TERRACE-KITIMAT RUPERTSTEEL & SALVAGELTD, we buy COPPER BRASS ALL METALS & BATTERIES MON, - SAT. • OPEN Tit 6 p.m. Looation Seal Cove Phone624-6639 Volume 72 No. 205jg/ tj (tfQ ¢jTuesday, October 4~. 1978

, ,...... = "2~ ~,$,,~ ISRAEL CONSIDERS •~i, ~ :~

TwO:Y ..... o, ...... , _ .... Egypt asks for "NB. modificatio • FREDERICTON@ (CP) -- i ~:Xl / ~ n s Premier Richard Hatfield's CAIRO (AP) -- Egypt derwent open-heart surgery possibility of a joint Progressive Conservative asked Monday for at the Cleveland Clinic ceremony in Cairo and ~overnment was returned to "modifications" in a earlier this month and will proposed peace treaty with be returning home. Jerusalem on Nov. 19. first office Monday in a cliff No date has been set for anniversary of me vistt hanger race in .which an Israel, apparently dissatisfied with the weak signing the treaty, but both Sadat made to Jerusalem to indopundent candidate may sides have d!~ussed the open his peace initiative. have made the difference. link the draft document The two n~jor parties makes between the shared almost equally the Palestinian issue and an popular vet~ as the Con- Egyptian-Israeli settlement. servatives won a bare In Jerusalem, meanwhile, JUDGE AGREES i; Prime Minister Menachem majority in the 5&seat leg. Begin convened the Israeli lalature--20 seats to 28 for cabinet to consider the the Liberals. LA J YERS HELP "I think l've heard what treaty proposals. Representatives of various unions throughout or fifty union members were on hand carryi.ng Foreign Minister Moshe KAMLOOPS, B.C. (CP) political in nature the people want to say," Dayan and the other Israeli Hatfield told reporters at PC the Terrace district joined striking members of placards signifying their .support of CUPW. -- Judges from each level because they are ap- negotiators at the of British Columbia's proved by the cabinet of election headq~rters here, CUPW on the picket lines Monday to express Local representatives have received no word Washington peace talks with "They were saying, do a four-tier court system the government in power. their solidarity with the postal workers' refusal from Vancoover headquarters concerning the Egypt had resisted putting staged an unprecedented better Job." "linkage" language in the Victims of crimes of Liberal Leader Joseph to return to work without a contract. Some forty duration of the strike. public forum here during proposed treaty, wording the weekend and violence, who often suffer Dalgle said it was too early that would make the Israeli- heavy financial loss as a to tefl but said one in. delivered frank Egyptian peace in some way judgments of the result of their injuries, dependent candidate may dependent on progress to- should exercise their civil have made the difference. POSTAL STRIKE MEDIA TOR judiciary and justice ward settling the issues of system in Canada. rights by suing •their A former Liberal who ran the Israeli-occupied West assailants for damages, as an independent in Ship- Bank and Gaza Strip and the At a meeting of the they said. peganLes-lles took more political future of the Justice Councils of B.C., than.l,O00 votes, helping the Palestinians living there. five judges fielded The judges said the Conservatives take the Quebec judge name, t U.S. sources in questions from the floor Canadian justice riding for the first time in 60 Washington said during the and acquitted themselves system's propensity for years. OTTAWA (CP) -- Leaders union defiance of the back. work, but said it could he several injunctions it sought .weekenc] the two aides and the system of any sending people to prison of the Canadian Union of to-work order. right away. to stop CUPW picketing of Both Halfleld and Daigle reached a "50-50 com- major faults. is a reflection of hew the Postal Workers (CUPW) Parrot said in a written Tremblay is known for postal facilities. The in- promise" on the linkage The judges said' that judiciary, which actually said they needed more time were cool to the appointment statement the union already both a practical and junctions in Halifax and to analyze the results before issue. A loosely-worded while neither the law nor is more tolerant than Monday of Lucian Tremblay, has rejected mediation- academic interest in the law. Montreal were expected to formulation on the subject the judiciary makes any society, applies the pub- interpreting them, although a former Quebec judge, as arbitration as a means of He is professor emeritiun of be followed by others in To- Daigle said anti-Liberai was inserted in the treaty's distinction between a rich lie's hard.nesed wishes to mediator.arbitrator in the resolving its dispute and the University of Montreal. ronto,Winnipeg, Saskatoon preamble to appease Egypt, and a poor litigant or the sentencing process. sentiment federally may postal dispute and indicated "the union's position has not The union immediately end Vancouver. have hurt the party the sources said, and ap- accused person, there is a The judges included they will not co-operate. changed because there has questioned the choice of And Justice Minister Otto parentiy the link was not definite advantage in Justice E.E. Hinkson of been absolutely no change in Tremblay. Lang made clear in the Corn- strong enough to arouse being able to afford the the B.C. Court of Appeal, ~gc~d' part lea, neither CUPW president Jean- the government's position." Of which has ever elected a Claude Parrot said the union "I am absolutely monsthatstrlkers facecourt Israel's opposition. high.priced services of a Justice S.M. Toy of the member to the legislature, is appealing the back-to- "Postal workers are on the astounded that the govern- action even if they return to But Egyptian Prime skilled lawyer. B.C. Supreme Court, significantly increased their work law passed last week street right now in defence of ment would choose Mr, work. The back-to.work Minister Mustafa Khalil said Judge Patrick Dohm of share of the pspular vote and by Parliament and "we will two legal rights--the right to Tremblay," Parrot said. legislation provides for $100- Monday that Egypt now has They said appointments the county court of Yale "While he might have had a a-day fines for striking union "asked for medifieations." to the bench at the federal provided stiff competition continue 'to maintain our negotiate a collective agree, and provincial court j~ for incumbents in a handful right ~ s trikeuntilwe have a me.at and their right to distinguished career in the members .and $2,500 plus Khalilspoke with'reporters [level, although sup- Judges Ross Collver of d ridings...... cull~t~:rdgreement/~'~': " =~li~ke." , • " " " law,v: he ~has .no experience $250.aday for union leaders,,. In Cairo after discussing me- l.posodly independent of Pentlet0n and George whatsoever ,id the field of . Lang refused to say when treaty proposals for two politics, are clearly Acting Labor Minister Lampsrson of Kamlenps. The Patti Acadian, which "Ex-jnstice Tremblafs labor relations, asked later what the govern- hours with President Anwar ii1| • proposes the creation of a appointment does not change Andre Ouellet told the "For the government to ment will do if the union re- Sadat. separate Acadian province, the situation," Parrot said. Commons that Tremblay, 66, attempt to give him the final mains on strike even aRer He would net specify what put in its strongest showing TremHay, former chief had been named mediator- say in this dispute, which is injunctions are granted and modifications are sought, in Restigouche West. The justice of the Quebec Court arbitrator under the terms of one Of the most complex is charges are laid. but he said he and Badat Did a flying saucer party doubled lis popular ofAppeal, has been glven the the legislation passed by Canadian history, is beyond "I won't, answer that now.' "informed our delegation in vote from 1.5 per cent in 1974, mon,.unental task of getting Parliament last week. belief." Naturally, we have con- Washington about some but it had 23 candidates, pos*al negotiations going Ouellet gave no indication Meanwhile, the govern- tingency plans being worked technical remarks on the cause plane to crash almost twice as many as in again despite widespread when Tremblay would begin- ment obtained the first of up." text." He than explained tlmt 1974. the "remarks" relate to the MELBOURNE (AP) -- and radio contact was lest The New Democratic linkage issue. Australian officials were briefly. party took almost seven per Khalil confirmed, trying to determine Monday He was asked to identify .... Cent of the popular vote, up Nordair Grounded however, that a linkage whether an oil slick south of the object. "It is flying past. . ' from 2.9 per cent in 1974 with Grain carriers formula had been developed MONTREAL (CP) -- came just two hours after Melbourne came from a light It is a long shape. I cannot the same number of can- Nordalr, faced wit~ a the Montreal-based • in the Washington talksandan plane that vanished after its identify more than that. It's didates, 36. threatened strike today regional carrier an- stressed that "Egypt has not pilot radioed that a large coming for me right now," rejected the draft treaty." object hovering above him he said. The Conservatives lest two by its 130 pilots, said late ununced that the A treaty incorporating a of five Acadian cabinet ordered back Monday that it was was not an aircraft. And then: "It seems tobe firm Israeli commitment to • :,: ministers Fisheries Minister OTTAWA (CP) -- The government acted as suspending operations Canadian Air Line Pilots' make progress on the West Frederick Valontlch, 20, stationary. I'm orbiting and Omer Lager and Natural Legislation ordering striking Progressive Conservatives indefinitely. Association had rejected BenkGaza issues, such as a was on a short solo flight the thing is orbiting on top nf Resources Minister Roland Great Lakes carriers demanded action to end the . The announcement the company's last "synchronized" timetable from Melbourne to King me ako. It has a green light Boudreau. engineers hack to work at strike that is costing western from Nordair vice- contract offer, made for Israeli withdrawal from Island across the Bass Strait and a sort of metallic light on They took Shippegan-Les. least until next June and per- farmers and eastern metal president Jack Hughes earlier in the day. both the Sinai and those when he disappeared the outside." lies and at least one Saint haps until 1981 received ap- producers millions of dollars territories, could draw other Saturday. A few minutes later he re- John riding from the proval in principle in the a day. Arab slates into the U.S.- Air traffic controllers said ported that his plane's Liberals. Commons Monday night. sponsored peace Middle be radioed that he could see engine was idling roughly Only hears after it was in- The legislation, which pro. East process begun at Camp four bright lights about 300 and coughing. His last words troduced by the government, rides for binding arbitration, High mercury David, Md. " metres above him that ap- before radio contact was lest the legislation received would become effective a It would also help cool peared to be the landing permanently were: "It is not Travel second reading by a vote of day after it was made law by some of the Arab criticism lights of a large aircraft. He an aircraft." 119 to nine. The New Parliament. aimed at Sadat since he asked whether any military Valenlich's parents said Democrats were the only ' It was not known whether launched his unilateral aircraft were in the area and they believe their son was levels found seized by an unidentified workshop opposition. Parliament eunld deal with it peace drive 11 months ago. was told there were none. it was the second piece of before midnight Monday OTTAWA (CP) -- More The tests, carried out U.S. President Carter is Two minutes later, he ra- flying object. . They hack-to-work legislation night, which would make it than one.third of 1,522 mainly on Indian reserves in scheduled to have lunch dloed: "It is approaching discounted a theory raised offered Parliament faced in a week. effective today. The Senate • persons tested in 85 com- Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Friday at the White House from due east toward me. It by some that in the dark he The Commons and Senate was on standby to meet munities showed higher- Saskatchewan, Alberta, with Saudi Arabia's King seems to be playing some had accidentally turned the platte upside down or into a A series of travel ordered inside postal Monday night, if necessary, than.normal levels of British Columbia and the Khaled, whose wealthy sort of game ... flying at a workers buck to work last but opposition MP.s said they methyle mercury in their Northwest Territories, found kingdom has considerable speed I cannot estimate." steep bank and saw the workshops are being offered reflection of his own lights in to theTerrace community by Wednesday; an order that expected a Commons debate blood, health department 575 persons with above- influence over other Arab A minute later he radioed: the Northwest College has been largely ignored. lastlng into the night. figures indicated Monday. normal levels. governments. Khaled ,n.. ")t is not an aircraft. It's ..." the water. Community Education Services, Haida and New Quadra Travel Agencies. The workshops lake place at the Terrace Little Theatre at 3625 Kalum Street. Begin- Sailing ship there was easy part ning at 8 p.m. the par- tlcipants will watch films on VANCOUVER (CP) -- Vancouver district firemen, couverites would be able to gap bewteen barge and through their Portuguese Portuguese sailors stepped Eagle, which also visited phrasebooks to brash up for ashore and the first oC 10,000 here this summer. each country, and learn go onboard for a tour of the shore. Captain de Fragata Jese After a journey of I0,200 the acting harbormaster and Less than five metres from a longer slay. locals stepped aboard the about passport and visa nautical miles, the last of the a cheering crowd. ship. Fernandes Martins e Silva, requirements for the various The ship was secured to land and the Portuguese One of the ship's officers ship. tall ships to honor British The only thing missing was volunteered a phrase of his who appeared unruffled by countries. the first barge, the bands navy was apparently "The docking,delay was a the docking problems, said Columbia's Captain Cook the dock. marooned. own: "Who had the idea for Starting this Tuesday, the bicentennial celebration played, the people cheered, bit unfortunate, said North they had no problems on first topic will be Mexico, on The plans called for the the signs reading 'Bem having us to this place?" Vancouver Alderman James sailed into chaos Sunday. Sagres to be moored Two hours later, the But, at last, rescue was at their voyage to this paint. Wednesday you will learn Vthdo, Welcome' in English problem still unsolved, the Bail. "I've been here myself "I strongly believe that a about the Cerribean and on The Portuguese navy's alongside two barges. The and Portuguese fluttered in hand. Two larger since 8:30 a.m. but from new ship such as this is the best Sugres II majestically sailed crew would then lower its wellwishers grew noticeably gangplanks were delivered the last day, Thursday, you the wind. restless. One of the bands on everything's going to be way to turn a boy into a will find out about Fijl, South under the Lions Gate Bridge gangplanks to the first and 20 volunteers from the fine." Things turned sour when packed up and went home. dwindled crowd manhandled sailor," he said. "We live Pacific, New Zealand and here and was met at its barge, walk along to the The Sagres is a barque with the sea. We depend very docking place in North second barge and step tug boats hauled the ss~:ond 0aboard the Sagres, a them into place. Australia. barge' into place. Men group of Canadians who had built in Germany in 1937 in much on the sea and on the Vancouver by two bands, ashore to enjoy the the same series as the United weather--and we work very Door prizes, coffee and several dignitaries, the festivities. Then the huge pushed, pulled and cursed. been guests on board since Two and one half hours doughnuts will be included. Canadian navy, North crowd of anxious Van- But they couldn't bridge the Victoria, began thumbing after their arrival, the first States Coast Guard ship hard." J r

Pale 2, The Herald, Tuesday, October ?4, 1978 Collision with cruiser '1] Iiiltii( i G °"°°' i pr°vesc°stlyaccldent'• I

Ill IM~L)WAItE STORES i [] ~.~I ¢ou ri On Mo.day. ~dckS~:andEdwa.;dS~.~voId ~twtheml:~e~lr~::l'an~./~dl:i.::i:~t°thl~/°v:rn~p~te~d~ i . i -- ...... ,. __ [] .~.u~.was e.anrFea,a tt~.a ... ~n. m.nnns, m a t~t w.nen ~eyteft Bunr was• ~ was dol~ ~e ~t / m s s i i s . / AlinnciniginiM l vme,e am.asnm m~. ~ ve.m.c/e.~lyenDyda~sonat ~.~. a~t.~saw could. Wh~a~mwn~s i~ / linUMl-ill-"~ill i rearmapoanecaronaprue mncm,mtmesameevemng, the pohce ear or•ring south a brea~ai set test the air ..... 1--,. 'W '.W "B [] atg*:30a.m, near the tmn~ ~esaid.t~ey~wereno.tdrur~, on Kalum when the truck going tnt~Ythe equipment [] .~urts.onKalun}...St: newas tney were "boraer.!lne" they were travelling in makasanolasandt~erewas .~o..enargm wtm tmpanrea ~se~a.n~ne~!otnemtogo approuehed the entrance to nonoiaeduri theteet, said i envmg but was found not home neore mey got Into the court, Jackson pointed Dlckson n8

I I "-- -- ~ -- m' ------i 8ut]ty by Judge D,S. Collins, trouble. Jackson• lived at - the police car out to Buhr• Jud g e Colll~ said, after ~ II II i i i RIm [] ...... and. told him.to drlve finding Buhr guilty of I • i i~.ii i •iii [] ...... :t . ca ret.uuy, sam~ups~, . dangerous driving and, Illl ,, , ~:mme~e~e, agewJ, analen faill to veab~ r her you~er brother, G ~t~t~fl~Nm~ty~ • , BAVARIAN GOES Albert R~ee, told the court lm~b~d ~d~ w mdd .~ I • I. • , i U ~.m . I l they were wa~ng norm on ,,~c~g. a man when he1 All fit i .... the K~um ai~w~ when ~wn" I All/ill•up ,ubjed t;o;,ng;wilSou;nohoe, I uevne, tu the. accident oceured. ~ey he"-" ~u...... ~a,~ W'" ,~"" ' MunnnHlinlilnlUnlliluilnlmillnllilillinlnBiillnil!ililUmmnlill~i i~rM,~rma~~l~d~lll t ~ythe~.li~c~slowdown added to B~'S llc~, hb 1 ~' i I toturnontotaerouoleadia8 g,~.rnn~willlnurcasawhen I i TUESDAY 6 p,m, to midnight i i ~?~/# b~%S:h~ ~-t~-a-'~n'ddYhiP~sYdl~rive~'s ] [] , , , , ,' . • I travelli.ng.a.tabout60 mph.. ii~en~'e will probably be , They ~0 tne trUCK stowe~ s~nded fur one year. |1 I ,..,.o l a ._,.v I . I i ! ~w.ne~t~feet~ndthe ~,flned~m$l~orlO I [] I I 41, (Nee) I ~ (cec) I ,-m (cw) I ~ (pus) I i T ~nce ~r. L..... days in jail for f~ih~re to i [] I I , I I I I i • uoast, mlxe ulareout sale -ro~de a -mr., r I [] I p .'~ ~CarolCarol " i N~aryMar TylerT let |6 6 ~i,,onMillion I Mist er I l f the •skid ~ ...... marks of the ear "breatbel.sur v and a S~"".__ or 21 ] i I ~ .'lS ~Surnett iMooreM r |Dollar~an . ] Rogers i [] I w~oouc...... ~;;; 7 ...... miners tmB days in jail f or danguroul "i [] I a ~~,ss I~o.I:~. I Electric I I I .m,u me .r..~u.W.eu us~y~.,~[ driving, He was given two '] [] I V ,'4~ IC~t'~. ICont'cl. lOom'd. !Company i i l ..z~memma~r,.~e..p~.n..t^~ w~s~poytheflom. I] I I t. ~ i:o.,'~. I,",:w_, I Big Blue ! M | l"o~'~oli~,';~,;~,%~, ~ ,I [] I R-- ~ Cont'cl. I Cont,d. • i Hour I N~rble ' I l f rear~n~d the police car. | l a IrlA ~l'l I~'l~l 'i [] i I! :.3(~_ ICont'd. 10~tdoor [Contd. BUick I [] , | He said the truck was I ~r~jr~/r'/J~11[I d [] I v :,~ Ic~,'d. I ~du~.,,on IC°nl'd" I~ve" I i " I travemn8 at a minumum of I - -| II [] I ~...~ I~.,.~ IPaper iHeadllne I~acNe" I i ~ f 43mph. _ ...... _ I [] I I .',~ IT°"'o h'_ I Chase I H_unters I Lehrer I i ', | Co•st. Ida Koopman said A fec=e w.ea.u~r.p~em. II [] I / :30 ~Hame ~,, I Cont'd. ~ What's i Newsmakers I i ...... ~ T she had i~cated a ldt ~rn .mo.vt~on~ me .~em..~oaa.t i [] ! . ,,45 i Tune | Cont'd. [ My Line I Cont'd I i ~ | about one-half block before ,~ nrmgm8 eiouey mum to R 1 ! d~ f~~d~;~Goes• i Even,,"' 0, ' I l ..xica. Food & Drinks Z she_.ta~ s to ~ onto the t~e~., Tertace-KIUmat .... ~.,...~,..~. area. I ' T g roua ~eamng" up to me a rena. .... uo.~...~, w.., .m i I ~~.'y~* ITowa sh, ,LsYmphony I I LICKYOUR LIPS AND SAY TEQUILA.YOU SEEr Y She said the impact to her system should reach us by i [] I I!1 ~--~30 Cont'd Ip_n_%Rene IC°n::~Cont'd ' ~e nt'd,. I i y OU,,O.OUE,S~m,.OUSEO,O~×,C.. | car was "very heaw" and this afternoon. Beldnd the | [] J ~ :~ i ~°m'O' I Slmard I conva. ,~]),,~t u,. i i ALREADY. A FEW MORE BASICWORDS AND ] that as a resuitof theaccient system, a low pressure | I I /~ ~nt_ i~h~.'~ if_n ghe ' ~R" I l TYRO~ADIA~TIOS~NA%~TAe..S~..~E~,.N/,,N~.O~.~:x~I f she received sli@t injuries .ccn.treiae..xl~..t~d.tomoye.le fi [] I U ~ iC°mpany ' I Beginning ]West I i ...... "' | to her head. m t.ne.uu~ ~.Bua, ~vm8 li / --I .3o, The, Road Fifth Taxi I_The Two ~ Curet. Doug Jo.ipson said mamJy elouay, ShOwery . i I O ~isftthte icT:X:.d, nnies I i APPEARINGIN THELOUN Z he arrived at the sceneof the conditionsfor the remainder '. I t~~;:; I;;;n;; " ~°,aN Oa I . I AND O/NN/NGROOM GE .. ." aeddentaSout3:45a,m, and o~thewcek. . r" I [] 1 1 Ill ~;,;'.. I ~;;;:J. I ~:.=., Y,o I I _,i=_~i,...... -" '|..~.., said he could smell liquor on .High te=.per.a.tures .thlI i [] I I I l ~~/~;n;';: I~;;;,;.' "° I I UII~OU AL¢;ANAZ X';;::'•. Buhr's breath. He fo~.,,d mp.~oon .anomo .tea.oh 7 ~[ i did V :45 Cont'd Reason Conl'd' Cunt--'d' ~~'~ :' ' Buhr to be "fairly COCKy , aboutClegreesue.~lus,;t a r ann m~.p..m =~ I I~ ~ I ~°n''~: I .. I • l I used abusive language and eg eea uemms I, [] I '11 '1 :0o [ ~w.~. i The i CTV | Con, d. I i DINNERR£SERVArlONSREOUESTED | talked in a slur. He said he tonight, tl, • I I I .'Ls I_~?~- I National I News | Con,'d. I I .,.. ^.-. i did not need to go to the Th~.e higks and lows will [I • l 1 I ~onight INight I News Hour iThleves I i OLI::)-VIOI V hospital and Joimon told pro~.oJy remain me ~ J) [] I i Ill :45 | Show IFInal I Final Iof Time i / l Buin-hewastbei~take~to usffltneendo~theweek. In li i I . A ,,~ ic~t~' Ewe Show IL.,...~,. I I - = : ...... V thestatiouforabrsathalyser o~er wo.rds, ra~, rnin, and li [] I I "l ~~. I'-~; |'l~arna"by~Jones [ i ..... -- .... ~.t. m0reram, l! [] I i I "30I_ C°nt'd' iCont'd. ~The Iron I The Loose I • -- I!i i I i --:,~ Ico~,'d. ICon,'d. I~' iConnection ' I i _ li • - . ~ ..... I ~ G ,' ' i I - ' ' .... :; i' -: .- .., ! HERESA I i I ""so" : .... ]ua.m..o o p.m.. i: PUR-R-R ~"; !, ' I I~ 81~ ~ew-- I_ca nod•an 'K areen's i Eleclric I i ..A.I.. ~ ~ ~ I~ ! [] I II l 1 :IS IHIgh Rollers J ~hoois I Yoga I Company ' I l ~l_-lI V ~~~{ /; [] I I • I .'30 ~Wheel of I Mister /What's IM for Music I l ill--g/B-i ~'~:;i:~ ii I I ~ v .'4~ ~Fortune IDressup /~oo~,o, l w°rldsh°p I / he, ,,~u.~.-.,. • d~ "¢'~M~B~i/ t [] I ql q :0o I America | Sesame I Mad " I Nat. Science I l UCLIun/rllL ~~ ~~ /i i I • • ~s I Alive • I Street I Dash ' I 2 Cents Worth I l . -- .... ll t • t .... -- -- , h '~. ~ |; • I I i ~d. I~.,'e, I Definition I AboutSafety I l DI APE I ~~ [! • I IiII ilI :45 I Con,'d. I Can*'d. ! Contd. i Cover.Cover , i i I[-nm~1~ FI~ - 1 ~~ |i ! I q~ll ~~ 'zer I~:: I s.e~,a,. I / .A ,,,,,,,, m~~ ,,: [] I I -I :15 I Squares I-News I News I Cont'd, I i ill -%HIIV ' '-I! [] I I I .'~o IOavs of I Search for I Movie " , Conl'd. I l =v ~Ol item l! • I li i ~ves [Tomorrow IMalinee iConl'd, l / /lill~ I I , ~~ ~ `c 1 Horsey: IAr, s,ar,s I | ~mu 7.. In :15 Conl'd. McLean I Hangman;e: s Isp'nn'ngs'or0esIns de.Out I I .¢Aui:nia i ::i' .:~i:. : !~:/.:,':.i~.::.i~i.i.,:~:::~::~i~ • I l I ~ I Doctors I Cont'd. iCont'd. I Making Music I" i inl i Vii J_d~ii ! I ~ :0o I~o,~r ~eof i~o,hor Is,oriesofAmer. I / Ann vninn

"[] I 4r '.~ ~C~t'd. I Where the i Cont'd, I Book, Look I i ! l l ..... lit l~ i I ~'d. I s'""'" I c°"t'd' I Economics I / PAMIIY ~H~k_.~'~F~ l I *~,,,__ I.~'~,~].. I~'~_, .~e. . . ------: :~:~ .. • i I . ~~~... i~:.~.~, I Easy I l IlPlllllt /~ ~:: P ~ [] I ~dn'* I celebrity I Show • I Book I / •l~rV~ m • _ ~- ~, "~, l I t,~'W 45 ' I ~.o~;-.e.' • ,Beat I / "V e 1 • 1B~r _-~'~, ,m'~" =:" ~ / iI[] I i~----I~_.._~.I Flints!ones ! That's I .Sesame I / LOOK FOR OUR • " ~ ~ ~/ .~; ~" ! I A ~.*',~" n~l yw°°,~ Is,~, I / GRAND OPENING I | ~ ~!! /~ Ir [] I /.IL :~o I Cont'd. I Carol I NHL ICon0 d, I / CIRCULAR IN THIS ~i!J~J~ ~ W ~" i/ -T :,5 I~"d |Burne. iHocke, Cont'd i PAPER, TUESDAY, ~ ~i~i~~ ~~ i I-MII=M;:M :":" lllll :':"" llllll =" lllllllilllllllllllli' / OCTOBER 24th !!iI!:!

® - L


" . / WE DON'TPUSSY FOOT AROUND WHEN ! i ITCOsMESTO SAVINGYOU MONEY! I IllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll/lllllllllllllllllllllll / ay, October 25th you can stop playing that silly cat and mouse [] " / game with inflation and start shopping at your new neighbourhood K mart in i ..... / t~e Skeena Mall, Everything from health and beauty aids to home • A -- _ J .... J I _ J ..... /IIj / furnishings are at special Grand Opening prices that won't get your back upl i uoraon ana nnaerson ,-m, | iN THE SKEENA MAll I 4606 L.,azelle,Av, e:,..Terraee | i i LIIirA i P,h 635-6576m ~(. HARGF X F i i i LIIirA-- " i Ji Storo Hours: Tun,- Sat. 9 a,m,-6:30 p,m. VISA |

III I It I Time to make plans I POLICE NEWS[ "i'2''ndanee The Terrace Dintrlct ernise activity into their nasium from now until The First Haliowe'en some of them being awar. from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Parks and Recreation has regular life style. Par- December 3, 19/8. And it's costume disco is being held clingprizes for most original Terrace arena banquet munyprograms available to tieipants can skate, cycle, free. This past weekend was On Sunday police were this Friday evening at the costume, funniest costume room. • the public this fall. All of walk, run or swim and Jog with John: It is a described as, "a regular caliedafter someone noticed arena banquet room with and most ghoulish costume. Participants prizes will be these programs have certificates are awarded to program of indoor jogging type weekend in Terrace," vandals breakiog windows in music by the ever popular The Great Pumpkin given for the pumpkin and openings and are on a drop- all participants who com- and exercise that is open to by local RCMP. a vacant house on Babine Sal-Souldisco. Carving Costume Contest is costume events for each of in basis. Some of these 'plete their . It's free. all ages on Monday, Wed- programs are: Pre-Ski Conditioner: nesday and Fridays from S to Two juveniles have been Road. The same "evening This event is being not really a contost at all but the following age groups: 5 vandals damaged a house organized by the students of is an afternoon of fun for kids and under, 6 to 9 years, and , Skiers of all ages .are' 5:45 p.m. After spending charged withwilful damage under construction at 104 the community recreation of all ages. The District of 10and over. : Fitness Award Program: welcome to this .exercise abont l5 minutes of exercises as a result of broken win. AselfMlreotod, goal oriented program Sunday and the floor is open for a quick daws in the 4500 block on Meldrum St. class at Caledonia Senior Terrace Parks and Woolworths', Northern Secondary Sebeol.There are Recreation Department is Craft, Teco Craft, and All '.' program which is designed Wednesday from T to S p.m. game of floor hockey, Lakeise. Tbey will appear in The same day, policewere lots of special events being holding a pumpkin carving Seasons Sports donated to encourage people to in- at the Thornhill Junior basketball or whatever, family court, informed that three windows planned during the evening, costume contest on Sunday. prizes. Safeway donated the ," corporate their choice of Secondary School gym- Co-ed Gym: Open to all were broken in the induptriai pumpkins. teens 12 and over at Cassie One female juvenile was area. What are described as ~.~...::~:::::~:.:~:...~.~:~...~.:~y~.~:;.~.~...;.~.~.;..:~:.:~:~:~:;:~:~:::~:~::..~:~:::::::::::::.::::::.::::::;5:::::~:~::.~:~.~:::::::~:~:~:~:~:;:.:~.~:;:.....:;:.:~:~:::.:.::.: • CO URT N EWS p.m.Hall GymThis Tuesdeysprogram 8is to going 9:30 tensecharged after withastmilar she kicked in theof- displaylarge aed costlywindows plate wereglass Business,. on until December 12, and spokes of a bicycle, broken at Kitimat Bargain has a minimal charge of 50 Centre, Jack Ireland John Christlaman, age 18, checking the parking lot at cents per evening. Four drivers were eharged Plumbing and Coulter '- . was lined $35 and given two thearena. LadiesBaskethallLeague: with impaired driving by Electric. Two of the windows ! Not listed our ,. weeks to pay and Donald This program has just been RCMP throughout the were broken by rocks and .... givenSpaldingl½monthswas finedinto ~ andin givenLarrYanDudiseliChextension washis started and all interested district. They will appear in one with a beer bottle. , ! I~. pay on persona are asked to please court in due course. . nn..,,, Tel n.",_,,roo,o,~, ,., Terrace provincial court driver's license suspension contact Louise Whittaker at. ' Police. are invostlga~g ( ,~ AURORA ANIMAL HOSPITAL - 5~.204u - Monday after they pleaded after hewas caught speeding guilty to being in a licensed on the highway onAugtmt 11. Skeana School, 635-9136. Although police have a these incidents but they say Bowling: This is a special suspect, no charges have they have no suspects. They DIAL-AN.ORDER 532.35S3 : premisesandertheagaoflU. When the officer asked for program for all senior been laid as a resnit of wilful say they do have suspects :., They were charged after his lieense Budlselleh said it citizens and blind people, damage at the Northwest though in the vandalism at ~'~ TERRACE VETERINARY CENTRE 415.3300 ~, they were found in the had been auspendnd, Tom This event takes place Community College where Saunders Logging which We J[re : TheyTerrace said Hotel they beer were parlor. not toldBishop, the court.crown prosecutor Mondays from 1 p.m. to 2:30 someone tore down a light caused an estimated $5,000 SKOGLUNO HOTSPRINGS 7~$.222l there to drink but to talk to p.m. at the Terrace Bowling fixture and kicked in a wail. damage. The damage was their comin whom they were Edy Lecinni, age 18. was Alley. done in two separate i/t- Okl'S PLACE. 798.-2231 '. looking for when they on. fined , and given two Me. lnd0er Seccer.'This tered the bar. weeks to pay after he program has just startod and RCMP in Kitimat had a cidents, apparently by the Listed Judge D.S. Collins said pleaded guilty to a charge of is open to anyone who wants number of complaints, same individuals. PETS BEAUTIFUL. &15.9251 '. that unless they could prove being in possession of lkluor to learn the game.or to mostly of vandalism, over • " they were; looking for under the age of 19 at the improve their skills. The the weekend. On Saturday Kitimat RCMP are also Herel. Free - for ONE month courtesy of THE . someone in tim bar during Woslworth's parking lot on place to be is Thornhiil Jr. three traffic signs were looking for a 1973 Astra, DALLY HERALD an emergency they were Sept.2. S.S. gym Mondays from 7 to knocked down near the City yellow in color, which was : gulltyofbreakingthelaw. DavidHullwasfined$150 9p.m. Thisprogramisfree. Centreshoppingplaza. Also stolen sometime Saturday 635 6357 or 10 days in jail and one For more information on in the plaza a window at night or Sunday morning. If you wish your Business Phone ~,, Rould Nuis was fined $200 month to pay after he was these or any other programs, Avco Finance was broken. The vehicle, licence number l . or 14 days in jail with 1½ charged with driving with a #ease call 635-2841 and ask Police say a beer bottle was LXP 327, is owned by Brian listed for your customers please call ~. montba to pay after he blondalcohol level over .08. for Sharon or Colleen. thrown through it. Johnson of 61 Kechilta. :.`:::.::::::::::.:::.:.:..:::::::::.:.:::::::::.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::.:.:.:::.:::::•:.:.:::::::::::.:.:.:.:::::::::::: pleaded guilty to driving "' with a blood.alcohol level " over .08. His driver's license was automatically suspended. Nuissaidhe was driving a drunken friend home. Results of a breathalyser test showed a • reading over .20 and Judge Collins told Nuts if he aD- peered before him again tile fine will not be nominal. Leonard Roberts was fined '. $150 or I0 days in jail after he : pleaded guilty for drivin~ .-;" with a blood-nieohol level over the legal limit. Automatically his license was suspended.

Emma Frost was fined $160 or 10 days in jail after be pleaded guilty to driving with a btood.nieehol level over .08 on October 5. He was given one month to pay. " i ~,.~ Lawrence Shanoss was ~..t,:.", ...... :.:~: .... .,.,.'~.,,,..,,,'t,~ [ given an extension on his driver's license suspension and placed on one year's probation after he was caught driving while disqualified on October 4. He ~t~aended guilty, explaining t he had to do his laumlry and there was no one to drive him. Judge Collins said he treated driving while under suspension the same as ...... drunk driving and said "If you appear before me again on any charge I might decide to send you to jail. Clifford Giroux, age 18, was fined $100 or 7 days in jail after he pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana. Glroux was charged on August 12 when police were $

Three Feathers just turned Questions you might ask... q Do all purchasers of this year's With the Regular Interest Bond, the Q Are Payroll Savings Plan and Monthly Canada Savings Bonds reeewe the increased rate of return will now provide Savings Plan buyers affected by this higher rate? an annual interest payment of $92.50 for change? Yes, all purchasers will receive the new each $1,000 bond. rate even though the application forms If you've enrolled before November A 15, your payment schedule will be a•nndthe bond certificates have the old rates hanged, based on the old rate of 8.90%. printed on them. The new rate is effective tu enroll after November 15, your [Tom November 1 to maturity in 1985. hunts will be based on the new q I have alr~dypurehased my bonds, of 9.25%. Do I heneht kern the new rate? What if I buy bonds for cash after Yes, if you have purchased this year's November 15? issue, you will automatically be entitled to the new interest rate. ~t Accrued interest will be charged at the new rate from November 1 q What is the effect of this change on to the end of the month of purchase. the two new bonds? Q Have any other changes been ~t With the increased rate of return on made to the 1978/79 Series? the 1978/79 Series a $100 Compound Interest Bond will now growas follows: A No, all other features and conditions of the new bonds Nov. 1 Value Nov. 1 Value remain the same. New Canada ~avings Bonds are a safe, secure 1979 $109,25 1983 $155.63 investment. They're instant cash anytime, 1980 $119.36 1984 $170.03 And they now earn a higher return - 1981 • $130.40 1985 $185.76 9.25% every year for 7 years, 1982 $i42.46

t BuyNew nada SavingsBonds Now! Page 4, The Herald, Tuesday, October 24, 1978 TERRACE;KITIMAT • Soviet veteran daily herald fl¢l ftA|l Oenaral Office - 5,15.63S7 Published by still honored Circulation - 635.~1S7 Sterling Publishers MOSCOW (AP) -- the P.litl0aro and PUBLISHER. Laurie Mallett Asastas Mikoyan, former remained a member until GEN. MANAGER. KnoxCoupland E D ITOR - Greg Mlddleton S.viet president and the his retirement. CIRCULATION. TERRACE - Andy Wlghtman 635.6357 firs1 .f the.ld Bolsheviks While heavy industry KITIMAT. Pat Zellnskl 632-2747 to retire with honor, is was being stressed daring KITIMAT OF FICE. 632.2747 dead at age 82, it was an- the Stalin years, Mikoyan Published every weekday at 3:212 Kalum Street, n.unced Sunday, , 'concentrated on the Terrace, B.C. A member of Varified Circulation. The S.viet Communist.,., growth .f agriculture and Authorlzedas second class mall. Registrationnumber party and government . light industries. He was 1201. Postagepaid In cash, return postageguaranteed. announced the death of credited with bringing ice t , the durable Kremlin cream-- now a favorite veteran "with deep trP.at--to the Soviet Union NOTE OF COPYRIGHT SOrrOW." The news after .ne of his many agency Taas Said he died visits to the United States The Herald retains full, complete and sole copyright In Saturday after a in the 1930s.' any advertisement produced and.or any editorial or prolonged illness. Mikoyan negotiated the photographic content published in the Herald. The brief • an- trade Ireaty with Ger- Reproduction is not permitted without the written rmuncemont gave no many in 1939 that led to permlsslo+~~f the Publisher. location of his death or the short-lived Stalin- other circumstances. Hitler non-aggression A dour-looking Ar- pact. He became a depu!y. menian with a coal-black premier in 1937 and hem moustache, Mikoyan in a the title until 1955, when 40-year career survived he was made first deputy LETTERS TO in good graces the purges premier under Khrush- -f dictator Josef Stalin chev. job 0hd fall .f Premier He had a close personal THE EDITOR Nildta Khrushchev. relationship with Khrush- After his retirement chev, and at the Soviet •from the presidency in party Congress of 1955 he People talk about the right Capitalism, Fascism and 'q'm well aware you're only 28 years old. 1hat's 1965 at the age of 70. made the first major at- to strike, totally disregar- Communism are all wrong Mikoyun continued.to alP tack on Stalin, opening cling the rights of others. In arM have all brought disaster why I'm telling you to take better care pear occasionally in the door for Khrushchev's Russia and China a strike to the nations. I do believe of yourselL" public with other Soviet famous secret speech would be an exonerate crime, in true freedom and leaders. He managed to denouncing the late dic- requiring death . democracy. That is why I stay in the first rank of' tator's iron rule. We workers have a obey my'Government and the Kremlin hierar~chy Mikoyan was elected democratic right to work. A went back to work in the largely because he never president of the Supreme Right to Work Law should be Terrace P.st Office. tried to take over as lop Soviet, the national initiated which will protect marl. We cannot take the law in parliament, in July, 1964, us workers from Union As his health declined making him the nominal tyranny. I am not against our own hands. Romans 13, in recent years, Mikoyan' in my Bible, is clear on that. THOMAS A TRILL THINKS: head of state. Three ' Unions, they are a must to was seen less and less in months later his boss, protect us from So far only one person public. Even as rumors of Khrnshchev, was Management" tyranny, but phoned me up and called me his death circulated oustead, and although they should not become a "scab". She hung up and I before the Tass an- Mikoyan did not work for political Communistic did not have time to tell her Derivations fascinating nouncement, Soviet of- his downfall he voted with :power block, ready to "Jesus loves you and so do ficials said they did not the majority. overthrow the Government I". That there may be peace know whether he was It was Mikoyan the chosen by the people. on earth. The word 'assasSjn'~;~as an interesting chemical makeup and," presumably, In dead or alive. derivation. Let ~ quote from The action. mediator who escorted I am against revolution Mikoyan was one of the his old friend back to and anarchy in any form. Bill Homburg Dominion Educaf6 t If seems to me that the violent aspect of most familiar Soviet Mt~L'~,w from the Black "Assassins, an i/~atic order or society drug-taking has been suppressed, perhaps .fficiais to the outside Sea resort where Khrush- which in the Swath century became deliberately, by the so.called media. If a world during the Stalin chev was vacationing Dear Sir: basis, and can also be and Khrushchev years, when he heard the news of powerful in Persla~nd Asia Minor and crime can be blamed on guns or alcohol, when he acted as trade The Order of the Royal referred to the occupational terrorized the cou!~.:y by the systematic this fact is well publicized. But drug- his ouster. Purple in Terrace extendsa therapist and . emissary, international Although the new ruling dncere~ thank you to the rheumatologist who visit murder of all whG~'were opposed to the induced crimes are played down, usually conciliator and Kremlin triumvirate of Leonid people and businesses of Terrace with the van. society. Upon a select band fell the work of explained on psycological grounds~:Why?, trouble.shooter. Urbane Brezimev, Alexei Kosygin Terrace and district for Thanks to the Terrace assassination, to which they were Who is profltting from the lucra+fiv~ drug and witty, he seemed and Nikolai Podgorny helping us to reach our oh- Herald, the News Ad- stimulated by the intoxicating influence of traffic? more acceptable in the showed respect for the jective of $4,000in the recent vertiscr, and CFTK Radio hashish. From the epithet 'hashishim' Perhaps you too, have wondered about all West than many of his aging veteran, Mikoyan Canadian Arthritis and and TV for their coverage Moscow colleagues. (hampeaters), which was applied fo the those senseless killings and fits of violence, stepped down. as Rheumatism Society and a special thanks to the Throughout his career president less than two campaign. many canvassers who gave order, the European word 'assassin' has in the news. Could hemp.related drugs be a Mikoyan seemed to years later, in December, C.A.R.S. sends an oc- so much of their time and been derived ..... " factor? posses an uncanny ability 1965, citing ill health. cupational van to Terrace efforts to this worthy cause. A few years ago, my sister, three to back the right man at Little is known about twice a year. Upon referral Yours sincerely, Hashish, as you know, Is now known as children, her husband and a neighbour were ~he right time. Early in his personal life. He bad from their doctor, arthritic Joyce Martel 'hash', or cannabis, or mariluana, or 'pet', brutally murdered by a drug.crazed young the Bolshevik movement five sons, one of whom patients can receive (Campaign Chairman) he backed Stalin against was ,reported killed treatment by a well qualified Edna Fisher which are not all alike but similar in m-3n. physiotherapist on a regular e~c,~J~SrkY. He !hen duril~8the Second World (Secretary O,O.R.P.) ea =t rusncnev m a War His wifel Ascheh so-called antiparty died nn the early 1960s. power play in 1957 and In 1957 Mikoyan told a Dear Sirs: Became of your efforts, was at the side ,4 the Western writer he had Thank you for the publicity the venture was a success! BUT HOW MANY WIN "c,llecdve" challengers contemplated suicide you provided for Tamahnous Yours very truly when Khrushchev was during the Stalin purge Theatre's production of Joan Spencer forced to step down in years of the 1930s and that "Liquid Gold" which we Secretary 1964. he was positive he "was sponsored. Terrace & Dist. Arts Council l~,rn N.v. 25, 1a95, the ahout to be executed" More women running now son .f a carpenter, shortly before Stalin's Mikoyan, like Stalin, death. WASHINGTON (CP) -- defeated in the primary. Analysts predict that many lack funds for studied for the Orthodox Women are running for Two women have son only about six are likely polling or oth~:r Enver Hoxha, the hard. priestht~d before joining line Communist boss of office in ever larger Senate primary to win their take-over professional campaign the l~dshevik party at the numbers in the U.S., but nominationsin Tennessee bids. services. Albania, has insisted that age .f 20. When the hoth Mikoyan and their chances of winning and Kansas, but they face The conspicuous lack of But women are making revolution came two election to Congress in the uphill fights and the odds women in high offices gains in state and local Khrushchev admitted to years later he was him they plotted to kill Nov. 7 balloting are still now are that the next demonstrates the fact offices. already a top C.mmunist slim. Senate will be all male. that women candidates Women will likely win Stalin. party member in the Mikoyan's death leaves In the Senate, it ap Women fare slightly suffer a number of about 10 per cent of state Caspian scaport city ,f Huxley predicted it in Brave New World -- pears that the easiest way better in the House of disadvantages. legislature seats to be Baku. only Vyachesisv Mol0tov, first double digit inflation co-existing with high for a woman to hold office Representatives, where contested next month, the 88, and Lazar Perhaps the most When the Baku corn- Kaganovich, 84, still alive is through widowhood--a they held about four per conspicuous is that highest number ever, and mtme collapsed in 1918, unemployment, followed by disregard for the sorry situation for women of the ,ld Bolsheviks who rule of law, followed by a break-down in law and cent of the 435 seats in the gender becomes an elec. they are expecled to win a Mikoyan was turned over who want to be elected on 95th Congress. In Canada, slightly higher proportion served Stalin. tion issue. Polls show that m British forces and the Molotov, the last of order, followed by chaos and thence by dic. their merits. women hold about 3.5 per 1O per cent of voters say of local scats. of,anter-revolutionary tatorship. Both women senators in cent of seats in those who worked closely they would not vote for a Increased participation Wnite Guards, who with Lenin, retired in 1961 The American coal miners set an example the 95th Congress, which Parliament. woman under any cir- sentenced him to be shot ended during the in politics by women is tlt live out his days in recently when they flatly refused fo go bac~,to- Fifteen of the 18 women cumstances. shown by the 20 per cent along with 25 other Baku weekend, took over their representatives are Many. women commissars. He was the ~rb~V~°dna n a ft::mpl~ein ng work as directed by President Carter. Canal's husbands' seats when the rise in the number of seeking re-election in politicians suspect that women nominated for .nly .,no to escape exe- postal workers are following their example. man died in office, November, but three face Stalin's crimes. prejudice against their state races since 1974. culion, supposedly Kaganovich, known "We are not worried about punishment," the Neither will be back in extremely tough sex is much higher, became hi~ name was the 96th Congress, which The gains are slow in under Stalin as the tough headlines read. challenges from men although coming, however, and mislakeuly left off the starts next year. Min- opponents. unacknowledged. execution list. • "Iron Commisnar," was The rationale seems to be that if a law 19 a bad nesota Democrat Muriel even the most oprtimistic .usted from the Politburo The three women Women candidates also supporters of women Released from jail five law; a person or a group of persons is allowed to Humphrey, widow of for- representatives.who have in 1957, accused of being a tend to suffer from money candidates agree that it months later Ire travelled member of the "antipurty flaunt the law. mer vice-president not sought reelection will - problems. Their contacts to Moscow and met the Hubert Humphrey, has will be along time before group." He was believe¢i Terrificl (in that word's classic sense, that is be replaced by men. And with the network of women come anywhere three leaders ,f the to Imve been sent to run a resigned while Alabama for the'37 other women businesses-connected revolution: Vladimir terrifying). How many teenagers out there Democrat Maryon Allen, close to winninga number cement factory in the trying to take over seats campaign donors are of seats approximating benin, Trotsky and st alia. believe the laws pertaining to certain drugs widow of former senator now held by men, the generally poor and Ural Mountains and has (soft) are "bad laws". The example has now James Allen, was their proportion of the In 1935, Mikoyan not been heard from prospects are poor. surveys have shown general population. became a full member of since. been set for you. I Whether or not a member of a democratic state agrees with a particular law is surely Irrelevant. AS JOBS DECREAS. E The principle of law must take precedent and In our country parliament reigns supreme. The bill ha5 been passed and is now the law of the Temporary workers are on the increase land. If one group is entitled to break this law TORONTO (CP) -- an economist with the Crtckf, rd says temporary with impunity, then it follows that any fine Hann.n Be~i '.s a young actor a! all," a Toronto insurance unlearning and un. getting a certain amount of University uf Western On- work is always available to executive says. aJmpromising." assessed against anyone else for breaking wh, has appeared ,,n stage in tario in L.ndon, Ont., shows him. qualified people, so we were another law ls nothing short of malicious New York and at T.ronto's that the number of The federal government using both (public and Canada Manpower has an " Tiei private compamee uses private firms as well as persecution. This argument may sound specious Royal Alexandra Theatre, Canadians with iemp.rary t,ffice tu deal with temlxwary private) agencies," he said. but on any given day y.u ,ften Itave m deal with very Mnnlx,wer to hire temporary on the surface but the principle is sound, and all jobs increased to 115,000 ~,bs but someemployers say narginal types wire are employees, says N.rman Manpower spokesman Ron may find him in a wareh.use fr.m 68,000 between 19'/1 and they w.uld rather Mre Bull says Manpower cannot the circumlocution about who negotiated with slogging barrels .f herring ooking for friwdity, but they Gauthreau of the public discriminate against ap. 1976. Ihr.rgh private agencies. are better than the .nes who service commission. whom In good faith is to beg the main question. f.r $3 an h.ur. During that time, the '*We don'l hire **or tern. come fr.m Manp.wer--! plicants and that hampers its Bell belongs to a gr.wing number uf temporary em- '*We went through Man- competitiveness with private Having taught law to young people over the porary staff from Manlx,wer find t hem unskilled, power and we were only past ten years I know the questions which the community .f temp.rary ployment agencies increased agencies. young people will ask. laborers and is .ne ,4 re.re than I00,000 Canadians who to Employmentnearly 500 from 200,agency .m.,~R tt.~..,tt, 'L.,~r, IL~A Ik4L " alternatives "If they can get away with it, why can't we?" make a living fr.m j.bs that sp.kesmen say they have no The answer my friend, Is that no politician has may last n, longer than .ne re,re job .rders than they wives, the infestlnal fortitude to enforce the law. .r two days. can fill. WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- beaten regularly by their time she thinks of leaving, "There is a lack of asset. Employmem agencies say But Tim Cr.ekf.rd, 20, .f The executive director of a" husbands. her sell.inmge is pretty low. tiveneu." Perhaps a good case could be made for charging the number .f Canadians these politicians with conspiracy to obstruct T.romo says he is unh~;ppy house of refuge for abused "It becomes for most a She doesn't have someone Ms. Miller said many like Bell wit. h.ld temporary with jobs lie ires .biained wivesundthelrehildrensays matter of circumstance iustlce. j.bs is increasing as per- telling her she's OK and she women lack the strength to recently through a private one of the hi.cat myths without alternative," she can make it." go threuKh with a court case. Under our system of government we have manent j.bs bee.me scar- agency, around is that sadists and said. cer. Ms. Miller said most "The husband tells the available to us the means of changing law -- by "Assembly line work is the masochists find each other "You have to understand battered wives don't wile she basn't a lag to stand "Whenever there are eco- pits," Ire says. and that battered wives take that for some women the electing persons commited to a change In the nomic problems, .Or publicize their plight or en; that she can't go to eo.~, law. "Y.u feel like a machine. some pleasure in their thought of making it on their complain to the aumoHflca and.get custody of her business flourishes," says But you get to try so many situation. own is worse than the Verna Primatera of Peggy because M fear nf increased enliven or demand he This system might fake a little longer but it jobs y.u see the .nes you Donna Miller of Hiatus thought of a beating. physical abuse and social support them. works. If it doe5n't, then why not say so right Dean and Ass.elates, a don't want to do, The thing I House in Windsor said in an "At least with a beating a temp.rary employment stigma. "He thrsaismmher and she now, chuck the whole damn governmental like about it is I'II work for interview there are reasons woman lives within a known "It's a pattern you see hellavmhimwheninfactshe agency in T,Jr.nlo. three days and I have a two- why women stay in a situation. She has learned system and start over again. A study by Lawrence Fric. very often caused by the self., can go to court, demand her day It.liday," situation where they are what to expect. And by the image problem," she said. righlJ and very likely win," The Herald, Tuesday, October 24, 1978, I~ge 5 NEWS IN BRIEF Beef price hike seen MONTREAL ~CP) -- The Jack Levine, president of thereis no actual shortage of CAI~GARY(CP)--Husky ahesvyoilupgradingplant priceofregulirgroandbeel Steinberg Ltd., said both. beef, thereisashortsgeof Oil Ltd. announced Monday in Alberta. could go as high as $2 a Canada and the U.S. are at affordable beef. that it is undertaking a ~ Husky had, however, pound unless the federal the low end of the beef cycle He said the only thing that million, five-yeer program declined an offer by Gulf Oil government increases beef which occurs every three to can stop rising beef prices is to speed development of its Canada Ltd. and Petro- import quotas for 1979, says five years, driving prices lifting import restrictions, heavy crude oil reserves in Canada Ltd, whereby those Chester Wilcox, corporate higher. because "even if consumers Alberta and Saskatchewan. companies would have meat manager of Dominion Herds are so thinned that eat less beef, prices are still Company president James parUcipa~d in development Stores Ltd. the traditional autumn run of going to rise." Nleison said the initial of Husky s Lloydminster- Increasing the quota to 250 beef, which normally Claude Dufour, president program could he Just, the,~ area heavy oil reserves. million pounds from the depresses prices, didn't of Provi-Viande Inc., a ,first stage of a program TheHuskypresidenttolda current 150 million pounds occur, Danieis said. subsidiary of Provlgo Inc., involving ~ billion or more news conference that his "would certainly take a John Bonspiel, president of said there is no beef shor- In heavy nil exploration, cOmpany's position is that great deal of pressure off the Letovsky Ltd., which han. tage. development and upgrading. outside partners are wanted Canadian market," Wilcox dies 21 per cent of total "It is up to the respective said in a recent interview. Canadian beef imports, said The Upgrading program, only for the higher cost ministers (in Ottawa) to do tertiary recovery stage. But, he added, the move Ottawa's policy is "to hell something about it," said which would involve other "is up to (federal with the consumer." companies in partnership Husky would handle the Harold Shaeer, president of more economlcol primary Agriculture Minister Bompiel said that while l~oodex Systems Ltd. • and which relies on proposed Eugene) Whelin," who re- government incentives, and secondary stages by -e Itself. fused this year to increase would include eonsh'uction the quotas by a relatively of an upgrading plant in The t150-milllin program would boost Hnsky's net . modest 20 million pounds. Saakatehawan near the bor- Whelin told the Canadian All the der city of Lloydmlmter. crude oil production by 20,000 barrels a day in the Meat Importers Association Nielsen also announced 160-by 105-kilometre it had to pay the going price that Husky will participate Llnydminstor area which it for beef, said association HONDAS in a consortium organized by controls, doubling its current president Erin Daniek. Pacific Petroleums Ltd. fo" production. Import restrictions protecting domestic producers have combined archers. with a cyclical thinning of Other fuel sources needed herds to produce rising VANCOUVER (CP) -- The report rejects the prices. Regular ground beef, Policies are needed to make term ennrgy crisis. formerly called hamburger oil consumers switch to other ~'Rather we face a steadily within the trade, was 68 fuels where practical and to deteriorating situation cents a pound last year. reduce consumption where resulting from a com- Today, regular ground there are no' alternatives, 10~nation of our heavy con- beef is running at about $1.48 says the Association of sumptlon of oil products, the a pound, said Wilcox. Professional Euginners'. of small proportion of el! tha.t He said beef purchases British Columbia. , 'com~s from provmem~ had dropped off by about 40 Testddvea Hondatod at A ronort on energy source, dcellniug Canadian per cent this summer from TERRACE HONDA SALES released" Monday by the oil production and the in- last year, and as consumers 4912 flwy. 16 association says that oil creasing gap between switch to pork or poultry, Terrace,• B.C. VgG 1LID currently provides 52 per Canadian demand and prices for those items "have 63~8171 cent of the energy used in supply of off," the engineers advanced in accordance with X-IO~TX),i"k Des Mr Licence Number 02046A B.C., but the province saia. pressure put on them." produces only about a quarter of its own oil The report calls for a "thoroughgoing com- mittmeat to conservation" with penalties for waste. Crash cause Unknown ROCHE HARBOR, Wash, (AP) -- Investigators were trying Monday to determine the cause of a single engine plane crash near this Sun ' 4uan blind resort, killing all four persons aboard. The San Juan County coro- ner's office identified the victims of the Saturday night crash as Albert D. Mc- Cormick, 59, and his wife Marie, of Edm0n'Us, W~sh., and Robart~J/Wco0s,;71, !and,~' ., , ,, his ~e,-'Harri~q,..M,w o£/, Marysville, Wash. The Grumman Tiger plane apparently had just taken off from an airstrip when it went down about one kllometrs east of the runway in a wooded area, said Bill Hamilton of the Washington Department of Tran- sportation. The wreckage was located Sunday, he said. Hamilton said the couples had been to Roche Harbor for dinner and were retur. ning to Paine Field in Everett, Wash. Mediator appointed

VANCOUVER (CP) -- Ken Albertini has been appointed as mediator in the dispute involving 250 meateutters at eight Wncdward's store in the Vancouver area. George Johnston, spokesman for the Canadian Food and Allied Workers Union, said today that talks are expected to get un- derway within 10 days. The uniea, which voted 83 per cent Sunday in favor of strike action, is asking for extension of fringe benefits to part.time workers, who form about 40 per cent of the union membership, Johnston said. 1979CEUCA The SR5 model, with almost The Toyota Canadian is one of everything standard from 5-speed No cheques This is the car of tomorrow that Canada's lowest priced import cars. overdrive transmission, wall-to-wall you can drive, that you can own, But that doesn't mean it's short on carpeting and bucket seats to radial for needy today. The advanced aerodynamic standard features. Available with tires and AM/FM radio is the best bet vICTORIA (CP) -- The styling of Celica guarantees that it is a British Columbia govern- either a 1.2 Iitre or 1.6 Iitre engine, the to change your ideas about truckin: turning point in automotive design. ment does not plan'to Canadian offers an electric rear distribute its Guaranteed There are four models to choose Igi9 RUStPROrECIION Annual Income for Need from: GT Liftback and Coupe; ST window defroster, heavy duty All Toyota automobiles have a (GAIN) cheques to needy heater, factory undercoating, wall- Liftback and .Coupe. new 3 year anti-perforation senior citizens during the to-wall carpeting, 4-speed full current postal strike, a The GT Liftback comes equipped warranty.against corrosion damage. synchromesh transmission, spokesman said Mon.de y. with a 5-speed overdrive all- All Toyotas provide an interesting The spokesman sam me MacPherson strut front suspension, synchromesh transmission, new full way to start the new year for the 80,000 cheques, each for a power-assisted front disc brakes, maximum of k~8,88, are not fabric seats, full instrumentation, discerning buyer, ! front bucket seats and much more, considered a main source o power front disc brakes, 2.2 litre See your Toyota dealer and see income, and the government all standard. At no extra charge. will consider delivering SOHC engine, AM/FM stereo multi- what's great about all 29 Toyota them through its emergency plex system, low profile steel-belted 1979 PICK-UP models for 1979. mail service only ff the strike The day of the boring truck is • is a prolougeed one. radials. And much more. All standard. The goverm~ent has been It is important that you see and gone. Toyota offers 3 stunning new using its planes and trucks to drive this remarkable automobile. models to prove the point: the , 1979 deliver regular government Standard Bed, the LongBed and om'espondence and payroll, Your Toyota dealer will gladly welfare, pension and ald-for- arrange this for you. the SR5. TOYOTA handieappod" cheques from Victoria to major centres in the province. The cheques, are distributed to recipients 4916 Highway 16 West Phone 639-9698 through the local govern- Motor Dealer No. D0044DA ~neat agent's offices _ TERRAOE MOTORS LTD. l'erraoe Pago 6, The Herald, Tuesday. October ?4. 197~ 14 karate students graded A sport dicided to rename the club 7Q 3rd class, 2nd class, 1st theseyoung karate students normally unthought of by the the Yeilowhead Karate Club. class,6Q 3rd class, 2nd class, were given a grading by general public has heen Viennesu himself took up etc. Hamilton while he was here. h rold SP O RTS quieUy growing in the karate about six years ago, A total of 5 adults received Receiving theirlstMON3rd Terrace area over the past and holds a Green Belt. grading from Hamilton. class ratings were David ar or so. Joe Vienneau's Last Thursday, Jim Receiving their 8Q 3rd class Essay, David Halts, Stella ~ rate studio at 3315 Clark Hamilton of Prince George, grading were Robert Wright, Mendes, Elizabeth Mendes, with Chris Porter St. in Thor•hill had just 9 a Black Belt karate in- and Rome Vienncan, and Norman Mercure, and ki~.reglatc.reda, y~r .a.go, structor, paid ~e. receiving 9q 2nd class Lenny Webber. Receiving ~-- ' 1 ann m now. teach,mg ~ gids Yellowhead Karate umn a grading were John Lathan, their 1st MeN 2nd class ...... anaagoo~.num,nerot.aum~ visit onhis way through. George .Bilison, and Len grading were Josiah Cam, I~O~[/'Ia.A-.~Pli(I. NIJl/" ~ ,d[ me . wano.ryu style el town, and as a result several Brawn. and Steven Gre~, who has ,.,¢~ .,,.,,-.,-,.,., • ,.i f . ,,,9 ~;9~i~ ga.~te. . . _ of Vien~au's students had Children up to 14 years of only been in the'C']ub for ll,~ ~ _ -- lf _ vlean~u r~oa. over tae an opportunity to oe gr.auea age are graded on a slightly months, and according to n m ~ II | • • • _ ! •rerraeeltaratecluoayear in the Wado-Ryu style of different system. They Vianneauhasqultealotof il-~'~=li.~n r~d"~k,~Ti11~(]t " P~k~l"lilF~ .ago when their bla%belet karate. .... be ginwith the 1st MON ,3rd potcotlal. Lost, butnot least, ~ M,qL I* ~ ~, ~ ~.J , V JLJ.~..IL~ JL ~ k.~ IALAL I, k~ mstructor moveu to Adult karate stuoents class, andwork their way up Sylvia Mercure received her ~ George.. Since he. was begin their grading with 8Q, to 3rd MeN 1st class until 1st MeN, let class grading. . ByKa~y McLeod - Silly Larks and Goofers tied league is a 203 held by Judy Squad and As It ~'alis, both , holding me sessions m .ms 3rd class. After working they reach l3-14 years of age, Sylvia is only 11 years old, . ~on(~_y...mens.lea..gue •.as for thiru with 24 points each. Axe. High single went to with 33 points, i YeilowheadHa.y ~d .Gra.m their way 8Q 2nd and 1st then pro.gress.to the adul! and is Vienneau's top j_onns .mmarus !.eamn g wl.m High average for the league Marg Mumford with a 290 Y.B.C. PeeWees have the i ~tore on ~;mrx ~oau, ne clans, they then progress to system oi graamg. ~ine ot student. ~. po.mts t.onowea. Dy is a 211 held by tiail Kofoed. while Yvoene Wiehe relied a Lions leading with 24 points, i ,~,,o ,a,, .... a,,a ceaarmna Ti...re wltn .z4 Tuesday Rite. Mixed has total of.6M for high triple. Girl's high single went to .... -.;~..^~_~.,...,.-.. 6-_-~.~.~ pom~s ann Terrace m- the OldTimers tending with Team highs went to the Gaff Deinstadt with a 164 | I ~vyu~m.u~.~m~ ~p,) ternationai with 21 poinm tor 37 voints followed by the No Coffee Winners with a single wh;l,, trr,, w,;~u,** ,.,,n,~, [ dl~ ~P~ Is [] • ~ qP [ i;• ~...hllearouna the mewchi'% ...... v.arate ee~t,., ^ third P.lace • Scores. were hi g h Names-- with 34 and- Lucky of 965 and"" triple - ...... total ~ of...... ~50 for high double Boy's ~w ,. ~,,.~-~:vcu,, throu out the lea ues this • • ' " - I UUJlL IIUI I badge and certificate -"st P°k and it a g started Seven wzth 30 poL.~..H,gh 2~.: ...... high., single went to Steven = . .,^_ ,:_. ,,._.._ __,., ...... ~ averages are a ~, nee ay bunouettes leao wiui 36 Dewacht with a 139 while | | ; ~u~g uzc,r ucmt~vemem, out with the mere league Dour Mumford and a 245 mints on Weclneadav Night ,,,,, ~,mN,,, ,,,,a, m,h I ,.rsoan, ,o ,,on ,, o, th. co., *o,. notice is hereby given that Pacific I na'tu%l~ °fa~e kl~vea%e~a ~ rl~o~lie~~.e. h~rhSiengll~i~b3? hei.d by Sherry Re..ney.. La.dies.with Road R'u_mle~.. d'ou'l)']e"wi'lJi"a~9 te--t~l..-e.. • Petroleums Ltd. has npplled for coal Iicences in the Casslar Land District. The ' tential ' ~ " ~ w" " • LUCKy~even • wautea mt wtm ann uet 3marts an(] t(oyal Karla Lindstrom took | n...~,...... map remrenee m ease ,anus ,s as re.rows: I andPO r . I m really pleased• Erme ended • tth a 761 tr, ple the team. h~ghs by rolling. a Bank all snorUn~- ~ 29 mints~- • ,n,y,o.-...,.~....- h;~,, ;, ,~..- no,co,,,-.....-.... | I .. p oud to be ,,teaching for u g~d n!gi]t of bow!lng.. 1094 single and 31,5 mple. Sherry Rennoy holds high League with a 135 simile and | | mesa ..y.oungsters ", com. r~rnie also no.l~ .me mgn Mens high single went to average with a 213. Sherry 379 Jr|pie. Boy's highs went | | ments weeneau, average to~. ~st lee~gtuetm Cliff Wilkinson who rolled a also rolled a 306 single and to Sha'ne Kulha wi'th a 134 | | Because of the growing size ~./-~:"team . g ...w to .he 338 single while George 713 triple for the weekly single and 426 triple | 104.J.L Block K, Unlh 43, 44, 45, 45, 53, 54, 5S, 56, 63, 64, 55, 55, 67, 58, M of his classes, Vienneau has harem had ~trikers wno Haul~land took high trinle bv hil~.hs.Team hiuh single went ~,,,;~,, h .... m:" /)ha, | Y3, 74, ~$, 76, 77, 78, 83, 84, 85, 85, 93, 94, 9$ and | moved them from his ..bowled.a .1239 _s~le .and fmmhing with a 751. Donalda to the Elite Five with a 989. toms leading with 24 points | ~5 II Yellowhead Hay and Grain nmsneu w~m a. ~z~.7 mp!e. Preston and Yvonne Wiebe Silhouettes took team high along with the Cougars. [ [ Store t.o the. Thornhill I.]~o~Yl~pe ° ~alVlm: i~.~ rolled a ~ for ladies tr!p!e by finishing with a 2781 Girl's high single went to . I I uommumw centre, wnere ,.~-,©? ,,~s . ,?,,,.. , hign single white uonm~a umu.. Laurel Thomsen with a 143 i I ..., .... ~ ...... | he holds children's classes M.un~.tornWhO ~w~m a,281 Preston took high triple by Once again the 300 games while Sheryl Tetrault took I I '" ...... ::'::'?'::"="~:'::'::':"::'~'::'~: I Mondays and Thursdays m.ngte an~ nn!s~a with a finishing with a 694 triple, came out on the Thursday high triple'by rolling a 378. { i ...... =o, ~ mm ~e i from 6-7 P.M., and adult mp;e tota~ el ~i. Team Kenworth Hetty-Tattles Mixed league Del Bjorason Bo,~'s hi-he went to Te ,'~, r | | classes Thursday nights highs w.e.nt ~_ tbe. Donkey still lead on Wednesday rolled a 334 for men's high Beard wi'nth a 240 single an~l t" l I trom 7-e ~'.M. Anyone in- Five wire a ~7 smgte ann Matinee with 39 nointe slmle followed timely hv ~ ,~,~o I ! ~.,,-,., ,.rvsy.~ c., ,,een., ,n the area held by other parties I ~:l~dead~aJ°itenMugboa~ne ~2~e~plee~t~ltapliT°Pt~n~ !o!!owed ,by the ~offee ..l~_,~Gu~...~l w!th--a'.3(}'. '~,'B':.~'."iMujoro had.girl's I s " • . _ ...... w~ppers wtm ~ pomm ann Men S mpte mtm went m high tangle gomg to ~nerry i I ~ II pnone 635-3867 for more pomts:olloweac|nse|ynytne the Grandma's with ~ LenGui~nardwithatntslof ~ ...... ~ , o~o ,=h,u. I " I information. Goof Offs with 25 and the points. High average for the 760, one-"e again e']osely Jea'"nn"~B~nt'ham "~ok"hi"g~l [ • followed by Del Bjornson triple by finishing with a 575. I "' with a 742 and Gary Alger Men s highs went to Adrian 1', wltha741.Ladieahighswent Mumford with a 283 single | to Christine Coombs with a and 776 triple. [ 325 single and 714 triple. There was a Masters | Team highs went to the Tournament held in the | Lumber Kings with a 1222 Terrace Lanes on Sunday | single and 3096 triple, and the following are the I League leaders are Ocean final results. From our sub- | Breeze with 43 points region which includes ] followed by Lumber Kings Kit|mat, Terrace, Smither~, ] • ~ with 34 and Caravan with 31 Houston and Prince Rupert, I po'm.~. . . top man of our sub-region is t| r|igu pomt .of the weo~. Henry Tremblay of Kit|mat ~[ came on. l,'riday Mi.xed. who over eight bowled +185 !! League. Jim uran.gor na~ pinsoveraverage. Following If . . nine tramea wire strutes anu Henry was Back Wilcox of I~ li [ I " Jt va]F '"" "" I,~ir ~tv " " , .~_/ Lucerne i n.,,....,, i..__ li was i .ooki~ at a perfect Terrace who was +32 over ii eel i :.~' ~y~ " , IM~t --, ~..~1~"/ --'""---'" I VIMIIUI2 ,~ II .gumewnenn . . ep.un !c. hed out a average. Top lady of the sub- J~ eel M / ~ ~ _ J I ~k~.. ~- qP~n~~ m n I --~'- iqr~'~Tf~ lee neaapmandflntsoeaupthe region was Dorothy Alway I~ il I ~- ~"-• / MI~AMIIliMM I ~ ~ ~ ~ • Ikmgt~lM I | • •~'L~ ~ "~7;~/ ~ I i game w!th a total of 384 To who bowled a plus 124 pins |I || li015~ [ "~. ll@&ll I Jlll~a ~'~7:,.~!~ ~ li sayt.hete.astthatenegame over average, followed by l| II ..... -- - I mm |@ ms I ~wswv. ~ 1 4, I i wou|nmageanyonesnighta Collette Newman with +94 I! ..... O/ seem a_ tams-_..& --..s aaa----s .... L.----~.. l . -~ ]U complete success but Jim and Darlene Frank + 94 and |, ...... II 10070 Wll0m nneu! wt mvt~niinm u~nn.~ ' Pure Concentrate. ~.~.~ I ee really ~eelled that evening MarllsMasehfromKitimat li il _ • - , ,,am ' .~ir[ mwmv~mmvmmn me ~:~ e l_NoAddntlv ' as. ~I/A~CIM , .andhaua254 anda264to wl~'arJ~l~',, . ele~(~, other three It ee i r,,.,,ba,~ Wil~ng~Jlnhl~Vl Servewith m ~--.~. ,|~ro.zen..Justaddwater. /lit)El Ill fl.nish.~e.nl_.ght with..a 862 ladle~ were all from 11 ee [ ~lU~lt~U vw mmv~-. /j[/~j~/ I Safewav I (~[~'~U |Yacked m Lethbr/dge for /~/ \~1 lee mpte total. Tnot consututm Terrace. There are still l! • I _.. /1/ lAY/ l B .... " ~ @L~lfllt)ll /~mpressF_oods. /~/ ~Jl |• alo.t ofgnodbowl.ing. Ladies results to come in for final [i~ • I Your Chmce . /MI I'~ l ..... ~ I ?~'~\~l / "z ~."" oz. container ...... ~./ ~ Jee hig~ went to G.ilda Edgar results from Prince George [! ee I 24 oz Sliced Lozf ./~/~ | White ~ i~i} ~-'~i[1 [Frul| Y0nw# ~0~ee',~ Assl'd f!..... ~ ---- lee wire a 263 singte and 627 and Whitohoree I ~ • | z,to~., o,~u ...... ~,~,.]o ~ I~.... \~/I~/ ~'~"~ ...... ~1 r.,H~ / i triple. Team highs went to Also a remin(ter that the [ m ~ .~-,~-~ .... .it m wv,m, ~ ~ ~•__ the team of the Good Bad Bow',.~,-ov,~,~ ~-'-' ,o:.... o. ,." ,~|~ i , t=lg,.,,.j . ~ .. , ., , • and t.he.Ugiy who bowled a November3, 4 and S and that /~ • empress I """=" J~,~ . . . I ~;;':.~,o0, II nouan urana • 114 smgte and ended with a a full complement of teams i! -- • ~_ - m~....,e~.~ .~" "------~, - .., ee 2919 triple. Team leaders are have been entered Looks [ I1~ .R m. I ff~~~" [ p i • rr • the Funny Five with 42 llkethat,salifora.i:w-^U,, li [re, ne;.u; er[ -u,, en rresn t0nee [ pomts' . followed by• the 4077 report...... ° 1II

genized. ~j~ la'l~r:~]a~$~ ...... s| + sea I Minor Hockey stats Regular or Chunk po I • 48 oz Tin_. ~w~__;~~_i~ I ~~]1)~ I ~r,. /l /l/ .~ l .,.O..OC.~ ,.,.-C,... ,.. ".OU~ i ...... i lib. bag ...... [~0~-] ~/ I WEEKEND SCORES -- OCT. 20.22 i " • • Prince Rupert Midgets 7 Terrace Midgets 4 | 1 . I I " " III ' ee Terrace Midgets 10 Prince Rupert Midgets 3 • ~lO err ill 1 ! ~ m tie rr: [] Terrace Peewees 10 Prince Rupert Peewees 1 ! I XIIIPIIqM Mflr~Nl~Bi~ r~--~~...~..-~ .~ k~liA ~j~Dil~lill~l~ • Terrace Peewees9 Prince Rupert Peewees0 | :~,~ ~"-. Terrace Bantams 8 Kit mat Bantams 6 i vnlillUln IIIMIIIIMIMMQ [~~.,~:~,~ 15_q_~V lltilllt;} I TerraeeOantams9 KltlmatBantams, [ ,, )_~:--~ , ~t:.n,~ iV • KltlmatPups 5 TerracePups 4 | • I~l " "' ...... • • Kltlmat Pups 11 Terrace Pups 4 I 1 ~memm ' .ii~..,~ = ; /'~.\ l~',~ll~lyl~'~ : ~ -- i Smlthers Peewees 4 Kitlmat Peewees 2 l m//'~t . Rrll /Jl J~ / .,~. ::?,:~. ~mll [~ ~; • Kltlmat Peewees 5 Smlthers Peewees 3 I |/~ Good Mornnng ~!1/~11 I1~ \~"~.~

Kellogg s I ,,.o.+ Kellogg S T_errace_ .2 ! , 35 22 I I i ~W'.~r ,: ~ _.-".'~'."oD~M~ I-'rlnce Huper! 2 2 0 2 23 ,~ Ili ,elf i __ _ . \lime"". \ __ . . -- /I •either• 2 2 0 ~ 29 ~ '! • 1 I qP'il '~ ~ I • • I ~--...-/ '~- ~ n w w n /I Kltimat 1 2 1 :~ 27 ; !+ ,~ ~" ~ ~ MIDGETS -- ' " iI nn/am naennn ug KOISIn Branll Terrace 3 I 0 31 17 I1,1-~ i ~H¢~#uuu It /~~'~ .... '"111 Sprmi~erRsupert] : 0 ]7 28 il+ Lm ,4 -- rni 0 o ,, o 0 --,, -.----~- ~ ~ , RAI,.I,~,,,,+i• n unan I TERRACe MINOR HOCKEY • III JAW! .... I .,:+..~ I .... I ',"11 • HOUSE LEAGUE SCORES & STANDING II IAt'i~W + OYdl I~~ IRAiSlNBRANI D/all ~11 ~ ~---"+ '~-1| ee FOR WEEK OF OCT, 21 S Ill~JI ; Servewith ~L,qll ~t~./qMI/I[~MX ; • -I ~lll Ill {ff~IX I,+.~'~+~.%."~11• TEAM WON LOST TiED G.P. OA. PTS ' ~ - iL~_l Lucerne Milk '~--~ ,~,. I"~ 11__ "lil,_, ~,.,~ILV~i ,--, ~/I~,ui"~'~e;~'~ LeglonBUGS 2 0 0 ' ' and Fresh Fruit. i ~-~MI I+~, Chipmunks ! o , 5 2 3

• g ... Ml~le~~ ~~~ 525 g Box .W_]• ~_1 l~j/ ~w~. PIref,gw+so 2 o , 9 0 " '~"~" A I!~ n qp Pd,e$ |tte¢five Mondoy 1o Snlerdoy O~tober 23 to 28. I o:01n,ernatlonal [ ~ ~ : ,76 : ; urange reKoe uea ,M TERRACE I TC~ernrt:::l~lqLull~resent ~ : 00 ~ 1~ i Salada. s~ ~~ ~ .,..T .-. , Ser.veTea Ofte.. ~ lil ! ~1 Knl.m Electric 1 0 ' S -~

racKage oz ~u ~ags ...... I~o~~ Kalum Tlro 1 0 1 3 ~ 3 CANADA SAFEWAY LIMITED BCGEU 0 1 ~ i 2 i Moose Lodge 0 ~ i 4 6 i "The Herald, Tuesday, Ocfober 24, 1979, Page 7 Derlago, Manno sent to Dallas VANCOUVER (CP) -- "Both plsyers need Top draft choice Bill m~'e .seuonlni at tl~ Derlago and tldrd.yeer stage and we expect them defencemon Bob Msnno tO be back with US noon," were sent Monday to said 8enersl DaLlas Bhek Hawks of Joke Milford mo~nS~i~ Oven the Central Hockey Canucke. Leaffue by ~ the National Derlago reported to Hockey Lea~e. tralni~ camp last mmth Derlsgo, the "fOurth overweight and Van. eouver still ban three Roasts player selected, in the NHL draft last June, veteran centrea.plus Boneless Beef, scored one goal in ~ rookie seneaUon Thmum pines with the Canudu. Gradln from 8wedm.m Bottom Manno spent most d the its NHL roster. Gmdln 1977.78 season in Van- has scored five goals in couver, seven games. or Rump. i Grade,on A Ib, •229 Accordi~ to our Top sirloinA~299 cuslmnevs, it's the Steak. Boneless Beef. Gr lb. best deal in town.. mm mmm mm mm mm iN i m m ~m m im mm i i) i mn~mm m me Bolopa ,.,,0,,.... 99 , Olympic Cry-o-Vac lb. ShBOUOY,no"t 9l

one huge UB(~ volleyball courts as seen from there, with the Girls team finishing a strong Test drive a Honda toda~ at above. Here you see part of the action at the third out of 21 teams from all over B.C. com- TERRACE HONDA SALES UBC Invitational High School Volleyball peflng. The Boys didn't do quite as well, butsfill | ~ l 4913 Hwy. 16 Raisins Tournament held there last weekend. Caledonia finished a very creditable seventh out of the 18 ~L/ Terrace, B.C. VgO 11.0 Senior Secondary School sent both a Boys and Boys taking part. -- 638-8111 ~_]F][._O_!%1'.DJ~k DealerLicence Number O,O~6A Tom.nRouse, ~--~~C Girls squad to the tournament, and did very well , i Minn Pickups. J/~l)i G-Ioz, Pickups ~

.../..... Tomato Soup

Town House, ~ C

% lO fl, oz. Tmns.--Lir for

• , ,t'.~ ' p

Soda Crackers t,, ,~..~,,.~, ..~,,, ozen" Ling Salted" or' i/nsaited," .ill ~.~ ~1) | ib, Box ' Jlol~'~

ca-- _Mrs. ,.Wright's. III Purpose rngUr White.

, Fillets ks $ Turb0t . i0,., 2.99

... fl RUPERT-T-~ .@~,. From localwaters ..... lb. ~•1~1 loe Cream • Fish Cakes ~ ~ i Snow A~ s~ ~A Star, /Ir~L1Lotr.o/J~.~I~ll~J Frozen. ,s~.afood treats to en Y.- ~ ~i. . losortoll~7.qJ- Pall [~. ~ Bulk...... 'b'79¢ WholeSole ~~c ,!tsh, end Chips l',np';:nO Fry Frozen, From B.C. waters., lb.D_~ 20 o,. Paeka'~e...... $1.46 Apple Juice Perch. Town House, §l/s oz, Tins, ,0oz,,a0~,,o ..... c GoldenBuffer Perch ,oz~,. sl.95 WholeMackerel,b~79 Frozen.IGoz. Package ...... ''o0~]~ ~ • dr Fish Eastern. Frozen ...... n' Chips RainbowTrout 24,., 4.99

.,,o,,0~..Frozen. s209 ozen lid c each ...... !r Sq 89 '+'++ 0" Oontrol R ~ Ha ntQ 30oz,Packa~e ..... " • ported ...... nbo Fish Sticks Amorioan, ~ H Ul H INN Fish in Batter • • S Frozen. ¢1 it~It~ lireat for anr-~ $~-] ~~--~ RockbshFmliets | ~Q ~~~ alter oohool~-1/ Ill LIt )lJ IlL J} Frozen. Frozen. From local waters. Ib.|o~~ ,,o,tz ~?,._~.~_~. 32 oz. Package ...... s3.09 ~| &G ~I:,~.,...... ,,.,~.o~ Fish Cakes Whitefish SmokedKippen o.~a.,o~,, ...... lb. L~-~~___~ Boston Bluefish D.C. Grown. i~l Ibs.~_] ~ef'/ ,o,~.I0 lb. Carton ...... s~V OVg'_~o Abalone 'QGIG ~"~"°""14oz. Package ...... "-m 04y I• .. from BLUEWATEF i o V!r~iniao~,P"nuts,,7 ff

pmm in mmmmu mm mm mm mm mm ame mm m mm mm n i me mm m mm o.! h Cakes [n~h~°;;e~l?~'r"°zen...... lb. U_J.V~ Cod m Batter is Serve Seaf°°d-with O ~~JC Frozen14OZ.Package .,- ...... ' 'rm¢1 o~7/~' 4n~ Lemon Jumce2/I/~~~ Lobsterin Brine Mclntosh Apples Realemon4¾ ft. oz. Plasttc ...... I~1_~ ...... ,.,, B.O. Grown. Fish and Chips . ~Octdw~,4tkTues',21"0 Sate, 16 lb. Eoono Pak, 399 Turbot. m T V a Sales in Retail Quantities only. Frozen, V~ 1085 ~ ~" Page g, The Herald, Tuesday, October 24, 1978

IONA MEDIATES merit with the World to the minors, bringing • OTTAWA (CP)- Sport Hockey Association on Nelson Burton up from Minister lona Cam. the signing of under-age Hershey Bears and paguelo has called juniors, recalling Gord Lane and SPORTS warringfactlonstugether ¥¥~t¥¥¥¥~t¥¥¥¥¥~t Ryan Walter from the Hawks, Flames stun NHL in an ~ttempt to mediate MONTREAL (CP) --,The Veteran centre Tom is evidence of the team's was on form list week when a dispute between the CAPS M()VE SiX lnjurod tist. The Caps sent first two weeks d the 19~8-79 Lyslik is the team leader balanced attack. he registered shutouts in CanadlinAmateur LANDOVER, Md. (AP) Stewart to Hershey, La. National Hockey Leagu~ with four goals and seven Other notable surprises in back-toback games against Hockey Association and -- londe to Binghampton season have provided sur- assists for 11 points, good the young NHL season have Buffalo and Philadelphia. BRIEFS Hockey Canada. The announced six player Dusters and Ma,on to prises for fans throughout enough for third place in the come in the goaftending And Ken Dryden and CAHA and Hockey moves Monday, sending Philidelphia Flrebirds, the league. scoring race. department. Rogie Vachon, ,Bunny Larouque of Man- canada have disagreed Blair Stewart, Run all of the American Few, if any, would have Darryl settler of Toronto signed by Detroit Red Wings troal, winners of the vezina on strategy to get agree. Laloude and Mike Marson Hockey League. expected Atlanta Flames Maple Leafs continues to as a free agent from Los Trophy for the best goals- i and Chicago Black Hawks to lead the league with seven Angeles Kings, was expected against average the last two he the only undefeated teams goals and six assists for 13 to make a contender of the seasons, are in the unusual in the circuit. Atlanta has points. Wayne Babych of St. Wings, but that hasn't position of having the ninth- won four games and tied two, Louis Blues has four goals happened yet as Vachon best average in the league. including victories over and eight assists for 12 sports a 3.50 goali-against Don Edwards of Buffalo , and points, before Lysiak is tied average. leads with an average 0( 2.00 Philadelphia Flyer~, while with Marcel Dionne of Los Toronto's Mike Palmateer after six games. Chicago has won three Angeles Kings at 11. Dion- games and tied two, in- ne's total is composed of cluding a triumph over three goals and eight assists. 'Boston Bruins. Atlanta leads the Patrick Brian Sutter of the Blues is Division and the league with tied with team-mate Bernie CFL STATS J 10 points, while Boston has Federko and Boston's Peter The Individual leaders.~ Pass Receiving nine to top the Adams MeNab for fifth place with 10 EAST NO. Yds Avg TD points. Sutter continues as Scoring Gabriel, O 61 985 16.1 11 Division, and Chicago and TD C FG S P Murphy, O 52 542 10.4 1 Montreal lead the Smythe the player with the most Hay, O O 38 25 11 124 Gaddls, M 41 713 17.4 3 and Norris Divisions re. goals with eight. He had six Sweet, M 0 29 26 2 109 Muller, T 41 538 13.1 I in the first weak of the Sunter, T O 19 16 11 78 Avery, O 40 624 15.6 3 spectively with eight points GabrleI, O 11 0 0 0 66 Passing each. schedule and added two Jambroslc, H O 12 11 13 58 A C Yds I.¢TD The Flames have scored 33 more last week in games Green, O 9 O 0 0 54 Clem'nts, O 221 142 1,901 10 16 Edwards, H 6xl O 0 38 Jones, H 238 143 1,744 9 8 goals, more than any other against Vancouver canueks Skolrood, H 4x3 0 0 30 Holi'way, O 163 103 1,95 2 I1 team, and a glance at the and two against Colorado Bragagnolo, T 5 0 0 0 30 Ealey, T 206 112 1,420 6 8 Rockies. O'Leary, M S 0 0 0 30 Dattlllo, M 142 70 1,120 9 5 team's scoring statidics x--Two-point converts. Kickoff Returns gives evidence of a well- Although the Black Hawks Rushing No. Yds AVE TD balanced attack. Five have scored only 23 goals, C Yds Avg TD Bennett, T 27 64S 23.9 0 Edwards, H 166 693 4.2 2 Mofford, M 27 579 21.4 O players have four goals the fact that veterans Ivan "Holmes, O 130 $62 4.3 3 Meeks, H 21 459 21.9 0 each, another two have three Boldirev, John Marks and J. Metcalf, T 14S 546 3.8 2 Green, O 10 427 23.7 0 each and two more have two P. Bordelean share the goal- O'Leary, M 134 $45 4.1 4 Metcalf, T 13 339 26.1 0 goals each. scaring lead with four apiece, Murphy, O 128 497 3.9 0 WEST Scoring BUSINESS DIREOTORY TD ¢FOS P Cutler, E 0 41 34 12 155 McFall, C 0 31 33 13 143 Ruoff, W 0 29 29 19 135 Passagll6, BC 0 24 30 11 131 Macorlttl, S 0 23 30 9 122 Sykes, C 13 0 0 0 70 Scott, E 10 0 O 0 60 Key, BC 9 O 0 O 54 Germany, E 8 0 0 0 4~ Poplawskl, W S O 0 0 48 SKEENA VALLEY Smith, S 8 0 0 O 48 TOOVEY Armstead, C 8 0 0 0

SERVICE Strlckland, S 268 1,248 4.7 7 RENTALS.°. Key, BC 192 95"/ S.0 6 Sykes, C 184 911 S.0 11 Most Anything - Most Anytime For OANAVENT Wash'ngton, Will 848 5.2 6 Germany, E 166 941 5.1 6 CONTRACTORS.INDUSTRY-INDIVIDUALS MERCURY (=ats) MAHA Pass Rscdvlng (outboard DOLMAI~ No. Yds Avg TD Poplawskl, W 66 890 12.$ 8 Hours: Men.. Sat. 8-6 motors) (chainsaw~) Paterson, W 57 136 12.9 2 Scott, E 56 892 15.9 10 Hours: Men.. Sat. ~ Smith, E 51 821 16.1 8 Charuk, BC S0 782 15.6 4 635 m 7417 4946PhoneOreig 635-7417Avenue Dealer Licence Pa.lng 4946 Greig Number02013A S35-5929 A C Yds I*¢TD Brock, W 420 254 3,238 15 19 Tagge, BC 386 219 2,805 10 12 Wilkins'n, E 27"I 166 2,236 9 20 Lancast'r, S383 201 2,599 27 14 KITCHEN CABINETS Hufflag'l, C 299 161 2,529 10 13 • =,,:: ; ,:STAAT,O. TERRACE ANSWERING BUREAU Klckoff Returns • MOULDED COUNTERTOPS • No. Yds Avg TD 638-8195 Phason, W 29 762 26.3 O Crump, W 22 628 28.5 O KALWOOD Key, BC 19 627 33.0 0 ANSWERING, Butler, E 20 531026.5 0 skeena O'Har6, S 19 496 26.1 0 ~EN PAGING, MONITORING OR BRAD REESE PHOTOCOPYING AREA MANAGER I~kABINETS O~9.STH AVENUE SERVICES REMEMBER PRINCE GEORGE. B.C, V2L3K5 (NORTHERN) LTD. 24 HOUR SERVICE BUS. 564.I468 WEDNESDAY1 RES. ss2.22ei FREE ESTIMATES 4603.D Park Avenue, Terrace, B,C. VgG IV5 L0(~T0-BI~R 25th


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Custom Furniture • Auto & Marine Upholstery • Vinyl Looking for a trunkful Repair. Van Conversion Accessories. R.V. Supplies - VISITORS I L.__.__.~a.~ L.----.-- Boattopping & Hardware . Vinyl Car Tops . WELCOME ~ ORDE RD. Headliners. TonneauCovers. Auto Carpet. V.W. Seats of enormous sav:ngs? recovered In original color and material, front & back Then keep your eyes and ears open for K marts spectacular Grand O~)ening, $225. Upholstery Fabrics, Vinyl & leather. Complete Wednesday, October 25th. Everything from kids' shoes to automotive supplies are at Corvetter supplies. Antique Auto Restoration special prices that won't put a wrinkle in your budgetl Take a look at what we've got in R.R. 3 Johns Road store for you in this paper, Tuesday, October 24th. Phone 635.4348 HALLIwELL IN THE SKEENAMALL

Call us at 635-6357 9 to § The Herald, Tuesday; October 24, 1978, Page 9 TERRACE-KITIMAT 4( SECOND "VARIETY 78". 4( Top Entertainment for the Whole Fatally daily herald SECTION -k

Curfew idea ,was defeated KAMLOOPS, B.C. lOP) -- debate about thee el- curfews, said adults com- lay a charge," Payne said. Coquittam RCMP detach. "~ Delegates to the third annual fectiveness of the curfews, plain to the RCMP when the "A curfew is a gratuitous meat sold ouly abcutflve per meeting of the Justice but voted 16 to 12 against youngsters hang around insult to the good kids." Councils o~ British Columbia them. cent of teenagers are street corners and then He said North Vancouver troublemakers but it is not voted narrowly on the Some speakers said the pellce ask for laws to keep which has a curfew law good for any teea-ager to be weekend against curfews aided parents while persons under age 17off the would be better served by on the street at night. manidpallpimposed cur- others said curfews were an streets at night. creating social and Galbraith said the point of 7~ fewa. invasion of civil rights. "They (police) want a recreational activitloa that curfews is tokeep teen-agem J~, The Johnny Thorson Banlo Express delegates were Aid. Gary Payne of North grabbng soluUou to usa in wouldappeal to toen-ngers, out d trouble so that they ~ Ventriloquistand Puppeteer' Canana's King of the Banlo divided during a two-hour Vancouver, who is against situations where they cannot Insp. Bob Galbraith of the don't enter the court system, -k New pope to be continuing w,,, government, that it doesn't • .like to see its youngsters wandering around the street at night when there is a high policy of reconciliation probability they will get into _VATICAN CITY (AP) -- reconciltaticuwiththosoviet Many in the church believe tries that have diplomatic trouble," Galbraithsaid, ~l t~e~l~JOimPaul II endorsed bloc was inil~tnd by PoI~. thuthevingaPopefromPo, relations with the VaUcan. Moanwldle, a oymlx~iunl P'~I COIM ,l=lVlr'uRY roman cathouc unur- johnXXlllanowaspunued land--a man who spent An estimated 60 million at the meeting was to]d that ch's policy ot ac- v~oro=lybyhissuccemor, almost his an.re priesUy Boreal Catholics live in an employments~stem by Jb"l SHOW GROUP I commodation with Commu- Pope Paul. The anti- career under communism Communist countries, which convicts in provincial ~l WHO DO IT ALL I nkt countries Monday, Communist trend in the and understands its The reconciliation effort is ,jails would he paid the saying dialogue is the only church reached a peak with workinge--will accelerate aimed at obtaining .more minimum wage of $3.50 an ~1 BEAUTIFULLY I way to ease problems bet- PopePlus Xl['s 1950decree this process of detente, freedom for clergymen, hour would result in a .wesn the two. excommunicating"atheistic Cubaand Yugoslavia are more opportunities for significant saving to tax- "There cannot he true Communists." the only Communist coun- religious instruetion and less payers. Bill Fraser "The Amusimanlac" bumanprngreseforpeace without lastingthe entered ,0,,v,,,= in Communist- C:orrec,oasSe~cesaldtheo,.. .,q)(1" courageous, loyal and Guilty plea governed lands, wage system would enable l I El M• LEE THEATRE disinterested search for co- At his inanguralmaseSun- prisoners to pay for their ~',.=.=,.n,.==,,~ty among peoples," the by Stone guitarist Fealed,~,, Pope to different John economicPaul up- support°wnkeep dependentsin i=tltuUon on andthe .,i~l{ FRIDAY OOT 27TN Pope said in an address to . and political systems to outside. I II representatives from about TORONTO(CP)-- Rolling. pesssession of heroin for the "open wide the doors to Stone said it costs at least 125 countries and world Stones. guitarist Keith purpose of trafficking and Christ." $14,000 a year to' keep each organinaUans, Richards, described by possession of cocaine. In his address Monday to convict in an institution and "For this, this church defence wit=cases as the the foreign dignitaries, in- at least halt of those are Two Shows at 7:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. Richards, however, cluding Deputy Prime serving time because they encourages all the initiatives eatayist behind the British elected trial by judge Minister Allan MacEachen were unable to pay a fine. .~ that can be taken, all the rock band's driving music, without Jury Monday and of Canada, the new pontiff Under the present system, Advance Tickets Available at Ev's Mens Wear steps that can be ac- pleaded guilty Monday to cmnplkhed for the bilateral possession of heroin. Judge L.K. Graburn said he said the Vatican's endeavors a convict seldom earns more and multilateral plan." He is to he sentenced accepted the guilty plea to on the world stage have "no than $1.50 an hour, which ,~ and Terrace Sight & Sound or at the Door the reduced charge. The other goal but to serve." J~, The former cardinal from today, means he can never make v ~ • . . . . judge also dropped the Pope John Paul, who until restitution and cannot Communist-ruledPolanddld Ricnaras, 34, pleases cocaine charge, saying the his electim last week was support his dependents, he Adults $5.00 Children, Students $3.00 notmanllonanyccuntryora gulltytothareducedchurge Crown was unable to archbishop of Krakow, said. specific policy but his when he a.ppeared in a. produce evidence to support Poland, is known to have meaning was clear ~;hm he county courtroom pa~ou it said: "The principles which with fans and members of " token a firm but businnss- the Canadian and British The original charges wm'e like stance in dealing with guided my predecessors and news .,~u= .,i,,I,, oh,,,,, ,~ laid after police searched the government in Warsaw. espedallythamournedPope ~ •.... y--...-,,.;:w Richards's downtown He spoke out often from his SAVING Paul Vi will continue to • seat,~..=.-,-~wen-agers who i ....coma "~'~"~-""not De %r^nt. " ~'• h-'e'"~;. '..'w ...... " pulpit on human rights but .. Inspire the action of tl~'Holy. "~-.*-'~-" "~'v''/~"' fmmda pouch contalalng 23 was careful not to criticize /':: "~......

'11~ church'S policy of charged Feb. 27, 1977, with heroin, directly. ~d , 'AVOU MimiCrY' i

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Whether reefer cargo or general freight, CP Rail's CPRail [4 Northland Service can meet Northland Service /our transportation needs. We 2285 Commissioner Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5L 1A9 can accommodate bulk loads Tel: (604] 255-3535 Telex: 04-51165 such as lumber and A d~w~mn,)f CP Ra# Coastal Marine Ooerallons Page 10, The Herald, Tuesday, October 24, 1978 Spices provoke interest ,Solar heating. TORONTO (CP) -- Times Horton Spice Mills in Germany, Schwartz said in Gilded orchid have changed from these Unionville, Ont., estimates an interview. days before refrigeration his sales are up 25. to 30 per Spice people trace the business has when spices were judged cent from five years ago. sales boom to the late 19~0s, fond.palatable.necessary to make rancid William Schwartz, whose starting with the fashion for Halifax family husineea cooking European dishes. good prospects But Canadian spice firms dates back to 1841 as the Next came the craze for OTTAWA (CP) -- to persuade larger latest craze such as Club House Foods oldest spice company in oriental cuisine. Now "We're not in the business Canadian companies that SINGAPORE (Reuter) -- In 1976 alone, sales because they are made from (McCormick's), SchI~M'W"North America, reports a Mexican cooking is pushing t)f making solar panels, solar panels specifically Singapore, one of the world's amounted to nearly $850,000. rare flowers and have a and French's (Reckitt and similar increase. He adds sales up further. we're in the business of designed for northern cli- leading orchid producers, This figure doubled the thicker gold and better making money," says the mates could sell Coleman) arebanklng onthe that sales by Canadian Lately, said Horton, smart has taken the novel step of following year, partly finish. president of a company profitably, he decided to boosting exports by selling because Singapore began to new interest among seasoning firms to the cooks have been learning gambling that solar approach a smaller Setsco recently exhibited Canadian consumers in restaurant industry have how to season pasta and the exotic flowers in the form export the gold orchids in its golden wares in West heating will ,,row into a company. of goldplated ornaments. late 1977. gourmet and foreign doubled since 1975. cheaper cuts of meat to keep nitflti.millio: dollar Smaller companies, he Germany, Japan ~d cooking. "The average Canadian their food budgets under The ornaments were first The Scientific, United States, as well as m Canadian industry by said, can produce them introduced to the domeetic Sales of seasoning have family now buys about $10 control. I988'. just as economically as Engineering and Technical the Manila Trade Fair cL the market two years ago after Services Company (Setsco), Association of Southeast boomed in recent years, worth of seasonings a year "Canadians used to be This month Nortee Air large ones as long as they scientists of the government. O,nditioning Industries succeed in gaining larger a subsidiary of the institute Asian Nations, and expects even with the current compared with between $10 strictly meat-and-potato run Singapore Institute of which manufactures risis devalued Canad an dollar, and $15 in the U.S. from $1 to people, but not any more," Lid. of Ottawa began orders. exports to reach 40 per cent manufacturing 19.2- Standards and Industrial orchids, says that about 25 of total sales in the second Tom Horton, president of $1.50 in the U.K., and $30 in he said. He says Nortec will Research developed a mewe-square panels, have a considerable cost per cent of the golden half of this year as a result. special process to preserve flowers are exported, mainly says president Mike advantage over panels Dr. Lau says with a laugh Leicester, who an- the llve orchid in 22-carat to European Common imported from the U.S. gold. that nobody can ever hope to ticipatos selling 4,000 in Imports, which are Market countries. buy another class eL rim or- the first year at $240 each saddled with 17-per-cent The fresh orchids are Setseo's production treated chemically before manager, Dr. Lau Peck chide. They are the YIP MANTiQUE for use with heat pump tariffs, distributors collection, consisting of and water heater systems markup and the exchange they can be strengthened by 'ling, says risis orchids are plating with base metals and divided into three categories golden flowers named after as well as swimming differential, cost $18-$30 women dignitaries Who have ipools. per .8-metres-squared finished in gold. The result is to eater to different tastes. FASHIONS LTD 1 He said in an interview flowers transformed into They are the original visited Singapore. while Nortec's product, The dignitaries include .~hat the company's leap engineered after boun- pendants, brooches, tie pins, collection, the mini- into the solar age is a cufflinks and a range of collection and the special Queen Elizabeth, Princess cing design ideas off Margaret and the wives cf clear indication that the National Research precious jewelry. collection. MIDNIGHT MADNESS initiative in the solar Moreover, they are made The original risia collec- Egyptian President Anwar Council scientists, will Sadat, Philippines President panel revolution is sell for $10-12. to retain for years the tion consists of the first 15 moving from the bright- Althongh Ramsden distinctive orchid form and designs made by institute Ferdinand Marcus and eyed visiouar!es to the says solar energy is not contours. As in nature, no scientists. They are sold at Japanese Prime Minister hard-headed the ultimate solution to two gold-plated flowers are about $13 each and are made Takeo Fuknda. All Gringo businessmen. potential energy short- alike. from hybrids grown ab- Sotsco disp.lays them in a 10% off Norte's move'into solar ages it does have a place The golden flowers, better dundantly as cut flowers in specisl shbwease, together panel production comes in the national power known as rials orchids, Singapore. The mini.flowers with the latest addition,. after six years of grid. At some point solar reversing the initials of the are priced from $10 to $14. Vanglossum Veronica All Stock In Cords 'specialization in heating, heal will provide enough institute, beeam~ popular The "specials" are sold at Somare, named alger the ventilating and air condi- jobs and conserve enough the moment they went on prices ranging up to $130. wife of the prime minister ot tioning products. It has 15 energy that it will be sale. They are more expensive Papua New Guinea. The Store Reg. 24.00 employees and projected important to Canadians sales of $2 million this he said. From 6.99 .... year. ll expects to hire lO Ramsden says the[Making beds is easy sellers panels through a emphasis on solar space netMorkof36 sales outlets heating when 23 ~o 30 per 8PM- 12PM :~yanadaandL the United cent of homeenergy costs NEW YORK tAP) -- A his entry into the fields of designers have used bursts "' ~t al~S. and 50 per cent ,f apart- ment energy costs are Finnish designer has come designing furniture, wall of color-- poppy, sky blue, The new solar products up with a way to make a bed i ~ division is the offspring of incurred Ihrough electric coverings, table settings and sun yellow and tundra green. hot-water heaters. in 10 seconds. decoraUve accessories. New to the collection this a business marriage In addition, it's a method Wrangler Many Many ' ~ between Leicester, a Although solar panels Ratia is vice-president of year is a tiny check which ' :' mechanical engineer, and can help " ease the that works well for hard-to- Marimekko, the Finnish Ratia says is ideal for both a 4 !cjim Ramsden, 30, a domestic electric bill he make beds such as those dress, accessory and fabric traditional and a modern I chemical engineer and says Nortec has decided placed against a wall, bunk firm founded by his mother, room. Clean Front More In Store i~ former assistant to the the strongest market now beds, loft beds and even Armi Ratia. In what might he called a federal public works min- lies with commercial thase on beats. He has gained a reputation seizure of cutoneas, Bo-Boo ister. laundries and food It sounds simple the way as a product.stere-interior is the tag for a design for Rarnsden, who heads processors where large Ristomatti Ratia describes designer. His first challenge, sheets and pillowcases for Jeans the divnsion, says most quantities of' hot water it: he says, was designing his children. No nmtter. It has Specials -panels sold in Canada are are needed. Fold back the continental own room at the age of 12. bright, bold and eye- manufactured in southern i~pth men say that comforter to air the bed. Pull After studying in London he catching colo~. • California where the despite mass-production, the fitted or flat bottom sheet began to create designs for "Children should he ex- almost endless summer panels are unlikely to tight. Toss the comforter into home furnishings, luggage posed to good colors," says weathec reduces the need drop in price. The copper, the air and let it settle. and fabrics. Ratia. "I believe that sim- 15.96 26,00'" for the maximum heat- glass fibre and aluminum Throw on the pillows, and Ratio characterizes the ple, straight-forward motifs ueTO 50%off collecting efficiency used to make them won't that's it. firm's designs as era- are best and, for my needed here. always be as cheap as at The Ratia version of a phasizing function and children's collection, I em- ~i~,OITIOENTRE 632-4461 After he failed last year present, they said. continental comforter is s~mplicity, strai.ghtforward p~s~e?.the quality ~ color polyesterfilled and e gance and oola ana' andsiinoliettyofline ' washable. Openings at one vibrant colors. :'~ . ~,q't~T,h~ld,,,~',~,~ ;o end let your bands'pull the "' ' '.'Di.seussing 'the'" ~l|ne "of ~ ~r'esh"~"and'w"~ an"~'~"~:e~'~~o comforter in. A flap at the meets, piuows ana com- keep that way, will lear/i to Victoria other end is tucked back farters, Ratta said, 'Tin. have a discerning eye." once the comforter is settled. looking for color and ex- For children also is a Ratia says the 10-second pression in a bedroom. I Slumberbag. Unzipped, it's a to get bed was designed with want to wake up a room and comforter; zipped, it's a today's active family in make it happy." sleeping hag. It comes with mind. To achieve this, his its own matching carrier. "In today's world people hostel don't have the time to spend VICTORIA (CP) -- The making beds with military Canadian Hostelling precision," he says. "So No limits to romance Association is negotiating we've done away with the VICTORIA (CP) -- were bern well over a con- with the federal government traditional blanket and Samuel Robert Vnas and tury ago," said Brig. to obtain the mothballed spread." Rosina Kirkebridge were William Hmty, ad- survey ship William J. The idea of a large, soft married Saturday following ministrator ot the Salvation Stewart for a floating ho6tel bag covering the surface of a a whirlwind romance. Army's Mateen Lodge where in Victoria, an association bed was adopted in Europe a The bride also marked her the couple lives. spokesman said Monday. long time ago. In Scan- 991h birthday that day while Graham Bell, association dinavia, it is called "dyne," the groom celebrated his The flower girl for the operations director, said his and in France, "duvet." 93rd birthday Sunday wedding was the. bride's group has been trying to find Aside from its practical "It was a little strange greatgranddaughter, and the a suitable building in Vic- application, the 10-second filling out the forms, which ring hearer the groom's THURSDAYOOT BER 26 - 8p.m. to Mi toria for the past two years, bed was used as a publicity ask for the birthday and great grandson. and is excited about the gimmick to draw attention to birthplace of their parents, In deference to the age of 'possibilitiesof the William J. Ratin's move of his" home and realizing that we were the couple, there was no 8p.m. to 9 p.m. Stewart. base to New York City and to talking about people who grand entrance. JlLLWINTERBOO'rs ...... 10%0. GM PONTIAO BUIOK GMO, ASSORTEDDRILDREMS SHOES...... !//2 PRIOE TRUOKS 1976 Chev 1/2 Ton 4x4 5795 oo 1974 Dodge Club Cab 3595 oo 1975 Chev 3A Ton 4596 oo 1974 Ford 1/2 Ton 35950o 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. Adma[ 1974 Ford Van Low miles 3795 oo L,.,fs ,.Ess s,0n ...... tO-/DO, OARS , Ace n,s. sum.s ...... 10% Off 1978 Omega 4 Door V6 4Dr. V6 689600 1976 Dodge Aspen RT 2Dr. 0Dupe, Buokete 4095 o0 1976 Granada Dusk 449500 1976 Datsun S.W. 349600 1974 Bobcat 22950o• at the 1976 Vega 249500 1973 Mazda Rx2 Auto 179500 SHOE HUT 1973 Chrysler 4Rr. Soda. 2295o0 'DEALER LIOEROE NUMBER D3~i3i ATOM MOTORS LTD, 239 City Centre 632-2244 Kitimat SOD or Oall GLENMoNAB, 312 ENTERPRISE - FRANK OAMPAGNOLO KiTIMAT 632-7141 or 632-7142 The Herald, .Tuesday,Oclober 24. 1978/Page I1 New store pledges quality CB NEWS with DINO K mart, the discount problems, the leapfrogging pliances; furniture; building • music section featuring department store which from stere to store to pick up tools; floor coverings; stereo tape players and opens on Wednesday, Oct. 25 one item here and another draperies, yard goods and tapes. Several bays will be at Skeena Mall on Lakeke there. K mart brings it all to sewing materials; women's available to expedite light Hello again all you good people out there then have to go backup the hall to your own Ave., is part of a company Terrace, B.C." fashions; men's, boys', girls' maintenance and parts in C.B. land. For those of you who faithfully room, eh MARMADUKE and HAPPY that opened its first Following are highlights of and infants' clothing; replacement service. The Canadian variety store in the merchandise the bedding; jewelry; camera center will offer wheel watch for this column, apologies are in COOKER? Seriously now, we all hope that 1929. It has expanded to a department store will carry: supplies; books and records; alignments and balancing: order for being a [amtart and missing last you're both fine again and back at home network of more thon 80 major appliances, including pet supplies, and health and the quick checking and • week's. Mostly this was due to running out fully agreeing that there really is no place Kresge stores from coast-to- color television sets, beauty aids. The K mart will replacement of brakes, tail of words and then lust a bit of laziness crept like home. coast and now launches its washing machines and have a complete automotive pipes and mufflers. The in, not to mention the forgetfulness part. 98th K mart discount refrigerators; small ap- center with a large auto store will also feature a full Congratulations go out to one of our department store in Canada. line sporting goods depart- Now that I'm back to what they call being a favorites, that being RAIN.DROP, on her According to a press ment and a self.serve snack lady of leisure (how they can call a two wins of that lovely perfume she likes so release from the company, K bar. housewife that is beyond me) I can devote much. mart will he competing on a ]:ri ate schools "Over 80 Terrace area more time to this column and hopefully do a Spook and goblin time is creeping up on us price level. We try at all residents will be given full times to maintain a con- employment when the K bit of rubber-necking on the two-way and again and as every year, the local C.B.'ers sistently lower price on all find out a few more things. Kind of bad are going to be out there lending a helping mart opens," said Brincce. , our merchandise, they say, teaching queried "Additional personnel will having to resort to that to get some into but hand to SMOKEY by way of patrolling including a few well-known VANCOUVER (CP) -- be hired part.time during it could prove Interesting. designated areas and more responsible brand-name products. He said two of the three holiday seasons. A staff "The public want quality Fewer than half of 'the committee members have a Nothing too much has been happening out people are needed who wish to offer their teachers in British made up of entirely local and value, and we're vested interest in B.C.'s people will assure our being there inthat C.B. land of ours and by now services and cars. If you feel you would like prepared in every way to Columbia's publicly.fundad independent schools because everyone has nicely recuperated from the independent schools have alert to all the needs of our to help, then please get in touch with satisfy that want," says D.G. they belong to the Federated new customers." last Tomahawk Tribe Dance and now GERONIMO on Channel 17 and let him Briscce, the manager. teaching certificates, a Independent School "The first K mart opened they're all sitting back waiting for the next know now so that everything can be Can items found defective university degree or the Association, which consists or unsatisfactory by the same qualifications as those of independent-school board in a suburb of Detroit in 1962. C.B. dance which will be the G.R.S..B.B.C. arranged. purchaser be returned? Mast working in public schools, members and parents of K mart's former chairman, annual Valentines Dance unless something A welcome back home goes out to LIT- certainly. They will stand the B.C. Teachers' children attending private Harry B. Cunningham, and pops up between now and then. Hear some TLE MAMA and LITTLE JIGGER who behind all products, sold Federation was told Satur- and parochial schools. its present chairman, Robert through K mart stores. day. "It is important to E. Dewar conceived K mort rumors of a Hallowe'en dance bur that's were away for quite a while and who we're as a store selling top-quality something that has to be checked into more Satisfaction is guaranteedor Jack Gilmore, a principal recognize that you don't all glad to have back. money is refunded. in nearby Bnrnaby, told the have to be qualified under merchandise at a small before I can give you the word. A howdy goes out to SEAGULL HUNTER What is K mart's policy in weekend pellcy meeting that the Public Schools Act to profit to induce high Speaking of dances, word from from Kitwancool who has seen fit to attend regard to merchandise? All indepondent-echool teachers teach at a private school," volume." GERONIMO is that wecame out ahead on merchandise found in K only have to meet Gilmore said. "According to This concept brought some of our coffee breaks and who we enjoy immediate and over- the last dance which was what we were having among us. mart will he top quality, qualifications set by a the ministry, 44 per cent of name brand merchandise. government-appointed, the teachers now teaching in whelming acceptance trying for so now we can look forward to SEAGULL HUNTER has also let us know "We have found that the committee, and' need no private schools are not resulting in the world's another Tomahawk Dance. that anyone requiring emergency public, in most instances, teacher-training courses to qualified to teach in the fastest growing mass Everyone should be happy to hear that assistance or any assistance in the Cran. questions the reliabilityor is be accepted for a job. public schools of B.C." merchandising chain. TOOLIE'S knees have healed after his vigil berry Junction area can get ahold of him on • reluctant to purchase of picking up all those peanuts af the last Channel 06or on the Brown Bear channel on seconds, or substandard products. Therefore, our dance and I do believe that RADAR has V.H.F.-7 R 066. Also, please note that the preference and policy is. to finally run out of peanuts too. logging trucks In that area are C.B. sell only the best mer- The • Ktnky" Bo0 O.K. that special birdie has been making equipped now and these boys are sitting on chandise in our units." its rounds again and this time he tells me 01 should the need for help arise. How many persons will he that certain people in that Kitty Kat town employed at K mart? They O.K. folks, time I went 10-7 for another require over 100 for K mart. o..n . have been taking in holidays of sorts and week so ha~e yourselves a mighty fine day With few exeepUuns, oil ~ both have been known to check into the and a better one tomorrow and we'll catch the employees are from th~ / M]dmght Madness hospital within a few hours of each other. you again next week...fill then 3's and keep area. They say they Must seem strange.to visit your mate and on smilin'. extremely pleased with tl~ quality of applicants, fro~ Specials whom they were able to select an experienced 8 p,m, to Midnight Only Springhill disaster now qualifiedIt is describedstaff for as tha a bright, store. Hall-O-Ween Toys For Christmas cheerfully light store. "No matter what the Fireworks Tonka, Fisher-Prioe, Mattell weather is like outside, you'll two decades in the past displays,enjoy browsingthroughthe matching your UP requirements with the SPRINGHILL, N.S. (CP) survivors. But after six days miners," as townspeople 100 miners. It was closed in frequentspecials of that day. lO%Off TO30%Off It's a comfortable way to -- It was 20 years ago, on drillers made voice contact proudly described the sur- the early 1970s I~cuuse of to find the better-than-ever Oct. 2~,, 1968, that the last through on air pipe with 12 vivors, was the last mining flooding. Look For Many Other Instore Specials great mi.~ag disaeter in thin survivors erammed in an air activity the mine was ever to But the town has seen bargains. "In short, this is disaster-plagund town killed pocket. see. It was closed down and some revitalization. An old the modern way to shop. It's 207 OITY OENTRE OENTRE 632-2616 ~ ~ ~i~ 1~ ''~p~' j~''t~d a Desperately-ncedad water the town went into economie mine shaftwosroopenedas the best way to beat the iniraele rescue', and ended' was poured through the pipe recession.' the Springhill Miners ft~ustraLi°n of parking to them. One of the men said As if the mine tragedies Museum, a federal medium Springhifi's days as a major grace as ha drank his first were not enough, Springhill security institution was built ~./~m. coal town. Atg:05 p.m. a jolt like an water in six days. was hR by major fires in1957 in the town and an industrial ~- " earthquake shook the town. The next day the rescuers and 1975 that wiped out much park attracted several small Telephones were knocked .broke through and brought of its downtown, including, industries. outandpeeplel0mllesaway the 12 men to surface, City Hall in the 1975 blaze. A new town hall and i~ felt it. starved but with no greater But Springhill survives de- provincial office building "w, Springhillers didn'tnecd to injuries than one broken leg.. spite the catastrophes, costing almost$1 million has ask what happened. They The rescue workers "We are ever mindful of been opened, and several knewitwasamaJor"bump" pushed on, convinced there our past . . . of the great other new buildings have / and tbey ran to the mine. would be more men alive, tragedies our citizens have been built. A bump ~ is an us- Then, on Nov. 1, a rescue suffered," says Mayor There were no special predictable hazard, peculiar worker let out a whoop and William Mont. services Monday to mark the to soft-coal mines in told his fellow workers he "The scars are still here, 20th anniversary of the mainland Nova Scotia, in had found a man, "and be's will always be here. But we bump. lmtead, the town which excavated seams sud- alivel" must carry on." boners all miners who lost denly compress with near- It was Barney Martin, who In the two years following their lives underground at an explosive force, crushing had spent tbe entire time in a the 1958 explosion, about special service every men and machinery and small cavity by himself. 2,400 residents left to seek summer. sending out clouds of "God musthavesavedthis employment elsewhere. Mayor Mont says he is pelaonousccaigas, hole for me," he told Fromapepulationof7,600in proud of the people of Oot. 26/78 The Springhlll mines had rescuers, the mid-S0s, the town Springhill. been especially prone to Not far away, the rescuers dwindled to 5,200. ."They're a wonderful bumps and explosions. An found the last six survivors For those who stayed, lot...a special breed of explosion in 1891, only 21 arid brought them to the conditions were grim. A paople,"hesa)s."Withtheir /bd g years after mining began in surface, small mine opened near the support l'm sure Springhill Springhill, still ranks as The rescue of the "miracle old one but employed only will enjoy a good future."

aster. It killed125 men and boys. Another explosion in : " 1956 killed 39 miners. •...... , As As the mine went ~ 8p na.-12p. deeper the number ot bumps increased, prompting at ." "" least one miner to remark ~ ...... :, that he had a dread feeling ~ :...... every time he went into it. ~ ...... By 1958,the No. 2 colllery's i .- slopingshaft stretched 13,600 ! '": 4,260to anundergrounddepthof feet--the deepest coal ! MAJESTIOJEWELLERS <:"'" mine in North America. During the summer of 1958 ,"'" there were bumps almost 8p.m.-12p.m. Oot. 26/'/8 ...... " every week, and 14 miners ...... were injured. Miners say there never ~ was a bump likethe big one. When it hit, 175 miners were working the night shift Underground. The bump heaved the flours of the various levels and tunnels toward the celling, killlng74 nflners outright. IN STORE VALUES Eighty-two men were earlybrol~ht hoursto the of surface the rescuein the L' Up TO 50 % / operation, although one died

alive underground, i For the next eight daysthe Off .world watched as t -draegermen-- rescue ...... : CITY KITIMAT miners-dug frantically to CENTER, rescue them. Ipllll"'"'"'"'""'"l"ll[ hope of finding any more OITY o OFFICIALS NAMED TORONTO (CP) -- The • Canadian Foundation for Economic Education has announced that Harvey Perry of Toronto and Geerge L '~i: !.i'.~ Flowers of Montreal have . lect . :s ...... i- ...... :...... , Page 12, The Herald, Tuesday, October 24, 1976 HARASSMENT l Private police CHARGE MADE Alcan income strong VANCOUVER (CP) -- nets, physical con- MONTREAL Alcan short tons against 333,300 showed normal seasonal operations are included in force costly Nonunion fishermen frontstions between union Aluminium Limited reports tons in the third quarter last declines, and Canadian net income of $69.3 million those of the parent, reported SAANICH,B.C. (CP) -- department," said Mayor testified at a British and non-union fishermen year, and 1,293,200 tons in domestic shipments were a net profit of $44.7 millionin Columbia Labor Rela. and of losing thousands of (U.S.), equivalent to $1.72 nine months against 1,090,400 limited by strikes in some This Vancouver Island Mel Couvelier. per common share, in the the third quarter of 1978 municipality has been The brief says 13 tions Board (LRB) dollars worth of fish. tons in the corresponding Alcoa fabricating plants. against $28.1 million a year bearing on the weekend of third quarter of 1978. This period of 1977. Aleon's smelter at penalized economically municipalities in the PGA member David compares with $53.6 million, ago and a net profit of $126.4 for having its own police province maintain their. the many ways they faced Third quarter shipments Beauharnois, Quebec (which million for nine months Ekroth, 33, a former or $1.32 per share in the were 30#00 tons or six per force, says a brief to the own poUee forces. union harassment during UFAWU member, produces five per cent of against $59.6 million in the a fisherman's strike last same quarter of 1977. cent below the second Alean's total Canadian British Columbia Police The brief recommends testified that because of Net income for the first corresponding period of 1977. Commission. • i' that the cost ef policing July. quarter. Inventories again output), was shut down by an Its sales and operating harassment he lost at inine months of 19"/8 was deelined during the quarter. "It would save us at throughout the province The three were least $10,000 profit in the illegal strike Oct. 16. The revenues were $,563.7 million testifying at an LRB $206.2 million (U.S.) or $5.10 Shipments of beth ingot sympathy walkout which least$t million a year in be financed on a per four-month 1978 season per share against $138.8 in the third quarter against policing costs if'we had a capita basts which it says hearing into charges by during which he made a an, d semi-fabricated followed at Alean's main $457.7 million the preceding the non-union Pacific million or $3.43 per share in products have shown growth smelter in Jonquiere has contract withthe national would provide relief to net profit of $50,000. the same period of 1977. year, and $1,675.0 million for force (RCMP) rather those municipalities with Glllnetters Association this year, with the larger ended without loss of metal nine months against $1,378.3 (PGA) that the United Ekroth said his was Consolidated sales and relative gain in the ingot production. The 15-week million in 1977. than having our own their own forces. Fishermen and Allied among 100 gillnetters operating revenues in the products category. For nine strike at Alean's major Workers Union which continued to fish in third quarter were $910.7 months, semi-fabricated fabricating plant at (UFAWU) harassed and Rivers Inlet on July 16 million against $739 milliona products were 6~ per tent of Kingston, Ontario, has been blacklistod association despite warnings that year ago, and $2,688 million total shipments. settled Oct. 19. members who fished dur- they should not. in the nine months of 1978 The company said that The sales outlook for the $2,260.1 ing the threc-day UFAWU He said he did not compared with strength in sales was con- fourth quarter continues strike. believe the strike legally million in the corresponding tinued in nearly all strong. (nn mE GlUE YOU The fishermen told of affected the PGA which is period of 1977. :.~eographicareas in the third Aluminum Company of futile searches for ice and an association of inde- Consolidated shipments of arter, particularly in the Canada, Lid, whose con- facilities to change their pendent fishermen. aluminum in the third United States and Asian soliduted accounts for North quarter of 1978 were 434,500 l markets. European sales America and Caribbean HLL THE (OmFORTS AIR CANADA'S BID OF HomE... Nordair takeover poses problem OTTAWA (CP) --The pro- cabinet to maintain Nordair intu Northern Quebec and posed takeover .f Nurdair as a separate entity ~o destinations where at has air charters along its the Northwest Territories. scheduled flighls, scheduled r.ums, he replied Dd. by Crown-owned Air c.mpete with Air Canada. Taylor said he "saw Canada has landed a major Air Canada Presidem Wlmn Taylor was pressed ,hat =he airline would n.I n.thing a~ the re.tent that during Ihe 'hearing .n all.w actions Ihal w.uld industry controversy in the Claude Taylor told the would cause us to wan( u~ d, lap of the federal govern- c.mmission =he airline plans whether Air Canada would "put us in a n.n-viable posi- tent, forcing a long-overdue anything ~,~her than allow allow a subsidiary to expand =ion." to relain Nordair N,,rdair t o tempera with Air review of federal policies management and to allow it affecting airline services. Canada ,n those r.ules ar .perate as it has in the where it currendy c.m- The Canadian Iransport pas¢. He said Nordair's commission's July appruval pored." charmr oper.ations are Bw the transport c,m- i of Air Canada's $25-million among the most attractive bid for the regional carrier, •mission also was told thai., aspect .f its t~perations for Air Canada has a p-licy ,,f TERMINAL in the face of some strong Air Canada as are its routes arguments against it during limiting charters to 11 days of public hearings, EXPRESS resulted in a spate .f appeals p. to cabinet which now must decide whether to allow it. (635-36eo) Some critics uf the SHOOK ABSORBERS,l Now you can go anywhere and still have those /' lakeover say Ihat the eabinel o comforts of home. Take your vacation ~thls year z,, / review sh,uld also consider Expires Nov. 4th :1 Paroel Piokup & Delivery the increased ownership of in one of our fabulous recreational vehicles. ~.L. airlines by governmem * 39" pair 0 mm mmp mm nm mmm mm i i iililli ml I iN i Ii l Its the only Way to got /~ which started with the indalk~i Alberta government's 1977 Light Packages & Parcels purchase .f Pacific Weslern i Chairs ~- Recliners -- End Tables -- Airlines (PWA), a process Install two SURE TRACKERS ~:~ Portable T.V. . "extended by PWA's recent heavy duty A series .7, Suites (Kitchen & Living Room) takeover ,f Winnipeg-based Motorcraft shock absorbers Beds & Box Springs Transair Ltd, . front or rear / ; Cabinet also must decide I,~ inspect front and rear suspension,/ MASTER BEDROOM DRESSERS OR CHESTS all springs ~q~/ 1978 FORD THUNDERBIRD _t'Btor, whether control uf Nordair, steering assembly FRIG'S, STOVES, WASHER OR DRYERS V-8, Automatic, Tilt Wheel, Cruise Control ...... ~ II qWVV

the country's third largest steeringlinkage • i~li liil !1 i l ii lltlll" regional carrier, would Installation included increase Air Canada's Passenger cars and light trucks A seriesheavy.duty shock absorbers Tempe T~em Ford Sales Lid. District of Terrace Only :,.already.. dominant position carry a hfe.t=ma guarantee. 4~11Ketth • 63S.~ and reduce competition in an nesler LlcmceNumber (:~CT~A 1977 MONZA ~, - I " industry"where it has-often ...... • 3 Door V0 auto ...... ,...... ~-.~...~,.~,~ been more illusory than real. .... "*' ...... "~ " • '>", '" " .-~~.'" ~ ~',",~'~ ~ '.t~/:'~/~ ~;~'~/~'T~,~,-'TM A 1966 government air policy assigned five protected areas of (he 1977 OHEV BELAIRE country to privately-owned 4 Door Sedan V8 auto, P.S., P.D. • ...... $4996 regional carriers to enable them Io operate profitably, An Air Canada takeover of Nordair would leave only 1977 MUSTANG • $5695 two of the original five-- 3 door V.$, 4 speed, T roof, stereo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,**,, ,,,,,,.,, Eastern Provincial Airways, LEASING which serves the Atlantic provinces, and Quebecair, which serves Lahrador and eastern Quebec-in private 19744 cyi. DATSUN4 speed ....o,*o*...... o..o...... o.....o0....PIOKUP $2896 hands. Prime Minister Trudeau said in August the govern- ! T:- tent would back off frum emma 1977 BRONCO intrusions in Ihe market. .o,o...... SUeS place, which in some cases K M k would mean "returning functions to the private sector." Opponents of the takeover, 1975 INTERNATIONAL $ 6696 including the governments of t ~z ton with steel deck, low mileage, excellent service frock "' ..... Ontario and Quebec, the Consumers' Association of M Canada, Windsor Liberal L L MP Herb Gray, Great Lakes Airlines--an unsuccessful bidder for Nordair--and Quebecair, N.rdair's chief rival in the lucrative Winter charter market to the south- 1972 DODGE VAN $2396 VS, Auto ...... 0...... ern sun, have argued that it would harm competition. Contact Au(/rey Barker Even the government's .wn combines investigation branch .pposed the deal, 19"/7 CAPRI 3 DOOR $6196 saying competition w.uld be VA, 4 Speed, Low Mileage ...... reduced because Air Canada TERRAC E H aTE L would naturally curtail any actions by a subsidiary which harmed its .wn 1978 MAZDAGLi) $4796 financial position. 635-2231 Automatic, Low Mileage ...... Opponentsp,im lo N.rdair routes in Ontario and Quebec-- including hops between M.ntreal, Ottawa, 1976 GRANADA4 DOOR $4796 ltamilton and Winds.r-- Mon., Oct. 23 thru Fri., Oct. 2 7 V6, AUto, P.S., P.B...... 0. which .verlap with s.me Air Canada routes, They w.nder how long Air Canada would allow such competition fr.m a subsidiary, Franchises Available for 1977 18' SANGSTER They poinl also lo N.rdair charter flights to Florida, 166 H.P. Ileroury inboard oulboard. Easy load hailer. the Caribbean and Europe, Minit Clean Dry Cleaners, June-One Fabrics, which compete with the regularlyscheduled flights of Toilet. Depth Sounder. lies-bee Radio. Like new oonditiol Air Canada, saying N.rdair Key-Up Kiosk, Carlton Cards, Leisure World, may become a less aggressive compelitor with its new parem in ~hat area as The Factory Ladies Wear well. That the issue is a difficult .ne to res.lve was un- in recognition of progressive management.,. derlined by a split am,ng modern sales and service facilities,,.sound merchandising practices.,,high quality otan- members .f ~he Iransp,rl dards,,.and continuing intereot in r:qdering c,mmiss;on panel which superior service to owners of the Ford Oamily of examined Ihe lake.ver bid. Northwest Realty Ino. fine productL C.mmissi.ner L,,Uis Talb,I .pp.sed it, saying it ~PRESENTED would reduce competition TO: and was againsl ,he public 747 Buts St., Vancouver, B.C. VGE 1Y2 interest. C.mmissi,n vice- president Guy It-barge, Torraoe Totem Ford Sales Ltd. while supp.rting the Phone 112-688-8531 majority, rec.mmcnded that 4631 Keith Air Canada be directed by The Herald, "luesday, Octob?r 24, 1978, Page 13


Diane Yon Furstenberg Designs for Walls and --... and colors that are beauti- wallcoverings -- all, by the book. Look, compare, try fully neutral. You'll see deli- way, of long-lasting, fabric- out different combinations cate grays, soft pebble backed vinyl -- all you have of patterns and colors, then DECORATING BECOMESAS EASYAS DRESSING colors, beiges and browns to do is walk into the near- close your eyes and picture The biggest news in home are old-fashioned, romantic So, she planned colors a whole wardrobe of pat- est wallcovering store, and your room -- with walls furnishings these days 'has florals--lilies of the valley, that would make people terns that will go with any- ask for the "Diane Von Fur- dressed in their ne~ fall got to be the entry of big. tulips, chintz looks -- that look good and feel good -- thing -- including each stenberg for WalI-Tex" wardrobe! + name fashion designers into will remind you of that and bring out the best in other, in fact, you can mix the field. They've brought a country house you've el- their furnishings. There are and match as easily as you fresh eye and a speciul sense ways dreamed of, or re- flattering new colors like would with separates. of color and pattern -- and membered. With these put- peach, pink, pastel blue -- To s¢¢ these beautiful new sparked our own senses with terns, you can create your a whole new range of dec. own country look wherever •••••••~ orating materials, you are -- and since many A ,. ;0000000000~ First it was sheets, then havecompanion fabrics, you /urnlture...... P~no now, tne can get" an all-over" I Jook, al- newest area of all is in -- most instantly. wallcoverings, in fact, one In this collection of 25 de. • ~ ~, 1~'~, REALTY • of the most famous names in signs in a total of 87 color- LTD. fashion, led the parade when ways, you'll also find a • ~~ Diane Von Furstenberg whole range of easy natu- joined forces with the rals -- motifs taken from makers of WalI-Tcx wall- rope, batik, bamboo, or i = 6324721 .: coverings to produce a shutters, plus some wonder. whole book of wallcovering ful designs composed sire. designs, ply of rippling lines and • o.=.;,.,,;y • Large nicely landscaped Reduced for Quick Sale. 3 ~i...... you tnmK a nlgn- dots ' Their_ looks can be ~.^ ...... fresh, comemporary mei- lot fenced on 3 sides. Living bedroom home on concrete lasniu,, name mea.~ ,,u,y- ' w W .... ' " IO nat s more, blanc OC • o.,,c,,, o. .s "| room has free standing ring wall located on ap- toity design that's just too . ", ,..." fireplace. Bright basement' proximately I acre of land, ...... s,gneo some so sma. in ; KfflMAT .• DECORATING,COUNTRY STYLE, i,~, never out of date -- and it's also one of cnlc mr woros -- men you ...... with large windows and on water and sewer the freshest ideas around.Mellow, warm and easy to live with, d's easy to put oon...... t Know blanc, lne pat- SCale• that the)' wOrK_ almost,., high ceiling. One finished available. Aluminum together, too, Use s~mplematerials like wood. straw, w~cker,pottery - and terns she's designed for as textures on. the Wall' • • J-35 Vista Village : room down. Sundeck over siding exterior. Owner tie them all togetherwdh a wallcovenngthat createsa gardenmood - hke Wail-Tax are so down-to-. Says Diane, "A good carport. Listed exclus!vely anxious and will sell for Diane Von Furstenberg's"Herb Garden"from a brand new ¢ollectmnof Wall. ~- 1727 Gyrfalcon (MLS) • at $50,000. S25,000. Tex wallcoverings,t' earth and easy to live with, wallcovering is like good they"re almost like old make-up-- it lets you make = . s3o,5oo • A Fast Jam Session: Early American Folklore friends. For example, there the most of what you have." 86 Swanpell Street Looking for a mobile home. We have a 12x68 fully If you have a microwave Our forefathers gave their furnished on pad In central trailer park. Excellent oven, you can cook jams and youngsters a fe~ elderber. • 52 Wren (~LS)- $39,800 condition. Tool shed. Asking $13,000 M.L.S. jellies from fresh berries in ries before bedtime, in the ~_ Snowbird~10ts sellin~ fast • only seven or eight minutes. belief that the fruit would .... , ,, Use only enough berries and prevent bed-~vetting. : G-9 V~ista Village sugar for one jar or con- tainer at a time, as the cook- • 58 Clifford - Price Redneed ing time in a microwave American Indian Cookery: 0_ 30 Gander - $30,000 oven is less for smaller amounts. The jam can be Elderberry seeds were : 95 Stikine - $40,000 • used in various ways by the stored in the refrigerator for • 3~/~ Aeres:onLakelseLake Large roomy homewith i/~ 3 bedroom modular home up to one month without American Indians ... they on large fenced Ibt. Lot adding pectin. were fried, used in salads. 87 Carrie :_ $70,000 ; ibasement, on large rural nicely treed and private. and for seasoning. lot. Owner will look at Large garage workshop i Why not call us today • with concrete floor. Wired. trailers or tots as partial Good garden areas and on for your free appraisel • water system. Built In payment. Garage china cabinet In dining .WIGHTMAN & SMITH REALTY ~- O u los Ohannel "Performs" : workshop r frldge and area. Price..Include.~stoye ...... ~ .... og and .... triAge. '- Very FEATURE HOMEOFTHE WEEK : ...... We0|fer Service, in : 'St0ve. AsEIng $40,000. • reasonableat'$32;900. ~ : ii • ~ APPRAISALS-PROPERTYMAHAGEMERT • Copperslde Estates . Rural residential lot. Irregular shape 811/2' frontage on Coppsot.D er Road. Connection Modern split-level, home in an attractive • LOT SALES . DEVELOPMENT ~; to private water system available. Yours for S6,000. seffing at a prime location. It boasts an • noun,, wmnm neeenomi omnMiatm" 18x12 f t. living room W ith glass front • unmlun WIMI; nl;r=nnnL ol;nVlUl; • fireplace, separate dining room, a good • , MORTGAGESl RENTALS .. sized kitchen with a built.in Tappan range • We re Number 3, we try harder • plus three upstairs bedrooms. Total living ~141~1~4141~414141414)4)4)4141~ space is 1092 sq. ft. plus the half-- ...... basement. Very well kept grounds with concrete patio, tool shed, fruit trees, fully fenced. A nice family home priced to sell quickly at $51,000.00. CMHC financing approved. unt ,HEAT FABRIC used for wallcovering,draper0es and wmdowshades. OALL WlIIRTIIAR I SMITN REALTY lends authority to a small room and helps it seem more spacious."Cho.Chu San", a flowerand grilleprint on l00% Belgianlinen, transformsthlscozyslt. ~"~1 FIR FUITIIEI DETAILS.. ring room.t- i 4tilU rIHK lll:iUkm le;HflAU[~ B.G. V86 1V6 VV lainlnnnlilllllliulanlllnlanlnnnmnillinelalnl;

i~(~0[~"'--JREALTY.... LTD.~ •1:• 'l'•l m[~rV,~Country living. Large Investment" 'property or Situated on 1 acre of land, Home on acreage wiff home on 5 acres close to live in halt. Side.by.side thlsnew splitlevelis ready subdivision possibilities. town. House only 3 years duplex, two bedroom, lobe lived inwhile interior Has 3 bedrooms, fireplace, old requires a little fireplace and basement, and exterior finishing is full basement. A sacon¢ finishing. Excellent buy for located close to downtown done. Many special smaller home on sam! ; 3934 KIRBY ROAD : handy man with/'large and schools. Asking ~d54,500 features make this home property rented 21/4aclN)| family. Priced in mid and considering offers. Call worth viewing. Call Muriel could provide iO bulldlne Beautifully treed lot backing onto mountainside : sixties ...... Call Frank Kelly for in~,,rmatio ...... mrs. I-or more aeralls Call: ,: with small creek along Ihe back makes a pic. . ~ .~ its: ~ " ' ",~1~ .='t-~m~.r,~¢~ Horst or atrittel. MLS turesque setting for the 12 x 68 Safeway Manor : ,.~. :' ,' . ' ° ' ,,

about this one.third acre. Asking only $24,000. :

3560 NEWELL ~*~";i ".... '~ :'" . ~-- ~-- Extremelynlce 12x56 Knight on attractive landseaped ,,, acre, fully fenced, : I. Raven. p.,, oup,ex on a quiet street. Frldge and stove new one year ago, Must be seen to be : i ~'~~ Compact, cozy and neat In good location on Vz acre appreciated. Phone today for appointment to view. Exc. 987. iMedern 3 bedroom home, describe this home with a eflend,3bedroomseneach 3992 FURLONG : i 1150 sq. ft., 2 fireplaces, fireplace, which is sltueted side, electric heat. Live in I ArealgoodbOx 24Premier wlth addltional full bath off the•aster bedroom. |situated on a large lot in on a large lot with garden one unit and let the rental Treed lot with lots of good outbuildings, Including a double garage. Over r/4 = nUplands area. Asking area and shed. Prlee of Income pay off the acre.4105 GOULET Areal bargalnat$35,000andownerwllllnglodlcker. AVE. LlstedMLS2999. : |formation|S49,SO0. Forcall further Horst in-or refrigerator.S28,500Includes An stoveexcellent and appointmentproperty. S49,S00. to view For call an 121 Liard Street A neat and tldy 3 bedroom home on a fuIly fenced lot close to schools and on a : JChristel. "first" home. Call Murlel. Hoist or Chrletel. Saglmat Bungalow. Very paved street, a sundeck and a garden shed, all for only $30,000. Eligible for high ratio financing besides, so call today. neat sterter home with MLS 3068. ml 5112 McDEEK fireplace. lib $37,000;00, Almost ready to move Intol This brand new home has a full basemenl, fireplace, 13 x 20 living room, large covered patio over Ihe carporl. Enquire : Phone any of our sales now and have the final finishing touches done to your speciflcatlensl Only people about these homes or n catalogue or current I $48,S00,Excl. 880. . l homes for sale. A.E. Le Page LimitedCoast ~ Coast Real Estate Servzee : AFTER OFFIOE HOURS g • • 635-3609 k .-LXL1 Start Parker : ~F ,~r ~ • 13,81' ~l~i. L.M~ijlla~ 635-4031Harry Smith : HOgST GODLINSEI - 63§4397 KPLLY SOUIRES - 636-7616 •.-,.,,,,,-,, n~o, = MURIELNFJLE - 636-2944 OHRIsTEL GODLINS¢a - 63§4597 4611 MKELSE AVE. Jim Dully | JUDITH JEPHSOH - 638-1652 FRANK SKIDMORE - 636-6191 ~l'tO CITY CENTRE, Bob Rlpmeester KITI MAT. el,C: ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER L,SrlNGS. 635-2832 B• + PHONIK as=.atuo , llillllllllllllllllllllllnllllllllllllllllllll I Page 14, The Harold, Tuesday, October 24, 1978 • III II TERRAGE DRUGS LTD. 3207 Kalum 636-7274 Vitamins & Toys, Toys, Toys

Skeena Health Unit Do You Feel You Have The Kltlmct Snowmobile CLASSIFIED RATES SUBSCRIPTION 3215-2 Eby Street ADrlnklng Problem? There Club will be holdlng their RATES Terrace, B.C. is help first General Meeting on : * -~,i FOR SALE:, ii.i ; ~, 635-6307 Avallablel LOCAL ONLY: Effective October 24th, 1978 at the The following are a few of Phone 635.5636 KIIdala School Library, 8 8' home made camper. Fully 2 bedroom house. Close to 1973 Nova Hatchback custom October 1, 1977 the services offered locally ALCOHOLICS school and downtown. 20 words or less $2.00 per p.m. Coffee available (nc. Insulated and wired. Lights, 350. 49,000 miles. After by your Health Unit Staff: ANONYMOUS 24) cupboards, etc. Super buy at Asking $35,000. For ap- 6p.m. phone 635-2183. (c5-24) Insertion. Over 20, words 5 pointment fo view phone 635- cents per word. SingleCopy 20c CHILD HEALTH CON- Meetings: $200. Phone 638.1916. (4.27) FERENCES. Man.: 8:30 p.m. United 3898. (p20.20n) 3 or more consecutive In- ByCarrler mth 3.00 31 - 1976 Flrebird Formula 400. 4 Church sertions $1.50 per Insertion. ByCarrler year 36.00 Held weekly at the Health • PERSONAL Salvage Sale: One 1978 GMC spd., 23,000 miles, 2 studded Thurs. or Sat. 8':30 p.m. 52. WANTED) _._ ' By Mall 3 mth 12.00 Unit every Tuesday from 4x4 1 ton crewcab. Located winter radials. 8 track, P.S., 6 mth 22.00 1:30- 3:50 p.m. Please phone Mills Memorial Hospital. at Skeena Auto Metal, ~EFUNDS: By Mall NOTICEOF ~TO ,RENT: P.B., P.W. Days call 635. year 40.00 for an appolntment. Sun. Breakfast Meeting. 10 bearing B.C. LIc. No. 58-87. First insertion charged for By Mail PLANS, FOR 6516. Evenings 638-8296. (p5- year 20.00 • Held at Thornhill to noon. Lakelse Hotel. CK. Please contact Nor. Require 3 bdrm. house or r whether run or not. Senior Citizen ADOPTION PLACEMENT thwest Adjustment Co. Ltd. mobile home to rent Im. 30) Absolutely no refunds after Recreation Centre on the A Heather-Tartan Society Is Vincen't Theodore at 635.7910 during business mediately. 635-4380 or 635. ad ha~ been set. British Commonwealth and fourth Friday of every 1973 Javelin. P.S., P.B.V.8 UeiN formed with the in- Erlckson formerly of Ft. St. hours, for further in. 4066. Responsible party with United States of America one month from 1:30 . 3:30 p.m. automatic in good running tails1 of promoting Scottish James, B.C., and last known formation and method of excellent references. (tin) CORRECTIONS: year 51.00. Please phone for an ap- condition. pointment. cultural interest and events. at Terrace, B.C., take notice submitting bids. (c3-20,23,24) Must be made before 2nd' that your child Richard We are looking for a house to 1974 Dodge P.U. V-0 auto,• Box 399, Terrace, B.C. Bahysltters who bring Inlerested persons should Insertion. VaG 2M9 Donald Erlckson was made a rent by October 31. Doesn't P.S., P.B. In good running children must have parents contact Eleanor Halley at Allowance can be made for permanent ward of the have to be in town. Please condition. Phone 635.4246 written consent for Im- 635.2456 as soon as possible; only one Incorrect ad. HOME DELIVERY Superintendent of Child call 635.6701 anytime. (c10- after 5 p.m. (c4.27) munization. Terrace & District Welfare on April 28, 1976. ADULT CLINICS JUDO Wanted to Rent: Furnished BOX NUMBERS: Thornhill & District Please take notice that the 1969 Pontiac Parisienne in These are held at the Terrace Judo Club, Thornhlll suite ur apartment for single 75 cents pick up. Phone 635.6357 Superintendent now wishes Contractor will do falling & running condition. $300 OBO. Health Unlt on Monday, Elementary. Monday & working woman ASAP. 635- $1.25 mailed. Wednesdays -- 7 to 9: 3g p.m. to proceed with adoption skidding. Nothing too big or After 6 p,m. phone 635-4016. Wednesday and Friday from 2808 after 6 p.m. (p4-24) planning for this child. small. Phone 635-3831. (p3- (p5-25) 3.4:10 p.m. by appointment Instructors -- Murray CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: The Herald reserves the Should you wish further 24) only. Bromley, 1st Degree Black Quiet clean, working man Information on this matter 1968 Ford ½ Tun P.U. 300 eu. Rates available upon, right to classify ads under PRENATAL CLASSES Belt. Constable Errol Schell, requires room & board for please contact the Minlstry Carpentry handyman in., 4 spd. 3,000 miles on request, appropriate headings and to Classes are held RCMP, Blue Belt. the first of November. Phone of Human Resources, Box available. Small jobs AI after 6 p.m. 635.2684, (c24. rebuilt. Good condition. sat rates therefore and to throughout the year at In. For more information NATIONAL CLASSIFIED datermlne page location. 220, Salmon Arm, B.C. (a03. desired; remudelling Phone 635-2733. (p6-25) tervels for expectant phone: Sherry Hill, 635-2671 20,23,24) cement work, fix up. For Wanted to Rent: looking for ~RATE: The Herald reserves the parents. Phone the Health otter 6 p.m. (c10.27) .~22 cents per agate line. right to revise, edit, classify •1;" information phone 635-3261, suite or apartment. For one, 1963 Ford Fairlane. 4 dr., :Minimum charge $5.00 per' or reject any advertisement Unit for details and .The Kltimat Community Richard Wilkersun. (c5-24) non-smoking, non-drinking standard trans. Body good :insertion. registration, i~ts Council is sponsorln; 14. BUSINESS male. Phone 635-7935 shape. Motor needs work. and to retain any answers HOME NURSING CARE • i'~he'Bth Annual Arts & Craft directed to the Herald Box PERSONAL anytime. (p2-24,25) Asking $350. Phone Carolyn 'ILEGAL - POLITICAL and Nursing care in the home "Fair ;~ OCTOBER 28TH -- at the Herald, 635.6357. (nc5- Reply Service, and to repay CONCRETE SEPTIC TRANSIENT AD- for those who need it on City ~entre Mall. Anyone Wanted to rent by work!ng 27) the customer the sum paid, TANKS PRE.KAST VERTISING: referral from thelr family y/is~n~g more information, couple. 2 bedroom abode in for the advertisement and For Immediatedelivery $3.60 per column inch. doctor. Terrece area only.~|ease col Joanne End of Season Sale. 22' K&C Terrace, Thornhlll area. 1968 Mercury Montego S.W. box rental. Septic System HEALTH PARADE .,T~onaghan -- 632-5544. flbreglass, 351 co. in. Mere. Phone 635.5722. (p4-27) In good condlt ion. Phone 635. Box replies on "Hold" Specialists BUSINESS PERSONALS: Instructions not picked up HF~r o~4 yeh~;dOld children., "..~'~*ouarelnvltedtocomel in.out, 2x downriggers. VHF 4398. (p3-25) $4.00 per line per month. Monday of ~'~lhe Opening Ceremony will "Insist on the Best" • CB. depth sounder. 10 HP 54, BUSINESS withln 10days of expiry of an every month. Develop. ~e taking place on October PHONE 635.3939 On a 4 month basis only. advertisement will be outboard . 8 1rack AM.FM. 1967 Ford. Excellent motor. mental, vision, hearing "~h-- 10:00. Mayor George SCHMITTYS EXCAVATING Trim tabs, 70 gallon PROPERTY Phone 638.1358.$200. (nc5.27) DEADLINE destroyed unless mailing screening done. Please T~om w II be present. (nc) instructions are received. capacity, compass. Best Retail or phone for appointment. ;~ SKEENA COLORS offer. 635.3575, 635-7948. (c5, Those answering Box Office Space For Sale: 1973 4x4 Jimmy. DISPLAY: PRENATAL BREATHING "Terrace Art Association 27) Numbers are requested not monthly picture loan is 2 stores total of 2800 ft. Can 55,000 miles, good condition. 4:00 p;m. 2 days prior to & RELAXING EXERCISES: Residential be separated to 1400ft. areas to send originals of Wednesday, November 1st in $4,500. Phone 635.9083. (c6. publication day. Held every Monday af- Commercial Painting in choice location on Lazelle documents to avoid loss: • the Terrace Public Library. 27) ternoon at 1 - 2 p.m. Shopping Ce.ntre, Terrace, Paintings should be returned CLASSIFIED: All claims of errors in V.O. CLINIC Phone 638.1835 B.C. 635.3576 or 255-1939 by 7:30 p.m. so they can be 1:00 p.m. day prior to advertisements must be Held every Monday at 3:30 '(al41 Vancouver. Available Sept. publication day. or by appointment. pul on display for selection. received by the publisher GEMINI EXCAVATING Hyster 80 wheel arch. 1, 1978. (ctf) within 30 days after the first SANITATION There are fifty (50) new LTD. Suitable for D7 or 08. Like ALL CLASSIFIED CASH publication. The public health Inspectors pictures for a total of one (Wes Andrews) new. 042-5346. (c10-6) WITH ORDER other than It is agreed by the ad. are now situated in Eby, hundred eighty (180) plc- Backhoe Work REPOSSESSEDAND J BUSINESSES WITH AN Street. They will be pleased tures to choose from. vertlser requesting spacei Hourly & Contract NEWMOBILE HOMES ESTABLISHED ACCOUNT. that the liability of the; to assist with any sanitation Everyone Welcome i 63S.347Panytlme Business opportunities Herald in the event of failure problems. 11TH ANNUAL NOR- (AJ12) meeting. Earn extra money, No down payment O.A.C. i r~Ser~Aco,~,harge(If $5~ (~ ail, ~to' publish an advertisement • SPEECH AND HEARING TH.WEST L~)GGERS meet new friends, become N.S,I~ cheques. ' ,. i or" In the event of an ~'ror. CLINIC CONVENTION is'to be held 2 bedroom home. Stove, your own independent boss. Wh".y you'~'inio'~,~'n~l appearing In the ad. Held at 4612 Grelg Avenue. ABLE ELECTRIC LTD. frldge, washing machine and • Oct. 27-28-29. Registration at No obligations. Come have a i couver all expenses pald. I WEDDING DESCRIP- vertisement as published Hearing tests will be done by the Terrace Hotel com- Electrical and Refrigeration incidentals. Near high coffee and give us your TIONS: shall be limited to the referral from family doctor mencing Frl., Ocl. 27 at 4 contract. schools. Close to downtown. opinion. Phone collect 437-4311 and I No charge provided news amount paid by the ad-. or community health nurse.' p.m. This years convention House wiring. Available in November to Place: Sandman Inn ask for Mr. Storks. i submitted within one month. vertlser for only one In- 638-1165. will feature a large equip- 635-5876 (ctf) suitahle tenants. Apply 638. (basement). $5.00 production charge for correct Insertion for the LONG TERM CARE 1161 or 4509 Lakelse Avenue, I ment display. "Variety 78", 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday (a10-27oct) I wedding and.or engagement portion of the advertising Office at No. 205.4721 Lazelle entertainment imported for DUFFS BICYCLE SHOP Terrace, B.C. (c4.27) night. Ask for Corinne or pictures. News of weddings space occupied by the in. Ave. Tel 635.9196. the convention will perform Reconditioned bikes and Lyle. (c20.27) (write-ups) received one correct or omitted Item only, Assessment and planning for for the public in the R.E.M. repairs. Reasonable rates. I I I I month or more after event and that there shall be no those eligible for Long Term Lee Theatre on Fri. evening 1931 Quesnsway Dr. $10.00 charge, with or liability to any event greater Care. at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. It is top without picture. Subject to than the amount paid for Ale TO HANDICAPPEO variety entertainment for SPORTSMEN'S condensation. Payable In such advertising. Office at No. 205.4721 the whole family. BARBER SHOP Situated on Pohle Ave. Cozy. advance. Advertisements must Lazelle. Tel. 635.9196. The Loggers Convention Now Open Fridays tll eight. starter or retirement home comply with the British Assessment and guidance will start off with a "get Across from Post Office. with extra lot. 2 bedrooms, 1 CLASSIFIED AN- Columbia Human Rights Act for vocational and social acquainted social" on Frt. 3223 Emerson bathroom, living room with NOUNCEMENTS: which prohibits any ad- rehabilitation done by evening. The "Wake up Ca-06) sliding glass door to rear INDEPENDENT SERVICE STATION Births 5.50 vertising that discriminates consultant. Wagon" and loggers break- patio, dining area in kitchen OR Engagements 5.50 against any person because f~st get Sat. going. The of- GOLDEN RULE and porch with laundry GAS BAR OWNERS Marriages 5.50 of his race, religion, sex, SKEENA CENTRE facilities. Electric heat Skeena Centre offers to the ftclal opening is at 9 a.m. at Odd jobs for the jobless. ~Doaths 5.50 color, nationality, ancestry IManuels, followed by the Phone 635.4535. 3236 Kalum. House has new cedar siding! SELL UNDER THE MOHAWK SIGN AND KEEP Funerals 5.50 or place of origin, or because Senior Citizens of the on exterior. Extra lot is YOUR INDEPENDENCE, Terrace and Thornhill area Terrace.KItlmat Forest Cards of Thanks 5.50 his age Is between 44 and 65 RUPERT STEEL & subdivided and can be sold the following services: Products safety conference. Memorial Notices 5.50 years, unless the condition Is SALVAGE LTD. separately. Asking $20,000 If you are in or thinking of getting Into the gasoline - Activity Centre for han- The guest speaker will be justified .by a bona fide "Mr. Safety", Bill Moore We buy copper, brass, all for house & $10,000 for extra business be one of the growing numbers of successful PHONE 635-6357 requirement for the work dicrafts from Winter Harbor. There metals and batteries. lot. Both are priced to sell as Mohawk Dealers In Canada. Classified Advertlslng Dept. Involved. Day care for working , will be presentational safety Location - Seal Cove a package for $26,000. Firm. people Call 635-2370 for appointment m~ i awards and a luncheon. The Open till 5 p.m. Men. to Sat. For details write to: - Drop.in for companionship to view. (c18.31) luncheon speaker will be the Phone 624.5639 & coffee Box 1870, Prince George, B.C. or Phone: 962-8414 The Catholic Women's Monday thru Friday 8.4. Honorable Tom Waterland, minister of forests. FOR SALE BY OWNER l'coMINi~ EVENTS League will be holding their Transportation available. MOHAWK OFFERS YOU: Bazaar on November 4 ef Contact Skeenavlew Ledge. This years panel Three bedroom house on Verlfas Hall. The previous 635-2265. discussion topic is the "New large corner lot. Many INCHES AWAY CLUB Forest Act". Panel members features. Must be seen to be 1. Independence In your operation date of October 28 has been or part.time. Here Is an 2. Many money saving programs Meet every Tuesday night at cancelled not to Interfere CENTENNIAL CHRISTIAN are Jack Kempf, MLA, appreciated. For ap- 6 in the Skeena Health Unit. SCHOOL holds tea and Omineca for government; opportunity to earn extra pointment phone 632.2442 3. Full line of related products with another Bazaar. money, $6 . $8 per hour. 4. 100 percent Canadian Owned Company For more Information phone Everyone will be welcome at bazaar at the school, Sat. Bert Gayle, V.P. Coasl days. 632.6728evenings. (ci0. Training is available. For (eft.T) 635.3747 or 635.3023. 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 11 from 2 p.m..8 p.m. Forestry & Logging, 27) For donations please phone Canadian Forest Products interviews call Joan - 638. 8392anytime (Fuller Brush). Rape Relief A tea and bazaar will be held 43S.9027. Ltd. for industry and a Abortion Counselling representative from IWA for (ctf) in Knox United Church on December I1 & Crisis Lieu for Saturday, December 2 from unlon. The moderator will be' WANTED: Heavy duty Women BAKESALE Cyril Shelford, MLA Skeena. 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m, (n¢-tfn) 4p.m. at the Co.op. Proceeds mechanics with Cummins 638.8388 The presidents ball will and Detroit Diesel ex. for the Centennial Christian cap off Saturday's en. Legion Ladles Aux. Annual School. parlance for Vernon area. TERRACE ART m tertainment with cocktails, a Apply at North Island ASSOCIATION Snowflake Bazaar Saturday, sit down banquet, floor show, 1976 1Hi OHEV¥ NEW LONG BOX 1970 The Terrace Art Association, October 28. 2 - 4 p.m. Arena Weight Watchers meeting Pacific Parts & Service with dancing to follow, The Limited, 4114.24th Avenue, MAZDA is holding a pre-Christmas Ban q uet R aura . held every Tuesday at 7 p.m. Datsun F10 at the Knox United Church convention winds up with the Vernon, B.C. VlT 1M2, 545. VOLKSWAGEN Arts and Crafts sale on Dance to follow. Time: 9 • 1 Frent end drive TRUCK PU TRUCK Hall, 4907 Lazelle Avenue. "farewell breakfast" on Sun. 0424. (clO.n2) December 1 and 2. All th~se a.m. Music . Ran Swan. Hofchback, S with flat deck. Real classy morning. 3 Ton mileage maker GREWOAD P.U. interested in partlclpatlng Midnight munchies. Price Tickets are available at Speed, 8 Track, We have openings for radials. may write: Terrace Art $15 per couple. (1.8) The I.O.F. are holding their NWLA office (above T riga's, telephone solicitors -- must I;2,200 $5,459 Association, Box 82, CHRISTMAS BAZAAR no. 11). Phone 635.6801 to have pleasant voice. Call 635- $3,p00 $1,400 Terrace, B.C. or phone Mary Pregnant and In need of on Nov. 25, 1978 reserve yours. (nc3.23~24,25) 4244, (etf-Ol9) Walker, 635.6404; Julia" at the Arena Banquet Room support? 1974 PLYMOUTH 1973 FORD Gellner, 635.6836 or Kay Call for help from Right.to- from 1 . 3 p.m. Christmas' VARIETY '78 Sweet Sixteen requires part Ehses, 638-1403 for more Top variety family en- Life promoters: ornaments and lots of gifts time sales girls during the, CRIC~-T DOIIOLIIIE VAil information. Lisa at 635-3164 for everyone. (nc24.24nov) tertainment coming to day. Phone•635.7880. (c7.25) R.E.M. Lee Theatre Oct. Door, S~s~,~ MI,, All Radial Tlrtg MILLS MEMORIAL Care! at 635.5136 Janna at 635.4503 27th. Two Shows - 7 p.m. & 9 33. FOR SALE THRIFT SHOP TERRACE ART p.m, featuring Cherry Hill Mills Memorial Hospital ASSOCIATION Show Band -- two gala -- ; MISC, Auxiliary would appreciate WANTED DONATIONS October 10.27 four guys -- beautiful music. To buy or sell Avon call any donations of good, clean The Three Rivers Workshop The Terrace Art Association Plus Johnny Thorsen Banjo Mary, 635.2517. (ctf.04) 1974 Dodge clothing, any household for the Handicapped are Is sponsoring a water colour Express -- Canada's 1970 0omet 1974 1976 Sunbird items, toys etc. for their looking for donations of any exhibit "Discover Water. foremost banjo artist -- plus Girl guide cookies for sale. Monap 0Dupe Monte 0arid Po,,.'~o THRIFT SHOP. old, broken or used pieces of colours" at the Terrace Peter Ralston- "Puppeteer", Will deliver. 635.3553. 635- For pickup service phone furnlture, also any discarded Public Llbrery Arts Room. ventriloquist from CTV and 3260. 635.3294. (nc.ifn) 4 Dr. H.T. '~ Door Air Cond., S~..~. 635.5320 or 635.5233, or leave wood products we could use Open during library hours. Bill Fraser, Comedian - MC- PW, loaded "" donations at the Thrift Shop for recycling or renovating. the only man who cen grow Very large wood cookstove on Lazelle Avenue on Call us at 635-2238 between Learn to Fly. Join Air before your eyes. He's a top In very good condition. $300. • *2 N i $2,79S I;4,200 S S00 Saturdays between 11 a.m. 8a.m. and 3 p.m., we will try Cadets, Terrace Squadron Is comedian and plays several An entlque woedstove for end 3 p.m. Thank you. to make arrangements for accepting applications for. Instruments. He's a show In $200. Phone 635.2485 after 6 Ires Toyota Ion mm,I 1.4 I 197§ Ford l.--, as d,l (ncitn pickup. September. If you enloy od himself. think you would enloy flying, It's family entertainment ,m ,o~., I I I To/eta J V8 P.U. I IIo*~%~pUi Order of the Royal Purple rifle range, outdoor ec- at its best. Advance tickets Two Vancouver bought I I V8350 I SW I a e I l will hold a Novelty Sale and Skeena Valley Rebekah tlvltles and are between 13-1~ available at Ev's, Sight & wedding dresses for sale. 1 upe lots of extras anopv anoPe, Tea on Saturday, November Ledge Fall Bazaar years of age, please call: Sound, Kelly's. size 10. white. 1 size 12 . i ~_ ~-_ |"I - -_--"-rn• I Ilkenawlikenew g 10 from 1.4 p.m. at the Elks Saturday, November 4 Mike Smith et 635-5036 or Adult $5.00 Children, white. Please call 635.3651. i ~laZ00 I I~.j~ I Sl.4gg I S3.600 I ~JUMI | Hall. (nc fin) In Elks Hall. B~v Tasa at 635.7598 Students $3.00 (p10.25) The Herald, Tuesday, October 24, 1978, Page IS

10'x48' with frldge, stove, SALE BY freezer, sofa.bed, chair, Ioey TENDER RECIPE J.' shack. S2995. For .further Cobra Can 89.23 .[,, Information 635-5961 after 6 Channel Base CB p.m. (oct 19,20,23,24,25,26,27) May be inspected at the Municipal Office October INDIAN SUMMER Rentor Purchase: 197212x68 25th. November 1st, 1978 Meet the Paramount trailer with between 2:00 . 4:00 p.m., IS PERFECT FOR PARTIES fireplace. Near stores and Monday to Friday. schools on private lot. Rent Bids must be in the hand of $255 per mo. with option to the undersigned on or before buy or purchase. $9,500. Nov. 1st, 1978. Open to offers. Will carry The highest or any tender second . mortgage if not necessarily accepted. necessary. Ph. (112) 762- F.K. Norman "Recyclerof Unwants" 4612. Write Joe Rorke, Gen. District of Terrace Del., Winfield, B.C. (ctf.06) (a.1 .24) For Rent: 12 x 68 three bdrm. mobile home. Partly 65. FINANCIAL. furnished, located on the bench 2 miles from town. References please. Phone 627-1115. Weekends 635-3264. Household Realty (c5.24) SECOND MORTGAGES I No bonuses MOBILE HOMES No brokerage fees No finder's fees New mobile home., from a~ low as $100.0( FAST SERVICE down. O.A.C. Come on in or call the nearest office of HouseholdFinance Set up and delivered Ask for Mortgage Services 4608 Lakelse Avenue trades welcome. TERRACE 635-7207 Phone collect 591 5105. 8| ' • ~...... LEGAL"! (ctf) How can you get your friends and neighbors together at REPOSSESSION summer's end to renew acquaintances and exchange SALE vacation news? Simple. Plan an "Indian Summer" party, a By virtue of a warrant traditional and colorful time in early fall when most directed to us by Auto people are back from vacation and there's a lot of free Marine Electric, under the time for get-togethers. terms of the Mechanics Lien Decorate your table with the colors of fall, add some we have seized the following fresh flowers and get the conversation flowing with some J (~ OltVlhPmMnoe¢AiaMl~M ForestsMml~byO! I vehlclefrom Jack Davis Ltd. thirst-quenching Bacardi Roman Punch. Then treat your to recover the sum of $455.35 guests to the piece de resistance, a Perfect Fruit Tart, and TIMBER SALE plus costs. your reputation as a creative and tasteful party-giver LICENCE A-10732 1974 Ford Courier P.U. will be assured. THERE will Serial No. SGTAPY10128 PERFECT FRUIT TART be offered for sale at public To view unit contact auction by the Forest I egg yolk Aggressive Credit Services, 1/4 cup softened butter or margarine Ranger at Hazelton, B.C. at 9,t00 River Drive 3/4 cup granulated sugar 11:00 a.m. on November 2d; Richmond, B.C. 1 cup flour 1978, the Llcence A10732, to 273.9331 3 tablespoons cornstarch cut 36,230cunits of Hemlock, by October 31, 1978. Sale to 1 cup apricot nectar Balsam, Spruce, Lodgepole, take place at that time. (cl. 1/2 cup Baesrdi light rum Pine, Cedar located at VCL 2,1oct) 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel N Boundary of Lot 3022in the 1/4 cup lemon juice vicinity of Dyne Lake. 0= ' • i 6 cups assorted sliced or cut-ul) fresh Two (2) years will be LIVESTOCK fruits (apples, oranges, peaches, pears, allowed for removal of pineapple, strawberries, bananas) timber. Provided anyone who ls 5 yr. old registered Morgan Combine egg yolk, butter, 114 cup sugar and flour in bowl. Cut with pastry blender or two knives until mixture unable to attend the auction gelding. Keer's Warrior resembles coan~ meal. Press against sides and bottom of in person may submit a Further information phone 9-inch pie plate Or spring form pan. Bake at 400° F. for 10 sealed tender, to be opened 638.1494or 635.3090. (c21-311 minutes. Cool. .... at |he hour of ~ucton and In saucepan, combine remaining 1/2 cup sugar and i~eated a~ ~b, d. cornstarch. Gradually stir in nectar and rum. Bring to boil, ::~Partlculars may be ob. Herald stirring constantly. Boil 1 minute. Remove fzom heat and ~-., 4N,~,¢1-fr.Cm~.jJ~.~. -Regional ...... stir in lent0n peel and juice. Cool completely. Gently fold Manager ;.~,Merket Place, classifieds in fruit. Sl)oon into prepared crust. Chill at least 4 hours. Prince Ru~rt, B.C. or the If dedmd, garnish with sweetened whipped cream. Forest Ranger, Box 215, Makes one 9.inch tart or pie. Hazelton, B.C. (oCt get ruulll 3,10,17,24,31, Nov .7,14,21) BACARDI ROMAN PUNCH In a large container, mix 2 cups diced pineapple, 1/2 cup aimple syrup, 112 cup lemon juice, 1/2 cup orange juice, 1 112 cups unsweetened pineapple juice, 1 113 cups peach brandy, I fifth Bseardi light rum, 1 fifth Bacardi dark rum. Stir. Chill 2 hours. Pour mixture over block of ice in bowl. Add 2 large bottles cold club soda or 2 bottles cold MOBILE HOME champagne. Stb gently. Float 1 pint sliced strawberries. Series 20 people twice. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TO YOUR LOCATION are now available on our lovely 14 wide and. doublewide mobile homes. You choose your TRACKING THE TRENDS decor, and we custom build to suit. Marriages in the United Mute and more women Government grant of $250Q applicable. States are on the increase; who graduate from high TIlE OLASSIFIEDOOLUMNS OF THE Expense paid fare Vancouver. return. For however, women are waiting school are going on to grad- free credit check and approval please phone longer to wed--their average uate from college as well. collect. age at marriage is now over About 25 percent are doing 21 years. According to a it now, as compared to 9 Parker Homes of Canada Ltd. recent poll, three out of percent at the turn of the 935.5447 four women say marriage century. Increasingly, Amer- TERRAOE/KITIMATDAILY HERALD and children are among the ica's young women are mov- most important elements ing on to graduate and they need for an ideal life. professional schools, too: I t about 22 percent of first year law students and 18 percent of 'medical students are women. There is no reason to keep things you don't need or MANPOWER One of the popular birth control products used by enjoy anymore just because they're valuable. There are women is a pure white, REPORT non-staining contraceptive customers willing to pay good money for things you've cream inside an easy-to-use, disposable plastic applica- For further information on PHYSICIAN - General prac. TURF CARE SPECIALIST - tor. Each applicator is filled tired of. these and other job up. 18-12 -- 15-1.79, Peds., Must be experienced. Neg. with a single,'pre-measured portunities, please contact gynecology and Obstiteric. wages DOE. dose of medically approved Contact the "Recycler of Unwants,"the classified de- your local Canada Em- CONCEPTROL* Birth Con- ployment Centre at 4630 SIIOE REPAIRMAN- Must DISIIWASIIER - Part lime trol Cream. It is simple and Lazelle Ave., Terrace, be fully qualified. $600 per evenings. $3.25 per hr. partment of the Daily Herald. You will be pleased mo. CONSTRUCTION ELEC- PRE SCIIOOL TEACIIERS - TRICIAN. Terrace. Must be RADIATOR REPAIRMAN. Must be qualified with with the fast, speedy results. As fast as a phone call, fully qualified. Union rate. Should have previous ex- cerlifieate. TOW TRUCK DRIVER . perience. ClilLDRJ~NS LIBRARIAN. results happen! Must be experienced and Must have relevant have air ticket. Commission SALES CLERK - Part time. education and-or work ex- or wag~. $8.00-9.00 per hr. For retail clothing store. perience, $6.50 per hr. $3.50 per hr. PROJECT SUPERVISOR . ASST. PROJECT MGR. • Must have experience in CLERK-TYPIST- Must have $138 per wk. To co-ordinate WOMEN MILLIONAIRES chain link fences. DOE. at least 2 yrs. office exp. and tutors. outnumber the male of this 45 wpm typing. species. CUED TEEN CO- GROUP IIOME RELIEF ORDINATOR - Part time. LOANS CLERK - 45 wpm PARENTS- Must be couple. pleasant to use: nothing to Evenings. $S.00-6.00 per hr. typing. $675 per too. To relieve reg. house parents fit, nothing to fill, nothing 8 days per mu. $840 per too. to clean. COMPOSING ROOM DESK CLERK . Evenings. FOREMAN Must be per couple. Must have prey. experience. The value of a house- journeYman or have 4 yrs. $4.00 per hr. DOE. PIZZA COOIK- Mature clean experience. wife--including her roles as cut person. Experience not child-rearer, nurse, hostess, READ FOR PROFIT • USE FOR RESULTS BODY REPAIRMAN - Fully PARTS SALESMAN - Must necessary. $3.75 per hr dietician and household DOE. Negotiable. qualified with TQ. 2 positions have experience in auto administrator--is calculated wrecking. $800+ per mo.' • (1 pos, in Terrace and I in Pt: CIIINESE FOOD COOK . at over $13,000 a year. Married women are the Clements). DEPT. MANAGER - For Must be experienced. $1000 per too. main purchasing agents for INSTRUCTOR - For auto dept. Must have more than 40 million house- recreation programs for previous retail and-or CLERK Ill - 40 wpm typing, holds budgeting income of OALL 63§-63§7 ~ ring term. $5.00-6.00 per automotive experience. payroll. over $626 billion. HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC SIIINGLE SAWYER - Must WAITERS & WAITRESSES. be fully experienced only. Several required. Full lime "The business of women Terrace/Kitimat - Britannia Beach. General $5.00 per sq. and part ,ime. going into business is boom. maintenance skidders. ing," according to consul. IWA+$13 per hr. SIIEET METAL WORKER - IIANDYMAN- Must have tant Joanne Wertz. The Musl ~ experience(L Ap- patience and proven ability. federal Small Business SUBSTITUTE TEACHER - $138 per wk. prentice with 2 t,r re.re yrs. Administration recently Stewart area. made 2,050 loans to wdmen DALLY HERALD FIELD WORKERS - Tutors. experience w,uld be ac- IIOUsEKEEPEIt. 1 day per entrepreneurs-- totaling $i38 per wk. ceptable. Union wage. wk. $3.50 per hr, $102 million. I~n|o 16, The HoraM, Tuesday, October 24, 1978 That's.~hathapponed to me. I am an 10-year-okl boy I who has neen mh'ouble since I was 1~, and it all started when I began skipping school. , I. I+ I+ imm+ io r i,, ,o I,, I have been in more institutions and group homes ,2, , r +--,+ ..... ,, than I can count, and right now rm in Jail waiting for my court date. (Armed robbery.) lCrossworc I I wish I could tell every kid on the other side of these +,,, I N jailheme bars, "STAY IN SCHOOL, AND DON'T QUIT i NO MATTER WHATP' Please don't bea hlKh school ACI~OSS 37 Hoarder Z -- et vale ~0 California mm '0 In dropout like reel i ~s,'~nses 38 Grate 3 Chum fort ...... You can't get a decent 'job without a high school S Man.made 40 Simians 4 Heavy 21 Food fish J +Zll l i+++++!++++++++++i ;i l l I p® diploma. And without a Job;all that'sleft is running the lake 48 Early auto hammer ~ Alda or K/ag sb'eets and stealing. inlm++++ Ill+ l'd also like to tell young kids, "Remember, you have I) Ftsfffsh 43 Erasures Apportion 23 Very tasty only one mother and father, so mind them! If they IZ Elliptical 48 Babylonian g Periods of 24 Restaurant ,mm+ ...mm+ ,mm punish you for doing wrong it's only because they love 13 Sea bird god thnc features you, and want what's best for you." 14 Netherlands 48 Grafted 7 Slave or N British gun .m++ii.mm, m Please correct my spelling, Miss Abby, •nd print commune (Her.) carpenter 22 Sailor mmm this. Maybe someone will listen to you. 1~ To deUght 5OMusic halls 8 Widens ~S Noise of • JESSE 17 Cover 51 Affirmative 9 Deputies surf oa DEAR JESSE: I'il print your letter in hope that IS Female" ~ Distribute 10 Entrance shore some kids out there will listen to you. Thanks for antelopes 53 Baqulre 11 Garden plots ~ Portal inm++++++mlmmmmaw, DEAR ARBY: My husband recently bought a very writing. (P.S. I didn't have to correct oue word. Your 19 Keats and DOWN IS Disease of 31 SlLoped expensive cockatoo. He has a cage for it, but it's hardly spelling was perfect. God Mess you, sou.) Shelley 1Fead fish sheep eaiee ammiiiiiiiiiiiimmmiiiii!iiii immm ever in the cage because my husband thinks it should •1 Emblem Average solution t/me: 24 rain. 34 Metal have the freedom to fly around the house. DEAR ABBY: We are two secretaries who have a 24 A mountain eantalnor ilmmiii!iiiiii lmmmii!iiiiii lmmm Needless to say, there are bird droppings F+cufiar problem. We have been lmtrueted to answer everywhere! My husband refuses to clean up after the the telephone in the following manner: "Good mor- (S. Africa) bird, so I have to, and I am tired of the mess. We fight ning. This is Mr. Johnson's office." Nautical ~ 37 ~1 CRYPTO~Un:' 10-17 about this eonstantly. Otherwise, we have a good Occasionally we get some smart sleek on the other term marriage, but this really keeps me in a bad mood. end who says, "Well, what do you know--a talking N~ LMBUW LYGUWL QBZ'W MGQS What can I do? cfficel" 3t Girl of song LYNN IN GLENDALE Do you have a snappy retort for those people who get smart with us? Thank you. 31 Plays the GBZJ, YZBOOJ YZSS L DEAR LYNN: Give your husband an ultimatum. THE GIRI~ IN THE OFFICE lead 41 Fruit rind Either the bird s~yo IN the cage, or HE cleans up after 3~ Also //comp, m Yestoofay'S Cryploq~p-- SUPER SODA IS WELL TOPPED it. If that doesn't work. keep your windows open a lot, DEAR GIRLS: Dou't feel that you have to come up 33 Giggles reaeUng WITH RICH SAUCE. buy • eat. or send me your address and I'll send you a with a "ansppy relort" to every smart sleek that 3,5 ProsMentlal ~ Plnduro's Todsy's Cryptoqulp clue: M equals H woodoHul recipe for stewed cockatoo on toast. throws you a ;Job. Ik~ore iL power forte The Cm~.,pdp is a s/mple su~st/tutloadp~er in whkh each ~6 Man in 411 Born kttor reed stands fur unethm'. If you think timt X equals O, it Getting married? Whether you want a formal church 10-17 Genesis Answer to yesterday's puzzle. 47 Woeful wm equ~ o thmuSbeutUm pu,~e. ShOe letters, short wordu, DEAR ABBY: I've read your column for years, but wedding or a simple do-your-ow.-th~g ceremony, gel and words wd~ an aimtrqpbe can save you dues to lo~tlnS this is my first time to write. When I read your advice Abby's new booklet, "How to Ha~e a ,~vely Wedding." vowels. Solation is accomplished by trial and error. to kids to stay in school, I had to write because I am Send I1 and a Ioug, stamped (Z~ cents) self.addrssse( @ 11178Klq Font.roe S~n~c~e. Ins, living proof that kids start a life of crime when they envelope to Abby: 132 Lasky Drive, Beverly Hills By EugeneSi~#er begin skipping school. ' Calif. 90~I~.

:the AMAZING SPIDER.MAN By Stan Lee and John Romita

~ ~1 ~!~ ~ W~T .~e WANTSl Horoscope II~,nI~.~IWtM~wll $1~I~=R.MANj il.~~ ~-'-a~.':, -~i"~ ...~~ ~.~....~ Frances Drake

What kind of day will irdluenceyou when it cemesto out emotions and evsluate today be? To find out an ~t decision, l.Jaten your life. what the stars say, react to their views, weight the the forecast given for facts, m~ke up your own (Jan. 91 to Feb. 1~) your birth sign. mind. Your creativity knows no bounds. If you give it free (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) reign, you will do the be4 ARIES A close relationship that's wmt of the year right now +-+:-'"--+, + (Mar. 9-1 to Apt'. 20) -I-#1,'-~ on the skids can be salvaged. PISCF_,5 Tact on your part can avert It's up to you, and the oatcome (Feb. 20 toMar. 20)~.=~'~ a quarrel Show your interest depends on how you handle ti~ A Uttie encouragement is is sister; avoid a tendency to situaUoa. making you leap to the wrong 'ask too many questions. conclusion. Keep a cool head • Au~us U~ (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) und play a waiting game. CA TFISH By Roger Bollen and Gary Peterman ' (Apr. ~1 to May ~-1) Force yourself to work at Patience is the virtue you full capeeity. A routine matter YOU BORN TODAY live life need today. ~ near and could develop into one of great to the hill You work and play "~.. dear will be Nwavated if you ~ce, so keep on your hard undtendto bum the slve into temp~' for trlvlal toes. candle at both ends. You are ~"~J~ ~ 3~'~,~ ~)" ~.~Fi~i_i_i_i_i_i_~J INDIAN -~ '~ ~V~_~,,L ...... l"~- reasons. - SCORPIO physically ~ but, even so, you should slow down. Learn (May 22 to June 21) 111 Your hopes are not modoratim. You have the gift Your social life takes a torn unreasonable. If you take of enthusiam, a flalr for for the better before the action and make an extra originality, and great week's out. Charge your effort, there's no reason why eze~tl~ shillS. Your many betterles for the fun that lles dremns can't be realized. talents phm your ~ of ahead. sAorrr~.us m,,~c. comco~ration and your desire (Nov. 23 to Dee. 21 ) for success should ~ive you a (June ~ to Ju~ 23) Your llfe woa't take a turn full and happy life. One of your greatest assets: The abil/ty to You may doubt it, but you for the better until you stop I~/| ~ C/11¢1goTflbul~ N v N~wmS~ In¢ can trust your intdtio~ where living in the past. Let cut away layers of confusion rcmanee or Imsiness is con- memories fade. Live for and get right to tbe heart of eorned. Your ability to figure today. the matter. Another plus: thin88 out is positively un- c,Pmcoe~ ~y Your flair for diplomacy. cm~. (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) Birthdate of: Anton van the WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart LEO Drop out of the social .cene. Lea,we,honk. mim~m~p~t; What's most Im~t is Mom Hart, p~p.-~t. Doa't let inmJly or friends relaxation, a quiet time to sort ©19'/8 King Features8yndkate. Inc. 'IT~ ~ ~l~ ) I ~C~aV~ ¸, A¢ r ARM I~ C~I~ ALO~ I ~"r,~eT'U~/q~ rr As ~F'L.E~C::~Y. ~.~.__.,

B.C. By Johnny Hart (;


I o.m,m=,=,...,, ~ ~

It DOONESBURY B,r Garry Trudeau iiii ~4SC4~N A FOO~A~~e. AN,a.PT ++' kE'/'~ FOR7tE TITAN~' S0, X~, ~0~ A 7P./o S77~U~ T/~THA~ ~ TH~M/D~ ~ PA~7"

o "When they invented th.e first clock, how did t~ey know what time to set el?" ,! t|| NI

...... 1 ...... -+- I I " I ...... f ...... i161),1;