What’s inside: Picnic in the Lower Blue Happy Birthday ! Driver Awareness - Beach & Bush Windellema Wandering II More of Chichester to Explore February - March [email protected] 2016 Collision Repairs

SR Autobody is a manufacturer accredited Subaru Preferred Repairer. Catering for all your accident related needs, small or large, all makes and models. From minor dents to major collisions, SR Autobody is your Subaru Preferred Repairer of choice! Mention this add and receive an additional 10% discount off your insurance excess or private repairs to your vehicle for all Subaru & Recreational 4WD Club members.

Phone: 9476 2558

146 George Street, Hornsby N.S.W. 2077

Email: [email protected]

Web: Way Points Committee Reports - President 5 Subi Club Awards 6 Webmaster 7 Social Convener 8 Public Relations 9 Ian’s Shop 10 Weblinks - 11 Club Shop 12 Footy Tipping 13 Trip Reports - Picnic in the Lower Mountains 14 Happy Birthday Australia 17 Driver Awareness 21 Windellema Wandering II 25 More of Chichester to Explore 28 Future Fun 33 Member Profile 36 A-Z of National Parks 37 Trip Gradings 38 Convoy Procedures 39 Minutes - Club 40


President – Julie Rush Ph: 0409 307 381 Vice President – Mark Honor Ph: 0418 406 118 [email protected] [email protected]

Secretary – Cath DeSantis Ph: 0413 474 630 Treasurer – Sandra Moss Ph: 0438 276 012 [email protected] [email protected]

Membership Secretary–Karolyn Honor Ph: 0459 111 096 Public Relations – James Wall Ph: 47362619 [email protected] [email protected]

Editor – Julie Rush Ph: 0409 307 381 Trip Convener – Mark Honor Ph: 0418 406 118 [email protected] Trip Convener – Troy Strickland Ph: 0409 908 977 [email protected]

Information Officer – Jo Quinn Ph: 0409 771 019 Fundraising – Gillian Wall Ph: 47362619 [email protected] [email protected]

4WD Assoc. Delegate – Evan King Ph: 0402 411 742 Driver Awareness – Brian Flood Ph: 0425 270 385 4WD Assoc. Delegate - your name here Driver Awareness – Brett Atkins Ph: 0412 208 874 [email protected] [email protected] Webmaster – Troy Strickland Ph: 0428 408 568 Ass. Webmaster – Evan King Ph: 0402 411 742 Sergeant-@-Arms – Robert Moss Ph: 9820 2128 [email protected] [email protected]

Social Convener – Sandi Strickland Ph: 0414 870 168 Catering Officer – Karen Campbell Ph: 0430 842 101 [email protected] [email protected]

Public Officer – Paul Sistrom Public [email protected]

3 General Meetings Place: Ermington Community Centre Date: Second Friday of each month 10 River Road Ermington Meeting starts 8pm Finishes approx 9.30pm Postal Address: PO Box 161 Parramatta NSW 2124 Web: Email Address: [email protected]

New Members Angelo Altas Stephen Mockford Amanda White Greg Chapman Returning Members Ehab Metwally Yvonne Terweeme

Committee Meetings Committee Meetings are held on the Tuesday prior to the general meeting starting at 7.30pm at the homes of committee members – all members are welcome to attend. Please contact the President for details of location each month. In an emergency Club Personnel appointed as first contact in the event of a problem on a trip: Troy Strickland 0409 908 977 Mark Honor 0418 406 118

Trip Reports Trip leaders, please remember to select someone to write the Trip Report for you. Whether you ask a specific person, ask the group if someone would like to, toss a coin to choose or use the old tradition of last person to the meeting point; that’s up to you but please have someone selected, preferably early in the trip so they can take notes if they wish, but definitely by the end of the trip. Also it would be great to encourage any keen photographers on your trip to send their best few photos to the editor, high resolution images work best - it’s worth points now!

Happy Birthday - February/March

Karen Horwitz Sandi Strickland Amanda Capratsis Craig Fitzpatrick Tracey Fitzpatrick Michael Dunstan Jean Dunstan Janet Cheung John Hocking Lyndon Skeggs James Wall Robert Moss Guy Freeman Paul Campbell Kaitlin Strickland Tom DeSantis Chris Malone David Kirkby

4 President’s Report

Wow, March already - the year is flying by, again!

It’s great to see five new members in the past month or so - one from the Drive Day, two from the website and two returning members. Welcome to you all, you have joined a great club and I look forward to meeting all of you soon.

There are a number of trips in the calendar at the moment. Bernadette has been out and done the reccie for her first trip and I know we are looking forward to it. There is a little bit of everything amongst the trips, something for every one so get your name down quick. If there is nothing there that appeals talk to our Trip Conveners, Mark and Troy and put your own trip up. At the March meeting we talked a little about organising/running trips of all types from social, easy through to hard trips and extended trips. If you have never run a trip before and find the whole process a little daunting we hope that you may have gained a little more confidence from this discussion - just remember that there are plenty of us willing to give you a hand - just ask.

Don’t forget Relay for Life in May, this will be our 9�� year and help is always needed and appreciated. If you can’t make it out there but would like to do something for the event, donations of Heatbeads brand (not easylight please) heat beads is always good. Donate a large tin of Milo or a few litres of milk, serviettes - every thing we don’t have to buy means more money for cancer research.

There are two dates for Bunnings BBQs in the calendar - 18 June and 22 October (both at Lidcombe Bunnings). Proceeds from the June BBQ will go to the club while the funds from the October BBQ will go to a charity that is helping out our Aussie farmers. You only need 3 or 4 people on the stand at a time so if you are able to help for an hour or so it would be much appreciated.

Our June meeting will be another social outing to Ten Pin Bowling at Lidcombe - see Sandi’s Social Convener report for more details.

Troy has been doing a fabulous job with the website and has now made it easier to put photos up - everyone loves to see photos and its a great way to promote our club to non members checking out the website if there are lots of up to date photos. See Troy’s report for more details

Just a reminder to everyone to please go to the website and update their details, it is important that we have up to date email addresses and contact numbers for yourself and even an emergency contact.

That’s it from me for now. If you’re going away for Easter or Anzac Weekend stay safe and have a great time. Don’t forget to take plenty of photos and write a story about the trip and send it to the Editor.

Cheers Julie

The Subaru & Recreational 4WD Club, its Editor and the Committee accept no responsibility for opinions expressed in this magazine, nor for the accuracy, veracity, safety or legality of any product or modification.

Material for publication should be submitted to the Editor NO LATER than the dates advised. Photographs should be high resolution and include a descriptive caption, if applicable. The inclusion of photos with trip reports is especially encouraged. Information can be sent to the Editor by email to [email protected]. 5 SUBI CLUB AWARDS I have started compiling everyone’s points tally - running a trip is a great way to get some extra points and there’s plenty of room on the calendar:

1 point - attending a meeting (make sure you sign in) 1 point - giving a trip report at a meeting 2 point - leading a day trip 3 points - leading a 2-4 day trip 4 points - leading an extended trip (5 or more days) 1 point - attending a day trip 2 points - attending a 2-4 day trip 3 points - attending an extended trip (5 or more days) 1 point - writing a trip report 2 points - if the report gets to the Editor within 2 days of the trip 1 point - for sending photos of a trip to Editor 2 points - if the photos reach the Editor within 2 days of the trip 1 point - for a magazine article

From the 2016 AGM, members will also earn 1 point for taking on a committee position. Holding more than one position does not mean additional points. They will also not receive points for committee reports submitted for the magazine but they will still be entitled to points for any other articles sent to the Editor. Note: A committee member who runs trips as part of their normal committee position cannot gain a points advantage from performing their normal duties. This applies especially to Driver Awareness and Social Convener, eg. The Driver Awareness Officer who runs a training day will get 1 point only for attending the trip. They do not get an additional point for leading the trip. eg. Social Convener who runs a 'Xmas Party’ will get 1 point only for attending - no additional points for leading the 'trip'. However, should either run another trip outside their position, then points for attending and leading will be earned by that person as this trip is not part of their normal activities. CLUB CALENDAR for full details see Future Fun on pages

March High Country Holidays Pub with No Beer Trek Easter at April Caves to Caves A Day on the Central Coast BBS 2016 - Epilogue Wallendbeen Manning Point May Relay for Life Hunter Valley Wine Tasting June Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser July Western Outback Wander September Long Weekend Beachcomber Holiday Park

Future Fun and the calendar in this edition of Drive Torque are correct at the time of printing. For the latest calendar information, see the club’s website: Members wanting to join a trip should register on the Club’s website. Please remember to check with the trip leader a day or so before the trip to allow the trip leader to advise members of any changes or cancellations. Don’t forget to advise the trip leader if you need to pull out. 6 Webmaster’s Report Hi Everyone Well, it has been a funny kind of summer with days being cold, hot, dry, wet, stormy, windy, floods and hurricanes etc. and we have not been able to get out on some of the weekend trips recently. On the plus side though I have been able to make some more improvements to the website. In the last issue, I mentioned the "My Trips" section and I hope those trip leaders have found it and have been able to approve their trip participants. If not, I have now modified the emails that you will receive when someone registers for your trip to include a link to the My Trips area. The email is now formatted better too. Users will now also get notifications when someone replies to their forum thread or a thread that you have replied in. Hopefully this will make the forum section more useful for members. Notification of a new topic created will now also notify the committee so that they are aware of anything new without needing to log in and check the forum section all the time. Uploading of photos is now easier, you can now upload up to 20 photos at a time into the gallery instead of selecting individual photos and uploading one by one. For best results it is good to resize images to have the longest edge 1000 pixels long to speed up upload time. You can also upload from your smart phone which usually includes the GPS information in the metadata of the photo. Other cameras also include this information. When you do this, the image can be plotted on the Big Map in the website. There is video up showing a time lapse of the AWD Experience Day and there is a new section for Membership Renewals to make it easier and separate renewals from new membership registrations. Well, I hope you get out there and enjoy some of the trips on offer, then get online, upload your photos and talk about the trip in the forum section. You are able to include links to images and you tube videos within the forum. If you don't know how to do something, need some help or guidance, even if you have an idea for the website, let me know at a meeting or email me at [email protected]

Cheers, Troy You must be joking…

3 Kiwis and 3 Aussies are travelling by train to a cricket match at the World Cup in England. At the station, the 3 Aussies each buy a ticket and watch as the 3 Kiwis buy just 1 ticket between them. “How are the 3 of you going to travel on only 1 ticket?” asks one of the Aussies. “Watch and learn,” answers one of the Kiwis. They all board the train. The Aussies take their respective seats but all 3 Kiwis cram into a toilet and close the door behind them. Shortly after the train has departed, the conductor comes around collecting tickets. He knocks on the toilet door and says, “Ticket please.” The door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand. The conductor takes it and moves on. The Aussies see this and agree it was quite a clever idea. So after the game, they decide to copy the Kiwis on the return trip and save some money (being clever with money, and all that). When they get to the station, they buy a single ticket for the return trip. To their astonishment, the Kiwis don’t buy a ticket at all!! “How are you going to travel without a ticket?” says one perplexed Aussie. “Watch and learn,” answers a Kiwi. When they board the train the three Aussies cram into a toilet and soon after the 3 Kiwis cram into another nearby. The train departs. Shortly afterwards, one of the Kiwis leaves the toilet and walks over to the toilet where the Aussies are hiding. He knocks on the door and says, “Ticket please.”

7 Social Convener’s Report Hi All The January meeting at Brush Park Bowling Club was a great success and we hope to do more of them in the future. Members enjoyed a sausage sandwhich and then a game of bowls in the sunset and while it was a little warm, we were able to also indulge in a cool refreshing bevvie or two while we were at it. A few of us even won a meat tray! Many thanks to those who came along and made it such a great evening. Our next social meeting will be bowling again but this time it will be in JUNE and of the ten pin variety. We will be going to TENPIN CITY on Parramatta Road, Lidcombe. They have various special offers including meal deals for us to have another enjoyable evening together. We hope you mark the date in your calendars: FRIDAY 3 JUNE (yes we have moved the meeting a week forward due to the long weekend) costs and actual time to be confirmed. Troy and I will be heading off to the Wineries in the Hunter again soon, the reason for limiting the numbers is due to the fact that some of the wineries are quite small and can only handle a small group at a time. We are however camping at Broke which is free so you are welcome to camp with us and perhaps we could organise another group if we get another leader to volunteer. I will be starting to think about the Christmas in July trip soon and so if you have any ideas or infact you would like to organise it, please let me know. I would be happy to help you. Otherwise, stay tuned for some more details on the website... any ideas for a nice warm camping spot would be appreciated. That's all from me, enjoy the cooler, Autumnal months and we will see you out there... Take care Sandi Strickland FOR SALE

I am sorry to say that I need to sell my 2013 Spacematic Regal Camper Trailer with Trans Continental Pack

Price: $20,000 Includes : - 12m rego - queen size bed - fully enclosed canvas annex - electric brakes - AGM Deep cycle battery - CTEK battery charger - 140w solar panel - roll out kitchen - roll out pantry - 3way fridge - wedge tool box - stone guard - pole carrier - extra storage hatch on drivers side Contact Tracey at [email protected] 8 To Jessica and Evan on the safe arrival of Mathias Frank Kenneth King

Born on 2 February 2016 @ 3:18pm

Public Relations Officer’s Report

It’s has been a good start this year on the PR front. The club has run a successful Subaru AWD Drive Day that generated some good feedback and publicity for us and the magazine has two new advertisers to add to our long term supporter in Penrith Subaru. The public Facebook page has had an increase in views and it is a good way to publicise what we have been doing and what events are coming up. I never thought I would be a convert to social media for advertising our club activities,but there you go. Penrith Subaru and Subaru Marketing have offered to support the running of another drive day later this year, and I for one think it is a good opportunity to involve members and committee in a joint activity that has proven to be beneficial to us on a number of fronts. The decision whether to proceed, or not, is up to the committee as a whole, but your feedback regarding the pro’s and cons for the club would be a good thing to hear.

The Four Wheel Drive Adventure Show is on in October and the clubs participation is being discussed. However, for our presence at the show to be of benefit it will need members to help out on the stand. Although October seems a way off the organisation needs to start well before then, so if the call for help goes out put up your hand and get involved. The Relay For Life will be held in May and the club will be there for the ninth year. What a great effort by the members who put in time every year to make it a success. I will be promoting the clubs efforts more widely this year in the hope that the donation target can be surpassed. As always, I am always happy to hear ideas from members that can be advanced to the committee, so don’t be shy in coming forward.

9 Ian’s Shop

Hi everyone

Over time I have bought a selection of items at the best price possible , trying to cater to the interests and needs of 4WD enthusiasts and Club Members.

Just some of the items available include:

. LED torches . hand tools . high quality disposable plates and bowls . knives and forks . cling wrap and foil

plus many other incidentals.

To see what else I have available please email me at [email protected]. I can advise price , brand names etc and if interested I will then bring them along to our next meeting night. Alternatively you can call me on my mobile 0411 096202.

Look forward to hearing from you. Ian Heathcote

WHAT’S COMING UP AT THE MEETINGS Got an idea for something different at our meetings talk to any of the Committee

8�� April Meeting - Driver Awareness Talk

13�� May Meeting - Trivia Night

10�� June Meeting - Bowling Night - 10 Pin City Lidcombe

8�� July Meeting - General Meeting

12�� August Meeting - Awards Night Dinner/AGM


Here are some links to sites about camping. Not exhaustive by any stretch but somewhere to start. Do you have a favourite website link - send same to [email protected] 2012.pdf Areas_V5.pdf

There are also many great books out there with trip notes and camping spots listed:

11 To order please contact Karolyn on 0459111096 or email CLUB SHOP [email protected]


$65 Sizes 12-24

$95 $34 $35 (to be confirmed) $44


$44 $30 $30 $30

CAPS $15 each One size fits all


$15 per entry – one entry per person only Money to be paid to Julie no later than Round 10 (13 May) First Place gets the money. If it’s a tie the money will be split. Last place gets money back. Go to Register or log on then Join Comp: Comp Name: Subi Club Footy Tipping Comp Password: subaru2015 Comp No: 105126

Tip a Winner: 1 point(s) Tip a Draw: 1 point(s) Perfect Round Bonus: 2 point(s) Non-Submission: Away Teams Join Late: Away Teams Incorrect Tip: 0 point(s) Finals Points: 2 point(s) State of Origin Points:2 point(s) State of Origin and finals will be included in tipping rounds.

Results will be published in the magazine.

Winner will be announced at first club meeting after the Grand Final


in conjunction with the SUBARU AWD EXPERIENCE 14 Trip Leader (Day trip) - Mark Honor Attendees: Trip Leader (AWD Exp) - James Wall Mark & Karolyn Honor - Navara Trip Report - James Wall Ann-Marie Meade - Triton Craig Fitzpatrick - Navara Photos - Brett Atkins Michael Hamilton - Landruiser Robert & Sandra Moss - Patrol John & Jean Hocking - Pajero Tom & Cath DeSantis - Prado Joey Wellham - Subaru Forester Bernadette & Chris Tiller - Subaru XV James & Gillian Wall - Landcruiser

On Sunday the 17 January, the Subaru and dirt roads before but for some it was their very first Recreational 4WD Club of NSW Inc, in conjunction time. The route took us from Wisemans Ferry, across with Penrith Subaru, ran a very successful drive day the Hawksbury River on to Colo Heights, down to the for customers with Forester, XV and Outback vehicles. Colo River, where we stopped traffic over the timber The Subaru AWD Experience consisted of five Colo River bridge for a photo shoot. The onlookers did Foresters, two Outbacks and one XV with twenty three not seem to mind too much .Then on to visitors of all ages. Lagoon, and Bilpin to load up on fruit pies and locally grown fruit, and then into Burralow Valley via a After some very heavy weather the week before that mixture of dirt roads and fire trails with some tarmac closed part of the route and submerged the Colo River as well. low level bridge under six metres of flood water, the day turned out to be cool and little cloudy with mainly The group was met at Burralow by club members for dusty roads. Some of the drivers had already tasted a slap up BBQ lunch and the chance to meet and speak

15 with club members to find out what sort of trips we came along and helped out with the BBQ and then offer to members. After lunch, the group was taken got into the spirit of the event, by engaging with the out of the valley, via a steep and winding fire trail visitors and showing that our club are a very friendly to Kurrajong Heights where farewells were lot. exchanged. The most scenic part of the drive was saved for last. All the Subaru owners who James Wall participated were appreciative of the day and the tips passed on by club members.

My thanks goes to Mark Honor for arranging the club members trip and to all the club members who


Trip Leader - Jo Quinn Attendees:

Trip Report - Julie Rush Bernadette & Chris Tiller – Subaru XV Cath & Tom De Santis - Prado Photos - Jo Quinn Christopher Mifsud & Kelly - Navara Geoff Adcock - Pathfinder Harley & Lyn Sadler - DMax Visitors: Jo & Shahni Quinn – Ford Ranger Julie & Michael Rush - Triton Adrian McCormack and Coreena Ferry Kevin McCormack - Triton Mark & Karolyn Honor - Navara Ross Macbeth – Subaru Forester Tony Nardi & Josh – Subaru Forester 17 Originally we were heading down on the Friday afternoon but the weather and time just got the better of us so we were up bright and early Saturday morning ready to leave only to find that the car wouldnt start. We were hoping it was only the battery and finally after 2 NRMA visits we were off, stopping at Bankstown to have a new battery fitted.

The weather was still a bit dodgy but that has never stopped our club from having a good time so on we pressed arriving at camp around 2.30pm. The others had survived the torrential downpours of the day before which was made eaiser due to the huge camp kitchen directly across from sites we had been given - that very quickly became Subi headquarters fro the weekend.

I hadn’t been to Grady’s before but its a lovely spot with great access to the river for swimming, kayaking, boating etc.

The Australia Day fun had already begun before we arrived with Shahni and Travis painting the faces of a number of the group - mainly the blokes!

18 19 The Weetbix eating competition was hotly contested but won hands down by Shahni although Mark did give it a good try. Thong throwing was also good for a laugh as I proved once again that I can’t throw for peanuts. I’m sure I was just showing what NOT to do! Adrian was definitely the champion of this one with no one really coming close to him. However, I did slightly redeem myself by winning the Trivia Competition with Michael.

Saturday saw us head out to Point Perpendicular to check out the lighthouse and Honeymoon Bay. The road out to the lighthouse could use a little bit of work, what a bone shattering experience those few kms were! Honeymoon bay was gorgeous as usual with us all vowing to go back and camp for a weekend.

Mark & Karolyn were having some car problems so they went off in search of a solution while most others went back to camp. Adrian took the kids out tubing which they thoroughly enjoyed and then it was time for fivesies by the river - very hard to take but someone had to do it!

A good fire each night topped off a great long weekend away - thanks Jo for organising it. Julie


Trip Leader - Brian Flood Attendees: Brett Atkins Brett Atkins & Brian Flood - Discovery 4 Trip Report - Amanda White Bernadette & Chris Tiller - Subaru XV Stephen Wells - Jeep Grand Cherokee Photos - Janet Cheung Andrew Wise - Patrol Amanda White Kim Nolan - Landcruiser Amanda, Brad & Rhodry White - Subaru Outback Stephen Mockford - Subaru L Series Patrick Carmody & Janet Cheung - Landcruiser Troopy MJ Hamilton - Navara Michael Hamilton - Freelander Ehab Metwally - Defender

21 I very clearly put myself in the “novice” category . first time driving on the beach in regards to off road driving before joining the . first time needing to change fuses in the car after Club and on our first trip I exceeded my they blew during the water adventure and expectations in terms of what the car (Subaru stopped the fans from working in the car, causing Outback 2015 Diesel) and myself as the driver it to overheat; and could do! We’d taken our car camping many times . first time driving up and down a sand dune (boy before (the very first day we picked it up from that was fun!). Penrith we loaded it up and drove straight to Jervis Bay) but never anything more serious than graded When I list all of our firsts out like that it sounds fire trails. like we had a jam packed weekend - but it was extremely laid back and at a great pace (handy It was a weekend full of firsts - when you are toilet training a 3 year old). Brian and Brett were full of critical safety information . first time for Brad (my husband) to tow someone and hints/tips to help us get the most out of our out car. Everyone in the group was lovely and we had . first time to drive up a rocky slope (though Brett a great time at the group dinner on the Saturday and Brian did tell me it was an easy level one - I night. didn’t find it so!) . first time to go through a big water crossing The torque in the turbo diesel engine of the . first time to wade through thigh deep muddy Outback meant that we had plenty of grunt when water to attach a bow shackle and snatch strap we needed it - getting up those sand dunes was to the rescue hitch while it was all under water easy work even with our tent and camping gear all with zero visibility after getting stuck in said water loaded. The car is also amazingly well sealed. In crossing (on our 2nd pass) so that we could be the picture of the car stuck in the mud puddle, the rescued water was halfway up the driver’s door, definitely 22 above the floor level, and there was not one drop of muddy water in the car.

Both Brad and myself came away from the weekend more confident in our skills and eager to learn and experience more. Our 3 year old son just wants us to get out there and do more “bumpy driving”! We look forward to getting out there again soon and hope to meet you at an event soon - (fair warning - Rhodry is a friendly inquisitive chatterbox - try not to fall into one of his long conversations!)

Amanda, Brad and Rhodry White



Trip Leader - Kevin McCormack Attendees:

Trip Report - Julie Rush Kevin McCormack - Triton Cath & Tom De Santis - Prado Neil Hird - Challenger Jo & Shahni Quinn - Ford Ranger Julie & Michael Rush - Triton Kevin McCormack - Triton Michael Hamilton - Navara Chris Mifsud & Kelly - Prado Jeffy Cairn - Prado

25 Quite a few of us headed down on the Frdiay evening and a day by the water at Stewarts Crossing on the Shoalhaven. arrived at Adrian and Coreena’s property before dark. A While not quite as hot as it had been it still turned out a quick set up and it was time for a well earned drink after a beautiful day to enjoy a swim, a kayak or just a lazy few long week at work (well for most of us anyway). Adrian and hours. The sand was pretty soft and definitely needed us to Coreena had very generously supplied pizzas for dinner so air down, Neil decided to give it a go without doing so but we didn’t even have to cook which was certainly an added didnt get too far. He did get himself out though. bonus. A nice campfire and early to bed to enjoy the peace and quiet you can only get out in the country. The river was delightful and a number of us went for a kayak, Cath gave it a go with Shahni and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was fun to catch up with Tinkerbell the goat again and see Shahni was having fun catching yabbies which she was going how much she had grown and meet Lamby (short for Sir to cook up for fivesies but the general consensus was that Lambcelot) - he’s a bit of a cutey. they really were probably too small so back they went to live another day. Kevin left early the next morning to pick up Neil, Michael and Jeffy and once they were back and set up we headed off for

26 We had put the foxwing up to get a bit of shade from the sun when a rather strong gust of wind came through flipping the foxwing backwards over the roof of the car. Not happy Jan - one bent pole and one snapped completely - at least it didn’t rip the fabric!

After leaving the beach we decided to head to the The Loaded Dog Pub at Tarago for an afternoon drink and then headed back for fivesies down the back of the property.

Another lovely campfire was enjoyed by all - Adrian certainly knows how to build a fire - the tractor does help!

Sunday morning came around way too quickly and after a yummy breakfast of bacon and egg rolls provided by our hosts a few took up Adrian’s offer to have some fun in his paddock bashers around the property. Cath even had a go on Coreena’s posty bike but was a little rusty, it had been a few years since she had ridden one after all. Finally it was time to pack up and head home, but not before lunch at the Big Merino.

Thanks Kevin for organising a lovely weekend and many thanks to Adrian and Coreena for once again letting us visit their propertry. Julie


Trip Leader: Joey Wellham Attendees: Joey & David Wellham - Subaru Forester Trip Report - David Wellham Craig Fitzpatrick - Navara Patrick Carmody - Landcruiser Photos - David Wellham Ross Macbeth - Subaru Forester

28 It was early morning, before sunrise on a dull our magnificent convoy of three great vehicles Saturday - the final summer weekend for 2016. north out of the servo towards new tracks and a Ahead was over 2 hours of driving up the boring M1 bush camp. It didn’t take too long before we were from Sydney, shopping at a major Supermarket for off the main highway and on the country roads. some supplies so that our bellies were satisfied, all Forecast was rain on the day and the weatherman this before 9am. The saving grace of this was that didn’t disappoint with the wipers needing to work Joey was driving his 1999 white Forester with a overtime at double speed at times to clear the small amount of camping gear to keep us water from the windscreen. No-one needed to stop comfortable, the rear seat full of old wooden fence at Dungog, we avoided the main street and turned palings to keep the fire stroked even if it wasn’t towards Chichester Dam and then to Salisbury. We really cold enough to require a camp fire to keep us blinked and missed Salisbury and soon the rough warm or coals required for the camp oven. tar turned to a reasonable gravel road. Up the road was a three way fork in the road - right and a short Dare I say that Joey’s Forester is the best 1999 drive to Williams Day-Use Area in Barrington Tops Forester in Australia and maybe even in the world National Park, straight on was a dead end and left - I might be a little biased but it is the most fun fun went into this part of Chichester State Forest. The car to drive ever and it continues to take us to Williams area had a shelter with information board amazing locations even with over 351,000 kms on so this was our morning tea spot out of the rain. the clock - that is almost 200,000 miles and only another 33,000 kms and we could be on the moon. It was now time to get onto the State Forest tracks, so we steered the vehicles back to the three Joey and I were trip leaders in the Forester, we were pronged fork and up the left spine. The track was meeting Craig in his Navara and Ross in his Forester steep with small ruts that would stop the small at the servo at the Northern end of the M1. I was 2WDs and only adventurous large 2WD drivers walking up to Ross and Craig when I heard 'it is 5 would tackle. We climbed, and climbed to the top minutes before the meeting time, so they will not of the ridge - we were now exactly where we be here yet’, and to their surprise I appeared from wanted to be - far from the maddening crowds in behind their cars. Joey drove up after filling the tank the Aussie bush. This was the first time in this area with cheaper fuel than in Sydney. Soon we pointed so we were exploring and finding our way around.

29 Next stop was Williams Top Picnic Area - nothing much to see here as it is the start of a 10 hour tough walk into the tops - this walk was not for us today so we just turned around and soon we found White Rock camping area. No one was here so it would have been a possibility for the night but it had concrete posts and thick wire separating the road from the grassed area. The rain was still on and off so we needed to erect a shelter for the night which we couldn’t do here. We looked at the Allyn River here which was flowing nicely with the rain. Only another 5ks along the river, past some nice picnic areas and we went past Ladies Well swimming hole, the local young girls were walking along the road with the local young boys following close behind to their local pickup joint, sorry I mean swimming hole.

Two more campsites were a very short distance to check out, left on the river was full of camper vans, canvas and people, we turned right up a road into the bush and the campsite was empty, grassed and level, this is called Old Dobbie. This would do us for the night, after a few minutes of discussion the parking was agreed for the three cars. There was more to explore but that could wait for tomorrow, the rain had eased off but could start again at any moment. Joey’s Forester was on the left of camp with room for the 3 second tent, Ross was on the right of camp with the back seat set up as bed for the night with Craig’s Navara backed in-between with space for the awning off the side with a swag underneath and tarp off the back for cooking and chairs. Just as the tarp was strong enough to stay up the rain started again, so the chairs were under it and we chated for the afternoon. Lunch was eaten, more tall and true stories were shared,

30 fivesies came and gone - the rain was still on/off but it was time for a camp fire. These palings had now been loaded 3 times into the Forester and they were not going home from this campsite. An old camper bus drove into camp but was far enough away that we didn’t bother each other during the night. Late afternoon saw a break in the rain and Joey took his opportunity to start to unload wood, set the fire and get it going with the fire lighters. It didn’t take much for the palings to get raging so that even when the rain started again it was too hot to go out. The chairs were moved out from under the awning canvas to around the fire but Mr Weatherman still had more water drops in the clouds to fall unto us. What is the solution when it is warm, the rain is on and you want to sit around a campfire - yes you guessed it - put up an umbella and stay in front of the fire. Well this lasted for a while but we were still getting wet in the places that were not covered by the umbrella so we gave up and moved back under the canvas awning to watch the fire from a distance. Every so often Joey would take more wood out of the car to place on the fire so it continued to rage.

After dark we decided it was time for dinner - very interesting but no details here as some things just need to stay at camp within the group. Ross went to bed after dinner and Craig, Joey and I stayed up to chat watching the fire from under the canvas quick pack-up were on the road just after 8.30. Joey awning. We were starting to get tired but Joey was woke up with blood over his face, hands and sleeping determined not to take any wood home so out of bag so he was wondering why he had a nose bleed, the car came the final 10 or so pieces. With the rain but nose bleed it wasn’t. Joey had a sore on his wrist again stopped we ventured out to beside the fire, that wouldn’t stop bleeding so he was the victm of the fire was raging again but as usual the rain came a little blood sucking leech, no real harm done expect back so out the umbrellas came and opened up to washing clean bed items when we arrived home. We cover us. Once the fire had died down enough it was decided to do a little exploring before heading out off to bed for what was still an early night for some. of the forest so up past another campsite where we There was just enough heat left in the morning get started to climb up the hill over 600m elevation, past it going so again thanks Joey for a wonderful fire 800m, still climbing at 1000m till finally we were at even if it was out in the rain. the lookout on top of which was over 1170m above sea level. Most of the way we had low The only two things I would change with this cloud and at the lookout there was no view and only campsite would be to remove the smell of the long cloud. Back down the mountain and we came to an drops and ban generators at campsites like these - intersection, the map showed a locked gate but the luckily our site was away from both the smell and sign said Gresford 46kms. This was where we were noise so we were only bothered when we needed heading so right we turned onto what should be a to venture to the loo for relief. 2WD track as there were no ‘4WD Only’ signs. Down the hill the mud appeared and we were slip sliding Craig was up early and Joey and I arose just after 7, our way along, at the bottom an old bridge with a after Ross opened the door to his camp which was very muddy section going up the hill. Across the the rear door his Forester we were all up and after bridge and the Forester was stuck in the mud and 31 was soon sideways on the track. It was agreed that control and traction was to drive with feet on both we would swap drivers - Joey would guide and the brakes and throttle at the same time. Up the David would drive - the changeover saw us both hill we went back to the known tracks and as that covered in light brown mud. The extraction was enough excitement for this old bloke on a required a number of movements backwards and Sunday morning it was time to head out of the forwards until one side was out of the mud up on bush. grass with therefore enough traction to be able to get up the hill to firm ground. it was Ross’s turn The drive thru the countryside was very pretty and next but the mud was so soft and slippery that his it was great being able to drive the white Forester Forester wouldn’t stay out of the ruts and was again - it is not very often that Joey gives me the bottoming out on the centre ridge. After a few keys. We assisted Ross with a tyre pump-up and attempts we agreed to turn around as we had no then a tyre change, many crosses of the river but trip notes for this track and therefore no idea of only one had water flowing over it, the road turned what obstacles, if any, where further up/down the back to tar and then we were at East Gresford road. The track was narrow so I decided to walk to camping area for lunch. Some driving after lunch find a suitable place to do a 7 point turn, man was and we were saying our goodbyes and heading for the mud slippery and as I was about to fall over our homes. into it. I had to run faster and faster and faster to keep upright at which point the only option was to It had been over three months since my previous go off track into the bush until I had balance so that camping trip. During that time I had visited some I could stop without going a over t or something wonderful places on the other side of the world similar - Craig found it funny but maybe you had but it didn’t take long in the bush on Saturday to to be there at the time. Craig turned around, Ross realise that there is nothing like the Aussie bush, reversed down the mud, over the bridge and the gum leaves, the unusual animals and the smell turned around and then it was my turn to walk back of eucalyptus in the air - I wouldn’t swap this for up the hill to u turn and drive slowly back down anything. and thru the mud - the only way to do it with Cheers David FUTURE FUN - what’s coming up HIGH COUNTRY HOLIDAY Trip Leader - Mark Honor Date - 25-28 March Grading - Medium

Meet down the Hume Highway late Thursday night. Gundagai could be the starting point on Friday morning. We might stay at places like, Long Plain Hut, Geehi or Tom Groggin and Davies Plain. We plan to travel light so we can cover a good area in 4 days and gives us more options for camping. Be prepared to travel back to Sydney on Monday night or take the extra day. To enjoy this trip you need to be well prepared and able to drive long days. Some are considering taking the extraTRIP day on Tuesday to allowFULL a slower trip back to Sydney. Contact Mark at [email protected] or 0418406118 PUB WITH NO BEER TREK Trip Leader - Julie Rush Date - 25-28 March Grading - Easy Heading up to the Pub with No Beer at Taylors Arm with a stop or two in between. Looking at the Bulga Plateau and Coopernook State Forest - more details to come. No trailers due to size of camping spots at this stage. Contact Julie at [email protected] TRIPor 0409307381 FULL

EASTER AT BARRINGTON TOPS Trip Leader - Tony Nardi Date - 25-28 March Grading - Easy

I've never been to the Barrington Tops but everyone tells me how good it is, so I am organising a trip to Barrington Tops State Forest for a long weekend of bush camping. According to the Forestry Commission, there is swimming, fishing and 4WDing to be done. Something for everyone. Further information to come.

Contact Tony at [email protected] CAVES TO CAVES Trip Leader - Bernadette Tiller Date - 2-3 April Grading - Easy Exploring the famous caves to caves trek. Save the date, more details coming soon. Meet near Mt Victoria on Saturday morning, travel through Jenolan Caves, Yerranderie and Wombeyan Caves then back up to the Hume Hwy at Mittagong. Contact Bernadette at [email protected] Mobile Phone: 0401 895 626 33 FUTURE FUN - what’s coming up A DAY ON THE CENTRAL COAST Trip Leader - John Hocking Date - 10 April Grading - Social/Easy Options are beach swimming or surfing, off road drive to Box Head, walk to Bullimah Point, lunch at the bistro at the surf club or bring your own and morning and afternoon tea plus change and toilet facilities at our beach house at Killcare. Option of dinner at the local RSL at Hardys Bay.You may do one, some, all or none of these activities. Arrive and depart as you like.It all depends on your energy and interests. Contact John at [email protected] or Phone 0418281040

BBS 2016 � EPILOGUE Trip Leader - James Wall Date - 22 April- 12 May Grading - Touring Come with us on BBS 2016-The Epilogue and leave the rat race behind for a while. Condobolin-Willandra Nat Park- Warrawong on the Darling-Trilby Station-Hungerford-Kilcowera Station-Thargomindah- Eulo-Currawinya Nat Park-Bourke Macquarie Marshes-Gilgandra. Three spots only Contact James at [email protected]

WEEKEND AT WALLENDBEEN Trip Leader - Harley Sadler Date - 22-26 April Grading - Social Camping on our block. Few social drinks around fire sat night. Bit of drive around and lunch at wombat pub sunday, back in time to do reccie for dawn service on monday, which, is just across road from pub, beer/meat raffles sundays. Local dawn service (8ish start) monday and guess two up school later in pub. Dogs OK,TRIP but. Fence/gates FULL not small dog proof. Arrive friday leave tuesday, or whenever suits. Contact Harley at [email protected] or Phone: 0418694172

2016 HAWKESBURY RELAY FOR LIFE Trip Leader - Kevin McCormack Date - 14-15 May Grading - Social / Fundraising This will be our 9th year of participation and for those not familiar with our involvement in the Relay, we usually set up and staff a “camp kitchen” to sell foodstuff to raise funds. I encourage you to join us at Hawkesbury Showground, Racecourse Rd, Clarendon for some fun at this year’s event by registering via our team page at: (Please also register on the trip at the club website as well). Monetary donations to our team effort are very welcome and can be made via the team page link above. Contact Kevin at [email protected] or Phone: 0428408568 34 FUTURE FUN - what’s coming up FUTURE FUN - what’s coming up

MANNING POINT Trip Leader - Mark Honor Date - 29 April - 1 May Grading - Easy Travel to Manning Point (east of Taree) on Friday evening for 2 nights camping at Manning Point Big 4. Beach driving, fishing, swimming on Saturday & Sunday morning. Picnic at the beautiful Farquar Inlet and evenings on the . 2WD access to the camp and 4WD access to Farquar Inlet and Manning River along the beach. Beach passes $35 for 1 month, camping is about $35 per night for powered site. More details later. Contact Mark at [email protected] Mobile Phone: 0418406118 HUNTER VALLEY WINE TASTING Trip Leader - Sandi & Troy Strickland Date - 28-29 May Grading - Social

We will be revisiting some wineries and have a nice camp at Broke on Saturday evening. We will have 2 exclusive wine tastings with cheese platters organised and will fit in a few others, I am sure. Contact Sandi at [email protected] Phone: 0414870168 Troy at [email protected] Phone: 0409908977

WINTER OUTBACK WANDER Trip Leaders - Julie & Michael Rush Date - 3-16 July Grading - Easy/optional medium Join us as we venture to the outback visiting Mutawintji National Park, Beltana Station at the top of the Flinders Ranges, down to Bartagunyah for a night or two and then over to Peterborough and great bush camping at Willangi Bush Escapes. Throw in a 4wd track or two at the stations and it sounds like a pretty good 2 weeks. Contact Julie at [email protected] Phone: 0409307381

LONG WEEKEND BEACHCOMBER HOLIDAY PARK � SOUTH COAST Trip Leader - Chris Mifsud Date - 30 September to 4 October Grading - Social Camping by tent or camper trailer. Sites are unpowered and spacious - 9mtr x 9mtr. Campgrounds have hot showers and toilets. Also has camp kitchen and wood fire pizza oven. Site has water tank for drinking water or bring your own. Great for swimming and fishing but unpatrolled. Contact Chris at [email protected] Phone: 0413581391 35 MEMBER PROFILE BRETT HAMPsON

Name – Brett Hampson Children – 1 Suburb/Area you live – Rouse HIll Occupation – Trading voice manager Member since – 1984 Current Vehicle – Toyota Landcruiser 100 series v8 Vehicle Name – I don’t give vehicles names. But if they get bogged then I call them a name or two. Tyres – Bridgestone 694’s Modifications – ARB suspension, driving lights, rear drawers, cargo barrier and divider, dual battery. Planned Modifications – none Past Vehicles –Suzuki LJ50 (two stroke motor), Suzuki Sierra, Hilux dual-cab, Landcruiser 80 series Dream Car – hmmmm, something big but what to choose? As long as it starts on a cold winters morning in the middle of the desert I’ll be happy. Favourite Place to Camp – Thats a big list but most of them are outback – Coongie Lakes, Simpson Desert, Chambers Pillar etc Favourite Track – WAA line across the Simpson desert was fun Dream Destination – Kimberleys Tent/Camper Trailer –Trak Shak camper Committee Positions held - Vice President, Trip Convenor, Editor, Driver Trainer, Fundraising, Catering, First Club Trip – Yalwal in a friends car Best Club Trip – some of the weekends at Ferndale (near Dungog) have provided many memorable moments, especially after rain. But anywhere out of the city is good. Some trips you’ve been on – Too many to list when been in the club that long. Trips you’ve run – Plenty around Burralow when you used to be able to drive almost right up to the waterfall, Blue mountains tracks when they were open, Barrington area, Newnes area (especially night trips), Picton fire trails, some extended trips out west etc etc. What the club means to you – The club has been a 2ⁿ� family to me for a lot of the time over the years. Many friendships have been made and the good memories from the many trips I have been on will last a lifetime. Its also been wonderful to see new people come into the club and their love for travel and this country grow as each trip goes by.


BARRINGTON TOPS national park

Barrington Tops National Park is always open but may have to close at times due to poor weather or fire danger.

Gloucester (02) 6538 5300 Contact hours: 8.30am-4.30pm Barrington trail Monday to Friday Most of Barrington Tops Barrington trail is a great drive or National Park is declared mountain bike, and there are Nelson Bay wilderness; large, natural spectacular views, an amazing (02) 4984 8200 Contact hours: 8.30am-4.30pm areas of land that, together array of forest habitats and clear Monday to Friday with their native plants and mountain air to enjoy. Make sure animal communities, remain you load your boot up with all Scone essentially unchanged by your camping, walking and fishing (02) 6540 2300 modern human activity. gear to make the most of your Contact hours: 8.30am-4.30pm Wilderness areas in NSW visit to the park. Monday to Friday represent the largest, most pristine natural areas within From October through to May NSW - the last of Australia's every year the Barrington trail wild and untamed places. The opens up to provide four- edges of the wilderness area wheelers access to Little Murray of Barrington Tops are easily campground (5km), Junction accessible; some of the most Pools campground (12.5km) and spectacular views in the park picnic area are from and (15km). Devils Hole and Thunderbolts lookouts. You'll notice the varied textures of the forest below you, with the ranges of the Barrington Wilderness running east and south from the plateau like the fingers of

37 Trip Gradings S U B A R U Social/Scenic Sealed roads and 1smooth unsealed surfaces or tracks. Suitable for all types of vehicles. No previous 4WD experience necessary. Road tyres are acceptable. Suitable for all camper trailers and small caravans.

Easy Dirt trails with possible loose 2surfaces, potholes, corrugations, shallow mud or puddles. Moderate inclines and declines. 4WD may be required. Low range not required. Some previous 4WD experience or completion of a driver awareness course preferred but not essential. Road tyres are acceptable. Suitable for camper trailers.

Medium Un-maintained trails, 3moderate to steep terrain, with awareness course essential. Suitable for GRADE 4 loose rocky and rutted surfaces. purpose built, high clearance, heavy duty Kevin McCormack’s Forester on Sand, water crossings or mud may be camper trailers with brakes and off-road “that” seemingly unconquerable hill in Lidsdale State Forest. As a encountered. Low range may be required hitches. cut-out ascent with high walls, with recoveries possible. Previous off- deep ruts and not much traction road experience necessary. Completion Hard Expect steep terrain, large ruts, there is little to no choice for wheel rock steps, deep water crossings, placement so very few vehicles can of driver awareness course expected. 5 climb it with success. A/T tyres preferred. Suitable for high and mud for majority of trip. Low-range clearance, heavy duty camper trailers with gearing, high clearance and under off-road hitches. body protection required. Completion of club driver awareness course required. Advanced Un-maintained trails, steep Participation at trip leader’s discretion. 4terrain with loose, rocky and rutted A/T tyres minimum. Rated recovery surfaces. Sand, water crossings or mud points front and rear of vehicle essential. may be encountered. Low range, high A hand or vehicle mounted winch must clearance and A/T tyres required, with be available. Expect recoveries and very recoveries probable. Previous off-road slow progress. No camper trailers. Due experience and completion of a driver to the inherent danger of this type of trip, children must be closely supervised.

These gradings Minimum recovery equipment: (Please replace the batteries). ■ Jack; are to be used ■ A snatch strap; ■ Wheel brace as a guide only ■ Two rated D shackles; and All vehicles should be in ■ Basic tools; and may change ■ A UHF radio. good mechanical condition ■ Shovel; and due to track Visitors can arrange with and have the following basic ■ First Aid Kit. and weather the trip leader to borrow a equipment: These items should be conditions. handheld UHF radio for the day. ■ Spare wheel, carried on all club trips.

GRADE 1 The New Members trip to the Southern Highlands was a gentle intro into the club.

38 Convoy and trip procedures

When roads are rough or dusty, 1maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ahead.

Maintain position in convoy except 2in unusual circumstances. Always wait at intersections to 3ensure that the vehicle behind you knows which way to go. EXCEPTION: When drivers are known to each other and radio contact has been made, directions may be given over the CB, to allow the convoy to keep moving.

When arriving at a hard section 4(i.e. creek crossing, steep hill, washout etc.) wait for the vehicle ahead to clear, or to be called through on the CB.

Always stay on the track – Don’t 5stray into the bush! STAY IN TOUCH If you want to leave the convoy, tell 6the trip leader what you want to When on do. Don’t just wander off! trips our When using the CB, allow time between Only people nominated by the trip leader club uses 7transmissions for others to call and keep 9should help others through obstacles (“Too broadcast transmissions short to allow for emergency many cooks …”) channel transmissions. The position of “tail-end Charlie” will be 15 UHF If there is an emergency call, the trip leader 10allotted by the trip leader. This person 8should be the ONLY person to reply. If the trip will be required to advise the Trip Leader of The leader is unable to clearly receive the message, a various events during the trip, and stay with alternate person will be appointed to relay the radio traffic. his/her vehicle and operate the CB should an channel is All other transmissions MUST cease until the trip emergency situation arise. leader advises that the emergency is over. 16 UHF Take nothing but photos (and video), and EXCEPTION: Radio silence may be broken for leave nothing but foot prints (and tyre another emergency. 11 tracks).

39 General Meeting Minutes – 11th February 2016 – meeting opened at 8.10pm

Attendance – as per the attendance register

Apologies – Tom De Santis – Julie Rush – Anne‐ Marie Meade – Brett Atkins.

Vice President – Mark chaired the meeting in the absence of the President Julie.

Minutes of the last general meeting (December 2015) were passed (Craig Fitzpatick) seconded (Troy Strickland).

Visitors to our meeting. Noel Alley – Matthew Heys – Angelo Altas.

New webmaster information is on our website

Secretary – Cath. Correspondence tabled – Statement of our account handed to the treasurer – magazines from other clubs received ‐ Parramatta council documents for the renewal for this coming year have been received, we will request an extension for returning them until end of March to give us time to discuss our needs for the coming year.

Treasurer ‐ Sandra ‐ December & January reports submitted.

Dec. 2015 – B/F Nov. $7149.90 income $500.14 – Expend. Nil – Dec. Bal. $7650.04

Jan. 2016 – B/F Dec. $7650.04 income $0.14 – Expend. Nil – Jan. Bal. $7650.18

Sandra and Brian passed and seconded the reports.

Membership Secretary – Karolyn – 74 members (includes 9 life members) – we have received 2 new members this year.

Trip Convenor – Troy

1. Xmas at Lostock Dam – James reports – Very relaxed time people came and left at different times during the break, there was time for swimming and just doing whatever you wanted. There are some very nice drives up through the State Forest. New Years Eve was all over by about 12.01 as most were a bit tired. Many thanks to Craig for organising the trip. 2. Drive Day January 2016 – Bernadette – Met the group at Wisemans Ferry – we had some nice easy driving on dirt roads and stopped for a chat with the group at 10.00am and they talked about their vehicles and what they thought they could do. We also stopped at Bilpin (the big apple) and then onto Burralow for lunch – lots of interesting chatter with the group we took in and the club members who provided the lunch all the group seemed to have enjoyed the experience. Club Lunch for the day – Robert – We met at Kurrajong Village and set off through Wheeny Creek and Mountain Lagoon. Had morning tea at a Cafe near Bilpin (a bit expensive). We had the BBQ ready when the other group arrived and all seemed very pleased and talked about their drive of the day. Great shots from Brett’s Drone. Club members met at the Pub on the way home for a drink and chat. 3. Australia Day Week‐end – Jo – 5 days trip to Gray’s on the Shoalhaven river and although we did get some rain the week‐end for not effected as we were able to swim in the river and

40 Adrian brought his zodiac down which was a great hit with the kids. On Saturday after a few more had arrived Jo arranged some games for Australia Day – Trivia / thong throwing Weekbix eating. We also decorated our campers and vehicles plus ourselves all good fun. On Sunday we went for a drive to Point Perpendicular (very interesting drive in), we also visited Honeymoon Bay (beautiful spot). A few of the group had lunch in Nowra and others came back to the camp. Great week‐end and many thanks to Jo for all her efforts. Upcoming trips. Driver awareness week‐end ‐ 13th 14th Feb. To Stockton Beach/Awaba with some back roads thrown in and a night and day drive on the beach. Will be staying at Anna Bay Caravan Park. Windellama ‐ 20th 21st Feb. Kevin is running a trip to Adrian & Coreena property (100 acres). We can go down on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Adrian and Coreena have offered to provide Pizza’s for Friday night and a cook up for Sunday breakfast. Saturday will be a drive day with lunch at a pub. Weather permitting we can go for a swim in the river and Adrian & Coreena are going to show us around their property. Kevin will send an email to all who are on the list as to meeting times etc. Exploring Chichester – Joey. 27th 28th Feb. We will doing some driving through the State Forest near Dungog and hopefully find some new tracks. Camping for the night with a relaxed fire, and an easy drive out on the Sunday. Photography Day 13th March ‐ Sandy Photography day in the Royal National Park at the Figure 8 Pool – a bit of a walk in but well worth it. Easter Trips – High Country (Mark) full at the moment but you can put your name on the reserve list if you are interested. Will meet at Gundagai on Thursday night and then onto Tumut/Long Plain/ hopefully do a loop into Victoria camping were we can find a good camp area then back to Jindabyne and home either Monday night on Tuesday for some. Barrington Tops – Tony – Bush camping for the week‐end. Pub with no Beer – Julie & Michael Refer Julie for details. April – Caves to Caves – Bernadette. Trip is Bernadette’s first trip so that is good news. It will be from Jenolan Caves to Wombeyan Caves and spots along the way. Looks good. April – Anzac Day week‐end at Wallenbeen – Harley and Lyn’s property. May – BBS 2016 – James will be staying at some outback stations on this trip (Trilby/Kilcowera) if you want a great experience of the outback come along. We will be away for 3 weeks and will come home through Macquarie Marshes. Webmaster – Troy. Membership options have been upgraded – different costs depended on the time of the year that you register. Photo options now allow you to upload 20 photos at a time. There is a video of the drive day and there will now be Forum alerts. Trip leaders will be able to access” My Trip” on the website. Social Convenor – nil to report. PR – James. Update on the Drive Day held in January. Penrith Subaru was very happy with the activity and has offered to assist with another day later in the year. James is indicated that he will organise that event. Relay for life – James is trying to get some donations for this event as Kevin and Craig put so much work into the event. Don’t forget our Public Face book. Delegates ‐ Evan not present (Evan & Jessica have a new baby boy – Mathias) welcome to their new baby.

41 Editors Report – Julie – Next magazine will be in print please send in reports asap. Information Officer. – Refer the magazine. General Business. Heidi – Izzy’s scan is all clear (great news) Craig’s firm has the contract for the North Connect Tunnel – print out on The table for anyone who is interested in the Tunnel project. Discussion re the renewal for the hall for the coming year from July 2016 – June 2017 cost at the moment is $700. Some suggestions – look at licensed clubs for free rooms – Subaru Penrith Show Room – Scouts Halls or Educational Institutions. Will contact Parramatta Council for an extension until 31/3/2016 for the documents to be returned to them (Cath) If necessary keep it as it is for the next period and have more discussion about the issue (Bernadette) Invite guest speaker to our meetings. March meeting – Brian/Troy/Julie will give a talk about trip planning/leaders discussion and April meeting James has a guest speaker about GPS information. Mark Honor gave a talk about GPS receivers and how they work, plus UHF radios and hand held radio’s. He also informed us that there are 2 emergency channels that should never be used by us or anyone not authorised – Channels 5 & 35 (heavy fines if they are used). Robert – Sergeant at Arms fines. (Cath & Tom for being late at Kurrajong) Raffle winners. – Kevin/Kelly/David/Brian/Andrew. As Julie was not at this meeting the draw for the money prize will be done re the attendance sheet. Meeting closed at 9.30 with supper provided by Karen & Paul. Many thanks as they always put on a good spread and the members appreciate their efforts.




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