date Order was Issued Open/ Administration to the CPO Location Issues by the CPO Compliance Closed n/a 1056 - 2 Avenue Overgrown grass and weeds. July 14, 2020 Compliance was not met by property owner. Clean-up was Closed Property is to be sprayed for contracted out and completed. Town worked with property weeds. owner to spray for weeds. Spraying was completed.

June 2, 2020 822 - 5 Avenue Accumulation of tires, inoperable July 20, 2020 In-progress. CPO is in contact with property owner. Open equipment, vehicles, and garbage. Overgrown trees.

July 17, 2020 405 - 2 Avenue Accumulation inoperable vehicles July 20, 2020 - Incorrect In-progress. July 20, 2020 letters to the property owner had the Open and garbage. Address, August 4, 2020 - incorrect address. August 4, 2020 letters to the property owner Incorrect Dates, August had the incorrect dates. Correct letters were issues on August 27, 27, 2020 - Correct 2020. Address

July 17, 2020 918 & 910 - 2 Avenue Accumulation of July 20, 2020 Property owner met compliance. Closed inoperable/operable equipment, vehicle parts and other mechanical items, and garbage. Overgrown grass. August 21, 2020 415 2 Avenue Overgrown grass and weeds. August 27, 2020 In progress. Open Over grown trees. August 21, 2020 417 2 Avenue Overgrown grass and weeds. August 27, 2020 In progress. Open Over grown trees.

Date File was created by Date Order was Issued Open/ Administration Location Issues by Administration Compliance Closed July 20, 2020 1002 - 2 Avenue Overgrown grass and weeds. July 13, 2020 Complete. Property was clean-up and sprayed for weeds. Closed Property is to be sprayed for weeds.

Last updated September 8, 2020 - SS Town of Bassano Bylaw Enforcement Tracker 2020 Case Files August 21, 2020 402 - 2 Avenue Overgrown grass and weeds. August 21, 2020 In-progress. Open Accumulation of garbage and a old canopy-like structure. Accumulation of equipment (inoperable or unused). August 21, 2020 517 - 2 Avenue Overgrown grass and weeds. August 21, 2020 Complete. Property was cleaned. CLosed Accumulation of garbage and a old appliances. August 24, 2020 1011 - 5 Avenue Overgrown grass and weeds. n/a Property owner was contacted via phone on August 24, 2020 and Closed asked to clean-up their property. Compliance was met by property owner. General Orders

Date File was given by Date Order was Issued Open/ Administration to the CPO Location Issues by the CPO Compliance Closed July 6, 2020 as per CAO 258 - 3 Avenue Urban farming No orders were issued. The CPO had a verbal discussion with the property owner and Closed email CPOs she agreed to remove the chickens. Chickens were relocated.

July 6, 2020 as per CAO 258 - 3 Avenue Unregistered vehicles, overgrown July 7, 2020 Compliance was not met by property owner. Contractors and Open email CPOs trees, shrubs, grass, wooden logs CPO were asked to leave the property thus the clean-up was not completed. Adminstraion is currently working with the property owner to achieve compliance by September 22, 2020.

June 8, 2020 as per CAO 242 - 3 Avenue Overgrown trees/ shrubs, grass June 9, 2020 Compliance was not met by property owner. Clean-up was Closed email to Administrative and weeds. contracted out and completed. Staff June 8, 2020 as per CAO 213 - 1 Street Overgrown trees/ shrubs, grass June 9, 2020 Compliance was not met by property owner. Clean-up was Closed email to Administrative and weeds. contracted out and completed. Staff June 8, 2020 as per CAO 624 - 4 Avenue Overgrown trees/ shrubs, grass June 9, 2020 Compliance was not met by property owner. Clean-up was Closed email to Administrative and weeds. contracted out and completed. Staff

Last updated September 8, 2020 - SS Town of Bassano Bylaw Enforcement Tracker 2020 Case Files June 8, 2020 as per CAO 530 - 3 Avenue Overgrown trees/ shrubs, grass June 9, 2020 Compliance was not met by property owner. Clean-up was Closed email to Administrative and weeds. contracted out and completed. Staff

Date File was created by Date Order was Issued Open/ Administration Location Issues by Administration Compliance Closed August 18, 2020 309 - 1 Avenue Overgrown grass and weeds. No orders were issued. Property owner was contacted via email on August 19, 2020 and Closed asked to clean-up their property. Compliance was met by property owner. August 18, 2020 201 - 1 Avenue Overgrown grass and weeds. No orders were issued. Property owner was contacted via phone on August 19, 2020 and Closed asked to clean-up their property. Adminstraion worked with the property owner to achieve compliance; part of development permit conditions. Clean-up was completed.

Last updated September 8, 2020 - SS 201-1st Avenue West  Box 879, Brooks, Alberta T1R 1B7  ph. 403.362.3333 fax. 403.362.4787

August 18, 2020

Town of Bassano PO Box 299 Bassano, AB T0J 0B0

Re: Regional Assessment Review Board (ARB) Appointment

Dear Chief Administrative Officer,

Effective February 11, 2020 Calvin Sturgeon, and effective August 7, 2020 Daphne Anstey-Martin have completed the required Assessment Review Board training and are qualified to hear Assessment Appeals.

The “Regional Pool” of members for the Regional Assessment Review Board who have completed all the required training include:

Anne Marie Philipsen (Chair) Glenn Ravnsborg Norman Gerestein Calvin Sturgeon Daphne Anstey-Martin

Pursuant to section 454.1 in the MGA, please ensure that all of these individuals are appointed by your council as ARB members.


Shelley Thomas CPA, CGA Finance Manager City of Brooks

T: 403-362-3333 F: 403-362-4787 E: [email protected]


MINUTES ‐ 4 (2020) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. ORRSC Conference Room (3105 ‐ 16 Avenue North, Lethbridge)

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Gordon Wolstenholme ‐ Chair Ian Sundquist (remotely) Jim Bester ‐ Vice‐Chair Jennifer Crowson Don Anderberg (absent) Margaret Plumtree (absent) Doug MacPherson (remotely) STAFF: Lenze Kuiper – Director


1. Approval of Agenda – June 11, 2020 ......

2. Approval of Minutes – April 9, 2020 ...... (attachment)

3. Business Arising from the Minutes

4. New Business (a) Alberta Ombudsman – RARB Complaint & Result ...... (attachment) (b) County of Newell Update ...... (c) Assessment Review Board Update ...... (d) COVID Update ...... (e) GIS Update ...... (f) Subdivision Activity 2020 ...... (attachment)

5. Accounts (a) Office Accounts – (i) March 2020 ...... (attachment) (ii) April 2020 ...... (attachment) (b) Financial Statements – (i) January 1 ‐ January 31, 2020 ...... (attachment) (ii) January 1 ‐ February 29, 2020 ...... (attachment) (iii) January 1 ‐ March 31, 2020 ...... (attachment) (iv) January 1 ‐ April 30, 2020 ...... (attachment)

2020 ORRSC Executive Committee Minutes – Page 16

6. Director’s Report ......

7. Executive Report......

8. Adjournment ......



Moved by: Jennifer Crowson THAT the Executive Committee approve the agenda, as presented. CARRIED


Moved by: Doug MacPherson THAT the Executive Committee approve the minutes of April 9, 2020, as presented. CARRIED



(a) Alberta Ombudsman – RARB Complaint & Result  The results of a complaint made to the Alberta Ombudsman regarding a Regional Assessment Review Board hearing conducted in 2019 in the Village of Glenwood was shared and discussed with the Executive. The Ombudsman has closed the case and has found no error in conducting the hearing with ORRSC, the Village of Glenwood and the Assessor in its findings.

(b) County of Newell Update  A list of items (Minister of Municipal Affairs approval, release of Power of Attorney with Land Titles, subdivision file, statutory/land use bylaw file transfers) aiding in the transitioning of membership status of the County of Newell was reviewed.

(c) Assessment Review Board Update  The upcoming 2020 Assessment Review Board year including the number of Board Members (11) / Clerks (3) trained and the number of complaints (3) already received, was presented.

2020 ORRSC Executive Committee Minutes – Page 17

(d) COVID Update  An update on how ORRSC is handling daily operations and meeting provincial requirements during COVID was presented.

(e) GIS Update  ORRSC continues with the roll‐out of its new GIS platform. Five municipalities (Brooks, Coaldale, Olds, and Taber) have been transitioned onto the new platform to date, with more expected shortly. The optional addition of Tangible Capital Assets and Vehicle Tracking modules was presented.

(f) Subdivision Activity 2020  Six subdivision applications were received in April bringing the total number of applications to 75 with revenue of $109,375 so far this year. ‘Subdivision Activity at this time Last Year’ shows 82 applications with $138,070 in revenue were received during the same period in 2019.


(a) Office Accounts – (i) March 2020

5150 Staff Mileage ...... Bonnie Brunner ...... $ 50.00 5150 Staff Mileage ...... Mike Burla ...... 90.00 5150 Staff Mileage ...... Mike Burla ...... 90.00 5150 Staff Mileage ...... Steve Harty ...... 72.00 5151 Vehicle Gas & Maintenance ...... Steve Harty ...... 4.00 5160 Staff Field Expense ...... Steve Harty ...... 10.77 4140 Approval Fees ...... Gary Benson ...... 125.00 4140 Approval Fees ...... Peter Kaupp ...... 125.00 4140 Approval Fees ...... Adam Thompson ...... 125.00 5280 Janitorial Services ...... Madison Ave Business Services ...... 475.00 5280 Janitorial Services ...... Madison Ave Business Services ...... 425.00 5320 General Office Supplies ...... Madison Ave Business Services ...... 17.32 5285 Building Maintenance ...... Westburne ...... 28.32 5285 Building Maintenance ...... Wild Rose Horticultural ...... 600.00 5285 Building Maintenance ...... Westburne ...... 20.98 5310 Telephone ...... Bell Mobility ...... 621.04 5310 Telephone ...... Shaw Business ...... 180.90 5310 Telephone ...... Shaw Business ...... 180.90 5310 Telephone ...... DRC Communication ...... 101.00 5320 General Office Supplies ...... Town of Nanton ...... 49.39 5320 General Office Supplies ...... Desjardin Services ...... 233.98 5330 Dues & Subscriptions ...... Lethbridge Herald ...... 293.56

2020 ORRSC Executive Committee Minutes – Page 18

5380 Printing & Printing Supplies ...... Lethbridge Mobile Shredding ...... 23.00 5440 Land Titles Office ...... Minister of Finance ...... 184.00 5470 Computer Software ...... ESRI 20,105.07 5470 Computer Software ...... Whipcord ...... 1,262.80 5500 Subdivision Notification ...... Lethbridge Herald ...... 899.10 5520 Meetings ...... Costco ...... 55.26 5570 Equipment Repairs & Maintenance ...... Xerox ...... 1,425.92 5570 Equipment Repairs & Maintenance ...... Digitex ...... 90.00 5570 Equipment Repairs & Maintenance ...... Digitex ...... 720.00 1160 GST Receivable ...... GST Receivable ...... 1,389.11

TOTAL $30,073.42

(ii) April 2020

5150 Staff Mileage ...... Bonnie Brunner ...... $ 50.00 5150 Staff Mileage ...... Gavin Scott ...... 53.50 4140 Approval Fees ...... Barry Developments ...... 205.00 4140 Approval Fees ...... Alain Zumbach ...... 125.00 5285 Building Maintenance ...... Cam Air Refrigeration ...... 426.40 5310 Telephone ...... Bell Mobility ...... 651.44 5310 Telephone ...... Shaw Business ...... 180.90 5320 General Office Supplies ...... Total Office Plus ...... 62.55 5320 General Office Supplies ...... Total Office Plus ...... 71.99 5380 Printing & Printing Supplies ...... Total Office Plus ...... 6.59 5320 General Office Supplies ...... Total Office Plus ...... 41.99 5320 General Office Supplies ...... Paramount Printers ...... 50.29 5320 General Office Supplies ...... Desjardin Services ...... 291.69 5330 Dues & Subscriptions ...... Pincher Creek Echo ...... 68.00 5420 Accounting & Audit Fees ...... KPMG ...... 9,980.00 5440 Land Titles Office ...... Minister of Finance ...... 278.00 5470 Computer Software ...... ESRI 15,292.50 5470 Computer Software ...... Whipcord ...... 1,262.80 5500 Subdivision Notification ...... Lethbridge Herald ...... 357.00 5570 Equipment Repairs & Maintenance ...... Digitex ...... 720.00 5570 Equipment Repairs & Maintenance ...... Xerox ...... 1,389.48 5570 Equipment Repairs & Maintenance ...... Digitex ...... 70.00 1160 GST Receivable ...... GST Receivable ...... 1,839.46

TOTAL $33,474.58

Moved by: Ian Sundquist THAT the Executive Committee approve the Office Accounts of March ($30,073.42) and April ($33,474.58) 2020, as presented. CARRIED

2020 ORRSC Executive Committee Minutes – Page 19

(b) Financial Statements – (i) January 1 ‐ January 31, 2020 (ii) January 1 ‐ February 29, 2020 (iii) January 1 ‐ March 31, 2020 (iv) January 1 ‐ April 30, 2020

Moved by: Jim Bester THAT the Executive Committee approve the following unaudited Financial Statements, as presented: January 1 ‐ January 31, 2020 January 1 ‐ February 29, 2020 January 1 ‐ March 31, 2020 January 1 ‐ April 30, 2020 CARRIED

6. DIRECTOR’S REPORT  The Director reported on his activities since the last Executive Committee meeting.

7. EXECUTIVE REPORT  Committee members reported on various projects and activities in their respective municipalities.


Moved by: Gordon Wolstenholme THAT we adjourn the regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the Oldman River Regional Services Commission at 7:08 p.m. until Thursday August 13 , 2020 at 6:00 p.m. CARRIED

/bj CHAIR: ______

2020 ORRSC Executive Committee Minutes – Page 20

Minutes from Board Meeting held Friday - July 31, 2020

Via Zoom Call to Order: 9:00 am. Chair Grant called the meeting to order

Director/Member Director/Member

Directors Present: 9 Tom Grant - Chair Ben Armstrong – Past Chair Directors Absent: 3 Town of Vulcan Wheatland County Alternates Present: 1 Vulcan District Waste Commission & District Solid Waste * Special Guests: 2 Quorum: 8 Minutes: Paul Ryan Kim Craig Sherry Poole MD of Bighorn Town of Coaldale SAEWA Manager Bow Valley Waste Town of Coaldale Management Commission* *The listing of the Waste Ray Juska John Hamm - absent Jurisdiction for each Lionel Juss – Alternate Present Town of Director only indicates the Village of Duchess Town of Three Hills Jurisdiction the community Newell Regional Solid Waste is a member of, and does Management Authority Ltd not indicate representation Greg Sheppard Klaas Vanderveen - absent of that Jurisdiction. Special Areas Special Areas/Big Country Waste Lethbridge County Management Commission Joe Watson - absent Larry Wright Town of Picture Butte Town of Olds Town of Picture Butte Town of Olds Bob Reid Ryan Fleetwood Village of Cremona Vulcan County Village of Cremona Vulcan County Bill Marshall, Mayor Village of Additional Attendees & Rosemary Special Guests: 2 Tony Steidel, Mayor Village of Duchess Agenda Item # Motion Item 1: 1.0 Meeting called to order by Chair Grant @ 9:00 am.

Item 2: 2.0 MOTION BY MEMBER Reid Adoption of Agenda To adopt the 2020.07.31 Board Agenda. MTN B2020.07.01 CARRIED ALL

Item 3: 3.0 MOTION BY MEMBER Ryan MTN B2020.07.02 To adopt the 2020.05.29 Board Meeting Minutes as presented. CARRIED ALL Item 4: 4.0 MOTION BY MEMBER Craig MTN B2020.07.03 To receive the Executive Meeting Minutes 2020.07.20 draft as circulatedCARRIED for ALL information . CARRIED ALL

Item 5: 5.0 BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE BOARD MINUTES: Business Arising 5.1 (a) Meeting held with MLA Glasgo July 24 and the Joint Services Action Items Committee Partners as well SAEWA (details of the meeting reported by Member Ryan, Juska, and administration). 5.2 (b) Administration confirmed that the required documents were received and submitted to MLA Glasgo along with the Economic Circular as provided by HDR. (Thank you to everyone who participated in the meeting and advisement that MLA Glasgo confirmed receipt.) ACTION ITEMS – RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION 5.3 © MOTION BY MEMBER Ryan MTN B2020.07.04 i. To receive the Newell County Partner Letter of Support for information ii. That the Economic Circular be considered as confidential at this time. Friendly Amendment to the Motion: Hold for circulation until released to public. CARRIED ALL .. Item 6: 6.0 New Business New Business 6.1 AECOM informal request for presentation to the Board received through Action Item Member Juska. Board has directed administration to inform AECOM a written request for presentation will be received by the Board. ACTION ITEM - RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION .. Item 7: 6.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION Items for Information 6.1 There are no items for information at this time.

Item 8: 8.0 MEMBER REPORTS: Member Reports 8.1 Member Wright advised of an Industrial Development Support announcement Received for Information he was expecting to receive August 12th update to follow. 8.2 Member Juska reported a Biogas Lethbridge expansion going forward, stating that a couple years ago they were working at half capacity. 8.3 Member Reid congratulated the Executive on pulling together the Economic Summary. 8.4 Member Ryan advised that the Town of Banff has hired their new CAO and confirmed receipt of their Letter of Support for circulation next agenda. 8.5 Guest Tony Steidel was welcomed to provide a report: Informing that he was just here to listen. 8.6 Guest Bill Marshall was also welcomed to provide a report: Bill advised that he would be in contact with JBS hierarchy and Member Ryan offered his support. 8.7 Member Juss reported that at this time he was just here to collect information. RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION

Meeting Adjourned: MEETING ADJOURNMENT: MTN B2020.07.05 MOTION BY CHAIR Grant To adjourn the meeting @9:47 am. CARRIED ALL

Socio-Economic Impact of a Proposed Energy-from-Waste Facility in Newell County A Better Waste Management Alternative

• The proposed Energy-from-Waste facility to be located in Newell County, is planned to process a maximum of 300,000 metric tonnes of municipal solid waste per year from various SAEWA member municipalities and other waste generators across southern Alberta. • The primary purpose of the facility is to divert waste streams from landfill sites resulting in GHG emission reductions estimated at 7 million metric tons of CO2-equivalents – equivalent to taking over 53,000 vehicles off the road, and currently valued at $75 million over the lifecycle of the project. • The facility would generate approximately 205,000 MWh of electricity per year – enough to power over 28,000 homes, resulting in annual revenues of at least $11 million per year. Additionally, alternative energy sales opportunities such as selling steam to neighbouring industrial facilities could also prove to be even more valuable. • The facility is also estimated to recover 5,400 metric tonnes of metal annually for recycling. • Other waste streams could also be processed at the facility, including railway ties, specified risk materials, and other unique waste streams from local industrial facilities.

Economic Impacts

• The construction of the facility will create approx. 490 high-paying jobs over 3 years (1,471 job-years) generating approx. $108 million in employment income, generate approx. $442 million in business revenues (mainly in Alberta), and add approx. $183 million in GDP. • The ongoing operations of the facility will create an additional approx. 57 direct permanent jobs and approx. 69 indirect jobs (for a total of 126), generating approx. $11 million in employment income. • The EFW facility may spur additional economic development. The facility has the ability to use steam energy for district heating enabling co-location such as greenhouse, agricultural production, anaerobic digestion facilities and further providing energy to nearby industries such as meat packing plants.

Detailed Economic Impact Estimates

Table 1: Impact of Facility Construction, Cumulative over Construction Period

Employment Jobs (Job- Average Type of Effect Output, $M GDP, $M Income, $M Years) Salary, $ Direct $281.1 $89.5 $60.2 762.4 $78,927 Indirect $106.7 $55.7 $33.6 435.4 $77,146 Induced $54.3 $38.1 $14.0 273.4 $51,337 Total $442.2 $183.3 $107.8 1,471.3 $73,272 Note: monetary values are in 2015 dollars.

Table 2: Impact of Facility Operations, Average Annual

Employment Average Type of Effect Output, $M GDP, $M Jobs Income, $M Salary, $ Direct $24.7 $12.2 $5.9 56.8 $104,429 Indirect $14.0 $6.9 $3.5 42.6 $81,355 Induced $5.3 $3.7 $1.4 26.6 $51,389 Total $44.0 $22.8 $10.8 126.0 $85,421 Note: monetary values are in 2015 dollars. Durham York Energy Centre Owned by the Regional Municipalities of Durham and York Designed, Built, Operated and Maintained by Covanta Who Are We?

• The Region of Durham was established in 1974 Greater Toronto Area • Located in the highly developed and populated centre of Ontario, east of DURHAM Toronto • Approximately 2,535 square kilometres in area • Population of approx. 700,000 • Upper level of a two-tier government; Regional and Municipal • Comprised of eight area municipalities Who Do We Service?

• The Region’s Waste Management Department currently services:

 200,000 households  396 multi-residential buildings (25,000 dwelling units)  Municipal BIA areas Durham Region’s Integrated Waste Management System



Recycle/ Compost


Disposal Durham’s Curbside Diversion Programs

Weekly Seasonal collection collection Weekly Bi-Weekly collection collection Durham’s Curbside Diversion Programs

Batteries Metal E-waste Goods

Bulky Christmas Goods Porcelain Trees Durham’s Waste Management Facilities

E-waste Drywall Tires CFL

Paint exchange White goods HHW Durham’s Diversion Achievements

Durham Region submits an annual datacall to the province through the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) to receive funding from producers to assist with costs of operating the Blue Box Program. The datacall is the source of data used to confirm municipal diversion rates across the province.

RPRA Annual Waste Diversion – Durham Region

2014 – 55% 2015 – 54% 1st for Urban Regional Municipalities 2016 – 55% 1st for Urban Regional Municipalities 2017 – 65% 1st for Urban Regional Municipalities 2018 – 63% Pending verification

(All values are rounded) Durham’s Residential Waste - 2018

What Is Left In The Bag? – Durham, 2018

Non-recyclable Plastics 19% Other Material 38%

Organics 30%

Recyclable Plastics 3% Other Recyclables 10% Proposed Solution Garbage – Where does it go? Past: Landfill Sites

• There are seven closed landfills in Durham Region.

• Durham Region has no additional landfill capacity remaining.

• Durham Region had been relying on landfill capacity across the border and sending our waste to Michigan. Past: Landfill Sites

• The State of Michigan issued a proposal to close the U.S. border to residential garbage for disposal at Michigan landfill sites.

• Negotiations between Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Michigan resulted in a conditional resolution that would phase out tonnages over the following four years (2007 to December 31, 2010):

2007: 20 per cent reduction 2008: 40 per cent reduction 2009: 60 per cent reduction 2010: 70 per cent reduction

January 1, 2011: U.S. border closed to residential waste. Landfill Challenges

• Decreasing availability of landfill capacity.

• Unstable market.

• Long-term perpetual care programs.

• Lost resources.

• Durham Region Council adopted a ‘no new landfill’ directive for the Region which is still in place to date. Durham / York Residual Waste Study

• Durham and York Regions partnered in 2005 to undertake an environmental study to investigate alternative methods to manage their future residential waste.

• The study was entitled “Durham/York Residual Waste Study”.

• The study addressed the social, economic and environmental concerns of residents through an Environmental Assessment process under the Environmental Assessment Act.

• Council approved the EFW project only after clear confirmation that it would not pose adverse environmental or human health affects. DYEC Project Timeline

• Environmental Study (EA) initiated 2005 • RFP process 2009 • Council Approval of Preferred Vendor (April 22) • Council Approval of EA Submission (June 24)

• EA Approval (Nov 3) 2010 • Submission of Environmental Approval to the MOECC (Feb) 2011 • Certificate of Approval Issued (June) • Notice to Proceed (August)

2011 • Engineering and Procurement to 2013 2012 • Construction to 2016 • Facility Commissioning • First Delivery of Waste (Feb 9) 2015 • First Fire of Waste (Feb 13) • Connection to Electricity Grid (Sept) • Acceptance Test (Sept/Oct) • First Source Test (Oct) • MOECC Approval (Dec)

2016 • Commercial Operations (Jan) DYEC Partners

Regional Municipality of York (21.4% of total capacity) • Required additional waste disposal capacity. • Similar programs and diversion targets. • Close proximity to the Regional Municipality of Durham.

COVANTA – Design, Build, Operate and Maintain (20 yr DBOM contract) • Covanta operates 42 Energy-from-Waste facilities globally. • Covanta-operated facilities in North America convert 20 million tons of trash annually into clean, renewable energy for approximately 1 million homes. • Covanta’s U.S. operations process approximately 65 percent of the nation’s EFW volume and offset 20 million tons of greenhouse gases annually. DYEC Quick Facts

• The DYEC is the first greenfield EFW in North America in over 25 years. • The DYEC safely processes 140,000 tonnes per year of municipal solid waste that remains after maximizing waste diversion programs.  110,000 tonnes from Durham  30,000 tonnes from York • “Mass burn” – proven technology. • Operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (with the exception of outages). • Two identical combustion trains, each having a nominal processing capacity of 218 tonnes of waste per day. • An average of 35 trucks arrive at the site per day. This includes garbage delivery trucks (~20), reagent supply trucks and residue removal trucks. • Reduces the overall volume of garbage being sent to landfill by up to 90 per cent. Environmental Screening Process (140K – 160K)

• The Environmental Assessment (Screening Process) is a proponent driven, self-assessment process available to waste management projects.

• Requires completion of a detailed Screening Criteria Checklist that verifies no potential environmental effects.

• Requires a written report that details if any potential environmental effects will need to be mitigated.

• Requires notification to the public of the commencement of the screening, consultation on issues or concerns, consultation on mitigation measures and public notice of completion. Waste Received at the DYEC

• Municipal non-hazardous solid waste (MSW) Waste in the pit is collected curbside and brought to Regional transfer stations • Waste is sorted and inspected, then reloaded into 53’ walking floor transport trucks • The MSW is transported to the Durham York Energy Centre (DYEC) where it is emptied into the waste storage pit for processing through the DYEC Inspection loads • One truck per hour receives a mandatory manual visual inspection and sorting on the tipping floor • No loads of divertible materials / recyclables are accepted at the DYEC for processing DYEC Waste Processing

Energy-from-Waste Facility Virtual Tour DYEC Monitoring Plans

• Air Emissions Monitoring (CEM at stack) • Annual Stack Tests and RATA • Ambient Air Monitoring (off-site): 2 stations • Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring (on and off-site) • Noise Monitoring (off-site) • Odour Management and Mitigation Monitoring (on-site/off-site) • Soils Monitoring (off-site) DYEC Emission Limits

Pollutant Units EU A7 DYEC ECA

PM mg/Rm3 9 14 9 10% 10% Opacity N/A 5% 5% Cadmium ug/Rm3 Not specified 7 7 Lead ug/Rm3 Not specified 60 50 Mercury (Hg) ug/Rm3 46 20 15 Dioxins & furans pg/Rm3 92 80 60 Hydrochloric acid (HCl) mg/Rm3 9 27 9

Sulphur dioxide (SOx) mg/Rm3 46 56 35

Nitrogen dioxide (NOx) mg/Rm3 183 198 121 Organic matter mg/Rm3 N/A 33 33 (methane) Carbon monoxide (CO) mg/Rm3 46 40 40

DYEC ECA limits are more stringent than 7 performance limits and meet the remaining 4 performance limits. DYEC Emissions Performance - Fall 2019 Stack Test

Ontario A- DYEC % Below DYEC Parameter Boiler #1 Boiler #2 7 Units Average Permit Permit Guideline

3 NOX 111 110 110.5 9% 121 198 mg / Rm

Total Suspended 0.61 0.54 0.58 99.93% 9 14 mg / Rm3 Particulate Matter

3 SO2 0 0.01 0.005 99.9% 35 56 mg / Rm

HCl 3.0 5.1 4.05 55% 9 27 mg / Rm3

CO 11.2 12.1 11.65 71% 40 40 mg / Rm3

Mercury 0.29 0.097 0.194 99.9% 15 20 µg / Rm3

Cadmium 0.18 0.080 0.13 99.98% 7 7 µg / Rm3

Lead 0.54 0.57 0.56 99.98% 50 60 µg / Rm3 Better than 7 and meet the remaining 4 performance limits Dioxins and Furans 1.51 3.24 2.38 99.96 60 80 pg I-TEQ / Rm3 (TEQ) DYEC Residuals

• Metals (approx. 2% or 4,000 tonnes per year)  Recovery  Ferrous (including mild steel, carbon steel, stainless steel, cast iron, and wrought iron)

 Non-ferrous (include aluminum, brass, copper, nickel, tin, lead, and zinc, as well as precious metals like gold and silver) Ferrous Metals DYEC recovers enough metal to build approximately 2,500 cars annually and provides a revenue of approx. $650,000/year.

• Fly Ash & Bottom Ash (approx. 25-28%)  Daily landfill cover  Possible future beneficial uses Bottom Ash Discharger DYEC Energy Production

• The DYEC generates approximately 17.5 MW of gross electrical energy, 14-15 MW of net, on a continuous basis. This is enough to power approximately 10,000 homes.

• The electricity is sold to the Provincial grid as base load energy at the guaranteed price of $0.08 per kWh inflation indexed for a 20-year term. Approximately 9 million dollars in revenue per year

• The DYEC has the ability to use thermal energy from steam for district heating in the future. The steam produced could heat the equivalent of approximately 2,200 homes. DYEC Operating Costs

• 2017 Estimated Covanta Operating Fee $15.99 million

• Non-Covanta operating costs ~ $1.47 million

• Estimated property taxes $0.81 million

• Estimated electricity revenue generation $8.7 million

• Estimated revenue for ferrous and non-ferrous metals ~$650,000


MINUTES ‐ 1 (2020) GENERAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING Thursday, March 5, 2020 – 7:00 p.m. ORRSC Conference Room (3105 ‐ 16 Avenue North, Lethbridge)

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Kevyn Stevenson ...... Village of Arrowwood Brad Koch (absent) ...... Village of Lomond Delbert Bodnarek (absent) ...... Village of Barnwell Richard Van Ee ...... Town of Ed Weistra ...... Village of Barons Peggy Losey ...... Town of Milk River Tom Rose ...... Town of Bassano Sheldon Walker (absent) ...... Village of Milo Norman Gerestein ...... City of Brooks Beryl West (absent) ...... Town of Nanton Jim Bester ...... County Clarence Amulung ...... County of Newell Dennis Barnes ‐ alternate ...... Town of Cardston Marinus de Leeuw ...... Village of Peggy Hovde (absent) ...... Village of Carmangay Henry de Kok (absent) ...... Town of Picture Butte Jamie Smith (absent) ...... Village of Champion Bev Everts (absent) ...... M.D. of Pincher Creek Doug MacPherson (absent) ...... Town of Don Anderberg ...... Town Pincher Creek Butch Pauls (absent) ...... Town of Coaldale Ronald Davis (absent) ...... M.D. of Ranchland Elizabeth Christensen ...... Town of Coalhurst Stewart Foss ...... Town of Raymond Tanya Smith ...... Village of Coutts Don Norby ...... Town of Warren Mickels (absent) ...... Village of Cowley Matthew Foss ...... Village of Stirling Dave Filipuzzi ...... Mun. Crowsnest Pass Jennifer Crowson ...... M.D. of Taber Dean Ward ...... Mun. Crowsnest Pass Margaret Plumtree (absent) ...... Town of Vauxhall Kole Steinley ...... Village of Duchess Jason Schneider ...... Vulcan County Gordon Wolstenholme ...... Town of Fort Macleod Lyle Magnuson ...... Town of Vulcan Gerry Carter ...... Village of Glenwood Morgan Rockenbach ‐ alternate ... County of Warner Suzanne French (absent) ...... Village of Hill Spring Marty Kirby ...... Village of Warner Morris Zeinstra (absent) ...... Lethbridge County Maryanne Sandberg ‐ alternate ... M.D. Willow Creek

STAFF: Lenze Kuiper ...... Director Gavin Scott ...... Senior Planner Diane Horvath ...... Senior Planner Barb Johnson ...... Executive Secretary Steve Harty ...... Senior Planner


1. Approval of Agenda – March 5, 2020 ......

2. Approval of Minutes – December 5, 2019 ...... (attachment)

2020 ORRSC Board of Directors’ Minutes – Page 1 3. Business Arising from the Minutes ......


SHANNON FRANK, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – OLDMAN WATERSHED COUNCIL “An Overview of the Oldman Watershed Council, Current Projects & Watershed Health”

5. Reports (a) Executive Committee Report ...... (attachment)

6. Business (a) Review of Fee Ceilings and Floors for Planning and GIS Services ...... (b) Change in Membership ...... (c) Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Update ...... (d) Printing & Mailing of Agenda Packages for Board of Directors’ Meetings ......

7. Accounts (a) Summary of Balance Sheet and Statement of Income for the 12‐month period: January 1 ‐ December 31, 2019 ...... (attachment)

8. Adjournment – Next Meeting June 4, 2020 ......



Moved by: Tom Rose THAT the Board of Directors approve the agenda of March 5, 2020, as presented. CARRIED


Moved by: Peggy Losey THAT the Board of Directors approves the minutes of December 5, 2019, as presented. CARRIED



2020 ORRSC Board of Directors’ Minutes – Page 2 4. GUEST SPEAKER –

SHANNON FRANK, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – OLDMAN WATERSHED COUNCIL “An Overview of the Oldman Watershed Council, Current Projects & Watershed Health”

Shannon Frank, who has been with the Oldman Watershed Council for the past 10 years, gave an informative presentation on the purpose, goals and activities of the organization.

The Oldman Watershed Council (OWC) is a not‐for‐profit organization in Southern Alberta, Canada. They are one of 11 Watershed Advisory and Planning Councils in Alberta, mandated by the provincial government to provide an independent voice for watershed management and health under the Province's Water For Life strategy.

The Council consists of the staff and OWC members who work collaboratively with all stakeholders to improve the Oldman river watershed by:  improving and sharing knowledge  building and strengthening stakeholder partnerships  providing a science‐based forum for all voices to be heard  promoting and facilitating community and institutional action and stewardship  developing and implementing integrated land and water plans.

The Council is governed by a Board of Directors who are comprised of nineteen representatives from various stakeholder sectors, and four members at large.

The OWC was formed in September 2004, when the Oldman River Basin Water Quality Initiative (Initiative) merged with the Oldman Basin Advisory Council (BAC). When the Province's ‘Water For Life’ strategy was released, these two groups combined to provide a diverse partnership knowledgeable in all areas of watershed management, including sustainable water management and land use practices in the Oldman Basin.

The Government's Water For Life Action Plan includes three goals that form the basis for policy direction and reflect social, economic, and environmental influences.

Water For Life's 3 Goals:  Safe secure drinking water  Healthy aquatic ecosystems  Reliable quality water supplies for a sustainable economy

For more information, contact: Oldman Watershed Council 319 ‐ 6 Street South Lethbridge, AB T1J 2C7 403‐330‐1346 [email protected]

2020 ORRSC Board of Directors’ Minutes – Page 3 5. REPORTS

(a) Executive Committee Report  The Executive Committee Report for the meetings of November 21, 2019 & January 9 and February 13, 2020 was circulated with the agenda. Chair Gordon Wolstenholme asked if there were any questions regarding the report and there was no response.


(a) Review of Fee Ceilings and Floors for Planning and GIS Services  A motion was passed at the last Board of Directors’ meeting on December 5, 2019 directing administration and the Executive Committee to review the fee ceiling for both Planning and GIS services. At the January 9, 2020 Executive meeting, the Director was asked to explain the rationale behind our current fee structure at the March 5, 2020 meeting, and leave the decision regarding fee ceilings up to the Board.

FINANCIAL OBJECTIVES  Ensuring the primary goal of the Commission remains the delivery of quality and cost‐ effective planning & GIS services to member municipalities  Encouraging member municipalities to invest in their long range planning on a routine, consistent basis recognizing that well‐planned communities contribute to the overall strength of the region  Equitably distributing the costs of services between member municipalities  Providing a more predictable cost structure for member municipalities and more predictable funding base to support the operation of the Commission  Flexibility to adjust for future changes in membership and membership needs

STRATEGY  The strategy is based on a full cost recovery model where member municipalities pay an annual membership fee for basic planning services that are further subsidized by other revenue streams such as subdivision fees, fee‐for‐service planning, and various grants  The Commission continues to operate on a not‐for‐profit basis with the primary goal of providing planning and GIS services to member municipalities  Members of the Commission receive the lowest possible cost for the services they receive with the ability to access additional services as needed

FORMULA  Total Equalized Assessment of Municipality x Split Mill Rate (Urban & Rural)

2020 ORRSC Board of Directors’ Minutes – Page 4 BACKGROUND  In 2012, the Oldman River Regional Services Commission instituted a membership fee floor and ceiling  A floor dissuades understatement of the value of services provided and is required to realize the expenses accrued in providing member services to our smaller communities (i.e. planning advice, development advice, phone, travel, overhead, etc.)  a ceiling prevents overstatement of the value of our services and is required to recognize the large fees that municipalities with high Total Equalized Assessments would pay as being exorbitant and out of line with the level of service being provided

RATIONALE  The floor equates to 16 hours of planning time/year exclusive of subdivision and fee‐ for‐service items, but more importantly it provides the municipalities with a ready and accessible professional planning service to be used when and where each community requests or requires it The floor currently applies to 10 villages – $2,119/year  The ceiling equates to 510 hours of planning time/year exclusive of subdivision and fee‐ for‐service items and acknowledges that beyond a certain price point these municipalities would lose any financial advantage inherent to belonging in a shared service The ceiling currently applies to 3 rurals, 1 city and 1 town – $68,987/year

GIS SERVICES  GIS fees are based on per capita, except for 1 rural (Cardston County) based on parcels Member per capita ($5.36) – ceiling $41,430/year Non‐member per capita ($5.88) – ceiling $41,430/year City of Brooks per capita ($5.36) – ceiling $62,135/year

 Matthew Foss (Stirling) asked why the ceiling for non‐member GIS was not higher than the member ceiling. Director Lenze Kuiper replied that we will be reviewing the GIS fee structure this year and the differential between member and non‐member fees may need to increase. Following this review, the matter will be brought back to the Board for a decision.

(b) Change in Membership  The Town of Granum has recently dissolved and is now been absorbed by the M.D. of Willow Creek. A motion of the Board is needed to proceed with removing the Town from the Oldman River Regional Services Regulation membership roll.

Moved by: Maryanne Sandberg THAT the Board of Directors, as per the Lieutenant Governor’s Order in Council (O.C. 017/2020 dated January 28, 2020) dissolving the Town of Granum, request that the Town of Granum be removed from the Oldman River Regional Services Commission Regulation 303/2003 membership roll. CARRIED

2020 ORRSC Board of Directors’ Minutes – Page 5

 The Town of Coaldale has given one‐year notice to terminate their planning services agreement effective January 1, 2021 while wishing to maintain GIS services. As we are awaiting a response to our Executive Committee’s request to meet with their Council on the issue, no motion to remove them from the ORRSC Regulation is needed at this time.  The County of Newell has given notice of their intention to discontinue membership as of September 1, 2020. The Executive Committee passed a resolution on February 13, 2020 accepting termination of their planning services agreement as per their request.

Moved by: Elizabeth Christensen THAT the Board of Directors, as per the instructions of the County of Newell, request that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and the Lieutenant Governor through an Order in Council remove the County of Newell from the Oldman River Regional Services Commission Regulation 303/2003 membership roll, as of September 1, 2020.

 Clarence Amulung (County of Newell) expressed disappointment that the decision to accept the termination request was made without ORRSC meeting with their Council. The Director explained that he sent a letter to the County requesting a meeting with Council and they declined, stating their normal procedure with any consultants and service providers is to work out details of contracted services with staff and administration rather than Council. Consequently, a motion to accept their termination request was passed by the Executive.  Following discussion, consensus was that the Executive should reach out to County of Newell Council again in an attempt to understand and resolve the issues before proceeding further. Elizabeth Christensen withdrew her motion pending further action.

(c) Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Update  The Chinook Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board was established May 1, 2019 and currently has 42 trained Board members. A total of 12 hearings have been completed to date. ORRSC held a one‐day training session on February 28, 2020 for 11 new Chinook SDAB members, 3 independent SDAB members and 2 non‐members.

(d) Printing & Mailing of Agenda Packages for Board of Directors’ Meetings  Board of Directors’ meeting agendas are currently being printed and mailed to all Board members in addition to being e‐mailed. Members were asked if the printed copies are still wanted, or whether receiving agendas by e‐mail only was sufficient. Various opinions were expressed and an unofficial vote by raising of hands showed that many (almost half) preferred to continue receiving printed copies by mail. Therefore, we will continue to send agendas by both mail and e‐mail, until further notice.

2020 ORRSC Board of Directors’ Minutes – Page 6 7. ACCOUNTS

(a) Summary of Balance Sheet and Statement of Income for the 12‐month period: January 1 ‐ December 31, 2019

Moved by: Ed Weistra THAT the Board of Directors approve the Summary of Balance Sheet and Statement of Income for the 12‐month period: January 1 ‐ December 31, 2019. CARRIED


Moved by: Gordon Wolstenholme THAT we adjourn the General Board of Directors’ Meeting of the Oldman River Regional Services Commission at 8:26 p.m. until Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. CARRIED

/bj CHAIR: ______

2020 ORRSC Board of Directors’ Minutes – Page 7 September XX, 2020

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada Office of the Prime Minister 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2

By email: [email protected] CC: [email protected] (Hon. Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Finance) CC: [email protected] (Hon. Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry) CC: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Dear Prime Minister,

On behalf of [INSERT NAME OF MUNICIPALITY], I am writing to you to raise the urgent need for increased rural connectivity, and to ask that you prioritize rural connectivity in the upcoming Speech from the Throne on September 23. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the essential role connectivity services play in the daily lives of Canadians, not only to stay in touch with loved ones, but to telecommute, access virtual health care services, and enable remote learning. While many Canadians and businesses have been able to adapt to the new reality we find ourselves in, there are still too many rural Canadians that are being left behind.

As you prepare to lay out the Government of Canada’s priorities in the Speech from the Throne, we urge you to prioritize policies that encourage private sector investment in connectivity for rural and remote communities. The need for new or improved broadband connectivity in [MUNICIPALITY], and communities like ours, is urgent.

To deliver better connectivity to our communities – and all of rural Canada – we ask that the federal government encourage rural network investment and deployment by:

1. Expediting the 3500 MHz and 3800 MHz spectrum auctions so that this spectrum can be put to use for all Canadians, sooner; 2. Imposing meaningful deployment conditions across accelerated timelines to all spectrum holders. For example, a “use it or lose it” spectrum policy that requires greater rural deployment within five years of a license grant, where failure to build results in forfeiture of that license; 3. Ending the use of spectrum set asides, particularly for rural areas, as set-aside eligible telecoms companies do not have a track record of deploying in rural Canada, and that spectrum goes unused; and 4. Continuing to invest in rural connectivity programs by launching the Universal Broadband Fund, supporting the CRTC Broadband Fund, and identifying opportunities to match or coordinate funding programs with the provinces.

We can no longer afford delays to the roll out of wireless connectivity. We hope that you will include rural connectivity as a key priority in the Speech from the Throne. We ask that these commitments be reflected in new ministerial mandate letters, reflecting your government’s commitment to encourage private sector investment in connectivity for [INSERT NAME OF MUNICIPALITY], and all of rural Canada.

I look forward to hearing from you on how your government is going to prioritize rural connectivity to ensure equal access for all Canadians to reliable wireless services and high speed internet.
