Annual Report 2014-2015

hope center annual report | 2014-2015 1 Where We’ve Been... Where We’re Going Mission To care for homeless and at-risk persons by providing life-sustaining and life-rebuilding services that are comprehensive and address underlying causes.

1 hope center annual report | 2014-2015 Each person who Sinceenters 1993, theour Hope doors Center mission has stayed theis same:unique. to care for . .homeless and at risk persons by providing life-sustaining and life-rebuilding services that are comprehensive and address underlying causes. 3 contBoard of Directorsents Each program and facility the Hope Center offers 4 Letter from Executive Director presents people with a new path: action over inaction, 5 Client Stories health over deterioration, recovery over addiction, and 6 Emergency Shelter a hand up over a handout. They’re going somewhere, 7 Client Stories 8 Mental Health Program/ and we’re the road they’re taking to get there. The Jacobs Hope Cafeteria Hope Center is not just a homeless shelter, but a 9 Recovery Program for Men comprehensive group of programs designed to get 10 Recovery Program for Women people off the streets and keep them off. The root causes 11 Permanent Housing of homelessness vary widely. That is why each of our 12 Housing First programs is so important. Each person who enters our 13 One Parent Scholar House doors is unique, and in need of a unique set of resources. 14 Outreach Programs Our goal is to provide each of them with the tools they 15 Donors need to rebuild their lives, leave where they’ve been 19 Seeds of Hope behind, and get to where they’re going. 20 In-kind Donors 21 Volunteers 22 Johnny Carino’s Hoops for Hope 23 Ball Homes Night of Hope 24 Don & Mira Ball Education Builds Hope Our thanks to Shelly Petty and Rochambeau 25 Financials Photography for many of the beautiful pictures 26 Where We’ve Been...Where We’re in this year’s Annual Report. Going hope center annual report | 2014-2015 2 Don Ball, Chair Chris Ford Timothy Melton Connie Joiner, Vice Chair 2014-2015Commissioner Board of Social Services,of D LFUCGirectorsKentucky Utilities John McCarty, Vice Chair Rufus Friday Terry Mobley Lexington Capital Advisors Lexington Herald-Leader Jim Murray Bill Rouse, Vice Chair Matthew R. Galbraith UPS Rouse Companies Community Trust & Investment Company George Privett, Jr., M.D. Mike Scanlon, Vice Chair Frank Hamilton Lexington Diagnostic Center and Open MRI Thomas & King Nally & Gibson Georgetown Al Speler Patrick Brewer, Treasurer Dr. Janie Heath Lexmark UK College of Nursing Richard Stephenson Cathy Jacobs, Secretary Mark Henderson Stoll Keenon Odgen PLLC Breeding Henderson & Hord Gail Bennett Solomon Van Meter, JD, MBA Louis Hillenmeyer, III WUKY Bill Bridges Barry Holmes Rev. Bonnie Quantrell Jones Quantrell Cadillac, Inc. Lexington Housing Authority Jean Cravens Ron Brown Steve Kelly Board of Sustainers R.L. Brown Wealth Management Central Bank Harry Cohen Malcolm Ratchford, M.S., CCAP Danesh Mazloomdoost, M.D. R. Douglas Ezzell Community Action Council Pain Management Medicine Ellie Hawse Chauncey S.R. Curtz Scott McKinney Gordon Hyde, MD Scientific Imaging Technology Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP William James Sprow, III Robert Straus, MD

This year, Lexington lost a great friend and generous philanthropist Inwith theMemoriam passing of Don Jacobs, Sr. Long-time supporters of rebuilding lives, most recently Don and Cathy Jacobs built the Jacobs Hope Cafeteria on West Loudon, a beautiful facility which serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner to hundreds of homeless, veteran, and mentally-ill clients every day. They also built the Don and Cathy Jacobs House which houses men in recovery, veterans, employment and mental health programs. As part of his Hope Center involvement, Don Don Jacobs, Sr. has supported events, capital campaigns and emergency shelter 1934-2015 renovations plus the One Parent Scholar House. He, and his wife

3 hope center annual report | 2014-2015 Cathy, will always be a part of the Hope Center family. He was a man who put his caring into action and he will be greatly missed. It is customary to devote this space to describing the path the Hope Center has followed during the fiscal year just concluded. For instance, in December we entered into a contract withLetter the Lexington-Fayette from Executive Urban County Government Director to initiate and conduct a Housing First program. Housing First is an approach to homelessness that has gained a lot of support in recent years. The idea is to get homeless people into affordable permanent housing as quickly as possible and offer needed services to them once they are housed. For many homeless people it is the most promising approach.

While reviewing the year, however, it occurred to me that I first came to the Hope Center 20 years ago this fall. Numbers with zeros at the end of them tend to spur a certain amount of reflection.

In 1995 the Hope Center managed one building, the city-owned emergency shelter. About 130 men slept there on an average night. We now own or manage facilities where an average of 800 men, women and children find a safe and secure place to sleep at night. That includes about 80 parents and 100 children at One Parent Scholar House.

That also includes the Emergency Shelter, recovery centers for both men and women, two permanent housing facilities, again one for men and one for women, a transitional housing residence, and a new dining facility. We also direct a recovery program in the local detention center, although, as you might suspect, we do not oversee the residential aspect of that program.

Looking back at the road from then to now, I can’t help remembering the many generous supporters who made these things possible. I think of Don and Mira Ball and of Billy Gatton and Bonnie Quantrell Jones. Without them the Hope Center would have simply closed within weeks.

Then there is Dr. George Privett, Jr. His support for the Hope Center Foundation and the recovery center bearing his name has been crucial. The backing of the family of Barbara Hardwick Rouse has appeared in many ways, including the permanent housing facility for clients coming out of our women’s recovery program. Doug Ezzell and his family have been steadfast in their support.

Don and Cathy Jacobs were instrumental in the construction of our two most recent buildings and the renovation of the original emergency shelter. We will miss Don.

Then there are the people who do the hardest work of all, the many dedicated and caring people of the Hope Center staff. I am thankful for them every day.

It has been quite a journey over the last two decades. The Hope Center has come a long way. What is even more important is the fact that thousands of desperate people have also come a long way, the long way back on the path from homelessness and hopelessness to lives of stability and self-reliance.

Let me end by thanking so many of you who will read this page. Your support and generosity keep this place running. More than 14,000 individuals and businesses have given to the Hope Center over the last twenty years. That is humbling. Thank you so much.

Cecil Dunn, Executive Director

hope center annual report | 2014-2015 4 Client Stories We help. We heal. We give hope. Before coming to the Hope Center, I was a choir director at my dad’s church, I studied music, ballet, “Everything outwardlymodern, was jazz, fine, voice, and but tap atI a performingwas so torn arts high up school, on andthe was inside.” a constant performer. I left high – Greg, Men’s Recoveryschool my Program senior year to take a job on a cruise ship. From there, the opportunities started rolling in. I went to Japan, Finland, Sweden — all over the world, performing. At first I was just a dancer, then a singer-dancer, then a company manager. In between trips, I did shows at Actors Theatre of Louisville, Music Theatre of Louisville, and Center for the Performing Arts, and I was always in community shows.

Between all of these jobs, I started feeling lonely and overwhelmed, so I drank. I went to other recovery programs and had stints of sobriety here and there, but nothing ever stuck. Slowly but surely I just stopped auditioning for shows, and then my word wasn’t any good. My drinking made me doubt what I could do and what I deserved. And then it got to the point where drinking stopped making me feel better, and that’s the most miserable feeling - when it doesn’t work.

To everyone else, nothing looked wrong. I had money, a car, a beautiful apartment. Everything outwardly was fine, but I was so torn up on the inside. In fact, everyone who saw me would always say “Oh, you’re in such great shape, you’re fine, you’re so young, you just don’t know when to say when.” And for years I believed that. I could not make myself see that I was an alcoholic, and that I was spiritually and mentally bankrupt.

Once you’ve got recovery in you, it’s hard to drink. That’s what happened to me. The more I drank the more miserable I was, because I already knew it wasn’t going to work, and I knew that hammer was going to drop. If I could do the things I did while I was drinking, then there was no limit to what I could do without it. This is my third time at the Hope Center. This time, there’s no excuse. Every day, I want to be a positive influence on people who don’t know or who never imagined life without using. I’ve been the kitchen supervisor at the Privett Center for over a month. I didn’t know anything about the kitchen job, I didn’t apply for it, but my higher power knew and provided me this arena to help. You never know what blessings lie in the unknown.

My life was basically bouncing around from place to place. I carried my clothes around in garbage bags. I destroyed every relationship I had with my family. I’ve lost my children, more than once. I graduated “This program has familyhelped drug courtme andfind relapsed myself.” the day they – toldJami, me I wasWomen’s finished. I stoleRecovery money from Programmy mom. She wanted me to go to treatment, so I came to the Hope Center for the first time in 2005. I was doing things I was told to do because I knew I had to do them in order to get what I wanted. Long story short, this is my seventh time in treatment.

Before I came to the Hope Center this time, I was drinking from the time I woke up until I went to bed, putting anything and everything into my body, and I didn’t want to live anymore. I went to jail. After a few weeks, I came out of the stupor and decided that I would be most productive in the Hope Center program in jail. I completed, and by the grace of God, the judge let me come straight to the Hope Center once I was released. I knew that I was not ready to live life on life’s terms. This time, I asked to come to the Hope Center— I wasn’t forced to. I wasn’t here to get my kids back, I wasn’t here to appease my mother, I wasn’t here to make a judge happy. I was here because it was a matter of life and death. I knew that this was my last hope.

When I first came here, they told me it would be simple, but not easy. Recovery doesn’t mean we get the things back that we lost; it means we find ourselves. This program has helped me find myself. Today I have my own apartment, and I just signed my second contract as a peer mentor. I’m the grandmother of a beautiful, one-year-old granddaughter who will never have to see me use or drink. I have my children back in my life. And I love myself. At the end of the day, I’m tired because I’ve been productive, not because I’ve been out trying to figure out where I’m going to sleep or eat that day, or because I’ve been working just to blow my money on drugs and alcohol. I’m tired because I’ve helped people all day, and I’ve gotten off work and gotten straight on a bus to go to a meeting, or meeting with my sponsor and doing homework. Everything I’m doing is for my recovery, and not because I’m trying to find the next fix. That’s what the Hope Center has done for me.

5 hope center annual report | 2014-2015 Emergency Shelter

Our Employment The Hispanic The Department Hispanic OurSoc Socialial Services ProgramEmploy supportsment Program helps Typically,Hyde H homelessope ofVe Veteranstera nsAffairs caseworkersService s Pclients’rogram efforts to: PSpanish-speakingrogram: individualsHealth do Pawardedrogram the Hope: Passistro clientsgram with: find employment clients overcome Clinot havenic: access Center a grant housing, health by offering the language to regular health designed to help care, transportation, them training barriers that stand care. We offer our reduce the number finances, and opportunities, between them clients free health of veterans who connect them with transportation and independent care services at the are homeless and other resources and to interviews, living. The bilingual newly-renovated without essential agencies as needed. résumé and coordinator of this health clinic, named services. The grant Last year, the Social referral assistance, program ensures for long-time Hope assists the Hope Services Program help finding off- that our Spanish- Center board Center in conducting provided 12,038 site housing, speaking clients member Dr. Gordon extensive outreach services to 1,611 information about benefit fully from Hyde. This clinic programs, clinical clients. higher education, programs offered by has four medical assessments, mental and more. Last year, the Hope Center. exam rooms and a health treatment, 4,485 services were Last year, the dental exam room, alcohol and drug provided to clients Hispanic Program all staffed by medical abuse counseling, requesting assistance provided 2,244 professionals and employment services. with employment from HealthFirst assistance. Veterans and housing. Bluegrass. Last participating in this year, the Hyde program are housed Hope Health Clinic in a separate area provided services of the shelter in to 550 clients. The two dorms, with a Women’s Recovery common area and Program also kitchen, and laundry employs a full-time facilities. Last The Emergency Shelter is the first step on the road nurse practitioner. year, 86 veterans to self-sustainability for most Hope Center clients, were provided with housing, meals, and and the doorway to the programs we provide. social services. Opened in 1993, the shelter provided 73,790 nights of lodging and 39,002 articles of clothing last year, as well as housing several of our programs. hope center annual report | 2014-2015 6 Client Stories We help. We heal. We give hope. I grew up in , and joined the Marine Corps in 1995. My father and grandfather were also Marine Corps Veterans. Over 15 years ago, I moved to Lexington and I had a great job doing tile “I came here becauseand hardwood it was installationsafer for in me.”new homes. – John, But my worldVeterans was turned Program upside down in 2012, when I was in a horrible car accident on the way to work. I was in a coma for seven weeks, and hospitalized for six months. I had a traumatic brain injury, and I lost function in my right hand. Even now, I have limited use of my right leg and my vision isn’t as good as it was. When I woke up in the hospital nearly two months after the accident, I couldn’t even remember anything about the time before it happened. After intense physical therapy, I’m walking again. After the accident, my girlfriend and mother of my children, who are five and six, started abusing drugs. I don’t use drugs, and I knew I had to get away from that. I moved in to a place with some other folks who ended up using too, and stealing or destroying everything I had. Eventually, I didn’t have a place to live or even a car. My disability meant I couldn’t work, so I turned to the Hope Center for help. I came here because it was safer for me. I entered the Veterans Program and the staff is helping me with my paperwork so that I can get my military benefits and get VA medical support. Over a year ago, my girlfriend took my children away to , so my number one goal is getting back on my feet and getting custody of them, so I can raise them in a safe environment. It’s not easy – I’ve had some job interviews, but it’s hard to get hired with my disability. My background is in physical labor, which I just can’t do anymore. I’m praying so much right now. I just want to get my kids back. I’m rebuilding my life here at the Hope Center. That accident could have killed me, but it’s hard to kill a Marine; we’re pretty tough.

I was born and raised in Nicholasville. I had a beautiful childhood. After high school, I went to work, and worked for 35 years, until I was no longer able to work. Before I came to the Hope “We help each otherCenter, through there were the things healing that were process.” bringing me down,– Alexander, and I was drinking, Emergency which made Shelter it all worse. I didn’t like what came with my drinking, and I wanted to better myself. I’m not a quitter. So I stopped feeling sorry for myself and just got up. I was a cowboy without a horse, but I had a couple of ropes, so I finally caught a horse.

I’ve been here a little over a year. The interaction I have here with all these different people— it’s a healing process both for me and for others. We help each other through the healing process. I’ve been blessed with a good caseworker in Mr. Shawn. I do chores around here to keep my rent paid. I talk to guys here about keeping a positive attitude, and their outlook. Nobody brought me here but me, and the same goes for everyone here, in my opinion. The kind of place I really want I’m not able to get now, but it will come. I’m looking at a job doing patient safety, something I have experience in. It’ll be a nice break from here and a way to improve my financial situation. I’ll stay here for a while so I can save up for my own place. Being here will help me find my way back to being the person I want to be.

7 hope center annual report | 2014-2015 Mental health programLast year, the Mental Health Program provided an average of over 2,000 services each month, from medications, therapy, and housing to life skills groups, payee services, and dual-diagnosis groups. Each year, several clients are housed in the community and continue to live independently with the help of weekly visits from their Hope Center case manager. The regular visits and case management assistance The Don & Cathy Jacobs House is the main facility are only one part of what makes this program for our Transitional Housing program, and houses so unique. Ultimately, the Mental Health menDon participating & Cathy in several Jaco of ourb sprograms, Hous e Team stabilizes clients and prepares them for including Recovery, Employment, and Mental Health. Built in 2012, this 144-bed facility reduces community living regardless of the time it takes the capacity pressure of the Emergency Shelter. Last to achieve these goals. year, the Jacobs House provided 43,880 nights of lodging for clients in several programs.

JBuiltaco in 2012,bs theHo Jacobspe CaHopef Cafeteriaeteria feeds the men staying in both the Emergency Shelter and the Don and Cathy Jacobs House in a modern and pleasant setting. Volunteers serve breakfast, lunch and dinner here every day of the year; nearly 450 meals are served each day. Dinner at Jacobs Hope Cafeteria is open to the community, in addition to Hope Center clients. Last year, 159,745 meals were served from the Jacobs Cafeteria to Hope Center clients and community members in need. hope center annual report | 2014-2015 8 The Privett Center was built in 2008 andGeorge filled a Privettneed to accommodate Recovery Program for Men Recoverymore men in our C recoveryenter program, Since its beginning in 1996, the Recovery Program and provide a quiet, dedicated for Men has helped over 2,000 men to battle active environment in which to focus on recovery. The Privett Center has 134 addiction and move into sobriety and self-sustainability. beds for Recovery Program clients in This program provides a long-term recovery approach Phase 1 and Phase 2, and provided that is both peer-driven and professionally supervised. 46,215 nights of lodging and 138,645 Our recovery program has a high rate of success, with meals in 2014. an 84% decrease in alcohol use and an 88% decrease in illegal drug use reported. Last year, 223 men completed this program.

Client Stories We help. We heal. We give hope. I grew up in an alcoholic family. My dad stopped drinking when I was 12 years old. He was involved in a program, and when he died, he had 22 years of sobriety. My parents always suspected I had a problem “I had to accept thatwith I alcohol,was powerless.” but they couldn’t get – the C truthhris, out Men’s of me. By Recoverythe time I was 16, Program I had been to three different treatment facilities. For a while after those, I stayed sober, but didn’t really do any step work. Just six months here, eight months there. After a couple of runaways, and bad behavior, I was sent to a long-term program for eight months. I did stints in group homes and some time in juvenile detention.

My bottom was not being able to take care of my family, struggling every day to survive and get high. One night, during my heavy crack use, my daughter was at the house I was staying at. After I put the kids to bed, it was my time; I smoked crack for several hours. My daughter came into the room, sick, not being able to sleep, stomach hurting, crying, and I knew right then, that this was a direct effect of me smoking crack in the house. And that was the last time I ever let her come stay with me.

It takes being removed from the drug itself to have that moment of clarity, to see the truth about yourself and what you’ve been doing. And it sickened me, everything I gave up in my life just to use. When I got to the Hope Center, I started really taking a look at the first three steps. I had to accept that I was powerless and there was no reason good enough for me to stop using. Every single morning now, I hit my knees and pray. For the longest time, all I prayed for was for God to keep me sober. It is so nice to wake up and not dread the day to come, and not instantly be angry. The steps and this program have really changed my life.

9 hope center annual report | 2014-2015 The success of the Recovery Program forBall-Quantrell Men led to a demand Jones for the Recovery Program for woMen Recoverysame opportunity Center for women, and Approximately 80 women are served by the Recovery in 2002, the 80 bed Ball-Quantrell Program for Women at any given time and there is normally Jones Recovery Center for Women was built. Last year, this facility a waiting list of more wishing to enter. Since 2002, 532 provided 27,246 nights lodging and women have completed all aspects of the program. served 81,615 meals.

Client Stories We help. We heal. We give hope. The Hope Center was not my first rehab experience; this was my fourth and the second one I completed. So needless to say, when I arrived at the Hope Center in April of 2014, I thought I knew everything about “I am no longer therecovery, aunt everythinghiding aboutfrom AA, the and aboutcops.” addiction. – C Butarla, what Women’sI did not realize Recovery when I came was Program that I was not living what I knew. There is a difference.

I grew up in an alcoholic household. From the outside, we were the perfect family. My mom was the PTA mom who made brownies for everything. But we always lived a lie. The fighting and addiction were kept secret. And I soon learned I was begging for attention and affirmation.

My addiction started when I was 18. I thought it was fun and I started with alcohol, pot and Xanax. But when I was introduced to cocaine, my world was turned upside down. I was stealing for my addiction. My first charge was when I was 19, and things only escalated from there: more jail time, more rehab centers, a stint of sobriety. But cocaine always seemed to get me back.

In the Big Book, it says you can’t do the same things and expect different results. I wanted something different. I wanted recovery and I wanted to live the solution. I had always lived the lie. I soon learned that I have always run when things got real. I choose to stay in the Hope Center program, and to make it real. I began working in the Hope Center kitchen, stayed on as a peer mentor and became the kitchen supervisor. I learned what made me happy. I love to work. And I love to smile. I know how to actually live the steps. I now have my own apartment at the Rouse House, I pay my own bills, and am taking classes at BCTC, where I’m studying to be a social worker or counselor.

While I was living in addiction, I was playing with my nieces in the front yard one day. A police car drove by and my niece said, “Carla, run inside so they don’t see you!” That was a telling moment in my life. But now I can be a real aunt. I am no longer the aunt that cops are looking for. My nieces can look up to me. I have learned to be someone. I sometimes just look around and think, “Wow, look at this.”

hope center annual report | 2014-2015 10 No matter where you’re going in life, having a home helps you get there faster. Throughperma our permanentne housingnt programs,hous we’rein givingg prclientso a sanctuarygram that will allow them to contemplate their journey in a safe and sober environment.

This 40-unit efficiency apartment building provides male clients who are ready to move back into the community with a low-cost, drug- and alcohol-freeHillPermanent R residenceis Heousing thatPla supports cfore their Men continued recovery. Male residents have access to the Hope Center’s employment, recovery and social services programs as well as the Hyde Hope Health Clinic. The facility has a number of amenities, including a community room for AA and NA meetings, a community kitchen, coin laundry facilities and an active tenant council.

Opened in 2010, this 44-unit apartment building provides BPermanentaffordable,arbara permanent Housing Hhousing. Rous for women Women ewithout Hous concern e about the lives they have left behind. Featuring similar amenities to the Hill Rise facility, this drug- and alcohol-free facility helps women further their recovery while becoming more independent and moving toward a new stage of their lives.

11 hope center annual report | 2014-2015 HIn ousDecemberin 2014,g Fir thest Hope P Centerrogram was awarded a grant to provide housing and case management through the Housing First Pilot Project. Through this program, 20 chronically homeless people in the community are placed in permanent housing and assigned a caseworker. The program is designed to get the hard-to-house into permanent housing and to show that it is more cost-effective to move these individuals off the streets. The clients targeted by the Housing First model are frequent utilizers of emergency rooms, detention centers, and psychiatric hospitals. Our first Housing First client was moved into an apartment in March of 2015, and since then, all available openings for the program have been filled.

Client Stories We help. We heal. We give hope. After my last incarceration, my daughter came to pick me up, and she asked me, “Are you through?” Her father asked me, “Do you like being told what to do? Because you’re going back to prison.” Those two statements from “I’ve never felt this twohappy people Ibefore care about inreally my opened life.” my eyes. – Bonita, I looked at myH lifeousing and decided First I could either go up or down. I knew that I wanted some kind of hope in my life. I wasn’t a bad person – I just made bad choices. I didn’t trust anyone. My kids and I didn’t have a bond. I was tired, and needed something to happen.

I’ve been homeless off and on since 2013. I have never really received help before, or had a strong support network. When I met Mikal [Hope Center caseworker], I could feel how much she wanted to help me. I found my little apartment, and I’ve been there since March. Housing First is a fabulous program. It’s awesome to go home at night. I don’t have to worry about anyone putting me out, feeling uncomfortable, or cold – I feel good. And I’m able to make the right choices, physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I set positive goals for myself every day, and take one thing at a time. I’m trying to get my health together, and I couldn’t do that, because I was here, there, and everywhere. I want to get my GED, and I’m studying all the time. I go to my workshop three times a week and try to stay busy. I found a job, I’m in a class, I’ve been going to Dress for Success, to counseling, to church, and doing everything I can do to help myself. I’m blessed and un-stressed.

The Hope Center saved my life — there’s no telling where I may have been. It’s no joke out there. I’ve never felt this happy before in my life. I’m honored to be a part of this program.

hope center annual report | 2014-2015 12 OOnen Parente Pare Scholarnt House Scho helps singlelar parents Hous earne a college degree by providing affordable housing for their families, on-site child care and development for their children, counseling, and support from a community of staff and neighbors. Single-parent families are housed in 80 apartments, and our 3-Star rated on-site Child Development Center offers early education and care for residents’ children ages six weeks to five years. The The Hope Center wishes to recognize and thank the Lexington Housing Authority for a partnership that families receivebegan all in this 2002 toat assist little formerly or no homeless cost. and at-risk individuals in finding safe, affordable housing. The Lexington Housing Authority has granted the Hope Center 144 Housing Choice Vouchers that are utilized at four residential environments. The Lexington Housing Authority also provides 80 Housing Choice Vouchers to One Parent Scholar House to help single parent students house their children while they pursue higher education. This partnership is invaluable because of the financial impact and the positive social contribution it provides in assisting at-risk individuals to become self-sufficient, contributing members of their community.

Client Stories We help. We heal. We give hope. Soon after I started my first year at EKU I discovered that I was expecting. My son’s dad and I were together for “If I was not here, I wouldabout two notyears. Webe lived as together,happy but as it justI am, didn’t and work out.wouldn’t When our relationship be able ended, to do my sonmy Noah best and by him.” – Madyson,I had O nowherene Parent to go, so S wecholar moved in H withouse my mom in for the summer. My mom told me I had to figure something out, and she stumbled upon One Parent Scholar House. At first, I had too much pride. I wanted to do it myself: get my own apartment, go to school – I didn’t want being a single mom to define me, I didn’t want to be associated with what I thought a place like One Parent was. But she persisted because she saw what a great program it is. We investigated further, and I applied and started making plans to move back to Kentucky.

My father is a pastor and my mom is a principal. I had always planned on going to college. My mother has five degrees and my dad has two or three. Growing up in an upper-middle class household makes living on assistance difficult for me. I don’t want to get comfortable with it. I’m attending BCTC for my associate degree in Marketing and I plan to attend the University of the Cumberlands for my Bachelor’s degree in business administration. Had I not come here, I wouldn’t have discovered what I’m truly capable of.

One Parent is a safe haven, I have to say. When I first came in I thought it would be like a sorority house! But it’s not that way at all. There are all kinds of different women with different values and circumstances. I met a girl who’s a close friend now, and we talk on the porch every night. It’s very therapeutic. It’s a place where we can all understand that we’re not alone, and that this is the new normal for us all. We’re not the odd ones out. I like our monthly meetings too, and I use the computer lab almost every day. Noah is very social, and loves school here. I love his teachers. I’m a strong believer in “happy parent happy child.” If I was not here, I would not be as happy as I am, and wouldn’t be able to do my best by him.

13 hope center annual report | 2014-2015 Important Hope Center work takes place outside of our walls every day. Our teams in Othe communityutrea are providingch P life-rebuildingrogram services sto those in need, no matter where Thethey Hopeare. Center offers a recovery program for men and women at the Fayette County Detention Center. A staff of recovering men and women guide inmate clients through a four-month intensive recovery program. Detention Center clients Dareetention also given the C opportunityenter Program: to continue their recovery programs after release by transitioning directly into the Hope Center’s Recovery Programs. In addition to providing life-changing, life-saving experiences to at-risk men and women, the program also saves our community thousands of tax dollars by dramatically reducing the re-arrest rate of the clients who complete the program.

The Mobile Outreach Team works from the streets of Lexington to help homeless people wherever they might be. This team includes a nurse and two caseworkers who reach out to homeless and marginally-housed community members from a custom HmotoropeMobile home, the HopeMobile, Mobile parked Outreach at a different Program: downtown church location each weekday. Last year, 11,292 services were provided for people requesting assistance with basic needs including food, clothing and healthcare, and referrals for shelter, counseling and job training at the Hope Center and other agencies.

The Hope Center wishes to thank Baptist Health for their generous and continual support of the HopeMobile and the Mobile Outreach Program. hope center annual report | 2014-2015 14 $10,000-$99,999 Mr. and Mrs. John P. McCarty Mr. Raphael A. Finkel & Mr. and Mrs. Don Ball Mr. Timothy A. Mowery and Ms. Beth Goldstein Ball Homes Mrs. Mary C. Mowery Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gardner BallThanks Realty LLC to our Generous DNurseryonors Place, — LLC 2014-2015 Green’s Toyota of Lexington Baptist Health ORKIN Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hall Blue Grass Community Foundation Ms. Vanessa R. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Eberley Davis Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Harrod Concrete & Stone Co. Don Jacobs Charitable Foundation Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Lionel A. Hawse Foundation For Drug-Free Youth Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rodrigue Hilary Boone Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Don Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Rosenberg Hisle & Company Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McGurk Mr. and Mrs. William Rouse Mr. and Mrs. David S. Hulse Mr. Paul Mulhollem and Ms. Valerie K. Cravens Dr. and Mrs. Robert Straus Ms. La Vonne Jaeger Estate of Larry Perkins UK College of Nursing Justice Real Estate The Spray Foundation Inc. UK Healthcare Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Kain Dr. and Mrs. Michael Karpf $5,000-$9,999 UPS Keeneland Association Wabuck Development Kentucky American Water Co. Mr. Gary Huff and Mrs. Wanda Bertram Walmart Foundation Kentucky Housing Corporation Bluegrass Runners Mr. and Mrs. Kris Kimel Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cambron $1,000-1,999 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kosieniak First Presbyterian Church Alltech Ms. Kathy A. Loeb Gerald Nissan Subaru Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Bardo Louis Flower Power Shops Mr. and Mrs. Neil D. Gerald Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Barrett Man O’ War Church of God Johnny Carino’s Italian Beacon Properties Ms. Logan Marksbury JWC III Rev., Trust Beaumont Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Maxwell Kentucky Utilities Mr. Sonny Beckley Mr. John M. McDonald,III Link-Belt Mr. and Mrs. Perry M. Bentley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McNutt Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Milward Bluegrass Office Systems, Inc. Mr. Joseph Minor Second Presbyterian Church Bluegrass Chapter of Credit Unions Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Musick Thomas & King, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Booher Lexington Diagnostic Center & Open MRI UPS Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bratten Ms. Julane J. Parker Mr. Thomas M. Wynne and Mrs. Joni K. Breeding PNC Bank Ms. Mary M. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Brewer Powell Walton Milward, a division of J. Smith Lanier Ms. Carolyn P. Brock Mr. Jerome P. Prather $2,000-4,999 Mr. Ronald Brown Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Rodes Dr. Adnan Ahmed and Mr. Randy Ahmed Mr. and Mrs. Ron Cadle Mr. Warren Rosenthal Altar’d State Fayette Mall Calvary Christian Church Mr. Terry Scariot Ashland, Inc. Car Town Kia USA Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Schulman AVNET CarePlus Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Scott, Jr. Bluegrass Land Title LLC CareSource Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sprow III Caller Family Charitable Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Case Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Derek D. Vaughan Central Bank & Trust Co. Cardinal Office Products Mr. David R. Verble Christ Church C.R.O.S.S. Ministries Clay Ingels Company, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Whitley Christian Word Ministries Commercial Property Assoc. of Lexington Yum! Brands Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Catesby Clay Ms. Hannah Conover Computer Services and Solutions Mr. and Mrs. Owen Cropper $500-999 Mr. Richard G. Correll Crutcher Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Acree Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Cravens Mr. Samuel T. Delaney Anderson Park Plaza, LLC & Ramsey Crestwood Christian Church Ms. Rose M. Dow Park Plaza, LLC Mr. Scott Cutlip Elizabeth C. Thomas Fund Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Daniel Family Foundation Fashion Angels Arlington Christian Church Mr. and Mrs. Brian Davis Mr. Ambrose W. Givens, Sr. Atchison Heller Construction Company Mrs. Mary Ann Davis Mr. H. Price Headley, Jr. Barbourville Shopping Center, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Kent L. Davis Dr. Gordon L. Hyde Mr. A. S. Bennett and Dean Dorton Allen Ford, PLLC. Ms. Anita A. Britton J.J.B. Hilliard, W.L. Lyons, LLC Dinsmore & Shohl LLP Mr. and Mrs. David Blackwell Jack Kain Ford Mr. and Mrs. Cecil F. Dunn Bluegrass Corvette Club, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kessinger Federal Home Loan Bank of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bolash Lexington Clinic Fifth Third Bank Mr. Jim Bowman and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McAlister Ms. Pamela M. Shaughnessy

15 hope center annual report | 2014-2015 Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bright $100-499 Mr. Albert J. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Cauthen Ms. Mara Abolins Ms. Paula Ashcraft Mrs. Deborah Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Randall B. Adams Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital Mr. Thomas M. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. David C. Adkisson Mr. J. L. Cashen and Ms. Susan B. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Coy Advantage Air Central Kentucky Excavation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Deener Ahava Center for Spiritual Living Mr. and Mrs. Don Chesnut Dr. Eric B. Durbin Mr. James Albisetti Christian Mission Ebenezer Dutch’s Chevrolet Ms. Harriet L. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chuppe Eastminster Presbyterian Church Mrs. Mary E. Allender Mr. William D. Clark First Alliance Church Allstate Drywall, Inc. Ms. Lisa G. Clark Ms. Holiday K. Glenn Ms. Nancy E. Alspach Ms. Barbara E. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham Mr. and Mrs. Ron Amburgey Clark Material Handling Group Six, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Ames Ms. Brenda Clay Haley Miranda Group Mrs. Barbara Randolph-Anderson Mr. Bobby L. Clines Mr. James F. Hardymon Ms. Dianne Andrews Mrs. Wanda J. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Harr Ashland Area Emmaus Community Mr. and Mrs. William P. Collins Mrs. Sarah Healy Atkins Real Estate Mr. Patrick F. Collins Mr. F. T. Howard Dr. Ronald K. Atwood and Commonwealth Credit Union Mr. Terry Huey Dr. Virginia A. Atwood Mr. and Mrs. Gary Conn Mr. and Mrs. William P. Humble AXA Foundation Mr. Charles C. Conn Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Kelty B.R. Pollock, Inc. Law Enforcement Ms. Shirley Cook Services Mr. Roger Kirkpatrick CorrectCare - Integrated Health, Inc. Mr. E. Lee Baker Mr. Andrew Klapper and Ms. Patricia Costello Ms. Judy Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ball Ms. Kate R. Covington Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kollitz Ms. Margaret M. Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Crabb, Jr. Lansdowne Company Dr. Larry J. Barnes Ms. Leslie Crocker Mr. and Mrs. John M. Leinenbach Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Barry Ms. Sharon Crook Lexington Community of Christ Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Q. Baxter Mr. Jeff Crook Ms. Susan E. Liddle and Ms. Audrey A. Bean Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Currie, III Mr. Mark Summers Mrs. Jean H. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Brad Curtis Ms. Marilyn Machara and Ms. Elizabeth J. Belanger Mrs. Tracy Curtis Mr. Nathan Klemperer Mr. and Mrs. Price H. Bell Ms. Cylia Damerau Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martz Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Bello Mr. and Mrs. Steven Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Mayfield Mr. and Mrs. Henry Besten Dr. and Mrs. Harold T. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Larry McCaslin Dr. and Mrs. David Bettez Mr. and Mrs. William B. Daugherty Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Craig J. McClain Mr. David Binkley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis Mr. James R. McCormick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Blackerby Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. De Camp Mr. Lucien D. Moody Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jack C. Blanton Dean Dorton Allen Ford Charitable Mt. Horeb Presbyterian Church Foundation, Inc. Mr. Richard N. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Drew C. Boggs Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Jere B. Noe Mr. Virgil H. Boler Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Denny Capital Corporation for Housing Ms. Anne E. Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Tom C. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Packer Ms. Jean Bordt Donna Redd Elder, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Page III Dr. John E. Boso Ms. Karla Doty Dr. and Mrs. George W. Privett, Jr. Ms. Mildred E. Brandenburg Mr. and Mrs. James A. Drahovzal Mr. and Mrs. Andy Probst Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Brashear Drug Mart Mr. James A. Roberts Mrs. Frances C. Brashear Mr. James R. Duncan Mr. Leslie Rosenbaum and Mrs. Katherine A. Brewer Ms. Katherine F. Dunn Ms. Linda Gosnell Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dunn Mr. David Royse Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bridges Dr. Bruce S. Eastwood Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scanlon Brooks Grading & Excavation Ms. Dawne Ehrler Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Schuetz Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ekris Dr. Samuel R. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Brown Mr. James Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Sisk Mr. Robert G. Brown Ms. Peggy A. Ellis Mr. J. Tracy Spencer Ms. Eveleen Browning Mr. Worth Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Paul Swentzel Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. William N. English Mr. Joe Teague Dr. Susan Buhrow and Ms. Mary A. Enoch Tobacco Rose Farm Dr. Sidney Whiteheart EnSite USA Mr. Solomon L. Van Meter Mrs. Gloria S. Burd Enterprise Holdings Mr. George M. Van Meter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Burkhard Episcopal Women of Christ Church Ms. Marilyn M. Veatch Mr. and Mrs. Irvine M. Byars Ms. Jennifer Ernst Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Wheatley Dr. and Mrs. Michael Cairo Mr. and Mrs. James F. Exline Mr. Timothy W. White Calvary Free Methodist Church Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Falk Woodland Christian Church

hope center annual report | 2014-2015 16 Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Fay Mr. Thomas D. Higgins Mrs. Sharon L. Ledford Mr. and Mrs. Curte Ferguson, Jr. Mr. Troy G. Hinkle Dr. and Mrs. Carl Leukefeld Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fishback, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinkle Mr. Sanford Levy Ms. Geneva M. Fisher Mr. Raymond E. Hodge Lexington Lioness Club Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fitz Mrs. Roberta Hodge Lexington Korean Presbyterian Florida Tile Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Holmes LFUCG Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Floyd Mr. Barry Holmes Ms. Jennifer A. Link and Mr. F. M. Colby Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Followell Holy Rosary Social Concerns Committee Dr. William F. Loggins Mr. James F. Ford Ms. Lydia D. Hood Mr. and Mrs. Phil Logsdon Ford Patterson Farms, LLC Mr. and Mrs. James W. Horn Ms. Elizabeth Lorch Ms. Catherine Fort and Mr. Paul Jadot Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Loveless Dr. and Mrs. Warren N. Frank Ms. Deanna Hume Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Luchtefeld Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Friday Ms. Barbara A. Hunter Mr. David Luckens Dr. and Mrs. Jerold N. Friesen Hunter Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lunsford G & G Electrical, Inc. Mr. Jay E. Ingle Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. MacAdam Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Galbraith Mr. and Mrs. David V. Iorio Mr. and Mrs. Preston Madden Mr. Stan Galbraith Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ireland Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mains Ms. Karen Garrison Mr. Al Isaac Ms. Sally A. Malmer and Mr. Lee F. Wilbraham Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Gebb Mr. and Mrs. Joe Isaac Mr. Stephen Manella Mr. and Mrs. William F. Gee Mr. Jack Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mangine Mr. and Mrs. William H. Giles Ms. Nancy C. Isaacs Ms. Hildegarde K. Marshall Ms. Mary Anne Gill James Motor Company Mr. G. J. Mason Mr. Chuck Gilliam Ms. Roberta H. James Mr. and Mrs. James W. Matthews Dr. Howard P. Glauert Ms. Janice James Mr. Michael Mattingly Ms. Tara Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Jenkins Mr. James Maupin Ms. Betty F. Glidewell Ms. Phyllis Jenness Mrs. Nancy L. Maxwell GMRICH LLC Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Jennings, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. May Jr. Mr. William T. Goins Mr. James Johnson Mr. Walter W. May Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Graves Mr. and Mrs. William E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. May Mr. Timothy Gregg Ms. Paige Jones Mr. Kenneth E. Mayer Mr. Mark C. Gregory and Ms. Kathy Jones Mr. Larry McCarty Mrs. Dawn Gregory Mr. Shane Jones Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Grice Mr. and Mrs. Rob Jordan McGregor Construction Mr. and Mrs. Horst Griesbaum Joseph-Beth Booksellers, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. McNally Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Grogan Dr. Augusta Julian Meadows-Loudon Neighborhood Dr. Terence Gutgsell Mr. Jeffrey Kadison Association Mr. Paul F. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kasarskis Ms. Nora Meeker Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hacker Ms. Debby Keener Mike Meinze Charitable Foundation, Inc. Ms. Connie Hackney Dr. and Mrs. Lewis A. Kelly Mr. Timothy Melton Mr. John Hackworth Mr. and Mrs. James Kemp Ms. Mary K. Meyer Ms. Nancy Hadden Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kemper Ms. Betty B. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Haggin III Kentucky Medical Association Mr. and Mrs. Greg Michel Ms. Mary Hall Kentucky State Association of Mr. David Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall I.B.P.O.E. of W., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Middleton Jr. Ms. Alma J. Hall Kentucky Injury Prevention and Mike Asberry Excavating Mr. W. J. Hanna Research Center Milestone Realty Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kifer Ms. Jenny A. Minier and Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Hardiman Dr. and Mrs. James P. Klyza Mr. Josh Ederington Hare Insurance & Financial Services LLC Father Dennis D. Knight Mr. James Moore Ms. Liz Harper KNS Inc. Ms. Kathryn L. Moore Mr. Tinder Harris Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Kramer Dr. and Mrs. Kolan Morelock Ms. Eileen Harrod Mr. Zachary Kratzer Mr. James Mueller Ms. Anne E. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. John K. Krauss Mrs. Adeline W. Muir Mr. and Mrs. Loren E. Heaney Kroger Community Rewards Ms. Kenyetta Mundy Dr. Janie Heath KY State Grand Assembly Order of the Mr. and Mrs. James I. Murray Golden Circle Mr. and Mrs. Steve Heller Nancyetta S. Palumbo Trust Ms. Michele Lacey Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Hemken Mr. Warren Nash Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lancaster IV Mr. Mark Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Neal Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lancaster Henkel Denmark Ms. Susan G. Neff The Larkin Group, LLC Ms. Becky Henley Father Linh Nguyen Law Offices Donald D. Waggener Ms. Pamela J. Henney Dr. Charles Nichols Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lawson II Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Henry II Dr. Jacqueline A. Noonan Ms. Bonnie Lay Dr. and Mrs. Louis Hersh Mr. and Mrs. David E. Norat

17 hope center annual report | 2014-2015 Mr. and Mrs. Foster H. Ockerman Mr. William D. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thornbury Mr. Ian Oliver Dr. Harriet A. Rose Mrs. Heather Thornton Mr. Joe Onan Ms. Barbara M. Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. William P. Thurman Ms. Patsy O’Neal Rosenstein Family Charitable Foundation Ms. Juanita Todd Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Overbey Mr. John H. Saunders Toyota Motor Engineering & MFG. Mr. Jimmy Owens and Mr. John Forbes Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sawran North America, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Pabian Schaeffer Family Fund Tri-State Roofing & Sheet Metal Company Pairs and Spares - Broadway Christian Schlotzsky’s Deli Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Tudor Church Mr. and Mrs. George W. Schmidt UK Community & Leadership Development Mr. and Mrs. Blaine F. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Schneeberger Unified Trust Mr. Kenneth G. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Terry Schneider Mr. Merlin Usher Mr. William Parrish Mr. Tyler Schoborg Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Varnell Mr. & Mrs. John Passerello Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Schreiner Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Vimont Mr. Rajnikant Patel Mr. Vaughn J. Schum Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Waddell Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patterson Ms. Theresa Scott Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Waggener Ms. Blondina M. Peckham Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Ms. Phyllis Wagner Mr. James Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Scott Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Wagoner Ms. Suzanne Pennington Mr. and Mrs. William G. Scott Dr. Kimberly A. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Perreiah Mr. and Mrs. Danny R. Scott Dr. and Mrs. Gary R. Wallace Mr. Robert Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Seiler Ms. Jackie Fetherston Mr. Stephen C. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Brett T. Setzer Mr. and Mrs. George Peters III Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Watt III Mr. and Mrs. James E. Seymour, Jr. Dr. Lars Peterson Ms. Lynn C. Weak Mr. and Mrs. Eric Shaffer Dr. Martha L. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Webb Shamrock Turf Management Dr. Brett T. Spear Mr. and Mrs. David D. Weck Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Shaw Ms. Mary C. Phelps Mr. and Mrs. John Wehrle Mr. S. F. Shearer Phi Kappa Tau - Theta Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weinberg Mr. Billy Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. James T. Pieratt Mrs. Terri M. Ballard-Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Weisenfluh Pisgah Presbyterian Church Mr. Walter Shropshire Mr. Ned A. Werling Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Pitman Ms. Donia Shuhaiber Mr. and Mrs. Buddie West Mr. and Mrs. Buren E. Plaster Ms. Rachel A. Sloan Ms. Valerie C. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Alan Poindexter Mr. and Mrs. David A. Smith Mr. Jackson W. White Mrs. Elizabeth B. Polack Mr. and Mrs. Dent H. Smith Mrs. Kathryn H. White Ms. Kitty A. Portwood Mr. Thomas W. Soper Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Whitehouse Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Potter Southern Hills United Methodist Women Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whitmore Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Powell Mr. Vincent Spoelker Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Whittington Mr. and Mrs. Mike Powers Mr. Subramanian Srinivasan Ms. Rebecca Williams Ms. Tonya F. Prats and Mr. David Cox St. Joseph of Arimathea Society, LLC Mr. Frank J. Winchester Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Pratt St. Martha’s Episcopal Church Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Winkler Presbyterian Women of First Presbyterian Church Mrs. Aimee H. Stafford Mr. Craig Winterman Mr. Robert M. Preston Mr. Edward G. Stamm Ms. Melissa Winterman Mr. and Mrs. Dwight L. Price Ms. Marcia Stanhope Women of the Church of God Dr. Daniel Primm, Jr. Ms. Janet M. Stemmer Women of the Moose - Lexington Ms. Mary J. Puckett Chapter 2274 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Queen Ms. Roberta W. Woodard Mr. Chester J. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Qureshi Mr. Jeff A. Woods Mrs. Milly M. Stewart Mr. Robert Rabel and Mrs. Catherine E. Woomer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Straley Ms. Jacqueline C. Decroo Ms. Heather Wright Mr. John W. Straus Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Wyant Ms. Joyce Strauss Ms. Carol Rasmussen Ms. Jingchen Xu Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Stubblefield Ms. Casandra Ravens YMCA of Central Kentucky Mr. Ryan Sturm Mr. and Mrs. Jim Redmond Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Yon Ms. Eleanor B. Sutter Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Reed Ms. Shirley P. Young Dr. Mark Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Rehorn, Jr. Dr. Nancy E. Schoenberg Mr. and Mrs. George C. Young Dr. Sean Reilley Mr. Christopher Swayze Mr. and Mrs. Michael Young Mr. and Mrs. David B. Reilly Tates Creek Christian Church-Mary Circle Ms. Laura A. Zimmerman and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Renaud Ms. Catherine A. Rundell Mr. and Mrs. James L. Taylor Mrs. Ann C. Render Mr. and Mrs. James R. Zoll Mr. Ellsworth Taylor Mrs. Patricia T. Render Thalheimer Research Associates Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson Mr. and Mrs. John H. Thomas III Mr. David M. Riherd and Mr. William Thomas Ms. Nancy L. Betts Mr. Mark K. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Roahrig Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Thompson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Robertson

hope center annual report | 2014-2015 18 —

The Hope Center is about saving and rebuilding lives, ending homelessness, helping people SbattleEE addictionDS OF and mental HO illnessPE and we carry out this mission effectively and efficiently, with 92 cents of each donated dollar going directly to our programs. For over 20 years, this crucial mission has been carried out by dedicated staff, strong community support and very generous supporters. We all want this mission to continue far into the future. By planning now, you can ensure that it will.

Plant a Seed of Hope Seeds of Hope is a society of generous individuals who, through planned giving, are leaving a legacy for the future. Naming the Hope Center as a beneficiary in your will or trust is a simple way to make a commitment that will keep helping those in our community who need it most.

You can name the Hope Center as the direct beneficiary If you decide to irrevocably transfer an asset or assets to of a specific sumYou of money, can a particular plant parcel a of realSeed the of Hope H Center,ope you through:(and if you wish, a survivor) can estate or other property or of a stated percentage of your receive income for life. estate.Specific Bequest Life Income Gifts

If the circumstances under which you purchased your After making specific bequests to family or friends you life insurance have changed, you may wish to donate can name the Hope Center to receive all or part of the your policy to the Hope Center or make the Hope remaining amount. Or to provide for the situation when CenterLife Insurance your beneficiary. namedResiduary individuals and in your Contingent will do not survive Requests you, you can name the Hope Center as a contingent beneficiary.

Name the Hope Center as a beneficiary of your retirement account (specific dollar amount or Hope Center accepts gifts of stock and securities. percentage). Contact us for our stock broker information. Beneficiary of IRA, 401K Stock Gifts

To learn more 19 hope center annual report | 2014-2015about how to include the Hope Center in your estate plan, e-mail Carrie Thayer at [email protected] or you can call 859-225-4673. God’s Pantry Ramsey’s Commissary Patricia Adams Gordon Food Service Real Life Radio Allsports $500 and up Deana Hager Red Lobster Alltech In-kind Donors — 2014-2015Hands On Originals Rochambeau Photography American Legion Federal Post 313 Highliner Foods Terry Scariot Anderson County Senior Citizens Hostess Corporate Seasons Catering Ashland, Inc. Immanuel Baptist Church Second Presbyterian Church BB&T Don and Cathy Jacobs Share Center Lexington Bluegrass Community & Technical College Johnny Carino’s Shelby’s Way Billy’s BBQ Joe B. Hall Shiloh Baptist Church John Bizzack J. Jill Fayette Mall Schlotzsky’s Deli Jerry Black Bill Justice, Justice Real Estate Shelby’s Way Bluegrass Hospitality Group Kroger Smiley Pete Publications Bob Evans KFC Sodexo of University of Kentucky Bonefish Grill Krispy Kreme Soup Kitchen Broadway Christian Church LEX 18 Spalding’s Donuts Calvary Baptist Church Lexington Catholic High School Starbucks Carrabba’s Italian Grill Lexington Clinic Stems, LLC Carrick House Lexington Herald-Leader Pat Tackett Cathedral of Christ the King Lexmark Carolyn Tassie Chipotle Louis Flower Power Shop Terry Schmonsky Steve and Gwen Curry Marriott TOPS in Lex Child Care Council Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church Trader Joe’s of Lexington Clem’s Meats Larry McCoy UK Athletics Costco Sharon McGuire UK Residential Life Crist Creona Designs Lynne Mckune University of Kentucky Opera Theatre Critchfield Meats Patrick Morton Kristine Urschel David Cronen Images Amy and Michael Newton Victory Baptist Church Daybreak Community Church Dave Norat Walter Robertson, Swinebroad-Denton Doughdaddy’s Doughnuts Olive Garden Dean White Cecil Dunn Ohio Valley Flooring Wheeler Pharmacy Fazoli’s Outback Steakhouse Whole Foods Market Feed the Children Panera Bread WKYT 27 Peggi Frazier Papa John’s Women Leading Kentucky Matthew Galbraith Pizza Hut Woodland Christian Church Galls PNC Bank WTVQ 36 Gigi’s Cupcakes Prairie Farms Dairy WUKY GleanKY

•th shavinging creams we need • feminine hygiene products • office supplies • disposable razors • men’s and women’s clothing • backpacks • travel-size soaps • hoodie sweatshirts • calamine lotion • toothbrushes • jackets/coats • Motrin • toothpaste • flip-flops/shower shoes • Pepto-Bismol • combs • NEW white socks for men • Acetaminophen/ • deodorant • NEW men’s underwear Ibuprofen/Naproxen • shampoo • NEW women’s underwear • Milk of Magnesia • lotion and bras • Robitussin PM (alcohol-free) • sheets (twin) • notebook paper • ChlorTabs • blankets • stamps • cough drops • towels and washcloths • greeting cards • bus passes hope center annual report | 2014-2015 20 Volunteers are part of the solution Each year, hundreds of people donate their time and talents to the Hope Center. If you’re interested in helping us rebuild lives, consider volunteering with us – serve a meal, teach a class, and be a part of the solution. Find more information online at, or contact our Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected]. Hope Center volunteer Larry McCoy did something that many people only talk about doing: he decided to check off the items on his bucket list. When Larry was going through treatment for prostate cancer, he vowed that when heLarry“We was are healthy Mcall traveling again,Coy he would to the provide same a meal destination; for the homeless the ofdifference Lexington. Hise wekept all his travelpromise different and crossed paths to get there.” one of the items off of his list by organizing a huge picnic for every single client at the Hope Center’s Loudon Avenue campus. He purchased hundreds of hot dogs and hamburgers, and even arranged for live music. The picnic was a hit - it was featured on the news, and the clients were genuinely appreciative of Larry’s generosity. Most people would stop there, but not Larry. He decided to make the picnic an annual event, and it’s been going strong since 2012. In 2014, Larry arranged for over 100 blankets to be donated to the Men’s Emergency Shelter as part of the festivities, and in 2015 there were speakers, bands, and more food than ever. After attending the Hope Center’s 20th anniversary celebration and touring the Veterans area of the Men’s Emergency Shelter in 2013, Larry felt compelled to do something special for our Vets during the holiday season. He worked with Longhorn Steakhouse to arrange a catered dinner for all of our Veterans Program clients, who enjoyed a full steak dinner, served by Larry’s family and friends. Larry then presented the clients with a custom piece of artwork for the Veterans Program common room. Larry decided to keep the tradition going and in 2014, provided a catered BBQ dinner for our homeless veterans. Larry and his wife, DeeDee, have gone above and beyond to serve the clients of the Hope Center. Their generosity and compassion for others is an outward expression of their faith. Larry says, “It took cancer to make me realize that we are all traveling to the same destination; the difference is we all travel different paths to get there.” The Hope Center is grateful to have Larry McCoy on our side — someone who has chosen a path of action and service, with a warm smile and a giving heart.

Second Presbyterian Church, now celebrating 200 years, has a long history of service to others in our community. Since 1994, the clergy, staff and members of Second Presbyterian have offered their time, S“Tecondhe work ofPresbyterian the Hope Center…isskills C andhurch financial a ministry support we to thejoyfully Hope Candenter. proudly For over two support.” decades, they- Rev. have D supportedan Hans our annual Thanksgiving dinner for homeless and recovery clients. Volunteers from Second Presbyterian serve dinner at the Jacobs Hope Cafeteria at least twice a month, and they even prepare, cook and serve a special holiday meal during our 12 Days of Christmas program. Additionally, their contributions to the HopeMobile allow us to serve the homeless of Lexington with basic health services, bag lunches and referrals to various programs. The members of Second Presbyterian are also loyal donors to our detox unit, providing coffee to our clients who are at their most vulnerable. In the 23 years since the Hope Center opened its doors, Second Presbyterian has been one of our most steadfast supporters, donating hundreds of volunteer hours, food and supplies, and over $140,000 in financial contributions.

“The work of the Hope Center in responding to the need for hope for people struggling with addiction, unemployment and homelessness is a ministry we joyfully and proudly support,” says Rev. Daniel Hans, pastor at Second Presbyterian. “Second Presbyterian Church commits 20% of its budget annually to support mission work. Each year, we are glad to include the Hope Center as one of our local mission projects,” Rev. Hans adds. “We are grateful for the privilege of partnering with the Hope Center.” The Hope Center, in turn, is grateful for the kindness and generosity shown by Second Presbyterian Church.

21 hope center annual report | 2014-2015 In November, 45 teams gave their best shots on Thank you to the following for making the floor at Johnny Carino’s Hoops Johnny Carino’s Hoops for Hope possible: for Hope. Church groups, businesses and families raised over $25,000 for those who are in need of addiction recovery, mental health services and relief Johnny Carino’s Italian from homelessness. We had special guests Joe B. Rupp Arena Hall, Jarrod Polson and Jack Givens stop by to help on and off the court. Slam Dunk Sponsors: Ashland Oil Friendly competition abounded, but our top Ball Homes shooting and fundraising teams were: R.L. Brown Wealth Management Harrod Concrete and Stone Humana / CareSource Points Scored Winners: Don and Cathy Jacobs 1st - Team Ron Brown Justice Real Estate 2nd - Ashland LEX18 3rd - Team Sullivan Lexington Herald-Leader Steve Tressler, Real Life Radio UPS Funds Raised Winners: 1st - Ball Homes ($1885.00) 2nd - Team LEX18 News ($1560.00) Team Sponsors: Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield 3rd - Lexington Herald-Leader ($1283.55) Clark Material Handling Mr. Barry Holmes Lexington Diagnostic and Open MRI To all of our Johnny Carino’s Hoops for Hope Teams: Mr. Larry hopeMcCarty-Sullivan center annual reportUniversity | 2014-2015 22 Well done and thank you! United Trust It was an amazing evening, all to benefit our Title Sponsor: Fifth-Third Bank - Institutional life-giving programs. We wish to thank the Don and Mira Ball Services following: Frank Hamilton Enterprises Presenting Sponsor: Ambrose W. Givens Don and Cathy Jacobs Green’s Toyota of Lexington John R. & Donna S. Hall

Presented by Don & Cathy Jacobs Gold Sponsors: Henkel Denmark Alliance Coal, LLC Hisle & Company, CPAs Baptist Health Dr. Gordon Hyde Johnny Carino’s Italian Jack Kain Ford Joe Rosenberg Jewelers

Silver Sponsors: Keeneland Caller Properties Kentucky American Water Clay Ingels Co. LLC Kentucky Housing Corporation Hilliard Lyons, LLC Kentucky Utilities LEX-18 Roger Kirkpatrick and Solly Van Meter, In Honor of Cathy Lexington Clinic Jacobs Ruth and Robert Straus Lexington Diagnostic Center & UK Healthcare Open MRI University of Kentucky College Louis Flower Power Shop of Nursing John & Jill McCarty University of Kentucky Mr. Joseph Minor, In Memory of Wabuck Development Joseph W. Minor Company, Inc. Minuteman Press WKYT Pain Management Medicine PNC Bank Supporting Sponsors: Powell Walton Milward, a division Alltech Inc. of J. Smith Lanier & Co. Ashland, Inc. RealLife Radio Beacon Properties Rochambeau Photography Bluegrass Office Systems The Rodes Family Patrick & Lynn Brewer The Rouse Family Foundation, Inc. Bullhorn Marketing Smiley Pete Publications In November, Hope Center supporters filled Car Town Kia Mr. and Mrs. Wm. James Sprow the Lexington Opera House and were uplifted Central Bank TOPS in LEX and entertained, not only by performers from Community Action Council USA Cares Jean & Gene Cravens UK Opera Theatre and country star Jimmy Faye and Mike Whitley Crist Creona Designs Wayne and his story of overcoming teenage WUKY The J.W. Davis Jr. Family homelessness, but by our clients as well. Client Dean Dorton Friend of Night Hope: gratitude was woven into the entire evening and Dinsmore & Shohl Atchison Heller Construction for the bravo performance, two talented clients Cecil & Judy Dunn Company jammed with Jimmy on the stage. Dynamix Productions Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati 23 hope center annual report | 2014-2015 Don & Mira Ball present

with support from Don & Cathy Jacobs

One Parent Scholar House thanks our sponsors for making this event possible:

Title Sponsor: Kentucky Employers Mutual Insurance Don and Mira Ball Lexington Diagnostic Center & Open MRI Lexington Housing Authority Presenting Sponsor: McBrayer, McGinnis, Leslie & Kirkland Don and Cathy Jacobs Mike Scanlon Pieratt’s Inc. Magna Cum Laude Sponsors: Ruth and Robert Straus Tops Marketing Group UK Healthcare UK Office of Development Cum Laude Sponsors: US Bank Carrick House Viamedia LEX18 PNC Bank Half-Table Sponsors: R.L. Brown Wealth Management Clay Ingels Company Smiley Pete Publishing ExecuTrain of Kentucky Wabuck Development Company, Inc. Jane and Ken Kerns Kentucky Housing Corporation Dean’s List Sponsors: Minuteman Press Beacon/Socayr Properties Patricia Golden Bonita and Tommy Chandler Sullivan University System The 2015 Don & Mira Ball Central Bank Transylvania University Crist Creona Designs Education Builds Hope Luncheon Erin and Bill Rouse Parking Support Provided By: was a sold-out success! We want Family Care Center Lowell’s Automotive to thank our sponsors and Harrod Concrete & Stone Lyric Theatre & Cultural Arts Center in-kind sponsors for their Hilliard Lyons Omni Architects generous contributions, and Jean and Gene Cravens Transylvania University everyone in attendance for Judy and Cecil Dunn Keeneland sharing another great event to help single parents obtain higher education.

hope center annual report | 2014-2015 24 FYE FYE Financial Statements June 30, 2014 June 30, 2015 Private Assets RevenueContributionss: Cash and cash equivalents 1,327,105 1,828,186 9% Grants receivable 1,586,264 738,153 State Funds Prepaid expenses 20,996 16,821 37% City Funds Inventory 2,287 1,455 8% Property and equipment 9,024,689 8,795,010 Foundations Hope Center Foundation, Inc. 1,411,769 1,638,834 3% Total Assets 13,373,110 13,018,459 Misc. Funds/ Income 12% Liabilities Federal Funds Accounts payable 85,490 108,260 31% Deferred revenue 8,506 (13,159) Accrued expenses 260,060 116,233 Line of Credit 0 0 Notes payable 800,000 800,000 Compensated absences 101,336 118,378 Total Liabilities 1,255,392 1,129,712

Net Assets Unrestricted 10,643,786 11,888,746 expenses Temporarily restricted 1,473,932 Total Liabilities All Programs and Net Assets 13,373,110 13,018,459 93%

Public Support and Revenues Contributions-Monetary 436,536 524,617 Contributions-Special Events 165,569 137,255 Grants 2,613,897 2,920,653 Program service fees 269,721 313,917 Food stamp income 301,844 323,268 Court order income 7,500 10,300 DOC income 1,788,008 1,857,793 VA per diem Income 426,015 437,532 Administrative 3% Fundraising/ Drug Court per diem Income 118,470 Community Donated facilities, materials and services 171,600 152,000 Outreach 4% Miscellaneous Income 41,495 45,988 Net realized/unrealized * does not include in-kind expenses gains (loss) on investments 168,372 189,685 Interest income 36,764 37,380 The Hope Center received grant support in the past Total Public Support several years from the following sources: and Revenues 6,418,321 7,068,857 Baptist Health Expenses The Calipari Foundatoin Program Services: Foundation for Drug Free Youth Shelter/Recovery 5,366,372 5,800,024 Good Samaritan Foundation Supporting Services: Housing and Urban Development General and Administrative 185,117 200,036 Keeneland Foundation Fundraising 297,112 248,801 Kentucky Housing Corporation Total Expenses 5,848,601 6,248,861 The King’s Daughters and Sons Foundation of Kentucky Change in net assets 569,720 819,995 Lexington Clinic Foundation net Assets at Beginning of Year 11,547,998 12,117,718 Lexington-Fayette County Health Department (HRSA) net Assets at End of Year 12,117,718 12,937,713 Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Lexington Housing Authority * 2014 amounts are audited and 2015 amounts are prior to the audit. PNC Foundation ** Imputed Income and Expense for use of government-owned property in the amount of SAMHSA Center for Substance Abuse Treatment $68,800 for 2014 and $68,800 in 2015 is not included above. Spray Foundation *** Capital Grant Income is included. United Way of the Bluegrass UPS Foundation U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 25 hope center annual report | 2014-2015 Many great recovery minds came together on May 7 at the Hope Center’s Privett Center when Wwe hostedHERE Congressman WE’VE Andy BEE BarrN and White House Office of National Drug Control Policy DirectorRecovery Michael Leaders Botticelli. Converge Over 30 to narcotics Help Battle recovery Addiction: experts focused on education and prevention, law enforcement, and treatment and recovery efforts. Director Botticelli, who meets with groups such as this one all over the country, spoke of how addiction is not just a Kentucky issue, but a national issue. He touched on the problems he sees nationwide, including a lack of transitional housing for those leaving a recovery program, lack of jobs for those in recovery, the need to work more closely with those in the medical profession regarding both addiction treatment and prescription, children born addicted, and early prevention. “We all want people to be in long-term therapy. The divide between therapies undermines all of our work,” he said. Congressman Barr announced the creation of the Sixth Congressional District Drug Abuse Task Force, whose mission will be to advise him on possible policy and legislative solutions as well as identifying needed resources. “To battle drug abuse and addiction we need all of our best practices working together,” Barr said.

At the 2014 Ball Homes Night of Hope, the Hope Center awarded the very first Randy Breeding Volunteer of the Year award, in honor of the late Randy Breeding, a longtime Hope Center board member and donor. Dave Norat has been a Hope Center volunteer for 11Randy years, Breeding after retiring Volunteer from the ofDepartment the Year of Award:Public Advocacy. He teaches Life Skills classes, and assists the development team with events, most notably the annual Christmas party. The Randy Breeding Volunteer of the Year Award will be awarded to a deserving Hope Center volunteer or volunteer group each year.

In July 2015, Hope Center was honored to once again partner with Feed the Children and Fazoli’s for a distribution event. Volunteers from Fazoli’s and the Hope Center distributed food,Efforts household Combine supplies to H andelp personal 800 F amiliescare items in to N 800eed: needy families in Lexington. We want to thank Fazoli’s, Feed the Children, Ball Homes for the use of their forklift, our community partners for directing families to the event, and our recovery client volunteers for assisting with the distribution!

Since 2002, The Ball Quantrell-Jones Recovery Center has been home to the Hope Center Recovery Program for Women. The program WandH facilityERE have WE’ beenre full since go thein program’sg inception, housing 80 women on average. In 2015 the Hope Center board approved an expansionExpansion of theof Women’s Recovery Center: Center to accommodate 100 women. “It’s been a long time coming, but we are excited and ready for this renovation,” says Stephanie Raglin, Assistant Director of the Women’s Recovery Program. “It is an awesome thing, to be able to give hope to 20 more women through this expansion.” Construction is expected to begin in Fall of 2015.

As affordable housing becomes increasingly difficult to find, Hope Center has made a commitment to those clients who have chosen to overcome addiction by helping them with affordable housing after completing a recovery program. Our existing permanent housing facilities,New Men’s Hill PermanentRise Place and H theousing Barbara D H.evelopment: Rouse Apartments, have been consistently full since they were built. For many clients, these apartments have been the first homes they’ve had on their own. Most importantly, these apartments have allowed recovering addicts and alcoholics to have independence, with a sober safety net. In 2016, the Hope Center will begin construction on a new permanent housing facility on West Loudon Avenue. This 48-unit complex for men will also feature community rooms for NA/AA meetings, a tenant council, and access to Hope Center resources. “A critical demand for our clients who are rebuilding their lives is safe, affordable housing that supports their recovery and new way of life. Our new permanent housing building will address and serve exactly this need, giving our clients a better chance to stay on their new path of self-sufficiency,” said Cecil Dunn, Executive Director of the Hope Center.

hope center annual report | 2014-2015 26 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Lexington, KY P.O. Box 6 Permit #1478 Lexington, KY 40588

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