Published four (4) times ’usually’ in these months: March September June December

Letters and articles of interest to the members of NEOSWO should be submitted to the editor no later than the following: Next deadline - August 20 February 20 August 20 Editor May 20 November 20 Cathy Byers 342 Durling Dr Publication of The Dawn will occur around the Wadsworth OH 44281 1st of the month following the deadline (or at 330-461-1416 the whim of the editor) and will appear on the [email protected] synod’s website as stated below.

Grace Lutheran Church Please print a copy of The Dawn to share with 146 High St someone - that will give more people than ever Wadsworth OH 44281 the opportunity to read The Dawn. If you know someone who doesn’t have computer access, 330-335-6501 please print one and give it to them. (You don’t [email protected] have to print it in color; simply choose grayscale.)

The Dawn is available on the synod website by going to: click on Let’s Talk - click on Synod Organizations and The Dawn will be listed as a link. You can also sign up on that screen for individual email notifications from the synod. OR You can send your email address to [email protected] - include your name, email address, cluster - and The Dawn along with any cluster information will be emailed to you personally.

The Dawn is also available on our Facebook page . . .

The Dawn

A Publication of the Northeastern Ohio Synodical Women’s Organization, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

OUR PURPOSE STATEMENT As a community of women, created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.

OUR MISSION STATEMENT Mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.

THE NEOSWO BOARD 2015-2017 The roster is included in this issue and includes all contact information.

Executive Board Emailing The Dawn. A database has been President Barbara White Vice President Ruth Reinoehl created with all the churches that have Secretary Cathy Byers email addresses and it is the intent that Treasurer Tami Reynolds The Dawn be emailed to each church. Each church will be asked to please, please print a few copies (black and white is fine) We have vacancies on the board - to share with the women. By emailing it Cleveland East to individuals, too, we’re hoping that Cleveland West those who receive it personally will make

a few copies and share them with others.

We can get the word out that way if people share with each other. Thanks!! As we have learned from our families, we are generous to those in need. The women of our churches have been helping for many years. We PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE . . . must remember two more Bible passages. Thank you to everyone who has sent offerings to

NEOSWO. Have you ever had one of those months, Proverbs 19:17 when you have been so busy with stuff, your head is full? Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. That has been my world for a couple of months now. I attended as many spring cluster meetings as I could. The 1 Timothy 6:17-18 (NIV) 17 ones that I had a scheduling issue with, I tried to send my Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so trusty Vice-president Ruth Reinoehl. Some clusters were uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly fortunate to have many board members there. Thank provides us with everything for our you to all the board members that attended in my enjoyment.18 Command them to do good, to be rich in absence. Thank you to all the women that attended the good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. cluster meetings. It has been a busy spring for all of us. We hope to see everyone at the 17th Biennial Convention Besides attending 4 cluster meetings, the board had a September 29 – 30. It will be held at Camp Mowana, table at Synod Assembly June 9 & 10. It was great to see Mansfield. We ask that you register as soon as possible. If you are staying all night, there are limited rooms at the everyone. Reunions, Baccalaureates, and graduations Retreat Center. If you do not have a roommate, you may parties have kept most of us busy. be assigned one. As busy as we have been, have you forgotten We have our New Foundation Guest program. This is something? I hope we have not forgotten to take time out open to any women age 18 – 40. We will select one of our busy schedule to pray. As I was at my women’s participant from each cluster to attend the convention. circle, the Bible study in the “Gather” magazine was This will be an all-expense paid program. We are hoping about how we can be good Christians. The main Bible to have 7 participants this time. verses were about how David slayed Goliath. In our We will have the business meeting on Friday night. Then lesson, it was said that David may have been that little Saturday we will begin a day long assessment of our faith pest around the camp. As some scripture states, journey. There will be Bible study, prayer and fellowship “Somewhat of a brat!” Yes, we know of them. As an older at this event. sibling, I had 4 of them. They were always hanging around when I really didn’t want them to. Or we were See you in September. fighting over the last popsicle on a hot day. Sisters in Christ: Barbara White, NEOSWO President But little David was different. He believed he could slay that giant Goliath because he believed in God. We know this today as in Matthew 19:26, says “With God all things are possible.” As I reflect over the last several years, I do believe this. Our theme at Synod Assembly was “God’s Word, Our Heritage, Our Hope.” We were reminded of family connections and how important they can be. This is in conjunction with the 500th Anniversary of posting the 95 Theses. That historic day is October 31. It At Synod Assembly, June 9-10, was a day that changed religion forever. Luther had a NEOSWO had a display table. vision of what he thought the church should be like. He There was a drawing for a nice wanted change. He stood up with his opinion. That is why we have the Lutheran church today. ‘chocolate’ basket and the winner was Pastor Emily Seitz.

VICE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE . . . company of friends who are surely not identical clones of us? “I am woman, hear me roar Our faith comes into play in everything we do. In numbers too big to ignore We need to look outside our own “personal boxes” And I know too much to go back an’ pretend and be active, for Christ, in a world that needs love Cause I’ve heard it all before and understanding. We need to teach and show that “And I’ve been down there on the floor we are more than just one thought, one view, one No one’s ever gonna keep me down again” side, especially in today’s world. (refrain) At our convention in September we’ll have the program entitled, I Am She. It’s similar, at least to “Oh yes, I am wise me, to the I Am Woman song made almost 50 years But it’s wisdom born of pain ago only this time the statement and thoughts include But look how much I gained God; which every thought and action should. I know If I have to, I can do anything when this theme was first mentioned for our I am strong (Strong) convention the first thought that popped into my mind I am invincible (Invincible) was the song. We cannot just sit back passively and (refrain) let things happen. We are women - it just isn’t in our nature to do that. As women, yes we do know pain You can bend but never break me but it can endure with Christ in our lives. Yes, we Cause it only serves to make me have been down and yes we have gotten up but it More determined to achieve my final goal would be easier with Christ in our lives to do so. And And I come back even stronger yes, we will be made stronger, through Christ, so we Not a novice any longer can achieve what God has purposed for our lives. ‘Cause you’ve deepened the conviction We need to celebrate the fact that we are women in in my soul community; whether in this organization or in our (refrain) world, created by The Creator of the universe. We have gifts, faith, and experience to share with others I am woman watch me grow for the benefit of human kind. We are not alone ever! See me standing toe to toe We have each other but more importantly we have a As I spread my lovin’ arms across the land Savior who will help us if we just ask. But I’m still an embryo So why not explore a bit more and join us in With a long, long way to go September as we proclaim, I am She? Until I make my brother understand” (refrain) Ruth Reinoehl, Vice President, NEOSWO Perhaps you remember this song from back in the 70’s? It was sung by Helen Reddy and entitled, I am Woman. It was quite the statement for the National Organization of Women (NOW) back then. It is quite a statement of convictions; Seventeenth Biennial Convention - especially political ones. So where does that leave NEOSWO - September 29-30, 2017 us as women of faith? Is there truly a separation of church and state - in the mind? I think that is sort of ALL OF THE FORMS NECESSARY FOR like trying to separate the creation “story” from REGISTRATION, NOMINATION, APPLYING science. As one very knowledgeable Christian once AS A NEW FOUNDATION GUEST, ETC. said to me, “Why can’t they go hand in hand?” I think WERE EMAILED TO THE CHURCHES AND he was correct. TO INDIVIDUALS. EVERYTHING IS We shouldn’t separate the two because they AVAILABLE ON THE SYNOD WEBSITE. are both a very big part of our lives. One influences PLEASE SHARE THE MATERIALS WITH the other and intertwines with the other in every day life. How do (or did) we instruct our children properly OTHERS IN YOUR CONGREGATIONS AND if we cannot explain that both are needed in our every INVITE YOUR FRIENDS. day lives? We go to work and interface with all sorts I AM SHE . . . of different people; different ethnicities, different religions, different backgrounds. We enjoy the




SEPTEMBER 29-30, 2017


I Am She


Duties of the President 1. Preside at all conventions of the Synodical Women’s Organization and at meetings of the Board and Executive Committee. 2. Ensure that the constitution and bylaws of the Synodical Women’s Organization are duly observed and appoint all committees not otherwise provided for. 3. Be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Synodical Women’s Organization except the Nominating Committee. 4. Submit a report to each regular convention of the Synodical Women’s Organization concerning her work, with observations and recommendations affecting the organization. 5. Serve as liaison with the churchwide women’s organization and attend the meetings of Conference of Synodical Presidents. 6. Represent the Synodical Women’s Organization at or appoint a representative to inter-Lutheran and ecumenical associations and councils in which the organization participates. 7. Serve as representative to the Synod Council or appoint a representative. Duties of the Vice President 1. Act in the absence, disability or resignation of the president. She shall assume the duties of the president until the vacancy is filled by the board of the Synodical Women’s Organization at its next regularly scheduled meeting. 2. Perform such other duties as requested by the president or the board. Duties of the Secretary 1. Be the secretary of the board and the executive committee of the Synodical Women’s Organization. 2. Record and distribute minutes of the Synodical convention, the board meetings and meetings of the executive committee. 3. Notify units of regular conventions and special conventions. 4. Keep a current register of the roll of the member units and their officers. 5. Secure from the units such reports as from time to time may be required. 6. Perform such other duties as the board may direct. 7. Provide for the gathering and preserving of historical records and documents. Duties of the Treasurer 1. Provide for the keeping of financial records and be accountable for all funds. 2. Be responsible for disbursing funds. 3. Provide a complete report to each convention and meetings of the board and Executive Committee. 4. Facilitate the development of the annual budget of the organization. 5. Provide for an annual review of the organizations’ financial activity. Duties of Board Members 1. Transact necessary business and make programmatic decisions between conventions. 2. Set policies for effective and efficient functioning. 3. Supervise and coordinate the work of all committees. 4. Determine the time and place of each convention. 5. Prepare for each convention the proposed agenda, rules of procedure, and program. 6. Report its actions to each regular convention. 7. Recommend the proposed budget to each regular convention. 8. Fill vacancies on the board as needed. 9. Act as Constitution and Bylaws Committee. 10. Perform such other duties as may be delegated to the board by the convention of the Synodical Women’s Organization. 11. Attend at least two regular board meetings a year.

Note: Special Meetings may be called by the president. Committee meetings may be scheduled at times other than in conjunction with regular meetings of the board. March, 2017

Director for justice retires . . . Innez Torres Davis, director for justice for Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America since 1997, announced her retirement effective March 15, 2017. Before joining the Women of the ELCA, Torres Davis worked for nine years in parish ministry and directed a non-profit organization in Chicago. She is a deacon of the ELCA.

Reprinted with permission from Interchange, the churchwide newsletter of Women of the ELCA. Copyright © 2017 Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. From the Treasurer… organization, etc.  Cluster leadership is encouraged to read and NEOSWO Cluster Financial Guidelines: discuss the Churchwide Board’s appeal to spend  Each cluster shall elect or appoint a financial down reserves. secretary to oversee the budget planning, event  The synodical treasurer is available to answer income and timely payment of expenses, questions, assist with offering interpretation, including remittance of offering to Women of the offer guidance. Feel free to contact her. ELCA and designated local recipients.  Cluster leadership, including financial secretary,  As part of event planning, determine who will is invited and encouraged to attend any serve as registrar and receive registration fees. synodical board meeting, and especially the  Since the synodical treasurer will be responsible cluster/ synodical joint board session. Dates will for depositing and distributing funds, she may be printed in the DAWN, and cluster leaders of agree to serve as registrar. Do not assume this; record will receive information by email. ask.  If the cluster designee serves as registrar, funds Our treasurer is: should be turned over to the synodical treasurer Tami Reynolds in a timely manner. 1020 Cleveland Ave.  The worship offering, and any special offerings, Ashland, OH 44805 should be collected and counted by at least two people together; a teller’s report form should be 419-651-6976 completed and signed by the persons who [email protected] counted.  Send all checks received, payable to NEOSWO All remittances from units and clusters, as well as (or Women of the ELCA), and a money order or requests for checks, should go to Tami. cashier check for the cash and coin received, along with the teller’s report, to the synodical Form A for unit offerings and Form B for treasurer within five (5) days of the event. Thankofferings may be downloaded from www.  NOTE: Remittance should be made by money Form A and unit offerings is order or cashier check (nominal fee for money sent to the synodical treasurer. order comes from petty cash). Personal checks for the cash received are not in keeping with Gather Summer Bible Study: safe accounting practices, per the ELCA Risk Management Director. Session 1: Say goodbye to nice  Cluster financial secretary or event leader must For the heroes and ‘sheroes’ of the biblical story, request payment to vendors, honorarium for being part of the “new” thing God was doing often speaker, disbursement of offering, and any other meant having to do and say things that were disbursement of cluster funds, in writing, using a unpopular with family, friends and neighbors. What Cluster Expense Form. truths need to be told in the places where you live,  Forms for Tellers Report, Cluster Expense work, worship and play? Are you ready?

Disbursement and event budget planning are Session 2: Stand with the least of these available from the synodical treasurer. The biblical story tells us that whenever God does a  Cluster may keep a Petty Cash fund of up to new thing, it happens in, through and with people $50.00 available. Receipts must be kept and who live on the margins. With whom is God asking turned in to the synodical treasurer to replenish you to align yourself? In whose corner are you being funds. called to stand? Are you ready?  Clusters should keep records for income and disbursements from each event, for future Session 3: Upend the tables planning, and to reconcile with synodical records The biblical story is filled with characters who challenged unjust systems, took action that turned as necessary. societal norms upside down and spoke truth to  The cluster financial secretary should assist the power. What counter-cultural, justice-making actions synodical treasurer with ‘offering interpretation.’ are you being called to take? Are you ready? In other words, explain where the offerings go,

what Women of the ELCA does with our Reprinted with permission from Interchange, the churchwide newsletter of Women of the ELCA. Copyright @ 2017 Women of the Evangelical offerings, the financial condition of our Lutheran Church in America. Churchwide Representative:

Jody Smiley

Executive Board Vice President, 2014-2017 Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Jody Smiley was elected vice president of the churchwide executive board in July 2014.

She previously served the Synodical Women’s Organization as president and board member. She currently serves on the Virginia Synod Council and is the Mission Interpreter Coordinator for the synod. She has been a voting member at synod and churchwide assemblies.

A member of St. Michael Lutheran Church in Blacksburg, Va., Jody has served as congregational president, secretary, and chair of the education committee. She teaches Sunday school and is a youth group leader. She is active in her congregational unit, leading Bible studies and other programs. She serves on the Virginia Tech Lutheran Campus Ministry committee.

Jody is an analytical chemist in Virginia Tech’s Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. Jody and her husband Tim, a radiation safety officer for the university, have one son. The family has lived in Blacksburg for nearly 35 years.

Jody is a sports fan and plays softball on her church’s team. She especially enjoys cheering for Virginia Tech’s women’s basketball and volleyball teams.

Jody is very excited about serving Women of the ELCA on the churchwide executive board. She sees this as a chance to share her passion for the organization and encourage Lutheran women of all ages to become part of “this amazing group of faithful and caring women.”

Funding triennial convention is a challenge triennial convention will come from the Eshleman by Elizabeth Hunter Fund, an action taken by the executive board at its October 2016 meeting. If every woman gave 33 cents a day or about $120 Board members also discussed alternate a year to the organization, Women of the ELCA ways to pay for the convention. Reporting on the could more than meet its budget for conventions, work of the budget and finance committee, regular ministries and resources that women love, Deborah Banks-Williams, board member from Ely Smith, treasurer, told the Women of the ELCA Chicago IL, said: “We talked about moving the churchwide executive board at its spring meeting. convention to a college campus to save money The board met at the Doubletree Hilton in Arlington there. We talked about proposing a change to the Heights IL April 20-22. constitution where synodical women’s Smith said that offerings to the churchwide organizations are required to either contribute to organization continue to show a decrease, the expense of triennial conventions or pick up the although the organization’s goal for regular travel costs for their voting members.” offerings has not changed. Regular offerings and “We need to take care of this now,” said Thankofferings have been declining for at least the Dawn Smith, board member from Midland, MI, last 15 years. Regular offerings are those underscoring the urgency. collected in congregational units that benefit the “When you’re talking money, there are unit, the synodical organization and the always two options: to increase income or to churchwide organization. decrease expenses,” said Post Bushkofsky. A Coping with challenges around decreased primary way of decreasing expenses in the annual giving was a constant theme during the meeting, budget of the organization, she said, would come with much time spent discussing how best to by reducing staff. The organization had staff continue funding the constitutionally required reductions in 2003 and 2009. triennial convention, which costs the churchwide organization nearly $900,000 every three years. Triennial Gathering update Although triennial gathering costs are covered by So far 2,398 participants have registered for the registration fees, exhibits and sponsors, triennial Tenth Triennial Gathering (2017), including 914 convention expenses come out of the churchwide first-time attendees. By comparison, there were organization budget. 700 first-time attendees at the 2014 triennial When Dinah Dutta, board member from gathering in Charlotte NC. Lawrence, KS asked for a breakdown of these Gabriela Contreras, director for meeting costs, staff listed expenses of housing, travel, planning, told the board that registrations had food, production, video, printing and postage. surpassed the goal of 1,650 full-paying participants “Every year, the organization has tried to and hotels are nearly sold out. budget (to put aside) an additional $300,000 to Highlights include mid-day organ recitals hold the triennial event, but sufficient offerings on Friday and Saturday, as well as evening and have not come in,” executive director Linda Post morning prayer at nearby Central Lutheran Bushkofsky said. “Notwithstanding the financial Church. Food trucks will be present in the parking challenges, everything else is in good order for the lot at Central over the lunch hour on Friday and triennial convention.” Saturday. Two documentaries will be screened, Bylaws of the churchwide organization of The Beauty of Our Dreams by Diva Women of the ELCA require the churchwide Communications, examining education of girls, organization cover the cost of the convention, Post and Dream Catchers, a documentary about a Bushkofsky said. Any change to that obligation Chicago anti-trafficking effort. Women of the would need to be made consistent with the ELCA is also working with a full-communion constitution’s provision for amending bylaws. partner, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, to run a To cover the costs of the Tenth Triennial bookstore at the gathering. Featured speakers Convention (2017), the board voted to approve the and worship leaders were previously announced. use of $571,410 from the New Ministries Fund, In other action, the board voted to: which has a balance of $1,090,000. Although this Ask the executive director to investigate allocation was first recommended by the budget ways to lower costs for future board meetings, and finance committee in October 2016, the action including holding board meetings at retreat was tabled until 2016 financials were complete. centers, rather than hotels. The balance needed to cover the costs of the Authorize the executive director to pursue (continued on the following page) (continued from previous page) Centurions (from the story of the centurion in the Bible) work with federal chaplains negotiations with Equal Exchange with the goal of  Lutheran Men in Mission bringing a formal agreement between the two  The fiscal year 2017 budget of $3,246,995, and the organizations to the October 2017 board meeting. proposed budget for fiscal year 2018 to be sent to Equal Exchange asked Women of the ELCA to continue the Tenth Triennial Convention (2017) the fair-trade relationship with Equal Exchange,  Gather, the magazine of Women of the ELCA, which although Lutheran World Relief is amicably ending its is seeing increased subscriptions, as well as relationship with Equal Exchange at the end of May. generous donations from subscribers—a previously Post Bushkofsky said “I can’t envision a day when the untapped resource. women of our organization aren't making quilts to send The executive board’s next regular meeting is to Lutheran World Relief,” she added. “We’ll continue October 21-22, 2017, in Chicago, preceded by a day of to do fair trade work with LWR as well. There’s no orientation for the board that will be elected at the reason we can’t work with both organizations.” Tenth Triennial Convention (2017). Board members also heard reports about: Elizabeth Hunter is editor for Gather magazine.  The 2017 Conference of Synodical Presidents  The 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering to be held June 27- July 1, 2018 in Houston  ELCA Slovak Zion Synod Wilma Kucharek Reprinted with permission from Interchange, the gave a report from the ELCA Conference of , churchwide newsletter of Women of the ELCA. on topics of concern across the church, including Copyright © 2017 Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. interreligious and ecumenical cooperation, the

UPCOMING SYNODICAL & CHURCHWIDE EVENTS  Cleveland West Cluster Fall Gathering, September 23, Dr. Martin Luther, Brooklyn  Canton-Massillon Cluster Fall Gathering, October 14, St. Paul Lutheran, Alliance  Akron-Wooster Cluster Fall Gathering, October 28, Messiah Lutheran, Akron

July, 2017 - Triennial Convention/Gathering, Minneapolis, MN July, 2020 - Triennial Convention/Gathering, Phoenix, AZ July, 2023 - Triennial Convention/Gathering, Spokane, WA Cluster News . . . Eastern (Erin Burns, NEOWSO Rep) Summer Pot-Luck Picnic and Gathering - Tuesday, Akron-Wooster (Beth Haas, NEOSWO Rep) June 27, 6-8:00 p.m. at St. John, Champion (Warren Spring Gathering - Saturday, April 29, Trinity area). Join us for good food, fellowship, fun, music. Lutheran Church, Clinton. The Gathering theme was Registration is $3 and you should bring a favorite Jewelry of Ohio’s Presidential First Ladies and the picnic dish to share. RSVP to Pastor Erin 330-442- speaker was Dr. Mari Halkovich. The Bible study 7924. Leave a voicemail or text. Chicken and was led by Pastor Julie Thoms, pastor of Trinity. The beverages provided. in-kind gifts were given to Harvest Home and the Special Offering was given NEOSWO and the Ohio Richland-Ashland (Katie Danielson, NEOSWO Veteran’s Memorial, Clinton. The Fall Gathering will Rep) be held on Saturday, October 28, at Messiah Spring Gathering - Sunday, May 21, First Lutheran Lutheran Church, Akron. Theme is and Church, Shelby at 4:30 p.m. Salad/dessert buffet. Pastor Elizabeth Hazelton, recently retired pastor of Theme was Reformation and the program was The Trinity, Kent, will present a program about Katie Rev. Paul Lintern presenting Martin Luther and his Luther. music. In-kind gifts are food pantry items for First Lutheran. Love offering went to LOMO. Ruth Canton-Massillon, (Rebekah Carr, NEOSWO Rep) Reinoehl, vice president of NEOSWO, represented (reported by Mary Amick) the board. Details for the Fall Gathering will be Spring Gathering - Saturday, May 6, Advent shared later. Lutheran Church, Uniontown. Spring Cleaning for the Heart and Soul (based on devotional material by Southern (Judy Harstine, NEOSWO Rep) Julie Betttencourt), led by Kristi Woods. In-kind gifts Spring Gathering - Wednesday, May 3, First of cleaning supplies for the Lake Township FISH Lutheran Church, Strasburg. The keynote speaker food pantry. There were 4 baby blankets and 6 adult addressed Human Trafficking. lap robes donated and they were taken by Kristie Woods. The Fall Gathering will be held October 14 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Alliance. More details will be published in the next issue. If clusters advise me of their upcoming activities, I Cleveland East (representative position is will gladly send out emails to those persons for vacant) whom I have email addresses. No report at this time. Providing me with a flier for your event is Cleveland West (representative position is an even better idea. I can send vacant) (reported by Mollie Broadnax) an email with the flier attached. Spring Gathering - Saturday, April 22, Bethany Cathy Byers, Editor English Lutheran Church, Cleveland. Theme was Our Christian Heritage through Stained Glass and Stone. Jackie Krieger was the speaker and she presented a slide show of her visits of European cathedrals. The Rev. Susanne Carter delivered a message and Communion; she spoke of her boldness and struggles in becoming a pastor. Barb White, NEOSWO president, and Ruth Reinoehl, You may support Katie’s Fund by making out your NEOSWO vice president, brought greetings from the check to Women of the ELCA, writing “Katie’s Fund” board and churchwide. They talked about the on the memo line and sending it to: Biennial Convention at Camp Mowana in September. Women of the ELCA, The offering was split 50-50 with NEOSWO and ELCA Gift Processing Center Family Haven, a facility which supports individuals PO Box 1809, Merrifield VA 22116-8009 with developmental disabilities. The cluster Fall Gathering will be held at Dr. Martin Luther Church, Reprinted with permission from Interchange, the churchwide newsletter of Women of the ELCA. Copyright © 2017 4470 Ridge Rd, Brooklyn, on September 23, 2017. Women of the Evangelical Pastor Kari Langford will bring us Katie Luther. Lutheran Church in America.

To report an event, please make a summary of it and forward that to the SWO secretary (Cathy Byers). The minutes from your meeting would be a perfect way to share your event. If you wish either/or both of those forms emailed to you, please contact me at [email protected]. This allows us to cut down on the number of pages in the publication.

We also like contact information for key people in the units. We want to share as much information as we can.


As mentioned previously, we have a database of all the church and personal emails that I’ve been able to get. If your church is having a function that you’d like to share with the churches in your cluster, send the information to me and I can email it to the churches. If your church’s email address changes, please let me know so the database can be as current as possible. Together, we can do a lot!!!!

We can share significantly more information with The Dawn than we ever could before. Technology, while not always welcome, makes it possible to share so much more with pictures and items directly from church-wide. It is our hope that, with each issue of The Dawn, we’re reaching out to more and more women.

I am enjoying the opportunity to be the editor and hope that you are enjoying the information we’re sharing.

Keep up the good work as Women of the ELCA—Bold Women of the ELCA!!