Emergency Operations, WHE-SEARO


Situation Report 2 8 December 2016

1. Situation Update • The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), , reported last night that at least 94 people have died and 133 severely wounded. About 10 000 people were affected by the earthquake. The agency expects that the number of victims will increase, considering the large number of people still trapped under debris. • According to BNPB, 245 buildings were seriously damaged or destroyed in Pidie Jaya and neighboring Bireuen district, including 14 mosques. The rest were mainly dwellings and shop houses. Roads also cracked and power poles toppled over. • Heavy equipment has been deployed in the Meureudu sub-district in Pidie Jaya to extract people from the rubble. Thousands of search and rescue personnel have been mobilized coming from agencies like the Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPPD), the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) and the National Police. • Local residents in Pidie Jaya have chosen to spend the night outdoors. Some have taken refuge in mosques and temporary shelters, as they fear of possible aftershocks.

Rescuers use heavy machine to search for survivors under the rubble of a collapsed in Pidie Jaya. Photo Courtesy: ABC News

2. National and Local Government Response • The Indonesian government has declared a two-week emergency period in Aceh and some aid was already reaching hard-hit areas. • Emergency Operations, WHE-SEARO

• Emergency assistance has been sent to Pidie Jaya, Aceh, from Jakarta and the Social Affairs Ministry’s regional office in . Support has come in the form of tents, mattresses, medicine, instant food, family kits and clothes, to victims. • The Indonesian Military (TNI) deployed 740 personnel in the search to evacuate victims, including 400 village supervisory non-commissioned officers (Babinsa), 300 troops, a 25-person military health unit and 15 military transportation and logistics detachment personnel. • President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on Wednesday ordered presidential chief of staff Teten Masduki to fly to the affected areas to identify what assistance the central government could give to local administrations.

Rescue workers and police remove a victim from a collapsed building in Lueng Putu, Pidie Jaya. Photo Courtesy: Reuters

3. MOH and Health Sector Response • Medical support at all levels is being ensured to the victims. • Rapid health assessment is being conducted.

Emergency Operations, WHE-SEARO

• Various Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) have been deployed to the site. Red Cross and MDMC (Muhammadiyah Disater Management Center) deployed EMTs (type-1 fixed) to support damaged health centers. • Army Health sector from will deploy type-2 EMTs soon.

Injured people receiving medical attention in an emergency tent at a hospital in Sigli, Pidie regency Photo Courtesy: Reuters

4. WHO Response • WHO Indonesia Country Office is monitoring the event closely with Center for Health Crisis (CHC/MOH), BNPB and in coordination with OCHA and other UN agencies. An emergency response expert has been deployed and currently supporting the MOH assessment team. Two other staff members (surveillance and data management) are on stand-by for the next available flight to get to the site. • WHO Representative is in constant touch with the Ministry of Health.

Sources: SITREP based on the reports from: Jakarta Globe & Post, ABC Net & News, Reuters and WHO Indonesia.