4 Feature Article: Deputy Commandant for Information Letter

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4 Feature Article: Deputy Commandant for Information Letter APRIL 2020 Vol. 104 No. 4 www.mca-marines.org/gazette 4 Feature Article: 17 What is Military 88 Fine-tuning the CPG Deputy Information Power? LtCol Brian C. Hawkins Commandant Mr. Eric X. Schaner 100 Adaptive Thinking 26 The Nature of Capt Jason Topshe for Information Information Letter LtCol Dennis W. Katolin LtGen Lori E. Reynolds A publication of the Marine Corps Association & Foundation GROUP 2 CAPABILITIES, GROUP 1 FOOTPRINT. MULTI-MISSION CAPABLE 5.5 lb. total payload capacity with a secondary bay that provides dedicated power and Ethernet ALL ENVIRONMENT Reliable hand-launched performance in land and maritime environments with a two-case mission packout INCREASED TIME ON STATION 5.5-hour endurance extends range while maintaining all-electric propulsion PUMATM LE LONG ENDURANCE VIEW CAPABILITY PROFILE AT AVINC.COM/PUMALE April 2020 Volume 104 Number 4 IDEAS AND ISSUES C4/OIE 4 DC I Letter DCI L.E. Reynolds 5 The Race to Digitalization Col John Shafer & Mr. Charles Rath 9 Marine Corps Information Operations Center Col Francis K. Chawk 14 Information and Uncertainty Mr. Eric X. Schaner 17 What is Military Information Power? Mr. Eric X. Schaner 20 What are OIE? Mr. Eric X. Schaner 23 Information Defi ned LtCol Dennis W. Katolin 26 36 The Nature of Information LtCol Dennis W. Katolin Cover Article 29 Effective C2 faces several challenges. The Power of Music Col Jason K. Fettig (Photo by PFC Ulises Salgado.) 32 TRIDENT JUNCTURE LtCol Fred Hopewell 36 More Command, Less Control Maj Brian Kerg 40 Maneuver Warfare in the Cyber Domain Capt Joe McGinley 44 Transforming Marine Corps Operations in the Information Environment Training LtCol James McGrath, et al. 49 DEPARTMENTS Revolution in Military Affairs LtCol Jamel Neville 52 Who Needs COMMSTRAT? Capt John J. Parry 3 Editorial 56 Talent Management for Cyber Warfare Capt Aric A. Ramsey 60 103 Books Command and Control Considerations for Mr. Marc Riccio & 104 EABO Maj William Grimball Index to Advertisers 65 104 The Expeditionary Communicator CWO3 Emedin Rivera & Writers’ Guidelines Capt Ian P. Paquette 71 Spectrum Contested Environments LtCol Christopher S. Tsirlis 82 ANW2 Expanded Maj Adrian E. Ybarra, et al. 85 Wargaming LtCol Dennis Katolin & Maj Benjamin George Commentary 88 Fine-tuning the CPG LtCol Brian C. Hawkins Leadership 91 Company Command LtCol Arun Shankar 94 Preserving the Force Through Leadership Col Michael Styskal & Dr. Marta Garrett Training 100 Adaptive Thinking Capt Jason Topshe 103 Book Review The Marine Corps Gazette (ISSN 0025–3170) is published monthly by the Marine Corps Association & Foundation to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas that will ad- vance knowledge, interest, and esprit in the Marine Corps. Periodicals postage paid at Quantico, VA, USPS #329-340, and at additional mailing offi ces. • OPINIONS expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily refl ect the attitude of the Department of Defense, Navy Department, or Headquarters Marine Corps. “Marine Corps” and the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor are trademarks of the U.S. Marine Corps, used with permission. • MEMBERSHIP RATE: Annual $42.00 • MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION: Contact Member Services, 1–866–622–1775. • ADVERTISING QUERIES: Defense Related Industries/Business: Contact LeeAnn Mitchell, Advertising@mca-marines. org 703-640-0174. All other Advertising Contact James G. Elliott Co. Inc., Phone New York: 212-588-9200 Chicago: 312-236-4900 Los Angeles: 213-624-0900. • COPY- RIGHT 2020 by the Marine Corps Association & Foundation. All reprint rights reserved. • EDITORIAL/BUSINESS OFFICES: All mail and other queries to Box 1775, Quan- tico, VA 22134. Phone 703–640–6161. Toll Free 800–336–0291. Fax 703–640-0140. Location: Bldg #715, Broadway St., Quantico, VA 22134. • E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]. • WEB ADDRESS: www.mca-marines.org/gazette. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Marine Corps Gazette, Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134 or e-mail: [email protected]. • For credit card orders, call 866-622-1775. PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT: Publication of advertisements does not constitute endorsements by MCA&F except for such products or services clearly offered under the MCA&F’s name. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any advertising order at his absolute discretion. President & CEO LTGEN W. MARK FAULKNER, USMC(RET) www.mca-marines.org/gazette • 1–800–336–0291 Publisher, Editor, & Chairman, Ed. Adv. Panel COL CHRISTOPHER WOODBRIDGE, USMC(RET) APRIL 2020 [email protected] Ext. 163 Senior Editor Editorial: Operations in the Information Environment LTCOL KERRY A. KNOWLES, USMC(RET) “Information overload” is an expression often used to describe the quantity and [email protected] Ext. 109 complexity of data and information converging on military planners and decision Layout/Editorial Production Coordinator makers in today’s world. Without a holistic understanding of all aspects of the CHARLENE K. MONROE information environment and a strategy for employing, protecting, prioritizing, [email protected] Ext. 139 and controlling this information, then a loss of competitive advantages and risks Assistant Editors: to the mission and to the force are clear. This understanding must include the WILLIAM TREUTING interrelationship of those functions and systems traditionally grouped under [email protected] Ext. 193 the aegis term “C4I” (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and CARRIE EMERSON-COYLE Intelligence), and more broadly Operations in the Information Environment [email protected] or “OIE,” including the hardware/software networks and the electro-magnetic Administrative Assistant spectrum they depend upon. Moreover, the training and management of the HARLEY Q. PARKER-COLLINS Marines who operate in the environment and the purpose of the actual information [email protected] Ext. 180 being exchanged must also be understood. Whether conducting defensive Advertising Queries: cyberspace operations to protect information about friendly forces, attacking Defense-Related Industries/Business: the physical network of an adversary to deny access to accurate information, Contact: LEEANN MITCHELL: 703-640-0174 [email protected] or delivering truthful information to U.S. and allied publics, a comprehensive All Other Advertising Contact: approach is essential to success in this complex environment. JAMES G. ELLIOTT CO. INC. “Information overload” could also describe the OIE-related content in this New York: 212-588-9200 Chicago: 312-236-4900 month’s Gazette—fully twenty articles in print plus another ten featured on- Los Angeles: 213-624-0900 line. However, beginning with a letter from LtGen Lori E. Reynolds, the Deputy Commandant of Information (DC I) on page 4, this month’s series of articles all Editorial Advisory Panel contribute to explaining the Corps’ approach to understanding and managing the diverse aspects of operating in the information environment. In addition to the COL STAN S. COERR, USMCR(RET) articles featured on this month’s cover, I strongly endorse the following highlights COL AARON A. ANGELL to build a more complete understanding of OIE. In “Marine Corps Information Operations Center” on page 9, Col Francis K. COL MARIA J. PALLOTTA Chawk—the MCIOC Commander—provides an overview of his organization’s COL BRIAN E. RUSSELL role in military information support operations and military deception. On page 23, LtCol Dennis W. Katolin offers foundational definitions for the OIE COL CRAIG WONSON in “Information Defined.” Recognizing the broadly diverse set of activities LTCOL HARRY P. WARD, USMC(RET) that inform and influence the public, “The Power of Music” by Col Jason K. Fettig on page 29 describes the unique and invaluable contribution traditional LTCOL SCOTT CUOMO military music makes in a comprehensive communications strategy and public LTCOL GARY W. THOMASON information plan. Communications strategy is also the subject of “Who needs MAJ ANDREW B. WARREN, USMC(RET) COMMSTRAT?” by Capt John J. Parry on page 52. Linking the Corps’ Warfighting philosophy to offensive and defensive cyber- MAJ JONATHAN P. BURGESS operations is the focus of “Maneuver Warfare in the Cyber Domain” by Capt MAJ JEFFREY CUMMINGS Joe McGinley on page 40. OIE and C4I encompass both the art of command and the science of communications. The art of establishing effective command MAJ NATHAN FLEISCHAKER relationships to support the Corps’ future operating concept is the focus of MAJ REID HOUCK “Command and Control Considerations for EABO” by Marc Riccio & Maj William Grimball on page 60, and the science of operating with degraded or CAPT OLIVIA GARARD denied communications is covered in both “Spectrum Contested Environments” SGTMAJ SCOTT BURTON by LtCol Christopher S. Tsirlis on page 71, and “ANW2 Expanded” on page 82 by Maj Adrian E. Ybarra, et al. 1STSGT FORREST ALLEN As always, critical discourse and constructive critiques are always welcome in the Corps’ professional journal. Participate in the dialogue and access all the Gazette’s content at www.mca-marine.org/gazette. Christopher Woodbridge MCA&F President and CEO, LtGen W. Mark Faulkner, USMC(Ret); Chief Operating Officer, Col Dan O’Brien, USMC(Ret); Director Foundation Operations, Col Tim Mundy, USMC(Ret); Director of Strategic Communications & Editor, Leatherneck magazine, Col Mary H. Reinwald, USMC(Ret); Member Services, Jaclyn Baird; Chief Financial Officer, Johnna Ebel. Marine Corps Gazette • April 2020 www.mca-marines.org/gazette 3 IDEAS & ISSUES (C4/OIE) Marines seek to own the operational environment. We plan, adapt, innovate, and train rigorously and realistically. When it comes time to fi ght, we are poised to outcycle the enemy because we understand the challenges and opportunities posed by the environment. In today’s interconnected world, we have to think beyond the physical environment. Narratives can travel the globe at a rapid pace, infl uencing governments and threatening or shoring up democratic processes. Our formations rely on navigation from satellites and can be targeted by the emissions from their equipment. A single user’s carelessness on the network can provide an opening for hackers to take down our weapons systems.
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