E 610 ALLEYS Sept., 1970 E 611 Location " E 612 Alignment " E 613 Widths " E 614 Termination (Dead-End ant Cul-de-Sac Alleys " E 615 Return Radii at Street Intersections " E 616 Grade Determination " E 616.1 Grade Determination Procedure " E 616.11 Maximum and minimum Longitudinal Grade " E 616.111 Maximum Grades " E 616.112 Minimum Grades " E 616.12 Grades for Encroachments at Alley Intersections " E 616.13 Maximum Grade Breaks " E 617 Alley Cross-Sections " E 617.1 Alley Construction " E 617.11 Warped Alley Sections " E 617.12 Longitudinal Gutter Offsets from Alley Centerline " E 617.13 Gutter Arrangements at Alley Intersections " E 617.14 Fillet at Alley Gutter Intersections " E 617.2 Structural " E 620 CUL-DE-SACS AND ELBOW CURVES " E 621 Cul-de-Sac Alignments, Widths, and Turning Radii " E 622 Grades for Cul-de-Sacs " E 623 Elbow Curves " E 630 DRIVEWAYS " E 631 Types of Pavement " E 632 Prohibited Locations for Driveway Approaches " E 633 Widths and Spacing of Driveways " E 634 Effect of Side Lot Lines on Driveways " E 635 Driveway Design " E 635.1 On Improved " E 635.11 Depressed " E 635.111 Existing " E 635.112 Proposed " E 635.12 “Y” Slope of Driveway Apron " E 635.13 Area of Apron " E 635.2 On Unimproved or Partially improved Streets " E 635.21 Where a Street Grade Has Been Previously Established " Sept., 1970


E 635.211 Driveway Construction to Meet EstablishedStreet Grade Sept., 1970 E 635.212 Driveway Construction Not to Meet Established Street Grade " E 635.22 Where No Street Grade Has Been Previously Established " E 635.23 Streets With Curb Only (Roadway Not Paved) " E 635.24 Streets With No Curb and With or Without Pavement " E 635.3 On Private Property " E 635.4 Design Check of Vehicular Vertical Clearance " E 640 GRADE SEPARATIONS " E 641 Warrants for Grade Separation " E 642 Preliminary Design Considerations " E 643 versus Underpass " E 644 Design Criteria " E 645 Temporary Detours " E 645.1 Design Criteria (Temporary Detours) " E 650 INTERSECTIONS AT GRADE " E 651 General Design Factors " E 651.1 Human Factors " E 651.11 Compensating for Human Weaknesses " E 651.2 Factors " E 651.21 Flow Diagrams " E 651.22 Accident Records " E 651.3 Physical Factors " E 651.31 Topography " E 651.4 Economic Factors " E 652 Intersection Traffic Capacity " E 653 Factors Affecting Intersection Capacity " E 654 Signalized Intersection Capacity Data " E 654.1 Levels of Service " E 654.2 Factor f for Conversion of Design Capacity to Possible Capacity " E 654.3 Factor f for Adjustment to Various Levels of Service " E 655 Use of Nomographs for Determination of Signalized Intersection " Capacity E 656 Types of Intersections " E 657 Geometric Modification " E 657.1 Realignment " E 657.2 " E 657.21 Principles of Channelization " E 657.22 Channelization Design Considerations " E 657.3 Traffic Islands " E 657.31 Surfacing " Sept., 1970


E 657.4 Flared Intersections Sept., 1970 E 658 Superelevation Rates at Intersections " E 659 Sight Distance at Intersections " E 659.1 Right-Angled Intersections " E 659.2 Skew-Angled Intersections " E 659.3 Stop Control Devices " E 660 REMODELING IMPROVED STREETS " E 661 Need for Remodeling Streets " E 661.1 Benefits Resulting from Remodeled Streets " E 662 Resurfacing " E 662.1 Design Criteria (for Resurfacing) " E 662.2 Resurfacing Over Rails " E 663 Reconstruction " E 664 Grade Determination (Street Resurfacing and Reconstruction) " E 664.1 In Meeting Existing Improvement " E 664.11 Between Intersections " E 664.12 In Intersection Areas " E 670 REALIGNMENT AND/OR WIDENING OF IMPROVED STREETS " E 671 Interference of Existing Improvements " E 671.1 Public Improvements Within the Street or Alley " E 671.2 Private Improvements Within the Street or Alley " E 671.3 Private Improvements on Private Property " E 671.31 Walls and Fences " E 671.32 Housewalks and Steps " E 671.33 Side Slopes " E 671.4 Tree Removals " E 680 PRIVATE STREETS " E 681 Design Standards "



*E 611 Alley Alignments Sept., 1970 E 616.1A Typical Plan of Alley Intersections " E 616.1B Alley Intercessions " *E 616.112 Typical Alley Profiles " E 617A Tabulation of Design Criteria for “V” Alley Sections " E 617B Typical Alley Cross-Sections in Areas with Excessive Crossfall " *E 617.1 Standard Alley Cross-Section " E 617.11 Warped Alley Section " *E 617.12 Longitudinal Gutter Transition " Sept., 1970



E 617.13 Gutter Arrangements at Alley Intersections Sept., 1970 E 617.14 Concrete Fillets at Alley Gutter Intersections " *E 623 Elbow Curve for Hillside Street " E 630A(1) Standard Driveways (Sheet 1) " E 630A(2) Standard Driveways (Sheet 2) " E 630B(1) Nomenclature of Driveway Component Parts (Sheet 1) " E 630B(2) Nomenclature of Driveway Component Parts (Sheet 2) " *E 632 Driveway Approach " E 635.12 Driveways-Table Showing Percent Slope of Apron " *E 654.1A Levels of Service " E 654.1B(1) Intersection Approach Service Volume-2-Way Streets (Sheet 1) " E 654.1B (2) Intersection Approach Service Volume-2-Way Streets (Sheet 2) " E 654.1C (1) Intersection Approach Service Volume-1-Way Streets (Sheet 1) " E 654.1C(2) Intersection Approach Service Volume-1-Way Streets (Sheet 2) " *E 654.2 Factor f for Conversion of Design Capacity to Possible Capacity " E 654.3 Factor f for Adjustment to Various Levels of Service " E 655A Design Capacity of Signalized Intersections-2-Way Street " E 655B Design Capacity of Signalized Intersections-1-Way Street "

E 656 General Types of At-Grade Intersections "

E 657.1A Angle of Intersection "

E 657.1B Realignment Variations "

E 657.21(1) Principles of Channelization (Sheet 1) "

E 657.21(2) Principles of Channelization (Sheet 2) "

E 659.1 Sight Distances "

*E 659.3 Sight Distances at Intersections "

E 660A Typical Resurfacing and Reconstruction Cross-Sections "

E 660B Typical Plan and Sections for a Partially Remodeled Street "

E 660C Typical Sections-Abandoned Railway Right of Way Improvements "

E 670 Typical Sections of Street Alignment and Width Changes "

*Figures preceded by asterisks are in text. All others are at ends of chapters. Bureau of Engineering E 600 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN SeDt.. 1970

E 600 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR SPECIAL STREET COMPONENTS AND PROJECTS In general, the design criteria and policies pre- considerations must be given to these special street viously presented are applicable to the special components or types of projects, their separate street components and projects that are discussed treatment is warranted. in this chapter. However, since certain additional

E 670 ALLEYS The discussion of alleys is divided into two parts. geometric and structural components of the alley. One deals with the desirable design criteria to be The use of absolute maximm and minimum de- used in new subdivisions or undeveloped areas to sign criteria or criteria not indicated as City be improved; the other covers the absolute mini- standards may be permitted at the discretion of mum standards that may have to be used incon- the Division or District Engineer. It is suggested nection with the improvement of existing alleys that the designer become familiar with those por- abutting existing improvements. tions of Section E 02OB, Standard Specifications, 1970 Edition, that deal with alley construction The use of design criteria as presented in this practices, as well as Figures E 113, Standard Street section should be confined within the maximum Dimensions; E 431.1, Types of Curb and Gutter; and minimum limits as specified for the various and E 616.1B, Alley Intersections.


LOCAL STREET 7 r-7---77 r- In general, mosf alleys should be aligned as indicafed hereon, eifher parallel fo or concentric with the street property lines. Figure E 611 Bureau of Engineering ,E 611 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., ‘1970

E 611 LOCATION Where it is economically feasible to do so, all exist- ing substandard alley ahgnments should be Provisions should be made for the location of corrected. alleys in the rear of all residential lots fronting on major and secondary highways. They should also be included in new subdivisions where com- E 613 WIDTHS mercial or industrial zoning use is indicated, as Ordinance No. 122,064, the “Subdivision Ordi- per Ordinance No. 122,064, more commonly known nance”, specifies that all alleys in new subdivisions as the “Subdivision Ordinance”, and Ordinance should be 20 feet in width and alleys abutting in- No. 122,312, the “Lot-Split Ordinance”. dustrial zoning 30 feet in width. Figure E 611 shows a typical alley layout with A design investigation should also be made for a complete traffic circulatory system within a the widening of substandard width existing alleys. given block, where vehicles need not enter directly If it is not economically feasible to widen these from an alley into a primary or secondary high- alleys to standard widths, any lesser degree of way. Also, refer to the discussion of alleys in Sec- widening that is practical should be considered. tion E 262, Access Control, and Section E 451, Block Corner Property Lines. (See Figure E 611, E 614 ALLEY TERMINATION (DEAD-END AND on preceding page.) CUL-DE-SAC ALLEYS) Although it is usually desirable to locate alleys E 612 ALIGNMENT in such a manner that both ends of the alley are As can be observed from Figure E 611, alleys connected either to streets or to other alleys, it is are aligned parallel to or concentric with the not always feasible. In hillside or mountainous street property lines. Most alley alignments are terrain, the connections may be impractical be- arranged either singly or in the form of an mter- cause of economic considerations. Large cuts or setting “T” or ‘Z”. In some very old subdivisions, fills may necessitate dead-ending the alley at some street and alley alignments merely followed the appropriate location to keep the grading to a mini- random pattern of land development in use at mum. Other aIleys may be cut off as a result of that time. This policy resulted in many streets and freeway construction or other projects. In new alleys angle points, tapered widths, and subdivisions, or in older existing alleys, it may be abrupt jogS.ti’the aIigmnent. Although the streets, impractical to extend an alley through to the next in most cases, have since been improved and re- street. This is usually because of extensive exist- aligned to modern standards, the existing alley ing improvements in the logical path of alley pro- alignments remain substandard. Frequently, cor- longation. ner cut-offs, which would facilitate vehicular turn- ing movements, were not provided at the inter- Provisions must be made for a vehicular turning sections of two alleys. Also, failure to make turn- area where alleys dead-end. Figure E 113, Stand- around provisions resulted in many dead-end ard Street Dimensions, depicts the standard and alleys. minimum turning areas. Where these alleys are substandard width and cannot be widened, some The City’s policy in regard to improving these modified form of equivalent turning area must be alley alignments is as follows: provided. 1. Angle points and abrupt alignment changes are not permitted in new developments and are E 615 CURB RETURN RADII AT STREET corrected in ex#ting alley alignments. lNTERS,ECTlONS 2. Where two alleys intersect, a triangular cor- An alley return is that portion of the curb which ner cut-off of not less than 10 feet along each begins at the BCR on the intersecting street and alley property line should be provided. ends at the ECR, the intersection of the property 3. In existing alleys where no corner cut-offs lines of .the street and alley. See Figure E 616.1B. have been provided, cut-offs of less than 10 feet The normal curb return radius is 5 feet for an may be acceptable where existing improvements alley intersecting a street. In areas zoned for in- limit the space available. dustry, commerce, or multiple residences, or in Bureau of Ehgineering E 616 Manual-Part 33 STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970 narrow streets, the vehicular turning movements proved. Or it may be found that the curb returns, should be facilitated by increasing the alley re- sidewalk, and pavement at the intersection of the turn radii. The curb return radius may be in- alley and the street have been previously con- creased from 5 feet to any radius up to 10 feet, structed. provided it does not encroach onto private It may be evident from a field inspection that property. some of the existing improvements abutting the Where existing improvements such as utility alley were constructed without regard to the exist- poles, fire hydrants, or other appurtenances inter- ing or future established alley grade. In any case, fere with the construction of a 5-foot-radius curb a complete set of field notes (survey) should be return, they should be moved. However, if existing obtained. If the existing field notes are five years facilities require costly remodeling or removals, old or older, or if there is any reason to believe a smaller curb return radius may be used to avoid that existing conditions are sufficiently changed, incurring excessive costs. ln any case, any varia- new field work should be ordered. This informa- tions from the standard &foot curb return radius tion is plotted and the official grade superimposed are subject to the approval of the District or on the existing profile and cross-sections to deter- Division Engineer. mine whether all, part, or none of the established grade should be used. Wherever possible, the offi- E 616 GRADE DmERMINATION cial grade should be used joining those intersec- tions that were previously constructed. If this re- The grade determination of alleys differs from that of streets in several respects. One reason is quires excessive removals of existing abutting im- that the maximum for alleys is gen- provements or results in substandard design, es- erally 15 miles per hour. This speed is considerably tablishing a new grade may be more practical. lower than that of most streets and thus permits Where the alley intersections have previously been the lowering of design standards in several direc- constructed, it may be even more economical to tions. For example, the sight distance and length remove all or part of these intersections and re- of vertical curves rarely become a factor. However, construct them to the new grade. Additional cri- a length of less than 50 feet for either sight dis- teria for removals are covered in Section E 671. tances or vertical curves should not be used. An- In the above discussion it was indicated that the other important difference is that streets have a designer’s prime concern is to meet existing im- border area and provide a buffer zone between th.e provements in existing alleys without sacrificing street grade and adjacent existing private im- the City’s design standards. To meet these stand- provements. This space permits a certain latitude ards for the existing alleys, the following proced- in establishing a street grade. The lack of a buffer ure for establishing the grades in new unimproved area does not usually create a problem in estab- alleys with undeveloped abutting property should lishing a pavement grade for alleys in new sub- be adhered to as closely as possible. divisions or for existing alleys in which adjacent property is unimproved. However, it often creates Referring to Figure E 616.1A, pick off or calcu- design problems in existing alleys where the exist- late the flow line elevations at the PI’s at both ing improvements abut the alley property line intersections from plotted profiles of the existing and pavement. This difference between alley and or proposed flow line grades of the intersecting street grade design criteria will become evident as streets. The PI refers to the point of intersection the alley grade determination procedures are of the flow line of the street and the alley property outlined. line (P.L.) produced. Next, add the height of curb at the intersection (assumed to be 8 inches, or 0.67 E 616.1. Grade Determination Procedure: In foot) to each calculated flow line (FL) elevation. discussing the procedure outlined for the alley This determin es the theoretical top of curb (TC) grade determination of existing unimproved alleys elevation at the PI. Next, the product of the normal with the adjacent property developed, several sidewalk slope (2?4 percent) and the distance be- factors should be considered. For example, most tween the curb face (CF) on the street side and of the existing alleys have had an official grade the street property line (border distance) is added established but in some instances were never im- to the theoretical TC elevation. This is the design Bureau of Engineering E 616.11 ~Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970 elevation at the P.L. corner at the alley mter- E 616.11 Maximum and Minimum Longitudinal section. Grades: The design standards presented here are for use for all alley design. However, absolute To illustrate with an example, point C on Figure minimum design standards are also submitted E 616.1A has a proposed flow line elevation at the which may be used, at the discretion of the Divi- PI of 100.00 feet. By adding 8 inches (0.67 feet) sion or District Engineer, to meet im- to the flow line, the theoretical top of curb eleva- provements abutting existing unimproved alleys. tion is 100.67 feet. The product of the curb-to- property-line distance (10 feet) and the normal E 616.111 Maximum Grades: The maximum sidewalk slope (2% percent) equals: allowable longitudinal grade permitted is 15 per- 2.5 cent. In steep hillside areas where the existing 10’ x - = 0.25’ grades exceed the maximum allowable, the differ- 100 ence in elevation between both ends of the alley The theoretical top-of-curb elevation plus the or section of the alley must be reduced. This should above product equals: be done by grading, providing smooth vertical curves to connect sharp grade breaks, acceptable 100.67’ + 0.25’ = 100.92’ = Point F (Elev. at P.L.) crossfall for the transverse sections, and adequate This same procedure is followed for setting the drainage. other three P.L. corner elevations. E 616.112 Minimum Grades: An economic study The elevations at the property line corners and should be made of the alternate designs for alleys the alley flow line at point A should be adjusted in flat areas. Consideration should be given to all to provide an elevation at Point A that is not more the factors, such as removal and reconstruction than 1 inch below the elevation of the theoretical costs, property damage, easements, and top of curb at point D. The theoretical top of curb construction costs, The most economical method is determined by averaging the theoretical curb that provides adequate drainage should be chosen. heights at points B and C. The curb heights at B There should be sufficient difference in the pre- and C are based on the prevailing existing or pro- vailing elevations between both ends or flat sec- posed curb of “X” Street immediately south and tions of the alley to permit longitudinal drainage. north of the alley intersection. The minimum rate of longitudinal grade permitted Where point A is more than 1 inch below the is 0.200 percent. In flat terrain where there is in- top of curb at point D and where points A, E, and sufficient “fall” and where existing improvements F cannot be adjusted to raise the elevation of point prevent the development of this minimum grade, A and meet existing conditions as well as meet there are several methods by which drainage the City’s design criteria, an investigation of the may be achieved Where necessary, these methods “X” Street drainage overflow should be, made by permit the longitudinal grades of the alley prop- the Storm Drain Design Division or the Storm erty lines to be reduced to 0.000 percent, provided Drain Section of the District. This overflow should a longitudinal gutter grade of at least 0.200 per- be adequately handled by the alley and the inter- cent and a minimum V cross-section are achieved. secting “Y” Street. If the overflow cannot be Probably the most economical method is to vary handled it will be necessary to use subsurface the depth of the alley V cross-section from a mini- drainage. mum V depth at the high end to a maximum V The elevations at both alleyintersections having depth at the low end of the alley. See Section been established, the next step is to connect the E 617 for maximum and minimum Vs. This varia- northwest to the northeast property corner and tion in V depth will increase the rate of grade of the southwest to the southeast corner. In this the concrete gutter or concrete pavement flow procedure, the design that is produced must at line. If this method does not provide the minimum least meet the minimum design criteria set forth grade and if the amount of available “fall” is lim- in the following Subsections. In establishing alley ited by a small difference of elevations of the pre- intersection curb grades, refer also to Figure viously paved alley intersections, the intersection E 616.1B. pavements, curb returns, and abutting Bureau of Engineering E 616.112 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970 may have to be removed. The intersections will high point should be located at such an elevation then have to be redesigned to increase the eleva- and location that a minimum rate of grade of 0.200 tion difference between both ends of the alley. percent is developed. If water is draining from When the intersections are raised or lowered, the adjoining property into the alley, the location of property line grades approaching the intersections the high point should not block this drainage. have to be raised or lowered. This grade change If this method is not satisfactory, a sump is may prevent meeting the abutting existing im- created and subsurface drainage provided, as provements. If meeting these improvements is shown on Figure E 616.112(B), below. The eleva- critical, the method of .only slightly lowering the tion of the pavement surface at the sump should original grade may have to be combined with the be low enough to provide at least a minimum lon- above method of varying the depth of the V cross- gitudinal grade of 0.200 percent. In locating the section. low point there are several important points to Other suggested methods of getting at least a consider. Care should be taken to meet existing minimum grade for drainage are as follows: Refer- improvements to avoid undermining buildings, ring to the typical profile of the proposed alley walls, etc. There should be a consultation with a grades in areas of flat or level terrain in Figure representative of the Storm Drain Design Division E 616.112(A), below, a high point is created in the or the Storm Drain Section of the District to as- alley to permit drainage in both directions. The certain the feasibility of making a connection from



Level or close to level -

Join (B) Join P. L. PROFILE OF EXISTING GROUND LINE SUMP POINT bROPOSED FLOW LINE I . / . _-- --5_ / . -,_/’ _/cc Level or close to level

(a Join Join t P. L. I- P.L. PROFILE OF EXISTING GROUND LINE k! : 5; : . CO . __-- . _-c- / PROPOSED REVERSE FLOW LINE --5 / --wJ’ Figure E 616.112 Bureau of Engineering E 616.12 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970 the proposed sump catch basin to an existing or widths of alleys under different conditions. These a new storm drain facility. This may include con- slopes are measured from the centerline of the tact with adjoining property owners to determine gutter to the outer edges of the pavement at each their attitude toward the City’s acquisition of a property line. storm dram easement through their property, should one be needed. In general, it is desirable to have the property lines level with each other and to use a st@ard Referring to Figure E 616.112(C),below, another V of 0.25 foot. The tabulations furnished on Figure possibility is reversing the flow. This reversal is E 6I?A and the sections on Figure E 617B are to done by sloping the proposed grade connecting the serve as a guide. Where circumstances dictate two alley intersections in the opposite direction other criteria to be used, the minimum V may have to the slope of the existing terrain. In existing to be increased and the maximum V decreased. alleys with abutting improvements, this method would be practical only if the cut or fiU required Often, it will be found that this standard alley to reverse the flow would not excessively damage cross-section is not flexible enough to be used existing improvements. under all conditions. For example, the design of an existing unimproved alley with abutting improve- E 616.l2 Grades for Driveway Encroachments ments on a sidehill location is often characterized at A.&y Intersections: Where existing driveways by a lopsided V section because of the large or driveways to be constructed encroach in exist- amount of crossfall that is introduced. It may be ing or proposed alley intersection curb returns, found that the modified cross-sections shown on and where the driveway relocation is not feasible, Figure E 617B are more adaptable to this type of the curb returns should be depressed to a O-inch design These modified cross-sections may be used curb face. A transition is provided from the O-inch either throughout the entire alley length or only curb face to a l-inch curb face where the curb re- at critical areas. turn merges into the driveway curb depression, assuming that the driveway curb depression has Before dete rmining which section is applicable, a l-inch curb face. See Figure E 616.1B, Plate IV. consideration must be given to the amount of cross- fall, drainage control, and grading; the need for E 616.13 Maximum Grade Breaksz In alleys alley access from abutting property; and the con- in new subdivisions, or in existing unimproved struction costs. For example, Figure E 617A shows, alleys abutting undeveloped property, the maxi- for an AC paved alley of 15 feet or less with a mum grade breaks should be_l% percent with a gutter offset of more than 5 feet, a minim= V minimum distance of 10 feet between elevations. depth of 0.17 foot. The Storm Drain Design Divi- In order to meet existing conditions in unimproved sion or the Storm Drain Section of the District alleys with abutting improved property, the maxi- should be consulted for a specific location to see mum grade break permitted is 2% percent. The whether this minimum V is adequate to handle minimum distance between break .is 5 feet. the anticipated drainage. Also, since some of the adjacent property may or may not be improved, E 617 ALLEY CROSS-SECTIONS and since it is not always apparent where access The criteria used for the design of geometric and may be required, contact with the property owners structural cross-sections will be treated in the in the preliminary design stage is strongly recom- following subsections. Reference is also made mended. When the Division or District Engineer to Figures E 113, Standard Street Dimensions; has been apprised of the circumstances requiring .E 431.1, Types of Curbs and Gutters; E 616.lA; the use of sections, particularly those which may and E 616.1B. deny access, and has given his approval, these sections or any other suitable sections may be used. : E 617.1 Alley Construction: Figure E 617.1, below, shows the standard geometric cross-section These modified sections permit the development to be used for alley construction. Figure E 617A in the design of greater amounts of crossfall than shows the standard transverse slopes, the maxi- the standard section and thus reduce the grading mum and minimum slopes, and the absolute maxi- quantities involved and help meet existing im- mum slopes used to form the V section for various provements. In introducing large amounts of cross- Bureau of Engineering E 617.1 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN SeuL1970 fall into the design, it may be necessary, in order In narrow alleys paved with concrete, the outer not to exceed the maximum transverse slopes, to edges of the concrete should not be warped as offset the gutter as shown on Figure E 617B, much as in the case of alleys paved with asphalt. Plates II through VI. However, in offsetting the Therefore, since greater flexibility is required to gutter, the water-carrying capacity of the alley meet existing improvements, a greater percentage is materially reduced, due to the elevation of the of cross-slope may be used. In addition, in narrow pavement at the lower property line in relation alleys 15 feet or less in width, the effective width to the gutter centerline elevation. To increase the of the alley is usually reduced owing to the place- capacity, the lower property line elevation is com- ment of utility poles, encroaching fences, walls, pensated for by increasing the required minimum structures, etc. Therefore, it is assumed that two V depth as shown in the tabulation on Figure vehicles would not attempt to pass each other E 617A. simultaneously. However, in alleys more than 15 feet in width, the tops of two vehicles could make The sections on Figure E 617B show a curb or contact in attempting to pass. This is because each retaining wall used on the high side to reduce the vehicle is tilted toward the other because of the amount of crossfall where vehicular access is not cross-slope of each side of the alley section. This needed. The curb height of 4 to 6 inches is used accounts for the greater percentage of cross-slope where pedestrian access may be required. Con- permitted (if needed) in narrow alleys. crete retaining walls may also be used on the low side both to reduce the crossfall and to increase It is also presumed that alleys more than 20 feet the water-carrying capacity. wide are constructed in industrial areas and are berm is used on Plate V on the low side, with a subject to use by maximum height vehicles. These maximum height of 0.50 foot to warp to join exist- vehicles may attempt passing maneuvers in the ing abutting pavement, sidewalk, driveways, etc. alley. Because of the greater encroachment of the See Section E 618. A minimum height of AC berm vehicular paths of maximum-height vehicles, the of 0.33 foot is required to provide a minimum maximum permitted percentage of cross-slope is water-carrying capacity. further reduced.


210’ / i IO' . Existing CL ground-,

Header board Header board omitted / I where pavement joins

concrete pavement Concrete gufter a; per 4” to 8” thick Standard Plan Types of Curb and Gutter”

*Header boards should be kept within the alley dedication. The 2 x 4’s should be used with pavement 4” thick and 2 x 65 with pavement 6” thick.

Figure E 617.1 Bureau of Engineering E 617.11 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

E 617.11 Warped Alley Sections: Where work is required on private property. If the prop- deemed necessary by the designer, or when re- erty owner so desires, the work may be done by quested by the property owner whose property is following the procedures outlined in Subsection affected, the alley surface may be warped to meet E 054.22A, Right of Entry, and in Chapter E 800, existing pavement, such as parking lots, driveways, Procedural Steps for Proposed Improvement, for housewalks, etc. The alley surface warping is done acquisition of a right of entry to construct pave- in the area where the existing pavement on private ment. All or part of the existing pavement may property is 6 inches or less above the alley pave- have to be removed and a smooth grade to the ment grade. The warped surface may not extend join provided. more than 18 inches into the alley. When existing A warped alley section 6 inches in height and pavement does not immediately abut the alley or extending laterally 18 inches into the alley can is higher than 6 inches above the alley grade, and prove a substantial obstacle to a moving vehicle. where the property owner does not wish to grant a Figure E 617.11, Plate II, is an elevation view and right of entry for work to be done on private prop- shows a transitional section provided for the pur- erty, the alley pavement is not warped. pose of lessening the effects of vehicular impact. When alleys paved with concrete require warp- The transition section should be a minimum of ing to meet existing abutting pavement, the con- 1.5 feet in length for a 6-&h warped alley surface, crete may be warped up to a maximum of 0.2 foot. or 5 feet minimum for berms, curbs, and retaining Asphalt concrete pavement is superimposed on the walls from 6 inches to 18 inches high. A transition concrete where the warp is more than 0.2 foot. The for walls above this height is unnecessary, as it reason the concrete should not be warped more is reasonable to assume that higher walls would be fully is that the asphalt concrete, being temporary, readily seen and avoided by drivers. If the alley can be more readily removed if the existing abut- warp is less than 6 inches, the transitional length ting pavement need no longer be joined. Joining may be proportionately less. abutting pavement becomes unnecessary where, Figure E 61’7.11,Plate III, is a plan view showing due to deterioration, obsolescence, etc., older build- the transitional section connecting the normal alley ings and abutting paving surfaces are likely to be section to the fully warped alley section. removed within a short time after the completion of the alley improvement. Experience has shown E 617.12 Longitudinal Gutter Offsets from Al- that removing abutting improvements and leaving ley Centerline The centerline of the longitudinal an exposed permanent excess warp is undesirable gutter should normally be located on the alley and may also be hazardous. centerline. As previously indicated, in order to Figure E 617.11, Plate I, shows a typical warped keep the V slopes within the prescribed limits and alley cross-section. In the example ,shown, it is to aid in meeting existing excessive crossfall, it assumed that at the vicinity where the alley pave- may be necessary to offset the longitudinal gutter ment is to join the existing improvements, the from the alley centerline In addition, since the alley grade was raised as high as possible and a gutters normally carry the dry weather flow, the smooth longitudinal grade provided without im- gutters may be offset for ease of access and for pairing the longitudinal drainage. In addition, a keeping dry during maintenance or servicing in lo-percent maximum transverse slope is used for manholes located in alleys. the V section. However, the proposed alley pave- If only a short section of gutter requires off- ment at the property line remains below the level setting because of a local crossfall condition or a of the abutting pavement. Since the difference in manhole, a gutter transition should be provided. elevation is 6 inches or less, the alley pavement The offset position is maintained for the minimum may be warped as shown on the right side of the length necessary to accommodate the crossfall or section. bypass the manhole. Referring to Figure E 617.12, Where the existing abutting pavement is high- below, the gutter is then either transitioned back er than 6 inches above the alley pavement, or to the centerline as shown on Plate A, or if there where the pavement is close to but does not abut is justification (such as additional manholes) for the alley, as is shown on the left side of the section, continuing the offset, it may be done as on Plate B. Bureau of Engineering E 617.13 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

In determining the amount of offset to use, con- E 617.13 Gutter Arrangements at Alley Inter- sideration should be given to the construction sections: Referring to Figure E 617.13, the flow problems that may be created by a gutter offset of one alley (if directed toward another alley) is too close to the property line. The smallest width generally effected by means of connecting one roller for pavement compaction is 3 feet. If the gutter to the other. To facilitate flow at intersec- width of asphalt concrete between the outer edge tions of alleys with streets, and to reduce gutter of gutter and the inner edge of header board is overflow at the gutter connections of two alleys, less than 3 feet, the construction contractor may the intersecting gutter should be angled-off in the be forced to use manual instead of mechanical direction of the flow of the intersected gutter compaction. This is expensive and not an efficient (where the intersected gutter has a relatively operation. Generally, the minimum distance that steep grade). Usually, if an intersecting alley is should be used for mechanical rolling is 4 feet. draining away from an intersected alley, no gutter This means that the 2foot-wide longitudinal gut- connection is needed. ter, in a 20-foot-wide alley, should have a maxi- mum offset distance from the gutter centerline to E 617.14 Concrete FiIlets at Alley Gutter In- the alley centerline of 5 feet. The desirable transi- tersections: The use of concrete fillets as shown tion length of longitudinal gutter to be used, where on Figure E 61’7.14, Plates I and II, is advocated the gutter is offset from the alley centerline, is for the following reasons: 15 feet. 1. They eliminate sharp-angled corners and the .PLANVIEWS OF problem of mechanically rolling and compacting LONGITUDINAL. GUTTER TRANSlllON asphalt concrete in these corners. From Alley Cerbtline to Offset Gutter tine (NO SCALE) 2. They prevent the cracking and unraveling of PLATE A PLATE B the asphalt concrete pavement that tend to occur in these corners as a result of water overflow from the concrete gutters.

l?L 3. They reduce overall maintenance costs by \, lessening the shock to, and deterioration of, con- crete gutter resulting from repeated vehicular 1 impact.

2- - E 617.2 Structural:The basic pavement thick- I’- -- -4 min nesses and the supporting materials for the pav- I I ing of streets and alleys have been discussed in 5’ max.- Section E 422, Pavement Design (Structural). IO’ 2’9 Alleys paved with asphalt concrete pavement and 10 percent in grade should either use the thick- 4 / m’ lift construction process or have the pavement FigureE 617.12 rolled in two separate courses of equal thickness. Bureau of Engineering E 620 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

E 620 CUL-DE-SACS AND ELBOW CURVES C&de-sacs may be created as a means of access However, a border could be 10 feet wide and have control, and are used in areas in which the nature a 4foot sidewalk and a 6-foot . The rea- of the terrain, interfering existing improvements, soning behind this is that the minimum “Y” dis- and economic considerations restrict, or fail to tance of a driveway apron is 6 feet to allow modern justify, the use of a through street. Elbow curves cars to negotiate the driveway. Only with prior are flared curves that are used to improve au special approval of the City Engineer should de- abrupt change in street alignment. This section viations from these criteria be made. discusses methods of meeting the requirements of c&de-sacs and elbow curves. In all cases in which industrial zoning prevails the curb radius for the cul-de-sac turning area is a minimum of 50 feet. E 621 CUL-DE-SAC ALIGNMENTS, WIDTHS, AND TURNING RADII E 622 GRADES FOR CUL-DE-SACS Ail dead-end streets are operated two-way and should be wide enough to permit turning around. Where cul-de-sacs are provided at the end of a If the street is wide enough, a dead-end can be street with a relatively flat grade, the same de- made simply by providing a barricade across the sign considerations are given as with other types street, possibly with a curb in front of it, supple- of streets. Dry-weather flow into the cul-de-sac mented by adequate warning signs and markers. from adjacent property must be confined to the Streets termin ated by freeways or other arterial gutter, and provisions must be made for its construction or by steep terrain are not disposal. likely to be sufficiently wide, in which case their If the cul-de-sac area is located at the high end ends should be altered to enable vehicles to turn or at the low end of a steep street, the grade of around. the cul-de-sac area should be reduced. Ibis flatter New subdivisions or private streets should al- area reduces the overturning effect on a vehicle ways be required to provide a turning area. Figure making its turning movement within the cul-de- E 113, Standard Street Dimensions, shows cul-de- sac area. The flatter area also helps to control sacs and alley turning areas. Where unusual condi- drainage by reducing the velocity of water flow. tions prevail, modifications of the turning area This reduced velocity will minimize the chances similar to those shown on this figure may be made. of water jumping over a curb or leaving the con- However, these altered shapes must provide equiv- fines of the gutter when the water reaches a alent minimum turning space. change in cul-de-sac alignment.

Referring to Figure E 113 again, the turn-around Vertical curves should be used to provide a curb radius for all cul-de-sacs is a minimum of 35 smooth transition between the steep street grade feet. Upon entering a cul-de-sac, a motorist en- and the reduced cul-de-sac grade. ‘Ihe length of counters a length of curb radius which is tangent vertical curve should be based on a vehicle speed to the normal street curb and forms a reverse of 25 miles per hour. For c&de-sacs located at curve with the turn-around curve. The radii of the high end or low end of a steep street, the these lengths of curve are a minimum of 50 feet. charts that should be used for determining the The border width should be maintained around vertical curve length are on Figures E 342.1, the cul-de-sac configuration on new streets, and Stopping Sight Distance on Crest Vertical (Sum- on existing streets where feasible. ‘I’his border mit) Curves, and E 342.2, Headlight Sight Dis- width is to be used only where abutting property tance on Sag Vertical Curves. It is presumed that is to be serviced. However, on existing streets, a vehicles will travel at a very low speed in turning minimum of a 6foot-wide border may be provided. around a cul-de-sac. Therefore, if necessary to For example, if a sidewalk is included as a part meet existing improvements, a maximum curb of the border, it must be a minimum of 6 feet in break of 2 percent may be used at or near the width. Obviously, if a 6-foot-wide border includes high or low point (usually the point of grade re- a sidewalk, it would consist entirely of sidewalk. versal) of the curb grade around the cul-de-sac. Bureau of Engineering E 623 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

The crown used for the cul-de-sac area is deter- curve (flared curve) should be provided. This mined by the formulas shown on Figure E 421.1C, elbow curve should be introduced at the vicinity Defining Crown Section. The result to the nearest of the acute alignment change. M-inch is 0.50 feet for the standard turning radius of 35 feet. The elbow curve may also be used to allow for increasing the frontage of adjacent lots where it The maximum desirable crossfall across the cul- is necessary to meet requirements of the Munici- de-sac at a section that is perpendicular to the pal Code. The widening of the curve is accom- centerline of the street and produced across the plished by increasing the outer property line radi- cul-de-sac radius point is 2?4 percent from flow us by a maximum of 10 feet. The formula for line to flow line. determining this radius is:

E 623 ELBOW CURVES C.L. radius of the street + 2w+ lO’=r It is desirable to design hillside and local streets For example: to maintain a vehicular speed of 25 miles per hour. Therefore, where L-shaped intersections or 132’ +$+ lo’= 164’ sharp curves are encountered, the minimum hori- zontaI radius that may be used is 390 feet for Therefore, the outer property line radius would flat streets and 132 feet for hillside’ streets.’ In be 164 feet. See Figure E 623, below. those cases where a 132-foot centerline radius is used and where the radius is immediately pre- Any deviations from the above requirements ceded by a tangent section of more than 350 feet should be approved by the Division or District or a downgrade in excess of 10 percent, an elbow Engineer.


(No scale) Egure E 623 Bureau of Engineering E 630 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

E 630 DRIVEWAYS A driveway is generally a strip of land which E 631 TYPES OF PAVEMENT is used to provide vehicular access from the public Driveways are constructed of either concrete street to adjacent property. In conjunction with or asphalt concrete pavement. Concrete is used for this use for a particular type of driveway, refer- permanent construction in fully improved streets. ence is made to Figures E 630A(l) and (2) and Asphalt concrete pavement may be used in unim- E 630B(l) and (2). These figures give the techni- proved or partially improved streets under the fol- cal aspects of construction and some of the differ- lowing circumstances: ent types of driveway conditions. To facilitate the discussion of driveway design, the various com- 1. When used for: ponent parts that comprise the driveway are illustrated on these figures as well as defined a. Temporary access or construction, such as below. bypasses or detours. b. Unimproved streets when there is little 1. The Driveway Approach is that portion of the likelihood of their being improved in the near driveway lying in the public right of way between future. the curb face or roadway of a public street and the property line thereof, and including both apron c. Temporary widening of improved streets and side slopes. Except where there is a possibility until such time as they are widened to their ulti- of a misunderstanding, this Manual will merely mate width. use the term “driveway” in place of “driveway approach”. That portion of the driveway lying on (When driveways are paved or permitsissued for the abutting property is also referred to as a drive- driveway construction under these circumstances, way, but may have to be further qualified by the the City may require a signed waiver from the in- addition of the term “private” or “public”, accord- volved property owner. Since the driveways are considered temporary and the permits are usually ing to its use. made revocable, the driveway may be eliminated, or the pavement may be removed and replaced 2. The Apron is that portion of the driveway with concrete pavement. This may be done at the approach, exclusive of the side slopes or the drive- request of the City, such as when other permanent way curb returns, extending from the gutter flow street improvements are constructed that require line to the property line. Since the apron is usually the use of concrete pavement as previously indi- comprised of two distinct rates of slope, that por- cated, or under permit, at the property owner’s request.) tion confined to, the Y distance will be referred to as the “Y Slope”. That portion between the top 2. Where the street has existing asphalt should- of the Y slope (normally the front of sidewalk) ers or berms, or where either is designated for and the property line will be referred to as the construction in lieu of concrete curb. “Sidewalk Area” of the apron. 3. Where asphalt driveways have been con- 3. The Side Slope is that portion of the driveway structed between the curb or edge of pavement approach which provides a transition from the and the property line on the majority of properties normal curb grade to the grade of the apron by in the block. means of a sloping surface. The horizontal distance of these side slopes, as measured at the curb line, 4. Where unusually wide parkways have exist- is referred to as the “X Distance”. The side slope ing sidewalk or indicate a proposed sidewalk at a is the curb face (zero horizontal distance) where relatively large distance from the property line. a curb return is used. See Case 3 or Case 4 on Asphalt driveways may be constructed between Figures E 630A(l) and (2) and E 630B(l) and (2). the back of the existing or proposed sidewalk and the property line. In providing satisfactory vehicular access, the designer should follow the City’s driveway design 5. Where abrupt slopes exist between the curb policies and standards. These design criteria will and the property line, and the likelihood of future be presented in the following discussions. sidewalk construction appears remote. Bureau of Engineering E 632 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1979

E 632 PROHFBITED LOCATIONS FOR are existing driveways serving more than half of DRIVEWAY APPROACHES the properties within a given block, driveways Driveway approaches should not be constructed may be constructed at the discretion of the design in the following locations or under the following office. coIlditions: 4. Between the prolonged intersecting property 1. Under permit, when the Standard Plans can- lines at any street or alley intersection, or between not be followed because of local conditions. How- the points of curvature of any curb return having ever, if the design office permits a deviation and a radius of 20 feet or less. Under certain conditions, obtains a signed waiver from the property owner, a driveway may be merged with an adjacent alley construction may be permitted. intersection.

2. When records do not show an official street 5. Where only partial ingress of vehicles onto grade. Construction may take place only after an private property for the purpose of loading and offit5a.l street grade has been established. unloading is possible (where vehicles parked 3. Where vehicular access to property is already across the sidewalk would prevent full and free provided from an abutting alley. However, if there use of the sidewalk by pedestrians).



F-E632 E 632 ACCESS WXPS .State law r'equircsthat sidewalks and c-xbs be accessible atidusable by,thc ptrysicaIlyhandicapped. AccordLngly, access ra&s are necessary at street intersections and.other pedistrian street cr;ssln~s tb pi-o-JIdea CGII~~LUOLISusable route to plaoes of public accmodations, City policy relatizlgto access ramDs was established by the Board of Public Works on January 10, 1973 as follows~_ _ Access ramps shall be provided ai all street intersections and co&ners where new curbs.are installed or where ctli;bsare substantially altered or repaired whether such work is being done T?ithpublic or private funds. 'Although the principal proponents of access ramps have been physically handicapped people confined to wheelch$rs, -people with other disabilities as well as the senior citfzens rove been considered in formulating the City's design criteria and standards: Tie design criteria and standards s'nould be follo;.Tedwhere ever possible. .Ho:qever,beca'use of the many variables involved, each sZreet intersecL*ion is a spe'cialproblem and requires the use of -sot&deng7ineering ju%gement. - ---_--;- -

The .primaryconcern is the safety OF persons using the access ramp, -.The ramps must be d.esignedto accczmodatc everyone; vheel.chair users, the blind us21g a cane, people with other physica_ldisabilities, and the able bodied. Ramp slbnes must .bemoderato to be usable by wheel &air occupants,:githoutassistance. IIamnsshould not be provided along streets vhich have grades too steep for safe use by the handicapped.. VhLle a rramnprovides no particular benefit to the blind 8 &form location an& surface texture is important for orientation. At least some curb face is needed at the foot of a ramp in order for the bl-2ndto locate the curb 15ne. Conversely, the curb face must be minimaL -inorder to present no serious obstruction to.the passage of wheelchairs. Sufficient ramns shall be provided at a given intersection ot pedistrian cros.sLngto avoid trapping a handicapped indLvidua1 with no exit other than the entrance way. E 632.2 STREET DESIGN Jan., I.975

Design elements to be considered incl

3'632.21: LOCATION OF ACCESS wimS Access ramps should be located so as to be safe for the people using them. The ramp should be within the limits of F%gsting or p,rpposedcrosswalks. Coordination with the Traffic wpartment may be required to assure compatibility between the *atipsand crosswalks.

g fis2.211 ACCESS RAMPS AT 23IE MC

An access ramn at the MC; as illustrated on Figure B @2,21lA is preferred-for the following reasons: A. This location permits the construction of a single ramp. to serve two crosswalks. B. The area is generally clear of utilities. A.sqfe -itefuge should be orovided at the foot of.the $3-&p to avoid fcrcing :&eeolchairsinto the p3th of ziovi_ng w:icles. A refuge is particularly important where the-cross- v&&s are marked and traffic is using.the curb . _. .The area available for refuge'is denendent on the curb p&$us and the delta angle and whether the crosswalk lines are e&set from the curb lines produced.- The amount of refuge is c&facter&zed by--adistance, M, measured along a radial ken the em8 line to _theXntersection of the crosswalk lines. M should be+ minimum of'3 .feet. The Department of Traffic prefers that the crosswalk t$nes be offset 3 feet back of the curb lines produced. I?ith &e usual 3-foot crosswalk offset, a minimum curb radius of 3.7,s feet would be needed when the delta is close to 90°. Inhere -tie normal 25-f&t curb radius is used an adequate refuge can be' vided where the delta is greater than 77O. Sufficient M couLb IF sbtained by increasing the curb radius or securing Traffic qjp~oval for a lesser crosswaTk offset. The M available by ~z$ous combinations of crosswalk offset, curb radius and delta 38 given in Figure E 632.21l.B. . Refuge areas are of little importance where there are na'pinted crosswalks and traffic is light, such as generally tie situation in .singlefamily.and rural areas. 3ureau of Engineering E 632.212 STREET DESIGN Ta, 1075 L Manual - Part E

E 632,212 ACCESS RMPS AT OR NEAR TKE BCR Access ramps at:or near the BCR should be used only ff it is not Tossiblc to place a ramp at the MC. The'three_h_ types (A, B & C).shom in the Fig;z~ E 532,212 lllustrttc LLz variations in 1ocaZion. These ramps can b_r= used individually or in any combination. Eowever a minimum of 6 feet of full height curb should be provided between ramps for safety and 'aesthetic reasons. Following are reasons why this locatxon is not preferred:e A. A ramp at any of these locations can,gerve only one crosswalk.

.B.. These locations do not provide the uniformity desirable for the blind;

%. TypeA 1ocation soinetimesis partially occupred by’ utilities.'

D* ?ype B location is generally occupied by traffic signals, street lights, fire hydrants, .catch basins, power poles, etc.

E, Type B location would.ustlallyrequire relocation @f the cross~~alk,_

Reasons why these locations night be approp~iate_~ckde the following:-

A. These locations are applicable tihenthe return has insufficient delta'.angleto provide a refuge area reauired for an MC location.

B* Type C location is preferred when only on: ramp is required because pedestrian crossirsgs m .tne other,direction are restricted or not desirable. :.. C. Typ&'B locations can be used in pairs without regard to curb return radius or delta.

I). Type B locations leaves full height curb in the return for the benefit of the blind.

E-632.213 ACCESS R&PS AT OTHEEL LOCATIONS Ramps shall be provided at mid-block crosswalks and crosswalks at jogged-intersections. IZSTIIDS shall also be orovided at curbed driveway entrances to private brooerty and at alley intersections tiherea curb'face is maintairxd across the sicie:qalk area. See Figure 'E $32,213. is 632.22 SLOPES

Palllp Slohe - A ramp slope of.lZ* -is desirable. If space limitations do not allow a,l2:1 sr" one then an S:l slope is acceptable. 'In cssss where space is l&itcd and where pedestrian traffic is light a-maximum slope of 6:f may be u&d. Tfie length of the ramp slope will be termed the "Y" distance. Side Slope - The side slope is primarily determined 'by the curb height. A desirable side slope is about 12:l. Hoxyever the 'JX'fdimension should not exceed 6 feet; therefore if the curb height is more than 6 inches, the "X" slope will exceed 12:l. Furthermore, where there are space constiaints .the "X" distance may be reduced to 4 feet and sloped allowed to 'exceed'12:l. In areas where pedestrian traffic is very light a maximum "X" slope of 6:lis permissible. The length of the side slope, measured ai&ng the curb line, wil.lbe termed the "X1'distance. Some special:c,onsiderations of the "X" are as fellows:

A. Ihen the 'IX" slope is adjacent to a landscaped parkway or encompasses a single pole, utility .po&e, etc. as illustrated in Figure E 632.212, .useznx=4’.

B. 'uv'herethe top of the “X” siope is within.i* of '.the:B.C.R., use the B.C.R. as the top of "Xfrslope as Figure E 632.'2134. C. The 'II?'portion of the ramp near the top serves as-a transition fro= the ramp to the sidewalk. Therefore no landing St the top of the ramp is '.needed,

Usewidth of w = 4' dimensioned on the curb. Wher: the ramp narrows away from the curb, maintain a minimum of 3 at-the top of the ramp. .E 632.24 CURB FACE Use l/2-Lnch curb face, with a specified tolerance of zero inch plus and l/S-inch.minusin the "W" portion of the ramp as shown in the sketch below. Bureau of Engineering E 632.25 Manual - Part E STREET DESIGN <:n* _ 107’;

Though no curb is desirable for the handicapped in wheelchairs, it is 3.distinct safety feature for the blind. With no curb in theTramp, a.blind person could kzve the side- walk and enter :the stref?t.withoutknowing it. Therefore, a small curb face :isnecessary to help the blind locate the curb 1lr.z. E 632.25 TEXTURE The texture on the ramp surface shall be rougher than the texture ‘tised'.on-thesurrounding .sidewalk. The rough texture will @rovide the necessary non-slip surface on the steepened grade. The change-in texture will also warn a blind person of the ramp's presence. A. Xn ali cases a ramp shall have a wood float or rougher'finish, 5,. In sidewalIIsconstructed with terrazo, pavers (, tile_,or granite block) or.any other special SuTiaCe, the ramps shall be conseucted of.a material with rougher texture. .&632.26. MISCELIAXECIUSDESIGX CCXSIDERAT3XIXS The ,designerwill encounter special situations A%ch should be given special consideration such as the foiloding:

A. Where drainage conditions w'Ll.1p&nit it-may be desirable to raise the flow line in the murb retxn to provide a reduced curb face*to accormzodateraqs. The reduced curb heightiqill help .to shorten ramps placed in narrowsidewalks and/or reduce the slope ,of the ramps. Where there is 5 narrow sidewalk and'the flow line' of the gutter cannot be raised to .reduce the curb height, it may be possible‘to drop the.elevation of the back of the sidewalk to accommodate a ramp. . At intersections where pedestrian crossings of one street are restricted, or not desirable, the ramps should be orientecito.the directicn of nedestrian flow as illustrated in Figure E 632.2&2-(Type C).

‘I). Ramps should not be provided along streets where grades are so steep that they cannot be safely used by the-handicapped. E 632;275 Eureau. of Engineering Jan,. -77, . Manual - Part E

E 63.2.27 COO?DINATIOX Waffic Depar!Zcnt

ft IS necessary that the access ramps be located with- in the Emlts.of marked crosswalks.* In sme Cases it may bz desirable to adjust the location'of.cros3.,, -r.-qik lines in order to make them ~co@a tible with the bes'tlocation . for the ramps. The‘,Geometrit'cD esign. Section of the Traffic Departxent should be consulted fo_7 ass-u-rancethat adjustrr,entof the.cross- walk location t7lll be accczplished when necessary for compati- klity-with a proposed ramp, -lYheGeometric Design-Section of the Traffic Departrzent should also be consulted xhen particular problems are encountered street at the follo:&ng_ types of. intersections: ;A tspi *

4. 4ogge.d

+.. 'Sharp angle ID,’ ISulti;-leg &eet.Haintenance Burqau The-cotistructionof curb ramps, if confined to the limits 0f.a specific project,'would in many cases result in a ramp ?t corner of in intersection. Under this condition's handicanped individual c.ouldbe trapped in an- intersection which.had no-exst-other'than the entrance Way. yme,s'of projects on'which this might occur include r>ermi&and..a'ssessment. Permit is?orkin connection with private &velop&ent generallv.doeS. not.e?rtendbeyond the street center ~~esorbeyend th-te &enters~~~. of--intersectionsat the ends of the project. Assessment projects ar,0'21~0 normally terminated at the centerlines of street intersections for convenience in setting.assessment district bound.arles. . 1x1order to assure .thatadequate jccess ramps will be, intersect5ons w'hereconstruction work is to be uhdertaken the design offices should take the following actions:

.A. On publicly financed projects (CTP, Combination),. complete rampin,* shall be provided at all inter;- sections involved; On other projects (B-Permit, Assessment), if a B. other ramp’ is.installed at one corner, ramps at the B~rem of Engineering E 632.27 M:mud - Part E ‘STREET DESIGN 2fl,. ?_?

cotie?S shll be installed by the Eureau of Street I-laintenancr,upozl request.‘ The Street Maintenance xork should be coordinated xith the -Permitor Assessment project cmstruction.

n l o Ikmorandux requests to the Bureac of Street Maintenance for ramp cons&_+ruction shaU. be considered routine corremckdexe in accordance with Subsections 3123 and-3131 of the Office .Guide. Copies of such nmoranda shall be - directed to the Engineer of Design whd shall; maintain a City-wide record of such reques'ts; D. Plans prepared for Sf=reetXaintenance projects shall include-ramps required in the intersectim i+&yed.

'Off+t: A 2 GJ 70 7< 80 I5 96’- - Of _,100 105 110 115 120 5,-O -0:k -0:f -0;i o:O, 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.9’ 1.2 1.G 2.0 2.4 I;0 7.5 0.0 0.2 0.4 6.7 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.6 -S.2 .S,s 4.G f.5 ii*? 0.30.4 0.71.1 1,51.0 1,s2.0 2.51.7 3.12.2 1.32.1 3.54,s 5.44.0 4.66.4 ;.7.5 c,t8.9 1::;

$5 ;.; :,G.5 ?,f 2.6s.9 3.31.8 4.05.0 4.8cl.9 S,?8.1 G.C‘).G 11.2t.0 11.19.4 11.115.4 lS.91c.n 2S:0 217 3.5 1:s 6.3. c.s 7.c 8.9 10.5 22.3 14.4 lG.*” 13.7 t:.o SO.0 1.5 4.4 5.4 G.G 7.9 9.3 11.0 12.9 15.1 17.6 20.6 21.0 26.0

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-%bCK Oi WALK------7 Bureau of Engineering E 633 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN SeDt.. 1970

6. Where no ingress of vehicles onto private frontages of over 50 feet, the total length of drive- property is possible. ways should not exceed 60 percent of the frontage. 7. Where the curb or berm to be depressed will For frontages of less than 50 feet, one 30-foot-wide not include improvement of the area bounded by driveway may be permitted. the curb or berm depression and the property line. 8. Where a driveway approach which serves E 634 EFFECT OF SIDE LOT LINES “C-2” or less restrictive zoned* property is con- ON DRIVEWAYS structed less than 5 feet from an adjoining “A” or Except for side slopes, no portion of a driveway “R” zoned property. To determine whether a mini- approach should extend in front of an adjoining mum of 5 feet is provided, find the distance to be lot without the consent of the owner of the lot. measured by drawing a line, perpendicular or ra- For exceptions, see Section E 632(8). For this pur- dial to the curb, from the intersection of the side pose, the division between two lots should be a lot line and the street property line, regardless line which is perpendicular or radial to the curb of the angular relationship between these lines. and passes through the intersection of the common See Figure E 632, below. lot line and the street property line, regardless of the angular relationship between these lines. E 633 WIDTHS AND SPACING OF DRIVEWAYS All driveways should be constructed at right The minimum width (W) of a driveway apron angles to the curb. When the curb line is curved, should be 9 feet (exclusive of side slopes) in “A” the driveway should be constructed on a line radial and “R” zones and 12 feet on “C”, “M”, “P”, and to the curb. “PB” zones. The maxim- should be 18 feet in “A” and “R” zones and 30 feet in “C”, “M”, “P”, and “PB” zones. Exceptions to such limits may be E 635 DRIVEWAY DESIGN granted by the Bureau of Engineering. Not less The street designer is usually required to design than 20 feet of full-height curb should be retained only that portion of the driveway lying between between driveways located to serve the same lot. the curb and the property line. However, occasion- Not less than 20 feet of continuous curb space ally driveways located on private property may should be retained in front of each lot for which also have to be designed. This may require meet- the street frontage of ‘the property served is ing certain Department of Building and Safety greater than 40 feet. Where such frontage is 40 driveway requirements and other design consid- feet or less, continuous curb space equal to one- erations. See Section E 635.3. In addition, the prob- half the length of the frontage should be retained lem encountered may differ for driveway design in front of each lot. However, this provision should on fully improved streets as opposed to partially not be applied to prevent the construction of one improved or unimproved streets. Standard drive- driveway per lot having a width of 9 feet in “‘A” way design as well as design under these other and “R” zones and 12 feet in “C”, “M”, “P”, aud conditions will be covered below. “PB” zones. Where driveways serving separate E 635.1 On Improved Streetsz An improved lots are so located that at least 2 feet of full-height street usually has an officially established street curb separating the driveways cannot be con- grade. Using this established grade, the longitudi- structed, the two driveways should be merged nal and transverse driveway grades are deter- into one. If a permit is involved, any exceptions mined. The transverse driveway grade is usually should be noted on the permit. laid parallel to, and in the same vertical plane as, Consideration will be given to the potential use the longitudinal street curb grade. The curb is of the property. Generally speaking, commercial then depressed and a longitudinal driveway grade driveway construction is required to serve all is designed to connect the top of the depressed commercially zoned property. Where property is curb to the property line. The various driveway to be used for commercial or industrial use, care components that may require design include the should be taken to limit the total length of drive- depressed curb, the side slopes or curb returns, the ways to a reasonable distance. For all property Y slope, and the sidewalk area of the apron. Kaequirementsapply to any automotiveservice station, tire azidtube repairing, battery service, automobile lubrication. automobile laun- dry, or washrack establishment. Bureau of Engineering E 635.11 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

E 635.11 Depressed Curbs: The treatment of E 635.12 ‘Y” Slope of Driveway Apron: The existing and proposed depressed curbs depends on design standards used for the Y slope construction the property owner’s intent and continued use of are based on Figures E 63OA(l) and E 630A(2). the driveway. The extent to which the existing or As the table on Figure E 63OA(l) indicates, the proposed street has been or will be improved may horizontal length of the apron to be used is de- also affect the depressed curb design details. pendent on the existing or proposed curb face. Where the length of apron used will result in the E 635.111 Existing Driveways or depressed top of the Y slope extending into the sidewalk curbs which have beeh abandoned should be re- area, a Case 2 or Case 4 driveway should be used. moved. The depressed curb should then be re- placed with full-height curb (prevailing curb These figures are based on standard streets with height). The border portion should be completed standard borders (distance between curb and to conform to the City’s border requirements. See property line). However, on some streets, particu- Section E 450, Borders. The sidewalk area of the larly hi&ides, there may be only a substandard apron may be left in place if it is in satisfactory width border available or some other peculiar condition. existing condition. This may require the use of some combination of curb face and Y slope, as in- If a portion of the driveway has been previously dicated on the table of Figure E 635.12. In any constructed and meets the City’s standards as to case, the combination used should not result in a grade, condition, and thickness (a minimum of 3 percentage slope of the apron below the heavy inches thick for existing residential driveways), a line shown on the chart. If these values are ex- change of curb grade requires a new Y slope to be ceeded, the vehicle’s vertical clearance must be constructed. Under these conditions, the remaining checked by use of the templates, as discussed in portions of the driveway may remain in place and Section E 635.4. be joined by the new driveway Y slope. If an E 635.13 Sidewalk Area of Apron: The drive- existing driveway is to remain in use and the way grade should be set extending upward from depressed curb does not conform to the latest the top of the Y slope at the rate of 2% percent. Standard Plans, the nonconforming depressed curb See ‘the sketch on Figure E 635.12. However, in should be removed before a new Y slope is con- certain situations some latitude in driveway slope structed. The new depressed curb and Y slope is required in order to meet existing improvements should then be constructed monolithically, as in- or to improve the impaired vertical clearance of a dicated in Subsection E 635.112,below. vehicle traversing the driveway. The driveway slope may be varied upward from the top of the E 635.132 Propose& The proposed depressed Y slope to the property line, from a minimum of portion of the curb (lip) is constructed 1 inch 1 percent to a maximum of 6 percent. above the existing flow line of the concrete pave- ment or gutter. Where the prevailing curb face in E 635.2 On Unimproved or PartiaIly Improved the vicinity of the driveway is 6 inches or less, Streets: Driveways may be constructed on streets and if the pavement adjacent to the curb is bitu- that are unimproved or partially improved, but minous material, the depression may be con- may be subject to certain conditions as described structed flush with the pavement (O-inch lip). If below. the prevailing curb face is higher than 6 inches, a O-inch curb face may result in too steep a slope E 635.21 Where a Street Grade Has Been Pre- for the driveway apron. viously Establishti The unimproved or partially improved streets may have existing abutting prop- It may be necessary to provide better vertical erty which is undeveloped or partially or fully clearance due to the scraping of the vehicle’s un- developed. It may be found that where the street derparts on high roadway crowns, steep drive- grades have been established in prior years, little ways, abrupt grade breaks, etc. If the adjustment or no regard was given to these grades when some of these factors appears unfeasible, a maximum or most of the abutting property was developed. of a Zinch-high lip may be used if it will help Or another situation may be found where the correct the vertical clearance impairment. existing improvements have been constructed to Bureau of Engineering E 635.211 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

the established grade but a construction problem a. Erosion control - The street runoff from a exists at a particular proposed driveway location. small residential lot may be considered a negligible drainage factor. However, the roof, parking area, 625.211 Driveway Construction to Meet Es- E and other impervious surfaces of the lot may tablished Street Grade: Where little or no im- drain toward the street. When the driveway is provement has been made to abutting property, a constructed to concentrate and channelire the property owner must construct the driveway to flow of water to the unimproved street, some the established street grade. In hillside streets at form of drainage control must be included with the site of the proposed driveway, the existing ter- the driveway construction- Driveways should not rain may be considerably above or below the es- normally be designed nor permits automatically tablished grade. issued for this drainage situation. However, it may A transitional grading section must be provided be determined by field inspection or design study between the proposed grade of the driveway and that the driveway pavement will eliminate poor the existing street grade on either or both sides drainage conditions, such as local water pockets of the driveway. This transition section must pro- in a graded gutter, and will not worsen the drain- vide a smooth grade, adequate sight distance, and age situation. If this is the case, the driveway good drainage. Under these circumstances the construction should be permitted driveway construction ‘may create grading and b. Sump elimination - The elimination of ac- drainage problems, as discussed below. cumulated water where a sump may be created 1. Grading-!l%e transition grading may re- occurs when the driveway construction and the quire the raising or lowering of existing garage accompanying grading result in the formation of floors, the remodeling or redesigning of existing a sump in the street or the blocking of drainage buildings or buildings being designed, or the con- from abutting property. struction or reconstruction of sidewalks, walls, When the street is unimproved and the develop- driveways, etc., on private property. ment is limited to only one or two properties, the costs incurred by one owner due to drainage and Due to the varied nature of the problems en- construction problems may be prohibitive. This countered in this regard, reference is made to may prevent property development until such time other Parts of the Manual and. other Chapters, as the entire street is improved and the costs Sections, or Subsections of this Part of the Manual. shared by all or most of the property owners. It is further urged that the street designer consult with other offices; for example: E 625.212 Driveway Construction Not to Meet Established Street Grade: Where most of the a. Storm Drain Design Division or the Storm property has been developed, it may be extremely Drain Section of the District - On drainage. costly to require all of the property owners to b. Bureau of Standards - On slopes. build or rebuild the driveways and possibly garages, walls, sidewalks, etc., to the established c. and Structural Design Division or street grade. In this case it may be found expedient the Department of Building and Safety- On to reestablish the street grade to meet the existing SaUCtures. improvements. The proposed roadway and the pro- d. Street Opening and Widening Division or posed driveways would then be constructed to the the Bureau of Bight of Way and Land-On right new grade. However, before attempting to rede- of way. sign the established street grade, the Division or District Engineer or his assistant should be con- e. City Attorney -On legal matters. sulted. f. Other involved offices - On their special- ties. E 635.22 Where No Street Grade Has Been Previously Established: A grade should be deter- 2. Drainage - Drainage problems may develop mined for the entire street where no street grades as a result of extensive grading, by erosion, or by have been previously established. The design cri- the creation of a sump. teria as outlined by this Part of the Manual should Bureau of Engineering E 635.23 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

be used. The driveway grade is then superimposed The Department of Building and Safety stand- on the proposed street grade profile. Adjustments ards for driveways on private property should be should be made to the proposed street grade at the met, where possible. These standards are: proposed driveway site to minimize the cost of the driveway construction. However, this adjustment 1. The grade used for access to any garage or should be made without sacrificing the City’s de- required parking area should not exceed 20 per- sign standards or policies, and should not be made cent. at the expense of the existing or future develop- ment of abutting properties. 2. The cross slope of the driveway should not exceed 10 percent. E 635.23 Streets With Curb Only (Roadway Not Paved: At locations where curb has been or 3. The maximum slope of a required parking will be constructed and where there is no existing space in any direction should not exceed 5 percent. or proposed roadway pavement, the elevation of the top of the depressed curb should be 7 inches 4. The minimum dimensions for the above park- below the top of a theoretical &inch curb face, 6 ing space should be 8 by 18 feet. inches below the top of a ‘I-inch curb face, 5 inches below a 6-inch curb face, etc. These streets are 5. The minimum vertical clearance for the ve- subject to erosion problems, as discussed in Sub- hicle entrance to the garage is 6 feet, 6 inches. This section E 635.211. should be considered in changing the driveway grade or approach slab elevation. E 635.24 Streets With No Curb and With or Without Pavement: Generally, streets that are Where right of entry or easements are required unimproved or partially improved have little or for work done on driveways, the right of way no drainage control, as discussed in Subsection sketch should show the maximum grade to which E 635.211. Where there is no existing or proposed the driveways are to be reconstructed. See Figure curb on the street, construction of the driveway E 823B, Typical Final Sketch. curb, which may extend into the traveled roadway, may constitute a traffic hazard. Therefore, ade- E 635.4 Design Check of Vehicular Vertical quate safety measures must be added to warn or Clearance: The Bureau may permit the driveway divert traffic. These measures may include instal- grade on private property to exceed 20 percent. lation of such appurtenances as , warn- However, the most critical section of any drive- ing rail, or guide posts; also grading, the construc- way design should always be checked for vehicular tion of temporary berms, etc. At such time as the vertical clearance and negotiability. street is further improved, these protective de- vices may be modified or removed. A suggested method is by use of the clear plastic automobile templates which are included in the Lf installing these protective devices is not pocket of the cover of this Part of the Manual. deemed desirable, it may be advisable to use a These templates are designed as the composite temporary asphalt driveway. See Section E 631. shortest and longest vehicles referred to in Section The asphalt driveway is then constructed to the E 222, Vehicular Clearances. They have been established grade. The pavement is constructed scaled to 1 inch equals 2 feet horizontally and flush with the surface, and curbs are omitted. vertically. E 635.3 On Private Property: The proposed street and driveway grades should be adjusted For testing the traversability of the driveway, to ‘avoid any abrupt grade or alignment difference the profile of the most critical vehicular paths between such driveway within the public street should be plotW on 10 x 10 cross-section paper. and the existing driveway on private property. The most critical path is usually where the vehicle Where this abrupt difference cannot be eliminated, is backing out of the driveway toward the uphill a sufficient portion of the driveway located on direction of the street. The profile should be the abutting property should be removed. A plotted on the same scale as the templates; that is, smooth transition can then be constructed to off- 1 inch equals 2 feet horizontally and vertically. set these differences. This profile should include a length of the existing Bureau of Engineering E 635.4 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

or proposed street grade. The plotting should ex- The templates should be moved along the plotted . tend from the driveway onto the street to at least profile, noting whether any under portion of the the street centerline or along the probable path vehicle touches the profile line. Any contact of of a vehicle both entering and leaving the drive- the vehicle with the profile line should be avoided way. It should also include a length of plotted by design adjustments. In using this testing and design procedure, it may be found that satisfactory profile of the existing driveway extending from vehicle access cannot be economically provided. the property line onto the abutting property a This information should be transmitted to the sufficient length to permit the vehicle’s access Bureau of Right of Way and Land according to the to such property. The proposed driveway grade procedure outlined in, Section E 800, Procedural is then superimposed between these limits. Steps for Proposed Improvements. Bureau of Engineering E 640 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

E 640 GRADE SEPARATIONS Intersections fall into two broad classifications: voted to realignment and grade change of the intersections at grade and grade separations. The highway. However, this does not mean that the following discussion covers the location and de- possibility of a change in the railway should be sign criteria of grade separations. A discussion of overlooked. intersections at grade is presented in Section E 650. To make this highway alignment and grade determination, it is customary for all agencies in- E 641 WARRANTS FOR GRADE SEPARATION volved to make a joint field trip to the proposed In justifying the use of a grade separation, con- site. Contour maps and aerial photographs are an sideration is given to the type and volume of invaluable aid in making an overall preliminary traffic, topography, available right of way, number study. Some of the items to be noted at the pro- of accidents, and economic costs. Due to the high posed site are the terrain, the extent of existing cost, the City has limited its use of grade separa- improvements, and the availability of right of way. tions to the intersections of railroads with major These factors will influence the decision as to the and secondary highways. As basic guides for de- final highway alignment, whether it is more eco- termining the need for railway grade separations, nomical in terms of construction and right of way one or both of the following criteria may be used: costs to build the highway over or under the rails, and possible locations for the railway shoofly and 1. When the average daily traffic times the temporary highway-detour. (A r&way shoofly is number of trains equals 80,000 with at least 8 a temporary track laid on the ground or on crib- trains .per day. work at one side of the railroad line to permit ,2. When there has been one accident per year trains to pass during the completion of a con- during each of the last five years in which a train struction project.) and a motor vehicle have been involved E 643 OVERPASS VERSUS UNDERPASS The final judgment as to the need of a railway Since cost is an important consideration, several grade separation should take into account the preliminary layout plans including and characteristics of the terrain, the existing sur- underpasses should be made, comparing the ad- rounding improvements, and economic feasibility. vantages and disadvantages of each. The following Since the funds available are limited and there factors should be examined and should influence is a need and justification for these structures the choice of using au underpass or an overpass: throughout the City, a priority list for the con- struction of these projects has been established. 1. Both the underpass and the overpass should This list is subject to change, as are the existing fit into the existing topography, not only at the traffic conditions and fund availability. intersection but for the entire area to be utilized. This makes for a more pleasing appearance and E 642 PRELIMINARY DESIGN reduces maintenance of extensive side slopes and CONSIDERATIONS pavements. The design of the structure proper, the setting 2. Both the underpass and the overpass require up of the critical path, and the carrying through the use of open cut or embankments, which are of the design project are functions of the Bridge usually less costly than concrete walls or retain- Bnd Structural Design Division. This Section of ing wall construction. However, side slopes may this Part of the Manual, however, will deal with ,add to the cost of right of way and may require that portion‘of design criteria that the street de- perpetual maintenance. signer considers jointly or independently with 3. An underpass generally creates greater drain- other agencies. age problems, since a sump is created. The drain- It has been established that most often it is not age facilities in sumps should be designed to re- economically feasible to realign or alter the grade move surface runoff from a storm of 50-year fre- of the rails. Therefore, consideration is mainly de- quency.. This will usually require a major storm Bureau of Engineering E 644 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN *Dt., 1970 drain pumping plant. It may be necessary to pro- 2. A design speed of 50 miles per hour should vide an extensive storm drain system upstream be used. from the underpass in order to reduce the storm runoff which must be pumped. Ibis alternate solu- -3. The geometric standards for horizontal and tion is also very costly. vertical alignment and for sight and stopping dis- tances are the same as for major and secondary 4 An underpass creates a problem with the net-- highways. Reference is made to the following: work of subterranean pipes, utilities, and services which almost invariably exist in City streets.These a. Section E 310, Horizontal Alignment. must be rerouted or abandoned, which may involve additional expense. b. Section E 320, Vertical Aligmnent. 5. An overpass gives an advance warning to a c. Section E 330, Combination of Horizontal driver of a vehicle that there is a change of grade and Vertical Alignment. ahead. An underpass dips beneath the railway and d. Section E 340, Sight Distance. the change in grade is not as readily apparent. 6. An overpass offers the best possibility for e. Section E 410, Streets. stage construction, both in the highway and in f. Section E 450, Borders. the structure. g. Section E 640, Grade Separations. 7. An overpass requires a minimum vertical clearance of 7.5 feet greater than that of the un- 4. Some railway may be built with a derpass. This additional height means adding to clear span across the highway underpass. The the length of the vertical curve, which may result medians should generally be a minimum width in a greater differential in grade between the ap- of 10 feet and preferably 14 feet. An absolute proaching grade and existing improvements. The minimum width of 8 feet may be used where a pier greater grade differential usually means higher is required. Where a left turn lane is necessary, costs due to additional grading or wall construc- an absolute minimum width of 10 feet should be tion, longer pavement lengths, and additional right provided. The length of the storage should con- of way. form to standards previously covered. Where the Comparative costs of the alternate over-versus- is at least 10 feet in width, landscap- under highway routes have indicated that most ing may be considered. Reference is made to Sec- underpasses are less costly than overpasses. Pre- tion E 460, Medians. vious studies have indicated that highway reloca- 5. Minimum vertical clearance is 15 feet between tion is less costly than rail relocation. However, the soffit of the bridge and the pavement of the it is incumbent upon the designer to investigate highway underpass, and 22.5 feet between the top and consider all these factors, make an economic of the rails and the soffit of the highway overpass comparison of these alternatives from an engineer- at that point over the rails. Reference is made to ing viewpoint, and arrive at the most economical Section E 220, Design Vehicle Physical Character- and acceptable solution for the particular project istics and Minimum Clearances. being considered. 6. Maximum desirable grade on the hightiay E 644 DESIGN CRITERIA portion of the grade separation is 6 percent; abso- In order to preserve continuity of the street, the lute maximum is 7 percent. only with prior special design criteria for all elements of the grade sepa- approval of the City Engineer should deviations ration are the same as those used for major or from these standards be made. Reference is made secondary highways. Some of these basic require- to Section E 531, Design Details. ments, covered elsewhere in this Part of the Man- 7. Maximum grade break on centerline profile ual, are also listed here as follows: is 0.50 percent. Only with prior special approval 1. The same cross-section and width of the par- of the City Engineer _shouId any deviation from ticular highways concerned is carried on the ap- this standard be made. Reference is made to Sec- proaches as well as on the underpass or overpass. tion E 531, Design Details. STREET DESIGN

8. Maximum grade break at top of curb is 1.00 and/or shoofly. See Section E 342. Detour con- percent. Only with prior special approval of the siderations may affect the final alignment and City Engineer should any deviation from this grade of the intersection. It may also influence standard be made. the underpass-versus-overpass decision, the use of walls or side slopes, the amount of right of way 9. Minimum grade of flow line at the curb is necessary, and the design and construction costs. 0.250 percent. Only with prior special approval As may be seen, temporary bypasses may repre- of the City Engineer should any deviation from sent a large percentage of the total project cost, this standard be made. Reference is made to Sec- and its design aspects should be thoroughly tion E 420, Pavements. examined. 10. Parabolic crown section is to be used. Only with prior special approval of the City Engineer E 645.1 De&i Criteria (Temporary Detours): should any deviation from this standard be made. The temporary highway detour should follow the Reference is made to Subsection E 421.1, Para- identical design standards that are required of the bolic Crown Sections. major highway. Deviations should be considered only in the case of extenuating or critical circum- 11. Side Slopes should have a maximum slope of stances or situations involving excessive costs. Two 2:l. only with prior special approval of the City of these deviations are as foIIows: Engineer should any deviation from this standard be made. Reference is made to Section E 480, Side 1. Temporary pavement should be a minimum Slopes. of 4 inches of asphalt concrete. An additional 4 inch minimum of select material base may be E 645 TEMPORARY DETOURS necessary. One of the most important considerations in 2. Temporary sidewalks may be a minimum of highway design is the temporary highway detour 3-inch-thick asphalt concrete. Bureau of Engineering E 650 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

iE 650 /NTERSECTIONS AT GRADE Most of the basic concepts presented in this Part E 651.1 Human Factors: While drivers do not of the Manual on highway and intersection traffic all act the same under all conditions, ail drivers, capacities, types of intersections, and their modifi- to a greater or lesser extent: cation by realignment and channelization have 1. Act according to habit. been taken from other publications. Although these 2. Conform by following “natural” paths of concepts have not been changed, recent editions movement. of these sources of information have revised some of the terms and definitions, slightly altered or 3. Are susceptible to confusion from surprise. added new highway and intersection capacity 4. Require adequate perception and reaction charts and tables, and refined the previous pro- time. cedures by incorporating a new degree of flexibil- 5. Possess the ability to make correct decisions ity for local applications. Therefore, for a more when faced with alternatives. recent, comprehensive, and detailed analysis, ref- erence is made to the following publications: E 651.11 Compensating for Human Weaknesses: Corrective measures which tend to compensate for 1. A Policy on Geometric Design of Rural High- human weaknesses are: ways, 1965 Edition. 1. Adequate sight distances. 2. Capacity Analysis Techniques for Design of 2. Grade separations. Signalized Intersections, 1967 Edition. 3. Smooth vehicular paths of travel. 3. Highway Capacity Manual, 1965 Edition. 4. Channelixations. 4. Channelization, The Design of Highway Inter- sections at Grade, 1962 Edition. 5. Paths with a minimum area of vehicular con- flict.

E 651 GENERAL DESIGN FACTORS E 651.2 Traffic Factors: The factors to be con- With varying degrees of influence, four principal sidered include: factors determine the characteristics of an inter- 1. Charmelization -capacity of channels rela- section. These are: tive to traffic flow.

1. Human factors. 2. Turning movements to be permitted and ac- commodated. 2. Traffic factors. 3. Size and operating characteristics of vehicles. 3. Physical factors. 4. Vehicular speeds.

4. Economic factors. 5. Controlling traffic flow at points of intersec- Some of the elements that make up these factors tion convergence and intersection divergence. have effects on the design of the intersection that 6. Transit operations. are self-evident and require little or no explana- 7. Pedestrian movements. tion. Others require a more detailed study than is warranted in this Part of the ManuaL Reference 8. Accident experience. should be made to the traffic engineering texts for The Department of Traffic usually supplies most more detailed information. Since the street de- of the above information in the form of flow dia- signer may be directly involved with the accumu- grams and accident data. These data are used in lation or use of some of these data, a short com- determining the relative importance of conflicting mentary is added at the end of the list of elements traffic movements; the geometric requirements of comprising each factor. the intersection, such as left-turn pockets, medians, Bureau of Engineering E 651.21 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970 islands, and traffic controls; and cost-benefit ra- raphy, existing improvements, and physical re- tios for establishing priority of construction, grade quirements of the highway. These factors involve separations, etc. the following: E 651.21 Flow Diagrams: The average daily 1. Total intersectional area. traffic (ADT) and design hourly volume (DHV) 2. Areas of possible conflict. are indicated by the traffic flow diagram. It also. indicates the time of day (a.m. or p.m.) of vehicles 3. Intersectional angles. passing through or making turning movements 4. Sight distances. within an intersection. The flow diagram states the year for which the indicated volume is anti- 5. Speed-change areas. cipated and the expansion factor used, or to be 6. Roadway grades, surface types, and cross- used, in arriving at the volume for the design year. sections. Some of the other factors have been previously discussed or defined. See Sections E 210, Traffic 7. Character and use of abutting property. Data, and E 211, Volume. 8. Need for traffic control devices. Major movements as determined from the flow 9. Number, size, and shapes of islands. diagram should be given preference. To accom- plish this, the type of traffic control devices to be 10. Need for and availability of lighting. used would have to be known prior to intersection Information regarding the topography and exist- design Giving major movements preference may ing improvements is needed to help determine the mean elimination of minor movements and may amount of right of way, the grade separation feasi- also affect channelization. Minor traffic move- bility, the extent of profiles and cross-sections ments may become a factor where there is a turn- required, and the optimum angle alignment of the ing volume of 200 or more vehicles per hour (VPH) intersections. and where opposing through traffic exceeds 800 VPH during this same hour. A special design E 651.31 Intersection Topography: Information capacity study must then be made which would regarding topography is generally available in the include traffic signalization and phasing control. form of land (ground) surveys, AL maps (field When pedestrian traffic volumes are sufficient to work shown on topographical maps), and aerial affect the design, complete information on these photographs. This information is provided by the present and future movements is necessary. All of Survey Division of the Bureau of Engineering at the vehicular and pedestrian flow patterns must the designer’s request. be considered when attempting to establish traffic controL The proposed type of intersection determines the form and extent of the survey information re- E 65L22 Accident Records: According to quired. Very generally, where no additional right AASI-IO, “about 27 percent of all fatal accidents of way is needed, the normal intersection requires in urban areas involve collisions with other motor only a ground survey of the existing or proposed vehicles and more than one-half of these are angle intersection and a profile and cross-section of the accidents, indicating that the principal locations intersecting streets. For intersections requiring of accidents due to congestion ‘in cities are at additional right of way, AL maps may be more See Section E 020F(ld). intersections at grade”. advantageous. In making alignment and channeli- Many of these intersection accidents are a result ration studies, consideration should be given to the of attempted left-turn movements. It is evident use of aerial photographs if it is anticipated that that all the types and causes of intersection acci- a ground survey will cost over $500.00. dents should be recorded and a determination of It is suggested that where doubt exists, the de- appropriate corrective measures included in the signer should have a preliminary discussion with design study. a survey supervisor of the Survey Division to de- E 651.3 Physical Factors: In general, physical termine the best method of survey for a particular factors which control intersection design are topog- project. Bureau of Engineering E 651.4 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Set% 1970

E 651.4 Economic Factors: Intersection design 3. Traffic Characteristics: is often controlled by important economic factors. a. Traffic volume to be served on each These are: approach. 1. The cost of the improvement. b. Turning movements. 2. The economic effect on abutting businesses c. Trucks and through busses. where channelization restricts or prohibits certain vehicular movements within the intersection area. d. Local busses (bus stops).

3. Benefits to the street or highway users. 4. Control Measures:

4. Money available. a. Traffic signals -functional type and phas- Cost estimates of right of way parcels which may ing. be affected by alternate designs are essential. b. Degree of channelization and approach lane Bight of way cost data are normally obtained from markings. the Bureau of Bight of Way and Land. Because so many factors influence interrupted flow through intersections, these flow criteria are E 652 INTERSECTION TRAFFIC CAPAC.lTY developed around typical or average conditions. Section E 240, Highway Capacity, discusses the Adjustments either upward or downward, as in- use of uninterrupted traffic flow for determination dicated in Section E 654, may be applied to fit of highway capacity and the modification of this the specific conditions at hand. flow when interrupted flow prevails. One of the most important elements creating interrupted flow of traffic on a highway, particularly in urban areas, E 654 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION is the at-grade intersection. These intersections CAPACITY DATA have considerable control of the vehicular and All of the factors as stated in Section E 653 are pedestrian traffic flow capacity of all City streets. also used in determining signalized intersection Therefore, the terms “intersection operation” and capacity. Much of this data is supplied by the De- “interrupted flow” are often used synonymously. partment of Traffic. Various charts and tables supplied by previously mentioned public agencies E 653 FACTORS AFFECTING INTERSECTION are also included in this section to enable estimates CAPACITY to be made, under varying conditions, of the sig- nalized intersection capacity. The following factors indicate the data needed to analyze the capacity of a given intersection or E 654.1 Levels of Service: Figure E 654.1A, to determin e its required geometry for a given below, shows levels of service as related to load traffic volume: factor for individual, isolated intersection ap- proaches. The load factors ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 1. Basic Physical and Operating Conditions: as shown on the curves of the basic data in Figures a. One-way or two-way operation. E 654.1B(l) and (2)) Plates I and II, and E 654.1C (1) and (2)) Plates I and II, are indicative of levels b. Parking conditions. of service. The load factor is a ratio of the number c. Width of approach. of green signal intervals that are fully utilized by traffic during the peak hour to the total number of 2. Environmental Conditions: green intervals for that approach during the same period. For intersection conditions, the Highzoay a. Metropolitan area population. Capacity Manual considers the load factor as b. Location within the metropolitan area. an appropriate measure of the levels of service, since the loading is something the driver sees and c. Peak-hour factor. interprets in terms of degree of congestion. See d. Load factor. Section E 02OF(4a). Bureau of Engineering E 654.2 ManuaLPart E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

A level of service B-load factor of not more than pacity can be converted directly to possible capa- 0.1 is considered in the HighzouyCapacity MUTZ~UZ city by multiplying design capacity by the ap- to be suitable for design of intersections under propriate factor f in the figure below. typical rural conditions. A level of service C-load factor of not more than 0.3 is normally recom- E 654.3 Factor f for Adjustment to Various mended for design of intersections in urban areas. Levels of Service:- Although Figures E 654.1A, A level of service E with operation at a load factor E 654.lB, E 654.1C,and E 654.2 are based on de- of 0.65 is taken to be representative of possible sign capacity (service level C for urban conditions cupucity. Although a factor of 1.0 may sometimes and service lev‘el B for rural conditions), conver- be approached, a lesser factor such as 0.65 gener.. sion to any other level of service can be achieved ally indicates the maximum loadings that can be by the use of the factors shown in Figure E 654.3, achieved repetitively and sustained over a period Plates I and II. Thus, the figures may be used with of one hour. equal facility to find design capacity and possible capacity in accordance with AASHO’s practice, or LEVELS OF SERViCE to find the m,aximumservice volumes for any level of service (A to E), in accordance with the High- way Capacity MtznuuZ procedure.


1 D 1 Approaching unstable flow 1 d 0.7 1 The nomographs, Figures E 655A, Chart 1, and E 655B, Chart 2, represent two samples of twenty E Unstable fiow - capacity 51.0 charts that are included in the Public pub- F Forced flow lications of August and October, 1967. See Section E 02OF(3b2). These charts tie used for making Figure E 6!WA various adjustments to f’ind design capacities for E 654.2 Factor f for Conversionof Design Capa- given roadway and traffic conditions. They are cily to Possible spacity: Using the load factors simple arrangements for determining the design as stated in Subsection E 654.1 for rural intersec- capacity of one approach to a signalized intersec- tions and for different street types, the relation- tion for average conditions. Average conditions ship betweexi des@n capacity and possible capacity constitute 5 percent trucks and busses, 10 percent is summarizedin Figure E 654.2,below. The values right turns, 10 percent left turns, and no bus stops. shown are the ratios of attainable volumes per Figure E 655A is for 2-way facilities, and Figure hour of green (average conditions) at 0.3-load E 655B is for a l-way facility. The upper part of factor (0.1 for rural conditions) to the attainable each nomograph is a plot of the curves from Fig- volumes at OXLload factor. Therefore, design ca- ures E 654.lB and C with a load factor of 0.3 for

Table 2.0Factorf far eonversion of designeapaeity to possible capacity Bureau of Engineering E 656 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Se& 1970 the different types of facilities (except for rural intersection is not commonly used in the City and highways), parking conditions, and location within the design principles involved will not be discussed the metropolitan area. The curves show the rela- in this Part of the Manual. tionship between the approach width and the de- Any one basic intersection type can vary greatly sign capacity for average conditions in terms of in scope, shape, and degree of channelization. Once vehicles per hour of green. The lower part of the the type is established, it is a matter of applying chart is a proportional graph that converts,. for a the design techniques and criteria to arrive at a given signal timing, the design capacity to a vol- suitable geometric design for intersections The ume of vehicles per hour. The third graph unit on types and some of the variations of each type are the right adjusts this volume to a given metropoli- discussed in this section and are shown on Figure tan size. E 656. The two charts are applicable to situations where only approximate solutions are required or where E 657 GEOMETRIC MODIFICATION specific traffic characteristics are not known. They The geometric modification of an at-grade in- also form the basis for developing additional nomo- tersection can be achieved, where necessary, by graphs for specific conditions. In the upper parts realignment and/or channelization. of the graphs are curves, five in Figure E 655A and eight in Figure E 655B, which are the basis E 657.1 Realignment: A right-angle intersec- for 13 additional detailed charts which are in- tion provides the most favorable conditions for cluded in the publications. Each curve in the suc- vehicle operators to judge the relative position and ceeding charts, expanded to a family of curves speed of vehicles on the intersecting roadway. In representing various percentages of trucks in the addition, it provides the shortest crossing distance traffic stream, forms the upper section of a sepa- for intersecting traffic streams. Intersecting angles rate nomograph. The signal-timing adjustment on a skew of not more than 30 degrees do not ma- (G/C ratio) part of the graphs in Figures E 655A terially decrease visibility or increase crossing dis- and B is used to form the last section of the suc- tances. Where the skew angle exceeds 30 degrees, ceeding charts. The intermediate parts of the suc- consideration should be given to realignment of ceeding charts account successively for the effects the cross- as shown on Figures E 657.18 and of right turns, left turns, and metropolitan area E 657.1B. Additional measures that could be taken size. to reduce accidents and facilitate traffic move- The first 15 charts are supplemented by an addi- ments are shown on Figure E 657.1B and are dis- tional five charts. The first three of these five cussed below : additional charts provide adjustments for condi- 1. Intersection A is an example of an intersec- tions where there are bus stops at the intersection, tion that has a narrow street for one of the legs. determine capacities of separate right- and left- The correction indicated is a gradual converging turn without signal indication, and deter- transitional alignment. mine capacities of separate right- and left-turn lanes with separate signal indication. 2. Intersection B is an example of an offset in- The last two of these charts are designed for use tersection where through traffic must generally in planning street systems and in preliminary de- slow down considerably or come to a complete sign, or for review of plans where approximate stop. The corrective measure indicated is a long- but quick solutions are desired in terms of total radius reverse curve with intervening tangent or overall intersection capacity. Also, they are sections. The skew angle that is provided should augmented by several tables and special conditions not exceed 30 degrees unless approved by the that can be used for complete analyses of practic- Division or District Engineer. ally any form of signalized intersection problem. 3. Intersection C is also an example of an offset intersection. The reverse curve alignment as shown E 656 TYPES OF INTERSECTIONS creates an intersection angle of more than 30 de- The basic types of intersections at grade are grees. If the topography, existing improvements, “T”, “Y”, 4leg, multileg, and rotary. The rotary and economics permit, a large enough radius re- Bureau of Engineering E 657.2 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970 verse curve system should be used to provide a 6; Protection of pedestrians. skew angle of less than 30 degrees. The corrective 7. Protection and storage of turning and cross- measures taken would then be similar to that in ing vehicles. paragraph 2, above. 8. Providing a location for traffic control de- 4. Intersection D is an example of a multileg vices. intersection. The extra leg generally creates a large area of vehicular conflict and reduces inter- 9. Discouraging or prohibiting specific move- section capacity. Where economically feasible, the ments. corrective measure indicated is to restrict or seal 10. Control of speed. off access to the intersection and realign one leg to form another right-angled “T” intersection. This E 657.21 Principles of Chamelization: The out- “T” intersection should be located at a sufficient line of the principles of channelization that follows distance to prevent interference with the main in- is based on the Highway Research Board Special tersection. This realignment then permits the main Report No. 74. See Section E 02OF(4b). The titled intersection to be treated as a normal 41eg inter- cases that are shown on Figure E 657.21(l) and section. Another treatment would be to cbannelize (2) illustrate some of the typical channelization the intersection. This subject is covered under patterns that are used for different types of inter- Subsection E 657.2. sections and are discussed below:

5. Intersection E is. an example of a sharply- 1. The relative speed and impact energy of in- angled intersection. The suggested improvement tersecting vehicles are functions of vehicle speeds of the alignment is to introduce a large-radius and angle of intersection. The impact energy varies curve to eliminate or reduce the effects of the as the square of the speed. The impact energy of curb protrusion into the path of an oncoming vehi- the colliding vehicles in the diagram of Case lb is cle. It provides a more logical path for vehicles 33 times more than in Case Ia to follow. 2. Channelization reduces the area of conflict. E 657.2 Channelization: At-grade intersections Large paved intersectional areas permit less con- having large paved areas, such as those with large trol of vehicle and pedestrian movements. This corner radii and those at oblique angle crossings, lack of control may increase accidents and con- permit and encourage uncontrolled vehicle move- gestion and reduce the operating efficiency of the ments, require long pedestrian crossings, and have intersection. The diagram of Case IIa and Case unused pavement areas. Even at a simple inter- IIb illustrates the differences in impact areas be- section there may be appreciable areas on which tween channelized and nonchannelized inter- some vehicles can wander from the natural and sections. expected paths. Conflicts may be reduced in extent and intensity by including islands in the design 3. When traffic streams cross without merging layout. An at-grade intersection in which traffic and weaving, the crossing should be made at or is directed into definite paths by islands is termed near right angles. This angle improves the position a channel&d intersection. Channel&&ion is gen- for maneuvering or making a change of speed erally included in intersection design for the fol- which may be required to avoid conflict. The in- lowing purposes: tersection of traffic streams under this condition tends to: 1. Separation of conflicts. a. Reduce the impact area. 21 Control of angles of potential conflict. b. Reduce the crossing time on the opposing 3. Reduction of excessively large pavement traffic stream. areas. 4. Regulation of traffic flow and indication of c. Reduce the conflict area size. proper use of an intersection. d. Provide the most favorable angle for drivers 5. Favoring of the predominant turning move- to judge the relative position and relative speed ment. of intersecting vehicles. Bureau of Engineering E 657.22 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

The diagram of Case IIIa illustrates the acute- 9. Channelization separates and clearly defines angled intersection and Case IIIb illustrates the points of conflict within the intersection. This per- right-angled effect created by channelization. mits drivers to be exposed to only one conflict and one decision at a time. The diagram of Case IX 4. Vehicles entering a moving traffic stream at illustrates how channelization separates these con- flat angles have a better opportunity to select safe flict points. gaps for entering and merging in the stream. Vehicles entering a moving traffic stream at 10. Channelization must be provided at signal- angles greater than 10 degrees to 15 degrees must ized intersections with complex turning move- usually be-subjected to stop control. This greater ments. This permits the sorting of the approaching angle reduces the capacity and safety of the inter- traffic which may move through the intersection section because a greater time gap in the moving during separate signal intervals. It is also of par- stream is required for the entrance of a stopped ticular importance when traffic-actuated. signal vehicle as compared to the entrance of a moving controls are employed. The diagram of Case X ,vehicle. Traffic streams should merge at small illustrates the type of signal control that may be angles, as illustrated in the diagram of Case IV. necessary at intersections with these movements.

5. Channelization can provide refuge for turn- E 657.22 Channelization Design Considerations: ing and crossing vehicles of an uncontrolled traffic In designing channelization, the following points stream. This may also provide for safer crossing should be considered in addition to the other fac- of two or more traffic streams, since the drivers tors covered in Section E 650. need not select a safe time gap for more than one 1. Be sure channelization is necessary. traffic stream at a time. The shadowed area illus- trated in the diagram of Case V provides refuge 2. Avoid isolated channelization unless of major for a vehicle waiting to cross or enter the traffic proportions. stream. 3. Avoid multiple maneuvers, such as merging three movements into one, or one movement offer- 6. F’unneling subordinates traffic movements to ing three or more simultaneous choices. a single lane. It is generally desirable to regulate minor traffic movements to a single lane where 4. Be sure islands are readily visible on ap- they enter a moving traffic stream. The mouth proaches. of a separate turning lane should be flared or 5. Where possible, a few large islands should be widened to facilitate easy entrance and then nar- used rather than numerous small ones. Raised por- rowed to a single lane. If properly designed, fun- tions of islands should be offset from the edge neling discourages undesirable overtaking and of the traveled vehicular paths. passing in a conflict area. Funneling must be made readily apparent to the driver. The diagram of E 657.3 Traffic Islands: These are used to pro- Case VI illustrates traffic funneling. tect vehicles and pedestrians as well as to regulate their movements. They are also used for the loca- 7. Islands are used to divert traffic streams to tion and protection of various types of traffic the permitted directions. This discourages drivers signs and other traffic devices. Where the prime from making prohibited turns and. going in the objective of the is vehicular guidance wrong direction on one-way streets. The diagram and not protection of pedestrians or traffic devices, of Case VII illustrates how channel&&ion blocks painted guide lines should be used. Pedestrian prohibited turns. islands should be used only on exceptionally wide roadways or in large or irregularly shaped inter- 8. Channelization is usually required at complex sections where heavy volumes of vehicular traffic intersections that have many turning movements. make it difficult and dangerous for pedestrians The islands also serve as locations for the installa- to cross, and should be so located as not to create tion of required traffic control devices. The dia- a hazard for motor vehicles. gram of Case VIII illustrates the use of channeli- zation which provides locations for these traffic Traffic islands designated for vehicular control control devices. are classified into two separate types: Bureau of Engineering E 657.31 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept.; 1970

1. Divisional islands, which serve to separate face should also be used under the median sur- traffic moving in the same or opposite directions. facing. See Section E 460, Medians. In designing the raised island surfacing, cross- 2. Channelizing islands, which are designed to sections should be plotted through critical sections. confine specific traffic movements in definite Surface pavement elevations should be designed channels. to ensure surface drainage of storm waters. A minimum grade of 1 percent slope should be An island may be delineated by paint, raised bars, provided. buttons, curbs, pavement edge, or guide posts. E Intersections: An Vertical curbs should be used for the protection 657.4 Flared intersection of pedestrians or physical installations and/or is generally considered flared when the normal or prevailing roadway width is increased by an traffic islands. Mountable curbs are intended to additional traffic lane at the approaches to the permit emergency and out-of-control vehicles to cross over or mount the median. Some damage to intersection and at one or more of its legs. This provides additional capacity for through and turn- landscaping is to be expected, but should occur ing movements. infrequently. The type and function of the curb discussed above are also covered in Section E 430, The selection of a particular intersection to be Curbs. flared is based on relative traffic volumes, turning Traffic islands should have an absolute mini- movements, type of traffic controls anticipated, mum area of 50 square feet and a desirable mini- etc. The type and standards used by the City for mum of 75 square feet. The approach end of the the layout of the flared intersection are shown on island should be designed with an offset to give a Figures E 4642B, Striping Standards for Second- desired vehicle path and should be so delineated ary Highways, Plates I and II, and E 464.2C, Dia- that it does not surprise the motorist. mond for Major and Secondary High- ways. It is the City’s practice to provide gutters with a minimum width of 1 foot around islands where E 658 SUPERELEVATION RATES AT possible. However, where water flow is antici- INTERSECTIONS pated, 2-foot gutters are provided. See Section E 430, Curbs. The general factors which control the maximum rates of superelevation for highways. also apply E 657.31 Surfacing: The entire raised surface to intersection curves. See Section E 311, Super- of a curbed traffic island should be paved with elevation. The desirable maximum for City streets PCC. See Subsection E 437.2, Structural Cross- is .06 foot per foot. Section. However, consideration should be given to the landscaping of the island. See Subsection Due to right of way costs and other existing E 497.3, Landscaping. Where the landscaped criteria, particularly on City streets within the islands are also used as pedestrian refuges in cross- intersection areas, the alignment limitations re- ing streets, sidewalks should be provided. The strict the length of curves and radii that can be sidewalks should be of PCC at least 3 inches thick used. The amount of superelevation should be con- and at least 4 feet wide. sidered individually for each intersection. Indica- tions of some conflicting situations are discussed Some islands are constructed by doweling or below. extruding curb onto the existing roadway surface. Where the resulting raised island area is 1000 The driver will tend to slow the vehicle at square feet or less, for economical reasons the intersections, particularly where other traffic is space between the ,existing roadway surface and present. However, it is not a good practice to re- the proposed raised island surface should be duce the superelevation in anticipation of this, be- poured solid with PCC. In general, where the area cause frequently when no traffic is present, the of the island is more than 1000 square feet, the driver may tend to continue at a normal rate. It raised surface should be paved with PCC 3 inches is desirable to provide as much superelevation as thick. The subbase required for the roadway sur- practicable on intersection curves, especially Bureau of Engineering E 659 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970 where the intersection curve is sharp and on the quate distances. However, since burned out bulbs downgrade. However, in considering turning or power failures may make a signal control in- movements around a corner, it must be recognized effective at times, and since it is possible that a that the curb return radii are relatively short in disabled car or other obstruction may be in the comparison to the curve radii normally used at intersection despite the “Go” signal, it is desirable other than intersections. In addition, supereleva- to provide the same sight distance criteria as tion which is designed for turning around a corner applied to stop sign control. in one direction may provide adverse supereleva- tion when entering from another direction. There- Adequate vertical sight distance is also vital at fore, the amount of superelevation given for a streets intersecting at sag and summit curves. It turning movement should also include the other is important where physical separations, islands, probable turning movements before a supereleva- or other channelization devices are used. Warning tion value is assigned. signs. or other warning devices are desirable but should be depended upon only .where corrective Another factor that affects the amount of super- sight distance measures are impractical. elevation to be used is drainage control. Where horizontal curves require superelevation at an in- Care should be taken to avoid the creation of an terse&ion, and where this intersection is at or near illusion at an intersection approach. For example, the summit of a vertical curve, there is usually a traffic circle might not be seen in advance if it insufficient water in the street to create a drainage is in a small ‘dip in the profile; to a motorist ap- problem. Where this same compensating factor is proaching the intersection the road might appear applied to a sag vertical curve or to a portion of a to go straight through. This illusion is sometimes street carrying large amounts of water, even a strengthened if a utility pole line rims straight small amount of superelevation may direct an ap- through the intersection or at night if the head- preciable amount of water either to the low side or lights of approachmg traffic are directly ahead. down a street with a low water-carrying capacity. E 659.1 Right-Angled Intersections: Figure This may cause property damage or may necessi- E 659.1, Plate I, illustrates the minimum sight tri- tate an expensive drainage system. angle which should be clear of obstructions where there is no stop or signal control at the intersec- E 659 SIGHT DISTANCE AT INTERSECTIONS tion. Ideally, the distances & and db should be The general factors which control the sight dis- equal to the minimum stopping sight distances for tance for highways apply also to sight dis- the respective design speeds of the two vehicles. tances at intersections. See Section E 340, Sight Where it is not economically feasible to remove an Distance. All approaches to a highway intersection obstruction to the sight line, the speed on one of at grade should permit the driver approaching the the streets may be regulated by appropriate sign- intersection to have an open view of all points at ing. Assuming that vehicle A on the primary street a sufficient distance to permit control of the is traveling at the design speed of that street, then vehicle and to avoid collision before reaching an by using the formulas in Section E 342, Safe Stop- unexpected obstacle. Where signs or signals con- ping Distances, the stopping distance d, for vehicle trol traffic at an intersection, the sight distance A can be determined. The critical stopping dis- to the traffic control from an approaching vehicle tance of vehicle B can be evaluated in terms of the is sometimes used as a sight distance control. distances to the known obstruction in the line of While a right-angle crossing is desired, some devi- sight. The triangle proportion in this case is: ation is permissible. Angles greater than 60 degrees produce only a small reduction in visibility, while = ada angles smaller than 60 degrees produce a skew- db da-b angled intersection with greater reduction in visibility. Where a, b- = Known distances to the obstruction At signalized intersections, special provisions in the line of sight (measured from need not normally be made for sight distance ex- the paths of vehicle A and vehicle cept that the signals should be visible from ade- B). E 659.2 STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

da = Minimum safe stopping distance of tances a and b in the calculations in Subsection vehicle A. E 659.1 should be measured parallel to the inter- secting streets. db = Minimum distance available for ve- hicle B to stop. E 659.3 Stop Control Devices: At cross streets controlled by stop or yield signs, as illustrated on By using the formula for the safe stopping dis- Figure E 659.1,Plate III, sufficient sight distance tance as covered above, the corresponding safe at the intersections should be provided to permit speed for the calculated minimum distance avail- safe crossing of the primary street. The driver of able for vehicle B to stop can be determined. The a stopped vehicle should see enough of the primary design speed of vehicle A is known (V.) and the street to be able to cross before a vehicle on the distances to the sight obstruction from the respec- primary street reaches the intersection. The re- tive paths of vehicles A and B are known (a and quired sight distance along the primary street csn b). The critical speed Vb can be evaluated in terms be expressed as: of these known factors. Distance d, is the mini- d= 1.47Vxt, mum stopping distance for vehicle A. when vehi- cle A is at a distance d, from the intersection and Where d = Minimum sight distance along the the drivers of vehicles A and B first sight each primary street from the intersec- other, vehicle B is at a distance of db from the tion, ill feet. intersection. By the use of the triangle proportion V = Design speed on the primary above, the critical speed of Va is that for which street, in miles per hour. the stopping distance is db. Therefore the propor- t, = Time required to accelerate and tiontouseiIlthiscaseis: traverse the distance S, in seconds. v,A vedb For “&” reference is made to the graph shown on V,’ db ** Vb=r’ Figure E 659.3, below. rounded off to the nearest 5 miles per hour and SIGHT DISTANCE AT INTERSECTIONS the nearest 25 feet. 12 I I I I Where V a= Design speed of vehicle A in mph = Design passengervehicle 4” = Sin,gleunit truck or bus (primary street). v) C 5p = 50 truck-tm$or _ 0 I and semi-trailer. V b = Critical speed of vehicle B in mph (minor street). The signs on the minor street showing the speed with which to approach the intersection should be so located that the driver of vehicle B can reduce his speed to Vb by the time he reaches the point that is at a distance d, from the intersection. Sim- ilar calculations may be used to determine how far back an obstruction need be moved to provide sufficient sight distance for driving at desired vehicle speeds on the respective streets.

E ‘659.2 Skew-Ang@d Intersection: The effect of skew in the angle of intersection (less than 60 degrees) on the sight distance is illustrated in Figure E 659.1, Plate II. Where obstructions at TRAVELED DURING ACCELERATION - FEET oblique intersections limit sight distance, the dis- Figure E 659.3 Bureau of Engineering E 660 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sent., 1970

E 6tiO REMODELING lAMROVED STREETS Basically, a street may be reestablished (in E 662 RESURFACING whole or in part) by means of resurfacing the Resurfacing is the process of covering over exist- existing pavement section or reconstructing a new ing pavement with a new pavement surface. Total one. Resurfacing and reconstruction projects are resurfacing is used under the following circum- generally limited to the pavement and gutter. stances: Where it is necessary to raise or lower the flow line, the change is made only to an extent that 1. It is economically feasible, and practical from permits the curbs to remain undisturbed. Where the construction standpoint, to leave all or a grades of M-percent or less are encountered, con,- greater part of the existing pavement in place. Crete gutters should be constructed as part of the project. The following material will serve as a 2. The existing grade, structural section, and guide to determine whether the project should be supporting material are of such condition, thick- resurfaced, reconstructed, or both. It will also ness, etc., as to permit the existing pavement to provide the basic design criteria that should’ be be covered. Only such unsatisfactory or surplus followed once the type of improvement is decided portions of pavement are either completely re- upon. See Figures E 66OA, B, and C. moved or partially removed (by burning) as are deemed necessary to bring the grades and cross- sections to acceptable standards. E 661 NEED FOR REMODELING STREETS The need for remodeling previously paved Partial resurfacing and partial reconstruction streets by resurfacing or reconstruction is indi- are generally used in conjunction with each other cated by one or more of the following conditions: in many projects. Considering previously outlined guide lines, reconstruction is done on those por- 1. The existing pavement has deteriorated. tions of existing pavement that do not lend them- 2. Rails in abandoned railroad rights of way selves to resurfacing. The final decision as to the must be covered. proportions of resurfacing and reconstruction is based on maintaining a balance between economy 3. The crown of the street is too high for the and adequate design. For example, in making a safe and efficient movement of traffic. design investigation, extensive resurfacing or re- 4. The street is included in an overaIl major construction should not necessarily be required project such as freeway construction, grade sepa- if the existing pavement surface elevations, for a ration, or drainage projects that require grade given area, do not conform by a few hundredths changes, etc. of a foot to the City’s design standards. E 661.1 Benefits BesuIting from Remodeled E 662.1 Design Criteria (for Resurfacing): In Streets: From the types of improvements listed a street where the surfacing has deteriorated, in Section E 661, the resulting benefits may be: where the crown of the street is excessively high, or where a combination of these two conditions 1. Elimination of cross-gutters and pavement exists, it becomes necessary to resurface the exist- dips at intersections, and provision of smoother ing pavement. From soil samples and core tests riding surfaces. (or other records that indicate the pavement thick- 2. Reduction of excessively high curb faces. ness), it can be determined whether pavement 3. Increase of curb return radii. failure was due to poor subsoil, inadequate pave- ment thickness, or a combination of both. If either 4. The making of minor pavement grade changes or both of these conditions exist, refer to Section and elimination of local depressions (such as water E 422, Pavement Design (Structural), and Figure pockets in flat crown sections and flow lines), and E 421.1. If adding sufficient pavement to provide in general improving transverse and longitudinal the required thickness does not result in excessive drainage conditions. crown, additional pavement is merely added to the 5. A change in existing pavement grades to im- top of the existing pavement. If the additional re- prove the meeting of existing improvements. quired thickness to be added would result in too Bureau of Engineering E 662.2 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970 high a crown, the existing pavement is removed. 2. Partial reconstruction: If there is poor subsoil, a sufficient depth is exca- a A minor project or local street is involved. vated and replaced by the recommended thickness of select material subbase. In some streets where b. Sufficient pavement would remain after the existing subsoil provides a good subbase and removal of unsatisfactory pavement to make it the existing pavement is of sufficient thickness, feasible, both economicalIy and from the construc- part of the pavement is removed by burning; that tion standpoint, to save the remaining pavement. is, provided that a minimum 4inch thickness of In addition, the choice between partial or total pavement remains after burning, and that the reconstruction should be influenced by the fact maximum crown permitted is not exceeded by the that PCC pavement has a relatively greater per- addition of the resurfacing. manency and a higher removal cost than AC pave- The minimum desirable thickness of a resurfac- ment. Therefore, it would appear expedient to ing layer should be 2 inches, with 1% inches as avoid total reconstruction of PCC-paved roadways. an absolute minimum. A small transitional area is permitted to warp or “feather in” from the abso- E 664 GRADE DETERMINATION (STREFT RE- lute minimum of 1% inches to a O-inch thickness SURFACING AND RE$ONSTRUCTION) at the join. The determination of the grade for street resur- E 662.2 l&surfacing Over Rails Some streets facing and reconstruction projects is limited by have existing rails which are embedded in the the amount of existing pavement that remains at, pavement within an abandoned railway right of or close to, the original grade. In addition, except way. These rails should be either removed or for increasing curb return radii, the existing curbs cover& with asphalt concrete pavement. After re- generally remain in place. Therefore, the existing surfacing, the resulting pavement crown should top of curb grade as well as drainage are also meet the pavement crown standards as specified limiting factors. by the crown formulas given in Subsection E 421.1, Parabolic Crown Sections. For partial resurfacing or reconstruction jobs, where the existing cross-sections are modified, The desirable minimum thickness of 2 inches usually no flow line grade change, or only a slight or an absolute minimum of 1% inches of pavement grade adjustment, is needed. may be used to cover the rails. If the resulting crown would be too high, the rails and a sufficient For total resurfacing or reconstruction, a new amount of pavement should be removed. This area flow line grade may be established but will be should then be repaved with an adequate geo- limited as indicated above by the top of curb metric and structural cross-section. See Section grade and drainage considerations. If a smooth E 422, Pavement Design (Structural). flow line grade ,is developed and a uniform crown section is used, a smooth profile grade can be readily achieved. E 663 RECONSTRUCTION ReconsaUction projects are those that require E 664.1 In Meeting Existing Improvements: the removal of existing pavement and, where Where new grades are established, further study necessary, the supporting subsoil. Consideration of may be needed in meeting existing improvements the following factors may help determine the justi- that lie either between or within the intersections, fication for total or partial reconstruction. and in providing drainage, particularly in flat areas. 1. -Total reconstruction: E 664.11 Betwem Intersections: The drainage a. .The street has a major or secondary status. in flat areas may be improved by ‘constructing an b. It would be economically unfeasible, or adequate pavement crown section and including impractical from a construction standpoint, after concrete gutters. The concrete gutters should have removal of all the pavement that is in unsatisfac- an absolute minimum grade of 0.15 percent. If tory condition, to warrant saving the remaining there is an existing gutter, it may have to be re- pavement. constructed to provide sufficient grade to drain. Bureau of Engineering E 664.12 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

Sufficient grade or “fall” between the high and removed only up to the nearest joint immediately low ends of the street may be achieved in the adjoining the reconstruction area. following manner: When reconstructing longitudinal gutters, the 1. Assume the existing curb remains undis- standards for gutter hike-up must be met as indi- turbed and has a curb face of 8 inches. If the cated in Section E 441.111, Transverse Slopes. In pavement flow line is raised 3 inches at the high some cases when standards are used, the existing end of the street, giving a 5-inch curb face, and surfacing adjoining the gutter may not form a the pavement flow line is lowered 1 inch at the smooth cross-section with the proposed edge of low end of the street, giving a g-inch curb face, gutter. If by varying the outer edge of gutter the total overall “fall” of the street is increased within the prescribed limits, a smooth cross-section a total of 4 inches. The values given in this ex- cannot be produced, a portion of the existing pave- ample represent the desirable minimum and maxi- ment may have to be removed or resurfaced. If mum heights of curb face. the pavement adjoining the outer edge of gutter will permit a smooth grade, but the pavement is 2. Where a drainage structure is located at the broken, warped, or in unsatisfactory condition, low end of the street, the warped gutter or local sufficient pavement should be removed or resur- depression in the catch basin area is lowered as faced to produce a satisfactory cross-section. In well as the approaching pavement flow line grade. any case, at least one foot of existing bituminous If this is insufficient, it may be necessary, in addi- pavement adjoining a proposed new gutter should tion to the above, to partially reconstruct and be removed to provide space for forming the lower the existing catch basin, or to construct a gutter. new catch basin. E 664.12 In Intersection Areas: In those proj- ects where the intersection pavement remains, Changing of the street grade due to drainage only that portion of pavement need be removed problems or adjusting profile and cross-sections and reconstructed that is necessary to make a may require certain local grade adjustments to smooth join and pavement profile line. Work may meet existing improvements. If these local grade be required in the intersection where it is desired adjustments cannot be made, the existing im- to increase the curb return radii (see Subsections provements must be remodeled, reset, or removed E 433.3, Curb Return Radii, and E 531.3, Inter- and replaced to meet the new grades. The facilities section Drainage) or to remove existing cross- that are most generally encountered are drive- gutters and replace with rideovers (see Subsec- ways, roof drains, alley intersections, and man- tions E 441.3, Cross-Gutters, and E 531.32, Ride- holes. The resetting of manholes is determined by overs), or where the work done between mter- other agencies, and the alley intersections are re- sections does not permit a smooth join at the modeled only up to a point deemed necessary to intersection. provide a smooth join. See Section E 610. In redesigning the intersection, the proposed A new grade should provide a l-inch curb face grades should be plotted indicating the flow line, for existing driveways but, where necessary, may quarter line, and centerline of the street. These vary between 0 inches and 2 inches. The pavement lines are produced across the intersection and the flow line should not cover more than one-quarter flow lines are also extended around the curb re- of the diameter of existing roof drains. If these turn. If the resulting riding lines and drainage are limits cannot be met by varying the flow line, it not satisfactory, it may be necessary to readjust will be necessary to remove and reconstruct the the grades of the remodeled street as it enters the roof drains and driveways to the new grade. Curbs intersection, remove additional pavement from the and sidewalk removed for this purpose need be legs of the intersecting streets, or both. Bureau of Engineering E 670 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

E 670 REALIGNMENT AND/OR WIDENING OF IMPROVED STREETS The principal reasons for realigning and/or presented in Section E 660. The remaining facili- widening streets previously improved are: ties have been covered under their respective titles elsewhere in this Part of the Manual. ‘Ihe 1. The need for redesigning the existing align- removal and relocation of public utilities, such as ment to reduce accidents or increase the efficiency power and telephone poles, cables, and gas, oil, of traffic movements. and water lines have in part been covered under 2. The necessity for meeting the street or high- Subsection E 052.31, Prior Rights. The procedures way standards of various ordinances or codes, such for their removal are covered under Sections as Highway Dedication and Improvement (R-3), E 810, Assessment Act Projects (Street Improve- Subdivision, and Parcel map; also those standards ments Under 1911 Act and 1941 Ordinances), and due to zone changes and conditional uses. ‘I’his E 820, Capital Improvement Projects (C.I.P.), and necessity may be the result of private develop- the other criteria for their removal and relocation ment by permits, Council Resolution, or assess- under Subsection E 671.1. The City’s policies cov- ment proceedings. ering removal of private improvements on public streets and on private property are discussed 3. The need for projects ‘included in the Five under Sections E 050, Fundamentals of Real Prop- Year Capital Program to confirm to the width erty for Street Design Purposes, and E 130, Street and alignment requirements of streets designated Improvement Policies, and procedurally under as major or secondary highways of the City’s Sections E 810 and E 820, as stated above. Other Master Plan of Highways and Freeways and to related material is covered elsewhere in this Part those shown on Figure E 113, Standard Street of the Manual and in Subsections E 671.2 and Dimensions. E 671.3. Special reference in connection with all 4. The necessity for modifying ‘a street pattern removals is made in the Standard Specifications - as a result of a major project, such as a freeway, a 1970 Edition. See Section E 02OB. grade separation, Urban Renewal Development, Community Redevelopment, etc. Figure E 670 In some cases, the removal or relocation of exist- shows typical sections of streets that are to be ing public utilities or private improvements may widened and some of the affected component parts. be contemplated. These utilities or improvements may be on private property or may encroach on The design particulars for realignment and/or the public way. In such cases, the criteria outlined widening of improved streets are covered by the under Standard Specifications - 1970 Edition and standards presented throughout this Part of the the material in this Part of the Manual should be Manual and by the discussions that follow. used as a guide. If, in the design supervisor’s opinion, the location or encroachment does not E 671 INTERFERENCE OF EXISTING materially affect the construction or the design, IMPROVEMENTS and does not create any unsafe conditions with In processing projects involving the realignment possible consequent liability of the City, the im- and widening of improved streets, it will be found provement may remain in place. This is true par- that if some of the existing improvements are left ticularly where a relatively major improvement in place or not modified in some manner, they may is involved. interfere with construction or with vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The types of existing improve- E 671.1 Public Improvements Within the Street ments usually involved are either publicly or or Alley: In general, the removal and relocation privately owned and may be lqcated on the public of utilities are due to realignment or grade changes way or on private property. Public property, “pub- in streets and alleys. Particularly where utility lic” being used in a broad sense, may be divided companies have prior rights, it should be recog- into two categories: public facilities and public nixed that the cost of the relocation and removal utilities. Public facilities include pavement, curbs, may have to be borne directly by the assessment gutters, sidewalks, driveway approaches, etc. The district on assessment projects and by the tax- removal and reconstruction of pavement have been payers on capital improvement projects. Bureau of Engineering E 671.2 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

The street designer will be concerned primarily If, however, the right of way agent or the with the interference and removal or relocation of coordinating designer indicates that the owners surface utilities. Existing .manholes, transformers, are not cooperative, or are indecisive, or that the vaults, water meters, etc., that are required to meeting is not advisable, the designer should ob- remain in the plane of the pavement are reset to tain approval from his supervising engineer for grade. elimination of the conference. In cases where de- termination of the owner’s feelings is not estab- Where curbs are to be realigned in streets, utility lished, the designer should discuss the conditions poles may not be located closer than 6 inches from and problems with the right of way agent and any the back of the top of the curb. In alleys, the others involved to determine the best course of need for the removal or relocation of utility poles action. Following this, clearance for the final is determined by the width of the alley and the course of action should be obtained from the super- location of the poles with respect to the alley vising engineer. In making these decisions regard- property line. The pole offset from the nearest ing the course of action, it should he kept in mind property line is the distance measured from the that unless we are sure of the owner’s viewpoint, farthermost face of the pole to the property line. we should keep the amount of replacement mini- Utility poles in an alley 15 feet wide or less should mized by replacing only those facilities necessary be relocated when the distance to which they ex- for the use and safety of the property, or by mak- tend into the alley is greater than 18 inches. Poles ing replacements which are obviously desirable in alleys more than 15 feet wide should be relo- for esthetic reasons. cated when the distance to which they extend into the alley is greater than 10 percent of the alley This policy should not be construed as ad- width. In no case should they extend more than vocating compliance with unreasonable or illegal 2 feet.. requests by the owner. For example, requests such as those given in the following list should be tact- E 671~ Private Improvements Within the fully but fkmly denied: Street or Alley: Where encroaching private im- 1. Replacement of an illegal-height fence in provements extend into an alley more than 3 a front yard. inches, it is a general policy to remove them in the case of pavement or to relocate them to the prop- 2. Replacements which are considerably greater erty line in the case of fences. Concrete slabs in in magnitude than the original facilities. good condition, or relatively new or substantial 3. Replacements which are not in accord with fences, walls, structures, etc., may be permitted, the overall esthetic appearance of the project, even at the discretion of the design supervisor, to ex- though they may be similar to the existing facili- tend more than 3 inches into the alley. However, ties in construction or materials. the concrete pavement must not conflict with the Some of the design and other criteria for the proposed alley grades or cross-sections, and the alterations of existing improvements may come width of alley (horizontal clearance) should not under the jurisdiction of other departments or be materially affected in the case of the other ex- agencies. Where possible, and in conformance with isting improvements. An example of an impaired the above policy and procedure, it may be expedi- clearance is where two existing fences, walls, ent to set the grades ‘and alignment so that in buildings, etc., are located directly across from adjusting the private improvements on private each other in an alley, and where the two extend property the standards of these various offices can into the alley more than 3 inches from the prop- be met. With this in view, driveway standards to erty line. Refer also to Section E 452, Sidewalks. meet the Department of Building and Safety re- Any existing improvements, whether in a street quirements have been covered under Subsection or in an alley, may be removed, regardless of the E 835.3. Some other standards for revamping ex- degree of encroachment, if permitting them to isting improvements are covered in the following remain in place would create a dangerous or un- SUbSeCtions. sightly condition, unduly sacrifice design stand- ards, or result in excessive construction or main- E 67L3 Private Improvementson private mop- tenance costs. erty: On many projects, construction of new im- Bureau of Engineering E 671.31 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970 provements necessitates the removal of certain and Structural Design Division is the only division existing privately owned auxiliary improvements that has the necessary personnel for the designing located on private property, such as fences, garden of walls by the Department of Public Works. walls, retaining walls, planters, stairways, etc. In those eases, the designer is usually confronted A wood or other nonmasonry fence merely with many problems in deciding whether the. proj- serves as a boundary or line of demarcation and ect plans should provide for replacement and re- does not necessarily require an engineered design. location of these facilities. This is because of two However, concrete or masonry fences over 6 feet possible situations that may arise. In one case, in height, including the footing, or fences other replacement is not actually necessary to allow for than concrete or masonry over 10 feet in height the new improvements, but is desired by the own- require an engineered design er. In the other case, replacement is necessary or It is usually necessary to secure an easement for advisable, especially in connection with safety, the construction of a wall to retain and support access, or the usefulness of the property, and sev- private property adjoining a street widening proj- eral solutions in regard to location, materials, etc., ect. Therefore, where a retaining wall or bulkhead are available. In such situations, the office policy is to be constructed longitudinally along a new should conform to the following: street widening project, the responsible design 1. Initially the designer should discuss the condi- office should delineate the limits of the wall or tions and problems with the supervising engineer. bulkhead on the right of way sketch accompanying Upon approval of the supervisor, a conference the request for the appropriate type of right of should be arranged to determine the owner’s atti- way acquisition. See also Section E 470, Retaining tude in this matter. In regard to these conferences, Walls and Bulkheads. no comprehensively detailed policy will be set. E 671.32 Housewalks and Steps: Housewalks However, the following rules should be adhered are sidewalks generally on private property and to: generally perpendicular to the public sidewalk, a. A representative of the appropriate Nego- which is located on public property. They may be tiation Division of the Bureau of Right of Way constructed independently or as part of the drive- and Land should always be requested to attend way and may be of asphalt concrete or concrete and approve the conference, since these are the pavement. Where housewalks have to be recon- official negotiators for the City in such matters. structed, the maximum longitudinal slope of the housewalk or ramp without handrails is 10 percent. b. Whenever special legal problems concern- Where this slope exceeds 10 percent but not 12% ing acquisition may be encountered, a member of percent, handrails are required. Where it exceeds the City Attorney’s staff should be requested to 12% percent, steps should be substituted for the be present. ramp or housewalk. Where steps are reconstructed, c. The meeting should be coordinated by the the minimum width of tread should be 10 inches, project design engineer in the office responsible the maximum riser 7% inches, and the minimum for the coordination of the project. Following these riser 4 inches. conferences, the matter should be discussed further with the supervising engineer, with a view to For further details, such as landings and other designing the project in accordance with the own- related requirements, refer to the Municipal Code, er’s requests whenever it is reasonable to do so. Chapter IX, Building Regulations. See Section E 020A. E 671.31 Walls and Fences: For the purposes of this Part of the Manual, a retaining wall is de- E 671.33 Side Slopes: In cases where slope fined as a structure that serves to hold backfill easements with cuts or fills of 6 inches or more or surcharge and requires the designing of these are required, the right of way sketch should show structures by a registered structural engineer. All this information at each new temporary or perma- retaining walls 4 feet in height, including the nent property corner and at the intermediate footing, or walls of any height with sloping back- points. See Figures E 823A(l) and E 823A(Z), Re- fill or surcharge require this design. The Bridge quest to Acquire Final Right of Way- C.I.P. Bureau of Engineering E 671.4 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

Street Projects Only, Sheets 1 and 2 respectively, may be well to coordinate tree removal and re- and E 823B,Tspical Final Sketch. See also Section placement with the Councilman of the district in E 481, Side Slope Design Requirements, and Sub- which the improvement is contemplated. sections E 054.23, Easements, and E 823.1, Tem- If possible, minor local grading modifications porary or Permanent Rights in Private Property. should be considered to avoid tree removal. The proposed grading of slopes and its effect on adja- E 67L4 Tree Removals Many hillside streets cent trees and their root systems should be care- and other projects involving changes of street fully evaluated. Where necessary, a representative width, grade, and alignment may necessitate re- from the Street Tree Division of the Bureau of moval of trees that are on private or public prop- Street Maintenance should determine whether or erty. At present, the City Policy is to replace all not a tree may safely remain in place. Where trees on public property that are removed. Plans widening is to be on one side of the street as requiring tree removal should be reviewed and ap opposed to both sides, the designer should con- proved by the City Beautification Coordinator of sider the additional cost of tree removal and the Department of Public Works. In addition, it replacement. Bureau of Engineering E 680 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

E 686’ PRIVATE STREETS The increased filing of maps showing private raphy, geology, property development, or other streets as part of a planned residential develop- considerations the dedication of a public street ment or condominium has necessitated a deter- would be unreasonable, impractical, or undesirable mination of policy in regard to the use of -private and there is no alternative to the private street. streets and the application of the Private Street 2. Future Public Street -If it is determined Regulation in the Municipal Code, Chapter I, Arti- that the private street may become a part of the cle 8. See E 02OA. Experience of the Bureau of public street system in the area and that future Engineering and other City departments indicates dedication as a public street may be desirable, the that approval of private streets should be discour- width of the private road easement lying within aged for the following reasons: the property should conform to the current stand- 1. Private streets usually include substandard ard street design appropriate for the anticipated improvements. use. See Section E 110, Street Classifications. In addition, the property owners should record an 2. The private road easements are narrow, re- agreement to the effect that: sulting in substandard roadway widths. a. They will join in any future dedication and 3. The private street area may be utilized in the improvement to the private street or alley as a computation of lot areas of adjoining properties, public street or alley to the extent of their interest which results in substandard lot sizes. therein. 4. Various City Departments, such as Fire, Po- b. They will do this either when the adjoin- lice, Water and Power, and Public Works object ing property owners agree to dedicate and improve to their service vehicles having to travel on private or when so requested by the City. streets for legal as well as physical reasons. c. Any subsequent sales of the property will 5. Purchasers of lots fronting on private streets be conditioned upon this agreement. are often unaware that they are responsible for the maintenance of the street. 3. Side Slopes - Adequate cut or fill slopes con- forming to standards which are acceptable for 6. Private streets restrict the development of slopes adjacent to public streets should be pro- adjacent areas which require access to public vided as a part of the grading of the private street. Streets. 4. Minimum Improvement --The minimum im- 7. The use of a private street with a condomin- provement of a private street, except as covered ium development is a violation of the Municipal in condition 7, below, should be as set forth in the Code, since the definition of a private street pre- Municipal Code, Chapter I, Article 8, Section sumes more than one ownership. 17.05E for alleys, including a roadway width of 8. Private streets combined with public streets 20 feet, a 2-foot concrete longitudinal gutter, and in a tract result in complications and questionable a 4inch thickness of asphalt concrete paving un- legality when enforcing completion of improve- less otherwise permitted or required by the City ments under improvement bonds. Engineer. Concrete curbs and gutters or extruded asphalt concrete curbs are required where safety or drainage is a factor. Guard rails and warning E 681 DESIGN STANDARDS signs are required when deemed advisable for The following conditions should govern the rec- safety. These improvements will bring the street ommendations for private streets, including those up to the standards required for use by City vehi- private streets lying within subdivisions or con- cles, such as fire engines, garbage trucks, etc. dominium developments and those filed in con- 5. “B” Permit Requirement -This type of im- with parcel maps: provement should meet the requirements of the 1. General -No private street should be ap- Municipal Code, Chapter I, Article 8, and should proved unless the Division or District Engineer be constructed under “B” Permit in accordance determines that due to problems of usage, topog- with Section 18.05 of this article. Bureau of Engineering E 681 Manual-Part E STREET DESIGN Sept., 1970

6. Right of Entry- In the event that a private dedication on the tract map or recorded as a sepa- street is accompanied ‘by an improvement bond, rate instrument in the absence of a tract map. This the property owner should record an agreement, to grant of authority terminates upon completion of go with the land, granting the City or its agents the improvements and their acceptance by the and the bond surety or its agents the right to enter City. This agreement is not required in the ab- upon any private property when necessary to sence of an improvement bond. complete any and all improvements in the private 7. Driveway Only- If the private street is ap- street in the event of default by the owner. The proved only for driveway access to no more than agreement should also contain a waiver of any two parcels, and will not be used by City vehicles, damages which may result from the entry neces- the improvement may be accomplished in accord- sary to complete these improvements, and should ance with the Municipal Code, Chapter I, Article be included as a statement in the certificate of 8, Section 12.21, Subsections (h) and (d).