Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

Fixative paints DAW Italia GmbH & Co KG

InnenGrund Acryl-Hydrosol Acryl-Konsolidierung

EPD Programme: International EPD® System (www.environdec.com) Programme operator: EPD International AB CPC Code: 3511 (Paints and varnishes and related products) Registration EPD n°: S-P-02253 First Release date: 05/10/2020 Valid Until: 21/09/2025 Geographical scope: Italia This EPD is compliant with ISO 14025 and EN 15804+A1



1. The company ...... 5 1.1. DAW Italia ...... 5 Mission...... 5 Environmental Policy ...... 6 2. Products description ...... 6 2.1. Products compositions ...... 7 Innengrund ...... 7 Acryl-Hydrosol ...... 8 Acryl-Konsolidierung ...... 9 3. Environmental performance declaration ...... 11 3.1. Declared Unit ...... 11 3.2. System boundaries ...... 11 3.3. Time boundaries ...... 13 3.4. Geographic boundaries ...... 13 3.5. Life cycle boundaries ...... 13 3.6. Allocation rules ...... 13 4. Data quality ...... 14 5. Environmental impacts ...... 15 5.1. Innengrund ...... 16 5.2. Acryl-Hydrosol ...... 17 5.3. Acryl-Konsolidierung...... 18 6. Information about the company and the certifying body ...... 19 6.1. DAW Italia contact information ...... 19 6.2. Information about the program ...... 19




DAW Italia is working on the quantification of the environmental impacts of its products in order to improve their technical and environmental performance. This EPD describes the environmental performance of fixative paints in order to promote its application, especially in sites that require compliance with Minimum Environmental Requirements


The Italian headquarters of the DAW group, which was born in Germany in 1895 and one of the main manufacturers in Europe of paints, varnishes and technological solutions for building industry, was established in 1969 in Rome and moved to its current location in 2001. DAW Italia is a multibrand reality and aims to satisfy the needs of different types of customers with three highly specialized brands, characterised by the common mission of developing and offering products and services distinguished by quality excellence and constant innovation. DAW Italia is present on the Italian market with three brands: Caparol, successfully introduced in the Italian market since 1969 and leader in the professional construction sector, Alligator, a brand that exists since 1959 in Germany and which is aimed specifically at the professional target with high quality products and services, and Alpina, a brand dedicated to the private consumer, active in the paint sector for over a century and always recognized for the high performance of its products and attention to sustainability.

MISSION DAW mission has always been to bring technological innovation in the professional construction sector through the development of products and solutions that guarantee the highest quality standards and contribute to energy savings, improvement of living comfort and environmental safeguard.



The DAW Group sustainability strategy is based on three pillars:

Company: sustainable management of all activities and processes, from research and development to the purchase of raw materials, from workplace safety to energy consumption. Products: development of innovative and high-quality products, compatible with environment, capable of improving living comfort, always with the biggest attention to the health and well-being of consumers. Construction. Support and commitment in spreading the culture of sustainable construction, from the design phase to the construction phase, with specific attention to energy saving, reduction of pollution and maintenance of the value of buildings over time.

The continuous improvement of resources uses, the protection of the climate, the creation of healthy and comfortable environments are priorities of DAW Italia.


This object of this LCA is group of Caparol fixatives that can be grouped into five different subcategories:

1) Water based interior primer based on acrylic copolymers (Innengrund)

2) Transparent acrylic primer for exteriors and interiors (Acryl-Hydrosol)

3) High penetration acrylic fixative and insulator for mineral surfaces (Acryl-Konsolidierung)

The aforementioned products are formulated in the con Zelo plant by DAW and refer to the same PCRs.

The products are packaged and sold in cans or buckets of various sizes, made of virgin polypropylene. Primary packagings with a volume equal to or greater than 4 L also have a steel handle to facilitate transport.


The products packaged in primary packaging with a volume of 1 liter are packaged in cardboard boxes of 6 liters in total, after which all the products are placed on wooden pallets and wrapped with polyethylene film.


The compositions of the analysed paints are reported below:

INNENGRUND Water-based primer for interiors based on acrylic copolymers and selected fillers, with excellent smoothing and consolidating properties Faint odor Gripping Adhesion bridge between mineral substrates and synthetic finishes Density: Approx.1.36 kg / l Dilution: 20-30% with water, depending on the absorption of the substrate. Coverage: Approx. 10 m2 / l, depending on the absorbency and roughness of the substrate. VOC content of this product (cat. 1 / a): 30 g / l: maximum 20 g / l VOC. Component % Water 25-40 Dispersions and resins 20-35 Product Additives 1-5 Pigments and fillers 35-50 Polypropylene 3,62 Steel handle 0,01 Packaging Polyethylene film 0,07 Pallet 4,3 Totale 100.0

Table 1 - Innengrund composition


ACRYL-HYDROSOL Transparent acrylic primer for exteriors and interiors Easy to apply High diffusivity towards water vapor Good water repellent qualities Density: Approx. 1 kg / l Dilution: 1: 2 - 1: 4 with water, depending on the absorption of the substrate. Coverage: Approx. 6-8.5 m2 / l, depending on the absorbency and roughness of the substrate. VOC content of this product (cat. 1 / h): 30 g / l: maximum 1 g / l VOC. Component % Water 50-70 Dispersions and resins 35-50 Product Additives 0,5-5 Pigments and fillers 0 Polypropylene 5,94 Steel handle 0,01 Packaging Polyethylene film 0,07 Pallet 5,88 Total 100.0

Table 2 - Acryl-Hydrosol composition


ACRYL-KONSOLIDIERUNG Acrylic consolidator and insulator, with nanoscale binders, with high penetration for uncoated mineral surfaces It does not alter the chromatic aspect of the support It does not significantly alter the breathability and permeability to water vapor Density: Approx.1.02 kg / l Dilution: 50-300% with water, depending on the absorption of the substrate. Coverage: Approx. 10-18 m2 / l, depending on the absorbency and the roughness of the substrate. VOC content of this product (cat. 1 / h): 30 g / l: maximum 10 g / l VOC.

Component % Water 20-35 Dispersions and resins 65-80 Product Additives 0,5-5 Pigments and fillers 0 Polypropylene 5,88 Steel handle 0,02 Packaging Polyethylene film 0,09 Pallet 5,82 Total 100,0

Table 3 Acryl-Konsolidierung composition In addition, the indication of the hazardous substances pursuant to Reg. 1272/2008 (CLP) present within the categories of raw materials used, as required by the reference PCR, is shown below. To calculate the maximum quantity found in the product, the concentration value from SDS was taken and multiplied by the highest concentration of the raw material category among the various products. The remaining raw materials used do not contain dangerous substances and have not been reported.


% max in Components substances % from SDS the CAS Classification product Silicic acid, - 16 1312-76-1 H315, H318 potassium salt Miscela di: 5-cloro-2- metil-2H-isotiazol-3- H301, H310, one [EC no. 247-500- H314, H318, < 0,0014 0,0011 55965-84-9 7]; 2-metil-2H- H317, H330, isotiazol-3-one [EC H400, H410 Dispersions and no. 220-239-6] (3:1) resins Isotridecanol 1-4,5 3,6 - H302, H318 Ethoxylated 2-bromo-2- H302, H312, nitropropan-1,3- < 0,05 0,04 52-51-7 H315, H318, diolo H335, H400 H225, H304, Ethylbenzene < 0,0015 0,0012 100-41-4 H332, H373 H301, H311, 2-methylisothiazol- H314, H318, 3-5 0,25 2682-20-4 3(2H)-one H317, H330, H400, H410 H302, H315, 1,2-benzisothiazolin- 3-5 0,25 2634-33-5 H318, H317, 3-one Additives H400 Maleic acid, polymer with diisobutene, 25 1,25 37199-81-8 H319 sodium salt H315, H319, Gliossale < 0,01 0,0005 107-22-2 H317, H332, H341




The declared unit is 1 kg of paint, including packaging, that enables to paint a certain wall area (m2).

The coverage data, expressed in m2/kg, are reported in the table below for each product.

Product Coverage (m2/Kg) Innengrund 13,8 Acryl-Hydrosol 6,06 Acryl-Konsolidierung 10,2

Table 4 Products coverage data


Namely, system boundaries include the following modules:

A1: production of raw materials; A2: transport of raw materials to production sites; A3: paints manufacturing; A4: transport of paints to the sites of use; A5: paints application.

For completeness, the packaging used for paints and paints disposal are included.

The phase related to recycling and energy recovery (D) is not applicable because the paints are not considered recyclable. Therefore, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, C1, D modules are not declared.


Construction Resource Product stage process Use stage End of life stage recovery stage stage Use Use Repair Repair Disposal Disposal Transport Transport Transport Transport demolition Replacement Replacement Maintenance Maintenance Raw materials Raw materials Manufacturing Manufacturing Refurbishment Refurbishment De-construction De-construction Reuse-Recovery- Waste processing processing Waste Recycling-potential Operational water use water use Operational Operational energy use use energy Operational Construction installation installation Construction

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D


MND: module not declared Table 5 processes included in the LCA study

The analyzed processes can be listed and described as below: Upstream processes: o Raw materials extraction/production; o Packaging production;

Core processes: o Products manufacturing through formulation; o Material moving using electrical vehicles; o Cleaning operations; o Products packing; o Products storage; o Waste production and disposal

The transport of materials from suppliers to DAW Italia, the energy and water consumption, emissions and waste treatment are included in the production process. Downstream processes: o Products distribution; o Products application.



The primary data come from DAW Italy and refer to the year 2018 for the production of all the analyzed products. The secondary data derive from the Ecoinvent v.3.5 database published in 2018 and present in the SIMAPRO software, used for life cycle analysis.


DAW Italia production site is located in the Municipality of Vermezzo con Zelo, in the Province of . The raw materials are purchased from different suppliers in Europe, although most of the suppliers are located on the national territory and in Germany. The packaging is bought in about 80% of cases from suppliers present on the national territory, the remaining 20% is purchased from German suppliers. The finished products are sold in the national territory.

3.5. LIFE CYCLE BOUNDARIES the following processes are excluded from the LCA: the construction of company buildings, the production of manufacturing equipment, the production of capital goods, personnel activities.

The contribution of infrastructure has not been excluded from the processes that already contained it, as for instance, those from the Ecoinvent database.


The product formulation process implies the use of virgin raw materials and no waste which may go back to the production cycle is produced. New packaging is used for the packaging. For these reasons, no allocation has been made.



Primary data have been used for the fundamental aspects of the study, such as energy and water consumption in production plants of Daw or the product composition. For all processes for which primary or representative data were not available, the LCA database Ecoinvent v3, cut-off by classification, was used. As required by the reference PCR, the use and incidence of non-representative proxy data for impact category considered is below 10%. All inputs of the productive process have been evaluated. No cut-off rules have been applied. Since some of the chemicals used by DAW Italia for paints production are not available in the LCA database, some assumptions have been made on the basis of safety and technical data sheets.

There are multiple suppliers of raw materials and these can be used in several of the products analysed. Therefore, to define the core process (A2), the arithmetic average between the distances of each supplier from the DAW Italia production site was calculated. Analogously has been done with regard to the transport the packaging used to package the finished product. For the core process (A3), the data relating to the consumption of electricity and water and the production of waste for the reference year (2018) were used. For the transport phase of the finished product (A4) an average distance was estimated based on the sales data of the products in 2018. The distance in Km and means of transport were assessed as described by the EPD process. Finally, the application phase (A5) includes the water consumption for the dilution of the products, as specified in the relevant technical data sheets, the application and the subsequent drying phase. For the application the use of spray guns was not considered but the manual application of the product was considered, by brush or roller as it is most used, which does not require any energy consumption.


5. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The following tables report the environmental impact indicators for the life cycle of 1 kg of each product:

Environmental impacts:

global warming, ozone layer depletion, acidification, eutrophication, photochemical oxidation, abiotic depletion abiotic depletion (fossil fuels)

Consumption of resources:

Consumption of resources (renewable and non-renewable) Use of recycled materials; Use of fossil fuels from secondary sources Freshwater consumption

Wast disposal

Disposal of hazardous waste; Disposal of non-hazardous waste; Disposal of radioactive waste



ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Impact Category Unit Total A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Global warming (GWP100a) kg CO2 eq 1,49 1,33 4,73E-02 0,028 6,97E-02 8,83E-03 Ozone layer depletion (ODP) kg CFC-11 eq 1,68E-07 1,42E-07 8,65E-09 3,14E-09 1,25E-08 1,56E-09 Acidification kg SO2 eq 1,06E-02 1,02E-02 1,51E-04 9,03E-05 1,91E-04 3,14E-05 Eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 1,79E-03 1,66E-03 3,49E-05 4,20E-05 4,36E-05 1,19E-05 Photochemical oxidation kg C2H4 eq 6,45E-04 6,23E-04 6,38E-06 5,82E-06 8,96E-06 1,52E-06 Abiotic depletion kg Sb eq 2,07E-05 1,74E-05 1,29E-06 6,8E-08 1,9E-06 3,27E-08 Abiotic depletion (fossil fuels) MJ 22,35 20,17 0,70 0,32 1,03 1,30E-01 RESOURCES USE Impact Category Unit Total A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Renewable, material MJ x x x x x x Renewable, energy MJ 2,65 2,54 1,02E-02 0,08 1,37E-02 1,46E-03 Renewable, total MJ 2,65 2,54 1,02E-02 0,08 1,37E-02 1,46E-03 Non renewable, material MJ 26,24 23,83 0,76 0,38 1,12 1,40E-01 Non renewable, energy MJ 2,28E-04 1,84E-04 1,53E-05 2,13E-06 2,27E-05 4,24E-06 Non renewable, total MJ 26,24 23,83 0,76 0,38 1,12 1,40E-01 Use of secondary material Kg x x x x x x Use of secondary renewable fuels MJ x x x x x x Use of secondary non-renewable fuels MJ x x x x x x Use of net freshwater m3 9,66E-03 8,72E-03 1,04E-04 6,78E-04 1,53E-04 2,20E-04 WASTE DISPOSAL Impact Category Unit Total A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Hazardous waste kg 1,88E-05 1,32E-05 1,89E-06 8,62E-07 2,76E-06 9,26E-08 Non Hazardous waste kg 0,48 0,38 3,44E-02 6,01E-03 5,05E-02 6,45E-03 Radioactive waste kg 5,75E-05 4,41E-05 4,91E-06 6,34E-07 7,06E-06 8,69E-07 Table 6 Environmental impacts of Innengrund (1 kg)



ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Impact Category Unit Total A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Global warming (GWP100a) kg CO2 eq 0,84 0,71 2,81E-02 0,028 6,97E-02 9,04E-03 Ozone layer depletion (ODP) kg CFC-11 eq 1,41E-07 1,2E-07 5,14E-09 3,14E-09 1,25E-08 1,58E-09 Acidification kg SO2 eq 7,21E-03 6,83E-03 9,00E-05 9,03E-05 1,91E-04 3,32E-05 Eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 1,42E-03 1,30E-03 2,07E-05 4,20E-05 4,36E-05 1,4E-05 Photochemical oxidation kg C2H4 eq 4,43E-04 4,24E-04 3,79E-06 5,82E-06 8,96E-06 1,58E-06 Abiotic depletion kg Sb eq 1,91E-05 1,64E-05 7,68E-07 6,8E-08 1,9E-06 3,57E-08 Abiotic depletion (fossil fuels) MJ 14,91 13,13 0,42 0,32 1,03 1,32E-01 RESOURCES USE Impact Category Unit Total A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Renewable, material MJ x x x x x x Renewable, energy MJ 2,80 2,70 6,04E-03 0,08 1,37E-02 1,50E-03 Renewable, total MJ 2,80 2,70 6,04E-03 0,08 1,37E-02 1,50E-03 Non renewable, material MJ 17,72 15,76 0,45 0,38 1,12 1,43E-01 Non renewable, energy MJ 2,18E-04 0,000184 9,06E-06 2,13E-06 2,27E-05 4,26E-06 Non renewable, total MJ 17,72 15,76 0,45 0,38 1,12 1,43E-01 Use of secondary material Kg x x x x x x Use of secondary renewable fuels MJ x x x x x x Use of secondary non-renewable fuels MJ x x x x x x Use of net freshwater m3 1,03E-02 9,37E-03 6,16E-05 6,78E-04 1,53E-04 2,97E-03 WASTE DISPOSAL Impact Category Unit Total A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Hazardous waste kg 1,65E-05 1,17E-05 1,12E-06 8,62E-07 2,76E-06 9,73E-08 Non Hazardous waste kg 0,34 0,26 2,04E-02 6,01E-03 5,05E-02 6,63E-03 Radioactive waste kg 4,75E-05 3,69E-05 2,92E-06 6,34E-07 7,06E-06 8,73E-07 Table 7 - Environmental impacts of Acryl- Hydrosol (1 kg)



ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Impact Category Unit Total A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Global warming (GWP100a) kg CO2 eq 1,27 1,11 5,17E-02 0,028 6,97E-02 9,04E-03 Ozone layer depletion (ODP) kg CFC-11 eq 1,88E-07 1,61E-07 9,46E-09 3,14E-09 1,25E-08 1,58E-09 Acidification kg SO2 eq 1,21E-02 1,17E-02 1,66E-04 9,03E-05 1,91E-04 3,32E-05 Eutrophication kg PO4--- eq 2,25E-03 2,11E-03 3,81E-05 4,20E-05 4,36E-05 1,39E-05 Photochemical oxidation kg C2H4 eq 7,45E-04 7,22E-04 6,97E-06 5,82E-06 8,96E-06 1,58E-06 Abiotic depletion kg Sb eq 2,88E-05 2,54E-05 1,41E-06 6,8E-08 1,9E-06 3,56E-08 Abiotic depletion (fossil fuels) MJ 21,33 19,08 0,77 0,32 1,03 1,32E-01 RESOURCES USE Impact Category Unit Total A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Renewable, material MJ x x x x x x Renewable, energy MJ 3,47 3,36 1,11E-02 0,08 1,37E-02 1,50E-03 Renewable, total MJ 3,47 3,36 1,11E-02 0,08 1,37E-02 1,50E-03 Non renewable, material MJ 25,53 23,05 0,83 0,38 1,12 1,42E-01 Non renewable, energy MJ 2,96E-04 2,50E-04 1,67E-05 2,13E-06 2,27E-05 4,26E-06 Non renewable, total MJ 25,53 23,05 0,83 0,38 1,12 1,43E-01 Use of secondary material Kg x x x x x x Use of secondary renewable fuels MJ x x x x x x Use of secondary non-renewable fuels MJ x x x x x x Use of net freshwater m3 1,45E-02 1,36E-02 1,13E-04 6,78E-04 1,53E-04 2,94E-03 WASTE DISPOSAL Impact Category Unit Total A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Hazardous waste kg 2,34E-05 1,76E-05 2,06E-06 8,62E-07 2,76E-06 9,71E-08 Non Hazardous waste kg 0,56 0,46 3,76E-02 6,01E-03 5,05E-02 6,63E-03 Radioactive waste kg 7,31E-05 5,92E-05 5,36E-06 6,34E-07 7,06E-06 8,73E-07 Table 8 - Environmental impacts of Acryl-Konsolidierung (1 kg)



The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study and this EPD were created by the Product Safety Department of DAW Italia, in collaboration with Normachem Srl (https://www.normachem.it/).

The company contact details are:

DAW Italia

Lissi Andrea

Largo Murjahn, 1 - 20071 Vermezzo con Zelo (MI) e-mail: [email protected]

Website: https://www.dawitalia.it/


EPD programme: International EPD System, www.environdec.com Programme operator: EPD International AB, Box 210 60, SE-100 31 Stockholm, Sweden, E-mail: [email protected] PCR:

PCR review was conducted by: The Technical Committee of the International EPD® System. Chair: Massimo Marino ([email protected]) CEN standard EN 15804 served as the core PCR Independent verification of the Verifica EPD declaration and data, according to ISO Certificazione del processo di elaborazione delle EPD 14025: Third party verifier: Certiquality S.R.L Via Gaetano Giardino, 4, 20123 Milano MI 02 806 9171 Accredited or approved by: Accredia This EPD is compliant with ISO 14025 and EN 15804+A1

EPDs of construction products may not be comparable if they do not comply with the EN 15804 standard

DAW Italia is the exclusive owner of this EPD and is responsible for it