42G HATFIELD DIVISION. ornamented with a handsome stained glass window. The ret:tory is valued in the king's books at £13. 14s. 9d. The Rev. John Harvey, LL. B. is the incumbent, and John Harvey, Esq. of Finningley Park, is the patron, and also owner of most of the township, and lord of the manor, which was formerly the property of the Forbisher family ;-of which was Admiral Martin Forbisher, an enterprising navigator, who was sent out • by Queen Elizabeth, with three ships in 1567, in hopes of dis· covering a north-west passage to India, Having procN:>ded as far as Labrador, he was stopped by the approaching winter, but returned with a quantity of gold marcasite, or pyrites aureus which tempted the members of the " Society for Promoting Discovery," to send him out again with three ships, in 1577, when he discovered the Strait, now known by his name, but was again stopped by the ice; and having taken on bo:ud more of this glittering substance then supposed to be gold, he returned to . Soon after this, Queen Elizabeth determined to form a settlement in these countries, and Admiral Forbisher was sent out for that purpose with 15 small vessels; but he could not get so far as he had done in his preceding voyages; so that he soon after returned, and gave up all further attempts to discover what has since been often sought for in vain. Mr. John Bigland, a venerable worthy, is now living in the '·illage, where he was many years schoolmaster. He is a native of Skirlaugh, in Holderness, and author of the portion of the Beauties of England and Wales, and also of " A View of the World," and some other works. · AucKI.KY, or ., 4 miles N. ofBawtry, is a village and township, containing 362 souls, 74 houses, and 2391A. lR. of land, more than half of which is in Yorkshire within the soke ofDoncaster, and belongs to Wm. Childers and John Smilter, Esqrs. Of the Nottinghamshire portion of the manor, John Childers, Esq. of Cantley, is lord and principal owner. Of the inhabitants, 127 are in Notts. and 235 in Y orks. , or Blakestone, though in this parish, is a small Yillage and township, wholly in Yorkshire, in the Wapentake of Stratford and Tickhill, and partly in the soke of . It is 5 miles N. of Bawtry, and forms a manor, of which John Harvey, Esq. is lord and principal owner. CHARITIEs.-lYilliarn Hall, in 1668, left lOs. yearly out of two scres in Blaxton-fields to the poor of Finningley parish, and it is now paid by Mr. George Wood. In 1672, Richard llfetcalf gave to the poor of Finningley township, 2 acres, which, at the enclosure in 1774, were exchanged for lA. 3a. 18P. in the 1\lill-field, let for £2. In the 28th Charles 11. John Tuke gave to the poor of Auckley two acres, which, at the en· closure, were exchanged for lA. 2n. 1±P., now let for £1. lOs. Auckley has also 6s. 8d. yearly out of land belonging to Wro. Ramsey; the Poor's-close, let for £1 ; and the Town-close,