At the meeting of the adjourned FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, on Tuesday, 8th January 2013 at 6.30pm.

Present:- Town Mayor J.Gilasbey Deputy Mayor T.Burns Councillors: B.Huws, M.Thomas, R.Thomas, K.Davies, L. Finch-Jones R.Davies, N.Howell-Davies, F. Burke-Lloyd, P.Davies Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Project Officer Maria McGerty Apologies:- Councillor H.Jones

The Chair welcomed Rev Roger Morley-Jones who offered prayers prior to the commencement of business.

401 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest.

402 POLICING MATTERS PC Ian Waldy attended and gave a report for the month of December: 19 crimes reported, 21 other crimes detected. YTD figures stand at 61.9% compared to SPLY as 48.3%. Property stolen from the Gwenllian Court has been recovered and four people are on bail. A stolen scooter has been recovered. Anti-social behaviour is a problem at Fforde Court. 6 offences involving cannabis. Drink & Drive campaign – 196 breath tests administered; 2 persons arrested being over the limit. The next PACT meeting will be held on 16th January 2013.


It was RESOLVED that the following minutes be confirmed:- Full Council 4th December 2012 General Purposes Committee 4th December 2012 Estates Committee 11th December 2012 Finance Committee 11th December 2012

404 PROJECT OFFICER’S REPORT The Project Officer’s report covered the following areas:- Kidwelly Industrial Museum – The successful bid for monies for the interpretation project for the barbershop means the project is moving forward. The Allotment Society - Funding is being sought for a composting toilet. This is ongoing Quay & canal – Installation of a plastic grid system for the car park surface is being investigated. It was noted that this must be DDA compliant. The county council project team members have changed. They will be requested to attend the Kidwelly Partnership meeting on 17th January 2013. Plans for additional car parking have been submitted to the Welsh Government – councillors requested input to the plans before a decision was made. RSPB - The Otter Holt & Pond Clearance Project has been delayed by inclement weather. Renewable Energy – A SWOT analysis for Hydro, Solar and Wind power was presented. Mission Explore – This project (targeted at young people and families) will create a fun based activity that encourages walking in the area and visiting Kidwelly. It aims to encourage tourism, interest in the local area and interest from those who might not otherwise have visited.


Matters arising from Full Council on 4th December 2012

405 HERITAGE TOWN The trust aims to obtain Heritage Lottery Grant Funding to restore and regenerate Kidwelly Town Centre as defined by the Conservation Area. An extended conservation area has been applied for. A photo record of all buildings in the area has been completed. The narrative needs to be added. This can be used as a basis to measure future changes in the area. Former Town Hall:- Options for usage have been identified. 16-18 groups have registered an interest. Terms of a lease from the county council have been agreed and will go before the Executive Board for approval, in the new year. The lease will be between 99 – 125 years. Grant funding can be applied for once the lease is in operation.

406 CYDWELI 900 The Civic Society has confirmed that the name for the proposed celebrations should be Cydweli 900. It requested that the Town Council be the lead body for the event as it does not have the resources needed. Lord Rowlands will be asked whether he wishes to be involved, as he was chair of the Society when Cydweli 900 was launched. It was previously RESOLVED that a joint committee be set up to oversee the event. Organisations, interested individuals and members of the public will be invited to participate.

407 INFORMATION BOARDS The Town Forum has suggested that an information board be placed in the Town Square to enable residents to comment and make suggestions about key issues affecting the town. As the office window in Bridge Street will not be available as an information site, an alternative needs to be sought. It was agreed to look into the matter. Budget provision needs to be made.

408 MAINTENANCE OF TOWN CLOCK The horologist has reported that although the town clock is sited in a waterproof casing, there is considerable dampness in the ambient air. Installation of a heater under the clock was suggested. Options will be discussed with the Church.

409 KIDWELLY IN BLOOM A previous Kidwelly in Bloom project was initiated by the Trade and Tourism Association, supported by the Horticultural Society. It was previously RESOLVED in principle to support a future Kidwelly in Bloom project.

410 CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT The Award Ceremony was postponed in December 2012. Only 4 nominations have been received as yet. A further poster has been displayed to seek nominations. The Princess Gwenllian Centre is not available until at least April 2013 – an alternative venue may be sought. The date of the ceremony has not been arranged. It was suggested that the awards are held bi-annually.

411 OPTIONS WORKING GROUP – 2 BRIDGE STREET The most effective ways of distributing the questionnaire has been considered. Minutes will be circulated when available.

412 FEASIBILITY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY CREATION IN THE COMMUNITY The Project Officer provided a SWOT analysis of Hydro, Solar and Wind power.

413 COMMUNITY HALLS Mynydd y Garreg Hall:- – Events:- The hall committee will meet on 14th January 2013. Princess Gwenllian Centre:- Events – Burn’s Night 19th January 2013; AGM 31st January 2013. A full range of sporting and cultural activities are booked for the coming year.


414 REPORTS FROM SCHOOL GOVERNORS, YOUTH COUNCIL, OTHER REPRESENTATIVES Twinning Association:- The next meeting will be held on 9th January 2013. Residents of St Jacut will visit Kidwelly between the dates of 8th – 12th May 2013 Mynydd y Garreg School:- Mrs Llinos Jones will shortly be leaving her post. The Town Clerk will thank her for the work she has done while she was headteacher. Ysgol y Castell:- The newsletter was circulated Ysgol Gwenllian:- £707 was raised for Children in Need. The school continues to strive for the Eco Award. Youth Council:- No report was given Circulated:- Minutes of the One Voice , area Committee held on 16th October 2012. Minutes of the Flood Forum meeting held on 7th December 2012. Signage regarding the cleanliness of the water is being investigated.


DATE APPOINTMENT Monday 7th January 2013 Carmarthenshire Armed Forces committee 2.00pm Tuesday 8th January 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm Monday 14th January 2013 Welfare meeting 6.00pm Monday 14th January 2013 Mynydd Hall meeting 7.30pm Tuesday 15th January 2013 Welfare coffee morning 10.30am Tuesday 15th January 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm Wednesday 16th January 2013 PACT 6.00pm Wednesday 16th January 2013 Area Committee – One Voice Wales 7.00pm Thursday 17th January 2013 Kidwelly Partnership 10.00am Saturday 19th January 2013 Burn’s Night 7.00pm Monday 21st January 2013 Town Forum 6.00pm Thursday 24th January 2013 Kidwelly Industrial Museum 10.00am th Thursday 24 January 2013 PGC Trustees meeting 6.00pm Thursday 24th January 2013 History Society 7.00pm Friday 25th January 2013 NSPCC Murder Mystery 7.00pm Saturday 26th January 2013 Kids got Talent 6.00pm Monday 28th January 2013 Friends of St Mary 7.00pm Tuesday 29th January 2013 Welfare Coffee morning 10.30am Thursday 31st January 2013 PGC trustees meeting 6.00pm


DATE APPOINTMENT JANUARY 2013 Tuesday 8th January 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm Tuesday 15th January 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm Thursday 17th January 2013 Kidwelly Partnership 10.00am February 2013 Tuesday 5th February 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm Tuesday 12th February 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm


416 PRINCESS GWENLLIAN CENTRE – COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE It was RESOLVED to appoint Councillor Ryan Thomas as council representative on the hall trust. Note and Close this item.

417 NOTICE OF ELECTION - TOWN MAYOR 2013 - 2014 Notice of Election of the Town mayor for the year 2013 – 2014 was given. Nomination papers were circulated.


1 Carmarthenshire The County Council is inviting submission or recommendations of land for Gypsy County Council or Traveller sites. For information only as Kidwelly falls outside the area concerned. Note and Close this item. 2 Carmarthenshire A date of 22nd January 2013 was set for the visit of Enforcement Officers to County Council Kidwelly. This matter was referred to the General Purposes Committee. Note and Close this item. 3 One Voice Wales Strong Roots Project – Sustainable development. A training event will be held on 4th March 2013 in . Members were requested to contact the office to book a place. Note and Close this item. 4 Carmarthenshire Two places are available at the Code of Conduct training session on either 26th or County Council 27th February 2013. Councillor F.Burke-Lloyd will accompany the Town Clerk. Note and Close this item.

It was noted that the Mayoral Chain is in need of repair. This matter will be considered at the Finance Committee on 15th January 2013.



At the meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Tuesday, 5th February 2013 at 6.30pm.

Present:- Town Mayor J.Gilasbey Deputy Mayor T.Burns Councillors: B.Huws, M.Thomas, R.Thomas, L. Finch-Jones, H.Jones R.Davies, N.Howell-Davies, F. Burke-Lloyd, P.Davies, G.G.Jones Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Project Officer Maria McGerty Apologies:- Councillor K. Davies

The Chair welcomed Rev Roger Morley-Jones who offered prayers prior to the commencement of business. A minute silence was held in respect of the death of former Councillor N. Morgan. Condolences were expressed for the death of the mother of County Councillor Keith Davies.

464 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest.

465 POLICING MATTERS The Police gave their apologies and provided a written report for January:- detection rate for the year to date is 57.8% compared to 51.1% last year. 16 crimes reported:- valdalism to tyres in Ferry Road, assault on a female, 3 incidents of metal thefts. Theft from property on a building site, trailer stolen from a farmyard, theft of lead flashing from a social club, 5 drug arrests. The report highlighted the need to be vigilant in securing property as a deterant to theft. The next PACT meeting will be held on 20th February 2013.

466 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND POLICIES It was RESOLVED that the following minutes be confirmed:-  Full Council 8th January 2013  General Purposes Committee 8th January 2013  Estates Committee 15th January 2013  Finance Committee 15th January 2013  Estates Committee 22nd January 2013  Adjourned Finance Committee 22nd January 2013

467 PROJECT OFFICER’S REPORT The Project Officer’s report covered the following areas:- Kidwelly Industrial Museum – Barbershop and industrial exhibition – funding is being claimed. The Allotment Society – Information has been passed to the society. Quay & canal – A report about the history of the Quay structure project has been circulated. This will be considered further by the Estates Committee. RSPB - The otter holt project will go ahead on 23rd February 2013. Meeting dates for canal clearance and land management to be arranged. Town Square – Request from “Parkinson UK” to use the square for a cycling event on 7th July 2013 Town cemetery – The Project Officer will attend the Beautiful Burial Grounds Conference. Green Flag Award – It was RESOLVED that the project officer apply for this award. Woodland Management – Grants would be investigated. The Mynydd y Garreg Mountain working party will be re-formed.


Matters arising from Full Council on 8th January 2013

468 HERITAGE TOWN The trust aims to obtain Heritage Lottery Grant Funding to restore and regenerate Kidwelly Town Centre as defined by the Conservation Area. An extended conservation area has been applied for. A photo record of all buildings in the area has been completed. The narrative needs to be added. This can be used as a basis to measure future changes in the area. Former Town Hall:- Options for usage have been identified. 16-18 groups have registered an interest. Terms of a lease from the county council have been agreed and will go before the Executive Board for approval, in the new year. The lease will be between 99 – 125 years. Grant funding can be applied for once the lease is in operation.

469 CYDWELI 900 The Civic Society has confirmed that the name for the proposed celebrations should be Cydweli 900. It requested that the Town Council be the lead body for the event as it does not have the resources needed. Lord Rowlands will be asked whether he wishes to be involved, as he was chair of the Society when Cydweli 900 was launched. It was previously RESOLVED that a joint committee be set up to oversee the event. Organisations, interested individuals and members of the public will be invited to participate.

470 INFORMATION BOARDS The Town Forum has suggested that an information board be placed in the Town Square to enable residents to comment and make suggestions about key issues affecting the town. As the office window in Bridge Street will not be available as an information site, an alternative needs to be sought. It was agreed to look into the matter. Budget provision needs to be made.

471 MAINTENANCE OF TOWN CLOCK The horologist has reported that although the town clock is sited in a waterproof casing, there is considerable dampness in the ambient air. Installation of a heater under the clock was suggested. Options will be discussed with the Church.

472 KIDWELLY IN BLOOM A previous Kidwelly in Bloom project was initiated by the Trade and Tourism Association, supported by the Horticultural Society. It was previously RESOLVED in principle to support a future Kidwelly in Bloom project.

473 CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT The award ceremony will be held on 19th April 2013 in Mynydd y Garreg Hall Nominations must be received by 5th March 2013 to be considered by Full Council.

474 OPTIONS WORKING GROUP / 2 BRIDGE STREET The SWOT analysis is nearing completion. The Questionnaire is finalised. Councillor Ray Davies has offered to distribute it. The report will be completed by the end of March 2013. Minutes of the last meeting will be circulated when available. Councillor B.Huws proposed that for financial reasons and to preserve the library, the offices move back to the ground floor of 2 Bridge Street as soon as refurbishment had been carried out. No alternative accommodation was available. An estimated cost of £15,470 had been provided. Debate ensued. Concerns were expressed that the move would pre-empt any findings of the OWG and that to comply with Financial Regulations 3 quotes for the refurbishment work would be required. An amendment to the proposal was put forward “to wait until the OWG report was available before making any decision on relocation of the offices”. The amendment fell. A formal resolution was tabled and the vote recorded:-


“To agree, in principle, that there will be a temporary move of the offices back to the ground floor of 2 Bridge Street, providing that 3 quotations are submitted to Council in accordance with Financial Regulations”

For Against B.Huws N.Howel-Davies J.Gilasbey R.Davies G.G.Jones L.Finch-Jones T.Burns P.Davies M.Thomas R.Thomas F.Burke-Lloyd H.Jones

475 FEASIBILITY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY CREATION IN THE COMMUNITY The Project Officer had previously provided a SWOT analysis of Hydro, Solar and Wind power. It was RESOLVED that the project officer investigate grants for a feasibility study

476 COMMUNITY HALLS Mynydd y Garreg Hall:- – Events:- the Hall’s 40th year anniversary will be celebrated on 8th February 2013 with entertainment and a buffet laid on. Princess Gwenllian Centre:- Events – Burn’s Night 9th February 2013; Twining evening “A Taste of France” 22nd February 2013. The annual accounts will be circulated when available.

477 REPORTS FROM SCHOOL GOVERNORS, YOUTH COUNCIL, OTHER REPRESENTATIVES Twinning Association:- A “Taste of France” evening will be held on 22nd February 2013. Visitor from St Jacut de la Mer will arrive on 8th May 2013 for a few days. Mynydd y Garreg School:- Report to be circulated Ysgol y Castell:- The newsletter will be circulated Ysgol Gwenllian:- Report to be circulated Youth Council:- The next meeting will be held on 22nd February 2013.


DATE APPOINTMENT Monday 4th February 2013 Kidwelly Industrial Museum 1.30pm Monday 4th February 2013 Mynydd y Garreg Hall 6.00pm Tuesday 5th February 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm Thursday 7th February 2013 Civic Society 7.00pm Friday 8th February 2013 40th Anniversary – Mynydd y Garreg hall 7.00pm Saturday 9th February 2013 Burn’s Night 7.00pm Monday 11th February 2013 Welfare meeting 6.00pm Tuesday 12th February 2013 Welfare coffee morning 10.30am Tuesday 12th February 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm Friday 15th February 2013 CCC meeting 3.00pm Saturday 16th February 2013 Twinning evening – a Taste of France 7.00pm Monday 18th February 2013 Town Forum 6.00pm Wednesday 20th February 2013 PACT 6.00pm Thursday 21st February 2013 Industrial Museum 10.30am Thursday 21st February 2013 History Society 7.00pm Friday 22nd February 2013 Quiz – Mynydd y Garreg Hall 7.00pm Tuesday 26th February 2013 Welfare Coffee morning 10.30am Tuesday 26th February 2013 Cydweli 900 7.00pm Thursday 28th February 2013 PGC trustees meeting 6.00pm 107


DATE APPOINTMENT February 2013 Tuesday 5th February 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm Tuesday 12th February 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm Wednesday 20th February 2013 PACT 6.00pm Tuesday 26th February 2013 Cydweli 900 7.00pm March 2013 Tuesday 5th March 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm Tuesday 12th March 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm

479 CONFIRMATION OF BUDGET 2013 - 2014 The Budget for 2013-2014 was confirmed with a 4.5% increase in precept. Precept forms had been returned to the county council. A Budget Book is being compiled. Note and Close this item.

480 NOTICE OF ELECTION - TOWN MAYOR 2013 - 2014 Two nomination papers were received for Councillors J.Gilasbey and L.Finch-Jones. It was RESOLVED to hold a secret ballot. 12 ballot papers were submitted. 7 votes for Councillor L.Finch-Jones 5 votes for Councillor J.Gilasbey. Councillor J.Gilasbey congratulated the Mayor elect and wished her well in her forthcoming mayoral year. Note and Close this item.


1 Carmarthenshire Draft proposals for election arrangements in Carmarthenshire have been received. County Council Note and Close this item. 2 Carmarthenshire An advisory paper “How community Councils can help contribute to a sustainable County Council Carmarthenshire” had been circulated. Note and Close this item. 3 Mynydd y Garreg An invitation to the 40th Anniversary of the Hall has been circulated. Friday 8th Hall February 2013 at 7.00pm. Note and Close this item.



At the meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Tuesday, 5th March 2013 at 6.30pm.

Present:- Town Mayor J.Gilasbey Councillors: B.Huws, M.Thomas, R.Thomas, L. Finch-Jones, K. Davies R.Davies, N.Howell-Davies, F. Burke-Lloyd, P.Davies, Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Project Officer Maria McGerty Apologies:- Councillor T.Burns, G.G.Jones, H.Jones

The Town Clerk offered prayers prior to the commencement of business.

522 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minute 524 – Councillors K.Davies & F.Burke-Lloyd

523 POLICING MATTERS The police submitted a written report which was circulated. The next PACT meeting - 20th March 2013.

524 PRESENTATION BY SPORTS ASSOCIATION The county council has substancially increased fees for users of Parc Stephens making use of the park prohibitive. Over 300 young people use the facilities. It was noted that the activities carried out are invaluable to young people’s development and social skills. The sporting associations requested that the town council consider ways of assisting the clubs to carry on their sporting activities. It was RESOLVED to invite local community councils to join Kidwelly Town Council in a campaign to get the county council to reconsider the proposed fee increase. The Town Clerk will write to the County Council requesting this. County Councillor K.Davies explained the anomalies in the system of charges for sporting facilities. Actual costs of fee increases will be prepared so that the level of support needed can be calculated. This matter was referred to the Finance Committee. Note and Close this item.

525 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND POLICIES It was RESOLVED that the following minutes be confirmed:-  Full Council 5th February 2013  General Purposes Committee 5th February 2013  Estates Committee 12th February 2013  Finance Committee 12th February 2013

526 PROJECT OFFICER’S REPORT The Project Officer had circulated a matrix detailing the 15 projects she is currently working on. She specifically commented on the following:- The Allotment Society – arrangements for a composting toilet are being finalised. Quay & canal – information on Phase 3 has been requested from the county council. RSPB/Canal - £7k has been made available for canal clearance and pond scraping. The work will take 8 days and will be carried out before the end of March. Skate Park – 10 potential grants are available. No feedback from the schools. The Project officer will contact the head teachers and the Youth Council with a view to getting ideas from the children and young people. Woodland Management – Glastir – the town council has been put on the list for potential grant assistance.


Matters arising from Full Council on 5th February 2013

527 HERITAGE TOWN The trust aims to obtain Heritage Lottery Grant Funding to restore and regenerate Kidwelly Town Centre as defined by the Conservation Area. An extended conservation area has been applied for. A photo record of all buildings in the area has been completed. The narrative needs to be added. This can be used as a basis to measure future changes in the area. Former Town Hall:- Options for usage have been identified. 16-18 groups have registered an interest. Terms of a lease from the county council have been agreed and will go before the Executive Board for approval, in the new year. The lease will be between 99 – 125 years. Grant funding can be applied for once the lease is in operation.

528 CYDWELI 900 Lord Rowlands has stated that he wishes to be involved, as he was chair of the Society when Cydweli 900 was launched. An initial meeting will be arranged as soon as possible. Organisations, interested individuals and members of the public will be invited.

529 INFORMATION BOARDS The Town Forum has suggested that an information board be placed in the Town Square to enable residents to comment and make suggestions about key issues affecting the town. As the office window in Bridge Street will not be available as an information site, an alternative needs to be sought. It was agreed to look into the matter. Budget provision needs to be made.

530 MAINTENANCE OF TOWN CLOCK The horologist has reported that although the town clock is sited in a waterproof casing, there is considerable dampness in the ambient air. Installation of a heater under the clock was suggested. Options will be discussed with the Church.

531 KIDWELLY IN BLOOM A previous Kidwelly in Bloom project was initiated by the Trade and Tourism Association, supported by the Horticultural Society. It was previously RESOLVED in principle to support a future Kidwelly in Bloom project.

532 CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT The award ceremony will be held on 19th April 2013 in Mynydd y Garreg Hall Nominations were considered and recipients approved. Certificates will be prepared.

533 OPTIONS WORKING GROUP / 2 BRIDGE STREET OWG - Minutes of previous meetings of the OWG had been circulated. It was reported that most of the questionnaire had been circulated and approximately 60 had been returned. The method of analysis was queried. A spreadsheet will be prepared. Bridge Street - The Town Clerk and Councillor B.Huws met with a contractor who stated that detailed specifications of refurbishment work to be carried out should be drawn up before going to tender. The cost of this will be considered by the Finance Committee.

534 FEASIBILITY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY CREATION IN THE COMMUNITY The Project Officer had previously provided a SWOT analysis of Hydro, Solar and Wind power. It was RESOLVED that the project officer investigate grants for a feasibility study

535 COMMUNITY HALLS Mynydd y Garreg Hall:- – The 40th Anniversary Celebrations were enjoyed by many. £200 was raised by a Quiz Night. The Bryn Fon concert on 2nd March was very successful. The benches at Cofio Grav are in need of attention. A request for a dog waste bag dispenser was referred to Finance Committee. 116

Princess Gwenllian Centre:- Phase 2 will move forward, promotion of the hall will be encouraged. Quotations for new audio equipment will be sought. Costs for Caravan club events will be looked into. A barn dance is being considered. The Carnival Queen Disco will be held on 3rd May 2013.

536 REPORTS FROM SCHOOL GOVERNORS, YOUTH COUNCIL, OTHER REPRESENTATIVES Twinning Association:- A social evening was held on 16th February 2013. The visitors from St Jacut de la Mer will arrive on 8th May and depart on 12th May 2013. A trip to Tenby is planned. Mynydd y Garreg School:- to be circulated Ysgol y Castell:- The newsletter was circulated Flood Forum:- The project officer will look into the problem of “fracking licences” being granted. Youth Council:- work on utilising the youth hut is progressing Eisteddfod:- A fundraising meeting was held on 27th February 2013. Officers were appointed. The target to be reached will be queried. The next meeting will be held on 13th March 2013. One Voice Wales:- Minutes will be circulated as soon as they are received.

537 MAYOR’S DIARY / FORTHCOMING MEETINGS DATE APPOINTMENT Friday 1st March 2013 Ysgol y Castell Concert 10.30am Friday 1st March 2013 Cefn Sidan Rotary Dinner 7.00pm Saturday 2nd March 2013 Bryn Fon 7.00pm Monday 4th March 2013 Ysgol y Castell governors meeting 3.30pm Monday 4th March 2013 Bread of heaven 7.30pm Tuesday 5th March 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm Friday 8th March 2013 Civic Society Dinner 7.30pm Monday 11th March 2013 Welfare Committee 6.00pm Monday 11th March 2013 6.30pm Tuesday 12th March 2013 Welfare coffee morning 10.30am Tuesday 12th March 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm Wednesday 13th March 2013 Air Show committee meeting 7.30pm Thursday 14th March 2013 Civic Society 7.00pm Monday 18th March 2013 Town Forum 6.00pm Monday 18th March 2013 St Mary’s Church 7.00pm Wednesday 20th March 2013 PACT 6.00pm Wednesday 20th March 2013 Quiz – Cancer Research 7.00pm Friday 22nd March 2013 Mynydd y Garreg Quiz 7.00pm Saturday 23rd March 2013 Trefoil Guild Cymru 2.00pm Tuesday 26th March 2013 Welfare Coffee morning 10.30am Thursday 28th March 2013 PGC trustees meeting 6.00pm Sunday 31st March 2013 Charity Evening – Llanelli Town Council 7.00pm

FORTHCOMING MEETINGS April 2013 Tuesday 9th April 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm Friday 12th April 2013 Certificates of Achievement 6.00pm Tuesday 16th April 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm Thursday 18th April 2013 Kidwelly Partnership 10.00am

538 CORRESPONDENCE – MARCH 2013 There was no correspondence. Note and Close this item.



9th APRIL 2013

At the meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Tuesday, 9th April 2013 at 6.30pm.

Present:- Town Mayor J.Gilasbey Deputy Mayor T.Burns Councillors: B.Huws, M.Thomas, R.Thomas, L. Finch-Jones, H.Jones R.Davies, N.Howell-Davies, F. Burke-Lloyd, P.Davies Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Project Officer Maria McGerty Apologies:- Councillor K.Davies

Rev Roger Morley-Jones offered prayers prior to the commencement of business. The mayor thanked Rev Morley-Jones for his work as Mayor’s Chaplain during her two years in office.

585 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest

586 POLICING MATTERS The police submitted a written report which was circulated. The next PACT meeting - 17th April 2013.

587 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND POLICIES It was RESOLVED that the following minutes be confirmed:-  Full Council 5th March 2013  General Purposes Committee 5th March 2013  Estates Committee 12th March 2013  Finance Committee 12th March 2013  Extraordinary Full Council 25th March 2013

588 PROJECT OFFICER’S REPORT The Project Officer gave a verbal report:- The Allotment Society – The bid for the compost toilet will be submitted within the week. Quay & canal – A further meeting with the county council will be held on 24th April 2013. RSPB/Canal – Work on the canal has been completed. Islands in the pond have been reinstated so that swans can nest in safety. Green Flag Award – a volunteer weekend is being planned. The Big Walk – The Ramblers are celebrating the 1st anniversary of the opening of the Wales Coastal Path on 2nd May 2013. An Assembly Minister and colleagues are expected to attend. As part of this event the “Beating the Bounds” walk will be undertaken on 5th May 2013. Help from councillors was requested at these events. Heol Ray Gravell – The work at Heol Ray Gravell will commence on 15th April 2013 The Mayor thanked the Project Officer for her hard work during her term of office.


Matters arising from Full Council on 5th March 2013

589 HERITAGE TOWN The trust aims to obtain Heritage Lottery Grant Funding to restore and regenerate Kidwelly Town Centre as defined by the Conservation Area. An extended conservation area has been applied for. A photo record of all buildings in the area has been completed. The narrative needs to be added. This can be used as a basis to measure future changes in the area. Former Town Hall:- Options for usage have been identified. 16-18 groups have registered an interest. Terms of a lease from the county council have been agreed and will go before the Executive Board for approval, in the new year. The lease will be between 99 – 125 years. Grant funding can be applied for once the lease is in operation.

590 CYDWELI 900 An initial meeting has been arranged for 18th April 2013. Organisations, interested individuals and members of the public have been invited.

591 INFORMATION BOARDS The Town Forum has suggested that an information board be placed in the Town Square to enable residents to comment and make suggestions about key issues affecting the town. As the office window in Bridge Street will not be available as an information site, an alternative needs to be sought. It was agreed to look into the matter. Budget provision needs to be made.

592 MAINTENANCE OF TOWN CLOCK The horologist has reported that the motor in the clock needs replacing at a cost of £1335. This matter was referred to the Finance Committee. Note and Close this item.

593 KIDWELLY IN BLOOM A previous Kidwelly in Bloom project was initiated by the Trade and Tourism Association, supported by the Horticultural Society. It was previously RESOLVED in principle to support a future Kidwelly in Bloom project.

594 CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT The award ceremony will be held on 19th April 2013 in Mynydd y Garreg Hall.

595 OPTIONS WORKING GROUP / 2 BRIDGE STREET The Town Clerk informed members that anomalies had been encountered when scrutinising the questionnaires returned. A request for the meeting to go “into Camera” was received. The Town Clerk advised against this. It was RESOLVED to discuss the issues raised “in camera” The vote was recorded:-

FOR AGAINST J.Gilasbey L.Finch-Jones P.Davies R.Thomas T.Burns N.Howell-Davies M.Thomas B.Huws F.Burke-Lloyd H.Jones R.Davies

Outcome of the “in camera” discussions:- It was RESOLVED to extract the suggestions from all 411 questionnaires (without weighting or counting) and incorporate them into the options report. The Chair of the OWG was unable to provide a date for completion of the report but assured members it would be finalised as soon as possible.


596 FEASIBILITY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY CREATION IN THE COMMUNITY The Project Officer had previously provided a SWOT analysis of Hydro, Solar and Wind power. It had previously been RESOLVED that the project officer investigate grants for a feasibility study

597 COMMUNITY HALLS Mynydd y Garreg Hall:- – Two grants have been obtained to update the lobby and purchase new tables and a trolley. Cllr F.Burke-Lloyd contributed £131 from her Mayor’s Charity account. The hedge adjacent to the hall has been pruned by Clls B.Huws, H.Jones and Mr Stephen Finch. Hedges at Brynhefin Fields will be cut as part of the “Safe routes” and recycling schemes. Princess Gwenllian Centre:- No meetings have been held.

598 REPORTS FROM SCHOOL GOVERNORS, YOUTH COUNCIL, OTHER REPRESENTATIVES Mynydd y Garreg School:- Newsletter will be circulated Ysgol y Castell:- The newsletter was circulated Youth Council:- A grant from “Tidy Towns” is to be applied for. One Voice Wales:- Minutes had been circulated. Sports association:- A meeting will be held on 11th April 2013, members were requested to support.

599 APPOINTMENT OF GOVENOR FOR YSGOL GWENLLIAN Councillor Lynda Finch-Jones was appointed governor for Ysgol Gwenllian. Note and Close this item.

600 PROPOSAL FROM PASTOR PARKER TO DEVELOP 2 BRIDGE STREET Pastor Parker had written, outlining proposals for bringing the property into use for the community. His suggestions were received favourably. He will be invited to the next meeting of the Options Working Group to discuss these issues. This matter will be considered further next month under Minute 595. Note and Close this item.


DATE APPOINTMENT Saturday 6th April 2013 Glan y Morfa Open Day 2.30pm Monday 8th April 2013 Welfare Committee - AGM 6.00pm Monday 8th April 2013 St Mary’s meeting 7.00pm Monday 8th April 2013 Mynydd Hall meeting 7.30pm Tuesday 9th April 2013 Welfare Coffee morning 10.30am Tuesday 9th April 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm Wednesday 10th April 2013 Mynydd y Garreg Senior Citizens 12.00pm Friday 12th April 2013 Certificates of Achievement 6.00pm Saturday 13th April 2013 Mayor’s Charity Comedy Evening 7.00pm Tuesday 16th April 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm Wednesday 17th April 2013 Parks Steering Group 2.00pm Wednesday 17th April 2013 PACT 6.00pm Thursday 18th April 2013 Kidwelly Partnership 10.00am Thursday 18th April 2013 Cydweli 900 7.00pm Tuesday 23rd April 2013 Welfare coffee morning 10.30am Thursday 25th April 2013 PGC trustees meeting 6.00pm Saturday 27th April 2013 Outdoor Bowls opening session 2.00pm Sunday 28th April 2013 Beaver Scouts in Kidwelly event 10.00am Sunday 28th April 2013 Jesus Christ superstar performance 7.00pm



DATE APPOINTMENT April 2013 Tuesday 9th April 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm Friday 12th April 2013 Certificates of Achievement 6.00pm Tuesday 16th April 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm Wednesday 17th April 2013 PACT 6.00pm Thursday 18th April 2013 Kidwelly Partnership 10.00am Thursday 18th April 2013 Cydweli 900 7.00pm May 2013 Sunday 5th May 2013 Beating the Bounds 10.00am Wednesday 8th May 2013 St Jacut de la Mer visitors arrive Sunday 12th May 2013 AGM and Mayor making 9.15am Tuesday 14th May 2013 Full Council & G.P. Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm

602 CORRESPONDENCE – APRIL 2013 1 Carmarthenshire Information regarding the allocation of councillors to specific wards had been County Council circulated. It was noted that Castle Ward has 8 councillors and Mynydd Ward has 5. Castle Ward has 44% of the electorate and Mynydd has 56%. An increase in number of councillors was considered an option. It was RESOLVED to request a review of the composition of the Town Council. For clarity, this item will be considered further under the minute entitled “Composition of the Town Council.” 2 Carmarthenshire Information regarding the Armed Forces Community Covenant Grant had been County Council circulated. Grants of between £100-£250k are available for community projects to help serving and ex-serving personnel and their families. Note and Close this item. 3 Carmarthenshire Protocol for working relationships between Community Councillors and the County Council local County Councillor had been circulated. Note and Close this item. 4 Kidwelly Festival The choir has requested to purchase surplus council filing cabinets, subject to Choir cost. It was agreed that the Choir could have the cabinets at no cost. Note and Close this item. 5 Cardiff University Wales Rural Observatory – Services Survey 2013 has been received. Councillor F.Burke-Lloyd volunteered to look into this matter. Note and Close this item.

The Mayor thanked councillors and staff for their support during her two years of office. She wished the Mayor Elect her best wishes for the coming mayoral year.



At the ADJOURNED meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Tuesday, 14th May 2013 at 6.30pm.

Present:- Town Mayor L. Finch-Jones Deputy Mayor R.Thomas Councillors: B.Huws, M.Thomas, H.Jones, T.Burns, K.Davies, G.G.Jones R.Davies, N.Howell-Davies, F. Burke-Lloyd, P.Davies, J.Gilasbey Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Project Officer Maria McGerty Apologies:- Councillor

Rev Roger Morley-Jones offered prayers prior to the commencement of business. The Mayor thanked all who helped at Mayor Making on 12th May 2013. She stated the importance of all councillors respecting the Code of Conduct and Standing Orders of the Town Council.

1 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest

2 POLICING MATTERS It was reported that Sgt Aston had been replaced by Sgt Bell who attended with PC Gary Cutler. Members were informed of the crime figures for April, incidents of theft/burglary, criminal damage and misuse of drugs. It was noted that PSCO Jo Gardner had been assaulted. Thanks were expressed to the Police for their assistance at the Mayor Making parade.

3 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND POLICIES It was RESOLVED that the following minutes be confirmed:-  Full Council 9th April 2013  General Purposes Committee 9th April 2013  Estates Committee 16th April 2013  Finance Committee 16th April 2013  Extraordinary Full Council 30th April 2013

4 PROJECT OFFICER’S REPORT The Project Officer gave a verbal report:- The Big Walk – The Ramblers celebrating the 1st anniversary of the opening of the Wales Coastal Path on 2nd May 2013. As part of this event the “Beating the Bounds” walk was undertaken on 5th May 2013. The Project Officer thanked all members who had helped with the events which were very successful. She then left the meeting to prepare for the trip to London the next day. Kidwelly “Ambassadors” will man a stand at Paddington Station to promote the town and its environs.

Matters arising from Full Council on 9th April 2013

5 HERITAGE TOWN The trust aims to obtain Heritage Lottery Grant Funding to restore and regenerate Kidwelly Town Centre as defined by the Conservation Area. An extended conservation area has been applied for. A photo record of all buildings in the area has been completed. The narrative needs to be added. This can be used as a basis to measure future changes in the area.


Former Town Hall:- Options for usage have been identified. 16-18 groups have registered an interest. Terms of a lease from the county council have been agreed and will go before the Executive Board for approval, in the new year. The lease will be between 99 – 125 years. Grant funding can be applied for once the lease is in operation.

6 CYDWELI 900 A further meeting has been arranged for 16th May 2013. Organisations, interested individuals and members of the public have been invited.

7 INFORMATION BOARDS The Town Forum has suggested that an information board be placed in the Town Square to enable residents to comment and make suggestions about key issues affecting the town. As the office window in Bridge Street will not be available as an information site, an alternative needs to be sought. It was agreed to look into the matter. Budget provision needs to be made.

8 KIDWELLY IN BLOOM A previous Kidwelly in Bloom project was initiated by the Trade and Tourism Association, supported by the Horticultural Society. It was previously RESOLVED in principle to support a future Kidwelly in Bloom project.

9 CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT The award ceremony was held on 19th April 2013 in Mynydd y Garreg Hall. Note and Close this item.

10 OPTIONS WORKING GROUP / 2 BRIDGE STREET Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated along with the agenda for 20th May 2013.

11 COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL Castle Ward has 8 councillors and Mynydd Ward has 5. Castle Ward has 44% of the electorate and Mynydd has 56%. A review of the composition of the Town Council has been requested.

12 FEASIBILITY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY CREATION IN THE COMMUNITY The Project Officer had previously provided a SWOT analysis of Hydro, Solar and Wind power. It had previously been RESOLVED that the project officer investigate grants for a feasibility study

13 COMMUNITY HALLS Mynydd y Garreg Hall:- – A report had been circulated detailing the events held at the hall. The storage room has been cleared and is available for hire. Refurbishment is underway. The hall AGM will be held on 3rd June 2013 and the Carnival on 22nd June 2013. Princess Gwenllian Centre:- A written report will be circulated.

14 REPORTS FROM SCHOOL GOVERNORS, YOUTH COUNCIL, OTHER REPRESENTATIVES Mynydd y Garreg School:- Fundraising – selling cakes and holding raffles has taken place. Participation in Mynydd y Garreg Eisteddfod. In future a Newsletter will be circulated Ysgol y Castell:- The newsletter had been circulated Ysgol Gwenllian:- A report had been circulated detailing the events held at the school and a diary of forthcoming activities. Concern has been expressed over the failure of some children to be accepted for Bro Myrddin in September. This matter has been taken to appeal. The council has been requested to assist in resolving this matter. Welfare Committee:- Plans for the Carnival are progressing. Council assistance has been requested for the use of a “man with a van” for the occasion. Next meeting 28th May 2013. Eisteddfod 2014:- A report had been circulated detailing the events already held and details of planned activities. Next meeting – 22nd May 2013.


Twinning Association:- 44 visitors from St Jacut de la Mer have visted Kidwelly – 8th-12th May 2013. A report setting out their schedule had been circulated.


Committee Chair - Councillor Deputy Chair - Councillor Full Council L. Finch-Jones – Mayor R.Thomas – Deputy Mayor Establishment L. Finch-Jones - Mayor R.Thomas – Deputy Mayor General Purposes K.Davies J.Gilasbey Estates B.Huws N.Howell-Davies Finance R.Thomas H.Jones Policy & Strategy M.Thomas F.Burke-Lloyd

Community Halls Gwenllian Hall Representative Mayor - Councillor L. Finch-Jones Councillor K. Davies Councillor R.Thomas Mynyddygarreg Hall Representative Mayor - Councillor L. Finch-Jones Councillor R. Thomas Councillor J.Gilasbey School Governors Ysgol Y Castell Councillor J.Gilasbey Ysgol Gwenllian Councillor L. Finch-Jones Ysgol Mynyddygarreg Councillor F.Burke-Lloyd Other Organisations One Voice Wales Mayor - Councillor L. Finch-Jones Councillor J.Gilasbey Kidwelly Twinning Association Councillor T.Burns Youth Council Councillor Non Howell-Davies Town Forum Councillor J.Gilasbey Cedweli 900 Councillor T.Burns Hanes Cedweli Councillor B.Huws Kidwelly Historical Society Councillor R.Davies Eisteddfod 2014 Councillor L.Finch-Jones Kidwelly Heritage Trust Councillor F.Burke-Lloyd Note and Close this item.


MAYOR’S DIARY DATE APPOINTMENT May 1st Safe Routes in the Community – PGC * 4.00pm May 1st Llanelli Town Council Mayor Making 6.00pm May 2nd Coastal Walk - Kidwelly 9.30am May 3rd Queens Selection Dance - PGC 6.00pm May 5th Beating The Bounds 10.30am May 7th Welfare Coffee Morning - Kidwelly Rugby Club * 10.30am May 7th OWG – St Mary’s Parish Rooms * 6.30pm 4

May 8th Ail Gyfle Meeting 10.30am May 9th Twinning Event - PGC 7.00pm May 9th Civic Society AGM – Capel Sul 7.00pm May 10th Carmarthen Town Council Mayor Making 6.30pm May 10th Eisteddfod y Mynydd - Mynydd y Garreg Hall 5.00pm May 11th St Mary’s Church Fete 2.00pm May 13th Kidwelly Town Council AGM - PGC 9.15am May 13th Kidwelly Town Council Civic Service -St Mary’s Church 11.00am May 13th Hywel Girls & Boys Choir– Fwrnes Theatre, Llanelli 5.00am May 14th Welfare Committee – White Lion 6.00pm May 14th Mynydd y Garreg Hall Committee Meeting 7.30pm May 16th Christian Aid Hunger Lunch - Kidwelly Rugby Club 12.00 May 16th Cydweli 900 at PGC 7.00pm May 17th Quiz Night at Mynydd y Garreg Hall 7.00pm May 18th Craft Fayre Trinity Methodist Church 10.00am May 18th Kidwelly Camera Club Exhibition - PGC 10am - 6pm May 19th Kidwelly Camera Club Exhibition - PGC 10am - 6pm May 20th OWG - St Mary’s Parish Rooms 6.30pm May 21st Welfare Coffee Morning -Kidwelly Rugby Club 10.30pm May 22nd PACT - Kidwelly Rugby Club 6.00pm May 22nd Eisteddfod Committee Meeting Kidwelly Rugby Club 7.00pm May 23rd Ail Gyfle Coffee Morning - Kidwelly Rugby Club 10.30pm May 23rd Safe Routes –Manned event - PGC TBA May 23rd Local History Society 7.30pm May 24th Big Lottery Event – Botanic Gardens 10.00am May 24th Launch of the Police and Crime Plan - Carmarthen 12.30pm May 28th Welfare Committee – White Lion 6.00pm May 30th PGC Trustees Meeting 6.00pm *Denotes apologies sent - Bold Font denotes Community events/meetings open to all Councillors


DATE APPOINTMENT May 2013 Sunday 12th May 2013 AGM and Mayor making 9.15am Tuesday 14th May 2013 Full Council & G.P. Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm Wednesday 15th May 2013 PACT 6.00pm Wednesday 15th May 2013 “Ambassadors” visit London Thursday 16th May 2013 Christian Aid Hunger Lunch 12.30pm June 2013 Tuesday 4th June 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm Tuesday 11th June 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm Wednesday 19th June 2013 PACT 6.00pm

17 CORRESPONDENCE – MAY 2013 There was no correspondence. Note and Close this item.



4th JUNE 2013

At the meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Tuesday, 4th June 2013 at 6.30pm.

Present:- Town Mayor L. Finch-Jones Deputy Mayor R.Thomas Councillors: B.Huws, M.Thomas, H.Jones, ,K.Davies, N.Howell-Davies, P.Davies, J.Gilasbey Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Project Officer Maria McGerty Apologies:- Councillor T.Burns, F. Burke-Lloyd, R.Davies

The Town Clerk offered prayers prior to the commencement of business.

58 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest

59 POLICING MATTERS No Police Report was available.

60 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND POLICIES It was RESOLVED that the following minutes be confirmed:-  AGM and adjourned Full Council 12th and 14th May 2013  General Purposes Committee 14th May 2013  Estates Committee 14th May 2013  Finance Committee 14th May 2013

61 PROJECT OFFICER’S REPORT The Project Officer circulated a detailed written report, which she expanded upon. Matters arising from the report:- A Quay & Canal group meeting with the county council will be held on 12th June 2013 to consider Phase 3 of the development. It was agreed that a representative from each of the organisations with an interest in the Quay, should be invited. Funding is available for an “Active Consultation” Project. This will involve the development of an overall community strategy for Kidwelly and Mynydd y Garreg. The Project Officer will meet with members to progress this matter.

Matters arising from Full Council on 14th May 2013

62 HERITAGE TOWN The trust aims to obtain Heritage Lottery Grant Funding to restore and regenerate Kidwelly Town Centre as defined by the Conservation Area. An extended conservation area has been applied for. A photo record of all buildings in the area has been completed. The narrative needs to be added. This can be used as a basis to measure future changes in the area. Former Town Hall:- Options for usage have been identified. 16-18 groups have registered an interest. Terms of a lease from the county council have been agreed and will go before the Executive Board for approval, in the new year. The lease will be between 99 – 125 years. Grant funding can be applied for once the lease is in operation.


63 CYDWELI 900 A constitution has been agreed. A further meeting has been arranged for 10th June 2013. Organisations, interested individuals and members of the public have been invited.

64 INFORMATION BOARDS The Town Forum has suggested that an information board be placed in the Town Square to enable residents to comment and make suggestions about key issues affecting the town. As the office window in Bridge Street will not be available as an information site, an alternative needs to be sought. It was agreed to look into the matter. Budget provision needs to be made.

65 KIDWELLY IN BLOOM A previous Kidwelly in Bloom project was initiated by the Trade and Tourism Association, supported by the Horticultural Society. It was previously RESOLVED in principle to support a future Kidwelly in Bloom project.

66 OPTIONS WORKING GROUP / 2 BRIDGE STREET Writing the report has commenced. It was RESOLVED that all issues arising from the questionnaires be concluded as soon as councillors have had the opportunity to view them. It was also RESOLVED that any further discussions relating to the questionnaires will not be held “in camera”.

67 COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL Castle Ward has 8 councillors and Mynydd Ward has 5. Castle Ward has 44% of the electorate and Mynydd has 56%. A review of the composition of the Town Council has been requested. It was RESOLVED to request that the electoral area covered by the Town Council be split into two distinct electoral districts with the by-pass being the natural boundary. It was also RESOLVED to work towards achieving parity in the existing wards in relation to the number of elected councillors.

68 FEASIBILITY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY CREATION IN THE COMMUNITY The Project Officer had previously provided a SWOT analysis of Hydro, Solar and Wind power. It had previously been RESOLVED that the project officer investigate grants for a feasibility study


Mynydd y Garreg Hall:- – The AGM was held on 3rd June 2013. Officers remain the same. Progress on refurbishment of the hall was reported. Princess Gwenllian Centre:- Phase 2 grant application is almost complete. Use of solar panels will be maximized. Use of new microphones is being researched. Food Standards procedures are being updated. The Beer Festival will be held on 6th-7th September 2013.

70 REPORTS FROM SCHOOL GOVERNORS, YOUTH COUNCIL, OTHER REPRESENTATIVES Written reports were received from the three schools and the following organisations and noted:- Please note the diary dates Kidwelly Welfare Committee; Kidwelly Carnival 13th July 2013 – volunteers are required Eisteddfod 2014; 28th June - Sports Forum, 30th June - Off Road Bike ride. Next meeting 12th June 2013 Kidwelly Town Forum; AGM – 17th June 2013 Kidwelly Civic Society; next meeting 13th June 2013 Hanes Cedweli; Medieval Fair, 19th July 2013. Heritage Town meeting – 27th June 2013 Safe Routes; Next meeting 6th June 2013 Parks Steering Group: No date set for next meeting



MAYOR’S DIARY June 1st Kidwelly Rugby Club Dinner 6.30pm June 2nd Open Garden Trewern Kidwelly – Motor Neurone Disease 2.00pm June 2nd Llanelli Rural Civic Service –Rehobath Chapel Five Roads 3.00pm June 3rd Mynydd y Garreg Hall AGM 7.30pm June 4th Welfare Coffee Morning –Kidwelly Rugby Club 10.30am June 4th Ail Gyfle Meeting 3.00pm June 5th Kidwelly Twinning Association –Time For Tea 7.30pm June 6th Safe Routes in the Community meeting @ PGC 4.00pm June 8th Cor Dyffryn Tywi Annual Concert @PGC 7.00pm June 8th Llanelli Proms – Fwrnes Llanelli (Deputy Mayor & Consort) 7.00pm June 9th Race For Life Llanelli 11.00am June 10th Cydweli 900 @ PGC 7.00pm June 12th Eisteddfod Meeting @Kidwelly Rugby Club 7.00pm June 13th Civic Society – Morfa Chapel 7.00pm June 15th Charity Event at Rugby Club – Golau Cancer Foundation 6.00pm June 18th Kidwelly Welfare Committee Summer Lunch 12.00 June 19th PACT – Kidwelly Rugby Club 6.00pm June 22nd Mynydd y Garreg Carnival 2.00pm June 24th Armed Forces Flag Raising – Llanelli Town Council 10.00am June 25th Armed Forces Flag Raising @ Kidwelly War Memorial 11.00am June 27th Hanes Cydweli – Tom Lloyd @ Capel Sul 6.30pm June 27th PGC Hall Meeting * 6.00pm June 28th Sports Forum @MYG Rugby Club - Eisteddfod Fundraiser 7.30pm June 29th Eisteddfod Proclamation @ Carmarthen Includes a procession and ceremony. Starts at 11.00am – Procession at 2.00pm Ceremony 3.00pm. June 30th Taith Feicio/ Bicycle Ride Kidwelly to Cefn Sidan- Eisteddfod Fundraiser 11.00am June 30th & Civic Service 10.30am June 30th Carmarthenshire County Council Civic Service 2.00pm *Denotes apologies sent - Bold Font denotes Community events/meetings open to all Councillors


DATE APPOINTMENT June 2013 Tuesday 4th June 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm Thursday 6th June 2013 Safe Routes to School 4.00pm Monday 10th June 2013 Cedweli 900 7.00pm Tuesday 11th June 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm Wednesday 19th June 2013 PACT 6.00pm Saturday 22nd June 2013 Mynydd y Garreg Carnival 2.00pm Tuesday 25th June 2013 Raising of Armed Forces Day Flag 11.00am July 2013 Tuesday 2nd July 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm Tuesday 9th July 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm Saturday 13th July 2013 Kidwelly carnival Wednesday 17th July 2013 PACT 6.00pm


72 CORRESPONDENCE – JUNE 2013 1 Royal The Armed Forces Day Flag will be raised on 25th June 2013 at 11.00am. Note and British Close this item. Legion 2 Mrs Start Land at Morfa Maen has been included in the LDP. The Town Clerk will seek clarification as to why the alternative site was included after the consultation process had taken place. 3 Burns Pet A letter regarding the Wetlands project was received. A project proposal is required Nutrition before funding can be applied for. Support was requested. It was RESOLVED to ask Burns for more information on the project and to clarify the council’s level of representation at future meetings. 4 Eisteddfod Details of the Proclamation Ceremony to be held on 29th June 2013 in Carmarthen have 2014 been received. Note and Close this item.



25th JUNE 2013

At the MEETING of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Tuesday 25th June 2013 at 6.00pm.

Present:- Deputy Mayor R.Thomas (Chair) Councillors: H.Jones, B.Huws, M.Thomas, N.Howell-Davies, T.Burns, R.Davies, K.Davies, P.Davies, J.Gilasbey Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Apologies:- Councillors F.Burke-Lloyd, L.Finch-Jones

117 DECLARATIONS OF OFFICE BY COUNCILLORS There were no declarations of interest.

118 TO APPROVE THE ACCOUNTS The Town Clerk had previously circulated the Statement of Accounts as prepared by Accountants DCK Beavers. He reported that the Internal Audit had been completed and the report was awaited. It was RESOLVED to approve the Accounting Statements for the Year End 31st March 2013 and the Annual Governance Statement. Note and Close this item.



2nd JULY 2013

At the meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Tuesday, 2nd July 2013 at 6.30pm.

Present:- Town Mayor L. Finch-Jones Deputy Mayor R.Thomas Councillors: B.Huws, M.Thomas, H.Jones, K.Davies, F. Burke-Lloyd, R.Davies N.Howell-Davies, P.Davies, J.Gilasbey, T.Burns, Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Project Officer Maria McGerty Apologies:- Councillor G.G.Jones

The Rev. Roger Morley-Jones offered prayers prior to the commencement of business.

The Mayor brought to the attention of Council, an e-mail circulated by Councillor R. Davies. He stated that he believed the meeting was unlawful and should be postponed “until a time when the correct necessary statuary notices can be given to councillors and the public”. He also stated that items on the agenda should be more explicit so that the public would know what was to be discussed at the meeting. The Town Clerk clarified the legal position, which had been confirmed by the Legal Section of the County Council. It was RESOLVED to take the advice of the Town Clerk and go ahead with the meeting as it was legally convened.

119 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minute 128 [3] – Councillor T.Burns Minute 136 [4] – Councillor P. Davies, Councillor R. Davies

120 POLICING MATTERS Sgt. Bell sent his apologies. PC Gary Cutler attended and read out a written report detailing the crime figures for the previous month. It was noted that a child had been hit by a car in Bridge Street on 29th June 2013, no further details were known. The possibility of making Hillfield Villas into a one way street will be investigated. Illegal parking near the Spar and in Lady Street is being monitored by traffic wardens.

121 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND POLICIES It was RESOLVED that the following minutes be confirmed:-  Full Council 4th June 2013  General Purposes Committee 4th June 2013  Estates Committee 11th June 2013  Finance Committee 11th June 2013  Full Council 25th June 2013

122 PROJECT OFFICER’S REPORT Kidwelly Industrial Museum – Accreditation for the museum is being sought. This is necessary before certain grants can be applied for. A bid for Heritage Lottery Funding is being prepared. Allotments – Building Regulation approval is not required for the composting toilet. Quay Structure – a bid for funding is being prepared. Active Consultation Project – A meeting will be held on 9th July 2013


Matters arising from Full Council on 4th June 2013

123 HERITAGE TOWN The trust aims to obtain Heritage Lottery Grant Funding to restore and regenerate Kidwelly Town Centre as defined by the Conservation Area. An extended conservation area has been applied for. A photo record of all buildings in the area has been completed. The narrative needs to be added. This can be used as a basis to measure future changes in the area. Former Town Hall:- Options for usage have been identified. 16-18 groups have registered an interest. Terms of a lease from the county council have been agreed and will go before the Executive Board for approval, in the new year. The lease will be between 99 – 125 years. Grant funding can be applied for once the lease is in operation.

124 CYDWELI 900 A constitution and minutes had been circulated. A written report on activities undertaken was provided. A website will be created to publicise the events proposed and to involve the public in the celebrations. A further meeting has been arranged for 4th July 2013.

125 INFORMATION BOARDS The Town Forum has suggested that an information board be placed in the Town Square to enable residents to comment and make suggestions about key issues affecting the town. As the office window in Bridge Street will not be available as an information site, an alternative needs to be sought. It was agreed to look into the matter. Budget provision needs to be made.

126 KIDWELLY IN BLOOM A previous Kidwelly in Bloom project was initiated by the Trade and Tourism Association, supported by the Horticultural Society. It was previously RESOLVED in principle to support a future Kidwelly in Bloom project.

127 FEASIBILITY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY CREATION IN THE COMMUNITY The Project Officer had previously provided a SWOT analysis of Hydro, Solar and Wind power. It had previously been RESOLVED that the project officer investigate grants for a feasibility study


2 Mrs Start Land at Morfa Maen has been included in the LDP. Clarification as to why the alternative site was included after the consultation process has been received. Note and Close this item. 3 Burns Pet Wetlands Project. A project proposal is required before funding can be applied for. Nutrition Support was requested. It was RESOLVED to provide a letter of support for the Nature Reserve and teaching facility. It was noted that councillors are welcome to attend meetings relating to this issue and minutes will be circulated. Note and Close this item.

129 COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL Castle Ward has 8 councillors and Mynydd Ward has 5. Castle Ward has 44% of the electorate and Mynydd has 56%. A review of the composition of the Town Council has been requested. It was RESOLVED to request that the electoral area covered by the Town Council be split into two distinct electoral districts with the by-pass being the natural boundary. It was also RESOLVED to work towards achieving parity in the existing wards in relation to the number of elected councillors.


130 OPTIONS WORKING GROUP / 2 BRIDGE STREET It was reported that the Options Working Group Report should be completed and given to the Town Clerk for observations, by 12th July 2013. It was noted that an Appendix to the report would contain an analysis of the public questionnaire.

The Quantity Surveyor’s Report was discussed:- The report was commissioned on the understanding that it would be used as the basis for a tender document and give an estimated cost for refurbishment of the ground floor of 2 Bridge Street No decision to commit any funding to the work of refurbishment has been made. It was recognised by all members that the report provided a thorough and comprehensive schedule of work to be undertaken to bring the ground floor into use as a public building. Some members considered the costings in some areas to be high. The report relates to work needed on the ground floor only: it was noted that extensive work is needed on the roof, external rendering, electrics and plumbing, including a new boiler. To ensure the building is weatherproof, external work is required. Opinions were expressed that the Council had no money to spend on any level of refurbishment. It was generally agreed that too much time and effort has been expended on the issue of 2 Bridge Street which has caused unwanted conflict within the council. A positive decision concluding the matter is required as a matter of urgency.


Notice of Motion received:-

1. To issue a public sector small works tender for the refurbishment of part of the ground floor, 2 Bridge Street, Kidwelly, as set out in the schedule to this motion and that the tender be issued no later than Monday 15th July 2013. 2. To advertise the tender on the council website and on the Welsh Government procurement website ( and to invite no fewer than five contractors to submit a fixed price tender. 3. That 12pm on Friday 6th September 2013 will be the deadline for any submissions to tender to the Town Clerk at the Council Offices, Rear of the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Hillfield Villas, Kidwelly. 4. That submitted tenders be considered by an extraordinary meeting of Full Council on Tuesday 17th September 2013. 5. That the Mayor or Chairman of Estates show the building to interested contractors in the event that the Town Clerk is unavailable to do so. Amended to:- That the Town Clerk show the building to interested contractors. 6. That this motion does not bind the council to accept any tender.

Proposer – Councillor R.Thomas put forward the motion stating that the motion had been raised to force the issue to a conclusion. Money was being wasted on running 2 buildings. Seconder – Councillor M. Thomas stressed that the tender process would determine the actual cost and no commitment to spend had been made. Councillors were invited to comment on the motion:- Councillor R.Davies stated that the motion contradicts everything previously agreed by Council and therefore was invalid. The Town Clerk advised that the motion complied with Standing Orders.


Opinions were divided.

Opinions expressed – in favour of the motion Opinions expressed – against the motion Cannot continue running 2 buildings QS report should be used as the tender document Must maintain heritage of the town Motion pre-empts the OWG report Schedule complies with H & S issues Schedule of works is too vague Schedule will provide a true cost Building needs repair in its entirety Portacabins are not acceptable for staff Offices should be housed in Phase 2 of PGC Sale - 1 offer was withdrawn 1 too low Need to protect heritage but children are our future Request will be made for a fixed price tender Public meeting did not want to use the Pelican During discussion Councillor R.Davies was cautioned against making disrespectful comments on several occasions. He apologised.

The Town Clerk stated that the remit of the Quantity Surveyor was to produce a document which could be used as a basis for the tendering process. It did not include costs for an architect, building regulation approval or other professional work.

An amendment to the motion was proposed. “Additional work be added to the tender schedule of works - Re-roofing, re-rendering the exterior walls, damp proofing, work to the electrics and provision of a new boiler.”

The vote on the amendment was recorded

For the amended motion Against the amended motion T. Burns P.Davies R.Thomas H.Jones K.Davies J.Gilasbey M.Thomas B.Huws R.Davies F.Burke-Lloyd L. Finch-Jones (Mayor) N. Howell-Davies The Mayor had the casting vote. The amendment fell.

Councillor F.Burke-Lloyd wished it noted that a vote for the motion would be against the advice of the Town Clerk. Councillor R.Thomas wished it noted that the motion was going for a fixed cost tender

The vote on the motion was recorded

For the motion Against the motion R.Thomas H.Jones T. Burns P.Davies M.Thomas B.Huws K.Davies J.Gilasbey L. Finch-Jones (Mayor) N. Howell-Davies R.Davies F.Burke-Lloyd The Mayor had the casting vote. She wished it noted that her casing vote for the motion was to expedite the matter, clarify the situation and get costs.

It was RESOLVED that the Motion be accepted and implemented.

132 COMMUNITY HALLS Mynydd y Garreg Hall:- – A written report had been circulated. Princess Gwenllian Centre:- A meeting with the hall trustees will be held on 9th July 2013 at 6.00pm


133 REPORTS FROM SCHOOL GOVERNORS, YOUTH COUNCIL, OTHER REPRESENTATIVES Written reports were received from the following organisations and noted:- Kidwelly Civic Society Kidwelly Welfare Committee Kidwelly Town Forum Eisteddfod Committee Cydweli 900 Heritage Trust Ysgol Gwenllian Ysgol y Castell Hanes Cedweli - Pamphlets advertising the Medieval Fair on 19th July 2013 were distributed. Heritage Trust – further information was reported – the County Council have given a favourable response towards renovation of the former Town Hall.


July 1st 100th Birthday of Monica Greenwell – Glanmorfa 1.00pm July 1st Kidwelly Welfare Committee Meeting at White Lion 6.00pm July 1st Mynydd y Garreg Hall Meeting 7.30pm July 3rd Meet up with Visitors from Basotho 4.00pm July 4th Cydweli 900 at PGC 7.00pm July 5th Cydweli Black Cats Awards Ceremony @ MYG Hall 6.30pm July 5th Charity Event for The Fields Twins at Calasonic Llanelli * 7.00pm July 7th Super Sing – Hywel Choir – Y Ffwrnes Llanelli 3.00pm July 10th Barnados Toddle at Ysgol y Castell 1.30pm July 11th Civic Society 7.00pm July 12th Ysgol y Castell School Leavers Assembly 2.00pm July 12th Carmarthen Antiquarian Society – Chairman’s Evening 6.30pm July 13th Kidwelly Carnival July 13th Help For Heroes Charity Night at Stradey Park Hotel * 7.00pm July 14th Plant Dewi 10th Anniversary – St David Cathedral 3.00pm July 17th Ysgol y Castell Summer Fayre 3.15pm July 17th PACT @ Kidwelly Rugby Club 6.00pm July 18th Kidwelly Partnership Meeting at PGC 10.00am July 19th Ysgol Gwenllian Year 6 Proms Night – Selwyn Samuel Centre 7.00pm July 19th Medieval Fayre at Kidwelly Castle - Hanes Cydweli 11.00am July 24th Ail Gyfle meeting 2.00pm July 24th Organ Recital St Marys 7.00pm July 25th PGC Meeting 6.00pm July 27th Trinity Methodist Church – Craft Fayre 10.00am July 27th Ail Gyfle – Open Golf Day at Glyn Abbey 11.00am July 27th Kidwelly Festival Choir – Annual Concert @ PGC 7.00pm *Denotes apologies sent - Bold Font denotes Community events/meetings open to all Councillors

FORTHCOMING MEETINGS JULY 2nd July 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm 9th July 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm

135 EXECUTIVE ACTION DURING RECESS It was RESOLVED that Executive Powers be delegated to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Chair(s) of relevant Committee(s) during the summer recess. Any action taken during this period will follow the established procedures. Note and Close this item.



1 Public Services Annual report has been received and is available for inspection at the offices or on- Ombudsman line. Note and Close this item. 2 Carmarthenshire A questionnaire evaluating “Access to Social Housing Policy” has been received. County Council The Town Clerk will respond. Note and Close this item. 3 John Mayne A request for a copy of the Quantity Surveyor’s report on refurbishment of part of 2 Bridge Street has been received under the Freedom of Information Act. The report will be made available. Administration costs will be applied. It was noted that another member of the public had made the same request. Note and Close this item. 4 Julian & Wendy Comments received on issues regarding 2 Bridge Street were considered. Councillor Edwards T.Burns wished it noted that she was concerned that the majority of councillors don’t see the full cost of the expense of the Pelican as a whole. Concern was also expressed that hundreds of residents also held the same view as the correspondents. Note and Close this item. 5 Petition from Disillusionment with the floral arrangements in Kidwelly was strongly expressed. residents The Mayor has organised a flower planting day on 6th July 2013 and requested volunteers from members and any interested groups. It was RESOLVED that the artificial hanging baskets not be hung. Note and Close this item. 6 Victoria Dismay was expressed that the Town Council intend to return temporarily to the Maliphant former council offices in Bridge Street. She considers it a waste of tax payers money which should be spent on the young people in the community. The Town Clerk will respond, indicating that no decision has yet been made. Note and Close this item.

It was noted that comments, which could be considered libellous, have been posted on social media sites. These should be refuted in the main press publications. The Council Media Policy should be adhered to. Members wishing to make comments in the press should be aware that they give opinions as individuals and not as councillors. The Town Clerk makes comments on behalf of the Town Council.



3rd SEPTEMBER 2013

At the meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Tuesday, 3rd September 2013 at 6.30pm.

Present:- Town Mayor L. Finch-Jones Deputy Mayor R.Thomas Councillors: B.Huws, M.Thomas, K.Davies, F. Burke-Lloyd, R.Davies N.Howell-Davies, P.Davies, J.Gilasbey, G.G.Jones Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Apologies:- Councillor H.Jones, T.Burns

The Rev. Roger Morley-Jones offered prayers prior to the commencement of business.

185 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minute 200 – Councillors B.Huws and N. Howell-Davies Minute 201 [1] – Councillor J.Gilasbey

186 POLICING MATTERS Apologies were given for PC Gary Cutler. PCSO Ben Holding attended and provided a report for the month of August.

187 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND POLICIES It was RESOLVED that the following minutes be confirmed:-  Full Council 2nd July 2013  General Purposes Committee 2nd and 9th July 2013  Estates Committee 9th July 2013  Finance Committee 9th July 2013

188 PROJECT OFFICER’S REPORT The Project Officer was on annual leave. She had circulated a written report.

Matters arising from Full Council on 2nd July 2013

189 HERITAGE TOWN The trust aims to obtain Heritage Lottery Grant Funding to restore and regenerate Kidwelly Town Centre as defined by the Conservation Area. An extended conservation area has been applied for. A photo record of all buildings in the area has been completed. The narrative needs to be added. This can be used as a basis to measure future changes in the area. Former Town Hall:- Options for usage have been identified. 16-18 groups have registered an interest. Terms of a lease from the county council have been agreed and will go before the Executive Board for approval, in the new year. The lease will be between 99 – 125 years. Grant funding can be applied for once the lease is in operation.

190 CYDWELI 900 The next meeting will be held on 5th September 2013. Members were encouraged to attend. Minutes had been circulated detailing a list of proposed events for the year. Funding issues will be considered at the Finance Committee meeting on 10th September 2013.


191 INFORMATION BOARDS The Town Forum has suggested that an information board be placed in the Town Square to enable residents to comment and make suggestions about key issues affecting the town. As the office window in Bridge Street will not be available as an information site, an alternative needs to be sought. It was agreed to look into the matter. Budget provision needs to be made.

192 KIDWELLY IN BLOOM A previous Kidwelly in Bloom project was initiated by the Trade and Tourism Association, supported by the Horticultural Society. It was previously RESOLVED in principle to support a future Kidwelly in Bloom project.

193 FEASIBILITY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY CREATION IN THE COMMUNITY The Project Officer had previously provided a SWOT analysis of Hydro, Solar and Wind power. It had previously been RESOLVED that the project officer investigate grants for a feasibility study

194 COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL Castle Ward has 8 councillors and Mynydd Ward has 5. Castle Ward has 44% of the electorate and Mynydd has 56%. A review of the composition of the Town Council has been requested. It was RESOLVED to request that the electoral area covered by the Town Council be split into two distinct electoral districts with the by-pass being the natural boundary. It was also RESOLVED to work towards achieving parity in the existing wards in relation to the number of elected councillors.

195 OPTIONS WORKING GROUP / 2 BRIDGE STREET The Town Clerk reported that he had received a copy of the OWG Report earlier that day. Due to its length, members will receive an electronic copy. A hard copy will be retained in the office. The results of the Questionnaire will be made available. Thanks were expressed to the Chair of the OWG, who apologised for the delay in producing the document. The report will be considered further at the Estates Committee meeting on 10th September 2013.

196 NOTICE OF MOTION Tenders for re-furbishing the ground floor of 2 Bridge Street had been invited. The Town Clerk reported that 22 expressions of interest had been received. 8 viewings of the building had taken place. No tenders have been received to date. The closing date is 6th September 2013. It was noted that several building contractors had commented on the lack of detail in the tender documents. The fact that a Quanitity Surveyors report commissioned by the council had not been used in the process was also noted. It was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk, Mayor and Cllr F. Burke-Lloyd oversee the opening of the tenders and create a matrix of results to present to members at the Full Council meeting on 17th September 2013. Minute 182 and 183 will be incorporated into one item in future as they both deal with 2 Bridge Street.

197 COMMUNITY HALLS Mynydd y Garreg Hall:- – No report Princess Gwenllian Centre:- The Beer festival will be held on 6th & 7th September 2013.

198 REPORTS FROM SCHOOL GOVERNORS, YOUTH COUNCIL, OTHER REPRESENTATIVES The following meetings were noted:- Eisteddfod Appeal Committee 4th September (Total of £7404.49 raised to date); Safe Routes 5th September; Kidwelly Civic Society 12th September. Schools commence on 3rd September 2013.



MAYOR’S DIARY Due to a family bereavement no functions were attended between 15-21 August 3rd August Charity Car wash–Factory Shop/British Heart Foundation 11.00m 9th August St Mary’s Church Organ Recital 7.00pm 10th August Kidwelly Horticultural Show 12.00pm 10th August Mynydd Mayhem – MYG Rugby Club 6.00pm 11th August Trinity Church – Animal Blessing service 3.00pm 13th August NSPCC Coffee Morning – Kidwelly Rugby Club 10.30am 17th August Glan Morfa Summer Fayre (Deputy Mayor) 2.00pm 17th August Te Cymreig – Eisteddfod 2.30pm 29th August Trust Committee Meeting @ Princess Gwenllian Centre 6.00pm 30th August Open Lady Street Gallery 7.00pm

2nd September Barnados Curry Night – (Butchers Arms –Pembrey) 7.00pm 4th September Eisteddfod Appeal – Kidwelly Rugby Club 7.00pm 5th September Safe Routes in the Community MYG Hall 5.30pm 5th September Cydweli 900 @ Princess Gwenllian Centre 7.00pm 6th September Beer Festival @ Princess Gwenllian Centre 5.00pm-11pm 6th September Beer Festival @ Princess Gwenllian Centre 2.00pm -11pm 9th September MYG Hall Committee Meeting 7.30pm 10th September Welfare Coffee Morning @Kidwelly Rugby Club 10.30am 11th September St Mary’s Church Organ Recital 7.00pm 12th September Prize giving Evening Glan y Mor School 7.00pm 12th September Civic Society Meeting – Capel Morfa 7.00pm 14th September Friends of St. Marys Church Concert 7.00pm 16th September Carmarthenshire Scouts AGM @Tumble 7.30pm 18th September PACT – Kidwelly Rugby Club 6.00pm 21st September Water Festival at Kidwelly Quay 12.00pm 24th September Welfare Coffee Morning @Kidwelly Rugby Club 10.30am 26th September Trust Committee Meeting Princess Gwenllian Centre 6.00pm 28th September Macmillan Coffee Morning 10.00- 12.00pm 29th September Freedom of Burry Port/Pembrey granted to A/ T. Corps 10.00am


SEPTEMBER 3rd September Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm 5th September Safe Routes in the Community MYG Hall 5.30pm 10th September Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm 17th September Extraordinary Full Council 6.30pm OCTOBER 1st October Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm 8th October Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm


200 CEDWELI WATERFRONT FESTIVAL Hanes Cedweli is proposing to hold a Waterfront Festival on 21st September 2013, in the Quay / Canal area which is owned by the town council. Members were in favour of the event providing the following issues were fully taken into account:-

 A full risk assessment must be in place  Comprehensive insurance cover must be provided  Hanes Cedweli must pay for any damage caused during the event  Effect on wildlife must be minimised  Concern over the supply of alcohol and the proximity of several water sources  All health & safety issues must be addressed

It was RESOLVED that in principle, the town council support Hanes Cedweli with the Waterfront Festival provided that the Town Clerk is satisfied that all safety issues and insurance arrangements are in place.


1 Carmarthenshire One Voice Wales has nominated Cllr J.Gilasbey as Community Council County Council representative on the County Council Standards Committee. It was RESOLVED to support this nomination. Councillor Gilasbey was congratulated on her nomination. Note and Close this item. 2 Peter Stringer A petition has been received regarding parking at Morfa Maen during sporting events at Park Stephens. The town council supported the petition. The matter will be taken into account when considering the issues relating to the park as a whole. Note and Close this item.



17th SEPTEMBER 2013

At the meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Tuesday, 17th September 2013 at 6.30pm.

Present:- Town Mayor L. Finch-Jones Deputy Mayor R.Thomas Councillors: B.Huws, M.Thomas, K.Davies, F. Burke-Lloyd, R.Davies N.Howell-Davies, P.Davies, J.Gilasbey, H.Jones, T.Burns Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Apologies:- Councillor G.G.Jones

253 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest.


22 expressions of interest in the tender process had been received. 3 tenders had been returned. The Town Clerk, Mayor and Councillor F.Burke-Lloyd had opened three tenders on 10th September 2013. The Town Clerk had prepared a matrix to facilitate comparison of the tenders.

Tender 1 £29229k This tender complied with all specifications required Tender 2 £32535k This tender complied, but gave a price for an asbestos survey, and not a price for its removal. Tender 3 £59621k This tender provided only estimates – not sufficient details to compare with the specifications required. It also stated there was no room for a DDA compliant toilet – which disagreed with the QS report. It was noted that no reference to costs for planning permission or building Regulations was included in any of the tenders.

The Town Clerk reported that issues relating to capital receipts are ongoing with the external Auditors BDO Elements included in these tenders cover capital and revenue expenditure.

Discussion ensued and opinions were expressed:-

[A] The Tenders Tender 1 was considered acceptable Tender 2 was considered acceptable but the asbestos removal would need to be addressed. Tender 3 was not sufficiently detailed for comparison.

It was recognised that members were not qualified to make a decision on the information provided.


[B] Financial Position Concern was expressed over the issues of capital and revenue expenditure raised by the auditors. Funding sources for the refurbishment were queried. The impact of the refurbishment on the finances of the council was not clear. A financial risk assessment would be needed

The advisability of refurbishing the ground floor only was questioned, as the whole building is in need of urgent attention. Costs would be prohibitive. The public should be made aware of the costs of refurbishment.

Action was needed, as remaining in the portacabins was not viable, and there was no alternative office premises available.

[C] Public Opinion It was agreed that the views of the residents of Kidwelly and Mynydd y Garreg were of prime importance. Disagreement on what the views were became evident. A call for a public meeting was made. This was not supported as the best means of gauging public opinion.

Holding an official referendum administered by the county council was considered. Costs would be high. Some members considered this cost acceptable, as a definitive decision would be made by the electorate. Others disagreed, the cost would be too high. The outcome of the referendum should be binding on the town council.

It was agreed that the Town Clerk should investigate the costs of a referendum and obtain advise on its feasibility and report to Full Council on 1st October 2013 when a motion as to whether to hold a referendum would be tabled.

The referendum would present the public with 2 options:

To retain the building at 2 Bridge Street in the ownership of Kidwelly Town Council as council offices and for public use OR To dispose of 2 Bridge Street by sale

The meeting concluded with a recorded vote relating to items A and B

It was RESOLVED to seek advice from the Quantity surveyor as to the acceptability of the tenders received. It was RESOLVED to seek advice as to the capital/revenue allocation for the refurbishment

For Against Abstain L.Finch-Jones H.Jones None T.Burns R.Davies K.Davies F.Burke-Lloyd J.Gilasbey M.Thomas R.Davies B.Huws P.Davies N.Howell-Davies




At the meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Tuesday, 1st October 2013

Present:- Town Mayor L. Finch-Jones Deputy Mayor R.Thomas Councillors: B.Huws, M.Thomas, K.Davies, , R.Davies, T.Burns N.Howell-Davies, P.Davies, J.Gilasbey, G.G.Jones, H.Jones Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Project Officer M.McGerty Apologies:- Councillor F. Burke-Lloyd

The Rev. Roger Morley-Jones offered prayers prior to the commencement of business.

257 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest.

258 POLICING MATTERS Sgt Bell & PC Cutler attended. A report for the month of September was given. Grave concern was expressed over the newspaper story which described the area around Ger y Gwendraeth in extremely unfavourable terms. It was reported that residents were distressed by the terms used in the article and were worried that their houses might be devalued as a result. Attendance at future PACT meetings may be jeopardised. The police were informed of the Open day at the Industrial Museum on 11th October 2013.

259 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND POLICIES It was RESOLVED that the following minutes be confirmed:-  Full Council 3rd September 2013  General Purposes Committee 3rd September 2013  Estates Committee 10th September 2013  Finance Committee 10th September 2013  Full Council 17th September 2013

260 PROJECT OFFICER’S REPORT The Project Officer gave a verbal report:- 1. Gwenllian Centre – a grant application has been made for an improved sound and lighting system. Information required to progress with Phase 2 has been received. 2. Allotments – a further bid for funding for a compost toilet has been made. 3. Cedweli 900 Orchard & garden – Natural Resources Wales is investigating the type of contamination at the former Optical Lagoon at Glan yr Afon. The Allotment Association will create a garden to reflect the industrial nature of the site. Councillors were requested to make suggestions for orchard sites. 4. Industrial Museum – Open Day 11th October 2013 – a full range of activities is planned. The Project Officer was thanked for all the work she has done at the museum, and for giving tours to many groups of school children. 5. Renewable energy – the Project officer had submitted a report previously.


Matters arising from Full Council on 3rd September 2013

261 HERITAGE TOWN The trust aims to obtain Heritage Lottery Grant Funding to restore and regenerate Kidwelly Town Centre as defined by the Conservation Area. An extended conservation area has been applied for. A photo record of all buildings in the area has been completed. The narrative needs to be added. This can be used as a basis to measure future changes in the area. Former Town Hall:- Options for usage have been identified. 16-18 groups have registered an interest. Terms of a lease from the county council have been agreed and will go before the Executive Board for approval, in the new year. The lease will be between 99 – 125 years. Grant funding can be applied for once the lease is in operation.

262 CYDWELI 900 A meeting was held on 5th September 2013. Minutes had been circulated detailing a list of proposed events for the year.

263 INFORMATION BOARDS The Town Forum has suggested that an information board be placed in the Town Square to enable residents to comment and make suggestions about key issues affecting the town. As the office window in Bridge Street will not be available as an information site, an alternative needs to be sought. It was agreed to look into the matter. Budget provision needs to be made.

264 KIDWELLY IN BLOOM A previous Kidwelly in Bloom project was initiated by the Trade and Tourism Association, supported by the Horticultural Society. It was previously RESOLVED in principle to support a future Kidwelly in Bloom project.

265 FEASIBILITY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY CREATION IN THE COMMUNITY The Project Officer had previously provided a SWOT analysis of Hydro, Solar and Wind power. It had previously been RESOLVED that the project officer investigate grants for a feasibility study

266 COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL Castle Ward has 8 councillors and Mynydd Ward has 5. Castle Ward has 44% of the electorate and Mynydd has 56%. A review of the composition of the Town Council has been requested. It was previously RESOLVED to request that the electoral area covered by the Town Council be split into two distinct electoral districts with the by-pass being the natural boundary. It was previously RESOLVED to work towards achieving parity in the existing wards in relation to the number of elected councillors.

267 OPTIONS WORKING GROUP / 2 BRIDGE STREET The OWG Report will be considered at Full Council on 15th October 2013. Tenders – the Town Clerk has met with the Quantity Surveyor who had written the Bill of Quantities for refurbishing the ground floor at 2 Bridge Street. The QS has seen the tenders and his comments and recommendations on them should be available for the Finance Committee meeting on 8th October 2013. Councillor R.Thomas proposed that Standing Orders be suspended so that the tenders could be discussed. Debate ensued – the meeting was adjourned for a few minutes. The meeting reconvened. The Town Clerk advised against suspension of Standing Orders. After further debate Councillor R.Thomas withdrew his proposal. Due to a heated discussion the meeting was adjourned for a short time. The meeting reconvened. The Mayor stated that the matter would be scheduled for further discussion at the next Finance Committee meeting on 8th October 2013.


268 CEDWELI WATERFRONT FESTIVAL The Waterfront Festival proposed for 21st September 2013, in the Quay / Canal area which is owned by the town council, did not go ahead. Note and Close this item.

269 COMMUNITY HALLS Written reports were received from both halls.

270 REPORTS FROM SCHOOL GOVERNORS, YOUTH COUNCIL, OTHER REPRESENTATIVES Ysgol y Castell – newsletter circulated Ysgol Gwenllian – Annual parents meeting will be held on 22nd October 2013 Kidwelly Civic Society: Safe Routes: Eisteddfod Appeal Committee – written reports had been circulated Minutes of the Sports Association meeting held on 24th September 2013 had been circulated


MAYOR’S DIARY Oct 4th Harvest Supper St Mary’s Church 7.00pm Oct 5th Presentation Dinner Kidwelly Bowls Club- Bread of Heaven 7.00pm Oct 5th Kidwelly Welfare Meeting –White Lion 6.00pm Oct 7th Mynydd y Garreg Hall Committee Meeting 7.00pm Oct 8th Welfare Coffee Morning 10.30am Oct 10th Civic Society Meeting – Morfa chapel 7.00pm Oct 11th Kidwelly Industrial Musuem Open Day 2.00pm Oct 11th Presentation Dinner Carms. Disabled Group –Ashburnham Hotel 7.00pm Oct 12th 10th Anniversary – Ty Bryngwyn Hospice 2.00pm Oct 12th International Evening Twinning Assoc -PGC 7.30pm Oct 16th PACT – Kidwelly Rugby Club 6.00pm Oct 17th Kidwelly Partnership Meeting -PGC 10.00am Oct 17th Civic Society Meeting – Capel Morfa 7.00pm Oct 18th Quiz- Kidwelly Rugby Club – Eisteddfod Sir Gar Appeal 7.00pm Oct 22nd Ysgol Gwenllian –Parents & Governors Evening 7.00pm Oct 23rd Dyffryn Towy Choir –Kidwelly Castle - Visit from USA Choir 10.30am Oct 31st PGC Committee Meeting 6.00pm


OCTOBER 1st October Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm 8th October Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm 11th October Open Day – Industrial Museum 2.00pm 15th October Full Council 6.30pm 16th October PACT 6.00pm NOVEMBER 5th November Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm 12th November Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm 19th November Budget Setting [1] 6.30pm 21st November Christmas Lighting 26th November Budget Setting [2] 6.30pm


272 TO CONSIDER HOLDING A REFERENDUM The Town Clerk informed members that the County Council had provided advice on the referendum process. The town council cannot call a referendum. A Parish Meeting has to be called. 10% of the electorate has to request it. 30 days notice of a referendum has to be given. The cost would be between £4-5k. Mr Stephen Finch, member of the public, spoke. He requested clarity as to the question[s] to be put forward if a referendum were to take place. A heated discussion ensued. The meeting was adjourned for a short while. The meeting reconvened. The referendum will be discussed further at the Full Council meeting on 5th November 2013. Consideration will be given to the two issues:- 1. Does the council wish to hold a referendum 2. What question[s] will be put forward


1 Carmarthenshire Information regarding a review of all polling districts which is to take place was County Council circulated. Members were requested to give opinions on the matter by the next meeting of Full Council. 2 John Mayne Mr Mayne’s letter was read out to members who had received a copy. He expressed opinions of no confidence in the present Town Council. Note and Close this item.

The General Purposes Committee and Establishment Committee meetings scheduled to follow Full Council were postponed.

Councillor J.Gilasbey volunteered for Meals on Wheels on 10th October and Councillors R. and P. Davies on 11th and 17th October 2013



22nd OCTOBER 2013

At the meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 at 6.30pm.

Present:- Deputy Mayor R.Thomas Councillors: B.Huws, M.Thomas, K.Davies, F. Burke-Lloyd, R.Davies, N.Howell-Davies, G.G.Jones, J.Gilasbey, P.Davies, T.Burns, H.Jones Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Apologies:- Councillor None

310 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest.


Two nominations were put forward:- Councillor B.Huws was proposed by Councillor H.Jones and seconded by Councillor M.Thomas Councillor R.Davies was proposed by Councillor K.Davies and seconded by Councillor J.Gilasbey

A secret ballot was taken. Each nominee received 6 votes. The Deputy Mayor gave his casting vote to Councillor B. Huws.

Councillor Byron Huws was duly elected as Mayor, and signed the Declaration of Office. Councillor Ryan Thomas was appointed as Deputy Mayor by the Mayor.

Councillor Huws expressed his thanks for his election, and stated that he would represent the town of Kidwelly to the best of his ability.

He requested members to work together with him and give him a vote of confidence, endorsing his mayorship. The following was noted:-

Members prepared to support the Mayor Members not prepared to support the Mayor

M.Thomas G.G.Jones F.Burke-Lloyd R.Davies R.Thomas H.Jones T.Burns P.Davies N.Howell-Davies K.Davies J.Gilasbey


This matter was deferred until Full Council on 5th November 2013.



At the meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Tuesday, 5th November 2013

Present:- Town Mayor B.Huws Deputy Mayor R.Thomas Councillors: M.Thomas, K.Davies, T.Burns, F.Burke-Lloyd N.Howell-Davies, J.Gilasbey, H.Jones Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Project Officer M.McGerty Apologies:- Councillor R.Davies, P.Davies

The Rev. Roger Morley-Jones offered prayers prior to the commencement of business.

Mr Andrew Jenkins, Chair of the Heritage Trust had requested to speak at the meeting. He informed council that the Trust would be making a formal written offer to take over 2 Bridge Street and restore it. This would be on the same basis as they have with the county council regarding the former town hall in Causeway Street – a 99 year lease with a peppercorn rent. Mr Jenkins expressed his concern over the council’s lack of progress in deciding the fate of the former Pelican Inn.

313 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minute 331 [1] Councillor J.Gilasbey – did not vote.

314 POLICING MATTERS PCSO Jo Gardner attended. A report for the month of October was given. The police were thanked for the additional patrols mounted after the break in at the Youth Hut. A Commissioner’s Grant is being applied for which, if successful, would provide funding for the Youth Hut.

315 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND POLICIES It was RESOLVED that the following minutes be confirmed:-  Full Council 1st October 2013  Finance Committee 1st October 2013  Estates Committee 8th October 2013  Finance Committee 8th October 2013  Full Council 15th October 2013  Full Council 22nd October 2013

316 PROJECT OFFICER’S REPORT The Project Officer gave a verbal report:- 1. Kidwelly Industrial Museum – an accreditation inspection was carried out on 1st November 2013. If successful, many more grants could be available. The Heritage Minister visited the museum and was impressed by the number of projects going forward. Thanks were expressed to County Councillor K.Davies for arranging the visit. Thanks were also expressed to Maria McGerty, Project Officer, for her commitment to developing the museum and working on the accreditation process. 2. Cydweli 900 Consideration is being given to locating the historic garden within the museum site. However, the orchard cannot be sited there because of the scheduled underground archaeology.


317 TOWN CLERK’S REPORT ON FINANCIAL SITUATION OF COUNCIL The report had been previously circulated. It expressed concern over the ongoing issue of the use of capital receipts and other aspects that would impact on the finances of the council. To date, the additional auditor costs incurred is £1k. There is a difference of opinion between the external auditors and council’s current accountants. It was noted that the council’s accountant (at that time) had advised the course of action taken. There may be recourse to litigation. It was RESOLVED to accept the recommendation of the town clerk:- “No additional expenditure be entered into, whether Capital or Revenue other than what is provided for within the current year’s budget, always providing that essential operational/emergency costs to avoid litigation or imposed costs are to be sanctioned, each case being investigated thoroughly before agreeing expenditure.” A recorded vote was taken:-

FOR ABSTAIN B.Huws K.Davies F.Burke-Lloyd M.Thomas R.Thomas H.Jones N.Howell-Davies T.Burns J.Gilasbey

Matters arising from Full Council on 1st October 2013

318 HERITAGE TOWN The trust aims to obtain Heritage Lottery Grant Funding to restore and regenerate Kidwelly Town Centre as defined by the Conservation Area. An extended conservation area has been applied for. A photo record of all buildings in the area has been completed. The narrative needs to be added. This can be used as a basis to measure future changes in the area. Former Town Hall:- Options for usage have been identified. 16-18 groups have registered an interest.

319 CYDWELI 900 Minutes of the meeting held on 8th September 2013 had been circulated. Councillor B.Huws stated that, as a historian, he believed that the year selected for the 900 year anniversary was inaccurate. The council will provide the initial £500 allocated in this year’s budget, as soon as details of the bank account are received.

320 INFORMATION BOARDS The Town Forum has suggested that an information board be placed in the Town Square to enable residents to comment and make suggestions about key issues affecting the town. As the office window in Bridge Street will not be available as an information site, an alternative needs to be sought. It was agreed to look into the matter. Budget provision needs to be made.

321 KIDWELLY IN BLOOM A previous Kidwelly in Bloom project was initiated by the Trade and Tourism Association, supported by the Horticultural Society. It was previously RESOLVED in principle to support a future Kidwelly in Bloom project.

322 FEASIBILITY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY CREATION IN THE COMMUNITY The Project Officer had previously provided a SWOT analysis of Hydro, Solar and Wind power. It had previously been RESOLVED that the project officer investigate grants for a feasibility study


323 COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL Castle Ward has 8 councillors and Mynydd Ward has 5. Castle Ward has 44% of the electorate and Mynydd has 56%. A review of the composition of the Town Council has been requested. It was previously RESOLVED to request that the electoral area covered by the Town Council be split into two distinct electoral districts with the by-pass being the natural boundary. It was previously RESOLVED to work towards achieving parity in the existing wards in relation to the number of elected councillors.

324 OPTIONS WORKING GROUP / 2 BRIDGE STREET The Mayor indicated that the report had revealed several options, which he listed. He stated that 2 main questions needed to be addressed:- Question [1] What does the town council want to do with the property at 2 Bridge Street? After discussion the following proposal was tabled:-

“Persons who have shown an interest in using the Pelican be invited to explain their proposals to the Council.” A recorded vote was taken:- FOR ABSTAIN R.Thomas K.Davies F.Burke-Lloyd B.Huws M.Thomas J.Gilasbey N.Howell-Davies H.Jones T.Burns

Question [2] Where do the council offices go? It was felt that this question was partly dependent on question 1 above and also to the minute following.

325 TO CONSIDER HOLDING A REFERENDUM The Town Clerk had previously informed members that the council cannot call a referendum. 10% of the electorate has to request it. The cost would be between £4-5k. Members were informed that a member of the public was organising a petition calling for a public meeting to be held. Opinions as to whether the council itself should call a public meeting were expressed. It was agreed that the recommendation of the town clerk be taken. He advised that the council should await the outcome of the petition.

326 CORRESPONDENCE – OCTOBER 2013 1 Carmarthenshire Information regarding a review of all polling districts which is to take place had County Council been circulated. It was agreed that polling arrangements were satisfactory. The town clerk will respond on behalf of the council. Note and Close this item.

327 APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR OF ESTATES AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVES The Mayor stated that he wished to remain as Chair of the Estates Committee until issues regarding 2 Bridge Street and the location of the council offices were resolved. It was recognised that the roll of Mayor is very demanding and time consuming and precedent is set that the Mayor does not take on the chair of any committees, other than the Establishment Committee. It was RESOLVED that the following vacant positions be filled:-

Chair of Estates Committee KTC rep. On Eisteddfod Committee Governor – Ysgol Gwenllian

F.Burke-Lloyd K.Davies R.Thomas

328 COMMUNITY HALLS Minutes were received from the Princess Gwenllian Hall. Mynydd y Garreg Hall has its meeting next week and minutes will be circulated.


329 REPORTS FROM SCHOOL GOVERNORS, YOUTH COUNCIL, OTHER REPRESENTATIVES Newsletters from Ysgol Mynydd y Garreg and Ysgol y Castell were circulated. It was reported that the Heritage Trust has received Charity status and is now eligible to apply for grant funding for restoration projects. The trust has a 99 year lease from the county council for the former town hall. It has 2 months to submit a viability report on the building. Councillor K.Davies, as county councillor, will be informed of meetings of the trust.


MAYOR’S DIARY DATE APPOINTMENT 5th November 2013 Welfare coffee morning 10.30am 5th November 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm 7th November 2013 Cydweli 900 7.00pm 10th November 2013 Remembrance Service 9.45am 12th November 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm 19th November 2013 Welfare Coffee morning 10.30am 20th November 2013 PACT 6.00pm 21st November 2013 Christmas Lighting 6.30pm 23rd November 2013 Christmas Fayre - PGC 26th November 2013 Budget Setting 6.30pm 28th November 2013 PGC trustees meeting 6.00pm

FORTHCOMING MEETINGS DATE APPOINTMENT November 2013 5th November 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm 7th November 2013 Cydweli 900 7.00pm 12th November 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm 20th November 2013 PACT 6.00pm 21st November 2013 Christmas Lighting 6.30pm 26th November 2013 Budget Setting 6.30pm December 2013 3rd December 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm 10th December 2013 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm 18th December 2013 Lessons & carols 7.00pm

331 CORRESPONDENCE – NOVEMBER 2013 1 PGC Concerns that allegations regarding non-compliance with health & safety regulations will Trustees adversely affect the hall’s reputation had been expressed. It was recognised that a full risk assessment was needed. Issues of DDA compliance are outstanding and an alternative venue needs to be available if the hall cannot be used. However, it was felt that full support should be given to the hall to ensure that all legislation is fully complied with. It was RESOLVED that members meet with the hall trustees and fire service to address the issues raised. 2 Members Several requests for a gym in Kidwelly have been received. Members were informed that of public information regarding a gym is available as it formed part of the Phase 2 funding application for the Gwenllian Centre. Members of the public will be informed of this and support for their request will be given. Note and Close this item.



18th NOVEMBER 2013

At the meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Monday, 18th November 2013 at 6.30pm.

Present:- Deputy Mayor R.Thomas Councillors: M.Thomas, K.Davies, J.Gilasbey, T.Burns Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Apologies:- Councillor P.Davies, R.Davies, F.Burke-Lloyd, H.Jones

373 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest.


Councillor Jeanette Gilasbey was nominated and duly elected as Mayor for the remaining period of the 2013-2014 Mayoral Year. Note and Close this item.


This matter was deferred until Full Council on 3rd December 2013.



At the meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at the Princess Gwenllian Centre, Kidwelly on Tuesday, 3rd December 2013

Present:- Town Mayor J.Gilasbey Deputy Mayor R.Thomas Councillors: M.Thomas, K.Davies, T.Burns, F.Burke-Lloyd Town Clerk Geraint Thomas Town Secretary Anna Padgett Project Officer M.McGerty Apologies:- Councillor R.Davies, P.Davies

The Rev. Roger Morley-Jones offered prayers prior to the commencement of business. Mr Maliphant was welcomed back in his capacity as Mace Bearer.

378 MEMBER’S DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Minute 391 – Councillor J.Gilasbey vacated the chair.

379 POLICING MATTERS The police were unable to attend. No report was received.

380 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND POLICIES It was RESOLVED that the following minutes be confirmed:-  Full Council 5th November 2013  General Purposes Committee 5th November 2013  Estates Committee 12th November 2013  Finance Committee 12th November 2013  Full Council 18th November 2013

381 PROJECT OFFICER’S REPORT The Project Officer had previously circulated a quarterly written report. She reported that the Gwenllian Centre had been successful in obtaining a £4k grant for lighting equipment. The outcome of 2 further grant applications is imminent. She was thanked for her work, especially on her contribution to the Industrial Museum Accreditation. She will continue to work on Phase 2 and will investigate community sustainability projects.

Matters arising from Full Council on 5th November 2013

382 HERITAGE TOWN The trust aims to obtain Heritage Lottery Grant Funding to restore and regenerate Kidwelly Town Centre as defined by the Conservation Area. An extended conservation area has been applied for. A photo record of all buildings in the area has been completed. The narrative needs to be added. This can be used as a basis to measure future changes in the area. Former Town Hall:- Options for usage have been identified. 16-18 groups have registered an interest.

383 CYDWELI 900 Minutes of the meeting held on 8th September 2013 had been circulated. Councillor B.Huws stated that, as a historian, he believed that the year selected for the 900 year anniversary was inaccurate. The council will provide the initial £500 allocated in this year’s budget, as soon as details of the bank account are received.


384 INFORMATION BOARDS The Town Forum has suggested that an information board be placed in the Town Square to enable residents to comment and make suggestions about key issues affecting the town. As the office window in Bridge Street will not be available as an information site, an alternative needs to be sought. It was agreed to look into the matter. Budget provision needs to be made.

385 KIDWELLY IN BLOOM A previous Kidwelly in Bloom project was initiated by the Trade and Tourism Association, supported by the Horticultural Society. It was previously RESOLVED in principle to support a future Kidwelly in Bloom project.

386 FEASIBILITY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY CREATION IN THE COMMUNITY The Project Officer had previously provided a SWOT analysis of Hydro, Solar and Wind power. It had previously been RESOLVED that the project officer investigate grants for a feasibility study

387 COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL Castle Ward has 8 councillors and Mynydd Ward has 5. Castle Ward has 44% of the electorate and Mynydd has 56%. A review of the composition of the Town Council has been requested. It was previously RESOLVED to request that the electoral area covered by the Town Council be split into two distinct electoral districts with the by-pass being the natural boundary. It was previously RESOLVED to work towards achieving parity in the existing wards in relation to the number of elected councillors.

388 OPTIONS WORKING GROUP / 2 BRIDGE STREET The quantity surveyor is looking at the submitted tenders to standardise the submissions. A meeting will be arranged with members of the community and organisations who have expressed an interest in using refurbished space at 2 Bridge Street. The council will work towards setting an agenda for a Public Meeting so that the issues surrounding the former offices can be discussed and a decision made on the future of the building.

389 TO CONSIDER HOLDING A REFERENDUM The call for a Public Meeting has negated the need for a referendum. See Minute 390 below. Note and Close this item.

390 REQUEST FOR A PUBLIC MEETING A petition requesting a Public Meeting to discuss the conduct of the council has been received. It was RESOLVED to hold a Public Meeting on 25th January 2014 in the Gwenllian Centre. Thirty days notice of such a meeting will need to be given. The Town Clerk will meet with representatives of those who signed the petition to create an agenda. Staffing matters will not be discussed. The agenda will be clear and specific so that the council will have a mandate on which to base its future decisions. Strict voting rules will apply. An independent chair will be appointed. Further advice on the procedure for a Public Meeting will be requested to ensure compliance.

391 CORRESPONDENCE – NOVEMBER 2013 1 PGC A full risk assessment is being carried out. Evacuation procedures for the Upper Trustees Conference Room are not adequate at present. For full compliance, expensive works would need to be carried out. Changing council meetings to Thursday and using the Lower Conference Room as a venue was not convenient. The matter is ongoing.

392 COMMUNITY HALLS No reports were available.


393 REPORTS FROM SCHOOL GOVERNORS, YOUTH COUNCIL, OTHER REPRESENTATIVES The newsletter from Ysgol y Castell had been circulated. A letter of thanks for the donation of £500 to the Eisteddfod Committee has been received.



DATE APPOINTMENT 1st December 2013 Hollyberry Lunch 12.30pm 2nd December 2013 Christmas Lunch 12.30pm 3rd December 2013 Welfare coffee morning 10.30am 3rd December 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm 6th December 2013 Mayor’s Ball - Carmarthen 7.00pm 10th December 2013 Festival Choir Coffee morning 10.00am 10th December 2013 Ysgol Gwenllian Christmas Fayre 6.00pm 10th December 2013 Estates & Finance & Establishment Committees 6.30pm 11th December 2013 Mynydd Senior Citizens Christmas Party 2.00pm 11th December 2013 Kidwelly Senior Citizens Dinner 7.00pm 14th December 2013 Kidwelly Festival Choir Concert 7.00pm 16th December 2013 Mynydd y Garreg Christmas Lighting 6.00pm 17th December 2013 Welfare Committee Christmas dinner 12.00pm 17th December 2013 Ysgol y Castell Christmas Carols 6.00pm 17th December 2013 Lighting of Remembrance 7.30pm 18th December 2013 Lessons & Carols 7.00pm


DATE APPOINTMENT December 2013 3rd December 2013 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm 10th December 2013 Estates & Finance & Establishment Committees 6.30pm 16th December 2013 Mynydd y Garreg Christmas Lighting 6.00pm 18th December 2013 Lessons & Carols 7.00pm January 2014 7th January 2014 Full Council & General Purposes Committee 6.30pm 14th January 2014 Estates & Finance Committees 6.30pm 16th January 2014 Kidwelly Partnership 10.30pm 25th January 2014 Public Meeting 10.30am To be arranged Budget Setting

395 APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY MAYOR & DEPUTY CHAIR OF ESTATES The following posts were filled:- Deputy Mayor – Cllr R.Thomas Deputy Chair of Estates Committee – Cllr R.Davies Youth Council Representative – Cllr R.Thomas One Voice Wales Representatives – Cllrs J.Gilasbey and R.Thomas. Note and Close this item.


396 APPROVAL OF BANK ACCOUNT SIGNATORIES The resolution of the Finance Committee of 12th November 2013 that there be 4 signatories on the bank account was confirmed by Council. Note and Close this item.

397 APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE - COUNTY LIAISON FORUM It was RESOLVED that Councillor F.Burke-Lloyd be appointed representative. Note and Close this item.


1 Audrey Lyon Mrs Lyon provided an update on the planting carried out by the gardening club and encouraged other community bases initiatives. A letter of thanks will be sent. Note and Close this item. 2 Carmarthenshire Details were given of the Toy Box Scheme for 2013. The Mayor will give a County Council donation from the tranche. Note and Close this item. 3 Carmarthenshire Notification of consultation on the review of the technical statement for minerals County Council for South Wales has been received. Note and Close this item. 4 Kidwelly Civic The Civic Society requested that the council provide information on the actions Society it intends to take to preserve the town’s heritage. The Town Clerk and members strongly disagreed with some elements of the contents of the letter. The Town Clerk will respond on behalf of the council. Note and Close this item.

The Mayor wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.