PAGE 10 Monica’s journey March 29,ommentator 2019 Vol. 57, No. 4 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 C EASTER LANDING RCIA couples prepare to enter Catholic faith

By Debbie Shelley St. Alphonsus, Olga Johnson, The Catholic Commentator director of religious education, met him. When he told her he For 3 1/2 years, Norman wanted to learn more about the Weiss would hear in his spirit, Catholic faith, she informed “Norm, the doors are open, him RCIA classes were starting come on in” when he drove that Thursday and he said, “I’ll by St. Alphonsus Church in be there.” He and his wife, Greenwell Springs on his way Judy, took the classes together. to work at the Baton Rouge Norman is experienced Airport as a supervisor for in looking after the safety of Norman and Judy Weiss, of Greenwell Springs will join many people across the Diocese of Baton the Transportation Security people and making sure they Rouge entering the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil Mass on April 20. Photo by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic Administration or even to the get to their destination. He Commentator grocery store. was a “Hollywood Marine” One day Weiss agreed, “All stationed in San Diego, sergeant. He worked in the 2001 terrorist attacks. But he Church, which will culminate right, God. I’m coming back California in the Air Wing as transportation business and and Judy talked about how with the couple entering the after work and I’ll go into the an aviation ordinance chief began his career with TSA in the Holy Spirit is coordinating faith at the Easter Vigil Mass at church.” When he walked into before becoming a gunnery the aftermath of the Sept. 11, their journey into the Catholic SEE RCIA PAGE 20 THROW ME SOMETHING, BISHOP! Bishop to pray Way of the Cross

By Richard Meek The Catholic Commentator

Bishop Michael G. Duca is scheduled to pray the Way of the Cross on Friday, April 5 at 7 p.m. at St. Joseph Cathedral in reparation for the sin of sexual abuse within the church and for the graced healing of body, mind and spirit for those betrayed by this great sin. “We pray this day in reparation for the sin of sexual abuse within the church of the Diocese of Baton Rouge; and for those in our diocese and across world who have suffered in mind, body and spirit the betrayal of trust by this great sin,” Bishop Duca said. The bishop said all are welcome to join him and become part of the assembly. He is also asking that clergy members and parishioners who are unable to attend “offer this prayer in PARADE DAY – Bishop Michael G. Duca tosses beads to the crowd of people attending the “Wearin’ of the Green” union” with the bishop’s effort on that day. St. Patrick’s Day parade on March 16. Father Michael Moroney, pastor of St. Alphonsus Church in Greenwell Springs, The Way of the Cross is a devotion was the grand marshal of the parade, which began at Hundred Oaks Avenue at Acadian Thruway, by the Catholic commemorating the Passion and death of Life Center. Photo by Debbie Shelley | The Catholic Commentator Christ, consisting of a series mediations. 2 The Catholic Commentator March 29, 2019 | DID YOU KNOW Come to our senses

By Dina Dow loneliness isolation and rejection, they awak- As the Lenten journey is nearing the end, en to the merciful gaze of God in the prodi- the walk becomes more deliberate. Each step gal son’s father and in Jesus. Here, there is an deeply plants upon the path an impression of invitation to accountability, compassion, for- prayer, sacrifice and almsgiv- giveness, healing, restoration ing. offers a challenge to and holiness. Acceptance of this come to our senses. While we Life-Giving mercy is necessary for resto- strive for firmer faith, deeper FAI H ration and ultimately salvation. prayer and peace, we are called to Am I rejecting God? Do my actions a life of repentance and reconcilia- show love or hate? What is holding tion. me back from loving God and others? Pride, Each liturgy for Sunday Mass during Week greed, lust, envy, sloth, gluttony, anger? Do I Four and Week Five of Lent offers two sets need to come to my senses? of readings: Year A and Year C. Although the Radical reorientation: Repentance stories are different, the themes run parallel: and reconcilation rejection, repentance, reconciliation and res- It is a blessing to repent. It is transforma- urrection. tion to reconcile. Jesus calls us to conversion. Rejection “Interior repentance is a radical reorientation Deacon Larry Melancon of St. Joseph Church in Pontchatoula leads the Sta- Sin is a rejection of God. Paragraph 1849 of of our whole life, a return, a conversion to tions of the Cross on March 8. Photo by Bonny Van | The Catholic Commentator the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, God with all our heart, an end of sin, a turn- “Sin is an offense against reason, truth and ing away from evil, with repugnance toward right conscience; it is failure in genuine love the evil actions we have committed. At the for God and neighbor caused by a perverse same time it entails the desire and resolution Stations of the Cross attachment to certain goods. It wounds the to change one’s life, with hope in God’s mercy nature of man and injures human solidarity. and trust in the help of his grace” (Catechism “We adore you, oh Christ, and we Franciscans, who were granted ad- It has been defined as ‘an utterance, a deed, or Para. #1431). praise you … because by your holy ministration of the Christian holy a desire contrary to the eternal law.’ ” We must have the desire to change. This cross you have redeemed the world.” places in Jerusalem in 1342, in- The reduction of our love of God will, in interior change, a metanoia, comes from pen- Stations of the Cross (and Knights creased its popularity. certain terms, lead us off the path to our fi- ance and spiritual conversion. How can I end of Columbus fish fries) are favorite In the 1400s, the Stations of the nal destination of heaven. Repentance from sin in my life? What causes me to sin? How Friday traditions for many Catho- Cross became extremely popular in sin opens the doors to God’s tender mercy. can I remain steadfast in my love of God and lics. Europe; however, they were usually The bitterness of sin is replaced as we “taste avoid the near occasion of sin? The devotion of the Stations of a series of outdoor shrines. and see the goodness of the Lord” (Ps 34). Coming to our senses can lead us to a great- the Cross, also known as the Way In 1686, Innocent XI grant- The Israelites’ plight out of Egypt toward to er awareness of what surrounds us. Who do I of the Cross, Via Crucis and Via Do- ed the Franciscans the right to erect the Promised Land is depicted with numer- share my time with and how is that impacting lorosa, helps the faithful make, in Stations of the Cross within their ous rejections on their part, mainly because my relationship with God? What am I feeding spirit, a pilgrimage to the Holy Land churches. In 1862 that right was of a lack of trust and unwillingness to listen to my mind with through social media, books, and walk in the footsteps of Christ extended to bishops throughout the Moses. Yet, God’s mercy reigned as he provid- television, radio, internet and is it strength- through his sufferings and death. Catholic Church. ed physical and spiritual food. Similarly, the ening my relationship with God? The origins of the stations are The earliest use of the word call of King David came about because of the “During his public life Jesus not only for- traced to the Holy Land. The Via “stations,” as applied to the ac- selfishness of King Saul, as one who wanted to gave sins, but also made plain the effect of Dolorosa at Jerusalem (though not customed halting-places in the follow his plan and not wait on the Lord. this forgiveness: he reintegrated forgiven sin- called by that name before the six- Via Sacra at Jerusalem, was made We hear the parable of the prodigal son, ners into the community of the people of God teenth century) was marked out by English pilgrim William Wey, along with the encounters with Jesus by the from which sin had alienated or even excluded from the earliest times and has been who visited the Holy Land in the woman at the well and the woman caught in them” (Catechism Para. 1443). Hence, the ef- the goal of pious pilgrims ever since mid-15th century and described adultry. These three individuals manifest the fect of God’s forgiveness is a homecoming to the days of Constantine. pilgrims following the footsteps of impact of their sins. But through a powerful him and to the faith community. We are to be Early Christians in the Holy Christ to the cross. In 1521, a book encounter with the love of God they repent. reconciled with God and with the community Land were devoted to these various called “Geystlich Strass” (German In a profound way they come to their senses. since by our sins we damage our relationship stations. Pilgrims coming from the for “spiritual road”) was printed Their eyes were opened, first to the realiza- with both. This movement of reconciliation West desired to see these places and with illustrations of the stations in tion of where their sins had taken them and, is made available through the sacrament of know how Christ traveled from the the Holy Land. second to the mercy of God. Instead of living confession. We come to our senses, pour out place of his unjust condemnation to Today, the stations may be con- a life centered on earthly pleasure resulting in SEE GOSPEL PAGE 20 his crucifixion. ducted with specific intentions in Pilgrims brought stories about mind. The U.S. Conference of Cath- these places and their devotions olic Bishop’s website con- home with them. In the 400s, St. tains: Stations of the Cross for voca- Petronius erected a series of chapels tions, for life, for victims of human dedicated to the important shrines trafficking, as well as an audio Sta- | of Jerusalem in Bologna, Italy. tions of the Cross, Scriptural Way of With the fall of Jerusalem to the Cross and Scriptural Way of the Bishop Michael G. Duca Publisher Wanda L. Koch Advertising Manager Saladin, the first sultan of Egypt Cross for Lent (also in Spanish). Father Tom Ranzino Associate Publisher Bonny Van Staff Writer and Syria, in 1187, Christians were To pray the stations through the Richard Meek Editor Lisa Disney Secretary/Circulation prevented from going to the Holy eye’s of the Blessed Mother, there’s Debbie Shelley Assistant Editor Nicole Latiolais Graphic Designer Land. also Mary’s Way of the Cross. During the Crusades, when pil- Catholics can receive a plenary The Catholic Commentator (ISSN 07460511; USPS 093-680) Published bi-weekly (every other week) by the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge,1800 South Acadian Thruway, grimages and travel to the Holy indulgence for making the Stations Baton Rouge, LA 70808; 225-387-0983 or 225-387-0561. Periodical Postage Paid at Baton Rouge, LA. Copy must Land resumed, there was a re- of the Cross according to the re- reach the above address by Wednesday for use in the next week’s paper. Subscription rate: $14.00 per year. POST- newed interest among Europeans quirements listed in The Enchiridi- MASTER, send address changes to The Catholic Commentator, P.O. Box 14746, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-4746. in the Via Sacra Jerusalem. The on of Indulgences. March 29, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 3

venues,” Fjeldsjo explained. “I funding by the U.S. State De- thought it would just be wonder- partment, Quest for Peace and ful for the guys.” private donations, the Home “Our idea this year is focusing Tour has made stops around the on displaced people,” said de- U.S. and 34 countries, playing Gravelles, a musician who joined “for people who live there and the band to perform a song he playing where they live.” had written. “So, we’ve done “We’re very happy to be here consecutive gigs this week – we at Joseph Homes because we went down to the Isle de Jean have a real commitment to play- Charles, where the Indians are ing both in prisons and for peo- getting displaced from their is- ple after they’ve gotten out of land; we did a detox center; end- prison,” said McBride, who grew ing Sunday with a celebration of up in Washington, D.C. but spent newcomers for immigrants and countless summers visiting refugees.” grandparents in Louisiana. McBride started her mission With her soulful, powerful nine years ago and, through see TOUR page 14

Charles deGravelles, center, joins his niece, Mary McBride and her band for a Home Tour concert for Joseph Homes residents in Baton Rouge on March 14. Photo by Bonny Van | The Catholic Commentator

Dancing to freedom’s beat 2019 Guided Tours: Grand Canyon – May 3-13 Nova Scotia – Aug. 14-30 By Bonny Van Homes’ residents as they try to port group meeting. But on this California – May 13-29 Amish – Aug. 16-24 The Catholic Commentator navigate their way back into day- night, support and love came Mackinac Island – May 30-June 7 San Francisco/Napa – Sept. 4-9 to-day life in the real world. from a different source – music. Gorillas in Africa – June 17-30 Greece/Paul's Journeys – Sept. 6-16 With a pep in their step and a “It feels wonderful,” said New Linda Fjeldsjo, coordinator Highlights of Europe – July 5-19 Cape Cod – Sept. 11-21 wave of a white napkin, residents Orleans native Oliver Francis, for Joseph Homes for Catholic Yellowstone/Dakotas – July 16-28 Magnolia Market – Sept. 24-27 of Joseph Homes rose from their who suffered a stroke in August Charities of the Diocese of Baton Ireland/Scotland – July 22-Aug. 8 Colorado Trains – Sept. 9-28 seats to join the second line and was still in rehab on his Oct. Rouge, said she was contacted by that was dancing to a rowdy 29 release date from the Louisi- Charles deGravelles, a long-time rendition of “When the Saints ana State Penitentiary at Ango- volunteer at Angola and founder We Help You Travel Well Go Marching In” performed by la. He moved into an apartment of Quest for Peace, about Mary Visit or call (225) 654-9210 Mary McBride and her band in at Joseph Homes on March 1. McBride, who happens to be his front of the complex for parolees “When the Saints Go Marching niece, and her band are traveling for a full list of our custom group tours. on Laurel Street on Thursday, In” is his favorite song. “It has on the Home Tour. The group Ask about our Spring Special! March 14. a certain melody with it and it performs for people who are dis- The impromptu parade of brings back memories from New placed from their regular homes. people, which included staffers Orleans,” he said “She was looking for small of Joseph Homes and St. Vincent On any other Thursday eve- venues to play, and Charles has de Paul, made for an atmosphere ning, the men living at Joseph been to our support groups and of good old-fashioned fun and Homes, a residence for recent- knows a lot of the guys because memories – something that can ly released incarcerated men, of his volunteer work and he be in short supply for Joseph would be attending a weekly sup- asked if this could be one of the Clergy abuse list updated

By Richard Meek the Archdiocese of New Orle- at St. Aloysius School in Baton The Catholic Commentator ans is the individual who has Rouge for five months. Joe Skibinski, Agent been publicly identified by oth- Report known or suspect- An individual identified er dioceses or institutes of con- ed child abuse immediately below served in the Diocese secrated life. to law enforcement or to the of Baton Rouge without any Lockwood, born in 1933, Department of Children and credible allegations having was ordained a deacon for the Family Services at 855-452- been made against them re- archdiocese in 1974. The esti- 5437. Any allegation of child lated to that service, but they mated time of the abuse was or vulnerable adult sexual have been publicly identified in 1978 and he was removed abuse involving clergy or a by other dioceses or institutes from ministry that same year. representative of the church of on reports His only pastoral assignment should then be reported to for reasons unrelated to the was Center of Jesus the Lord Amy Cordon, the diocesan Diocese of Baton Rouge. in New Orleans. Victim Assistance Coordina- Deacon James Lockwood of He served as a lay teacher tor, at 225-242-0250. 4 The Catholic Commentator March 29, 2019 Father Blanchard’s calling came at an early age

By Richard Meek Blanchard continued his formation at No- The Catholic Commentator tre Dame Seminary in New Orleans. But it was after his first semester at the Carroll- Long before crossing the threshold of ton Avenue enclave that the first doubts high school, or even taking his first steps began to seep into his thoughts. into a first-grade classroom, Father Don- So at the Christmas break he made the Father Donald Blanchard is shown at his ordination at St. Joseph Cathedral in Baton Rouge ald Blanchard sat in the pew at his home decision to leave and informed his par- in 1959. Also in the picture, from left, Father Kenneth Baker, Father Blanchard, Father Ger- parish of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church ents, siblings and friends, who all offered ald Burns and Father Frank Uter. Photo provided by the Archives Department of the Diocese of Baton Rouge in Baton Rouge and was awe- their support. struck as he watched priests “My parents always said roles, including vocation director and the ther Blanchard, especially being able to re- celebrate Mass. ‘It’s your life. What you feel inaugural vicar for priests. His ministerial turn to his role as a priest. But he has also As he would say later, are you are called to do is assignments, in addition to St. Philome- developed an amazing aptitude in writing “There was just an attraction what we want you to do,” Fa- na, include parochial vicar at St. Aloysius icons, a demanding and unique skill of what I saw the priest doing. ther Blanchard said. Church in Baton Rouge and pastorships He said his interest in icons traces back It just stuck with me.” He followed up with a vis- at St. Isidore the Farmer Church in Baker, to his youth, perhaps because of the Byz- His life would never be the it to Msgr. William Borders, Holy Rosary Church in St. Amant, Christ antine art that is so prevalent at Sacred same. At an age when many who was then the director of the King Church and Catholic Center in Heart. youngsters think of the future seminarians, to discuss his Baton Rouge and St. Jean Vianney Church He has written more than 100 icons as being the upcoming week- Father Donald decision. According to Father in Baton Rouge. during the past nine years, and word of end, Father Blanchard’s life Blanchard Blanchard, when Msgr. Bor- But he readily admits his true calling his stunning work continues to spread compass was already pointed ders asked why he was leav- was, and to this day, is not behind the desk, throughout the diocese. toward the priesthood. By eighth grade ing, he simply replied “I’m not happy.” not scrutinizing financial statements, but “Writing icons has helped my prayer he was attending St. Ben’s seminary in “Msgr. Borders said ‘I could care less. ministering to his parishioners, to those life tremendously,” Father Blanchard said. St. Benedict, the launching point of what Happiness is an emotion and you never who are ill, to those facing death, as well “I get lost; I become so focused and so dis- would become a 50-year pilgrimage as a make a radical decision based on whether as baptizing. ciplined but it’s so energizing.” priest. you are happy or not.’ “All of the things a priest is called to do “I’ll go hours without eating anything “I didn’t know any (priests) person- “I had to think about that.” I love,” Father Blanchard said. “My great- while writing this prayer,” he added, say- ally but the parish priests were always Msgr. Borders convinced Father est joy is helping others discover God’s ing that it takes him about 90 hours to very kind and solicitous,” said Father Blanchard to return to the seminary for love and mercy and assist them in any way complete one icon. But he’ll often work on Blanchard, who celebrated his golden jubi- one more semester, and it was then the I can to come to that and let that be their one for 10 consecutive hours. lee Feb. 24 during a Mass at Most Blessed fledgling seminarian spent time in inter- grace. Some of his favorites include those Sacrament Church in Baton Rouge along- nal retrospection, reaching the conclusion “I particularly love preaching and I’ve of St. Clare, the Baptism of Jesus, the side Bishop Michael the priesthood was been told I’m good at it.” Blessed Virgin after the Resurrection, G. Duca. “When I indeed his calling. “I couldn’t stand administration; I did the Sorrowful Mother, Our Lady of Ten- started school at After spending it because it was part of the package and derness, the Visitation of Our Lady and Sacred Heart, it was part of his time in tried to get the right people to help me St. Michael. every day (of being seminary studying with it,” he admitted. “When I retired and Perhaps even more important in re- around priests) and at Gregorian Uni- walked out of the rectory (at Sacred Heart, tirement is the fact Father Blanchard has a real impetus.” versity in , Fa- which, fittingly, was his last pastoral as- found his true calling. “The first exam- ther Blanchard was signment) I felt this energy released from “I’m a priest for the first time in my life. ple of the priest- ordained March me, knowing that I did not have that bur- I’m doing what I was ordained to do,” he hood was my par- 1, 1969 by Bishop den anymore.” said with a laugh punctuating his priestly ents,” he added, Robert E. Tracy. Retirement has brought great joy to Fa- joy. saying he was child But one more crisis No. 6 in a family of was awaiting, that eight. “Their exam- coming in the early ple of their fidelity 1970s when he was Father Yi appointed to St. George to God first and serving as pastor foremost, to each at St. Philomena By Richard Meek Lord and St. Francis of Assisi Church, other and their gen- Church in Labadie- The Catholic Commentator both in Donaldsonville, and administra- erosity to us and ville. Quite simply, tor of Our Lady of Prompt Succor Church really teaching us he was “extremely Father Paul Yi has been appointed in White Castle. what it meant to One of Father Donald Blanchard’s favorite lonely.” pastor at St. George Catholic He has previously served be a local church, icons that he has prayed is that of the So upon request Church in Baton Rouge effec- as parochial vicar at St. Aloy- the family of the Blessed Virgin with Jesus at the Resurrec- of Bishop Tracy, he tive July 1. sius Church and Our Lady of church, and all of tion. Photo provided by Father Gerald Burns was granted a one- Father Yi, the son of Ja and Mercy Church, both in Baton the things we did year leave of ab- Jung Su Yi, is a native of Seoul, Rouge, and Immaculate Con- there. They were sence, but it would South Korea and a graduate of ception Church in Denham really my example of what it means to be only take him half that time to return to Notre Dame Seminary in New Springs. He also served as servants, what it means to be concerned active ministry, doubts forever annulled. Orleans. He was ordained in administrator at Mater Do- with the good of others.” “I came back to the joy of many, to the 2008 by Bishop Robert W. lorosa Church in Indepen- His road to the priesthood and even a dismay of others,” he said, with his hearty Muench at St. Joseph Cathe- Father Paul Yi dence and and St. Joan of Arc brief period early into his ordained life, and always infectious laugh. dral in Baton Rouge. Church in Bayou Pigeon. however, were not without a couple of Father Blanchard, whose presence is Father Yi is currently serv- Father Yi is succeeding brief obstacles. felt as soon as he enters a room, served ing as chancellor of the Diocese of Baton Father Mike Schatzle, who is retiring, also After graduating from St. Ben’s, Father the Diocese of Baton Rouge in a number of Rouge and pastor at Ascension of Our effective July 1. March 29, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 5

Jennifer Shields, far left, education curator with the Baton Rouge Zoo, holds Shakespeare, a barred owl, as she describes his habits to young patients at the Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital in Baton Rouge. The hospital has partnered with the San Diego Zoo Global to provide a closed-circuit television adventure channel. Photos provided by Ryan Cross | OLOL Hospital

A patient from OLOL Children’s Hospital reaches out to pet Tawanda, a tenrec. The tenrec, along with an owl and a ferret named Xenon, belong to BREC’s Ba- ton Rouge Zoo. They were brought to the hospital for a visit with the kids during the announcement of a new channel, OLOL channel a hoot for kids San Diego Zoo Kids.

By Bonny Van goes with the San Diego Zoo Jennifer Shields, education grams with bringing animals ical world and hopefully create a The Catholic Commentator Global channel is huge for us, the curator for the Baton Rouge Zoo, periodically,” she said. “But, different world, one of healing. kids and the families – just to be is thrilled with the new partner- we’re still working on the details Dunbar said seeing the kids in- Lions and tigers and bears … able to help create that healing ship and brought along some on that, with hospitals and ani- teract physically with the ani- in a hospital? Oh my! environment, and give them ex- furry friends to be introduced to mals.” mals was very moving. But, for Our Lady of the Lake posures that they may not other- patients during the announce- Shields is already familiar “In that moment, you could Children’s Hospital in Baton wise have,” said Dunbar. ment of the zoo channel on Feb. with the projects at the San Di- see how big of an impact this Rouge, that’s exactly what doc- Funded through a donation 1. The kids got an up-close en- ego Zoo and even their person- program can have,” said Dun- tors are prescribing for their from philanthropist T. Denny counter with Shakespeare, a nel. She worked there before bar. “And, it was just great to see young patients. The elixir is the Sanford, San Diego Zoo Kids barred owl; Tawanda, a tenrec; coming to the Baton Rouge zoo the smiles on the kids’ faces and San Diego Zoo Kids, a closed-cir- provides family-friendly, ani- and Xenon, a ferret. almost 10 years ago. She said the see them interacting with the cuit television adventure channel mal-oriented programming that Some segments have already new collaboration has given her animals and asking questions, now available in the children’s is entertaining and educational. been filmed in the Capital City quite a few ideas on how the crit- and just the curiosity of the kids hospital rooms. It’s something The channel also features ani- and have been incorporated into ters can help forge connections – even kids that are ill and, in that is helping to create a healing mal stories from BREC’s Baton a series of segments, according in other areas. many ways, in a lot of stress. It environment, according to Dr. Rouge Zoo, along with more to Shields. But for now, the animals will was wonderful to see that mo- Trey Dunbar, president of OLOL than a dozen accredited zoos and Shields’ takes the wild ones be linked via satellite to the med- ment of respite.” Children’s Hospital. aquariums throughout North on the road with the zoo’s mo- Dunbar noted some children America. bile program, visiting schools, might not be able to make the Dunbar said the zoo channel Alzheimer’s groups, retirement distance to the hospital’s play- fits in “very well with the type of communities and libraries. She room to see visiting pets, or the environment that we’re trying is excited to add this new di- animals might not be allowed in to provide.” The new Children’s mension to the zoo’s outreach the rooms for sanitary reasons. Hospital has an animal motif initiative. “So having a channel where and each floor is designated to “We’re hoping to possibly you have this exposure to the an animal that’s indigenous to continue to work with Children’s animals and the education that Louisiana, according to Dunbar. Hospital to do some live pro-

Explore the Fjords with

Northern European Cruise 7 Night Norwegian Fjords Cruise PLAYTIME! – MAPP, LLC donated $200,000 to the Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital playhouses Roundtrip from Southhampton, England; in the garden of the new freestanding hospital. “Our freestanding children’s hospital is built from the Norway Ports of Call: Ålesund, Flåm, Stavanger ground up with kids in mind,” said K. Scott Wester, President and CEO of Our Lady of the Lake. “These playhouses are a fantastic addition to the beautiful outdoor garden space and will be fun distractions for children of all ages.” Theresa Serpas, Beau Wolfe and Nick Mills with MAPP, LLC present a check to Pearson’s Travel World Wester, Danny Fields and Jeff Mosley with Our Lady of Lake. Photo provided by OLOL Children’s Hospital 7949 Jefferson Hwy., Baton Rouge • 225-926-3752 6 The Catholic Commentator March 29, 2019 In Lent, do Sundays count?/ One world religion?

My mother was very religious tion in remembrance of the Resurrection, nonviolence, a call to Catholics, Muslims riencing.” and she always told us that a kind of “little Easter,” and has never and all believers “to unite and work The declaration condemns “all those Qduring Lent, whatever you gave required fasting on Sundays so I sup- together” in order to serve “as a guide practices that are a threat to life such as up ice cream, candy, etc. you could pose there’s some warrant, for future generations genocide, acts of terrorism, forced dis- have on Sundays. Is that true? Do Sun- when you’ve adopted a to advance a culture of placement, human trafficking, abortion days count as part of Lent? (Green Bay, Lenten penance, for “tak- mutual respect in the and euthanasia” It notes “that among Wisconsin) ing Sundays off.” awareness of the great the most important causes of the crises I’ll answer your second question But I think it’s prob- divine grace that makes of the modern world are a desensitized first, because that’s the easier ably better to continue all human beings broth- human conscience, a distancing from Aone: “Do Sundays count as part the practice throughout ers and sisters.” religious values and a prevailing indi- of Lent?” The clear answer is “Yes.” In the whole Lenten season, The joint declara- vidualism accompanied by materialistic the liturgical books of the church, the Sundays included; if I gave tion, titled “A Document philosophies.” season of Lent begins on Ash Wednes- up candy for Lent but ate it on Human Fraternity Far from urging, as your question day and ends just before the Mass of the on each of the six Sundays, for World Peace and says, “one world religion,” the document Lord’s Supper on the evening of Holy that doesn’t seem like Living Together,” was states instead that “the pluralism and Thursday. In the Roman Missal, for ex- much of a sacrifice. signed by the diversity of religions, color, sex, race ample, March 10 this year was designat- and Sheikh Ahmad el- and language are willed by God in his ed as the “First Sunday of Lent.” Recently, Pope Tayeb, a grand imam of wisdom,” an observation that has been Now, for the more complicated part: Francis signed a Question Corner Sunni Muslims, during taken by some Catholic commentators If you’re fasting on candy for Lent, may Qdocument with a visit by the pope to the simply to mean that the variety of reli- you eat it on Sundays? The answer is: Muslim leaders about Father Kenneth Doyle United Arab Emirates in gions comes under the permissive will of It’s your own call. Each of us is required there being one world early February. God and indicates the natural desire of in a general way to do penance, but the religion. How can that be? Some of my It calls on world leaders “to work humans to know God. particular manner is a personal choice. non-Catholic friends are accusing the strenuously to spread the culture of There’s no law involved or question of pope of being out of line. What really tolerance and of living together in peace; FATHER DOYLE is a retired priest in the sinfulness, you’re just doing something happened? (Batesville, Arkansas) to intervene at the earliest opportunity to Diocese of Albany, New York. Ques- nice for God, in return for the sacrifice I have read the document to stop the shedding of innocent blood and tions may be sent to Father Kenneth Jesus made for us. which you refer and nowhere can bring an end to wars, conflicts, environ- Doyle at [email protected] Now it’s true that the church has al- AI find a call for “one world reli- mental decay and the moral and cultural and 30 Columbia Circle Dr., Albany, ways viewed Sunday as a day of celebra- gion.” Instead, it is a plea for peace and decline that the world is presently expe- NY 12203.

Look for The CaThoLiC CommenTaTor Come and See Weekend aT your LoCaL ouTLeTs inCLuding:

✔ Affinity Nursing Home, Baton Rouge ✔ Oak Wood Nursing Home, Zachary ✔ Anthony's Deli, Baton Rouge ✔ Old Jefferson Community Care, scheduled April 12-14 ✔ Alexander’s Highland Market, Baton Rouge Baton Rouge ✔ Our Lady of the Lake Regional By Richard Meek cerns and take the time to pray for God’s ✔ Ascension Books & Gifts, Gonzales Medical Center, Baton Rouge and The Catholic Commentator will. ✔ Baton Rouge General Hospital, Walker “The Come and See weekend allows Baton Rouge ✔ Our Lady of the Lake Physician Young men who might be interested in men who are discerning a call to the ✔ Baton Rouge Healthcare, Baker Group, offices with locations entering the seminary are invited to an priesthood or who simply desire to see ✔ Benedetto’s Market, Addis throughout the Diocese upcoming vocations week- what seminary life is like to ✔ Bohning Supermarket, Ponchatoula ✔ Reeve’s Supermarket, Baton Rouge end retreat at St. Joseph Ab- Come and See come and spend time at the ✔ Calandro’s Supermarkets, ✔ Rouses, Baton Rouge, Gonzales, bey in St. Benedict. seminary with men who have Baton Rouge Donaldsonville, Hammond, Plaquemine, A Come and See weekend Weekend answered God’s call,” said Al- ✔ Catholic Art and Gifts, Baton Rouge Prairieville and Zachary is scheduled at the abbey bert Blount, a seminarian for ✔ ✔ Daigle’s Supermarket, White Castle St. Elizabeth Hospital, Gonzales April 12-14 and is open for all the Diocese of Baton Rouge. ✔ ✔ Fran U, Baton Rouge St. Mary’s Books & Gifts, young men ages 16 and over. “Those who come will be able ✔ April 12-14 Grace Healthcare, Slaughter Baton Rouge There is no cost. Meals to spend time with the semi- ✔ Baton Rouge ✔ throughout Hi Nabor Supermarkets, St. Vincent dePaul Stores beds are provided but linens, St. Joseph Abbey narians in a number of set- ✔ Port Allen the diocese Hubbins Grocery, pillow, towels and personal tings, from meals and sports ✔ Lane Regional Hospital, Zachary ✔ Schexnayer Supermarket, Vacherie items must be brought. St. Benedict to classes and one-on-one ✔ Louisiana Vet Home, Jackson ✔ Southside Produce, Baton Rouge Activities traditionally time to ask any questions they ✔ Matherne’s Supermarkets, ✔ Tony’s Seafood, Baton Rouge include conferences on sem- may have. Baton Rouge ✔ UPS Store, Coursey Blvd., Baton inary life and discernment, Open for all “There are no expectations ✔ Magnuson Hotel, St. Francisville Rouge ✔ North Ridgely Healthcare, Baker ✔ Whole Foods Market, Baton Rouge as well as Mass, eucharastic or pressure placed on the men ✔ Oak Point Supermarket, Central ✔ Winn Dixie in Hammond, New Roads adoration and confession. young men ages who show up; it is only a time Retreat officials said the for them to come and see what weekend is a great opportu- 16 and over this life is really like.” as well as your local church parish nity for anyone discerning a For more information potential journey to the priesthood. or to register, call Father Andrew Mer- Along with the activities listed, those rick, vocations for the Diocese of Baton attending will also have the opportunity Rouge, at 225-336-8778 or email him at to meet with priests and current seminar- [email protected]. Or contact Christie ians in ongoing formation. Retreatants Francis of the Office of Vocations at 225- will be able to ask questions, discuss con- 336-8778 or [email protected]. March 29, 2019 faith journey The Catholic Commentator 7 Corporal works of mercy during Lent

By Debbie Shelley the dining room, but Chris was The Catholic Commentator later asked to help in the phar- macy. Sometimes he walks over Today we may think we can’t to the dining room, puts on an enjoy an evening of hospitali- apron and joins Kay on the serv- ty with Jesus, listening to him ing line. laugh or sigh as he told stories, Their social justice initiatives as Mary did, or fuss in the kitch- have rubbed off on their chil- en cooking up a ‘fine dinner’ dren. Their younger daughter, like Martha. We may believe we Katherine, has been a big sister Terry Cormier helps Sister Celian, mother superior of the sisters of the Missionaries of Charities at St. Agnes can’t push through the Roman to a youth in Philadelphia for Church in Baton Rouge, unload a shipment of food that will be used to feed those in need. Photo by Debbie Shelley soldiers because all we see is about seven years and their older | The Catholic Commentator Jesus in pain and wipe his face daughter, Christy, has been on with compassion as Veronica mission trips using her exper- is taking time to serve them come here and I give you a few He and his wife were one of did. Nor may we see ourselves tise in biomedical engineering makes their day better.” hours and you give your whole two couples who started volun- helping “lift the load” from Je- to help people in places such as It was through their volunteer life.’ ” teering at the nursing home. sus’ back as Simon of Cyrene or India. And in the aftermath of work at St. Agnes that Willis and Corporal works of mercy can When there is a Mass or Com- giving Jesus’ body the dignity of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Cormier, both members of Most also include serving those who munion service, Landry, 74, a (temporary) burial like Joseph Gaudet’s daughters served evac- Blessed Sacrament Church in have given their life in service, brings out the veterans in wheel- of Arimathaea. uees in Georgia and Alabama. Baton Rouge, got to know each such as military veterans, ac- chairs and distributes the Eu- But through exercising the The couple said they believe other. cording to Clayton Landry. charist to those unable to come. corporal works of mercy during doing the corporal works of mer- “Terry is like the brother I Landry, who still visits St. There are younger men, who Lent, as Jesus assures in Mt cy is prayer in action. never had,” said Willis. John the Baptist Church in Zach- were injured, as well as older 25:40: ‘Amen, I say to you, what- Chris recalled a homily by Fa- Cormier and Willis said in ad- ary after moving to McComb, veterans in the home, according ever you did for one of these least ther Pat Mascarella, deceased, in dition to developing friendships Mississippi, said he did not want to Landry, who said, “I always brothers of mine, you with those serving, to give up his ministry at the feel that I’m doing something for did for me.’ they enjoy their fel- Louisiana War Veterans Home God and my country.” The St. Vincent de lowship with the sis- in Jackson. He makes the long “I look to them as heroes. Paul Society allows ters. drive every first and third Thurs- Sports figures and celebrities people to pour out their Willis said he day of the month to be with the get paid big money to be called love to Jesus by serving started volunteering veterans. heroes, but to me these men put the poor in different at St. Agnes by serv- An Army veteran himself, their lives on the line and often capacities, said SVDP ing meals but the Landry was a helicopter me- weren’t appreciated for it,” said executive director Mi- sisters soon “pulled chanics instructor. Landry. chael Acaldo. him away” to do oth- “You can see all the er things, such as wonderful things – unloading food ship- people taking care of ments, sweeping, RESTHAVEN each other and the tre- mopping, changing GARDENS OF MEMORY & FUNERAL HOME mendous energy and light bulbs, taking out excitement of serving the trash and other ® Chris Gaudet and wife Kay, right, take a photo with St. people. It’s contagious,” “handyman” type of Vincent de Paul kitchen technician Hilda Kelly. Photo pro- We make it personal. said Acaldo. work. He receives his vided by Chris and Kay Gaudet. for a better farewell Among those en- “marching orders” thusiastic volunteers once he arrives at St. 11817 Jefferson Highway 225-753-1440 are Kay and Chris Gaudet, who which he talked about not keep- Agnes. volunteered because of their in- ing God inside the church. “It’s kind of like the military. volvement in social justice and a “He (Father Mascarella) talk- They always want you to do desire to set an example for their ed about how God wants us to something,” beamed Willis, who 2x2”’16 children. Both are retired phar- open the doors and go outside referred to his “commanding macists (Chris from Elayn Hunt the church and do the work that officers” as “angels” who have Correctional Center in St. Gabri- he asked us to do,” Chris said. made sacrifices for the good of el and Kay from the Louisiana This is also the belief of Terry others. Department of Health) who met Cormier and Chris Willis, who Cormier said he likes to tease invites you to breakfast Saturday, April 13 from in pharmacy school and will be work alongside the sisters of the Willis as well as the sisters, 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Oak Lodge Reception Center, married 45 years in May. Missionaries of Charity at St. whom he said are “fair game.” 2834 South Sherwood Forest, Baton Rouge. Our speaker will be Karen After raising two children and Agnes Church in Baton Rouge. He chauffers the sisters Sheehy. She is a devout Catholic and a motivational speaker and retiring from busy careers, the Willis said he sees his volun- around the neighborhood to de- is currently serving as the LA Women in Evangelization Gaudets looked for an opportu- teer work as an opportunity to liver food to shut-ins as well as regional specialist. Seating is limited and no seats will be nity to “give back” together and evangelize. to funerals. sold at the door. Tickets are $22 each and will be sold thru explored the volunteer opportu- “I try to learn their names Describing himself as not an April 10. Please indicate the number of reservations and nities on the SVDP website. (those in need) because they emotional person, tears spilled send a check made to BR Magnificat for your reservation “We were attracted to the fact think that’s important,” said out of Cormier’s eyes when he with the name of each attendee and mail to Kathy that there was a dining room as Willis. “They’ve had a hard life said, “The sisters always thank Simoneaux, 9650 Victory Lane, Denham Springs, LA well as a pharmacy,” said Chris. on the streets and to know that us for coming and helping. I say, 70726 or register online at They both initially served in somebody recognizes them and ‘I need to thank you because I 8 The Catholic Commentator March 29, 2019 Reflections of El Camino

By Michael Hilborn understand, that which is what stumbled upon a little Catholic Special to The Catholic pilgrims refer to as the “Spirit of church. Prior to my trip, a priest Commentator the Camino.” had suggested that I dedicate About half way through my each church I visited to someone The Camino de Santiago, hike I met a French girl named back home, and so I asked Blan- known in English as the Way of Blandine who had just finished dine if she would like to make a Saint James, is a network of pil- nursing school in her hometown quick stop. grimages dating back to the be- of Lyon, France. The language As we stepped into the stone ginning of the 9th century that barrier between us unfortunate- church, Blandine, with her heavy leads to the shrine of the apostle ly limited our conversation, but French accent asked, “I sit?” Saint James the Great in north- after a couple of hours of hiking Confused about why she asked, I western Spain. together we discovered a mutual answered yes and went on with I would like to bring to light love for the Catholic Church. my business by kneeling in one something that only those who Later, we were passing of the pews. have made the trek to Santia- through one of the many small As I opened up in prayer, go de Compestela can come to towns along the Camino and I suddenly began to feel this


Highest elevation of the trip up at the Cruz del Fiero! The point where Retirement 2019 – pilgrims leave their rocks that they bring from home. A lot of addiction and burdens have been left at the foot of the cross. One of the most Life 2.0 beautiful moments of my trip. Photos provided by Michael Hiborn gloomy, chamber-like church in my junior year of high school, come to life with the most as- and my theology teacher, Fa- toundingly beautiful voice har- ther Ryan Hallford, powerfully monizing “Ave Maria.” In awe, shared with us his journey on the I turned around and suddenly Camino. I remember thinking to realized that Blandine had not myself, “Well, if people from all Coming asked me if she could sit but if the ends of the Earth are trav- she could sing. eling to Spain to walk this trail, I will never forget the soul- there must be something more April 26! ful harmonic sound of her voice there than a beaten path. Some- With a growing population over 50, articles in the issue echoing off the old stone walls. day I am going to set out and find There are no words that could that something.” will share how this generation continues to live life to the fullest and make a difference to sum up that moment other than The years came and went, their communities. pure bliss. It was a moment that and I soon found myself in my Retirees have plenty to offer and more time to do it. This special section circulates I never wanted to end, and as the final quarter of college at Lou- some 40,000 copies will highlights keeping physically, mentally and spiritually fit, stresses song came to a close, Blandine, isiana Tech asking myself that seeing the tears and shock in all-too-familiar question that we the importance of having financial and practical plans and more. my eyes, smiled at me and slow- all ask ourselves as a chapter of Deadline is April 12! ly said: “God gave me this gift. our life comes to an end “What Every time I enter his house, I do I do now?” Call 225-387-0893 Wanda for advertising information can do nothing more than give it The truth is, I wanted any or email [email protected]. back to him.” other answer than “starting THE CATHOLIC I will never forget that day on work.” What I really wanted was the Camino, because I think it is time to reflect on who I was and the day that I met a saint. what it was that I had to offer to ommentator I still can recall the first time the working world that was in- C I heard about the Camino. I was SEE REFLECTIONS PAGE 9 March 29, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 9 REFLECTIONS  came with the Camino gave me time to re- From page 8 flect on all the joyous and sorrowful mo- ments of my life and to recognize how he evitably before me. I knew that I wanted was using those moments to work through to get out of my comfort zone, and I was me. Furthermore, the Camino gave me a determined to achieve something that at battle that I regretfully had asked for: a first seemed unimaginable. battle of my feet. Like any walk of faith, From that realization, the idea of hik- I believe that God used my feet to break ing the Camino started to resurface in my me down both physically and mentally to mind. As I started to pray about it, I im- the point where I had to rely on him like mediately felt that God had an opportuni- never before. ty waiting for me on that trail, one that I God wanted to teach me the true could not come to understand unless I set meaning of perseverance, through off to find it myself. the blistering and swelling of my feet. It wasn’t until I was discussing my During mountain ascents, he taught me upcoming trip with a friend that I final- that at times life can be an uphill battle, ly asked myself the question: “What am and that he calls us to fight nonetheless. I looking for?” Upon comprehending the I learned that there is never a moment fact that I indeed did not have an answer, in this journey of life that we ever travel I realized that I could not accomplish alone. “What?” until I understood “Why?” Michael Hilborn hiking the nearly 500-mile Camino de Santiago trail. When I reflect on my journey, one I realized that I wanted the Camino to life-changing lesson never ceases to come be a battle and an adventure, but in (in God is continuously knocking at the door tionship with him, I had done all of the to mind: God waits to be wanted. God is a book I read prior to leaving) I learned of our hearts asking us to let ourselves be talking, and that it was time for me to do constantly waiting for us to take the time that there was something far greater that loved by him even more. some listening. to put the world aside and make him our God wanted me to pursue on this trail, an I believe that it took God pushing me The Camino brought daily solitude main priority. elusive something that can only be found out of my comfort zone and everyday rou- through early morning hiking that real- So whether it is the Camino or some- through the help of getting lost in his cre- tine to see all that I was missing. With ly allowed me to dig deep into my roots. thing entirely less extreme, there is a ation. God wanted me to go find my own work, family, friends and so many oth- The winding path of wondrous moun- closed door in your life that God is perpet- heart. er daily obligations, our culture quietly tains and desolate valleys provided me ually knocking at. Open it, and see what I believe that with every moment, makes it dangerously easy to marginalize with a deeper understanding of both Camino God has waiting for you. whether it is filled with joy or with trib- our daily time spent with the Lord until it God’s sovereignty and the peace found ulation, God is trying to speak to us. Al- is altogether nonexistent. in simplicity. (Hilborn is a parishioner at St. Jean though we sometimes can’t feel or hear it, I quickly realized that in my rela- The trials and exciting moments that Vianney Church in Baton Rouge.)

The eighth annual presentation of the Passion of Christ features individuals who will identify with a specific station through real-life challenges and sufferings. Sister Dulce Maria will present re- fections on each station as inspired though the eyes of Our Blessed Mother, Mary. 10 The Catholic Commentator | March 29, 2019 March 29, 2019 | The Catholic Commentator 11

[A] [C] [E]

[B] ’ [F] MonicaJOURNEY s


By Bonny Van Monica’s Journey, a support chose the saint for the group’s The Catholic Commentator group for women from broken name. “She sacrificed and prayed families, started at St. Joseph and wept for her child, and Armed with rosaries, women from the Monica’s Journey four years ago. The ministry, eventually it paid off big time, support group walked into the chapel at St. Joseph Church in which maintains strict privacy and that’s what I would hope for Ponchatoula on the first Friday of Lent ready to do battle. They rules for safety and personal my child.” [C] Leslie Gardner, founder of were embarking on a 24-hour prayer vigil aimed at saving the reasons, was the brainchild of After gathering materials and Monica’s Journey ministry at souls of their children and others’ who have fallen away from their Leslie Gardner, who developed formulating a game plan, Gardner St. Joseph Church, prays in faith or are engaged in a battle with their own personal demons. the idea for a women’s support met with St. Joseph pastor Father the chapel during Adoration St. Joseph parishioner Kathy Clark came up with the idea for group following a retreat. Paul McDuffie about the new of the Blessed Sacrament. an overnight prayer vigil after Father Anthony Odiong, pastor at “Being a divorced woman, I ministry. St. Anthony of Padua Church in Luling, challenged the faithful used to sit in Mass with my son After more prayer and [D] Angela DiFranco, who attending a healing service to give up one night for their children. and think, ‘Look at all these discernment, Gardner held the organized the prayer vigil, “So, we brought it to Monica’s Journey and I was just looking families together. There’s really first meeting of Monica’s Journey sets up prayer booklets and for someone to come pray with me and obviously the Lord wants nothing for people like me,’ ” she on March 26, 2015. Four years information before the start of it because it turned into this,” said Clark as she sat in the chapel recalled. “I used to pray for God later, the women in Monica’s the 24-hour event. preparing for a night of prayer. to shine that light, like, ‘Here’s Journey are keeping a vigil for The evening kicked off at 6 p.m. with Stations of the Cross in this thing.’ But at the retreat, their own children. [E] Joan Bly, pictured left, [A] A box for prayer requests the church, which was followed by Benediction of the Blessed it was almost like a light bulb “Because it’s Lent; it’s time for and Tricia Jarett, members sits on a table in front of the Sacrament in the chapel. Fernando Morales, a member of the went off over my head, like, ‘You repentance and a return to the of Marian Servants of the chapel at St. Joseph’s Church music ministry at St. Joseph, then led the faithful into the night do it.’ ” Lord,” said Gardner. “It’s close to Visitation, help lead prayer in Ponchatoula. Members of of prayer with “Word and Worship,” which included prayer and Gardner’s focus was women my heart as a mother. It’s what our with an attendee of the prayer Monica’s Journey held a 24- contemporary Christian music. At 8 p.m., Dr. Sandra Jones led facing issues such as broken group is all about, is our families vigil, which was held on the hour prayer vigil on March the rosary, starting off with the Joyful Mysteries. marriages, problems with and broken families – that’s first Friday of Lent. 8 to pray for children. Photos The Chaplet of St. Monica marked the 9 p.m. hour and each children, problems with parents why we chose St. Monica as our by Bonny Van | The Catholic subsequent hour throughout the night was designated by other and abusive relationships. She patron saint. She’s been through [F] Dr. Sandra Jones leads the Commentator prayers; including rosaries, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Stations of named the ministry in honor a lot. She trusted in the Lord. She rosary in the chapel during the Cross and the Divine Office of Morning Prayer. Also on hand of St. Monica, who spent 17 had patience and perseverance.” the vigil. [B] Each rose, representing a were Marian Servants of the Visitation who prayed with those years praying for her wayward “I think it’s awesome,” said child, is placed before an image seeking extra spiritual help. The format was inspired by another son when he finally converted DiFranco. “I think there’s no of Our Lady of Guadalupe for retreat attended by Monica’s Journey members. to Christianity and after death stronger prayer than a mother’s the prayer vigil. “We went for intercessory prayer in the chapel; we were was canonized as St. Augustine, prayer like our Blessed Mother. housed in the chapel pretty much, and when we prayed as a viewed as one of the most She will always come through for group, it was phenomenal. I mean, you could just feel the Holy important church fathers. us, and our children. All we have Spirit in the chapel,” said Angela DiFranco, who organized the “St. Monica was a mother who to do is trust and place them in overnight eucharistic adoration prayer vigil. “So we took what we suffered a lot for her child,” said her arms, like she wants them to experienced from our retreat to coordinate here.” Gardner, explaining why she be.” 12 The Catholic Commentator March 29, 2019 Serving up flexible meal options

By Bonny Van the Diocese of Baton Rouge, The Catholic Commentator uses the time to let lawmakers and policy makers understand Carol Forbes gave one final the importance of funding glance at her cafeteria staff at St. school lunch programs. Aloysius School in Baton Rouge, From March 18 – March bracing for what would soon be 26, local officials, state and growling young stomachs ready federal lawmakers and USDA to pounce on their lunch offering. representatives made lunch stops “Here they come!” Forbes at Catholic school cafeterias said as she gazed at the double throughout the diocese. doors, where the sounds of “We serve nine different kindergarten voices yelped their (civil) parishes – it’s a lot,” said Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA) talks with students at Sacred Heart of Jesus School in Baton Rouge on March 18 anticipation. Carville. “But we want to let them during his visit to the school to learn about the school lunch program in the Diocese of Baton Rouge. Photos Within seconds, dozens know we do a lot of cooking from by Bonny Van | The Catholic Commentator of energetic young students scratch and we want them to see bounded into the lunchroom, how the actual system works. and that’s the biggest thing with child nutrition staffers to have more flexibility to where filling the air with chatter and “People don’t realize, it’s just because we have to serve a half learn more about the challenges we can have a win-win, where laughter of kids using their not as simple as opening a can of a cup and they have to take a in creating healthy menus, we can be providing food that outside voices inside. Behind beans. It’s a process and our staff fruit or a vegetable and some including requirements of whole people actually enjoy eating, the ser v ing line, Bishop Michael works very hard to serve our children don’t want that. And, grain-rich foods. and nutritious food and we’re G. Duca joined Catholic schools children to provide a nutritional some people can’t eat a half a cup “When the (USDA) first efficiently spending the money superintendent Dr. Melanie meal.” of fruit and so a lot of it goes into came in and made some of the on things that people will Verges, St. Aloysius principal According to Carville, child the trash and so we’re trying to changes on nutrition standards, actually consume.” Erin Candilora and pastor nutrition directors across the minimize that from happening,” there are a lot of popular meals USDA Special Nutrition Father Randy Cuevas, loading U.S. battle two areas: funding she said. in Louisiana that were just not Programs Director Eddie up trays with fruits, vegetables and flexibility on guidelines on Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA) compatible to the standards,” Longoria, who visited the and a cupcake. what must be served, including joined workers at Sacred Heart said Rep. Graves. “I use brown lunchroom at St. Jude the March is Child Nutrition calorie count, sodium intake and of Jesus School in Baton Rouge rice a lot but never, ever for my Apostle School in Baton Rouge Month and Lynda Carville, serving sizes. in the service line, then sat for jambalaya.” during the week, talked about director of child nutrition for “We’re seeing a lot of waste lunch with students and a visit Another area of concern, the idea of “share tables.” according to the congressman, “It’s an opportunity for was the half-cup portion children, who may not want to servings regardless of the age of finish their entire meal, to take the student. Guidelines require some of the items, for example a student to choose a fruit or an orange or an apple, and vegetable. place it on the share table for “We need to do a better other children who may want job tailoring different portion to partake of that item,” said increments to kindergarteners Longoria. that are never going to eat that New rules from the USDA much while we’re effectively that allow more flexibility on not providing the calories flavored milk options, sodium that our upper-grade students standards and whole grains go need,” he said. “We’ve got to into effect July 1.

Catholic Schools Office superintendent Dr. Melanie Verges, left, and Bishop Michael G. Duca join Father Randy Cuevas, right, pastor of St. Aloysius Church in Baton Rouge, and Erin Candilora, principal of St. Aloysius School, to serve lunch to students. Federal, state and local officials toured Catholic schools in the Diocese of Baton Rouge March 18 – 22. March 29, 2019 The Catholic Commentator 13

HAVE A HEART – Students at Holy Ghost School in Hammond chose the Louisiana Pediatric Cardiology Foundation as the recipient of February’s service project. For a monetary donation, students wore a pink, red, or blue shirt to school with their jeans for SUBMIT YOUR a casual dress day. Pictured, front row from left, are Trace Thomas, Emery Tantillo, Emily Ballay, Kate SCHOOL NEWS Harris, and Ellie Peterman. Pictured, back row from TO BONNY VAN AT left, are Eliza Foster, Hudson Tantillo, Knox Peterman, Sarah Beth Thompson, teacher Lindsay [email protected] Thompson and Gracelynn Canzoneri. Photo provided by Cindy Wagner | Holy Ghost School

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SAINTLY STUDENTS – Students at St. Elizabeth School in Paincourtville dress as saints during Catholic Schools Week. Photo provided by Dr. Kathy Herpich | St. Elizabeth School

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Motion Picture Association of America that returns to the formula of Perry’s suc- ing of bacteria. She has a couple of tragic MOVIE ratings: cessful stage plays. Madea spends most secrets; he proves eager to be under her G – General audiences; all ages admitted of the movie seated and firing off blunt moral tutelage; and the parents of both, PG – Parental guidance suggested; some ripostes, as if Perry – who, in addition to as is de rigeur for the genre, appear only REVIEWS material may not be suitable for children USCCB Office for Film & Broadcasting Madea, also plays her brother Joe, Joe’s briefly as supporting players, a situation PG-13 – Parents are strongly cautioned to classifications: son Brian, and a new character, legless that requires the duo to work out their give special guidance for attendance of A-I – General patronage throat-cancer victim Cousin Heathrow issues for themselves. References to ho- children under 13; some material may be A-II – Adults and adolescents – is reluctant to let her go without allow- mosexuality, a single instance of rough inappropriate for young children A-III – Adults ing her to share everything she has on her language, fleeting crude talk. A-III; PG- R – Restricted; under 17 requires accom- A-IV – Adults, with reservations panying parent or adult guardian mind. An adultery theme, mature refer- 13 L – Limited adult audience NC-17 – No one under 17 admitted ences, including sexual activity and drug O – Morally offensive use, some sexual humor, fleeting crude Wonder Park banter, three racial slurs. A-III; PG-13 Paramount Captain Marvel directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck’s When her mother (voice of Jennifer Disney Marvel Comics adaptation. While the in- Five Feet Apart Garner) becomes seriously ill and must Lavish origin story finds the superhero clusion of an invisible being called the Su- Lionsgate go away for medical treatment, a young of the title (Brie Larson) faithfully serv- preme Intelligence might confuse young- This generally engaging young-adult girl (voice of Brianna Denski) lashes out ing the alien civilization that trained her sters still being formed in their faith, the romantic drama about the redeeming by turning her back on the imaginary as a warrior in its struggle against the en- film is possibly acceptable for mature power of sacrificial love is aimed, with amusement park they had created togeth- croachments of a race of shape-shifting teens. Much combat violence, most of it the precision of a heat-seeking mis- er with the help of an ensemble of stuffed enemies (led by Ben Mendelsohn). But stylized but some of it harsh, fleeting ana- sile, at 17-year-old girls. But mature animals (the most prominent voiced by when she joins her military mentor (Jude tomical humor, a few mild oaths, at least themes, including sexuality, preclude Norbert Leo Butz, Ken Hudson Campbell Law) on a mission to 1995 Earth, persis- one rough term, a handful of crude and endorsement for most adolescents. Di- and Mila Kunis). But on a journey through tent flashbacks to a previous life become crass expressions. A-III; PG-13 rector Justin Baldoni and screenwrit- the woods near her home she stumbles on ever more troubling and confusing for ers Mikki Daughtry and Tobias Iaconis a real-life version of the venue and finds her, especially after she joins forces with Tyler Perry’s A Madea Family Funeral take on mortality from cystic fibrosis, a that it’s in crisis because of her anger and a SHIELD officer (Samuel L. Jackson) Lionsgate subject that could easily have led them neglect. As penned by Josh Appelbaum and the two go in search of the scientist Writer-director and star Tyler Perry into tasteless mawkishness. Instead, and Andre Nemec, this animated adven- (Annette Bening) who seems to be crucial has given his alter ego Mabel “Madea” they’ve treated their material in a way ture rambles and, though objectionable both to the intergalactic conflict and to Simmons a sweet and funny valedictory that’s compassionate, medically correct elements are absent, the many dangers her missing past. Wit and positive mes- as she organizes a family funeral and dis- and, for the most part, morally sound. the characters face, together with the sages about working for peace and the re- penses relationship wisdom to younger Two teens (Haley Lu Richardson and fraught emotional situation, will likely silience of the human spirit buoy co-writ- family members caught in the pain of in- Cole Sprouse) participating in a clinical prove too scary and upsetting for little ers (with Geneva Robertson-Dworet) and fidelity. It’s an immensely satisfying story trial of innovative medications take the kids. Frequent peril, somber plot develop- first steps toward falling in love despite ments, brief mild gross-out humor. A-I; not being able to kiss or even touch each PG other for fear of a potentially fatal shar-

TOUR  narily come into contact with in our day- From page 3 to-day (lives),” said McBride. “And that opens our minds and opens our hearts. I voice McBride sang old time classics am a big believer that arts can heal a lot from Jimmy Reed, Irma Thomas and of things and they do. I just think music Ray Charles, along with a pepped-up does it a little bit faster.” version of “Swing Low Sweet Chariot,” a “I enjoyed myself tonight,” Earnest song she added to her set after an inmate Lawson, a Joseph Homes’ resident, said requested it during a visit to Angola. The of the concert. Of his newfound freedom band got the crowd on its feet with its fi- after serving 42 years at Angola, he said, nale “When the Saints Go Marching In.” “Mindboggling – everyday is mindbog- “I think that we all have a responsibil- gling.” ity to reach people who we wouldn’t ordi-

Mary McBride sings “When the Saints Go Marching In” at a concert for Joseph Homes as staffers, volunteers and residents join in a second line. Photo by Kerry Myers | Parole Project 16 The Catholic Commentator VIEWPOINT March 29, 2019 Prayer was the secret of the saints, and we can join them

ur Catholic “I am the Immaculate Conception.” This was the motto he left them: “Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam” (For Church seems to answer of the lady to Bernadette’s question, “Who are the greater glory of God). Obe getting beat you?” The pope believed her story of the apparitions Another Spanish saint, Theresa of Avila, left us a up all around our coun- because such an unlettered girl in a tiny village hid- masterpiece on prayer entitled “The Interior Life.” Al- try and the world today. den away in the Pyrenees could not have understood, though her spiritual writing pictures prayer at times It is the season of Lent, or probably even heard of the dogma proclaimed in as a struggle, she was never a stranger to God. Her re- however, and all the Rome only a few years before. Yet, Bernadette did un- lationship with her father in heaven was such that she bad news does put us derstand who the lady was because she often listened could address him with great familiarity. “No wonder out in the desert with in prayer at that spot. And the first that you have so few friends when you Jesus. It is interesting message she received to communi- treat the ones you have so badly.” to note when he prayed cate to the world was that we should Jesus prayed at This was after being thrown out and when his saints all pray, pray for this sinful world. of her carriage into the mud while who best responded to St. received other times, which visiting one of the many she his Spirit prayed. Jesus his conversion and the inspiration founded. Most of the time she was prayed when he was Another for his great work, “The Spiritual I plan to write happy, even in adversity, because she sad, like at the death Exercises,” while listening in prayer. saw God everywhere, and her prayer of his friend, Lazarus. Perspective Convalescing from a wound in bat- about after Lent, was to talk to him often and natu- He also prayed when he tle, he asked for books about his fa- rally. Her prayer was a dialogue with faced suffering. In his Father John Carville vorite subjects, military heroes and but Jesus also God, and she sometimes recorded agony in the garden, he romantic love. Instead, he was given what she thought he was replying as prayed, “Father, if you the Bible and the lives of saints. Lat- taught his disciples she listened. When one of her recal- are willing, take this cup away from me.” Then after er he got the books he had asked for, citrant abbesses was being particu- anguished prayer he came to a resolution, “... not my but discovered something. Military to pray, and larly tiresome, she prayed, “Lord, if will but yours be done.” exploits and love, his former pas- I had my way, that woman wouldn’t Jesus prayed at other times, which I plan to write sions, left him strangely unfulfilled. they have taught be superior here.” And God answered about after Lent, but Jesus also taught his disciples to The Bible and the saints, on the her just as wryly. “Theresa,” he said, pray, and they have taught us through the centuries. other hand, filled him with peace us through the “if I had my way, she wouldn’t be So let’s take a look at that. It is a tradition that gives and satisfaction that remained. He either.” us strength, consolation and joy. went to the Abbey of Montserrat, centuries. So let’s In baptism we are all called to be “To pray is to listen with the heart.” I remember above Barcelona, and dedicated his saints. As St. Ignatius taught, and St. this quote from somewhere, though I cannot remem- life to God. Then he made a retreat take a look at that. Theresa and St. Bernadette practiced, ber who said it. It certainly rings true in the lives in a small place called Manresa holiness always begins with prayer. of the saints. St. Bernadette listened so well to the where there were caves inhabited It is a tradition that Lent is a time to travel in good com- Blessed Virgin’s pleas for prayers at Lourdes that by those seeking a place to pray. He pany with Jesus and his saints. today the place of her encounter with the “lovely recorded the results of his prayer gives us strength, lady” is a world-famous place of pilgrimage. What and meditation in his “Spiritual FATHER CARVILLE is a retired priest in the strikes the pilgrim to Lourdes most is the atmosphere Exercises.” Down to today they are consolation, and Diocese of Baton Rouge and writes on of prayer on the grounds of the shrine. Whether the basis of all retreats given by the current topics for The Catholic Com- it is waiting for a chilling dip in the waters of the order he founded, the Society of Je- joy. mentator. He can be reached at johnny- spring originating from the grotto where the appari- suits. Although active in education, [email protected]. tions took place, or making the Way of the Cross, or missionary work, science and many praying in the adoration chapel, there is a sense of other fields, his Jesuits remain faithful to the teach- quiet expectancy, everyone listening for the God who ing and example of St. Ignatius: it all must start with wishes to speak to him or her. prayer so that whatever they do will be true to the

| Pray for those who pray for us Mission Statement Please pray for the priests, deacons and religious women and men in the Baton Rouge Diocese. The mission of The Catholic Commentator is to provide news, Apr. 4 Rev. Ryan Hallford Apr. 11 Rev. Joshua D. Johnson information and commentary to the people of the Diocese Dcn. William Corbett Dcn. John Ferguson of Baton Rouge, Catholics and their neighbors alike. In doing Br. Dwight Kenney SC Sr. Penny Prophit FMOL so, The Catholic Commentator strives to further the wider Apr. 5 Rev. Robert Halter Apr. 12 Rev. Rafael Juantorena mission of the Church: to evangelize, to communicate, to Dcn. David L. Dawson III Dcn. Natale (Nat) J. Garofalo educate and to give the Catholic viewpoint on important Sr. Tuyet Anh Pham ICM Br. Malcolm Melcher SC issues of the present day. Apr. 6 Rev. Patrick Healy SSJ Apr. 13 Rev. Juel Kandula IMS Dcn. Guy E. Decker Dcn. Edward J. Gauthreaux Br. Clifford King SC Sr. Maria Rabalais CSJ Apr. 7 Rev. Ray Hebert SC Apr. 14 Rev. Donnell Kirchner CSsR Dcn. Benjamin J. Dunbar Jr. Dcn. Steven C. Gonzales Sr. Theresa Pitruzello CSJ Br. Paul Montero SC Letters to the Editor Apr. 8 Rev. J. Clifton Hill CSSp Apr. 15 Rev. Jon C. Koehler Letters to the Editor should be typed and limited to 350 Dcn. Kirk Duplantis Dcn. Richard H. Grant words and should contain the name and address of the Br. Noel Lemmon SC Sr. Anne Michelle Ramagos CSJ Apr. 9 Rev. Elisesus Ibeh MSP Apr. 16 Rev. Leonard Kraus SJ writer, though the address will not be printed. We reserve Dcn. W. Brent Duplessis Dcn. Tim Grimes the right to edit all letters. Send to: Letters to the Editor, Sr. Christine Pologa CSJ Br. Marcus Turcotte SC The Catholic Commentator, P. O. Box 3316, Baton Rouge, LA Apr. 10 Rev. Charbel Jamhoury Apr. 17 Rev. Johnson Kuriappilly 70821-3316, or to [email protected]. Dcn. Jeff R. Easley Dcn. Ronald J. Hebert Br. Roger LeMoyne SC Sr. Alexandrine Rasoanirina SOM 16 The Catholic Commentator VIEWPOINT March 29, 2019 Prayer was the secret of the saints, and we can join them

ur Catholic “I am the Immaculate Conception.” This was the motto he left them: “Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam” (For Church seems to answer of the lady to Bernadette’s question, “Who are the greater glory of God). Obe getting beat you?” The pope believed her story of the apparitions Another Spanish saint, Theresa of Avila, left us a up all around our coun- because such an unlettered girl in a tiny village hid- masterpiece on prayer entitled “The Interior Life.” Al- try and the world today. den away in the Pyrenees could not have understood, though her spiritual writing pictures prayer at times It is the season of Lent, or probably even heard of the dogma proclaimed in as a struggle, she was never a stranger to God. Her re- however, and all the Rome only a few years before. Yet, Bernadette did un- lationship with her father in heaven was such that she bad news does put us derstand who the lady was because she often listened could address him with great familiarity. “No wonder out in the desert with in prayer at that spot. And the first that you have so few friends when you Jesus. It is interesting message she received to communi- treat the ones you have so badly.” to note when he prayed cate to the world was that we should Jesus prayed at This was after being thrown out and when his saints all pray, pray for this sinful world. of her carriage into the mud while who best responded to St. Ignatius of Loyola received other times, which visiting one of the many convents she his Spirit prayed. Jesus his conversion and the inspiration founded. Most of the time she was prayed when he was Another for his great work, “The Spiritual I plan to write happy, even in adversity, because she sad, like at the death Exercises,” while listening in prayer. saw God everywhere, and her prayer of his friend, Lazarus. Perspective Convalescing from a wound in bat- about after Lent, was to talk to him often and natu- He also prayed when he tle, he asked for books about his fa- rally. Her prayer was a dialogue with faced suffering. In his Father John Carville vorite subjects, military heroes and but Jesus also God, and she sometimes recorded agony in the garden, he romantic love. Instead, he was given what she thought he was replying as prayed, “Father, if you the Bible and the lives of saints. Lat- taught his disciples she listened. When one of her recal- are willing, take this cup away from me.” Then after er he got the books he had asked for, citrant abbesses was being particu- anguished prayer he came to a resolution, “... not my but discovered something. Military to pray, and larly tiresome, she prayed, “Lord, if will but yours be done.” exploits and love, his former pas- I had my way, that woman wouldn’t Jesus prayed at other times, which I plan to write sions, left him strangely unfulfilled. they have taught be superior here.” And God answered about after Lent, but Jesus also taught his disciples to The Bible and the saints, on the her just as wryly. “Theresa,” he said, pray, and they have taught us through the centuries. other hand, filled him with peace us through the “if I had my way, she wouldn’t be So let’s take a look at that. It is a tradition that gives and satisfaction that remained. He either.” us strength, consolation and joy. went to the Abbey of Montserrat, centuries. So let’s In baptism we are all called to be “To pray is to listen with the heart.” I remember above Barcelona, and dedicated his saints. As St. Ignatius taught, and St. this quote from somewhere, though I cannot remem- life to God. Then he made a retreat take a look at that. Theresa and St. Bernadette practiced, ber who said it. It certainly rings true in the lives in a small place called Manresa holiness always begins with prayer. of the saints. St. Bernadette listened so well to the where there were caves inhabited It is a tradition that Lent is a time to travel in good com- Blessed Virgin’s pleas for prayers at Lourdes that by those seeking a place to pray. He pany with Jesus and his saints. today the place of her encounter with the “lovely recorded the results of his prayer gives us strength, lady” is a world-famous place of pilgrimage. What and meditation in his “Spiritual FATHER CARVILLE is a retired priest in the strikes the pilgrim to Lourdes most is the atmosphere Exercises.” Down to today they are consolation, and Diocese of Baton Rouge and writes on of prayer on the grounds of the shrine. Whether the basis of all retreats given by the current topics for The Catholic Com- it is waiting for a chilling dip in the waters of the order he founded, the Society of Je- joy. mentator. He can be reached at johnny- spring originating from the grotto where the appari- suits. Although active in education, [email protected]. tions took place, or making the Way of the Cross, or missionary work, science and many praying in the adoration chapel, there is a sense of other fields, his Jesuits remain faithful to the teach- quiet expectancy, everyone listening for the God who ing and example of St. Ignatius: it all must start with wishes to speak to him or her. prayer so that whatever they do will be true to the

| Pray for those who pray for us Mission Statement Please pray for the priests, deacons and religious women and men in the Baton Rouge Diocese. The mission of The Catholic Commentator is to provide news, Apr. 4 Rev. Ryan Hallford Apr. 11 Rev. Joshua D. Johnson information and commentary to the people of the Diocese Dcn. William Corbett Dcn. John Ferguson of Baton Rouge, Catholics and their neighbors alike. In doing Br. Dwight Kenney SC Sr. Penny Prophit FMOL so, The Catholic Commentator strives to further the wider Apr. 5 Rev. Robert Halter Apr. 12 Rev. Rafael Juantorena mission of the Church: to evangelize, to communicate, to Dcn. David L. Dawson III Dcn. Natale (Nat) J. Garofalo educate and to give the Catholic viewpoint on important Sr. Tuyet Anh Pham ICM Br. Malcolm Melcher SC issues of the present day. Apr. 6 Rev. Patrick Healy SSJ Apr. 13 Rev. Juel Kandula IMS Dcn. Guy E. Decker Dcn. Edward J. Gauthreaux Br. Clifford King SC Sr. Maria Rabalais CSJ Apr. 7 Rev. Ray Hebert SC Apr. 14 Rev. Donnell Kirchner CSsR Dcn. Benjamin J. Dunbar Jr. Dcn. Steven C. Gonzales Sr. Theresa Pitruzello CSJ Br. Paul Montero SC Letters to the Editor Apr. 8 Rev. J. Clifton Hill CSSp Apr. 15 Rev. Jon C. Koehler Letters to the Editor should be typed and limited to 350 Dcn. Kirk Duplantis Dcn. Richard H. Grant words and should contain the name and address of the Br. Noel Lemmon SC Sr. Anne Michelle Ramagos CSJ Apr. 9 Rev. Elisesus Ibeh MSP Apr. 16 Rev. Leonard Kraus SJ writer, though the address will not be printed. We reserve Dcn. W. Brent Duplessis Dcn. Tim Grimes the right to edit all letters. Send to: Letters to the Editor, Sr. Christine Pologa CSJ Br. Marcus Turcotte SC The Catholic Commentator, P. O. Box 3316, Baton Rouge, LA Apr. 10 Rev. Charbel Jamhoury Apr. 17 Rev. Johnson Kuriappilly 70821-3316, or to [email protected]. Dcn. Jeff R. Easley Dcn. Ronald J. Hebert Br. Roger LeMoyne SC Sr. Alexandrine Rasoanirina SOM March 29, 2019 VIEWPOINT The Catholic Commentator 17 Our struggle for proper celebration

e don’t know how to celebrate given us this gift. More delight we are looking for in highlighted, widened and shared with things as they’re meant to be at issue is the fact that life and this pushes us into others. We have an irrepressible need to Wcelebrated. We want to, but our capacity to enjoy is pseudo-celebration, namely, celebrate, that’s good. Indeed the need for mostly we don’t know how. Generally often mixed with incho- excess. Put simply, because ecstasy is hardwired into our very DNA. we celebrate badly. How do we normally ate feelings of guilt about we struggle give ourselves But ecstasy is heightened awareness, celebrate? By overdoing things; by tak- experiencing pleasure (and permission to enjoy, ironi- not obliterated consciousness. Celebra- ing a lot of the things we ordinarily do, the greater the pleasure, cally we tend to pursue enjoy- tion is meant to intensify our awareness, drinking, eating, talking, singing and the deeper our feeling of ment too much and often not deaden it. The object of celebration humoring, and bringing them to excess. guilt). Among other things, not in the right ways. We is to highlight certain events and feel- For most of us, celebration means eating because of this, we often confuse pleasure with delight, ings so as to share them with others in too much, drinking too much, singing struggle to enjoy what’s le- excess with ecstasy, and the an extraordinary way. But, given our too loudly, telling one joke too many, and gitimately given us by God obliteration of consciousness misunderstandings about celebration, we hoping that somewhere in all that excess because, consciously or with heightened awareness. mostly make pseudo-celebration, that is, we will find the secret to make this occa- unconsciously, we feel that Because we cannot simply we overdo things to a point where we take sion extraordinary. our experience of pleasure In Exile enjoy, we go to excess, burst our own awareness and our awareness of We have this odd idea that we can find is somehow “stealing from our normal limits, and hope the occasion out of the equation. special joy and delight by pushing things God.” This is an uneasi- Father Ron Rolheiser that obliterating our aware- We have a lot to overcome in our beyond their normal limits. But there’s ness that particularly afflicts sensitive ness will heighten it. struggle to come to genuine celebration. precious little real delight in this. Height- and moral souls. Somehow, in the name And yet, celebrate we must. We have We still need to learn that heightened ened enjoyment is found in connecting of God, we struggle to give ourselves full an innate need to celebrate because enjoyment is not found in excess, deeper with others more deeply, in feeling our permission to enjoy, and this leaves us certain moments and events of our lives community is not found in mindless lives expanded and in experiencing love prone to excess (which is invariably a (e.g., a birthday, a wedding, a gradua- intimacy, and heightened awareness is and playfulness in a special way. But substitute for genuine enjoyment). tion, a commitment, an achievement, or not found in a frenzied deadening of our that doesn’t happen in a frenzy. Hence Whatever the reasons, we struggle even a funeral) simply demand it. They consciousness. Until we learn that lesson our celebrations are mostly followed by a with this and thus many of us go through demand to be surrounded with rituals we will still mostly trudge home hung- hangover, physical and emotional. Why? life deprived of a healthy capacity to enjoy which heighten and intensify their mean- over, more empty, more tired and more Why is genuine celebration so hard to do? and, since nature will still have its way, ing and they demand that they be shared alone than before the party. A hangover Perhaps the main reason is that we we end up alternating between rebel- in a special, highlighted way with others. is a sure sign that, somewhere back down struggle congenitally to simply enjoy lious enjoyment (“pleasure we steal from What we cease to celebrate we will soon the road, we missed a sign post. We things, to simply take life, pleasure, love God”, but feel guilty about) and dutiful cease to cherish. struggle to know how to celebrate, but we and enjoyment as gracious and free gifts discipline (which we do without a lot of The same is true of some of our deeper must continue to try. from God, pure and simple. It’s not that delight). But we’re rarely able to genu- loving, playful and creative moments. we lack this capacity for this. God has inely celebrate. We rarely find the genuine They too demand to be celebrated: Cutting back on digital devices leads to ‘deep work’ here are some recent signs ing down and doing deep work? ourselves to experience some- admitting that we are, in fact, to work backward from our deep that the culture is coming Improved skill and the creation thing deeper. And when that more distracted but it is nice to values to our technology choices, Taround to something more of new value that is hard to capacity is directed toward God be in touch with far-flung family the church should take notice. sacramental in our increasingly replicate. Newport cites the in prayer, we open ourselves up on Facebook, we have given in It is far too common to digitized landscape. Cal New- productive suc- to perceiving God’s to a shallow view that our tools adopt new tools uncritically port is an associate professor of cess of people like grace, the real deep have costs and benefits, but the and judge their utility based on computer science at Georgetown Woody Allen and work of the spiritual benefits outweigh the costs. whether they can supplement University in Washington but “Harry Potter” life. A more meaningful approach the church’s mission of evange- does not own a cellphone and author J.K. Rowl- Newport’s would be to confront the root lization. This is not necessarily has no social media accounts. ing, who both follow-up book, sources of our unease. It is not a bad thing, as Bishop Robert His two most recent books are practice forms “Digital Minimal- the distraction that is most E. Barron of Los Angeles and not theological in any sense, but of deep work by ism: Choosing a worrisome, it is our loss of self- others have shown through they hint at a sacramental sensi- avoiding social Focused Life in a control and autonomy, both of their use of new media, but what bility, and the church would do media and using Noisy World,” takes which are necessary for taming is the church’s philosophy of well to pay attention to what he’s distraction-free the concept a step the passions and experiencing media? saying. tools like Allen’s further by suggest- the interior freedom that our How do we discern what we Newport’s 2016 bestseller German Olym- ing that we need faith offers. use and what we avoid when it “Deep Work” makes a case for pia SM3 manual more than just “life Read in tandem, New- comes to preserving the higher pursuing a “state of distraction- typewriter. hacks” and tips port’s books offer an implicitly ideals that the church serves? free concentration.” His argu- Newport’s Theology in for becoming less Catholic case for rethinking We might start with the idea of a ment goes that we are losing argument is a ensnared in digital our relationship to technology. thoughtfully considered mini- touch with “deep work” because version of the Technology distraction. Rather, The author’s audience is clearly malism when it comes to the our networked tools like email one made by the we need a “phi- corporate types and harried temptations of technology. and social media encourage French philoso- Brett Robinson losophy of media” professionals who are looking skimming across the surface of pher Simone Weil that stems from for more meaning and clarity of ROBINSON is director of com- things, leading to shallow work who said, “Attention, taken to our deeply held beliefs. More focus in their work, but the les- munications and Catholic me- habits that have little value. We its highest degree, is the same than a “digital Sabbath” where sons are just as applicable to our dia studies at the University of read headlines without read- thing as prayer. It presupposes we spend a day or two divorced spiritual lives. The challenge is Notre Dame McGrath Institute ing the articles and respond too faith and love.” When we devote from our digital devices, digital controlling the passions, a prob- for Church Life. quickly to things that require our full and undivided attention minimalism goes deeper. lem that humans have had since more thought. to something, no matter what The moment we start the beginning. When someone What are the benefits of slow- it is, we build a capacity within rationalizing our behavior by like Newport says that we need 18 The Catholic Commentator COMING EVENTS March 29, 2019

Passion of Christ – Sister Dulce Maria CSMPC will Conference will be held Friday, April 12, 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 dramatization of Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting “The present a reflection on the Stations of the Cross, with p.m., at the Holiday Inn South, 9940 Airline Hwy., Baton Last Supper” on Palm Sunday, April 14, 7 p.m. For more each station inspired by the Blessed Mother, Friday, April Rouge. There will be a panel answering legal questions information, call the church office at 985-345-8957. 5, 5 – 8 p.m., at the Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer and health screenings from Franciscan Missionaries of Center, 17560 George O’Neal Road, Baton Rouge. There Our Lady University in Baton Rouge. To register, call Discalced Carmelites – The Secular Order of will be a fish dinner from 5 – 6:45 p.m., and the program 225-810-3555 or fax to 225-216-2662. Discalced Carmelites will meet Sunday, April 14, 1:30 begins at 7 p.m. The event is $15, which includes the fish p.m., at the Our Lady of Mercy Parish Activity Center dinner. For tickets, visit passionofchrist19.eventbrite. Magnificat Breakfast– Karen Sheehy, regional in the St. Gabriel Room, 444 Marquette Ave., Baton com or call 225-752-8480. specialist for Women in the New Evangelization, will Rouge. For details, call Ethlyn White at 225-803-3391 or speak at a Magnificat prayer breakfast Saturday, April email [email protected]. St. James Prayer Breakfast – Cassandra Will, 13, 9 a.m. – noon, at the Oak Lodge Reception Center, president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, 2834 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd., Baton Rouge. Tickets are Pastalaya Dinner Benefit – Knights of Columbus will speak at a prayer breakfast Saturday, April 6, 9 – 11 $22 each and will be sold through Wednesday, April 10. Council #2807 of St. Alphonsus Church in Greenwell a.m., at the St. James Church Parish Hall, 6613 Hwy. 18, To purchase tickets, send a check made to BR Magnificat Springs will host a pastalaya dinner with proceeds going St. James, Tickets are $15 each and can be purchased by indicating the number of attendees to Kathy Simoneaux, to help Vince Dileo Jr. with his costs of fighting cancer, calling Cynthia Clifton at 225-892-0375. 9650 Victory Lane, Denham Springs or register online at Saturday, April 27, 11 a.m. – till, at Oak Point Shopping Center, 14485 Greenwell Springs Road, Greenwell Fourth Cup Presentation – Mike Fulmer will present Springs. Dinners are $8. For more information, call 225- “The Fourth Cup and Lamb of God” with Seder Meal Day of Reflection – Becky Eldredge will present a 261-1222. Monday, April 8, at the Holy Rosary Church Parish day of reflection, “Taking Stock: Living Your Greater Activity Center, 44450 Hwy. 429, St. Amant. There will Yes,” at Rosaryville Spirit Life Center, 39003 Rosaryville Prosopon Icon Workshop – A Prosopon icon be a pot luck from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. and the presentation Road, Ponchatoula on Saturday, April 13, beginning at workshop will be held Monday, May 20 – Saturday, May starts at 6:30 p.m. RSVP by calling Amy Sanders at 225- 9 a.m. and concluding with Mass at 4 p.m., for more 25, at St. Joseph Abbey 75376 River Road, St. Benedict. 571-2680 or email [email protected]. information, visit The workshop will include daily prayer with the monks at St. Joseph Abbey. Deadline to register is Tuesday, April Grandparents Raising Grandchildren – The free Last Supper Dramatization – Our Lady of Pompeii 9. For more information, email christendaunis@yahoo. 22nd annual Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Church, 14450 Hwy. 442, Tickfaw, will present a com or call 225-252-3090.

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While we at The Catholic Commenta- Resthaven Gardens of Memory. Two CALL TYRONE BROUSSEAU'S Painting Charlotte’s Custom Designs tor do our best to bring reliable ad- spaces in Crucifixion, 32D, spaces 3 & “WHEN IT NEEDS FIXING” Interior and exterior painting. Experi- Drapery, Roman Shades, Bedding, vertisers to our readers, we are not 4. Asking $8000 for both. Call 225-772- LEAKING SINKS, FAUCETS, TOILETS enced and reliable. Free estimates. Call Fabrics, Upholstery, Shutters and Blinds. responsible for any claims made by 7646. AND GARBAGE DISPOSALS 225-241-8488. 225-936-8649 any advertiser. PLUS OTHER REPAIRS Greenoaks Memorial Park. Crestview CALL 225-802-4522 Dave’s Bicycle Repair and Sales. Free Guitar and bass lessons. Mausoleum. Single front, two spaces. OR 225-346-6246 pickup and delivery, free estimates, ex- All ages and styles LegaL Notices $9116. Call 225-683-8186 or 225-719- pert economical repair on all brands. Ian Webster 1169. Call 225-924-4337 or www.davesbicycle repair. com. Anyone with knowledge of the where- LEBLANC’S TREE & STUMP 225-937-6635 Greenoaks Memorial Park. Two plots REMOVAL, INC. abouts of Zachary Billingsley Smith, IV is in Rose Garden. Section 15, lot 284, Mr. D’s Tree Service HOUSEKEEPER asked to contact the Diocesan Tribunal Prompt service–Free estimates 3 Licensed Arborists Spaces 3 and 4. Includes two vaults, two FULLY INSURED MATURE DEPENDABLE at 225-336-8755. opening and closings. $9000. Call 225- Free Estimates 20 + YEARS EXPERIENCE E. H. “Eddie” LeBlanc Fully Insured 241-0715 Phone 383-7316 HAVE REFERENCES Anyone with knowledge of the where- Don Decell owner CALL DEBBIE abouts of Brandy Lynn Loftin (nee Sisk) St. George Cemetery. Two mausoleum 225-292-6756 225-266-7655 is asked to contact the Diocesan Tribunal spaces. Location St. Elizabeth Ann Seton at 225-336-8755. THOMAS LUNDIN, CPA TURNING 65? Steve’s Lawn Care Walk. Crypts 510, Tier C. $8700. Call Accounting and taxes for businesses, MEDICARE QUESTIONS? Same Day Service 225-444-3482 non-profits and individuals; business, WE CAN HELP Prompt Service – Free Estimates For reNt computer, financial and management JOE GOODSON – 225-572-2275 Fully Insured services. 30 years experience; profes- JOHNNY STUART – 225-907-3619 Call 225-329-5369 Spring-Summer Beach Condo rental sional, prompt and personal attention. time here. Gulf Shores, Alabama. Catho- Call 225-296-0404. lic family owned. 225-405-5473. BusiNess service PLACE YOUR AD HERE. Pet friendly duplex, Gulf Shores, Allan’s Tree Service Anthony's Furniture Specialties. We Alabama. 3-BR, 2 1/2-BA each side. Large Specializes in large and dangerous tree restore hurricane damaged furniture. Reach some 95,000 readers in The Catholic Commentator! fenced yard for pets with private pool. removal. Licensed and insured. Senior If it's furniture, we do it all! Refinishing, Catholic owned. Call 877-446-4853. Ask citizen and law/military discounts. Allan re-upholstery, pick up and delivery, etc. CALL 225-387-0983. Credit cards accepted. for Beach Bum. Johnson 225-241-8789. 2263 Florida Blvd., BR. 225-413-2607.

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By Richard Meek addictive, or a part of one’s life. The Catholic Commentator “Look at your life; what are the things you run to?” he said. Getting up and leaving one’s “What are the things you look comfort zone to follow Jesus is forward to? Does it have to with perhaps one of the most difficult prayer or service to others? challenges a person can face. “Let us pray the Lord fills But doing so helps one our souls to get up so that we Bishop Michael G. Duca and Bishop Emertus Bishop Robert W. Muench prepare to give each other the sign become the man God called him might know the joy, the joy Pope of peace during Mass at the 3rd annual Men of the Immaculata Conference on March 9 at St. George Church to be. Francis keeps talking about. in Baton Rouge. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator That was Bishop Michael Tomorrow morning think about G. Duca’s message during his getting up and beginning anew.” across a book called “The Queen “(Working too much), to drift even further away from homily at the 3rd annual “A Father Calloway’s pre- of Peace Visits Medjugorje” and addiction to pornography, God through his teen years but Call to Battle” Catholic Men’s sentation provoked laughter, found it so captivating he stayed whatever it is, you will waste so also began to experience an ache Conference presented by the curious stares and a few tears up all night reading about the much time, energy and money in his heart. Men of the Immaculata on along the way. He spoke of his Virgin Mary. in your quest for happiness and Father Johnson said his March 9 at St. George Church in troublesome childhood, one that To his mom’s astonishment, you’ll never find it until you conversion came during a Baton Rouge. included enduring his mother’s that same morning Father humbly surrender to the truth,” spiritual retreat in Alexandria “I can’t tell you how important three marriages, becoming a Calloway told her he needed Father Calloway said. when he came face to face with it is in the spiritual life to just teenage gang member in Japan to talk to a priest. During the He said he went through Christ and dropped to his knees get up,” he said, following up and eventually being expelled subsequent conversation with a radical conversion and “fell to pray, and also began to cry. on the Gospel reading when from that country and escorted a priest, Father Calloway was madly in love with Jesus.” He He asked God what was his Levi got up to follow Jesus. back to the United States as a encouraged to stay for Mass. cut his hair, got a job and went will. “The hardest thing to do is to teenager. It was during Mass when into what he called “serious “God looked at me, all my get up because it means leaving During those years of Father Calloway, on two battle mode” trying to get his brokenness and he saved me,” the comfortable, leaving the spiritual turbulence, he thought occasions, heard a voice, that he manhood back. He signed up Father Johnson said. “He had familiar. It means taking on the the Catholic faith was rather acknowledged was God, say to for RCIA classes and at one me; I was done.” yoke of responsibility.” odd. But as he grew older, two him “Worship.” point even admitted he had Bishop Duca ended the Bishop Duca admitted getting events would shape his future. “I was injected with to “duke it out with the devil,” conference by asking the men up and saying you’re sorry is One night while staying at his knowledge. I thought I was before eventually becoming an to go to confession, take the never easy, and but said those mother’s house at the Naval going to explode with what ordained priest. time during Lent to read one of who trust in the Lord and take base in Norfolk, Virginia, was happening in me,” he said, Father Johnson admitted the Gospels from beginning to that first step find “grace upon he was unable to sleep and adding that he had spent his life growing up he did not always end, and pray the prayer of St. grace, answers that we never went downstairs looking for looking for what could only be love Jesus because he didn’t Patrick, which he prayed as the imagined. something to read. He stumbled found in the Catholic Church. know Jesus. He said he began final blessing of the day. “We find hope, we find the courage to move forward, we find ourselves come alive spiritually.” A sold-out crowd of 1,200 men attended the conference, which Hospice is About Living included Mass, confessions heard throughout the day and • We rely upon the intercession of our Blessed Mother to assist us in imitating the healing ministry of Jesus a lineup of entertaining and Christ as we care for terminally ill patients and their families. spiritually inspiring speakers •We call forth the compassion and kindness of our staff, who serve in this health care ministry, to respond to that featured popular author the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of our patients and their families. Father Don Calloway MIC, Tim Staples and Father Josh •We believe in the sacredness of life from conception to natural death, and we devote ourselves to Johnson, pastor of Holy Rosary supporting patients and families through the dying process at the end of life’s journey on this earth and Church in St. Amant. new life in eternity. Bishop Duca began his homily, which was as challenging as it was inspiring, by praising the men, saying everyone in attendance was there for a reason, whether being a bit broken, grieving the loss of a The right people, loved one, dealing with illness, doing the right thing suffering through the feeling of for the right reason. SERVING PEOPLE OF ALL FAITHS being lost or other issues. He acknowledged it’s difficult • (225) 243-7358 to let go of one’s sins, especially Notre Dame Hospice does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, disability or age in admission, treatment, ability to pay, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment. if they have become familiar, 20 The Catholic Commentator March 29, 2019

RCIA  kind of bothered me that it RCIA instructor at Our Lady of GOSPEL  Spirit given by the mercy of From page 1 (Lutheran) communion was just Mercy. One of the Weiss’ favorite From page 2 God and the sacrifice of Jesus ‘a remembrance.’ ” traditions is eating breakfast to fill my life? St. Alphonsus. While Norman was at work Saturday mornings at Frank’s our sins, state our contrite As we come to the end of Norman grew up in the one day, Judy flipped through Restaurant with the Daggetts hearts, ask for forgiveness, Lent we will experience the Lutheran Church in St. Louis, the channels and came across an and other Catholic couples. receive the absolution for Passion of the Lord. Be mindful Missouri and attended the episode of “The Journey Home” But the spiritual nourishment restoration and partake in acts of the path. We follow the Way Lutheran School until he was in on EWTN. She then watched the of Jesus in the Eucharist is what of penance to help repair the of the Cross more intently the eighth grade. Judy grew up in program regularly. She bought the Weiss’ look forward to most damage. these coming weeks. Prepare Cape Girardeau, Missouri. the Catechism of the Catholic about joining the church. Resurrection you hearts for the suffering of The couple met at Southeast Church and Catholic Bible and “I’m looking forward to Then comes new life! our Lord, and what he did for Missouri State in Cape Girardeau. also enjoyed reading “The Four receiving that first Communion Baptism incorporates us us. Allow his merciful love to After they married, they lived in Witnesses” by Rod Bennett. because that’s the reason I into the most holy . envelope your sins. Be open San Diego for 33 years. Judy shared with Norman her wanted to come into the Catholic We become a new creation. to grace to ask for forgiveness. While Judy was growing up, thoughts about the “The Journey Church in the first place,” said Reconciliation restores us Ask for strength to repent and she attended a neighborhood Home,” which he sometimes Judy. to new life and a new way have a change of heart. Ask for Baptist Church, but stopped watched, and about what she Norman, who already enjoys to journey to heaven. The the light to see and the ability attending as she got older. was learning in her readings. But his “God and Coffee” time in darkness of sin is overcome by to come to your senses. Ask for It wasn’t until after she and they did not explicitly talk about the mornings going through Jesus, the Light of the World. restoration. Come home. Norman married that Judy joining the Catholic faith. daily prayers, Bible versus of Just as the man born blind Eternal God, in whom attended church again. Their After Hunter went off to the day, praying the rosary etc., cried out to Jesus, so should we mercy is endless and the son, Hunter, was baptized in the college and later married, the said, “I also look forward to cry out to God for restoration. treasury of compassion — Lutheran Church. Weisses wanted to live near getting deeper into studying the Just as Jesus raised Lazarus inexhaustible, look kindly The Weisses left the Lutheran them, so they moved to Baton Bible, something I’ve never done from the dead, so too will he upon us and increase Your Church for a while and attended Rouge, the home of Hunter’s before.” do it for us. But we must do mercy in us, that in difficult a congregational church before wife, Angelle, who is expecting Belonging to a large group our part. We must come to moments we might not despair returning. the couple’s first child on April 8. of Catholics worshipping God our senses and examine our nor become despondent, but But even then, seeds were The Weisses reasoned, “It’s warm through the same Mass liturgy lives. Am I living for heaven? with great confidence submit planted in the Weiss’ minds about and it has palm trees.” also appeals to the Weisses. Do I walk in virtue? Am I ourselves to your holy will, joining the Catholic Church. They said Angelle’s parents, “When you’re in Mass you living a life filled with faith, which is love and mercy itself. “My story started about 15 Thomas and Lonnie Daggett, who know Catholics around the world hope, love, patience, wisdom, years ago,” said Judy. “I had are active members of Our Lady are doing the same Mass. That’s understanding, counsel, for- Dow is the director of questions that kept coming up of Mercy Church in Baton Rouge, the one church I’ve always felt titude, knowledge, piety Evangelization and Cat- when we’d go to church and have been instrumental in their that God wanted us to be,” said and fear of the Lord? Am I echesis for the Diocese of take communion. It always journey. Thomas Daggett is an Judy. embracing the gifts of the Holy Baton Rouge.

Two Ways You Can Help the Needy This Lenten Season! We never know who will come through the doors of our St. Vincent de Paul Community Pharmacy. Last year, we filled over $1.3 million worth of life-sustaining prescriptions. The people we serve are much more than faceless numbers. They are people just like you and me, with one exception: They are sick and can’t afford their life-sustaining medications. We see the fear, the worried expressions and, quite often, the shame at having to ask for help. The St. Vincent de Paul Community Pharmacy isn’t about numbers; it’s about people helping people, and you don’t have to be a doctor or pharmacist to help fill a prescription. For so many, our pharmacy is the answer to their prayers.

Christ asks us to share His love within our communities and throughout the entire world. Our pharmacy is working hard to follow this call by providing a helping hand of mercy to people in desperate need of their prescription medications. Last year, our pharmacy filled thousands of prescriptions for people who desperately needed a helping hand - people who were suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other life-threatening illnesses.

The Fill a Prescription for the Needy Campaign is a response Learn more about how you can save a life to this community need. WBRZ-Channel 2, Pat Shingleton, and the Baton Rouge Clinic have come together today in the enclosed envelope insert in to ask you to fill a prescription for the needy. You can save someone’s life by making a gift in the enclosed envelope this issue. Give online at insert or by making a gift online at

Build A Basket For Needy Kids

When families are struggling to exist on low incomes, just paying the rent and putting food on the table is difficult. Needy children learn at an early age that there’s nothing in the budget for extras. Things like Easter baskets are luxuries their families simply cannot afford. Last year, our Build a Basket campaign was a tremendous success and reached so many children in need.

Join us in providing Easter baskets for thousands of needy children. You can actually build a basket yourself or make a contribution to the effort online at, and we will build it for you and give it to a needy or homeless child. This is a great project for church groups, schools and clubs. For more infomation, call us at (225) 383-7837 or visit us at Bring Christ into the lives of those in need!