I Page 2 Editorial I Page 3 Focus I Page 5 NEW OFFICE IN POLITICAL MEDIA: ECONOMIC AND SO - Rule of Law ABU DHABI DIALOGUE A number of inter - CIAL GOVERNANCE: I Page 6 German Parliament Colombian President national media repre - On invitation of the Media President Prof. Norbert Alvaro Uribe took part sentatives discussed KAS, more than 100 I Page 7 Lammert inaugurated in a question-and- current trends in experts took part in Political Dialogue the new KAS office answer session with jour nalism during the September in a New I Page 10 in Abu Dhabi with a 600 young people and Africa Media Leader - Delhi conference on KAS Panorama speech on the impor - students in an event ship Conference. the financial crisis from I Page 12 tance of values in in - organised by the KAS. the viewpoint of G20 Democracy and Development ternational relations. states. I Page 14 Human Rights I Page 15 Dialogue on Values and Religion I Page 16 Economic and Social Governance I Page 18 Energy and the Environment I Page 19 News from the International Cooperation Department I Page 20 Newly Published


On occasion of the 20th anniversary, the KAS lapse of communism in Europe and the end of held a wide range of events in 2009 to com - the conflict between East and West. memorate the fall of the wall. It was impor - tant to both remember and inform people on A part of the was unveiled in the how repression and the lack of freedom were Croatian capital Zagreb, while in the Georgian overcome. capital Tbilisi students discussed the peaceful revolution and the lessons the younger genera - The interest worldwide in this joyous celebration tion could draw from the event. In Israel the of freedom was great, whether in the Brazilian former civil rights activists – now CDU politicians state of Pernambuco or in the Moroccan city of – and reported Rabat, in Togo or Mongolia. The fall of the Berlin on the opposition movement of East . wall has taken a special place around the world in people’s collective memory, marking the col - Continued on page 3 2 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009



The 20 th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall was marked on PUBLICATION 9 November 2009. This was an opportunity for the KAS to commemo - INFORMATION rate the event by integrating it in its international activities, and cele - brating it jointly with our international partners. Because the fall of Publisher Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e .V. the Berlin wall was not just one of the happiest events in history for Department of International the German people – one that paved the way to Cooperation and the unification of Europe. The fall of the wall was more than just Klingelhöferstraße 23 D-10907 Berlin the removal of a despotic and inhuman regime. It represented the Germany victory of democracy over a communist dictatorship. And it affirmed that a free and democratic structure of state and society as established by Konrad Adenauer Editor-in-chief Dr Gerhard Wahlers and his followers is superior to a communist tyranny. Editors I The fall of the wall would not have been possible without prior efforts by the Solidarity Move - Dr Helmut Reifeld: Overall coordination ment in Poland and the Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia; without the courageous policies of I Laura Bierling: the Hungarian government in the summer of 1989; without George H.W. Bush and Mikhail Editorial assistant Gorbachev, but also not without the exemplary moral force that Pope John Paul II embodied. I Dr Nino Galetti: We know that without these people and events, ’s peaceful revolution and the Media, energy and fall of the wall on 9 November 1989 would never have happened. environment I Sabine Gerhardt: Democracy and development 1989-90 has acquired a great symbolic importance in Europe as the period during which the I Dr Helmut Reifeld: process of democratisation began in the Eastern Bloc. It did not only apply to that region but Political dialogue I the rest of the world, at the latest with the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and its Dr Angelika Klein: Dialogue on values and satellite states. The trend toward democracy had begun in Latin America already in the 1980s, religion, human rights and continued at the outset of the 1990s in Africa and Asia, as well. Political developments in I Susanna Vogt: Chile, Indonesia and South Africa resounded strongly with the German public. Economic and social governance I Dr Jan Woischnik: Twenty years after the fall of the wall, though, we recognise more clearly that many democra - Rule of law cies remain a work in progress, still unable to stand on their own two feet. It was a sophism Contact: that we had reached “the end of history,” to quote historian Francis Fukuyama – that countries [email protected] run by dictatorial regimes would automatically morph into democracies. Democracy requires democrats – not just in Germany. Human beings are not born democrats but have to learn to Design SWITSCH become them – which makes the civic education work by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung KommunikationsDesign, abroad all the more important. Cologne

Pictures th The KAS has taken the 20 anniversary of the fall of the wall as an occasion to commemorate KAS, Henning Lüders, pixelio, through its international work this joyous moment of freedom – but also to turn its gaze to the dpa Picture-Alliance future, and to further promote democracy, the rule of law and social market economy. In this © 2009 issue of KAS International, we present you with an overview how some of our offices abroad Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e .V. celebrated the anniversary.

Berlin, November 2009

Dr Gerhard Wahlers Deputy Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009 | 3

Member of Parliament KWON Young Se, president of the Korean-German parlia - mentary friendship delegation with Dr Gerhard Wahlers, deputy chairman of the KAS



German Chancellor Continued As a way of saying thanks, the KAS organised a Dr with Hungarian from page 1 ̈ two-day conference in Hungary, attended by two President László former Hungarian prime ministers, Viktor Orbán Solyom and Miklós Nemeth. Imre Pozsgay, who was minis - ter of state 20 years ago and was responsible in Hungary for the actual opening of the Iron Curtain, also attended. They discussed the courage dis - played by the Hungarian people at the time. During the night of September 10 –11 1989, the border gate opened along Hungary’s western border once and for all, not just for a symbolic few hours as it had weeks earlier during the Pan-European Picnic at S opron along the Hungarian-Austrian border. Thousands of East German citizens fled across the border here long before the fall of the wall. German Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel took part in the com - memorative ceremony at Sopron.

The celebrations in South Africa provided another vantage point. Over the last few months the KAS celebrated the triple anniversary of 60 years of the Federal Republic of Germany, 20 years since the Prof. Bernhard fall of the wall and 15 years of democracy in South Vogel during his speech on the 20 th The KAS office Africa with a series of events entitled A Long Walk anniversary of the in South Africa to Democracy – Celebrating Milestones of Freedom fall of the Berlin organised several wall in New Delhi, events and Unity. Along with the Goethe Institute Johan - India nesburg, the KAS showed the film The Lives of the Others . Another event compared the constitutions, federal systems and party systems in Germany and South Africa.

In New Delhi, KAS Chairman Professor Bernhard Vogel called the fall of the wall an “event that The partner confer - moved and changed the world”. Until 9 November ence Democratisa - tion Experiences in 1989, the people of East Germany took to the Malang, Indonesia: streets to demand reforms. But after the border (from left to right) was opened, vanquishing East Germany became Winfried Weck; Joaquim da Costa the goal of the people. Afterwards, the audience Freitas; civil society discussed which experiences during the division of advisor in the office Germany could be applied to the current situation of Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão; in India and Pakistan. and Sukardi Rinakit, senior researcher, Continued on page 4 Centre for Political Studies 4 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009

Rainer Eppelmann de - scribes the long road to the peaceful revolution and liberation



̈ continued from page 3 As seen from South-East Asia, the year 2009 marks a decade since the democratisation of Indonesia In South Korea, the KAS held a conference called 60 and East Timor. The KAS office in Indonesia used Rule of Law in Lectures – 20 Years of the Federal Republic of Germany – 20 Years this opportunity to focus the conference agenda on years since the of Reunification: a Look Back and Look Ahead at KAS different experiences with the process of democra- fall of the wall Projects in South Korea. The event also celebrated tisation in East and West. Winfried Weck, the coun - This publication, the 30th anniversary of the KAS establishing a field try representative of the KAS in Indonesia, under - focusing on legal office in Seoul. To this day, German political founda - scored the importance of political foundations in reconciliation, is tions can provide important information to South building a democratic state in West Germany. He one of many contri - butions by the rule Korean politicians on questions regarding the coun - saw them as a response to the failure of the Weimar of law programme try’s division, as well as perspectives on the reunifi - Republic and the crimes of the Nazi regime. In the South-East Europe ca tion of the peninsula. So South Korean Unification ensuing discussion participants agreed that Indone - to the anniversary year 2009 Minister Hyun In-Taek took advantage of KAS Deputy sia, too, would have to go through a similar process Chairman Dr Gerhard Wahlers’ visit to South Korea of leadership democratisation. on 26 August 2009 for an exchange of ideas on ques - I publikationen tions regarding German and Korean reunifications.

CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE: 60 YEARS OF THE GERMAN CON - GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS STITUTION AND 60 YEARS OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA The Kingdom of Bhutan’s first democratic constitution took The Federal Republic of Germany and effect in early 2008. Since the People’s Republic of China both cel - elections in May of that year, ebrated the 60th anniversary of their several questions have been founding in 2009. This offered the op - raised in this still young demo- portunity to compare both constitutions cracy over the implementation against the background of the two countries’ cultural differences in the of constitutional norms. At the context of their social and legal tradi - request of Prime Minister Jigmi tions. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Y Thinley, the rule of law pro - was able to bring in an excellent spe - gramme – under the leader - (from left to right) Clauspeter Prof. Di Fabio (right) after his cialist, German Constitutional Court ship of Clauspeter Hill – held Hill, Prime Minister Jigmi Y lecture at the University of Thinley, Prof. Ulrich Karpen judge Professor Udo Di Fabio, for a Beijing on 10 September with for the first time a consulting joint symposium in Beijing with the Dr Karl-Heinz Schnell workshop in September 2009, organised in cooperation with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. the office of the attorney general. Along with the Hamburg professor of constitutional law Ulrich Karpen, legislators Di Fabio put the German constitution’s basic constitutional rights – from both parliamentary chambers took part in the event, human dignity, the free development of personality and personal free - as did the president of the parliament, Lyonpo Jigme doms – at the centre of his lecture. He described how the constitution Tshulthrim, and the country’s most senior judge, Lyonpo balances out an individual’s right to development and safety with the Sonam Tobgye. Many judges and lawyers also attended. need of a society and state for security and stability. KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009 | 5

The KAS rule of law programme promotes the rule of law worldwide.


Colombian Presi - dent Álvaro Uribe speaking with German Consti- XVI. LATIN AMERICAN MEETING tutional Court Judge Prof. Rudolf OF CONSTITUTIONAL JUDGES IN COLOMBIA Mellinghoff

The Constitutional Courts in the Face of New Chal - threatened; in some cases their very existence is menaced. lenges for Latin American Societies was the main In Bolivia, for instance, the last constitutional judge to topic of the 16th meeting of Latin American consti - resist all political pressure was finally forced from office in tutional court judges and scholars in Cartagena de May because her budget was slashed by 85 percent. She Indias, Colombia, from 7 to 10 September. took part in the Colombian gathering as a special guest.

Invited by the Colombian Constitutional Court and the Colombian President Álvaro Uribe invited the participants KAS rule of law programme, constitutional court judges to a dinner at his guesthouse in Cartagena. This at an and experts in constitutional law from 13 Latin Ameri - important moment for the principle of rule of law since the can countries came together to discuss protecting fun - Colombian Constitutional Court is currently reviewing damental civil rights. They also debated the role of con - the constitutionality of a referendum that would allow a stitutional courts in the wake of recent constitutional change in the constitution to enable Uribe to run for a reforms. A further point of discussion was the issue of third term in office. German experts who took part in the a constitutional culture and continuity in the region, meeting included the German Constitutional Court judge while a special panel addressed the issue of the envi - Professor Rudolf Mellinghoff, as well as Matthias Herdegen, ronment and the rule of law. Constitutional jurisdictions professor of constitutional and international law at the in some countries in the region find their independence University of Bonn.

MORE INHERITANCE SOUTHERN AFRICAN CHIEF RIGHTS FOR EGYPTIAN JUSTICES FORUM WOMEN 7–8 AUGUST 2009, KASANE, BOTSWANA Inheritance rights for women – and their implementa - tion – is a subject of great controversy in Egypt. Just The Southern African Chief Women’s rights like in other Muslim countries, Egyptian inheritance Justices Forum Annual Confe r- activists explain Egyptian inheritan - law is based on Islamic law, which discriminates in ence 2009 was organised ce law and demand several ways against women. Especially in rural ar - under the auspices of the an end to discrimi - eas, the reasons behind these rules remain unclear, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in nation against wo - men in inheritance as do the avenues for financial redress. Still worse Kasane, Botswana. The confe r- matters is that male relatives frequently disregard the inheri - ence was titled The Rule of tance rights of women. Patriarchal Law, Judicial Accountability structures are to blame, as are close and Administrative Justice . family ties and a weak and corrupt ju - The president of the Republic of Botswana, Seretse dicial system. The KAS office in Egypt Khama Ian Khama, opened the event. The conference organised a conference in the northern addressed questions on the role of the judiciary and Egyptian city of Assiut in July that ad - its relationship to the executive branch in constitutional dressed the problems of women with states, as well as its role in regards to human rights. inheritance law. More than 100 jurists, Among the participants were the chief justices of 15 women’s rights activists and affected African nations, researchers, judges, representatives women underscored the need for information and of the Venice Commission, the UN High Representative education. for Human Rights and NGOs. 6 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009


CHALK IT UP BLOGGING AND TWEETING IN The 4th forum for young media leaders AFRICAN MEDIA recently faced a special challenge. The Media Programme Asia and the Konrad Adenauer Asian Centre for Journalism in The media programme of sub-Saharan Manila had supplied everything from wireless Africa organised from 4 to 7 October microphones to beamers so that they could the eighth Africa Media Leadership not just discuss the latest online trends in Conference, which was held in the mobile content, blogs and Twitter but also Ghanaian capital Accra. Some 60 edi - present them in print, video and audio. Until tors in chief, publishers and media Takeshi Go Kawasaki stepped up to the managers from 20 countries discussed lectern and politely requested a chalkboard the challenges facing African media in and a piece of chalk. the coming years in a symposium enti - tled Learning from the Future: Africa’s Linus Githahi, chairman of Nation With his presentation, the head of the inter - Media Landscape in the Year 2029. Media Group, Kenya national think-tank of the Japanese daily Asahi Shimbun captured the attention of the The conference has gained a great deal of impor - young journalists, after all, most of them had tance in recent years. Not only has the number of hardly ever worked with a chalkboard. delegates risen substantially but their professional background has changed. Until recently, the classic media such as print, radio and TV had dominated the event – now one can no longer imagine a conference agenda without new media representatives. Asia Media This mix of participants is essential so that African Directory now online media can continue to develop. Indeed, without new + + + IN BRIEF + + +

media, traditional media could not survive over the The new edition of long-term. Cooperative ventures are growing more the Asia Media Direc - Bettermann in Argentina important, particularly in Africa, where there is very tory is no longer On 28 August, the media programme of the little advertising except by the government – mean - published in print KAS organised a conference in Buenos Aires form but is available ing little income is generated beyond regular sales. on the subject of challenges faced by public via the Internet. That means the me - broadcasters in the 21st century. The keynote The media programme took the conference as an op - dia directory is con - speaker was the director general of Deutsche portunity to launch a trial digital balloon. For the first sultable immediately Welle, Erik Bettermann (on the right in the and around the clock time, the KAS set up a blog during an international picture with the director of the Latin America worldwide. A parti- conference, sending news via Twitter, as well as pic - cular advantage for media programme, Peter-Alberto Behrens). tures and presentations to the Internet. The effort users is that the on - He discussed the future development of the quickly proved successful: the five most popular twit - line version can be media in the face of new technologies, new updated at short no - terers had 7,440 followers, while blog postings came programme for - tice and without too from several African countries as well as from the much effort. mats and types state of California and the Caribbean. People posting of communica - comments on the blog expressed a lot of interest. The Asia Media tion, and the This took the topics of the conference beyond the Directory can be planned broad - viewed at small circle of selected delegates to a worldwide au - cast laws. dience of several thousand people. mediaasia KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009 | 7



German parliament president and KAS deputy chairman Prof. opened the or - ganisation’s new regional Gulf States programme with a keynote speech on “Values and Interests – A Challenge for International Relations.”

Since then, the KAS has been running its activities from Abu Dhabi in a region of steadily growing geostrategic importance. The KAS – along with its regional partners – wanted to make “a concrete contribution to peace, tolerance and international understanding,” as Lammert told the more than 200 guests at the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) in Abu Dhabi. The ECSSR is status and economic influence – not just because of the foundation’s first partner in the United Arab Emi - the current financial crisis. rates. The deputy chairmen of the ECSSR and the KAS, Abdullah Hussain and Dr Gerhard Wahlers, Further priority issues include security policy, and in signed a cooperation agreement during the event. particular what is known as “comprehensive security,” Dr Wahlers stressed that the KAS had recognized as well as Europe’s need for a reliable energy supply. the growing importance of the Gulf region by opening The third area of involvement for the KAS in the Gulf a new office there. The region will be media work, since public opinion in the Arab could no longer just be reduced world is strongly influenced by the Arab satellite TV to rich oil and gas resources, stations that broadcast from here. A dialogue over go- he said. vernance issues lies in the interest of both sides since it contributes to a deeper understanding between the Foreign and security policy will Arab and Western world. take centre stage in the cooper - ation, along with regi onal inte - In his speech, Professor Lammert said that concrete gration, basic governance issues interests were essential to good international relations - as well as political dialogue be - but so, too, was the awareness of common values and tween Europe and the states be - orientations. The president of the parliament stressed longing to the Gulf Cooperation that only by taking both shared and diverging values Abdullah Hussain, Council. into account could one achieve a balanced relationship deputy secretary- between the different cultures. general of the ECSSR, and Dr The KAS is the first German political foundation to Gerhard Wahlers, have a presence in the Gulf region. From its new re - During his visit to Abu Dhabi, Lammert met with the deputy chairman gional Gulf States programme based in the capital of interior minister and deputy prime minister of the UAE, of the KAS, after signing the coope - the United Arab Emirates, it will also become active Sheikh Saif bin Zayed al-Nahyan, science minister ration agreement in the other member states of the Gulf Cooperation Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak al-Nahyan, as well as with Council: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia the minister of state for foreign affairs, Anwar Mo - and Yemen. Issues of global governance will be given hammed Gargash and the spokesman for the Federal substantial attention as their importance has grown National Council Abdul Aziz al-Ghurair. in parallel with the rise of the region’s international 8 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009

Political dialogue serves to exchange opinions, secure peace and create the necessary conditions for constructive cooperation.



Dr Gjorge Ivanov has been a long-time friend of the KAS. Since the foun - The KAS office in Fortaleza and the Kolping- dation began working in the country, it has founded a political academy to werk jointly organised a civic education course. train conservative elected officials and a quarterly political publication that This three-unit course offered information on is recognised beyond the borders of the country. On his first state visit to the development of statehood, communal self- Germany on 14 September he campaigned for his country’s quick acces - administration and the opportunity for political sion to the Euro-Atlantic structures. In little time, Macedonia has success - participation. The participants attended city fully begun the core reforms required for the country’s integration. council and community council meetings and developed contacts with local politicians and Macedonian President Dr Gjorge Ivanov and Dr Gerhard Wahlers, KAS deputy He said that in order to make progress on their parties. chairman the path toward Europe, a solution had to be found as quickly as possible for the During his visit to the Kolpingwerk in Fortaleza, dispute with Greece over Macedonia’s the deputy head of the International Coopera - name, without endangering Greece’s na - tion department, Frank Spengler (in the pic - tional identity. With the help of the Konrad- ture above on the right) paid tribute to the Adenauer-Stiftung’s expertise, Ivanov KAS’s cooperation with the Kolpingwerk. He hoped for Macedonia’s democratic consoli - pointed out that the Kolping family shared the dation and an even closer partnership with same basic values as the KAS. On the left you Germany. can see Anja Czymmeck, the representative of the KAS in Fortaleza.


The KAS in Colombia organised an event jointly with the Fundacíon Revel called Presidente, tengo una pregunta . Colom - bian President Álvaro Uribe took part in a two-hour question-and-answer session with 600 Colombian young people and students. He did not sidestep difficult On the invitation of the KAS and the Insti - questions regarding the country’s current tute of Democratisation Studies, high-rank - political agenda. He openly admitted that ing Thai government and opposition politi - he did not know the prices for milk and Colombian President Álvaro Uribe cians came together in Bangkok on 9 August (right). Behind him the KAS bus tickets, said he had made mistakes to find a possible way out of the cur rent country representative in Colombia, and announced that he would dissolve the Prof. Stefan Jost political crisis (in the picture above from country’s intelligence service DAS, which left to right: the chairman of the Committee had garnered negative headlines. At the centre stood his campaign to con - for Reconciliation and Constitutional Reform, tinue a policy of what he calls “democratic security.” The president an - Direk Tungfung, the vice president of the swered the questions in an energetic manner, with great attention to detail Senate, Nikom Wiratpanich, the vice presi - and a good amount of humour – and suggested that he could hold such an dent of the Chamber of Deputies, Colonel event again in November at the presidential palace. Apiwan Wiriyachai). KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009 | 9



Representatives from across Latin America from the IN GUATEMALA network of civic education institutes of the organisa - tion of Christian Democratic parties (Organización After a year of preparation, a programme for political par - Democrata Cristiana de América, or ODCA) met in ticipation for indigenous people in Guatemala began in Guatemala. One of those in attendance was ODCA July. Their democratic integration remains an important President Manuel Espino (5th from left). In particular, challenge. Using education programmes for indigenous the event at the KAS-supported regional Instituto leaders from rural and urban areas, the KAS will work Centroamericano de Estudios Politicos (INCEP) looked jointly with its partner INCEP and under the leadership of into solutions for the current challenges civic education a regional education institute. The programmes will teach faces in Latin America. It also looked at how to better multipliers with leadership skills and a belief in democratic apply the results in day-to-day political work. The values to take on responsibilities at all levels of society. question of how to inspire young people to get politi - Public discussions are also a part of the training pro - cally involved was one of the central discussion points. gramme. More information can be found at The plan is to continue the exchange of experiences based upon the results of the discussion, and to leverage synergies.


On the occasion of an invitation by the KAS office Shanghai, the working group Young Foreign Policy Politicians discussed with five young Chinese re - searchers the different concepts of foreign policy of the two countries. At the centre of the open and often critical exchange of opinions stood Germany’s influence on China in the areas of cultural, security and energy policy. Participants also debated China’s FRIENDSHIP GROUP IN THE reform policies as it has opened toward the West. As Marxism and Leninism have lost their grip on society PAKISTANI PARLIAMENT in recent decades a corresponding “marketism” has developed. Lenin - On the initiative of the KAS and the Pakistan Institute for ism meanwhile has established it - Parliamentary Services, the newly founded German Parlia - self as one political approach taken mentary Friendship Group of the Pakistani parliament met by the Communist party in Beijing. for the first time. Around 30 participants in the gathering China today is facing three differ - praised the involvement of the KAS in founding the group, ent kinds of change: the develop - and expressed their hope that the KAS would in the future ment of an information versus a continue to play a supporting role in the group’s further knowledge society, the split between establishment and institutionalisation. Fields considered rural versus urban, and central important were foreign policy, development cooperation, versus regional control. Because security policy, health, education, the rule of law, anti- of the broad array of opinions, the behind-the-scenes corruption measures and relations with Afghanistan. Sev - conversations served as an important corrective to eral federal ministers and the committee chairmen of the provide a complete picture of the historical and politi - five largest parties are members of the friendship group. cal questions. 10 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009

Selected events



16 EU-Russia neighbourhood policy Discussion with experts Helsinki 1 December 2009 A new era in the Balkans LATIN AMERICA 27 Conference Brussels 5 3rd Programme on Develo - 8 December 2009 ping Freedom of Expression Russia and the EU’s Eastern Universidad Católica Andrés Bello 29 Partnership: challenge or a new Caracas, 2–4 December 2009 platform for cooperation? 12 Informal Labour and Public Conference Information Policies in Latin St. Petersburg, America 11–12 December 2009 Discussion with experts Party Dialogue in Central Rio de Janeiro, 25 and Eastern Europe 3–4 December 2009 Conference 9 Political and Societal Prague, 2 2–24 January 2010 Challenges in Latin America Conference Cochabamba, Bolivia, 9–13 December 2009 10 III. Latin American Master Class on Social Market Economy Course for the socio-political young elite Santiago de Chile 6–16 January 2010 12 Christian Social Doctrine for Catholic Universities in Latin America International advanced seminar to develop a basic course as part of the regional programme on social governance Rio de Janeiro, 31 Januar y–3 February 2010 12 Energy Security and Climate Protection After Copenhagen International conference Rio de Janeiro 15–16 April 2010

FIELD AND LIAISON OFFICES OF THE KONRAD-ADENAUER-STIFTUNG | LATIN AMERICA 1 Mexico, Mexico City (office and regional rule Caracas 6 Colombia, Bogotá 7 Ecuador, Quito (office and regional programme political participation of indigenous peoples) 8 Peru, Lima 9 Bolivia, La Paz video (office and regional rule-of-law programme South America) 14 Argentina, Buenos Aires (office and regional media programme) | EUROPE AND NORT 21 Estonia, Tallinn 22 Latvia, Riga 23 Lithuania, Vilnius (office and liaison office for Belarus) 24 Poland, Warsaw 25 Czech Republic, Prague 26 Slovak Repub rule-of-law programme Southeast Europe) 32 Bulgaria, Sofia (office and regional media programme) 33 Croatia, Zagreb 34 Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Cotonou (regional programme political dialogue West Africa) 41 Nigeria, Abuja 42 D.R. Congo, Kinshasa 43 Uganda, Kampala 44 Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam 49 Republic of South Africa, Johannesburg (office and regional media programme) 50 Namibia, Windhoek | NORTH AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST 51 Morocc 56 Jordan, Amman 57 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (regional programme Gulf States) 58 Turkey, Ankara | ASIA 59 Armenia, Erivan 60 Georgia, Tbilisi Kabul 64 Pakistan, Islamabad 65 India, New Delhi 66 67 PR China, Beijing and Shanghai 68 Mongolia, Ulan Bator 69 Republic of Korea, Seoul 70 Philippine politics, media, and rule of law) 76 Indonesia/East Timor, Jakarta KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009 | 11



68 Comprehensive Security in the Asia-Pacific Region Conference, Hong Kong 30 Novembe r–1 December 2009 68 The US and China in the 21 st century – Partners or Rivals? Workshop, Hong Kong, 1 December 2009 73 Economic Integration and Social Cohesion in ASEAN: Progress and Perspectives International seminar AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST Bangkok, 1 December 2009 70 60 th Anniversary of the 58 The Gulf States – A blueprint Federal Republic of Germany – for a globalised world? Germany’s position in Europe German-Arab Journalism Academy Symposium of the Sophia Dubai Media City, University 2–12 December 2009 Tokyo, 4–5 December 2009 49 Women’s rights reduce poverty 60 Purpose and Meaning of Conference Party Political Programmes Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Workshop, Yerevan, 26–27 January 2010 13–17 December 2009 40 Regional conference of the 66 Fighting terrorism Young Union of African Parties in the SAARC Region for Democracy and Development: Workshop, Kathmandu, Applying the Social Market Economy 14–15 December 2009 in an African context 70 Integration of North Ivory Coast Korean Migrants 25–28 February 2010 Mentor workshop 48 Challenges for Democracy Seoul, 16 January 2010 and Development in Malawi 66 NATO-India Dialogue Annual meeting of International conference, the Young Politicians Union New Delhi, 1–2 February 2010 Lilongwe, Malawi 27 February 2010 40 Regional conference of civil society partner organisations: The role civil society involvement plays towards a tolerant culture in West Africa Togo, 2 9–31 March 2010 e-of-law programme Mexico, Central America, Caribbean) 2 Guatemala, Guatemala City 3 Nicaragua, Managua 4 Costa Rica, San José 5 Venezuela, z 10 Chile, Santiago de Chile 11 12 Brazil, Fortaleza and Rio de Janeiro (office and regional programme social order policy, Latin America) 13 Uruguay, Monte TH AMERICA 15 USA, Washington 16 Great Britain, London 17 Belgium, Brussels (European office) 18 France, Paris 19 Spain, Madrid 20 Italy, Rome blic, Bratislava 27 Hungary, Budapest 28 29 Russian Federation, Moscow and St Petersburg 30 Ukraine, Kiev 31 Romania, Bucharest (office and regional 35 Serbia, Belgrade 36 Republic of Macedonia, Skopje 37 Albania, Tirana | SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 38 Senegal, Dakar 39 Ghana, Accra 40 Benin, 45 Kenya, Nairobi (office and regional rule-of-law programme Sub-Saharan Africa) 46 Mozambique, Maputo 47 Malawi, Lilongwe 48 Zimbabwe, Harare co, Rabat (regional programme political dialogue, Maghreb) 52 Tunisia, Tunis 53 Egypt, Cairo 54 Israel, Jerusalem 55 Palestinian Territories, Ramallah (office and regional programme Southern Caucasus) 61 Kazakhstan, Astana 62 Uzbekistan, Tashkent (office and regional project Central Asia) 63 Afghanistan, es, Manila 71 Vietnam, Hanoi 72 Thailand, Bangkok 73 Cambodia, Phnom Penh 74 Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 75 Singapore, Singapore (3 regional programmes:




German Minister Wolfgang Schäuble informed himself Promoting State-Building, Managing Fault-Lines was the sub - during his two-day visit to Egypt at the end of June ject of an international conference in September 2009 in on the state of civil society and the Christian minority Cadenabbia. Experts from around the world met for three in the country. During a breakfast organised by the days of discussions on the main lines of conflict in fragile Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, he met with political countries. They searched for ways to address such lines of activists and partners of the foundation. Among the conflict. As part of the conference, organised in cooperation topics were the continuation of the political reform with the South African Brenthurst Foundation, experts devel - process and protecting the rights of minorities. oped a research framework that will provide the basis for a comparative country study to promote state building. Follow- up events are planned for 2010 in Botswana and Israel.


From 20 to 28 September, the chairman and the sec - From left: Georges Izhak, co-founder of the Egyptian opposi- retary-general of the Togolese opposition party CAR, tion movement Kifaya, German Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, Dodji Apevon and Jean Joel Kissi visited Germany. Dr Andreas Jacobs, KAS country representative in Egypt The goal of the study tour was to give the partner party insights into the German election campaign and to discuss new impulses for economic activity in the West African country. Aside from the KAS headquar - + + + IN BRIEF + + + ters, the delegation also paid a visit to the economics ministry and the chancellery. The guests also were Joint project of the KAS in Jerusalem and Ramallah given the opportunity to visit several campaign events On the occasion of a new joint Israeli-Palestinian survey in Germany. One of them was in Schleswig-Holstein, on issues surrounding the deadlocked peace process, the where they met with the state’s prime minister, Harry KAS offices in Jerusalem and Ramallah invited represen - Carstensen. tatives of the Israeli and Palestinian sides to a joint con - From left to right: ference to review the opportunities arising from the sur - Günther Kohl, MIT; vey. One main result is that in comparison to December Dodji Apevon, 2008 – just after the election of President Barack Obama CAR, Peter-Harry Carstensen, prime - Israelis express more scepticism towards the involve - minister of the ment of the US in the region, while Palestinians have a state of Schleswig- more positive outlook. Despite this representatives of Holstein, Jean Joel Kissi, CAR; both sides hope that the US administration will continue picture: MIT to make the Arab-Israeli conflict a priority. KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009 | 13


From left to right: Thomas Schiller, head of the KAS DEVELOPMENT THROUGH STRENGTHENING DIS - regional pro - gramme political INTEGRATION TRICTS IN MOZAMBIQUE dialogue, Maghreb; Karim Laraki, Unit - ed Nations Eco - nomic Commission On 1 October a joint international conference organ - On invitation of the for Africa, North ised by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Centre Konrad-Adenauer- African Office; Jawad Hamri, ad - des Jeunes Dirigeants Tunesien was held in Tunis on Stiftung and the viser to the Moroc - the topic Entrepreneurial Innovation: The Engine of GPAC, a Mozambican can economy and Regional Integration . The view of experts is that the federation of civic finance minister; Sid Ahmed el very limited regional integration among countries of associations, party Ghozali, former the Union of the Arabic Maghreb represents a major representatives, mu - Algerian prime obstacle for North Africa’s economic development. nicipal and district minister; Prof. Ahmed Youra Only if progress is made towards closer political and officials and repre - Haye, coordinator economic cooperation will companies develop new sentatives of civic of Mauritania Vi - growth potential – which will help spur economic de - associations from Decentralisation put into practice at sion 2030; Brahim a civic association meeting Hafedh, president velopment. different provinces of the Maghreb came together on 19 Union of Employ - September in Mafuiane to discuss the use of money ers, Libya from district funds. These funds support local develop - ment initiatives with credits of a total of seven million meticais (more than €150,000). The preliminary con - AFRICA CONFERENCE clusion of the discussion was that the project was OF THE CDU/CSU showing first signs of success. But there were also suggestions on how to improve it, in regards to how PARLIAMENTARY GROUP proposals are chosen, making the funds available, ad - ministration and repayment of the money. The Africa confer - ence of the CDU/ CSU parliamentary FAMILY POLICIES group took place on June 17 under the IN SENEGAL motto Africa and Germany: Sustain - The KAS held a symposium on 29 and 30 July together able Partnership on with the Association of Senegalese Women Lawyers on Equal Terms . High - family policy in Senegal. Jurists from around the coun - lights of the gather - try, both practicing lawyers and legal scholars, were ing were speeches joined by theologians, sociologists and doctors to explore by Chancellor Dr the question of whether Senegal’s family laws – in 1972 The deputy chair - Angela Merkel and an appearance by the musician they were celebrated as an achievement – were still ade - man of the CDU/ Bob Geldof, who has worked extensively on devel - quate in today’s world. The lawyers called for family law CSU parliamentary opment aid issues. The deputy chairman of the to be modernised in view of the role of today’s women in group, Member of Parliament Arnold KAS, Dr Gerhard Wahlers, took part in the podium social and economic life. They also expressed their op - Vaatz visiting the discussion Good Governance – A Condition for position to Islamist groups who have been trying for KAS information Run ning a Good Government . The foundation also years to supplant family law with Muslim sharia law. The booth set up an information booth for the invited decision women members of parliament attending the conference makers from politics, business and science. drew up a bill that would harmonise the existing legisla - tion, bringing it into line with international treaties. The two houses of parliament, the Senate and National As - sembly, are due to vote on the bill soon. 14 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009

“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18)



On 18 June 2009, the KAS organised a meeting of sue; Prelate Dr Bernhard Felmberg, representative of experts in Berlin to address this urgent but gener - the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany in ally neglected issue. Gerhard Robbers, professor Berlin; and finally the secretary-general of the Justitia of public law at the University of Trier, and Otmar et Pax Commission in Germany, Gertrud Casel (see Oehring, director of the human rights department second picture). The discussion centred on the ques - at the NGO missio, explained first the scale of the tion of what politics could do to help the implementa - issue: Christians are currently the largest religious tion of freedom of religion and to better protect Chris - group facing repression worldwide. tians. Also addressed was the role of churches in de - fending their right to freedom of religion. Numerous Under the motto Politics Meets the Church , the discus - organisations supporting freedom of religion as a hu - sion continued with a debate on the root causes and man right were present at the discussion. They held consequences of this phenomenon with four panellists: to their core belief: Freedom of religion is more than , deputy chairman of the CDU/ CSU parlia - just a plea for tolerance; it is an essential entitlement. mentary group in charge of human rights and humani - The defence of Christians worldwide must become a tarian affairs; (see picture top right), concern for all and requires a common plan. who chairs the group’s working committee on the is -


The social doctrine of the Russian Orthodox Church was the very first offi - cial position on social and ethical issues stated by the Church. In July 2008, the Russian Orthodox Church made a second document public which analy - ses the foundations of its position on human dignity, freedom and human rights. The KAS used this opportunity to strengthen its dialogue with repre - sentatives of other Orthodox churches as part of its round table programme on the social philosophy of the Orthodox Church. Representatives of the Or - thodox Church and social ethicists from many different countries gathered on 21 –23 Sep - tember on invitation of the KAS Rumanian of - A COMMON WORD fice and of the Berlin KAS department Values It is with the goal of finding a common word be - and Religion . The goal was for participants to tween Christians and Muslims that the KAS in - take a common position on this document. vited many prominent multipliers from both reli - Among the human right experts present were gions to gather in early October in Cadenabbia. Professor Konstantinos Delikostantis of the The focus was on sub-Saharan Africa as well as University of Athens, Protestant and Catholic South- and South-East Asia and the goal was to theologians, such as Professor Stefan Tobler, find common positions on human rights and to director of the Ecumenical Institute of Hermannstadt, and Professor Inge - debate their political consequences. Participants borg Gabriel, director of Justitia et Pax in Austria and professor for social drafted a joint statement that proved highly ethics at the University of Vienna. Everyone agreed that the conception of effective: the message from Cadenabbia spread mankind, as the source of human dignity and human rights, was central to quickly in all the participants’ countries of origin. any social and ethical philosophy. The positioning of the Orthodox Church ̈ has therefore enriched the debate with a third dimension. KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009 | 15

“Europe breathes with two lungs” Pope John Paul II on the coequal importance of the eastern and western churches


East meets West. Simeone Catsiras of the Greek Orthodox Church “EAST MEETS WEST” DISCUSSIONS IN ROME with Dr Joseph Homeyer, Bishop ON POLITICAL CULTURE AND RELIGION emeritus of Hildes - heim, in Rome

With a discussion on this topic on 29 September (Moscow Patriarchate), Archimandrite Archabbot Kyrill, 2009, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, in collabora - and the deputy director of the department for external tion with the Brussels-based Centre for European affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow, Fa - Studies, launched a three-part conference series ther Philip. under the motto Questions for the Future. All participants agreed on one point: a clear positioning Many international experts of all denominations took of the Christian churches on social and political values part in the event organised under the auspices of the can only be met with success if the churches bring Pontifical Gregorian University. Among others were their positions into alignment. The metaphor of the two the Italian Senator Marcello Pera; the president of lungs coined by Pope John Paul II highlights the ne- PEN International, Dr Jiří Gruša; the legal scholar cessity of equality between the eastern and western Professor Josef Isensee; the Under-Secretary of the churches. Endeavouring to achieve a dialogue of equals Pontifical Council Cor Unum, Monsignor Giampietro is therefore of the highest importance. As part of the Dal Toso; as well as the Chair of the department for conference, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung adopted a external affairs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church position paper on this topic.

From left to right: Father Darío Echeverri Gonzalez, Secretary General of the National PEACE AND RECONCILI - ACTIVELY LIVING THE Reconciliation Com - mission CCN, Mon - ATION IN COLOMBIA INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE signor Rubén Sala - zar Gómez, Archbi - The KAS is supporting a new project of the On invitation of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Israeli em - shop of Barranquilla and president of Catholic Church in Colombia. Indeed the church bassy, the University of Dakar and the Senegalese Association the Colombian Bi - established a new national reconciliation commis - for Decentralised Cooperation (ASECOD), over 100 experts and shops’ Conference, sion (Comisíon de Reconciliacíon Nacional, CCN) representatives of the three monotheist religions as well as of Prof. Stefan Jost, KAS country repre - under the umbrella of the local bishops’ confer - African religions met in mid-June in the KAS office in Dakar sentative ence. Twenty representatives of the community to examine the Senegalese model of religious cohabitation. Al - are cooperating on this project to though it is considered enable the Colombian civil society exemplary, the coexis - to play an important role in the tence of different reli - difficult peace process. The presi - gions in Senegal is still dent of the Colombian Bishop’s causing some tension. Conference, Monsignor Rubén Roots of the problem Salazar Gómez, kicked off the ini - were discussed, and the tiative for the Caribbean region: participants also made a series of regional conferences proposals to address the will attempt to define the minimal issue. A dialogue be - preconditions for peace in Colombia. The results tween the Christian and Muslim religions is well established in from this process will be presented to the public as Senegal but traditional African religions have – in most cases – part of the presidential campaign of March 2010 not been included. Including the Jewish faith in the discussion and integrated in concrete legislative proposals. is also new: Rabin Dov Maimon had travelled from Jerusalem especially for the meeting. Representing Germany was Klaus- Jürgen Hedrich, a theologian and former state secretary. 16 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009


Left: Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman of the Indi - G20: INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION an Planning Commis - sion and G20 Sherpa IN TIMES OF GLOBAL CRISIS for India; Right: He Fan, of the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences Beijing, and To debate the financial crisis from the perspective Poli tik and alumna of the KAS scholarship pro - Dietrich Jahn, of the German Ministry of of G20 countries, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung gramme. Finance organised a conference on 14 and 15 September India in particular has set specific goals for itself 2009 in collaboration with the leading Indian eco - with respect to its membership in the G20. The Gov - nomic research institute ICRIER, as well as its oth - ernor of the Reserve Bank of India, Dr D. Subbarao, er partners, the CEPII and the think-tank Bruegel highlighted four issues which India wants to work fo r from Europe. in the future and for which its membership in the

G20 is important: rebalancing inequalities between ERWARTUNGEN AN DEN G20-GIPFEL IN PITTSBURGH More than 100 experts in politics and business as industrialised and developing countries; international well as academics responded to the invitation of the cooperation in the field of monetary policy; limita - organisers and came to New Delhi to debate the tion of inflation; and strengthening of the links be - effects of the international financial crisis and the tween the financial markets, the real economy and

possible lessons to draw from it. Representatives of economic growth. Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy EIN INTERNATIONALES STIMMUNGSBILD BRIC countries Brazil, Russia, India and China as wel l chairman of the Indian Planning Commission and as industrialised states participated in the confer - G20 Sherpa for India, pointed out that the clout of ence. The KAS invited as German participants Diet - developing countries is increasing. He said this trend Expectations for the G20 summit rich Jahn, head of the group in charge of monetary should be accompanied by a greater preoccupation in Pittsburgh policy, credit, and financial markets at the Ministry of developed nations to integrate those countries, as of Finance, as well as Dr Stormy-Annika Mildner, well as other key nations, in the international deci - Shortly before it took place, the KAS senior researcher at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und sion-making process. The G20, he said, was the ap - published a report propriate forum for such an involvement . on what partici- pating countries expected of the Pittsburgh G20 INAUGURATION OF “THE KONRAD ADENAUER – summit SOCIAL MARKET ECONOMY” CHAIR I publikationen


The “Konrad Adenauer – Social Market Economy” chair at the University Miguel de Cervantes in Chile was inaugurated in the presence of former Chilean president Patricio Aylwin on 18 June. Dr Josef Thesing, Lecture on the former deputy chairman of the KAS, held the inaugu - occasion of the ral lecture on the “Social Market Economy and Ethics.” inauguration of the Konrad The chair is dedicated to the analysis of success fac - Adenauer Social tors for the model of social market economy and the Market Economy aim is to assess how its principles can be applied to chair the Latin American context. National and international study programmes, degree courses as well as semi - with the KAS. The goal is to create a network of inter - nars, debates, research, and publications on questions ested economists and opinion leaders from the politi - related to economic growth, social development and cal, business and social worlds. ecological sustainability are organised in collaboration KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009 | 17 STUDY COURSE ON RESPONSIBILITY MANAGEMENT IN MALAYSIA

The CSR and Sustainability Summit, organised by the KAS Malaysia office in Kuala Lumpur on 17 Sep - tember, was the occasion to present a study course on Responsibility Management that the KAS devel - oped in collaboration with the Malaysian Institute ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL GOVERNANCE for Management. Starting in 2010, the programme will provide support to managers in public and pri - vate companies, as well as in civil society organisa - tions, to implement initiatives in the field of social and environmental responsibility. This new training course is a contribution by the KAS to strengthening the sustainable development of Malaysia, in particu - lar as it responds to a growing demand for CSR- related practice and greater awareness of and inter - est in environmental issues in the region.


Panel discussion on sustainability with ambassadors from The final seminar of a five-week training course for young politicians various countries to Malaysia took place mid-September in Togo. The seminar aimed at deepening the knowledge of participants in the fields of leadership and public re - lations. Togo’s economy was the topic of the final event in Kpalimé. THE FINANCIAL CRISIS – Several entrepreneurs gave short presentations on the current eco - HOW TO BRING BACK TRUST? nomic situation of the country and shared information with the partici - pants about new entrepreneurial areas. A comparison between African A dialogue programme on the topic of the social and European economic policy showed that many participants see the market economy took place in Shanghai in mid- EU as exemplary. Many young politicians also considered that the EU September under the leadership of three professors offers possibilities for better economic and political integration. Partici - for macro-economy, Rolf H. Hasse, Joachim Star - pants debated in particular the specific role of the state in creating a batty and Wolf Schäfer. Chinese and Western beneficial framework for individual economic development. experts, as well as students, debated the current challenges that are confronting the German and Chinese economic models in the context of the international financial crisis. RESEARCH AND TEACHING ON THE SOCIAL MARKET ECONOMY IN GUATEMALA

A new university chair focused on the so - cial market economy was established at the initiative of the KAS in Guatemala, in cooperation with the Catholic Rafael Landívar University. The goal is to educate not only students of economics, law or political science but also professors, journalists and political analysts in the basic principles and topics of the social market economy. The activities of the chair are attracting great attention given the governance debate that has openly erupted Participants in the political dialogue programme on in Latin America because of the financial crisis. the social market economy in Shanghai 18 | KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009


Jointly defending the climate: CLIMATE PROTECTION Mexican Senators Rubén Camarillo, IN MEXICO Guillermo Tambor - rel, Humberto Andrade and María Serrano (from left The Fundación Humanismo Político – the foundation to right) of the parliamentary group of the PAN, a KAS partner party, in the Mexican Senate, organised in August a series of conferences in Mexico City with the support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The meetings fo - cused on the effects of climate change on Mexico. The meeting, which appealed to elected officials and civil society representatives, aimed first to raise their awareness of climate change, and second to deepen their knowledge of Mexico’s future challenges in the SENSITISING JOURNALISTS context of looming global warming. A total of 15 ON ENVIRONMENTAL meetings took place; guest speakers were PAN sena - tors, staff from the Mexican Ministry for the Environ - ISSUES ment and Natural Resources as well as climate ex - perts from Mexico and Europe. The discussion centred In September 2009 the KAS office in Fortaleza on the development of international instruments to organised a four-day hands-on training focused on support the implementation of a global climate pro - environmental policy issues for young journalists tection plan and on concrete measures to contain the and journalism students. negative economic and social consequences of climate change, as well as on the preparation and implemen - About 30 journalists had the opportunity to inform tation of national laws. themselves on current environmental problems, us - ing the example of the Araripe national forest in the INDIA: A DIALOGUE ON state of Cearà in north-eastern Brazil. The Konrad- Adenauer-Stiftung invited academics and journalists INTERNATIONAL as well as representatives of environmental groups ENERGY SUPPLY and the Ministry for the Environment to take part in presentations and debates. In dialogue with the young journalists, they debated questions on the In October the KAS cooperated for the use and preservation of nature, the growing threat fourth time with the energy research in - of climate change and the importance of nature con - stitute TERI (The Energy Resource Insti - servation programmes. But they also talked about tute) set up by the Nobel Peace laureate practical aspects of their day-to-day professional lives. Rajendra Pachauri to organise an energy dialogue in India. In the run up to the Former Indian The participants will write articles on the various climate change conference in Copenhagen, the focus state secretary for foreign affairs areas the training focused on. The best ones will of the discussions was on the consequences of climate Rajiv Sikri (left) then be published by the KAS in a special magazine. change and on energy security in the future. As part fears future con - of this issue, partici pants highlighted both the partic - flicts between China and India ular importance of nuclear energy as a bridging tech - about energy nology and of the investment in renewable energy resources to ensure South Asia’s sustainable and lasting energy production. The coordinator for energy policy of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Dr , sees a balanced energy mix as the solution to India’s future energy need. KAS INTERNATIONAL 3/2009 | 19

With projects in more than 100 countries, the KAS actively supports peace, freedom and justice around the world.


NAME AND FACES Volkmar Köhler steps down as Chair of the Planning Committee SABINA WöLKNER After having served for I Sabina Wölkner leads the Sarajevo/Bosnia two decades as chair and Herzegovina office since September of the planning com - I She was previously desk officer with the Europe/North-America team mittee, Dr Köhler, I Contact: [email protected] for mer parliamentary state secretary at the Ministry for Economic DR COLIN DüRKOP Cooperation and De - I In September 2009 Dr Colin Dürkop took over velopment, stepped the direction of the South Korean office, with down on 5 July 2009 responsibility for the Korean peninsula and Japan I He previously led the Political Dialogue for age reasons. The Programme in Asia and was team leader in Asia deputy chairman of the KAS, former minister of state I Contact: [email protected] (on the right), thanked Dr Köhler (second on the right) for his work for the foundation over several DR BERND LöHMANN decades. He paid tribute to his excellent leadership and I Dr Bernd Löhmann has been leading the Argentina the always cordial atmosphere he contributed to. He country programme in Buenos Aires since September highlighted the fact that the Planning Committee had I He worked previously as speech writer for the KAS chairman helped the KAS maintain the momentum of its interna - I Contact: [email protected] tional activities over the last two decades. Deputy Chair - man Dr Gerhard Wahlers (on the left) was designated as his successor. Pfeifer added that this showed the close DR PETER KöPPINGER working relationship between the Planning Committee I Dr Peter Köppinger has led the Manila office and the Department for International Cooperation. since September I He had previously worked for the KAS in Vietnam, Cambodia and Belgium I Contact: [email protected] Symposium on development policy on the occasion of Peter Molt’s 80 th birthday The fast pace of OLAF JACOB change, complex ob - I Olaf Jacob is in charge of the regional programme jectives and the grow - on Social Governance in Latin America (SOPLA) ing regional and sec - in Rio de Janeiro since October I He had previously worked as programme officer toral integration that for the Latin America team in HA INT characterise develop - I Contact: [email protected] ment cooperation in the 21 st century calls THOMAS STEHLING for new ideas and I Thomas Stehling has led the Madrid office innovative concepts. since October Those were at the heart of the discussions that took I Before he worked for the KAS including in Manila and London place on 5 November at the KAS Academy in Berlin on I Contact: [email protected] the occasion of the symposium Rethinking Development Policy organised on the occasion of the 80 th birth day of Professor Peter Molt. The topic as well as the speakers DR MARTIN BECK attracted many important personalities from politics, I Dr Martin Beck will lead the Amman office business and civil society, who continued their animated as of January 2010 discussions on the future of development policy after I Previously he had been a researcher at GIGA Institute for Middle East Studies in Hamburg the presentations. I Contact: [email protected] ANUARIO DE DERECHO CONSTITUCIONAL SELECTED DECISIONS OF THE GERMAN LATINAMERICANO (INCL. CD) CONSTITUTIONAL COURT – TRANSLATIONS

The 15 th edition of the famous Latin-American consti - On the occasion of the 60 th anniversary of the German tutional law yearbook, published by the Latin American constitution, the KAS rule of law programme for South- rule of law programme, contains previously unpub - East Europe published a translation of the most im - lished articles by reputed Latin American and Eu ropean portant decisions by the German Constitu tional Court authors that address current issues on consti tutional in four languages of the Western Balkans – Albanian, law and constitutional procedural law, the protection Bosnian, Macedonian and Serbian. The decision an - of basic and human rights, as well as on integration thology opens with an introduction by the president and international law. of the constitutional Those topics mirror court, Professor Hans- the thematic focus Jürgen Papier. The areas of the KAS rule translation in Mace - of law programme. For donian was just pub - the first time, the new lished. edition of the year - book contains an CATIONS BinYd eTxH.E T hDeE PcoAnRtTeMntE iNs T L COOPERtAhTeIreOfoN re more easily accessible on the In - ternet.

ZUNAMI! DEFYING THE WIND OF CHANGE This publication offers a scientifically sound After years of crisis, elec - analysis of the fourth tions were held in Zim - democratic elections babwe in March 2008 not in South Africa, only only for the parliament three months after and senate, but also for they took place. It local bodies and for the offers a detailed inter - presidency. In the gener - pretation of electoral al election, the governing results in the local party ZANU-PF, which had political context, and ruled since independence highlights trends in party affiliation and voting behav - in 1980, lost its parliamentary majority for the first time. iours. The study was conceived and published by As a consequence President Robert Mugabe had to par - Roger Southall and John Daniel in cooperation with ticipate in a run-off election against his opponent Morgan the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The book was pub - Tsvangirai. The book is an analysis of the political tumult lished by Jacana Media and is available in bookstores. that has led to the creation of a national unity govern - ment, which is a decisive milestone for the political fu ture of Zimbabwe.

I For more information on the publications listed above, please visit our website at