witnesses: 'Crazies, Liars and those convinced' by Dave Taylor

Yorba Linda Star June 26 1980 page 1

Self-described "psychic adventurer" Dan Stewart, 25, Yorba Linda, has his own theory about "the pink lady" in his hometown as well as UFOs, "bigfoot" and vampires.

He brackets them together as "psychic phenomena" which can be called because they are a part of nature which man cannot understand...yet.

Stewart is interested in hearing from anyone who may have had a psychic experience. They can write him at PO Box 85585, Los Angeles, CA 90029.

In discussing the "pink lady" who reportedly appears every four years in a Yorba Linda cemetery in June, "a good month for psychic phenomena." Stewart said he went to the cemetery but didn't see either hear or smell the odor associated with psychic phenomena. It is hydrogen sulphide--"the smell of brimstone," he said with a smile.

Such phenomena, he feels are connected to our religious and mythological past.

The odor, he said, is tied in with those who have experienced UFOs, (unidentified flying objects), vampires or . In order to test this, Stewart said he used to carry three vials with him when talked to those who have had such experiences.

Each person identified the distinctive odor, which smells like rotten eggs, as well as brimstone. It is also found in the vicinity of volcanos, geysers, or underground springs which shoot into the air.

Stewart said he did the nose test to separate the real from the phony witnesses of psychic phenomena, as he calls them.

He explained that more investigation needs to be done on the "pink lady" but discussed two other phenomena--a "haunted house" in La Habra Heights where ghosts appeared and disappeared in the daylight hours rather than at the midnight hour before large numbers of people, and psychic practitioners in Los Angeles who conduct levitation--or make a body move into the air as part of an into their psychic group.

The incident at La Habra Heights, the location of which he declined to identify, occurred about 10 years ago and sent him into what has become a long-standing acquaintance with the psychic world.

Despite Stewart's belief in the validity of some psychic activities, he expressed about the widely-publicized tale of the Amityville house in New England which was possessed and caused its occupants to flee. The story was a best-selling book and later a shocker movie. He suspects it's a .

Meteorologists didn't report the same weather conditions as the author indicated in the book during the period the events supposedly occurred, Stewart observed.

Stewart favors the books on unidentified flying objects by Dr. Jacques Valee and John Keel, both of whom began as flying saucer skeptics, like Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who is in charge of the UFO Information Clearinghouse in Evanston, Ill. Stewart has an idea which ties in UFOs, ghosts, vampires and "bigfoot" into a group of manifestations which may be explained by a parallel universe, where things happen faster than the speed of light, a notion which is being experimented with by reputable physicists as well as psychic investigators.

He told one vampire story about an incident at the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) headquarters at Denver, Colo., where an animal was mutilated in front of 20,000 servicemen in the blink of an eye and nobody saw it happen.

Stewart said the incident occurred at 11:30 in the morning.

A writer and artist, he was probed unexplained phenomena for the past 15 years. "I am always looking for new angles and something that has not been written about the subject," he commented.

His interviews and his own UFO experiences in the California desert near Blythe and in the Clear Lake area of Northern California have indicated some of the theories he espouses, although he continually remains a researcher, ever the uncertain investigator, attempting to nail down definitely the thrust of unexplained phenomena.

"There are three kinds of witnesses," he said. "There are the crazies, the liars and the convinced witnesses."

"This is an age of anxiety, doubt and questioning," he remarked. "Our psychic forces are asking questions for us. These psychic forces leave physical evidence which is startling and unusual."