THE FOKTLANI) DAILY PRESS, MISCELLA XE0U5. MISCELLANEOUS Judge Mobell of Published every dry (Sundays excepted) by tbe THE Orange County, X. J. have gone so far as to reside a portion of the PRESS. who lias been PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., twice elected to the bench by period of his absence in Chicago, the Democrats, the reasons The queer man to be un- Ax 10» Exokahoe St., Portland. JtOKDAY MORMMi, OCT. 25. gives following appeared slightly for leaving that "The traditions of der the inlluence of liquor—slightly, Teems : Eight Dollars a Tear. To mall subecritf^' party: merely ern Seven Dollars a if In DONG-OLA. the Democratic were the nom- •lightly—just had to be and h«> Tear, paid advance. C. We do not read letters and communi- party against plenty jolly, GEORGE SHAW & anonymous CO.'S was in the habit of of a being where betting men The name and address of the writer are in ination man who was a soldier THE MAIN I liave the exclusive sale iu this of the ONLY cation. simply most congregated. Hes*t around and did not E~ST ATE PRESS city and ORIGINAL all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- without any civil record; the utterances of talk much—that is, not too much. He listened, • Τηπειη>αυ at a published every Μοκνγνο $2 60 tion but as a guaranty of good faith. General though, and took his year, it paid in advance at (3.00 a year. Hancock had shown his want of beverages calmly, placid- NEW «Y e cannot and IIo STORE. undertake to return or preserve com- ly regularly. listened, and when he training in State matters; the Administra- heard a Democratic Rati* of Adyebtuiso : One Inch of the munications tflat are not used. enthusiast say he would space, Five we were to of a years ago obliged our quarters, to increase of DONGOLA tion of an bet S100 or 3300 or ho would a constitutes enlarge owing BOOT. $1000, desire length column, "square." store business, by moving into Independent Presi- tbe just vacated by us. Since that time our business bas so Republican, of (1.60 per square, daily first week; 76 cen-s pei steadily increased that our old store was clear statement the proposition ; and then inadequate to accommodate our we bave dent had this to an week after; three insertions or continu growing trade, leased tbe our The Best Street Boot for Ladies. Hayes, brought country he would without an oath less, (1.00; old store au<3 aud consequently property adjoining Eveitv regular attaché of the Press is furnishe-t say, or laugh or the ug every other day after first week, 60 cents. by remodeling building have now one of the largest, most convenient and attractive era of evidence of stores in New With our -vitb a great prosperity; his of the slightest excitement: "I will take Half three Insertions or Ènglaud. enlarged room we have bee λ enabled to increase the Card certihcate study square, lens, 76 cents; of variety and quanti- Burt s Hand Made Misses' School signed by Stanley i'ullen, and he would ty our stock. The list so Tie of our new and Boots, Boots, and career that," put up the money. one week, (1.00: 60 cents per week after. following comprises seasonable goods which we are con- Editor. All steamboat and speeches public of General Gar- : In railway, hotel managers After a timo the man 8pecial Notices, one-third additional. stantly receiving In Pebble Goat, Calf and French Kid. French Calf, Goat and Grain. queer produced a chill- will confer a favor upon us ci field had convinced him that the same meth- Under head of "Amusements" and "Auctios by demanding cdentiais ing sensation. He had all the money anybody of wanted. Sales," (2.00 per square per week; three inser- Children's every person claiming to represent our journal. ods would be co tinued under his adminis With his unfailing pocket book he tions or Colored Boots, covered all less, (1.60. Ladies' Boots, sums. He stopped the wild career Advertisements In Walking tration and the would an inserted the "Maine State Pink, Blue, Gold, Bronze and Pearl. country escape of the who a New Table Raisins 18c moneyed Democracy, have fear- Peer*" (which has a large circulation in 44 ib New Candied Lemon Peel 25c lb every part j " undesirable expensive h;»bit of of the Loose Muscatel Raisins 15c" 44 change." fully inspiring themse.ves State), for (1.00 per square for first " Layer Figs, (very choice) 2nc French Goat insertion, 44 44 " 4° Straight Boots, with loo mach Valencia 44 and then and 60 cents per square for each Inser- 11c44 ι 20c White K;d q00(js confidence, backing subsequent Old 44 44 44 their It tion. Loose Muscatel 10c44 Old 15c " AND G ex. opinions. was distressing to have ail 44 44 AND Plâisted attacked the Address all New Seedless 15c I 44 "moneyed bets taken a who coramunlcatiens to 44 New French Prunes, (extra choice) 20c by queer man, would drink English Currants 8c44 44 *4 44 in a 44 .. 18c44 aristocracy" semi-communistic all the time, and was nut drunk PORTLAND PUBLISHING 44 j speech very any of 00. Leghorn Citron 30c I 44 Turkish 44 9c lb, 3 ft\« for 25 Cloth Topftoots with Box Toes. Fancy Slippers, at City Hall on Saturday nisht. Did he the time, and had no end of money, and In all for Misses and treated to champagne The result Frosla styles Ladies, Children. mean to deuounce Hon W G. Hon. profusely. Malaga Grapes, Davis, was he carried away enough money to start a ENTERTAINMENTS. A. W. II. NEW STYLES FOR GENTLEMEN : Clapp, Elbridge Gerry, Esq. national bank. He is supposed to he a bloated THURBER'S Lewis Pierce, D. H. bondholder by tnis lime.—Cincinnati Commer- PURE FRUIT PRESERVES. CLOTH TOP Imitation Button CONGRESS BOOTS. Esq., Ingraham, Esq., cial. CITY HALL These goods are put up from selected and are to in Darius Alden, Esq., F. W. Hill, cx- fruit, acknowledged be the choiccst the market' Bals., Walkinsiast Bals., morocco for Dress Esq., Leg Boots, Gov. The Tariff WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. 10th. 1 lb Tumblers. 2 lb Glass Jars. 4 lb Glass Jars and SttfCt Wea-· FRENCH ΚΙ» AND PATENT LEATHER DANC- Sm'th, and the other rich men of the Question. Strawberry..., 45c 7fc $1.25. ING PUMPS, all widths. Fusion cominunio' ? Or did he mean Raspberry 45c 75c 1.25 only Blackberry 45c 7oc 1.25. Republican rich men? How It Affects Working Men and Busi- Pineapple 45c . 75c 1.25. Please call and examine the ONLY LARGE STOCK of line Boots and Shoes Tbe Ideal White 45c everjopencd intli ness Men. Cherry 75c 1.25. State of at the Opera Company 44 Maine, very lowest prices. The Red Jersey City Journal "We in GILBEBT 4 SULLIVAN'S new Opera 45c 75c 1.25. says: Green Gage 45c 75c 1.25. saw this week a letter written by Thomas Damson *5c 75c 1.25. of The has now been for t Quince. 45c 75c 1.25. Bailey Potter England to a gentleman country living wenty Peach 45c 75c 1.25. who years under a tariff sjstem the Re- Pear resides in this State, in which Mr. Pot- adopted by "THE » 45c 75c SORCERER," 1.25. m M. G. i » Presidential 2. ter admits that he and his British publican party Congress, the-ground princi- WHIfNET, BARNABEE, FESSENDEN. Election, Nov. frankly 1 PALMER, pie of which is to American ADELAIDE protect labor and PHILLIPPS, MARIE STONE, free-trade all'es are spending their money to and all (he favorites in the cast. defeat and he seeks to his Garfield, justify tion from tlie ■ MAI* CHORES aid OBCHEHTBA. FOlt cheap labor'and immense area" 230 Middle Street. PRESIDENT, imeiierence on me mat it is abso- THURBER'S ocll grounu mutated of PURE FRUIT BUTTER. codtf capital . This ban Ticket sale at Stockbridge'sThursday morning, system at 9 lutely necessary to the British manufactur- o'clock, Oct. 21st. Ticket·, 60c, 76c, $1.00. greatly benefited tlie industries of tlie country ocl9 dlw ing interests to break down Apple, Quince, Raspberry, JAMES A. 'protection' in Our manufacturing interests bave vastly in- Strawberry, GARFIELD, this country." creased in magnitude «ince it was Plum OF OHIO. adopted, and The Mutual and bave OCEAN TO Blackberry· Benefit broadened tbeir field of so OCEAN ! Gen. S. J. Anderson said on operation PUT IIP I1Ï Saturday as to 5 Ib. WOOD PAILS 75 CENTS PER take in almost every article needed a TO MAINE. PAIL. at Hall the by ORjEOOW night City that renionetization civilized FOR VICE PRESIDENT, people. Hundreds of thriving towns Portland to Portland of silver was the cause of the prese t pros- have sprung up where there was nothing but The Continent spanned by of the A.nd A Full Line of COWDREY'S LIFE INSURANCE CO. perity country. yet there were open in and old PRESERVES Chester A. country 1800, balfdead vil- Arthur, persons who in September thought Gen. An- lages have become In Stone Jars, from 3 to 5 lbs. in a Jar. SlSo. pound. prosperous cities, teeming derson sufficiently intelligent about public with a busy population. The whole IDE MUSICAL MARVELS I OF 3ΧΓ. J. OK1 NEW ΥΟβΚ. land, KTEWAR.KL, affairs to represent the first district of Maine from Maine to the Far West, is dotted with TBE FAMOUS CHOICE VBRMONT i:i the Congress of the United States. shops and factories which would never have FOR LEWIS C, GEOVER, President. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. been built if our laws had not levied a duty For Klectors at Large. upon foreign goods. The wages of labor are JOSEPH S. of A TARIFF FOR WHEELWRIGHT, Bangor. REVENUE from 50 to 100 IKA H. of Saco. per cent, higher than they were IcGIBEH TABLE BUTTER Jan. Market FOSS, ONI/Ï. FAMILY, ASSETS, 1, 1880, Yalue, $35,311,626.67. first H. before the protective system was At District—ELISHA. .IEWETT. adopted. Of Ptrllaad. Oreftn. Their four years Sccoiuf District-Q'l'lS HAYFuKI). same time jour- New York the the farmers, who have a home neying crowned with success. They will greet the the LIABILITIES, by Standard, Third District—ΕυΥΠϋ FLYE. by Tub, at Wholesale Prices. $29,299,098.03. market for their in people of this city in SURPLUS, New York Fourth District -LEWIS B. JOHNSON. Full Explanation of that Free products the cities and Standard, $6,012,528.64. Fifth District—SEWAKD B. HUME. manufacturing towns, are getting far bettor Trade Plank. THREE GRAND CONCERTS Porto Rico 65c prices than they got twenty years ago, and are Fancy Molasses, gal. in — — consequently much easier AT Issued this contains The Democracy and the Tariff. circumstances- Every Policy by Company the In a MB. WATTEESON SAYS HE WROTE IT word, the wholo country is thriving and Good 35c and The review of the tariff question and of Cooking Molasses, gal. following Conditions, is Absolutely Non- AND THE CONVENTION UNANI- growing under the application of this Republi- its effect upon labor and business, made by can NEW PORTLAND Forfeitable : MOUSLY ADOPTED IT. protective legislation. THEATRE, the article in another New Orleans 65c published column, A Monday, Tuesday and Fancy Molasses, gal. SWEErlNG CHANGE PUOPOSED Wednesday, In case of after two or more Full Years' shows the character of the Not. 2d and 3d. Lapse Premiums have been paid, the ful sweeping change Now the Democrats notice iu 1st, Four I'er Cent Reserve The Louisville give their Value will be applied by the Company, at the option of the demanded by the Democratic and Courier-Journal, edited by that if mother and «even a CROSSE & platform platform they get into power will Father, children—each bnl BLACKWËLL S SPECIALTIES Assured, in either of two ways : First—to the Extension of the full amount of the has tbo they liant Musical Artist—In a with the result it would have and Henry Watterson, following: this programme original OBMOE for such as the full value will for upon industry sweep away entire protective system, and themselres, consisting of choice Bat d and 'rches- «AHKILDE IN FANCY JARS. insurance period pay at the Company's Publish- Mr. Watterson had the misfortune to be ANi HOVOY P4NTr; '· '■ " ed the laboring man, the one and put iu its place "a tariff for revenue tral Selections, Cornet Soloe and Duets, Violin Solos Bates; or, Second—On surrender of the Original Policy within Three Months crushing chairman of the platform committee in the only.' and CHINA »»T IN F«NCÏ OBHtHENTIID Huets, Glees ChoruBes, Ballads and Laughable VASE'S. from date of Lapse, to the of a ILLUSTRATION' : A starving the other. 11 te national but he had the This plank was put iu their platform at the Character Sketches. JOHN BULL SAUCE IN FANCY OBNAHEHTED TA8EM. purchase Paid-up Policy. par- convention; hap- HOBO '< " " « ty insures at Axe 35, for 810,000. He his Premiums for Ten piness to be associated with other demand of the Admission 25 cts.; Reserved Seats 50 ere. On SAUCE pays Years, receiving The Deoicorats dare not meet the issue so thirty-seven South, which has always been ROYAL " " « » the Dividends the sale at Box Office at Theatre SAUCE Large of the Company, and then stops payment. The result will be gentlemen, representing wisuoin and ex- hostile to protection. The South Thursday morning, fairly raised, but plead that their platform of has no manu- Oct. 27. at 9 o'clock. Secure seats early and hear as follows: First, the whole $10,000 Insurance would be extended for Ten Years perience every state and section of the Also η fall liue of CROSSE <& BLACKW ELL'S Union. factories to speak of. The in- the musical wonders. PICKLES, SAUCES, KETCH- and or, he would receive a doesn't mean anything, and now affirm No cui-and d-'ied platform happened manufacturing UP» iu botilen, at low Forty-six Days, Second, Paid-up Policy for $2,660. (Τ"ΒΙμιΙμ returns read from atage price*. to be 111 readiness, and these gentlemen be- terests of New Jersey or Connecticut alone are Taod^r that protection to American labor is a pretty night. took themselves to an apartment in the Grand far than oc25 d6t B. S. greater those of the entire region from DRIGGS, Business Manager. good thing after all. But the revenue Hotel, where from 8 in the to 3 o'clock HEDGES cte State evening the J'otomac to tue Ilio Grande. HODGES, Ag'ts resolution ai Cincinnati the next morning they discussed the various There are RICHARDSON & ROBBINS PLUM PUDDING adopted represents cities in those FOB MAISE A!»» NEW questions which they thought worthy of con- single States which manufac. NEW MASSACHUSETTS, HAMPSHIRE, the opinions and purposes of the Democratic sideration. PORTLAND THEATKE. Quite a mass of documentary mat- ture now more than all the cotton States com- Frank Ccbtis Lessee and Manager. They have held to that doc- ter was the This was turned 178 Devonshire St., Mass. party. always consequence. bined. Tho South wauls to sell its cotton Boston, over to Mr. Watterson to bo licked into shape, trine and put it into practice whenever they hemp and tobacco for the and Matinee New and Mr. Watterson, with the assistanco of Mr. highest price it can Friday, Saturday, Saturday Sometliing had the opportunity. hold to it now Gwinn of and and iu at 2.30 Oct. 29th and 30th. They Maryland, Mr. Irish of Iowa, get, buy European markets the goods o'clock, in two of the ablest and most secret and would if possible make it law. enlightened mem- it needs at the lowest prices; aud it wants to SAMOS COFFEE. FINE FLAVOR. TRY IT bers of the committee, completed the work The frank statement of the case Mr. import those goods at nominal rites of H. C. . by very much as the country has it. Thus phrased duty. Miss annIë GILSON, AUG. H. Its true interest pixley, FORD, Henry Watterson of the Louisville Courier- and poiuted it was reported back to the com- is to build up factories at The charming Songstress and Actress, who has just Journal, who reported the Cincinnati mittee; every clause, every line, every word home, but it is too prejudiced aud short-sighted closed a most brilliant engagement at the Bos- Agent. Special plat- was to the closest Agent. subjected scrutiny ; and the to see this. Tlie ton that vast auditorium shows that the revenue was Western Democracy Theatre, crowding form, plank whole was not adopted until an entire day had always every night with aeliglited audiences. acts with the aud CIGARS. fully and thoughtfully discussed and delib- been spent in this process of revision. It was South, these two elements as of the Person· in 14 : then, perfected, brought before the conven- Democratic party immensely preponder- 23,·OO Performances, We have recently added to our business, a full ami In Office 28 erately adopted as an expression of comple-e cigir department the stoc* is included Street, present tion, and, not cue vote declared to ate dissenting, over the Eastern a full liue of Imported, Key West, and Domestic Cigars. Our iuteution is to the best in the Exchange Democracy wnich is in Witnessed keep Cigars Democratic and a re-atlirmation of be the of the her rendition of and make our in the opinion platform party. City, profit amount of sa es. Mr. part favorable to protection. The the ancient Democratic creed. The Deuioc" Watterson is forced to admit the soft objections impeachment that he is responsible for the of Democrats iu Cuugrc>s from Pennsylvania, is committed to a M our La •racy tariff for revenue tariff plank in onestion. and although, to he New 'LIS S, Try Favorita, lOet. Cigar. Jersey, New York, and Connecticut will only, and to that issue the strictly accurate, he might lighten his load of not Our PRINCIPE 5ct. is made of all Republicans check for a moment ibe execution of the CHILD THE Cigar Tobacco, and the bast smoke in the City for the money gnilt somewhat by placing an equal share to OF SIERRAS. will hold it. of tho South to the account of Mr. David A. Wells, he scorns plan repeal all protective du- to a Best Brands of dod&e the issue. Mr. Wattersou is a Demo- Supported by Powerful Dra- 13 ets. Bunch. Tim Π .,1. il. ΤΛ Cigarettes, crat. was — -. UVMVVU til V He bred in the old-time school of matic Company. A^VUlUVlOillV ) UOl" WHAT IS TUB HI STORY OF TARIFF LEGISLATION? All those who enjoy a should not fail to call on as we KNOW we are the Democratic opinion and, among the traditions good smoke, us, selling best tion en the tariff with proves that the for the us great clearness. It of this Democratic has al- John E. McDonough, I Cigars money in the City. If you will give but one TRIAL we shall feel assured of your fur- school, surviving the ravages of time party Robert Fulford, j Managers & Proprietors. ther patronage. says: "If protection is the true gospel, and war, that of revenue reform (miscalled ways opposed a protective policy. Alter the Sale of Seats Tuesday, Oct 26th, 8.30 a. m. free trade) with honest war theu the Republicans are its oriaiual preach- has, aloug money and of 181'-' closed there caine a series of hard oc25 d6t a strict construction of the constitution, and should and will receive clung yeaiS iu this country. Business was ers, all the cred. to liis mind and heart as about all which fate prostrated, CEO. C. were low and SHAW rneui was & has us wages CO., it for the respect in which it is now held, left worth lighting for. But, that employ hard to which in itself A while the is right may not always be get. protective tariff uas m laUl, PROPOSALS. ATLANTIC Democrats must be blamed for op- adopted 585 and 587 near head of Green and politic, lu the making of ι latforms, as in the and in Congress, St., it in strengthened ISliS, which revived oar posing the past—indeed, until the re- of an to the tituess management parties, eye industries and of and ν brought good times. Town and 235 Middle St·, Me. Mutilai Insurance Co. sult of the October elec'.ions was known. things, decent respect for the prevail- Proposals for Dredging;. oct23 Portland, ing situation of the public mind should be couutry prospered alike, and tlio mechanic dlw On the other if free trade is the true hand, had. So, in considering this matter, although and farmer were equally benefited. The south OF then the Democratic leaders he was instructed the committee to hated tuis tariff, wnich made it its in duplicate, addressed to the un- NEW YORK, gospel, inurt by prepare pay tribute, PROPOSALSdersigned, will be received at his office in be blamed for a resolution upon the tariff—although nobody statesmen said, to the Yankees ot New Eng- abandoning it and treating it land. Portland, Maine, until 3 o'clock P. M. on Wednes- dreamed of the platform going to the country South Carolina tried to nullify it and the with because day. 10th day of November, 1880, for dredging INSURE AGAINST MARINE contempt simply 'error' ap- without such a resolution—Mr. Watterson did prevent the eus oms officers Ireni collecting as follows, viz: ^pénïngT not follow the duties at her for the moment to be and the cardinal ports. 1. Portland peared more popular. blindly solely Harbor, Maine,—About 40,- RISKS ONLY. principle of Democratic faith to which he had in l&fci the Democrats struck down this tar- 000 cubic yards; Indeed, it would seem that the Democratic —OF been brought He iff, by a law duties ou a scale 2. Wionipieeogee Lake, Ν. (I., About I RISE TO SAY up. might, indeed, have reducing sliding has for ten 72« K) cubic yards. l'his Company will take risks at their offices, New party no opinion oil the subject at all, justified himself—had he foreseen that objec- years. Prosperity was immeuiately on tion would be made on a checked. Times Persons desiring to make proposals for the above York, Vessels, Cargoes and Freights, and issue that, no matter whether Hancock or Garfield is and that its whole anxiety is to dish the Re- point so unexpected grew harder and narder, un- dredging, are requested to apply to the undersigned, open policies to merchants, making risks binding as ^ elected, there never was a time in the histo- —by the olatform of '56, which declared for til the great crasn of la&7 came. No one, at his omce soon as water-borne. of the world when such publicans and the in 453V2 Congress Street, Portland, ry BAKGaINS get offices, either with or "progressive free trade," or the platform of whose memory does not go back to thai time Maine, for specifications, instructions to bidders were ottered as now. which for can the DEANE BROS. & without opinions 011 the tariff or any other 'liS, declared "a tariff for revenue imagine misery wnich came upon the and and for further information con- SANBORN'S contractors, upon foreign imports," Or, had he concluded country, Flour sold as low as &J.50 a cerning the same. ASSETS. question local or T1A is oarrel, general." Graphic to traditiou and himself exclusive- and 111 many localities men The undersigned reserves the right to reject all drop subject laboring worked in that the to for 30 cents a bids which in nis opinion are not reasonable; also Hew and only wrong stating Democracy ly practical influences—the odious charac- day. the bid of * WHAT THINK ter of the In 1S4U the bidder or or of Elegant DOYOU tariff and the into any 'failing contractor," has no opinions on the tariff. It has as existing advantage to people put power the new in his not bo W any person who will j — — derived the hig party, to re-enact a belief, faithfully, $12,437,739.51 OF throughout West, particularly pledged protective and as there are to promptly satisfactorily perform the contract. many opinions "localities," iu Indiana and Illinois, from such an issue as tariff. The result was the tariff of winch U. S. Engineer Office, ί Dividend's to Policy Holders on use a word General Hancock would employ. revenue reform—might have relied loi his gave fresh li'e to tne maualacluriug aud agri- Portland, Me., October 21, 1880. J Misses'Oil Goat Button Boots justification upon the fact that there is not one cultural interests, aud business its Premiums in $1.75? It is like Ra who a put upon Furniture Terminating 1879 Double Speaker dall, makes tar- voter iu teu in all feel GEO. THOM. Warerooms, (all Solid, Soles.) the region known as the Mis- again! Colonel of Engineers, iff speech in Philadelphia in the morning, sis inpi Valleybut claims 10 be a free-trader.But Iu 1»44 the Democrats carried the Presiden- Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A. and a free-trade one in Mr. Wattersou was even more cautious still. tial election by the vot- UOU1 New York in the cheating Pennsylvania 40 PER CENT. Box Toe ? ers into NOS. 183 and 1^5 MIDDLE STREET, I Boys' Kip Boots, $1.25 With all these authorities to back him, he yet the belief that they would nol disturb evening; who says "Protection is a These Goods are sure to please you. myth," looked to the party law as it was. The pi t- the protective tariff. Their campaign cry iu Losses Paid in in a letter dated at Washington, aud praises form of 18TU, until substituted by that of 1S80, thai State was, "Polk, Dallas and the Tariff stood as the of 1S42." Thirty Days as law of the party. Ou the plat- As soon as they got possession of the REAL ESTATE. ! To parents who lind difficulty in fitting their chil- it the bulwark of American industry in form of 187U v.'e had a Government to a low dren's feet I would say, I have the largest stock of gained signal victory. they proceeded pass tar- After Proot. an address accepting a nomination in his On it we had carried Indiana. It is iff bill at the of Afternoon and Children's Goods in the city. universally dictation the South. The vote We conceded to have been a on it was a tie iu the For Sale. Saturday Evening, have constantly on hand a ftill line of Don- district. good platform. So, Senate, and Vice-Presi- in all widths from to with the of dent a J. P. «1 ONESL· President, 8a Boots, A to D, and in all turring it, purpose making it Dallas, Pennsylvauian |iledged to pro- at a Prices from sizes. These his HOUSES, bargain. ranging CHARLES Vice President goods keep their shape and are supe- Philadelphia guide, Mr. Wattersou stumbled upon the tection, gave the castiug vote to the S »800 to $ti,000. to W. W. DENNIS, rior to French Kid in Press: "A tariff for rev- destroy Apply OARR, W. H. H. 2d Vice every way. following: protective system. The bill established what l'J7 Newbury Street. octUdtf MOORE, President, enue and one A. A. 3d Vice MARKED DOWN. 175 Ladles' French only" which discriminates in was known RAVEN, President. prs. We denounce the present tariff, levied upon Dear- as the tariff of 18-10. It seriously febl7 dlmtTT&S 11 m&w6 w Kids, made by Bristol of New on the Ma- York, favor of American labor are two dif- ly 4000 articles, as a masterpiece of inj us* ice, in- crippled the manufacturing interests of the comber last. These goods have re* ailed at S7.00 widely » » » OCT. 16th. equality and falsa pretence. We demain! couutry. The industries of New per pair; will close the lot at $3.INI. It will ferent but even if the Democratic all growing Eng- Houses and House Lots for Sale things, th*t custom house taxation shall be only for land, New and pay purchasers to inspect these bargains. revenue. Jersey Pennsylvania received declaration di'l not mean absolute free a heavy blow. The worst effects of IN DEERING. nKlV'M 4-OOD*· Men's Fine Kip Boots, only this Dem- it Now, this' resolution had either to be re- ocratic revenue tariff were not Apply to CHABLEN RICH, $2.50. Men's Extra Fine Calf Boots, hand sew- trade, means a disturbance of business, immediately affirmed or rescinded. Unfortunately, neither feit the 15 Portland Me. would invite our and customers to call and examine VALUABLE DISCOVERY. ed, only $4.50. Men's Calf and Grain Balmo- throughout country, however, because Exchange St., We friends the of the destruction of Mr. Watterson nor the who wero as- ool5t^ rals, made on the Walking-fast last, prices from upbetting values, gentleman of the stimulus which came frm« tiw Jiacov- our extensive stock of ELEGANT FIIKNITDKE embracing many sociated with him iu the ol in Mrs. $1.25 to $7.00. the present stability, and the succession of unpardonable blunder ory g»Kl California. But in spite of that New Designs and Novelties selected from Boston and New York Julye Myers' of Democratic doctrine as old and to tho national an reasserting great gain wealth, the crash ever impenetrable uncertainty. Even loyal tritl as the moral Real Estate For Sale. markets. Tlie Latest Styles and Best Goods shown in Portland: and law, possessed in Juue the of 18Ô7 came, and swept business, labor and Drawing Healing Salve, free traders men who de" luminous which makes words so into a yours, themselves, really hiud-sight agriculture away common disaster. No. 9€ Pleasant two Truly Price 25e. and 50c. per Box. oracular iu October. House, street, story. sire the universal enforcement of Cobde 's Iu Ιΐίβυ the Kepublicaus came into power and Honse. three Ko. 71 Pleasant street. The and Salve From the storied, Drawing Healing Cures Carbuncles, beginning of the canvass to this passed the Mori ill Tariff Bill, which was based Each house has lois of land. without the aid a are large Felons, Abscesses, of knife. LT. doctrines, opposed ο the sudden hour the Courier-Journal has not lost for on tho of threw storied store and The and sight priuciple protection. Many changes Also, thare, No. 12 Long Drawing Healing Salve Cures MERRILL, a moment Cuts, Burns, of tariff DEANE BROS. & SANBORN. which Messrs. Wells and Moore the plank in the national have been made in tho law but iu no Wharf, now occupied as a Cooper's shop. Ctl3 and all flesh won m is. "change" since, dtf 179 Middle platform. From timo to as seemed to be has to A, M BAKE Κ, st re 1ΪΠ Federal The and Salve Cures Street, lime, case this priuciple been abandoned. The Apply Drawing Healing Erysipelas admit will follow from the carrying out of it has shown the St.. or J. H. BAKtR, 198 Commercial St. and required, oppressive character Republican party has stead defended all Ringworms. l^r^lVear the Post Ο filer. oc21 dtf the of lastly octl6 eod2w The Drawing and Heal:ng Salve Cures Piles and Democratic platform. Even the Xa'.ion the present villainous tariff. If the Demo- the great national industries, and their nour- BUSINESS CARDS. EDUCATIONAL Poisoned Flesh cratic speakers aud have not done i says: "We have made no secret in these newspapers ishing condition to day, is directly attributable The Healing and Drawing Salve Cures Corns, In- the like, aud if thereby the party has suffered, to the of fl med Chilblains and of our loug period Republican ascendancy. Joints, Frost Bites. columns objections to the tariff now that is the fault of the management of tho ANNUAL MEETINGS. The Healing and Salve is recom- WHAT DOES "A Drawing highly in but we have no campaign, not of the platform. Nay, for ten TARIFF FOR REVENUE ONLY" MISS MARGARET BRYANT, mended by all who have used it. force, hesitation in say- ORUMl) k DKUiMD WOLFE'S years, confident iu a reform of our Mrs. that a to convert the thorough MEAN? Julye OTyer*·' Rheumatic Cure. ing proposal present revenue system a need, and there- great public It means a tariff wnich will Widow's Wood Counsellors-at-Law, ~Vocalist, A positive Cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Wsak tariff into a revenue tariff at one stroke fore to some party brave enough and wise produce a large Society. Backs, Sprains, Stiffness of .Joints, Severe reveuue, so that the taxes on aud to, Aches, the enough to fulfil it a" great advantage lay con- whiskey CENTENNIAL Cramps, &c. Price $1.00 »er Bottle; Trial Bottle 10c considers g enormous investments bacco, which are objectionable to the South- BLOCK, AND TEACHER OF VOCAL MUSIC. cealed, we have steadily, earnestly and copi- Annual Widow's Wood Sold all .vuuuvu Meeting of the Soci- by Druggists. Schiedam Aromatic which have been made under the ftv.j OUW1I3I1CU rtl tumuli lier. Wholesale for VV. former ously urged the matter upon the public atten- THEety, for the choice of Officers, and the transac- 03 2-sSt. No. 3 Hanover St., Portland. agents Maine, F. Phillips & Co. To raise a revenue at the custom Elxcliango tion. Iu the we are large house tion of such otber business as may come be- ap5 iltf like the of an insane portations ot foreign goods can take City WEDNESDAY EVENING, Oct. suggestion perstm." We did not make the We are re- only placé Building, 27, campaign. under a low tariff, whicn will at ix/% o'clock. MISS H. E. CLARK WM. M. SCHNAPPS. The fact is, the Democrats had better let the sponsible for no part of it. enable the im- octl 2d2w S. H. COLES WORTH MARKS, porters to undersell our own manufacturers. Y, Sec'y. will resume lessons in Latin and private French, tariff alone altogether for the rest of the Foreigners can make goods than studies at 782 or at the chcaper Englisli Congress St., pupil's Who Constituted the Klu-Klux tfb can, because their residence, if preferred. French letters translated. campaign. Their defeat in Ohio and Indi- tliey only pay laborers As a general beverage and necessary about half the the American sepl3 eodtf Book, Gard, and Joli ana has reduced them to second childhood Klan? wages working Piter, man gets. Printers' corrective of water rendered Under a Democratic "tariff for Exchange, impure by From the "Invisible NY. Instruction in and and the tariff is an edged tool. t Emp re.'' by Judge A. revenue ouly" our markets will be Hooded LATEST YET! English Class- vegetable decomposition or other causes, with SEWS one 111 Exchange St., Me. Tourgee.] foreign goods. Then of two things ical Studies. Portland, as Limestone, Sulphate of Copper &c, the The iiloa which has that the Klu- must happen: either our irou and steel works, ST I·; PIS F Λ BE ItltY. Most are received of prevailed encouraging reports our silk factories, woolen factories and cotton Fine Job Printing η Specialty. Aromatic Schnapps h superior to ererj Klux were simply rough, lawless, irresponsible Given to private pupils by the subscriber. Republican prospects in Connecticut. Gen. factories, and oi r shops that make cutlery, Orders mail or in other alcoholic A row is a Book, Card and Job Printer fry person promptly attended to. preparation. publit young dies singularly absurd reflection hardware, leather goods and a hundred other Walker who is very well informed as to the must or the men e XO. Λ7 PLCil HT Κ Κ FT trial of over 30 years duration in every ou the "best" classes—their power aud iuher- articles, close, ployed in NEW YORK STYLES J. W. utvuwvtvilj |/\ ·> accomplished. READ FbaxklikJC Teacherof a wealthy and popular manufacturer and of the best Citizens to indulge the idea that THE REPUBLICAN* TARIFF PLANK. oct2 dim All materials for Art Needle Work, in the rabble could do anything in opposition to Here is the declaration of the Con- Also Soft Hats in all late'styles,—Xob- are hopeful of making gains enough on the Chicago great variety. 18 BEAVER their wishes. Professedly, they "de- vention on the ouestiou of tariff: STREET, to feebly by Monitor, Flat Pocket, Fine Blue and tariff issue overcome the Democratic was but in HERBERT G. French German, plored" what done, fact they either '•We re-affiim the belief, avowed in 1870. that BRICCS, or were the of Pocket. NEW YORK. majority of two years ago, which was not directly encouraged discreetly silent. duties levied for the purpose revenue should Attorney at Law and Patent Solicitor, Will receivc Pupils at Dress Reform Rooms, That thousands of them loaned their horse», so discriminate as to favor American labor." jel dly mucli over 2,000. for men to ride raids is just as cer- with the Children's Hats in all the latest novel- 93 Exchange Street, 643 Street. 507 1-2 poor upon Coutrast this Democratic plank, Congress Congress St. tain as that they should put substitutes iuto which demands "a tariff for revenue ties. PORTLAND, MAINE. octll dtf FOR SALE. It is at the only", M. E. F AIR expected treasury that the re the army under "the twenty nigger law." An- saying not a word about the great interests of WEATHER, other that the claim P. O. BOX 038. oetlO eodtf duction of the debt this month thing which shows made American labor and American manufactures. public will in extenuation—that it is merely the work of THE Ladies' and Low Crown jar*All kinds of Patent business ana MIS$ WESTON, wood and iron be about and will READ CANDIDATΚβ' LET 1 ERS. Derbys—High promptly working machinery 88.000,000, probably no1 rough spirits of the lower classes—is a libel ou carefully executed sep30 d3m VALUABLEof the Poitland Machine Works, situated in What does General Hancock about the —selling low. be for the reason there are the common of the South, is a fact that s.i> will be for sale on and after more, that very people DECORATING CHINA. $5©0 Reward ! Portland, Me., Sept. tariff? Not a woru. Go over his let- DRAWING, PAINTING, 25th. The tools will be sold in lots to suit the best classes never prosecuted nor de- solitary purchas- heavy payments to be made before the ter from to end and there m no ref- 643 ST. ers. Send for descriptive to first, nounced these acts, but were their beginning Horse in a STUDIO, CONGRESS WE will pay the above reward for case of catalogue always to Blankets, Lap Robes, great CHARLES any RICHARD and in December thirteen millions of bonds and defenders. erence be found to this most vital question. GRIMMER, (Near Head of Park Street.) Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indi- PHENIX, Managing Trustee, apologists P. Ο. B^x 15o4. The bread and shelter of hundreds of thous- variety. Teacher of Violin nnil other lii»liiniie beli· ν be winch w ii Vvinu·.- to Street, Chicago, from 10 to 12 a. m. 181 & 183 W. Grocery doing good been Ohio man Indeed, he bliould uifue»! nuitg me For circ ilars, apply to Makers," Madison St., Good rent low. III. Write for particulars. Free trial Chicago. APiovieionbusiness. location, Reason for in 'lYei-u y, auU wnl euaile the labur a·· c.nur its United States new 109 country cannot be unless arrest of the Irish 4's,reg Robinson, Lisbon. — independent Letter Garfield. the leaders. Carter, lGENT FOR THE with their by United States new 4's 109 Sid Τ people, abundant natur-tl resources, pos- in the East. 21st, narque Jos Clark; sch isacc Campbell. Watches, sess arm Further Complications Pacific 6's of 94 THE the requisite skill at any time to clothe, ..126 PHILADELPHIA—Ar 21st, sch Electric Light, TO ELECTORS and themselve* for and in time of peace Oct. 23.—The Diritto Dbase. Kennebec. equip war, Rome, says:—Instruc- The were the of to all the in of labor. following closing quotations Cld schs Sarah —OF produce necessary plements INTERNAL EVIDENCE OP ITS tions sent to the Turkish commissioner are stocks : 21st, Lahaina, Houghton, Boston; THE- It was the manifest intention of the founders of the A Reed, Parker Breech such as it will be for Montenegro to Arnold, Beverly. Mi Watches, impossible Rock Island 122 Va Guns, Government to for the common defense, SNESS. Ar 22d, schs James provide SPURIOU The perplexity of the increases Illinois Central 114% Anita, Small. Windsor, NS; Laflin Λ not by armies alone, but by raising among accept. powers Ponder. Robinson, and Martha Itpd Orange CITY off PORTLAND. standing The naval now Ο. Β. & Quincy 141 Vs Weeks, Burdge, the a of ariisans. whote intelli- daily. demonstration cannot L W people greater army & Altor Kennebec; Wheeler, Bowman, do; Sea Bird, •wder Co., and for gence and skill should contribute to the lake place owing to the lateness of the season, Chicago 1241A powerfully « A lton preferred 130 Campbell, Rondout. Watches. and of the nation." Another Unsuccessful to and certainly Turkey would it even Chicago Cld the sale of to Warrante from the and safety glory Attempt oppose by New York Central 134*4 22d. steamer Roading. Colburn. for Portland; Mayor force if *c>s Eva Aldermen of the of the WAGES IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. necessary. Lake Shore 114Ve C Yates, Yates, and Frank Norton, Ames, hendhook PURSUANT City Portland, duly Find Morey. Boston. lualitied electors of saitftsity are notified to The Great Damage by the Recent Storm. Michigan Contral 106 hereby following table shows the average week- Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Ammu- neet in their respective Ward Rooms on Erie ·, 43% CHESTER, PA—Ar 22d, sch Stampede, Perry, ly wages of a few leading occupations in Eu- Copenhagen, Oct. 24.—The storm last Wed- Erie preferred 74% Gonaives. nition and Fishing Tackle Jewelry, rope and the United States. It was nesday in Denmark did incalculable carefully New Yobic, Oct. 23.—Tbe bas damage Northwestern — 116% WILMINGTON, DEL—Ar 21st, ech C Β Paine, rUESDAY, the second of November following to life and of all Kinds. day compiled in 1879 by the Depa-tinent of State, been issued from the Republican headquarters: property. Northwestern preferred 137% Hillyard. Windsor. NS. fro u authentic Ar at Delaware Breakwater sch Fannie at ten o'clock in the information derived from re- We have received and have in our Foreign Notes Milwaukee & St. Paul 103Vfc 22d, Pike, next, forenoon. possession Κ il St ports by Uuited States Consuls. in t. Paul preferred 117 patrick. John. NB, (and passed up.) Jewelry, tbe following telegram from Gen. Gartield The Freeman's Journal says the indictment NEW r Cor. Federal & Sts. hen and there to in for New Jersey Central 74% YORK—A 22d. ship Franconia. Otis, Liv- Temple give their Votes Electors of M I 30 Î1 reference to tbe letter pub- the Land 34 sneod2m JJlC OOOCCXX forged recently against League will inoèude two hun- nion Pacific. 92Vs erpool days: F S Thompson, Potter, Havre: Kate seplG President and Vice President of the United States. on tbe dred lished by tbe Democratic committee speeches, the testimony of .'550 witnesses Western Union Tel. Co 101% Harding. Watts. Brest; Henry Β Cleaves, Palmer, The polls on such d*y of Election to remain open Chinese labor question: and various newspaper attaches. Kennebec: sehs Edith Β Coombs, Brown. Laguna; mtil four o'clock in the afternoon, when they shall Jewelry. 9 Decora. je closed. ί e Mentor, Oct. 22, 1880. The expenditures of the Russian government California Winnie Ν lock·. Berry, Joggins. NS; Viola. Falkingham, Sand River, NS: Addie Ryerson, Miller. The Aldermen of said will be in session oecc* caoccxxi· To Hon. AT. Jewell anil Hon. S. W. Dorsey for the past year exceed the estimates (By Telegraph.) Windsor. city open mak- by 20,- NS; Joshua S Grindle, Freethy, St John. NB: Beta, House in it the Aldermen's Room, in City Building, from ed —The Maine. I will not break the rule I bave adop by 000,000 roubles. SakSPkancisco, Oct. 23 following are the Largest Dye Sanborn, do: Ellen H Druminond, line to twelve o'clock in the forenoon, and from 777. π 777777 a public to lies, but I authorize .■losing quotations of Mining stocks to-day: Higgins, King's Silver M a Ci Ό O CMXÎJCC ing reply campaign The attitude of the French government in Ferry, Fia: Chromo, Pride iwo t> fiv·* o'clock in the afternoon on each of the Ware, you to denounce the so-called Morey letter as a Alta 2% Julia consolidated.. Wooster, Jacksonville; Tailor's Pressman the De matter is some animad- of the East. Lord.' Brunswick: Employed, four secular da ν s next such of elec- bold both in its and sentiment. Cissey causing Alpha 4 Hale & Norcross.. 3Va Mary Brewer. Toll preceding day forgery language versions. man. Norfolk: Ε Crockett. Pants and for the purpose of evidence of the KÏCCÎÏCK-'î'-'OO Until its I never heard of the existence Belcher 2% Grand Prize 1% Maggie Gray. Baltimore: Coat*, Venin cleansed or dyed ;ion, receiving rz, a rj ο t-1; -ι* ce ce cc publication Alexandria. of voters whose names have not been ·-; t·^ of Union of Lynn, Mass., or of any Best & Belcher 9Vs Mexican 7Η Falkingham, Apple River. NS; Zampa, and prenned, equal to custom work, by lualitication Silver ci op 00* ·«* ο xVcx 17 t-f tlit!eEmployers' Hallowell. Shulee. NS ; Grace tailor >n at entered on the lists of vo ers, in and for the Ware, as H. L. J. Λ. Garfield. Bullion 2 Northern Belle 9% Cushing. Mosher, prnnnmen, qualified M Τ III suchjperson Morey. MEXICO. Windsor, NS; Isaac several and for said lists. lllll fiI CC îl co <,a?*fornia 2Vs 8 Orbeton, Crockett, do; Alaska, Wards, correcting ΧΪΚΟΟ'ΐό At 8 o'clock m. the National Ophir g and Per Order ιί; t-;Cî -t l- ΙΟ Λ ή lO 00 p. Republican OhoJar 2V2 Overman lVs lîlark, Neptune. Wall. St John, NB; Henry, ■· to the Waes, and FOREST oct20dtd H. I. Clerk. ι~ t> ce -t ·* ~· f-- r 10 © committee issued the following public: Eureka Con 16% Union Con 14% Aldine, Mitchell, do: Mary Lym burner, POSTER'S CITY OYE HOUSE. ROBINSON, City moment Rowker. and Abbie Ware. The following dispatch has this City of Mexico, Oct. has re- 1% Sierra Nevada.... .lOVs Wiliard. Willard. Bangor; C H 13 PREBLE Preble doue. Silver 15.—Congress OrownflPoint Spofford. Hall, do: S D Hart. Hart, Belfast: Flora ST., opposite been received from Gen. Garfield: pudiated the Alexander Mexican mail con- Exchequer 1% Yellow Jacket 4 ΟΊΌΰΰΧΟΟΟ King. Norwood, Calais: Β L Eaton, Grierson. and of all l*-xO:iOC Mentor, Ohio, Oct. 23. tract, that the minister of Governe- Gould & Curry 3% Bodie 3% do; Dying clemming description· declaring rnhAP Ri-il/ι fn RA I/o a bqIoo fni· Λλ «λλΙτ Κπ».λ Philadelphia: Connect! ut.^ates, Calais. s 3 -iS envelope alleged took francs in Finest Assortment of Neck Wear ever l-ïSî S. ~ to York, 1,800,000 gold. Sid ech for New York or 5.5 8 on the Chinese from Gen. Garfield to been 2,400.000 bush. 22d, Caroline, Hutchins, FINANCIAL. S * !i '3 .Ξ question, shown east of New York. HORSE The animal of the National Calais. H. L. Morey, was in use in the Washington report Board of Oats—fairly active, closing quiet and steady. Health shows NEWPORT—Ar 22d, schs Pushaw. Hobo- office 011 the 2.'!d of the date the that its expenditures last year Pork—closed quiet and nominal; cash mess nomi- Alley. Do men want to post January, in ken: Pavilion. Shnte. fm Fall River for Now working toil for tlio misera- wero for salari s of nally 00 a>\ 7 00; buyer October 18 0<» bid.seller York; letter is claimed to have been mailed. Au en- $325,830, including 858,011 Gamma, Brown. New York for MaeVias bl wages paid in the Old World? If not, lot members and and November 12 30@14 on; eeller the year at 12 8<*o tire new get of canceling stamps was placed employes 813,000 to an NEW BEDFORD—Sid 22d, sch Abm th in vote to defend the Protective Tariff In 18 2'»; sales for the week 1KOO bbls on the spot, and Richardson, in use 111 office 011 the Havana yellow fever commission. Reed. New York. Southern the Washington post 2500 bbls for future deliverv. blANKEts th States the black working man VTNEYAHD-HAVEN —Ar sch Swan & 13th of The in is a Lard—closed ^lst, Waterloo, HILL stamp Sherman in New York quiet and steam on & s a month and a a April. question Secretary speaks weak; prime the CO., 88 ration of of corn Rondout for Boston: Carrie Barrett, ge peck of the new but is spot at 8 40a8 45; sales October at 8 40; 8 Whitaker, S.Bailey. good representation stamp, Tuesday. 27Vu Hiver. 14 for Τ T. me il and three pminrls of bacon a week. Per- a Fletcher. Bull days Bath; S Me êl unlike the one 111 use iu that office on 8 32V2 for November; sales 8 25 December; 8 2F» totally The American schooner Jacob Bibber. Promised Land for Booth ha ν ; West haps the Southern politicians who control the E. Ridgeway a. 8 30 for sales for the week 6900 tes 011 lan. Under Preble House. the 23d of January, the o!d stamp being made January; Cranmpr. Gardiner for New Democratic narty would like to the 291 tons, Capt. Townsend, New York, sp -t and for future Dennis, York; Reno, BANKERS m oct23 dtf bring of rubber and the new one of steel and very Sept. 71,000 delivery. Kiver for Wm BROKERS, 13th for was Ackley. Sand do; Slater, Killen, from LAP white man of the Para, disabled in a at 63/e. working North down to in their Brazil, totally Tallow—steady for Savannah. unlike arrangement. 27th and Butter and and Western Weymouth these wages. The white working man cyclone Sept. 28th. The crew was quiet easy;State cream- Ella will, eries at do dairy Vac. Sid. ecbh Billow. Pressey. Globe. Ida Hudson, 186 Middle Street in November, express his opinion of their rev- taken off. 26@30c; 22^27 West Carrie S Cheesk -steady; State factories at Benjamin, Dennis, Bailey, Reno. enue tariff with his ballot. 11V2@13V4C; r plan DOYLE'S ARREST. Col. William P. Adair, assistant chief of Western 10% @12% c. BOSTON—A 22d, schs Kocheko. Jasper, Port (CANAL BANK BLOCK.) the Chicopee nation, died in Johnson; Anna S Murch, brown. Calais. Washington Chicago, Oct. 23.—Wheat is lower at 99^0 for schs C H ROBES. Port de 52. He commanded a Ar23d, Macomber, Atherton, in The Sheep and the Wolves. Saturday aged brigade October;|l Οι» for November: 1 01% for December. Paix. Dealers Government, munici- of Indians in the rebel Corn lower at The Bonds Pound on Him All army. 39Vec for October; 39y8c for Novem- Cld 23d. echs Nathan Cleaves. Atw.jod, Nassau, and Railroad Securities. [Cincinnati Commeicial.] ber; 40%c for for pal An injection of carbonic gas into the Keely December; 45^4c May. Oats NP: Caroline C. Webster. Eastport. has a fable of the wolves who Counterfeit. are lower; 29c for October; 298/ec for November; -•Esop pro- Run colliery at Pottsville, Pa., with the inten- Sid. barque Carrie Heckle. L S. "Called" Bonds CASHED or .SOVec December; 343/ec for May. Pork higher at PORTSMOUTH—A r 20tb. schs Geo Ε posed to the the removal of all causes of tion of the fire which has been Prescott, FUR elieep extinguishing 19 0'» for October 1160 for November; 11 55 for Guptill. Rondont; Cushing. Benner, Portland. on favorable terms. there several has a Il exchanged distrust and hostile feeling, and the formation burning weeks, proved December; 62V2 year. Lard lower at at 8 00 for Sid. echs Benj Reed, Green, Boothbay; Ja2 sneodtf CONFESSION OF THE MAN WHO failure, and the method of the mine October. Douglas of a of il and Hooding Ha>nes. Adams, Kennebec. treaty perpetu amity peace. The will now be resorted to. MADE THE PLATE. St. Louis, Oct. 23.—Wheat is lower; No 2 Bed at BANGOR—Ar 22d, sch Nellie Ε Gray, Nichole, THE BEST HEATING APPA- condition was that the should sheep dismiss The elevator of Taft & Woodman's linseed 99%c; No 3 Red at 93@94%c. Corn steady; No 2 Portland, SAMUEL HAKSON, their the and at Mike bid or cash; 89%c for ROBES. guards, dogs, confide in the oil works at Omaha, has been burned, with November;"393/efa 39%c December; 391?4@39«/8C for 44yec for FOREIGN PORTS. of the wolves. The Washington, Oct. 23.—Chief Brooks of the contents. Loss 835,000, year; RATUS YET, friendship silly sheep May. At Ada, WCA, Sept 11, barque Sarah Ε Kings- were Secret Service gives the following account of left Banker and for Store» and is McDon- captivated by this idea of removing all Secretary Thompson Washington Satur- Detroit, Oct. 23.—Wheat easier; No 1 White at bury, Griffin, from Acra. Broker, Dwellings, Green-houses, the arrest of a band in Brook- ald's Water lleater. It is a home invention and counterfeiting day morning for Indiana, where lie will 1 02 bid; 1 02 V2 for Octobe»·; 1 03V± for λτ at Gottenburg 7th inst, barque Charles Ward, causes of unfriendliness, and so dismissed November: one they last night. alias Bill remain until after the 1 1 New York. home manufacture, not cent's worth of labor lyn Spencer, Brockway, election. OS^IDecember; 06V4 January; No 2 White at Gay. STREET. TRUNKS 194 ISIDDLB on it outside of tbis I their the was Sid fm Troon 9th inst. Hannah being spent city. challenge guards, doge, whereupon the wolves arrested in Brooklyn 11st night. He has Gen. Hancock 99V2c bid; No 2 Red at 1 03 V4 bid. barque McLoon, has concluded not to register Demarara. any man to show its equal in efficiency, simplicity, fell upon the and devoured them. been a notorious counterfeiter since 18G5. An Orcutt, sheep Of in New York because he is a Sid fm Cette 8th for economy, durability and price. People preferring engraver named Charles A. Smith of Brook- Pennsylvania inst, brig Myron us, Jarvis, the same nature seems to be the proposition man and it might cause some unnecessary dis- llavana market. Sew York. water heat can best serve their own good by trying lyn was also arrested and a plate printer and if it will not do as I will tell I will re- that the country shall remove all causes of sec- cussion. (By Telegraph.) Sid fm Lislon 17th inst, brig Akbar, Holway, for it, them, named Owens of East New Xork. The Government Bonds, First Class more it at own expense. There is no need of tional unfriendliness, and shall fetch in the era Jasper Havana, Oct. 23.—Sugar, the market has New York. my Williams, a was at New- though to York nor to ^ engraver said the bonds found on Doyle were Henry negro, hung been active the closed Ar at Plymouth 10th, Monarch, Thompson, New going New for heaters, Montreal BAGS, of the national moderately past week, V4 Bank good feeling, by confiding gov- ton, N. C., on for the murder of H rri- for Bremen. Securities, Stock, &c., For as my heater has no peer in the former ernment to all counterfeit. He, at the request of Brock- Friday, real per arrobe below last quotations: No 10 to 12 d York experts, the solid South and the ex-Confed- son or ana 1 will not take the second and a of New and and a from Kinder. s at reals At Port au Prince 2d inst, ech L&M Knowles. city State, great variety Nobby Stiff erate to way, engraved plate which the bonds 7%®8% gold per arrobe; No 15 to 20 d bought and sold. Orders at New myself leaders; by trusting their hands the s Wiscaeset. une. to man setting them. I trust that my Soft Hats, Children's and Misses' Derby will were and delivered it to Brock Robert who killed his at 9V2 a-10% reals; Molasses Sugar, No 7 to 10 Dodge. place any Hats, power to their own war printed way, Sutton, brother-in- fellow citizens will not take "Bosh" for truth and be pay claies; by con- at 6Vi@63/4 reals; Muscovado common to At St Marc Sept 23, sch Anna W Barker, Snow- Tork and Boston opened to-day by aud he also engraved the one hundred dollar law four years ago, has been convicted of mur- Sugar, Stock Exchanges induce* to inferior articles be- fiding to their control the public credit and fair at 7@7Vé reals; Centrifugal Sugar 96 man, une. facts, and be buy plate from which the counterfeit bills on the der in the second degree, at , Texas. deg. cause far-fetched. I refer the to the follow- the revenue and monetary systems, to all polarization in boxes and hhds at 8i>4@8% real's; Ar at Aux Cayes Sept 28, ech F A Magee, Trewor- executed by wire. public National Bank of which who are using my "Hot Water System." which they have declared their Pittsburg Commerce, Jos. Hart was murdered and robbed, nine stock in the warehouses at Havana and Matanzas gy. New York. oc23 eodtf ing parties hostility; by have so much trouble to business men in at John Mai Wm. Wm. E. Morton to them the given miles below Rio Grande on Fri- 44,600 boxes, 55,900 bags and 29,750 re- Ar Nassau, NP, 18th inst, brig Ellen Maria, Mundy, surrendering power to take re- City, Texas, hhds; Wm. Morton. Bradford. Onn C. the last two years, were ceipts for the week 50 boxes: exports 130 Cummings, Bangor. Joseph Hooper, venge and compensation out of the North for printed. day, by unknown parties hom it is believed boxes,β,- M Edward waite and The officers found to the 000 bags and 5370 hhds, all hhds and to the Ar at Charlottetown. PEI, 20th, ech John II Ken- Baine, myself, their defeat in rebellion. Were the who nothing prove will be captured by those in pursuit. bags sheep men's but the confession of Smith im- United States. Freights nominal. Tobacco firm- nedy. from Waldoboro. COE dismissed their gnilt, Police H. M. PAYSON & protectors in order to placate Superintendent Walling of New er. Spanish gold 207. Cld at Bridgwater. NS, 20th inst, icb Orrie V GO., plicat *d all the persons named. The reason York a general wolves any more silly than would be the peo- issued order Saturday morn- Drisko, Drisko, Santiago. they could not discover any of the counter- DEALERS IN ple who surrendered all political power to the ing instructing the force to strictly enforce Ar at St John, Ν Β, 21st, echs Julia S, Mclntyre, κ. Confederate chiefs? feiters' effects is due to Brockway's practice of the resolutions of the Police Commissioners European iTlarkctR. Portland; 22d, Eugene, Clark, Eastport; America, Mcdonald, off the whole edition of his counter- Bv Bullerwell. Truro for Portland. printing looking to the detection and arrest of parties Telegraph.) on Oct. 23—12.30 P. 9s Cld 22d, F H Todd, McGuire, for 227 FEDERAL THE feit notes M.—Flour 6d® brig any given bank, getting them attempting to colonize voters. Liverpool, Hampton STREET, METEOROLOGICAL. reedy for market, and then the plates lis 9d: Winter Wheat 8s 10d@9s 3d; Spring Wheat oct23 PO CTLAND. dtjanl burying The Democratic of the at 8s 3d; California with boues; before the issue of a note. the wing workingmen of 3d@9s average 8s 8d@tte 8d: Joliettc, Colweli,'Rockland. Government INDICATIONS Therefore, FOB THE Κ EXT TWENTY-FOUB San Frai cisco have withdrawn club do at 9s 7d@10s 2d; Corn at 5s 4d; Peas at 6s are not in the hands of the Secret Senator Enos, Bonds, plates pet HOURS. their candidate for and indorsed lid. Provisions, &c.,—Pork 72s: Beef 6d: Cheese SPOKEN. Service. The discovery that ihese bonds are Congress, at 66β; Lard Bacon 44s CITY ΑΛΊ) TOWN RONDS, Gen. Roscrans, the Democratic candidate. 45s; 6d@46s 6d; Tallow at Aug 22, lat 33 S, Ion 15 10, barque Chas Deuring, HATTER Wab Office Chief a Dep't, Signal ) counterfeit is as great surprise to the Secret 34s 6d( at London 36s 6d. from Akyab for Falmouth. D. to as ar- Evarts has returned to Offices, Washington. C., > Service as anybody, previous to the Secretary Washing- Liverpool, Oc. 23—12.30 P. M.~Cotton muket Sept 9, lat 9 N, Ion 24 W, ship Baring Brothers, BANK STOCK, AC. ton. Oct. 25, SA.M.) rest of Doyle in Chicago they had no intima- in moderate inquiry;Middling uplands at 6%d; Or- Giles, from Liverpool for San Francisco. Oct off For New England, tion that any such issue was contemplated. 818.990 silver dollars were distributed last leans 7 l-16d; sales 7,000 bales; speculation and ex- 11. Deal, barque Lepanto, Rogars, from CALL and SEE Smith claims that he of the port 1.000. Hull for Boston. No. 32 Street clear or partly cloudy weather, engraved plates week against 339,495 in 1879 for the correspon- Exchange northwesterly counterfeit 7.30 bonds the market in winds, higher barometer, tem- put upon β Silk Hat slowly rising 1867. The of these PORTLAND, MAINE. ' perature by workmanship bonds, Two road were IT1ABRIAGEH. Broadway Tuesday morning. agents killed Mexicans au28 eodtt Chief Brooks says, was so fine that about S85,- by SPECIAL NOTICES. We charge only $3.00 in exchange and guarantee Cautionary signals continue at northeast of Santa Fe a few since. Eastport. 000 were taken Cooke & before days same Hat that others get $3.50 for; Cautionary off-shore signals continue at Port- by Jay Co., Decker Bros land and section 7. their character was discovered. Harry Beckett, the comedian, has just died In Naples, Oct. 5, Dexter A. Cummings and Miss Pianos, The examination of the arrested parties is in Ireland. Lizzie E. Lawrence of Albany. Garfield and Arthur Glee Clnb In Naples, Oct. 5, Willis Evans and Miss Hattie E. set down for Tuesday next, pending whicb a Rev. Dayton Dorrel, pastor of the Hamilton number of the bonds taken from the of Goodridg". Attention ! Indorsed by ANNIE LOUISE CARY. person street African Methodist church in Albany, In Oxford, Sept. 22. Edward of & in will be forwarded to Brook- Sykes Bridgton Κ very member of the Club Is requested to meet Doyle Chicago Ν. Y., was found dead in his bed yesterday. and Miss Etta Archibald of Naples. Woodbnry Monlton, Also a choice stock of first-class BY to be used as evidence. it At their this at 7.30 COE, TFXEGRAPH. lyn Smith, appears, In Brunswick. Oct. 5, David P. Cornish of Bow- Headquarters, evening, o'clock There was a slight fall of snow at Albany, delivered a 81000 six cent, bond doip and Miss Ellen E. Douglass of Bowdoinham. Business of to eome before Cor. Middle & per coupon Ν. Y., yesterday. sharp. importance the Exchange Sts., plate to Brockway six months ago. The Club. THE MAINE. counterfeiters have therefore had abundant Water in the Hudson is so low that steam- HATTER, DEATHS Ter order Buy and sell first-class State, city, PIANOS AND ORGANS. time to put these counterfeit bonds on the boats frequently run aground. E. C. MILLIKEN, Capt. town and Railroad Bonds. In- 197' middle Street. market, but it is not yet known by the Secret The piano factory of Ernst Gabier, a four Arrest of a Boat Thief. H. K. Clerk. Service whether they have improved the op- in West 22d New In this Oct. Mrs. Sarah LIBBY, vestments for trust funds con- story building street, York, city, 23, Sweetser, widow octl'3 eodtf Boston, Oct. 23.—Oscar or not. It is was of tne late Taylor,20 years old, portunity believed, however, destroyed by fire yesterday. About 300 Simeon Sweetser, aged 87 years. stantly on hand. Samuel Thurston, that but if have been in this afternoon at 3 Correspondence was arrested with a few, any, put circula- pianos were burned. Loss §80,000; insurance [Funeral Monday o'clcok, llomc for Women. to-night charged stealing Aged ΠΛΠίητ tion those on at 1021 Congress street. solicited. Orders in and nmnnmAnw other then captured Doyle. «50,000. Annual of this Association for the Stocks 3 Free boat at Backsport, Maine, a lew days ago. He In this city. Oct. 23, William 81 Meeting St, Block, PORTLAND. uuiiiu ι/χΑΐιυιυηι. The Earley, aged choicc of will be held at the Bonds executed dtf ÎB a President and party were warmly re- years 2 months 12 days. THE officers, Home, daily in Boston, sep29 mulatto and belongs in Galveston, Texas. on on the 26th ceived at Los [Funeral this afternoon at 2 at No. 52 Emery street, TUESDAY, inst., at LOUISIANA. Angeles, Cal., Saturday. o'clock, 3 o'clock M. New York and Stock He says the boat was stolen by another Smith street. P. iPer order. Philadelphia man, Norven Green, President of the Western Oct. oct25d2f (or whom he In this city, Oot. 24, Carrie Κ. B., of Portland, 23,1380. Exchangee. Embraclngtbe leading Hotels at whlcii tho Daily sold it in £astport. He will be Union Telegraph Co., has applied to Judge daughter The Democrats Extending the Time of Charles H. and Caroline A. French, aged IS years ]y27 eodtf Prkss may always be fonnd. returned to Maine to-morrow. Lawrence for an injunction to restrain the 2 months 17 days. Crushed to Death. Registration Illegally. Democratic National Committee from circu- [Funeral on Tuesday afternoon at 2clock, at Prof. D. A. ALFRED. 1 Rodgers New Orleans, Oct 23.—Acting under the lating fac similes of Marshall Jewell's des- No. Brattle street. [Portsmouth, ΝΤή., papers ALFRED Bangor, Oct. 24.- Llewellyn Emerson of now at HOUSE-K. H. Goding, Proprietor. order of Gov. Wells after legal advice State patches to Collector Wicker at Key West. please copy.] UNDERWEAR ! is permanently located Ko. 3 Deering Place, this was In this Oct. A. off Street. He has been test- city recently crushed to death in the of Cavanac decided to city, 22, Mary Gammon, daughter Deering tried, Supervisor Registration Capi. Tower, convicted at St. John of scut- and one AUBURN. of Samuel H. and Abby L. 21 years EMM ed, found to be of the woods Gammon, aged !ERL\0. and his remains were the office until Oct. 30. brought home for keep registration open tling the ship Brothers Pride, has been re- 1 month 15 days. moat wonderful ELM HOUSE, Court St.—W. 8. * A. Pro- The contend the Young, burial Saturday night. Deceased was about Republicans registration leased, the Supreme Court quashed the [Fureral this Monday afternoon at 2Va A Medium Soft Merino prietors. books having o'clock, 50 CENTS FOR 38 CENTS. Weight should under the law be closed ten days indictment and to a at No. 92 Federal street. Relatives and friends are CLAIRVOYANT PHYSICIANS, IS years old and unmarried. refused grant motion for a in and prior to election. Today Cavanac was arreB'ed new trial. invited to attend. Sock, perfect shape will AUGUSTA. hat has ever visited this city. He is now on of United States In Topsham, Oct. 16, Hannah W. Patten, aged The mild weather makes the wear treating AUGUSTA State St.—M. Pro- complaint Supervisor of continuing well—is what we are selling some of the beet citizens of Portland. HOUSE, Whitehead, Pearson and taken before Commissioner Lane Geo^Lovett Charleston, Mo., quarrelled 82 years. consolidated stock ot J. H. Rines & prietor. MARINE NEWS. with his wife about some and Tn Tnnehnm ΠλΙ. 17 Amna IT Small aired 7" uro· Co., at 58 cts. or $6 dozen. charged with illegally rjgistering voters. The Friday property, and our own of of pair per REWARD beat her brains out with a flat iron and then James Wileoo, aged 91 years. many styles Under- 9SOO.OO BATH. case was set for hearing Tueseay. The Re- rests too We shall do not describe ache and cut his own throat. entirely large. begin Where I accurately every SHANNON'S HOTEL·—Jerry Shannon, Proprietor A Portland publicans claim that as the registration now Oct. 23 to one in the human body without a Schooner Loses Her Foremast I' close lot of Ladies' Under· pain asking question BATH HOTEL-C. M. Plummer, Proprietor. stands their candidate for in the first The Union League Club of New York gave DEPART RE OP OCEAN 8TEAÛ1ER9 Damaged Hosiery! of the Diseases of all nature treated and and Goes Ashore. Congress Tests and Pants for 38 cts. These patienv. and a to Gen. Grant NAME FROM FOR only We have a manufacturer's stock second districts will certainly be elected. reception Saturday night. DATE. bought large A Cure Giiaraateed *r No Pay. BELFAST, Vineyard are as good as were sold in many of ."seconds" In fine These are ρ Haven,Oct. 24.—Schooner Grace The committee Nevada New Oct 26 places Hosier;. good Republican campaign adopted York..Liverpool which are lound on examination If yo-ir Doctor has failed to know your diseases, AMERICAN HOUSE-J. New only a snort time since for 62 cts. Ladies' to have the D. Tucker, Proprietor. Webster, Capt. of from the following: York..London Oct 27 eend or come to me and I will full Henley, Portland, sllg test mperfection bat for all par- give you diagno- the Algeria New Oct 27 Children's, Men's and Boys' Underwear practical minutes. Port Johnson for Whereas, continuance of registration in York..Liverpool poses are to perfect The are sis in Ave Portland, with a cargo of FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL St LAurent New York..Havre Oct 27 equal goods. prices BOLSTEB'S IULL8. the of Orleans the time fixed in large assortment at low prices. so low that it will be an for all to You hive but to hear me and be convinced of the carrkd parish beyond by Adriatic New object examine HANCOCK HOUSE—M. coal, away her foremast in law York..Liverpool Oct 28 lot of Shawls which we before Winter wonderful power God gives to man. Examination Hancock, Proprietor. Vineyard tin flairant violation of the letter and Alvo New Large bought purchasing Hosiery. Sound last and York..Kingeton, J. Oct 28 Fee tl.OO. uiglit, being unmanageable spirit of law is for political ends and purposes Portland Duil> Wholesale Market. New York..Havana at the to close tlieir stock at two· Niagara Oct 28 factory Catarrh a Specialty. dtf BOetON. anchored to ride out the under orders of the Democratic committee and British — New York..Havana Oct 28 thirds One lot gale. At daylight PORTI,A3iD. Oct. 23. Empire price. heavy, large, PAKKKR HOUSE, School St.—H. D. Parker ft Co is in direct conflict with the opinion of the Claribel New York..Porto Rico ..Oct 29 Double Shawls at TRIMMINGS. this morning she struck on the middle The market for Flour is steady and unchanged. only $2.50. Proprietors. ground. United States District Attorney, therefore Claudius New York .Laguayra .Oct 29 We »re confident that our prices on Pas- Corn and Oats are firm without in Fringes. Steam tug C. M. Winch of Bos}on went to lier Resolved, That affidavits be made change price. City of Berlin New York..Liverpool Oct 30 sementeries, Buttons, Ornaments, Laces, BBUNiWICK, against Moravian Ribbons, Sugar is steady at the recent decline. There is no Quebec Liverpool Oct 30 Velvets and Satins are reasonable. · hat our as- assistance, hauled her off and her to every person who illegally registers'after this P. ft K. DINING ROOMS- W. R. brought Samaria Boston Liverpool Oct 30 sortment is large and the best that Field, Proprieto date, and the or clerk change in Butter, but the market is very firm for qualities very REFRIGERATORS! this port. against supervisor regis- Helvetia New York..Antwerp Oct 30 can be obtained. Comparison solicited. with a view to ttieir choice continue scarce and RINESBROS., earnestly tering any person illegally grades. Eggs command Bolivia New Yok...Glasgow Oct 30 COBN1RH. arrest and under the law NEW YORK. prosecution of the full prices. Malaga Grapes are selling at 5 50ια> Suevia New York..Hamburg Oct 30 MERRILL'S LATEST DAVIS HOTEL—M. B. Davis, Proprietor. United States. Lake Champlain.. .Montreal... Liverpool....Nov 6 6 00 cwt. Cranberries are dull and there is no 241 Middle'Street. Lake Nepigon Montreal.. .Liverpool Nov 15 sale for them. oc25 dsntf DANVILLE JUNCTION. Total WINTRY WEATHER. The Aoore CLARK'S DINING HALL, Grand Trunk in the are & Railway Registration of Co. City. following io-day'e quotations Flour Air Hard MINIATURE Owen, Improved Dry Wood, Depot—M. W. Clark, Proprietor. ALMANAC OCTOBER 25. octl2dtf New York, Oct. 23.—Today was th« last Grain, Provisions. &c. of Sun rises —6.28 water 3.46 In 3 and day registration. The total number regis- mur. «*ra»n. | High Styles ΙΟ Sizes. DEXTER. Fall of Snow in the Dominion. Sun sets 4.69 | Moon rises..'... 10.43 istered in four day» was 210,974 ; total Heavy Superflue 4 00{α4 50 Yellow registra- Corn, Their is MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE HOTEL-W. G. Mor tion in 1870 was Oct. from Kxtra Spring. .5 2f>@5 60 car lots GO ff. 1. PENNELL & reputation fully established and give 183,000. Toronto, 24.—Dispatches tonight " CO., universal satisfaction. In use In rill, Proprietor. 'l'he various of northeast and OLX Spring....6 25(α 6 761 H. M. 59 Nearly 2,000 BeyubUcau County parts Ontario, north- " ΜΑ.ΓΝΊ2 —ENGINEERS OF— Ticket. Patent Oats 44 Portland alone. As cheap as the Pine grained The west of this city, report very weather Spring MARINE EAHT BROWN FIELD. Republican county convention met to- rough Wheats 7 75;S9 00 Sacked Bran 21 00 NEWS. dried air, for the same size or other makes. It will with snow last night and this be for the interest of UBEt'.TY HOUSE—W. H. day and nominated for Mayor, William Dowd; morning, doing Michigan Win- Mids... @24 00 all to investigate before buy- Stlckney, Proprietor. David G. great damage. The snow fall varies from five ter beet. G 25 ing. Manufactured, and Wholesale and Retail Recorder, Rollins; Judge of Supe- 00@G Corn, bag lots.. 62 fORT OF by to 20 inches. iiOw Grade " PORTLAND. HEATING and KAMTPOBT. rior Court, Horace Rutsell; of Marine Meal, .. 69 Piano Judge " VENTILATION, and Dealers 75 .. In Court, Meyer S. Jacob Hess. Michigan....6 25@5 Oats, 47 Company J. F. PASSAMAQUODDY HOUSE—A. Pike ft Co., Pro- Isaacs; Register, Official Louis Win- ·' Vote of Indiana. St. Bran, .. 23 SATURDAY, Oct. 23. MERRILL, prietors. ter fair .0 25 Oct. 23.—The 00@6 Mid'ngs,14 .. 25 00 Arrived. Steam, Gas, Water Fix- Indianapolis, following are Winter 6 " Pipe No. 60 Cross Street, Portland, Me. WASHINGTON. good.. 25(a6 60 Rye, .. ι io FOBTLAND. the official figures of the total vote for Eleanora, New ny4 dtf Winter best...6 75@7 00 Froneiomi. Steamship Bragg, York—mdse PIANOS. &c. CITY Governor at the October election in this to Henry Fox. tures, HOTEL, Corner of Congress and Green St·. State, Prodnce. MeeeBeef.. 9 60@10 00 J. K. as received the of Steamer City of Portland, Pike, St via NOS. 17 de 19 UNION STREET. Martin, Proprietor. by Secretary State: Porter, Turkeye 16@18 Ex Mess.. 10 75@11 00 John, NB, FALMOUTH Corner ol and Return of Foreign Letters. Eastport for Boston. The beet place in Portland to buy a Piano. HOTEL, Middle Union Republican, 230,291; Landers, Democrat, 222,- ChicKens 14(al6 Plate 11 00all 25 Sts.—Ο. M. Shaw ft Fowl 10 al Sch Shawm ut, Eaton, Scituate for Deer Isle, Son, Proprietors. Washington,Oct. 23—The post office depart- 740; Gregg, National, 14,803; for Por- 2 Ex Plate..ll50@ll 75 We are prepared to furnish and set up in the best OVERCOATINGS PERRY'S 117 Federal St.-J. G. plurality 20 21 Sch Kathleen, (Br) O'Maboney, Moncton, NB, for HOTEL, Perry ment has.autliorized to return to ter, 7,551. Ei/ps Pork— manner and at short notice all kinds of appliances Proprietor. postmasters Ne w Boston. —AND— Potatoes,bush Γ>(>(<έβ 5j BackB.. ..2 75(a21 00 for Heattwg by Steam or Hot Water. PREBLE St.—J. ft foreign countries letters which may be demand- " Sch Rich, Calais for BAILEY & HOUSE, Congress Lindsey Sen Sweet *Jersey3 60®3 76 vlear 20 25 Tangent. Newport. NOYES, We have pome specialties to which we would ask ed to be returned 00&20 Sch New Packet. Calais for Boston. — AND— Proprietors. by foreign postal authorities, SOUTH Norfolk 2 76 a.3 00 •ess 17 00(0.17 50 Kelley, the attention of all interested. The ST. the latter to assume all AMERICA. Sch Elizabeth. Ober, Calais for Dnnning NICHOLAS HOTEL, Temple St.—Albert H. responsibility there- Onions, φ bbl.4 00 α 4 25 me 12 Plymouth. Magazine Boiler f r steam, and tbe Hitch- 11 " 10® Sch Albert, Wallace, Calais for Salem. suitings. nines. Proprietor. for, but the United States postmasters must crate ...@1G0 Lara. iog*' Hagazine Boiler for hot are in- Sch Good intent, McLain. Lubec for Boston. water, U. S. HOTEL, Junction of Congress and Federal Sts. first consult the Postmaster General. Round Hogs... 0||0 iub, ψ lb 93/e® 9V2 Ε. B. troduced by us this year and commend themselves —McDonald ft Peru the Sch Goldon Eagle, Addison for Boston. ROBINSON, Newbegin. Proprietors. The United States Accepts Mediation of the United €hmr. îb ft 93/s Hinckley, to all who understand the needs of our winter architect wants S5000 to Tierces, ^. 9Vé Sch Annie Blueliill for New clim- Maine 13®15 Pail Gray, York. ate. Combination or i>ot in complete repairs to the office States. llOOgllVi Sch Eliza EXCHANGE heating, water connec- PHILLIPS. patent building. 13 al 5 Abby, Parker, Gouldsboro for Glou- ST., PORTLAND, tion CH1DB0URÎ& Vermont with hot air which has so suc- KENDALL, New Yobk, Oct. Kegs cester. heating, proved ELMWOOD HOUSE—T. L. 24.—Ignicia Garcia,charge d.Y.Faatory 13 SI 5 Beau». State Agents for cessful in this State the five will Page, Proprietor. d'affaires of aLnouuces that during past )ears, are now opening an Peru, information Skim Cheese.... 5@8 | Pea 1 90®2 10 Cleared· still receive our careful attention. All work of this GOOD RIDDANCE. has been received from via BAY.UOND Panama, Kingston, Fruir Mediums 1 75® Sch Satilla, Rivers, Satilla River—Chase, Leftvitt Chickering & Sons' Piano Fortes, kind gua>anteed to give perfect satis action. Extensive Stock of VILLAGE. by the Peruvian in this ïellow We are to all CENTRAI Legation city, that Orançes. Eyes.,1 87@2 lo & Co. General Agents for New England States for especially prepared undertake kinds HOUSE, Wm. H. Smith, Proprietor. the Peruvian government has the Palermos.pbx 0 00@0 00 Bulter. Sch Margaret, Johns. New York—Ε S of Sanitary work and wou'd be glad to furnish A accepted Hamlen. Notorious Burglar Fatally Shot. mediation of the United States after Valencia^}case $00®$00 Creamery 28(330 Sch Cliihon, Pope, Boston—J Lucas. estimates free to all who may dosire our services. 8ACCABAPPA. being 11 Gilt LINDEMAN & Fall JNKW ÏORK, Jct.'.!4-Ttiis uotified it had been $>box Edge Vermont 30 Sch Chalcedony, Thompson. Machiasport—Nath'l SONS' PIANO ocl5 d3m Overcoatings morning Edw.Lyons, accepted by Chili, and it " FOiCTES, PRESUMPSCOT HOUSE.-W. S. Lemons. Choice And the celebrated — Pratt, Proprietor one of the most skilful in the has named Seuor Antonio Arenero, President 22®25 Blake. AND burglars country, Messina 4 00@4 60 Good 18® 20 Sch Alice Dean, Watts. Pembroke—Ν went into a establishment of the American of and Blake. disreputable known Cougress Jurists, Vice Palermos 4 00(«4 50 Store 17çl8 Sch EmmaS, Hutchins, Belfast—Ν Blake. NKOWHEGAN. as the President of the EDWARD McCAMMON PIANO "Star and Garter" with Thomas Mc- Council of State, and Captain Nuts. Appirn. Sch Ira 1) FORTES. SUITINGS. TURNER Sturgis, Adams, Kennebec—maetci. sep 2 7 d2mo HOCSE.-W. G. Heeelto Proprietor Cormick, to avenge an assault committed Aurellio Garcia, ex-minister to to Peanuts— Sweet Apples.l 75 Sen to Japan, rep- " B0@1 Speedwell. Whitten, Rockland, load for 1st. ELM by 70 Sour PREMIUM HOUSE,—F. A. Dore, Pronrieto the one on resent Peru in the 60@1 1 75 — proprietor, Brock, McCormick, peace negotiations. Wilmington.l 25®1 New York—J Β Dodge. AT — Virginia 1 62 Pippins.. 1 1 gome time ago. Lyons placed a pistol at Mc- Buenos Oct. 50^1 50® 75 SUNDAY, ELLSWORTH. Ayrks, 23.—Negotiations be- Tennessee.. .1 20@1 36 Dried Western 6® Oct. 24. Cormick's breast and pulled the The ;ween Chili and Peru I88O. AMERICAN H0U8E—Δ. 1. trigger. for peace appear to Das tana, φ tt>. 10@llc' do Eastern.. 6® 6V4 Arrived. Portland, ûftundere, Prop. missed when " Birds. McCormick seized a eodtfen pistol tire, have reached no result. Walnuts, x2@14c| Sugar. to Geo S eepl8 State 1879. " Barque Rachel, Walls, Boston, Hunt& Co Fair, Canary revolver and fired two WENT H A RES shots, both of which Filberts, 12@14c Granulated.... ®10 Sch Geo Ε Prescott. Guptill, Rondout via Ports- 3ST. XH. WELL. took effect In one θΐ'ΐ Extra C r'air,1877. Lyons' body, passing 13®14o| ® 9ya mouth—cement to C W Belknap & Son. The public are notified that I have HARPSWELL HOUSE.—A. J. Merrlman, Prop"' through his was taken to the Sch Sarah & Ellen, Boston for op- lungs. Lyons EUROPE. York, Kennebec. L. ened a Bird Store. No. 379 New York hospital. He will die. McCor- Jlining Stock*. Sch Phebe Ann, Clement, Boston. AG. BAILEY, Congress St., UARTLAND. —AGENT FOB— mick was arrested and Sch Edna. iBr> Anderson. Diffhv. NS—fish fnr ο Portland, andJ shall keep all kinds of released on 81000 bail, Closing prices Oct. 23, as reported IT. N. HARTLAND HOUSE. J. B. ▲t the by market. SINGING and FANCY BIRDS. LlttleielJ, Prop. hospital th» wounded man gave the Pinkham, Stock Broker, 50 Exchange street: PARKER'S, COLT'S, BONEHILL'S, name of E. He is the hus- Prominent Members of the Irish SALES. BID. ASKED MOORE & SON'S Breech Guns. I sen first-class singers (Hartζ JMonn- George Lenning. 4 FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT. Loading HIRin. band of the notorious I lantic 0 40 in tbie fo* Lamson tain for Choice free. shop-lifter Sophia Oct 19—Ar, ecli Annie Sole Agents vicinity Canary,; $2.50. MT. CUTLER HOUSE—Hiram Barton, who not Land League to be Arrested. iJeer isle 0 75 EASTPORT, Cogglns, Cog- Propriété» Lyons, long since endeavored to re- and cid on return. BIRD FOOIS SEEDS &c., for sale. All lease i»ougiass 3 00 gins. Westport, orisoners from Sing Sing prison by false Oct 21—Ar, ech Hiram Du Pont's Powder my goods sold at reasonable HOIILTON. Six Favorite 0 10— Tucker, Knowlton, Port- Mills, prices. keys. years ago and wife fled to M land. AND THE All orders ELL Lyons ilton ... 1 60 promptly attended to. SX HOUSE- D. 0. Floyd, Proprietor. Frauce and lived two on the LARGE BODIES OF TROOPS HURRY- ech Clark, St NB, to load years proceeds of Young llecla .... 0 30 Cld, Eugene, John, for Dittmar Powder Goods gent C. 0. D. crime New Manufacturing Compa- Artist committed here, but returned. ING TO IRELAND. York. Sailed, ech Emma Crosby. ny's High Explosives, such as Photographer, Respectfully, LEWISTON. Crosby, NS. Domestic Windsor, Daily Receipt!». Oct 22—Ar, ach Lookout, Hurlburt, Boston. De WITT HOUSE—Quinby & March, Proprietor·. By water conveyance—1000 bush Cornmeal to G Opposite Falmonth Hotel, SPORTING. W. Tru« & Co. RENDROCK .GLUKODINE, &c., New Yobk, Oct. 24.—A Dublin special to FROM MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. NORRIDOEWOtK. - Fred he New York Herald says it is ascertained on Arat St Thomas prev to 22d inst, brig whieli can be supplied in any DAN FORTH HOUSE-D. Bouton Stock market. Orbit, quantity, PORTLAND, MAINE. Bromby. Danfnrth, Proprietor. :he best authority that Mr. Forster, Chief Nash, Boston. at the lowest New York Prices. Also oct7 Im" The Great International Boat Race. to One ■Secretary for Ireland, swore out an informa- tSa'es ofjthe Broker's Board, Oct. 22.] Sid fm Alicante prev 22d, barque Abby Bacon, and Ey Up Flight Only. NORTH ΛΝΝΟΧ. Oct. and United States. EXPLODERS, Waterproof Com- sep21 dt£ London, 23.—Riley Ross, the oars- tion today a number of First Call. Staples, charging prominent Sid fm Havre 21st, barque Π D mon FUSE. 8. T. TAYLOR'S SYSTEM SOMERSET HOUSE, Brown & Hilton, Proprietors men, intended to take up quarters together at members of the Land League with conspiracy $5000 Eastern Railroad 4V2S 99% Brookman, Petti- a near Sales at grew, United States. 48 EXCHANGE private house Putney Ross made his that for arrest Auction. STREET. — OF ind application their will be Ar at Ascension —, H H Blake. first on the river this McGilvery, Manila octl9 snd2w appearance morning, made to the courts early next week. The fol- for Liverpool; barque Priscilla, Bisholf, Iloilofor to Barnes and back to CARDS. rowing emartly Putney. lowing are the selecied lor prosecu Bank Statement. Sandy Hook. MAKING WEDDING_ His is gentlemen DRESS ! style favorably commented upon. The tion: Charles Stewart Parnell, M. P.; Jos- New York, Oct. 23—The following is the week Ar at Cadiz prev to 22d inst, barque Lorinda Bor- SCHLOTTERBECK'S Bank Children's work a WILLIAM sporting correspondent of the Standard Bays sph Biggar, M. P.; Arthur O'Conner, M. P.; ly statement ending to-day: stell, Borstell, Savannah. LOOK. READ. specialty. Prices yery low. S. LOWELL. he considère him increase... one of the most favorable of J. J. O'Kelley, M P.; Alexder M. Loans, $ 1,231,400 Bm· N·. · Brew·1· the O'Sullivan, Specie, decrease MEMORANDA. CORN AND BUNION Black, Cm- ENGRAVEB, competitors. Hosmer who has been unwell P. ; Mr. Treasurer of the Land 1,750,400 grcM and Brow· Mtreata. is Egan, League; Legal tenders, increase Sch Lizzie J of and from 191 MIDDLE STREET, Portland, Me improving, but is not afloat today. Water- Mr. Brennan, its Messrs. James 124,300 Clark, Decrow, Camden J. X. MARSH, Jeweler, has opened IBM. Λ. LORNG. side Secretary; Deposits, decrease for was driven ashore on the at frequenters consider Tricked much im- Kettle and 1,376,900 Bangor, ledges Cam- up a of Business at 317 kpSldtf Redpath, Bayton Sheridan, daily Circulation, increase 71,5· 0 den, F rida j night, and knocked off shoe and rudder. SOLVENT, place Congress proved and likely to make a better than Vieitln* Cards. fight journalists, and Reserve, decrease She was to come off at St., where he will cleanse and at first Harrington, journalist Tully, 1,192,125 expected high water without KK.tlOVES repair apr!4 deodtf anticipated. Hanlan, Tricket, Lay- journalist. farther damage. CORNS, BUNIONS, Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. Work cock and Riley practiced as hut CALLOUS AND WART». today usual, In view of the difficulty in obtaining a ver- Sch Heroine, from Bangor for Rockland, with warranted. He will also on sale, of note transpired New York Stock and Money market. is ashore on Northeast near keep nothing and'all continue in dict from a Irish it is said to be the in- lumber, Point, Camden, For Sale at a jury, Entirely it does not contain Watches, Clocks, Eye GREAT Bargain. the best condition. tention to to the (By Telegraph.) and may go to pieces. Harmless; Masses, Specta- BARGAINS apply Queen's Bench for a Acids or Caustic. cles Silver Plated New Yoek, Oct. 23.—The bank statement is un- any Ware &c. Please In change of venue and bring the accused for Carpeting, Oil Cloth, Furni- chief of favorable, showing a large decrease in the excess of DOMESTIC PORTS. PREPARED BY" give him a call. Remember the Elias Simpki ne, police of trial before an The place. ture, Crockery, Plated, HARDWARE, PLUMBING and Pittsfield, English jury. government reserve, which is running quite low. ·· 111 was shot and killed to SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 22d, ship Harvey Mills, and A HOlIoK I7KNINHINO store, in a town Saturday night by claims to have have this power under the Money closed on call offered at 2Vfe per cent. A. Glass Ware, at ■Iliot Baker, Miller, Liverpool. G. Schlotterbeck. of 12,000 populati n, wtthiu a few milen oi Kenton. new act. Its exercise would be re- Sterling Exchange is rather firm. We quote bank- Two BISHOP'S judicature SEaTLE— Sid 14th, ship Brothers, Hayden, APOTHECARY, BLOCK, 31? CONGRESS ST. Established 12 years. Proprietor d ing a good busi- as a ers 00 at Adams & The town of Que9noli Forks, in British Co- garded legal revolution in Jj-ish polities asking rates, days' bills, 481% per £ San Francisco. Robinson's, ness; reason for selling, going west. (of on demand 84.84 Address, lumbia. vrai by fire and place the agitators at the mercy of the $4.80<56par value),and against CEDAR KEYS—Ar 18th, ich Annie Ρ Chase, SOI C«|Kat sire·!, Portland, Main·. Opposite Frye'e Store. No. 140 Χ. V. Z. P. O. Box, 286, Hostsn, Mais. destroyed yesterday. | 481H$484Vs one week ago. Drag Exchange Street. Poole, Key West. Jy2 sntf Oct 16 d2w* oct6 WfMSci <*>21 n* THE PRESS. PULPIT AND PLATFORM. eternity of punishment. Dr. Thomas believes that if there is a soul that cannot be reached MISCELLANEOUS. THE BUYERS GUIDE. AUCTION and influenced by the love of God, it will SALES. STREET MONIUY MOBSIXG. OCT. 35. CHESTNUT CHURCH. cea.»e to exist, while the Universalist church At the Chestnut street church Bev. C. J holds that there is not, and cannot be a soul that the love of God, as revealed in Jesus - Clark, the pastor, preached from the text ii TRADE CIRCULAR. THE PRESS Christ, cannot reach and save. We, as a Auction Sale. 8. '"He hath showed — — be obtained at the Periodical of N. G. Mic. vi, thee, Ο man church have reason to hold to our to the OF May Depots faith, Prcsiimpscot Iron Fotwmden, Marquis, Brunei & Co., Andrews, Arm- what is good,and what doth the Lord require ol faith that presents the great thought of the Company. strong, Cox, Hodsdon, W. P. Wentwortb, Hayden, but to do and love fatherhood of God, and the brotherhood of corner and Fore thee justly mercy,and to work Ueal Toole η ml Morris, Exchange St.; Welander. man; to the faith thatiproclaims the complete Estate, Machinery of the Boston & Maine Depot, and Chisholm Bros., on all humbly with God?" The Bible reaches 11IIΚPrès un p« cot Iron Co., will be sold at thy triumph of Jesus Christ, and a conse- public t rains that run out of the city. greater RETAIL TRADE auction, to 1I10 highest bidder, at the Works. at down to earth and its cration of mind and means as Winter W il lard Small & Co. by requirements stretch- is demanded, Overcoats East on WEI> Auburn, Deering, ΝESDAY, October 27, our faith is and at 3 1880, Augusta, F. Pieroe. es over the whole field of human action—dutj deeper broader than the faith o'clock P. M. Terms and conditions of sale J. 11. Babb & Co. — will be at time of sale. Bangor, of others. The church must send its mission- — made known to God and obligation to man. ΛΥθ have here BY THE For Bath, of J. O. Shaw. aries everywhere. The demand for further particulars inqu re of F. M. Burnham. preachers .1. W. LEAV Biddeford, the summing up of human requirements, sim- is great and must be met. We must devote OF ITT, Treat. ·· Jellerson's Bookstore. PORTLAND, ME., 1\ O. RASMiV A- Auctioneer*· ilar to the statement of ourselves anew to the service of the CO.« Brid^ton. Daniel Dickenn. Jesus, that the love ol living octl8 God; we must new evidence that Christ dtd Brunswick, B. G. Dennleon. God and our neighbor constitutes the sum ol give Oarab.rlandMills,F. A. Verrill. abides with us. To such an entire consecra- human duty. One of the beauties of the Damarlscotta, E. W. Dunbar tion we are called as a church. "As we have ASSIDNttS Freeport, W. A. Mitchell. Bible is the harmony of all its truths iu both therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all SAM INSOLVENCY, R. C. Harmon. Fryeburg, the Old and men, unto those who c.re of the Palmer & Co. New Testaments. "To do justly" especially to Gardiner, household HUNDREDS TO SELECT FROM! authority from the Court of Insol- J. Irish. in the text of|faith." of Gorham, means that one should be just and PURSUANTvency Cumberland Coun y, and in accord- — Hallowell, C. L. Spaulding. AT — in ance with the provisions of the insolvent law of the right all his actions. We know that there of I Lewiston, Chandler & Estes. The Greenbackera. State Main-*, shall sell at public on the ■ auction, Lisbon, C. E. «Judkins. is often a wide difference between the ■ ■ - · ■ premises hereinafter on the THIRTIETH senti- At a of the Greenback State com- described, Mechanic Falls. A. W. F. A. Millett. meeting The following Trade Circular is nay of Octol er, A. 1>. 1880, the Bridge, CITY ment of pity iu the heart and its Prices respect- following parcels Norway, A. O. Koyes. HALL, practical ap- mittee held here Saturday it was resolved to Styles Quality fully presented by the undersigned lie· of real estate in Portland, In said County, belonging Richmond, G. A. Beale. plication in actual life. But the Bible tail to the estate of Charles K. and l.uther E. requires make some changes in the electoral ticket. To the Houses of Portland, with a view to Rockland, O. O. Andrews. please Frost, Insolvent Debtors, as individuals and co- of each man to cherish a interest in the show the extent and of Sabatt us, Ε. H. Johnson. deep An attempt was made to induce Chase and variety articles partners. viz: at the Pott Office. welfare of his fellow men. When handled, and the names of those Α halt' two all the Saocarappa, Jesus came Turner to withdraw tlioir opposition to Fusion, large pa«t o'clock, right, title of L. Hodsdon and H. B. Kendrick. Oct. MULTITUDE. dealers who make this and interest, which the said Charle* R. 8aco, Tuesday Evening, 20th, into the world he brought love into it with City the best Frost Thomas ton, S. Delano. but both declined to make any concession, and had on the 20th day of March, 1880, the time market and trade centre for the of Vinalharen, B. Lane. him—hence we are to follow his of people the comiuencmeut of proceedings in at β to bo addressed examplw. But finally Mr. Bunker yielded to the demand of Maine. Insolvency Waldoboro, G. Bliss. o'clock, by the common law of justice and The Cold Wave is us and health aforesaid, in and to the following parcel or real es- J. equity calls the Greenbackcrs that he upon demands situate*I on tbe weste Waterrille, M. Wall. us to care straight should with- ^"Parties not prepared to visit Port tate, ly corner of Brackett upon for the temporal welfare of our and Danforth Wise asset, Gibbs & Bundle*» draw from warm laud, may order from the streets, in said Portland, bounded and neighbors. But do we ask, who is our the regular Congress Hall ticket, goods follow· described Woodford's Corner, H. Moody. neigh- garments. as follows: Commencing at the corner of bor? Jesus tells ue in in& classifications with perfect reliance Yarmouth, C. E. Coombs. the parable of the Good and addressed the following letter to Mr. S. A. Brackett and Danforth streets; thence northerly by WM. P. FRYE. that their orders will said Brackett street 89 HON. Samaritan. The whole human race is allied r If you are for De promptly at- feet to the corner of said lot; Berry looking thence at to us; and we must count all our tended to. Satisfaction or southwesterly right angles with said street neighbors. Fairfield, Me., Oct. 22,1880. guaranteed thence CITY AND We often divide men into classes and think money refunded. 75V2 ieet; southeasierly parallel with VICINITY. To Samuel .1. Berry, Chairman : said Brackett street 80 feet more or less to Dan- we will our own but BIG help class; Christ did not it for the best interests of the BARGrAIMS fo· th thence sai · to do so. Deeming party street; easterly by Danforth, the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TO-DAY. Music CHANDLER'S BAND. He helped every one of class when of by every that the Greenback vote in this State be con- — — point beginning: being the same premises deterib» d he had the Hence IN a opportunity. common jus- centrated against the llepublican party, I in deed from -Josiah H. Drumm »n·· to Charles R. ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. tice appeals to us to help every one that may TOOLS, ΝΟΙΝΚ Frost, recorded in Cumbo l«nd Re_is rv of Deeds, hereby resign the nomination of elector, aiHl Plant i New Portland Theatre—M'llw. need our help. All that we have to AtiRICIJI.Tl'BALFurnishing Goods, Stand*, Kulbe, &e, Book 411, page 370 Also all the right, title and It is that the belongs would suggest that the name of W. •WM. 0. SAWYKK & 22 hoped Republicaus of 1'ortlaud will and we must to George CO.. Market Square interest of th-* said Charles it. Frost, as in McGlbeny Family—New Portland Theatre. turn out in God, use it help the Lord's Worster be substituted for mine. aforesaid, great numbers, to hear one ol the best and to the remainder of the lots«»t land of uhich the SPECIAL cieatures— because are his creatures. But MEN'S BOYS' OR WATCHES, Fine NOTICES. stump speakers in this they Benj. CHILDREN'S was country. Bunkkk. foregoing formerly parcel, the same we are also to love mercy. We are not to do 4itlEBICANJewelry »il*erwnre, t:lock«, At. being Underwear—Rines Bros. Galleries only reserved for Ladies. of Mr. CHAS. II. 201 describe in a deed of John -J. Frost to sa d Charles as little as The/esignation Bunker was accepted LAMSON, Middle street NEW just possible—but our love is to be I K. Frost, dated «January 17, 1851, and recorded in ADVERTISEMENTS. and the name of Mr. 4 l'OTHû( overflowing like the love of Christ. He drew Worster was substituted. ARIEN; Dra«·, Pi.inu, Oil», Cumberland Registry of Deeds, Book 227, page Wanted—H. C. Pooler. 2 V Pratt's Astral all the poor and sick and to him- At the time of the Agts. Oil. 134; to wldch deed and the deed therein me Notice—J. W. Nelion. sorrowing Greenback State conven- W. W. & A PORTLAND MAN IN TROUBLE. self and WHIPPLE CO., 21 Market Square tinned reference mav be had. said re ainder State ol Maine. blessed them. If he did so much for tion for the choice of electors Mr. Bunker was GO TO TIIE Oi\E PRICE STORE OF measuring about 2l3Va feet on said Danf· rth To the Ladle· -Mrs. Graham. us, we ought to be willing to sacrifice some- ECAKVTnrag., .Tlvdicine·, street and about one thousand for liim. It is one to wish that nominated as one of the candidates. At the AI'UTIIToilet Articles S Druggists' Suudrit*. cont.inirg thirty Home for Aged Women. thing thing all square ft et. Mr. A. F. McAchorn's Difficulties be and GEO. C. FKYE, Cor. Congres* & Franklin St» AUCTION COLUMN. in Nor- may helped, quite another to work for meeting of the bolters, held at the Immediately thereafter all the title their City Hall, * right, ami relief. But we must look at the in t'OTHECAKIEsTchcmicnla. interest which the said Charles R. f rost and Luth- Asiignee's Sale in way. spirit when it was to nominate Mr. Bunker Insolvency. which we are to do this. We are to walk proposed ^HVIniported Perfumes. Soaiis, Toilet Articles Jtc. er K. Frost had ou said 2*'>th day of March afore- it FRED Τ. ΜΕΛΙ IKK k CO.. 473 humbly before God. Human pride was found that, with the exception of Solon Congress St said, in and tc a certain lot ol land situated on the forgets northwest corner of Danforth and A meeting of the First Patriarchal that all comes from the C.D.B.FISK&CO., Clark streets, Associa- good God and so Chase, Greenbackers were not in forgets straight being about f>0 feet on Danforth ctreet and 17θ Last Mr. Λ. F. but the humble will remember and Absolutely permanent Photographs a specialty. tion will be held at Hall this July MacAcliorn of this God; this favor of and he was set aside. As the feet ο;» Clark street, more described Encampment city, do all him, by LAM SON, opposite Falmouth Hotel particularly merchant went to possible good to all suffering ones, and Tlxe in a deed from heuben B. Dunn to « harks K. evening. Important business is to come be- tailor, Norway and bought went on Mr. Bunker became more 4 thus campaign Clothiers, RTISTKC .1.1.. 1 λ help Jesus in helping his suffering poor. PSIOTOIJRAPIIV, by «ι x11'Bt, itcuiucu KfKietry fore the and full out the stock of Mr. Lewis O'Brion to the ex- .1 meeting, attendance is re- open in his support of Hancock, until the Now UNDER PREBLE OUNANT, Hook 25î), page 140: Also all the right, title and tent of WILLISTOK CHURCH. HOUSE, CONGRESS STREET. Congress St., opposite Preble Ho us interest of the said Charles It and Luthei E. quested. 81000. Mr. MacAchorn then put in Era-Leader called the attention of the Green- octl2 cltf 478Vj Frost RTWTS' asjafortsaid in and to a certain lot of land with the additional stock to the of The pastor, Rev. F. E. Clark 4 IllTfËRÎÂIg,Archilecti·' A amount $1500, mak- preached back to his couise in the thereon situated on the corner Thirty Tears' Experience of an Old party following para" irV Engineers' Supplies, Picture Frames, Art Goods buildings made by the whole stock worth from Psalms 137:12. I know of no words in the side of street and the easterly Nurse. MBS. WINSLOW'S ing about .$2500. A graph : GYRUS F. DAVIS, No. 593 Congress St southerly Spruce SOOTHING side of Emery street, more described SYRUP is the note was given Mr. O'Brion for the Bible better fitted to elevate the miltds of particularly prescription of one of the best S900, secured Benjamin Bunker is Secretary of the Green- ; Blank Uookn A Stationery, in a mortgage deed from said Frosts to Joseph A. female and nurses in the United a on the men than those of the Psalmist. In no words back State BOOliMAccount Books of all kinds to order. et al., deed dated physicians by mortgage entire stock, the note committee. He publishes what he ! THE LARGEST STOCK King by Sept. 11, 1878, and re- ouhos, anu lias men usea ior a SLAU HALL L. DAVIS. 53 St corded in said Book with calls 6HTER thirty years in two of poets are these surpassed. Every one of Greenback paper. Gen. J. Β Weaver Exchange Registry 453, page 30. being payable installments, §400 in OF !»ale of the afore>Hid will include all never-failing success, by millions of mothers is the Presidential candidate of the Greenback -- Λί Blank Uookx. premises three, the wonderful verses are illustrated the -IN OOKN, Stniiooery the title an t for their children. It the and $500 in six months. One hundred by Clark's right, Interest of said Fro-ts or either relieves child from party. Mr. Bunker is to be a Weav- Β Circulating Library. iirhiftVPmpTltH nf αηΪΛηρρ nnil tl,o supposed of them and of the subscriber as and no pain, cures and in dollars were at time that er FBANK B. 515 Co: St. assignee dysentery diarrhoea, griping paid the the purchase candidate for Presidential elector. Yet he CLARK, gress more: and w 11 be made to a.l the bowels, and wind-colic. subject mortgages, By giving health was made, and wore past half century, and who has done all these praises Hancock, abuses and not OOIS A' «SIΟ ΚΝ. The ami unpaid taxes and other encumbrances to the payments subsequently Garfield, says Largvot tn«reon, child it reete the mother. Price a word Β Best Assortment in the State. of which be at Twenty- made that reduced Mr. things? Han with his life hounded three editorially about Weaver in his paper, Dress Goods. Cloaks and particulars will given the sale and five Cents a bottle. O'Brion's claim to be- by M. ou mav26WS&M&w6m but the slander of D er D. G. PALMKR, 23U Middle St enquiry of the Assignee on application to whom ΟΤΛΛ _ _ J ©ΟΛΛ score and who publishes silly Dolmans, years ten, can be scorched the pro; be examined at Luin Gen. and does not Armure Dress Goods 8 cents. Λ SHOES. on hand erty «nay ny time. Malt build against Weaver, pub- I Constantly Fine Also Bitters the nervous and mus- thereafter snd all up Two with heat and frozen with cold. Onntrast the lish a evrr offered at lEeiail in Porllau ban ami Medium Goods at at immediately any personal weeks ago Mr. MacAchoru word from Gen. Weaver or any one else Double Fold Brocade Dress Goods i, BOOTS low prices, of cular Saturday ju*t beeti receivesi from Wew 225 property s» id Frosts now upon aforesaid lota. system and so overcome dieease. of the in denial. To a man a tree that looks I Vovk, by LOWELL'S, Middle St, opp. Falmouth Hotel came to Portland, as was his habit Saturday power creature with that of the up very 1S1-3 cts. 1 Case all Wool Shouda E1)WA11D P. CHASE, Assignee, 85 Exchange St much as though Mr. Bunker is a in all the New Tall A *UOEsT~Your difficult and troub- Portland, October 23. 1880. Dr. C. W. Benson's nights, and in his absence Mr. O'Brion called Creator "who upholdeth all things by the good enough Cloth, Shades Celery and Chamo- Democrat. BOOTSlesome feet properly fitted. Sign of Gold Boot F. O. BAILEY A- Co., Auctioneer». of his With 44 inches wide, only 50 cts. F. A. UOSS & mile Pills are prepared expressly to cure Sick upon Mr. MacAchorn's clerk and demanded weight power." a poet's vision Gen. CO., IRVING J. BROWN, 421 Congrese St •Ct25 dtd Headache, Nervous Plaisted, Congressman Mureb and Mr. This is a Grand, Good Bargain. Headache, Dyspeptic the keys of the which were David imagine modes of travel like that of the AND SHOES. A A-«©ri- store, given him Bunker himself came here and labored with Fine all Wool Ifïoinie Cloths, 44 and will be sold much Large Headache, Neuralgia and Nervousness, and We cheaper BOOTSment of Fine and Low Priced Goods. and he took possession of the store. On Mon- morning light. have accomplished much inches tlian can be FOR SALE AT AUCTION. will cure any case. Price 50 cte., postage free. those who are in opposition to fusion, and, wide, only 75 cts., former bought elsewhere. DAVIS & CARTLAND. 210 Middle St Parsons, Bangs & Wholesale day Mr. MacAchorn demanded the that is as wonderful in our mode of communica price 87. We are The OLD PKOUT'i* NECK IIOISE Co., Drug- keys, and more particularly endeavored to secure the making Cloaks, manufacturer and Importer gists, 117 and 119 Middle street, Portland, Me. asked him lie had taken ting thought that is as rapid as the of Dolmans and Ladies' Garments J of Havana wholesale and retail. Prout's or Libbt's Neck in will why possession, and "wings withdrawal of Mr. Worster in favor of The are Beautiful. (CIGARS· Cigars, Scarborough, General octlSeodtf Mr. of Styles ERNESTO PONCE, cor. and Middle ONbe «old by auction on Saturday, Nov. 1880 Agents. Mr. O'Brion that "he didn't the morning." If from man, whose means of all kinds a specialty, and have Exchange Sts 6, replied know but as has been at 10 o'clock Λ. M. This well known aud valuable Bunker, but, said, Mr. Chase and some Choice that we arc A Harper's Bazar.—This beautiful that his communication is so perfect that the defaulter Styles Cloaking» Trimming, property consists of a large two-story house ell and weekly security might slip away from him." Mr. Turner refused to concede at C'1l5 F. A. IIOSS & called,by many sea>iJe hotel ensuing things? on the American coast. It is tempt to remove him from the but that is less than can CO., Men'» and Chil- also finely situated for been received by N. G. Lancaster store, in- It is implied it is impossible to selves Greenbackers over to the cts., they be Boy»' Fessenden, get straight sup- CLOTHING,dren's, Wholesale and Retail. cottages or private residences. The natural advan- and formed him that on from God because his reaches to in the Our have also made Hall, D. Wentworth, 553 Congress, corner Friday Tuesday of the away power of tile Hall ticket bought city. Ladies' large additions to BOSTON & PORTLAND 255 tages of this place are too well and of Oak of the universe. port Congress having failed, clothing Co., Middle. favorably street. week he should his every part Think of the Vest at 4'i cts., is as good as you their stock of known to require description. This property must following pay claim in full. Mr. Bunker has down and JMea'· A Children'». power of the central government of these stepped out with can find anywhere for 50 cts. I^LOTHING· Boy»' be sold to settle up an esta'e. AUGUSTUS F. The stock, at the lowest figure it could have Clothing Manuf'rs and Dealers. 188 Superior Court. United States which can shield the humblest the hope, perhaps, that the objection enter- Job lot Fine at MOULTON, Executor, Middle St., Portland, Me Piques 13 1-3, reg- C. D. B. F1SK & CO.. under Preble Sous F. O. BAILKV A BEFORE been estimated at,Mr. MacAchorn claims, was sailor in the farthest part of the world. This CO., Auctioneer». JUDGE BONNET. tained by Solon Chase and his friends against ular 20 ct. goods. Fine Goods' at DRY AND FMCY oct20 dtd worth over $2000, and he had made is the power of man. We are dazed and GOODS, ITIen'». Youth'» Sc Boy·' Saturday.—In the case of Hannah Moulton vs. arrange- for three Democratic candidates Low Prices is our motto. Look / Fine Goods & Gents' Goods. struck dumb by the wonderful power of God. voting might CtJLOTIIlNG. Furnishing Inhabitant* of the were ont ments for money to pay the at our before until C. J. & F. R. 182 Middle St Scarboronsh, jury six mortgage. He indeed is omniscient and omnipotent. thereby be removed. goods you part every Department con- FARR1NGT0N, F. 0. BAILEY & hours and f The of with CO., iled to agree. evening Saturday, Oct. 16th, there What is your relation to this One? Are your money, tains the most desirable Pure Candie», French & American Stront & Gage for plaintiff. was a Republican demonstration at you His friend or His foe? invention goods to be found, and we CONFECTIONERY, Styles, mfr'd daily. ΛΙΧΤΙΟΧΕΕΗ», Norway, Every C. 0. HUDSON. 13 Market A. A. Strout with A. for defts. of man us the He who shall not allow Square F. Moulton and the store was closed early Saturday after- urges upon question. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS any- gave man all knowledge and who is the em- body to under- i CORSETS. Kid Glove»· Ribbon», noon, Mr. O'Brion taking the keys and bodiment of all STUDLEY, vy Laces, Worsted &e Municipal Court. leaving power urges upon each one the sell us. Embroideries, Crewels, after the store. The E. S. MERRILL. 467 Congress St BEFORE JUDGE KNIGHT. locking goods sold during consideration of this question. STATE OF MAINE. 25JÎ MidLdle Street. If are a foe can well octlG SMW&wtf 1RACKSB Jackson. Intoxication. Fined the week, to the amount of had you you echo the of MANUFACTURES. Saturday.—George perhaps $100, Olliee the Sheriff of Cumberland County. Baker of Plum Street, Portland Me. $3 and costs. Psalmist's words "Where shall I go." But if a C Bread, Biscuit, Cake and Pastry. been disposed of in O'Brion's he tak- W. C. 28 30 Pearl Mary Coreny. Search and sciiure. Fined $100 interest, friend with what joy can you say "If I take COBB, & St and coats. the and Cumberland, ss. October 23d, A. I>. 1880. Auction Sale Every Saturday at 10 A. M. Appealed. ing money endorsing the amount re- the wings of the morning and dwell in the ut- Wholesale and Retail. James McDonald. Search and seizure. Fined is to give notice, tliat ou the E. $110 ceived on MacAchorn's note. The streets were termost parts of the sea, even there shall eighteenth (lay CROCKERY.WM. THUMBS, and costs. thy of A. D. a Warrant in MEN'S Agent» foi the Celebrated Concord Hnrnes· HOSIERY 408 Appealed. hand and THISOctober, 1880, Insolvency F.A.ROSS&CO., Congress St., under Music Hall lead me, hand shall hold full of people all Saturday night, and while thy right was issued by Henry C. Pea bod Judge of the Court me." Watche» and of Insolvency for said' County of Cumberland, IAiMONDS, Jewelry, and F. O. & the parade continued any one might have en- Manufacturer» oi Mawonic BAILEY CO., Brief Jottings. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. against the estate of D Good·. wholesale J. A. .MERRILL & 23U Middle The Bev. F. Southworth at Gardi- tered the store with very little of being MODESTO Although dealers and Cor. & Brown Sts. CU., Street. Anctionwrg and preached danger Rev. Mr. Anderson at the First TUERO, of Portland, octl5 Congress Commission .Merchants detected. preached manufacturers have advanced eodtf ner yesterday. in said County, adjudged to be an insolvent debtor l'EIIVG, Cleau»iug, Carpet Cleaning Baptist church from the text in Gen. 12:13— their we are better D and Fcatlier-Bed atFUREST CITY rfaleeroom IS «*·. Mr. on petition of Asa Gooanow, James Mary J. prices, offering Renovating JKxchan«e χ οθ Tame οι ioreign exporte lor tue wees Sunday morning O'Brion, C. E. Holt, Ryan, DYEJ HOUSE 13Preble St, Preble House. "In thee shall all the families of the earth be eo which petition wis filed on the thir- vulues than ever before in op., Libby al., ninny F. O. BAILEY. was Tbe Esq., an attorney, and Mr. teenth of A. D. 1880. to which date BV C. W. ALLKJi. ending Saturday $13,106.00. imports George Brooks, blessed." We are struck with the unit of day October, desirable grades. Every one is in- GOODS, Silk», Satin», Velvet» went to the store and found the interest on claims is to be D cloaks, Dress Goods, Domestics «See. were unimportant. stock in con- computed; vited to examine the Fringes, Regular sale of Furniture and General Mercha thought that pervades the whole Bible. In That the payment of any debts to or said debt- following TURNER BROS.. 488 & 4i)0 St. as is by Congress dise at 10 o'clock a. An officer has been detailed to look oat for fusion, looking in, claimed, through the or, and the delivery or transfer of special lots: every Saturday, commencing this book of Genesis we find many truths com- any property by RY GOODS. solicited. oeSdt window. Deputy Sheriff Blake came up, and him are forbidden by law; 50 doz. Ulerino, finished seams, Consignments Deering's Oaks on the Sabbath, on account ol I) Black Silks a Mr. Holt called Mr. MacAchorn's attention to mon to the teaching of Jesus given some That a meeting of the creditors of said such as other dealers sell Specialty. debtor, for S5 HORATIO STAPLES. Middle cor F"ee the of and cows. to their debts or St., depredations boys the state of the goods. O'Brion unlocked the thousand later. We find in this prove and choose one more cts., at 19 cts CLOSING OUT years blessing of his estate, will be held at a Court of A Cloak No one has yet been to occupy the door and the whole party went in, and found assignees TriinmingM, Lace», appointed pronounced upon Abraham a lull indication to be holden at the Probate Court 60 doz. heavy Merino, finished Kid that many of the more valuable had Insolvency, DRESSGloves, Hamburgs, Worsteds, Yarns &c. vacancy on the force caused the goods room in said on the first the best we ever H. I. by resigna- been cut or conception of the scodc of the blessin? con- Portland, MONDAY, seams, very have NELSON ά CO., 443Congress and ruined. Mr. MacAchorn said to of A. D. tion of officer Miles. It is said there are 12 day November, 1880, at ten o'clock in the seen at tli e price, Î5 cts. SALE Mr. O'Brion, "What does this mean?" Mr. tained in the religion of Christ. From these forenoon. GOODS, SiU&^ Shawl», Dre»» tor the O'Brion made no GO doz. Norfolk and New Bruns- —OF — Good»· &c. applicants position. reply. The damage done to words we learn the Given luider my hand the date first above written. DRY Woolens, Linens, may ennobling character oi wick which arc Μ11,LICIT & 227 Middle Street the drivers connected with tbe the stock was probably to the amount of $1500. E. R. BROWN, JUerino, usual- LITTLE, Saturday the Christian in Mr. C. M. Wormell, the as called religion its,elevating influence Deputy Sheriff, as Messenger of the Court of Insol- ly sold as a great bargain at 50cts., GOODS, Toy», Game», Bird American to Mr. detective,.. 1 Express Company presented in but could find no trace of the store upon the individual believer. The first char- vency for said County of Cumberland. we have iu all»izes at 38 cts. tjVANCYCages, Baby Carriages, Archery &c. B. having oc25&30 STOCK & FIXTORES CHAS JR.. 187 Middle St A. Winslow, the late agent of the company been broken into, and the conclusion reached acteristic of this 40doz. Ipswich mixed DAY, ACQ., CARD relieioa that we see is its per- Mill, blue, in this a was the very natural one that must and 50 Custom and made city, splendid meerschaum pipe. somebody manence. Not one is to be scarlet, cts. Ready Clothing have unlocked the door and person blessed, but Gents' Goods. The whole number of deaths in this for walked in. The Best mabes > FINE Furnishing city it is to extend down the and to all TO THE LADIES. English Merino, Wo shall ALLEN & 229 Middle St keys to the store were in the possession of ages, men; Lisle Thread and Camel's Hair commence OCTOBER 6th to sell COMPANY, the week ending Oct. 22, was 15, from the fol- and it was inferred that it is to be oar entire stock of O'Brion, MacAchorn and accomplished by fait'a in God. from 50 cts. to Freeh, Pickled and Smoked ; causes: 1, old had entered means of false and Hosiery, $2.00 per oysters and Lobsters. Wholesale and Retail. We desire to call at- lowing Consumption age 4, by keys com- Again, we see the of this IjlfSll: the universality religion. pair L.AJNU & SA2tUJfciM 078 si cholera infantum 2, fever mitted outrage, and he was arrested and a <;o*igress uropsy 1, lung 2, All the families of the earth were to be em- MRS. Wholesale prices to hearing was had before T. G. Bridgham, GRAHAM, parties buy- Choice our diphtheria 1, croup 2, general 1, pneu- Esq., the box. Desigueaud tention to stock of debility trial justice. The trial commenced Wednes- braced in the blessing. It is also a beneficent FROM ing by DRY AND FANCY GOODS. Î^LORFSTS,FuneralFlower» a specialty. monia 1. BOSTON, at the Elm House at at such a·» will W. E. MOKiON & 015 St day morning Norway and religion, not selfish in its influence, but it leads will liavA μ η prices ensure a quick sale. CO., Congress | Solon Chase was concluded noon. Messrs. Fine Dress addressed a Straight Greenback Friday Black its to work for the Foreign »u«i Dome*tic, i'autiiet Goods, and Holt of subjects good others All our customers and the will jHISUIT. at Woodford's Norway appeared for the com- o^pll public generally J? Ν uts and Children's Toy? meeting Saturday evening. whom are to reach. now OPENING ON MONDAY EVENING find ii to their interest to visit our as plainant, and Enoch Foster of Bethel and H. they able Look at store, great GEO. H. CUSHMAN, 486 Congress Si which all Samael Jewett presided and the attendance M. Bearce of Moore & bargains will be ofleretf. comprises for the means Co. Norway respondet. A the by which this religion is to be a and Mtom. Mole oct8Owen, «ltf Hansen number of was very fair. large witnesses were examined and bleesing to the world. It is through the per- At 485 1-2 f'lTRNACl!S)agents for the improved Highland Range. the facts as out Congress St., the newest and At the temperance meeting at Preble chapel brought by the evidence were sonal efforts of (its possessors; whence we see the Terms Strictly Cash. Ο. M. & 1). W. NaSH, No. 6 Exchange St styles very ably presented by the counsel on both obligation resting upon us. This faith then when she will show some Choice Dresses of her own last evening Dr. F. Webster presided and re- Carpet*, Crockery, sides, the result being that the respondent was elevates its possessor and urges him to work make. Thinking that the Ladies of Portland might i^l'KNIT(JR£,and House Furnishing Goods. ; with nice marks were made wish to see her work before she takes this colorings by Messrs. Maddox, Baker, discharged, no probable cause for bis further him an sense of his obli- orderiog, FALL OF 1880. HOOPER. EAiON & CO., 123 St by giving increasing method of them. Exehange Wilber, Rev. Mr. Phelan and Mr. detention having been shown. gation. It also incites the of its gratifying Tracy. diligence pos- So please call at 8 o'clock Monday evening. Wo are prepared to show our patrons the choicest |Λl*3ΛΙΤΙΙICE) A Upholstery Wood». in The popular sentiment was in favor sessor him a wider and wider J? Wholesale and qualities Plushes, The Congress Square Union will meet at strongly by giving idea of oc23 dit linen in the following goods, to be found in the Retail. of Mr. MacAchoru, his friends say, but that the importance and magnitude of the work he market. ARAD EVANS. No. 1 & 2 Free St. Block Mrs. T. F. No. 35 Alder Wed- Bearce's, street, gentleman denies the that there was is for the for Our selection of from all Velvets and in report accomplishing world ; he remem- Paper Hangings the TUKESBUKY & CO. AS & f£.ero*ene Fixtum, LauipM Arc. Satins, nesday afternoon, Oct. 27th, at 2.30o'clock. A anything political in the feelings with which bers that this religion is to transform the leading manufacturers has been liberal, and we feel ooG codtf VT Old Fixtures Rebronzed. the the NOTICE. confident wo can the most fastidious. full attendance is requested. people regarded case. world. Another ennobling incentive to the satisfy CLEVELAND & ALARSTON, 128 Exchange St both and brocade believer in his work is the confidence he has plain George Wheeler, who recently committed a IN WINDOW SHADES AM Fixture*, Kerosene Lamp· «le good» that the work will be successful. The ennob- I" Fixtures Rebronzeil and Gilded. brutal murder at San AT U1TÏ ilALiL,. We have material to match onr papers, and new CI effects. Francisco, lcaims to be ling influence of this religion is seen in the ia hereby given that I will pay no LEVI S. BROWN, 28 Market Square debts of Jane Nelson's Fringes, Loops and trimmings not found elsewhere. the son of a Second Advent minister at Gor- elevating character of the motives NOTICE my wife, contracting presented. after this date. / 1 EXTN' Fine Hate and Ladle·' Van. The Christian seeks to advance are ham. The Greenback-Democratic great princi- J. W. DRAPERY WORK. Garments. VT Sole Agent for the Knox Silk Hat. We also show- Combina- and for reasons NELSON, ples, outside of himself. The Portland, October, 23, 1880. oc25dîît* New stuffs and original Designs. Ε. N. PERKY, 245 Middle St tion. work appeals to the noblest elements of the MD8IO AND THE DRAMA. ENTS' Furui*hiug Wood*, Neckwear, a stock of human character. The doctrine o. a ing larger personal Wanted Special Lace Department. CIW Underwear <&e. Fine Shirts to order. is revealed to us: but we are to Garments. CHARLES CUST1S & 493 ANNIE PIXLET AS immortality St M'LISS. TIN SMITH. at once in or Lace Curtains, Tidies, Spreads Insertions and CO., Congress The Greenback-Democratic seek that a blessed come to Apply person by Ul- grand political immortality may letter to H. C. Me. Edgings—all the novelties iu this department. Whole*ale and Retail. Cloaks, Dolmans, Much enthusiasm has already been excited others the that A POOLER, Pittsfield, combination appeared at City Hall Saturday through blessing comes to us. oct25 dlw GROCERIES,Fine Teas, uoffees and Fancy Groceries. among our citizens by the announcement that Two though!* in conclusion: Let us labor GEO. C. SHAW A 583 & 236 evening in one of its OUR NEW STORE Blankets. CO., Cong. Middle sters and Havelocks amusing entertain- that the families of this state be blessed offers advanta es and for and Miss Annie Pixley, fresh from her Boston tri- may peculiar good >ight ROC ERIE*. Staple and Fancy, ments. All the performers with the our influence. cur attractions canuot be iu New """ would exception through Again may own general surpassed Ladies' Misses' and Child- Gr Wholesale and Retail. umphs, appear in our city on Friday families be blessed Gems', than has ever been of the "star," Gen. Plaisted, were remarkably through us, and in us. England. ren's Underwear for Winter. J. J. CHEN FRY & CO., 484 Congress St and 8atarday evenings, the 29th and 30th, in May God help us to live that the families in good. The general was a little and PARKER'S Γ1 ROCERIEM A PROVISIONS, Tea», her charming role of "M'liss, the Child of the heavy the world at large, in our own state and €r. ITI. Boswortli, All other DRY AND FANCY in while he was on the city, V?T Cotlees, Canned Hoods, Flour and Grain. shown in- boards a good many peo- and the members of our own GOODS than can be Portland, Sierras." Miss has met with immense families may be Hammond. cheaper C. N. & J. B. LANG. Portland cor. Greei St Pixley left the hall to "see blessed. B'lls., success and has beeu with ple a man" and the de- bought elsewhere in New Fug- greeted everywhere 591 Street. UNS, Revolvers, Fismng Tackle, Skates. bouses. At the Boston Theatre she mand for return checks was not HIGH STREET CHURCH. Congress land. W for Du Pout's Powder Mills. cluding many styles splendid remarkably oell dtf Argent pi a j ed "M'liss" for fourteen consecutive lively. Miss F. E. Willard. of Chicago, President of Τ G. L. BAILEY,.48 Exchange St to us. nights to a total of 22,000 people, and a simi- confined Gen. Anderson acted as stage and the National Woman's Christian Temperance cutlery, Tool*, lar experience has been hers everywhere. The manager Hardware,Glass and Builders' Supplies. also delivered a comic Union, spoke at the street church last T. L. & drama itself is one that takes an immediate speech. He wasn't jp High C. A. LEIGHTON &C0., MERRILL CO., No. 9 Market Square Our facilities for hold on the hearts of the She is a the audienee, and the least discouraged by the elections in the etening. pleasant speaker, and held (Successors to & Ac FURS. Special New and Vickory Leighton,) Fine, joys sorrows of the "little waif of the but was the close attention of the REMOVAL. HATSYork Goods. Buffalo «& Wolf Robes a West, looking with anxious eyes to- very large audience specially Garments to mountains" are greeted now laughter and MERRY, the Hatter, 237 Middle St making by ward to the close. Her was The Public Demanded and 1 now the silent tribute of Florida, expecting to see a crowd of subject temperance. by tears. Miss Pix- Cap*, Wlove*. Ladiei' Fur*, is their We find that is intrenched have responded by adding 431 & 433 St., can ley'· support worthy the star, and that is "repeaters" taking up line of march intemperance be- Congress HATS,Umbrellas, Buffalo <& Fancy Robes. order but give sat- a thence from Indiana. saying pood deal. Some of the mountain Gen. Andersen is hind the customs of society. Very well, let the JOHN G. HAYES & CO.. No. 7 Market Square scene· are effective in tbe extreme. Secure respectfully informed that the FARRINGTON BLOOK. "repeaters" work bo carried into It is A MEAT DEPART3IENT oc20 dlw&wltîo Watche*, Chronometer*, and we is a were sent back to a society. intrenched F. isfaction, guar- seats as there sure to be CYRUS rush. DAVIS and early Kentucky good many of JEWELRY.Clocks, Charts, Silverware. the law. — — them before they voted once, and the behind Very well, let the battle be AND a WM. SEN TER & 64 St NOTES. Demo- Has removed his CO., Exchange cratic national committee lost a deal of carried into the government; but governments antee to fit. Fun on the Bristol drew a house good Watche*, Diamond·, large money by them. The was in and Plated general favor of upon majorities. we must TeleptoLone. Knitted JEWELRY,Solid Silver Ware. Saturday night at the New Portland Theatre. a depend Very well, Carpet tariff sufficient to pay all the ex- Lining CARTER BROS., 521 cor. Casco St About nine hundred seats "running educate the It is Congress, have already been of the but people. intrenched behind Fresh Coods, FINE ART STORE AND STAIR penses" government, he didn't ex- PAD, «VELRY. Clock*, Silret A sold for the "Sorcerer," to be played in City as fortress of false Watches, plain fully feas ho ought to have done what the science. II so let us carry το — Plated Fine Watch Hall Nov. 10th, by the favorite Ideal A recent and to JE Ware, Repairing. Opera his kidea of running expenses is. If he will the work into the schools. The Canned Meats. invention, superior any Carpet SWETT & SWIFT, 613 Congress and there bids fair to be a at- speaker came in tbe market. It excels in It Company, large take the trouble to recall the of Lining durability. history the before the audienco she is m«»tn It allows all and dust to Clock* and Silve tendance. last Democratic administration was addressing from Ctune and proof. grit pass Watche*, he will recall Poultry through to the floor as no other d »es and so JEWELRY,Ware, Manufacturers ot Masonic Goods, &c. Hereafter the box office at New Portland also the fact that about the work for the cause in 593 CONGRESS ST. lining 492 & 494 St. exoenses twenty-six States, saves the wear to the carpet and ihe dust in eweei>- J. A. MERRILL & CO., 23» Middle St Congress Theatre will be open as follows: a. m. to 1 everything, 0.123 Lb tltf p! included, was on the run, the of the and had to back. It is uniformly soft and luxurious to the treat!. m.: 2 m. to 4 m Secretary only good reports bring Still In their Season. inç. Watche*. p. p. ; evening sale, 7 o'clock. 011 with It is medical to be Clock*, Ac., Treasury holding true Democratic the work is not ended. Tho N. W. pronounced by high authority Silverware Gold and Silver Platers. Matinees will commence at 2.30 unless C. T. U. is Fine Picture the on in the ihat JEWELRY,ManuFrs, o'clock, persistency until the inouey all run out. If Frames, y lining market prevents injury ATWOOD & 60» announced otherwise. the sober second to the of WENTWORTH, Congress especially we must have Another Democratic administra- thought of the woman's cru- Telephone Your Orders to lungs children and feeble persons, from sade. The women went dust. WATCHES, CLOCKS and tion like that of Buchanan we shall into what they the l.ave to thought Paintings, Engravings, Inquire for the above at first-class JEWELRYSilverware. Fine Repairing. Improvements at Cape. have a tariff if would be a skirmish, and find "that it is any Carpet pretty big tfie running ex- to-day house, or address CHAS. H. LAMSUN, 2Ul Aliddle &treot D. W. Clark & Co. are are to be a making extensive penses to be paid. There was but one new long campaign. Art &c. i- *1— A The has R. H. Pottery, KNITTED CARPET (ûLOVES, Lace*, Smallware» aud — temperance PARKER LINING β «—, « question many CO., preparations for storing an increased supply of uj/ννυιι «uu tuai, was things Ladies' wholesale and retail. the statement tliat yet to contend with. The tho KID Furnishing Goods, ice at Cane Elizabeth the the remonetization of silver poet, novelist, 530 Washington St., Boston. OWEN, MOORE & 507 & 5Ui) coming winter. They the painter still sing, write and the Artists' Materials. CO., Congress brouglit prosperity with it. It may be remem- paint Cor. Free & Center Sts. oclO dlw T. D: Trias. U. H. White & Co. Care for the Dead. have in this work of the wine as DEMOND, Opp. •:N'S FURNISHING Neck- expended nearly $50,000, bered that he has been in the habit of beauty cup, tbey did in days of ocll eodtf oct!5 WOODS, ascrib- old. The Christian [eod2m AT wear, Gloves, Umbrellas, Fine Shirts, &c. and will have when the with our religion did not reach the erected, labor is com- ing pious fervor, increased prosper- At FARN S WORTH'S, 150 Exchange St to Providence. height to which it has risen till the very best fourteen new ice-houses. Of this num- ity plete, talent of the man of had been invoked. tailor, a Fine Gen. Plaisted (the performance was in- genius ber seven are now well under A J.UO HUIIVUI lilt; assortment of Cloths for Gentlemen's Wear. S. S. RICH & way. large tended as a "benefit" for icuipui aUUH cause U1USI DO CHADBOURN & KENDALL Merchant SON. him) then came T.A T~>T M ifii AUG. S. 237 Middle St trtf linMincr Itha νβ<α· ««/I πλαΙγΪ·./. advanced the leisure class. We FERNALD, forward aud made a that was not by must be have just received a Γ1Ί11Κ well known Undertakers and speech really to enter Manufacturer*, ready the world of fashion w'tli this ILLINERY. In »*x- an extended ice field will·be completed about* comic. He sustained his well earned reputa- A whose experience this line of business cause. She a tribute to Mrs. M MRS. K. R. FOWLE, tends over a of would tion of being able to clean out a house paid high Hayes, long period years, respectfully the middle of the week. quicker LARGE ASSORTMENT REMOVAL No. 4 Elm Si nvito the attention of coming than other man in the who banished wine from the sideboard and CHADBOURN & the public to the recent eri- any state, not even ex- KENDALL, — OF — table at the White I l.l>l.\EItV & argment and of their warerooas at cepting the late Alonzo M. D. House. Mrs. Hayes has ΚΚΛΙ. LACEM. improvement Personals. Garcelon, made the Will open Ibis day. a S. A. The Hon. H. well temperance cause fashionable. A 31 *'L001>, A was reoeived from Thompson Murcb, known from 437 St No. 13* Exchange Street, despatch Chicago by as one lady Fifth Avenue said to the Cougrese of the best of living comic men, made a lecturer, Β. F. WHITNEY & CO. have moved to Mr. A. P. of "Mrs. Hayes has me to &' where be found a splendid assortment of Morgan the firm of Morgan, But- speech that was really good. He uelieved that helped hold the fort for UNDERWEAR store Xo. 222 Middle St, and 53 Union IJILLI.'VEKT FANCY UOOD», may total Full Line GENTLEMEN'S &e.. of the most ler & late Gov. Davis can't be abetinence. I was about to give up, but OoAn·, Caskets, approved styles Co., evening, that his again inaugurated unless — we owu Friday stating now I can say to AND St., under Falmouth Hotel, where MRS. I. P. flUllNSUN, 45ii Congress Si and workman-hip of their manufacture, which his supporters walk over the of my fashionable friends, 'La- OF at the lowest F. W. had been run over bodies 74,000 " shall continue the Boot will be furnished prices. only son, Morgan, by dies, Mrs. has set us a and Shoe Leath- promptly Fusioniets. We want Mr. March to Hayes good example.' VANiV (ÎOODM, a railroad distinct- She that er and also the manu- V Flowers and train, that his arm had been cut off ly understand that the rejoiced the great hero of the war, Finding? business; M elvets, Kenl Lacée. nETAIiLIC (MNKETN prohibitory law of H osier y, MRS.a J. Cor. and at the this is Gen. Grant, has become a total facture of Ladies' and Gent's line Uoots DKYDE.N, Congres» Casco Stsr shou'der, and that the prospect for his state not likely to become a dead letter abstainer, and with a full stock of of improved patterns, both as to preservation prop- to such from the moment of his arrival at San Fran- CLOAKINCS mid Shoes to measure in all Us branches, Jluwr IVluciicnl recovery was very slight. Mr. started an extent that 74,000 Fusionists can l'èlt', Book», MtriugN, erties and elegance of form and richness of finish Morgan cisco has turned the wiue at the and strict to business instruments and .Merchandise. on haud. be down at once. glass side of AND hope by attention M cou«t*ntly at once on the Pullman train for the West. his the side Goods. IRA C. 156 Si < aud attended The song "Hold the fort for honest plate right up, that is, upside Furnishing to merit a liberal share of your patron- STOCKBRllXJE, Exchange )rders promptly faithfully to day We understand that money" down. sep27 d2m and nigh t. despatches received yes- was then sung, and the humor of the joke age. B. F. WHITNEY, V8IC A iîlieac: BOOKS, I'ianoM, The lecture was an able and, in re- Musical Instruments. Arc. terday give hopes that his son may recover waeseen and freely applauded, and would many WM. 0. FOX. M Organs, JTBetideuct··» 164 or 1*»β PrnrlNtrcff, spects, an eloquent one, full of as ULSTER dtf C. Κ. HA WES, 177 Middle Si probably have been given an encore if it practical CLOTHS. sepl4 from hh injuries, which will be glad news to well as sep'27 (12iuo Span isli Consulate. Glass or Draped Hearses, or white hadn't been to thrilling illustrations and appoals. At Al -t.il Interior Derera- Carriages, necessary give the eminent with orders received in this Con- Sa.l!V4a^1, HACK, George E. Clark & impressed growing importonce Oct. 1880. oct23d3t Free for Furnace Co.'s Goods. F. II. J. B. N. Co., general store, King- Portland, Maine, 22, Street, opposite k3 Sole Agents Magee nnd TEAM Harford, Capt. Dodge, Capt. man, are of the church. all Sold. NOV ES A 12 Si BUGGY, STAGE B. T. G. reporled assigned for the benefit of Some 70 years ago the confes- Shipments A, y. SUM, Exchange Dodge, Hutchings, 8. Hubbard, T. their creditors. WOOL « ΟLLA KM. W. The liabilities are about sion was forth but a few Kilborn's and Welden, Fran·- Morton, Mrs. Susan Wood- S4,- put attended, while Carpet Store. UTO* K>*, Furnace*, ItangfM. Our Aim is to the best oi of 900; assets about 34,500. Third will Ο Sole for the "Falmouth give bury Ferry Village. At Point They may possibly at the recent council hundreds of men Shipment p8 Agents Range." Village- 75 cent, on devoted Elizabeth. F. «V C. Β. 1712 & 174 Fore Si work su fair We also Stephen Jordan,Waller pay per $1. Their failure was Cape Knightville. NASH, prices. Jordan,Enoch Loveict, caused to to the Universalist to 1 the t»hop formerly occupied by have a slock of HIDING Alfred Wm. by indorsing the extent of §1,500 to ministry gathered repre- be opene u WfNTIIROP KUBNACE8. jjood Thrasher, Walton, Geo. Smith, for J. H. here HAVINGMr. Bond, I am prepare to make up low $2000 Getcbeil, Bangor. sent a great and church. He believed Saturday, O· Parlors, &c. SADDLE* and priced ΙΙΛΗ- Caleph Loveitt.Mary Brown ,|I). D.ISmitb, Geo S. L. growing Winthrop Ranges, Winthrop H. Jackson, G. W. Merrill, fancy goods, Bangor, reported that the riAPt-JVÏîiSSES AJNUKEW ML'LNIX, 10'J Contre M at prices as low as any. Loveitt,.Tane Will.ird, Geo. embarrassed. central idea of the Universalist 16 inst. VALUABLE HORSE S. Jordan. financially of all from the Track Harness up to the ΓΙ1Λ1 liOK. oh hand the bent church is destined to become the faith of the grades, Ahvnyit Theophilus Hopkins, fish. Portland, has call- heavy team, at prices as low as the lowest. Horse JL German, French and English Goods. ISrlurrii I ree antl Contre*»* Mtreet». Mrs. Babbage, who had the of ed a of his FOR. 3ALE. management meeting creditors. world. The faith that the Universalist church owners living in the city are requested to give me W. H. KOHLIMG, H\i Exchange f>i the collation, deserves much credit lor A. S. a call. Low rent means low prices. First-clas* the suc- Pendleton, carriage manufacturer, holds was not born 100 but came of JA.HES JD. riiAii.OK lia CENTER ST. reported in years ago, to work and satisfaction guaranteed. Repairing neat- quire FESWEIVDKN, cess of that part of the arrangement. Unity, insolvency. Iu ft/g Hiildle Slrri'l, X Latest Importations. Win. H. H. bless the world with Jesus. The was chas. Mclaughlin ly and promptly attended to. sipttl cabinet hope & go. A. E. b TTStnorl_ Washburn, No. Free St. Γ.1.*Κ maker, Can- cc&4 eodow oet23d3t* JAMES LOGÛE. or, CLARK A HITCHINGN, WEBB, ton, reported assigned. with Abraham that in his seed all the nations Embezzlement. OCt22dlw C'eut mi Niable. A full line of »euM>nuhl«- of -he earth should rjlAU.OIS. The Sunday Times says that George L. be blessed. The church JL Goods always on hand. CIIOIC EDESIONS Business Chaffges: can to the Si a point early writers of the Christian 0. H. CHESLEY, 207 Middle member of the Mechanic left CIDER For Sale. — Young, Blues, The following business church who are in accord with BARRELS. κοκ changes are reported it in its grand IMPORTANT NOTICE ^ΛΟΕΚΤΑΚΙ Woo Λ and Metallic this city October 8th with £200 to for the idea. I ΒΜ, belonging past week : Lj Caskets, Collins, Shrouds, Cap·, Ac. iPictni'o jt'ramce. the that had The other churchee are lOO A Lvimlacr Yard. To Shipper» ο à' l'i'ei^Sit. company been raised by sub- & feeling the influence freshly emptied Liquor S. S. KlC!i Λ SON, 133 Exchange OLD I IJHIKS KKGILIIED, Βucksport—Warren Emery, jewelers, dis- of the Universalist Barrels to the to continued. church. Dr. Thomas, the Cor Cider, received tliis and after Oct. 25th, 18^U, all for scription enable company go to consists of weeto η freight 5 vOUUTlKi Vu«ltet», 4 olllns, Salem. Methodist s» eastern and lumber, on »i aine Κ. UM, eloquent clergyman ol iOr e t^TOCK ON points Central li., ami connec- < r· for funerals. He was a teamster at Houltcm—C. H. Chicago, day, by &c 24 mi e» from Boston, A Η. KolmM, and t-verv (uisitM and lived 35 Wilson, grocer, sold out. he hi» lathi, shingles must b· delivered at k F. Washington when preached last sermon In the Β tions. rwiglit House by 4.a0 tt« i; »ΛΝ \ ■* J.lHF.R 4'.'1 CYRUS DAVIS, P. Meth- STANLEY & rave chance a 'Vngr«»*« Thomaston—A. Levensaler & Co.. SON, for carpenter with $1,0<>0. ra No will b· received after street and is supposed to have gone to Boston. groc- odist Centennial ohnrch, was greeted with p. goods that honr. 398 t'OXNRESS SI'Β BET. crs, discontinued. ap- IOÎ Fore Street. FRANK SWEET. W. S. EATON, OOJD. Dealer* iu Waived Wood ami plause wlieu he declared lils in oc20 dCt Mass. Agt. A I'J Plum. (jot 111 disbelief the 0C23 dtf Ashland, Γοηΐ v«·, ci. 23d, 138U. oc23d3t Kindliug». MORSE F1CKETT, forgive me? It isn't my fault that I'm a BATH LOCALS. Wit and Wisdom. RAILROADS. STEAMERS. tfte press. woman." TRADE CIRCULAR. railkoad». "Thank God you are one!" cried Matthew After the Storm—K. & L. Railroad Ac- is the of like Brady. "How could you be my wife if you Why discovery the North Pole — — — Maine En were not?" cident Arrest Ducks Gale— Shoe au illicit whisky manufactory? Because it's a Steamship Company. Masque. There was a silence for a few moments. secret still.—Punch. Sales. Maine Central Line to New fork. were on the WHOLESALE Semi-Weekly Rachel Cary's eyes fixed ground ; covered FALL Λ: WINTER ARRANGEMENT. her face and neck were with blushes. Saturday, Oct. 23. Because composed of malt and A STOKY BY Β. .T. F VRJEON". hops, without Steamers £leanora and Franconia stole to her side and her arms October Patsy put A MacDonald boy lias been locked up for ermentation, Malt Bitters aro Commencing lib, ISW». about lier. When Rachel had the popular. Will until further notice leave Franklin Wharf, courage in the RAILROAD. the complicity shoe burglary Thursday. Until further notice trains Portland, every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 6 to look up she and Ryleys were alone. passenger New The new will run as follows: P. M., and leave Pier 38, East Kiver, York, l'BOM The had retired behind the road bed of the Knox & Lincoln MANUFACTURING INTERESTS ON AND AFTER OCT. [C0XCLCDED SATURDAY.] Bradys green Eighteen years ago Jeff Davis offered a re- 18, 1880, îvery MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 4 P. M baize. Railroad will be open for travel about Nov. These steamers are titted with tine accommoda- know what to make of ward for the capture of Ben Butler, "as an LEAVING PORTLAND up She did not quite have Pamtenger Train» I rare Portland far Ban· tions for making this a very convenient ■■You might told me, Patsy!" whis- 1st. S.'£t"i a. m.—For all stations through to passengers, Ue the loss of her too outlaw and common enemv of mankind." But OF ME. Dexter, Keif ant and Walerrille at running ind comfortable route for travelers between New this. accepted light- Rachel. PORTLAND, Mwanlan. V»., witli all White He should have pered Thirty sail at anchor iu the river this morn- for,2.30. 12.40, and 11.15 P. M. connecting York and Maine. During the summer months these ly, she thought. sighed but not until quite recently did Jeff's party cap- Mountain and at St. Johnsbury with "Ah, forgive m» !" pleaded the girl. For Skowhegan at 12.30, 12.40 and 11.15 p.m. Resorts, ïteamers will touch at Vineyard Haven on their nas- and a he should have gone ing. Day Express on Β. B. for New- pulled long face; "If it had been kiio*n a ϊιολν ture the "outlaw," etc. And now it is thought The Trade Circular is re- For t-ardiner and Passumpsic to and from New York. Passage, including that I was girl following Augunta, Klallowell, port anil Montreal. lage on and appealing. "I'll punieli Messrs. F. A. Barber and L. H. of will him by him an office tlie Brunswick at 7.00 a. mM 12.40, 5.15. and State meals extra. Goods destined beyond protesting could I have continued with Shad? Heyer they punish giving spectfully presented by undersigned, 3.0Φ p· m—For and intermediate Room, 33; she said to "lie shall working 11.15 m. Fabyan'· or York forwarded to destination at him for it," herself. Boston have been the The way of the transgressor is hard indeed.— representative Wholesale Dealers and p. stations. Portland New And my sweetheart was in Ireland, and I gunning during pist For Roekland and all on Knox to have no more kisses." But his ardent em- Norristown Herald. stations & Lin- once. For further information apply didn't want >o be with other men. week at Small Point, 120 ducks and Manufacturers of Portland, who desire coln R. K., and for Lewutonand ARBIVING AT PORTLAND: HENRY General Agent, Portland. had disturbed never in her life pestered shooting Farmington FOX, brace her; to promote the via at 7.00 a. m. and 12.40 m. Pier P. R. New York. Siy you forgive me!" coots. They left for general trade interests Brunswick, p. 11.05 a.m.—From Fabyan's and intermediate J. F. AMES, Ag't, 38, had she been more and to-day Merrymeeting For Hath at a. can be obtained at 22 passionately kissed, Know Half their of the and a convenient 7.00 m., and 12.40 and 5.15 p. m. nations. Tickets and State Rooms "And me!" said Shad. Bay. '•Don't Value." City, present For decBdtf she could not that Shad Kyley and Farmington, IVIonmouth, Winthrop, 3 33 p. m.—From and all stations Exchange Street. help thinking She turned to he looked wick- me of and reliable buyers' guide, which can- Swanton, Vt., him. If had the "They cured Ague, Billiousness Read field, Went Waterville and Water- on line. was a proper man. If it had been sug- By gale last night the of Oec rge not fail to of through or at his chances signs as recommended. I had prove great interest to ville via Lewiston at 12.30 p. m. J. a woman edly triumphantly her, Kidney Complaint, HAMILTON. Sup't. to her that it was Fisher and Preble & Dunton were Merchants and For Water 7.00 a. m. gested possible would have been over. But his love was too blown to a half bottle left which I used for my two little Manufacturers generally. ville, Portland. Oct. 2. 18-· oc'.i dtf she would The Pullman run could love two men at one time, the ground. who the doctors and said could Now is the time to take of night trains each way, every sincere and strong, and she saw that his girls, neighbors advantage included. have repelled the insinuation. not be cured. Τ would have lost both of them and the increase in night Sundays LINE indignantly When the boat was returning prosperity STEAMBOAT were TOURISTS' Love has eyes moist with tears. pilot America launched It is an open question. one if I had not given them Bitters, trade and and we con- really "I'll word," she said, with a sigh Miss Belle broke the night Hop manufactures, never been nor have keep my Dunning champagne hot did them so much I continued their For yet properly analyzed, of Mrs. They good fidently invite the attention of both Lewiston and Auburn. mingled pain and joy, "I'll be Ry- tie over the vessel's bow. Tho were Str. its limits been accurately ascertained and owners, use until they cured. That is why 1 say and to our excellent Minnehaha, ley." not know half the value purchasers shippers Train* leave at 12.30 and 6.05 On and after Ο* T. defined. Messrs. Shooks, Weaver and Brewer of Now you do of Hop Bitters, facilities for Paenenger p.m. ^ iilal, He her in his and almost securing stocks direct from The train at 11.15 m. also has a will leave the East side of Cus- the date··!' this conversation the as- caught arms, York and do not recommend them high enough."— leaving p. passen- From have had a fine of the littl first hands, and for the car at Br η ne for frightened her by his violent embrace. photograph B., Rochester, Ν. Y. See other column.— prompt shipment ger attached, connecting wick with Bound Brook Route. tom House Wharf, Peak·, of affairs underwent a Pat be- of to a passenger train for Lewieton. The 11.15 and Little and Great pect change. "You out star for me lady taken which will be placed in the American Rural Home. goods any point desired, and 10 the p.m. Look, less he off picked my to-night," is the Ν lu lit Express Train with Pullman BETWEEN Inland»: came coy, though still held ; but of the America. following list of as an in- sleeping Chebeague he said. cabin Warehouses, car aitacned making ciose connection at he appeared to be warming, and Rachel Ga- dication of the to which the Bangor Then the three kissed each other all round The of Packard's,which will measure Hint to make importance for all stations on the Bangor & Piscataquis R. R,. New for Peaks forced a kiss from him—that barque politicians—Millers poor party York, Trenton & only. ry absolutely Commercial and Manufacturing interests the Ε. & N. A. Railway, and for Ht. Jfohn and Philadelphia. 2.30 p. m. again and again, and Rachel was obliged to 1000 is all men. are bolters.—Toronto is to say, she shamed one from him. She tons, planked. They generally of the City have attained. Halifax. II ou (ton, Woodntock, Ht. An- Return after each confess to herself that Shad's kisses were immediately trip. had to thank Shad for it. He twitted his The scriooner L. & D. Fisk of Bath went Grip. This seems to be a bran-new joke.— dre we, St. Stephen, Fredet te ton, Fort oc!8 dtf sweeter than Fairfleld and Caribou· STATION IN NEW YORK «£Λ5ώ&·&. brother in her of his infinitely Patsy's. the Marine last for re- Boston Transcript. presence over-modesty, upon railway Friday Pannenger Train* arrive in Portland ai and said that women loved men either to treat follows:—The υΐη OS, Z'kV li'OTG St. p. The Night Pullman WHITE ST4K LINES, into winter quarters to-day. He had this boat train a. broken-down OILER Makers and BlnckMinithx. Express at 1.50 m. "Give her a kiss, Pat,'" he cried, "for my at sea with him for affections, constitutions, etc., from Boston and New York. Draft· nine years. 1 PAYSON TUCKER. Sup't Express Trains, Double Stone Ballast Bailing weekly has cured when Β QUINN & CO. 35 Commercial St Track, issued on oi I dou't care a Here he Win. a of 15 has Wyomoke other methods Office, 1880 for lib and upwards the Royal Bank part, fig!" snapped Grinell, young lad years, Portland. Oct, 17, Be iture to buy lie Le u (at any railroad or steam- than have failed. Sold by all druggists at 81.00, OOTS, Shoe* and Moccasins. octl3 Ireland. 4219 CONGRENM MTKEET. his fingers. "I love her better you do, just completed a birch cauoe. 1 boat office in New England) via SI.5(1 and Β LORD, HASKELL & CO., 135 Middle St ocl&dtf Portland Me. she'll not believe it. 'But what care This as Dr. Ε. M. Fuller was $3.00. though morning •OOTS and seated in near the Bauk Shoes, Leather & Finding*. BOUND BROOK. ROUTE. I how fair she be, if she be not fair for his carriage Maine ► must never use said Β C. J. WALKER & CO., 153 and 155 Middle St Falls ine?' That's what the old isn't the horse of a milk team started and pulled "Johnny, you tobacco," Rumford & Buufifleld saying is, and Leather &- the team so that the wheels of this and the a fond mother, "even the don't do that." Shoes, Findings· it? Look, here, now, I join your hands— hogs BOOTS A. F. COX & Doctor's carriage locked, upsettiug the latter'e SON, Manufacturers Pat has a pretty hand, hasn't he?—and give "I know they don't, dear mamma, and hogs and 9 team and tumbling the Doctor to the ground. Shoes, Manfrs. and Jobbers. both a brother's consent and blessing. don't to and BOOTSCHASE, KNIGHT & CO., 52 and 54 Union St you Tiie Doctor's carriage was damaged to the ex- go 1-eaven, neither," Johnny New York and Philadelphia Kachel soon {2««™Γο·, *4.θ8 Will that satisfy you, Cary? Giving tent of §10. went out after and hid two cigar stumps Shoes, Leather and Findings. For Portland, leave Canton 4.20 the t)OOT§,I Β. Β FARNS WORTH & CO.. 133 St knd 9 30 a. m.: Buck 5.16 and my heart a«vay so freely? But Ï wouldn't The Dow and was last uuder door-step.—Steubenville Herald. Middle field, Thompson flag night 10.08 a. m. NEW ENGLAND AOENCY, but m brother Pat. & Mfrs. Ladies' A misses' pj give you to anybody torn to pieces by the gale. Shoes, ^ For Canton and leave BOOTSFine Shoe·*. SHAW. GOD1NG & CO. Backiield, •219 Mind that! I'd ligut auybody else for you, Last night thieves broke into the cellar of Portland Ι,.ιΟ ρ m.; Le-iston, 1.57 p. ra. Washington Street Boston· It is a general belief that there is no and Manfrs. and tliat I would, if he were the best man in the the C. Wallauder on Middle street and provi- remedy Shoes, Jobbers Stage connections for West Sumner, Dixfield, H. P. BALDWIN, fur and in cases BOOTS JOHN P. THOMAS & CO «Sc. Gen. Pass C. K. R. of world! But I can't my own brother sions were stolen. Tracks discovered in the consumption, possibly, some liyron, Kangley Lakes, mh2tidly Agent N. J. tight A Leather A 1. a ASHBUrn. Jκ., President. heart on mud were those of a woman. the assertion be correct. We how- Shoe», Findings. Pat, even tnough you've set your may know, B. F. WHÏTNEY & Peruana Oct. 18. 1880 oc20tf Elias Milliken of was iu town on BOOTS CO., 185 Middle St. and him the 1 to Augusta of cures made Dr. Bull's him, given place ought business ever, many by Cougli Stationery and Room Papers. own that love yesterday. STEAM EKfv hold. I know by my feelinprs, BOOKS,BAILEY & NOYES, 68,70 & 72 Exchange St can't be controlled. You do like me a little DAMARISCOTTA LOCALS. sufferer in every instance. Stationery A Room Papers. don't you, Kachel?" BOOKS,LORING, SHORT & HARMON, 208 Middle 9 Eastern Railroad, I she somewhat iSTEBNATIOSAL STEAMSHIP CO. "Yes, do, Shad," said, DIBCOVfcttEIi OF Rlank Books and Stationery, F 4 LI. and WINTER Schedule. • She and told him wished confused, "more than a little bit." And The Baptist Society have purchased the old yawned she he was BOOKS,DRESSER, McLELLAN & CO., 47 Exchange ΒμΙμΠ, Hie.· Calai·· Hie·· Yarmouth, she cast s een's eves at Pat. who was look- LYDIA E. house of and will build on a fire. He wanted to know and she said Town Goods and S. S. PINKHAM'S .Nathaniel Clapp, why, ; Supplies COMMENCING ~OCT. 17th, 1880. l¥. β. 8t.J«ha, ft. B., Halifax, at the ot them. BOOKSHOYT. FOGG & DON HAM, 193 Middle at. ing earnestly pair the site of the homestead a church. "Oh! fires go out late in the night." Then he Ν· β·« Ckarlottetewn, P. K. I said Whitewash, Ac. "1 must be content with that," Shad. looked at and she looked at and he MFRS., Paint, The heirs of Hon. D. P. Mitchell are mak- Iter, him, BRUSH D. WHITE & SONS, 127 Middle St SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS 'Ί believe if Pat were out of the way you Vegetable Compound, ing repairs on the old steam mill. said he had to be at the store early to-morrow, RUSH ITIfr'M., P»int, Whitewash, Ac., would say, "Shad, my man, here's my THE POSITIVE CUKE C. F. Moores and and he guessed he would go.—Atlanta Consti- Β TRUE BROTHERS, Fore St. THREE TRIPS PER WEEK. hand." For are bound to become Mrs. others have purchased the you tution. ULUKRN and Mfrs of * as th >usands will join belonging Haynes. PENNELL & & and Boston. A. Pullman olis, Yarmouth, Windsor, Halifax, Aloncton, New- come his are i.ot en- effected, In which to wonderful Medi- CARRIAGEMARTIN, ΟΟ.,^Ιηι Cumberland lem, Lynn special Sleep- by vehemence, "you On a.-c-inut of its praise your Gar will he for in castle, Amherst, Pictou, Shediac, Batburst, Dal- Reasons Why Ail Should Use the Re- testify proven merits, it is to- and Mfrs. A* Dealers. ing ready occupancy Portland day recommended ;.ud cated Prunes. I have found them of the Sleigh at 9 m. housie, Charlottetown, Fort Grand tirely wrong." prescribed by the best ZENAS to p. (Week days), and at Fairfield, Falls, Health Lift. CARRIAGETHOMPSON, Je.. 34 38 Union St and other stations on the New Brunswick and actionary "VVhicn means that I am entirely right. physicians in the country. greatest possible use in my own family and 11 p. m. Sundays, and will be attached Can- It will cure and Hardware. and West- Kiss and seal the I'll entirely the Vorst form of falling a of are Saddlery to this train. Passengers hare a night's test ada, Intercolonial, Windsor, Annapolis, her, Pat, bargain. large number my friends using them JAMES BAILEY & ern and Prince of the uterus l.euenrrhcea, Irregular and Pain- CARRIAGE CO., 264 Middle St and azrive in Boston at β.30 a.m. in season for Counties, Edward Island Rail every man or woman In every walk of life. It fur- turn uiy head." ful with results. As a Laxative and Routes. Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, Inflam- HOLL'S equally good Meats, Fish and all morning trains South and West. Roads, Stage nishes an exercise which may, and should be intro- Vegetables. received until 4 m. Rachel looked so bewitchingly at Pat, that mation and Ulceration, Flooding?, all Displace- and Cathartic, I know they are unequaled, CANNEDPOR TLAND PACKING CO., 221 Commercial S.45 a. m. Daily except Sundays. For Boston and C&^Freight o'clock p. duced in- ο every house; which may be practiced at ments and the « ith at Fo>-Circulais, with Excursion Routes, Tickets, all in all kinds of of he mustered courage and kissed lier on the consequent spinal weakness, and being effective, yet free from all nausea or and Good». way stations, parlor car arriving 1.15 p.m. seasons, weather, by persons is to Furnishing State Rooms and further information at both all or of or weak- cheek. had kissed her on especially adapted the Change of Life. It I.OO p. m. Daily except Sundays, for Boston and apply sexes, ages degrees strength Now, Shad the will -griping. After many and trials of CLOTHINGJ. T. LEWIS & CO., 147 Middle Sta 40 T. HER- dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus thorough way stations, with parlor car, arriving at 6.30 Company's Office, Exchange St., C. ness, alone or in company. No one 0? n say too and was bolder and more in A lips, altogether an early stage of development. The tenden- them, I gladly give my endorsement of their Manufacturers & Jobber* p.m. in season for Sound and Ball connections SEY, President, and Manager, or to R. much in praise of it, and no one can ,fford to do to Cancerous ALLEN & 229 Middle and 6 Sts STUBBS. Agent .R. R. Whan. use manly. "Well," reflected Rachel, "Shad cy Humors there is checked very uses for constipation, biliousness and indi- CLOTHINGCO., Temple South and West. .je!2dtf without it. All who investigate thor dghlv, it, is bigger, and stronger, and older—more speedily by it-; use. gestion. I remain, I^IOAL, Wholesale, by Cargoor Carload. and consider it invaiuable and indispensable. It is In fact, it has proved to be lite and best KJ RANDALL & For Portland, leave Benton, the and most efficient used to it than Pat." The' one would greatest Yours G. MCALLISTER, 60 Commercial St safest, simplest, cheapest young remedy that has ever been discovered. It truly, Geo. McLean. medicine ever discovered. No claim is set up for per- by the Carload or Ton· 7.30 a. m. and 12.30 and 7.00 p. m., arriving im >rove in time; she would help him to. meates every portion of the system, and gives Marl2eod&wly. Cargo, it which is unscientific or impracticable. COAL, S. ROUNDS & SON, 36 Commercial St in Portland at 12.05, f» and 11 p. m. And she tried to make herself believe that new life and vigor. It removes Xaintness, flatu- General.—It is the best of rest. It is perfectly The 7 ρ m. train runs lency, destroys all for and Dealer in Special Coals. daily. safe. No harm ever came fr*m its use. It strains she did not care much for a man who had craving stimulant?, ticket* to all South nnd relieves weakness of the stomach. COAL,HENRY L. PAINE. 267 Commercial Si Through pointa no portion of the system. It directs the vital forces such a of the devil in him as Shad Wert at lowest rates at Depot Ticket Office, Com- spice Ry- It cures Bloating, Headaches Nervous Pros- WANTS. OAL. White Ash and Cumberland. to the affected parts. By its use the health is easily Lehigh, mercial street, J. M. French, Ticket and had. Then why did she keep tration, General I)« bilitv, Sleeplessness, D. S. 162 Master, PHILADELPHIA maintained. The purchase of a Reactionary Lifter iey thinking Depres- C WARREN, Commercial S at the Union Tickét Office, E. A. Waldron, of him so much? a riddle. sion and In, ligestion That of bearing Agt., is the best kind of economy. The convenience of Woman's feeling Wholesale by Carload or Ton. 40 street. down, causing pain, weight; and is Exchange Direct Line. one in the house is very that all was backache, C .IARLES H 236 Com'l St Pullman Car Ticket* for Seat* and Steamship having great. But, notwithstanding settled, always permanently cured its u«e. It Wanted. COAL. O'BRION, Itlind and Brain.- It and by will, Berth» sold at Ticket Ofllee. invigorates strength- there was no regular love-making between at all times and under ail act in Roasters and Grinders Depot ens the and renders it more active and effi- cireum^tancc?, Spice LUCIUS Leaves each Port Etery Wednesday and brain, Pat and Rachel. The brothers never harmony with the laws that the female ClOFFEtfiJ H. H. NEVENS & CO., 184 & 186 Fore S TUTTLE, cient in all its govern General and Ticket operations. system. YOUNG man to learn Pressman's trade. Passenger Agent. Saturday. Mlecp·—It is the simplest and safest narcotic. missed an evening at the Rose, Shamrock Spices. Cream Ac D. W. SANBORN, Master For Kidney Complain's of either sex this Cora-, Must be of good wil- Tartar, Transportation. It is the most natural and the best means and and his A habits, healthy, active, J ROLLINS & 250 Fore S ocl8 dtf probably Thistle, Shad nould sing songs pound i ; ling to work and anxious to learn. 17 to (lOFFEES, WH1TTEN, of sound and un«nrp.:^ed. Age 20. Advertiser ϋο inducing refreshing sleep. there and make the walls ring with his Apply at ALLEN & CO'S. Mchts A Produce Dealer·. Ear*" Copy. Wharfage. Nervee.—It is a wonderful tonic to the whole clear voice. could induce Ι,ΥΤΗΙ Ε. No. 229 Middle Street. COMMISSIONTHOMPSON & HALL, 163 Commercial St nervous system. It is a most efficacious remedy in fresh, Nothing PESKHAM'S From Long Wharf, Boston. 3 p. Oct. 22,1880. oc23 dtf FECTIONARY, Plain A paralysis, if taken in time. Pat to His voice was so Fancy Mfr m. From Pine Street Wharf, sing. speaking J L. J. 489 Throat and Vniee.— It musical it next door to (ΊΟΝ PERKINS, Congress St. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OF at 10 a. m. Lunge, gives special that was a certainty Philadelphia, and to the en- VEGETABLE COMPOUND STOCK Infliimncp nnA.lift1f flip ratp nf expansion greater mobility chest; he could a beautiful song, but he could Wanted. Exporters. larges the increases the volume of respira- sing Is pivpnred :it 2-'>î and 235 Wrstcrn GEO. S. HUNT & CO., Ill Commercial St 'Bailing vessel. lungs, not be Avenue, a young man, a situatio·· either COOPERAGE CANADA. tion, and the voice moie under control. prevailed upon. Rachel pestered Lynn, M:i-s. it.-o $1.00. Hx boules for $5.00. stationary Freight for tbe West by the Penn. R.R., and South brings fully or to travel. Has been to Commercial China and Glass Ware. As a preventive and cure of diseases it has no and coaxed and worried until he was Sent hy î·: tUu f«mn <>i Pills, also in the form BY College forwarded free of commission. lung him, fiONtf» three months, and has had s «me C. E. JOSE & 140 & 142 Middle St by connecting lines, of .m This combination from na- experience as an CROCKERY, CO., On and after Oct. equal. at last to her a Lozenges, ivcript of jiriee, $1 OU, jh γ box, happy Monday, 18th, PaMage Eighl DolIarn. Bound Trip 915» compelled give promise. r. ture's the agent. Address, M. J. H., Press oflice. oc22d3t* nROCKERY. Glass and Plated Wnre. JExerciftc.—It is the most perftct exercise for for ritli· MALARIA.storehouse, acting specifically upon trains will leave Por- Meals and Room included. "I'll a said "when Liver and removes from the HAYES & 242 Middle St. passenger man or woman, the best form of physi- sing you song," Pat, Mr1?. ΙΊΝΚΪΙΛ.Μ freely answers ::îl l-Uirs of Stomach, system the DOUGLASS, Jf?f!Ji!Q|Mii^|Ji8go, For or apply to furnishing as Freight Passage cal culture a»d in the the come out." Sciui vu· poisonous principles which its action and land, follows: development safest, easiest, Bradys inquiry. pataphict. Mention this paper. paralyzes Situation Window», Blinds and Fixtures. Ε. B. SAMPSON, Agent, quickly throttles this in Wanted most thorough and expeditious manner. It is bet- Everybody on Jackass Flat knew about the hydra-headed monster, DOORS,J. A. LEAVITT & SUN. 250 Commercial St To Auburn and 7. ΙΟ a. 19.3d de31 tJ tO L«ag Wharf, Benton. whose wake follow the fevers that to the a young man of experience, who has a State of Lewiston, an., ter than tbe gymnasium, and free from its dangers; and a score of beloDg great Window». Blinds and 5.15 m. Bradys, youug fellows, fired and dreadful malarial which have their ori- BYMaine Certificate in Apothecary Β OOB8, and Fixtures· p. than tbe saddle; less laborious than boatiné LYD!A Ε, family, usinées,either CHAS. FARNHAM & To Montreal and f .30 p. m. cheaper Shad's of his had PINKHAM'S gin in Liver and St mach to take charge or as clerk. Address J. Press D S. CO.,292 Commercial St Quebec, and infinitely better than drugs in a majority of by description friends, derangements. H., To Lewiston Junction, 4.00 m. made Bitter Malt-Tonic is unrivalled as a 'ever anti- Office, Portland, Me. oc20dlw* Painters A Ml'rs. Supplies mixed, p. MAIL S. chronic diseases. It rounds and hardens the mus- up their minds to lay siege to the sev- To So. Paris and 8.45 a· na.. PACIFIC S. CO as well as a malaria! W. F. PHILLIPS & to 138 Norway, Gorham, cles, and educates them into ever faithful en moment dote, preventative against at- DBVGG18T8, CO.,134 Middle St and ready, Brady lasses the they set foot tacks. It 1.30 5.15 ρ m. and efficient servants of the will. BLOOD PURIFIER does the work by correcting the operations Chemicals & Sundries· on the It to be the RENT BITG8, Drng'ts FOR gold diggings. got say- Wïïî of the Liver and Stomach, from whence these troub- WANTED. ARRIVALS. CALIFORNIA, <%paw5cai^ cvpzy v&eiîg® of I) ,J. YT. PERKINS & CO.. 74 & 76 Commercial St EXERCISE AND "When the come out." When EETsûtîîCîe's fi'onî les spring, and the whole fever brood of lurking, A small convenient rent in a From Gorham, So. & 8.30 a· m. SALESROOMS, ing, Brays thv- EBie&fi, jçc {hc RUG9, Medicines, Paints and Oils· Paris, Norway, raaRiïi· life maladies which so insinuate and 1£.30 m. JAPAN, CHINA, uic eveiii raurreu, so muuu was ιυ oe uone Cîflïi«c* ;riv^ ^rtiî draining readily central location. BANGS & 119 p. fitrosigftia themselves into the are and Address, Rent, I) PARSONS, Co., 117 & Middle St 201 middle Street, Portland. Ces tàt» nysf-t ν ess. Si ïaia» system, pre» ented kept From Lewiston and Auburn, £.30 a. na.· —this, .hat and the other. Shad and Pat EJH'tbe Tonic manifests itself E. L. & An.traiia. J. H. OAUBERT, PROPRIETOR. already putting up them, Éîlooil ias çlae stimulating secretion and ex- D STANWtjOD CO., Market st From Chicago, Montreal & Quebec, 1 if .30 p. an. Ve^sfiabln Cosupoaad cretion thus the eep!7 d&wtf and preparing to make them comfortable. i»B enria;; B?GS2a3o CsssnssSciisif». fortifying system against the dis R V Goods, and Fancy Good». From Lewiston J onction, mixed, 9.30 a. na. The new ah splendid steamers sail from New ease from à state of the Wooleus, "There will be seven wives for the seven arising torpid Liver. Wanted. D MILL1KEN & CO., 166 Middle St. fork OB tbe lCtn, 20th and 30th of each month, For sale and Dealers DEER1NG, by Druggists generally. (11»/» w w \ at C cent. Well secured carrying passenger· and freight for San Francisco, best men on Jackass Flat," said Shad. Special agents:—Fred Τ. Mealier & Con- per by RV Goods, Woolen» and Fancy Goods PASSENGER OFFICES Prioî Co., iplJ.vFv/" real eelate lu «lie eltv. Address STOKER 54 as below. HOTELS. "There will be a of $1.00. Six Bottles for $5.00. and Preble and Old Orchard D 15KOS. & CO, & 56 Middle St regular happy family gress Sts., Beach; ocl2 dtf Α. B., Press Oflice. S. S. Acapulco Oct. 30 | S. S. Clyde... .Not. 20 us. Young & Stone, Congress and Green streets; Fred RV GOODS AND WOOLENS. 74 EXCHANGE STREET 8.8. Crescent City for Isth- No Family ho A. and J. H. D WOODMAN, TRUE & CO.,137 to 141 Middle St mus "I Rachel with should without LYDIA E. Turner, Congress Washington streets; —AKD— of Pannama only Nov. 10. suppose," suggested Cary, IINKllAM'S Irish & Gorham ; Chas. B. Sacca- LIVlCLt PILLS. cure Co., Woodman, R¥ GOODS, A c. or a will be one of They IVOOLKNM, For freight passage rates and the fullest Infor KIRKWQOD slight pang, "you marrying Constipation, Biiimsaess, and of the rappa. TO LET. A. LITTLE & CO., 236 ά 238 Middle St DEPOT AT FOOT OF INDIA ST. HOUSE, Torpidity Wholesale D mation, apply to the General Eastern Agents. them yourself, Shad Ryley." Liver. 25c. per. box. Agents, JOHN W. PERKINS & CO. BIT Goods, Woolens and Fancy Goods. oct2 SM&Thlmo C. L. KARTLKTT & CO., Scarboro Beach. Some women are like the D TW1TCHELL, CHAPMAN & CO.. 159 Middle 115 State car. Broad remarkably dog SOLD BY ALL Tickets Sold at Reduced Rates I Street, Nl.. BmIo·. Now for the Fall and for Trr mient DRUSC25T3, To Let. or to W. D. LITTLE open Winter, in the manger. They won't haye a man BROIDERIES,Laces, Fancy Goods To Canada, Detroit, Chicago, fflilv/ankee. & CO., Company. and store now G. M. Bos tj'M]j JOHN F. RAND, 96 Cross St j«38dtf 31 Exchange St.. Pertland. themselves, they don't want any other Address all orders to occupied by worth, in Cincinnati, St, Louie. Omaha, Sag- woman to have him. THEFree St. Block, No. 4. Possession given Nov. 1. MERIT WHEELS. Drain Pipe, Garden inaw, St. Paul, Salt Lake City, OTIS KALCR, Proprietor. KNOW THYSELF. Fo· at the office of H. J. LIBBY isorder. STOCK 1 "I terms, apply &CO., Ε J.W. WELL, W. Promenade Denver, San Franciawo, might do worse,-' said Shad; over First National Bank. φ vcwucr ai/tu, xoou. OCAUU2W "tliey sep30dlwteodtf and Dealers in and all in the are comely lasses. There's Norah—I I HE untold miseries that re- l^ISH, Dry Pickled, Salt. points & Macliias defy j BANGS & ΎΙsult from indiscretion in J? DANA & CO., 124 Commercial St Portland, Bangor to match her. A like milk PARSONS, CO., early Northwest, West and Southwest. you complexion life may be alleviated and cured. USH, Dry, Pickled and Smoked. STEAMBOAT CO. and roses." WHOLESALE Tliose who doubt this assertion To Let. F G EO.TR EFETHEN & CO. OCommercial Whaf JOSEPH HICKSON, General Manager. DRUGGISTS, W. J. "Bless heart!" cried in a tone should purchase the new medical LOI Provisions and SPICEE, Superintendent, Fall Arangement, 1880. REVERE my Rachel, corner Congress and Chestnut streets. R, Staple Groceries HOUSE, work the PEA- oclSdtf so tart that it must have her bless- published by Has been for F THuMAS, BACON & CO., 86 Commercial St deprived BODY MEDICAL STORE occupied the past 12 years by TWO TRIPS PER INSTITUTE, Samuel as an ILOUR and Groceries. WEEK, MASS. ing of much of its sweetness. "Then it's 117 & 119 MIDDLE Boston, entitled THE SJCI- llolfe, Esq. apothecary store. This is BOSTM, STREET, an excellent location for a Fancy Grocery or Pro- F WILLIAMS, PULS1FER & CO., 59 Com'l St. Norah you'll marry?" >ENCE OE LIFE: or, & 3ELF PRESERVATION LOUR, Groceries and Provisions. BOSTON MAINE RAILROAD. Fast Steamer CITY OF "I will if she'll have me and you don't A to be let on and after REDUCTION OF PORTLAND. ME. I2xh ustêd nervous and 80j Nov. 1st, 1880, the E. C. HERSEY & CO.. 93 &. 95 Com'l st. W. E. Den- PRICES. see tality, physical debility, F RICHMOND, Capt. any objection." or Boarding house corner Fore an d India streets. This FALL ARRANGEMENT. vitality impaired by the errors of youth or too L^RlTIT and "Wholesale." nison, will leave Railroad Wharf, to never fear Shad ex- close to is one of the best locations in the city for a Produce, $2 50 $3 per Day. "Oh, me, Ryley," General application business may be restored and lodging JT HODGDON & SOULE. 101 Commercial Si every Tuesday, and Fri- * ° and house. Has been the Ο· and aller Oct. claimed Rachel "I shan't octl8 Agents.lavvMtf manhood regained. victualing occupied by Monday, day ereuinn·, al 11.13, or on arrival of ex- the reduction in the hith- loftily, object." present tenant for the past 15 years. ■ FURNITURE ûlant'rs. Fine A Common I Pnnneniet Train» Notwithstanding price, "I Two hundredth edition, revised and enlarged, just IN, HMO, press trains from Boston, fer Bocklanil, Caa. shall ask you, anyhow," said Shad, Full the above can be ob- J? WALTER COREY & 28 Free St LEAVE PORTLAND erto unrivalled excellence o. the table will be strict- published, it s a standard medical work the best particulars regarding Co., -*■ tine, Deer 1.le, Sedgwick, S. W. "before 1 ask Norah." tained to the subscriber. -"—FOR BOSTON at 8.46 ». Harbor, ai η in the Englisl language, written by a physician of by applying / 1 IL VAN1ZKD IRON, Gutters & Corniccs. m., Bar Harbor, Hillbridge, Jene.port, and er ai tuined. JOHN .OU, 3.30 m., at Boston at Suddenly, one morning, it was announced great experience, t© whom was awarded a gold and B.CURTIS, \JÇ W. H. SCOTT. Mfrs., 29, 31 & 33 Union at p. arriving 1.15, 5.30, ITlackia.pert. CHAM. Β. oc21 dtf Corner Fore and Deer Sts. 8.00 p. m. Returning, leave Boston at 7.30 a. FEJKJBIrt, Proprietor. that the overland mail was from medal by the National Medical Association. 1 RAIN and Receivers A Dealers m., Betnrntng, will leave Machiasport, every Tl.n· oc28 eodlv signalled Jewelled g Feed, 12.30, 3.30 p. m., at Portland at 12.05. It contains beautiful and very expensive engravings- TABOR & 11 arriving day and Tlsnraday Morning, al 4.30, ar- the and Jackass Flat went wild with VJ KENSELL, CO., Central Wliarf 5.00, 8.00. m. Portland for Heads, Three hundred pages, more than 50 valuable pre- p. Scarborough in Portland, tbe same flour and feed. Pine Old Orchard riving evening, connecting excitement. That was always the way when Wei De scriptions for all forms of prevailing the re- Beach, Point, Beach, with tbe Pullman night train and Meyer's disease, FOR SALE. WALDRON & TRUE, 4 &6 Uniou Wharf 8nco, Biddeford and at 8.45 early morning the mail arrived from home. This suit of many years of extensive and successful prac- Grain, Kennebnnk, train for Boston, and the West. ST. NICHOLAS present а, 6 30 m. For North HOTEL, tice, either oue of which is worth ten times the à ROCERIES· Flour and Provisions. m., l.Oti, 3.30, p. Welle, Will also connect at with Sanford Line mail had met with mishaps. The steamer Salmon Great Kockland, on the European Plan, price of the book. Bound in French cloth; price STOCK and FIXTURES. VJT W. & C. R. Milliken, 107 & 109 Commercial St Berwick, Falls, Fallu, Do* of Steamers, each trip to and from Boston. Also, had broken her screw and been for sent mail ver, New Market, Exeter, II. HUiVIBtl m lor delayed only $1, by post-paid, party wishing to go into the and ROCERS. Flour and Provisions. Haverhill, each trip to an. four weeks. it The London Lancet Dry Fancy Lawrence, Au.lover aod at 8.45 a. nearly Here was, however, says: "No person should be Goods first class « est location COUShNS & TOM LIN 217 & 219 Oom Lowell, Steamer Lewistou is withdrawn until further no- Ntreet, .Tie. ANY Business, trade, Gr SON, in., 3.30 p. m. For Roc neuter and Farm· Temple Portland, safe ai and it a letter from without this valuable book. The author is a noble in will find a rae 1.00, tice. last, brought Portland, opportunity ly apply- ROCERS, Spice Grinders & Coûee «Kuasters ington, IV. II., at 8.45 a. m. 3.30 Formerly part of the old Adams House benefactor." at TUKESBUi\Y & 1.00, p.m. Passengers ami Freight forwarded to Bangor at Matthew Brady that he and his seven ing immediately CO'S., OyΓ TW1TCHELL, CHAMPL1N & CO., 175 Com' iror Alton Bay at 8.-*5 a.m., 3.30 p. m. For This House will be all hours saying An illustrated sample sent to all on receipt of (5 511 St. Block usual rates. open of the night. sisters and were in Congress Motley Vbaucheeter and Concord (via at office one parents the good ship cents for postage octG dtf λ 1 ROCERS. Lawrence,) For farther particulars inquire of Night up flight. GatarrH 8.45 a. ·*«.; (via New Market at 3.30 or Joe and and the after this The author refers, by permission, to Hon. \jr CHAS. M« LAUGHLIN & CO.. Central St. Junction) p.m. GEO. L. lieu. Ticket Furnished Unfurnished Room» to let, with or Willie; very day Morning Train leaves Kennebnnk DAÎ, Agent. P. A. M. president of the National for Port· Railroad without board. letter was de1 rered came the news that the Cuke. Unquestionably the most important BISSELL, D., ROCERS, land at 7.25. Wliarf, mayl9dly Medical Association. For Sale or To Let. JT & E. GUSHING. General Joe and Willie was in medical discovery since vaccination. A CI SAWYER, FOSS DEER1NG.1 Central Whrf ly ilie 1.00 m. train from Portland connecta Manager. port. remedy Address Dr. W. H. PAR- "IT"·? 4 Τ bargain to be found. On Pleasant, street, p. Portland, Sept. 16,188". Λ Λ ROCERIES and Provisions. with Sound Line Ν tea mem. The 3.30 "Pat," said Shad Ryley, putting his arms ■which assimilates with the mucous membrane and KER, No. 4 Bulfinch Street UiiiVJj BESTWoodford's Corner, lu rooms. 2 bay p. m, sepl7 Passenger will leave tngton, or other information to BANKRUPTCY.—District Court of the famil^^k Fortl and apply I'll not hold out a moment I've should be without them. myl9 dtf of at 7 ΊΟ a. na., and E. her, longer. IIV United States, District of In UMBER All Kinds, "Manufr's·' π π ii SAMPSON. Agent, Maine. the matter 1^·····^ t.îi5 p. m , at Worcester treated her What do of of A D.I.C.is an absolute and irresistible cure V L EDWIN CLEMENT 272 Commercial St arriving no2dtf Central Wharf. Boston. A sure cure for cruelly.' you think Harris, wood & Bankrupts. &CO., at 2.15 m. and 7.30 m. Coughs. Cold*, Asthma, Consomp- Ikol li.nl.cIO'» forDrunkenness,use of opium, tobacco and! p. p. Returning leave tion. and all diseases of This is to give notice that a petition has been narcotics. All sold Western A Southern Union at 7.30 the throat and lunge. The pre- by urugjrlsts. Send M Eastern, Depot, Worcester, a. m. and 11.15 a. most sented to the Court this for Ci re liar. Hon Rlttm Mfv. Γα.. M S. H. & A. acceptable preparation in the market. "Pat's au Kacliel. Sixteenth day of October LUMBER, R. ΙΛ/'ΈΝ. 256 to 264 Fore St m., arriving at Portland at 1.10 p. m. and 6.10 By ad- angel," replied "Was p. to the cordial a little Lemor or by Willard VV. Harris, of m. ding Lime Juice you I or in I'd bear no Portland/a Bankrupt, Piuc l imbernnd Boards CLYDE S have an right wrong saying other and as a member of the firm of Han excellent appetiser and tonic for individually is, J. W. 210 Commercial St. For Clinton· Ayer June.» general naine than Mrs. Atwood & « oc & lm LU.TIBER.Sou.DEERLNG, Fitchburg, and family u?e. Ryley?" orapany, praying that he may be decreed Naithna, Lowell, Windham, and Ep- to have a fail Sou. Pine Timber and Plank. "Right, I hope," said Shad as he discharge from all his debts, individ pinsc at 7.ÎO a· m. and 1.45 in. & New softly, ual and C. W. Β & M and Com'l p. Philadelphia took his leave. co-partnership, provable imder the Bank- jAnemrs LUMBER.KICHarDSON, Whf.j fct For Concord and at Sold by nil Ulanche*ter, points North, druggists. rupt Act, and upon reading said Petition, Mf'r. ofall kinds of Spruce 1.25 p. m. He presented himself at 9 o'clock to the is It ordered by the Court that a hearing be liaci THE GREAT NERVE RESTORATIVE LUMBER.GILBERT SOULE, Agt., Com'l. foot ot Park. For Rochester, Springvale, Alfred, Wat· minute, and arm in arm he and Rachel upon the same, on the Sixth of A. D. and England day December, Spruce, Pine and Short. erboro 9aco Rirer.7.20 a. ip., 1.25 walked from 1880, before the Court in in and the to Jackass Flat. Portland, said District, B1RN1E ν 332 p. m., (mixed) at 0.45 p. na. Returning township at 10 o'clock A. and LUMBER,RUMERY, CO.. Commercial St STEAMSHIP LINES It was Λ beautiful M., that notice thereof be pub- leave Rochester at (mixed) 6.45 a. 11.00 night;the air was sweet, lished in the Windows Ac. m., Portland Advertiser and the Portland Doors, Blinds, a. m., and 3.55 p. m.; arriving at Portland and before them in the clear shone the in LUMBER, LEGROW 24 Preble St Fisher & newspapers said District once a week WYOMOKE. BROS., Θ.35 a. sky Press, printed (mixed) m., 1.10 p. m. ana 6.10 p. m. FROM BOSTON Southern Cross. for three successive weeks, and once in the Mich. Pine A Hard Wood. For Fairbanks, weekly <*orham, Maccarappa, Cumberland SOLE Advertiser and the last ό connection with OLD COLONY PROPRIETORS. '•Which is my star?" mused Shad aloud, Press, publication to be thirty LUMBEB. WIDBER JSi BACON. 220Com'l St. Jlill», West brook and Woodford'», RAIL.. oc2 days at least before the of and that all at 7.*© a. ROAD. TT&S3m "Is it that one day hearing, A Blood, Brain an»! Nerve Food. AI ACHIIVINTe nuil MaiI*- m., t.i*5, 6.20 and (mixed) 6.45 looking up. (he pointed to creditors who haare their and na. proved debts other per- East p. TO THE the the or sons in XTJL POKTJjAM) C0.V1PANY, End, fore St BOSTON SOUTH, brightest in heavens) that?" His interest, may appear at said time and place The l.'^5 p. na. tiain from Portland connects at A cure in all forms of Straw rime. Lan outstretched finger traced the swift descent and show cause if any they have, why the prayer c so^ericgi· Nervous Debility, tiooda, Silk» Ac. Ayer June, with Hoo«tac Tunnel Ronte for *emi-Weekly Line, Quick said Petition Broken-down Heart Ver JOHN E. PAliMEK. 243 Middles Rate·, Frequent departure*. of a star should not be granted. Constitutions, Afiections, MILLINEKt. the West, and at Union for falling into the black chasm of Weakness of PEarlinE Depot, Worcenter, WM. P. PREBLE, tigo, Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary THE V and Millinery Good». New York via Norwich and all Freight received and forwarded daily to FALL Female Line, rail, space. Clerk of District Court, for said District. Organs, Weakness, restoring Exhausted MILLINERBIBBER, MORRILL & McMANN, 92 Cross st via Springfield, also with Ν. V. & N. E. R. RIVER. there connecting with the Clyde Mteani- "It is the oclS » Health and Manhood. said _ Vigorous WÈDNDSDAY and SATUR- bright one," Rachel. law3wM&wlw43 Vitality, GREAT INVENTION Planter» nnd Shipper·. R. ("'Steamer Maryland Route") for Philndel- er«, nailing every "I hope so." TIMMONS & UAWE8, 119 Commercial Raltimore, Washington, and the DAY to Philadelphia direct, connecting at WYOMOKE FOE WASHING AND OYSTER". si. with Cl^de Steam Lines to "You're full of Shad." CLEANSING 5hia,outh and with Booton & Albnny R. R. foi Philadelphia Charle··- hopes to-day, BANKRUPTCY. District Court of the CURES all diseases arising from Alchohol, To Oil», Vanishes & Supplie·. the West. teu, 8. Washington, D. C., Gearae- "You United In hard or soft JOHN W. PERKINS & C.j. never spoke truer words, Rachel. IN States, District of Maine. In the mat- bacco, Opium, &c\, water,WITHOUT SOAP» and PAINTS, CO., 74 & 76 Com'l St Close connections made at Weatbrook June* Mwa. D. C., Alexandria, Va., and all Rai ter of Atwood & of Nervous and Brain There's the Brady tent." Harris, Co., Bankrupts. A I·© nil forms Diseases, without danger to the finest fabric. SUPPLIES, Oils all kind· tion with through trains of Me. Central It. R., and and water Lines. This is to give notice that a petition has been such as of Memory, Dizziness, Paralysis, Neu- J. IS. PICKET! Kates named and Bills of iven It had been set on an and pre- Lapse SAVES TIME and LABOR PAINTERS' & CO., 187 Fore St at GrandTrunk Transfer, Portland, with trains Through Lading up elevation, sented to the Court, this fifteen li of Oct Nervous Headache, Hysteria, Chorea, Tre- AMAZINGLY, from in New to the day ber, ralgia and is Rook· A- of Grand Trunk R. It. any point England Phiiadelfhi through canvas walls came the soft b Fred F. Harris of a individu- &c., &c. rapidly coming into general use. Sold all Hanging·, Stationery and Deering, bankrupt, mens, by SHORT & Through tickets to all points South and West, at For rates of Freight, other information, apply to of and as a member ot the firm are affected with of the above Grocers ; but PAPERLOK1NU, HAltMON, 208 Middle St glare lights. ally of Harris, Atwood & If you any diseases, beware of vile counterfeits. Its Depot offices and at '-oiiins & Adams', No. 22 Ex- D. D. C. MINK, Agent, C that he be or other Brain or Nervous don't fail to "Any one in?" cried Shad. 'inpany, praying may decreed to haveja any trouble, great success out Vinegar, Cider, Ketchup Ac. change Street. 196 Washington Street, Boston, Mass Tarrant's Seltzer full from all bis brings dangerous imita- E. U. & Aperient. was discharge debts, individual and co- try the famous PICKLES,PETTENG1LL, Mir., 8 10 Market St J. W. Gen. Ticket Wat. P. Clyde & C·., General Managers, He answered a chorus of tions, but PEARLINE is the PETERS, Agent. A cure for frightful. by joyful partnership, provable; and upon reading said peti- only safe article Π1ΙΒΒΕΒ «SOODS Hall Rubber GEO. P. WE ocl6dtf No. 12 So. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia. Indigestion voices and he and "W YOMOKE Co. Γ, Supt. A Rachel were wel- tion, Always bears the name of James H. cor. febe bubbling beverage delightful: cheerily Fyle,NewYork XVC. BOSWORTH. Middle & Exchange sts for ailment comed. She was at home in It is ordered by the Court that a be had A remedy every a moment. She hearing Jy2 nnd Dealer·. which the Bilious make upon the same on the Sixth of December, A. D. d2awF&M&weow6m28 Importer· O'er bewailoient. kissed the girls aud the and day BACON & 80 mild, mother, shook 1880, before the Court in Portland, in said District SALT.THOMAS, CO., Commercial St A laxative, though effective; hands with the old & An anodvne and gentleman, who was at 10 o'clock A. M. and that notice thereof be pub- SHAWOX WARWICK, Importer· &' Dealer·. sudorific* 0Nlï 10 BOSTON STEAMERS. A wonderful saline Specific— brimming over with pleasant fun, and with lished in the Portland Advertiser and the Portland Cliemis's and Apothecaries, SALT.EMERY & FUR ISH, Head of Union Wharf. in said Embodying every rare ingredient, Matt, who was almost as fine a Press, newspapers printed District, once a Sole and DB F. H. BROH EKS, Stores & fellow as week for three Proprietors Manufacturers, Ki:\lSO\ Chandlery. That Mother Nature deemed Shad successive weeks, and once in the J. S. WINSLOW & CO., 3 & 4 Central Wof $5.50 expedient, IYc. Conn. SHIP hand to Rylçy. weekly Advertiser and the last to 14.'{ ITriinibull St., Hartford, With kindly liberal fling Press, publication From 145 iHIP famous Seltzer "This is Norak," said Shad, for- be thirty days at least before the of Sold by all Send for Pamphlet. Tremont Street BROKERS, Cordage, Chandlery and Into the Spring. pulling day hearing, Druggists. ,ΛBoston, will Stores. RVAN & KÉLSEY.KELSKY. Ιϋΐ101 ward a and that all creditors who ocl4 Th&ti&wlm # be at U.S. Commercial St oct22 S,Tu&T2w loVely lass of eighteen whose have proved their debts Room saucy and other in Hotel, 19 NOV. ILVEB Plated and Britannia eyes had made a persons interest, may appear at said 16, for Four Ware. NEW already many heart ache. time and and sh^w Days Only RUFUS DUNHAM & YORK, place, cause, if any they have, S SONS, Mfrs, 218 Fore et W. W. S1IARPE A CO., Somehow or other a little cloud came into the of said Corne, Bunions and VIA why prayer Petition should not be FOR SALE. Bad NailH One. Water & Ventilating Rachel's for she felt, that WM. P. treated with- Pipe face, by the side of granted. PREBLE, out Pain. STEAITI,DANIEL WINSLOW & 7 Cross Adrertlsing Agents, Clerk of District Operations on SON, St Norab she was number two. Court, for said District. 25 •Corns, cents each. ^«Τθνΐ:§, Sinks nnd t ΡΛΚΚ ■ oclS law3wM&wl \v43 City Mills, situated on Deerinc Port- Rangée, Cutting*. Portland & Worcester Line ROW, mw YOKK "But where's Pat?" she ask -.d bridge, feb24 Ο PORTLAND STOVE FOUNDRY 244 anxiously. of the and CO., Fore — — The centre THEland, Maine, consisting mill, engine AND The favorite Steamer· Forest and .John Advertisements written, of the tent was divided a two run of water & illolaHMex f City appropriately displayed by boiler, stone, wheel, belting &c. mportergr Brooke will alternately leave FRANKLIN WHARF ind proofs given, free of charge. green bai/.e. For inquire of What They Say of #IIol21 dtf Trimming». aprb dtf Brttiih Provinces. Rachel. "Will you may WOOLENSCHADB0URN & KENDALL, 168,170 Middle S3T*Advertiser copy.