6Th Moharram‐Al‐Haram, 1436 H

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6Th Moharram‐Al‐Haram, 1436 H 6th Moharram‐al‐Haram, 1436 H Today, the sixth of Moharrram al Haram was the day of Rasulullah’sSAW zikr. Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin AqaTUS began the waaz with the recitation of Surat al Hamd and instructed the congregation to recite with him. When Syedna Burhanuddin AqaRA was born, people suggested different names for the newborn, but Syedna Taher SaifuddinRA, with the ilhaam of Imam named him “Mohammed” because it is the name that Maulana AliSA has written in Kitab al Ilm. A name is a distinguishing mark which gives identity to the person. It is like a signpost which directs to the correct path and helps one reach his desired destination. Aqa MaulaTUS explained the importance of signs by giving the example of airports where signboards are crucial in guiding passengers to the correct gates and flights. Likewise, the names of Aimmat and Doat are like signs that guide people to the path of Jannat. When Syedna Abdul Qadir NajmuddinRA reached the age of five, his father Syedna Taiyyeb ZainuddinRA took him to the hazrat of Syedna Abde Ali SaifuddinRA. Syedna SaifuddinRA enquired, “What name have you given your son?” Syedna ZainuddinRA replied, “Yusuf.” SyednaRA contemplated for a while and then said, “I name him Abdul Qadir.” By changing his name, not only did SyednaRA indicate that Syedna Abdul QadirRA would become a Dai, but also hinted at the turbulent times he would face. Syedna Abdul Qadir Najmuddin’sRA era was marked with the uprising of enemies, especially those who did not believe in the succession of nas. True to his name, ‘Abdul Qadir,’ meaning the ‘servant of the Omnipotent,’ Syedna NajmuddinRA endured hardship and performed tasks according to the will of Allah. Every mansoos is the hamd of his naas (who performs nas). Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin’sRA name itself suggests that not only was he the hamd of his naas, Syedna Taher SaifuddinRA, but of all Doat MutlaqeenRA who preceded him. 1 6th Moharram‐al‐Haram, 1436 H An A’abid (devotee) is distinguished by three signs: namaz, sawm (fasting) and zakaat. Imam Ali Zain al Abedeen’sSA ibadat was such that his namaz and sadaqa left marks on his body. Syedi Abdul Qadir HakimuddinQA, who is buried in Surat, was so particular about his namaz that he would be prepared for it two hours prior to the time of namaz. He never missed a single namaz during his lifetime. Syedi LuqmanjiQA who is also buried in Surat never failed to pray his namaz with imamat. When he couldn’t stand without support due to pain in his leg he prayed with the help of a rope attached to the qibla. The 42nd Dai, Syedna Yusuf NajmuddinRA whose qabr mubarak is in Surat fell ill while fasting the months of Rajab and Shabaan. When the doctor advised him to break his fast, he rebuked the doctor saying, “My spiritual doctor advises me to fast and you ask me to break it! If you have any medicine give it to me; otherwise Allah will cure me.” Aqa MaulaTUS observed that mumineen perform all these three deeds together in the month of Shehre Ramadan and prayed, “May Allah adorn you all with these three distinguishing traits.” Imam HusainSA displayed all the three signs of an aa’bid in Kerbala: he prayed namaz in Kerbala, he was slain in sajda, he endured hunger and thirst for three days and he sacrificed all his Ahle Bait and Ashaab. Maulana AliSA says that an oppressor can be identified by three signs: he oppresses those above him by defiance; oppresses those below him by suppression and supports other oppressors like himself. The enemies of Syedna Mohammed BurhanuddinRA who taught in Jamea defied Syedna, ridiculed the students and conspired with other enemies in Yemen, Africa, Pakistan and Hindustan. Quoting from the bayan of Syedna Taher SaifuddinRA, Aqa MaulaTUS said, "Prepare for akherat, always speak the truth, do not back bite; do not read or hear ill about others. Do not think ill of a mumin. Do not be two- 2 6th Moharram‐al‐Haram, 1436 H tongued: it is better to be dumb than to be two-tongued. Do not spy on others. Do not talk idle; instead discuss the virtues of Maula. Do not use abusive language with your children, for they will use the same outside." The waaz ended with the shahadat of RasulullahSAW who did not forget his ummat even in his last moments and pleaded to Allah to spare his weak ummat the unbearable pain of death. 3 .
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