The Shul B”H weekly magazine

Weekly Magazine Sponsored By Mr. & Mrs. Martin (OBM) and Ethel Sirotkin and Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz

Shabbos Parshas Ha’azinu Shabbos Shuva Tishrei 2 - 3 September 22 - 23 CANDLE LIGHTING: 6:59 PM ( From Existing Flame) SHABBOS ENDS: 7:50 PM

Over Tirty Years of Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside 9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, Fl 33154 Tel: 305.868.1411 Fax: 305.861.2426 Email: [email protected] The Shul Weekly Magazine Everything you need for every day of the week Contents Nachas At A Glance

The Shul Hebrew School Rosh Hashana Message 3 The Lubavitcher Rebbe - Menachem M. Schneersohn Weekly Message 4 Thoughts on the Parsha from Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar A Time to Pray Check out all the davening schedules and locations 5 throughout the week

Celebrating Shabbos 6 - 7 Schedules, classes, articles and more... Everything you need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience The Month of Tishrei 8 -15 Everything you need to know for the High Holidays

Community Happenings 16- 17 Sharing with your Shul Family

Inspiration, Insights & Ideas 18-25 Bringing lessons to LIFE

Get The Picture 26-29 The full scoop on all the great events around town

The ABC’s of Aleph 30 Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments.

In a woman’s world 31 Issues of relevance to the Jewish woman

French Connection 32 Refexions sur la Paracha

Latin Link 33 Refexion Semanal

Networking 34-36 Effective Advertising

Numbers To Know 37 The Shul Sukkah Going up Contacts at The Shul Daily Study A complete guide to all classes and courses offered at 38 The Shul Get The Picture The full scoop on all the great events around town 39-40

Quotable Quote

The crown of priesthood was given to ; the crown of royalty was given to ; the crown of Torah is still available -- whoever wants to attain it, may come and attain it – , Yoma 2b Thoughts on the Parshah from Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar

Shabbos Parshas Ha’azinu - Shabbos Shuva witness to our compliance with G-d’s directives. Though it is not easy to attain this attitude in a consistent, conscious mindfulness, it is accessible. Happy New Year! Happy New Year! The path is made easier for us having been paved by our formidable ancestors and historical giants who have proven the validity of G-d’s Dear Friends, presence throughout our millennial sojourn through the treacherous journey of our exile. During our prayers on Rosh Hashana when each of us beseeches Almighty The process is also made easier by the fact that this powerful Creator / G-d for everything good and positive King is also our Father who loves us, wants us to succeed and gives us for our next year 5778, we will not every chance and opportunity to come back to Him. He is more overjoyed only pray for ourselves and our dear in our success then in watching failures. Almighty G-d also never gets families and friends but for every tired of our repeated resolutions of remorse and petitions for forgiveness single creature in G-d’s universe. We and waits with a special yearning and expectation for us to acknowledge will state unequivocally for G-d to Him, coronate Him and live by His commands. judge favorably all that He has formed and brought into this world, from Almighty G-d is eager to shower every blessing on us in every way, humans to animals to organic and even emotionally, spiritually and materially, with health, happiness, wealth and inorganic substance. Because creation is peace of mind and soul. It is up to each of us to reach out for that result ex nihilo where all that is came into being from absolute nothingness, we and Almighty G-d will be overjoyed to grant it to us. are constantly dependent on the Original Creative Energy force to sustain and maintain our continuous presence in our existent state. According to May we all be inscribed and sealed for a good, sweet and happy year. May the Torah, as expanded in Kaballah and Chassidut, every single particle we each remove that which obscures to reveal the fundamental, essential in the universe is constantly bound with the Creator Himself through love and faith that we each process for our Father in Heaven. the vast series of expansions, retractions, refractions, condensations and evolutions to bring about all that we touch, see, feel and hear. P.S. As I traditionally do annually as a representative of our community, I traveled to the Rebbe’s Ohel on Sunday night and prayed specifcally for Inasmuch as that is the absolute fact and reality, it is not so simply each of you and your families with mentioning your name and requesting experienced as the energy that brings the universe into being is “over the top” Blessings for the New Year. concealed behind many veils and coverings. All creatures do not have the intellectual or cognitive ability to analyze and see what is behind the curtain of our tangible, external world.

In the same way as we do not see the sap in the trees, nor the nutrients Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar in the earth, nor the powerful energies in the rays of the sun, nor what is just under the surface of the sea, nor the nuclear-electromagnetic forces that move at hyper speeds impossible to calculate or measure, so too does creation not see the G-dly force that conducts, revitalizes, sustains and directs each of our movements. It is only mankind that has been endowed with the capacity to realize that there is a Conductor to this sophisticated orchestra. It is by recognizing that reality that we must conclude, regardless of our simple, physical perceptions, that the energy of The King of the universe decides and controls everything that is and will be.

One’s foolish error is thinking that only that which we see, feel or understand is real, not realizing that we only see the obvious surface but not what is beneath it. That ability to acknowledge Almighty G-d as the Ruler and Owner of everything has been given to us by G-d Himself when He created Adam, breathed into his nostrils a part of His own essence and communicated with him about what he should or should not do to maximize his ability in fulflling his purpose in creation and “raison d’être”.

We are not only responsible for ourselves but for everything that we use, touch and interact with. It is in the text of the Torah portion Haazinu that we will read the day after , on Shabbos (T)Shuva, where evokes heaven and earth, rain and dew, and all of creation to bear 3 Celebrating Shabbos with our Youth Everything you need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience Weekly Riddle

Morah Malkie’s Elisheva Adouth's Tot Aleph Wonder Girls Ages: 1 - 4 Grades: 1 - 3 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Questions: 1) What are four types of precipitation are mentioned in the same Montessori Classrooom 2 verse? classrooom 2 2) At the end of the Song of Haazinu, the Torah states: “And Moshe completed (vayechal Moshe) speaking all these words to all of Israel” (Deut. 32:45). What 2 other places in the Torah are the words “vayechal Moshe” used to describe something that Moshe completed?

3) a) What event in this parsha occurs “b’etzem hayom hazeh” - “on that very day”? b) What other three events in the Torah are said to have Tehila's Basya's occured “on that very day”? c) With regard to which holidays is the same Pre Tween Girls Tween Girls phrase used? Grades: 4 - 5 Grades: 6 - 8 Answers from last week: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:30 am - 12:00 pm (1) The who come to Avraham in parshas Vayerah are standing (netzavim) over him (Genesis 18:2). (2) In parshas , men are Classrooom 4 standing near Yosef when he wishes to reveal himself to his brothers (Genesis 45:1). (3) In parshas Shemos, when Moshe and Aharon leave Pharaoh after their unsuccessful meeting, men are standing outside the palace waiting to meet them (Exodus 5:20). (4) In parshas , Dathan and Aviram stand outside their tents when Moshe comes to speak to them (Numbers 16:27).

2) The professions of a wood-chopper and a water-carrier are in Deuteronomy 29:10. Mendy's Sholom's Hebrew School 3)Moshe states that when later generations view the destruction of the Junior Boys land, they will see “sulphur and salt, a confagration of the entire Land” Grades: 4th - 8th Grades: 1 - 4 (Deut. 29:22). Elsewhere in the Torah: (1) Salt is mentioned in parshas Vayera when Lot’s wife turns to look at the destruction of Sodom and 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm turns into a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:26). (2) In parshas , we are commanded to add salt to every offering (Leviticus 2:13). (3) In parshas Classroom 1 Bamidbar, the eternal covenant with the kohanim is referred to as a “covenant of salt” (Numbers 18:19).


Shaykee’s Debbie’s Shmuely's Davening With Dad Teen Girls Teen Boys Grades: 9th - 12th Grades: 7th - 8th Grades: 9th - 12th 10:30 am - 12:00 pm 10:30 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Teen Girls Room Montessori 3 Haime Library

4 Celebrating Shabbos Everything you need for an “Over the Top” Shabbos experience

Kiddush This Week: Kiddush this week is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Jose and Shani Biton in Shabbos Schedule honor of the Bar of their son Jaime. Early Shabbos Minyan: 6:10 p.m. Candle lighting 6:59 p.m. Shalosh Seudos This Week: / Kabbalas Shabbos 7:00 p.m. Shalosh Seudos this week is available for sponsorship. Shabbos Day Hashkama Minyan 7:15 a.m. Tanya / Hayom Yom 8:50 a.m. Shacharis (Morning Services) 9:00 a.m. Children’s Programs 10:00 a.m. Upstairs Minyan 10:30 a.m. Kiddush 12:00 p.m. Daf Yomi 6:00 p.m. Men’s Shiur 6:00 p.m. the caterer for this week’s kiddush Women's Shiur 6:00 p.m. Shalosh Seudos for Boys 6:00 p.m. and Shalosh seudos is Food Art Mincha 6:55 p.m. Shabbos Ends / Ma’ariv & Havdalah 7:50 p.m. Weekly Video of The Rebbe

Sephardic Minyan Friday Evening kiddushim at The Shul Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat 6:45 p.m. Please help us to provide our weekly Shabbos Kiddush and Shalosh Seudos by becoming a sponsor. Or join the Kiddush Bank Shabbat Day 9:00 a.m. by becoming a Partner ($770 annually ) or Patron ($360 anually) Mincha 6:45 p.m. Shabbos Ends / Arvit & Havdalah 7:50 p.m. The following dates are available for sponsorship:


If you wish to become a sponsor, please speak with Stacy at 305-868-1411 ext 313 or email [email protected]

Lighting 6:51 p.m. Mincha 6:55 p.m.

Eruv Information We would like to emphasize that every Erev Shabbos, individuals should call the Eruv Hotline to make sure that the Eruv is operational. The number to call is 305- 866-ERUV (3788). The Eruv message is recorded approximately two hours prior to candle lighting. Surfside: The Eruv in Surfside now includes the walking paths along the beach. Pushing strollers and carrying is permitted on the paths, but not beyond the path or onto the beach. Bal Harbour: The Eruv in Bal Harbour included the inner (western) walking path only. The pier at Haulover Cut is not included.


Tishrei Schedule Shabbos Shuva - September 23 Sukkos Eve - Wednesday, October 4 Hashkama/Minyan 7:15 AM Candle lighting 6:46 PM Sephardic Minyan 9:00 AM Sephardic Mincha/Arvit 6:35 PM Morning Services 9:00 AM Mincha & Evening Services 6:50 PM Upstairs Minyan 10:30 AM Community Dinner in the Sukkah 8:00 PM (by reservation) Kiddush in the Sukkah 12:00 PM Sukkos 1st Day - Thursday, October 5 Shabbos Community Shiur 5:40 PM Hashkama/Minyan 7:15 AM Sephardic Mincha 6:15 PM Sephardic Minyan 9:00 AM Mincha 6:05 PM Tanya 8:45 AM Shabbos Ends / Havdalah 7:50 PM Morning Services 9:00 AM Tzom Gedalia - Sunday, September 24 Upstairs Minyan 10:30 AM Fast Begins 5:58 AM Kiddush 12:00 PM Morning Services 8:00 AM / 9:00 AM Sephardic Mincha/Arvit 6:35 PM / 7:10 PM Sephardic Minyan 9:00 AM Mincha 6:30 PM Sephardic Mincha 6:50 PM Sukkos 2nd Day Eve - Thursday, October 5 Mincha 6:50 PM Candle lighting after 7:37 PM (from existing fame) Fast Ends 7:38 PM Evening Services 7:35 PM Eve -Friday, September 29 Community Dinner in the Sukkah 8:00 PM (by reservation) Mincha 1:45 PM Sukkos 2nd Day - Friday, October 6 Sephardic Mincha 2:00 PM Hashkama/Minyan 7:15 AM Candle lighting 6:51 PM Sephardic Minyan 9:00 AM Fast begins 7:05 PM Morning Services 9:00 AM Kol Nidrei Services 6:55 PM Upstairs Minyan 10:30 AM Lecha Eli/Kol Nidrei 6:55 PM / 7:15 PM Kiddush 12:00 PM Yom Kippur Day - Saturday, September 30 Sephardic Mincha/Arvit 6:40 PM Hashkama/Sunrise Minyan 6:37 AM Mincha & Evening Services 6:45 PM Sephardic Minyan 8:00 AM Candle lighting 6:44 PM (from existing fame) Morning Services 9:00 AM Shabbat Chol Hamoed - Shabbos, October 7 Upstairs Minyan 10:30 AM Hashkama/Minyan 7:15 AM Yizkor Memorial Service (Approx.) 12:00 PM Sephardic Minyan 9:00 AM Sephardic Mincha & Neilah 4:40 PM Morning Services 9:00 AM Afternoon Service 4:50 PM Upstairs Minyan 10:30 AM Neilah Closing Service 6:20 PM Kiddush in the Sukkah 12:00 PM Final Shofar Blow 7:40 PM Shabbos Community Shiur 5:50 PM Fast Ends 7:42 PM Sephardic Mincha 6:30 PM /Blessing of the New Moon / Break Fast 7:42 PM Mincha 6:20 PM Follow by light refreshments Shalosh Seudos 6:50 PM Ma’ariv and Havdalah 7:35 PM 6 THE MONTH OF TISHREI EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR THE HIGH HOLIDAYS

Followed by Kiddush & Hakafos / Dancing onto the street Hoshanah Rabbah - Wednesday, October 11 Simchas Torah Day - Friday, October 13 Sephardic all night Kraya 1:00 AM Hashkama Minyan 7:15 AM Recite Book of Tehillim 1:05 AM Sephardic Minyan 9:00 AM Sephardic Shacharis & Hoshanot 6:40 AM Morning Services 9:00 AM Morning Services 6:50 AM / 7:30 AM / 9:00 AM Kiddush & Hakafos 10:30 AM Atzeres Eve - Wednesday, Night October 11 (Everyone has an /Choson Torah/Choson Bereishis) Candle lighting 6:38 PM Grand Simchas Torah Kiddush 2:00 PM Evening Service 6:40 PM Mincha & Evening Services 6:35 PM Followed by Kiddush & Hakafos Sephardic Mincha 6:30 PM Light Candles 6:36 PM (from existing fame) Shemini Atzeres Day - Thursday, October 12 Hashkama Minyan 7:15 AM Shabbos, October 14 Sephardic Minyan 9:00 AM Hashkama/Minyan 7:15 AM Morning Services 9:00 AM Sephardic Minyan 9:00 AM Upstairs Minyan 10:30 AM Morning Services 9:00 AM Yizkor Memorial Services (Approx.) 11:05 AM Upstairs Minyan 10:30 AM Followed by Kiddush & Hakafos Kiddush in the Sukkah 12:00 PM Shabbos Community Shiur 5:40 PM Simchas Torah Eve - Thursday, October 12 Sephardic Mincha 6:15 PM Mincha & Evening Services 6:40 PM Mincha 6:05 PM Light Candles After 7:30 PM (from existing fame) Kaporos Erev Yom Kippur - Thursday September, 28 / 8 Tishrei and Friday, September 29 / 9 Tishrei Please call 786-505-0134 to reserve Or email [email protected] to guarantee your chicken Thursday, September 28 Friday, September 29 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm 6:00 am - 8:30 am The Shul, 9540 Collins Ave Landow Yeshiva, 1140 Alton Rd Miami Beach 6:00 pm -10:30 pm There will be a shochet ONLY during Landow Yeshiva, 1140 Alton Rd Miami Beach these times Shechitah will be taking place later at Landow Yeshivah, Some of the proceeds go to The Shul The Cost for a chicken is $23 Ksiva V’Chasima Tova The chickens will be cleaned, koshered and given to the needy If you know anyone who is needy please call 786-664 7704 7 THE MONTH OF TISHREI EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR THE HIGH HOLIDAYS

We need your help to make our Yom Tov Kiddushim Beautiful!! Please contact Stacy 305.868.1411 Ext 313 to sponsor a kiddush!

DATE EVENT TYPE AMOUNT SPONSOR Sept. 23 Shabbos Shuvah Kiddush Mr. & Mrs Jose and Shani Biton in honor of Jaime’s Bar Mitzvah Sept. 23 Shabbos Shuvah Upstairs Minyan Kiddush $200 Sept. 23 Shabbos Shuvah Davening w/ Dad $150 Sept. 23 Shabbos Shuvah End RH Fabrengen $700 Sept. 30 Motzei Yom Kippur Break Fast (in Sukkah) $3,000 Oct. 5 Kiddush (1st Day) $2,800 Oct. 6 Sukkot Kiddush (2nd Day) $2,800 Oct. 7 Chol Hamoed Sukkos Kiddush $2,800 Oct. 7 Chol Hamoed Sukkos Shalosh Seudos $500 Oct. 11 Eve of Shemini Atzeret Hakafot Kiddush $2,800 Oct. 12 Shemini Atzeret After Hakafot Kiddush $2,800 Oct. 12 Shemini Atzeret Day Kiddush $2,800 Oct. 12 Eve of Simchat Torah Hakafot Kiddush $3,000 Oct. 12 Simchas Torah Night Kids’ Kiddush $1,200 Mr. & Mrs Goldfarb and Rabbi & Mrs Farkash Oct. 12 Simchas Torah After Hakafot Kiddush $3,000 Oct. 13 Simchas Torah Hakafot Kiddush $1,800 Oct. 13 Simchas Torah Day Grand Kiddush $10,000 Oct. 14 Shabbos Bereishis Kiddush $1,800 Oct. 14 Shabbos Bereishis Davening with Dad $150 Dr. & Mrs. Michael Salzhauer Oct. 14 Shabbos Mevarchim Farbrengen $700 Oct. 14 Shabbos Mevarchim Women’s Farbrengen $200 Oct. 14 Shabbos Bereishis End of Tishrei Farbrengen $500 8 THE MONTH OF TISHREI EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR THE HIGH HOLIDAYS

Esrog & Lulov Orders

To order you Lulav and Esrog please contact Yossi Raskin: 718-715-8090 or email - [email protected]




B”H Sukkos Dinner Reservation Form Members: Adults - $65 / Children under 13 - $35 Non-Members: Adults - $80 / Children under 13 - $45 In order for us to properly process your reservation, kindly complete all the felds. The deadline for Sukkos Reservations is Wednesday, September 27, 2017

1st Night: Wednesday, October 4, 2017

# of Member Adults @ $65: _____ # of Non-Member Adults @ $80: _____

# of Member Children @ $35: _____ # of Non-Member Children @ $45: _____

Total due for 1st night: $______

The name(s) as you would like them to appear on the seating card: ______2nd Night: Thursday, October 5, 2017

# of Member Adults @ $65: _____ # of Non-Member Adults @ $80: _____

# of Member Children @ $35: _____ # of Non-Member Children @ $45: _____

Total due for 2nd night: $_____ The name(s) as you would like them to appear on the seating cards: ______

I would like to sit with: ______Combined total for both nights: $______Name:______Address:______City: ______State:______Zip:______Home:______Work: ______Mobile: ______Email Address:______Credit Card Type: ( ) Visa ( ) MasterCard ( ) American Express Credit Card Number :______Exp:_____ Security Code:______

12 A Time to Pray Davening schedules and locations throughout the week

Daily Learning Schedule at The Shul 6:45 -7:15 am Derech Mitzvosecha Foundational Chassidic Discourse R’ Zalman Lipskar 8:10 am Daf Yomi R’ Dov Schochet 8:45 am (approx) Halacha Sephardic Custom R’ Shimshon Tzubeli 10:15 - 11:00 am Maamorim Maamor of the Rebbe R’ Shea Rubinstein

Shacharis Minyanim (mon - Fri) Sunday Shacharis Minyanim Main Minyan 6:50 7:30 9:00 Main Minyan 8:00 am 9:00 am Sephardic Minyan 8:00 Sephardic Minyan 9:00 am

Daily Chumash & Tanya after every Minyan Sunday Mincha /Maariv mincha / Maariv Minyanim (mon - Thurs) Minyanim Main Minyan 2:00 pm Early Mincha 7:05 pm 10:00 pm Main Minyan 7:05 pm Following Sephardic Minyan 7:05 pm Late Maariv 10:00 pm

Evening Kolel Schedule - Monday and Thursday 8:45 -9:30 pm Mon & Thurs 8:45 - 10:00 pm Evening Community Kolel Chavrusah

To our beloved Soldiers in the Israeli Defense Forces, Halachic Times courageously protecting and defending Eretz Yisroel. We pray Based on times for September 27 for you and all of the soldiers safety and well being daily. Hinda Clara bas Chana Guenendel Benyamin Aharon ben Jeniya Gila Rut Alot Hashachar / Dawn 5:59 am Jonathan ben Aliza Sher Earliest Talit & Tefllin 6:30 am Michael Shmuel ben Eliezer Eliyahu Netz Hachamah / Sunrise 7:11 am Amir Herzel ben Dvora Dorry (Earliest ) Eitan Gabriel ben Karine Cecile Latest Shema 10:09 am Zman Tfllah 11:10 am Chatzot / Midday 1:11 pm Earliest Mincha 1:42 pm Plag HaMincha 5:59 pm Shekiah / Sunset 7:19 pm (preferable latest time for Mincha) Tzeit Hakochavim / Nightfall 7:35 pm (Earliest preferable Ma’ariv)

Times taken from Please note that during the week times may vary by a minute or two. If anyone would like to send us the name of a soldier in the IDF we would love to add them. 13 Community Happenings Sharing with your Shul Family

Birthdays Yahrtzeits 3 Tishrei Mr. Isaie Bouhadana 3 Tishrei Tessie obm 3 Tishrei Mrs. Roslyn Jaffe Aunt of Mr. Elias Sussman 3 Tishrei Mr. Paul Jaimovich 4 Tishrei Chaya Freida bas Osher Anshel obm 3 Tishrei Mr. Robert Werner Grandmother of Mr. Isi Halberthal 4 Tishrei Mr. Steven Dekelbaum 4 Tishrei Ms. Lisa Michal Falic 5 Tishrei Natan ben Yechiel obm 4 Tishrei Mrs. Divi Greisman Father of Mrs. Lana R. Weintraub 4 Tishrei Mrs. Lisa M. Groisman 5 Tishrei Machluf ben Yosseph obm 4 Tishrei Mr. Alex Gross Brother of Mr. Raphael Ammar 4 Tishrei Mrs. Cara Roller 5 Tishrei Chaim ben Zvi Menachem Halevi obm 4 Tishrei Mr. Edgar Weingarten Father-in-law of Mrs. Chana Weinbaum 5 Tishrei Mr. Ian Brenner 5 Tishrei Josefa bas Aryeh Leib obm 5 Tishrei Mr. Samuel Dror 5 Tishrei Ms. Marta Feigenbaum Grandmother of Mrs. Debbie Falic 5 Tishrei Mr. Ighal Goldfarb 5 Tishrei Riva bas Simcha obm 5 Tishrei Ms. Pamela Laulicht Grandmother of Mr. Claudio Stivelman 5 Tishrei Mrs. Leya Zelcer 6 Tishrei Minde obm 6 Tishrei Mr. Meir Izak Mother of Mr. David Lichter 6 Tishrei Mr. Idel Woldenberg 7 Tishrei Chaya Esther bas Yitzchak obm 7 Tishrei Ms. Esther Perez Mother of Dr. Nancy Scheinman 8 Tishrei Mr. Albert Pollans 8 Tishrei Mrs. Miriam Schwartz Wiener 7 Tishrei Abraham Shlomo ben Shemtov obm 9 Tishrei Mr. Boruch Duchman Father of Mr. Santos Chocron 9 Tishrei Mr. Isi Halberthal 7 Tishrei Riva bas Cahim obm 9 Tishrei Dr. Richard Koffer Mother of Mrs. Rosita Zelcer 7 Tishrei Estherina bas Rivka obm Mother of Mr. Isaac Gilbert Franco Kid’s Birthdays 7 Tishrei Chaya Sara obm 4 Tishrei Menucha Rochel Katan Mother of Mr. Sheldon Lisbon 5 Tishrei Eliya Einhorn 5 Tishrei Leon Sragowicz 8 Tishrei Tema bas Mendel obm 6 Tishrei Jacky Camhi Grandmother of Mr. Alan Lipton 6 Tishrei Zeri Edelkopf 8 Tishrei Motka Duvid ben Yosef Moishe obm 8 Tishrei Avraham Raskin Grandfather of Mr. I. Sopher

Anniversaries Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Galina Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Loraine Rosengarten Sephardic Minyan Selichot The Sephardic Minyan selichot will be held every morning until Erev Yom Kippur. Mazal Tov Mazal Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Jose and Shani Biton on the Bar Mitzvah of their Weekday Selichot will begin at 7am son Jaime. May they raise him to Torah, Chupah and Ma’asim Tovim and Sundays Selichot will begin at 8am have much nachas from him.

14 Community Happenings Sharing with your Shul Family

Tishrei Light & Power Thanks To Our Donors Light & Power and for Kiddush & Havdalah for We sincerely thank the following members and supporters of The Shul for donations received between 09/12/17 and 09/18/17 the month of Tishrei is Kindly Sponsored by We apologize for any errors or omissions that we may have made. 1st Merchant Funding, LLC Mr. & Mrs. George Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Ezzie and Malka Rappaport Mr. Moshe N. Barouk Mr. Menachem Koegel “Those who establish for prayer and those who come there to Ms. Gisele Beer Mr & Mrs. Eddy Levi pray, those who provide lights for illumination, wine and grape juice for kiddush Mr. Ronnie Ben-Ishay Mr. & Mrs. Lazer Milstein and havdalah, food for the wayfarers and charity for the needy, and all those who Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel G. Berenfus Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Mondshine occupy themselves faithfully with communal affairs - may The Holy One, blessed Mr. & Mrs. Jose Biton Ms. Nicola Morris be He, give them their reward, remove them from all sicknesses, heal their entire Mr. & Mrs. Isaie Bouhadana Mr. Jorge Pack body, pardon all their sins, and send blessing and success to all their endeavors, Ms. Rhonda Bruder Mr. & Dr. Albert Pollans together with all Israel their brethren; and let us say .” Rabbi & Mrs. Betzalel Camissar Mr. & Mrs. David Portnoy Mr. & Mrs. Sholom Chazanow Dr. & Mrs. Michael Salzhauer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Davit Mr. Nosson Seigel Ms. Liv-Tiferet De Vitton Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Slomianski Mr. Ron Deutsch Sragowicz Foundation Mr. Ashley Diener Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Stauber Refuah Shleimah Dr. & Mrs. Brian Dooreck Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Stern If you have a health update on anyone listed please contact The Shul. We would like to keep the listing current and remove names of people who have recovered. Mr. Elliot Ehrlich Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vaturi Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo Galagovsky Ms. Barbara Waxman MEN WOMEN Mr. & Mrs. Anshie Golomb Mr. & Mrs. Adam Weinberg Meyer Yankev ben Chaya Etel Chaya Miriam Yehudit bat Chava Alexander ben Esther Raizel Clara bat Corina Dr. & Mrs. Albert Gottesman Mr. & Mrs. Victor Weingarten Chaim Moshe ben Clara Shoshanna bat Rivkah Mr. & Mrs. Josh Greisman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Werner Raphael Moshe ben Sarah Leah Rochel bat Sarah Mr. Steven Gut Mr. & Mrs. Shmuel Wolf Moshe ben Zoila Miriam bat Risha Raizel Herman Pro AV Mr. Jose Yankelevitch Moshe Avraham ben Tziporah Riva Dana Ella bas Devorah Hinde Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Hersman Mr. & Mrs. Avrom Chaim Zelmanovitch Chaim ben Pnina Chana bas Shoshana Gabriel ben Esther Ilana bas Shaina Rochel Eber Avraham ben Fruma Esther Chava bas Elka Menucha Shmuel ben Sarah Perl Chaya bas Rachel Volunteers Needed Yosef ben Edwina Fayge bas Chaya After every Kiddush and event, The Shul donates the Avrohom ben Feigel Miriam Leah bas Helen Mordechai David ben Esther Raizel left over food to organizations or families in need. Yedidya Chaim Raphael ben Elana We are looking for volunteers to help collect and Yehuda ben Chaya Sara wrap the food. Shimon Yitzchak ben Leah Rochel Roi ben Orly If you would like to help please contact the Chaim Tzvi Hirsch ben Guttel Mashgiach, Mordechai Olesky after the Kiddush. Community service hours will be awarded.

Community Notice Board: Please be aware that during construction, members Community Notice Board: will not be able to park in the garage between the If you have a new or slightly used Shaitel that you hours of 7am -4 pm would like to donate to The Shul Sisterhood Thank you for your understanding and your Please Contact patience. Mrs. Devorah Failer 305.323.2410

15 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE! Hayom Yom In the winter of 1942, the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneersohn, of righteous memory, gave his son- in-law, the future Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, the task of compiling an anthology of Chasidic aphorisms and customs arranged according to the days of the year. The calendar was entitled Hayom Yom. In describing this work Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak wrote: …”A book that is small in format…but bursting with pearls and diamonds of choicest quality.” “A splendid palace of Chasidism.” True to these words, Hayom Yom has become a beloved classic work and a source of daily spiritual sustenance. Friday - Tishrei 2 H: Hatznei’a - “Walk discreetly with your G-d.” This service of teshuva stems from goodness of The statement in the Alter Rebbe’s , (Shaar heart. haKriat Sh’ma, in the maamar L’havin hahefresh, When my father told me this, he concluded: “The p. 74a of that siddur) that prior to sounding word teshuva comprises fve (Hebrew) letters, Wednesday - Tishrei 7 the shofar we say Ana b’choach, means this: In each letter a path and a method in the avoda of A résumé of the fourth method: general terms they are the kavanot (mystical teshuva.” (He explained each method at length). devotions) of the verses whose initial letters Each moves from a potential state to actuality V - B’chol..., “In all your ways, know Him.” A person are the second Name of the Name mem-bet. through the avoda of davening. who sets his heart and mind to observe all that However, some keep the kavanot of the words happens to him and around him, will perceive Ana b’choach in thought, but do not pronounce Sunday - Tishrei 4 G-dliness tangibly in evidence; as the Mitteler the letters or words. One who is involved with A résumé of my father’s explanation of the frst Rebbe pointed out, men of affairs have an kavanot must study those subjects in the Arizal’s method (of teshuva, see above): advantage over secluded scholars, in that the writings until he knows them clearly, and then former can witness actual manifestations of his kavanot are acceptable and favored. T: Tamim..., “Be sincere with G-d.” This represents G-dliness. This form of the service of teshuva the avoda of teshuva that comes through comes from one’s perceiving hashgacha p’ratit, Shabbos - Tishrei 3 sincerity. Sincerity, or “wholeness,” takes any (particular Divine Providence). The Tzemach Tzedek had yechidus with the number of forms and has many levels. In Alter Rebbe on Monday of Teitzei, 6 Elul 5564 reference to teshuva the highest form is Thursday - Tishrei 8 (1804); the Rebbe told him: “On Shabbat wholeness of heart - called “earnestness”; as A résumé of the ffth method: Tavo 5528 (1768), my Rebbe (the Maggid of Torah says of Avraham, “you found his heart Mezritch) said a “Torah” beginning V’shavta faithful before You.” H - Hatznei’a..., “Walk discreetly with your G-d,”. ad Havayeh Elokecha He explained that the One must take care not to be conspicuous or avoda of teshuva must attain a level at which Monday - Tishrei 5 ostentatious in the slightest. It is said “Man Havayeh, transcendent Divinity beyond worlds, A resume of the second method: should always be artful in piety.” The artfulness becomes Elokecha - Elokim being numerically lies in seeing that his piety not be noticed equivalent to hateva (nature), and as we fnd, Sh: - Shiviti..., “I have set G-d (Havayeh) before me at all. We know that a number of the early “in the beginning Elokim created the heavens always.” Havayeh indicates the creation of the chassidim concealed their true selves, and when and the earth etc.” All the Holy Society (disciples universe and creatures. Bringing all of Creation discovered were sincerely distressed. This is the of the Maggid) were profoundly stirred by this into being and sustaining it is accomplished by avoda of teshuva that comes from hatznei’a teaching. The tzadik R. Meshulam Zusya of bridging an infnite gap - from ayin (non-being, lechet, being discreet. Anipoli said that he could not attain the heights nihilo) to yesh (being). This form of the avoda of such a teshuva; he would therefore break (service) of teshuva results from one’s constant Friday - Tishrei 2 down teshuva to its components, for each letter awareness of the way in which the universe and On Erev Yom Kippur the avoda is remorse for of the word teshuva is the initial of a verse: all that is in it, is (constantly) brought into being. the past; on Yom Kippur - resolve for the future. T: Tamim - “Be sincere with the Eternal your G-d.” Tuesday - Tishrei 6 A résumé of the third method: Sh: Shiviti - “I have set G-d before me always.” U - V’ahavta..., “Love your fellow as U: V’ahavta - “Love your fellow as yourself.” yourself.”1The Alter Rebbe taught that this love is an instrument, a means to “Love the Eternal V: B’chol - “In all your ways, know Him.” your G-d.” This is explained in the statement, “Whoever is pleasing to man is pleasing to G-d.” 16 Selichos

Selichos from Monday - Wednesday will be half an hour before each minyan

Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!

ROSH HASHANA & PARSHAH MESSAGES “A Close Call” service or degree of preparation. Sing, My Children, Sing! Based on Likkutei Sichos , Vol. XXXIV, pp. 200 By Levi Avtzon For at this time, G-d’s love of the Jewish people he Rambam states that although teshuvah, is described by the phrase “For Israel is but a repentance, is always effcacious, it is even lad, and I love him.” It is similar to the love of a Tmore so during the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, father for his small child, an essential love that the 10-day period of repentance that begins is not dependent on the child’s conduct; even with Rosh HaShanah and concludes with Yom when the child misbehaves the father does not Kippur. For the verse states: “Seek G-d when He remove his love. is readily to be found; call on Him when He is close,” and the explains that this refers However, the person may think that while G-d to the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, at which time assists him during this period in a manner G-d is “readily available” to all Jews. of metziah , he himself is still incapable of feeling G-d’s closeness. For in order to feel We must understand why the Rambam relates G-d’s closeness a person must prepare himself this “ready availability” specifcally to teshuvah. through his own service. Seemingly G-d’s accessibility during these days should have a profound impact on all aspects For as in the analogy of a small child who of a Jew’s service. Why does the Rambam misbehaves, it would still seem diffcult to say specifcally connect it with teshuvah? that in such a situation the father would reveal his love so that the child actually feels his This will be understood by frst asking the father drawing close to him. ccording to a popular saying, every major following question: “Call on Him when He is Jewish experience is somehow connected close,” seems to belabor the point made at the The verse therefore concludes: “call on Him Ato food. If I may add, where there is food, beginning of the verse, “Seek G-d when He is when He is close.” In addition to the fact that there is song . . . Thus, every Jewish experience readily to be found.” during these days G-d is readily available and is full of song. assists all Jews in returning to Him, He is also Why the repetition? “close” to each and every Jew whatever his From the High Holiday cantorial pieces to The word meaning “when He is readily to be spiritual state; during these days, each one can the sung at the Shabbat table, from found,” behimatzoi, is akin to metziah, which feel G-d’s love and closeness. the teary-eyed chupah music to the energetic describes the unexpected fnding of an object — dancing music that follows, from the Mah something that requires no effort. By using this The Jew, in turn, is expected to respond in a like Nishtanah at the Seder to nighttime term, the verse indicates that G-d is revealed manner. Rather than serving G-d as he did in the lullabies, the Jewish year is indeed a musical even to one who has expended no spiritual past, without toil or effort, he begins to actively one. effort and is unworthy of receiving Him — an seek Him; the Jew begins to call upon G-d in individual in need of teshuvah. a revealed manner; he is not satisfed that his Why is song such a major player in the Jewish desire to approach G-d is merely internal. arena? This then is the special connection between our verse and the Ten Days of Repentance: Since the portion of Ha’azinu is so often read on A song is the pen of the heart. It expresses When a person makes a true reckoning at the Shabbos Shuvah , we are to understand that it to ourselves and to others the deepest parts beginning of the year of his spiritual status also relates to the Ten Days of Teshuvah. of our hearts and souls, that which cannot during the previous year, he will realize that he be expressed through the medium of fnite is far from where he should be. This may cause This relationship is as follows: On the opening syllables. a feeling of hopelessness, so that the person verse of Ha’azinu, the Sifri comments on how says to himself: “Knowing who I truly am and Moshe was closer to heaven than to earth. Song brings emotion and depth wherever my true spiritual state, how can I presume to During the Days of Repentance, when G-d is it enters. It is a journey inward, to one’s self, come close to G-d?” “readily to be found” and “close,” every Jew bringing our truest self to the forefront of our has the ability — like Moshe did — to become consciousness. It’s the marriage between who The verse therefore assures such people that closer to heaven, and more distant from earthly we are and who we ought to be. during these days they are to “seek G-d when matters. He is readily to be found” — for G-d reveals You don’t have to be musically wired to Himself to every Jew in a manner of a metziah , appreciate the power of a melody. You don’t i.e., He reveals Himself irrespective of one’s past have to hold the title of a singer in order to 17 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE! sing. All you need is a heart. Halacha of The Week the end of Tishrei. The greater part of the of By Rabbi Yosef Shusterman It is customary to ask for Lekach ( cake) Haazinu consists of a 70-line “song” delivered from a friend and to eat from it. Tzom Gedalia by Moses to the people of Israel on the last day Two meals (including washing for challah) are of his earthly life. Sunday, Tishrei 4 - September 24 eaten Erev Yom Kippur. The frst meal is in the Since the 3rd day of Tishrei falls out on Shabbos, morning while the second follows Mincha. The Why is Moses singing on the last day of his the fast of Tzom Gedalia is pushed off until challah is dipped into honey. life? Why was the longest piece of in the Sunday, the 4th day of Tishrei. Torah chanted on one of the seemingly saddest It is customary to eat “Kreplach.” days of Jewish history, the day that the greatest The fast begins at 5:58 a.m. If one intends to get Jewish leader of all time passed on? up early to eat, he must have that intention It is customary to receive 39 “Malkos” (lashes) on before going to sleep. Otherwise, it is forbidden Erev Yom Kippur. The one receiving it crouches Perhaps Moses wanted to leave us with the to eat. facing north. The posuk of “V’hu Rachum power of song. He was leaving his fock, and All able men and women are obligated to fast. Y’chaper Avon” (which contains thirteen words) until the end of times there wouldn’t be Pregnant and nursing women are not obligated. is said three times both by the one giving Malkos anyone like him to guide the nation. So he The Chazan adds “Aneinu” in Chazoras Hashatz, and the one receiving them. gave us a tool that would allow us to fnd G-d Slichos and “Avinu Malkeinu” are recited. The It is mandatory for men to immerse themselves within ourselves, to create leadership even in Torah is read. Only those fasting are permitted in the Mikveh. Normally this immersion takes the absence of true leaders. He taught us how “Aliyos.” place after Malkos and before Mincha. to maintain the fame of Judaism whether in the gas chambers—where Jews sang the Mincha Many have the custom to immerse themselves Ani Maamin (“I believe!”) on the way to their Before Shmoneh Esrei, the Torah is read. Three again in the Mikveh after the fnal meal before deaths—or sitting at the Shabbat table with people are called up, the third being . In sundown. family and friends. the Shmoneh Esrei all those that are fasting say “Aneinu” in the Brocho of Sh’ma Koleinu. If one Mincha On his last day of leadership, Moses gave us the forgets, the Shmoneh Esrei is not repeated. Before Mincha it is customary to give a lot of means to persevere: song. Tachnun and “Avinu Malkeinu” are recited. Tzedaka. We recite Hodu and Posach Eliyohu. The fast concludes at 7:38p.m. During the quiet Shmoneh Esrei “Al Chet” And very soon, when Moshiach comes, we will (confession) is added following the “Yihiyu merit to hear the greatest song of all, when we Throughout the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, “Avinu Leratzon” at the conclusion of “Sim Shalom.” will sing and dance with G-d Himself in the Malkeinu” is said during Shacharis and Mincha most magnifcent dance of all time . . . (excluding Shabbos or when Tachnun is not Neither “Tachnun” nor “Avinu Malkeinu” is said. said). Although the fast begins at sundown (7:05 p.m.), I will certainly hide (lit. “hide I will hide”) Erev Yom Kippur: women and girls lighting candles at 6:51 and My face on that day (Deut. 31:18) Friday, Tishrei 9 ~ September 29 begin the fast at that time. Kaparos It is customary to bless one’s children before It is customary to “Shlog Kaparos” Erev Yom Commenting on the Torah’s repetition “Kol Nidrei.” of the word “hide,” the Baal Shem Tov Kippur. A woman selects a chicken while a said: There will come a time at the end man selects a rooster. “Bnei Adam” is recited. Candle lighting time is 6:51 p.m. of the exile when G-d’s concealment Then “Zeh Chalifosi” is said while the bird is The Brochos to be recited are “Lehadlik Ner will be two-fold. Not only will He be moved around the head three times. This entire Shel Shabbos V’shel Yom Hakippurim” and procedure is performed three times. Altogether “hidden” within the physical world, but “Shehechiyonu.” the bird is circled around the head nine times. His concealment will be so great that An amount of money equal to the worth of Laws of Yom Kippur people will cease to realize that anything the chicken should be given to the poor. Those 1) All men and women (even those women who is hidden! Nonetheless, there is no unable to obtain chickens should perform are pregnant and nursing) are obligated to fast. concealment capable of separating the Kaparos using money. In that case we subsitute Those with personal problems should consult a Jew from G-d. The same “I” Who hides His the phrase “Zeh Hakesef Yelech L’tzdoko” in Rav. This also applies to those who are ill. face is the same “I” Who uttered the Ten place of “Zeh haTarnegol Yelech L’misa.” Those requiring medication should consult a Commandments, and dwells in the heart Rav. of every Jew. Shacharis “Mizmor Lesoda,” “Tachnun,” and “Avinu Malkeinu” Children under the age of 9 years are not are not recited. (Likutei Sichot, 5748) permitted to fast. Tachnun is not said from Erev Yom Kippur until Children nine years old and above should be 18 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE! trained to fast part of the day. What Brought This Rebel Back After Kriyas HaTorah, Yizkor is said. Those who Health permitting, boys twelve years old and have both parents living should leave the shul for Rosh Hashanah girls eleven years old should fast the entire day. during Yizkor. Mourners during the frst year of On the utter awesomeness of the Days of Awe By Tzvi Freeman 2) No shoes containing any leather (suede is mourning stay in shul but do not say Yizkor. leather) are permitted to be worn. Other leather During Musaf the Kohanim perform Birkat garments may be worn. Cohanim. 3) No washing is permitted. Upon waking up in The Kohanim’s hands are washed up to their the morning, or after using the washroom, we wrists. Those Leviim that always wash their wash our hands up to the knuckles joining the hands before washing the Cohanim’s hands ay fngers to the hand. also wash their hands up to their wrists. 4) No marital relations are permitted. Couples Chabad custom is to make a break between should conduct themselves as they would Musaf and Mincha of at least 45 minutes. during the Niddah state. At the conclusion of Ne’ila we say “Avinu It is customary to wear a kittel on Yom Kippur. Malkeinu.” Following this, we recite “Shema A Choson who got married during the past year Yisroel” once, “Baruch Shem” three times and and wore a kittel at the wedding does not wear “Hashem Hu HaElokim” seven times. The Chazan at kittel on Yom Kippur. then says Kaddish. In the middle of Kaddish the s a young boy, I was told that a Jew must The tallis is worn for Kol Nidrei. The brocho on Shofar is sounded. Even if it is not yet nightfall, as long as it is after sunset, the Shofar may be go to the twice a year, stand the tallis should be said before sunset (7:05 up when the rabbi says to stand up, sit p.m.). sounded. However, the fast is still binding until A 7:42 p.m.; hence, no eating, drinking, working, down when he says to sit down, listen to his Before Kol Nidrei the “Al Chet” should be said etc. is permitted until then. entire sermon, and for this, he will be forgiven privately. Tehillim is also said before Kol Nidrei. for all his sins. Before the sounding of the Shofar it is customary After Kol Nidrei the She-hechiyonu is recited by As you can guess, by adolescence I was doing my the Chazan and the congregation. One should to sing a march of victory to show our confdence that Hashem has accepted our prayers. own thing on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur— begin the Brocho with the Chazan but fnish it and it wasn’t anywhere near a synagogue. It earlier in order to answer Amen. Women who Maariv is davened with the tallis and the kittel. took a few years to discover a version of the said the She-hechiyonu at candle lighting Instead of putting the tallis over our head, Days of Awe that is truly awesome. should not say it at this time. we wear a hat. “Atoh Chonantonu” is inserted. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are about Maariv begins with “Mizmor L’Dovid” and Those not davening Maariv must say “Baruch Hamavdil” before doing any work. the power we have over our own destiny, the continues as every Kabbolas Shabbos. In the last limits of that power, and the responsibility that verse of “L’Cho Dodi” the word “B’rina” is said (in Before Havdalah we wash our hands normally comes with it. In that sense, they are days of place of “B’simcha”) as we do for Negel Vasser. However, we do not extreme joy—only that it is an inner joy; a deep The verse “Baruch Shem Kvod Malchuso L’olam recite a Brocho. It is also proper to wash one’s and meaningful one. face and rinse one’s mouth. Voed” in “Krias Shema” is said aloud throughout Which is what they call awe. Yom Kippur. The Shmoneh Esrei of Yom Kippur with Shabbos insertions is said. Havdalah B’somim and candle are used. The candle must The Rosh Hashanah Scenario be a candle that was lit before Yom Kippur and Start here: What part do you play inside this “Avinu Malkeinu” is not said (because of Shabbos) universe? during Yom Kippur except for Ne’ilah. not used for any purpose (an additional yahrtzeit candle is the best for this purpose). Are you the victim? It is customary to recite the entire Tehillim on Yom Kippur night after Maariv. On Motzei Yom Kippur we wish each other There’s a hurricane of a world out there and a good Yom Tov. It is commendable to begin you are not even a dandelion spore. Don’t Morning of Yom Kippur: building the Sukkah at this time. If that is bother telling the wind which way to blow, just Shabbos, Tishrei 10 ~ September 30 impossible, one should talk about it. pray you’ll make a safe landing. Who knows? Negel Vasser is only washed up to one’s knuckles. Maybe in a ditch. Maybe in a fre. Whatever—a victim is a victim, even if he wins in the end. Eyes encrusted in the morning may be washed. The Brocho of “She’oso Li Kol Tzorki” is omitted To me, at age fourteen, a G-d who was going to on Yom Kippur and is not said until the following judge me on Rosh Hashanah was an automated morning. press out to stamp me into the system. It didn’t 19 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE! matter if the stamp was “good,” “bad” or “reject.” is in Your hand to achieve. Declare Yourself I don’t need a stamp. I am who I am. king, and it will be so! The Rosh Hashanah Consultation So I chose a different scenario. Here is another one: “Whom did He consult?” ask the , concerning the very frst decision from which I decided I am the director. I decide what life G-d, if you are not our king, then why should all began. And they answer, “He consulted the should be, what role I will play, and where I we obey your command? And if you are already souls of the righteous.” want to go. Which was mostly where my friends our king, then why are you demanding we wanted to go. make you king? Meaning, He consulted us. Because our souls are all righteous. And each moment is the A super-cool scenario. Problem is, it doesn’t Yet another one: beginning of all things. And each moment that exist. It’s an absurdity. It doesn’t take long to decision happens again. discover you’re not in control, the actors don’t G-d, if you are not king, then how do we exist? And if we do not exist, how can we take part in care for your script, and the promises don’t But the greatest of all moments is Rosh Your decision to be king, and therefore allow deliver. And the heat of the world is more Hashanah. It is the opening of a new act, a us to exist? intense than the coolest Kool-Aid you could fresh new start, a pivot-point upon which the swallow. Checkmate for G-d. Until the chassidic masters actor can swing everything around. explain His plea: No wonder. You didn’t write the script. You can On this day, we come together to decide, be absolutely sure. You didn’t write the script. “Should there be just a mess of events with no The Rosh Hashanah Decision meaning or purpose, or should there be a story? So I was stuck. I was still just another cog. Go to If this world has no author, then there is no Is this place a place that just is, or is there an shul. Run from shul. It’s all the same. drama, then there is no purpose, then you Author? Is life just 70, 80 years of biological have no power. You are that spore torn in all Unless there’s a third scenario. One in which deterioration, or is there eternal meaning to directions at once by the wind. there is no big schism between you and it. One what I’m doing on this planet? What do I have in which it’s all one drama. And your choice is If this world has an author, there is a drama, to contribute? Do I really exist? Does existence whether that should be a drama of fear and a story. matter?” submission, or of love and awe. There is a story, but you are not the author. That In a way, in the drama of Rosh Hashanah, we are playing G-d. Not all of G-d—we did not The Rosh Hashanah Question surrender, yes, it is hard, but it is the greatest liberation. make this place, and we have little say on how “Make Me your king!” it is run. That’s how the rabbis describe G-d’s command It is hard because to make that surrender you We are playing the role of that free will of G-d, on Rosh Hashanah. have to reach inside to a place where there is that divine capacity to decide. Paradoxically, no you, no dualities at all, where there is only “And how? Blow the shofar!” through our surrender, we, the actor, become the One. His co-author. Is G-d really so insecure that He needs us It is liberating because if you are not the Together with Him, we replay that most primal to declare Him king, year after year? And if author of your script, nor the director of the it’s obedience He wants, why oh why did He decision of all decisions—from our place within play, then you are the actor. And the actor in the result of that decision. We decide whether choose to populate His world with beings such this drama can change everything. as us, creatures who can hardly bear to obey for our world is just a world where “stuff happens,” more than a brief moment before we surrender Because what is the drama about? or whether it has an author, a masterful author, to the urge to do what the heck we please? a king, and we live within magnifcent palace It is about a decision. Everything begins with a of beauty and wonder. So let me let you in on a secret about our decision. A free decision. Because nothing has Torah and our G-d, one that our tradition says to be. That is His plea. When He says, “Make Me your tacitly in many ways, but rarely explicitly: The king!” He is saying, “You decide. My decision is voice arrives from heaven raw, coarse, abrupt What is the decision? in your hands.” and overwhelming. It’s up to us to ask the right G-d asks, “Do I want to author a drama? It is a day for awe. questions. And with those questions, the tone Do I want to be an author? Do I want to be of that voice is transformed. anything at all? Do I exist in some certain role, Here is a starter question: or is there really no expression of my existence whatsoever?” G-d, why do you need us to declare You king? The heavens and earth are Yours. You created And then He writes a drama—not about His them from nothing and at any moment You can decision, nor about His indecision. He writes a return them to that void. Whatever You desire drama about that state of deciding. 20 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!

the Klausenburger Rebbe stood up on the bima What a stirring awakening we experienced Stories With Soul (the central platform) to share a few pre-Kol that Yom Kippur eve, it was unbelievable. Ripping Off the Kittel Nidrei words to awaken our hearts and prepare by Rabbi Simon Jacobson us for the awesome day ahead of us. The Rebbe’s words rang in our ears, in every fber of our broken beings - every one of us The account below was related to me personally by Reb I will never forget what the Klausenberger had just lost our closest relatives: fathers, Leibel Zisman, a living witness to these unforgettable Rebbe said that Yom Kippur eve over six mothers, brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts. events. Leibel’s birthday is on Yom Kippur. decades ago. The moment was overwhelming. We were indelibly scarred. The words rang out: “What do we need tachrichim for?! Your father, With tears in his eyes he began by thanking mother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, zeide, bobbe G-d for saving our lives from the Nazi hell. He - they are all lying mangled in mass graves. Or then pointed to his kittel - the white linen robe in no graves at all - burned to ashes... What that we traditionally wear on Yom Kippur - and tachrichim? What clothes? What kittel?!... began to speak, slowly, deliberately, tearfully: Picture the scene: The holiest night of the “One of the reasons we wear this kittel is year. The awesome moment just before Kol because it is the traditional burial garment, in Nidrei. All the Torah scrolls lifted out of the ark. which we wrap a body before laying it to rest in 5,000 broken Jews, left shattered, orphaned the ground, as we do when we bury our parents without families. The saintly Klausenberger and those that came before us. Wearing a kittel Rav standing on the bima, ripping off his kittel Yom Kippur Eve 1945/5706, Foehrenwald DP on Yom Kippur thus reminds us of our fnal - “We don’t need it...” Camp, Germany. day of judgment when we will be laid to rest. It therefore humbles and breaks our hearts, What more can be said? Yet, as another Rebbe The sun was about to set on Yom Kippur eve, stirring us to do complete teshuva (return). The once expressed himself: “It diffcult to speak, the holiest day of the year. white, linen kittel is a symbol of purity that we but it’s more diffcult to remain silent.” achieve through our introspection and efforts But for us it felt like Tisha B’av. Just a few to repair all our wrongs. Today, we are blessed to enter Yom Kippur months earlier we were living, if you can without the misery that haunted Yom Kippur in call that living, it was actually dying, in the “Since the kittel reminds us of the burial 1945, immediately after the liberation from the unspeakable horror that was called the shrouds of those who passed on before us,” camps. Yom Kippur today comes amidst many Gunskirchen Lager (concentration camp) in continued the Klausenberger, “why are we blessings and comforts. We live in freedom Northern Austria. It is impossible to describe wearing a kittel today? Our parents and loved and have achieved many levels of success. It’s the hundreds of dead bodies strewn about ones were just slaughtered without tachrichim almost impossible to imagine that in just six everywhere you turned throughout the camp. (burial shrouds). They were buried, with or decades the Jewish people have gone through The hunger, the stench, the death, the insanity without clothes, in mass graves, or in no graves such a renaissance: With the growth of Israel, was everywhere. The Nazis, may their names at all...” advancements in Jewish education and overall and memories be forever erased, dehumanized prosperity. Jewish life today is nothing less us, turning us into ravenous sub-humans, Suddenly, the Klausenberger Rebbe began than a modern miracle. desperate for a drop of water. Days would go tearing off his own kittel, literally. “No kittel!” by between a morsel of bread and a paltry sip. he cried out in an anguished voice. “Let us In stark contrast to 1945, we now enjoy a be like our parents. Let us remove our kittels, sumptuous meal before the holiday together I was 14-years-old when we were fnally so that they can recognize us. They won’t with our intact families. We dress up, don our liberated on May 5, 1945. Orphaned, widowed, recognize us in kittels, because they are not well-pressed kittels and enter our synagogues homeless - completely alone with no place wrapped in kittels...” in calm and peace. to go - we wandered in what now appears a complete fog. But it all comes back to me as I I have no words to capture the emotions But we must never forget, we must never get tell the story. pouring out of the grand Rebbe that frst Yom caught in the trap of complacency. Kippur after the horror. We - some 5,000 of us survivors - ended up Yom Kippur is upon us. And heaven and earth in the Foehrenwald DP Camp in Germany, Everyone gathered in the shul began to weep are our witness that we are linked today where we spent Yom Kippur, together with the uncontrollably - men, women, old, young, every to all generations past - both a gift and a Klausenburger Rebbe, Rabbi Yekutiel Yehudah person in the large hall. All our anguish, all responsibility. Halberstam, who tragically lost his wife and 11 our unbearable losses, all the humiliation and children to the German beasts. dehumanization came spilling out of our guts. As the sun sets this coming Friday evening and we put on our kittels, we have much to As night was falling that Yom Kippur eve all It was an unforgettable sight: 5,000 people cry and sing about - for ourselves, our families, 5,000 of us gathered in a makeshift shul for Kol sobbing. Not sobbing; bawling. The foor was generations past, future generations, from the Nidrei. As is the custom in many communities, wet with the tears gushing from all our eyes. beginning of time into eternity itself. 21 Inspiration, Insights & Ideas Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!

time each year to rededicate your lives to the communities, and all communities, that face Recently In The News sacred values you hold dear not only improves threats to their safety. Full text of President Trump’s yourselves but strengthens our nation and inspires us all. I want to thank each of you for the ways in Rosh Hashanah call to Jewish which you contribute to our nation. America is leaders As we mark the beginning of the year 5,778 in stronger because of the many Jewish Americans the Jewish calendar, I want to express my deep who bring such life, hope, and resilience to our admiration for the Jewish people. Throughout nation. the centuries, the Jewish people have endured unthinkable persecution. Melania and I wish everyone a sweet, healthy, and peaceful New Year. Thank you very much. I know with us today on the call are several Holocaust survivors. We are honored beyond words by your presence. You have borne witness to evil beyond human comprehension, and your perseverance is a lasting inspiration to us all. By telling your stories, you help us to Moshiach confront evil in our world and we are forever grateful. The belief in Moshiach is not the MR. KUSHNER: Welcome, everybody, and thank you for joining us here today. This is the I am proud to stand with the Jewish people and belief in a possibility. The belief most special time of the year for the Jewish with our cherished friend and ally, the State of in Moshiach is the belief in the people. This Wednesday evening begins Rosh Israel. The Jewish State is a symbol of resilience Hashanah, the frst of 10 days of repentance, in the face of oppression — it has persevered fact that he is coming. And this that concludes with Yom Kippur, the Day of in the face of hostility, championed democracy is the difference between the Atonement. in the face of violence, and succeeded in the face of very, very tall odds. The United States way the Rebbe looks at beleif Since January 20, I have had the great honor will always support Israel not only because in the coming of Moshiach and of serving in President Trump’s administration. of the vital security partnership between our Anyone that knows the President understands two nations, but because of the shared values the conventional approach. that he takes great pride in having a Jewish between our two peoples. And I can tell you on The conventional approach is daughter and Jewish grandchildren. His love a personal basis, and I just left Israel recently, and respect for the Jewish people extends way I love Israel. that you have to believe that beyond his family, and into the heart of Jewish Moshiach could come. That’s American communities. That is why my administration has successfully pressured the United Nations to withdraw the not faith at all. To say that Under the President’s leadership, America’s unfair and biased report against Israel — that there’s a possibility - there are relationship with the State of Israel has never was a horrible thing that they did — and to been stronger, and our country’s commitment instead focus on real threats to our security, all sorts of possibilities. That’s to Israel’s security has never been greater. such as Iran, Hezbollah, and ISIS. not “complete faith” - emunah It is my great honor to introduce the 45th This next New Year also offers a new shleimah. Emunah shleimah President of the United States, Donald Trump. opportunity to seek peace between the Israelis means you cannot conceive of a and Palestinians, and I am very hopeful that THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, and thank you we will see signifcant progress before the world today without Moshiach. for joining this call. end of the year. Ambassador David Friedman, Not that he could come, but that Jared, Jason [Greenblatt], and the rest of my To the many leaders, Rabbis, and Jewish friends team are working very hard to achieve a peace he must come. who are on the line, I am delighted to speak agreement. I think it’s something that actually with you and to wish you Shana Tova, a sweet could happen. New Year. (Rabbi Manis Friedman in I am grateful for the history, culture, and values Wellsprings Magazine) I send the Jewish community my warmest the Jewish people have given to civilization. We wishes as we approach the High Holy Days. forcefully condemn those who seek to incite anti-Semitism, or to spread any form of slander The Jewish tradition of making time and taking and hate — and I will ensure we protect Jewish 22 Meyer Youth Center The full scoop on all the Youth events and classes

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25 The Aleph Institute Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments

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Weekly Classes Monday Women’s Mikvah: Women’s Study Group Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 8:30 - 10:00 pm Please call Mrs. Devorah Failer for an At the home of : PLEASE CALL THE SHUL FOR DETAILS appointment: 305-866 1492 or 305-323-2410 Tuesday Please Note: Shabbos & Yom Tov visits must be Prepaid Prayer Class Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 9:15 - 10:15 am 1111 Kane Concourse Suite 618 Tanya Class In Spanish Mrs. Vivian Perez 2:00 - 2:30 pm The Shul Sisterhood 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village Torah Portion In Spanish Mrs Vivian Perez 2:30 - 3:45 pm Who we are... The Shul Sisterhood organizes all of The Shul’s programming 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village and classes geared toward women in the community. Our Wednesday objective is to bring women of all ages and backgrounds together to learn, laugh, experience, and rejuvenate their mind, Morning Torah Class Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 10:00 - 11:00 am body and soul. Meet new friends, The weekly portion - Women’s Perspective relax and get inspired! Haime Library Tanya Class in English Mrs. Vivian Perez 1:00 - 3:00 pm If you would like to be a part of The Shul Sisterhood, please call 305. 868.1411 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village

27 French Connection Reflexions sur la Paracha

Vivre avec la paracha Le faiseur de pluie L’oscillation des âmes nous élèverait jusqu’à provoquer en nous un Désirs spontanés, réponse consciente De même que les vapeurs d’eau s’élèvent de la déferlement d’amour pour D.ieu. par Lazer Gurkow surface de la Terre vers les cieux qui la surplombent, ainsi vont les âmes. Elles oscillent entre les plans Mais D.ieu répondit que cette inspiration s’égoutterait plutôt comme la rosée. En vacances, j’aime me lever tôt pour apprécier spirituels inférieurs, les plus éloignés du Divin, et l’ambiance cristalline du petit matin. Je m’éveille les plans spirituels supérieurs, plus proches de La rosée se forme au sol et n’implique pas parfois au léger crépitement d’un crachin qui D.ieu. la montée de la vapeur. D.ieu signifa en cela détrempe le sol et rafraîchit l’air. D’autres matins, Telles les eaux qui s’étendent et stagnent à la qu’Il susciterait notre inspiration « en bas », c’est à l’éclat glorieux du soleil et du scintillement indépendamment des choix que nous ferions : de la rosée sur l’herbe comme un million d’étoiles. surface du globe, nous sommes souvent satisfaits de notre vie ici-bas dans laquelle nous sommes lorsqu’Il constate que nous nous écartons des voies de la Torah, Il n’attend pas que « nos vapeurs Ces deux sortes de matins sont humides, l’un par spirituellement éloignés de D.ieu. Ballottés par les s’élèvent », c’est-à-dire que nous fassions acte de la pluie, l’autre par la rosée, mais cependant ils vagues de nos fantaisies, nous nous concentrons repentance. Au lieu de cela, Il instille dans notre suscitent des atmosphères très différentes : l’un plus volontiers sur le corps que sur l’âme, plus sur âme une goutte d’inspiration et éveille en nous le est doux et apaisant alors que l’autre est gai et ce qui est superfciel que sur le fond des choses, sur désir d’une Mitsva. revigorant. Cette dissemblance est généralement le matériel plus que sur le spirituel. Mais, comme attribuée à la lumière solaire, qui n’est pas la l’eau qui est en surface, notre autosatisfaction Il est, en effet, certains moments où nous même selon les matins. Cependant, selon les ne peut pas durer éternellement. Nous fnissons ressentons un désir subit et inexplicable de Maîtres du ‘Hassidisme, cela se refète également toujours par ressentir le besoin de nous élever. nous rapprocher de D.ieu. Soudain, nous voulons dans la forme d’humidité elle-même, dans la pluie assister à un offce à la synagogue ou participer et la rosée. C’est à ce moment que nous nous tournons vers D.ieu et prenons conscience du vide spirituel de à un cours de Torah. Nous avons envie d’allumer les bougies de Chabbat ou de faire un don à Avant de quitter ce monde, Moïse délivra ses nos vies. Nous nous rendons compte que la société une œuvre charitable. Ces désirs apparaissent dernières instructions. En introduction il composa dans laquelle nous vivons est en faillite morale et spontanément, sans être suscités par rien que un cantique d’une grande beauté lyrique. « Prêtez que la vanité et l’arrogance, l’égoïsme et la haine, nous ayons vu ou entendu. C’est D.ieu qui est à l’oreille, cieux, et je parlerai / que la terre écoute le laxisme et la corruption sont monnaie courante. l’initiative de ces « gouttes de rosée », elles ne les paroles de ma bouche. / Que ma doctrine Et nous aspirons à une existence porteuse de plus proviennent pas de notre propre « élévation ». ruisselle comme la pluie / que ma parole distille de sens. comme la rosée. » (Deutéronome 32, 2) Une fois cette prise de conscience effectuée, Cependant, si c’est D.ieu qui suscite le désir, Il nous laisse le soin de le réaliser. Nous avons alors le Remarquant les deux métaphores employées l’éclat de notre mode de vie matérialiste se choix entre deux options : nous pouvons nous par Moïse, celle de la pluie et celle de la rosée, ternit. Notre enthousiasme à son égard s’évapore restreindre à cette unique inspiration, ou bien le Midrache en donne l’explication suivante : « et, comme l’humidité qui se dégage des océans, nous pouvons mettre celle-ci à proft pour en Le peuple d’Israël a demandé que son inspiration nous nous élevons vers un degré plus haut, plus stimuler d’autres qui nous conduiront à accomplir ruisselle comme la pluie, ce à quoi D.ieu répondit spirituel de l’existence. Et quand, de cette hauteur d’autres Mitsvot. ‘Non, pas comme la pluie. Il est préférable qu’elle nouvellement acquise, nous nous retournons avec distille comme la rosée.’ » Israël voulait la pluie et consternation vers notre passé, nous formons des En d’autres termes, nous pouvons soit faire de la D.ieu voulait la rosée. Qu’est-ce qui les différencie nuages de remords dans la haute atmosphère. pluie, soit attendre la prochaine rosée. ? Les deux sont constituées de vapeur condensée, les deux sont une forme d’humidité et les deux Ces nuages obscurcissent notre ciel, remplaçant Faisons donc pleuvoir. sont visibles au sol. notre enthousiasme par de la honte. Mais il ne faut pas leur permettre de rester en place. Des Cet essai est basé sur le discours de Rabbi Chnéour Leur différence réside dans leur origine. La pluie gouttes d’inspirations doivent rapidement perler Zalman de Lyadi fgurant dans son œuvre Likoutei se forme lorsque l’humidité d’en bas s’évapore en dans notre cœur et précipiter un épanchement Torah, p. 73b. s’élevant dans l’atmosphère où elle se condense, torrentiel d’amour pour D.ieu et nous conduire à forme des nuages et se précipite en pluie. La rosée étudier la Torah et à observer ses commandements, ne nécessite pas de vapeurs montantes, elle se les Mitsvot. forme ici-bas, au sol, quand la température tombe et que l’humidité ambiante entre en contact avec Désirs spontanés, réponse consciente Classes des surfaces plus froides. Le cycle de la pluie Connaissant la nature instable de l’homme, Moïse Thursdays at 12.00 in the Haime Library commence par une ascension alors que celui de savait que rares seraient ceux qui parviendraient Classes alternate between the following teachers: la rosée ne requiert pas d’ascension. à maintenir un haut degré de dévotion. C’est Dr. Hanna Barouk pourquoi il a demandé à D.ieu que notre Rabbi Amar Pour pouvoir comprendre l’importance que cette inspiration ruisselle comme la pluie. Rabbi Frankforter distinction revêt dans l’échange entre Moïse Rabbi Gansburg et D.ieu, il nous faut d’abord en expliquer la Il a demandé à D.ieu de considérer notre pénitence symbolique spirituelle. comme les gouttes de pluie qui se forment à FOR WOMEN ONLY partir des vapeurs venues d’en bas, sachant qu’elle 28 Latin Link Reflexion Semanal

Parasha de la Semana Tres Alabanzas también Su reinado, incluida una anulación total refere a los Cielos, y el más distante cuando a los mandatos Divino, y, más aún, aceptaron Su habla de la Tierra. Los Sabios señalan que era n la canción de Haazinu Moshe indica las yugo y se hicieron sirvientes en todo lo que una persona muy espiritual y que, por ende, alabanzas particulares del pueblo judío, respecta a sus vidas. en su caso los Cielos estaban muy cerca. Por Ey entre otras cosas dice: “los encontró en contraste, en lo que a él respecta, la Tierra y todo una tierra desierta”. La explicación sencilla del En mérito de esta alabanza Di-s se unió al lo material estaba más lejos. versículo es que Di-s encontró al pueblo judío pueblo judío en forma de “los encontró” - como en el desierto. Sin embargo, es difícil decir esto, dice el versículo “los encontró en una tierra Ahora, ¿qué hay de nosotros? ¿La Torá revela este ya que Di-s no encontró al pueblo en el desierto, desierta”. Así como una persona se alegra aspecto de Moshé sólo para impresionarnos con sino mucho antes, en Egipto. cuando encuentra algo, así Di-s se alegra con el lo sagrado que era, o hay una enseñanza que pueblo judío. Y a cambio también nos da algo también es relevante para nuestras vidas? Por eso explica de la siguiente manera: “encontrado” - la Redención fnal y completa, “A ellos los encontró feles en la tierra desierta, sobre la cual está escrito “Encontré a David mi Existe la idea jasídica de que dentro de cada porque recibieron Su Torá y Su reinado y Su sirviente”, rápido en nuestros días. individuo del pueblo judío hay una chispa de yugo, cosa que no hicieron Eisav e Ishmael”. Es Moshé. Es nuestro aspecto más profundo. En decir, es una alabanza especial del pueblo judío, ------relación con este Moshé interno, también en que Di-s los encontró feles a El en el desierto, nuestro caso, el Cielo está más cerca que la y la misma está compuesta de tres partes: 1) Su Tierra. Torá, 2) Su reinado y 3) Su yugo. Espíritu y materia “Pon la oreja, Cielo, y hablaré; Un momento. ¿No es nuestra tarea como seres Esta alabanza expresa el hecho de que el escucha, Tierra, las palabras de mi humanos y como judíos revelar la presencia de Di-s en el mundo? ¿Seguro tenemos que estar pueblo judío no se comportó como Eisav e boca” Ishmael que, cuando Di-s les propuso aceptar inmersos en las preocupaciones materiales de Por Tali Loewenthal la Torá, primero preguntaron qué estaba escrita la vida cotidiana? La respuesta jasídica es: “sí, en ella y la respuesta no les satisfzo, por lo Nuestras vidas tienden a estar divididas en ¡pero no tienen que deprimirte!”. Por supuesto que se negaron a recibirla. Por el contrario, los espíritu y materia, en lo sagrado y lo cotidiano. que estamos activos en el mundo. Pero al mismo Hijos de Israel mostraron una fe total en Di-s y tiempo tenemos una afnidad cercana con el aceptaron recibir la Torá en forma de “Haremos La dicotomía entre espíritu y materia, o entre el Cielo. Por eso las palabras de Moshé tienen y escucharemos”. Por esto los alaba Moshe: “ los Cielo y la Tierra, también se expresa al principio una relevancia directa para nosotros también. encontró en una tierra desierta”. de la lectura de la Torá de esta semana, Haazinu, Estamos activos en el mundo pero, en un sentido que toma la forma de un largo poema. Moshé más profundo, no nos limitamos a ello. Como dijimos, esta alabanza está compuesta por es el líder del pueblo judío y está lleno de amor tres partes, donde la primera es que “ recibieron por él, aunque también ve con dolor la historia Esta misma idea se expresa cuando se acerca la Su Torá”. Esto se refere al estudio de Torá en larga y tortuosa que le tocará vivir. Les advierte festividad de Sukot. La sucá representa nuestra forma de esfuerzo. También está incluida la sobre los errores que podrían llegar a cometer casa y nuestra vida de todos los días. A la vez, es observancia de las Mitzvot racionales, que en su relación con Di-s. Con dramatismo, Moshé una esfera espiritual. Una de las enseñanzas de tienen una explicación intelectual. primero le habla al pueblo judío sobre el Cielo Sukot es que sí, estamos en un mundo material. y la Tierra. Rashi nos cuenta que los llamaba Pero en cada momento tenemos el poder de Un nivel superior de alabanza del pueblo judío como testigos de las palabras de advertencia hacerlo sagrado. es que “recibieron Su reinado”. Aquí se revela en que citamos a continuación. una forma más profunda la fe en Di-s, ya que el pueblo judío está listo para recibir el reinado de Moshé dice: “Pon la oreja, Cielo, y hablaré; Di-s y observar Sus preceptos como decretos del escucha, Tierra, las palabras de mi boca”. Clases y Eventos Rey, sobre los cuales no se hacen preguntas. Porcion Semenal El hebreo es una lengua profunda y poética, Rabbi Shea Rubinstein Un nivel superior aún es que “recibieron Su lo que hace difícil la traducción al español. Lunes 8:45 pm - 9:45 pm yugo”. Aquí se simboliza una entrega absoluta a Tiene matices que a veces el español no puede Orden de rezos diarios y su signifcado mistico Di-s. Con la aceptación del reinado solamente, transmitir. Los Sabios comentan que la palabra (Para Mujeras) la persona no subordina los detalles de su vida haazinu, que se traduce como “poner la oreja” Sra. Vivian Perez particular hacia el rey, sino que sólo acepta (ozen signifca “oreja”) sugiere una cierta Martes 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm cumplir sus preceptos en lo referente al país. Sin proximidad. Si hay alguien parado a tu lado, 198 Park Dr. Bal Harbour embargo, cuando recibe el yugo del rey, signifca Por favor llamar al 305.213.3202 puedes hablarle al oído. Por contraste, la palabra para confrmar que se volvió un sirviente, con lo que subordina que se traduce como “escucha” sugiere una toda su vida al rey. distancia mayor, como si se llamara a alguien Kolel Espanol que está lejos. Rabbi Shlomi Halsband Esta es la alabanza del pueblo judío: no Miercoles 8:30 - 10:00 pm solamente aceptaron la Torá de Di-s, sino que Moshé usa el término más cercano cuando se Domingo 8:30 - 10:00 pm 29 PLEASE READ ONLY Networking AFTER SHABBOS Effective Advertising


30 PLEASE READ ONLY Networking AFTER SHABBOS Effective Advertising

PAID ADVERTISEMEnTS DO NOT CONSTITUTE ENDORSEMENTS BY ANY RABBIS OR THE SHUL. THE SHUL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REjECT ANY AD SUBMITTED. CITADEL REALTY, LLC. Raquel Sragowicz Cell: 305.588.2481 Email: [email protected] Bal Harbour: Plaza # 923 all decorated 1 Bed/ 1.5 Baths- 993 SQFT $415,000 Bay Harbor Islands: Riva- 9400 W. Bay Harbor Dr. 3 Beds/ 3.5 Baths- Decorated, 2,347 SQFT $1,450,000 Development Opportunity- 1040 - 94 St. 4 units- Rented- 2 beds/ 2 baths + den $1,650,000

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PAID ADVERTISEMENTS DO NOT CONSTITUTE ENDORSEMENTS BY ANY RABBIS OR THE SHUL. THE SHUL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REjECT ANY AD SUBMITTED. Totally renovated SURFSIDE TOWERS ( 9511 Collins Av) made into a TWO bedroom! Take advantage of LOW MAINTENANCE as a one bedroom! Porcelain floors and all new kitchen & baths Must see! Asking $550,000 . Motivated owner! Call Sara Smith: 305-951-9129 Harding Realty, Inc.

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Contacts at The Shul 305.868.1411 Rabbi Rabbi Sholom Lipskar Ext 311 Associate Rabbi Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Ext 345 Rabbi’s Executive Assistant Ms. Lydia Hasson Ext 311 Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar 305.992.8363 JLAC / Adult Ed/ Singles Rabbi Shea Rubinstein Ext 342 CYS College / Kolel Rabbi Dov Schochet 305.790.8294 Accounting Mrs. Geri Kelly Ext 341 Controller Mrs. Janice Barney Ext 318 Offce Manager Ms. Stacy Waxman Ext 313 Events / Offce Assistant Ms. Milena Liascovitz Ext 328 Youth Director / Dinner Mrs Devorah Leah Andrusier Ext 329 Youth Director Rabbi Shaykee Farkash Ext 329 Shul Gaboim Operations / Maintenance Rabbi Shlomi Katan Ext 319 Mr. Andrew Roth Reception / Accounts Payable Mrs. Mindy Natoli Ext 0 Mr. David Portnoy Mikvah Mrs. Devorah Failer 305.323.2410 Rabbi Henry Eichler Pre-School Mrs. Chana Lipskar Ext 325 Mr. Ettai Einhorn Sephardic Minyan Chazan Shimshon Tzubeli 305.865.4205 Mr. David Ben-Arie Hebrew School / Editor Mrs. Aurit Katan 786.382.9006 Mr. Seth Salver Hashkama Minyan Mr. Lazer Milstein 305.349.3040 Mashgiach Mr. Mordechai Olesky 786.262.9115

Board of Trustees Foundation Trustees Ambassador Isaac Gilinski - Chairman Mike Izak Albert Pollans - President Simon Falic Alberto Kamhazi Jaime Gilinski Sidney Feltenstein Shmuel Katz M.D. David Lichter Matias Garfunkel Leo Kryss Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Jaime Gilinski Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Monroe Milstein - Treasurer Max Gilinski Lazer Milstein Gilinski Michael Perez Board of Directors Sam Greenberg Claudio Stivelman Mitch Feldman – President Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar Abel Holtz Morris Tabacinic Eric Stein – Vice President Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar Joel Baum CPA – Treasurer Lazer Milstein Executive Committee Rabbi Zalman Lipskar – Secretary Orit Osman Mitchell Feldman - Chair Bruce Gelb Devorah Leah Andrusier Brian Roller Janice Barney Gielchinsky Eli Dominitz Yaacov Saidof Maurice Egozi David Schottenstein Joel Baum CPA Evelyn Katz Henry Eichler Daniel Shapiro Max Benoliel Rabbi Sholom Dovber Lipskar Daniel Gielchinsky Daniel Sragowicz Dovid Duchman Rabbi Zalman Lipskar Jacob Givner Cynthia Stein Steven M. Dunn Ryan Shapiro Nicole Katz Kavana Michael Tabacinic Maurice Egozi Marc Sheridan Gregory Levine Jose Yankelevitch Velvel Freedman Eric P. Stein 33 Daily Study A complete guide to all classes and courses offered at The Shul


Derech Mitzvosecha 6:20 - 6:50 am Daf Yomi 9:00 am In Depth Chumash 1:30 pm PHL 101 PHL-301 PHL-501 Rabbi Z. Lipskar TXT 220 Rabbi Dov Schochet TXT-110 Rabbi Dov Schochet Daf Yomi 7:45 - 8:45 am Tanya - Sichos 8:00 - 10:00 pm Insights to our Daily Prayers TXT-220 Rabbi Dov Schochet PHL-322 Rabbi Shlomo Haltzband (Spanish) 8:45 - 9:45 pm PHL-120 Rabbi S. Rubinstien Chok L’Yisrael - Sephardic 8:45 am Reb Shimshon Tzubeli Women’s Study Group 8:30 - 10:00 pm TXT-110 Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar Chassisdic Discourses 10:15 - 11:00 am At the home of: PLEASE CALL PHL-322 PHL-510 Rabbi S. Rubinstien THE SHUL FOR DETAILS Community Kollel (Men) 8:00 - 9:30 pm (Monday & Thursday) LAW-154 Shul Rabbis & Kolel


Women’s Morning Torah Class Parsha (Men & Women) Senior Torah Academy 12:00 - 1:00 pm 11:15 am - 12:00 pm Pirkei Avot ETH-101 Rabbi Dov Schochet 10:00 - 11:30 am TXT-110 Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar i TXT-501 Rabbi S. Rubinstien Women’s Tanya Class In Depth Tanya Class (Men & Women) Senior Torah Academy (Men & Women) (Spanish) 2:00 - 2:30 pm 11:30 - 12:30 pm 12:00 - 1:00 pm PHL-120 Mrs. Vivian Perez PHL-320 PHL-501 Rabbi Sholom Lipskar TXT-120 Rabbi Dov Schochet 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village (Main Sanctuary) - Years 2780 -2835 Tanya Class - English 1:00 - 2:00 pm Women’s Torah Portion Class French Class Will Resume in Fall PHL-120 Mrs. Vivian Perez (Spanish) 2:30 - 3:45 pm 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village 12:00 pm Haime Library TXT-110 Mrs. Vivian Perez Women’s Tanya Class (Spanish) 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village SpanishWill Kolel Resume - Chassidus in Fall 8:00 - 10:00 pm 11:00 am - 1:00 pm PHL-301 Rabbi Shlomo Haltzband PHL-320 Mrs. Vivian Perez Call Vivian for details - 305.213.3202