Chapter 10 Section 2, 3, 4 Era of Good Feelings Objectives 1. Identify two reasons the Erie was built and two results of the Erie Canal 2. Identify the inventor of the and explain the importance of the steam engine. 3. Explain why the time period of 1816-1824 was called the Era of Good Feelings 4. Describe what the British do to make Northern Factories Angry 5. Identify the four parts of the ’s American System and how it caused Sectionalism 6. What is the and where is the imaginary line for the Monroe Doctrine

II. The Erie Canal (1817-1824) A. Connected to Buffalo 1. The NYS Thruway follows the Erie Canal 2. A canal is an artificial channel filled with water 3. The have locks which a. They were small compartments that let water in and out B. Reasons the Canal was built 1. Wanted to give farmers in Great Lakes a fast trade route 2. Wanted to give farmers in Great Lakes a cheap trade route 3. With more trade NYS could get more taxes C. Results 1. New York City becomes the largest port in the US 2. Trade from other states such Michigan, Indiana and others increases 3. Trade with other nations also increases D. Side Notes 1. Many of the towns near the canal have “Port”

III. The Steam Engine Boat A. Another improvement in transportation B. Invented by Fulton C. Now goods could be traded faster and easier 1. The time was generally by ¼ 2. Allowed larger cargoes D. Could be used on rivers and canals

IV. Era of Good Feelings (1816-1824) A. During the Presidency of 1. In 1816 Monroe wins easily over the last 2. In 1820 no one runs against Monroe 3. In the United States the feelings are about making the nation better B. Concerns during the Era of Good Feelings 1. Re-charter the national bank b. Help put taxes in one place c. Allowed bank to give loans to business which would create more taxes 2. Foreign goods were being dumped in US a. British were upset because many Americans set up factories during the b. British try to sell products well below American prices 1. This is called dumping c. Northern Factory owners want there to be high tariffs 1. This will make British goods more expensive 2. These are called protective tariffs d. Congress passes a protective tariff 1. Helps Northern Factory owners 2. Hurts Southern farmers a. They buy many of their products from Britain V. The dumping crisis created SECTIONALISM A. Meaning people have loyalty to a section instead of the whole country B. Henry Clay offers a plan 1. Was a War Hawk during the war of 1812 2. Is from the West 3. Offers a compromise called the American System a. Stated that there should be a protective tariff b. The North would get protection c. The North would then buy Southern Crops d. The South would in turn buy Northern Goods e. The government would work on making new roads and canals 1. To make shipping faster and cheaper 2. One of the most famous examples was the Erie Canal

VI. One last Monroe Item: The Monroe Doctrine (1824) A. Stated that the All Nations were to stay out of the Western Hemisphere B. In return the US would stay out of European affairs C. There would be no more colonies in the Western Hemisphere D. The only reason the US could do this was because the British wanted Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere as well E. If you draw a line down the Middle of the Atlantic Ocean you have the Monroe Doctrine