Tuesday, September 9, 2014 1:00 PM 2nd Floor Boardroom, 4330 Kingsway, Burnaby, British Columbia.

A G E N D A1


1.1 September 9, 2014 Regular Meeting Agenda That the Environment and Parks Committee adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for September 9, 2014, as circulated.


2.1 July 3, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes That the Environment and Parks Committee adopt the minutes of its regular meeting held July 3, 2014, as circulated.


3.1 Mark Dubois‐Phillips, Vice Chair, Powertech Labs Inc., on behalf of Electric Mobility Canada Subject: Benefits of Networking through Electric Mobility Canada


4.1 Michelle Pentz Glave and Heather Prittie, Bowen Agriculture Alliance (BAA) Subject: Proposed Pollinators Demonstration Garden at Killarney Meadows in Crippen Regional Park

1 Note: Recommendation is shown under each item, where applicable.

September 4, 2014 Environment and Parks Committee - 1 - Environment and Parks Committee Regular Agenda September 9, 2014 Agenda Page 2 of 4



5.1 Crippen Regional Park – Killarney Meadows Demonstration Garden Proposal Designated Speaker: Greg Paris, Regional Parks West Area Planner Planning, Policy and Environment Department That the Environment and Parks Committee: a) endorse community consultation on the Bowen Agriculture Alliance Society’s proposal to establish a 0.283 ha. (0.7 acre) demonstration garden in Killarney Meadows in Crippen Regional Park; b) direct staff to report back on their findings, for further consideration of the demonstration garden proposal; and c) forward this report to the GVRD Board for information.

5.2 Burnaby Lake Park Association ‐ Contribution Agreement Designated Speaker: Stephen Suddes, Public Programs and Community Development Division Manager Planning, Policy and Environment Department That the Contribution Agreement between the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) and the Burnaby Lake Park Association be approved for a one year term and contribution amount of $10,500 commencing on October 30, 2014 and ending on December 31, 2015.

5.3 Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society – Contribution Agreement Designated Speaker: Stephen Suddes, Public Programs and Community Development Division Manager Planning, Policy and Environment Department That the Contribution Agreement between the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) and the Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society be approved for a one year term and contribution amount of $14,000 commencing on October 30, 2014 and ending on December 31, 2015.

5.4 Pacific Spirit Park Society – Contribution Agreement Designated Speaker: Stephen Suddes, Public Programs and Community Development Division Manager Planning, Policy and Environment Department That the Contribution Agreement between the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) and the Pacific Spirit Park Society be approved for a one year term and contribution amount of $14,000 commencing on October 30, 2014 and ending on December 31, 2015.

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5.5 Manager’s Report – Parks Designated Speaker: Allan Neilson, General Manager Planning, Policy and Environment Department That the Environment and Parks Committee receive for information the report dated August 13, 2014, titled “Manager’s Report – Parks”.


5.6 Metro Vancouver’s Carbon Neutral Progress in 2013 Designated Speakers: Conor Reynolds, Senior Project Engineer Jason Emmert, Air Quality Planner Planning, Policy and Environment Department That the Environment and Parks Committee receive for information the report dated August 11, 2014, titled “Metro Vancouver’s Carbon Neutral Progress in 2013”.

5.7 Manager’s Report – Environment Designated Speaker: Allan Neilson, General Manager Planning, Policy and Environment Department That the Environment and Parks Committee receive for information the report dated August 19, 2014, titled “Manager’s Report – Environment”.


6.1 Regional Parks Summary Events Schedule

6.2 iParks Navigator ‐ Media Release

6.3 Clean Energy Vehicle Program ‐ Correspondence dated July 30, 2014, addressed to Chair Moore and Directors, from the Ministry of Environment, British Columbia.

6.4 Green Communities ‐ Correspondence dated August 14, 2014, addressed to Chair Moore and Board Members, from the joint Provincial‐Union of BC Municipalities Green Communities Committee.

6.5 RCMP Wreck Beach Patrols ‐ News Article.

6.6 Regional Parks Burns Bog ‐ News Article.

7. OTHER BUSINESS No items presented.

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9. RESOLUTION TO CLOSE MEETING That the Environment and Parks Committee close its regular meeting scheduled for September 9, 2014, pursuant to the Community Charter provisions, Section 90 (1) (e) and (i) as follows: “90 (1) A part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following: (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the board or committee considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the regional district. (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor‐client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.”

10. ADJOURNMENT/CONCLUSION That the Environment and Parks Committee adjourn its regular meeting of September 9, 2014.

Membership: Deal, Heather (C) – Vancouver Hogarth, Al ‐ Maple Ridge Steele, Barbara – Surrey Martin, Gayle (VC) – Langley City Little, Mike ‐ North Vancouver District Steves, Harold – Richmond Banman, Bruce ‐ Abbotsford Long, Bob – Langley Township Stone, Andrew – Dhaliwal, Sav – Burnaby Penner, Darrell – Port Coquitlam Walters, Deb – Pitt Meadows Hodge, Craig – Coquitlam


Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) Environment and Parks Committee held at 9:05 a.m. on Thursday, July 3, 2014 in the 2nd Floor Boardroom, 4330 Kingsway, Burnaby, British Columbia.

PRESENT: Chair, Director Heather Deal, Vancouver Vice Chair, Director Gayle Martin, Langley City Director Bruce Banman, Abbotsford Director Sav Dhaliwal, Burnaby Councillor Al Hogarth, Maple Ridge Councillor Mike Little, North Vancouver District Councillor Bob Long, Langley Township Councillor Darrell Penner, Port Coquitlam (departed at 10:17 a.m.) Director Barbara Steele, Surrey Director Harold Steves, Richmond Director Andrew Stone, Bowen Island Director Deb Walters, Pitt Meadows

ABSENT: Councillor Craig Hodge, Coquitlam

STAFF: Allan Neilson, General Manager, Planning, Policy and Environment Carol Mason, Commissioner/Chief Administrative Officer Janis Knaupp, Assistant to Regional Committees, Board and Information Services, Legal and Legislative Services


1.1 July 3, 2014 Regular Meeting Agenda

It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Environment and Parks Committee adopt the agenda for its regular meeting scheduled for July 3, 2014, as circulated. CARRIED

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Environment and Parks Committee held on Thursday, July 3, 2014 Page 1 of 5 Environment and Parks Committee - 5 - 2. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES

2.1 June 5, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes

It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Environment and Parks Committee adopt the minutes of its regular meeting held June 5, 2014 as circulated. CARRIED

3. DELEGATIONS No items presented.


4.1 Jennifer Grenz, Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver (ISCMV) Members were provided a presentation on the final draft Regional Invasive Species Strategy for Metro Vancouver highlighting invasive species, project timeline, membership composition and role of the Regional Strategy Committee, participating jurisdictions, vision, purpose, scope, goals, charter, next steps and Metro Vancouver’s proposed role in implementation.

Members were informed that the final strategy will be presented at the ISCMV September 2014 forum and were requested to provide input on the draft strategy.

Members suggested consideration be given to:  Exploring opportunities with publishers of recreation, plant and wildlife guide books  Working with conservancy groups to target specific areas/invasive species  Exploring cost‐saving removal and treatment options on a region‐wide scale  Exploring transfer station monitoring and regulation of soil and green waste

In response to questions, members were informed about:  The spread of European fire ant infections due to movement of soil  ISCMV’s efforts to eradicate species in specific municipal parks  Local and regional government participation in the draft strategy

Request of Staff Staff was requested to post to the Directors Extranet, the July 3, 2014 Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver presentation provided to the Environment and Parks Committee.

It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Environment and Parks Committee direct staff to review the draft Invasive Species Strategy for Metro Vancouver, in response to the July 3, 2014

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Environment and Parks Committee held on Thursday, July 3, 2014 Page 2 of 5 Environment and Parks Committee - 6 - invited presentation from from Jennifer Grenz, Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver, and report back at the September 9, 2014 meeting with recommendations including the issue of soil and green waste dumping at transfer stations and spread of the European fire ant. CARRIED

Presentation material titled “The Road to a Regional Invasive Species Strategy for Metro Vancouver” is retained with the July 3, 2014 Environment and Parks Committee agenda.


5.1 Capilano River Regional Park – National Hiking Trail Designation Report dated May 30, 2014 from Tom McComb, Acting Regional Parks West Area Manager, Planning, Policy and Environment, seeking GVRD Board approval to have sections of trail in Capilano River Regional Park (Capilano Pacific Trail, Shinglebolt Trail and Baden‐Powell Trail) designated as part of the National Hiking Trail.

Comments were offered about exploring access options with the Capilano Suspension Bridge, improving trail signage and developing a map of all trail networks in Metro Vancouver showing trail interactions.

Request of Staff Staff was requested to report back to the Environment and Parks Committee with a map of trail networks in Metro Vancouver showing trail interactions, and on Metro Vancouver’s role and potential liability with publishing the map.

It was MOVED and SECONDED That the GVRD Board approve the designation of select trails in Metro Vancouver’s Capilano River Regional Park, (Capilano Pacific Trail, Shinglebolt Trail and Baden‐Powell Trail), as part of the National Hiking Trail as requested by Hike BC. CARRIED

5.2 Manager’s Report – Parks Report dated June 18, 2014 from Allan Neilson, General Manager, Planning, Policy and Environment, updating the Environment and Parks Committee on the Committee’s 2014 Work Plan – Parks, iParks Navigator App, school program bookings, Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area research, Boundary Bay Regional Park facilities, Roots and Wings Montessori School Langley Environmental Hero Award and the Committee’s regional parks tour.

In response to a live demonstration on the iParks Navigator application, comments were offered about:  Including camping data in the application

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Environment and Parks Committee held on Thursday, July 3, 2014 Page 3 of 5 Environment and Parks Committee - 7 -  Developing a framework and business case for sharing, selling and/or licensing iParks Navigator technology to address the issue of staff resources  An open data policy to provide access to and use by the public  Adding PDF map links to specific parks identified on iParks Navigator

Members were further informed about the July 6, 2014 A Midsummer Fête event at Colony Farm Regional Park and construction of the Kanaka Creek Watershed Stewardship Centre.

10:17 a.m. Councillor Penner departed the meeting.

It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Environment and Parks Committee receive for information the report dated June 18, 2014, titled “Manager’s Report – Parks”. CARRIED

5.3 Manager’s Report – Environment Report dated June 16, 2014 from Allan Neilson, General Manager, Planning, Policy and Environment, updating the Environment and Parks Committee on the Committee’s 2014 Workplan – Environment, BC Lung Association 2014 State of the Air Report and public opinion survey on air pollution from motor vehicles.

Comments were offered about the status of staff efforts to explore technology options to capture air emissions in response to the Province’s cancellation of the AirCare Program.

Request of Staff Staff was requested to report back at the September 9, 2014 meeting on potential technology options for capturing air emissions in response to the Province’s cancellation of the AirCare Program.

It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Environment and Parks Committee receive for information the report dated June 16, 2014, titled “Manager’s Report – Environment”. CARRIED Director Steele absent at the vote.


It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Environment and Parks Committee receive for information the following Information Items: 6.1 Regional Parks Summary of Events July 2014 6.2 Kanaka Creek Salmonids in the Classroom Program – Correspondence, dated June 16, 2014, from the Fisheries and Oceans Canada, addressed to KEEPS. CARRIED Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Environment and Parks Committee held on Thursday, July 3, 2014 Page 4 of 5 Environment and Parks Committee - 8 - 7. OTHER BUSINESS No items presented.



It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Environment and Parks Committee close its regular meeting scheduled for July 3, 2014, pursuant to the Community Charter provisions, Section 90 (1) (e), (i) and (k) as follows: “90 (1) A part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to or is one or more of the following: (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the board or committee considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the regional district; (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor‐client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; and (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a regional district service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the board or committee, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the regional district if they were held in public.” CARRIED


It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Environment and Parks Committee conclude its regular meeting of July 3, 2014. CARRIED (Time: 10:23 a.m.)

______Janis Knaupp, Heather Deal, Chair Assistant to Regional Committees

9669511 FINAL

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Environment and Parks Committee held on Thursday, July 3, 2014 Page 5 of 5 Environment and Parks Committee - 9 - 3.1

Summary of Presentation by Electric Mobility Canada to

Metro Vancouver Environment and Parks Committee

September 9, 2014

The presentation will be made by Mark Dubois‐Phillips, Director of Smart Utility – PowerTech Labs of Surrey and Vice Chair of Electric Mobility Canada. Tel: 604 590 7470 Email: mark.dubois‐[email protected]

Title of presentation “The Electrification of Transport ‐ An important tool for the attainment of sustainable transportation in municipal governments and their fleets”.

Proposed Content A PowerPoint presentation will address three topics:

 Electric Vehicle Overview and Outlook This will include an industry overview, trends in EV adoption at the global, national, provincial and regional levels in the electrification of transport.

 Provincial, regional implications and opportunities A background and summary of EV activities in British Columbia will be provided along with an overview of recent charging infrastructure activities. Environmental, health and economic benefits will be discussed resulting from the electrification of transportation.

 Benefits of membership in Electric Mobility Canada1 towards attaining Metro sustainability and clean air goals.

1 Electric Mobility Canada is the national industry association promoting the electrification of all modes of transport. Its members include the auto industry, electric vehicle infrastructure suppliers, government agencies at all levels, fleet managers (private and public) academia, consultants and supporting individuals.

Environment and Parks Committee - 10 - We will explain how EMC is structured and how its activities would benefit Metro Vancouver. We will highlight our 2014 National Conference taking place in Vancouver October 28 to 30, 2014.


Environment and Parks Committee - 11 -


To: Environment and Parks Committee

From: Greg Paris, Regional Parks West Area Planner Planning, Policy and Environment Department

Date: July 25, 2014 Meeting Date: September 09, 2014

Subject: Crippen Regional Park – Killarney Meadows Demonstration Garden Proposal

RECOMMENDATION That the Environment and Parks Committee: a) endorse community consultation on the Bowen Agriculture Alliance Society’s proposal to establish a 0.283 ha. (0.7 acre) demonstration garden in Killarney Meadows in Crippen Regional Park; b) direct staff to report back on their findings, for further consideration of the demonstration garden proposal; and c) forward this report to the GVRD Board for information.

PURPOSE To provide an overview of the Bowen Agricultural Alliance Society’s Killarney Meadows Demonstration Garden proposal and to seek authorization to undertake community consultation on this proposal.


Killarney Meadows Approximately 3.64 ha. (9.0 acres) of Crippen Regional Park located between Snug Cove and Killarney Lake comprise Killarney Meadows; much of the remainder of the park is forested. Terminal Creek is located east of the Meadows and Killarney Creek to the north (Attachment 1).

Existing facilities in Killarney Meadows include a horse riding ring operated by a local horse riding group, a fenced dog off‐leash area, a multi‐use field, Meadows Trail and grass paths for horse riding and walking.

Killarney Meadows is part of the BC Agricultural Land Reserve. The Meadows has a Class 5 rating in its unimproved state, where Class 1 is the best rating and Class 7 is the poorest. About 182 ha. (450 acres) of Bowen Island 5018 ha. (12,400 acres) are part of the Agricultural Land Reserve. Of that, about 81 ha. (200 acres) (45%) are located in Crippen Regional Park.

Bowen Agricultural Alliance Society The Bowen Agricultural Alliance Society (BAA) is a volunteer‐run registered non‐profit organization aspiring to promote and facilitate the development of local food systems, agricultural knowledge sharing, and community building.

Environment and Parks Committee - 12 - Crippen Regional Park ‐ Killarney Meadows Demonstration Garden Proposal Environment and Parks Committee Meeting Date: September 9, 2014 Page 2 of 3

Metro Vancouver Management and Support Plans The Ecological Health Action Plan (EHAP) includes a project for supplementing ecosystem services by increasing pollinator populations and promoting support for pollinators through interpretive programming and signage.

The Regional Food System Strategy and the Regional Parks Plan identify the value of public education on the benefits of sustainable agriculture and native pollinators, of retaining and interpreting examples of the agricultural history, and of allocating space for community gardening.

DISCUSSION BAA wants to achieve the following through the development and operation of the Killarney Meadows Demonstration Garden as an interactive outdoor learning centre:

 to teach about the roles of pollinators in building a healthy food system;  to contribute to the building of healthy food systems through demonstration, educational programming and research;  to make use of lands in the Agricultural Land Reserve for agriculture;  to celebrate local agricultural heritage; and  to inspire visitors to apply what they’ve learned, that is, to act locally.

Killarney Meadows provides good visibility for park visitors using the Meadows Trail, benefiting both BAA and park visitors. The .0283 ha. (0.7 acre) site identified offers BAA the character and setting to effectively facilitate interactive outdoor learning, knowledge sharing and interpretation. As well, the proposed site takes advantage of some of the best solar access and soil moisture conditions in the meadows (Attachment 2). The forest edge on the western side of the garden site provides the framework for enhancement with native plantings and other elements (e.g. insect boxes) to attract native bee populations and other native pollinators.

One of the key challenges that BAA faces is the establishment of a dependable source of water for irrigation during the growing season. Alternative options will need to be investigated, including rainfall capture and well drilling. The need for Provincial water permitting will be investigated.

Typically, once approved, Metro Vancouver and the community group will develop a land use agreement that forms the basis for the working relationship for the initiative. The agreement lays out the responsibilities of each party, and guides the day‐to‐day operations and on‐going management of the facility in the regional park.

ALTERNATIVES 1. That the Environment and Parks Committee: a) endorse community consultation on the Bowen Agriculture Alliance Society’s proposal to establish a 0.283 ha. (0.7 acre) demonstration garden in Killarney Meadows in Crippen Regional Park; b) direct staff to report back on their findings, for r furthe consideration of the demonstration garden proposal; and c) forward this report to the GVRD Board for information.

Environment and Parks Committee - 13 - Environment and Parks Committee Meeting ‐ September 9, 2014 Crippen Regional Park ‐ Killarney Meadows Demonstration Garden Proposal Page 2 of 3

2. That the Environment and Parks Committee not authorize staff to proceed with community consultations and requests staff provide additional information on the Demonstration Garden proposal at a subsequent meeting.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS BAA’s proposed demonstration garden is considered an enhanced service from a regional parks perspective. As such, BAA will be responsible for costs associated with development and operation of the proposed Killarney Meadows Demonstration Garden. BAA describes the demonstration garden as a self‐funded social enterprise with the delivery of curriculum programming and research for funding.

SUMMARY / CONCLUSION Proceeding to community consultation on the Bowen Agriculture Alliance Society’s proposal to establish a .283 ha. (0.7 acre) demonstration garden in Killarney Meadows is recommended.

BAA has clear and supportable objectives for their demonstration garden initiative. They have familiarized themselves with Killarney Meadows and identified a well‐located site of reasonable size and characteristics to undertake their demonstration garden initiative.

BAA and staff share a number of values in common, including promotion of native pollinators, protection of historical features and adaptive re‐use, and varied strategies for public education and interpretation. Further, BAA has demonstrated a willingness to work with staff to address regional park issues.

Attachments (Doc. #9928824): 1. Killarney Meadows Management Area Map. 2. Killarney Meadows Map.


Environment and Parks Committee - 14 - Attachment 1

CRIPPEN REGIONAL PARK Killarney Meadows Ë Demonstration Garden by BAA Society

Killarney Lake Loop

Killarney Lake Loop

Killarney Lake Loop Cedar


Magee Rd Dog Off-Leash Area

Killarney Creek

Proposed Demonstration Garden


Hatchery Hatchery


Alder Grove Causeway Terminal Creek Hatchery

Equestrian Ring

Davies Orchard Hatchery


Dorman Point

Legend Park Boundary

Proposed Demonstration Garden

Trail 080 160 320 480 640 Meters

Environment and Parks Committee - 15 - Attachment 2

CRIPPEN REGIONAL PARK Killarney Meadows Ë Killarney Creek Demonstration Garden by BAA Society

Killarney Creek


Dog Off-Leash Area


Proposed Demonstration Garden


Terminal Creek Hatchery

Hatchery Hatchery Equestrian Ring


Terminal Creek


Mt Gardner Rd

Legend Park Boundary

Proposed Demonstration Garden

Trail 015 30 60 90 120 Meters

Environment and Parks Committee - 16 -


To: Environment and Parks Committee

From: Stephen Suddes, Public Programs and Community Development Division Manager Planning, Policy and Environment Department

Date: August 12, 2014 Meeting Date: September 9, 2014

Subject: Burnaby Lake Park Association ‐ Contribution Agreement

RECOMMENDATION That the Contribution Agreement between the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) and the Burnaby Lake Park Association be approved for a one year term and contribution amount of $10,500 commencing on October 30, 2014 and ending on December 31, 2015.

PURPOSE To seek the GVRD Board authorization to enter into a contribution agreement with Burnaby Lake Park Association.

BACKGROUND At its November 15, 2013 meeting the GVRD Board adopted the following resolution:

That the Board approve the inclusion and disbursement of the funding to external organizations as presented in the 2014 Budget and outlined in this report and direct staff to report back on the development of service agreements where appropriate with respect to providing annual funding to these organizations.

Metro Vancouver provides annual funding to external organizations and these are approved by the GVRD Board as part of the annual budget cycle. For Regional Parks, 2014 approved funding includes capacity‐building funds for up to six park associations ($63,500).

Contribution Agreement A template for annual funding to external organizations by way of a contribution agreement is proposed that would serve as terms of reference, and also framework for assessment and evaluation. While the agreement template satisfies Metro Vancouver’s requirements for most recipients some may have special requirements. The history and nature of an organization’s relationship with Metro Vancouver, or the type and scope of programs and services provided to Metro Vancouver may be such that some variation of the agreement template is required.

Term • The term of the proposed agreement will commence on October 30, 2014 and end on December 31, 2015. • There is provision for early termination in the event of bankruptcy or the funds are used in a manner contrary to the agreement, or not in the public interest.

Environment and Parks Committee - 17 - Burnaby Lake Park Association ‐ Contribution Agreement Environment and Parks Committee Meeting Date: September 9, 2014 Page 2 of 2

Funding • Funding for the Burnaby Lake Park Association in the amount of $10,500 is included in the 2014 GVRD budget.

Benefit to Community • In 2013, volunteers with Burnaby Lake Park Association contributed in excess of 1,600 volunteer hours, delivering 59 activities including stewardship projects, park interpretation and education programs; • Funds are used to hire society staff, support regional park volunteers and leverage additional donations and support from other sources.

Annual Reporting • Burnaby Lake Park Association will submit a year‐end report to the GVRD.

ALTERNATIVES 1. That the Contribution Agreement between the Greater Vancouver Regional District and the Burnaby Lake Park Association be approved for a one year term and contribution amount of $10,500 commencing on January 1, 2015 and ending on December 31, 2015. 2. That the GVRD Board provide alternate direction.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Funding for Burnaby Lake Park Association has already been approved by the GVRD Board. Entering into this agreement will have no impact on the 2014 budget since no new funds are required. The proposed agreement will provide for oversight, accountability, reporting and an evaluation framework. The proposed agreement meets the GVRD’s requirements for the administration of these funds to the Burnaby Lake Park Association.

SUMMARY / CONCLUSION Alternative 1 meets GVRD’s requirements for the administration of these funds to Burnaby Lake Park Association. The length of the proposed term is appropriate given the relatively small amount of the funds, the scope and timing of activities undertaken by the park association and the fact that the funding is approved annually by the GVRD Board. Staff recommends Alternative 1, that the GVRD Board approve entering into a contribution agreement with Burnaby Lake Park Association for the amount of $10,500.

Attachment: Contribution Agreement with Burnaby Lake Park Association (Doc. #10049741).


Environment and Parks Committee - 18 - 5.2 Attachment


THIS AGREEMENT made the ___ day of ______, 2014





BURNABY LAKE PARK ASSOCIATION c/o 9146 Avalon Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 4G8

(the "Recipient")


A. The Recipient is a non‐profit association. One of the objects of the Recipient is to preserve, protect and enhance the natural environment of Burnaby Lake Regional Park, while advocating respect, appreciation and enjoyment of the Park’s natural attributes and recreational resources;

B. The Recipient has requested to receive, and the GVRD has agreed to provide funds to the Recipient for a purpose beneficial to the community or an aspect of the community; and

C. Section 176(1) (c) of the Local Government Act provides that the GVRD may provide assistance for the purpose of benefitting the community or any aspect of the community.

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises, terms and conditions to be hereinafter contained (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged), the parties hereto covenant and agree each with the other as follows:


In this Agreement the following terms have the following meanings:

“Agreement” means this agreement and the appended schedules.

Environment and Parks Committee - 19 - Page 2

“Plan” means the plan set out in Schedule A of the Agreement which sets out the specific purpose or activities for which the Recipient may use the funds provided to the Recipient under this Agreement.

“Services” means any activities or services set out in the Plan.

2.0 TERM

The term of this Agreement will commence on October 30, 2014, and end on December 31, 2015, (the “Term”) unless otherwise terminated as provided herein.


3.1 The Recipient shall only use the funds provided in accordance with Article 4.0 (the “Funds”) to provide Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

3.2 The Recipient shall, at the GVRD’s written request, provide all information required to enable the GVRD to evaluate, using the criteria set out in Schedule B, the Recipient’s provision of the Services.

3.3 The Recipient will provide the Services under the terms of the Agreement subject to any applicable bylaws of the GVRD and applicable legislation and regulations and in a manner consistent with any applicable guidelines provided by the GVRD.

3.4 GVRD must approve any changes to the Plan or Services in writing prior to the changes being made during the Term.

3.5 If the Recipient makes changes without the prior approval of the GVRD pursuant to section 3.4, the GVRD may, at its sole discretion, withdraw the Funds and immediately terminate the Agreement.


4.1 GVRD has agreed to provide the Funds to support the Recipient’s provision of the Services, in accordance with section 4.3.

4.2 The payment of Funds is subject to the GVRD being satisfied that the Recipient will perform the Services in accordance with the Plan and all requirements under the Agreement.

4.3 GVRD shall pay by cheque the sum of $10,500 for the provision of the Services, by October 31, 2014.


The Recipient shall report to the GVRD in accordance with the requirements of the reporting section of Schedule B.

Environment and Parks Committee - 20 - Page 3


It is the Recipient’s responsibility to determine whether or not it has to be registered for GST and/or PST purposes. The amount of funding provided in this Agreement includes any GST and/or PST which may be payable by the GVRD. Any liability for GST and/or PST required in respect of this Agreement will be the responsibility of the Recipient.


The books of account of the Recipient shall be kept in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practices.


At any time, the GVRD may give to the Recipient written notice that it desires its representative to examine the books of account of the Recipient, and the Recipient shall produce for examination to such representative within ten days after receipt of such notice, its books of account, and the said representative shall have a right of access to all records, documents, books, accounts and vouchers of the Recipient and shall be entitled to require from the Directors and Officers of the Recipient such information and explanations as, in his/her opinion, may be necessary to enable the staff to report to the GVRD Board on the financial position of the Recipient.


9.1 The Recipient shall indemnify and save harmless the GVRD from and against all actions, causes of action, claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, legal fees, fees, fines, charges or expenses which the GVRD may incur, be threatened by or be required to pay by reason of or arising out of the provision of the Services by the Recipient, the Recipient’s use of any facility where Services are provided, the breach by the Recipient of any term of this Agreement, or by the Recipient’s contravention of any law, enactment or regulation of a federal, provincial or local government.

9.2 The Recipient releases the GVRD, its elected officials, appointed officers, employees and agents from and waives any claim, right, remedy, action, cause of action, loss, damage, expense, fee or liability which the Recipient may have against any or all of them in respect of an act of the GVRD in relation to this Agreement except insofar as such claim, right, remedy, action, cause of action, loss, damage, expense, fee or liability arises from the negligence of the GVRD, its elected officials and appointed officers, employees, agents or contractors.

9.3 This section shall survive the expiry or sooner termination of this Agreement.

Environment and Parks Committee - 21 - Page 4


10.1 GVRD may terminate this Agreement immediately without notice to the Recipient should:

(a) the Recipient make an assignment in bankruptcy or is declared bankrupt; or

(b) GVRD, in its sole discretion, determine that any of the Funds are being used in a manner contrary to the Plan or the public interest.

10.2 GVRD may terminate this Agreement upon giving ninety (90) days written notice to the Recipient.

10.3 If the GVRD terminates the Agreement for any reason, the Recipient shall immediately return any Funds that have not been spent on providing the Services. The Recipient will provide a full accounting of all Funds not returned.

10.4 The Recipient may terminate this Agreement upon giving thirty (30) days written notice to the GVRD should the Recipient, for any reason, be unable to meet its obligations with respect to the provision of the Services as set forth in this Agreement.

10.5 Upon termination by the Recipient, the Recipient shall immediately return any Funds that have not been spent on providing the Services. The Recipient will provide a full accounting of all Funds not returned.


11.1 It is hereby mutually agreed that any notice required to be given under this Agreement will be deemed to be sufficiently given:

(a) if delivered at the time of delivery; and

(b) if mailed from any government post in the Province of British Columbia by prepaid registered mail addressed as follows:

To GVRD: Mitch Sokalski, Director, Regional Parks GVRD 4330 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4G8

To the Recipient: Bryan Green 9146 Avalon Avenue Burnaby, BC V3N 4G8

Environment and Parks Committee - 22 - Page 5

11.2 Unless otherwise specified herein, any notice required to be given under this Agreement by any party will be deemed to have been given if mailed by prepaid registered mail, sent by facsimile transmission, or delivered to the address of the other party set forth above or at such other address as the other party may from time to time direct in writing, and any such notice will be deemed to have been received if mailed or faxed, seventy‐two (72) hours after the time of mailing or faxing and if delivered, upon the date of delivery. If normal mail service or facsimile service is interrupted by strike, slow down, force majeure or other cause, then a notice sent by the impaired means of communication will not be deemed to be received until actually received, and the party sending the notice must utilize any other such services which have not been so interrupted or must deliver such notice in order to ensure prompt receipt thereof.


The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the completion of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, if any, have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary corporate action of the Recipient, and this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Recipient enforceable against the Recipient in accordance with its terms and the persons signing this Agreement on the Recipient’s behalf are duly authorized to do so.

13.0 TIME

Time is of the essence in this Agreement.


In consideration of being granted the Funds, the Recipient agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and if the Recipient represents a group or organization, the Recipient agrees to inform all responsible persons associated with the group or organization of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


The Recipient may not assign this Agreement in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the GVRD.


This Agreement will enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, administrators, executors, successors and permitted assignees.

Environment and Parks Committee - 23 - Page 6


No provision of this Agreement shall be construed to create a partnership or joint venture relationship, an employer‐employee relationship, a landlord‐tenant, or a principal‐agent relationship.


The waiver by a party of any failure on the part of the other party to perform in accordance with any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement is not to be construed as a waiver of any future or continuing failure, whether similar or dissimilar.


This Agreement may not be modified or amended except by the written agreement of the parties.


The whole agreement between the parties is set forth in this document and no representations, warranties or conditions, express or implied, have been made other than those expressed.


Wherever the singular, masculine and neuter are used throughout this Agreement, the same is to be construed as meaning the plural or the feminine or the body corporate or politic as the context so requires.


No remedy under this Agreement is to be deemed exclusive but will, where possible, be cumulative with all other remedies at law or in equity.


This Agreement is to be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws applicable in the Province of British Columbia and the parties attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of British Columbia.


This Agreement may be executed in counterparts with the same effect as if both parties had signed the same document. Each counterpart shall be deemed to be an original. All counterparts shall be construed together and shall constitute one and the same Agreement.

Environment and Parks Committee - 24 - Page 7

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.


______Carol Mason, Commissioner/ Chief Administrative Officer


______Bryan Green, Chair

Environment and Parks Committee - 25 - Page 8

SCHEDULE ‘A’ Burnaby Lake Park Association (Recipient) 2015 Plan

The primary purpose of these funds will be to provide a base level of coordination for Park Associations and people and communities they reach through their initiatives.

Key Deliverables:

To pay an Education/Volunteer Coordinator to:  Enable the volunteer Board of Directors to achieve broader the GVRD outcomes;  Coordinate volunteer work parties;  Manage volunteers;  Provide administrative support to the Board, including record keeping as appropriate;  Coordinate and/or conduct outreach including social media, displays and booths to increase community awareness;  Coordinate and support events;  Coordinate society communications with Board, committees, society members, volunteers, GVRD staff, public and Parks Association partner groups;  Coordinate and support fundraising; and  Deliver programs that include the GVRD messaging.

Environment and Parks Committee - 26 - Page 9




 GVRD staff regularly interact with Board, paid Coordinators and staff/volunteers.


 Park associations are required to provide records of volunteer hours, events, activities, participants and associated statistics annually to GVRD at the beginning of September (year to date) and the beginning of January (for previous year).  Report outlining accomplishments for the year, such as funds raised, Board development, new initiatives, number of members, new partnerships, awards and recognition, anecdotal success stories, etc.


 These statistics are now part of the GVRD’s annual business plan report.


Environment and Parks Committee - 27 -


To: Environment and Parks Committee

From: Stephen Suddes, Public Programs and Community Development Division Manager Planning, Policy and Environment Department

Date: August 19, 2014 Meeting Date: September 9, 2014

Subject: Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society – Contribution Agreement

RECOMMENDATION That the Contribution Agreement between the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) and the Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society be approved for a one year term and contribution amount of $14,000 commencing on October 30, 2014 and ending on December 31, 2015.

PURPOSE To seek the GVRD Board authorization to enter into a contribution agreement with Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society.

BACKGROUND At its November 15, 2013 meeting the GVRD Board adopted the following resolution:

That the Board approve the inclusion and disbursement of the funding to external organizations as presented in the 2014 Budget and outlined in this report and direct staff to report back on the development of service agreements where appropriate with respect to providing annual funding to these organizations.

Metro Vancouver provides annual funding to external organizations and these are approved by the GVRD Board as part of the annual budget cycle. For Regional Parks, 2014 approved funding includes capacity‐building funds for up to six park associations ($63,500).

Contribution Agreement A template for annual funding to external organizations by way of a contribution agreement is proposed that would serve as terms of reference, and also framework for assessment and evaluation. While the agreement template satisfies Metro Vancouver’s requirements for most recipients some may have special requirements. The history and nature of an organization’s relationship with Metro Vancouver, or the type and scope of programs and services provided to Metro Vancouver may be such that some variation of the agreement template is required.

Term • The term of the proposed agreement will commence on October 30, 2014 and end on December 31, 2015. • There is provision for early termination in the event of bankruptcy or the funds are used in a manner contrary to the agreement, or not in the public interest.

Environment and Parks Committee - 28 - Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society – Contribution Agreement Environment and Parks Committee Meeting Date: September 9, 2014 Page 2 of 2

Funding • Funding for the Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society in the amount of $14,000 in included in the 2014 GVRD budget.

Benefit to Community • In 2013, volunteers with Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society contributed 4,000 volunteer hours to activities and projects in regional parks. Activities included stewardship projects, park interpretation and education programs; • Capacity‐building funds are used to hire society staff, support regional park volunteers and leverage additional donations and support from other sources; and • The Bell‐Irving Hatchery, operated by Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society, has almost 2,000 visitors annually and a robust school program.

Annual Reporting • Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society will submit a yearend report to the GVRD.

ALTERNATIVES 1. That the Contribution Agreement between the Greater Vancouver Regional District and the Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society be approved for a one year term and contribution amount of $14,000 commencing on October 30, 2014 and ending on December 31, 2015. 2. That the GVRD Board direct staff to provide alternate direction.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Funding for Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society has already been approved by the GVRD Board. Entering into this agreement will have no impact on the 2014 budget since no new funds are required. The proposed agreement meets the GVRD’s requirements for the administration of these funds to the Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society.

SUMMARY / CONCLUSION Alternative 1 meets the GVRD’s requirements for the administration of these funds to Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society. The length of the proposed term is appropriate given the relatively small amount of the funds, the scope and timing of activities undertaken by the park association and the fact that funding is approved annually by the GVRD Board. Staff recommends Alternative 1, that the GVRD Board approve entering into a contribution agreement with Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society for the amount of $14,000.

Attachment (Doc. #10091980): Contribution Agreement with Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society.


Environment and Parks Committee - 29 - 5.3 Attachment


THIS AGREEMENT made the ___ day of ______, 2014



("GVRD ")


KANAKA EDUCATION & ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERSHIP SOCIETY c/o Bell‐Irving Hatchery 11450 ‐ 256th Street Maple Ridge, BC V2W 1H1

(the "Recipient")


A. The Recipient is a non‐profit society. One of the objects of the Recipient is to promote appreciation, understanding, protection and the enjoyment of Kanaka Creek Regional Park and the natural and historical features of the Kanaka Watershed;

B.e Th Recipient has requested to receive, and the GVRD has agreed to provide funds to the Recipient for a purpose beneficial to the community or an aspect of the community; and

C. Section 176(1) (c) of the Local Government Act provides that the GVRD may provide assistance for the purpose of benefitting the community or any aspect of the community.

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises, terms and conditions to be hereinafter contained (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged), the parties hereto covenant and agree each with the other as follows:


In this Agreement the following terms have the following meanings:

“Agreement” means this agreement and the appended schedules.

Environment and Parks Committee - 30 - Page 2

“Plan” means the plan set out in Schedule A of the Agreement which sets out the specific purpose or activities for which the Recipient may use the funds provided to the Recipient under this Agreement.

“Services” means any activities or services set out in the Plan.

2.0 TERM

The term of this Agreement will commence on October 30, 2014, and end on December 31, 2015, (the “Term”) unless otherwise terminated as provided herein.


3.1 The Recipient shall only use the funds provided in accordance with Article 4.0 (the “Funds”) to provide Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

3.2 The Recipient shall, at the GVRD’s written request, provide all information required to enable the GVRD to evaluate, using the criteria set out in Schedule B, the Recipient’s provision of the Services.

3.3 The Recipient will provide the Services under the terms of the Agreement subject to any applicable bylaws of the GVRD and applicable legislation and regulations and in a manner consistent with any applicable guidelines provided by the GVRD.

3.4 GVRD must approve any changes to the Plan or Services in writing prior to the changes being made during the Term.

3.5 If the Recipient makes changes without the prior approval of the GVRD pursuant to section 3.4, the GVRD may, at its sole discretion, withdraw the Funds and immediately terminate the Agreement.


4.1 GVRD has agreed to provide the Funds to support the Recipient’s provision of the Services, in accordance with section 4.3.

4.2 The payment of Funds is subject to the GVRD being satisfied that the Recipient will perform the Services in accordance with the Plan and all requirements under the Agreement.

4.3 GVRD shall pay by cheque the sum of $14,000 for the provision of the Services, by November 15, 2014.


The Recipient shall report to the GVRD in accordance with the requirements of the reporting section of Schedule B.

Environment and Parks Committee - 31 - Page 3


It is the Recipient’s responsibility to determine whether or not it has to be registered for GST and/or PST purposes. The amount of funding provided in this Agreement includes any GST and/or PST which may be payable by the GVRD. Any liability for GST and/or PST required in respect of this Agreement will be the responsibility of the Recipient.


The books of account of the Recipient shall be kept in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practices.


At any time, the GVRD may give to the Recipient written notice that it desires its representative to examine the books of account of the Recipient, and the Recipient shall produce for examination to such representative within ten days after receipt of such notice, its books of account, and the said representative shall have a right of access to all records, documents, books, accounts and vouchers of the Recipient and shall be entitled to require from the Directors and Officers of the Recipient such information and explanations as, in his/her opinion, may be necessary to enable the staff to report to the GVRD Board on the financial position of the Recipient.


9.1 The Recipient shall indemnify and save harmless the GVRD from and against all actions, causes of action, claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, legal fees, fees, fines, charges or expenses which the GVRD may incur, be threatened by or be required to pay by reason of or arising out of the provision of the Services by the Recipient, the Recipient’s use of any facility where Services are provided, the breach by the Recipient of any term of this Agreement, or by the Recipient’s contravention of any law, enactment or regulation of a federal, provincial or local government.

9.2 The Recipient releases the GVRD, its elected officials, appointed officers, employees and agents from and waives any claim, right, remedy, action, cause of action, loss, damage, expense, fee or liability which the Recipient may have against any or all of them in respect of an act of the GVRD in relation to this Agreement except insofar as such claim, right, remedy, action, cause of action, loss, damage, expense, fee or liability arises from the negligence of the GVRD, its elected officials and appointed officers, employees, agents or contractors.

9.3 This section shall survive the expiry or sooner termination of this Agreement.


Environment and Parks Committee - 32 - Page 4

10.1 GVRD may terminate this Agreement immediately without notice to the Recipient should:

(a) the Recipient make an assignment in bankruptcy or is declared bankrupt; or

(b) GVRD in its sole discretion, determine that any of the Funds are being used in a manner contrary to the Plan or the public interest.

10.2 GVRD may terminate this Agreement upon giving ninety (90) days written notice to the Recipient.

10.3 If the GVRD terminates the Agreement for any reason, the Recipient shall immediately return any Funds that have not been spent on providing the Services. The Recipient will provide a full accounting of all Funds not returned.

10.4 The Recipient may terminate this Agreement upon giving thirty (30) days written notice to the GVRD should the Recipient, for any reason, be unable to meet its obligations with respect to the provision of the Services as set forth in this Agreement.

10.5 Upon termination by the Recipient, the Recipient shall immediately return any Funds that have not been spent on providing the Services. The Recipient will provide a full accounting of all Funds not returned.


11.1 It is hereby mutually agreed that any notice required to be given under this Agreement will be deemed to be sufficiently given:

(a) if delivered at the time of delivery; and

(b) if mailed from any government post in the Province of British Columbia by prepaid registered mail addressed as follows:

To the GVRD: Mitch Sokalski, Director, Regional Parks Metro Vancouver 4330 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4G8

To the Recipient: Ev Fairbrother, Board Chair Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society c/o Bell‐Irving Hatchery 11450 ‐ 256th Street Maple Ridge, BC V2W 1H1

Environment and Parks Committee - 33 - Page 5

11.2 Unless otherwise specified herein, any notice required to be given under this Agreement by any party will be deemed to have been given if mailed by prepaid registered mail, sent by facsimile transmission, or delivered to the address of the other party set forth above or at such other address as the other party may from time to time direct in writing, and any such notice will be deemed to have been received if mailed or faxed, seventy‐two (72) hours after the time of mailing or faxing and if delivered, upon the date of delivery. If normal mail service or facsimile service is interrupted by strike, slow down, force majeure or other cause, then a notice sent by the impaired means of communication will not be deemed to be received until actually received, and the party sending the notice must utilize any other such services which have not been so interrupted or must deliver such notice in order to ensure prompt receipt thereof.


The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the completion of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, if any, have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary corporate action of the Recipient, and this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Recipient enforceable against the Recipient in accordance with its terms and the persons signing this Agreement on the Recipient’s behalf are duly authorized to do so.

13.0 TIME

Time is of the essence in this Agreement.


In consideration of being granted the Funds, the Recipient agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and if the Recipient represents a group or organization, the Recipient agrees to inform all responsible persons associated with the group or organization of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


The Recipient may not assign this Agreement in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the GVRD.


This Agreement will enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, administrators, executors, successors and permitted assignees.

Environment and Parks Committee - 34 - Page 6


No provision of this Agreement shall be construed to create a partnership or joint venture relationship, an employer‐employee relationship, a landlord‐tenant, or a principal‐agent relationship.


The waiver by a party of any failure on the part of the other party to perform in accordance with any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement is not to be construed as a waiver of any future or continuing failure, whether similar or dissimilar.


This Agreement may not be modified or amended except by the written agreement of the parties.


The whole agreement between the parties is set forth in this document and no representations, warranties or conditions, express or implied, have been made other than those expressed.


Wherever the singular, masculine and neuter are used throughout this Agreement, the same is to be construed as meaning the plural or the feminine or the body corporate or politic as the context so requires.


No remedy under this Agreement is to be deemed exclusive but will, where possible, be cumulative with all other remedies at law or in equity.


This Agreement is to be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws applicable in the Province of British Columbia and the parties attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of British Columbia.


This Agreement may be executed in counterparts with the same effect as if both parties had signed the same document. Each counterpart shall be deemed to be an original. All counterparts shall be construed together and shall constitute one and the same Agreement.

Environment and Parks Committee - 35 - Page 7

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.


______Carol Mason, Commissioner/ Chief Administrative Officer


______Ev Fairbrother, Chair

Environment and Parks Committee - 36 - Page 8

SCHEDULE ‘A’ Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society (Recipient) 2015 Plan

The primary purpose of these funds will be to provide a base level of coordination for Park Associations and people and communities they reach through their initiatives.

Key Deliverables:

To pay an Education/Volunteer Coordinator to:  Enable the volunteer Board of Directors to achieve broader the GVRD outcomes;  Coordinate volunteer work parties;  Manage volunteers;  Provide administrative support to the Board, including record keeping as appropriate;  Coordinate and/or conduct outreach including social media, displays and booths to increase community awareness;  Coordinate and support events;  Coordinate society communications with Board, committees, society members, volunteers, the GVRD staff, public and Parks Association partner groups;  Coordinate and support fundraising; and  Deliver programs that include the GVRD messaging.

Environment and Parks Committee - 37 - Page 9




 GVRD staff regularly interact with Board, paid Coordinators and staff/volunteers.


 Park associations are required to provide records of volunteer hours, events, activities, participants and associated statistics annually to GVRD at the beginning of September (year to date) and the beginning of January (for previous year).  Report outlining accomplishments for the year, such as funds raised, Board development, new initiatives, number of members, new partnerships, awards and recognition, anecdotal success stories, etc.


 These statistics are now part of the GVRD’s annual business plan report.


Environment and Parks Committee - 38 -


To: Environment and Parks Committee

From: Stephen Suddes, Public Programs and Community Development Division Manager Planning, Policy and Environment Department

Date: August 12, 2014 Meeting Date: September 9, 2014

Subject: Pacific Spirit Park Society – Contribution Agreement

RECOMMENDATION That the Contribution Agreement between the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) and the Pacific Spirit Park Society be approved for a one year term and contribution amount of $14,000 commencing on October 30, 2014 and ending on December 31, 2015.

PURPOSE To seek GVRD Board authorization to enter into a contribution agreement with Pacific Spirit Park Society.

BACKGROUND At its November 15, 2013 meeting the GVRD Board adopted the following resolution:

That the Board approve the inclusion and disbursement of the funding to external organizations as presented in the 2014 Budget and outlined in this report and direct staff to report back on the development of service agreements where appropriate with respect to providing annual funding to these organizations.

Metro Vancouver provides annual funding to external organizations and these are approved by the GVRD Board as part of the annual budget cycle. For Regional Parks, 2014 approved funding includes capacity‐building funds for up to six park associations ($63,500).

Contribution Agreement A template for annual funding to external organizations by way of a contribution agreement is proposed that would serve as terms of reference, and also framework for assessment and evaluation. While the agreement template satisfies Metro Vancouver’s requirements for most recipients some may have special requirements. The history and nature of an organization’s relationship with Metro Vancouver, or the type and scope of programs and services provided to Metro Vancouver may be such that some variation of the agreement template is required.

Term • The term of the proposed agreement will commence on October 30, 2014 and end on December 31, 2015. • There is provision for early termination in the event of bankruptcy or the funds are used in a manner contrary to the agreement, or not in the public interest.

Environment and Parks Committee - 39 - Pacific Spirit Park Society – Contribution Agreement Environment and Parks Committee Meeting Date: September 9, 2014 Page 2 of 2

Funding • Funding for the Pacific Spirit Park Society in the amount of $14,000 is included in the 2014 GVRD budget.

Benefit to Community • In 2013, approximately 1900 volunteer occurrences associated with Pacific Spirit Park Society programs contributed in excess of 6,250 volunteer hours, delivering over 130 activities and projects. Activities included stewardship projects, park interpretation and education programs; • Funds are used to hire society staff, support regional park volunteers and leverage additional donations and support from other sources.

Annual Reporting • Pacific Spirit Park Society will submit a yearend report to GVRD.

ALTERNATIVES 1. That the Contribution Agreement between the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) and the Pacific Spirit Park Society be approved for a one year term and contribution amount of $14,000 commencing on October 30, 2014 and ending on December 31, 2015. 2. That the GVRD Board provide alternate direction.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Funding for Pacific Spirit Park Society has already been approved by the GVRD Board. Entering into this agreement will have no impact on the 2014 budget since no new funds are required. The proposed agreement meets the GRVD’s requirements for the administration of these funds to the Pacific Spirit Park Society.

SUMMARY / CONCLUSION Alternative 1 meets the GVRD’s requirements for the administration of these annual funds to Pacific Spirit Park Society. The length of the proposed term is appropriate given the relatively small amount of the funds, the scope and timing of activities undertaken by the park association and the fact that funding is approved annually by the GVRD Board. Staff recommends Alternative 1, that the GVRD Board approve entering into a contribution agreement with Pacific Spirit Park Society for the amount of $14,000.

Attachments: Contribution Agreement with Pacific Spirit Park Society (Doc. #10049950).


Environment and Parks Committee - 40 -

5.4 Attachment


THIS AGREEMENT made the ___ day of ______, 2014





PACIFIC SPIRIT PARK SOCIETY c/o 3369 West 24th Ave Vancouver, BC V6S 1L3

(the "Recipient")


A. The Recipient is a non‐profit society. One of the objects of the Recipient is, for the benefit of Pacific Spirit Regional Park, to work together as a caring community to ensure that the urban forest and foreshore park remain protected and cared for in perpetuity for the benefit of all, achieving this through activities aimed at protecting the natural environment of the park, maintaining recreational use that is in harmony with nature and promoting stewardship activities engaging park users through family programs and events;

B. The Recipient has requested to receive, and the GVRD has agreed to provide funds to the Recipient for a purpose beneficial to the community or an aspect of the community; and

C. Section 176(1) (c) of the Local Government Act provides that the GVRD may provide assistance for the purpose of benefitting the community or any aspect of the community.

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises, terms and conditions to be hereinafter contained (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged), the parties hereto covenant and agree each with the other as follows:

Environment and Parks Committee - 41 - Page 2


In this Agreement the following terms have the following meanings:

“Agreement” means this agreement and the appended schedules.

“Plan” means the plan set out in Schedule A of the Agreement which sets out the specific purpose or activities for which the Recipient may use the funds provided to the Recipient under this Agreement.

“Services” means any activities or services as set out in the Plan.

2.0 TERM

The term of this Agreement will commence on October 30, 2014, and end on December 31, 2015, (the “Term”) unless otherwise terminated as provided herein.


3.1 The Recipient shall only use the funds provided in accordance with Article 4.0 (the “Funds”) to provide Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

3.2 The Recipient shall, at the GVRD’s written request, provide all information required to enable the GVRD to evaluate, using the criteria set out in Schedule B, the Recipient’s provision of the Services.

3.3 The Recipient will provide the Services under the terms of the Agreement subject to any applicable bylaws of the GVRD and applicable legislation and regulations and in a manner consistent with any applicable guidelines provided by the GVRD.

3.4 GVRD must approve any changes to the Plan or Services in writing prior to the changes being made during the Term.

3.5 If the Recipient makes changes without the prior approval of the GVRD pursuant to section 3.4, the GVRD may, at its sole discretion, withdraw the Funds and immediately terminate the Agreement.


4.1 GVRD has agreed to provide the Funds to support the Recipient’s provision of the Services, in accordance with section 4.3.

4.2 The payment of Funds is subject to the GVRD being satisfied that the Recipient will perform the Services in accordance with the Plan and all requirements under the Agreement.

Environment and Parks Committee - 42 - Page 3

4.3 GVRD shall pay by cheque the sum of $14,000 for the provision of the Services, by October 31, 2014.


The Recipient shall report to the GVRD in accordance with the requirements of the reporting section of Schedule B.


It is the Recipient’s responsibility to determine whether or not it has to be registered for GST and/or PST purposes. The amount of funding provided in this Agreement includes any GST and/or PST which may be payable by the GVRD. Any liability for GST and/or PST required in respect of this Agreement will be the responsibility of the Recipient.


The books of account of the Recipient shall be kept in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practices.


At any time, the GVRD may give to the Recipient written notice that it desires its representative to examine the books of account of the Recipient, and the Recipient shall produce for examination to such representative within ten days after receipt of such notice, its books of account, and the said representative shall have a right of access to all records, documents, books, accounts and vouchers of the Recipient and shall be entitled to require from the Directors and Officers of the Recipient such information and explanations as, in his/her opinion, may be necessary to enable the staff to report to the GVRD Board on the financial position of the Recipient.


9.1 The Recipient shall indemnify and save harmless GVRD from and against all actions, causes of action, claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, legal fees, fees, fines, charges or expenses which the GVRD may incur, be threatened by or be required to pay by reason of or arising out of the provision of the Services by the Recipient, the Recipient’s use of any facility where Services are provided, the breach by the Recipient of any term of this Agreement, or by the Recipient’s contravention of any law, enactment or regulation of a federal, provincial or local government.

9.2 The Recipient releases the GVRD, its elected officials, appointed officers, employees and agents from and waives any claim, right, remedy, action, cause of action, loss, damage, expense, fee or liability which the Recipient may have against any or all of them in respect of an act of the GVRD in relation to this Agreement except insofar as such claim, right, remedy, action, cause of action, loss, damage, expense, fee or liability arises from the negligence of the GVRD, its elected officials and appointed officers, employees, agents or contractors.

Environment and Parks Committee - 43 - Page 4

9.3 This section shall survive the expiry or sooner termination of this Agreement.


10.1 GVRD may terminate this Agreement immediately without notice to the Recipient should:

(a) the Recipient make an assignment in bankruptcy or is declared bankrupt; or

(b) GVRD, in its sole discretion, determine that any of the Funds are being used in a manner contrary to the Plan or the public interest.

10.2 GVRD may terminate this Agreement upon giving ninety (90) days written notice to the Recipient.

10.3 If the GVRD terminates the Agreement for any reason, the Recipient shall immediately return any Funds that have not been spent on providing the Services. The Recipient will provide a full accounting of all Funds not returned.

10.4 The Recipient may terminate this Agreement upon giving thirty (30) days written notice to the GVRD should the Recipient, for any reason, be unable to meet its obligations with respect to the provision of the Services as set forth in this Agreement.

10.5 Upon termination by the Recipient, the Recipient shall immediately return any Funds that have not been spent on providing the Services. The Recipient will provide a full accounting of all Funds not returned.


11.1 It is hereby mutually agreed that any notice required to be given under this Agreement will be deemed to be sufficiently given:

(a) if delivered at the time of delivery; and

(b) if mailed from any government post in the Province of British Columbia by prepaid registered mail addressed as follows:

Environment and Parks Committee - 44 - Page 5

To the GVRD: Mitch Sokalski, Director, Regional Parks GVRD 4330 Kingsway Burnaby, BC, V5H 4G8

To the Recipient: Tom Nichols, Board Chair Pacific Spirit Park Society c/o 3369 West 24th Avenue Vancouver, BC, V6S 1L3

11.2 Unless otherwise specified herein, any notice required to be given under this Agreement by any party will be deemed to have been given if mailed by prepaid registered mail, sent by facsimile transmission, or delivered to the address of the other party set forth above or at such other address as the other party may from time to time direct in writing, and any such notice will be deemed to have been received if mailed or faxed, seventy‐two (72) hours after the time of mailing or faxing and if delivered, upon the date of delivery. If normal mail service or facsimile service is interrupted by strike, slow down, force majeure or other cause, then a notice sent by the impaired means of communication will not be deemed to be received until actually received, and the party sending the notice must utilize any other such services which have not been so interrupted or must deliver such notice in order to ensure prompt receipt thereof.


The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the completion of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, if any, have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary corporate action of the Recipient, and this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Recipient enforceable against the Recipient in accordance with its terms and the persons signing this Agreement on the Recipient’s behalf are duly authorized to do so.

13.0 TIME

Time is of the essence in this Agreement.


In consideration of being granted the Funds, the Recipient agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and if the Recipient represents a group or organization, the Recipient agrees to inform all responsible persons associated with the group or organization of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Environment and Parks Committee - 45 - Page 6


The Recipient may not assign this Agreement in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the GVRD.


This Agreement will enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, administrators, executors, successors and permitted assignees.


No provision of this Agreement shall be construed to create a partnership or joint venture relationship, an employer‐employee relationship, a landlord‐tenant, or a principal‐agent relationship.


The waiver by a party of any failure on the part of the other party to perform in accordance with any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement is not to be construed as a waiver of any future or continuing failure, whether similar or dissimilar.


This Agreement may not be modified or amended except by the written agreement of the parties.


The whole agreement between the parties is set forth in this document and no representations, warranties or conditions, express or implied, have been made other than those expressed.


Wherever the singular, masculine and neuter are used throughout this Agreement, the same is to be construed as meaning the plural or the feminine or the body corporate or politic as the context so requires.


No remedy under this Agreement is to be deemed exclusive but will, where possible, be cumulative with all other remedies at law or in equity.

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This Agreement is to be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws applicable in the Province of British Columbia and the parties attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of British Columbia.


This Agreement may be executed in counterparts with the same effect as if both parties had signed the same document. Each counterpart shall be deemed to be an original. All counterparts shall be construed together and shall constitute one and the same Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and yeart firs above written.


______Carol Mason, Commissioner/ Chief Administrative Officer


______Tom Nichols, Chair

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Pacific Spirit Park Society (Recipient) 2015 Plan

The primary purpose of these funds will be to provide a base level of coordination for Park Associations and people and communities they reach through their initiatives.

Key Deliverables:

To pay Education/Volunteer Coordinator to:  Enables Volunteer Board to achieve broader the GVRD outcomes  Coordinate volunteer work parties  Volunteer management (all volunteers including Board)  Administrative support to board, record keeping  Outreach – social media, displays, booths to increase community awareness  Event coordination/support  Coordinating society communications with Board, committees, society members, volunteers, the GVRD staff, public and Park Association partner groups  Fundraising  Delivering programs that include the GVRD messaging

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 GVRD staff regularly interact with Board, paid Coordinators and staff/volunteers.


 Park associations are required to provide records of volunteer hours, events, activities, participants and associated statistics annually to GVRD at the beginning of September (year to date) and the beginning of January (for previous year).  Report outlining accomplishments for the year, such as funds raised, Board development, new initiatives, number of members, new partnerships, awards and recognition, anecdotal success stories, etc.


 These statistics are now part of the GVRD’s annual business plan report.


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To: Environment and Parks Committee

From: Allan Neilson, General Manager Planning, Policy and Environment Department

Date: August 13, 2014 Meeting Date: September 9, 2014

Subject: Manager’s Report – Parks

RECOMMENDATION That the Environment and Parks Committee receive for information the report dated August 13, 2014, titled “Manager’s Report – Parks”.

Environment and Parks Committee 2014 Work Plan – Parks Attachment 1 to this report sets out the Committee’s Workplan for 2014 – Parks. The status of work program elements is indicated as pending, in progress, or complete. The listing is updated as needed to include new issues that arise, items requested by the Committee and changes in the schedule.

Agriculture in Parks Regional Parks’ staff has been asked to provide answers to the following Environment and Parks Committee questions: 1) Which Board Committee has the mandate for agriculture in regional parks? 2) What is the legislative authority for agriculture in regional parks?

Committee Mandate Staff reviewed the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Regional Planning and Agriculture and the Environment and Parks Committees (Attachments 2 & 3) for guidance in answering the question of mandate for agriculture in Regional Parks. The role of the Regional Planning and Agriculture Committee is to provide advice and recommendations to the Board on agricultural policy, projects and programs relevant to the entire region, while the Environment and Parks Committee provides advice and recommendations to the GVRD Board on service level policy, program or activity specifically applying to or occurring within a regional park. As such, it is concluded that oversight of agriculture in a regional park is the responsibility of the Environment and Parks Committee.

Legislative Authority Applicable legislation requires that bylaws adopted or activities undertaken by a regional district that directly affect property dedicated for park purposes must be consistent with park purposes. However, the legislation does not define ‘park purposes’ nor indicate the types of activities that would be consistent with park purposes.

The Park (Regional) Act was repealed in November 2003 but it is useful as an indication of the types of activities that have historically been considered acceptable within regional parks in British Columbia. The Park (Regional) Act required that all land acquired by a regional park district be

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dedicated for public use and enjoyment as a regional park or regional trail. Concessions or other commercial enterprises were permitted only if the regional parks board considered them to be necessary or desirable for public use and enjoyment of the regional park.

Metro Vancouver has a philosophy of supporting agricultural initiatives in parks that enhance public use, provide viewing, education, demonstration and interpretive value. The Colony Farm Community Gardens are a good example of this philosophy. Regional Parks’ practice is also to use agriculture as a tool for managing land, both land that is open to the public for recreational use (for example haying land that a trail runs through), and land that is not yet open to the public.

Legislation prevents Metro Vancouver from granting a commercial agricultural operation the exclusive use of land that has been dedicated for park purposes.

Further policy work will be forthcoming pending the results of eth Parks Service Review.

Regional Trail Network Staff were requested by the Environment and Parks Committee to report back with a map of trail networks in Metro Vancouver showing trail interactions, and also to explain Metro Vancouver’s role and potential liability with publishing a map.

Metro Vancouver does not have a comprehensive map of trail networks across the region. Map 9, Regional Recreation and Greenways, (Attachment 4), in the Regional Growth Strategy illustrates the Regional Recreation Greenway network showing existing and planned connections of regional significance at a very high level. Translink produces a Metro Vancouver Cycling Map‐Around/Cycling/Cycling‐Maps.aspx detailing cycling routes. The map illustrates walking trails whenever those trails can be used by cyclists. Information about trails throughout the region can be readily obtained from many guidebooks and from web sites maintained by hiking groups and municipalities. Metro Vancouver trail maps supply information about trails and greenways within regional parks, also illustrating their local connections outside the parks; iParks Navigation also supplies park trail information.

Metro Vancouver’s trail role is focused on building, maintaining and operating trails and greenways within the regional park system, thus our trail information follows suit. Initiatives like Experience the Fraser, the Trans Canada Trail and National Hiking Trail and MV parks system planning, which includes working with member municipalities, foster cooperation and coordination between parties providing or planning trails.

Staff are not aware of legal liability directly associated with publishing a map. Metro Vancouver and other entities operating trails, however, owe a duty of care to the public associated with the Occupiers Liability Act and have standards and practices of signing, hazard marking, inspection, maintenance and management on the ground which keep trails safe.

Pacific Spirit Regional Park – RCMP Patrols of Wreck Beach At the June 5, 2014 Environment and Parks Committee Meeting, staff was directed to liaise with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to determine if there is an increase in crime at Wreck Beach and report back to the Committee.

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Metro Vancouver has worked closely with RCMP and others to address public safety matters at Wreck Beach since the regional park was established in 1989. Staff work with a number of agencies and groups to address public safety and visitor enjoyment needs through various working groups including the Wreck Beach Liaison Committee (WBLC) which has continued to provide a forum for ongoing interaction and communication between emergency response agencies, beach users and Metro Vancouver. The WBLC includes staff from Metro Vancouver, RCMP, BC Ambulance Service, Canadian Coast Guard, Vancouver Fire Department, Vancouver Coastal Health, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Transport Canada and members from the Wreck Beach Preservation Society. At the annual WBLC meeting each agency provides a summary report of their Wreck Beach activities.

Based on a review of the statistics provided by the RCMP, (Attachment 5), and regional park staff patrol activities, while there has been a reduction in some ofe th Wreck Beach reporting categories and statistics, policing remains an important activity to ensure a safe and enjoyable visit for all park users. Given the large number of visits to the beach, (average annual visits 430,000), combined with the its unique setting at the base of the Point Grey Cliffs, targeted policing activities combined with Metro Vancouver resources are required to ensure that the public can enjoy safe, clean beach visits. In review of the RCMP statistics, while the number of liquor units destroyed increased from 2012 to 2013, the actual number of liquor units destroyed remains consistent over the 5 year period.

It would also appear that years of superior summer weather contributes to the increase in both visitation and increase in some infraction categories. In other policing categories, the number of files opened and infractions vary from year to year, with some categories declining. This year the RCMP considered using a tent in order to provide a positive public presence at the beach and allow officers some shade from the sun. After negative public response in the media, the RCMP has not made extensive use of the tent but has patrolled the beach on a regular basis. Public response from beach users has been very positive to the RCMP’s patrol approach at the beach this year.

BC Ministry of Social Development Job Creation Partnership Grant ‐ Experience the Fraser & Trails Metro Vancouver has been successful in securing a Job Creation Partnership (JCP) grant from the Employment Program of British Columbia, Partnership and Innovation Fund, funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia. The grant will help to develop accessible trails in four regional parks by providing a crew of five eligible workers for seventeen weeks and a cash contribution of $95,434 for a crew supervisor, truck, training, equipment and materials and supplies. Budgeted Metro Vancouver capital and Provincial Experience the Fraser funds were leveraged to attract the grant. Projects that the crew will support include completion of a waterfront nature trail at Surrey Bend Regional Park; riparian planting along the Brunette‐Fraser Greenway Cumberland Point trail and habitat restoration project; waterfront access trail at Robert Point, Barnston Island Regional Park; and restoration planting in conjunction with the Campbell Valley Regional Park Perimeter Trail.

Connecting Canadians with Nature The Canadian Parks Council, which includes representatives from all provincial and territorial parks functions, as well as Parks Canada, has just released a report outlining the vital role of parks in connecting Canadians with nature. This connection is especially important for children to experience and has been diminishing for various reasons (“nature deficit disorder”).

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The report makes a powerful case for the influence of parks on broader social issues, such as health, health care, productivity and community well‐being. It argues for increased understanding of the recreational, educational, and economic benefits of parks.

Metro Vancouver’s regional park system is in complete alignment with the ideas expressed in the document and provides the opportunity for 10 million visitors annually, over 40,000 program participants and thousands of volunteers to connect with nature in parks that are very close to their homes. The report Connecting Canadians with Nature may be found by visiting the website http://www.parks‐ .

Docent Volunteers Staff was requested to report back to the Environment and Parks Committee on consideration of a docent volunteer training program to augment the Metro Vancouver Volunteer Parks Program.

Regional Parks staff continually look for opportunities to enhance citizen engagement through meaningful volunteer activities. Docents are often used in educational institutions and have a teaching role. Docents are also used by museums and galleries where there is a need to provide guided tours of facilities including enhanced levels of interpretation and education. Regional parks do not have any facilities where docents, as traditionally defined, would have a role. In its current form, the Regional Parks Partnership Program has a robust volunteer offering, whereby volunteers take on a ‘docent‐like’ role in helping to educate the visiting public. They welcome visitors and provide visitor information at a nature house, a visitor centre, and at Minnekhada Lodge. Combined, at these venues in 2013, volunteers contributed approximately 580 volunteer hours, delivering 94 programs which were attended by 8,500 visitors.

Experience the Fraser Project (ETF) Update Staff presentations and/or reports on the draft ETF North Arm Extension Concept have been delivered to all municipalities within the North Arm study area. Addenda for the ETF Concept and Implementation Plans will be brought to Metro Vancouver Environment and Parks Committee and Board for approval once endorsement of the project by all North Arm municipal councils have been received. Fraser Valley Regional District staff will seek similar approval of their Board.

Installation of an interactive ETF Exhibit at the Discovery Center in New Westminster is almost complete. The exhibit will convey the ETF themes and promote participation in existing recreation, natural and cultural opportunities on and along the Fraser River. It will feature video images of “ready to use” segments of the “Canyon to Coast Trail” generated by pedaling a stationary bicycle. The exhibit is provided by the ETF provincial grant, donations of equipment and cash, and in‐kind support from the Regional Districts and Fraser River Discovery Centre. The exhibit will be officially opened September 19, 2014 in time for the RiverFest NewWest Event, September 21 to 27, and BC/ World River’s Day, September 28.

Experience the Fraser was featured in the July 5 edition of the Vancouver Sun. Reporter, Kelly Sinoski, profiled the project and sections of the “Canyon to Coast Trail “in her article, “Riding along the Fraser” (Attachment 6). Sinoski also spoke about ETF on August 7 in a SFU City Conversation Speaker Series presentation titled, “Style, Safety and River Rides: What's New for Metro Vancouver

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Cyclists” and in an interview on CBC Radio’s The Early Edition. This has raised awareness and interest in the project, especially from cycling and tourism interests.

Attachments (Doc. #:10054691): 1. Environment and Parks Committee 2014 Work Plan – Parks. 2. Regional Planning and Agriculture Committee Terms of Reference. 3. Environment and Parks Committee Terms of Reference. 4. Map 9 ‐ Regional Recreation and Greenway Network. 5. Wreck Beach Statistics. 6. Vancouver Sun News Article “Riding along the Fraser”.


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Manager’s5.5 Report Attachment – Parks 1 Environment and Parks Committee Meeting Date: September 9, 2014 Page 6 of 6

Environment and Parks Committee 2014 Work Plan ‐ Parks


1st Quarter Status Establish a senior staff regional parks advisory committee with representatives complete from local municipal parks and recreation departments

Complete the Expression of Interest process for determining restoration and in progress management of the Davies Orchard Cottages with recommendations to the Board 2nd Quarter Complete Camp Capilano phase one rehabilitation work complete Finalize alignment, design and costs estimates to re‐construct Colony Farm Sheep in progress Paddocks trail Complete the North Arm extension addendum to the Experience the Fraser Concept in progress Plan and obtain Board approval

3rd Quarter Implement Board approved priority actions from the Regional Parks Service Review pending Commence construction of Surrey Bend recreational access and facilities in progress Contingent upon Board approval, commence Delta Nature Reserve operations pending Prepare a strategy to increase the profile and visits to regional parks pending Complete Brunette‐Fraser Greenway trail connection and river bank stabilization in progress 4th Quarter Review the 2015 Regional Parks budget pending Complete final phase of Centennial Beach redevelopment in progress Commence construction of Kanaka Creek Watershed Stewardship Centre pending Recommence work on Parks Master Plan and obtain Board Approval pending


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Regional Planning and Agriculture Committee Terms of Reference

The Regional Planning and Agriculture Committee is the standing committee of the Metro Vancouver Board which provides advice and recommendations to the Metro Vancouver Board on regional planning and agriculture matters. This includes regional planning and agriculture policies, projects and programs and how these matters can contribute to the livability and sustainability of the region.

The strategies and actions required to implement the Metro Vancouver 2040 Regional Growth Strategy and the Regional Food System Strategy is the committee’s mandate.

The Regional Planning and Agriculture Committee’s responsibilities are to:  review and monitor the annual work program for programs assigned to the committee and make recommendations to the Metro Vancouver Board, as necessary, on any changes in program scope and priorities;  consider staff reports on policies, projects and programs and make recommendations to the Metro Vancouver Board on the appropriate actions;  hear and consider public delegations on matters within the scope of the committee’s purview and, where appropriate, make recommendations to the Metro Vancouver Board arising out of such delegations;  pursue matters referred to the committee by the Metro Vancouver Board and report back to the Board expeditiously, as required.

The primary subject areas are:  implementation of the Regional Growth Strategy;  approval of municipal Regional Context Statements in support of the Regional Growth Strategy;  consideration of amendments to the Regional Growth Strategy;  advocacy on regional transportation plans, governance, finance and projects in support of regional objectives;  review of input from the Agricultural Advisory Committee (which reports to this Committee);  strategies and actions to sustain viable agriculture in the region.

In carrying out these responsibilities, the Committee may provide advice, guidance or direction to staff as to the scope and priority of work to be carried out, including new tasks to be undertaken. However, where such direction represents a sufficiently significant change in the previously approved work program, or a significant expenditure of funds, or runs contrary to the advice of professional staff, the Committee shall refer the matter to the Board, with appropriate recommendations, for decision by the Board.

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The Committee Chair, or in the absence of the Committee Chair, the Committee Vice‐Chair will usually be the chief spokesperson on matters of public interest within the Committee’s purview. Some issues may be of such public profile that it will be appropriate for the Board Chair or Vice Chair to be the chief spokesperson; on technical matters or where the status is still at the staff proposal level, the Chief Administrative Officer or senior staff may be the appropriate chief spokesperson. Where necessary and practical, the Board Chair, the Committee Chair and the Chief Administrative Officer (or vice‐chairs and deputy) will confer to determine the most appropriate course of action.

The Chief Administrative Officer will assign a departmental manager to be ‘committee manager’ to the Committee. The committee manager will be responsible for coordinating agendas and be the principal point of contact for committee members.

Committee Meetings

The Regional Planning and Agriculture Committee meets monthly, except for August and December and has special meetings as required. A quorum of 50% plus one of the committee memberships is required to conduct committee business.

Relationship with Other Board Committees

Matters of overall budget and financing of the programs are the purview of the Finance Committee. Expenditures within the approved budget remain the purview of the Regional Planning and Agriculture Committee, but items which entail significant changes to the approved budget should be referred to the Finance Committee for their recommendation to the Board as well as the recommendation of the Regional Planning and Agriculture Committee.

Matters involving Metro Vancouver’s strategic relationships with other governments, agencies and communities are under the purview of the Intergovernmental and Administration Committee. While the Committee will receive reports and discuss issues under its purview, the Committee Chair will keep the Intergovernmental and Administration Committee apprised of any intergovernmental implications arising from such reports and discussions.

Matters considered by the Regional Planning and Agriculture Committee may have implications for issues considered by other committees. Similarly, matters considered by other committees may have relevance for the Regional Planning and Agriculture Committee. The committee manager will keep the committee apprised of significant reports with inter‐committee implications.

Committee Membership

The Chair, Vice Chair, and members are appointed annually by the Chair of the Metro Vancouver Board of Directors.

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Environment and Parks Committee Terms of Reference

The Environment and Parks Committee is the standing committee of the Metro Vancouver Board which provides advice and recommendations to the Metro Vancouver Board on Environmental, Energy and Regional Parks policies, programs and issues and how these considerations can contribute to the liveability and sustainability of the region.

Provincial responsibility for certain aspects of regional air quality management has been delegated Metro Vancouver. In 2011, the Board adopted an updated Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Management Plan. The strategies and actions required to implement that plan are part of the Committee’s mandate.

In 2011, Metro Vancouver also adopted a new Ecological Health Action Plan and an updated Regional Parks Plan. Many of the strategies and actions of the Ecological Health Action Plan and the Regional Parks Plan fall within the purview of the Environment and Parks Committee.

The Environment and Parks Committee reviews policies, bylaws, plans, projects and programs related to the Environment and Parks function.

The Committee oversees the Strategies and actions required to implement the Parks Plans including providing advice to the Board on projects related to land acquisition, facility development and relevant projects.

The Environment and Parks Committee’s responsibilities are: . To hear and consider public delegations on matters within the mandate of the committee and, where appropriate, make recommendations to the Metro Vancouver Board; . To review and monitor the annual work programs assigned to the Committee and make recommendations to the Metro Vancouver Board, as necessary, on any changes in program, scope and priority; . To develop, plan and initiate policies, projects and programs and make recommendations to the Metro Vancouver Board on appropriate actions; . To pursue matters referred by the Board and report back to the Board as required.

The Committee may provide guidance and direction to staff about the scope, priority and tasks to be undertaken. Where such direction represents a significant change in previously approved work programs or budgets, or is contrary to the advice of professional staff, the Committee shall refer the matter to the Board, with its recommendations.

The Committee Chair, or in the absence of the Chair, the Vice‐Chair will usually be the chief spokesperson on matters of public interest within the Committee’s purview. For high profile issues, it will be appropriate for the Board Chair or Vice Chair to be the chief spokesperson. On technical matters or where the status is still at the staff proposal level, the Chief Administrative Officer or senior staff may be the appropriate chief spokesperson.

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Where necessary and practical, the Board Chair, Committee Chair and Chief Administrative Officer (or vice‐chairs and deputy) will confer to determine the most appropriate course of action.

The Chief Administrative Officer will assign a departmental manager to be ‘committee manager’ to the Committee. The committee manager will be responsible for coordinating agendas and be the principal point of contact for committee members.

Committee Meetings

The Environment and Parks Committee meets monthly, except for August and December, and conducts an annual tour to visit parks, environmentally sensitive areas and air quality monitoring stations. The Committee holds special meetings as required. A quorum of 50% plus one of the Committee membership is required to conduct Committee business.

Relationship with Other Board Committees

Matters of overall budget and financing of the programs are the purview of the Finance Committee. Expenditures within the approved budget remain the purview of the Environment and Parks Committee, but items which entail significant changes to the approved budget should be referred to the Finance Committee for their recommendation to the Board as well as the recommendation of the Environment and Parks Committee.

Matters involving Metro Vancouver’s strategic relationships with other governments, agencies and communities are under the purview of the Intergovernmental and Administration Committee. While the Environment and Parks Committee will receive reports and discuss issues under its purview, the Committee Chair will keep the Intergovernmental and Administration Committee apprised of any intergovernmental implications arising from such reports and discussions.

Matters considered by the Environment and Parks Committee may have implications for issues considered by other committees. Similarly, matters considered by other committees may have relevance for the Environment and Parks Committee. The committee manager will keep the committee apprised of significant reports with inter‐committee implications.

Committee Membership

The Chair, Vice Chair, and members are appointed annually by the Chair of the Metro Vancouver Board of Directors.

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- Map 9: Regional Recreation Greenway Network Environment and

The Regional Recreation Greenway

Parks Network map illustrates existing, planned and desired connections of regional significance. This map is conceptual and is not a regional Committee land use designation. Although primarily intended for recreational purposes, these greenways are multi-functional, promote connectivity at a landscape level and offer ancillary ecological benefits by linking Conservation and Recreation - areas, protecting natural assets 60 along the corridors, and improving resiliency. They provide locations for - recreational activities, and cycling and walking routes. Because of the variety of uses and intents, these greenways often vary in form, function, surfacing, land ownership and management arrangements. The Regional Recreation Greenway Network is a conceptual network, and greenway alignments are determined collaboratively with municipalities and other agencies.

Note: Map for reference only, see section 6.13.2.

Wreck Beach Patrol Summary 2009 – 2013

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Annual visitation 464,407 410,125 425,636 414,086 469,085 RCMP Statistics Wreck Beach files opened ‐ 292 351 347 56 Drug possession 29 86 95 68 12 Drug trafficking/PPT 8 15 8 5 4 Liquor possession/consumption 2 29 226 69 11 Liquor seizure ‐ 311 247 182 24 Liquor units destroyed 1231 2615 3089 1249 2212 Liquor – illegal sales ‐ ‐ 5 3 4

Liquor – drunk in public 15 20 13 ‐ 1 Prisoners ‐ ‐ 45 23 1 MVA – Violation Tickets ‐ 169 180 160 19 MVA – Roadside suspensions 19 6 11 4 1 Metro Vancouver Statistics Number of MV staff patrols 400 383 341 391 39 Compliance contacts ‐ education 1679 1218 879 1052 1145 Breach curfew‐verbal warning 753 522 368 467 39 Fires‐verbal warning 302 251 185 177 11 Dogs on beach‐verbal warning 322 193 145 181 13 Notice of Bylaw Violation issued N/A N/A N/A 12 1 Warnings Tickets issued 19 15 65 178 18 72 Hour Evictions issued 22 27 13 35 3 Municipal Ticket Information issued 5 7 11 26 ‐ Other Agency Calls for Assistance VFD calls for assistance 20 14 30 22 1 BCAS calls for assistance 33 23 28 24 2 Coast Guard Hovercraft calls for assistance 17 17 10 15 1


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To: Environment and Parks Committee

From: Conor Reynolds, Senior Project Engineer Jason Emmert, Air Quality Planner Planning, Policy and Environment Department

Date: August 11, 2014 Meeting Date: September 9, 2014

Subject: Metro Vancouver’s Carbon Neutral Progress in 2013

RECOMMENDATION That the Environment and Parks Committee receive for information the report dated August 11, 2014, titled “Metro Vancouver’s Carbon Neutral Progress in 2013”.

PURPOSE To inform the Environment and Parks Committee of the report submitted to the Province under the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) and Metro Vancouver’s progress to become carbon neutral in 2013. In accordance with CARIP, Metro Vancouver has reported that in 2013 it made substantial progress toward its carbon neutral goal, using carbon credits from two landfill gas capture projects to balance over 80% of its corporate carbon footprint.

BACKGROUND Metro Vancouver’s “corporate carbon footprint” is reported each year to the Province under the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP). This program arose from the BC Climate Action Charter, and is more generally referred to as the “Carbon Neutral Local Government” program. The scope of activities included in Metro Vancouver’s corporate carbon footprint is defined as “Traditional Services”, which includes the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with Metro Vancouver’s buildings, fleet, facilities and some contracted services. Metro’s footprint reported under this program does not include emissions from the final disposal of solid waste (i.e., landfills and waste‐to‐energy) because these are covered under separate Provincial and Federal GHG legislation. Therefore, emissions reductions that we are responsible for at final disposal sites may be eligible for carbon offset credits, and indeed this is where local carbon offset credits have been identified so far.


Metro Vancouver’s Carbon Footprint For the 2013 reporting year, Metro’s initial corporate carbon footprint (before offsets) was 7,367 tonnes CO2e. The decrease from the 2012 footprint (8,425 tonnes CO2e) was primarily due to a provincially mandated change in BC Hydro’s GHG intensity factor, which decreased from 25 to 14 tonnes CO2e/GWh. In addition, some progress in reducing the direct energy purchase and use within Metro Vancouver facilities has been achieved in recent years, and more improvements will be pursued as a direct result of the recent adoption of Metro Vancouver’s Energy Management Policy. A new software package has been implemented to eenabl more accurate tracking and reporting of energy use and GHG emissions across the organization. Environment and Parks Committee - 65 - Metro Vancouver’s Carbon Neutral Progress in 2013 Environment and Parks Committee Meeting Date: September 9, 2014 Page 2 of 3

Carbon Offset Credits Metro Vancouver is making progress towards its carbon neutral goals not only by reducing energy‐ related emissions, but also by identifying GHG emission reductions outside its “traditional services” scope. In 2013, Metro secured carbon offset credits from two solid‐waste related GHG reduction projects that balanced almost 80% of its footprint. Both projects were landfill gas capture optimization: one at Coquitlam Landfill (carbon credits: 256 tonnes CO2e) and one at Vancouver Landfill (carbon credits: 5,777 tonnes CO2e). The application of these credits reduced our footprint from 7,367 tonnes to about 1,300 tonnes CO2e for 2013.

For the Vancouver Landfill project, the City of Vancouver actually transferred a total of 53,133 tonnes CO2e to Metro Vancouver, which were subsequently shared with our member municipalities according to a methodology developed and agreed to through the Regional Engineers Advisory Committee.

Metro staff have also been assisting its member municipalities with the calculation and reporting of carbon credits from their municipal organics diversion programs. In 2013, municipal organics diversion programs resulted in a total of approximately 22,000 tonnes of carbon credits for the member municipalities. Metro Vancouver is also assisting its member municipalities in implementing various region‐wide community projects related to building energy and clean vehicle technologies.

Reporting Working with the Province, Metro Vancouver and its member municipalities secured an extension to the reporting deadline for the 2013 reporting year to July 31, 2014. This extension allowed local governments in the region enough time to complete final calculation of their carbon footprints and to complete the distribution of Vancouver Landfill Credits according to an agreed allocation method. Metro Vancouver’s 2013 CARIP report is attached.

Regional Progress As a direct consequence of the carbon credits from organics diversion programs plus the allocation of carbon credits from the Vancouver Landfill Gas Capture Optimization project, most municipalities in the region are approximately 80% of the way toward carbon neutrality. A number of municipalities have been able to achieve carbon neutrality for the 2013 reporting year through carbon offset credits from a variety of sources, including the landfill gas and organics diversion projects, and in some cases additional projects being pursued independently. It is important to note; however, that corporate emissions are a small fraction of total community and industrial emissions; while progress towards local government carbon neutrality demonstrates leadership, additional actions by local governments are required to meet community‐wide and Provincial GHG reduction targets.

ALTERNATIVES This is an information report. No alternatives are presented.

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FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS A critical component of the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) is the carbon tax rebate to local governments that have signed the BC Climate Action Charter. This rebate is equivalent to the carbon taxes they pay directly, which for Metro Vancouver is approximately $200,000 per year. This funding directly supports Metro Vancouver’s climate action and GHG mitigation projects, towards achieving the Charter goals of measuring and reporting GHG emissions, becoming carbon neutral, and creating complete, compact, energy efficient communities.

Based on the significant climate actions reported and progress towards carbon neutrality demonstrated by local governments in 2012, the Province has renewed its support of the “working towards carbon neutral” reporting option under the Framework for the 2013 year. Therefore, local governments that have not reached carbon neutrality are not obliged to purchase additional offsets from the carbon market to balance their carbon footprints. However, it is still to be determined whether this “working towards carbon neutral” option will be available for future reporting years.

SUMMARY / CONCLUSION As required under the Provincial Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program, Metro Vancouver has reported its corporate carbon footprint for the year 2013. Its initial footprint of 7,337 tonnes of CO2e has been offset by over 6000 tonnes of carbon credits from landfill gas capture projects at both the (closed) Coquitlam Landfill and Vancouver Landfill, resulting in a net footprint of 1,334 tonnes for 2013, or an 80% reduction.

In spite of increased levels of service, the initial amount before offsets of 7,337 tonnes for 2013 is 12% less than in 2012. One key reason is a reduction in the emission factor used to calculate GHG emissions from electricity generation by BC Hydro. However, Metro Vancouver continues to make progress in reducing energy use, as well as recovering and generating energy, which results in associated reductions in its carbon footprint. Additional projects and opportunities will be supported by new energy and GHG tracking and reporting software and the recently adopted Energy Management Policy.

Overall, Metro Vancouver and its member municipalities ear making strong progress towards their carbon neutral commitments, and solid waste‐related carbon offsets projects are expected to balance over three quarters of their corporate carbon footprints in the 2014 and 2015 reporting years. Additional credits from the conservation and restoration of forests and bogs on Metro Vancouver lands are being pursued in an effort to reach carbon neutral status in future reporting years.

Attachment and Reference (Doc. #10052881): Metro Vancouver Climate Actions 2013: Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) Final Public Report (June 23, 2014).

Available at:


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July 23, 2014

Metro Vancouver Climate Actions 2013 Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP)

Final Public Report

Environment and Parks Committee - 68 - Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) Final Public Report Metro Vancouver – July 23, 2014

General Information

Regional District: Metro Vancouver (Greater Vancouver Regional District) Population 2,427,000 (2013) Regional Growth Strategy: “Metro Vancouver 2040 – Shaping our Future” (adopted July 2011)

Report Preparation and Contact Information

This report was prepared by the staff of the Air Quality Policy and Management Division of Metro Vancouver, with input from across the organization. Questions on the report should be directed to [email protected] or the Metro Vancouver Information Centre at 604‐432‐6200.

Reported by: Roger Quan Director, Air Quality & Environment Planning, Policy and Environment Department [email protected]

Contact us: Metro Vancouver 4330 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 4G8 604‐432‐6200

Cover photo credit: Julie Saxton

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Environment and Parks Committee - 69 - Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program (CARIP) Final Public Report Metro Vancouver – July 23, 2014

Table of Contents

General Information ...... 2 Report Preparation and Contact Information ...... 2 Table of Contents ...... 3

1. Community‐Wide Actions for 2013 ...... 4 1.1 Measure: Community‐Wide Measurement Actions ...... 4 1.2 Plan: Community‐Wide Targets ...... 4 1.3 Reduce: Community‐Wide Actions ...... 5 1.3.1 Supportive Community‐Wide Actions ...... 5 1.3.2 Direct Community‐Wide Actions ...... 12 1.4 Community‐Wide Innovation ...... 13

2. Corporate Actions for 2013 ...... 14 2.1 Measure: Corporate Measurement Actions ...... 14 2.2 Reduce: Corporate Actions ...... 15 2.2.1 Supportive Corporate Actions ...... 15 2.2.2 Direct Corporate Actions...... 18 2.3 Corporate Innovation ...... 22

3. Carbon Neutral Progress Reporting ...... 23 3.1 2013 Corporate GHG Emissions and Offsets ...... 23 3.2 Making Progress on Carbon Neutral Commitment ...... 23

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1. Community‐Wide Actions for 2013

1.1 Measure: Community‐Wide Measurement Actions

Community Energy and Emissions Inventory (CEEI)

Metro Vancouver receives and reviews the CEEI when it is released. In addition Metro Vancouver staff will be providing input on the methodology for the 2012 CEEI, which is currently under development.

Metro Vancouver’s Regional Emissions Inventory

Metro Vancouver conducts and verifies its own detailed region‐wide emissions inventory every 5 years. Emissions inventories have been completed for 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010. In addition, every year Metro Vancouver acquires region‐wide fuel sales/consumption data (i.e. gasoline, diesel, natural gas). The 2010 Lower Fraser Valley Air Emission Inventory is available here: spx

In addition, a Geographical Air Emissions Inventory Application (GAEIA) has been developed to track emissions sources spatially for future emissions inventories. GAEIA includes GHG emissions and promises to be a valuable tool which could facilitate identification of opportunities for GHG management. The aim is for GAEIA to be a living repository for emission data for the Lower Fraser Valley.

1.2 Plan: Community‐Wide Targets

As a regional district, Metro Vancouver has a Regional Growth Strategy (RGS), rather than an Official Community Plan (OCP). Metro Vancouver 2040 – Shaping our Future was adopted on July 29th, 2011, after being unanimously accepted by all local governments in the region. The RGS contains targets, policies and actions to reduce GHG emissions, as per the requirements under the Local Government (Green Communities) Statutes Amendment Act. Strategy 3.3 is to “Encourage land use and transportation infrastructure that reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, and improve air quality”. Metro Vancouver’s role is to implement the strategies and actions of the RGS, which contribute to regional targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 33 percent below 2007 levels by 2020 and 80 percent below 2007 levels by 2050. Examples of strategies and actions contained in the RGS to address climate change include: efficient goods movement; green infrastructure; protected and managed natural areas; mixed use, transit‐oriented communities; low‐impact development; work and play close to home; protected farmland; increasing share of trips by transit, cycling and walking; green buildings; and focusing growth in urban centres and transit corridors. Metro Vancouver's Regional Growth Strategy is available here:

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Metro Vancouver also adopted an Integrated Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Management Plan in 2011 with 5 strategies comprised of 37 actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These actions include: strategies to reduce short‐lived climate forcers such as methane and black carbon; establishment of a regional climate action fund; support for small and medium enterprises to reduce their emissions; support for low carbon vehicle infrastructure; exploration of carbon sequestration opportunities; and raising public awareness of low carbon building and transportation options. Metro Vancouver's Integrated Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Management Plan is available here:

1.3 Reduce: Community‐Wide Actions

1.3.1 Supportive Community‐Wide Actions

Broad Planning

Actions Taken  ICLEI Partners for Climate Protection Milestones 4 and 5 were reported in 2013 and in 2013 achieved in 2014.

 Metro Vancouver’s Board of Directors held a Strategic Planning Workshop to initiate development of a Strategic Plan, which includes directions on climate change.

Proposed  Hold a Climate Change Workshop for the members of two of Metro Vancouver's Actions for committees: the Intergovernmental & Administration Committee and the 2014 Environment & Parks Committee. [Completed in February 2014].

 Conduct a progress review of the Integrated Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Management Plan.

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Building and Lighting

Actions Taken Building Performance Study: Aligning Building Performance, Rating Systems and in 2013 Green Building Policy  In partnership with Lighthouse Sustainable Building Center and the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA), a multi‐phased empirical study of a significant number of buildings was conducted to gain a better understanding of the energy performance of buildings and the impact of third‐party certification on building performance.  The research brings together real building data for BOMA Building Environmental Standards (BOMA BESt) and non‐BOMA BESt buildings to benchmark performance data for large and small office, light industrial, and multi‐unit residential buildings across BC. It assesses the effectiveness of BOMA BESt certification in reducing energy consumption, GHG emissions and achieving other environmental objectives.

Innovative Tools for Community Energy Planning  Metro Vancouver provided support to UBC’s Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning (CALP), to develop tools enabling community energy solutions such as district energy systems, sewer heat recovery, and other approaches that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants. In 2013, the following deliverables were completed: o An Illustrated Guide to Community Energy, an information resource to aid planners and other municipal staff who want to improve communication to, and engagement with, the public and policy makers on community energy solutions, risks, and trade‐offs. o Community Energy Innovations: Knowledge Exchange Symposium. This event was attended by 60 representatives from member municipalities, Provincial government, utilities, academia, and the general public. It included presentations of existing and planned community energy projects such as district energy systems and a community level solar project.

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Proposed Home Energy Labelling Pilot Actions for  Develop and implement a home energy labelling pilot program. The aim of this 2014 project is to encourage voluntary disclosure of home energy efficiency ratings on new residential single‐family and low‐rise multi‐family homes. This is the first year in a multi‐year project that has as its ultimate objective mandatory home energy labelling for both new and resale homes in our region.

Innovative Tools for Community Energy Planning  CALP staff will work with several municipalities to provide expertise, support and/or training towards applying some of the innovative modelling, communication, and data visualization/visioning tools towards a current community energy planning project.  Community Energy Explorer ‐ Online Community Energy and Climate Planning Resources: CALP will be developing an online version of the Guide giving policy makers, municipal staff, and members of the public access to digital visualization, communication and data tools and resources that can assist in community planning. [Under development; see:]

Green Space

Actions Taken  Continued to work with the Climate Action Secretariat to develop a Green in 2013 Communities Committee (GCC) Offsets Profile related to the protection of forested lands and avoiding deforestation, and an associated tool to calculate carbon credits from forest protection projects.

 Continued to explore ways to integrate climate change and GHG considerations into park land acquisitions, so that forested land and other sensitive ecosystems are protected from threats.

Proposed  Investigate opportunities to protect and restore forests, wetlands and peatland to Actions for sequester more carbon and realize co‐benefits of conserving valuable and sensitive 2014 ecosystems.

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Actions Taken Electric Vehicles in 2013  Held a "Community Breakfast" outreach event on electric vehicles (March 13, 2013)  Completed an electric vehicle communications plan in partnership with the Fraser Basin Council, City of Vancouver and City of Surrey  Parking study (Phase 3): Data collection, entailing a survey of car share members and apartment residents, was completed in Fall 2013. The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of the characteristics of car share members and the effects car share membership may have on car ownership. This information may help inform parking requirements in apartments where car share vehicles are provided on‐site or nearby. Results will be presented in 2014.

Frequent Transit Development Areas (FTDAs)  Frequent Transit Development Areas (FTDAs) were conceptualized in the Regional Growth Strategy: Metro Vancouver 2040 – Shaping our Future (2011). FTDAs are focal points for growth that will be located along TransLink’s Frequent Transit Network. Directing growth to these complete communities in close proximity to transit helps to reduce vehicle kilometres traveled in the region, and encourages more sustainable transportation choices. In 2013, Metro Vancouver published implementation guidelines for identifying FTDAs. Two FTDAs have been identified through municipal regional context statements, and more are anticipated to be identified as regional context statements continue to be processed.

Proposed  Implement an electric vehicle outreach campaign in partnership with Plug‐In BC. Actions for [See:] 2014  Develop a program to engage fleet owners and operators throughout the Metro Vancouver region with training and technologies to reduce fuel consumption, thereby reducing greenhouse gases and black carbon emissions; and track these emissions reductions for offset credits.

 Frequent Transit Development Areas (FTDAs): In 2014, Metro Vancouver is planning to further collaborate with TransLink and member municipalities on how to best plan for FTDAs.

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Actions Taken Waste Diversion and Organics Composting in 2013  Completion of 2012 Recycling and Solid Waste Management Annual Summary and the 2013 Regional Waste Composition Study to quantify amount of waste generated in the region that is diverted from disposal and to help target specific materials for waste diversion programs.  Calculation of Organics Diversion Carbon Credits on behalf of local governments, in support of their carbon neutral goals. Total Green Communities GHG reduction carbon credits for all eligible municipalities have been calculated to be almost 65,000 tonnes CO2‐equivalent for the additional diversion undertaken in 2007‐ 2012. The 2012 report, describing the carbon credits used for 2013 reporting, is available here: ouseholdOrganicWasteCompostingInMetroVancouver.pdf  In support of the upcoming consultation on the 2015 Organics Disposal Ban identified in the Integrated Solid Waste and Resource Management Plan (ISWRMP), Metro Vancouver has been working with restaurants, grocers, Business Improvement Areas, health facilities, schools and property managers to assess the challenges and opportunities for reducing food waste and diverting food waste from disposal.

Proposed  Continue to support the regional municipalities by calculating their carbon credits Actions for for additional organics diversion activities that occurred in 2013. 2014  Stakeholder consultation to support the Regional Organics Disposal Ban identified in the ISWRMP. Because organics are such a large portion of the region’s garbage and can lead to significant GHG production if disposed in landfills, the ISWRMP calls for the introduction of an Organics Disposal Ban starting in 2015.


Actions Taken 2013 Liquid Waste Management Report in 2013  Metro Vancouver worked with Municipalities to complete the 2013 Liquid Waste Management Report for the Province, as stipulated in the Integrated Liquid Waste and Resource Management Plan. Metro Vancouver collaborated with Municipalities to report on progress with the following actions: to estimate and document the GHG emissions associated with the operation of the municipal and regional liquid waste management systems, and to develop and implement programs to reduce GHG emissions to help achieve federal, provincial, municipal and Metro Vancouver GHG targets.

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Actions Taken Sewer Heat in 2013 (cont.)  Developed the draft long‐term sewage heat policy framework in consultation with member municipalities and other external agencies.  Completed a feasibility study that showed it can be technically and financially viable to use diverted sewage from Gilbert Trunk in Richmond to supply space and domestic hot water heating for the River Green development.  Continued monitoring sewage heat in 19 pump stations, and installed temperature sensors in 17 new stations across the region. The data was collected to support project analysis and the regional sewer heat model.

Proposed Wastewater Treatment Actions for  Complete the final long‐term sewage heat policy framework and request Board 2014 approval.  Complete a business case for sewage heat recovery opportunities for the new Lions Gate Secondary Wastewater Treatment Plant facility.  Complete a business case for sewage heat recovery opportunities for Iona Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project will explore the capacity and economic feasibility of providing nearby Vancouver International Airport with heat extracted from Iona Island WWTP effluent.

Other Actions

Actions Taken Climate Change Education and Outreach in 2013  Convened Metro Vancouver Youth‐4‐Action Sustainability Leadership events, reaching high school youth leaders, school districts and other partners in sustainability education) who are actively involved in sustainability action projects – including climate action projects. [Reached 1300+ high school youth via 20 unique Youth‐4‐Action events.]  Convened Metro Vancouver Teacher Professional Development Workshops where strategies and resources to integrate sustainability topics, concepts and actions (including climate change and climate action) to the K‐12 classroom were explored. [700+ K‐12 teachers were reached via 20 teacher workshops.]  Developed and delivered the third annual “Youth‐4‐Action Digital Story‐telling Workshop” (in collaboration with Pacific Cinematheque). One of three student‐ produced videos highlights the need for climate action – view it here:

Climate and Energy Implications of Commercial Refrigeration in Metro Vancouver  Metro Vancouver partnered with BC Hydro to develop and conduct a multi‐ pronged study to profile the energy use and efficiency loss resulting from refrigerant fugitive emissions in commercial refrigeration in small and medium

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sized businesses. The report develops in‐depth understanding of the relationship Actions Taken between refrigerant leakage causing GHG emissions, and sub‐optimal operating in 2013 (cont.) systems causing increased energy consumption. It also identifies a priority list of interventions for energy efficiency. Metro Vancouver also conducted in‐house research on jurisdictional approaches to reducing refrigerant leakage and modelling emissions estimates. Key findings are the estimated magnitude of refrigerant point source emissions, and the discovery of a potential link between refrigerant loss and decreasing energy efficiency.

Small and Medium Sized Business Energy Efficiency  After successfully being awarded a funding grant from the Province of BC through the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Metro Vancouver hired City Green Solutions Inc. to provide Business Energy Advisor (BEA) services to small and medium sized businesses in the Metro Vancouver region. The program includes a free walk‐ through assessment and report on energy assessments specific to each business, and facilitates access to energy incentives offered by local energy utilities. The BEAs also help to access contractors and oversee energy retrofits. The program ran from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014.

Proposed Regional Climate Action Fund Actions for  Continue to explore options for a regional climate action fund dedicated to funding 2014 a range of measures that will reduce regional GHG emissions and energy consumption.

Climate Change Education and Outreach  Continue to develop Metro Vancouver School & Youth Leadership programs and resource on topics of regional sustainability, such as energy and climate change.  Continue to collaborate with Metro Vancouver School Districts in support of teacher leadership and youth leadership to advance sustainability objectives including climate action objectives in Metro Vancouver School Communities.

Small and Medium Sized Business Energy Efficiency  Based on the guidance of the 2012 GHG Reduction Analysis and Recommendations for small and medium sized businesses, continue implementation of a program focusing on GHG emissions reductions from a targeted industry sector or sectors.

Climate and Energy Implications of Commercial Refrigeration in Metro Vancouver  Metro Vancouver will explore using its air quality regulatory authority to regulate refrigerant emissions as greenhouse gases.

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1.3.2 Direct Community‐Wide Actions


Actions Taken  Completed the installation of six publicly‐accessible electric vehicle charge points at in 2013 three regional parks: Boundary Bay, Pacific Spirit and Capilano River.


Actions Taken  By end of 2013, 17 municipalities in the region had implemented food waste in 2013 collection and composting from single family residences.

 Waste Management in Regional Parks: Integrated solid waste management improvements into service provider RFP specifications for garbage, dog waste, recyclables and organics to support Metro Vancouver’s Zero Waste targets.

Other Actions

Actions Taken Business Plan for Integrated Regional Flood Management in 2013  In consideration of the need for climate adaptation, Metro Vancouver, the Province and the Federal Government funded the Fraser Basin Council to develop a business plan for integrated regional flood management. This business plan will be used to support decision‐making on implementing recommended strategies to better manage the increasing regional flooding risk.

Caring for the Air Public Report  The Caring for the Air report is an illustrated, plain‐language publication introduced by Metro Vancouver in 2012. This report includes articles and infographics on the potential impacts of climate change, actions to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, and strategies needed to prepare for climate change in the region. The 2013 issue included information about the major sources of greenhouse gases in the region (from the 2010 emission inventory). Social media elements were also added to this issue, to promote wider distribution of the information contained in the articles.  Download the 2013 issue of Caring for the Air at:‐ MV2013.pdf

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Proposed  Caring for the Air will be published annually. New articles containing updated Actions for information about climate change will be included in each issue. The 2014 issue of 2014 Caring for the Air report is now available at:‐ MV2014.pdf.

1.4 Community‐Wide Innovation

Regional Implications of Greenhouse Gas Reductions at the Vancouver Landfill

The Vancouver Landfill Gas Capture Optimization Project improves the collection of methane from decomposing waste at the landfill in Delta, and has significantly reduced the region’s GHG footprint. All local governments in the region have contributed to this project either through regional tipping fees and/or through a management role (i.e. Municipalities manage municipally‐collected waste and Metro Vancouver manages privately‐hauled waste). A large quantity of verified carbon credits will be available from this project, so the City of Vancouver, Metro Vancouver and the Corporation of Delta (the three parties directly responsible for decisions related to the Vancouver Landfill) have put in place a legal agreement to share these carbon credits. All of the other member municipalities in the region will also receive carbon credits from this project to use towards offsetting their carbon footprints. Carbon credits from this project will assist the local governments in the Metro Vancouver region in meeting their carbon neutral reporting commitments under the Climate Action Charter in 2013, 2014 and 2015.

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2. Corporate Actions for 2013

2.1 Measure: Corporate Measurement Actions

Corporate Climate Action Plan

Metro Vancouver’s Corporate Climate Action Plan (adopted in 2010) outlines strategies and actions towards achieving Metro Vancouver’s commitment to corporate carbon neutrality, and about how we will adapt our corporate infrastructure and activities to the anticipated consequences of climate change. The plan's vision for Metro Vancouver is: "a carbon neutral corporation resilient to the impacts of climate change".

Corporate GHG Emission Inventory

Metro Vancouver has completed annual corporate energy and emissions inventories for the years 1997 and 2005‐2013 inclusive.

We are using internally developed spreadsheets appropriate to the breadth of activities that generate GHGs from our corporate activities, which are in accordance with the 2013 BC Best Practices Methodology for Quantifying GHG Emissions. In 2014, Metro Vancouver has completed implementation of a new Energy and Greenhouse Gas Tracking System (see the “Corporate Innovations” section, below).

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2.2 Reduce: Corporate Actions

2.2.1 Supportive Corporate Actions

Broad Planning (e.g. developed corporate climate action plan)

Actions Taken Energy Management Program in 2013  The primary objective of this program is to improve the efficiency with which Metro Vancouver uses energy.  Other program objectives are to: o Develop business processes and tools that will embed and integrate energy management principles in the day‐to‐day business of the organization o Improve employee awareness of energy use and management o Improve energy use monitoring and reporting

Proposed Develop a Corporate Energy Management Policy for consideration by the Metro Actions for Vancouver Board of Directors. [The Policy was approved on July 11, 2014]. 2014

Building and Lighting

Actions Taken Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation in 2013  Conducted an investigation into better controls systems for both lighting and mechanical systems. Found that the old timers were not programmed to operate efficiently during all months of the year. At times this resulted in outdoor lighting being turned on during the day.  Investigated use of variable controlled boilers that are more efficient than typical two‐stage boilers; however, these systems are more complex and expensive. Currently, old boilers are typically replaced with new two‐stage boilers.

Other Metro Vancouver Facilities  Evaluate lighting improvement opportunities at three pump stations: Chilco, White Rock, and Cape Horn Pump Stations.  Evaluate HVAC (heating, ventilation & air conditioning) energy savings opportunities at Cape Horn Pump Station and Seymour Capilano Filtration Plant.

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Proposed Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation Actions for  Perform energy benchmark analysis of Metro Vancouver’s Housing portfolio. 2014  Develop and evaluate business models for replacing old boilers with new high efficiency units.

Energy Generation

Actions Taken  Established contracts for installing equipment related to the MicroSludge & Green in 2013 Biomethane Project (Lulu Island Wastewater Treatment Plant) which will enhance biogas generation and upgrade excess digester gas for delivery and sale to FortisBC pipeline.

Proposed  Purchase equipment, initial design and construction for the MicroSludge & Green Actions for Biomethane Project (Lulu Island Wastewater Treatment Plant) which will enhance 2014 biogas generation and upgrade excess digester gas for delivery and sale to FortisBC pipeline.

 Refine costs in evaluating electricity generation using organic rankine cycle technology at Iona Island Wastewater Treatment Plant.

 Complete business case for an electricity generating turbine at the new Barnston Maple Ridge Pump Station, and potentially sell hydroelectricity to BC Hydro.

 Complete business case for an electricity generating turbine in the new Angus Drive Main PRV Chamber, and potentially sell hydroelectricity to BC Hydro.


Actions Taken  Collected information on electric vehicle charging station usage at Metro in 2013 Vancouver parks and reported back with information and recommendations to Environment and Parks Committee.

Proposed  Develop a corporate policy to allow for employee and visitor charging of electric Actions for vehicles at more Metro Vancouver facilities. 2014

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Actions Taken New North Shore Wastewater Treatment Facility in 2013  In 2013 Metro Vancouver completed an Indicative Design for a new secondary wastewater treatment plant for the North Shore municipalities as part of the Project Definition Phase. The Metro Vancouver Board authorized proceeding with a Design Build contracting approach for design and construction and identified the project as Metro Vancouver’s top priority infrastructure project. The Indicative Design includes the use of biogas for energy production, offsetting the use of fossil fuels. It also identified the use of heat pumps to capture low‐grade heat from effluent for use in local district energy systems, again offsetting the use of fossil fuels for heating buildings. Reclaimed water for use at the plant and space for equipment to recover phosphorus in the future are also included in the Indicative Design. Once funding is in place the project procurement for design and construction will commence with a project completion date of December, 2020.

Wastewater Treatment  Continuation of the Algal Wastewater Treatment project and the High Performance Biogas Cleaning project. This project focuses on supporting research and development of a microalgae wastewater treatment process unit for the removal of nutrients from effluent, and generating algal biomass as a feedstock for the manufacture of bioproducts.  Completed a study to develop the tools needed to evaluate the technical implications of enabling sewage heat recovery projects in Metro Vancouver wastewater collection system.  Established the first trial for co‐digesting materials for energy recovery at the Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant facility.

Biosolids Management  The application of biosolids from the wastewater treatment process to land has the potential to generate carbon credits for Metro Vancouver and/or the companies that receive biosolids. Three reports were commissioned and received on the topics of Carbon Sequestration of Biosolids Land Application, Carbon Tracking in Biosolids Management, and Potential for Emissions Offset Protocol Development for Biosolids Application Activities.

Water  Water distribution system optimization: install and configure software in 2014, which will allow water distribution system pumping optimization in 2015.

Proposed Wastewater Treatment Actions for  Study Lulu Island Wastewater Treatment Plant effluent heat recovery options for 2014 on‐site and/or off‐site sewage heat recovery.

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Proposed  Continuation of the Algal Wastewater Treatment project and the High Performance Actions for Biogas Cleaning project. 2014 (cont.)  Complete second round of trials for co‐digesting materials for energy recovery at the Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant.  Facilitate an “energy efficient design” workshop for engineering staff in the liquid waste services department.

Biosolids Management  Furthering work in the area of land application of biosolids, in 2014 an assessment of biosolids use in a landfill methane oxidation biofilter media and evapotranspirative landfill closure cover is planned for completion.

Other Actions

Actions Taken Corporate Climate Change Standard in 2013  Metro Vancouver’s Corporate Climate Change Standard (CCCS) has been drafted. The climate scenarios used in CCCS will be updated whenever significant new information becomes available; and/or at least every five years. CCCS is likely to be reviewed by member municipalities of the Region, and could support their own local standards.

Proposed  Finalize the Corporate Climate Change Standard and bring it to the Corporate Actions for Standards Committee. 2014

2.2.2 Direct Corporate Actions

Building and Lighting

Actions Taken Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation in 2013  Upgraded 6 domestic hot water boilers  Upgraded 4 old furnaces with high efficiency furnaces  Upgraded 111 additional hot water tanks  Outdoor lighting was upgraded to LEDs at 12 MVHC sites

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Actions Taken Other Metro Vancouver Facilities in 2013 (cont.)  Head Office data centre: Incorporated “free cooling” into the design of the relocated data centre, to reduce energy consumption.  Lake City Operations Centre: Energy efficiency upgrades to lighting and HVAC (heating, ventilation & air conditioning) systems: o Replaced all T12 fluorescent lamps with higher efficiency T8 fluorescent lamps; o Began replacing metal halide lamps with T5 high output fluorescent lamps; o Connected shop bay heaters to the HVAC control system and added night time setback temperature; o Reset night setback default temperature setpoint for the variable air volume mixing boxes; o Added a CO2 sensor to the return air duct on the air handling unit to maintain a CO2 adjustable setpoint.

Proposed Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation Actions for  Upgrade 3 domestic hot water boilers. 2014  Upgrade 3 old furnaces with high efficiency furnaces.  Upgrade up to 125 additional hot water tanks.  Continue upgrading to LED lighting, primarily exterior and common area lighting.  Outdoor lighting control upgrade: new timers are being installed to control outdoor lighting. The new timers are pre‐programmed to turn on/off based on the time of year, such that the outdoor lights only turn on when it’s dark. They automatically calibrate to account for Daylight Savings time changes.

Other Metro Vancouver Facilities  Lake City Operations Centre lighting upgrade: complete replacement of metal halide lighting with T8 fluorescent lamps.  Iona Wastewater Treatment Plant parking lot lighting: upgrade parking lot lighting from metal halide to LED.  Head Office heat pump replacement: upgrade approximately 24 heat pump units on two floors at Head Office.

Corporate Fleet

Actions Taken  Replaced our current fleet management tool with a new platform (integrated with in 2013 the fuel card software system), which has a strong analytical tool that produces better metrics and enables improved management of mobile resources and fuel use.

 Tenders for purchasing 16 SUVs, 25 light duty trucks and 11 vans included fuel economy and emissions as evaluation criteria.

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Proposed  Developing an improved life cycle analysis tool for new vehicle purchases, to Actions for project future fuel costs and calculate the total fuel consumption over a 10 year 2014 time period. This tool will be used to ensure that the impact on the environment from new vehicles is minimized.

 Purchase two new electric smart cars for our Corporate Pool Vehicle Fleet. These replace two leased prototype electric smart cars, which were returned to vendor.

 Studying the feasibility of buying two new electric hybrid vehicles this year as replacements for two regular sedan cars.


Actions Taken Coquitlam Landfill Gas Collection System Optimization in 2013  Operation and continued optimization of the upgraded landfill gas (LFG) collection system at the north side of the closed Coquitlam landfill (owned by Metro Vancouver) to maximize LFG recovery and reduce methane emissions.  Validation of Coquitlam Landfill GHG Reduction Project Plan, which describes how the landfill gas collection system upgrade project results in additional methane destruction, which can be claimed as carbon credits. This was Metro Vancouver’s first carbon offsets project, and was validated by an accredited consultant to Pacific Carbon Trust standards. The Project Plan (with Validation Report) is available here: ilGasCollectinUpgradeProejctPlan.pdf  Verification of 2012 GHG reductions and calculation of carbon credits: as this was the first year of operation for the upgraded system, a modest amount of carbon credits were verified (110 tonnes of CO2e). The 2012 GHG Emission Reduction Report (with Verification Report) is available here: ilGasCollectinUpgrade2012Report.pdf

Proposed  Design work for expanding the LFG collection system to the south side of the Actions for Coquitlam Landfill is ongoing. 2014  Continue to explore options for beneficial use of landfill gas.

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Actions Taken  Lions Gate Wastewater Treatment Plant: one fixed speed pre‐aeration blower was in 2013 replaced with a higher efficiency variable frequency drive screw blower.

 Seymour Capilano Filtration Plant: upgraded nine of the 24 ultra‐violet disinfection reactors with energy saving lamps and ballasts.

 Reconfigured service air and instrument air systems at Iona Wastewater Treatment Plant to reduce electricity consumption.

Proposed  Iona Island Wastewater Treatment Plant flared biogas utilization: make Actions for modifications to the plant’s electrical system and cogen control system to allow the 2014 currently flared biogas to be fed into the co‐generation engines, to generate additional electricity.

• Annacis Island and Lions Gate Wastewater Treatment Plants lighting upgrade: older inefficient metal halide and high pressure sodium lighting will be replaced with more energy efficient lighting.

• Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant pumps upgrade: spare parts are no longer available for the original variable frequency drives for the influent pumps and trickling filter pumps, so new efficient VFDs will be installed in 2014 and 2015.

• Seymour Capilano Filtration Plant: upgrade eight additional ultra‐violet disinfection reactors with energy saving lamps and ballasts.

• Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant trickling filter pump modifications: investigate potential electricity savings through impeller upgrade, bowl casing modifications, and overall operation of trickling filter pumps.

• Central Park Pump Station VFD: complete design for installation of a variable frequency drive in 2015

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Green Space

Actions Taken Community Ecological Restoration Projects in Regional Parks in 2013  Over 17,000 tons of invasive plants removed freeing native vegetation to thrive  11,000 native trees and shrubs planted in addition to 5,000 dune grass plugs

Proposed  Investigate opportunities to protect and restore forests, wetlands and bogland to Actions for sequester more carbon and realize co‐benefits of conserving valuable and sensitive 2014 ecosystems.

2.3 Corporate Innovation

New Energy and Greenhouse Gas Tracking System

In 2013 Metro Vancouver purchased a new Energy and Greenhouse Gas Tracking System, the SoFi 5 web‐based platform from PE International. The new system has been configured to track and report Corporate energy and greenhouse gas emissions in a more efficient and timely manner, and increase our ability to identify opportunities for better energy management of facilities and services over the long‐ term. Implementation of the software system was completed in June 2014, and it is now in regular use.

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3. Carbon Neutral Progress Reporting

3.1 2013 Corporate GHG Emissions and Offsets

Tonnes CO2e

Emissions from services delivered directly by the local government 6,309.2

Emissions from contracted services 1,057.4

TOTAL GHG Emissions (rounded to the nearest tonne) 7,366.6

Offsets from Coquitlam Landfill Gas Collection System Upgrade ‐255.7 (Option 2) Project 1

Offsets from Vancouver Landfill Gas Capture Optimization ‐5,776.8 (Option 2) Project 2

Offsets purchased for this reporting year (Option 3) 0

Balance of corporate emissions for this reporting year 1,334.1

3.2 Making Progress on Carbon Neutral Commitment


Surplus offsets to be carried forward to 2014 0

1 Coquitlam Landfill – Landfill Gas Collection System Upgrade GHG Emission Reduction Project. For more information about the project, please refer to the validated Project Plan, available at: 2 Vancouver Landfill Gas Capture Optimization GHG Emission Reduction Project. The City of Vancouver, Metro Vancouver and the Corporation of Delta have put in place a legal agreement to share the carbon offsets from this Project. A significant quantity of Metro Vancouver’s share of carbon offsets from the Vancouver Landfill Offsets Project is expected to be available for the member municipalities to use in the 2013 reporting year. For more information about the project, please refer to the validated Project Plan, available at:‐ vancouver/climate‐leadership.aspx

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Environment and Parks Committee - 90 - Contracted Emissions Reporting Form for Metro Vancouver

Reporting Year: 2013

Local Government Information Name of local government Metro Vancouver Designate Name: Roger Quan Appointed to Sign Title: Director, Air Quality & Environment Off on Estimation Phone: 604‐436‐6770 Template Email: [email protected]

Estimation Methodology Information Rationale for For the 2013 reporting year, some fuel reports were received directly from Applying an contractors. Given the large number of contracts awarded by Metro Estimation Vancouver, not all contractors were asked to report. This program is under Methodology review in order to improve for the 2014 reporting year. The fuel amount for each contract was determined using the best data available: 1. Actual fuel use data reported directly by contractors. 2. Where fuel data were not available, an estimate was applied based on reported data. Data were available for short‐haul (within region), long‐ haul (out of region), and maintenance contracts, and these data were used to estimate fuel use for contracts with a similar scope of work. For the remaining contracts, a calculated average fuel‐use factor was used based on all of the actual fuel use data. Notes:  Contract name = service type  Number of contracts are listed adjacent to service type in parentheses  A total of 27 contracts were eligible to be reported in 2014

Note: GHG amounts below are presented in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).

Contracted Emissions

For each contract, indicate (1) the name and value of the contract (2) the estimation methodology option(s) used, and (3) the estimated annual emissions associated with each contract, organized by traditional service area.

Estimation Methodologies: Option 1: Ask Your Contractor for an Estimate Option 2: Proxy Fuel Consumption Value Based on a Sample of Contracts Option 3: Vehicle/Equipment Type and Hours or Kilometres of Usage

Environment and Parks Committee - 91 - Contracted Emissions (contd.) Drinking, Storm ESTIMATION ESTIMATED CONTRACT NAME and Wastewater OPTION USED ANNUAL GHGS

Biosolids Management (8) 1,2 861.2

Excavation, environmental services (3) 1 10.3

Water quality program near WWTP (1) 1 0.2

Water, mowing at watersheds (1) 2 3.8




Estimated Contracted Emissions: Authorization and Sign Off The information provided in this Contracted Emissions Reporting Form is to the best of my knowledge correct and complete.

Designate Signature:

Roger Quan, Director, Air Quality & Environment

Date: July 17, 2014

Environment and Parks Committee - 92 -


To: Environment and Parks Committee

From: Allan Neilson, General Manager Planning, Policy and Environment Department

Date: August 19, 2014 Meeting Date: September 9, 2014

Subject: Manager’s Report ‐ Environment

RECOMMENDATION That the Environment and Parks Committee receive for information the report dated August 19, 2014, titled “Manager’s Report – Environment”.

Environment and Parks Committee 2014 Workplan – Environment Attachment 1 to this report sets out the Committee’s Workplan for 2014 – Environment. The status of work program elements is indicated as pending, in progress, or complete. The listing is updated as needed to include new issues that arise, items requested by the Committee, and changes in the schedule.

2014 Air Quality Advisories To date, two air quality advisories have been issued in 2014. The first advisory was issued on July 13th because of elevated concentrations of ground‐level ozone. It was issued for eastern parts of Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley Regional District after an extended period of very hot temperatures and remained in place for 48 hours. Exceedances of the 1‐hour ambient air quality objective were measured in Hope, Maple Ridge and Agassiz. Exceedances of the 8‐hour ambient air quality objectives were also recorded at these three stations and the two stations in Abbotsford.

This is only the third advisory related to ground level ozone since 2008. An advisory was issued for 1 day in 2008 and 1 day in 2012. This is an improvement over the mid‐1990s, when advisories due to ground‐level ozone were issued more frequently and for durations of between 1 and 5 days.

On August 12th, Metro Vancouver issued another air quality advisory for Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley Regional District because of high concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), primarily due to smoke from wildfires outside our region. During this time two air quality monitoring stations (Hope and North Vancouver‐Second Narrows) measured levels of PM2.5 that exceeded Metro Vancouver’s 24‐hour ambient air quality objective for PM2.5. The following morning the air quality advisory was cancelled due to improved air quality as a result of a (cooler and rainy) weather system moving from the region.

Update on Trans Mountain Expansion Project As directed by the Board on January 24, 2014, Metro Vancouver applied for and was granted intervenor status in the National Energy Board (NEB) review process for the proposed Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion (TMX) project.

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Over the past several months, Metro Vancouver staff has been fully engaged in the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project process. The information below provides an update including relevant correspondence.

Staff are following the NEB process timelines and the following documents have been submitted to or received from Trans Mountain:  May 9, 2014: MV Information Request to TM, round 1  June 18, 2014: TM responses to MV information request  July 4, 2014: MV Notice of Motion regarding TM responses to round 1 information request  July 11, 2014: TM Response to MV notice of motion  July 16, 2014: MV response to TM response to notice of motion

These documents and responses represent Metro Vancouver staff’s efforts to obtain additional information and clarification from Trans Mountain, after staff review of the proponent’s initial project application to the NEB. The two rounds of information requests to TM will inform staff’s review of potential impacts on Metro Vancouver infrastructure (including utility operations and regional parks) and environmental impacts, as requested by the Board.

Round 2 of Information Requests was originally scheduled to occur in September 2014, but has now been rescheduled to January 9, 2015. This supports the Notice of Motion filed by Metro Vancouver on July 4, 2014 which sought an extension to the deadline for Round 2 information requests and requested a Round 3 to allow for review of new information expected from TM beyond September 2014.

Full documentation of correspondence between Metro Vancouver, Trans Mountain and NEB is available on the NEB website, as noted below.  Metro Vancouver submissions as part of the NEB process can be accessed at: https://docs.neb‐‐eng/llisapi.dll?func=ll&objId=2451574&objAction=browse&sort=name&viewType=1  Trans Mountain responses (to all 400 intervenors) can be found at: https://docs.neb‐‐eng/llisapi.dll?func=ll&objId=2451003&objAction=browse&viewType=1

QUEST 2014: Innovation to Implementation Conference and Tradeshow At its meeting on June 5, 2014, the Environment and Parks Committee received a delegation from Mr. Eric Campbell, Acting Director of Communication and Engagement, for QUEST (Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow). The delegation outlined the benefits to Metro Vancouver of membership in QUEST and participating in the QUEST 2014: Innovation to Implementation Conference and Tradeshow, taking place December 1‐3, 2014 at the Westin Bayshore in Vancouver; it was also requested that Metro Vancouver consider providing $10,000 in sponsorship funding for the event. Staff was requested to report back on the sponsorship request.

During 2014, staff have initiated participation in QUEST’s BC provincial caucus, and have subscribed to QUEST, gaining access to information and tools related to smart energy communities, as well as networking opportunities in the field.

Environment and Parks Committee - 94 - Manager’s Report ‐ Environment Environment and Parks Committee Meeting Date: September 9, 2014 Page 3 of 3

Sponsorship of this event was not included in the 2014 budget, and staff’s assessment is that the level of financial support requested is not available. However, Metro Vancouver is providing support in several other ways. In February 2014, the Environment and Parks Committee adopted a recommendation supporting Directors’ attendance at three events during the year, including the QUEST conference, and that expenditure has been included in the 2014 budget. Metro Vancouver staff are also on the organizing committee for the QUEST event. In addition, through a Board approved grant in 2011 to the Collaborative for Advanced Planning (CALP) at UBC, Metro Vancouver is also supporting a Community Energy Symposium jointly organized by CALP and QUEST.

Moving forward, staff are developing for Board consideration a policy on sponsorship of events, which will provide a better framework to plan for and allocate funding for these types of requests.

Attachment: Environment and Parks Committee 2014 Workplan – Environment (Doc. #9538102).


Environment and Parks Committee - 95 - Manager’s Report ‐ 5.7Environment Attachment Environment and Parks Committee Meeting Date: September 9, 2014 Page 4 of 3

Environment and Parks Committee 2014 Work Plan ‐ Environment


1st Quarter Status Implement year three of Non‐road Diesel Engine Emission Regulation including complete expanding registration requirements to Tier 1 engines, and fees increase for Tier 0 engines Conduct climate change workshop with Environment and Parks Committee complete 2nd Quarter Report on regional ground level ozone strategy complete Prepare third annual Caring for the Air report complete Host forum on Regional Green Infrastructure Network pending Complete research on pollinators and honey bees and develop recommendations in progress 3rd Quarter Develop new programs, with other agency partners, to address emissions from on‐ in progress road heavy duty diesel vehicles Complete updated assessment and prioritization of air toxics in the region in progress Initiate and implement additional programs for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in progress among prioritized business sectors and facilitating the uptake of low carbon vehicle technologies Develop a framework for inter‐municipal projects and initiatives to reduce regional pending greenhouse gas emissions Develop proposed Regional Green Infrastructure Network for consideration of in progress member municipalities 4th Quarter Process air quality permit applications including permit applications for new coal in progress handling facilities Develop capacity to monitor ultrafine particulate matter in progress Adopt new ambient air quality objectives for sulphur dioxide in line with leading in progress jurisdictions, consistent with the principle of continuous improvement Implement additional greenhouse gas reduction offset projects that will achieve in progress and maintain Metro Vancouver’s carbon neutral status Provide status report on 2011 Ecological Health Action Plan pending Provide status report on 2011 Integrated Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas in progress Management Plan Consider proposed 2015 air quality programs and budget pending


Environment and Parks Committee - 96 -




Sept 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 Baby & Me Hikes PACIFIC SPIRIT REGIONAL PARK

Sept 5 Harvest Moon Campfire IONA BEACH REGIONAL PARK

Sept 6 Learn to Fish: A Fraser River Experience DERBY REACH REGIONAL PARK

Sept 6 Guided Bike Tour Along the Fraser River MATSQUI TRAIL REGIONAL PARK

Sept 6 Fresh Air Hike: Burnaby Lake Loop BURNABY LAKE REGIONAL PARK




Sept 10 Casual Birding Walks BOUNDARY BAY REGIONAL PARK


Environment and Parks Committee - 97 -

Sept 13 Great Canadian Coastal Clean‐up PACIFIC SPIRIT REGIONAL PARK

Sept 13 Spiders Unraveled IONA BEACH REGIONAL PARK

Sept 13 & 14 Country Celebration CAMPBELL VALLEY REGIONAL PARK





Sept 21 Cammidge House 100th Anniversary Celebration BOUNDARY BAY REGIONAL PARK

Sept 23 & 30 Silver Sneakers Hikes CAPILANO RIVER REGIONAL PARK

Sept 26 Rainforest by Night MINNEKHADA REGIONAL PARK

Sept 28 Kanaka Connections World Rivers Day KANAKA CREEK REGIONAL PARK

*Note: This page links to the Metro Vancouver website. Events may have been updated since this page was created.

Environment and Parks Committee - 98 -

July 16, 2014

More than 200 Vancouver parks added to iParks Navigator

City of Vancouver park visitors can now use a new version of Metro Vancouver’s popular mobile phone app iParks Navigator to pinpoint where they are and get basic information about their favourite park, through a new digital partnership between the two governments.

Metro Vancouver introduced the first version of iParks in 2010, showcasing only regional parks. A new version was released in 2011, and then updated again in 2012 to include parks managed by the City of Richmond. Now, the most recent release includes information for over 200 parks managed by the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation including popular destinations such as Stanley Park and Queen Elizabeth Park as well as all neighbourhood parks.

Using maps and location based services, iParks Navigator gives you directions to parks – whether you walk, cycle, drive or take transit. The app also allows you to search for parks based on activity, and includes photo galleries and event listings. Mapping takes the concept of “open data” – government data that is available to the public -- to a new level. Other features include video profiles, photo galleries, trail advisories, an event calendar and safety information.

“We want residents to enjoy our green spaces and improve their physical and emotional health,” said Heather Deal, the Chair of Metro Vancouver’s Environment and Parks Committee and a City of Vancouver Councillor. “iParks Navigator helps us discover and explore the many stunning parks, gardens and beaches that the region has to offer.”

Vancouver Park Board Chair Aaron Jasper said: “We are very pleased to work together with Metro Vancouver on this collaborative project – it is a great example of Vancouver’s commitment to sharing data with citizens and other levels of government. We will now be able to reach even more park enthusiasts to highlight our well known green spaces as well as the many hidden gems in our large system.”

iParks Navigator is available as a free download for iPhone or iPad through iTunes. An HTML 5 version is available for mobile devices using other operating platforms. Developed by Metro Vancouver, iParks has seen more than 15,000 downloads since it was first released. This number is expected to increase as Metro Vancouver continues to work with additional municipal partners in expanding its content and usability. The vision is to offer iParks Navigator as an integrated, mobile source of information for all parks throughout the region.

To download iParks Navigator for iPhone or iPad: Search for iParks Navigator” on iTunes app store Other operating platforms:

For further information, please contact the Information Centre at 604.432.6200.

Metro Vancouver is a partnership of 22 municipalities, one Electoral Area and one Treaty First Nation that collaboratively plans for and delivers regional- scale services. Its core services are drinking water, wastewater treatment and solid waste management. Metro Vancouver also regulates air quality, plans for urban growth, manages a regional parks system and provides affordable housing. The regional district is governed by a Board of Directors of elected officials from each local authority.

Environment and Parks Committee - 99 - Environment and Parks Committee - 100 - Environment and Parks Committee - 101 - Environment and Parks Committee - 102 - Environment and Parks Committee - 103 - The Ubyssey RCMP Wreck Beach patrols more friendly than expected Scott Jacobsen, August 25, 2014

The RCMP has developed a somewhat friendlier Still, Grainger said that the RCMP will continue relationship than many anticipated with the to focus on preventing the overconsumption of frequenters of Wreck Beach. alcohol and selling of illegal drugs on the beach.

Judy Williams Chairperson of the Wreck Beach Preservation Society, wasn’t pleased when she heard about plans for a police tent on the beach, which she says is the safest beach in B.C.

“I have spent the last 45 years advocating for Wreck Beach as accepting, tolerant and loving,” said Williams. “We did not need that kind of negative publicity from an officer new to the beach intent on cleaning it up.”

Sgt. Drew Grainger of the UBC RCMP said the police tent was put in place mainly to have officers on hand in case they were needed on the beach.

“UBC is a small detachment,” said Grainger. “We only have two or three members patrolling at any given time of the day.”

“The tent was essentially a thing of shade for our officers,” said Grainger. “Our strategy down here was to enhance public safety, mitigate the need for call service for some of our officers up top.”

According to Grainger, this was a strategy to foster mutual understanding about what is responsible and respectful behaviour.

Williams, however, compared the frequent visitors of Wreck Beach to a family that can get by without the additional police presence.

“Like all families, we have our squabbles, but when push comes to shove, we are there for one another,” said Williams.

Williams further described the more relaxed stance of the police, even joining in some of the beach activities activities such as the Bare Buns Run on Aug. 10.

“At some point, I would imagine we will have a more tolerant attitude,” said Williams.

Environment and Parks Committee - 104 - Of monsters and mud: Exploring the deep mysteries of Burns Bog (with video)

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Of monsters and mud: Exploring the deep mysteries of Burns Bog (with video) Sun reporter takes an exclusive tour inside one of the world’s largest urban protected areas


A research station in Burns Bog, Delta. Photograph by: Jenelle Schneider, Vancouver Sun

METRO VANCOUVER — Burns Bog is one of the largest urban protected areas in the world — six times the size of Stanley Park — and perhaps the only one completely off limits to the public.

Access to Delta bog is so tightly regulated that only working scientists are allowed inside and only then if they agree in writing to remove their own feces to avoid adding nutrients to the ecosystem.

Yet here I am, on an empty stomach, treading on spongy hummocks and wooden planks surrounded by dark, acidic waters and deep, gooey pits so treacherous they nearly swallowed up a mountain biker trespassing here several years ago.

“The bog is 90 per cent liquid,” explains Sarah Howie, Delta municipality’s urban environmental designer. “You’d just keep going.”


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It took months of cajoling, but Metro Vancouver finally agreed to provide The Vancouver Sun exclusive access to Burns Bog on the 10th anniversary of its official protection in a $73-million land acquisition agreement involving all levels of governments.

“It’s a globally unique ecosystem,” confirms Richard Hebda, an adjunct professor of biology at the University of Victoria and member of the Burns Bog scientific advisory panel. “There’s no place like it.”

Large, raised peat bogs like Burns Bog are rare and occur where the water table is at or near the ground surface for most of the year, and drainage is slow due to relatively flat topography. Over time, a mound of peat slowly accumulates as the plants grow, decline and slowly decompose.

Sphagnum moss represents the foundation of the bog, with at least 12 species found here, each occupying its own niche, including those that float on water.

At almost 2,500 hectares, this place is officially the Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area: home to endangered species such as the Pacific water shrew, bonsai forests of shore pine, carnivorous sundews, shrubs heavy with both native and non-native berries, and species of plants such as the crowberry, cloudberry and bog rosemary normally found at more northerly latitudes.

On occasion, illegal marijuana growing operations are also found among the vegetation.

“One was busted a couple of years ago,” says Markus Merkens, natural resource management specialist with Metro Vancouver parks. “Police helped us remove the offending vegetation.”A 4 ½-hour tour with Merkens and Howie began at the 80th Street gate and continued along an access road reserved for emergency vehicles, where we sidestep dung from the bog’s largest predator, the coyote.

A few black bears used to live here, too, but are thought to have been shot out years ago due to lack of government protection. Trail cameras are set up in the bog to capture an image of a bruin, but they might as well be hunting sasquatch. “We got a beaver and a bunny rabbit,” Howie says of the footage.

In the bears’ absence, the bog is heavy with berries: introduced blackberries, native salal berries and both the native, low-growing native blueberry and the larger introduced blueberry found on surrounding farmland.

Black-tailed deer also live in the bog, but have been hammered as roadkill with opening of Highway 17, the South Fraser Perimeter Road, last December. Cranberry farmers in the area have also put up deer fences to help reduce losses.

The bog is home to 41 species of mammals, 11 amphibians, six reptiles and an estimated 4,000 invertebrates. Fish do poorly here due to water temperature, high acidity and low oxygen levels.

Despite the biodiversity, there is nothing as flashy as a huggable old-growth red cedar.

Environment and Parks Committee - 106 - file:///C|/...Of%20monsters%20and%20mud%20Exploring%20the%20deep%20mysteries%20of%20Burns%20Bog%20(with%20video).html[8/27/2014 8:25:32 AM] Of monsters and mud: Exploring the deep mysteries of Burns Bog (with video)

“Bog plants tend to be rather diminutive,” Howie confirms.

We even spot a grape vine, evidence of seeds deposited by a bird — one of 175 species recorded here.

“Do you hear that?” asks Merkens, pointing to a pair of sandhill cranes in the near distance. “There they are, behind those trees.” Although not always seen, the birds are identified by their distinctive rattling, bugle call. Burns Bog is a critical nesting site for the species in populous Metro Vancouver.

After the salmon spawning runs dry up, dozens of bald eagles also descend on the edge of the bog to feed on wintering waterfowl and, of course, the city landfill.

“It’s incredible,” Howie says. “They’re singing to each other and crashing through the bushes with huge wings.”

Up ahead are a clump of charred shore pines, evidence of a small fire that occurred here in 2007.

“It was May so the water table was high,” Howie says.

Two more serious fires claimed 170 hectares in 1996 and 200 hectares in 2005. Fires smoulder in the bog, are difficult to extinguish, and are devastating for a ecosystem that accumulates peat at just one millimetre per year.

The risk of fire is a main reason for keeping the public out of the bog, at least for several years while researchers get a better handle on the place and work to improve its ecological health after decades of industrial peat harvesting.Burns Bog is named after Dominic Burns, who purchased the site in 1906 for $26,000, according to an online history posted by Delta municipality.

During the Second World War, the U.S. government used peat from Burns Bog as a catalytic agent to refine magnesium for fire bombs. Peat plants were established on the east side in 1942 and west side in 1944. Peat later became popular in horticulture.

The bog was mined until 1984, creating unnatural ponds and producing about 110 kilometres of ditches that drained 40 per cent of the bog to improve peat extraction. Remnants of old wooden pipes used for moving water are still visible in the area. Only about 29 per cent of the bog remains undisturbed.

“It’s not pristine, it’s recovering,” Merkens explains.

Other impacts on the bog include the City of Vancouver landfill next door and the South Fraser Perimeter Road.

Beyond fire, the other reason for restricting access to Burns Bog is public safety.

To step off the trails is to risk getting lost. While open areas yield fleeting views of Mount Baker and the Cascade Mountains, the Lafarge rock-crushing plants in Richmond, the North Shore Mountains and Vancouver landfill, the more densely vegetated areas offer only the sun as a reference point.

And there’s the constant risk of being swallowed up like a second-rate actor in an old Tarzan movie.

Environment and Parks Committee - 107 - file:///C|/...Of%20monsters%20and%20mud%20Exploring%20the%20deep%20mysteries%20of%20Burns%20Bog%20(with%20video).html[8/27/2014 8:25:32 AM] Of monsters and mud: Exploring the deep mysteries of Burns Bog (with video)

Take that 35-year-old trespassing mountain biker in October 2006: Dressed only in a T-shirt and shorts, he was stranded in the cold and wet for almost 90 minutes, waist deep in mud and water, found by a search-and-rescue helicopter in the dark after alerting emergency authorities just before his cellphone died.

Tsawwassen aboriginals have legends of an underground channel that flowed from the Strait of Georgia into the centre of Burns Bog, a place where monsters would drag people down into the peat.

Our journey follows a path through waist- to head-high brush.

“That smell is Labrador tea,” Howie says of an evergreen shrub historically used as a tonic. “It stays with you; you’ll smell it on your clothes.”

Along the way, we observe some of the man-made ditches that are beginning to fill in with sphagnum, which can hold up to 30 times its weight in water.

“This is exciting,” Merkens comments. "It’s amazing to see the sphagnum cover this.”

Bog managers are building small dams to better maintain water at levels more natural to a bog and prevent the flow of water to the outside. Beavers help the process, too, with their dams.

It’s tough for non-native plants to thrive in a true bog, but that’s not the case in drier, drained areas, where invaders such as European birch, evergreen blackberry, highbush blueberry, tawny cottongrass, brown-fruit rush and large cranberry can gain a roothold.

We spot a sign on the trail where the Invasive Species Council of B.C. has surgically applied the herbicide Roundup to kill the invasive Japanese knotweed.

A light wind keeps the mosquitoes at bay as we proceed across an open area. With each step, the surrounding ground quakes like jelly.In the middle of the opening sits a solar-powered “flux tower,” a research station tethered against wind storms by four cables and adorned with pink ribbons as a warning to birds. A helicopter transported it here in June to be monitored by the University of B.C.’s department of geography.

The tower bristles with meteorological instruments that measure “energy exchanges” at the surface, including measurement of rainfall, solar radiation and the evapotranspiration rates from both plants and standing water in the bog. Groundwater is also being tested for movement to ditches outside the bog.

“Bog ecology is so strongly related to the hydrology,” explains professor Dan Moore, a hydrology expert who also sits on the Burns Bog advisory committee. “We need to know the current state of hydrology to understand how we might restore the bog.”

A parallel study will shed light on how the recovering bog cycles carbon. Field measurements are being made to estimate methane and carbon dioxide releases from soils as well as absorption of carbon dioxide through photosynthesis in areas that are at different stages of recovery.

“I’m pretty sure it’s a carbon sink,” Howie says optimistically. “This study should help prove it.”

Environment and Parks Committee - 108 - file:///C|/...Of%20monsters%20and%20mud%20Exploring%20the%20deep%20mysteries%20of%20Burns%20Bog%20(with%20video).html[8/27/2014 8:25:32 AM] Of monsters and mud: Exploring the deep mysteries of Burns Bog (with video)

The depth of the water table is measured at more than 150 sites in and around the bog. Typically, the water table is at the surface during the rains of winter and 40 to 50 centimetres deep in summer. In unnaturally dry areas, it can be 80 centimetres to one metre deep. The water is very acidic, at 3.5 to 4 pH.

The bog gets its water from rainfall, and a 2000 study found it received 200 millimetres in excess of its annual requirements, which may help to handle the stress of coming climate change. In July, though, the bog can lose 80 to 90 millimetres more water than it receives.

Helping out on the research is Caroline Chestnutt, an undergraduate student with the University of Edinburgh who is more familiar with bogs in her native Northern Ireland where the peat is still harvested as a fuel source.

“This one is unique, really big and a raised bog,” she says.

In wetter areas of the bog, brackish ponds where the peat has been removed provide habitat for waterfowl, yellow pond lilies and both dragonflies and damselflies.

Elsewhere, the bog even has its own weather station protected by chain-link fencing. Environment Canada donated the station as surplus equipment after the 2010 Winter Olympics and posts information including the temperature and humidity hourly on its website.

The bog receives about one metre of rain per year, with as much as 200 millimetres more falling on the east side than the west.

Scientific research to date is, like the bog, proceeding at a slow pace. Metro Vancouver has a modest annual budget of $25,000 to $50,000, while Delta municipality, with responsibly for the hydrology, chips in another $50,000 to $60,000 per year.

Truth is, research on the bog will far outlive today’s crop of scientists. The official management plan spans 100 years — a time frame that reflects the challenge of repairing delicate, but damaged, ecosystems.

“I insisted that be written in,” Hebda said. “People need to understand that natural processes and nature respond over time. The bog is a practical demonstration of how this works.”

For more information on Burns Bog and a small, but legal, glimpse of a bog environment, visit the 60- hectare Delta Nature Reserve, located east of Highway 91, near the south end of Alex Fraser Bridge (

[email protected]


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A research station in Burns Bog, Delta. Photograph by: Jenelle Schneider, Vancouver Sun

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