I i




¡ l-938-L939


i t., Hon. J. t. Ralston, P.C., M P., Minister of Finance, , Canada.

Dear Slr:

ïlie have the honour to present to you herev¡1th the Fortieth Annual Report of the Federat Distrlct Commisslon for the flscal year II3S-I939 in accor.d- ance with the provislons of the Federal Distrlct Commission Act.

Yours very truly,

Frederic E. Bronson,


Haldane R. Cram,

SECRETARY. t17g - 39




Frederic E. Bronson Chalrraan Chevrler, M.D. i'. E. Provost J. ïi¡. Ste-Marie, K.C. C. J. Booth J. B. Spencer, B.S.A. A. Johnstone C.M.G. ¡ L-L.Ð. J. A. Ewart, B.A.Sc. D. K. lfacTavi.sh, K.C", B"À" Stanley Lelvis, IvlaYor of Ottawa

I sr¿rl

HaLdane R. Cran, B.Sc., .A.Iex Stuart SecretarY Superintendent

Alphonse Chevrler Assistant Secretary Alan K. Iiay, A.M.E.r.c" 1 Consult ing Engine':r:


29J- Caxling Avenue, Ottawa, Oanad.a t for l_s ar

The year I}3B-l-939'was one of considerabl-e activity for the Fed.eraf niåirict- Ôommission. In acldition to the usual maintena.nce on the parks and parÌ

The total expenditu.Itêr includlng ngney received froni a1l- sourîces, of the coroniÁsion during I938-L939 is as fcl-]-ol''¡s;

I',[aintenance and Adninistration.. " " $ 22L,539.O5 Ner,v l:,Iork, Inproveüients, etc. . ., . . o' . 49 ,393 -23 Purchase of ProPe:'ties 24,367.O8 Dominion Government Grounds. 88,66/P.62 Gatineau Park Project" 50,376.96 r3ridge ¡rrãr.'ð" 3 ,O72.3t' Gatineau Unelrploynent Relief Project 29,998.89 Ii,losquito Con-r,rolð o oo o o. c c' 5,547.L6 0ttawa Civic liospiial Grounds o . . . c' . 5 1789.L4 Banlc of Canada Grounds..oo. .oro. L,8L7 "23 Departrrtent of Publlc l:;orks. ê . . . 53,O78.86 of TransPort o . 800.00 Deþarti'nent _. Royal Canadian llounted Pol-ice' ¡ . .''' 550. 00 TotaI $ 534,994.60 5

The recc:ipts at ihe o--l sposail- of' the FeCer¿:rl Disti'1ct Comrnission foi its oln rvork ciuring the ycar l93ti*l-939 ivere S ¿çSr182.80 derj-ved fron the folloiving sorj"r'ces:

Balance from 1937 -1938 " . . $ 35 ,52o.29 Statutory Grant .ooeo 2OO,000.00 Bank Intereste.co o .oo o.c.o 1.28.37 Ir{i s cellaneoi,ls ile celp'Ls 24)275.76 Vote.No. 69..o...ê ...o¡... l.49 ,000.00 Sale of Linden Terrace Filling. 186 .00 From Voie No" 70.. o. o o.. o o ?5 r 000. 00 6 r ooo.00 From Vote No. 508 .ì Vote'No. 464" ¡. o. o o c.. ¡ ()r o72.iB

$ ¿çtj,182 " Bo

The tot¿l expenditure during tiie sane..period iras # 44a,6I3.32. Tlius ihe gross balo.nce is $ 57,569"48. De- Audting from this the unexpended, portions of voies'lüos. 6!, '7O, and /p6þ, amounting to $ 3or1J2o.58, leaves a nei balance of $ 271448.9O to be carried ovelî into iire statutory grr.nt aceount of tire comraission for the f iscal yeâr L939-I940.

0n maintenance i.ncluciing the cosi oi adininisi::atlon ','¡¿s spent t,he sur,l of $ 2241739"05 and on neï,'r¡vork'*+ +9t393.23 1n- ctuding $ 5rO55.43 for work done for other orgairizations :-rnd- whj"ch ñai bóen rebabed 'bo the con¡rlssion. As i¡el-1 # 241367"A€3 was spent on the purchase of additlonal ptith l.¡.nd in i-iul-l and Ottav¡a" In col:nection with the nij-nienance of ':i:e grou-ads surrounding Doninion Goverrylent bul.iditr.gs j-n 0ttai','a ¿:s i;eil as certain services to the 'ouild.ings tir.ei;:sel-r¡es li,ls expenced $ 881664,62" In connection i¡iih the es-i:rbj-isht::¿nt of q. p:::k in the Gatineau velley tlre commissio:: spent Ë 501376.96. It al-so paid to the Depa:'tment of Transl:ort i$ 3 rO72.38 a-c a further pcirt of its one thlrcr shcre -i-n 'bire consiruction cost of the ner"¿ Rronson Avenue brj-dge. : The e:

Neiv trìlork inclu

GATI-tliTE/\U P;iiìK

'bhe In the j)]â.11S and proposal-s fo:: becrui;ific¿Ltion 3nd imlrroverncnt' oi--õtii.uua'r,nä cttvirons in connection rvj-th its ultima-i;e cÌeveloprneni ls ihe capital of Canacla, the cl:e- ation.of a r""gã niiur,:rl p;.rk in thc"|-uy G'::'i;ineau hil1s, province ôf queuec, adlãðent to Otiawa, to. en'orace forcsts, lakes, ï,rild. life, scenic d-.rives, and'tr¿i1s fo.r' i'lilcers ¡-nd equestri;lns, äãI r"ããðátu¿ s.s e.rly :s 19C3 by F"_ G.'Todcì, fanclscape archri- iãõt, iui.ã had been rctaine,cl by biie 'üitelì Ottatva lr,iprovcnent Conmission to reporb on e gerúral plln ior the developirrent of In ]-Þ15 the Fectcr:rl Plin CorCI:rissi-on, pr"[i-ã"¿ Criver,läys.'py äppoittt"¿ the borninlon Govcrnuent, -stressed the itlt,rorLance oþ'tnis prolect and. stro¡gly recomrnencled it. The proposal- rernaj-necl in ,,fieyi.nòe un'ti-L i'ecen'c ye.r's lvhen lride scele -and t"làl-ðss cuttinä ôf the foresi coves cn the n,ountal¡' sides in the projo"iãã park:irea for fuel ¡;,iood ¡ned.e ii; iurpcrative shoulcl be 'c:Ìceu if tiiis n::'cura-l pürlc thai iminediai"-ttäpt,r,o l_and. lvas b; prðä"r"eO in iire inte res c of tlre pui:lic ' Fi"fiotner:t, :l-n ttre fiscal year L93E-L939, ap¡-,l"o.priated *--fõõlOóg ás an initirl voie 'r,o purch¡rse the riore ini:ortant woodlírnds rroü--tñe poÍnt of view of forest conservation :"rld io p"onia" funds foi Surveys to^deteriüine the feasibility ancÌ'cosi of cons'bructing a scenic cLrir¡et:,':ly -througl-r.'i;he il:'-'-r'k and. connecting t¡¡ii,h the present ierninus of the cl'rivet;ay Sys-

tetn at the AYl.rlicr road " j:ively aboui The pe.rk as ten|a d.clir,:itca l¿il-1 co6prlse . l'ess; 2Or 0OO aõr,"s, ¿:.nci its ultiniaie Sou'¿herly bor-rndi:ry. t';i11 be tl:án fj-ve miies on an ¿-j,r linc frorc the Pa::l-ianc:nt l3u-il-ding, 0ttala. The ,iiesterly buuncii,ry is bhe cscllpulen.L rf ¿I T'':nge of rnouniaint o"á"fäolcing -¡hä Ot'1.:'¡'a rj-ve:: vaìley; ¡he ljnc be- tween the toi,nshrps õi Ealdley ,'-in,r liasÌri:'ul is, ir: gcncr:il, th¿ rior1herly bouircr'-Lry; lnd. PLi.l-iirpc, iîa.'-'::ingLon, ¡:nci l"lca"ch la]

Suiri-narized br"iefl-y the Gliineau rol::k expend.iture during L938-I939 is as f ollorvs: 3,zBL ecrc; s of l¡"nC cost $ lar2Bo"oo

Legal costs d-uri ng year. - _r,397 .22 $ 37,677.22 Cost of survey end. o'r,her expendil;ultes. c. ô c _J2-&29-lÁ Total Expendlture. . . . . ¡ . $ 50 .96 '376

The eommj-ssion 1s gre¿tly indebied to the Department of Ì{ines ancl F.esources for its helpful assistance and co*oper3tion in corurection r,vith this project. the Doroinion Forest Service carried out a survey and prep¿:.red a ::eport and a classification nap of the forest cover in ihe park ,Lree, '.rhich has proved of grèat vaLue, and technical aovice on Forestry nutters h::s becn reádi1y accòrc1ed. The Surveys and Engineering ilranch very kindly loaned the services of a surveyor ¡:.nd engineer as r,n¡ell- as transportation facilities and othcr equipment. Drafting offlce accouroodation iras also proviCed" l,{ap proiections for scenic higilvays t,rere niecLe by the aerial surveys ehgineer, thus saving nuch field l,rorlc.


Under tl:e authority of o;:der in council P.C. 243t February 3, 1939, f¡ 301000 rvas r¡ade available to the conr¿ission on the recommendaiion of the }iinj-s'r;er of Lai-lour for the organlzation and. supervision of rLrr llñ€ni1)loynient relief projcct in connectlcn vuith the G.:tineau park to provlde r,¡o::li íor necessitous persons livlng ln -i:hc counti-cs of G:.r-bineau e,no I{u11, Queì:ec. A i)l:o- grani õf l¡ork consisting oí seconda:"y road construc-Lion, 'urÍill- cutting, under-nrusi:ing, ;nd general cleani.ng up of rccently purchased wooaland.s 1n i,he Galineau park tas outl-ined ¿irC ir:- mediately c otiriÌr€îc ed . The nen employed r:.¡ere 3€icon¡ìenied l:¡' ihe reiief coi.rlli.it- tees of the va.r'ious Ìiiunicipaiities afíecied, eni to e::tcnd the relj-ef as t'¡-ide1y es possible, iire ricrklng fo::ce ¡,:es re- ¡ placed every ttvo r'¡eeks by neI,T Inen. Tiie cor¿missj-on arranged It for the transporia'bion of rire nen to the park from Aylner, Deschenes, Trlest iIull, I{u11, South Hu1l, Gaiineau Polnt, I I Gatineau lii11s, Chelsea, l:'I¿ilieiieid¡ ¿rnd" Hashan. Fro¡r Feirruary L3 to the end of the nonth L23 men I'¡ere enployed, rrìrile in t',Íarch 280 nien rcceived roueh needed empJ-oynent. A nui*ber of trucks ¿r¡c1 te¿¡rs tret:e also hi¡'ed fror:i ol'filers ::esiding 1n tÏie' ciist:'ict .I Õ

; I .ê,.s t,he lvorl< in ir:,nci h::cL no-L been coiilirl':';od. ':L b the cio:;': of 'Lfre fisc:1 yo.tr on iriarch J1, ,::f.r-':'.ñ$ûllentS ì?cre n¡:clc io cOn- tiirue opcr:.:.-,,j-oäs in tirc fotlowíng fi-sc¡:l ye:.r". 0f tile $.30r0C)0 ai:propria'bec1 for this purlrose, $ L7r363.16 lras e:ipeni.cd'in Fãbruäry and I'iiai'ch, ;:.nci thc i:alance in liirril ::ncl l,[ay. The total e:clrenditure li¿is f; 29 2998,89 ,

r) 0 -1

Lfr. C. H. Labarge, 85 Cariing Avcnue, ve'ty lclncìl¡' cÌon¿:'l;ed to the coalrlissiot: nþpio;ti::retely h.:1í','rl1 ecrc oÍ'1¡:nd orr C:'rliris ûvenue acijoining Ceñiral il:ìrk. In i,rill<ì.ng -lhe nccessary lc'ì-iui'i;- tilonts i.t ',:¡as inõurnbent fo:r.ihe con¡;ilssion tio piì.y ti're city of Ottarva $ L72"47 ín tar,cs on this i)L'operty. In tìre clt v of ¡lul-l 'bÌ:e conr¡ission lrurr:ir:lsecl l-ots 2L9!' and ?:1-9B adjoi ning the p:'cseni; Jrcq'ocs C¡-rticr i:.:.rk" Thr:se l-ots ccuprise 4 .35 acres .:;-nd cost $ 9,000"00 each. Lot 2L9A lvas bougiri r Îclft tire Li.',.rsion csiatc ::nci 2I9Ð fr'orl L{rs " L" C" DtA11ern,:i.gne of Paris, i?rance " T::l rcbaics ¿rnount;d to $ .90 "26 and l-egal fees to $ LO4"35 thus ìiringiirg -r,l:.e t.ot¡-l- cost of acquiring the propcrty up to {) LB,I9/þ.6L. . The com¡lission also co-opcrrted wj.';ìr thc ciiy of O'it¡'i¿a in uuying-of í'rom the Ernprcss lrlavig:-,tiou Coilpa.ny a-Ooui h:l-f r.lf ac;.'e llnd Llong thò Oit:wa river sirorc adjoinlng tirc Lrcly Grey drive compriéing .o.','-:'is of ','¡¡lier lots 2, 3, end d. T4u coi:iulissi on l..nC- city i;ent irr,li lnd. l:t¡:if in this purch;se of' --ite s -sfrnreprcpe::ty, cost ol' ru'hich uas $; 12r000.00, '¿l'le connij.ssionl - bêíng, thcrcf oT'e, .þ 6, 000. 00.


During rcccnt yei-ìrs the cornmisslon has found ii neces- Sary to rõsurjllce Scctioi-ts of the drive',ia;,' sys'lem constl'u.ctcd twenty to lhiriy ye ilrs ago " Du::ing the lzear tl;o nriles of cl::iveiiay j.n iì.ociiclifÍe pr',rlc and abou'b one nil-e of 'the Ride¡ru Canal diivc:ila.y betr'.;eerr Pretoria ancl- Fif'¿l: avenues Ìvere g:r-',ren ¡. 'þltuninous êurfece tre.:tment a'c a cost of $ 15r4I2.6L. The conrnissio n , l.rith the consent of ihe Cana"dian Nabicnal R:rilwa.ys, coniiuu d thc r,;orlc of irni:rcvitig tll.e slope Íiorr,iirg the er.sterly linii t of i:lre railway yards adjoinlng Nicholas srreet írora Sonc¡ J et s'breet to e point ad jilcent io l'fann il.ve:iLrl', This cornprised gr C. cling opera'bious, plaLcing of top soil, plai'r;- 1ng of trees and hrubs, consiruction of a lorv dry-stone wall,' and" ::eplacing of en unsightly bo¿rrC fcnce Ì:y 3 fence con- the j-:n- sisting of's'Ì;one jl osts and 'bhree iron pi.oc la1ls" Tnese proveilents e,*:tend ct ovûr a dist¿rnce of Ir 500 fcct. The cost o

1?::s $ 3,)+qZ,15 of r,¡irich the raillay conrpatly contriì:u-uéd *\ Ir55C"OO" This Bi'catly itnpfovcd ïLre apj)eerð.nce of thls erca as victtcd frorn tr:-ins. ente::ing ¿;hcl leavi¡rg Ot{,ar,va ancl fror¡ the çlriverrl,y on the i,ve5t side of the canal- The l-anrl to form Jacques Cartj.cr p,:',rk ln Hulti P"Q., at 'bhe confluunce of the Ottatvr rj-ver and Brcwery crcek h'as pur- ch:sed in L933. It r'¡as the site of a former J.umber mifl ::ncl piling grduncl rrlcl .bonslsis of ?3 áeres.. Dilring the pas t futti years dcvelcrpmcnt of the park haS been carried on consi s tcnt r¡itir the ahhual api)rorrriations for this iiurposc. Thls íi s cc.l. year a qu-nrtcr-nile cj-nde:r ir¿¡-ck w:-''.s leid out ind large ly coìt- p}eted. Five hunclred young trt,cs lTcre set out rnd cons ido:::L'o.i.c sh::ubbery planted" Gracllng of large areas vrj-th subseqd cnt scedin$ iniprovecl the a.tlllearance of bhe nci',r p:.rk" The surn of $ 91998.83 w¡is cxpended in tirj.s ivork. A rockgarcten aboui 300 fect long on a slope of 25 'ieet lTíis cons'r;ructed in bhe develoiir,tent of 'L,]re greenhcusc ¡:.nd nu-rsery l.r-you-u 1n Rockctiffe prrk. Thj-s included gradì.ngr' placlng of suitable stoncs, pl:rnting, i.:ricl secding, at a cost .$ of 999 "59 " rn Centrrl p;rk at ihe corner of lnd Paitcîson avenue a ncr¡ tooljrouse of ¿r'i;istic äcsign was corrstructed" Ti-re nelvly :Lcquired pi'operty --,t'tkris point i'res gr,:ded, plan'ucd, ¡nd secded, Also, an ed'dition to ln exj.sting r':rtifici¿l s'i;one fence ivas macle. ?he cost of ihe se irni:rovcrlents l¡as {i 651:.55 " Linclen Terrace, :i iÌroroughfr.r'e 1r100 feet long ¡.nd 22 ícct ';,icìe ,idjoinlng Ceniral l)¿;J'k Ðrtr';cen 0lConnor sirect aud tire ?'icieru Clnal- cÌrivcway, v.¡es recons-i:ructecl Írom base to sur'- frce. A five-foot sideu¡alk on ihe noi'ihs 1de of this strcet L¡¿rs .rlso reconstructecl" This strect, onc omxl]- s s 1 on pro,oÈ,rì,y, h;.d been built tl':cnty-cight yeirs !"go onf 1llcd l¿nd, rnd ma jor rejrairs 'irerc rcquireci. Addj-tlon í_t 1c atch besins ¡.nd clrelnage outlets ï.lere providcd. The t otal- cost rv¿rs $ 6r162"-?5. The t;ooden plank sideive l}cs of tne fou:: spans of th.e 'o::idges iriin+"o {ì crossing the iìideau river i,úel'e rorrcrved lt a cost oÍ' $ I,5\L.94. Shrur¡b cry plantcd fl:.irrf, ye¿,rrs ago i-t st::cci; iutersections of the c]-ri-v¡:iv¿ry s¡rs ten hao io be rcriov.:d rnd r-elrlaccd j:y lor¡cr growing viriit:ties 'l,o -ìrnprove ''¡isibilj-ty f or verricul¿rr t,r,-:f íic. Thi s 'ovork cost $\ 5,aL7 "79. Tr,vo sicic- 11r '¡a1ks lrere also constructccl . One uc'Li'¡een 14/ erley street ,:ir:c Àrgyie avenue oir the west s l.ie of the Rideau C¡:nal orivel,'iLy \ras 5 feer, v¡id"e lind 2r4AO î e:t long ¡rnd cos ! $ 2,599 "52" The o'Lhcr r¡ris I2 Íeet f.i¡ide and 5r000 fect long fr om Laurier avenl-r-.j to the E1 gln Street subray on ihe canal sid of the drivctrey anC cost -,499.02" Both l^,eì'e rebuilt r+ith a black bitu.üij-n- OUS COnCrS r:, 'l- ¿r surfacc" r.ij-nor repa.i-rs tuert: al-so t,lacle to thc Dol,'t s Lak^ä o:tÌrouse at 3 cost of $ Loz.64" 10

Liss ¡:ir iìold Sewer

The conrnission gi-rve {) 900.00 to 'uhe vil)-':gc of Rocl

Eron n Avenue B ricLe e

Durilg thc prcvicus íiscal ye..lr a ncr,T bri.dge lr¿rs crectccl oveT' the ñi-ctr,:u-ca¡,:l- :it -droirson .Ìvenue uncier thc supervisiou of the Dep:;rintent of Tr:,.nsi;oi"t. Its ¿stirn.:tcd cost of Ë 42tACA iîf.s to be- sh::rcc1 cc¡ually by 'chat dep:.¡trren'c, 'bhe city of Ott:-wa, rncl 'blie collniission" Thc bridge is :- sieel plaie: g:lrcicr'swing Sp:Ì11, LOZ fcet long, 24 fec'L l"ride bctlveen cui'bs, ñit,tr -i,¡.¡o sidcr,¡.:lks 5 feet v¡ide. Thc s',,¡ing:'-irg of the bri-dgc is cl.one by clect::ic:.il i)or'/er çibh ltrovision fo:: h:rnd oper'lticn. Tlre acturi cosi ¡rrorrcd.- to i,c {¡ 5LrZI7 "i.4" TÌrls yci:r thc eomnission conti'i-'oubecL f5 3ro72'38 bcrng its one tÌri::ci sl:'i:'c of ti:e ernouni by i;,'iri-ch ihe o:igin:lÌ cs'bj-m¿Lte t'¡i-is cxcccdec'l Ðy the f in:r1 cost.

ljoqql+ito _Ço-gi;Ioi

As in pitst yc:rs fhe coni:lission ':'gr.in io ck ch-.r'ge of rnosqul-t o coniroi oper:itions in Otta-r,va :nd ihe ,1 djoining irs- trict. Toi¡i.rds t¡is work tne commission gatr \1, l r 2o0. o0; the villagc of Rockc-]-iffe Parlc, $ 11000.00; tire cii¡ of gttaw¡- $ ãrOOO"O0; .:,nct i¡e county of C¿rr'lcbcn $ 75.OA. In addj-tion to -bhis the to';;nships of Glouccstcr lnd I'lepeen con- tri-oute c1 sonie rel-icf lai-.our f or undc.i:brusÌrj-ng jiur:ùcscs ' The Ento¡lologlcel Division of the Dep:rtr,ient of Agriculture lrro- vic1ed thé 'beciinicrl guld.ance r:rrd 'rhe conu.äj-ssion carried out ti-re v¡oi'k. i\ltoge-i;hei a ictel oÍ' $i 5,541.1-6 r,vas spent on inis ti'olk.


In each of these instlnces thc esiirc:'i,ed cost l''¡¿s advrnced pT.ior to the cotilÌiencenlcnt of the tuor']c. A S'b:l'r;enent of expcn-- äitures together l¡ith receipted. vouchers and paylisis. were m:de available Éo each of tire organizations concerned for audi-r" purposes, end any uncxilencìed funcls lJcre rcturned 11-

Dcp¡rr"urrent of Pu'oÌj.c l¡/oriis

*rchiv"e s Buå-!"9.*pe---A conc::cte romp to ccrry 'e roadway over ,:: ncI,v sicl.c',talk v"es ÌluiIt ;:nd ncrr¡ s?rrubi:ery ty¡Ls aclc].ed to ¿i scction of the grounds a'ì¡out the buildlng " .The totaL cost r,i.as $ Ig/+"99. paglianq4!-fliU---Adjrccnt to lhc East rnd t4/est Blocks 2,6Om:ld'v.¡ayr.vcresur'fl-ced.usingûdoub1etre::.t- rncnt lïith trap rock cirlps, :;hd 3r3O0 se, yd. of roa_dlvay were rc- built l'rith concrêt,e p-:.vomcnt ; 2,8À.ö fet;t of re ihf orced- con- crete guttei sJ-abs lvere 1¿:id r.nd ldditlon;l gulley gr,:tcs ¡.ncl drains instalJ-ed; 5r6OO f'ect of sidcr,¡alks¡ 6-feet- wide, T,¡ere. resui'ficed rçitÌr bj-tu.rninous concrete, :ind 630 feet of gianite curbing wa.s insial-]cd in iront of the nain buitcilng. l.finor rcpairsj Ìirere :rl-so m:-lde to other si delvallcs in this area. The totrl cos'¿ r,.res $ Ig ,998.95 , I(eçgrclq_ nfrl"icÌipg'._Eìrp_ i4e!þ,1=Fglg---The grounds ad- joining this bu.iläing l,ícrc inproved and lanclscapcd, thc avcnuc lc;r.di-ng to it paved, i.nd a. fivc foo'b r,vide sidcv'¡al-k built. This wo;'k invol-ved 21000 cu. yd. of fj.11ing ¡ 5z5OA sq. yd .of concrcte pavemcnt, 2r9OO f'eet of rcinforced concrete curbing :Lrrd gutters, catch br.sj-ns, dr:ins, i;retet: scrvice, 2r5OO s cl. yd. of sodding, :nd plan'cing of trees ,:.rnd shrubs" The totrl cost wes {i 12,892.83. AJinourie s, conuiission rvcs -"{u}l---The asked to level tìre I grounds rlt surroutrding this ner.,v building 1n tlte city of l{u11. To i, i eitain suii¿rble gr:icl.es 12r000 cu. yd. of filling l,üere rectlrii.ccL. The b:se of roadw,:'.ys.:.no slde¡,va]ks Ìiûrc l,:ridr:nd othcr pre- liinin:ry r,¡orlcs c:iz'ried out pri or to tire c{)rlìpiction of thõ contr:.ct in tire fol-l-olviirg ye¡r.r. The tot::l cost of the rvorli completed r+:rs s 41909 "67 Driyql¡{ay En'br:qcc .to Con{edqr¿rtion $qq¡,.re---In connection t;ith the alterations in the l:yout cjl centr¿:l Ottev¡a at con- fecÌcretion Square it r¡:s neccss&ry to raise the grade of 'bhe fornter en¿,,rance of tl:e lì.ide¡u Canll drivevlay to Sparks str.eci, about six feet. This nccessitated reconstructing thre drive- iray Íor a dis'r,¡"nce of 800 fcet including,it c'Lry stone re'baining v;al-l- with par:ipet, p:-rving, fil-ling, l-¡¿ter servlces, relocating electrlc Ìight cebl-es, raising c;ich brsj-ns and. drains, sodding :rnd. plenting. The total- cost rvas ö I/+2082"42.

Denllrtirrent of Transoort

Follorvlng the constructi on of the new Bronson Avenue svling bridge over tLie Rlderu canal, the coinnissìon $r¡ìs eslced by the Dep:r::trnent of Trrnsport to improve the roadv,ray and T2 sidc';.¡elk api:::oeches tìrc.¡'eto .:i bhc south sidc of thc crnal" Ti:1s contpri,secl p::ving, pl:ci-ng reinforccd concrete curbs) :inC coÌlstructioit oi ¡ítrurinous concretc sicìcrrll-ks. TÌre cost E'es $; 800.00.

C* cd olic

Following the comp)-ction of the nel; b:rrraclçs of the Roycl Caneoi¿Ln Ì.,founied Po]-ice ¡rb F,ockcliffe, the commission l:id out :itcl suit,:bly l-:rüdsc:pcd tÌre adjoining grouirds ai tÌre cost of $ 550 "oo.

fli.nk of C,:'.ri:.da

Thc grounds of the ilenk clí C:n:,da on tr'tcllington ind Sp.trks strcct, Ott:,.u,:¡ oh thc corilplct,ion of the netv buil-d- j.ng, rr'/cÍ'c l-lid out :nd l.;:,l'Ldsc:ped by -uhu cor,¡.itj-ssicn :t ¿i cosi oí Íi 767.84. Tirc com¡rissj-on ,ril-so n.::iniains tirc grouticis ¿rt tire ì:enl;?s e,.Ij)cnse. The totr,l ¿lliolll1t spcnt on tìre Brnk of Crn:-.cl:_ gr"ourrd.s in 1938-Ic)3,) H.r,s $ IrBL7,23"

0tt¡:i¡.: Ci¡¡ic ;ioql?j..tal

As h¡.s bccn thc clsc slncc tire Ott::.iv: Civic iiospit:1l i';ls ìruilt, the ccutrliss j-on :.g;liir r-':i,int;.-iricC thc grounds ¡.i¡out ill:Ls insii ¡ution this yeir r¡rith inoncy p::ovic'led by tìre l3o::rd of Trus';c¿s iror¡ the Ií" G. tsl:rc.ii ¡:ndo'rlccu-" ínnd. The toL;,:.] cost fo:: tire past yei:i' rias $ 5,789.I4"

PLAIITTi{G NG r q3E-1939

Fron 'bìre c orruirissioirt s gt'eùir:ìouscs i-n Rociicliffe a totrl of L7I,496 iirï'dlr perenni:ls t:rcL annurl ffol,¡cr plr-n'bs r,rêrc sent oui rnd p lanied on ihe pl-opcriy und,cr b:ie contro-ì- of tl:;i-, col'l-i:rission" In 'chc Í:-l-1 of -1938, 761000 bul-¡s l¡rere pl:rii;ed. i'or bl.ooin in tiro eariy sp::li:g" Fron ihe llursery ¡-i Rocìicliífc ìÌure tri',en ou-t, io:' phniing L1928 conifei's: 355 deciducus trecs, 5 ,259 o rn:nen'[i-ì shru-bs .:.nci vincs, ¿:nC L51942 pcr- enni'.lls. The io-trl v:Ìue of stocli leíi in -bj:e nursery 1n the fall on 19 38 r'¡.rs esiin¿ted at $ 34.1629.25" I3


Administration. Building, Carllng Avenue lr ooo Batg IS1ancl.o.. oe. o,o...,. r..o.,.'.no no. 500 Bronson Park,o...oo.ooo...! oeo.c., 500 Central Parko.,. o. r r...... o.... 25 , ooQ Confederation Park. o o. c .... ô ¡.... o 10 ,000 Dovuls Lake Parkc.oô. o..r.oo.. 1 ,2O0 Dorvls Lake Boathousê.. .o...ror6e .. 5o Du¡doflald Parko ¡.... o o. t...... !.. e 5 ,000 Echo Drlve.¡i....oc¿ ...... aoooooa v , oo0 Greenhouse Grounds, ò.... ô... o... aa.aooa I ,000 Klng Edv¡ard. Parko . c o . . ,. c Ò . .. a . . a a a a oa o I ,800 Ma.jort s Hill Park. . o. . óoaooaa L5 ,500 National Research Bureau Grounos 3 ,9oo Nepean Point Park.... c. ô.. û.... o 300 ooo 0ttalva Civic Hospital Grounds " . " 6, Parl-iament, Iiill o... c o o. c o o o 5,500 Ricleau Canal Drivet'r'ay ¡oe oo. 19,600 Rideau Hal-] Grounds 14'5oo Strathcona P¿lrko ô o. . 11, 000 Traffic Cir"cleso . o o. ð . o o o a.e.¿aôaa 6,096 Val Tetreau Park"... 5a Ìdiscell¡lneous Places... .. o o. 1.000 t5r,496

Perennials. . " . 10r oo0 Iliscellaneous Plants sent out 10.000

l7j. t /',96


AnnualsÞ..... Sor ooo Plants!..¡..o 71 496 ' Pereru:lal-s. . . l_0r 0û0 10 000 Miscellaneous " Total- r7r,496 t4

FA l'raffic Circle 5,5AO TuIips

Confederation po*iao o . Ð'. o o,. . 2, 000 ¡t

t¡ Greenirouse Bedso o ¡ o.. o. c è. o c o 5rooo Iionkland Avenue Trafíic Island 4,50o l1

National Research Council. 5 l¡ ' " ' '5oo Ottal,¡a Civie iiospital Grounds 5r1oo ll 500 Narcissus 400 Scif1a

Parli¿iinent iT1ll o o. c... o o o o. o r Tr ooo Tulips Pretori:i Avenue Traffic Circle 6rooo fl Prescott iiigir;vay T¡:eifj-c Circle Srooo lr

II Printing Surelu Ground.s. G o . . o 1¡ 500 Richunond R.o¿d Tr¡iffic Circle. 6roo0 fi

Rideau Can¿-1l Ði-ivevreY 4, o0o ¡l

Rideau iïal1 .¡o.o.oe .ôc.ô 8, ooo 1l 3, ooo Drf f'oc.i.i1s 500 Crocus 500 Sci1la 5oo Galanthus

Iìoclçcliffe Rocliery" o é o o o o o, o o 2r000 Tulips Stanley ltvenue Parlc oo'cc 1,500

S'bratlicona Pa:'k o o. ô. o o o o 2"900

Total Bulbs PlanteC. o o c o. 76,OOA


Tulips 7A r6QO Daffodlls 3r000 Scilr ¿ 900 Crocus 500 lJarci- s sus 5CIo G.rlenthrus Ã0.0 76, ooo T5


0rnanent¡rJ Decid-uous shrubs Çpg-!{erp Trees and vines Perenni¿;lb

¡,dilini- streti on Buildlng, ' Cr.:rling Avenuec. p.. ó.'. ¡ o. 3 BI'0Í','nls In]-et e. c r ... c.. 3 4B 10 27L 30 /vö l¿:ntr.:."l Park¡...... '.. 65 I ,134364 jlsi o r o. 27 5OO v-';r-,Ì Lake Pcrk. o !...... 4 ñ,,I __ fflrj,j.O UI'J-VC.- o .. o.. 5o L4/¡ i;t. n.¡o,'¡'i.tr"ilta1 Farm Ðriverr/ay . . r46 1L0 Ts¡-:.rtcl Park Driveliiy 6 jlr,:qucs Cartier Pa-rk, IlulI. " 5A 487 Lj-¡rr-rr:n Terrace. . . . " 1¡.:,ji;nir1c1 G¡.rdens 3o Ìle'Li.on::,1 iì.esearch Council' . . 53 ö B6 lrTj.crirohs Street Plrk.. .. o ê ô o 37 25r L'591 0i b¿ri¡¡r çirric iTospliai Grounds 27 89 /too P¡rr'l-iatitent llilI 4 .I Recoi'cls uilJ.d-ing Grouud-s. ' ' . 184 11 Õ Ride::lr Canai Dr-'Lvetrey /- rLz Rcrci

Conifers L,928 Deciduc.rus Trees 355 Ornamentel Shrui¡s and Vines 5 1259 Pe::emi:is, . 15 "9À,2 Total 23,484


r,635 Deciduous Trees Valued at $ r,595 "85 34,892 Conifers ll tf 29 ,4O3 "L5 10.l-81 Shrubs, etc. ¡l il 6 46,708 $ 34,629.25 16


Ti:e ;iolicing cf tþc comlnissionls piopcrty i-s c¿rric-d out by the hõyal Crnrclir.n Iiountcd Police, It.l\fi Division, Qtts.t'ia, r.¡lro ¡.rc.¡,iso r'cs|¡-,onsli:le fo¡: c,;nforcing tne triffic regu.liltio+s o" tti" ci.fivev¡iys as pi'escri-þcci by By-ht'; Ido. 26" 'The cost of' this police rvoi:k is õh:'rged' to :p¡rropi'i'"rtions availr'bl-e to the R" C. I.,1. Policc itsclf . During I93B-I939 offunces :g;rinst il':r.ffic regul:-"tions ns under ly-l:llv i{o. 26 i'¡e re :-s f olLot','s;

Convicti-ons. 109 Di si;ri s s:',ls 6 l'vr"rnings 322 Tot:-:L 437

Forty-five rccidcnts wer'e invcsiig:cecl.' i'lone of tncse involved ¡rny l-oss of 1j.fe " Thcre \Ye1'c :lso 35 c¡'.SCs in- vcstig::.terl in conncction r';itir d,:Ln;,ge to I'ri'opei'ty under the control- of thc. corrunission' A num"Oe:' of erticlcs vrcre found. on ;irc cÌrivcir:ys ::nd prrks,:nd in the m:jo¡ity of c:ses tr:¡y',iere ¡cculneo to ttre ríghtfuf oIrTncrs " Ä stolen c:.r i:t,-.s :'-ilong bhese fincls. Invc,stig:Ltions riíji:'c conducicd on ceni:"'.¡;e to s-r::ubs, tncl W:i.nirrgS WerC iSSUod to t¡otOrboi:t o';inurs \u;lo '.'¡erÙ c::using u-rurccess:iry noise on t'lrc Ê.idcru c:.n.11 end DoÌ'¡tS l:-ike.

# IO

c0i'{pnlìrsot[ ots Esrri'iÂt'Es ApÞ,ìOvEn gy rt-ttri GovrìnloR rn cc-,uuirr iJfTr{ ACTUAL I!;{PEIùDITU1ìE IN l-938-1939

Estim¡:te -Erp-englluiL. [],::nelal

aI 0r:n-i;j.ngencj.es ..,....,... Þ. $ 8, ooo." oo t¡ ö, 2"/C.";.(., ìrilchinery, rep:Lirs, etc tc...... 15r600"oo !5' o94 .t j Lì !,,.. I . . . . c . . . t o . . t o o o . . c . c t_8 r 160. o0 18, r-60.00 i,,-r!plJln?tlge

P::¡:ks, drivei','eys ¡ oridges, bulldings, etc , , incl-uding tr:.ns1r1:-,nting of trees l'52 15i'9 30.']3 'l\T-.ii"cnn¡¡ 'O5O,29 :rq¡ rrvlJ . . o B ,700. 00 Ò:o 59.oO Gleenirouses 1g 19 24.03 " ,350 "00 '3 luggrrgs lloso-ulto control'.o,oo 3r200"o0 3 ,2OO "0O urcri,; for other org.rnizations (i'eiunded) . " 5 r 100. oo 5 ,A55 . i+3 lot,:i-nion Governneni Grounds Ricl.e".u lIal-l Groulnds ltf¿rintenei-rce f8, 6oo. oo f8, L7'i .Q7 lJ¡.ticnr.l- iìesr:rrch Grounds i'î.::intenrnce " " . . 6, 000.00 5, 7!+C "34 ,'t^ f¡'l û'ri'rer Doiriinion Gove.,:nnent G::ouircls i,,laint. . 5'-ð, 650. oo 5ð, r:!.1,V ,, ta t;:llingencics ¡.ncl Supplies 6, 100.00 6, 0$1 . /¡9 Lc_riairs to macÌrinery 550,O4 /+25.6A lier 1;¡or]< o oclri .T :,.:ques Cartier P¡-rk 10 ,000.00 / t ,/ /! " 'lt ) OQC) q ''; ríocircl-1ffe--Cons't,ruct,ion of rock garcìen" . l_ , 000. 00 /// r !t ,'lcsnlfacing older sections of driver,rlys, . t5 L5 , /+L2 . ,465.OO / F r. í;,:nt:r¡.i P::rk--tool nouse ¡ etc . ]. )370.OO o),' :) -) 6 -.Ì rrot,n lerri:ce--l:eeonst,ru.ction of streei " "oo 6 ,16;: iic.i,lrlsiruction of sidel;alkr l'iaverley 'L65 s'breet to Argyle ::venue 2, 600. 0o 2 r599 "ii-: ,,e:;Lr-r-':laclng u.ppel welk, Leurier e.venue to ll.ì-gln Street subrny 2,50A.OO 2 ' 499 ''L': iiiciiol rs,Stree't p:.:..r:k im¡rrovemen-bs 3, 500.00 3 249|': "''15 li-i-¡rio bridges, r'ef looring I'550'00 r,5ri ").1,,. Do''.,rt s Like bol-,thouse. . . 235.Oo LOi;, ":i,L :ìoclcc-l iff e se\¡,'er shiare 900. 00 900. rio -Bronson Avenue brj.Crge sir:rre. o... o c. 3,O72 "38 3 ,O7?. . )8 i?,.'operfle s Purchi',sed Lois 2194 anC 2L9Ti, , I{u11. 24r 000.00 r8,L94.bL L,:ù.lr"ge pfopefty .c... 175 .00 L72 ",ii.'.7 ilr.r'i;cr I ots 2, 3 i:Lnd /¡, L:Cy Grey drive 6, ooo oo 6, 000,00 , " " " ^ã/ ^/ G:,iine.':u Park itro j,ect . I 00, 000.00 54, j lo. -.10

$ 498,592.67 frl 4tyO,67.-3 "3?- - 19


Bronson P¿rk $ 6tL .55 Central Park ... o è. r. ' 7 rr75 "27 Confederatlon Park . e.. ... 5 ,A22.4Q Dowl.s Lake Park... .r ... 8,688.40 Dundonald Park . . 782.3A Ecstvielv Park ... - .. o.. 2 1453 'A7 Echo Drive. " ... . '. " ' l-2, 818 . 12 E4perinentcl Farm Drivetivay. . c ¡ L2 1246 "36 T'ontaine Park, Huli . .r .r. L,344 "72 Island Park DrivelvaY - .. !c. tg,r85.48 Jacques Cartier Park, Hdllc ... 2 r55L-55 King Edv¡ard Avenue and Pcrk . .. I,264.82 l,[acdonald G¡.rdens. 3, l8t.5O Nepean Polnt and LadY GreY Drive. 8,752.7L Park . ... L,773 .73 Ride.ru Canal Driver,va.y 26,5a5.94 Rockcliffe Park'.. 24,548 "82 Strathcona Park.-' . .. .oo 4,965,24 Val Tetreau Park, Hul1 ,, . c. 1. 258.i5

Totel for Park Meintenance. è '. , ' . $ 152 ,030"33 20



E_xPJrNpJjIgJUis 1 9 q 0-: I e-39 I

i 1??8-J9"39 Lq-tr1 I



Bronson Ave/rtre.Bri Cons. 3,A72.38 I7 I $ $ ,O72 L (one share "38 third lr"' l

l Ì Bronson Parkr Cons. l+, 083.88 I ll lt . Main. 611.5$ J-9' 796.55

Central Park. r. . . ¡ doils. 831.02 8].16rl- ll ll "79 ¡ . | . . I Iùain. 7 rL15.2',1 181, Lg7 .64 Clemow and li{onkland Avenue's Cons. 43,3Ot.85 Irllilil Maln. 44,837.i2 Champlain Bridge.. Cons. 749 ,980,36

Confederation Park . Cons. I,663 , 6S nil ,94o . À{ain. 5 ,O22.40 601 885 . _?I

Dovu I s Lake Playground . Cons. l,4rl./+0.30 Dundonald Park Cons. 3,42A.7!+ illt tr{ain. 782.30 24,68r.32 Eastviev¡ Park Cons. 58, 7/',2.95 lr tf L{ain. 2 t453 'Q7 2L, 879 "84 Echo Drive Cons. 180, 693.)\) fiIt L{ain. 12 r 818.12 gg,32g. t)

ExperimentaL Frrm Drivevray. Cons . 159,684"'37 l¡ ll tl . MAin. t2,246 .36 y9,3}it.9h Fontaine Park, Hu1l Cons. 68,r5g ll "72 t lt Main. 7,344.72 14r7O5,77

Gati-neau Park .. . Cons. 5A r376,96 50,376 "96 ¡ Green and Map1e fslonds Cons. 22,866,6/þ ilfliln I Main. 41977 "7A I Greenhouses and. Nursery Cons. 67 ,253 "Lg ll It fi IÍain. 27 ,983.63 254t293,85

Hull City Ha1I Park Cons. 5,307 "03 Islend Park Drivev¡ay Cons. 295 ltltfi t27g "92 Maln. 19.185.¿8 223,869 "/,3 Carried Forlvard $ r43,9o3 ,26 $ 4, 44j ,679 .63 2T

EfPENÐl rU¿ÌE¡s -Lç a a= i9 ¡ 2

i2åL"t.gig " þo'tr.L Broilght þori,¡erd $ rL3,9CI3.26 # 4r445,67ct.6') Jacques C¡.rtier Park, Hull. Cons. 28,r93.44 70,'25't- .97 il ¡r tr , lt . I{ain, 2, 55t.55 3,27c).6L King Edlvard Avenue end Park Cons. L65 tr6b "')3 tr l¡ l¡ ilil Mrin. B,264"82 l.62,tolt .97 Linden Ternace Co¡rs. 6,162.35 6 ,16?-,)5 irlaedonaLd Gardens. Cons. 23,9O4.!t'i il¡lo lfain. 3 ,rBL.50 79 ,55?:.39 l{:.jorts HilI Pa::k. Cons. 41216.CO

ì:iinto Bridges , . Cons, 45'/+50'13 It lf Idain. r ,5Lr ,g 4 32,6L6 .4r

I'iepeen Point and L. G. Drive Cons. 6 t o00. 00 1Bo, 3r3 "2L ll I' il1l lr ' ì,{ei"n. I t 752.1L :t-27 ,4oi. 06

Nicholas Street Park Cons. 3 ,492 .7 5 LL,667 .u) ll Ï,lain. L,773.73 12,2/+2 Drivevuay Cons. 6'6 39.94 646,297 .LL " ( ¡¡ li fi l,{ain. 766,4)L,.)1+ 35 rl e4.34 ÌÌ ,) Roclccliffe Park Cons. 15 48r ,4.45 .'.l9 i, ,77O.8O r fi lt .. Jvhin. 24,5lv9 422,39 ) ")O i "BZ Í ï a )rt 17)tt'l' Stenley Avenue Cons, l-)+),-¡" fl it

Strsthcona Perli Cons 60 ,66t: " 57 fl ll lf " l,17 ä I\iein, 4,865 "24 2,1+)',i "::'/ {i t) t I Va.l Tei;reau Perk, Hull Cons " 5 t 9')0.08 fi II L2 '1r)b li t Id,rln. r "35 I "25',à ,I 302,a65.54 7,886,600.'?6 $ $ I 161, íi96 Ri-oe¡lu l{ell Grounds Cons " '1'7 IT lr il I,iain. I8,r77 .O7 110,796 "1.6

Research Council Grounds Cons. 2,987 "oO ¡¡ fi l,[ain, 5 ,7 4A.34 28 r"irç "7A Do¡nlnlon Governrnent Grounds l,frin, 6L 7 276,7'6'7 ,L9 $ 39O,730 "16 {þ B ,467 ,7i9 "oit ¿a


m^ ! Gpneqal lå3llrr.9aq ' I (). 1,.:-L-'r

Staff .: ! ..r . ., $ 18r160.00 $ 3o3 r3z'/ ,79

Intere*st on Bank OVerdrefts al 11, B?¿i. E6 l,{achinery, Rollihg Stock anct eontÍ.ngencies.. . .. 26,565 .09 546,zLj "c)

Syenite Qua,rry . ., 3 t5l-ir "'7 5 0ffices, Shopsr' Garage, :nd Storage .c giri gg Sheds.. . 108r " Dov¡ I s Lake Boo.thouse . 1o2.64. 29 ,83it.,78 Redemption of Debentures, Interest, 72,9C6 .l_6

# 44,827 .73 $ 1, 076,677 "35

9ther" Disbuxsenqnts

Sundry llork by Comroission, Refunded $ 5 ,o55 ,43 $ 3L6 ,72? .42 Redemption of Debentures, Principal 7

$ 5 ,a55 .43 $ 597 ,ra3 ,26

SUIlm¡rÆY 0F' U(PEN_DT TUBE-L 1_?00-19æ

Construction and },faintenance $ 8 1467 ,779 .Og

0engral ...... o... o..,... r1076 1677 ,35

Other Dis:i¡ursements. . . r . . . . e 587 ,103.26 TOTAr,c...... $ 10,131r 5ig,69