Refugee Women’s Resource Project - Asylum Aid - Issue 6 January 2001

In this issue: Research on Kenyan women IAA Gender Guidelines New Publications Events Conference on Women in the Middle East

RWRP launches two major research In this context, the position of women in reports on Kenyan women is particularly vulnerable. Traditionally, as well as legally, their rights are restricted whilst they Sophia Ceneda, Research and Information can be subjected to various forms of Officer at RWRP has just completed 2 harassment and brutality at all levels of the substantial reports on the experiences of society without guarantee of being protected Kenyan women asylum seekers. either by traditional institutions, or by the law. As for men in the same situation, women who The first report focuses on the experiences of are involved in opposition politics or members women in Kenya, and the second on Kenyan of an ethnic group not known to be supportive women’s experiences as asylum seekers in the of the KANU ruling party are potential victims UK. of police torture and other political forms of persecution, including sexual assault. The aims of the research were to document Moreover women cannot rely on the law or law and publicise women’s human rights abuses in enforcement agents to protect their rights to Kenya and identify the availability of protection, freedom of expression, association or their to review and challenge Home Office decisions right to be free from persecution either from on the cases of Kenyan women asylum state agents or family members. seekers based on the research evidence, and to provide recommendations and resources for Kenyan women denied asylum use by Home Office representatives, legal Despite this however, the research also found practitioners and other advisers. that the overwhelming majority of Kenyan women who claim asylum in the UK are The research was based upon analysis of refused and thus denied any form of written reports on women’s rights in Kenya, protection. Although the statistics made published both in Kenya and the UK, analysis available by the Home Office are not broken of 35 Home Office refusal letters provided by down by gender, the overall statistics for participating legal representatives in order to Kenyan asylum seekers speak for themselves: identify patterns for refusals of Kenyan women Between 1994 and 1999, almost 93% of cases cases, and in-depth interviews with 6 Kenyan decided were refused asylum or Indefinite women asylum seekers who had been refused Leave to Remain (ILR) or Exceptional Leave to asylum at first instance, and one interview with Remain (ELR) at first instance whilst only a Kenyan refugee. 1.25% were granted asylum and 5.80% Exceptional Leave. There was a slight Widespread abuse of women’s human rights improvement in 1999 when 2.90% of cases The research places the experience of Kenyan considered were granted asylum. Over 30% women within the broader human rights were given Exceptional Leave. The figures for context in the country, where oppression, Kenyan women are not expected to be higher, brutality and violence are not only perpetrated and it is clear from the cases considered by the by the state, but are widespread at all levels of research, that their claims are rarely taken society. seriously. - 1 - women’s ASYLUM NEWS

The reasons appear to be multifaceted, www.courtservice.gov.uk/tribunals/tribs_home. including procedural factors that reflect a lack htm of consideration for gender issues, a lack of knowledge or recognition of the gravity of the If you do not have Internet access, then please human rights situation in Kenya, and as far as contact RWRP and we will send you a copy. women are concerned, a lack of understanding of the extent to which Kenyan women are even World Report more deprived of fundamental human rights for Human Rights Watch, the independent human social and economical reasons but also simply rights organisation published their World because of their gender. Report 2001 in December, which documents the findings of their research throughout the The reports are due for publication in February, year 2000. The report includes a substantial and will also be available on our website. For section on women’s rights and gender based further information, please contact Refugee human rights abuses such as ’s Resource Project. women, and women’s rights abuses during conflict. Women continued to experience Other New Publications serious violations both during armed conflict, as refugees, and on return to their countries of Immigration Appellate Authority Gender origin. Guidelines The growth in trafficking of women and Last December the Immigration Appellate was also allowed to “flourish with near Authority (IAA) published its “Asylum Gender impunity”. Many women who became victims Guidelines”, in order for the IAA judiciary to of trafficking not only experienced incorporate an understanding of gender (both discrimination or abuse in countries they left, male and female) into their asylum claim whether of their own accord or otherwise, but assessments. also in destination countries, where “women encountered violence, state complicity, In particular the Guidelines emphasise how detention, and deportation”, often treated as The Refugee Convention should be interpreted criminals. to reflect women’s experiences of persecution, harm, political activity or resistance, and how The report also details Human Rights Watch’s these experiences affect their asylum claims. current campaigns, including details of their They also recognise the need for the asylum research to substantiate their campaign for determination process to be sensitive to equal access to education. Human Rights gender, by ensuring that practice does not Watch found widespread discrimination against discriminate (either deliberately or women and girls in their access to education. inadvertently) against women. They highlight how this discrimination is not only the denial of education, well documented The guidelines are however, applicable to all in countries such as Afghanistan, but also levels of decision making in the asylum included prevalent sexual violence towards process, and are useful for asylum seekers girls in schools, in South Africa for example, and their representatives. Whether they which prevents girls from pursuing their achieve their aims is something that will only education. The report also highlights how be borne out in practice. students are widely discriminated against according to their sexuality, in the United The guidelines are available in full on the States amongst many other countries. Internet at the following address: The report is available on line at www.hrw.org/wr2k1/women/index.html - 2 - women’s ASYLUM NEWS

International Helsinki Federation for against women. However, the Board of Human Rights Immigration Appeals refused the claim. Janet Reno’s action to void the Board’s decision

represents a major positive development in The International Helsinki Federation for interpretation of the Refugee Convention to Human Rights published “Women 2000” last recognise gender based human rights abuses. November, containing extensive and invaluable information on women’s rights in nearly all Central and South-Eastern European Events & Campaigns countries. Without Rights Conference: The report is available on the Internet at This two-day conference is being held by www.ihf-hr.org/publicat.htm, but can also be Empowering Widows in Development, an ordered by non-profit organisations and organisation that works with widows’ groups in students for a small cost to cover postage and Africa and South Asia. The purpose of the packing. Details are given at the above web conference is to highlight the issues that are address, or are available from RWRP. raised by EWD’s membership organisations, whose representatives will be attending. The focus will be upon how widows’ Human Rights Other News on Women’s Rights are violated and the need to develop supportive policies.

High Court ruling in Bangladesh The conference will be held on 6th & 7th of Amnesty International announced that earlier February in London. For more information, this month the High Court in Bangladesh ruled please contact Karen Garvin on 020 8442 that fatwas are illegal and must be made 1362. punishable by a parliamentary act. Most fatwas are issued against women by rural clergies Action For Refugee Women – following complaints that women have been International Women’s Day Event “too” assertive in family or community life.

Women are often flogged, beaten, publicly AFRW will be holding their annual International humiliated and even executed. The ruling Women’s Day event on the 8th March. Please recognises how fatwas are particularly used see details over. against women in a country where violence against women, trafficking and honour killings If any other organisation is planning are widespread. It will however, be important to International Women’s Day events and monitor how the ruling is implemented. would like them publicised in our next

bulletin, please contact us. In the United States

US Attorney General Janet Reno, ruled this month that the US Board of Immigration The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) Appeals must wait until gender sensitive launched a campaign last December that aims guidelines (currently under review) are to highlight gender-based persecution as finalized before reconsidering the case of a grounds for women to claim refugee status in Guatemalan fleeing . their own right. The European Women’s Lobby

consists of almost 3000 organisations. For Mrs Alvarado’s legal representatives had more information about membership, contact argued that she should be granted refugee the Lobby via their website: status on the grounds that she is a member of www.womenlobby.org a persecuted social group, i.e. a woman living in a patriarchal culture that tolerates violence - 3 - women’s ASYLUM NEWS

Women’s Rights in the Middle East with the NGO Women Against Violence, which Conference Report runs women’s refuges and a helpline for women experiencing domestic violence, as

well as other women’s support services. RWRP staff attended a conference in

December, “Women’s Rights are Human For us the conference re-emphasized the need Rights, Women’s Rights are Universal”, run by for an international, cross-cultural perspective the Middle East Centre for Women’s Studies. on human rights, and the rights of women in The conference was well attended by women particular. In a climate where Western and men from many different countries and a countries have condoned young women being wide range of (often conflicting) opinions were abused or forcibly sent back to their home voiced during discussions with the audience. country for marriage in the name of “cultural

values”, this approach has never been more The phenomenon of cultural relativism was important. one of the main themes of the event. Several speakers stressed their view that women’s human rights are universal and should not be RWRP website launched: abused in the name of “culture”, arguing that a woman born in Egypt, Iran or Algeria should We have now published our website at not enjoy lesser freedoms than a woman born www.asylumaid.org.uk - just click on Refugee in Britain or France purely due to the land of Women’s Resource Project and you will see her birth. our home page. The site contains information on our project, the aims and the work we do. The Egyptian writer and activist Dr. Nawal el This bulletin is also on the site as well as Sadawi, founder of the Arab Women’s information on asylum rights, news of our Solidarity Association, spoke of how her research work and useful links to other research into the history of her country had organisations. In future we plan to have a revealed a tradition of struggle against discussion forum, a database containing oppression which, in her view, demonstrated details of the materials in RWRP’s library and that moves towards liberal or progressive information on resources for women asylum values of freedom and equality did not have to seekers across the country. Please visit and be seen as “Westernisation”, but were very let us know what you think feedback is much a part of Egypt’s history and culture. welcome.

Azar Majedi and Azam Kamguian, women’s Action For Refugee Women - Human rights activists from Iran, spoke against cultural Rights Seminar, December 2000 relativism and argued that the opposition secular movement in Iran is growing. Sawsan Staff from RWRP also attended AFRW’s Salim from Kurdistan showed some distressing seminar on the 1998 Human Rights Act, which video footage of young women who had been focussed on the possible implications of the imprisoned and abused by family members, Act for women asylum seekers and refugees. and spoke movingly of their plight. Sarah Cooke, from the British Institute for Human Rights, and Monireh Moftizadeh from Zahia Salhi from Algeria spoke of her country’s RWRP both spoke and opened discussion. discriminatory Personal Status Law, and of The seminar was well attended by women’s efforts to protest. Aida Toma representatives from both statutory and Sulaiman, a Palestinian woman from the voluntary sector services for asylum seekers Occupied Territories, talked about her work and refugees.

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Published by Refugee Women’s Resource Project (contact: Clare Palmer & Helen Smith) The RWRP is funded by the National Lottery Charities Asylum Aid Board, the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, Oxfam, 28 Commercial Street Womankind Worldwide, Servite Sisters Charitable Trust London E1 6LS Fund, Avenue Trust and Law Society Trustees. The Project is cofinanced by the European Commission Tel: 020 7377 5123 Fax: 020 7247 7789 Directorate General Justice and Home Affairs. Any views Email: [email protected] expressed in this publication are those of the authors: the Website: www.asylumaid.org.uk European Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information herein. Any legal information in this bulletin is intended as a general guide only, and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice. Any contributions from, or references to, external sources, agencies or individuals do not necessarily reflect the views of Asylum Aid nor receive our endorsement.

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