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Meeting: China Clay Community Network Panel Date & Time: Monday 8 February 2021 at 7.00pm Location: Virtual Meeting using MS Teams

Present Title/Representing Sally-Anne Saunders CC Councillor - Bugle (Chair) CC Cornwall Councillor - St Enoder Mike McLening CC Cornwall Councillor - St Stephen-In-Brannel John Wood CC Cornwall Councillor - Roche Matt Luke CC Cornwall Councillor - Penwithick & Boscoppa David Stevens Clerk, Parish Council Linda Ranger Clerk, St Stephen-In-Brannel Parish Council Cllr Sharron Kelsey St Dennis Parish Council Cllr Tanya Edmunds St Dennis Parish Council Gary Staddon Real Estate & Business Development Manager, Imerys Inspector Ed Gard Devon and Cornwall Police PCSO Steve Tibbles Devon and Cornwall Police Steve Gudge Project Director, to A30 Link Road, (min no 2) Dave Monk Stop Loan Sharks (min no 3) Sophie Hosking Strategic Director for Neighbourhoods / CLT Ambassador Caitlin Lord Graduate, Localism Tasha Davis Community Link Officer, Cornwall Council Lisa Grigg Communities Support Assistant, Cornwall Council Apologies for absence: Fred Greenslade CC Cornwall Councillor - St Dennis and Nanpean Cllr William John Sibley Chair, St Stephen-In-Brannel Parish Council Cllr Keith Truscott St Stephen-In-Brannel Parish Council Cllr Julia Clarke Chair, St Dennis Parish Council

Item Key/Action Points Action by: 1. Welcome and Introductions • The Chairman for the meeting, Cornwall Councillor Sally-Anne Saunders, welcomed all present and invited everyone to introduce themselves.

2. St Austell to A30 Link Road Update – Steve Gudge, Project Director • Full Business Case submitted to the Department of Transport. No further changes required.

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• Delays with Common Land Orders and Compulsory Purchase Orders which need to be finalised before Government will release funding. Some objections to the CPOs so working with landowners to address issues. • Alternative replacement common land agreed with Imerys and is broadly equivalent to the existing provision. Planning Inspectorate to undertake a site visit later this month. • Revised timetable; If there are no further objections to the common land alterations, a decision will be expected from the Secretary of State by May 2021 followed by a final funding offer in July 2021. Main works could then hopefully commence in the summer and it will be a 2-year build out.

Complementary measures • Stenalees - Final discussions with residents and a final consultation event to be held as soon as the funding offer has been confirmed from Government. • Bugle and Roche - Measures unlikely to be implemented until the new road is completed in 2023/2024. • Trekenning - Similar timescale as per Bugle and Roche. • Holmbush Bridge – Works to lower the road to increase headroom for HGVs are currently being designed. A costed design proposal is expected by summer.

Questions and Answers

Q. Can you clarify the funding timescale? A. We are hoping to receive a final funding offer from Government by July. Cornwall Council has provided some match funding for the project and we have been using this to date for the preliminary works.

Q. I understand the contract for the project was awarded to a Welsh company? What about protecting local jobs? A. The contract was awarded to Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd. following an open market tender process in line with our procurement procedures. Their headquarters are based in Cardiff but they operate across the whole of the South West. The contract includes a number of targets around the use of apprentices and local sub-contractors.

Q. We keep being informed that the complementary measures will help but we need to address the here and now such as speeding issues in the villages? A. Any safety concerns need to be raised with Highways Officers so that it can be assessed and responded to accordingly. SG/ It was agreed that Steve will provide a further update at the next meeting in April. TD

3. Stop Loan Sharks – Dave Monk, Illegal Money Lending Team LIAISE Officer for Devon and Cornwall • Please see attached presentation. • The Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) was set up in 2004. The team investigates and prosecutes illegal money lenders and supports victims as well as raising public awareness.

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• 310,000 households in England are in debt to illegal money lenders. This is expected to significantly increase following the impact of Covid-19. • Stop Loan Sharks has a Community Fund made up of money seized from convicted loan sharks. Any organisations can apply for funding of up to £5k for a project provided it can help raise awareness of Loan Sharks. • The team has a wide range of resources to help get messages out to communities including posters, newsletter articles, webinars etc. The Team are also happy to give talks to local groups to help highlight issues. Please contact Dave if you would like further information or visit their website; Home - Stop Loan Sharks

Questions and Answers

Q. Can you give examples of eligible projects for the Community Fund and how local groups can apply? A. Successful projects have included murals painted on walls, workshops to help plan and budget, cartoons produced for primary schools to educate children about money and bibs for football teams. Examples of projects we can’t fund are repairs to a Church hall, salaries, laptops, printers etc. Any interested groups are asked to contact Dave for an application form and to discuss potential ideas.

Q. Is there a way of utilising the food banks and community larders across the county to help get messages out? A. We have flyers and posters which can be disseminated. We also have videos that can be played in Doctor Surgeries etc. TD to liaise with DM & Cornwall Council’s TD Communications Team to agree a countywide approach, utilising the “Lets Talk Cornwall Community Food Support” links.

Dave was thanked for his helpful and informative presentation.

4. Cornwall Council Update – Sophie Hosking, CLT Ambassador

Covid • Cornwall Council is back in ‘response’ mode to focus resources where it is most needed. • Latest figures show cases are down to 110 per 100,000 population so are steadily decreasing. Hospital admissions are also coming down. • Cornwall Council offices remain closed to the public. Staff continue to work from home wherever possible. • HWRCs remain open operating the vehicle registration system which is working well. • Enforcement Team continue to investigate complaints of business compliance breaches but overall the majority are compliant.

Budget • To be discussed at Cabinet and Council in February. • A balanced budget will be presented but is dependent on the 1.99% Council Tax increase plus the Adult Social Care Levy.


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Brexit • Huge impacts on fishing industry due to complicated new export rules. • Please notify TD if you are aware of any issues businesses are facing locally. ALL • The Business Regulatory Support Team can also provide help; [email protected]

G7 Summit • Cornwall Council and organisations are determined the event will leave a lasting social and economic legacy to benefit all of Cornwall’s residents. • There is a dedicated email address for enquiries relating to the Summit; [email protected]

Questions and Answers

Q. There needs to be more explanation as to how the money is distributed from central Government to Cornwall Council towards the Coronavirus pandemic? A. There are a number of different funding streams all with different conditions that Cornwall Council has to make returns on to demonstrate that it is being used for the purposes intended i.e Business Support, Re-opening High Streets, Shielding etc. The Council’s Logistics Team monitor this to ensure we can draw down as much as possible from central Government to help with this much needed support.

5. Public Participation There were no members of the public present.

6. China Clay Area Strategy – progress update • Members were disappointed that comments made at the Economic Vitality of Rural and Coastal Areas in Cornwall - Member Inquiry did not take account of the uniqueness of the China Clay area. • SH updated that she has met with Phil Mason and Phil has offered to meet Members together with his Senior Leadership Team to discuss the “asks” as set out in the Strategy. • Members agreed to meet initially with Mr Mason and officers and will report TD back to the next meeting or at a specially convened meeting of the CNP.

7. Community Networks Highways Scheme – progress update • TD has met with Cornwall Councillors and Rachael Tatlow, Highways Manager. • The majority of remaining funds have now been committed. Further information is TD awaited from Highways and an update will be provided at the next meeting.

8. General Updates

8.1 Minorca Lane and wider Gypsy & Traveller issues • Councillor Cole updated that following a meeting with the newly appointed Head of Planning Policy, work is now progressing on a countywide review of how sites are allocated.


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• Councillor Saunders updated that a Minorca Lane Strategic Group with Heads of Service is now in place. An Operational Group has also been resurrected with representatives from across the relevant services and is meeting monthly.

8.2 Neighbourhood Planning – updates from NP groups in the China Clay area • St Enoder - going to referendum on 6 May. • Councillor Wood highlight successful cases where Inspectors have referred to the Roche NDP.

8.3 Climate Change • Cabinet to discuss the Climate Emergency Development Plan Document on 10th February. • It was noted that Cornwall Council are currently saving 82,000 miles a day across the workforce through home working.

8.4 Anti-Social Behaviour • Discussed under min no 9.

9. Notes of the last meeting (07.12.20) • Agreed as a correct record.

Matters Arising Anti-Social Behaviour • Meeting with Young People Cornwall and parishes – date to be confirmed. TD/LG • Figures for China Clay to be provided by Anti-Social Behaviour Caseworker. HT

10. Have Your Say • The Lets Talk Cornwall website was highlighted; It includes a vast amount of information and thoughts and ideas can be shared about local issues and initiatives.

11. Any Other Business

St Stephen-In-Brannel Annual Parish Meeting • Following a request from the Parish Council, Inspector Gard undertook to arrange LR/EG for an officer to attend the Annual Parish Meeting. The Clerk to send meeting details to Inspector Gard.

Land clearance work, A391 • Following a query regarding some land clearance works on the A391 below DS Carloggas Downs, David Stevens, Treverbyn Clerk, to email Eco Bos for details.

12. Next meeting dates • Monday 19 April 2021 (Noted that this will be during Purdah). ALL Theme: Health & Wellbeing. There will also be an up date on the A30 Link Road. • Monday 14 June 2021 • Monday 9 August 2021 (AGM) • Monday 11 October 2021 5

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• Monday 6 December 2021

The meeting closed at 8.55pm.

Contact Officers: If you have any queries about the Community Network Panel, please contact:

Name Role Telephone Email Tasha Davis Community Link Officer 01726 223371 [email protected] Lisa Grigg Communities Support 01726 223604 [email protected] Assistant

Website: networks/st-austell-and-/