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Author: Nobakht, Behrooz Title: Actors at work Issue Date: 2016-12-15 Bibliography

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List of Figures

1.1 General Architecture ...... 8

2.1 Crisp Architecture: Structural Overview ...... 20 2.2 New MethodInvocation ...... 20 2.3 Policy-based selection of a MethodInvocation ...... 21 2.4 Execution of a MethodInvocation ...... 23 2.5 Increasing parallelism in Crisp for Prime Sieve ...... 25 2.6 Utilizing both CPUs with Prime Sieve in Crisp ...... 25

3.1 A kernel version of the real-time programming language ...... 31 3.2 Life cycle for remote data processing ...... 33

4.1 Architecture of Actor API in Java 8 ...... 58 4.2 Benchmarking comparison of ABS API and Akka ...... 62

5.1 JMSeq Execution Architecture ...... 68 5.2 Examples of Method Call Sequence Specification ...... 71 5.3 Method Sequence Specification Grammar ...... 71 5.4 Overview of JMSeq’s process to verify a program ...... 78 5.5 Software Architecture for Method Sequence Specification ...... 80 5.6 Life cycle for data processing requests from customers ...... 86 5.7 Comparison of measurements using JMSeq at Fredhopper ...... 87 5.8 Comparison of different techniques with JMSeq ...... 91

6.1 Task Automata for α(s, τ, tc) and β(s, τ) ...... 105

6.2 Task automata to execute verifyα and verifyβ ...... 106

6.3 MAs : Timed Automaton to execute task type allocate in MP ...... 106

6.4 MDs : Timed Automaton to execute task type deallocate in MP . . . . . 106 6.5 An example behavior for ME ...... 107

6.6 Evolving α(s, τ, tc) with different τ ...... 110


List of Tables

1.1 Actor Model Support in Programming Languages ...... 9 1.2 Actor programming libraries in Java ...... 9 1.3 Actors at Work – Thesis Organization ...... 10 1.4 Actors at Work – Conference and Journal Publications ...... 11

2.1 Thread stack allocated for different executions ...... 25 2.2 Number of live threads and total threads created for different runs of parallel prime sieve ...... 26 2.3 Overview of evaluation of challenges ...... 28

3.1 Evaluation Results ...... 42



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