North Northamponshire Authorities' Monitoring Report

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North Northamponshire Authorities' Monitoring Report NORTH NORTHAMPTONSHIRE AUTHORITIES’ MONITORING REPORT 1st April 2018 - 31st March 2019 Contents Executive Summary 1. Introduction 2. Local Development Scheme 3. Overall Spatial Strategy 4. Economy and Town Centres 5. Housing 6. Assessment of Housing Land Supply, 2019-24 7. Environment 8. Infrastructure List of Tables 1. Distribution of Housing Development, 2011-31, by settlement category 2. Housing Completions by Local Authority, 2017/18-2018/19 3. The number and % of new developments built on Brownfield land by LPA 18/19 4. Total amount of additional employment floorspace by type 18/19 5. Total amount of employment floorspace on previously developed land – by type 18/19 6. Employment Land Available by Type 18/19 7. B-class employment areas lost to other (non-B) uses 18/19 8. The number and scale of retail developments approved outside of the defined town centre areas 18/19 9. Number of office developments allocated/consented/completed at growth towns 18/19 10. Number of rural employment sites allocated/consented/completed within the rural areas 18/19 11. Number and scale of new logistics operations by location 18/19 12. Number of training schemes secured through new development and S106 agreements 18/19 13. Reporting on farm diversification and conversion of redundant buildings for employment and tourism related development 18/19 14. Net job provision and number of net additional jobs provided by LPA on annualised basis 18/19 15. Plan period and housing targets 16. Net additional dwellings for (a) previous years and (b) the reporting year 17. Net additional dwellings – in future years 18. New additional pitches (Gypsy and traveller) 2018/19 19. New additional permanent pitches by year (2011-19) 20. Gross affordable housing completions 2018/19 21. Gross affordable housing completions by settlement 2018/19 22. The number and type of affordable and market homes permitted and/or built through application of Policy 13 in the rural area, by settlement and LPA 18/19 23. Number of dwellings permitted and/or built in the open countryside for rural workers to support the vitality and viability of the rural economy, by settlement and LPA 18/19 24. Reporting on the provision of accommodation for older people: New additional 18/19 1 25. No. of developments approved and completed with SuDS (including Green Roofs and Rainwater Harvesting) 18/19 26. Number of planning permissions granted contrary to EA advice by LPA 18/19 27. Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on flooding and water quality grounds 18/19 28. Residential development permitted in Flood Zones 2 and 3 18/19 29. Permitted and Installed Capacity of Renewable Energy Schemes 2018/19 (MW) 30. Consented (permitted and installed) Solar PV applications 18/19 31. Number of developments assessed by local design surgery review 18/19 32. Attainment of BREEAM very good or higher on non-residential developments 1,000m2+ floorspace 17/18 and 18/19 33. Grade I, II* and II Listed Buildings October 2019 34. Grade I, II* and II Buildings at Risk October 2019 35. Borough Council of Wellingborough SPA income and expenditure 36. East Northamptonshire Council SPA income and expenditure 37. JCS Table 8 Key Strategic Infrastructure Projects (2019 updates) 38. SUE housing completions 18/19 39. Average house prices April 2017 – March 2019 40. Change in average house price 2017/18 to 2018/19 List of Charts and Figures • Figure 1 – North Northamptonshire Local Development Scheme • Figure 2: Progress of the development of the SUEs/Garden Communities and other key strategic sites • Chart 1 – Comparison of the JCS distribution of housing development to actual rates recorded • Chart 2 – Distribution of net housing development 2011-19, by Local Authority Area • Chart 3 – Average house sale prices 1st April 2018 – 31st March 2019 Appendices A. Local Authority Housing Trajectories assessing past and projected performance relative to the Joint Core Strategy, 2011-31 B. Calculation of the five-year housing land requirement relative to the JCS, 2019-24 C. Local Authority Housing Site Schedules D. Average House Prices – 1st April 2018 – 31st March 2019 E. Appendix E: Plan for the Borough Council of Wellingborough 2 Executive Summary This is the eleventh joint Authorities’ Monitoring Report (AMR) prepared by the North Northamptonshire Joint Planning and Delivery Unit on behalf of the constituent local planning authorities of Corby, East Northamptonshire, Kettering and Wellingborough. It covers the monitoring year 2018/19 and reports progress on the implementation of the area’s Local Development Scheme and attainment of policies within the North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy (JCS) (adopted in July 2016). Section 1 of this document provides an introduction to the AMR – why it is required, what it needs to cover and how this is being implemented locally. Section 2 provides an update on the development of the Local Development Scheme for North Northamptonshire. Sections 3-8 provide an update on JCS implementation through a range of indicators covering key policy areas including the spatial distribution of development, the economy, housing (including an assessment of the five-year supply of housing land), the environment and infrastructure. This report represents the third AMR to fully utilise the monitoring framework within the JCS since its adoption, thus enabling the continued production of comparable data and analysis on a yearly basis. Through the indicators within, the AMR needs to outline local performance/changes with commentary as to why these have been noted. Since the first joint AMR (covering 2008/09), the effect of the recession has been identified as a key factor in respect of local performance against a range of indicators – most notably the effects on housing and economic indicators. However, 10 years on and as the economy slowly recovers, the effects of the recession may be beginning to reverse as housing development begins to pick up again. Despite this, as always there are economic uncertainties that could cause instability again within the housing market which could also have an impact on the delivery of infrastructure. 3 Monitoring Indicator Relevant JCS Indicator Performance Indicator Source Policy Policy Target Year Result Target Recent Met Trend 18/19? % of JCS 29 67% 2017/18 54% N residential development at Growth Towns 2018/19 56% % of JCS 29 23% 2017/18 30% Y ➔ residential development at Market Towns 2018/19 29% % of JCS 29 4% 2017/18 9% Y ➔ residential development at Villages 2018/19 8% % of JCS 29 6% 2017/18 7% Y ➔ residential development in Rural Areas 2018/19 7% The number JCS 6 No specific 2017/18 37% N/A and % of target set developments built on Brownfield Land by LPA 2018/19 33% Total amount JCS 22 No specific 2017/18 71,364m2 N/A of additional target set employment floorspace provided annually (net) 2018/19 386,167m2 Total amount JCS 22 No specific 2017/18 54% N/A of additional target set employment floorspace provided on 2018/19 95.5% PDL The quantum JCS 13 No specific 2017/18 4,294m2 N/A ◼ and scale of target retail developments approved outside of the defined town 2018/19 3,002m2 centre areas 4 (Number) and JCS 24 No specific 2016/17 (1) - N/A scale of new target 60,978.5m2 logistics operations by scale 2017/18 (2) - 89,945m2 No. of net JCS 23 31,100 net 2017 +3,900 additional increase in jobs provided jobs 2011-31 by LPA on an (1,555 p.a) annualised basis 2018 +2,000 Net JCS 29 2011-2031 2011-2019 2011-19 N additional Plan Plan net dwellings in requirement requirement: dwellings previous 35,000 14,000 net completed years (2011- (40,000) dwellings (actual): 19) 13,132 Net JCS 29 JCS Annual 2017/18: 2018/19: Y additional Requirement: 1,812 net 2,088 net dwellings for 1,750 additional additional the reporting dwellings dwellings year (2018/19) Net JCS 29 2019-31: 2019-2031 2019-2031: N/A ◼ additional (JCS Table 4) requirement: 29,583 net dwellings in 21,000 net dwellings future years dwellings (2019/31) New JCS 31 In 2017/18 11 pitches additional accordance pitches with GTAA (Gypsy and traveller) 2018/19 2018/19 12 pitches The JCS 30 30% 2017/18 Urban: N number/% of affordable in 27% Affordable Growth and Homes Market Rural: 16% provided as Towns 2018/19 per the (Urban), 40% Urban: provisions of affordable in 15% Policy 30 rural areas Rural: 12% Deliverable JCS 28 5 Year supply 2017/18: 2018/19: Y Housing of deliverable 5.30 years 6.01 Supply housing land (Corby) (+5% buffer) Deliverable JCS 28 5 Year supply 2017/18: 2018/19: Y Housing of deliverable 6.28 years 6.03 Supply (East housing land Northants) (+5% buffer) 5 Deliverable JCS 28 5 Year supply 2017/18: 2018/19: Y Housing of deliverable 6.98 years 6.9 Supply housing land (Kettering) (+5% buffer) Deliverable JCS 28 5 Year supply 2017/18: 2018/19: Y Housing of deliverable 7.47 years 7.15 Supply housing land (W’boro) (+5% buffer) Permitted JCS 26 No specific 2017/18 N/A N/A and target set completed renewable energy installations by type and 2018/19 0.29 area Symbol Name Meaning Positive Clear improvement or targets met ➔ Negligible Little or no change (<5%) Negative Clear deterioration or targets not met ◼ Insufficient/no comparable Includes no targets or trends data to assess against 6 1. Introduction 1.1 This Authorities’ Monitoring Report (AMR), formerly known as the Annual Monitoring Report, has been produced by the North Northamptonshire Joint Planning and Delivery Unit (NNJPDU) on behalf of our partner local authorities. This reports on local activity and changes recorded between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019 regarding the implementation of the Local Plans of the NNJPDU and its four partner authorities.
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