1 00:00:20.160 --> 00:00:22.770 Erin Mannix: Hey, well, you know,

2 00:00:24.390 --> 00:00:24.690 Lauda-Brinkmann Faulkner iPad Pro 10.5: Or

3 00:00:27.150 --> 00:00:42.780 dennisdostert: Is everyone ready will be meeting up the Zoning Board of appeals for Wednesday, April 27 2020 please come to order for the benefit of all of us. This is our first time hosting a virtual zoning board of appeals meeting our procedures will be as follows.

4 00:00:44.160 --> 00:00:54.030 dennisdostert: When you first enter the meeting, you will be in virtual waiting room until the meeting host admits you which will take place approximately five minutes or so. Prior to the posted. Start Time of the meeting.

5 00:00:54.990 --> 00:01:06.900 dennisdostert: Please be aware that your camera if you have one and your microphone will be muted by the meeting host when you enter the meeting. You can turn on your camera at any time, so that you can be seen by others when you choose to

6 00:01:07.620 --> 00:01:18.120 dennisdostert: In order to run an efficient and orderly meeting in this new virtual environment, unless stated otherwise by the meeting chairman during the meeting the meeting host will keep everyone, other than the Commission members muted.

7 00:01:19.170 --> 00:01:32.310 dennisdostert: You will still be able to hear everything said by the Commission members, even if you are muted and or your camera is not on there will be opportunity for public comment. During public hearings, at which time public participants will be unmuted.

8 00:01:33.900 --> 00:01:39.150 dennisdostert: The secretary will read the call the meeting as published according to Governor Lamont executive order seven me

9 00:01:40.170 --> 00:01:44.040 dennisdostert: During a public hearing the applicant will be invited to present the application.

10 00:01:44.100 --> 00:01:49.380 dennisdostert: Explain to the board and others present what is being requested the meeting host

11 00:01:50.430 --> 00:01:54.270 dennisdostert: A meeting host will share all related documents on the screen as needed.

12 00:01:55.440 --> 00:02:12.480 dennisdostert: In addition, all applications supporting materials for each application on the agenda are available through the public meeting calendar page of the town website ww.ca I go for a ct.us and also through a direct link on the Planning and Zoning page.

13 00:02:13.860 --> 00:02:21.750 dennisdostert: Comments of town agencies will be read for application if there are any there will be clarifying questions for the board.

14 00:02:23.640 --> 00:02:31.230 dennisdostert: Then there will be an opportunity for clarifying questions from the audience, please raise your hand through the zoom platform and wait to be called on unmuted.

15 00:02:31.770 --> 00:02:35.670 dennisdostert: Should this feature malfunction, please send a chat to the board asking to be called on.

16 00:02:36.480 --> 00:02:46.320 dennisdostert: First, those who wish to support the application may come forward. And second, those who oppose the application will then come forward as this public hearing must be recorded is necessary for speakers to

17 00:02:46.320 --> 00:02:47.730 dennisdostert: Identify themselves.

18 00:02:47.850 --> 00:02:51.030 dennisdostert: Each time they speak by stating their name and address

19 00:02:52.080 --> 00:02:56.820 dennisdostert: The applicant will then have an opportunity to address any questions or concerns raised by the public or board.

20 00:02:57.600 --> 00:03:03.930 dennisdostert: Once the public hearing is closed the applicant is free to leave or remain for the balance of the public hearings and the regular meeting.

21 00:03:04.350 --> 00:03:13.980 dennisdostert: During which the board will try to reach a decision on each application each applicant will be notified in writing as to decision, the board and as the right to appeal to superior court if desired.

22 00:03:14.970 --> 00:03:29.100 dennisdostert: Decisions this meeting are available that day after the meeting by calling Planning and Zoning department it to 034538039 or by emailing planning zoning et Cie Guilford ct.us

23 00:03:29.520 --> 00:03:30.420 dennisdostert: After 9am

24 00:03:32.520 --> 00:03:34.080 dennisdostert: All actions taken tonight.

25 00:03:34.410 --> 00:03:36.540 dennisdostert: By the board will be by roll call.

26 00:03:37.560 --> 00:03:42.450 dennisdostert: All board members and staff will identify themselves for the record before speaking

27 00:03:43.830 --> 00:03:56.550 dennisdostert: See you this evening. Our members a dentist roster stops Brittany murals kit Wilcox Joker Turkey and Christy Faulkner is going to observe

28 00:03:58.290 --> 00:04:00.570 dennisdostert: Staff present our Aaron Mannix

29 00:04:01.290 --> 00:04:02.700 dennisdostert: What's an officer, Lisa.

30 00:04:03.750 --> 00:04:16.920 dennisdostert: And Lisa PM be no Planning and Zoning administrative assistant. I read that wrong, but the meeting will be recorded via the zoom platform and made available on the town website for viewing Lisa will now read the legal notice

31 00:04:18.300 --> 00:04:27.870 Lisa: Notice here by given that on Wednesday, April 22 2020 Guilford zoning board of appeals will hold the public hearing at 7:30pm

32 00:04:28.710 --> 00:04:35.610 Lisa: At the cobra 1960 meeting situations situation this meeting will be conducted through a weapon phone meeting only

33 00:04:36.180 --> 00:04:52.680 Lisa: attendees are advised not to go to the regular community center location because of physical meeting will not take place link to the meeting will be posted on the town's [email protected] Guilford that ct.us

34 00:04:53.880 --> 00:05:05.670 Lisa: First application lurking Larkins Pauline are revocable trust 43 driveway map 33 lots 17 don't i dash one

35 00:05:05.970 --> 00:05:18.600 Lisa: Variants request of Section 273 dash 24 table three the line seven to allow three feet proposed side streets set back and table three be line 12

36 00:05:18.840 --> 00:05:29.910 Lisa: To allow 54% impervious surface coverage for the construction of new software and fuel storage enclosure and office for existing industrial use.

37 00:05:30.690 --> 00:05:55.080 Lisa: Wendy and bills able 38 South fair street map 30 to 55 don't our dash one variants request of Section 273 dash 24 table three line for accessory building height to allow for 20 foot height to construct new detached 24 by 26 barn.

38 00:05:55.950 --> 00:06:12.270 Lisa: Persona LLC Ilford racquet club for 20 Church Street Map at lot to dash one zone. I want variance requests of Section 274 48 see to allow impervious coverage.

39 00:06:13.560 --> 00:06:20.370 Lisa: Of 46 point 32% for construction of an 18 by 26 exercise facility.

40 00:06:21.780 --> 00:06:43.560 Lisa: Union rebuilt LLC 98 new ministry now 40 Watt 111 don't R dash one various requests of Section 273 dash 24 table three line seven to allow side yard setback of 0.2 feet to construct and attached cardboard.

41 00:06:44.490 --> 00:07:00.570 Lisa: Copies of these applications are available for inspection on the town's website w w w dot z are that CI Guilford does ct.us at this hearing persons may attend either by phone or web

42 00:07:01.470 --> 00:07:06.900 Lisa: Connection and Shelby heard pursuant to the governor's executive order seven be

43 00:07:07.230 --> 00:07:20.790 Lisa: Any materials relevant to matters on the agenda, including but not limited to materials related to specific applications if applicable, shall be submitted to the agency, a minimum of 24 hours prior

44 00:07:21.270 --> 00:07:38.610 Lisa: And post it to the agency's website for public public inspection prior to during and after the meeting and any exhibits to be submitted by members of the public shell to an extent feasible be submitted to the agency, a minimum of 24 hours prior to

45 00:07:39.660 --> 00:08:00.750 Lisa: The meeting and posted to the agency's website for public inspection prior to during and after the meeting in accordance with the governor's executive order 71 this legal notices being published on the town of Guilford website www.ci Guilford ct.us

46 00:08:02.100 --> 00:08:07.290 Lisa: Or Connecticut. This first day of April 2020 Dennis foster Chairman.

47 00:08:09.150 --> 00:08:15.240 dennisdostert: Okay. And the first one that we will hear from us. The Larkins trust on 43 driveway.

48 00:08:17.490 --> 00:08:18.300 dennisdostert: To whom I

49 00:08:19.440 --> 00:08:20.460 dennisdostert: Who is going to speak.

50 00:08:22.050 --> 00:08:23.190 andrewlarkins: Ross is going to speak.

51 00:08:23.820 --> 00:08:25.650 Erin Mannix: Larkins are here as well as

52 00:08:25.710 --> 00:08:26.610 Erin Mannix: Rescue me

53 00:08:27.900 --> 00:08:29.040 dennisdostert: Run a run.

54 00:08:29.130 --> 00:08:49.050 Russell Campaigne: Dark so I'm Russell campaign was CK architects 131 Boston street and you can see Andrew and Mark Larkins are also here representing them, and we're here before you tonight for the presentation of various request for some changes that they're proposing on their property at 43 Dr. What

55 00:08:50.100 --> 00:08:56.070 Russell Campaigne: Um, can you post the Aaron. Can you put up on the screen. The drawing set

56 00:08:57.720 --> 00:09:05.220 Erin Mannix: Russell. Would you like the original first to talk about your revisions per design review or do you just want the revised drawing

57 00:09:05.280 --> 00:09:10.530 Russell Campaigne: I think the revised one is fine. Nothing substantial has changed associated with variants request.

58 00:09:11.580 --> 00:09:12.150 Erin Mannix: Excellent.

59 00:09:17.940 --> 00:09:21.420 Russell Campaigne: So while she puts that up. I can give you a little bit of the history

60 00:09:22.020 --> 00:09:31.530 Russell Campaigne: The Larkins have on this property for quite some time and the family is growing into the business. So they're looking to expand the office space to accommodate

61 00:09:32.070 --> 00:09:39.930 Russell Campaigne: The two sons that are starting to work in the office. And so the first request was to build a new office building.

62 00:09:40.590 --> 00:09:53.790 Russell Campaigne: That is being proposed in the front of the existing steel Butler building that is being built compliant, but it does have an impact on our overall impervious surface coverage. So I will get to that, but primarily before you

63 00:09:54.360 --> 00:10:04.200 Russell Campaigne: There are some existing property line buildings that are on the east side of the property, which is the north side. Yes, where she's pointing. So there's a fuel storage.

64 00:10:04.230 --> 00:10:05.160 Russell Campaigne: Assault jet.

65 00:10:05.400 --> 00:10:14.100 Russell Campaigne: And then to spreader racks on their open structures that are meant to support the spreaders that get lifted out of the trucks.

66 00:10:15.180 --> 00:10:28.320 Russell Campaigne: They are all sort of in disrepair, and not very slightly in the way they were constructed. And so the Larkins are interested in in both as upgrading the office space in front in dancing.

67 00:10:29.790 --> 00:10:37.680 Russell Campaigne: During those and also found that the salt shed buildings. I'm sorry, the spreader racks are no longer needed. So they're obsolete.

68 00:10:38.010 --> 00:10:50.640 Russell Campaigne: So our proposal is to take the uses and combine them into one new shed that basically is reducing the overall lot coverage by about 400 square feet in the nonconforming area. Now, what

69 00:10:51.420 --> 00:10:57.990 Russell Campaigne: There was a revision to our original submission. After we went to design review on. Can you go to the next page to

70 00:10:58.830 --> 00:11:07.800 Russell Campaigne: Go silent. Yes. Ah, sorry, originally we were proposing the new salt shed and and feel storage further back on the property.

71 00:11:08.400 --> 00:11:21.060 Russell Campaigne: Similar to where it is now. But design review actually asked us to bring it forward on the property right up to the front boundary and have it in combination with the new office space to sort of screen. Some of the parking

72 00:11:21.660 --> 00:11:27.990 Russell Campaigne: Behind as well as the parking on the adjacent lot that the the town owns. So they asked us to move it forward now.

73 00:11:28.380 --> 00:11:36.810 Russell Campaigne: The statistics are exactly the same. We did mirror the proposal. So now the salt shed is on the north side and the fuel is on the south side.

74 00:11:37.770 --> 00:11:41.580 Russell Campaigne: But it's the same coverage and we're moving it from what used to be.

75 00:11:42.210 --> 00:11:50.310 Russell Campaigne: About seven inches off the property line we're moving it to three feet off the property line which will allow us to install the footing and to maintain the property on the far side.

76 00:11:50.910 --> 00:12:00.450 Russell Campaigne: So the request for for that variance is associated with basically making it a better conforming condition and our existing nonconformity

77 00:12:01.500 --> 00:12:14.160 Russell Campaigne: Is is something that we're looking to bring forward into this new design its location. I don't think it impacts your actual of review and it was, I think, in reaction to the proposal to put housing on the

78 00:12:14.580 --> 00:12:29.400 Russell Campaigne: Northern property on the town on property on the north side this screening is important to to sort of help to buffer that from from the use across the street. So I think it's kind of a win win with this new location and the Larkins. I think agreed that it was a benefit.

79 00:12:31.800 --> 00:12:40.290 Russell Campaigne: In regards to the lot coverage and I'm sorry the impervious coverage request the property basically is a nonconformity now.

80 00:12:40.770 --> 00:12:53.730 Russell Campaigne: The additional office space that we're proposing, as well as the reduction associated with the removal of assault. I'm sorry, the spreader racks, basically we're proposing to offset that in addition to one additional person.

81 00:12:53.790 --> 00:13:12.480 Russell Campaigne: With impervious with previous pavers that are shown along the western property line on so we're proposing a 1% reduction overall in our impervious surface. Now the hardship associated with this. I think on and you know we're we're sort of arguing its existing

82 00:13:12.720 --> 00:13:14.190 Russell Campaigne: non conforming use

83 00:13:14.280 --> 00:13:19.620 Russell Campaigne: We're looking to carry that forward and offset it. We're also installing which in the package.

84 00:13:19.980 --> 00:13:32.280 Russell Campaigne: Shows a new drainage structure that Michael Harkin has designed, which is going to basically pre treat all of the runoff. Currently, the runoff from the parking lot goes directly into the storm sewer which goes into the sound.

85 00:13:32.670 --> 00:13:36.000 Russell Campaigne: This is going to catch basically all of the runoff on the property.

86 00:13:36.420 --> 00:13:43.500 Russell Campaigne: And and pre treat it before going in. So that's a benefit from vantage point sort of meeting the spirit of the impervious surface coverage.

87 00:13:43.800 --> 00:13:52.170 Russell Campaigne: And then the other piece is that we have a E's minute 50 feet with a full size two lane road that comes across the front of our property.

88 00:13:52.470 --> 00:13:56.910 Russell Campaigne: And gives access to the town owned property beyond for the tip of town public works.

89 00:13:57.360 --> 00:14:08.940 Russell Campaigne: Now, I think that obviously that is part of our coverage calculations and we're including it, but we did break it out to show how much of an impact that area has on the overall usability the property.

90 00:14:09.300 --> 00:14:14.220 Russell Campaigne: And I think the argument that if we didn't have that easement to access the town property.

91 00:14:14.460 --> 00:14:23.280 Russell Campaigne: We likely would change the parking layout in a way to be more efficient, where you come right into the parking from our property line as opposed to having to come across a full two lane.

92 00:14:23.730 --> 00:14:35.430 Russell Campaigne: Road 24 foot wide road before coming into the property. So I do think that there's an argument that that's an encumbrance on this property that it can be viewed as as a hardship unique to this particular property.

93 00:14:37.140 --> 00:14:42.150 Russell Campaigne: So to go through the rest of the drawings, you can sort of go to the next drawing

94 00:14:44.220 --> 00:14:46.590 Russell Campaigne: Yeah, so this is the proposed salt.

95 00:14:47.910 --> 00:14:59.730 Russell Campaigne: Again, it's a barn like structure. It's got a sliding door on the front that will give access to the salt when it's needed, and then adjacent to it is the fuel storage. Now the upgrades here are we're putting in a full I'm

96 00:15:00.420 --> 00:15:12.240 Russell Campaigne: Almost nine foot tall enclosure in concrete for the salt that is a better containment of assault. Currently, it has an open foundation block that basically you know is a little bit more vulnerable to leakage.

97 00:15:12.630 --> 00:15:18.360 Russell Campaigne: And then for the fuel storage. We're upgrading that as well, with a fuel storage containment area. So there'll be a step over curb

98 00:15:18.660 --> 00:15:29.880 Russell Campaigne: And a containment area for the fuel tank there already is a double wall tank. But this is an addition to that, again, in, in an effort to better the situation and lower the risk of environmental impact.

99 00:15:31.830 --> 00:15:40.590 Russell Campaigne: And then you can continue down to the next page. So this is the office that's proposed, which is probably best shown through the elevation. So if you go down through

100 00:15:41.070 --> 00:15:52.140 Russell Campaigne: Yes. So again, it's a barn like structure that sort of will screen the existing metal buildings behind. And I think the Design Review felt it was an enhancement to the appearance

101 00:15:52.620 --> 00:15:59.610 Russell Campaigne: From across the street and from the access on driveway and there's a model image to that you can see that shows an overall of the site.

102 00:16:00.060 --> 00:16:05.760 Russell Campaigne: With the building in front the salt shed sort of making a gate as you come in and adding some screening to the back.

103 00:16:06.210 --> 00:16:11.820 Russell Campaigne: And some imagery of the two buildings. And then the last page is the design of the of the

104 00:16:12.480 --> 00:16:22.590 Russell Campaigne: The retention area that basically is taking our run off through a curtain drain and basically making sure that it's pre treated before going on into the drain.

105 00:16:22.920 --> 00:16:33.870 Russell Campaigne: And onto the sound so overall I think we've been well received with this as a great proposal on enhancing the neighborhood, and I think we have existing nonconformity, is that we can carry forward with this request.

106 00:16:36.270 --> 00:16:36.990 Erin Mannix: Thank you, Russ.

107 00:16:39.390 --> 00:16:42.150 dennisdostert: You're reducing the degree of done conformity go

108 00:16:42.420 --> 00:16:45.540 Russell Campaigne: Someplace yes and all in all instances we're reducing

109 00:16:45.840 --> 00:16:48.180 Russell Campaigne: The nonconformity, okay.

110 00:16:52.320 --> 00:16:54.450 dennisdostert: Questions from the, from the board.

111 00:16:55.560 --> 00:16:55.890 Erin Mannix: We

112 00:16:57.030 --> 00:17:00.180 Erin Mannix: We do have some comments as well.

113 00:17:01.260 --> 00:17:02.310 Erin Mannix: And stuff here.

114 00:17:02.400 --> 00:17:03.660 dennisdostert: Who will read that.

115 00:17:06.660 --> 00:17:17.850 Erin Mannix: I can put it on screen share it. If there is, I have one from the environmental planner Kevin McGee. If anyone is interested in reading that

116 00:17:20.310 --> 00:17:24.780 Erin Mannix: any of the board members interested or if you'd like staff to read it, that's up to you.

117 00:17:24.840 --> 00:17:34.230 dennisdostert: Allow them to inform in front of me I could read it louder. The applicant is proposing to remove several existing structures at the property and construct to new buildings on the property.

118 00:17:34.860 --> 00:17:43.560 dennisdostert: You have Kirby is surface coverage for the property is currently 55% impervious service college coverage allowed it i one zone is 40%

119 00:17:44.310 --> 00:17:55.320 dennisdostert: In order to reduce the existing previous service coverage to 54% to make up some proposed to office building the Africans proposing to remove an existing pay for parking area and replace it with purpose papers.

120 00:17:56.130 --> 00:17:59.550 dennisdostert: I commend the advocate for balancing out the impervious surface area.

121 00:18:00.060 --> 00:18:11.040 dennisdostert: However, the square footage of the impervious surfaces, the shared drive, we should not be subtracted out from the property to show a greater reduction in impervious surface somebody's gonna have to interpret that for me. I'm not quite sure.

122 00:18:12.090 --> 00:18:27.300 dennisdostert: Most of the impervious surface area of the driver is required for the applicant to access their property only in approximately 1000 square foot impervious driveway extends beyond the parking area of the Larkins property to the properties to the east.

123 00:18:28.080 --> 00:18:28.860 dennisdostert: When the African

124 00:18:28.890 --> 00:18:30.660 dennisdostert: Comment on on this.

125 00:18:31.230 --> 00:18:37.770 Lisa: Actually to notate for the pot for the record that that was from Kevin McGee. The environmental planner.

126 00:18:38.280 --> 00:18:40.230 Lisa: Yes, this is for the recording.

127 00:18:41.370 --> 00:18:49.740 Russell Campaigne: Okay, so I am I to didn't really understand how he was approaching that because the calculations were showing in our request for 53

128 00:18:50.370 --> 00:18:56.280 Russell Campaigne: Or I'm sorry for 54% coverage is is including that area. So we're not subtracting it

129 00:18:57.000 --> 00:19:03.420 Russell Campaigne: In our chart we did break it out, but that was mostly from the argument that that you know yes it is access to our property.

130 00:19:03.900 --> 00:19:19.170 Russell Campaigne: But it wouldn't have to be a 24 foot wide two lane road with a sidewalk if it was just as accessing our property, it would be a smaller access or potentially a more efficient driveway layout to have parking immediately as you came into the site. So, yes.

131 00:19:20.190 --> 00:19:37.980 Russell Campaigne: I it isn't completely not an asset to access their property, but we're showing it on a request. We're not taking it out of our request, it's it's being shown and I do think that it is an encumbrance. It would be easier for us to lay out our parking in our purpose surface in a way

132 00:19:39.510 --> 00:19:45.810 Russell Campaigne: If we didn't have to provide the continuous access and open access to the to the public works beyond

133 00:19:48.930 --> 00:19:49.830 dennisdostert: More comments.

134 00:19:50.520 --> 00:20:07.560 Erin Mannix: I think that's basically what what Kevin was Rick was commenting was just to just to clarify that the the the overall impervious does include that driveway access as well. And he didn't want that to assume to be two separate

135 00:20:09.420 --> 00:20:12.420 Erin Mannix: Calculations that the property is one whole property.

136 00:20:12.630 --> 00:20:14.640 Erin Mannix: But I think you clarified that right

137 00:20:14.910 --> 00:20:22.020 Russell Campaigne: And I will also speak to, you know, the pavers that we're putting in our in an area of parked cars which will work out well.

138 00:20:22.320 --> 00:20:31.980 Russell Campaigne: But the main area see so much traffic and so much heavy traffic with the types of equipment that are run over. It's not really practical for the main areas to be a previous paver

139 00:20:32.310 --> 00:20:37.860 Russell Campaigne: So we have changed out the area of the site that really lends itself to park cars over the previous

140 00:20:38.550 --> 00:20:49.020 Russell Campaigne: pavers, but there aren't other areas of the site, we really can give up and and in a practical way for the industrial use and have a previous paper under them because they're going to have, you know, active traffic.

141 00:20:49.410 --> 00:20:57.210 Russell Campaigne: And access. So I think we've maxed out the ability for us to add impervious surface in a practical way on this us

142 00:21:00.330 --> 00:21:12.840 Erin Mannix: Okay, thanks for. So we have we have another staff report Dennis and this one is from Dennis Johnson our health director and I can share that if someone would like to read that into the record as well.

143 00:21:14.550 --> 00:21:15.390 dennisdostert: Okay.

144 00:21:17.430 --> 00:21:24.360 dennisdostert: There it is soil testing conducted in the applicants property revealed suitable areas for installation of a code complying septic system.

145 00:21:24.930 --> 00:21:35.580 dennisdostert: The applicants for both salt shed fuel storage storage enclosure and office do not conflict with the locations that primary serve septic systems currently existing or proposed to be constructed

146 00:21:38.310 --> 00:21:39.420 dennisdostert: That one I understood

147 00:21:40.050 --> 00:21:43.200 Erin Mannix: Okay, and in addition

148 00:21:43.290 --> 00:21:44.280 Erin Mannix: We have

149 00:21:48.540 --> 00:21:56.550 Erin Mannix: We do have come a letter from the Design Review Committee to the board. That's another one that I will share with you.

150 00:21:58.380 --> 00:22:01.410 Erin Mannix: Here, Dennis. You can see this one from the Design Review Committee.

151 00:22:02.520 --> 00:22:10.320 dennisdostert: And a regular meeting held on Wednesday, the 11th march 2022 Design Review Committee reviewed and application 43 driveway proposed renovations.

152 00:22:10.740 --> 00:22:16.290 dennisdostert: To committee with supportive of the application, the new structure scale improves the street and entry point to the property.

153 00:22:16.680 --> 00:22:21.780 dennisdostert: The proposed buildings are nice and appearance and fit well supporting a long standing local business.

154 00:22:22.260 --> 00:22:33.030 dennisdostert: Design Review Committee recommended unanimously that the Planning and Zoning Commission should approve of this project with the following stipulations. And that's the Planning and Zoning Commission.

155 00:22:33.540 --> 00:22:35.700 Erin Mannix: This is also a site plan application.

156 00:22:36.990 --> 00:22:43.500 Erin Mannix: Which would come the the variants that would need to be obtained prior to any actions from Planning and Zoning

157 00:22:44.010 --> 00:22:49.260 dennisdostert: Alright then, if the new shed building could be moved forward the revised plan be submitted to committee for review.

158 00:22:49.680 --> 00:22:55.530 dennisdostert: Okay, we've talked about that in the final design of the northeast corner with a base in be submitted for the committee's review and

159 00:22:55.830 --> 00:23:05.970 dennisdostert: That the generator weekly service operation should be right in the middle part of the day. I know we take on Lake and if you have any questions, please contact William Thompson Chairman.

160 00:23:07.710 --> 00:23:10.080 dennisdostert: So, some of that is relevant to us, and some of it.

161 00:23:10.080 --> 00:23:10.260 Is

162 00:23:12.510 --> 00:23:13.950 Erin Mannix: Correct. But that speaks to

163 00:23:15.810 --> 00:23:26.010 Erin Mannix: The, the relocation of the sheds a northerly on the property as the design had changed from your original plans that were submitted with the application.

164 00:23:27.930 --> 00:23:28.200 Okay.

165 00:23:29.940 --> 00:23:32.640 dennisdostert: Any discussion on the board.

166 00:23:34.380 --> 00:23:36.120 dennisdostert: Yes. Steve, Steve.

167 00:23:36.180 --> 00:23:36.660 Ups.

168 00:23:37.920 --> 00:23:44.430 stephenkops: Russ, one question for you as a way of alleviating some of the impervious

169 00:23:46.320 --> 00:23:55.740 stephenkops: Area, could the areas right in front of the garages and so on, especially in back be converted to to simply, you know, gravel.

170 00:23:57.300 --> 00:24:04.710 Russell Campaigne: I'm actually all of the storage and back is a previous gravel. So that is not part of the coverage 40% is is a

171 00:24:05.880 --> 00:24:07.980 Russell Campaigne: You know it's it's it's tough on on

172 00:24:08.220 --> 00:24:08.820 Russell Campaigne: Like, yes. When

173 00:24:08.940 --> 00:24:09.420 Russell Campaigne: Buildings

174 00:24:09.450 --> 00:24:21.120 Russell Campaigne: Are on the roof drainage is actually handled through a drip strip around the property. So, you know, impervious surfaces and taking that into consideration in this particular instance

175 00:24:21.960 --> 00:24:31.590 Russell Campaigne: In that we are providing for acceptance of the roof area into the soils and manage way i'm not creating run off and I think that the

176 00:24:32.280 --> 00:24:37.740 Russell Campaigne: The work that we've done with my cartoons and I think Janice, the engineer town engineer is very pleased with

177 00:24:38.640 --> 00:24:56.190 Russell Campaigne: Our efforts to actually pre treat and do best management practice for the the water that was excellent. The site and going directly into the storm drain. So, but, you know, it's, again, the management impervious pavers are not really set up for industrial use. I mean, there

178 00:25:08.790 --> 00:25:09.300 stephenkops: Are a lot

179 00:25:14.670 --> 00:25:17.880 stephenkops: Us three more than what I asked. It was just a simple, could it be

180 00:25:23.610 --> 00:25:25.650 dennisdostert: Is there anybody else on the board.

181 00:25:26.130 --> 00:25:32.850 Joseph Katucki: Was gonna question. What's the, how is the water treated when it's collected

182 00:25:33.630 --> 00:25:40.200 Russell Campaigne: Though there's a detention area settlement area that basically has something that is is

183 00:25:41.070 --> 00:25:54.480 Russell Campaigne: It runs through a structure that basically contains any sediments, as well as oils and other things before it's released. So it's basically a song trap that it runs through before it's then released into the drainage system. So it's more robust the

184 00:25:54.510 --> 00:25:57.930 Russell Campaigne: JSON and you know basically the public works.

185 00:25:58.680 --> 00:26:14.010 Russell Campaigne: Has direct access basically all their storm drains if they wash their trucks or they dump their salt or whatever they go directly into the sound. There is no pretreatment that is actually a major issue with they're getting scolded by the state for that actually

186 00:26:15.210 --> 00:26:27.150 Russell Campaigne: So we're going beyond what the public works has associated with this pretreatment system and it's what should be installed in the public works in the Jason lot. So, but we're handling our run off to current standards.

187 00:26:28.470 --> 00:26:29.160 Joseph Katucki: Okay, thank you.

188 00:26:30.330 --> 00:26:31.860 dennisdostert: Anyone else on the board.

189 00:26:34.020 --> 00:26:40.380 dennisdostert: Is there one anyone else in the audience, wishing to speak in favor of this application.

190 00:26:44.070 --> 00:26:47.700 dennisdostert: Is there anyone in the audience opposed to this application.

191 00:26:50.760 --> 00:26:58.590 dennisdostert: In that case, emotion to close this portion of the meeting on this for the hearing is applicable.

192 00:26:59.340 --> 00:27:00.330 stephenkops: And second,

193 00:27:01.980 --> 00:27:08.820 Erin Mannix: Is me Dennis in this forum, we should have a roll call vote and people should

194 00:27:10.020 --> 00:27:12.270 Erin Mannix: For votes, just for record keeping.

195 00:27:12.390 --> 00:27:20.280 dennisdostert: Ok, ok, I would say last Okay Steve you vote to close this portion the meeting about

196 00:27:20.760 --> 00:27:21.120 Yes.

197 00:27:22.950 --> 00:27:23.490 Kit Wilcox: Remember, good.

198 00:27:24.150 --> 00:27:26.880 dennisdostert: Okay, and bread.

199 00:27:27.540 --> 00:27:29.850 dennisdostert: Yes. Okay, then Joe

200 00:27:30.540 --> 00:27:33.000 dennisdostert: I do okay and

201 00:27:35.160 --> 00:27:40.560 dennisdostert: You and myself. I bought to close this portion of the meeting. And I think that's all by right

202 00:27:41.580 --> 00:27:44.490 dennisdostert: pounded right in this portion of the meeting is enclosed

203 00:27:46.620 --> 00:27:52.830 dennisdostert: And then the next item on our agenda is Wendy invisible of 38 South fair Street.

204 00:27:55.470 --> 00:27:56.670 Russell Campaigne: That is me again.

205 00:27:58.500 --> 00:27:59.910 Russell Campaigne: Change my background here.

206 00:28:00.540 --> 00:28:01.350 Russell Campaigne: Alright, so

207 00:28:02.220 --> 00:28:05.280 Russell Campaigne: So on Wendy and Bill are actually on Wednesdays iPad.

208 00:28:05.670 --> 00:28:08.460 Russell Campaigne: So they're here and can speak up if they if they so choose.

209 00:28:09.600 --> 00:28:19.080 Russell Campaigne: Your is a little bit of a backstory. There is a lot. That's an interior lot between high street and South fair and Wakefield Street.

210 00:28:19.620 --> 00:28:28.980 Russell Campaigne: That the labels were concerned about the potential of it being developed as additional housing right behind their lot so they approached the neighbor.

211 00:28:29.460 --> 00:28:35.280 Russell Campaigne: Bill, the buildings, who was on High Street to purchase this portion of their rear lot and did so.

212 00:28:35.760 --> 00:28:44.640 Russell Campaigne: subdivided it and split it off and agreed in the transaction to put a 50 year restriction on it that it cannot have a dwelling unit on it.

213 00:28:45.360 --> 00:28:55.620 Russell Campaigne: Which I think is a good benefit to the use of the land in both protects them. And it also, obviously, you know, protects all the neighbors that have bought up to this parcel. That's an interior law.

214 00:28:56.760 --> 00:29:08.700 Russell Campaigne: But with that they would like to turn it into a park like setting and potentially build a building is before you to to have some additional storage. So on the

215 00:29:10.170 --> 00:29:18.750 Russell Campaigne: site plan here on the left hand side of the page is South fair street the existing driveway comes back in their house to set back on the south fair street lot

216 00:29:19.770 --> 00:29:24.000 Russell Campaigne: And the barn that we're proposing is all the way back at the sort of Western corner.

217 00:29:25.530 --> 00:29:34.290 Russell Campaigne: And it allows for the rest of the lot to open up as a lawn area with some buffered planting and some fencing being proposed, and the barn.

218 00:29:35.070 --> 00:29:51.750 Russell Campaigne: We went through and got some preliminary feedback from the historic district. And really, the feeling was that a barn of a certain scale would be the most appropriate on this interior lot in the historic district. And so we were interested in a 24 by 26 foot

219 00:29:52.890 --> 00:29:59.190 Russell Campaigne: Barn scale building, as I said, it will be used. Not as much for car parking, but for lawn storage.

220 00:30:00.060 --> 00:30:06.120 Russell Campaigne: You know, sort of tinkering bike storage. Other things along those lines. And when you get to a building of that scale.

221 00:30:06.570 --> 00:30:15.810 Russell Campaigne: The height of 15 feet is very restrictive from an architectural point of view to fit it in and have a barn like structure. So in elevation. You can see it's a very classic shape.

222 00:30:16.740 --> 00:30:25.110 Russell Campaigne: It's got a small neat wall and then eight. Sorry. A 1012 pitch roof, which is typical in this area and then a lean to off the back

223 00:30:25.500 --> 00:30:33.480 Russell Campaigne: And that creates a 19 foot six height limit. So we're asking for a 20 foot height limit in this particular area because there's a little bit of grade fall off.

224 00:30:34.470 --> 00:30:45.510 Russell Campaigne: Now we have a letter from the historic district and they were encouraging as they have with other properties of this scale to have a barn like building because it's fits into the fabric and the history of this particular area.

225 00:30:45.990 --> 00:30:56.640 Russell Campaigne: And this particular location and Lot is large enough really to sustain a building of this scale and inside. And I also point out on the next page actually Aaron.

226 00:30:57.840 --> 00:31:07.530 Russell Campaigne: I've included a picture of an existing barn that's on the property that this was split off of and that barn is as well. Oh, it's actually 22 or 23 feet tall.

227 00:31:07.920 --> 00:31:16.710 Russell Campaigne: Our barn would be about three or four feet lower than the one that's adjacent to the south on that existing property, but it does speak to the the

228 00:31:17.790 --> 00:31:22.170 Russell Campaigne: History. Yes. And then the other photos and the model images.

229 00:31:22.710 --> 00:31:39.060 Russell Campaigne: You can just see you can barely see the building set back behind the other two existing it's, it's, you know, three 400 feet back. So the scale of that building really does not impact any adjacent neighbors. And it really is appropriate for the for the scale and size of the property.

230 00:31:43.500 --> 00:31:44.040 Russell Campaigne: So,

231 00:31:44.100 --> 00:31:57.000 Russell Campaigne: I realized that hardship is hard to argue in a in a condition like this and it is something that I know has been discussed associated that it should find a fix for something along these lines in the zoning code.

232 00:31:57.540 --> 00:32:04.350 Russell Campaigne: Um, there is discussions as there have been with many others. And I do think there may be a path for a special permit approval for this.

233 00:32:04.710 --> 00:32:18.240 Russell Campaigne: On, but it has not happened, it does not happen quickly. And right now, with a coronavirus. A lot of that is on hold and hasn't been moving forward. So I do think that this is something that

234 00:32:19.590 --> 00:32:33.090 Russell Campaigne: You know, this is a an avenue to the tables to allow them to proceed with construction. There's been several other approvals of this store. I know that have had Historic District approval in support. Before you that have been approved.

235 00:32:34.260 --> 00:32:48.120 Russell Campaigne: And I do think that, you know, it would be much appreciated. If you could find a way for it to be approved so that we can move forward with it, given that the changes to the zoning may take a year or more from now in order to gain approval so

236 00:32:48.930 --> 00:32:50.070 dennisdostert: Is that the works.

237 00:32:50.610 --> 00:32:51.210 Russell Campaigne: But I'm sorry.

238 00:32:51.420 --> 00:32:53.910 dennisdostert: Zoning to allow that. Is that in the works change.

239 00:32:55.200 --> 00:32:59.400 Russell Campaigne: Shoulder so we also have to go before Planning and Zoning for

240 00:32:59.790 --> 00:33:10.410 Russell Campaigne: A building that's over 750 square feet. So we too are going for a special permit for this, which is typical of all buildings over 700 square feet summer and 50 square feet in Guilford

241 00:33:10.770 --> 00:33:20.550 Russell Campaigne: And what Glenn shoulder, who is the consultant that is working on this is proposing is potentially adding the height to the lot coverage.

242 00:33:21.750 --> 00:33:33.960 Russell Campaigne: special permit process, which wouldn't have a hardship associated with it. But as we said this is something that would be internal to the overall update to the zoning, which could be quite some time off before approvals are made.

243 00:33:35.640 --> 00:33:41.550 dennisdostert: As for the benefit of other members to I think coupons are not counted as part of the height.

244 00:33:42.000 --> 00:33:42.660 Russell Campaigne: That's yes if it's

245 00:33:44.790 --> 00:33:45.900 Russell Campaigne: Like are in

246 00:33:45.990 --> 00:33:48.120 Russell Campaigne: Not something go up into it's not

247 00:33:48.180 --> 00:33:49.050 Erin Mannix: It's not counted

248 00:33:49.530 --> 00:33:57.480 dennisdostert: Yeah, just to the roof. Yes, the peak of the room for the coupon. I think in our regulations is allowed on top of that.

249 00:33:58.110 --> 00:34:00.210 Erin Mannix: That very cool is exempt.

250 00:34:00.630 --> 00:34:02.010 dennisdostert: Yeah, okay.

251 00:34:03.900 --> 00:34:04.290 Dirck Goss: That's

252 00:34:04.950 --> 00:34:06.690 dennisdostert: Of course, it says we're

253 00:34:08.760 --> 00:34:09.360 dennisdostert: The only

254 00:34:11.010 --> 00:34:13.530 dennisdostert: The only hardship is the regulation itself. Right.

255 00:34:15.030 --> 00:34:19.860 dennisdostert: And so we have to decide whether we want to do that or not so well.

256 00:34:21.450 --> 00:34:21.750 Erin Mannix: I do

257 00:34:23.100 --> 00:34:25.200 dennisdostert: Sorry, I interrupted someone

258 00:34:26.550 --> 00:34:29.850 Erin Mannix: We do have a couple of memos as well to read into the record.

259 00:34:30.180 --> 00:34:35.730 Erin Mannix: Okay, Dennis if when whenever you're ready. If you still want to have discussion that's fine.

260 00:34:37.020 --> 00:34:41.250 dennisdostert: Know if you have something to read it, that's relevant. Well, to me,

261 00:34:41.610 --> 00:34:44.550 Erin Mannix: This is, this is the letter from the historic district Commission.

262 00:34:46.950 --> 00:34:47.820 Erin Mannix: To the board.

263 00:34:48.210 --> 00:34:59.160 dennisdostert: Okay, well, it says here that the historic district Commission voted unanimously to prove his difference Certificate of appropriate does for the construction of a newborn on the rear property of 38 self their street.

264 00:35:00.120 --> 00:35:08.430 dennisdostert: The buildings in downtown Historic District primarily date to the 19th century steeper roof pitches are typical of 19th century vernacular styles and particularly outbuildings

265 00:35:08.790 --> 00:35:16.170 dennisdostert: Which generally follow even more traditional building forms flat earth are associated with 20th century styles like the rancher raised ranch.

266 00:35:16.560 --> 00:35:22.020 dennisdostert: Introducing that roof form would create a serious visual discordance with surrounding buildings historic district.

267 00:35:22.530 --> 00:35:33.840 dennisdostert: The Commission fields that the steeper pitched Rufus sport, typical of accessory buildings with a sorry district and therefore, it supports the above mentioned request for a variance in height from 15 to 20 feet.

268 00:35:35.130 --> 00:35:35.550 dennisdostert: And

269 00:35:36.720 --> 00:35:40.410 dennisdostert: Yes that's Russell rent W McCartney, Chairman.

270 00:35:42.600 --> 00:35:43.260 dennisdostert: Okay.

271 00:35:44.550 --> 00:35:45.510 Erin Mannix: One more.

272 00:35:48.330 --> 00:35:51.450 Erin Mannix: From second sorry

273 00:35:53.100 --> 00:35:55.080 Erin Mannix: One more from the Director of Health.

274 00:35:58.620 --> 00:35:59.310 dennisdostert: Okay.

275 00:36:01.110 --> 00:36:10.050 dennisdostert: Oh, not conflict with the location or operation septic system during setting. So he's okay with it. Yeah. Because proposed does conflict. Okay, is that it

276 00:36:11.160 --> 00:36:15.090 Erin Mannix: That's all I have for staff memos or Commission memos.

277 00:36:15.420 --> 00:36:15.960 Okay.

278 00:36:18.420 --> 00:36:23.310 dennisdostert: All right, is the further discussion among the board. Any other questions.

279 00:36:25.080 --> 00:36:25.410 dennisdostert: Kid.

280 00:36:27.150 --> 00:36:36.960 Kit Wilcox: Or member can look at a rough as far as the pictures, go back there and if we could see the last image of the plans that have the pictures of the property.

281 00:36:41.040 --> 00:36:44.400 Kit Wilcox: In the right hand lower picture. All right, am I correct

282 00:36:50.790 --> 00:36:51.180 Kit Wilcox: That

283 00:36:51.450 --> 00:36:54.090 Joseph Katucki: You certainly should make your game.

284 00:36:56.640 --> 00:36:58.410 Joseph Katucki: I know online.

285 00:37:01.170 --> 00:37:03.870 Erin Mannix: Members of our public if you're

286 00:37:04.830 --> 00:37:05.070 On

287 00:37:07.860 --> 00:37:09.900 Erin Mannix: mute your microphones for discussion.

288 00:37:10.770 --> 00:37:11.490 Joseph Katucki: Thank you.

289 00:37:13.980 --> 00:37:15.330 Russell Campaigne: Sorry, go ahead kit.

290 00:37:15.420 --> 00:37:20.670 Kit Wilcox: Okay. Is it, is it possible to see you mentioned that the other barn up there in the top picture.

291 00:37:20.910 --> 00:37:22.830 Kit Wilcox: Yeah, you see that roof.

292 00:37:24.210 --> 00:37:24.660 Kit Wilcox: Pictures.

293 00:37:24.840 --> 00:37:32.310 Russell Campaigne: So if you go down down a little. So we can see so right above this garage. You can see the roof of it right here.

294 00:37:32.850 --> 00:37:34.590 Kit Wilcox: On the right hand side way over there.

295 00:37:35.640 --> 00:37:37.980 Russell Campaigne: To the right over over the adjacent

296 00:37:38.580 --> 00:37:40.770 Russell Campaigne: White garage. Right there, see it. Yeah.

297 00:37:40.800 --> 00:37:41.100 Kit Wilcox: Okay.

298 00:37:41.970 --> 00:37:45.570 Kit Wilcox: So that gives us a reference point that the new garage will be

299 00:37:45.960 --> 00:37:48.570 Kit Wilcox: Lowered post that but also lower by yeah

300 00:37:48.900 --> 00:37:49.470 Russell Campaigne: Yes.

301 00:37:49.800 --> 00:37:51.960 Kit Wilcox: And a comparison of how it would look if it were

302 00:37:52.140 --> 00:37:53.550 Russell Campaigne: Thank you. Yep.

303 00:38:03.570 --> 00:38:04.260 dennisdostert: Are we getting it.

304 00:38:06.780 --> 00:38:07.110 Kit Wilcox: I'm good.

305 00:38:08.850 --> 00:38:11.130 dennisdostert: Okay. Any anyone else.

306 00:38:12.120 --> 00:38:13.740 dennisdostert: Nope, okay.

307 00:38:15.360 --> 00:38:21.300 dennisdostert: Is there anyone in the audience who wishes to speak in favor of this proposition.

308 00:38:26.250 --> 00:38:26.520 dennisdostert: Is

309 00:38:26.610 --> 00:38:32.670 dennisdostert: Anyone it. Is there anyone opposed to this proposition to this.

310 00:38:35.040 --> 00:38:41.820 dennisdostert: Okay. In that case, a motion to close this pub portion of public hearing is an order.

311 00:38:43.350 --> 00:38:44.220 dennisdostert: Someone knew that

312 00:38:45.720 --> 00:38:46.950 dennisdostert: Okay so kit.

313 00:38:48.120 --> 00:38:51.480 dennisdostert: And dentists doctors are in favor of closing

314 00:38:53.100 --> 00:38:55.620 Joseph Katucki: This is just a good. You can also in favor of closing

315 00:38:56.070 --> 00:38:57.810 dennisdostert: Okay Steve.

316 00:38:58.230 --> 00:38:59.100 stephenkops: Steve is

317 00:38:59.490 --> 00:39:02.730 dennisdostert: Ok and. Oh, there she is in Britain.

318 00:39:04.380 --> 00:39:10.080 dennisdostert: Okay, this portion is closed in, and we will proceed to your friend bracket.

319 00:39:13.020 --> 00:39:17.760 Erin Mannix: Just turn your mic on when you vote for recording for purposes.

320 00:39:18.450 --> 00:39:19.560 Britt Mirles: So to close.

321 00:39:26.640 --> 00:39:29.610 dennisdostert: All right. Present your, your case.

322 00:39:30.090 --> 00:39:36.960 Sarah Boone: I, everybody. I'm Sarah Boone from Guilford record and swim and cassava LLC. Nice to see you all.

323 00:39:36.960 --> 00:39:37.410 Sarah Boone: In these

324 00:39:37.530 --> 00:39:41.250 Sarah Boone: unusual circumstances and

325 00:39:42.300 --> 00:39:54.210 Sarah Boone: So my family's have the giver rocket clubs and 75 or a management 75 and 77 and somewhere in the 80s. They added a deck. I'm pointing because that's where it is.

326 00:39:54.930 --> 00:40:06.510 Sarah Boone: Added it pointing with my finger in my office they added a deck and it has had minimal use over the years. And currently, it has a ping pong cable on it that the kids sometimes use in the summer.

327 00:40:08.700 --> 00:40:24.840 Sarah Boone: And what we would like to do instead is convert that space into a closed room with limited exercise equipment for our members to use. I'm not looking to become a gym.

328 00:40:25.440 --> 00:40:35.520 Sarah Boone: There's a Planet Fitness nearby and orange theory and what have you. But my members, it's really important for me to create ways for them to want to stay here on the property.

329 00:40:35.850 --> 00:40:41.910 Sarah Boone: And that is my number one question when people join, like, oh, if my husband is playing tennis. Is there a place where I can

330 00:40:42.210 --> 00:40:58.200 Sarah Boone: Get on a bike, or is there a place I can stretch before I play or my daughter's in a lesson and I would like to get some exercise. So my hope is that it would be an add on to our current services that would benefit the members that are here.

331 00:40:59.310 --> 00:41:10.320 Sarah Boone: I'm not looking for increased spacing would probably have, you know, it's not a very big space. It's going to very limited equipment and after coven it'll probably be even more so.

332 00:41:11.400 --> 00:41:14.910 Sarah Boone: And my hope is that you'll approve it, but

333 00:41:14.910 --> 00:41:15.540 Sarah Boone: Maybe

334 00:41:16.350 --> 00:41:23.490 Sarah Boone: I should turn it over to the experts, so I'm gonna mute myself. I'll jump in. If I feel the need, and when you guys have questions. Okay.

335 00:41:29.550 --> 00:41:35.520 Dirck Goss: My are smart, young, I'm a laser welding associates our working with Sarah to

336 00:41:36.930 --> 00:41:38.430 Dirck Goss: Prepare this application.

337 00:41:40.470 --> 00:41:57.240 Dirck Goss: Service test its application profit by the proposed construction of a small addition to just the racket on building abuse as an exercise room and propose exercise shed does conform to was learning requires something impervious coverage.

338 00:41:58.440 --> 00:41:59.280 Dirck Goss: Regulation.

339 00:42:00.360 --> 00:42:17.250 Dirck Goss: The property is in zone Iowan so the maximum impervious colleges 40% the property currently is that 46 point 40% while the exercise shed will increase that number 46.32%

340 00:42:19.050 --> 00:42:33.180 Dirck Goss: We're addressing this increase in in previous surface in two ways. Roof runoff from the exercise SHED WE pipe to an underground implication gallery cited just rest of the new structure.

341 00:42:34.320 --> 00:42:57.780 Dirck Goss: This is size for the first instant runoff. In fact, the capacity of the galleries is so much greater as is this one. Gary unit and that actually accounts for about one and a half times that first one inch. So the real phone off from that shed will be infiltrated right here by now.

342 00:42:59.400 --> 00:43:04.140 Dirck Goss: We're addressing the overall impervious surface.

343 00:43:05.220 --> 00:43:10.170 Dirck Goss: By the addition of some from our treatment galleries to the south of the building.

344 00:43:11.880 --> 00:43:24.210 Dirck Goss: We have size. These galleries to handle the first inch of raw from the percentage of impervious ever says greater than 40%. So we've got

345 00:43:25.740 --> 00:43:35.340 Dirck Goss: Those are size for an intro run off from 6.32% of the previous surface out of the area of the property.

346 00:43:38.160 --> 00:43:43.920 Dirck Goss: So in fact, the numbers are total area. The site is

347 00:43:45.900 --> 00:43:58.080 Dirck Goss: Say the 6% and 17,359 square feet. The first your first engine run off would be 1300 and two cubic feet of water. And so the galleries.

348 00:44:00.180 --> 00:44:10.440 Dirck Goss: These implementation galleries actually have a capacity of 1300 and 44 cubic feet so slightly greater than what then what would offset that.

349 00:44:11.580 --> 00:44:13.500 Dirck Goss: Excess impervious surface.

350 00:44:15.690 --> 00:44:29.490 Dirck Goss: These are the war drain to these galleries is basically running is from about about concerns with the parking lot and yellow stripe that runs into

351 00:44:29.940 --> 00:44:44.370 Dirck Goss: castration on the west side of the engine stripe a currently that it is pipe into a ditch. Sounds good. And it runs off to the west. Additionally, some of the roof leaders.

352 00:44:45.210 --> 00:45:00.870 Dirck Goss: Are quite in depth and this new gallows will pick up that that will fall off for proposing a catch basin structure, which would be side.

353 00:45:01.620 --> 00:45:16.740 Dirck Goss: Right at the end of the existing concrete right from the tech space and I will have a cash basis top line. So any surface water will dry in there and and will be created in the in the infiltration galleries.

354 00:45:18.300 --> 00:45:24.390 Dirck Goss: We get a couple of soil test in in that area.

355 00:45:25.500 --> 00:45:45.900 Dirck Goss: They said currently there's a shallow ditch their the soils are based the sand and gravel on i i know that they the entire site in police station to the south. That's all sand and gravel salt. So it's very curious soil and the implication galleries will be very effective.

356 00:45:48.060 --> 00:45:48.930 Dirck Goss: So,

357 00:45:50.040 --> 00:45:50.880 Dirck Goss: Let's see.

358 00:45:52.170 --> 00:45:52.560 Dirck Goss: So,

359 00:45:54.960 --> 00:46:14.520 Dirck Goss: For all these galleries will provide infiltration for a significant portion of the runoff from the imperfect server some insight. So we are significantly reducing the effect of the excess impervious coverage on the site.

360 00:46:15.840 --> 00:46:24.600 Dirck Goss: I believe law attorney see actually an architect know architect know have some comments on the exercise shed itself.

361 00:46:26.580 --> 00:46:27.930 David Noe: Well, everyone hear me.

362 00:46:28.650 --> 00:46:29.040 Dirck Goss: Yes.

363 00:46:29.610 --> 00:46:46.530 David Noe: My name is David knowing with 360 design plus this. As I stated on the architect on the project I'm necessarily had said this is a small fitness facility at my 26 in the footprint and its intended as an accessory use to the main building

364 00:46:47.730 --> 00:46:52.920 David Noe: It will be a wood frame construction, you know, standard stick frame construction.

365 00:46:54.270 --> 00:46:56.520 David Noe: With hardy playing siding and an asphalt roof.

366 00:46:58.440 --> 00:47:02.220 David Noe: The foundation would be concrete peers with belt footings

367 00:47:03.390 --> 00:47:05.310 David Noe: So there will be access underneath the building.

368 00:47:06.840 --> 00:47:17.640 David Noe: The intention of the form and the shape of the building is to kind of be in conjunction with all the other architecture on site, there's currently a paddle tennis facility.

369 00:47:18.780 --> 00:47:22.290 David Noe: Which is very similar in design. So we're trying to mimic that form.

370 00:47:24.390 --> 00:47:26.700 David Noe: Anything is simplicity and efficiency.

371 00:47:29.100 --> 00:47:42.090 David Noe: The roof is under 15 feet high. So it's not visible from the road. It's in fact it's really only visible from the existing parking. So it's really tough sort of its nestled into the corner of

372 00:47:43.110 --> 00:47:47.730 David Noe: The existing building. I don't know. You can't see my cursor right on the screen.

373 00:47:48.540 --> 00:47:48.960 So,

374 00:47:50.700 --> 00:47:52.860 David Noe: Yeah, so it's kind of, you can see it's kind of nestled in

375 00:47:52.860 --> 00:47:55.320 David Noe: That corner so it can't be seen from the road.

376 00:47:55.770 --> 00:47:58.770 David Noe: And its impact is low from the existing

377 00:48:00.180 --> 00:48:03.000 David Noe: St. St. Simons side and then streetscape

378 00:48:05.520 --> 00:48:07.830 David Noe: So that's really our that's that's our

379 00:48:08.850 --> 00:48:15.870 David Noe: Overall form and design and, you know, the main thing is it's not going to increase traffic, not to the local area.

380 00:48:16.950 --> 00:48:22.230 David Noe: Again, like Sarah said it's a ancillary building to the existing facility so

381 00:48:24.900 --> 00:48:27.840 dennisdostert: There's sort of like structure there already, isn't there.

382 00:48:28.410 --> 00:48:37.290 David Noe: Yes, there's a paddle tennis facility. It's very similar and design with the shed roof and large, large picture windows with awnings below.

383 00:48:42.270 --> 00:48:44.700 dennisdostert: Questions from the board or comments.

384 00:48:47.700 --> 00:48:49.410 Dirck Goss: Even additional presenter tonight.

385 00:48:51.030 --> 00:48:53.100 Erin Mannix: Attorney shanties here as well. Dennis.

386 00:48:55.020 --> 00:48:58.290 dennisdostert: Okay, I'm not, I'm not having everybody's picture here, so

387 00:48:59.640 --> 00:49:00.360 marjorieshansky: The Chairman.

388 00:49:00.480 --> 00:49:02.790 marjorieshansky: Attorney Marjorie Shan ski. Good evening.

389 00:49:03.420 --> 00:49:04.080 dennisdostert: Good evening.

390 00:49:04.350 --> 00:49:19.950 marjorieshansky: Good evening to all members of the board. I'm happy to see that you are apparently safe and well I'm the request this evening to move from 46.14% to 46.32%

391 00:49:20.430 --> 00:49:36.720 marjorieshansky: Impervious coverage where 40% is permitted is the single request that's before the board and the idea of taking not only the additional runoff from

392 00:49:37.380 --> 00:49:52.110 marjorieshansky: The exercise shed, but all of the coverage in excess of the permitted 40% is in effect, reducing the nonconformity as it relates to stormwater runoff.

393 00:49:52.500 --> 00:50:04.110 marjorieshansky: And so that is the premise, on which this application meets you and I have discussed with you before the alternative to the hardship requirement.

394 00:50:04.470 --> 00:50:19.560 marjorieshansky: That the courts have recognized where there is a reduction in nonconformity and in the letter that I provided to the board I specifically focused on the house cat case which I've discussed with you previously.

395 00:50:20.580 --> 00:50:36.810 marjorieshansky: The reason it's a notable case in in this setting is because the, the issue in that case was withdrawing a a house that was within a coastal set back my only three feet.

396 00:50:37.350 --> 00:50:57.960 marjorieshansky: But the Court recognized that it was a reduction in nonconformity that could stand in the place of a variance and that it achieved the salutary goal of flood compliance and that was in the public interest and in more recent cases developed by the appellate court.

397 00:50:59.190 --> 00:51:09.390 marjorieshansky: The Court has said that all of these cases has COC vine Adolf sin and stand Kouno which are referenced in my letter. We're not only

398 00:51:10.560 --> 00:51:17.640 marjorieshansky: Relying on the reduction in nonconformity for their legitimacy in front of the Zoning Board of appeals, but because that

399 00:51:19.080 --> 00:51:32.640 marjorieshansky: Reduction in nonconformity did also something to serve the public interest and here we are with a vulnerable local watershed restriction that is directed at

400 00:51:33.180 --> 00:51:44.550 marjorieshansky: The effects of imperviousness on receiving water bodies that in and of itself suggest that pre pre Treatment Treatment stormwater management.

401 00:51:44.940 --> 00:51:52.020 marjorieshansky: Is a way of dealing with overages and certainly it is a best management practice that

402 00:51:52.830 --> 00:52:12.630 marjorieshansky: The recognizes in the stormwater man manual. So we are here tonight, offering more stormwater management that is represented by the request for the exercise shed, which in total represents a meaningful reduction in nonconformity of the effect of the overage

403 00:52:16.110 --> 00:52:16.680 dennisdostert: Thank you.

404 00:52:17.400 --> 00:52:18.090 You're welcome.

405 00:52:22.200 --> 00:52:23.040 dennisdostert: Is there a

406 00:52:24.210 --> 00:52:26.490 dennisdostert: Are there any questions or comments from the Board.

407 00:52:29.160 --> 00:52:33.030 dennisdostert: Is there anyone in the audience, wishing to speak in favor that

408 00:52:37.320 --> 00:52:40.320 dennisdostert: Anybody. Okay. Is there anyone a pose.

409 00:52:41.910 --> 00:52:46.650 dennisdostert: In that case, just to make it easy. I will move that we close this portion public meeting.

410 00:52:46.980 --> 00:52:50.910 Erin Mannix: Excuse me, Mr. Chairman, we have to memos to add to the record as well.

411 00:52:50.910 --> 00:52:51.420 dennisdostert: From sorry

412 00:52:51.840 --> 00:52:52.380 Erin Mannix: Sorry.

413 00:52:52.560 --> 00:52:54.090 dennisdostert: Hey, well we didn't vote so didn't happen.

414 00:52:55.080 --> 00:52:58.080 Erin Mannix: We have one from Kevin McGee or environmental planner.

415 00:52:58.410 --> 00:53:02.040 Dirck Goss: Here and I'll read them. It just the nicest letter. I've ever gotten from Kevin

416 00:53:04.320 --> 00:53:05.640 Erin Mannix: Shares it Dirk

417 00:53:06.600 --> 00:53:19.380 Dirck Goss: April 21 2020 Kevin Biggie environmental planner, the applicant is proposing to add an exercise shed to a property which currently exceeds the impervious surface coverage limits set forth in Section 2273 dash 48

418 00:53:20.010 --> 00:53:26.490 Dirck Goss: Of the planning and zoning regulations, the proposed impervious surface coverage of the property is 46.32%

419 00:53:27.420 --> 00:53:35.070 Dirck Goss: The impervious surface coverage loud and I one zone is 40% in order to meet the intent of the previous surface calculation.

420 00:53:35.550 --> 00:53:46.920 Dirck Goss: The app is proposing to install subsurface infiltration galleries to capture and treat a section of the roof water comprising approximately 6.32% of these sites impervious surfaces.

421 00:53:47.430 --> 00:54:00.990 Dirck Goss: With not having any existing previous service areas on the property to remove an order to reduce the impervious surface coverage to blow 40% this proposal for treating the difference in previous surface helps to protect the adjacent wetlands and West River.

422 00:54:07.650 --> 00:54:09.570 dennisdostert: Okay, anything else.

423 00:54:10.350 --> 00:54:14.940 Erin Mannix: Yes. One more extent of the page. I apologize.

424 00:54:15.480 --> 00:54:17.010 Erin Mannix: Our data.

425 00:54:18.030 --> 00:54:19.920 marjorieshansky: While you're looking for that Aaron, may I

426 00:54:19.920 --> 00:54:27.930 marjorieshansky: also mentioned that the neighbor from the sports medicine facility at 350 Church Street wrote a letter and support.

427 00:54:30.030 --> 00:54:31.020 Erin Mannix: Thank you. Marjorie

428 00:54:32.820 --> 00:54:39.240 Erin Mannix: I believe I'll look and say is that up on the website. I'll look and we can submit that I'll put that up as well.

429 00:54:39.720 --> 00:54:40.440 dennisdostert: Okay.

430 00:54:40.800 --> 00:54:41.820 Erin Mannix: Oh, this is Kevin's

431 00:54:42.540 --> 00:54:42.900 Yep.

432 00:54:46.710 --> 00:54:47.490 Erin Mannix: That's director

433 00:54:48.600 --> 00:54:52.500 Erin Mannix: She uploaded to and same thing. Hold on a moment.

434 00:54:54.000 --> 00:54:58.620 marjorieshansky: Under invert it's under environmental planner Dennis's under environmental planner.

435 00:55:00.540 --> 00:55:01.560 Erin Mannix: She switched them.

436 00:55:01.740 --> 00:55:02.040 Yeah.

437 00:55:04.680 --> 00:55:07.200 Erin Mannix: We have minor kinks here in there, since we don't

438 00:55:07.590 --> 00:55:09.720 Erin Mannix: have power over our website.

439 00:55:10.290 --> 00:55:12.450 Erin Mannix: Bear with me. Thank you. Marjorie

440 00:55:12.930 --> 00:55:13.440 Erin Mannix: It is

441 00:55:15.300 --> 00:55:20.370 dennisdostert: Short and sweet applicants proposed carport will not conflict with the location or

442 00:55:20.970 --> 00:55:23.100 dennisdostert: The septic system currently existing on site.

443 00:55:26.850 --> 00:55:27.360 dennisdostert: In the point

444 00:55:29.160 --> 00:55:29.640 Erin Mannix: And

445 00:55:30.780 --> 00:55:32.010 Sarah Boone: That was for different projects.

446 00:55:32.250 --> 00:55:33.300 stephenkops: Yes, totally

447 00:55:33.390 --> 00:55:35.340 dennisdostert: Oh. Oh, that wasn't for this project.

448 00:55:39.000 --> 00:55:39.360 stephenkops: Here.

449 00:55:39.720 --> 00:55:40.290 Kit Wilcox: Oh boy.

450 00:55:41.250 --> 00:55:42.600 Erin Mannix: Let's see if that's I'm here.

451 00:55:50.100 --> 00:55:51.540 Erin Mannix: Well, I apologize.

452 00:55:51.750 --> 00:55:52.650 dennisdostert: Was it negative

453 00:55:53.370 --> 00:55:56.010 Erin Mannix: There are no adverse impacts on

454 00:55:56.040 --> 00:55:57.870 dennisdostert: The nucleus. Yeah, so nothing

455 00:55:58.050 --> 00:55:58.740 dennisdostert: On the several

456 00:55:58.770 --> 00:56:00.270 dennisdostert: Can't find it wasn't a good

457 00:56:00.330 --> 00:56:01.950 Erin Mannix: Proposal at all.

458 00:56:02.340 --> 00:56:02.730 All right.

459 00:56:03.750 --> 00:56:07.440 dennisdostert: Okay then. If there are no further comments from anyone.

460 00:56:10.290 --> 00:56:13.800 dennisdostert: I'll move the we close this portion of the public hearing

461 00:56:14.880 --> 00:56:15.270 Kit Wilcox: It was

462 00:56:16.710 --> 00:56:17.520 dennisdostert: Like go

463 00:56:18.000 --> 00:56:19.260 dennisdostert: Get Joe

464 00:56:21.690 --> 00:56:22.320 dennisdostert: Joe Do you

465 00:56:22.380 --> 00:56:26.160 Joseph Katucki: This is Joseph could yuki I'm, I'm okay with closing this portion of the meeting.

466 00:56:26.580 --> 00:56:28.050 dennisdostert: Yes, and in bread.

467 00:56:28.530 --> 00:56:31.440 dennisdostert: I agree. Okay. And Steve.

468 00:56:31.980 --> 00:56:33.120 stephenkops: Already said so. Yep.

469 00:56:33.720 --> 00:56:38.520 dennisdostert: Okay. So yeah, I got to do one at a time, though. Okay.

470 00:56:39.630 --> 00:56:51.420 dennisdostert: In that case, this portion of the public hearing is closed and the last item on our agenda here is the 98 union Street.

471 00:56:54.840 --> 00:56:56.880 Erin Mannix: We have taught Anderson here on that one.

472 00:56:58.530 --> 00:56:59.220 dennisdostert: Okay.

473 00:57:01.170 --> 00:57:03.750 dennisdostert: All right, it. Where is it today. Interesting.

474 00:57:09.840 --> 00:57:10.590 Erin Mannix: Can you unmute

475 00:57:12.300 --> 00:57:13.290 Erin Mannix: Can we hear you now.

476 00:57:13.770 --> 00:57:16.290 Todd Anderson: I'm here, I can hear you. I've been here.

477 00:57:17.070 --> 00:57:19.020 Erin Mannix: Yeah, we can hear you now.

478 00:57:19.410 --> 00:57:20.070 Todd Anderson: All right.

479 00:57:20.430 --> 00:57:22.380 Erin Mannix: I'll share the survey for each other.

480 00:57:23.400 --> 00:57:24.720 Todd Anderson: Good evening, everyone.

481 00:57:26.310 --> 00:57:27.180 Todd Anderson: How are you

482 00:57:28.620 --> 00:57:30.900 Todd Anderson: So I'm here to represent

483 00:57:31.980 --> 00:57:35.010 Todd Anderson: Many you need rebuild LLC.

484 00:57:36.210 --> 00:57:44.730 Todd Anderson: This is a house that was built in 1937 it's on a lot. There's just over

485 00:57:45.840 --> 00:57:54.690 Todd Anderson: Half of the zone size and we needed to remove the existing garage behind the property.

486 00:57:55.230 --> 00:58:04.980 Todd Anderson: To install a couldn't complain separate system. Um, there was an existing shared in the back of the property that was removed higher than surveys. That's not our the

487 00:58:06.090 --> 00:58:17.790 Todd Anderson: Calculations of everything that we came up with, um, but we would love to propose to build a carport on the side of the house.

488 00:58:20.850 --> 00:58:27.630 Todd Anderson: Obviously, replace the garage. But in doing that because the house is so

489 00:58:28.680 --> 00:58:33.240 Todd Anderson: Close to that property line in order to do a carport

490 00:58:34.500 --> 00:58:42.060 Todd Anderson: At the smallest size possible to fit a car in it. We need to put it about two tenths of a foot away from the property line.

491 00:58:43.230 --> 00:59:03.510 Todd Anderson: In doing that, they also proposed to remove the existing front porch. Um, so by removing the garage in the front porch, we are actually reducing a lot of coverage by point 9% from 22.8 to 21.9%

492 00:59:04.290 --> 00:59:30.000 Todd Anderson: The existing side set back of that garage in the back, which actually falls off of the property. It's onto the neighbor's property by 1.3 feet, um, that garage was only 1.7 feet off the property line we propose this Cardboard. Cardboard have to tensile foot off the property line.

493 00:59:31.590 --> 00:59:43.230 Todd Anderson: But by removing the front porch, we are actually increasing the street set back from 18 context to 21.5 and

494 00:59:43.950 --> 00:59:52.380 Todd Anderson: Our we're set back from the existing garage, which was actually over the property line we're reducing that from zero foot

495 00:59:52.890 --> 01:00:06.720 Todd Anderson: To the house, which is now going to be 23.2 feet. So we are actually reducing the nonconformity but creating and nonconformity in a different area of the property.

496 01:00:07.440 --> 01:00:22.020 Todd Anderson: I'm the closest house to this property is actually about maybe 6070 feet away. Um, there is a piece of property to the west of this

497 01:00:22.470 --> 01:00:39.870 Todd Anderson: That is owned by Metro at 800 and LLC, which is the new medical building up on Route one, so we are not proximity to an existing house on our side so

498 01:00:40.470 --> 01:01:09.540 Todd Anderson: You know, we feel that this is not a bad trade off in a car storage area. It's not going to be enclosed like the existing garage, but rather a carport so it's not really. I'm going to be a detriment to the neighbors and I'm open for any questions.

499 01:01:10.110 --> 01:01:13.980 dennisdostert: No. Okay. Oh, who is metro 800 LLC again. Who is that

500 01:01:14.430 --> 01:01:18.120 Todd Anderson: That is the finest own property upon real

501 01:01:19.560 --> 01:01:20.970 Todd Anderson: Patriot medical building

502 01:01:21.360 --> 01:01:34.350 Todd Anderson: Okay. They own the property to the west and north of this, the property to the west of this property is basically an open property and it's an access area.

503 01:01:34.770 --> 01:01:46.680 Todd Anderson: To their septic system that is for the rear building of that Patriot medical Park and there is a right of way on their property to get to the property of

504 01:01:48.120 --> 01:01:55.830 Todd Anderson: Serious and Elizabeth Miller at 93 um but it's basically an unused piece of property.

505 01:01:57.840 --> 01:02:00.090 Todd Anderson: Not going to be used for anything.

506 01:02:01.320 --> 01:02:10.230 dennisdostert: And do you have anything from metro 800 LLC THAT SAYS IT'S OKAY WITH THEM TO GO TO GOING TO BE FROM THERE A boundary line.

507 01:02:10.770 --> 01:02:23.730 Todd Anderson: We sent the required notifications to them. And actually my client Michael radicchio knows them and has spoken with them. They have a verbal

508 01:02:24.360 --> 01:02:35.520 Todd Anderson: That they have no problems with it. And unless you know of anything that's been submitted to you. I don't have anything in writing that they're okay with it.

509 01:02:37.320 --> 01:02:40.800 dennisdostert: It would be handy because real estate supposed to be writing

510 01:02:41.820 --> 01:02:47.610 Todd Anderson: It would be nice but if he talked to them on the phone and

511 01:02:47.940 --> 01:02:52.470 Todd Anderson: They said no we don't have a problem, but I don't have anything ready. No. Okay.

512 01:02:56.520 --> 01:03:00.960 dennisdostert: Okay, Aaron gifts some info info and is

513 01:03:01.620 --> 01:03:11.820 Erin Mannix: Short sure I have some comments as this property lies within a flood zone, just so some verbal comments from our town engineer with respect to this proposed.

514 01:03:12.930 --> 01:03:30.510 Erin Mannix: Addition, the current structure has Tina aloma from a letter of Map Amendment excluding the structure from the flood zone and that is outside and elevated high enough, however, that's for the

515 01:03:30.510 --> 01:03:33.210 Erin Mannix: Existing structure and should this edition.

516 01:03:34.770 --> 01:03:44.910 Erin Mannix: Be approved and come before for a building permit, they would have to return for revised Loma or you would have to create

517 01:03:45.420 --> 01:03:54.240 Erin Mannix: Separate this as a standalone structure from the existing structure. So just those comments were passed along to the property owner, but I'm not sure that they made it to you.

518 01:03:55.050 --> 01:03:57.450 Todd Anderson: I did not. I did not get those comments.

519 01:03:57.720 --> 01:04:00.390 Todd Anderson: Yeah, so just but the proposal, the

520 01:04:00.420 --> 01:04:04.170 Todd Anderson: Proposal report is about four and a half feet above the flood zone.

521 01:04:05.310 --> 01:04:06.090 Erin Mannix: Okay, so

522 01:04:07.080 --> 01:04:09.540 Todd Anderson: We would have to do another one, I guess.

523 01:04:09.810 --> 01:04:10.260 Yes.

524 01:04:12.000 --> 01:04:17.400 Erin Mannix: I do have some comments I'll stop sharing this the screen page and come up here.

525 01:04:18.210 --> 01:04:19.860 dennisdostert: To me is a question.

526 01:04:21.300 --> 01:04:27.810 dennisdostert: Let's say that we we approved this to contents from the property line.

527 01:04:28.830 --> 01:04:33.450 dennisdostert: And the owner of that next property said, Hey, I didn't approve that

528 01:04:35.220 --> 01:04:48.270 dennisdostert: What would be the result. But he have to come back to us and have to be torn down mean supposedly when we approve something always stays approved. But what if we approve something not legally like that. What would happen well

529 01:04:48.810 --> 01:04:50.010 Erin Mannix: Mr. Chairman, this is a

530 01:04:50.100 --> 01:04:58.530 Erin Mannix: This is a request for a variance on on a, on this particular property, not on someone else's property and

531 01:04:58.740 --> 01:05:02.130 dennisdostert: But it's isn't a setback issue here.

532 01:05:02.250 --> 01:05:04.920 Erin Mannix: Only to the setback a variance

533 01:05:05.100 --> 01:05:07.110 Erin Mannix: Yeah, blessed for a setback.

534 01:05:09.300 --> 01:05:09.870 Erin Mannix: Yes.

535 01:05:10.500 --> 01:05:11.250 dennisdostert: Shut clear the

536 01:05:12.810 --> 01:05:13.200 dennisdostert: Army

537 01:05:13.560 --> 01:05:23.280 Erin Mannix: Should the board and take action and approve this then the recourse. After that, if any, there were any agreed parties, they would, they would file an appeal through Superior Court

538 01:05:23.640 --> 01:05:24.480 Erin Mannix: As in any

539 01:05:26.400 --> 01:05:26.670 Erin Mannix: Any

540 01:05:26.970 --> 01:05:28.740 dennisdostert: Send it back to us. No, no. Yeah.

541 01:05:29.850 --> 01:05:31.710 Erin Mannix: Well, they would go through the proper

542 01:05:31.860 --> 01:05:34.920 Erin Mannix: Yeah, can I was a formal appeal. Yes.

543 01:05:37.170 --> 01:05:41.040 Erin Mannix: Okay, this is a memo the correct memo.

544 01:05:42.180 --> 01:05:42.690 Erin Mannix: More

545 01:05:44.160 --> 01:05:46.170 Erin Mannix: From the health director regarding

546 01:05:47.310 --> 01:05:48.600 Erin Mannix: This variants request.

547 01:05:53.370 --> 01:05:59.280 dennisdostert: Gap is proposed carport will not conflict with the location or operation of the septic system currently existing on site.

548 01:06:01.830 --> 01:06:04.830 Erin Mannix: And that's all we have for staff reports for this application.

549 01:06:07.560 --> 01:06:09.750 dennisdostert: Is there any hope so. I'm sorry.

550 01:06:10.200 --> 01:06:12.660 Todd Anderson: I'm sorry. I'll just add

551 01:06:12.690 --> 01:06:22.020 Todd Anderson: That the reason why we had to get rid of the existing garage was to support a code compliance epic system.

552 01:06:22.470 --> 01:06:32.340 Todd Anderson: So the fact that we put in a code compliance epic system where the existing septic system was in the front yard.

553 01:06:33.120 --> 01:06:45.330 Todd Anderson: And grossly undersized we don't even know what that separate was we think it might have just been successful under the porch in the front of the house.

554 01:06:45.750 --> 01:07:01.020 Todd Anderson: It was built back in 1937. We don't know what it was we had to get rid of that garage to put in a suitable septic system and we went to the wetlands board.

555 01:07:01.560 --> 01:07:14.910 Todd Anderson: approval process for that septic and in that process that garage had to be removed. So we're just hoping to have a area that we can have a shelter.

556 01:07:15.390 --> 01:07:20.280 Todd Anderson: Not a includes shelter like there was, but an open shelter.

557 01:07:20.760 --> 01:07:29.160 Todd Anderson: As a cardboard for a quarter Barkin and we have made it as small as possible for a car park and for shelter.

558 01:07:31.470 --> 01:07:32.130 Todd Anderson: And that is all.

559 01:07:32.580 --> 01:07:38.760 Joseph Katucki: This is Joseph, could you give a couple questions. So does that carport have a roof or some sort of

560 01:07:41.220 --> 01:07:44.820 Joseph Katucki: Above the car where the car is going to park versus just a concrete pad.

561 01:07:46.170 --> 01:07:54.990 Todd Anderson: It will be a roof, and it will be a roof with two peers holding it up with a roof connected to the existing house.

562 01:07:55.560 --> 01:07:59.130 Todd Anderson: Okay, open on all sides, other than those two years.

563 01:08:00.690 --> 01:08:06.360 Joseph Katucki: Okay. And then my second question is the property of the metro 800 LLC property.

564 01:08:07.470 --> 01:08:15.060 Joseph Katucki: That parcel or not part of their property is undeveloped is not a developed

565 01:08:15.300 --> 01:08:16.770 Joseph Katucki: Because they want

566 01:08:17.220 --> 01:08:37.290 Todd Anderson: To they will not be able to build anything on it. I am told that they are mad sell for coverage on their property with the three buildings, they have and the septic system for that we're building on Route one is right behind this property.

567 01:08:37.770 --> 01:08:51.960 Todd Anderson: And the only use of the property west of this my clients property is only for access to maintain that separate system and also for the right of way to the Millers at 90

568 01:08:55.500 --> 01:08:56.250 Joseph Katucki: Okay, thank you.

569 01:08:57.930 --> 01:08:58.860 dennisdostert: Anything else

570 01:08:58.890 --> 01:09:01.500 stephenkops: From the board. Well, I, I have a question.

571 01:09:03.420 --> 01:09:14.820 stephenkops: Which is a little bit different. And that is, were they able to use the existing garage. Now it looks pretty tight to me to between the structure and the property line just wondered

572 01:09:15.870 --> 01:09:18.570 Todd Anderson: They were using it for a number of years.

573 01:09:19.500 --> 01:09:21.930 dennisdostert: Okay. Have you been there, it's gone.

574 01:09:24.420 --> 01:09:24.840 stephenkops: Yeah.

575 01:09:25.200 --> 01:09:30.060 stephenkops: But I just was I just was curious. It looks so tight to me. I wasn't sure they could fit a car through there.

576 01:09:33.900 --> 01:09:35.940 dennisdostert: Okay. Anything else from the board.

577 01:09:38.340 --> 01:09:43.530 dennisdostert: Okay. Anyone in the audience, wishing to speak in favor of this application.

578 01:09:46.530 --> 01:09:50.160 dennisdostert: Anyone in the audience opposed to this application.

579 01:09:53.040 --> 01:09:57.510 dennisdostert: In that case, would someone make a motion to close this portion of the public hearing

580 01:09:58.020 --> 01:10:01.590 stephenkops: This is Steve. I'll make the motion to close this portion of the public hearing

581 01:10:02.790 --> 01:10:03.180 dennisdostert: Get

582 01:10:04.020 --> 01:10:04.860 Kit Wilcox: That second back

583 01:10:05.430 --> 01:10:08.250 dennisdostert: Okay, and I agree, and Joe

584 01:10:08.700 --> 01:10:09.270 Joseph Katucki: I agree.

585 01:10:10.110 --> 01:10:11.280 dennisdostert: Okay and Britt.

586 01:10:11.760 --> 01:10:20.850 dennisdostert: I agree. Okay, that portion of public hearing is closed in this whole section of public hearings is closed.

587 01:10:22.530 --> 01:10:27.390 dennisdostert: Let's proceed then to our deliberations.

588 01:10:37.860 --> 01:10:38.340 dennisdostert: Alright.

589 01:10:42.030 --> 01:10:44.010 dennisdostert: How about 43 driveway.

590 01:10:45.390 --> 01:10:47.910 dennisdostert: Let's have a discussion and then we'll have a motion.

591 01:10:48.930 --> 01:10:51.000 dennisdostert: Which we are allowed to do according

592 01:10:52.860 --> 01:10:53.760 dennisdostert: To our rules.

593 01:10:54.810 --> 01:10:55.410 dennisdostert: Yes kit.

594 01:10:56.490 --> 01:10:57.720 Kit Wilcox: Kit Wilcox bar member

595 01:10:59.310 --> 01:11:07.980 Kit Wilcox: From the looks of the plans as well as what they're planning on doing with it with trying to reduce the other impervious

596 01:11:09.210 --> 01:11:10.320 Kit Wilcox: water flow. So,

597 01:11:11.730 --> 01:11:12.660 Kit Wilcox: All the legal jargon.

598 01:11:14.820 --> 01:11:28.590 Kit Wilcox: And the idea that they're actually getting a little more space. And they're reducing their nonconformity with the new structures are supposed to replace the other ones and whatnot. I personally don't see anything wrong with this. It seems like it's a good idea.

599 01:11:30.510 --> 01:11:32.820 dennisdostert: Reducing the degree of Nonconformity, it's always

600 01:11:33.210 --> 01:11:34.170 dennisdostert: What we have to

601 01:11:34.800 --> 01:11:35.280 dennisdostert: Look for

602 01:11:37.140 --> 01:11:41.160 dennisdostert: Any, anything else from the board.

603 01:11:43.140 --> 01:11:43.710 dennisdostert: Steve.

604 01:11:44.550 --> 01:11:59.040 stephenkops: Um, I agree with what kid said, but I also would take it a step further and that is that I think it's going to be a bit cleaner than it was before in terms of runoff and whatnot. So I think that's another plus

605 01:12:02.670 --> 01:12:05.280 dennisdostert: Another spokesman from the board.

606 01:12:08.430 --> 01:12:14.370 dennisdostert: Okay, I'm inclined to agree with what I've heard, with so far, it definitely looks like an improvement as to what's there, which is

607 01:12:15.810 --> 01:12:20.340 dennisdostert: Pardon me, if you own it, but she it so I think this will be better.

608 01:12:20.340 --> 01:12:20.700 andrewlarkins: For you.

609 01:12:21.870 --> 01:12:22.290 dennisdostert: Okay.

610 01:12:24.840 --> 01:12:25.470 dennisdostert: The

611 01:12:27.000 --> 01:12:28.800 dennisdostert: Motion to approve is an order.

612 01:12:29.190 --> 01:12:30.030 Britt Mirles: I make a motion.

613 01:12:33.750 --> 01:12:35.760 dennisdostert: Any further discussion before we vote.

614 01:12:36.960 --> 01:12:42.480 dennisdostert: All in favor. I'm going to call you one at a time, Dennis is in favor, Steve.

615 01:12:43.020 --> 01:12:44.940 dennisdostert: In favor kit.

616 01:12:45.690 --> 01:12:46.350 Kit Wilcox: And favor

617 01:12:47.250 --> 01:12:48.780 Britt Mirles: Brett in favor

618 01:12:49.200 --> 01:12:49.770 dennisdostert: And Joe

619 01:12:50.640 --> 01:12:51.240 Joseph Katucki: In favor

620 01:12:52.530 --> 01:12:54.480 dennisdostert: Okay, and it is past.

621 01:12:56.430 --> 01:12:57.090 dennisdostert: Okay.

622 01:12:58.500 --> 01:12:59.160 dennisdostert: 38

623 01:12:59.850 --> 01:13:01.350 Erin Mannix: Thank you, Andrew, thank you Mark.

624 01:13:01.560 --> 01:13:04.470 andrewlarkins: Thank you guys. Thank you, everybody.

625 01:13:04.530 --> 01:13:05.340 Britt Mirles: Everybody say

626 01:13:05.850 --> 01:13:06.690 andrewlarkins: Yes you as well.

627 01:13:07.140 --> 01:13:07.590 Tonight.

628 01:13:08.940 --> 01:13:11.970 dennisdostert: If you have something better to do. You can turn off now.

629 01:13:14.040 --> 01:13:15.810 dennisdostert: How quickly. All right.

630 01:13:19.380 --> 01:13:22.440 dennisdostert: Okay, though this 38 South fair Street.

631 01:13:23.430 --> 01:13:25.710 dennisdostert: Was the barn.

632 01:13:28.140 --> 01:13:28.740 dennisdostert: Which

633 01:13:31.290 --> 01:13:35.850 dennisdostert: Is the favor of our Design Review Committee that comes pretty highly recommended.

634 01:13:37.350 --> 01:13:51.210 dennisdostert: And basically we have to bend the rules here a bit and approve something where the only hardship is the rules, but we've done it before in a situation which seems to favor the town.

635 01:13:56.400 --> 01:13:58.020 dennisdostert: Any, any other comments on it.

636 01:14:00.780 --> 01:14:01.110 dennisdostert: Yeah.

637 01:14:01.560 --> 01:14:03.480 stephenkops: I agree with what you said. Yeah.

638 01:14:05.070 --> 01:14:17.580 Kit Wilcox: I agree. I think that the idea, especially that historic district approving it is great. The fact that there is another barn. That's right next to it that it will still be shorter than

639 01:14:18.570 --> 01:14:27.840 Kit Wilcox: Is certainly a plus in regards to it and they seem to have tried to do everything they can to be able to appease the nature of

640 01:14:29.130 --> 01:14:36.210 Kit Wilcox: absorbing the section of property and to keep it all consistent with the particular area of town.

641 01:14:39.510 --> 01:14:40.620 dennisdostert: More comments.

642 01:14:42.060 --> 01:14:43.110 dennisdostert: From our board members.

643 01:14:44.610 --> 01:14:47.640 dennisdostert: In that case, someone make a motion, so I don't have to

644 01:14:49.230 --> 01:14:51.120 Britt Mirles: Make a motion again to approve.

645 01:14:51.540 --> 01:14:52.140 Okay.

646 01:14:54.150 --> 01:14:54.570 dennisdostert: All right.

647 01:14:55.110 --> 01:14:55.860 dennisdostert: Yes. Second,

648 01:14:57.120 --> 01:15:07.530 dennisdostert: Okay. And then in that case, Britt is in favor. Is that right, motion. But you don't necessarily have to vote for it, but okay. Yes. And Steve.

649 01:15:07.980 --> 01:15:08.850 stephenkops: I'm in favor

650 01:15:09.540 --> 01:15:10.170 dennisdostert: And get

651 01:15:10.740 --> 01:15:11.460 Kit Wilcox: I'm in favor

652 01:15:12.330 --> 01:15:13.020 dennisdostert: And Joe

653 01:15:14.790 --> 01:15:16.440 dennisdostert: Okay, and I am in favor

654 01:15:17.220 --> 01:15:18.840 dennisdostert: So, it passes unanimously.

655 01:15:19.830 --> 01:15:22.020 Erin Mannix: Thank you. Thank you for us.

656 01:15:22.740 --> 01:15:23.400 dennisdostert: Okay.

657 01:15:23.790 --> 01:15:24.810 Russell Campaigne: Can I say well,

658 01:15:25.200 --> 01:15:25.620 Britt Mirles: They say

659 01:15:26.310 --> 01:15:30.420 dennisdostert: Okay. The Guilford racquet club just a

660 01:15:32.250 --> 01:15:36.960 dennisdostert: I've been on this board for a while now and go for racquet club has come to us before

661 01:15:39.510 --> 01:15:39.900 dennisdostert: And

662 01:15:42.150 --> 01:15:43.140 dennisdostert: They've always kept their word.

663 01:15:44.880 --> 01:15:45.120 Yeah.

664 01:15:46.290 --> 01:15:47.220 dennisdostert: That's what I can say

665 01:15:49.770 --> 01:15:53.370 dennisdostert: Anybody else have some comments on. Yes, you did.

666 01:15:54.540 --> 01:15:56.250 Kit Wilcox: Get on board member and

667 01:15:56.520 --> 01:16:05.970 Kit Wilcox: Now the backlog from what it seems like the request for the variance is so that they can make their, at least from the impervious aspect.

668 01:16:07.260 --> 01:16:09.690 Kit Wilcox: Compliant and no longer a

669 01:16:12.480 --> 01:16:14.160 Kit Wilcox: My words are found each. I apologize.

670 01:16:15.810 --> 01:16:25.950 Kit Wilcox: But in essence to be able to get within the compliance of the regulation, but they need us to give them a variance, because to be able to do the work to begin with, since it is not compliant.

671 01:16:27.150 --> 01:16:32.280 Kit Wilcox: And often that basis. I think it's a good idea. And I'm sure the water would definitely appreciate it.

672 01:16:34.800 --> 01:16:35.490 dennisdostert: Yes, the

673 01:16:37.920 --> 01:16:42.090 dennisdostert: Interestingly enough, are that are environmentalist felt that this would be actually an improvement.

674 01:16:45.480 --> 01:16:46.680 dennisdostert: Yes, state.

675 01:16:47.160 --> 01:16:48.510 stephenkops: That's what I was just gonna say

676 01:16:48.810 --> 01:16:49.350 Yes.

677 01:16:51.030 --> 01:16:52.920 dennisdostert: Okay. Any further comments.

678 01:16:53.550 --> 01:16:55.320 dennisdostert: From anyone here.

679 01:16:56.610 --> 01:17:00.090 dennisdostert: Okay, and could someone make a motion.

680 01:17:00.600 --> 01:17:00.750 dennisdostert: To

681 01:17:01.440 --> 01:17:04.230 stephenkops: Accept this motion that we approve this application.

682 01:17:04.950 --> 01:17:05.520 Britt Mirles: A second

683 01:17:06.960 --> 01:17:12.660 dennisdostert: Thank you very much. Steven is in favor. Right. How do you feel

684 01:17:13.680 --> 01:17:14.580 Kit Wilcox: I agree I brew.

685 01:17:15.060 --> 01:17:16.290 dennisdostert: In Britain favor

686 01:17:17.700 --> 01:17:18.510 dennisdostert: And Joe

687 01:17:19.290 --> 01:17:22.560 dennisdostert: I i and Dennis's in favor

688 01:17:22.710 --> 01:17:23.280 Joseph Katucki: As well.

689 01:17:24.720 --> 01:17:26.340 dennisdostert: Okay then.

690 01:17:27.300 --> 01:17:28.050 Sarah Boone: Thank you.

691 01:17:28.980 --> 01:17:30.510 David Noe: Thank you very much. Thank you, Sarah.

692 01:17:30.990 --> 01:17:32.550 dennisdostert: I have a question, if I may.

693 01:17:33.150 --> 01:17:38.910 Sarah Boone: Under normal circumstances, if one gets this variance. How long does one have to do the construction

694 01:17:40.080 --> 01:17:47.070 Erin Mannix: A variance runs of the certificate of variance runs with the land race, there is not an expiration on that.

695 01:17:47.220 --> 01:17:48.180 Sarah Boone: Okay, I

696 01:17:48.420 --> 01:17:49.020 Give her the

697 01:17:50.850 --> 01:17:56.970 Sarah Boone: Given the current circumstances. I'm not sure what the future immediate future holds, but I wanted to know for planning purposes.

698 01:17:56.970 --> 01:17:57.360 Sarah Boone: Thank you.

699 01:17:57.390 --> 01:18:01.170 Erin Mannix: For Rick, you can go forward to apply to the Planning and Zoning Commission.

700 01:18:01.860 --> 01:18:04.890 Sarah Boone: Yes. If only I had that money tree outside. I was hoping

701 01:18:06.390 --> 01:18:06.930 Erin Mannix: We often

702 01:18:07.410 --> 01:18:08.160 Sarah Boone: Yes, yeah.

703 01:18:09.300 --> 01:18:10.890 Sarah Boone: I was coven will reconvene

704 01:18:12.060 --> 01:18:13.500 Sarah Boone: Everyone please stay healthy.

705 01:18:13.800 --> 01:18:16.170 Erin Mannix: You do today. Thank you. Marjorie

706 01:18:16.410 --> 01:18:18.030 Erin Mannix: Thanks, thanks, Mark.

707 01:18:18.510 --> 01:18:20.760 dennisdostert: And a lot of us need to see somebody cut

708 01:18:20.790 --> 01:18:21.330 Her hair.

709 01:18:25.830 --> 01:18:26.430 Erin Mannix: Is more like

710 01:18:28.320 --> 01:18:30.420 dennisdostert: Oh man, I never knew how much I would get

711 01:18:34.710 --> 01:18:35.160 dennisdostert: All right.

712 01:18:36.000 --> 01:18:37.710 dennisdostert: One last one.

713 01:18:45.450 --> 01:18:46.290 Erin Mannix: Union Street.

714 01:18:46.560 --> 01:18:50.610 dennisdostert: Union street yes union Street, the question of the carport

715 01:18:52.770 --> 01:18:54.990 dennisdostert: We have comments from

716 01:18:56.190 --> 01:18:56.910 dennisdostert: Anyone here.

717 01:18:58.260 --> 01:18:58.950 dennisdostert: Yes. Okay.

718 01:19:00.360 --> 01:19:01.410 Kit Wilcox: Good. Oh gosh board member

719 01:19:02.880 --> 01:19:08.070 Kit Wilcox: The fact that bad work down there. Oh, grassroots community was on somebody else's property.

720 01:19:09.270 --> 01:19:18.450 Kit Wilcox: To be able to do a compliant septic system to replace a hole in the ground figuratively, personally, and that

721 01:19:18.480 --> 01:19:23.190 Kit Wilcox: Given the layout of the property doesn't seem to be any other options as

722 01:19:23.190 --> 01:19:23.580 Kit Wilcox: Far as

723 01:19:23.850 --> 01:19:25.440 Kit Wilcox: Other places they could put

724 01:19:26.580 --> 01:19:43.410 Kit Wilcox: Any sort of car placement that there certainly does seem to be a hardship for the property in the circumstances and that carport seems like the best circumstance and giving it and trying to work with it and

725 01:19:44.160 --> 01:19:55.140 Kit Wilcox: Admittedly, the these property next to it that it's almost a buddy. They didn't come forward with a letter to say that they approve of it, but they didn't send a letter either saying that they are against it.

726 01:19:55.950 --> 01:20:02.100 Kit Wilcox: And therefore they have any issues about it in the future, then they can most certainly take it up with an appeals

727 01:20:03.750 --> 01:20:08.610 dennisdostert: It looks like a net gain for us, you know it good quid pro quo.

728 01:20:10.530 --> 01:20:12.900 dennisdostert: Might Latins done so great, but

729 01:20:14.070 --> 01:20:14.490 dennisdostert: Yeah.

730 01:20:17.580 --> 01:20:18.360 dennisdostert: But, uh,

731 01:20:19.530 --> 01:20:22.350 dennisdostert: Yes i i agree and the only

732 01:20:23.400 --> 01:20:32.310 dennisdostert: Reservation that I had is the fact that you're you're putting this thing right virtually against the property line, not that this board hasn't done that before. It has

733 01:20:35.610 --> 01:20:37.530 Kit Wilcox: Arguably, we just did it almost three

734 01:20:38.610 --> 01:20:40.080 Kit Wilcox: Issues ago. The first one was

735 01:20:41.280 --> 01:20:44.250 Kit Wilcox: Not as close but still fairly close to a different property.

736 01:20:44.820 --> 01:20:46.980 dennisdostert: But it's a net gain for the town at night.

737 01:20:47.880 --> 01:20:48.180 Yeah.

738 01:20:51.390 --> 01:20:53.820 dennisdostert: Anyone else have any comment.

739 01:20:57.450 --> 01:21:02.190 dennisdostert: Okay then emotion to to accept this is an order.

740 01:21:02.850 --> 01:21:03.390 Kit Wilcox: So I'm have

741 01:21:03.870 --> 01:21:08.700 dennisdostert: So, okay, okay. It gets in favor and i'm in favor and Steve.

742 01:21:09.450 --> 01:21:10.320 stephenkops: Is in favor

743 01:21:10.830 --> 01:21:11.880 dennisdostert: Okay, and Joe

744 01:21:13.740 --> 01:21:17.610 dennisdostert: Hi. And let's see, I'm in Britain.

745 01:21:18.450 --> 01:21:18.750 I

746 01:21:20.130 --> 01:21:21.750 dennisdostert: So it has passed.

747 01:21:22.830 --> 01:21:27.030 dennisdostert: And this portion of the hearing is no over

748 01:21:27.900 --> 01:21:29.820 dennisdostert: And, you know,

749 01:21:29.940 --> 01:21:30.960 Todd Anderson: Thank you very much.

750 01:21:31.260 --> 01:21:32.040 Todd Anderson: Everybody not

751 01:21:32.340 --> 01:21:34.200 stephenkops: Everybody YouTube

752 01:21:35.520 --> 01:21:36.330 stephenkops: And stay safe.

753 01:21:36.900 --> 01:21:37.710 Todd Anderson: You as well.

754 01:21:38.460 --> 01:21:38.850 stephenkops: Thank you.

755 01:21:39.360 --> 01:21:39.990 Take care.

756 01:21:42.270 --> 01:21:45.720 dennisdostert: Has everyone had a chance to view to read the Minutes.

757 01:21:47.400 --> 01:21:48.510 dennisdostert: They looked right to me.

758 01:21:49.560 --> 01:21:51.240 dennisdostert: Did they look right to everybody else.

759 01:21:51.990 --> 01:21:53.580 dennisdostert: Yes. Okay.

760 01:21:54.900 --> 01:21:55.530 dennisdostert: So,

761 01:21:57.810 --> 01:22:00.300 dennisdostert: Just simplicity I will move that we accept the Minutes.

762 01:22:00.750 --> 01:22:04.170 dennisdostert: I'll second. Okay. All in favor.

763 01:22:04.350 --> 01:22:06.000 dennisdostert: I'm in favor kit.

764 01:22:06.690 --> 01:22:11.640 dennisdostert: I, I, and Joe. Yes. And Steve.

765 01:22:12.120 --> 01:22:12.510 I

766 01:22:13.620 --> 01:22:15.240 dennisdostert: Am and Brett.

767 01:22:15.660 --> 01:22:17.730 dennisdostert: I okay that's

768 01:22:18.870 --> 01:22:21.450 dennisdostert: Taken care of okay payment on bills.

769 01:22:21.990 --> 01:22:22.410 Now,

770 01:22:25.020 --> 01:22:29.160 dennisdostert: Let's I assume they all want to play the bills I move we paid the bills.

771 01:22:30.000 --> 01:22:33.900 dennisdostert: I'll read what they are. Lisa is it

772 01:22:36.810 --> 01:22:37.980 Erin Mannix: Here for

773 01:22:38.010 --> 01:22:38.190 Me.

774 01:22:39.900 --> 01:22:40.320 Lisa: My new

775 01:22:40.950 --> 01:22:41.970 Erin Mannix: Note, we can hear you now.

776 01:22:42.300 --> 01:22:49.620 Lisa: Okay. The downside. The only bill you have is short publishing for $125 okay

777 01:22:50.910 --> 01:22:51.870 dennisdostert: OK, and then

778 01:22:55.410 --> 01:23:03.180 dennisdostert: Oh, and yes, all in favor of paying the bills say grace I favor paying the bills kit.

779 01:23:04.260 --> 01:23:04.740 Kit Wilcox: perk.

780 01:23:05.280 --> 01:23:06.930 dennisdostert: And and Joe

781 01:23:08.520 --> 01:23:09.330 dennisdostert: And Britt.

782 01:23:10.110 --> 01:23:11.550 dennisdostert: Hi, and Steve.

783 01:23:12.120 --> 01:23:12.480 Erin Mannix: You know,

784 01:23:12.540 --> 01:23:15.180 Britt Mirles: I did. I figured it out. I want to do during the meeting.

785 01:23:15.780 --> 01:23:16.440 dennisdostert: There we go.

786 01:23:16.890 --> 01:23:17.760 dennisdostert: There's your hand. Oh.

787 01:23:17.820 --> 01:23:18.120 Well,

788 01:23:21.600 --> 01:23:22.020 dennisdostert: Then

789 01:23:23.550 --> 01:23:23.970 Britt Mirles: Our

790 01:23:24.210 --> 01:23:28.200 dennisdostert: Business, is there any old business from anybody. I don't have anything

791 01:23:29.070 --> 01:23:30.210 Erin Mannix: Not to my knowledge.

792 01:23:30.420 --> 01:23:33.750 dennisdostert: Okay, and new business.

793 01:23:36.060 --> 01:23:36.690 Britt Mirles: And

794 01:23:37.320 --> 01:23:37.950 dennisdostert: Yes.

795 01:23:38.220 --> 01:23:40.650 Britt Mirles: Where is this. Where is this where we can make nominations

796 01:23:41.400 --> 01:23:45.690 dennisdostert: Coming up right now. Who would you like to nominate for German bread.

797 01:23:46.290 --> 01:23:48.210 dennisdostert: You why

798 01:23:51.180 --> 01:23:52.320 dennisdostert: Thank you very much.

799 01:23:52.620 --> 01:23:53.370 Britt Mirles: Oh, yes.

800 01:23:54.120 --> 01:23:55.500 Britt Mirles: Of course, who else would it be

801 01:23:58.770 --> 01:24:00.540 dennisdostert: Is there a second, other than from me.

802 01:24:01.620 --> 01:24:03.300 Joseph Katucki: Well i think i think it all suck.

803 01:24:03.300 --> 01:24:05.160 stephenkops: At different gentlemen I like it.

804 01:24:06.000 --> 01:24:06.420 Okay.

805 01:24:08.490 --> 01:24:11.250 dennisdostert: All right then, Britt you boat. Yes.

806 01:24:11.700 --> 01:24:16.830 dennisdostert: Yeah, Stephen you vote yes and of course I vote yes and and Joe

807 01:24:17.730 --> 01:24:25.620 dennisdostert: Yes. Okay, thank you very much. Now we have to have a vice chair and I will nominate Stephen

808 01:24:29.760 --> 01:24:30.420 dennisdostert: Is there.

809 01:24:30.720 --> 01:24:31.860 Britt Mirles: I will second that

810 01:24:32.640 --> 01:24:33.030 Okay.

811 01:24:34.230 --> 01:24:34.680 dennisdostert: It's

812 01:24:36.360 --> 01:24:44.670 dennisdostert: Just to speak to why he is a loyal and tender and he's close attention to what we do. That's important.

813 01:24:49.350 --> 01:24:58.920 dennisdostert: Any comment question. No. Okay. I am in favor and get oh no no you don't vote.

814 01:24:59.820 --> 01:25:01.800 dennisdostert: Sorry favorite Joe

815 01:25:02.700 --> 01:25:05.130 dennisdostert: new believer. Okay. And Steven

816 01:25:05.580 --> 01:25:07.860 dennisdostert: Williams, I assume, and Britt.

817 01:25:09.330 --> 01:25:11.940 dennisdostert: Okay. In that case, we have

818 01:25:11.970 --> 01:25:14.430 dennisdostert: Officers for the next year. That's good.

819 01:25:16.350 --> 01:25:19.710 dennisdostert: Is there any other anything else.

820 01:25:19.890 --> 01:25:21.510 dennisdostert: Anyone like to share

821 01:25:22.110 --> 01:25:23.430 dennisdostert: Before we all go bye

822 01:25:25.350 --> 01:25:28.410 Erin Mannix: Well done, you did your first meeting virtually

823 01:25:28.920 --> 01:25:29.970 dennisdostert: You know it is

824 01:25:32.130 --> 01:25:43.800 dennisdostert: Some things are better like when you put the pictures the maps up there, just a lot easier to see than they are sometimes from when they're in the middle of the room, you know,

825 01:25:44.550 --> 01:25:52.530 dennisdostert: And I thought the explanations of what was going on in the map really worked a lot better in this medium than it does in Britain.

826 01:25:53.970 --> 01:25:58.560 Erin Mannix: You know there are some perks of having the technology.

827 01:25:59.100 --> 01:25:59.790 Erin Mannix: And it would be

828 01:25:59.940 --> 01:26:10.350 Erin Mannix: Nice that in the future when we can resume to actually in person meetings that we can hopefully incorporate this level of technology to for the public, where

829 01:26:10.680 --> 01:26:13.890 Erin Mannix: Where we may be able to have a combination of both.

830 01:26:14.850 --> 01:26:16.770 dennisdostert: That would be that would be good, I think.

831 01:26:16.770 --> 01:26:17.550 dennisdostert: It's worked out.

832 01:26:18.000 --> 01:26:18.510 dennisdostert: Pretty well.

833 01:26:19.230 --> 01:26:27.630 dennisdostert: I don't know what would happen if you had somebody that was really great, but we probably find out if we can

834 01:26:27.630 --> 01:26:27.780 Give

835 01:26:29.880 --> 01:26:30.060 Erin Mannix: You

836 01:26:32.520 --> 01:26:33.150 dennisdostert: Well, it can

837 01:26:34.260 --> 01:26:38.850 dennisdostert: It can happen. It can happen in more some it happens often very unexpectedly, I mean,

838 01:26:41.160 --> 01:26:47.190 dennisdostert: Some people will be sometimes will not like another person.

839 01:26:48.990 --> 01:26:52.260 Erin Mannix: Right. But luckily, so far we've had pretty good luck as

840 01:26:52.260 --> 01:27:02.910 Erin Mannix: Far as people take their turns and and we've had people at meetings, be able to speak it in opposition to an application, but it was, it was still fairly controlled so

841 01:27:03.330 --> 01:27:03.690 dennisdostert: Yeah.

842 01:27:03.780 --> 01:27:07.710 Lisa: We had a grumpy person last last Wednesday, but he was pretty calm.

843 01:27:08.130 --> 01:27:09.450 Erin Mannix: Yeah, yeah. They're very

844 01:27:09.930 --> 01:27:12.060 Lisa: Grumpy. But then he came in really calm.

845 01:27:12.900 --> 01:27:15.450 Lisa: So he was really grumpy in his letter.

846 01:27:18.090 --> 01:27:20.220 Lisa: When he showed up. He was much more calm.

847 01:27:22.770 --> 01:27:23.550 dennisdostert: So, okay.

848 01:27:23.610 --> 01:27:24.480 Britt Mirles: You would have said.

849 01:27:25.080 --> 01:27:25.740 Lisa: Yes, we will.

850 01:27:27.780 --> 01:27:29.400 dennisdostert: Is there a motion to adjourn.

851 01:27:30.360 --> 01:27:31.200 Britt Mirles: I make that motion.

852 01:27:32.250 --> 01:27:32.640 Kit Wilcox: Back in

853 01:27:33.180 --> 01:27:36.210 dennisdostert: Okay. Is there anyone that doesn't want to adjourn.

854 01:27:37.500 --> 01:27:39.900 dennisdostert: Then you can put us down. As for this one.

855 01:27:40.020 --> 01:27:40.500 dennisdostert: Okay.

856 01:27:40.740 --> 01:27:42.150 dennisdostert: Have a good night, everybody.

857 01:27:45.390 --> 01:27:45.900 Joseph Katucki: Stay safe.

858 01:27:46.200 --> 01:27:46.950 Joseph Katucki: Wash your hands.

859 01:27:48.450 --> 01:27:50.430 dennisdostert: Do all the time. I said, Allah wants a haircut.

860 01:27:54.210 --> 01:27:54.660 Britt Mirles: Thank you.