

Front cover photos courtesy of Nicole Yandon Portrait & Film ( and Patrick Daly.

For the purpose of any rules interpretations, the online version will be considered as the official version. For all updates, refer to

Annual Guide printed August 2019. 2019-2020 ANNUAL GUIDE Founded 1973, Incorporated 1974

As an affiliate of USA Hockey, Massachusetts Hockey, Inc., is the nationally recognized body responsible for the administration and development of in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

This Year's Annual Guide In-Remembrance of GLORIA HEERMAN 1948 – 2019

• Hall of Fame Member • District 4 Registrar • Vice President • District 4 Director • Director of Special Events

















As amended and revised at the Annual Meeting, at Plymouth, Massachusetts, June 16, 2019.

ARTICLE I - NAME AND MISSION National Tournaments, and to organize The name of the organization shall be Massa- and select teams for other tournaments; chusetts Hockey, Inc. H. To register players, coaches, referees, man- agers, teams and leagues composed only The Mission of Massachusetts Hockey is to of teams registered in Massachusetts, (re- provide a safe and enjoyable atmosphere where ferred to herein as “registered leagues”) to participants are given the opportunity to learn, certify associations in Massachusetts and grow and play the game of ice hockey. sanction multi USA Affiliate leagues that include teams registered with Massachu- ARTICLE II - PURPOSE & setts Hockey; OBJECTIVES I. To be guided by the USA Hockey core Massachusetts Hockey is a not for profit, tax- values of sportsmanship, respect for exempt Massachusetts corporation established in the individual, integrity, pursuit of ex- accordance with the provisions of G.L. Chapter cellence at the individual and team and 180 and section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal organizational levels, enjoyment, loyalty Revenue Code, respectively, whose purposes and and teamwork; objectives are: J. To do any and all acts necessary and de- sirable to further the foregoing purposes A. To serve as the affiliate association of USA and objectives. Hockey, Inc. in accordance with the terms of its Affiliate Agreement with USA Hock- Massachusetts Hockey, an affiliate association ey, Inc. in the Commonwealth of Massa- of USA Hockey, Inc., shall abide by and act in chusetts, and as such affiliate association, accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, to be the governing body for the sport of Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, Playing Rules hockey in Massachusetts; and decisions of the Board of Directors of B. To foster, advance, develop and encour- USA Hockey, and such documents and/ age participation in the sport of hockey in or decisions shall take precedence over and Massachusetts; supersede all similar governing documents C. To develop and encourage sportsmanship and/or decisions of Massachusetts Hockey. among all players for the betterment of Further Massachusetts Hockey (I) shall assist their physical and social well-being; USA Hockey in the administration and D. To develop and improve the standards of enforcement of the provisions of the Articles of the sport; Incorporation, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, E. To educate and train players, coaches, refer- Playing Rules and decisions of the Board of ees, managers, administrators and parents; Directors of USA Hockey, within and upon F. To foster association with other USA its members and/or within its jurisdiction and Hockey Affiliates and International Ice (II) agrees to be guided by the core values of Hockey Federations; USA Hockey. G. To conduct tournaments leading to the selection of teams for District, State and

6 | MAHOCKEY.ORG ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP put into effect rules and regulations, adopt pol- Membership in Massachusetts Hockey shall be icies and procedures, annually select an Auditor open to all persons and associations approved by to perform a Certified Audit of Massachusetts Massachusetts Hockey in accordance with the Hockey accounts at the end of each fiscal year, provisions of these Bylaws and shall include, but and establish fees, dues and assessments, neces- not necessarily be limited to, the following: sary for the management of the affairs of Massa- chusetts Hockey. A. Hometown Associations certified in accor- The Board of Directors shall be comprised dance with Massachusetts Hockey Bylaws of members of the Executive Board, District/ and Rules and Regulations; Divisional Directors and Directors at Large. B. Leagues (both registered and sanctioned) The majority of the Board of Directors shall at recognized by Massachusetts Hockey to all times be comprised of the District/Division coordinate team play; Directors, elected Officers of Massachusetts C. Club Teams registered through a Massa- Hockey and non-voting USA Hockey appointed chusetts association and in accordance with Registrars. Massachusetts Hockey and USA Hockey One-third of the Directors then in office shall requirements; and constitute a quorum at meetings of the Board D. Honorary members elected by the Board of Directors. Each member shall have only one of Directors of Massachusetts Hockey. vote, regardless of the of positions held. No proxy votes shall be allowed. Alternate Di- Individual membership shall include but not be rectors may vote in the absence of a Director limited to those individuals who have registered from a District/Division if registered, indicating with USA Hockey; the immediate families and the Director being replaced with the Secretary guardians of registered players; directors, offi- prior to the meeting being called to order by the cers, employees, and volunteers of associations, presiding officer. Once a Director is replaced districts, registered and sanctioned leagues and he/she is ineligible to vote during the current teams; and all members of Massachusetts Hock- session of the meeting. All actions of the Board ey Board of Directors; shall be subject to majority of the votes cast un- Members shall be governed by the provisions less otherwise specified in these Bylaws. The of Massachusetts Hockey and/or USA Hockey presiding officer shall vote only to break a tie. Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, Policies and The President may surrender the Chair to vote Procedures, Codes of Conduct, Codes of Ethics from the floor. and USA Hockey Playing Rules and shall enjoy There shall be at least four (4) meetings of the benefits and privileges herein as long as they the Board of Directors annually. Special meet- shall be in good standing. Such members shall ings of the Board of Directors may be called not have direct voting rights for the officers, by the President or upon written request of six directors, registrars and all other positions in (6) or more Directors from separate Districts/ Massachusetts Hockey as the election process Divisions. Special meetings shall be held within for the same is set out herein. thirty days of receipt of such a request with a minimum of seven (7) days notice being given ARTICLE IV - BOARD OF DIRECTORS to the members of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have all the pow- Any member of the Board of Directors may ers necessary or desirable to carry out the man- be removed for cause by vote of two thirds ma- agement of the affairs of Massachusetts Hockey. jority of the Board. For purposes of this provi- The powers and duties of the Board of Directors sion, cause shall be deemed to be the material shall include, but not be limited to, the power to noncompliance by a member with the Bylaws,

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 7 Rules and Regulations and/or Policies and applicable to board meetings shall apply to Procedures of Massachusetts Hockey. Material such meeting provided herein. noncompliance may include, but not be limited to, failure to perform the duties of an elected ARTICLE V - EXECUTIVE BOARD or appointed office by a member, failure to at- An Executive Board shall consist of the Pres- tend meetings of the Board of Directors, fail- ident, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, ure to comply with or act in a manner consis- Referee Coordinator, Chair of the Rules Com- tent with the organization’s Bylaws, Rules and mittee, Chair of the Discipline Committee, Regulations and/or Policies and Procedures, Massachusetts Hockey Director of Coaching USA Hockey Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, Education, General Counsel, and two members and/or Policies and Procedures, Codes of Con- of the Board of Directors who are elected an- duct, Codes of Ethics and USA Hockey playing nually, by the Board of Directors for a one-year rules or any other misconduct by a member term and may not serve for more than two (2) not appropriate for such member. Any member years. The Executive Board shall be responsi- subject to removal for cause must be given writ- ble for carrying out the directives of the Board ten notice of the proposed removal by the Pres- of Directors and running the day-to-day ac- ident or Secretary no later than ten (10) days tivities of the organization. The USA Hockey prior to the meeting of the Board of Directors District Registrar, the USA Hockey Coach in at which the action shall be considered and Chief, USAH Referee in Chief and the USAH the member shall be afforded an opportunity Risk Manager may participate in the Executive to be heard at the said meeting prior to any Board meeting but may not vote. The Execu- vote being taken. The President or Secretary tive Board shall be solely responsible for all hir- shall only issue such notice if 10 members of ing decisions and the execution of employment the Board of Directors have made a written contracts. The Executive Board shall meet as request of him to take such action. Any action often as its members deem necessary without taken by the Board of Directors to remove a the requirement of any notice to the Board of member shall be final with no appeal avail- Directors or the membership and it may con- able under any of the organization’s rules of duct its business as informally as it deems nec- procedure. Removal for cause pursuant to this essary. Each member of the Executive Board paragraph shall not be the only remedy for a vi- shall have one vote. All actions of the Executive olation of any Applicable Rule as defined herein. Board shall be subject to majority vote. Actions A meeting of the Board of Directors may be taken by the Executive Board shall be reported held by any means of electronic or other com- to the Board of Director at its next meeting. munications through which all participating A meeting of the Executive Board may be Directors can hear each other if and when the held by any means of electronic or other com- President determines the need for such a meet- munication through which all the participants ing or if the Board of Directors votes to con- can hear each other. duct such a meeting. Notwithstanding this provision, such a meeting shall not be a replacement or substitute meeting for any Board meetings required to be held annually or for any special meeting that may be called under the provisions of this Bylaw unless those calling such a meeting agree to this procedure. All the provisions for notice, quorum and voting

8 | MAHOCKEY.ORG ARTICLE VI - DUTIES spective order of holding office. OF THE MEMBERS OF Each Vice President shall be responsible for THE EXECUTIVE BOARD supervising, overseeing, organizing and report- Elected Officers ing on the organizations committees and shall be The elected officers shall be the President, Vice assigned these responsibilities by the President Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary. in consultation with the Vice Presidents on an annual basis after the elections take place. The President shall: A. Preside over all meetings of the Executive The Treasurer shall have the responsibility Board and the Board of Directors; for carrying out all of the duties usually associat- B. Generally supervise all the activities of ed with the position of Treasurer, including the Massachusetts Hockey, and ensure that all following: rules and regulations and stated policies A. Receive all funds due Massachusetts Hock- and procedures of the organization are ob- ey, depositing them in a chartered bank served; and paying the rightful obligations of the C. Have the power to rule on questions not Corporation; provided for in the Bylaws until the next B. Sign the checks on the Corporation’s ac- regular or special meeting of the Board of counts; Directors; C. Submit in writing at the regularly sched- D. Represent Massachusetts Hockey and be uled Board of Directors meetings and at its spokesperson at all public and private the Annual Meeting a Treasurer’s Report forums and places; to the Board of Directors, containing all E. In the absence of the Treasurer, have the Massachusetts Hockey Accounts. The re- right to sign checks; ports shall include Profit and Loss state- F. Appoint the non-elected members of the ments by revenue and year to date status, Executive Board; and at least one past year for purpose of G. Establish committees as needed from time comparison. to time; D. Provide necessary materials to the Audi- H. Appoint the Chairs and members of all tor for the certified audit of Corporation committees; books as required I. Be an ex officio member of all committees; E. Review reports of each Massachusetts J. Sign all contracts for Massachusetts Hock- Hockey account; ey that are in excess of $10,000 that have F. Co-signature on all Massachusetts Hockey been approved by the Finance Committee accounts, except Ice Rental contracts. G. Chair the Finance Committee and conduct at least three (3) scheduled meetings of the There shall be five (5) Vice Presidents: They shall Finance Committee per year. The reports be elected to the positions of First Vice President, for all Massachusetts Hockey accounts Second Vice President, Third Vice President, shall be reviewed at one of these meetings; Fourth Vice President and Fifth Vice President. H. Prepare or have prepared the annual 990 The First Vice President shall, in the absence return to the Internal Revenue Service of the President, have all the power and perform and the PC-1 to the Attorney General’s all the duties of the President. In the absence of Division of Public Charities and file these higher-ranking officers, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and reports by their due date. Distribute the 5th Vice Presidents shall have all the powers and completed reports with a copy of the Audit duties of the higher ranking officers in their re- report attached to the Board of Directors.

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 9 I. General Laws Chapter 180 Corporation An- the approval of the Executive Board; nual Report and Annually and Corporation B. Coordinate all the coaching clinics held updates with the Secretary of the Common- in Massachusetts with the USA Hockey wealth of Massachusetts. Be the official cus- C.E.P. Director; todian of the Corporation Records. C. Establish dates and locations for all clin- ics in cooperation with the USA Hockey The Secretary shall: C.E.P. Director, and notify all District/Di- A. Compile and distribute minutes of all Mas- visional Registrars, Associations, and Ref- sachusetts Hockey meetings; erees-in-Chief of those dates and location; B. Be the official custodian of the Corpora- D. Receive copies of all Clinic Registration tion’s meeting records; Forms and maintain a file of all attendees; C. Advise the Board of Directors of all the E. Maintain a computer file by District of upcoming meeting and other important all individuals successfully completing re- information; quirements of the Coaching Education D. Verify eligibility of voting members pres- Program; ent at any meeting; F. Distribute current lists of accredited E. Verify a quorum is present Appointed mem- coaches to the District/Divisional Regis- bers of the Executive Board: trars periodically. F. Publish the attendance records of each meeting. The Chair of the Discipline Committee shall: A. Be appointed by the President, subject to The Referee Coordinator shall: the approval of the Executive Board; A. Be appointed by the President, subject to B. Coordinate the Discipline process; the approval of the Executive Board; C. Maintain records of the disciplinary ac- B. Register all referee applicants, and collect tions of Massachusetts Hockey and report all fees due Massachusetts Hockey from these actions to the Board of Directors. the applicants. C. Coordinate referee assignments to all State The General Counsel shall: Final sites with the Referee-in-Chief, Ref- A. Provide legal advice to Massachusetts eree Supervisors and the State Tournament Hockey; Coordinator. B. Administer the Physical and Sexual Abuse Polices and their associated rules. The Chair of the Rules Committee shall: A. Be appointed by the President, subject to ARTICLE VII - NOMINATION AND the approval of the Executive Board; ELECTIONS OF USA HOCKEY B. Hold committee meetings for review of DIRECTORS, USA HOCKEY Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and poli- SECTION REPRESENTATIVES, cies and procedures; OFFICERS, EXECUTIVE BOARD C. Review and make recommendations on MEMBERS AND DIRECTORS all proposed amendments to the Bylaws, Nominations of Officers, Executive Board Rules and Regulations, Policies and Proce- Members, USA Hockey Directors: and USA dures to the Board of Directors. Hockey Section Representatives There shall be a Nominating Committee, as The Massachusetts Hockey Director of the provided in Article IX of this document, consisting Coaching Education shall: of no more than five nor less than three members, A. Be appointed by the President, subject to who shall be responsible for nominating candidates

10 | MAHOCKEY.ORG for all elected offices of the organization. They Elections of the Officers, and Executive Board shall conduct its business as its members deem fit, Members of corporation, and the election of the and it shall meet as often as its members consider corporation’s USA Hockey Directors and USA necessary. They shall prepare the official ballot for Hockey Section Representatives shall take place the Annual Meeting. Candidates desiring to be at the Annual Meeting. Voting shall be by secret listed on the ballot must submit their name and the ballot and candidates receiving a simple majority of position they seek to the chair of the Nominating the votes shall be elected. The President’s vote shall Committee by February 20. The Nominating not be counted except to break a tie. All candidates Committee shall determine whether or not will be allowed time to make a statement to the any potential candidate is eligible to be placed Board of Directors prior to the ballots being cast. on the official ballot pursuant to the bylaws of Upon completion of the counting of the votes for the corporation and any applicable statutes. each elective office the vote tally shall be announced. One week prior to the March meeting, the If no candidate receives a majority then the candi- Nominating Committee shall notify the Board date with the least number of votes and any can- of Directors of the names of those who it didates tied with the least number of votes will be intends to list on the official ballot and those, dropped for further voting until one person receives if any, deemed not qualified, unless the aspiring a majority. The President shall be elected for a two candidate has withdrawn his/her name from (2) year term. All other officers shall be elected consideration. After the Nominating Committee for a two-year term, unless elected at a special has made its report at the March meeting of the election to fill the remaining term of an officer Board of Directors, nominations may be made whose seat has been vacated. Beginning with the from the floor by a motion with a second for all 2019 election, the President the Treasurer, 3rd elected positions. After that time, nominations will and 5th Vice Presidents shall be elected for a (2) be closed. year term in odd years thereafter. For the 2019 If any candidate nominated from the floor was election, the Secretary, the 1st, the 2nd, the 4th deemed not qualified by the Nominating Com- Vice Presidents shall be elected for a one (1) year mittee to be placed on the ballot for election at term. Beginning with the 2020 election, the Sec- the Annual meeting, the chair of said committee retary, the 1st, the 2nd and 4th Vice-Presidents shall state to the Board prior to any vote being tak- shall be elected for two (2) year term in even en why that candidate was deemed not qualified. years thereafter. There shall be separate ballots for Unless otherwise stated herein, candidates must each office subject to election with the President’s be former Executive Board members or current office being first voted, then the Vice Presidents, members of the Board of Directors and must be Secretary, Treasurer, and continuing in an order in good standing with Massachusetts Hockey to determined by the Chair of the Nominating Com- be eligible (CORI and Conflict of Interest Forms mittee until all elected positions are filled. No per- are accurate and submitted to the respective chairs, son shall serve as President for more than four (4) they have no outstanding financial issues and they consecutive years. are not under suspension). Any member who holds an appointed position from USA Hockey and is Election of District/Division Directors: specifically excluded from holding office in a USA A. Five (5) Directors shall be elected annually Hockey Affiliate and/or District by USA Hockey’s from each of the following twelve (12) Dis- Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and/or Policies and tricts/Divisions: Procedures shall not be eligible to hold any elected 1. District 1, consisting of the Hometown position in Massachusetts Hockey. Associations within the geographical area depicted in the Annual Guide. Elections of Officers and USA Hockey Directors: 2. District 2, consisting of the Hometown

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 11 Associations within geographical area C. Nominees shall be members of Massachu- depicted in the Annual Guide. setts Hockey and shall be eligible only in 3. District 3, consisting of the Hometown the District/Division in which they partic- Associations within geographical area ipate or reside and shall have been in good depicted in the Annual Guide. standing for at least one year immediately 4. District 4, consisting of the Hometown prior to nomination. For the purpose of Associations within geographical area this paragraph, participation shall mean depicted in the Annual Guide. active engagement with an association/ 5. District 5, consisting of the Hometown program in the District/Division for at Associations within geographical area least one year prior to nomination. depicted in the Annual Guide. D. USA Hockey appointed individuals inter- 6. District 6, consisting of the Hometown ested in running for office must resign in Associations within geographical area writing to the President of Massachusetts depicted in the Annual Guide. Hockey with an effective date prior to the 7. District 7, consisting of the Hometown District/Division election. If the resigned Associations within geographical area individual is the District/Division Reg- depicted in the Annual Guide. istrar, the USA Hockey Registrar or des- 8. District 8, consisting of the Hometown ignee will then run the District/Division Associations within geographical area elections. depicted in the Annual Guide. E. In District/Division elections for Direc- 9. District 9, consisting of the Hometown tors, each registered and certified asso- Associations within geographical area ciation/program shall have one vote for depicted in the Annual Guide. each Registered Participant Member as 10. District 10, consisting of the Home- of March 1 as reported in the most recent town Associations within geographical census complied by the USA Hockey As- area depicted in the Annual Guide. sociate Registrar. In all other matters, each 11. Girls’ / Women Division, consisting of association shall have one vote at District the associations/programs registered meetings. Any Hometown Association and certified by the USA Hockey Regis- consisting of groupings of cities and/or trar for Massachusetts as of January 1st towns located within two or more of the of each year. of the ten (10) Districts described in para- 12. Club Division, consisting of the associ- graph A shall be assigned to one of the Dis- ations/programs registered and certified tricts containing any of the Association’s by the USA Hockey Registrar for Mas- cities and/or towns by a vote of the Board sachusetts as of January 1st of each year. of Directors of Massachusetts Hockey. B. District and Division elections shall be F. Directors’ term shall run from the close of held by District/Division Registrars no lat- the Annual Meeting to the close of the next er than March 15 of each year. A quorum Annual Meeting. of one-third of the associations/programs G. Alternate Director(s), if any, shall be elect- of the District/Division shall constitute a ed by the same process as Directors. quorum at meetings of the Districts/Divi- H. Names of elected Director(s) and Alter- sions when elections are held. Notification nate Director(s), if any, shall be reported of the election meeting shall be given in to the Secretary of Massachusetts Hock- writing or electronically by the Registrar ey by USA Hockey Associate Registrars to each program or team at least three no later than March 25. Failure to report weeks prior to said election. names to the Secretary in a timely fashion

12 | MAHOCKEY.ORG shall cause individuals to be excluded from hold more than one USA Hockey Section Rep- voting in the next regularly scheduled, spe- resentative position at a time. Candidates for the cial or Annual Meeting, whichever comes position of USA Hockey Section Representative first. The Executive Board shall receive all must: be a former or current USA Hockey Reg- credentials and forward to the Secretary a istrar or Associate Registrar for Massachusetts or list of properly elected District/Division a former or current member of either the Execu- Directors by April 1. tive Board or Board of Directors; submit CORI and Conflict of Interest Forms; have no financial Directors at Large: issues; and not be under suspension. Each USA Executive Board members not re-elected, or Hockey Section Representative shall be elected re-appointed may remain on the Board of Di- for a term of three (3) years. rectors after the expiration of their term as a Director at Large with voting privileges for one ARTICLE VIII - DUTIES OF year only, except those who have been a member DISTRICT/DIVISION of the Executive Board for 15 years who shall be REGISTRARS & DIRECTORS Directors at Large with voting privileges for life. USA Hockey Associate Registrars shall: This bylaw does not apply to At Large Executive A. Be directly responsible to the USA Hockey Board members who concurrently serve as Dis- Registrar; trict Directors. B. Hold District/Division meetings with a minimum of four per year; Election of USA Hockey Directors: C. Distribute all materials supplied to the The Board of Directors shall elect a USA Hockey District/Division associations; Director for a three (3) year term annually, by a D. Check player registrations for ineligible simple majority at the Annual meeting. The terms players, overall completeness and compli- will be staggered so as to minimize the number of ance with Massachusetts Hockey and USA Directors whose term ends in any one year. Hockey forms; In the event of a vacancy in any elected office E. Confirm ournamentT applications with the of the organization due to resignation, removal, State Tournament Coordinator; death, or other cause, the vacancy shall be filled by F. Review and approve all player transfers election at the next regularly scheduled or specifi- within the District; cally called meeting of the Board of Directors for G. Coordinate District/Division Playdowns, the balance of the term remaining. Upon notice and qualify players and teams for partici- of such a vacancy, the President, or if the Pres- pation in District/Division Playdowns; ident’s office is vacant, the next highest-ranking H. Hold District/Division Elections in accor- officer, shall request the Nomination Committee dance with Article VII of these Bylaws; to inform the Board of Directors of the opening I. Maintain all District/Division records, and to prepare for such an election. The Secretary and provide to the USA Hockey Registrar shall give notice of the scheduled election to the upon request; Board of Directors. J. Report rules violations to the President; K. Preside, without voting, at District Hear- Election of USA Hockey Section Representatives: ings. Registrars may decline to serve in this The Board of Directors shall elect a Represen- capacity. tative to the USA Hockey Disabled Section, a Representative to the USA Hockey Girls’/Wom- en Section and a Representative to the USA Hockey High School Section. No person shall

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 13 Massachusetts Hockey District/Division Direc- consultation with the President and Coun- tors shall: sel, if any, shall be the sole judge of the A. Attend Massachusetts Hockey State and definition and meaning of all terms, phras- appropriate District/Division meetings; es, words and procedures as they relate to B. Cooperate with the District/Division Reg- the discipline process as set out in Article istrars in coordinating District/Division XIV of Massachusetts Hockey Bylaws. play downs and other business of their re- G. Any committee meeting may be held by spective District/Divisions; any means of electronic or other commu- C. Fulfill all the fiduciary responsibilities and nication through which all the participants obligations required by virtue of being an can hear each other. elected member of the Board of Directors H. The Audit committee shall consist of at least of Massachusetts Hockey; three members. The majority of the members D. Be eligible for appointment as a voting must be members of the Board of Directors member of any disciplinary panel in accor- and none of the members can have any mate- dance with Article XIV unless conflict of rial financial interest in any entity doing sig- interest considerations dictate otherwise. nificant business with Massachusetts Hockey. The committee shall make recommendations ARTICLE IX – COMMITTEES to the Board of Directors regarding: A. The permanent committees of Massa- 1. Selection, retention; and termination of chusetts Hockey shall be: Audit, Adaptive an independent auditor Hockey, American Development Model 2. The compensation of the auditor; (ADM) & Player Development, Discipline, 3. Measures to insure that the internal Finance, Nomination, CORI Screening, controls are documented by manage- Rules, Tournaments, SafeSport and Safety. ment and evaluated as part of the audit; B. The Chairs of the Rules Committee, Coach- 4. Process by which the audit committee ing Education Program, and Discipline shall review the audit and the manage- Committee shall be appointed annually by ment letter, if any, with the auditor and the President subject to the approval of the work with the auditor and management Executive Board. The chairs of all other of Massachusetts Hockey to resolve or Committees and members of all Committees recommend resolution to the board of shall be appointed annually by the President, any issues of concern arising from the except that the Treasurer shall be the Chair audit or management letter; and of the Finance Committee. 5. Measures to ensure that any non-audit C. The President may from time to time ap- services provided by the auditing firm point other committees for specific pur- con form with the standards of indepen- poses and terms. dence required. D. The President and President elect shall be The committee shall prior to the board’s con- ex-officio members of all Committees. sideration of and action on the independent E. All committee action except action under auditor’s report, the committee shall report to Article XIII and XIV of these Bylaws shall the board on the results of the audit. be subject to review of the Executive Board I. The CORI Screening Committee shall: on its own motion or at the request of the Refer to Article VI Duties of the Members committee Chairperson. Any such review of the Executive Board. shall be limited to a review of the commit- J. The Discipline Committee shall: Refer to tee’s decision on the record before it. Article VI Duties of the Members of the F. The Chair of the Discipline Committee in Executive Board.

14 | MAHOCKEY.ORG K. The Finance Committee shall: Refer to Committee determines the candidate is not Article VI Duties of the Members of the qualified, the Committee will not place the Executive Board. candidate’s name on the ballot and will re- L. The Rules Committee shall: Refer to Arti- port its decision in writing or via email to the cle VI Duties of the Members of the Exec- full Board of Directors and the candidate. utive Board. M. The Tournaments Committee shall: ARTICLE X - ANNUAL MEETING 1. Have the responsibility of coordinating The Annual Meeting of Massachusetts Hockey all State Championship Tournaments; shall be held in the month of June. The time and 2. Oversee all State Championships and place shall be designated by the President in writ- District Playdown activity; ing and/or via electronic email using the 3. Receive all District Playdown applica- email address to the Board of Di- tions and fees; rectors not less than 14 days prior to the meeting. 4. Ensure that all established deadlines are upheld; ARTICLE XI - PARLIAMENTARY 5. Award State Tournaments to the Dis- AUTHORITY tricts at the annual meeting; All meetings of the organization, including 6. Accept Tournament sites; meetings of the Board of Directors, shall be gov- 7. Receive Tournament Compliance Forms erned by Robert’s Rules of Order, except to the from each Tournament site prior to the extent said Rules conflict with these Bylaws. annual Tournament meeting; 8. Appoint ‘on-site’ Tournament Directors ARTICLE XII - INDEMNIFICATION to oversee each Tournament site; AND EXCULPATION 9. Receive the reports from each Tourna- Massachusetts Hockey shall indemnify or pro- ment Committee and each ‘on-site’ Di- tect and hold harmless USA Hockey, Inc., its rector; and Directors, members, councils, committees and 10. Issue a report on all Tournaments at the each member thereof, and all other elected, ap- Annual Meeting. pointed, employed or volunteer representatives N. The Nomination Committee shall review of USA Hockey from any and all claims, liabili- the qualifications of all candidates prior to a ty, judgments, costs, attorneys’ fees, charges and candidate’s name being placed on the ballot. expenses whatsoever, arising from the acts and That review shall consist at a minimum of omissions of Massachusetts Hockey, except to determining whether a prospective candidate the extent (i) that USA Hockey, Inc., or its afore- has on file with the Treasurer a complete described representatives caused such claims. Li- and up to date conflict of interest disclosure ability, judgments, costs, attorneys’ fees, charges form, whether that candidate holds any oth- or expenses by their own intentional neglect or er position in Massachusetts Hockey and/ default or (ii) that such acts or omissions were or USA Hockey that would disqualify him/ the direct result of compliance with the Articles her for holding the office sought and wheth- of Incorporation, Bylaws, Rules and Regula- er that candidate holds any other position tions, Playing Rules or decisions of the Board outside of Massachusetts Hockey that would or Directors of USA Hockey. Further, Massa- place that candidate in a conflict of interest chusetts Hockey understands and acknowledges and prevent him/her in the opinion of the that USA Hockey, Inc., and its aforedescribed Committee from exercising his/her indepen- representatives have assumed such assignment, dent judgment on behalf of the best interests function, office or capacity upon the express un- of Massachusetts Hockey. In the event the derstanding, agreement and condition that they

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 15 be so indemnified and held harmless to the ex- other than directors or officers may be entitled tent described in this Bylaw. by contract or otherwise. Indemnification: Massachusetts Hockey shall No Personal Liability: No director, officer, indemnify or protect each person who is or was employee of this Corporation or a volunteer act- a director, officer or employee, or a volunteer ing on behalf of Massachusetts Hockey and/or its acting within the scope of his/her authority on affiliates shall be personally liable to Massachu- behalf of Massachusetts Hockey and/or its af- setts Hockey for monetary damages for breach filiates, such person’s heirs, executors and legal of fiduciary duty as a director, officer, employee representatives, against all liabilities and expens- or volunteer notwithstanding any provisions of es, including judgments, fines, penalties and law imposing such liability: provided, however, reasonable attorney’s fees and all amounts paid, that the liability of an officer, director, employee other than to Massachusetts Hockey, in compro- or volunteer to the extent that such liability is mise or settlement, imposed upon or incurred by imposed by applicable law, shall not be elimi- such person in connection with, or arising out nated (1) for any breach of such person’s duty of of, the defense or disposition of any action, suit loyalty to Massachusetts Hockey; (2) for acts or or other proceeding, whether civil or criminal, omissions not in good faith or which involve an which such person may be a defendant or with intentional or a knowing violation of law, or (3) which such person is threatened or otherwise in- for any transaction from which such derived an volved, directly or indirectly, by reason of such improper benefit. person’s holding or having held such position. The directors, officer, employees and vol- The provisions of this paragraph shall not ap- unteers of Massachusetts Hockey shall not be ply to any person who has been adjudicated or personally liable for any debt, liability or ob- determined in such action, suit or proceeding ligation of the Corporation. All persons, cor- not to have acted in good faith in the reasonable porations or other entities extending credit to, belief that his or her action was in the best inter- contracting with, or having any such claims ests of the Corporation. Massachusetts Hockey against Massachusetts Hockey, may look only shall provide no indemnification with respect to to the funds and property of this Corporation any matter settled or compromised, pursuant to for the payment of such contract or claim, or consent decree or otherwise, unless such settle- for the payment of any debt, damages, judg- ment or compromise shall have been approved ment or decree, or any amount that may oth- as in the best interest of Massachusetts Hockey erwise become due or payable to them from by (1) a disinterested majority of the Board of Massachusetts Hockey. Directors of the Corporation or (2) if there were Massachusetts Hockey agrees, at all times, no disinterested directors, by independent legal to be covered by the general liability insurance counsel representing Massachusetts Hockey and policy maintained by USA Hockey. USA Hockey appointed by a majority of the directors then in shall inform Massachusetts Hockey of the limits office. The right of indemnification provided in of that policy, and of any changes to those limits this Article shall not be exclusive of or affect any which may be made by USA Hockey at its sole other rights to which any director, officer, em- prerogative. By purchasing and maintaining the ployee or volunteer may be entitled under any aforementioned general liability insurance policy, agreement, statue or otherwise. Massachusetts USA Hockey does not assume any liability for any Hockey’s obligation to provide indemnification actions or omissions of Massachusetts Hockey. under the Article shall be offset by and to the Massachusetts Hockey agrees to use reasonable extent of any other source of indemnification. efforts to purchase, acquire or provide and main- Nothing contained in this Article shall affect any tain in full force and effect at all times, directors’ rights to which Massachusetts Hockey personnel and officers’ liability insurance, and to name USA

16 | MAHOCKEY.ORG Hockey as an additional insured thereunder if ARTICLE XIV - SUSPENSION, such insurance is not obtained through USA EXPULSION, OTHER DISCIPLINE; Hockey. Massachusetts Hockey retains right to APPEALS obtain whatever additional insurance coverage’s it A. General: may desire, at its own expense, but agrees to name Except as may be permitted in section E be- USA Hockey as an additional insured thereof. low, no Party may be suspended from par- ticipation or otherwise disciplined f unless ARTICLE XIII - EQUAL a hearing has been held prior to the action OPPORTUNITY AND being taken according to the provisions of RESOLUTION OF GRIEVANCES these rules. Massachusetts Hockey shall provide an equal B. Purpose: competitive opportunity, taking into account It is the purpose of these rules to provide ability, physical size and other athletic criteria, to Parties a fair hearing (a) prior to being amateur athletes, coaches, trainers, managers, ad- subject to discipline, which shall include ministrators and officials to participate, consistent reasonable notice of the grounds for the with the requirements of the Amateur Sports Act proposed discipline, and (b) to contest an of 1978, as amended, in amateur athletic compe- administrative action, which hearing shall tition without discrimination on the basis of race, include reasonable opportunity to prepare color, religion, age, sex or national origin. and present their case and argument in Massachusetts Hockey shall provide for the accordance with these rules, including the prompt and equitable resolution of grievances of opportunity to call witnesses and present its members, including fair notice and opportu- evidence, the opportunity to see all evi- nity for a hearing consistent with the provisions dence intended to be used at the hearing of these Bylaws and the requirements of the Am- and cross examine witnesses and to be as- ateur Sports Act of 1978 as amended. sisted by counsel at the hearing. Any grievance filed under this Article must C. Disciplinary Action be filed with the President of Massachusetts 1. Suspension, expulsion or other disci- Hockey with a copy of the grievance forward- plinary action of any member may occur ed to the Chair of the Disciplinary Committee by operation of or violation of: and the General Counsel. Only a member in a. USA Hockey or Massachusetts good standing may file a grievance and for the Hockey, Association Bylaws, Rules & purpose of this Article. A grievance shall only Regulations, Policies; be entertained and acted upon if it deals with a b. The playing rules of the game as pro- material violation by a member of Massachusetts mulgated by USA Hockey; Hockey and/or USA Hockey Bylaws, Rules and c. Administrative action taken by Mas- Regulations, Policies and Procedures, Codes sachusetts Hockey, or any Associa- of Conduct, Codes of Ethics and USA Hockey tion, league, district, or other orga- playing rules and such violation is clearly con- nization certified and/or registered trary to any practice or precedent consistent with with Massachusetts Hockey with said Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, Policies and authority to do same. Procedures, Codes of Conduct, Codes of Ethics d. Additional violations for which dis- and Playing Rules. cipline may be imposed include, but are not limited to: i. threats or action against officials of Massachusetts Hockey or USA Hockey;

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 17 ii. any conduct unbecoming or det- sachusetts Hockey and other members rimental to the sport of hockey; within the jurisdiction of USA Hockey, iii. allowing participation by inel- USA Hockey itself or its Affiliate Asso- igible or unregistered players, ciations, including, but not limited to coaches, officials or teams in Massachusetts Hockey Board Members, sanctioned events; Massachusetts Hockey Executive Board iv. participation in events not offi- Members, Affiliate Association Board cially sanctioned. Members, each parent, guardian, agent D. Definitions: or other person, and each league, club, For the purposes of this Article, the words, sponsor, facility or other group or or- terms and phrases used in this Article XIV ganization, that is engaged in domestic shall have the following definitions: competition or participating in a USA 1. “Administrative Action” shall mean Hockey and/or Massachusetts Hockey any action or decision by USA Hock- sanctioned event of any kind. ey, an Affiliate Association or a local 7. “Playing Rules” shall mean playing league, association or program (other rules of the game adopted from time to than “Discipline” as defined below) that time by USA Hockey and published as affects any Parties’ eligibility to partic- USA Hockey Playing Rules. ipate in domestic competition and/or 8. “Playing Rules Suspension” shall mean their membership in any organization suspensions expressly permitted or man- within the jurisdiction of these Bylaws. dated by the USA Hockey Playing Rules. 2. “Appeal Authority” shall mean the Mas- 9. “Summary Suspension” shall mean a sus- sachusetts Discipline Committee or any pension issued by a Disciplinary Authori- Appeal Panel appointed thereby. ty prior to a hearing being conducted. 3. “Applicable Rules,” shall mean the E. Hearing Procedure Bylaws, rules and regulations, playing 1. Hearing Panel: rules, policies, codes of conduct, ethics, The Disciplinary Authority consid- core values and decisions of the Board ering issuing any Discipline, or upon of Directors of USA Hockey and Mas- demand by a Party contesting a sus- sachusetts Hockey, and comparable pension or other disciplinary action Bylaws, rules, documents and decisions where no hearing was held, or desires of any applicable District, League or , to contest an Administrative Action, Club, sponsor, facility, other group, or- shall appoint a Hearing Panel of a min- ganization or Association. imum of three and maximum of five 4. “Disciplinary Authority” shall mean reasonably disinterested and impartial Massachusetts Hockey, including each persons to conduct the hearing. The District of Massachusetts Hockey, any Discipline Authority may also appoint League, any Association, or a local a Hearing Facilitator whose function league, association or program having shall be to facilitate the discipline pro- jurisdiction to issue Discipline to any cess. The Hearing Facilitator shall not Party within the jurisdiction of USA have a vote on any Discipline issue and Hockey. may participate in the facilitation of the 5. “Discipline” shall mean a suspension, hearing process at the discretion of the probation, censure or other discipline Hearing Panel. of a Party. 2. Hearing Timing: 6. “Party” shall mean members of Mas- Absent good cause, the Hearing Panel

18 | MAHOCKEY.ORG should hold the hearing no later than 30 in the hearing. If the Hearing Panel has days after its appointment unless a later not made arrangements for a record of date is agreed upon by the Parties and ap- the proceedings, a Party may at its own proved by the Hearing Panel. expense create a stenographic or oth- 3. Hearing Notice: er record of the proceedings and must Not later than seven (7) days before inform the Hearing Panel prior to the the hearing date, the Hearing Pan- hearing of any arrangements so made. el shall provide written notice to all A copy of any such record created by interested Parties of the time and or for a Party shall be provided at such place of the hearing, the names of the Party’s cost to the Hearing Panel. Oth- hearing panel members and any hear- er Parties will be permitted to secure a ing facilitator, the manner in which copy of the record in the normal course the hearing is to be conducted, the at their own expense. grounds for any proposed suspension, 6. Burden of Proof: discipline or Administrative Action, In order to impose a suspension or dis- the possible consequences of an ad- cipline, the hearing panel must make a verse finding, and the issues to be re- finding supported by a preponderance of solved by the Hearing Panel. the evidence (i.e., more likely true than 4. Hearing Location: not true) that the Party violated an Ap- Subject to the provisions of the follow- plicable Rule. The Disciplinary Author- ing subsection (e), the Hearing Panel ity proposing the Discipline shall have shall make every reasonable effort to the burden of proof and shall present convene the hearing in a location acces- evidence to support the suspension or sible to all the Parties. discipline by a preponderance of the ev- 5. Conduct of Hearing: idence. In the case of an Administrative The Hearing Panel may in its discretion Action, the burden of proof shall be on hold a formal or informal hearing, in the Party challenging the Administra- person or by telephonic conference call tive Action to prove by a preponderance or video conference, hear any evidence of the evidence that the Administrative it believes is relevant to the issue(s) be- Action was made in an arbitrary or ca- fore it, place limits on time, evidence pricious manner or was not supported by and documentation, have witnesses or the facts. In a contest of an Administra- written statements and establish oth- tive Action, only the evidence presented er hearing rules so long as the Parties to or considered by the Party taking the are informed of the established proce- Administrative Action shall be presented dures, each Party has a reasonable op- and considered by the hearing panel. portunity to present its case and argu- 7. Decision: ment in accordance with the Hearing The Hearing Panel shall use reasonable Panel’s rules, and each Party is treated efforts to (I) render its decision within in a substantially equal manner. The five (5) business days of the completion Rules of Evidence in judicial proceed- of the hearing or the closing of the re- ings shall not apply in the hearing. The cord whichever is later, and (ii) prepare Parties may be represented by counsel and deliver a written decision to the of their choosing at their own expense, Parties within 15 business days of the provided that the Hearing Panel may completion of the hearing or the close set rules for the involvement of counsel of the record, whichever is later. The

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 19 written decision shall contain findings suspension may be issued after consul- of material facts, conclusions, the order tation with the Executive Director of of the Hearing Panel and a statement of Massachusetts Hockey and either the any right of appeal a Party may have as President or a Vice President of Mas- a result of the decision. Delivery of the sachusetts Hockey. A Summary suspen- decision to the Parties may be made by sion may be impose for any of the fol- first class mail or other delivery service lowing reasons: where a Party has been or electronic mail in the discretion of arrested for a crime alleged to have been the Hearing Panel. committed; where a Party has assaulted 8. Scope of Hearing Panel Decision: another or violated the USA Hockey Unless explicitly accepted by another Safe Sport Policy, including such abuse provision of these rules or the rules of between adults, or other violations of USA Hockey the decision of the Hear- USA Hockey or Massachusetts Hock- ing Panel shall be in effect only for the ey Policies, provided such Policies are program governed by the Disciplinary in writing and have been approved by Authority and subject to appeal as set the Board of Directors, and when an out in Section G below. If the Hearing individual is named in a lawsuit against Panel wishes to extend any suspension Massachusetts Hockey. or discipline it ordered beyond its pro- Any summary suspension must be in gram, it must notify the Chair of the writing and given to the individual af- Massachusetts Hockey Discipline Com- fected and the writing shall inform the mittee. If the suspension or discipline individual of his/her right to request a is imposed by a Hearing Panel’s deci- hearing within seven (7) days of being sion is affirmed by an Appeal Panel or notified of the suspension. Any hear- there is no appeal from the decision of ing requested hereunder shall be con- the Hearing Panel, and Massachusetts ducted according to the provisions of Hockey wishes to extend the scope of these rules. the hearing panel’s decision beyond 2. Playing Rules Suspensions: Massachusetts it may only do so by sub- Any Playing Rules Suspension does mitting a written request to do so and a not require a hearing except that, in copy of the written Disciplinary Panel’s the event of the imposition of a match and/or Appeal Panel’s decision to the penalty as defined in the Playing Rules, Executive Director of USA Hockey, a hearing must be offered to be held as who shall advise all other Affiliate Asso- set forth in the Playing Rules, and the ciations of the suspension or Discipline terms and length of the Party’s suspen- and upon such notice the suspension or sion shall be as set forth in the Playing Discipline shall be in effect for all Affil- Rules unless modified or revoked by the iate Associations. Hearing Panel. Any hearing for a match F Exclusions: penalty shall be conducted according to 1. Summary Suspensions these rules; provided that, in the case After consultation with the Chair of the of a match penalty being imposed in a Massachusetts Hockey Discipline Com- district or national championship tour- mittee, any member may be suspended nament, the hearing will be conducted without a hearing by a Discipline Au- immediately after the game in question thority. In the absence of the Chair of by the on-site USA Hockey personnel. the Discipline Committee, a summary All applicable game score sheets and

20 | MAHOCKEY.ORG referee reports must be presented to assignment shall have no effect. the Hearing Panel and made available H. Assault on Game Official: to the Party subject to suspension. Any Assaults on Game Officials are violations Playing Rule Suspension shall remain of USA Hockey Playing Rules and as such in force and effect and be final unless are subject to the provisions for Playing modified or revoked at a hearing, except Rules Suspensions. In the event of a match that if the hearing is not held within penalty for deliberately inflicting physical 30 days of the incident together with a harm, or attempting to do so, to any game decision in accordance with these rules, official, including off-ice officials, the of- the suspended Party shall be automati- fending party shall be suspended for not cally reinstated after the 30-day period. less than one calendar year with one calen- The failure to offer the hearing shall not dar year probation thereafter. prohibit the Discipline Authority from I. Appeals: conducting the hearing after the 30-day 1. Right to Appeal period and thereafter imposing further Any Party that is suspended otherwise disciplinary action. disciplined or subject to an Adminis- G. Officiating Suspensions: trative Action pursuant to these rules The applicable state association or league may, after a hearing or failure to have a or local supervisor of officials shall have the hearing in accordance with these rules, authority to suspend a referee up to 10 days appeal such action as follows: without a prior hearing. The state associa- a. Suspensions: tion or Affiliate Association shall have the Match penalty suspensions or sus- authority to suspend a referee after a hear- pensions for violations of bylaw and/ ing (held in accordance with these rules) or or rules of local, league or District in accordance with the Summary Suspen- organizations, shall be appealable to sion procedures. the Massachusetts Hockey Discipline Any official(s) who boycotts any game(s) Committee (the “Appeal Authority”). due to any disciplinary action taken or not b. Appeals Not Involving Suspensions: taken by a Disciplinary Authority shall Appeals of Administrative Actions or subject said official(s) to Discipline in ac- other disciplinary action that do not cordance with these rules conducted by the involve suspension shall be appealed organization subjected to said boycott. to the Board of Directors of the state USA Hockey does not recognize offi- association or where no state organi- cial’s organizations. However, if any regis- zation exists to the Affiliate Associa- tered USA Hockey official is restricted or tion’s Board of Directors or the des- denied assignment eligibility for any USA ignated committee of such Board of Hockey game by an officials’ organization Directors. There shall be no further or group of officials (“Officials’ Organiza- appeals of Administrative Actions or tion”), except for good cause shown in ac- other disciplinary actions not involv- cordance with the Officials’ Organization ing a suspension. written rules and then only for a very lim- c. Officials: ited duration without a hearing as provid- Officials may appeal a suspension, ed herein, then said Officials’ Organization other disciplinary action or an ad- shall be subject to suspension or expulsion verse Administrative Action if by a in accordance with the rules and regula- state association, USA Hockey Dis- tions herein and that restriction or denied trict Referee in Chief or local super-

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 21 visor of officials to the applicable thority, Discipline Panel and/or any Affiliate Association. If the official responding Party shall have 14 days has been disciplined by the Affiliate from the receipt of the Statement Association or if the Affiliate Asso- of Appeal to file a reply and any re- ciation has affirmed the discipline ply must be served upon the Appeal previously imposed, the official may Authority and the appealing Party. appeal the discipline to a committee The Statement of Appeal and reply consisting of the National Referee should be a complete and compre- in Chief, a District Director from hensive document and include all the District to which the Affiliate material from the original discipline belongs and a third impartial indi- hearing the Party wishes to be con- vidual selected by those two. There sidered. Letters and other documents shall be no further appeal of any de- not submitted by the Party him/her- cision by the said committee and the self as part of the Statement of Ap- Discipline shall be final. peal need not be considered by the d. District/National Championship Appeal Authority. If a Statement of Rules Appeals: Appeal is not received by the Chair District or national championship of the Massachusetts Hockey Disci- rules or special jurisdictional hockey pline Committee within the 14 day association rules shall be appealable period, the discipline shall be final. to the USA Hockey council or its The failure to respond by any Party designee having jurisdiction over the will exclude that Party from further program. There shall be no further participation in the appeal proceed- appeal of any decision by the said ings. The Statement of Appeal and council and the decision shall be final. any reply shall be no longer than 10 2. Appeal Procedure: typed double-spaced pages with a The appeal procedure for all appeals as font size no smaller than 12 points. described in Section H (1) above shall Exhibits to support the Statement be as follows: of Appeal and/or reply may also be a. Statement of Appeal: attached, including any relevant gov- The appealing Party must submit a erning documents the Party is rely- Statement of Appeal in writing to the ing upon to support its argument. Chair of the Massachusetts Hockey Exhibits shall not be included in the Discipline Committee, with a copy ten (10) page limitation. to the Disciplinary Authority and b. Conduct of Appeal Hearing: the Hearing Panel, of the decision The Chair of the Massachusetts appealed from within 14 days of re- Hockey Discipline Committee ceipt of the decision appealed or of shall appoint an Appeal Panel to the date of the failure to hold a hear- consider any appeals pursuant to ing, whichever is applicable. The these rules. The Appeal Panel may Statement of Appeal shall include in its discretion hold a hearing or a statement of why the Discipline consider the appeal on the written should be overturned or reversed, submissions of the Parties and es- and should attach the record of the tablish other hearing rules so long hearing panel, if any, and a copy of as each Party is treated substan- the decision. The Disciplinary Au- tially equal. Notice of a hearing,

22 | MAHOCKEY.ORG if any, shall be given to all Parties, shall be final as it is the final Appeal Au- and any hearing may, in the discre- thority in this appeal process. tion of the Appeal Panel, be held in J. Discipline Action Reports: person, telephonically or by video All discipline action shall be reported in conference. Only the evidence and writing to the Chair of the Massachusetts theories presented to the Hearing Hockey Discipline Committee. Panel or party taking the K. Refer to USA Hockey Annual Guide By- Administrative Action prior to ren- Law 10.D (3)(j) Unified Procedures Not dering its decision shall be presented Applicable to Financial Disputes or considered on appeal. The only ba- sis for appeal will be that the Hearing ARTICLE XV – AMENDMENTS Panel acted erroneously in interpret- A. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws and ing or applying USA or Massachu- Rules and Regulations must be submit- setts Hockey Bylaws, Rules, Policies ted to the Rules Committee in writing or or Regulations and Codes of Conduct electronically for their recommendation as and Ethics to the facts. to adoption, rejection, modification or de- c. Appeal Decision ferral prior to any vote being taken by the The Appeal Panel shall make every Board of Directors. reasonable effort to issue a written B. These Bylaws may be amended at the An- decision that shall include a statement nual Meeting of the Board of Directors finding of the facts that were proven provided a quorum exists if the proposed at the hearing and the conclusions of amendments have been presented in writ- the Appeal Panel within fourteen (14) ing or electronically by the Rules Commit- days of the hearing. The Appeal Panel tee to each member of the Board of Direc- may affirm, reverse or modify (includ- tors at least 14 days prior to the meeting. ing increase or decrease the term of C. The Rules and Regulations may be amend- a suspension) any decision in its sole ed at any regularly scheduled or special discretion and as it deems proper un- meeting of the Board of Directors pro- der the circumstances. vided a quorum exists. If the Rules Com- d. Suspension or Discipline Remains mittee has not acted within 30 days of the in Effect submission of the proposal, the submitter Any suspension, discipline or Admin- may bring the proposal to the Board of Di- istrative Action appealed from shall rectors by providing a written copy to each remain in force and effect until it member of the Board of Directors at least expires, is reversed or is modified by 14 days prior to the meeting. the Appeal Authority. D. A (2/3) majority of the votes cast is re- 3. Further Appeals: quired to amend or change the Bylaws and/ If allowed by the rules of USA Hock- or the Rules and Regulations. ey, any party aggrieved by the decision E. Any proposed amendment determined by of the Appeal Panel may appeal to the the Rules Committee to be in the same Executive Committee of USA Hockey or similar form and/or substance to one in accordance with the applicable USA which was rejected during the current or Hockey rules. There shall be no further prior season cannot be placed before the appeal of any decision by the Executive Board of Directors unless it has received a Committee of USA Hockey in matters two-thirds (2/3) majority vote cast by the concerning Discipline and its decision Board of Directors recommending that it

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 23 be placed before the Board of Directors. Board of Directors for approval/disapproval. F. The failure of any Member of the Board E. The Finance Committee shall keep and of Directors to receive such written or maintain records of any and all meetings electronic notice shall not make any ac- and their recommendations. Said records tions at the meeting invalid, provided that shall be available upon request to any and all a good faith effort was made to comply members of Massachusetts Hockey Board with the provisions of sections A, B and C of Directors. above. F. The Finance Committee shall establish, maintain and publish the Massachusetts ARTICLE XVI - FINANCE AND Hockey Accounting and Financial Proce- ACCOUNTING dures. A. The Treasurer of Massachusetts Hockey G. Massachusetts Hockey Memorial Fund shall submit annually at the annual meeting contributions may not exceed ($1,000) per of the Massachusetts Hockey Board of Di- year in the name of a single individual. Fund rectors the recommended budget proposal contributions may not exceed five years, of Massachusetts Hockey for the upcom- consecutive or otherwise, in memory of a ing season. Said budget proposal shall be single individual. recommended by the Finance Committee after prior review for a ratification vote (ap- proval/disapproval) by the members of the Board of Directors. B. The Treasurer shall cause an annual inde- pendent audit to be performed on all the Massachusetts Hockey accounts. Said audit shall be presented in writing to the Board of Directors within six (6) months of the fiscal year end of Massachusetts Hockey. C. The Treasurer shall file at the times re- quired any and all financial forms required by all governmental agencies. D. Prior to being presented to the Board of Di- rectors any proposal or request for monies that deviate from the approved annual bud- get of Massachusetts Hockey in the amount of $1,500 or more must be submitted in writing to the Finance Committee for a re- view for a recommendation vote (approval/ disapproval). Said recommendation shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for a ratification vote. A proposal or request for monies shall not be broken down into separate sums below $1,500 in an attempt to circumvent a recommendation of the Fi- nance Committee. Any proposal or requests for monies that are below can be presented from the floor of a monthly meeting of the


As amended and revised at the Annual Meeting, at Plymouth, Massachusetts, June 16, 2019.

ARTICLE I - REGISTRATION; any other volunteers in that association in COMPLETION the process for nomination and election Section 1. Registration of Directors. The Officers of the Asso- Persons and associations desiring membership in ciation must be elected on an annual or Massachusetts Hockey are required to register in biannual basis by either the Associations the category of membership sought as defined in Board of Directors or by the parent(s)/ Article III in the Bylaws of Massachusetts Hock- guardian(s) of minor players, coaches and ey and shall meet the following requirements in any other volunteers in the Association; order to be so registered: 4. Hold no fewer than four meetings per A. Hometown Associations: year open to all members of the asso- Only one association shall be registered for ciation; each city and town or groupings of cities 5. One of these meetings will be an annual and towns in the Commonwealth of Mas- meeting at which time sachusetts with populations of less than a. A written financial report for the 150,000 residents. More than one associ- most recent year ending shall be pre- ation may be registered in cities or towns sented to its members; with populations over 150,000. Such pro- b. The election of its Board of Direc- grams shall consist of two or more groups tors shall be held; of players who engage in competitive hock- c. Such meetings shall be conducted in ey play and may be referred to hereinafter accordance with generally accepted as association(s) or town association(s). parliamentary procedures; d. Forward to the Association Regis- In order to be registered each such asso- tration Committee of Massachusetts ciation shall: Hockey, within two (2) weeks of said 1. Adopt a constitution and/or Bylaws that meeting, the following: provide for the election of officers, a 1. Date, time and location of the Board of Directors, the conducting of meeting its business and affairs in accordance 2. Agenda with generally accepted parliamentary 3. Minutes procedures, and that define who has the 4. Nominees and winners of the an- right to vote and submit a copy of same nual election to the Association Registration Com- 5. Method of communication (rink mittee as required; posting, newspaper, etc.) that 2. Ensure that membership and voting pow- served as notice to the eligible ers of its governing body consist of not members of the association regard- less than 20% of members who have chil- ing the meeting; dren actively skating in the association; 6. Make copies of its Bylaws and/or Con- 3. Provide the right to vote to parents(s)/ stitution Rules/Regulations, including guardian(s) of minor players, coaches, and methods of becoming an Officer or Di-

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 25 rector, method of selecting coaches, defi- a. Be comprised of associations, teams nition of membership and voting rights and members registered in agree- and a list of current Officers and Direc- ment with the provisions of these tors, available to all parents, coaches, play- Rules and Regulations, or pursuant ers and other members of the association; to the rules of any other affiliate Dis- 7. Abide by Massachusetts Hockey’s By- trict of USA Hockey; laws, Rules and Regulations, and Poli- b. Agree to abide by Massachusetts cies and Procedures, including but not Hockey’s Bylaws, Rules and Regu- limited to, those regarding the preven- lation, and Policies and Procedures; tion of Physical and Sexual Abuse; and USA Hockey Bylaws, Rules and 8. Secure and prepare team rosters for Regulations, and Playing Rules. all teams; c. Sanctioned and Registered Leagues 9. Pay required fees as established by USA file a league registration annually with Hockey and Massachusetts Hockey and Massachusetts Hockey certifying com- as set out in the Fee Schedule herein; pliance with these requirements; 10. Maintain a file of signed Massachusetts d. File a copy of current Bylaws, Rules Hockey Coaches Code of Conduct for & Regulations with the Association each Coach and Manager; and Registration Committee. 11. Maintain a file of signed aiverW of Lia- 2. Multi-USA Hockey Affiliate Leagues: bility forms for each Player, Coach and Multi USA Hockey Leagues are de- Manager. fined as any league composed of teams from Massachusetts Hockey and one No association may refuse to register a skater, who or more other USA Hockey Affiliates resides within the Association’s geographic bound- who wish to be sanctioned by Massa- aries for any reason other than the following: chusetts Hockey. 1. A player is delinquent in payment of its Multi-USA Hockey Affiliate League financial obligations to this or any other who wishes to be sanctioned by Mas- Association, sachusetts Hockey shall submit what 2. The player and or member is or has is required by USA Hockey Rules and been subject to formal disciplinary ac- Regulations VIII.M with the Secre- tion by the Association within the last tary. Upon sanctioning of the Multi- five (5) seasons, USA Hockey Affiliate League, the 3. The Association has no space available. Massachusetts Hockey President shall issue a Massachusetts Hockey Sanc- Adverse decisions may be appealed to Massa- tioning agreement (per USA Hockey chusetts Hockey in accordance with Bylaw XIII Rules and Regulations VIII.H) to be Grievance Procedure. signed by the Multi-USA Hockey Af- B. Leagues: filiate League. The Start date of the 1. Registered Leagues: agreement shall be upon receipt by Leagues composed of teams registered the Massachusetts Hockey President with Massachusetts Hockey organized of the agreement signed by an autho- for competitive play in the Common- rized official of the Multi-USA Hock- wealth of Massachusetts shall be regis- ey Affiliate League. tered with Massachusetts Hockey. C. Club Associations: In order to be registered each such Teams shall be registered in one of the league shall: following categories and abide by all the

26 | MAHOCKEY.ORG applicable Rules & Regulations: II denotes an intermediate level of 1. Youth: Club Association which are competition. members of a City or Town association. b. Tryouts are open tryouts. 2. Girls/Women’s: Club: Teams that do not fit into the Club Association that are registered definitions above. To be registered as pursuant to the provisions in the Regis- club teams, these teams must: tration procedures. All Bylaws, Rules and a. Be comprised of a minimum of 80% Regulations in this Annual Guide apply Massachusetts residents; to Girls/Women unless specifically ex- b. Agree to abide by Massachusetts empted. Hockey Policy and Rules and Reg- 3. Tier I and Tier II National Bound: ulations regarding the prevention of Teams must belong to an organization Physical and Sexual Abuse and seek that meets the following requirements: consents for the Criminal Offender a. Field at least two teams; Record Information for all relevant b. If the National Bound Tier I/Tier II personnel on the team(s); association has 8U (Mite) teams, then c. Comply with all registration pro- those 8U (Mite) teams must com- cedures of USA and Massachusetts ply with ADM cross-ice according Hockey; to Massachusetts Hockey Rules and d. Agree to be governed by the follow- Regulations (Article VI. Section 3 8U ing restrictions: (Mite) Games); 1. May participate in Massachusetts c. Must have registered as Massachu- Hockey State Championship setts Hockey teams the previous Tournaments, as defined by and at three (3) seasons; the discretion of the State Tourna- d. Roster for 14U (Bantam) and 16U ment Committee; (Midget) and 18U (Midget) levels 2. May participate in Massachusetts may not have out-of-state player re- Hockey Registered Leagues at the strictions except they must comply discretion of the league; with the USA Hockey requirements 3. May only play against USA Hock- as to where they must register; ey and Canadian Amateur Hockey e. Meet all USA Hockey tournament Association registered teams, using requirements including, but not lim- USA Hockey playing rules, and ited to, number of games played, ros- registered USA Hockey referees. ter and credential requirements; f. Each organization may not have D. Individual Members: more than one Tier I national bound Those individual members who are players, team and one Tier II national bound coaches and/or referees shall be registered team at each age level. with Massachusetts Hockey. In order to be registered, a member shall Tier I teams: comply with the following rules: a. Tier I teams can recruit players and 1. Players must complete the USA Hockey have open tryout. Registration process and pay required b. Tier I teams have the intent to play at registration fee; the highest competitive level possible. 2. Players registered as individual members Tier II teams: on a youth team must play for the town a. Tier II teams register as Tier II. Tier association of residence, except that a

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 27 resident of a city or town that does not Participant Ineligibility Determinations have a registered association may join Based on Financial Disputes. an association in another city or town. 4. An association described in Article I A member from a city or town that does Section 1(A) may petition for a waiver not have a registered association who from the requirements of Article I, Sec- has joined another city or town associa- tion 1(D) (3) to their District Registrar tion shall be deemed to be a member of who shall present it at the next District that association for his/her youth hock- Meeting or a special meeting for a vote. ey career and shall not be considered a The meeting held for such a vote must non-resident player (as per 3 below) in occur on or before October 15. In such their original association. 16U (Midget) a case, a vote shall be held for each in- and 18U (Midget) level teams/players, dividual roster, not a group of rosters. A players rostered on a National Bound simple majority vote is required for ap- 14U (Bantam) team and Girls/Women proval. There shall be no absentee vot- teams/players participating above the ing. District Directors and Association Girls/Women Tier 3 level shall not be Representatives may attend a meeting subject to these requirements. In ad- held for such a vote in another District dition, a player may remain a member to state their opinion on the roster ex- of the city/town association he/she has emption; however, these individuals shall played for if the player’s family relocates have no vote. The District Registrar shall to another city/town and that player will give seven (7) days notice of a meeting not be considered a non-resident player held for such a vote, however, the Reg- as per paragraph 3 below; however, once istrar is not required to communicate the player no longer participates in that this to other districts. An adverse deci- original association, he/she would be sion of the District may be appealed by considered a non-resident player (per 3 the program to the Roster Committee. below) if he/she subsequently returns to The District approvals, including rosters the original association (and does not re- or lists of players shall be forwarded to side in the city or town). the Roster Committee by the District 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of D.2 Registrar within 10 days of the vote for requirements, a city or town association a review. The review shall be limited may register and roster up to three (3) to established precedents in relation to members per roster who are non-resi- creating teams from combinations of As- dents provided such member does not sociations, rostering out of state players have outstanding financial obligations and the adverse effect of such teams on to another Massachusetts Hockey or competition factors for state bound tour- USA Hockey affiliated association. Any naments. The Roster Committee shall player coming into a program who played notify the District Registrar of its find- elsewhere the previous season must pro- ings within 14 days. The decision shall vide a written financial release from their be final with no appeal. The decision of previous program to the new organization the District (or the Roster committee, if at the time of registration. Any disagree- appealed) is valid for the current hockey ments on whether a player owes money season only. Petitions for a waiver from to another program shall be resolved in the requirements of Article I, Section I accordance with Massachusetts Hock- (D) (3) filed after October 15 but not lat- ey Bylaw 14 (J) Procedures Applicable er than December 1st shall be acted on at

28 | MAHOCKEY.ORG the next District meeting. and/or Super Regional Bound State 5. An association described in Article I Tournaments and a Super Regional Section 1(A) must receive and retain a Championship Tournament. National form signed by all non-resident players Bound and Super Regional Bound spe- and their parents/guardians indicat- cifically refer to Tier I and Tier II play. ing that they are aware that they are a Once players participate in a National non-resident participant and that the Bound or Super Regional Bound play- association may be applying for a ros- down or State Tournament game during ter exemption. The blank form will be the season they are no longer eligible to available on the Massachusetts Hockey participate on another team in National website. It is recommended that an elec- Bound or Super Regional Bound play- tronic version of this form be included down or State Tournament games for with association registration materials. the balance of the season. There are four groups not required to 7. Player Movement: complete this form: It is the policy of Massachusetts Hockey a. A player who resides in a city or town that players play in their age-appropri- that does not have a registered Mas- ate classification. In exceptional circum- sachusetts Hockey affiliate associa- stances, a player (except for 8 and under) tion who has joined another city or may be rostered in a higher age group town association shall be deemed to with approval of their association/pro- be a member of that association for gram. Approval is required at the start of his/her youth hockey career and shall each season. No player 12 years of age not be considered a non-resident or younger, as defined in the age clas- player in their original association. sification chart for the current season, This form is not required in this case. is eligible to play on a team intending b. 16U (Midget) and 18U (Midget) level to declare to compete towards a USA players and players rostered on a Na- Hockey National Championship. At tional Bound 14U (Bantam) team are the Girls 14U Tier II level only, pro- not required to complete this form. grams may request approval from the c. Girls/Womens players participating Tier I/Tier II Girls State Tournament above the Girls/Womens Tier III Committee to roster one (1) player who level are not required to complete is age 12 as defined in the age classi- this form; fication chart for the current season. d. A player who relocates and who re- Programs with more than one team at mains a member of the city/town asso- the 14U Girls' level may not apply for ciation he/she has played for previously this waiver. A waiver process for youth will not be considered a non-resident programs and girls/women’s programs player for as long as the player stays but excluding club programs, showing with the original program and, there- a hardship at the 8 and under level may fore, need not complete this form. be filed with the Player Movement Com- 6. No player in both Youth and Girls/ mittee. Player movement waiver requests Women classifications shall be rostered must be submitted by December 1 of the on more than one team during the sea- current playing season. For the purpose son that participates in games leading to of this policy, a hardship would consist National Bound State Tournaments and of one or more of the following criteria: a National Championship Tournament • No 8 and under team for the player

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 29 to participate on, elimination from district playdowns fines • A history of low registrations at 8U or suspensions. (Mite) and 10U (Squirt) levels, • Playdown applications and rosters for • Programs with an approved 8U girl’s Non-National Bound Youth team’s dead- roster may roster up to three (3) 8U line are as follows: players on a 10U girl’s roster, o 18U Youth Tier II Large, Tier II • Other extenuating circumstances Small, Tier III and Girls 19U Tier III E. Honorary Members: teams by October 1st Honorary members shall not be required o Youth 14U, 12U & 10U Tier II, III to register and shall be elected as honorary Large, Medium, Small; Tier IV and Girls members by vote of the Board of Directors 14U, 12U & 10U Tier III, Tier IV by No- of Massachusetts Hockey. vember 1st Section 2. Completion D. Associations: A. In General: Associations shall not be considered regis- All registrations shall be done annually at tered until all team applications and rosters the time and in the manner prescribed by have been submitted, all Criminal Offend- Massachusetts Hockey on forms prepared er Record Information consent forms have by Massachusetts Hockey and/or USA been submitted, their constitution and/or Hockey, Inc., and shall be deemed com- Bylaws have been submitted and all re- plete and accepted when stamped by an quired fees have been paid. appropriate Massachusetts Hockey official. B. Players: ARTICLE II - COACHES AND Players shall not be considered registered and MANAGERS; CERTIFICATION shall not participate in any on ice activity until Section 1. Coaches and Managers the USA Hockey registration process is com- Coaches, managers and all bench personnel pleted and submitted to their association. shall be registered as members of Massachusetts C. Teams: Hockey, Inc., and shall be identified as such on • National Bound Youth Teams shall approved roster forms. not be considered registered until a roster A. They shall be responsible for the conduct is submitted via USAH Registry to the Dis- of all members of their teams during sanc- trict/Division Registrar by September 15th tioned activities. for all 19U, 18U, 16U, 15 Only teams, Oc- B. 1. There shall not be less than one (1) nor tober 1st for all 10U 12U and 14U teams. more than four (4) bench personnel in the All other rosters must be submitted by bench area during a game, and a game shall December 1. Failure to comply with these be forfeited upon a failure to comply with due dates could result in elimination from the minimum requirement of one, all of district playdowns fines or suspensions. whom must be certified pursuant to the • National Bound Girls/Women’s provisions of Section 2 of the Article. teams shall not be considered registered 2. Teams representing Massachusetts until a roster is submitted via USAH Reg- Hockey in the USA Hockey National istry to the District/Division Registrar by Championships shall not have less than October 1st for all Senior A, B and C, 19U, two (2) properly certified, rostered coaches 16U, 14U teams, October 15th for all 10U, on site during the games for the duration 12U and 14U teams. All other rosters must of the National Championships. be submitted by December 1. Failure to C. All coaches and managers are required an- comply with these due dates could result in nually to read, sign and be in compliance

30 | MAHOCKEY.ORG with the USAH Participant Code of Con- A. Refer to Annual, USA Hockey Annual duct. Guide Rules and Regulations V Coaching D. Rostered coaches, managers and bench Education Program. personnel may be changed during the sea- B. Coaches who fail to comply within their in- son by submitting a roster change in the augural season will be declared ineligible for USAH Registry, and pay the appropriate subsequent season(s) until they first achieve fee to a District/Divisional registrar. the appropriate USA Hockey Coaching Ed- E. 1. All coaches must have current certifica- ucation Program level endorsement. tion and online component and Safe Sport verification prior to being put on the roster. See USA Hockey Rules and Regulations VII Any coach not in possession of these require- Coaching Education Program Requirements Ef- ments will be ineligible to coach for the re- fective for the 2011-12 Season and beyond. mainder of the season. It will be the responsi- Although not required, it is recommended all bility of the local Association registering the coaching personnel complete a first aid treat- team to enforce the national policy. ment education program or receive a certifica- 2. It will be the responsibility of the Mas- tion in EMT training and/or CPR techniques. sachusetts Hockey Vice President who handles coaching matters, Massachusetts ARTICLE III - REFEREES Hockey Director of Coaching Education Only Level 2, 3 and 4 referees shall be eligible and the USA Hockey Coach in Chief for to referee 12U (Pee Wee), 14U (Bantam), 16U the Massachusetts district to determine if (Midget) and 18U (Midget), Girls/Women and there shall be any penalties provided here- Junior Massachusetts Hockey tournaments. in imposed on an individual coach or local Each referee must report all Match penalties Association who fails to provide a current within 48 hours, in writing and/or electronically up-to-date coaching CEP card with appro- via email, to his/her District Referee Supervisor, priate verification of level, online module including attaching the relevant game sheet if and SafeSport. possible. The District Referee Supervisor in re- 3. If the Coaches (Head or Assistant) cre- ceipt of the referees’ report will forward a copy dentials and Safe Sport are not current and to the District Registrar of the offending party complete the coach will be redlined off the and the Chairman of the Discipline Committee roster prior to approval. within 48 hours. Referees failing to report Match 4. The penalty for being on the bench or penalties may be subject to suspension from ice at the date of the roster submission for Massachusetts Hockey. the current season without proper certifi- cation or approval shall be determined by ARTICLE IV - NON-REGISTERED the Discipline Committee. & INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION 5. A temporary card requires the coach to Members shall not play any team not recognized get certified by December 31 of the fol- by or registered with Massachusetts Hockey or lowing season. If the coach fails to do so any team, which has been suspended and/or ex- the Association will be fined $100 and the pelled by Massachusetts Hockey or USA Hock- Coach cannot be on the bench or ice for ey, Inc. Members shall not play in international the remainder of the current season and competition without securing written permis- the entire following season. sion from the USA Hockey Registrar submitted 6. Any monies collected by this will go to on the forms and in the manner established by the Mike Cheever Grow Hockey fund. said Registrar and after having paid the required fee as set out in the Fee Schedule herein. Section 2. Certification

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 31 ARTICLE V - TEAM tional tournaments, suspensions of coaches, CLASSIFICATIONS suspensions of program administrators. Teams in Massachusetts Hockey shall be clas- C. Recommended Guidelines for ADM sified in accordance with USA Hockey Rules Cross-Ice Games: and Regulations. See Rules and Regulations 1. At least two (2) games with at least two III Classification. teams each per sheet of ice. 2. Four players versus four players (4 ARTICLE VI - A GAME v.4) without goalies with mini nets, Section 1. Games and Scrimmages or three players versus three players The following conditions shall constitute a game: (3 v.3) with goalies and intermediate/ A. When two (2) teams occupy the same ice regular-size nets. surface for the purpose of competitive play, 3. Groups formed from both teams including scrimmages, at least for the min- (Game Group, Fun Zone Group and imum time and following all rules estab- Rest Group) lished by USA Hockey. 4. Rotate groups every 1.5 to 2 minutes. B. Any tournament or exhibition game played 5. Lines should match the other teams’ with teams from other USA Hockey Dis- competition. tricts or teams approved by USA Hockey 6. No referees. from other countries. 7. Home team is responsible for commu- nicating with visiting team and agree- Section 2. Referee Requirements ing on format of zones. A. All playdown games are under the jurisdic- tion of Massachusetts Hockey and must be ARTICLE VII - AWARDS officiated by Massachusetts Hockey regis- Hat Trick, Playmaker and Zero Club awards (one tered referees. per player, per season) will be issued to players B. Score sheets are required for all games played. who earn them during the regular season, State It is mandatory that all games leading to Dis- Finals and Tournament Games, providing the trict Playdowns including Tier IV playdowns roster of the team has been registered with Massa- be played with Massachusetts Hockey Ref- chusetts Hockey. A copy of the official game sheet erees. Before the beginning of the game the must be submitted to Massachusetts Hockey on referees shall print their names on the game the proper Award Form. Game sheets copies will sheet. At the end of the game the referees shall be returned only upon request. sign and/or initial the game sheet. ARTICLE VIII - TRAVEL PERMITS Section 3. 8U (Mite) Games Teams traveling outside the United States must A. All 6 and Under and 7-8 teams within all obtain a travel permit in accordance with USA classifications are required to play age-ap- Hockey Regulations. propriate hockey in accordance to USA Hockey’s Annual Guide Article VIII. ARTICLE IX - ASSOCIATION (Games, Exhibition Games, Invitation- MERGERS AND DIVISIONS al Tournaments and Sanctioned Events), Mergers and/or divisive reorganizations of exist- Section A (Definition of a Game). ing associations must be approved by the Massa- B. Failure to comply with this requirement chusetts Hockey Board of Directors. may lead to disciplinary action against the Any request for a merger or division shall be program. Included in this discipline but not made in writing to the President and shall identi- limited to fines, suspension from state and na- fy the proponents or supporters of the merger or

32 | MAHOCKEY.ORG division, define the proposed geographic area to such actions, the game in question shall be for- be merged or divided and give a brief statement feited and the team official(s) may be suspended of the purpose of the merger or division, includ- for one year as the result of a hearing. ing, but not necessarily limited to, the number of players affected by the proposed action, the ARTICLE XI - SEXUAL AND effect on any existing association and the finan- PHYSICAL ABUSE SCREENING cial plans of the proponents or supporters of the Section 1. Intent merger. The President shall inform any affected It is the intent of these rules and regulations to existing associations(s) of the proposal and shall reduce the risk of a Massachusetts Hockey minor refer the matter to a subcommittee for an inves- becoming the victim of sexual or physical abuse. tigation of the merits of the proposal. A minor shall be any individual under the age of The subcommittee may in its discretion inter- 18 years of age. view the proponents or supporters of the merger and any affected existing associations and the Section 2. Applicability affected Districts and shall determine, whether All members of Massachusetts Hockey who have through hearing or written submissions, wheth- routine access to minors shall be screened under er the proposal is consistent with Massachusetts the provisions of this Article XI. Hockey’s Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and A. Members shall include, but not necessarily Policies and Procedures and in the best interest be limited to, officers, members of Boards, of Massachusetts Hockey. After the committee coaches, managers, referees, instructors, completes its review of the request, it shall report and staffs, whether or not they receive its findings and recommendations to the Board compensation for the performance of their of Directors for action. The Committee shall so duties, in all organizations associated with report no later than 60 days after the request has Massachusetts Hockey, registered town been referred to it. Associations, club teams, Tier I Nation- al Bound teams, Tier II National Bound ARTICLE X - LOCAL RULINGS teams, Girls/Women Associations and Fes- Section 1. Problem Resolution tival or development camps. All Associations must attempt to resolve their B. Members may, in their discretion, apply problems within their District, and the District the requirements of these rules to other recommendation shall be considered and given volunteer personnel not carried on rosters probative value prior to cases being presented to or registered through USA Hockey and the Massachusetts Hockey Board of Directors. not specifically mentioned herein. C. Any member required under these rules Section 2. Learn-to-Skate/Initiation to be screened who does not consent to be Program Equipment Requirement subject to the application of these rules shall All Learn-to-Skate and Initiation Program play- not be allowed to participate in activities of ers must wear HECC-approved helmets. Massachusetts Hockey and its members. D. All organizations, associations or members Section 3. Rules Interpretation shall be responsible for ensuring their par- If when both teams are on the ice, a team of- ticipant members comply with the provi- ficial(s) for any reason pulls his/her team from sions of this Article. the ice, rule 632 (Refusing to start play) in the Section 3. Offenses USA Hockey Rule Book shall apply. If the Ref- A. The person has been convicted (includ- eree imposes a Match Penalty under this rule, ing crimes where the record of which and the team official(s) has been found guilty of has been expunged and in pleas of “no

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 33 contest”) of any crime of violence against of complaints of physical or sexual abuse minors, or any crime that indicates the of minors, or has resigned, been terminat- person may pose a risk to the safety and ed or been asked to resign from a position, well-being of children under his/her di- whether paid or unpaid, due to complaint(s) rection and/or stewardship, including of sexual or physical abuse of minors. but not limited to: 1. Murder in any degree, manslaughter, arson; Section 4. Process 2. Indecent assault and battery on a child The Massachusetts Criminal Offender Record under fourteen; Inquiry (CORI) Committee shall be solely re- 3. Indecent assault and battery on a men- sponsible for implementing the screening pro- tally retarded person; cess. The committee shall in its discretion and 4. Indecent assault and battery on a person from time to time publicize the procedure to be who has obtained the age of fourteen; used to complete a screen on the Massachusetts 5. Rape of a child under 16 with force; Hockey website. 6. Rape and abuse of a child; Each member to be screened shall at the time 7. Assault with intent to commit rape; of his/her registration with USA Hockey or such 8. Assault of a child under sixteen with the other time as the Committee shall designate, use intent to commit rape; the screening tool provided by the Committee 9. Kidnapping of a child under sixteen; on the web site to complete his/her screening. 10. Open and gross lewdness and lascivious Members may be required to be screened for behavior; each distinct function served in his/her various 11. Unnatural and lascivious acts with a positions in Massachusetts Hockey and its asso- child under 16; ciated organizations and members. 12. Distribution and trafficking of narcotics It shall be the responsibility of the lead official or other controlled substances within 10 or a designated representative of associated or- years of the date of the screen, provided ganizations and members to insure all members there are no intervening disqualifying required to be screened complete this process. offenses; 13. Intent to commit any of the above Section 5. Committee crimes; and The CORI Screening Committee shall: 14. Like violation of the law in another A. Be responsible for the screening process. state; or; B. Forward to the Massachusetts Corrections B. It is determined that: he/she has been History System Board all information re- found liable for civil penalties or dam- quired to obtain CORI information. For- ages involving sexual or physical abuse ward all information required to obtain of children, is subject to any court order CORI information. involving sexual abuse or physical abuse C. Review the CORI information returned. of a minor, including, but not limited to, D. If relevant information, as defined in domestic order of protection, has had his/ Section 4 of this Article is revealed, re- her parental rights terminated for reasons quest that the President of Massachusetts involving sexual or physical abuse of chil- Hockey (or his/her designee), notify the dren; or; individual that relevant CORI information C. Massachusetts Hockey or its members has been received that would exclude him/ comes into possession of verified informa- her from participating in Massachusetts tion that he/she has a history with another Hockey and that he/she has ten (10) days organization (volunteer, employment, etc.) to request an opportunity to dispute the

34 | MAHOCKEY.ORG accuracy or relevance of said information. Upon failure to make such a request or to Section 7. Appeal Process satisfactorily explain why this information Members who are prohibited from participa- is not accurate or relevant, the individual tion in Massachusetts Hockey in accordance shall be notified in writing by the Presi- with the provisions of this Article or who re- dent of Massachusetts Hockey (or his/her fuse to consent to be screened may appeal this designee) that he/she is excluded from par- action to the Committee in writing within 10 ticipation in Massachusetts Hockey. No- days of receipt of notice of such prohibition. tification shall be in writing, and indicate The Committee or a designated subcommit- the individual is not in compliance with tee will then hear all appeals within 30 days Massachusetts Hockey Policy. A copy of of receipt of the request at a place and time this notification shall be forwarded to the and in a manner determined by the Commit- individual’s parent organization and the tee consistent with the practices of Massachu- cognizant registrar. setts Hockey. A decision shall be rendered in E. Maintain and update a database of infor- writing within 10 days of the completion of mation that was received and reviewed the hearing. including posting names of those screened The individual may appeal any unfavorable on the Massachusetts Hockey website and decision of the Committee, in writing within verifying that those individuals registered ten (10) days of the receipt of the decision to with USA Hockey are screened. the President of Massachusetts Hockey who F. Comply with all legal requirements con- will process the appeal consistent with its cerning disclosure, storage, retention and practices and procedures and these rules and handling of CORI information received. regulations. A written decision signed by the G. With approval of the Executive Board, au- members of the Committee in agreement shall dit members to gather data on compliance be considered as correct evidence of the facts with these rules, seek better methods for stated therein, and the burden of proof as to implementation and assist members in im- why the member shall not be prohibited from plementing these rules. participation in Massachusetts Hockey shall be upon the member in any hearing before the Section 6. Administrative panel set up by the President whose decision A. Members who refuse to consent to screen- shall be final. ing may appeal according to the provisions of Section 7 hereinafter. Section 8. Complaint Process B. All organizations, associations or mem- Complaints concerning violations of the pro- bers that are responsible for ensuring visions of this Article and/or of Massachusetts their participant member comply with the Hockey’s Sexual and Physical Abuse policy provisions of this Article and fail to do so statements shall be in writing addressed to the shall be subject to suspension at the an- President of Massachusetts Hockey and shall be nual meeting of Massachusetts Hockey. signed by the individual making the complaint. There shall be no appeal of such a suspen- The complaint shall state in full and complete sion by the Board of Directors. detail the basis of the complaint concerning the C. In the event of a conflict between the alleged violations. provisions of this Article and any other Upon receipt of such a written complaint, Article in these Rules and Regulations, the President shall refer the matter to the CORI the provisions of this Article XI shall take Committee for its review. All credible com- precedence. plaints of sexual and/or physical abuse shall be

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 35 referred to the appropriate governmental au- org), needs to be filled out. Forward both com- thorities by the President after the CORI Com- pleted forms to your District/Divisional Registrar, mittee’s review. who will forward it to the appropriate person for a The CORI Committee or a designated sub- determination. committee may, in its discretion, recommend The following restrictions apply to the waived Massachusetts Hockey initiate administrative player: action against the individual complained of in • The waiver is for only one season and will accordance with the applicable sections of its not be automatically renewed, Bylaws and these Rules and Regulations. • Waivers will not be issued to players on The individual may appeal any unfavorable Tier I or Tier II teams, decision or other action of the CORI Com- • Waivers will only be issued to players on mittee in writing within 10 days of the receipt Tier III teams if it is the lowest-level team of the decision to the President of Massa- in the program. chusetts Hockey who will process the appeal • Waivers will be issued to players on Tier consistent with its practices and procedures IV Teams. and these rules and regulations. A written de- • Waived Players cannot participate in Dis- cision signed by the members of the CORI trict Playdowns or State Championship Committee in agreement shall be considered Tournaments. as correct evidence of the facts stated therein, and the burden of proof as to why the indi- Waived players can: vidual shall not be prohibited from participa- • Participate in league play only if the league tion in Massachusetts Hockey shall be upon approves the participation at the lower the individual in any hearing before the panel age level. set up by the President, whose decision shall • Participate in Invitational Tournaments be final. only if the Tournament Director ap- proves it. Section 9. Awareness Program Massachusetts Hockey may from time to time ARTICLE XIII - INJURY PREVENTION incorporate into its various literature and The following are recommendations: clinic programs educational/awareness infor- 1. Each program shall have a Concussion mation as developed by the CORI Commit- Management Program. tee, or other authoritative sources, as appro- 2. Each Program shall have a mandatory priate information becomes available on the viewing of the “Heads Up, Don’t Duck” matters of physical and sexual abuse and this video by all players and coaches and screening process. “Heads Up, Don’t Duck” drills in at least one practice per month. ARTICLE XII - MEDICAL WAIVERS 3. All coaches shall be required to receive Medical waivers to play down one age level may be CPR-AED training. granted by Massachusetts Hockey after review by qualified personal. Medical conditions that might indicate that a player should be allowed to play down include but are not limited to small stature, cancer or heart disease. To apply for such waiver, the Medical Waiver request form and the Release and Waiver of Liability form, which can be found on the Massachusetts Hockey website (mahockey.


SAFESPORT For the complete USA Hockey SafeSport The safety of its participants is of paramount Handbook, visit importance to USA Hockey. This includes not only on-ice safety, but also off-ice safety in any SAFESPORT REGISTRATION part of USA Hockey’s programs. For specific details regarding registration USA Hockey has ZERO TOLERANCE for requirements related to SafeSport please refer abuse and misconduct. to the Registration Procedures section of the USA Hockey SafeSport is a program focused Massachusetts Hockey Annual Guide. on the organization’s off-ice safety efforts. The USA Hockey SafeSport Handbook ad- COACHING CODE OF ETHICS dresses the following: All coaches who have not previously signed the • Policies prohibiting the following: Participant Code of Conduct with their Program • Sexual abuse will be required to sign this form prior to start- • Physical abuse ing their coaching activities. The participating • Emotional abuse Program will keep the forms on file. • Bullying, threats and harassment • Hazing CONFLICT OF INTEREST Other policies included address areas where Officers and Directors of the corporation misconduct can occur and are intended to reduce (Massachusetts Hockey, Inc.) shall not engage the risk of potential abuse, including: in any activity that violates their duty of loyal- • A locker room policy ty to the corporation and presents a conflict of • An electronic communications policy interest in their position with the corporation • A travel policy without disclosing the involvement in such ac- • A billeting policy tivity to the President of the corporation and • An education and awareness training without securing approval of the involvement policy in such activity from the President, Board of • Education and awareness training Directors, Committee, District or Division as • Screening and background check appropriate. program A conflict of interest exists when an individu- • Reporting of concerns of abuse al’s actions and/or relationships present the po- • Responding to abuse and other tential for improper personal gain or advantage misconduct or an unfavorable effect on the interests of the • Monitoring and supervision of the corporation as a result of the individual’s position SafeSport Program in the corporation. Conflicts of interest relate to A USA Hockey member or parent of any and arise from, including but are not necessarily member who (1) violates any of the SafeSport limited to self-dealing and interested transac- policies or (2) fails to consent to, and pass a tions between the corporation and its Officers screening and background check in compliance and Directors, the purchase and sale of goods with the Screening and Background Check Pro- and services, the use of corporate assets for a gram, may be denied eligibility within any USA private benefit, the interference with or appro- Hockey program and is subject to appropriate priation of a corporate opportunity, the accep- disciplinary action including, but not limited to, tance of gifts, entertainment and/or favors and suspension, permanent suspension, and/or refer- failure to deal fairly with the corporation and its ral to law enforcement authorities. Directors and members.

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 37 Additionally, Officers and Directors shall tors of the corporation acknowledge their under- exercise reasonable care not to disclose confi- standing of, and agreement with, this Conflict of dential information acquired in their official Interest Policy. capacity with the corporation, the disclosure of Any violation of this Conflict of Interest Pol- which might be adverse to the corporation, and icy shall be dealt with using the removal proce- no Officer or Director shall use confidential in- dures as set forth in Article IV, entitled “Board formation for his or her own personal gain. of Directors,” of the corporation’s Bylaws. This conflict of interest policy shall apply to the Officers and Directors of the corpora- GRANDFATHERING tion and their family members and any other Without explicit exemption in the rule, none of organization under their control. For purposes these Rules and Regulations have in any way, shape of this policy, a family member is a spouse, par- or form a “Grandfather Condition or Clause.” ent, child or spouse of a child, brother, sister or spouse of a brother or sister. Control exists if USA HOCKEY ASSOCIATE an Officer or Director or family member owns, REGISTRARS directly or indirectly, at least 50% of the stock USA Hockey Associate Registrars are cautioned ownership or membership interests of another against accepting too many jobs and responsi- organization or has the right and/or ability to bilities in Massachusetts Hockey. The fact that control the management and policies of anoth- they have leadership qualities is the reason for er organization. their appointment as District/Divisional Regis- Officers and Directors who anticipate having trars. Two major problems develop from taking a conflict of interest shall report the conflict to on additional duties: 1) Registrars do not have the President of the corporation, or to an indi- enough time to do one job properly; and 2) vidual or committee designated by the President, there can be a conflict of interest when matters immediately upon identifying the conflict. The of controversy arise. President or his/her designee shall report the conflict to the Board of Directors, committee, COACH HELMET USAGE District or Division that is considering, or has ENFORCEMENT POLICY considered, the transaction to which the conflict As per USA Hockey Rules and Regulations; A. applies. The transaction shall be approved by a All ice hockey coaches and instructors of reg- majority vote of the deliberating body, but in any istered USA Hockey Youth 18 & Under and case the Officer or Director who has the conflict below, high school, girls’/women’s 19 & under may not speak or vote on the matter and shall and below, and disabled programs must proper- not be counted for purposes of a quorum. The ly wear an approved ice hockey helmet during record of the proceedings shall reflect the re- all on-ice sessions, including practices, con- quired disclosures and the Officer or Director’s trolled scrimmages and all Coaching Education ineligibility to vote. Program clinics and/or workshops. Failure to In the event that there is any inconsistency comply will result in a 30 day suspension from between this Conflict of Interest Policy and the all activities involving USA Hockey registered laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, programs. the laws of the Commonwealth shall govern. By virtue of their position as Officers and Directors * The language above was voted on and adopted at the of the corporation, their involvement in monthly 2018 USA Hockey Annual Congress. and annual meetings of the corporation and their receipt of copies of the corporation’s Bylaws and Rules and Regulations, the Officers and Direc-

38 | MAHOCKEY.ORG CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY Refer to for up to date policies.

CONFIDENTIALY POLICY Refer to for up to date policies.

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICIES Refer to for up to date policies.

LOOK UP LINE POLICIES Refer to USA Hockey Annual Guide.




INTRODUCTION against any individual who assists in the investi- All board members and volunteers are to observe gation of a reported violation. the highest standards of business and personal Retaliation in any form will not be tolerated. ethics in the conduct of their duties and respon- Any act of alleged retaliation should be reported sibilities. As representatives of Massachusetts immediately and will be promptly investigated. Hockey, Inc., we must practice honesty and in- Anyone who retaliates against someone who has tegrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and com- reported a violation in good faith is subject to ply with all applicable laws and regulations. Set discipline up to and including expulsion from forth below is Massachusetts Hockey, Inc.’s poli- the organization. This Whistleblower Policy is cy with respect to reporting good faith concerns intended to encourage and enable individuals about the legality or propriety of Massachusetts to raise serious concerns within Massachusetts Hockey’s actions or plans. Hockey, Inc., prior to seeking resolution outside the organization. REPORTING OF CONCERNS OR COMPLAINTS HOW TO REPORT CONCERNS It is the responsibility of all board members and OR COMPLAINTS volunteers to comply with Massachusetts Hockey A complaining individual may communicate Inc.’s By Laws, Rules and Regulations, Policies, suspected violations of its Bylaws, Rules and Code of Ethics and Conduct and applicable law Regulations, Policies, Code of Ethics and Con- and to report violations or suspected violations in duct, applicable law or other wrongdoing or accordance with this Whistleblower Policy. alleged retaliation by contacting Massachusetts Hockey, Inc.’s Chair of the Discipline Commit- CONFIDENTIALITY tee. If you wish to remain anonymous, it is not Massachusetts Hockey, Inc., will treat all com- necessary that you give your name or position munications under this policy in a confidential in any notification. manner, except to the extent necessary 1) to Whether or not you identify yourself, for a conduct a complete and fair investigation, or 2) proper investigation to be conducted, please for review of Massachusetts Hockey, Inc.’s oper- provide Massachusetts Hockey, Inc., with as ations by the Massachusetts Hockey, Inc., Board, much information as you can, sufficient to do a its audit committee, Massachusetts Hockey, proper investigation, including where and when Inc.’s independent public accountants and Mas- the incident occurred, names and titles of the in- sachusetts Hockey, Inc.’s legal counsel. dividuals involved, and as much other detail as you can provide. RETALIATION Massachusetts Hockey, Inc., will not permit any ILLUSTRATIVE TYPES OF negative or adverse actions to be taken against CONCERNS any individual for making a good faith report of a The following is a non-exhaustive list of the possible violation of its Bylaws, Rules and Regu- kinds of improprieties that should be reported: lations, Policies, Code of Ethics and Conduct or • Supplying false or misleading information on applicable law, even if the report is mistaken, or Massachusetts Hockey, Inc.’s financial or oth-

40 | MAHOCKEY.ORG er public documents, including its Form 990. origin, age, physical or mental impairment • Providing false information to or withhold- or veteran status. ing material information from Massachusetts • Violating Massachusetts Hockey, Inc.’s By- Hockey, Inc.’s board or auditors. laws, Rules and Regulations, Policies, Code • Destroying, altering, mutilating, concealing, of Ethics and Conduct or applicable law. covering up, falsifying or making a false entry • Facilitating or concealing any of the above or in any records that may be connected to an similar actions. official proceeding, in violation of federal or state law or regulations. QUESTIONS • Altering, destroying or concealing a docu- If you have any questions regarding this policy, ment, or attempting to do so, with the in- please contact the Chair of the Massachusetts tent to impair the document’s availability for Hockey, Inc., Discipline Committee, whose name use in an official proceeding or otherwise and contact information can be found on the Mas- obstructing, influencing or impeding any sachusetts Hockey’s website, official proceeding, in violation of federal or state law or regulations. • Embezzling, self-dealing, private internment (i.e., Massachusetts Hockey, Inc., earnings inuring to the benefit of a director, officer, or volunteer) and private benefit (i.e., Mas- sachusetts Hockey, Inc., assets being used by anyone in the organization for personal gain or benefit). • Paying for services or goods that are not ren- dered or delivered. • Using remarks for actions of a sexual na- ture that are not welcome and are likely to be viewed as personally offensive, including sexual flirtations; unwelcome physical or verbal advances; sexual propositions; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; the display of sexu- ally suggestive objects, cartoons, or pictures; and physical contact of a sexual or particu- larly personal nature. • Using epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping and threatening, intimidating or hostile acts that relate to race, color, religion, gender, na- tional origin, age or disability. • Circulating or posting written or graphic material in the workplace that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individ- ual or group because of race, color, religion, gender, nationality, age or disability. • Discriminating against an employee or po- tential employee due to a person’s race, col- or, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national


ONLINE REGISTRATION up for coach clinics, coaching modules and the Online registration allows individual Members coaching application along with the SafeSport to register with USA Hockey. The Waiver of online Training program. Liability is completed during online registration; copies of Waivers are not required for those reg- TEAM MANAGERS/VOLUNTEER - istering online. ONLINE REGISTRATION AVAILABLE • Instruct your members to register online and This registration is provided for your program send their confirmation number/page to you. to track volunteer participation through your • Let your members know the following fees Registry. Instruct all your approved Managers are collected during online registration: USA and Volunteers that they are to register online Hockey fee of $46 for age 7 & over and $0 with USAH (select ice MANAGER/VOLUN- for 6 & under and MASS fee of $10.50 for TEER) and submit their confirmation numbers age 7 to 19, $0 for age 6 & Under, $2.50 for to you. ages 19 & over. Officials MASS fee of $28. The Manager/Volunteer confirmation number Off-Ice Volunteers MASS fee of $0. will have “XX” as the first two letters. There is • Connect to your Registry and click on no charge for this registration. Manager/Volun- Registration. teer registration does not allow on-ice participa- • Select appropriate member type and scan tion. A Coach/Player may act in the capacity of or type the confirmation number for all a manager and their confirmation number can be participants being registered. A file listing transmitted through your Registry as a Manager member type and confirmation number can or Volunteer. also be imported. • Click on Submit Member List. All data the SAFESPORT TRAINING & Participant entered during the Online Reg- REQUIREMENTS istration process will be sent to your Regis- All referees and coaches, as well as volunteers try completing the registration process and and employees who have regular, routine or allowing that Participant to be placed on a frequent access to youth players, must have a Team Roster. SAFESPORT Training certificate prior to any Important: You must transmit all Players and coaching, referring or volunteering. Coaches as instructed above. You do not need to SAFESPORT Training must be renewed ev- do data entry, create transmittal disks or collect ery year. USAH and MASS fees. The online registration The link to take the Training or re-certifica- process is not complete until you transmit the tion is a; confirmation numbers through your USAH • Click on “Safety:” Registry. You may then assign your players and • Click on Training coaches to teams and create the Official Player “SafeSport Training” will appear on the Per- Roster Form. sonnel screen for any member in your program Any adult who is on the ice or bench with who has completed the SafeSport online training. youth players must be registered through your That information will also be reflected in the Staff Program as a Coach – member type C (or CP if area of the Official Roster and the Credentials he is also a Player in your program). Note: On- Verification form. line confirmation numbers are required to sign Each time that you sign into your Registry

42 | MAHOCKEY.ORG you will receive the most current data for your the same procedure to add Tier Two. members – completed coach clinics, coach modules, SafeSport video training, date of birth CLASSIFICATION verification, non-US citizen transfer information, Classification is the age of play [i.e. 10U etc. – anything that has been updated since you (SQUIRT), 19U GIRLS, SR. WOMEN last viewed your membership data will be there. High school teams, please note: Division 1 Contact Christine Mayer, USA Hockey are high school teams consisting of full-time stu- SafeSport Coordinator, with questions at (617) dents attending more than one high school. 429-2103 and/or [email protected]. Division 2 is high school teams consisting of full-time students exclusively from one high BUILDING TEAMS school. The Team Roster Form provides all information previously on the Team Application form. DIVISION Use N/A or leave blank TEAM. COACHING EDUCATION PROGRAM (CEP) INFORMATION ROSTER Note: Online confirmation numbers are re- Remember that player signatures are no longer quired to sign up for coach clinics, coaching required on Rosters. modules and the coaching application. You will submit your Rosters through your All Team Rosters require at least one Coach Registry (online) to your USA Hockey Registrar to be assigned to the Official Roster. At least and you will receive pending and approved Ros- one of the rostered coaches should be certified ters back in your Registry. You will also receive a at Level 3 to begin the season from 10U (Squirt) link to the Official Certified Roster that you can teams up to 16U (Midget) and 18U (Midget) distribute as necessary. This link will remain the teams and from Girls 10U up to Girls 19U. Not same all season – even if changes are made to the required as of 2015. roster. You are still able to print Rosters if you Massachusetts prefers a Head Coach be des- want. If you do print a Roster, be sure to print ignated for all Youth, High School and Girls/ from the link. This is the Official Roster but with Women’s teams. That “Head Coach” would limited player information. Please make sure you preferably be the highest certified Coach listed have assigned at least one coach to each Team on the Team Roster. Roster; preferably a coach certified at Level 3 to begin the season. TEAM NAME Please note: Girls Tier III Rosters are sub- The Team Name field is a maximum of 25 char- mitted to the respective District Registrar for acters; your choice. approval and processing. Girls Tier III Teams generally fall under a Local Youth Hockey As- CATEGORY sociation. This is a required field. Use Tier I, Tier II, Tier III, The Credential Verification Form is available Tier IV, Tier V, House/Rec, Club, Girls/Women. through the Reports button and can be created Note: If you want to register Tier I or Tier II for each team. Please use this form for all teams 10U (Squirt) team(s) you will need to do this for going to the State/District tournament. The col- each new category: in the Category field, type umns A-D labeled “Local Use” do not apply and the words Tier One and hit enter. A box will ap- can be left blank. pear saying “This Category is new! Do you want to add it?” Click yes, and then you will be able to register Tier One 10U (Squirt) teams. Follow

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 43 NON-US CITIZEN INFORMATION ic Students; J. Exchange Alien Visa; P. Athletes International Ice Hockey Federation regula- and Entertainers [excluding their spouses and tions require that all non-U.S. citizen players children under visa category P-4]; Category M. on youth and girls/women’s classification teams Non-Academic Student and Q. International be transferred by means of a letter of approval. Cultural Exchange Program participants. This There is no fee to process this written transfer restriction does not apply to non-U.S. citizens for youth-aged players. Under Forms in your temporarily residing in the U.S. under category Registry, there are three Transfer Forms – one P-4, referenced above, or other visa categories for Canadian Women, one for Canadian Youth not referenced above, excluding category B. and a separate one for all other non-U.S. citi- Temporary Visitor. zens. Complete the appropriate form for all non- There are a number of Forms available U.S. citizen youth and girls/women’s players in through your Registry including the Participant your program before games are played. There is Accident Claim Form. Click on Forms to access. a fee for transferring women’s players 18 years Before you sign a claim form for USA Hock- of age or older on national championship bound ey, make sure that the participant is properly reg- teams along with male players 18 years of age istered with your association. or older. In addition to a completed transfer, non-U.S. citizen youth and all non-US citizen female players must also provide proof of resident status in the U.S. This information should be kept with the team registration materials and should be provided prior to regular season games. Additional information is available on the Youth Transfer Forms. When a non-U.S. citizen’s transfer is com- plete and proof of resident status has been ap- proved by the national office, the player’s record will be marked as “Transfer Complete” in the na- tional database. There is a column on the Player Roster and on the Credential Verification sheet that identifies non-U.S. citizens. If the symbol is an O, the transfer is not complete. If the symbol includes a T (valid visa) or S (student visa), the transfer is complete. There is a rule limiting the number of non- U.S. players in this country without their par- ents (student visa) for participation on Youth and Girl’s National Tournament bound teams. All girls’ national championship bound teams are restricted to only two (2) players, and all youth national championship bound teams shall be re- stricted to only four (4) players, in either case, that are non-U.S. citizens temporarily residing in the U.S. under any combination of the fol- lowing immigration visa categories: F. Academ-


Note: In addition to the procedures below, all non-National Bound State Tournament teams USA Hockey and Massachusetts Hockey By- must be submitted to the Girls/Women Regis- laws, Rules and Regulations and Procedures trar through the USA Hockey Registry with the shall also apply. proper fee for their approval before the player Team registrations are due October 1 for is eligible to participate with the association and National Tournament bound teams, October specific team. 15 for Non-National Tournament bound teams, Game count toward State and/or National and the balance of teams by November 1. New Tournament eligibility does not start for players Teams, non-tournament bound, may be formed until the date they are approved on the roster. after December 1 of the current season by apply- Non-Tournament teams may make roster ing to the Girls/Women’s Registrar. changes at any time by submitting them through the USA Hockey Registry for approval by the PLAYER REGISTRATION Girls/Women Registrar. Each player registering for the first time with a Massachusetts Hockey Girls/Women program is DUAL REGISTRATION allowed to register in any Girls/Women associa- Girls who register with more than one team must tion at their respective age classification or above. declare in writing to their USA Hockey District • GIRLS — High School Registrar, or his/her designee, before Novem- • GIRLS — Seventeen through nineteen years ber 1 for fall state tournaments and December of age as of December 31 31 for spring state tournaments, which tourna- • GIRLS — Fifteen and Sixteen years of age as ment-bound team she wishes to be eligible to ad- of December 31 vance to the District, State and National Tourna- • GIRLS — Thirteen and Fourteen years of ment. If the player does not indicate which team age as of December 31 she wishes to be eligible for District, State and • GIRLS — Eleven and Twelve years of age as National Tournaments, the District Registrar shall of December 31 have authority to certify the eligibility of any such • GIRLS — Nine and Ten years of age as of player solely on the basis of the date of the earliest December 31 Team Roster Registration form is received. • GIRLS — Eight years of age or under as of December 31

ROSTER CHANGES All applications for a roster change for the Na- tional Bound Teams Rosters must be submitted to the Girls/Women Registrar through the USA Hockey Registry before November 15 for fall state tournament teams and before December 31 for spring state tournament teams with the proper fee for their approval and signature be- fore the player is eligible to participate with the association and specific team. All applications for a roster change for


OFFICERS TREASURER Christopher Gong PRESIDENT Greg Sophis (781) 741-5205 H Bob Joyce (781) 838-1899 C (617) 388-5761 C (617) 969-3566 H (781) 523-1470 F [email protected] (617) 620-1302 C [email protected] [email protected] 612 Green Street, DIRECTOR OF 72 Fairway Drive, Middleborough, MA 02346 COACHING EDUCATION Newton, MA 02465 Kip St. Germaine SECRETARY (508) 737-7777 C 1ST VICE-PRESIDENT Tim McMahon [email protected] Jeff Brown, Esq. (413) 453-4615 (413) 439-7878 [email protected] DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE (413) 439-7885 F CHAIR [email protected] ELECTED DIRECTOR Christine Mayer 34 Willow Brook Drive, MEMBERS (617) 429-2103 Agawam, MA 01001 Chip Bradbury [email protected] (978) 314-4045 2ND VICE-PRESIDENT [email protected] GENERAL COUNSEL Christine Mayer 80 Howe Street, Maura Sheehan (617) 429-2103 Methuen, MA 01844 (781) 860-9593 W [email protected] (781) 296-1191 C 44 Skyline Drive, David Young [email protected] Wellesley, MA 02482 (617) 529-0165 [email protected] REGISTRAR 3RD VICE-PRESIDENT 74 Washington Street, Steve Palmacci Steve Rizzo Milton, MA 02186 (781) 620-2140 H (781) 799-7639 C (781) 820-7911 C [email protected] APPOINTED (781) 620-2141 F 585 Salem Street, REFEREE COORDINATOR [email protected] Lynnfield, MA 01940 John Murray 35 Walsh Ave, (978) 771-2070 Stoneham, MA 02180 4TH VICE-PRESIDENT [email protected] Phil Zona COACH-IN-CHIEF (617) 696-8921 RULES COMMITTEE Paul Moore [email protected] CO-CHAIRS (508) 326-8034 22 Sugar Maple Lane Jeff Brown, Esq. [email protected] Milton, MA 02186 (413) 439-7878 60 McKenna Ridge Road, (413) 439-7885 F East Falmouth, MA 02536 5TH VICE-PRESIDENT [email protected] Jay O’Neil (978) 858-3865 [email protected]

46 | MAHOCKEY.ORG REFEREE-IN-CHIEF USA HOCKEY Kevin Donovan (781) 821-0905 LEADERSHIP [email protected] 3 Adrienne Drive, Canton, MA 02021 DIRECTORS INSURANCE AND RISK MANAGER Christine Mayer (2021) Stephen Fitzgerald (617) 429-2103 (508) 668-4100 W [email protected] (508) 668-4199 F 44 Skyline Drive, [email protected] Wellesley, MA 02482 713 East Street, Walpole, MA 02081 Thomas McGrath (2020) (857) 204-5825 STAFF [email protected] EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 170 M Street, Kevin Kavanagh South Boston, MA 02127 (781) 664-2700 x101 W [email protected] Steve Rizzo (2021) PO Box 1788, (781) 799-7639 C Duxbury, MA 02332 [email protected] 585 Salem Street, MANAGER OF COMMUNICATIONS & Lynnfield, MA 01940 EVENTS Elizabeth Cohen Jim Maimone (2022) (781) 664-2700 x102 W (781) 438-3234 [email protected] (617) 824-1422 C PO Box 1788, [email protected] Duxbury, MA 02332 11 Oak Ridge Road, Stoneham, MA 02180 PROGRAM SUPPORT COORDINATOR Michael DiOrio REGIONAL MANAGER (781) 664-2700 x103 W American Development Model (ADM) [email protected] Roger Grillo PO Box 1788, (719) 304-1884 Duxbury, MA 02332 [email protected] 84 Country Hill Lane, North Kingston, RI 02852

GOALTENDING COORDINATOR Brian Eklund (781) 964-4029 [email protected] 78 Crabtree Lane, Abington, MA 02351


DISTRICT 1 & DISTRICT 10 Joan Smith NATIONAL BOUND & Peter Giuliano (508) 394-7112 H HIGH SCHOOL - SENIORS & (781) 324-9901 H [email protected] MIDDLE SCHOOL (617) 966-6598 C 93 Bettys Path, Steve Palmacci [email protected] West Yarmouth, MA 02673 (781) 620-2140 H 52 Porter Street, (781) 820-7911 C Malden, MA 02148 DISTRICT 6 (781) 620-2141 F Ryan Scott [email protected] DISTRICT 2 (508) 887-1275 35 Walsh Ave, Charlie Bradbury [email protected] Stoneham, MA 02180 (978) 682-3296 33 Stockwell Road (978) 682-2782 F Hadley, MA 01035 CLUB [email protected] Jean Ann Nigro 34 Sandra Lane, DISTRICT 7 (781) 246-2309 H Metheun, MA 01844 David Briggs (781) 308-5473 C (508) 476-9796 H [email protected] DISTRICT 3 (508) 873-6699 C 18 Sunset Drive, Pat McCarthy [email protected] Wakefield, MA 01880 (617) 785-3100 [email protected] DISTRICT 8 14 Vicki Road, Mark Boldrighini Weymouth, MA 02189 (978) 846-1640 C [email protected] DISTRICT 4 14 Snow Drive, Paul Crowley Littleton, MA 01460 (781) 294-4214 [email protected] DISTRICT 9 10 Chandler Mill Road, Felix Costanza Hansen, MA 02341 (781) 272-4709 (339) 234-3997 C DISTRICT 5 [email protected] Alfred Smith 113 Wilmington Road, (508) 394-7112 H Burlington, MA 01803 (508) 237-6148 C (508) 398-6084 W GIRLS/WOMEN (508) 394-4077 F Mark Lissner [email protected] (781) 910-9311 C 93 Bettys Path, (781) 935-0468 W West Yarmouth, MA 02673 [email protected] 11 Coventry Lane, Woburn, MA 01801


DISTRICT 1 Dana DeMatteo Kevin Cote Patrick Bohan (617) 593-8679 C (508) 789-4625 (617) 825-8841 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 44 St. Edward Road, 11 Charlemont Street, East Boston, MA 02128 Gary Gates Dorchester, MA 02122 (508) 224-6342 H Paul Donohoe (781) 974-3295 C Michael Cashman (781) 935-1710 [email protected] (617) 787-2947 [email protected] 15 Flying Jib Lane, (617) 789-4112 F Plymouth, MA 02360 [email protected] Rob Lynch (978) 437-7928 Jeremiah Tabor Jeff Hampton [email protected] (781) 710-0707 (617) 347-1757 385 Raleigh Tavern Lane [email protected] [email protected] North Andover, MA 01845 103 Wintergreen Farm RD 15 Glide Street, Pembroke, MA 02359 Dorchester, MA 02122 DISTRICT 3 Dan McGlone Jeff Uva Thomas McGrath (617) 799-8036 (781) 718-5569 (617) 269-7627 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 51 Norma Ave, 298 Brook Street 170 M Street, Weymouth, MA 02188 Hanson, MA 02341 South Boston, MA 02127 Dave Moses DISTRICT 5 Phil Olsen (781) 540-1733 C Rick DeWitt (617) 616-6851 [email protected] (508) 540-7680 [email protected] [email protected] 38 Laban Pratt Road, Tom Sweeney 120 Seacoast Blvd, Dorchester, MA 02122 (781) 329-6158 East Falmouth, MA 02536 [email protected] DISTRICT 2 5 Gay Street Ext., Christine Fries Chip Bradbury Westwood, MA 02090 (508) 778-0626 (978) 688-4064 [email protected] [email protected] David Young 7 Tomahawk Drive, 80 Howe Street, (617) 529-0165 Centerville, MA 02632 Methuen, MA 01844 [email protected] 74 Washington Street, Christine Smith Scott DeLuccia Milton, MA 02186 (508) 888-5734 (781) 241-2502 [email protected] [email protected] DISTRICT 4 112 Quakermeeting House Rd, 8 Russet Lane, Louis Ballerene East Sandwich, MA 02573 Lynnfield, MA 01940 (781) 264-1452 [email protected]

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 49 Joan Smith Chris Valeri Shawn Crowley (508) 394-7112 (508) 615-9298 (978) 758-0429 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 93 Bettys Path, 74 Ferry Street, S. West Yarmouth, MA 02673 Grafton, MA 01560 Bruce Finethy (781) 956-7552 Tom Welch Chuck Weaver [email protected] (508) 737-7591 (978) 852-7445 [email protected] [email protected] Mark Hickey PO Box 1449, 58 Lantern Lane, (617) 429-8745 Sandwich, MA 02537 Leominster, MA 01453 [email protected] 46 Shirley Road, DISTRICT 6 DISTRICT 8 Waltham, MA 02145 Brad Dakers Keri-Anne Allan (413) 297-9002 (978) 337-4692 Joseph Normant [email protected] [email protected] (978) 758-2160 [email protected] Buddy Lafleur David Baker 44 Fardon Street, (413) 584-4008 (978) 417-9209 Billerica, MA 01821 [email protected] [email protected] 19 White Pine Drive, 34 Bruce Road, DISTRICT 10 Florence, MA 01062 Concord, MA 01742 James Donovan (781) 438-8920 Tim McMahon Howie Hunter [email protected] (413) 453-4615 (978) 758-9552 [email protected] [email protected] Joe Higgins (978) 658-6193 Richard Vadnais Carl Smith [email protected] (413) 568-5916 H (508) 380-4371 15 Amherst Road, (413) 348-7867 C [email protected] Wilmington, MA 01887 [email protected] 40 Crown Street, Wes Tuttle Jim Maimone Westfield, MA 01085 (978) 423-8095 C (781) 438-3234 (508) 229-2700 W (617) 824-1422 C DISTRICT 7 [email protected] [email protected] Joe Briggs 22 Red Spring Road, 11 Oak Ridge Road, (508) 476-9796 Marlboro, MA 01752 Stoneham, MA 02180 [email protected] DISTRICT 9 Joan Nardone Paul Davey Ron Cincotta (781) 245-2917 (508) 688-7937 (781) 890-3411 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 34 Bryant Street, 55 Flint Road, 4 Leslie Road, Wakefield, MA 01880 Charlton, MA 01507 Waltham, MA 02451

50 | MAHOCKEY.ORG GIRLS/WOMEN Dan Esdale Christopher Gong (617) 438-7942 (781) 741-5205 H [email protected] (617) 388-5761 C [email protected] John L. Tobin, Esq. 102 Kilby Street, (617) 242-7881 Hingham, MA 02043 [email protected] 1 Thompson Square, Ste. 105 Chris Holden Charlestown, MA 02129 (617) 504-3882 C [email protected] Allen Wright 118 Main Street, Unit B (413) 734-3521 Norfolk, MA 02056 [email protected] 20 Gregory Lane, David Hymovitz West Springfield, MA 01089 (617) 510-1475 C [email protected] HONORARY MEMBER Dr. Alan Ashare Don McNeil (617) 789-2828 (508) 294-4097 C [email protected] [email protected] 19 Sheffield Road, 11 Hancock Street, Waltham, MA 02451 Brant Rock, MA 02020 Joe Curnane David Pelletier (617) 780-6662 (413) 568-1166 H [email protected] (603) 498-0377 C 1 Michelangelo ST, APT M306, [email protected] Boston, MA 02113 45 Plantation Circle, Westfield, MA 01085

DIRECTOR AT LARGE Carol Champagne (508) 238-9647 [email protected] PO Box 1286, Easton, MA 02334

Ron DiFilippo (978) 774-2813 [email protected] 9 Mohawk Street, Danvers, MA 01923


DISTRICT 1 Rick Holmberg Michael Paynter Gene Binda Jr. (781) 838-1968 (978) 697-5543 (617) 968-1885 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] DISTRICT 5 DISTRICT 10 Steve Drain David Costa John Mitchell (617) 512-0725 (508) 524-0845 (781) 438-1978 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

DISTRICT 2 George Soares Ken Murphy (774) 487-9352 (617) 945-3829 Jarred Mitrano [email protected] [email protected] (603) 858-4090 [email protected] DISTRICT 6 GIRLS/WOMEN Mark Rhodes Jen Cameron Jim Troup (413) 478-5681 (954) 296-8155 (781) 630-2785 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Mark Sampson Jennifer Glynn DISTRICT 3 (413) 565-4687 (508) 965-1575 Chip Fagan [email protected] [email protected] (508) 376-9199 [email protected] DISTRICT 7 DISTRICT ADVISOR Joe Hilton Bill Dunk John Mackinnon (508) 377-3336 (508) 454-1599 (781) 843-5009 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Robert Sachse Ed Vahey (508) 829-2629 (781) 708-2269 [email protected] [email protected] DISTRICT 8 DISTRICT 4 Carl Lodi Ernie Baird (508) 651-0588 (781) 799-0898 [email protected] [email protected] DISTRICT 9 Warren Church Billy Marcotte (508) 584-3262 (978) 808-6028 [email protected] [email protected]



TOURNAMENTS DISCIPLINE NATIONAL BOUND TOURNAMENTS Chair: Christine Mayer GIRLS (617) 429-2103 Chair: Mark Lissner [email protected] (781) 935-0468 W (781) 910-9311 C Charlie Bradbury, Chip Bradbury, Jeff Brown, [email protected] Ron Cincotta, Felix Costanza, Kevin Cote, Shawn Crowley, Brad Dakers, Dana DeMatteo, Karla Aguirre, Colleen Fagan, Christopher Gong, Kevin Donovan, Gary Gates, Christopher Paula Gray, Chris Holden, David Hymovitz, Gong, Peter Giuliano, Chris Holden, Jeff Don McNeil, Jay O'Neil, Mindy O'Neil, David Hampton, Dan McGlone, Tim McMahon, John Palumbo, Dave Pelletier and Deb Pond Murray, Joan Nardone, Jay O'Neil, Dennis Shea, Tom Sweeney, Rick Vadnais, Chris Valeri, NATIONAL BOUND TOURNAMENTS Dave Young YOUTH Chair: David Hymovitz NOMINATION (617) 510-1475 C Chair: Stephen Fitzgerald [email protected] (508) 668-4100 W (508) 668-4199 F Gene Binda, Pat Bohan, Bruce Finethy, Richard [email protected] Gallant, Gary Gates, Peter Giuliano, Kevin Kavanagh, Jeff Hampton, Steve McAdams, Tom Mark Hickey, Dave Moses McGrath, Jean-Ann Nigro, Phil Olsen, Kevin Poulin, Dave Young MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION Chair: Dan Esdale STATE TOURNAMENTS (617) 438-7942 Chair: Peter Giuliano [email protected] (617) 966-6598 [email protected] Dr. Alan Ashare, Lou Ballerene, Tim McMa- hon, Dave Moses, John Murray, Joe Normant, Lou Ballerene, Mark Boldrighini, Charlie Greg Sophis, Chuck Weaver Bradbury, Ron Cincotta, Felix Costanza, Kevin Donovan, Bruce Finethy, Jeff Hampton, Mark Hickey, Buddy Lafleur, Jim Maimone, Tom McGrath, Phil Olsen, Jay O'Neil, Carl Smith, Rick Vadnais, Chuck Weaver, Dave Young

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 53 RULES BOYS PLAYER DEVELOPMENT Co-Chair: Jeff Brown, Esq. Chair: Steve Rizzo (413) 439-7878 (781) 799-7639 C (413) 439-7885 F [email protected] [email protected] Pat Bohan, Chip Bradbury, Paul Donohoe, Co-Chair: Christopher Gong Gary Gates, Dave Hymovitz, Tom McGrath, (781) 741-5205 H Jean-Ann Nigro (617) 388-5761 C [email protected] FOURTH VICE PRESIDENT, EVENTS Shawn Crowley, Kevin Donovan, Mark Lissner, Phil Zona Christine Mayer, Tim McMahon, Jay O'Neil, Maura Sheehan, Greg Sophis, Chris Valeri AWARDS / EVENTS Chair: Greg Sophis SAFESPORT (781) 447-0728 Chair: Christine Mayer [email protected] (617) 429-2103 [email protected] Carol Champagne, Elizabeth Cohen, Paul Crowley, Mark Hickey, Buddy Lafleur, Kathy Felix Costanza, Kevin Donovan, Pat McCarthy, Lafleur, Dan McGlone, Jean-Ann Nigro, Joan Ryan Scott, Phil Zona Nardone, Joe Normant

THIRD VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS B HALL OF FAME Steve Rizzo Chair: Greg Sophis (781) 447-0728 ADAPTIVE HOCKEY [email protected] Chair: Nick McCummings (617) 543-1433 Joe Bertagna, Shawn Crowley, Joe Curnane, [email protected] Elizabeth Cohen, Dana DeMatteo, Ron Difilippo, Paul George, Gary Eggleston, Tom Dr. Alan Ashare, Chip Bradbury McGrath, Joan Nardone, Jean-Ann Nigro, Julie Piacentini ADM Chair: Jim Maimone FIFTH VICE PRESIDENT, PLANNING (781) 438-3234 Jay O’Neil [email protected] LONG RANGE PLANNING Keri-Anne Allan, Dave Baker, Keith Carter, Chair: Jim Maimone Kevin Cote, Brad Dakers, Carl Smith, Phil Zona (781) 438-3234 [email protected] GIRLS PLAYER DEVELOPMENT Chair: Keri-Anne Allan Keri-Anne Allan, Jeff Brown, Paul Crowley, (978) 337-4692 Kevin Donovan, Mark Lissner, Pat McCarthy, [email protected] Time McMahon, Joe Normant, Maura Sheehan, Greg Sophis, Chuck Weaver Chris Holden, Mark Lissner, Jay O'Neil, Carl Smith

54 | MAHOCKEY.ORG SAFETY Chair: Tom Smith David Baker, Lou Ballerene, Mark Boldrighini, (781) 254-6811 Brad Dakers, Peter Giuliano, Phil Olsen, Chris- [email protected] tine Mayer, Rick Vadnais

Dr. Alan Ashare, Mark Boldrighini, Ron SCREENING REVIEW Cincotta, Alan Cornell, Dana DeMatteo, Dan Esdale, Chris Mayer, Jay O'Neil, Joan Nardone, Paul Crowley, John L. Tobin, Esq., John Maura Sheehan, Chris Valeri, Chuck Weaver Murray, Dave Young

TREASURER GOALTENDING DEVELOPMENT LIASON Greg Sophis David Briggs (508) 476-9796 H AUDIT (508) 873-6699 C Chair: Dave Moses [email protected] (508) 541-3672 [email protected] INCLUSION/DIVERSITY Christopher Gong Paul Crowley, Dana DeMatteo, Phil Zona (781) 741-5205 H (617) 388-5761 C FINANCE [email protected] Chair: Greg Sophis (781) 447-0728 OFFICIATING [email protected] Kevin Donovan (781) 821-0905 Jeff Brown, Felix Costanza, Paul Crowley, [email protected] Shawn Crowley, Peter Giuliano, Christopher Gong, Chris Holden, Dave Moses, Christopher Gene Binda, Pat Bohan, Chip Bradbury, Kevin Gong, Jay O’Neil, Phil Zona Cote, Bruce Finethy, John Murray, Chris Valeri, Dave Young CHEEVER/GROW HOCKEY Co-Chair: Jay O’Neil PLAYER MOVEMENT (978) 858-3865 Pat McCarthy [email protected] (617) 785-3100 [email protected] Co-Chair: Mindy O'Neil (978) 569-4315 ROSTER [email protected] Steve Palmacci (781) 620-2140 Keri-Anne Allan, Mike DiOrio, Buddy [email protected] Lafleur, Kathy Lafleur, Chris Mayer, Nick McCummings, Joe Normant, Jay O'Neil, Mindy MEDICAL WAIVER O'Neil, Carl Smith, Greg Sophis, Rick Vadnais Chair: Dr. Alan Ashare (617) 789-2828 COACHING EDUCATION [email protected] Keith Carter (978) 466-6546 H Steve Palmacci (978) 502-5984 C [email protected]


evere ALLSTON-BRIGHTON YOUTH HOCKEY verett helsea CRAIG CASHMAN inthrop (617) 680-2258 [email protected]


DORCHESTER YOUTH HOCKEY JEFF HAMPTON PARKWAY YOUTH HOCKEY (617) 347-1757 MICHAEL O'BRIEN [email protected] (617) 676-7851 [email protected] EAST COAST JR. PATRIOTS (EVERETT/REVERE/MALDEN/EAST BOSTON) SOUTH BOSTON YOUTH HOCKEY JOSEPH DeSANTIS JOHN GILMARTIN (781) 760-7883 (617) 592-7255 [email protected] [email protected]

HYDE PARK YOUTH HOCKEY WINTHROP YOUTH HOCKEY BILL DUNN MIKE BANFIELD (617) 797-4041 (978) 423-8766 [email protected] [email protected]


AGAWAM YOUTH HOCKEY INC ANDOVER HOCKEY LEE APGAR ASSOCIATION INC. (978) 468-5891 MIKE LONGO [email protected] (917) 204-9541 [email protected] AMESBURY YOUTH HOCKEY SCOTT GUERTIN BEVERLY YOUTH HOCKEY (978) 886-7420 MATTHEW WHEELER [email protected] (978) 335-0302 [email protected]


Amesbury alisbury errimac Newburyport

. Newbury averhill Newbury CAPE ANN YOUTH HOCKEY Groveland PATTI NOCELLA ethuen Georgetown owley awrence (978)815-7379 oford pswich N. Andover Andover ockport [email protected] opsfield amilton sse Gloucester iddleton enham anchester DANVERS YOUTH HOCKEY Danvers everly ROBERT KENNEDY ynnfield Peabody alem arblehead (978) 265-7811 ynn augus wampscott [email protected] Nahant

GREATER HAVERHILL/ NORTH ANDOVER YOUTH HOCKEY PENTUCKET YOUTH HOCKEY ROBERT LYNCH SHAWN GUERTIN (978)427-7928 (617) 592-7979 [email protected] [email protected] PEABODY YOUTH HOCKEY LYNN YOUTH HOCKEY MARC CARUSO JUSTINE PLAURDE (617)732-0316 (781)485-7024 [email protected] [email protected] SALEM SWAMPSCOTT YOUTH HOCKEY MARBLEHEAD YOUTH HOCKEY SHAWN HILTONEN JOHN PAYNE (508)932-1526 (617) 650-6062 [email protected] [email protected] SAUGUS LYNNFIELD HOCKEY MASCO YOUTH HOCKEY Darren Damiani CAROLINE SHUGRUE (508) 274-5726 (617) 872-0198 [email protected] [email protected] TRITON YOUTH HOCKEY METHUEN YOUTH HOCKEY CHRIS MCDONALD BRIAN GENTILE (978) 423-2408 (978) 979-7066 [email protected] [email protected]

NEWBURYPORT YOUTH HOCKEY JOSH FREEMAN (978)265-3590 [email protected]


rookline ellesley


Dedham uincy Dover ilton estwood BRAINTREE YOUTH HOCKEY raintree edfield ey Norwood an JIM LOCKHART illis anton dolph mouth ol edway brook (781) 316-4165 alpole toughtonAvon Norfolk elling [email protected] ham Franklin rockton

rentham BROOKLINE YOUTH HOCKEY Plainville BOB ALLEN [email protected] NORWOOD NUGGETS YOUTH HOCKEY BILL NAUMANN CANTON YOUTH HOCKEY (781) 640-0880 NICHOLAS MAFFEO [email protected] (781) 828-2385 [email protected] QUINCY YOUTH HOCKEY JAY RONAN DEDHAM YOUTH HOCKEY [email protected] JEFF ADAMS [email protected] SOUTHEAST CYCLONES YOUTH HOCKEY STEVEN MARSHALL FRANKLIN YOUTH HOCKEY (617) 352-5919 LEO McGEE [email protected] [email protected] WELLESLEY YOUTH HOCKEY KING PHILLIP WALPOLE YOUTH HOCKEY JASON CRAWSHAW RANDY YANOSHAK (781) 772-1287 (571) 215-7729 [email protected] [email protected] WESTWOOD YOUTH HOCKEY MEDFIELD YOUTH HOCKEY ED GALVIN KAREN VAZQUEZ [email protected] (857) 234-0546 [email protected] WEYMOUTH YOUTH HOCKEY STEVE BUCCIGROSS MILTON YOUTH HOCKEY (617) 645-0983 MOLLIE NAUGHTON [email protected] [email protected]



ull BREWINS PROGRAM DAVE WELLS (617) 620-6590 ohasset ingham [email protected] cituate

Norwell DUXBURY YOUTH HOCKEY ock BILL COONEY Abington land anover (781) 582-8377 hitman [email protected] Pembroke anson . Dubury . ridgewater HANOVER YOUTH HOCKEY ridgewater alifa KEVIN RICHARDS ingston ridgewater (617) 893-9473 Plympton [email protected] aynham aunton

HINGHAM YOUTH HOCKEY iddleboro arver Plymouth ROB BUCEY (617) 640-8646 akeville [email protected]

MARSHFIELD YOUTH HOCKEY JIM COSTELLO SOUTH SHORE SEAHAWKS (617) 586-8407 CHRISTOPHER LONG [email protected] (617) 759-4156 [email protected] PEMBROKE YOUTH HOCKEY JEREMIAH TABOR WHITMAN-HANSON-KINGSTON HAWKS (781) 710-0707 JEFF UVA [email protected] (781) 718-5569 [email protected] PLYMOUTH YOUTH HOCKEY LYNN SAWISKI (508) 465-6558 [email protected]

SOUTH SHORE EAGLES DAVE KANE (508) 577-2654 [email protected]



Provincetown BARNSTABLE Foboro YOUTH HOCKEY aston ansfield ruro CHRISTINE FRIES N. Attleboro Norton ellfleet (508) 778-0626 Attleboro [email protected] astham

ehoboth Dighton erkley eekonk

CAPE COD CANAL rleans areham Freetown YOUTH HOCKEY wansea ochester rewster Dennis Fall iver arion ourne andwich Acush net arwich JEFF HOPWOOD New hatham edford (508) 296-5319 attapoisett arnstable Yarmouth Fairhaven ashpee [email protected] estport Falmouth

FALMOUTH YOUTH HOCKEY PAUL HENNESSY Gosnold isbury (508) 274-5915 ak luffs

. isbury [email protected] dgartown

hilmark Gay ead GATEWAY YOUTH HOCKEY BEN HATHAWAY Nantucket (774) 454-1114 [email protected] SOUTH COAST PANTHERS LOWER CAPE YOUTH HOCKEY KEVIN DACOSTA KATHLEEN YERKES (508) 207-7130 (508) 364-0239 [email protected] [email protected] SWS YOUTH HOCKEY MARTHA’S VINEYARD YOUTH HOCKEY TREVOR ASHLEY ROSE WALSH [email protected] (508) 274-0926 [email protected] TRI-COUNTY SAINTS GARY BUSECK NANTUCKET YOUTH HOCKEY (617) 470-8957 MARIANNE JENKINSON [email protected] (774) 236-0176 [email protected] YARMOUTH/DENNIS YOUTH HOCKEY KIRSTIN WICKSON NORTH DEVILS HOCKEY [email protected] PATTI McTERNAN (508) 507-1952 [email protected]


larksburg onroe AMHERST HOCKEY owe N. Adams eyden illiamstown eath olrain Florida ernardston arwick

KRISZTINA FILEP Northfield harlemont Adams Gill New Greenfield 413-772-9131 helburne rving range Ashford avoy uckland awley amhersthockeypresi- heshire ontague endell anesboro [email protected] Plainfield Ashfield indsor onway Deerfield Dalton ancock everett under hutes ummington New land bury Pittsfield alem insdale Goshen hately BERKSHIRE YOUTH Peru

ichmond orthington illiamsburg atfield HOCKEY INC eno hesterfield Pelham ashington iddlefield DARRELL FENNELLY adley . Amherst tockbridge est Northhampton ee hampton (413) 822-7260 tockbridge hester ecket ast unting elchertown are yringham hampton ton Granby [email protected] . Alford outhampton adley Great ont arrington onterey tis gomery olyoke landford udlow hicopee Palmer FRANKLIN COUNTY gremont ussell estfield . pringfield pringfield ilbraham rimfield HOCKEY heffield andisfield ount ashington New arlboro olland onson Granville SEAN LAVOINE Agawam . ampden ales outhwick ong ong olland (413) 531-9239 meadow meadow [email protected]

HOLY NAME HOCKEY YOUTH HOCKEY CHRIS ORSZULAK STEVE ROY (413) 627-4949 413-563-9819 [email protected] [email protected]

LUDLOW HOCKEY SPRINGFIELD YOUTH HOCKEY DAVID CORBIN JAMIE SCHERBAN (413) 388-1829 (413) 426-7448 [email protected] [email protected]

NONOTUCK VALLEY HOCKEY WESTFIELD YOUTH HOCKEY SEAN MUNSTER AARON MICHELUCCI (413) 527-7800 (413) 335-4753 [email protected] [email protected]

NORTHERN BERKSHIRE HOCKEY WILBRAHAM TWIN MEADOWS GUY CARIDDI YOUTH HOCKEY (413) 822-1369 RYAN DEANE [email protected] (413) 949-0904 [email protected]


oyalston inchendon Ashby ownsend Pepperell Ashburnham JUNIOR CRUSADERS YOUTH HOCKEY Fitchburg Gardner unenburg CATHY PRUNEAU Athol empleton (978) 422-3230 Phillipston [email protected] estminster eominster arvard ancaster ubbardston NORTH CENTRAL MASS Petersham YOUTH HOCKEY Princeton terling olton RYAN MCCRILLIS arre linton . utland udson (978) 407-7175 oylston erlin [email protected] ardwick akham olden oylston

Northboro New raintree SHREWSBURY YOUTH Paton outhboro . N. HOCKEY orcester hrewsbury estboro rookfield rookfield

KEVIN O’BRIEN pencer eicester

(774) 275-0344 . Grafton arren Auburn [email protected] rookfield rookfield illbury pton ilford

harlton utton STARHAWKS YOUTH ford opedale turbridge HOCKEY endon BRIAN WALSH Dudley Douglas bridge (617) 335-1457 outhbridge ebster lackstone illville [email protected]



Dunstable yngsboro ACTON BOXBORO YOUTH HOCKEY DAVE PEDUTO Groton (781) 258-2054 [email protected] estford hirley Ayer CONCORD CARLISLE YOUTH ittleton HOCKEY DAVID BAKER [email protected] oboro Acton oncord CRUSADERS YOUTH HOCKEY DARRIN OHANESIAN tow ay nard (978) 844-1060 [email protected] udbury ay eston DEMONS YOUTH HOCKEY arlboro land BLAKE LUKIS [email protected] Framingham

FRAMINGHAM YOUTH HOCKEY Natick CARL SMITH Ashland (508) 628-9766 herborn [email protected] opkinton

olliston NASHOBA YOUTH HOCKEY MCHAEL BONENFANT (978) 590-0787 [email protected]

NATICK COMETS HOCKEY CLUB S.M.S. YOUTH HOCKEY LARRY SLOTNICK JEFF LAPLANTE (857) 636-0154 (978) 467-5132 [email protected] [email protected]




MICHAEL RAAB illerica (781) 859-5463 arlisle [email protected]

urlington edford BELMONT RANGERS YOUTH HOCKEY oburn BOB MULROY (617) 484-4511 eington inchester [email protected] incoln Arlington

elmont BILLERICA HOCKEY ASSOC altham TONY MEDIEROS atertown (781)879-6473 [email protected] Newton

BURLINGTON HOCKEY & SKATING CLUB BRUCE FLETT (781) 750-8838 [email protected] WATERTOWN YOUTH HOCKEY JASON TOURVILLE CHELMSFORD HOCKEY ASSOC (617) 913-9816 HEATHER HOFFMAN [email protected] (978) 987-7036 [email protected] WINCHESTER YOUTH HOCKEY MICHAEL BURNS LEXINGTON-BEDFORD YOUTH HOCKEY (617) 331-2272 RON TASHJIAN [email protected] (617) 233-7474 [email protected] WOBURN YOUTH HOCKEY DON CHAMBERLAIN NEWTON YOUTH HOCKEY (617) 981-2331 CHRISTOPHER PAYTON [email protected] (617) 744-9209 [email protected]

WALTHAM YOUTH HOCKEY MARK HICKEY (617) 429-8745 [email protected]


Dracut CAMBRIDGE YOUTH HOCKEY DAVID GREENSTEIN (978) 806-6392 owell [email protected] ewksbury

N. GREATER LOWELL YOUTH HOCKEY eading TOM WARD ilmington (781) 771-7994 eading [email protected]

akefield MEDFORD RECREATIONAL HOCKEY JOE SALERA tone ham [email protected] elrose

MELROSE YOUTH HOCKEY edford alden FRANK SORRENTI (781) 771-7452 omerville ambridge [email protected]


READING YOUTH HOCKEY WAKEFIELD YOUTH SKATING ASSOCIATION PAUL DECESARE BILL WELCH (781)439-8960 (617) 306-1706 [email protected] [email protected]

SOMERVILLE YOUTH HOCKEY WILMINGTON YOUTH HOCKEY DAVE ZRAKET JOSEPH HIGGINS (617)623-0321 (978) 761-7110 [email protected] [email protected]

STONEHAM YOUTH HOCKEY JAMES DONOVAN (781) 438-8920 [email protected]

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 65 GIRLS PROGRAMS ISLANDERS HOCKEY CLUB STEPHANIE WOOD (978) 837-5542 ASSABET VALLEY GIRLS HOCKEY [email protected] CARL GRAY (978) 369-5369 H JUNIOR THUNDERBIRDS (978) 369-8100 W CAROL LESSARD (978) 369-2840 F (860) 745-2461 [email protected] [email protected]

BAY STATE BREAKERS LADY CRUSADERS CHRISTOPHER GONG DEBRA POND (781) 741-5205 (978) 580-9036 [email protected] [email protected]

BOSTON BANDITS MASSACHUSETTS SPITFIRES DOUG SHEPERD KAREN McCABE (508) 279-0600 X307 (617) 416-2317 [email protected] [email protected]

BOSTON JR EAGLES MINUTEMAN LADY FLAMES DAVID HYMOVITZ MIKE MEAD (617) 510-1475 (508) 615-3676 [email protected] [email protected]

BOSTON SHAMROCKS PRIDE BOB ROTONDO DOUG MICHALS (781) 838-0352 (617) 974-8866 [email protected] [email protected]

CAPE COD STORM NORTH SHORE VIPERS BOB ROTH SETH GOODRICH (774) 836-6550 (802) 989-1174 C [email protected] [email protected]

CAPE COD WAVES NORTH SUBURBAN WINGS LINDSAY MARCEAU ANTHONY CORNACCHIA (774) 212-0278 (617) 767-1625 [email protected] [email protected]

CHARLES RIVER (BOCH BLAZERS) SOUTH SHORE CONQUISTADORS DOUG NOLAN DOUG NOLAN (781) 381-5211 (781) 381-5211 [email protected] [email protected]

EAST COAST WIZARDS WALPOLE EXPRESS SCOTT FUSCO ROB BARLETTA (617) 640-2017 (617) 640-9645 [email protected] [email protected]


ASSABET PHANTOMS CARL GRAY CHRIS STOVER (978) 369-5369 H (978) 323-9926 (978) 369-8100 W [email protected] (978) 369-2840 F [email protected] PUMAS BRIDGET R. WAITKUS CENTRAL MASS WOMENS NIGHTHAWKS [email protected] NICK CARDINALE (508) 229-0436 QUINCY FIGHTING SQUIRRELS [email protected] MARY ELLEN RIORDAN (617) 686-0702 DEMOLITION DIVAS [email protected] MARIAN CHEEVERS (617) 361-6749 RAGING STORM [email protected] CARA “CJ” JOHNSON (978) 250-7241 EAST COAST WIZARDS [email protected] KATHY NEWHALL (978) 664-9960 RANDOLPH WOMEN’S [email protected] ALICIA GOOD (401) 333-9244 HAPPY COWS [email protected] KAITLIN ROWE (617) 413-7637 RENEGADES [email protected] TRICIA DEVINE (508) 540-0070 ICE DEVILS [email protected] ROY CARLSON (508) 473-0588 SHAMROCKS-LOWELL, MA [email protected] JENNIFER DEVLIN (978) 337-4430 LIGHTNING [email protected] CHRIS GURSKIS (781) 771-7937 STONEHAM WOMEN’S HOCKEY [email protected] JENNIFER RAUCH [email protected] MASS CHAOS KATY ANDERKA STORM [email protected] STACY PAICOS (617) 748-2205 NOREASTERS [email protected] BETH SMITH (508) 376-5025 [email protected]


95 GIANTS BOSTON JR BRUINS ROB LIBERATORE MIKE ANDERSON (603) 818-9037 (508) 820-1600 [email protected] [email protected]

495 STARS BOSTON JR EAGLES MARK BOLDRIGHINI JOHN JOYCE (978) 692-7208 (781) 864-4833 [email protected] [email protected]

ADVANTAGE ICE BOSTON JR HUSKIES DANIELE WILSON JOSEPH MENZEL [email protected] (508) 726-5200 [email protected] BAY STATE BREAKERS CHRISTOPHER GONG BOSTON JR PENGUINS (617) 388-5761 STEVE MIX [email protected] (617) 429-2451 [email protected] BGC BERKSHIRE BRUINS LEANNE BISHOP BOSTON JR RANGERS [email protected] DIANE CAPRARO (978) 640-9800 BOCH BLAZERS [email protected] DOUG NOLAN (617) 816-0620 BOSTON JR TERRIERS [email protected] LUISA MCDONOUGH (781) 821-0304 BOSTON ADVANTAGE [email protected] KEVIN POULIN [email protected] BOSTON SHAMROCKS BOYS BOB ROTONDO BOSTON AMERICANS (781) 838-0352 JOHN GILMARTIN [email protected] (978) 557-5518 [email protected] BOSTON STARS JOE CURTATONE BOSTON BANDITS (617) 959-9700 BEN EWING [email protected] (508) 279-0600 [email protected] CAPE COD WHALERS RICK COAN BOSTON IMPERIALS (617) 733-7863 DAVID TURK [email protected] (401) 252-1171 [email protected]



CRIMSON HOCKEY CLUB KATELYN KURTH (908) 268-9676 [email protected] GREATER BOSTON VIPERS JOE KUKAS CRUSADERS (617) 593-6290 DAVID MAIDA [email protected] (508) 320-5540 [email protected] ISLANDERS HOCKEY CLUB BRIAN DONAHOE EAST COAST WIZARDS (781) 710-2234 SCOTT FUSCO [email protected] (781) 275-9700 [email protected] JUNIOR RAILERS JESSICA RESENER EASTERN MASS SENATORS [email protected] MIKE BONISH (781) 983-0235 JR SHARKS [email protected] HEATHER SMITH (919) 610-6580 EC SPARTANS [email protected] NEIL LISTON (781) 858-3513 JUNIOR WARRIORS [email protected] JOHN GILMARTIN (978) 557-5518 X101 EAST COAST LEAFS [email protected] MIKE LODGE [email protected] KILLA BEEZ MICHAEL BICHO GREATER BOSTON JR BRUINS (508) 269-2131 MIKE CASHMAN [email protected] (617) 787-2947 [email protected] LOVELL HOCKEY JOE LOVELL GREATER BOSTON SELECTS (781) 308-6700 JOHN GILMARTIN [email protected] (978) 557-5518 X101 [email protected]

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 69 MAD DOGS HOCKEY GLEN BOCK NESC DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE (978) 216-7023 ZACH JACKSON [email protected] (508) 229-2700 [email protected] MASS BAY CHIEFS CHRIS RUGGIERO NEW ENGLAND BULLDOGS [email protected] MIKE EGAN (617) 435-0004 MASS BAY SHAMROCKS [email protected] TOM MCGRATH (857) 204-5825 NEW ENGLAND FALL PREP LEAGUE [email protected] KEVIN HART (207) 712-5507 MERRIMACK VALLEY SELECTS [email protected] JOHN GILMARTIN (978) 557-5518 X101 NE PREDATORS [email protected] MARTHA CROWTHER (603) 894-1277 MICRO ICE TRAINING CENTER [email protected] DAVID BREENE (978) 681-7700 NEW ENGLAND PRIDE & WOLVERINES DOUG MICHALS MIDDLESEX BLACK BEARS (617) 974-8866 ALEX MOODY [email protected] (978) 807-6564 [email protected] NORTH SHORE COMETS BRIAN BOISSON MIDDLESEX SELECTS (781) 367-9833 JOHN GILMARTIN [email protected] (978) 557-5518 X101 [email protected] NORTH SHORE COYOTES HOCKEY CLUB MARK LEONARD MINUTEMAN FLAMES (617) 803-4850 WES TUTTLE [email protected] (508) 229-2700 [email protected] NORTH SHORE ICE HAWKS WILLIAM HENEY MSHCA TEAM MASS (978) 921-1050 BOB LAVIN [email protected] (508) 788-5567 [email protected] NORTH SHORE SELECTS JOHN GILMARTIN NEPONSET VALLEY RIVER RATS (978) 557-5518 X101 DEB MCDOUGAL [email protected] (508) 339-2110 [email protected] NORTH SHORE SHAMROCKS GUY CANTO (978) 375-8372

70 | MAHOCKEY.ORG [email protected] NORTH SUBURBAN WINGS TOP SHELF HOCKEY CHRIS NAGY JOHN DANBY (781) 640-2422 (508) 428-4129 [email protected] [email protected]

NORTHEAST GENERALS TOTAL ATHLETIC SEAHAWKS BRYAN ERIKSON KIM ZANIBONI (781) 500-1577 (906) 630-1466 [email protected] [email protected]

NORTHSTAR HOCKEY CLUB VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL STEVE TEPPER JOHN GILMARTIN (508) 366-1562 (978) 557-5518 X101 [email protected] [email protected]

PATRIOT HOCKEY WALPOLE EXPRESS GREG CARTER ROB BARLETTA (508) 397-1960 (617) 640-9645 [email protected] [email protected]

SCORE HOCKEY, INC MICHELLE REAGER MIKE LANIERI [email protected] [email protected] WESTERN MA WIZARDS SOUTH SHORE KINGS DAN POULIOT RAE BLACKMAN (413) 687-4016 (508) 698-0505 X212 [email protected] [email protected] WESTERN MASS VIPERS SPRINGFIELD PICS JIM WATKINS PATRICK TABB (413) 537-4297 [email protected] [email protected]

SPRINGFIELD RIFLES WORCESTER JR CRUSADERS BARBARA JEAN DELORIA CATHY PRUNEAU (413) 427-6547 (508) 981-5243 [email protected] [email protected]


TOP GUN KEVIN HART (207) 712-5507 [email protected]



74 | MAHOCKEY.ORG For the purpose of any rules interpretations, the online version will be considered as the official version. For all updates, refer to

Annual Guide printed August 2019.

MAHOCKEY.ORG | 75 Support Youth Hockey in Massachusetts

REGISTER FOR YOUR PLATES TODAY AT How to get a license plate: Anyone with a registered vehicle in Massachusetts can obtain plates. Available at: • Any full service RMV branch. Find yours at: • Can be ordered online at Fees: The initial special plate fee is $40 and distributed as follows: • $12 covers the cost of manufacturing the plate. • $28 goes to the designated organization. Upon renewal, the entire special plate fee goes to the designated organization, Massachusetts Hockey.

Renewal: Plates need to be renewed every two years.

What does the funding mean for Mass Hockey? These funds support programs to increase ice hockey participation including but not limited to town, girls’/women, adaptive hockey and promote improvement of parent and player behavior in Massachusetts.

/MassHockey @Mass_Hockey /massachusetts_hockey