Eleventh Sunday of pentecost Saint Church August 13, 2017

Bishop-Emeritus Robert J. Shaheen June 3, 1937—August 9, 2017

Robert J. Shaheen was born to Albert and Aileen Shaheen in Danbury, Connecticut. He attended St. Peter Grammar School and Danbury High School prior to attending Latin Church St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield in 1955.

After being ordained a sub deacon (October 2, 1962) and deacon (June 7, 1963), Shaheen was ordained a priest by Bishop Francis Mansour Zayek on May2, 1964 at the Basilica of the national shrine of the Immaculate Conception Shortly thereafter he became pastor of St. Raymond’s Church in St. Louis, Missouri. Under his leadership, St. Raymond’s went from just a few faithful parishioners using a four-family apartment to a cathedral with hundreds of active families.

On March 31, 1986, Shaheen was ordained a Chorbishop by Archbishop Zayek. He purchased additional property and buildings for future development as a Maronite retirement center and cultural center.

On December 5, 2000, Shaheen was appointed Eparch of the Eparchy of Our Lady of by Pope John Paul II, following the retirement of Our lady of Lebanon’s first bishop, John George Chedid. He was consecrated a bishop on February 15, 2001 by Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir, the of and All the East at the Saint Louis Cathedral Basilica.

Bishop Shaheen was the first Maronite priest and first Maronite bishop from the United States educated and ordained in the United States. His retirement became effective on July 10, 2013. Bishop A. Elias Zaidan, M.L.M. succeeded him as the third eparchial bishop of the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles.

Bishop Shaheen died in St. Louis, MO on August 9, 2017 at the age of 80 years old. Visitation for Bishop Shaheen will be at St. Raymond Maronite Cathedral in St. Louis, MO, on Wednesday, August 16, with final burial from St. Anthony in Danbury, Connecticut on Monday, August 21.

“We pray for the repose of his soul, and give thanks to God for all of the lives that Bishop Shaheen has touched in his extraordinary life” Bishop A. Elias Zaidan.

Emergency: 216-333-0760 Rev. Msgr. Peter Karam, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Deacon George Khoury Rev. Fr. Alex Harb Mr. Lattouf Lattouf, Subdeacon [email protected] Mr. Ghazi Faddoul, Subdeacon Mr. Georges Faddoul, Subdeacon Mr. Bechara Daher, Subdeacon

Liturgy Schedule BAPTISM - Weekdays: Chapel Call the office at least 2 months in advance. Chapel/ Mailing Address 10:00 am MARRIAGE - 7800 Brookside Road Sunday: Downtown Call at least 8 months in advance for Pre-Cana Appt. Independence, Oh 44131 9:30 am - English SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Church: 1245 Carnegie Avenue 11:00am - English & By appointment Cleveland, Oh 44115 Saturday: Chapel: SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING/SICK 7800 Brookside Rd, Call the Parish Office immediately. 216.520.5081 or Independence 5:00 pm 216.333.0760 Holy Days of Obligation 7pm

MISSION STATEMENT Office: 216-520-5081 Fax: 216-524-2659 E-mail: [email protected] We, the people of Saint Maron Parish, form a community of disciples dedicated to a shared faith and Website: www.saintmaron-clev.org common life which exemplifies the life, works, and teaching of Jesus Christ as Facebook: SaintMaronChurch reflected in the Sacred Scriptures and the Maronite Catholic Tradition. Our Parish life and Office Hrs: Mon-Fri. 9am-3:30pm mission are to proclaim the Gospel, to foster and strengthen the faith, and to evangelize. Our covenant of discipleship with Jesus Christ is fulfilled through liturgy, education, and service. Amen

THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Sat. Aug. 12: Eleventh Sunday of Pentecost 5:00 pm Chapel: Divine Liturgy in memory of Tuesday, August 15 Bishop-Emeritus Robert Shaheen Liturgy will be celebrated at 10:00 am

Sun. Aug. 13: Eleventh Sunday of Pentecost at the Chapel in Independence ONLY. 9:30 am: Divine Liturgy in memory of Bishop-Emeritus Robert Shaheen Hello Ladies, 9:30 am: Mem. Lit for Milani Saade Koussa We have the schedule for the cooking and preparation for our (Her son Anthony Koussa & daughter Sara Runyon & festival on August 19th and 20th. Please try to help us on all or families) one of the days as we so desperately need you. We appreciate all you do for St. Maron Church. 11:00 am: Divine Liturgy in memory of Bishop-Emeritus Robert Shaheen ALL COOKING AND PREP IS DONE AT THE PARISH CENTER IN INDEPENDENCE ONLY 11:00 am: One year Anniversary for Fadi Sarkiss (His wife Amal and children Nagua & Somar & Monday: August 14th families) 9:00 am Delivery of food and supplies (Parish Center, Independence)

Wednesday: August 16th Tuesday Aug. 15: The Assumption of the Virgin Mary 9:00-5:00 Organizing 10:00 am Chapel (Parish Center, Independence)

Sat. Aug. 19: Twelfth Sunday of Pentecost Thursday: August 17th 5:00 pm Chapel: Parishioner Intentions 9:00-5:00 Cooking (Parish Center, Independence) Sun. Aug. 20: Twelfth Sunday of Pentecost 9:30 am: Parishioner Intentions Friday: August 18th 11:00 am: DOWNTOWN Parishioner Intentions 9:00-5:00 Prep & Cooking 11:00 am: CHAPEL: Liturgy prior to the start of the (Parish Center Independence) festival. If you are able to volunteer to serve on Saturday or Sunday please sign up at: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4aaaae2ca1fb6-saint2

Celebrated every year on August 15, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary commemorates the death of Mary and her bodily assumption into Heaven, before her body could begin to decay—a foretaste of our own bodily resurrection at the end of time. Because it signifies the Blessed Virgin's passing into eternal life, it is the most important of all Marian feasts and a Holy Day of Obligation. Our 2017 festival signup site is now up and running. Please visit to sign up for the times you are available. Together we can make this the best festival yet. Thank you in advance.


األحد الحادي عشر من زمن العنصرة: توبة ز ّكا الع ّشار Eleventh Sunday of Pentecost: Repentance of Zacheus the tax collector رسالة الق ّديس بولس إلى اهل أفسس From the letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians, 2:17-22 يا إخ َوتِي، لَ َّما َجا َء ال َم ِسي ُح بَ َّش َر ُكم بِال َّسال ِم أَ ْنتُ ُم البَ ِعي ِدين، وبَ َّش َر بال َّسال ِم القَ ِريبين، ألَنَّنَا بِ ِه نِ ْلنَا نَ ْح ُن اال ْثنَي ِن في ُرو ٍح َوا ِح ٍد ال ُو ُصو َل إِلى اآلب. إِ ًذا فَلَ ْستُم بَ ْع ُد ُغ َربَا َء وال نُ َزالء، بَ ْل أَ ْنتُم أَ ْه ُل َم ِدينَ ِة القِ ِّدي ِسي َن وأَ ْه ُل بَ ْي ِت هللا، بُنِيتُ ْم على أَ َسا ِس ال ُّر ُس ِل واألَ ْنبِيَاء، والـ َم ِسي ُح يَ ُسو ُع َن ْف ُسهُ هُ َو َح َج ُر ال َّزا ِويَة. في ِه يَتَ َما َس ُك البِنَا ُء ُك ُّله، فَيَ ْرتَفِ ُع هَ ْي َكالً ُمقَ َّد ًسا في ال َّر ّب، وفي ِه أَ ْنتُم أَ ْي ًضا تُ ْبنَو َن م ًعا َم ْس ِكنًا هللِ في ال ُّروح. والتسبي ُح هللِ دائما ً. Brothers and sisters, So he came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near; for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. In him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God. Praise be to God always!

إنجيل الق ّديس لوقا From the Holy Gospel according to Saint Luke 19:1-10 قا َل لوقا البشير: َ َ ْ َد َخ َل يَ ُسو ُع أ ِر ْيحا َوبَدأ يَ ْجتَا ُزها، وإِ َذا َر ُج ٌل ٱ ْس ُمهُ َز َّكا، كا َن َرئِي ًسا لِل َع َّشا ِري َن َو َغنِيًّا. و َكا َن يَ ْس َعى لِيَ َرى َم ْن هُ َو يَ ُسوع، فَلَ ْم يَ ْق ِد ْر بِ َسبَ ِب ال َج ْم ِع ألَنَّهُ كا َن قَ ِصي َر القَا َمة. فَتَقَ َّد َم ُم ْس ِر ًعا َوتَ َسلَّ َق ُج َّم ْي َزةً لِ َكي يَ َراه، ألَ َّن يَ ُسو َع كا َن ُم ْز ِم ًعا أَ ْن يَ ُم َّر بِهَا. َولَ َّما َو َص َل يَ ُسو ُع إِلَى ال َم َكان، َرفَ َع نَ َظ َرهُ إِلَ ْي ِه وقَا َل لَه ُ: »يَا ُ َز َّكا، أَ ْس ِر ْع وٱ ْن ِز ْل، فَ َعلَ َّي أَ ْن أقِي َم اليَو َم في بَ ْيتِ َك «. فَأَ ْس َر َع َونَ َز َل وٱ ْستَ ْقبَلَهُ في بَ ْيتِ ِه َم ْس ُرو ًرا. َو َرأَى ال َج ِمي ُع ذلِ َك فَأَ َخ ُذوا يَتَ َذ َّم ُرو َن قَائِلين: » َد َخ َل لِيَبِي َت ِع ْن َد َر ُج ٍل َخا ِطئ«. أَ َّما َز َّكا فَ َوقَ َف َوقَا َل لِل َّر ّب : »يَا َر ّب، هَا أَنَا أُ ْع ِطي نِ ْص َف ُم ْقتَنَياتِي لِ ْلفُقَ َراء، َوإ ْن ُك ْن ُت قَ ْد َظلَ ْم ُت أَ َح ًدا بِ َشيء، فَإِنِّي أَ ُر ُّد ل َهُ أَ ْربَ َعةَ أَ ْض َعاف«. فإِ َّن ٱ ْب َن ا ِإل ْن َسا ِن َجا َء لِيَ ْب َح َث َع ِن ال َّضائِ ِع َويُ َخلِّ َصه ُ«...فقَا َل لَهُ يَ ُسوع: »أَليَو َم َصا َر ال َخال ُص لِه َذا البَ ْيت، ألَ َّن ه َذا ال َّر ُج َل هُ َو أَ ْي ًضا ٱ ْب ٌن ِإل ْب َرا ِهيم

حقاًّ واألما ُن ل َجمي ِع ُكم The evangelist writes, Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through it. A man was there named Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was rich. He was trying to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not, because he was short in stature. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see him, because he was going to pass that way. When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today.” So he hurried down and was happy to welcome him. All who saw it began to grumble and said, “He has gone to be the guest of one who is a sinner.” Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, “Look, half of my possessions, Lord, I will give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four times as much.” Then Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, be- cause he too is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost.” This is the truth! Peace be with you.

St. Maron’s Church Organizations

Parish Council President: Najib Rached: [email protected] 3rd Wed. of the month at 7:00 pm Finance Council President: Roger Abood: [email protected] Immaculate Conception Sodality (ICS) President: Bernadette Faddoul: [email protected] 1st Mon. of every month at 7:00pm Sons of Mary (Men’s Club) President: Joey Faddoul: [email protected] 1st Mon. of every month at 7:00 pm Maronite Christian Formation Program (MCFP) Sunday Director Maroun Kattar: [email protected] Sundays (except Holy Days) 10:45 am to 12:15 pm Maronite Christian Formation Program (MCFP) Thursday Director Michelle Nin: [email protected] Thursdays 7:00 pm Parish Center, Independence Maronite Young Children (MYC) President: Rita Kanaan: [email protected] Maronite Youth Organization (MYO) Coordinator: George Shamatta: [email protected] 1st and 3rd Saturday : 5pm with Liturgy/Meeting Maronite Young Adults (MYA) President: Sami Shaia: [email protected] Meeting & Bible Study 1st Thurs. of each month at 7:30 pm Maronite Mothers Club (MMC) Coordinator: Tina Chamoun: [email protected] Arabic School Coordinator: Jihad Kawkabani: [email protected] Classes Sat. Oct-April (except Holy Days) 10 am to 12 noon 50+ Social Club Mary Ann Watson: [email protected] 1st Friday of each month. Liturgy: 10:00 am Book & Cine Club Katia Abboud: [email protected]

NANNY NEEDED: A parishioner is looking to hire a nanny for their 3 small kids (3-7 year-old); They are physicians of Lebanese origin, now living in Mayfield Hts, OH . Would like to connect with somebody from our church community (Lebanese, Syrian or other) who may be interested . Please call the church office for further details. 216-520-5081

POPE’S MONTHLY INTENTIONS Thank you to the MYC teachers, staff, volunteers, and parents who made this year’s Bible Camp our AUGUST Artists most successful to date. We had over thirty two That artists of our time, through their ingenuity, may children attend our three day event. help everyone discover the beauty of creation. Great job by all!!!!! The Candle burning in front of the Blessed Mother at the 11am Liturgy signifies the presence of the Sons of Mary

This weeks candle is lit with heartfelt gratitude to our Blessed Mother for her intercession to Jesus to heal all the infirmed

Given by: Members of the Sons of Mary may contact Joey Faddoul to make an offering for the candle burning in front of the Blessed Mother.

50+ Social Club Friday September 1, 2017

Liturgy at 10am Chapel

Lunch at Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen; Tour the Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield Ohio , site of the film “Shawshank Redemption” (Senior Admission $10)

Mary Ann 216-521-5481


Reserve by August 28th

We would like to thank seminarians Simon Boutros and Chris Nahra for their dedicated service and involvement to the parish. May God bless you on the next step of your journey as you study in Washington, DC while praying and discerning if God is calling you to the priesthood. Know that you always have a home at St. Maron and that you will be in our prayers.

A small farewell reception will be held following all Liturgies today. All invited.

Gift of the Altar: August, 2017 As we get ready to begin another school year we ask God to bless and watch over our BREAD In Memory of: children and young adults beginning or

returning to new opportunities of education. Arlene Sekerak (nee Richards) We pray for these children and young people Edward & Ella Richards & families to be inspired and open to what God has Badih Samaan, Neman Samaan & Marim Samaan, designed and called them to strive for in Saferrah Samaan, Amineha Samaan their lives.

Anwar & Aida Samaan We pray for all educators– may they be guided by God to share their knowledge and wisdom and compassion and patience that is needed WINE In Memory Of: to succeed with those young people entrusted to their care. Arlene Sekerak (nee Richards) Edward & Ella Richards & families May God bless and keep safe our children and all those who teach and nurture our young people. Badih Samaan, Neman Samaan & Marim Samaan, Saferrah Samaan, Amineha Samaan Anwar & Aida Samaan EJoe & LuLu Shaerban Mystery of Crowning Joe & Gladys Shaerban & family (Sacrament of Matrimony)

MANDATORY you contact and meet with Msgr.

CANDLES In Memory Of: Peter at least 8 months in advance of your desired date. Couples are required to participate in our Arlene Sekerak (nee Richards) Pre-Cana classes . Edward & Ella Richards & families

George & Mary “Roma” Sessin Until a couple has met with Msgr. Their children & their families Peter their date will not be secured. Jacob & Juliette Saad & the deceased members of the Saad & Elzeer families: Call the office to schedule an appointment. Thomas Saad & family 216.520.5081 Louis & Emiline Nagy Bill & Denise Bishilany & family Badih Samaan, Neman Samaan & Marim Samaan, Saferrah Samaan, Amineha Samaan Anwar & Aida Samaan

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: PLEASE READ If you are in need of any special document or letter written by one of the priests, you must call THREE WEEKS IN ADVANCE SO A MEETING CAN BE SCHEDULED. Please do not wait until the last minute when traveling abroad to request an important letter or document. A very special thank you to Lisa Farah and John Farah for baking and donating all the Baklava at the Independence Home Days. We Collection: August 5-6, 2017 received so many compliments on how delicious

GENERAL DEPOSIT $ 20,037.67 and wonderful the baklava tasted.

Sunday Collection $ 3,729.00 Thank you to Mark George, Rose Habeeb ,Allie Votive Candles $ 80.00 George and Luke George who graciously volun- Parking Garage-Monthly $ 1,590.00 teered their time on both Friday and Saturday Parking Garage: Event $ 3,300.00 selling and promoting our Festival. We could

Cleveland Treatment Center $ 5,666.67 not have done it without you. Independence Home Days $ 146.00

Festival $ 10,526.00

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