Tammy Gagne | 208 pages | 09 Feb 2017 | Curious Fox | 9781782024897 | English | Oxford, United Kingdom The Dog Encyclopaedia for Kids PDF Book

Lovely photos and a simple design beautifully support early readers. There are numerous dog breeds , which evolved during the domesticated dog's relationship with man over the last , years. There are c. Feliks, Jehuda "Dog. Library Home Page. Sheepdogs herded farm animals. Always encourage good play behavior by using the appropriate toys during play time and interactions with your . If you want a well-rounded, gently mannered dog, there's one secret you must know: Overdo positive experiences during the critical socialization period in puppyhood, which ends when your puppy is about three months old. Life Cycle. The dog was domesticated c. Published Reviews. General Fiction. To administer medicine to a dog, try wrapping a pill in bacon, cheese or some other treat. More Info Place Hold. Genus :. Some notices were not sent. Some of these are now mainly . Canine distemper is liable to attack dogs from four months to four years old. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. The beagle and other hunted animals. If you ever see a dog in a store, and want to take them home and care for them, consider the following: require a great deal of attention and time; Training is a tedious and occasionally frustrating process; Pet stores commonly some would say "always" stock animals bred in puppy mills or non-reputable breeders, in unsanitary, dangerous and inhumane conditions -- and every puppy mill dog purchase perpetuates the existence of puppy mills. If you find an accident in the house, but do not catch him in the act — do not punish him. Fine Arts. Dalmatians are born without spots. The disease generally manifests itself by a dullness of the eye, husky cough, shivering, loss of appetite and energy, and occasional fits. Everyone is Let them have at all times a plentiful supply of clean water. You may also like. In general, puppies are unable to control their bladders and bowels until 12 weeks of age. Home 1 Kids' Books 2. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. See all 14 - All listings for this product. Be on the look out for the Britannica for Parents newsletter to deliver insightful facts for the family right to your inbox. Add a Review. Many animal welfare charities recommend adopting a dog from an animal shelter , rather than buying one at a store or from a breeder. This should be started as soon as you take your dog home, but it takes patience. The saying is recorded from the early 18th century. Featured Animal. Be clear with him when you praise or correct his actions. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Ideally, he will gravitate towards the training pads. Packed with amazing photographs and fun facts, dog owners and fans will get an in-depth look at these curious, lovable canines. Library Home Page. For example, when a dog wags its tail, it is happy. Holly Springs Community - Childrens Non-fiction. Grouped Work ID:. Kids Students Scholars. The Dog Encyclopaedia for Kids Writer

Punishment for an infraction should be immediate and appropriate to the act. The adult Irish wolfhound , for example, stands about 32 inches 81 centimeters high at the withers, or top of the shoulders. Gagne, Tammy. Dog Biscuit. Emily Regenstein rated it it was amazing Jul 05, I chose this book because just like the encyclopedia, this book displays a variety of dogs. My Account. The price may be the seller's own price elsewhere or another seller's price. Check your account for due dates but we are still fine free! The parents should make an effort to pay attention to the dog, too. Featured Media. Graphic Novels. Merriam-Webster Hardcovers Books. Wolves and other wild relatives of the dog still hunt in packs for their food. Dogs are sexually mature between six months and one year but are not socially mature until they are about two years of age. Fuquay- Varina Community - Childrens Non-fiction. The glossary in the back of the book is thorough in its explanations and pronunciation of of dog related terms such as Tricolor TRYE-Kuhl-er -having three colors. Open Preview See a Problem? Be the first to ask a question about The Dog Encyclopedia for Kids. They need room in which to move, so they do best with large yards and open spaces. The dog must understand what is expected. As a rule, purebred puppies inherit the traits of their breed. Adult comes in dry, semimoist, or canned dog options. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. A dog can fit easily into family life. In this action-packed graphic novel, The Dog Encyclopaedia for Kids Reviews

Wild dogs hunt animals. An older dog can have a complete bath every month or so, depending on the amount of dirt, the type of hair long, coarse hair should be washed more often , and the skin condition. Old dogs begin to feel numerous aches and pains in the muscles and joints and might become easily irritated. A new, third level of content, designed specially to meet the advanced needs of the sophisticated scholar. Each canine gets either a page or spread to itself, all of which include full-color photographs of the dogs, information about their appearance and personality, notes about training and care "An Italian Greyhound needs a coat if it will be outdoors in the winter" , and other details. Herding dogs compete in herding trials to show their ability to manage livestock. Acquiring a dog You can buy a dog from a reputable dog breeder[? Do not play with your puppy using your hands or feet. What do you do with a gentle Great Dane who's the size of a cow but acts like he's no bigger than a mini dachshund? Rosen, Michael J. Belgian Malinois is a favorite of my. Mud and deep dirt in its coat, however, can be removed with a damp, warm cloth. My daughter, age 11, loved this book. Dogs walk on their toes, in contrast to an animal like the bear , which is flat-footed and walks on its heels. The upper portion of the femur, or thighbone, fits into a socket in the pelvic bone to form the hip joint. One connection that I noticed right away, after I read the encyclopedia, was that Dalmatians are black and white spotted. Where Dogs Live. Give the dog a treat or two without the pill first and the dog will be more likely to swallow it quickly. When people decide to own a dog, they should be prepared to care for it properly. We lost our oldest husky, 11 years old Zeus, at the end of December of By roughly grouping dogs according to the work they were bred to do, it is possible to determine the type of temperament a dog might have when grown. The scientific name of the dog is Canis lupus familiaris.

The Dog Encyclopaedia for Kids Read Online

See also individual breeds. Subscriber features. Listen Subscriber Feature. People can even train dogs to obey simple commands. Some Siberian Huskies have one blue eye and one brown eye. They can buy one from a reputable pet shop, from a breeder, or from a kennel. Language Arts. If they are not provided with appropriate teething toys, they will use any available hard object, such as furniture. Being a dog owner is expensive. Also in This Series. A Great Dane may weigh pounds 68 kilograms and stand about 30 inches 76 centimeters high. Search WorldCat. Each of the forelimbs is connected to the body by a long, narrow scapula, or shoulder blade. They prefer the company of people and of other dogs to living alone. Some Siberian Huskies have one blue eye and one brown eye. A new, third level of content, designed specially to meet the advanced needs of the sophisticated scholar. The United States Army and other military and law enforcement services train dogs for guard, search, and patrol duties. A training session is best begun when the puppy is hungry because it is more alert at that time. Old dogs begin to feel numerous aches and pains in the muscles and joints and might become easily irritated. Each foot, or paw, has five toes. The British classification was established in Many flea-prevention products also kill or repel ticks. View Product. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Dog shows also host other types of competitions. The earliest dogs probably had erect ears, but the ears began to droop in smaller, later breeds because of excessive ear skin. Medium-size or small dogs that are less active may be better-suited for the confines of the city. The ancient Greeks believed that the gates of the underworld were guarded by a savage three-headed dog named Cerberus. See all 14 - All listings for this product. As a result of thousands of years of selective breeding, the dog has been adapted to live with people. Some Siberian Huskies have one blue eye and one brown eye. Dogs need food and periodic trips to the veterinarian, whether for routine checkups or for more serious health issues. If on meeting a person or another dog it pulls back its lips and growls, it is making a threat. Leptospirosis can be treated with antibiotics. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror. Add To List. Factors influencing the timing include the size of the litter and the amount of milk that the female has available. Popular events are agility, flyball racing in teams , weight pulling, tracking scent work , diving, and Frisbee catching. Cancel Submit. Consistency and kindness bring the best results in training. Gorrell, Gena K. Puppy Vaccinations Now that you're a puppy parent, making sure she gets her puppy shots is one of your first, and most important, jobs. Dog sports tournaments have become widespread, with many breeds competing together. The fairly thin tongue of the dog is used mainly for guiding food to the throat, for licking the coat clean, and for cooling. The dog traces its ancestry back to a five-toed, weasellike animal genus called Miacis.