Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

Hi Fit Family!

Welcome to my 6-Week Move Your Body Program!

This program will challenge you and help you develop consistent habits with fitness. It’s all about staying active on a busy schedule. No matter what you are up against, most of us can find 30 minutes a day to dedicate to fitness. Do the workout while you watch your favorite show on Netflix. You’ve got this!

 Stay accountable in our Facebook Community Group: Kelsey Byers Fitness Coaching or CLICK HERE  Stay connected though Instagram by using these hashtags #kelseybyerschallenge

Recommended equipment: 1. A set of dumbbells – I used 5, 8 and 10 pounds 2. Resistance band set with door stop 3. Jump rope (optional) but great for working out at home 4. Circle band

Check out this blog post for recommendations on home equipment:

FOOD Nutrition determines 80% of your results, working out is only 20% of the journey. If you do this plan but aren’t eating the right food, you won’t get the results you desire. If nothing changes, nothing changes.

Support: Email [email protected] with questions.

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

Start Here:

1. Weigh yourself and take measurements with a tape measure. Only weigh yourself once at the beginning of this program and once at the end. The scale does not take into account body fat lost and muscle gained.

I went from 24% body fat down to 15% and weighed 140 pounds the entire time. To give you an idea of what that looked like, I went from a size 8/10 to a size 4. Hide your scale after today.

2. Take your official “before” progress pictures. It’s better to have someone do this for you on a blank white wall, but you can always snap a picture of yourself with your phone. You can also set your phone to video mode and take screenshots of the poses. Take your photos in natural lighting. I would love to celebrate you and your hard work on my social media pages and blog. Email results to [email protected]

3. Tell someone you are on a mission to make a change or encourage someone to do this plan with you for accountability. Writing your goals down and telling someone else makes them real. While support is nice, not everyone has it. This tribe of women will support you! Sometimes you only have yourself to hold you accountable. Let’s go, ladies! We are all in this together.

4. Go grocery shopping for healthy food. Use my healthy eating starter guide as a tool.

5. Meal prep and order recommended meal replacement shakes/bars if you plan to use them. Visit or email me [email protected] for recommendations for your goals and budget. You can’t beat spending under $3 per meal.

6. Start.

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

If you would like more guidance with nutrition, check out my Healthy Eating Starter Guide and Recipe book found here.

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

Check out past results from other 6-week challenges! They rocked it! Give this your ALL!

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

Instructions: Complete the circuit 3-4 times. Perform each one time through until the end of the list, then repeat the circuit. Try not to rest until you have done the circuit one time through. Then give yourself 1-2 minutes of rest between circuits.

Note: Every repetition range is always per arm or per leg if applicable. For example, when doing punches, do 12 punches per arm. When doing leg circles, do 15 per leg.

DAY 1: Legs/Glutes

1. 15 Frog pumps 2. 15 curl with dumbbell 3. 15 Leg circles 4. 15 Hip thrusts 5. 12 Jump squats 6. 12 Mountain climbers 7. 12 Resistance band steps 8. 12 Fire hydrant kickback combo 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 2: Shoulders/Abs

1. 12 Arnold press and shoulder combo 2. 12 & lateral raise combo on bench 3. 12 Bent over rear delt raise 4. 12 Upright & rear delt combo 5. 21’s (1 set of 7 for each movement) 6. 12 Punches 7. 12 Back flyes with resistance bands 8. 20 Cross body 9. 20 Scissor kick (aka scissors) 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

DAY 3: Chest/

1. 12 Triceps dumbbell kickback 2. 12 Resistance band pull down 3. 12 Seated bent-over one-arm dumbbell triceps extension 4. 12 Tate press 5. 12 Side tricep push-up 6. 12 Alternating floor press 7. 12 Cross over with bands 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 4: Back/

1. 12 Resistance band seated row at home 2. 12 Bent over row (dumbbells) 3. 12 One arm dumbbell row (aka lawnmowers) 4. 12 Hammer curls 5. 12 Hammer & bicep curl combo 6. 12 Flexor incline dumbbell curls 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 5: Conditioning Workout Perform 3-4 rounds of this circuit. Rest as needed but try to get through one full round before resting 60 seconds.

1. 12 Backwards with kick – 12 on each leg 2. 12 Mountain climber sliders – 45 seconds 3. 12 Jumping jacks – 45 seconds 4. 12 Kettlebell swings – 45 seconds 5. 12 High knees – 45 seconds 6. 12 Spell caster 7. 12 Vertical jumps 8. 12 Criss cross – 45 seconds 9. 15 Leg lowers 10. Stationary lunges – 15 per leg (use dumbbells)

Day 6: Optional (Choose a workout from Kelsey’s Glute Training Guide) or do something active such as go walking/jogging for 30 minutes, play with your kids/fur babies outside, clean the house, work up a sweat, y’all!

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

Instructions: Complete the circuit 3-4 times. Perform each exercise one time through until the end of the list, then repeat the circuit. Try not to rest until you have done the circuit one time through. Then give yourself 1-2 minutes of rest between circuits.

DAY 1: Legs/Glutes

ROUND 1 – Wake Up Your Muscles

1. 12 Up down squats 2. 12 and press 3. 12 Standing resistance band kickbacks 4. 12 Wall seat (30 seconds) 5. 12 Standing calf raise (holding dumbbells) 6. 12 Squat and combo 7. 12 Squat hops 8. 12 Stability ball hamstring curl 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 2: Shoulders/Abs

1. 12 Side Laterals to Front Raise 2. 12 One arm side lateral 3. 12 Y Raises 4. 12 Alternating dumbbell press 5. 12 Front two dumbbell raise 6. 12 (use resistance band or cable) 7. 20 Side 8. 20 Crunches 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 3: Chest/Triceps

1. Kickbacks – 3 ways 2. 12 Seated dumbbell triceps press 3. 12 Standing bent over two-arm dumbbell tricep extension 4. 12 Dips 5. 12 Resistance band skull crusher on floor 6. 12 Modified pushup 7. 12 Resistance band chest press 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

DAY 4: Back/Biceps

1. 12 Bent over dumbbell row (palms up) 2. 12 Weighted ball hyperextensions 3. 12 Bent arm barbell pullover 4. 12 Kneeling resistance band wide pulldown 5. 12 Straight arm pull down 6. 12 Concentration curls 7. 12 Barbell curl 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 5: Conditioning

Perform 3-4 rounds of this circuit. Rest as needed but try to get through one full round before resting 60 seconds.

1. 12 Fire hydrant & kickback combo – 12 on each leg 2. Flutter kicks – 45 seconds 3. Jumping jacks – 45 seconds 4. Butt kicks – 45 seconds 5. 12 Plank push-ups 6. 12 Double tucks 7. 12 Vertical jumps 8. 12 Jump jump tuck 9. 12 Plank shoulder taps 10. 15 Kettlebell figure 8

DAY 6: Optional (Choose a workout from Kelsey’s Glute Training Guide) or do something active such as go walking/jogging for 30 minutes, play with your kids/fur babies outside, clean the house, work up a sweat, y’all!

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

Instructions: Complete the circuit 3-4 times. Perform each exercise one time through until the end of the list, then repeat the circuit. Try not to rest until you have done the circuit one time through. Then give yourself 1-2 minutes of rest between circuits.

DAY 1: Legs/Glutes

1. 15 Suspended hip thrust 2. 15 Lunge pass through 3. 15 Lateral lunge 4. 15 Glute kickback (with resistance band) 5. 15 Curtsy lunge 6. 15 Clams 7. 15 Resistance band door squats 8. 15 Deadlift with band on thighs 9. 15 Couch hip thrust 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 2: Shoulders/Abs

1. 12 Power Partials 2. 20 Squirms 3. 20 Couch crunch 4. 20 Plank twist 5. 12 Standing military press 6. 12 Dumbbell scaption 7. 12 Bent Over Rear Delt Raise with Head on Bench 8. 12 Reverse bench flyes 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 3: Chest/Triceps

1. 12 Chest press with resistance bands 2. 12 Incline dumbbell flyes 3. 12 Resistance band pulldown 4. 12 Tate press 5. 12 Lying dumbbell triceps extension 6. 12 One arm overhead tricep press with resistance band 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

DAY 4: Back/Biceps

1. 12 Kneeling resistance band wide pulldown 2. 12 One arm dumbbell row (aka lawnmowers) 3. 12 Plank with dumbbell row 4. 12 Straight arm pull down with resistance band 5. 12 Bicep curls with dumbbells 6. 12 Resistance band curls on door 7. Bicep curl dirty 30 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 5: Conditioning

1. 20 Air bike 2. 15 Kettlebell figure 8 3. 15 Yoga ab twist 4. 12 Alien squat 5. 12 Bench step-ups 6. 12 Bulgarian split squat 7. 12 with bands 8. 15 Hamstring slides 9. 15 Ice skater

DAY 6: Optional (Choose a workout from Kelsey’s Glute Training Guide) or do something active such as go walking/jogging for 30 minutes, play with your kids/fur babies outside, clean the house, work up a sweat, y’all!

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

Instructions: Complete the circuit 3-4 times. Perform each exercise one time through until the end of the list, then repeat the circuit. Try not to rest until you have done the circuit one time through. Then give yourself 1-2 minutes of rest between circuits.

Note: Every repetition range is always per arm or per leg if applicable. For example, when doing punches, do 12 punches per arm. When doing leg circles, do 15 per leg.

DAY 1: Legs/Glutes

1. 15 Frog pumps 2. 15 Hamstring curl with dumbbell 3. 15 Leg circles 4. 15 Hip thrusts 5. 12 Jump squats 6. 12 Mountain climbers 7. 12 Resistance band steps 8. 12 Fire hydrant kickback combo 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 2: Shoulders/Abs

1. 12 Arnold press and shoulder fly combo 2. 12 Front raise & lateral raise combo on bench 3. 12 Bent over rear delt raise 4. 12 & rear delt combo 5. 21’s (1 set of 7 for each movement) 6. 12 Punches 7. 12 Back flyes with resistance bands 8. 20 Cross body crunch 9. 20 Scissor kick (aka scissors) 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

DAY 3: Chest/Triceps

1. 12 Triceps dumbbell kickback 2. 12 Resistance band pull down 3. 12 Seated bent-over one-arm dumbbell triceps extension 4. 12 Tate press 5. 12 Side tricep push-up 6. 12 Alternating floor press 7. 12 Cross over with bands 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 4: Back/Biceps

1. 12 Resistance band seated row at home 2. 12 Bent over row (dumbbells) 3. 12 One arm dumbbell row (aka lawnmowers) 4. 12 Hammer curls 5. 12 Hammer & bicep curl combo 6. 12 Flexor incline dumbbell curls 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 5: Conditioning Workout Perform 3-4 rounds of this circuit. Rest as needed but try to get through one full round before resting 60 seconds.

1. 12 Backwards lunge with kick – 12 on each leg 2. Mountain climber sliders – 45 seconds 3. Jumping jacks – 45 seconds 4. Kettlebell swings – 45 seconds 5. High knees – 45 seconds 6. 12 Spell caster 7. 12 Vertical jumps 8. Criss cross – 45 seconds 9. 15 Leg lowers 10. 12 Spell caster 11. Stationary lunges – 15 per leg (use dumbbells)

Day 6: Optional (Choose a workout from Kelsey’s Glute Training Guide) or do something active such as go walking/jogging for 30 minutes, play with your kids/fur babies outside, clean the house, work up a sweat, y’all!

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

Instructions: Complete the circuit 3-4 times. Perform each exercise one time through until the end of the list, then repeat the circuit. Try not to rest until you have done the circuit one time through. Then give yourself 1-2 minutes of rest between circuits.

DAY 1: Legs/Glutes

ROUND 1 – Wake Up Your Muscles

1. 12 Up down squats 2. 12 Squat and press 3. 12 Standing resistance band kickbacks 4. 12 Wall seat (30 seconds) 5. 12 Standing calf raise (holding dumbbells) 6. 12 Squat and deadlift combo 7. 12 Squat hops 8. 12 Stability ball hamstring curl 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 2: Shoulders/Abs

1. 12 Side Laterals to Front Raise 2. 12 One arm side lateral 3. 12 Y Raises 4. 12 Alternating dumbbell press 5. 12 Front two dumbbell raise 6. 12 Face Pull (use resistance band or cable) 7. 20 Side bridge 8. 20 Crunches 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 3: Chest/Triceps

1. Kickbacks – 3 ways 2. 12 Seated dumbbell triceps press 3. 12 Standing bent over two-arm dumbbell tricep extension 4. 12 Dips 5. 12 Resistance band skull crusher on floor 6. 12 Modified pushup 7. 12 Resistance band chest press 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

DAY 4: Back/Biceps

1. 12 Bent over dumbbell row (palms up) 2. 12 Weighted ball hyperextensions 3. 12 Bent arm barbell pullover 4. 12 Kneeling resistance band wide pulldown 5. 12 Straight arm pull down 6. 12 Concentration curls 7. 12 Barbell curl 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 5: Conditioning

Perform 3-4 rounds of this circuit. Rest as needed but try to get through one full round before resting 60 seconds.

1. 12 Fire hydrant & kickback combo – 12 on each leg 2. Flutter kicks – 45 seconds 3. Jumping jacks – 45 seconds 4. Butt kicks – 45 seconds 5. 12 Plank push-ups 6. 12 Double tucks 7. 12 Vertical jumps 8. 12 Jump jump tuck 9. 12 Plank shoulder taps 10. 15 Kettlebell figure 8

DAY 6: Optional (Choose a workout from Kelsey’s Glute Training Guide) or do something active such as go walking/jogging for 30 minutes, play with your kids/fur babies outside, clean the house, work up a sweat, y’all!

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

Instructions: Complete the circuit 3-4 times. Perform each exercise one time through until the end of the list, then repeat the circuit. Try not to rest until you have done the circuit one time through. Then give yourself 1-2 minutes of rest between circuits.

DAY 1: Legs/Glutes

1. 15 Suspended hip thrust 2. 15 Lunge pass through 3. 15 Lateral lunge 4. 15 Glute kickback (with resistance band) 5. 15 Curtsy lunge 6. 15 Clams 7. 15 Resistance band door squats 8. 15 Deadlift with band on thighs 9. 15 Couch hip thrust 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 2: Shoulders/Abs

1. 12 Power Partials 2. 20 Squirms 3. 20 Couch crunch 4. 20 Plank twist 5. 12 Standing military press 6. 12 Dumbbell scaption 7. 12 Bent Over Rear Delt Raise with Head on Bench 8. 12 Reverse bench flyes 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 3: Chest/Triceps

1. 12 Chest press with resistance bands 2. 12 Incline dumbbell flyes 3. 12 Resistance band pulldown 4. 12 Tate press 5. 12 Lying dumbbell triceps extension 6. 12 One arm overhead tricep press with resistance band 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

DAY 4: Back/Biceps

1. 12 Kneeling resistance band wide pulldown 2. 12 One arm dumbbell row (aka lawnmowers) 3. 12 Plank with dumbbell row 4. 12 Straight arm pull down with resistance band 5. 12 Bicep curls with dumbbells 6. 12 Resistance band curls on door 7. Bicep curl dirty 30 50 jump ropes or jog in place 1 minute

DAY 5: Conditioning

1. 20 Air bike 2. 15 Kettlebell figure 8 3. 15 Yoga ab twist 4. 12 Alien squat 5. 12 Bench step-ups 6. 12 Bulgarian split squat 7. 12 Calf raises with bands 8. 15 Hamstring slides 9. 15 Ice skater

DAY 6: Optional (Choose a workout from Kelsey’s Glute Training Guide) or do something active such as go walking/jogging for 30 minutes, play with your kids/fur babies outside, clean the house, work up a sweat, y’all!

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018

Copyright Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC 2018