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The reduction of forests due to environmental pollution has been marked in and Europe. In Japan, as well, expansion of visible damage to the forests has recently been reported. Forest vegetation fixes CO2 from the air. A decrease in vegetation leads to a decrease in CO2fixation and environment-cleaning function and thus may lead to a rise in the global temperature. Within the framework of global environmental problems, it is most urgent that steps are taken to protect forests from damage and to enhance the forest functions, in addition to facilitating the reforestation of tropical forests and converting deserts into vegetation areas. To this end, it is essential to develop strains resistant to environmental pollution and to develop technology for utilization of symbiotic microorganisms in plant root which play an essential role for the growth of the plant. This report has first presented the present status of forest damage and environmental pollution. We have then investigated systematically pollution-resistant , usable microbes and their gene analysis(basic research), and also breeding and planting technology(applied technology). Furthermore, we described an analysis of ways to combine the results of basic research with those of applied research, with the goal of contributing to the advancement of biological CO2 fixation.

Chapter 1 Present status of forest damage and environmental pollution At present, the area of forestation is decreasing on a global scale. Annually, more than 10 million ha of tropical forest have been lost due to the indiscriminate felling of trees and slash-and-bum agriculture. Forest damage has also been spreading in temperate and subarctic forests in the northern hemisphere. In Japan, blight of needle-leaf trees (pine and momi fir) and of Japanese oak has occurred in areas along the Sea of Japan and in the Kyushu district. In addition, blight of some other trees, such as wild cherry trees, Japanese apricot trees, birch, Japanese cedar, cypress and bamboo, has been reported from various regions of the country. Outside Japan, forest damage has become apparent in Central Europe, North America and East Asia (China). Decay is not confined to needle- leaf trees but has been extending to broadleaf trees. This global deforestation has been attributed to various factors, including soil souring, ozone, Mg deficiency and nitrogen excess. In the past, acid rain was studied as a possible cause of forest decay. However, since desulfurization of industrial gas exhaust has been put into practice in the developed countries, some investigators now consider climatic drying as a possible factor related to the increased failure of trees. In any event, the exact cause of deforestation has not yet been identified. In decaying forests, the growth of tree rootlets is less active, and mycorrhizal fungi have decreased or disappeared. Mycorrhizal fungi are indispensable for tree growth. It is unknown whether weakened rootlet growth or decrease of mycorrhizal fungi occurred first. The forest is the chief place on earth where CO2 is fixed and stored. Damage to forests, as mentioned above, results in a decrease of fixed CO2 , leading to global warming. According to a report made by the IPCC, the annual loss of tropical forest causes the release of CO2 which is the equivalent of about 1.6 billion tons of carbon into the ambient air per year.

- 1 - This amount of CO2 can be fixed by trees in the temperate and subarctic zones are left intact. However, because forests in these zone are also being damaged, it is estimated that ambient CO2 equivalent to about 100 million tons of carbon failed to be fixed in Europe due to forest damage. As a result, each year excess CO2 equivalent to 3 billion tons of carbon is left free in the atomosphere. This indicates the necessity of our taking further steps, including planting pollution-resistant trees.

Chapter 2 Search for pollution-resistant plants and analysis of their function Pollutants, released into ambient air, spread widely, causing environmental problems on a global scale. If coal, which is low in quality, is substituted for high quality oil as a source of energy, the release of sulfur oxides will increase. In addition to removal of sources of pollutants, cultivation of plants resistant to pollutants is important. This chapter lists plants reported to be resistant to pollutants and describes the physiological features of these plants. Furthermore, to develop pollution-resistant plants, this chapter reviews reports relating to clarification of the mechanism of resistance development and the genes involved. To facilitate the development of pollution-resistant plants, recent trends and advances in plant breeding technology have also been investigated. Pollutants are absorbed via the stomata and cuticle into the leaves. Heavy metals and aluminum are absorbed from the roots. If the stomata are closed to avoid invasion by the pollutants, the photosynthetic capacity will decrease. To protect trees from pollutants, it is therefore necessary to develop plants which are highly resistant to pollutants. In case where pollutants cause oxygen radicals or hydrogen peroxide to be formed, an increase in oxygen radical detoxifying enzyme activity or antioxidation is probably necessary for resistance to these pollutants to develop. Some herbaceous plants with a high NO2 assimilating were selected, and their mechanisms of resistance to pollutants have been analyzed. The findings from this analysis have been utilized for molecular plant breeding, making use of genes involved in resistance to pollutants. Genes reported to be involved in plant resistance to pollutants include genes encoding glutathion reductase, phytochelatin synthase and metallothionein. Because one generation of trees is relatively long, gene transfer provides a useful means of developing pollution-resistant trees. However, research on cell and tissue cultures, regeneration and gene transfer for trees lags considerably behind these techniques as applied to herbaceous plants. Even if pollution-resistant trees are developed, much time will be needed before forest composed of such trees are standing. It is, therefore, desirable to develop techniques for the direct introduction of pollution-resistant characteristics to forest trees by means of gene transfer.

Chapter 3 Utilization and functional analysis of soil microorganisms The role played by the root in absorbing and delivering nutrients and water is as important for plants as is photosynthesis. Microorganisms which symbioses for roots support these root functions. Symbiotic microorganisms attenuate environmental stresses such as drought and pollution and thus protect the roots. They also suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and improve the

- 2 - environment around the roots, thus helping plants to grow normally. This chapter discusses the roles played by symbiotic microorganisms and how to utilize these organisms. Their functions in coping with acid rain and heavy metal pollution, and how to utilize such functions are also discussed. Rhizobia in leguminous plants and Frankia in alders are known to fix nitrogen. The total amount of nitrogen fixed by these estimated at about 17.5 million tons, which is equivalent to more than double the amount of nonbiologically fixed nitrogen. These organisms greatly affect the growth of plants and the circulation of nitrogen-based nutrients on earth. Although a number of studies have been published concerning the genes involved in nitrogen fixation by Rhizobia, few such studies have been published for Frankia. All tree symbiose with mycorrhizal fungi. VA mycorrhizal fungi absorb phosphorus from the soil and supply it to the host plants to promote their growth. They also suppress the hazards to plants caused by pathogenic bacteria in the soil. Although ectomycorrhizal fungi can symbios only with limited hosts, plants carrying these fungi can absorb nutrients better than plants without these fungi. The fungi also help plants absorb water, thus making plants more resistant to drought Mycorrhiza formation elevates the efficiency of nutrient absorption and promotes plant growth, leading to higher photosynthetic activity. An increase sink promotes plant growth, elevates the CO2 assimilating ability of source organs and thus suppresses an increase in ambient air CO2 levels. It is desirable to search for more such useful symbiotic microorganisms which elevate the resistance of host plants to pollutants and to clarify their functions.

Chapter 4 Techniques of cultivating and maintaining plants resistant to pollution Our surveys revealed that both the underground roots and symbiotic microorganisms were disappearing in dying forests. The activity of symbiotic microorganisms around the roots of plants is indispensable for their growth. Therefore, to cultivate and maintain pollution-resistant plants, it is necessary not only to assess the features of such plants but also to develop techniques for the utilization of symbiotic microorganisms, including techniques to make elevate the affinity of symbiotic microorganisms for plants and techniques to inoculate plants with symbiotic microorganisms. In the past, few attempts to find or create pollution-resistant tree were made. In the present study, we took the development of trees resistant to pine wood nematodes as an example, and reviewed the current state of research and explored the direction of future possible advances concerning methods to evaluate the resistance to pollution, techniques to increase the affinity of symbiotic microorganisms, desirable plant cultivation techniques, and method to reinforce resistance to pollution. Since conventional cross-breeding is needed to reinforce the function of new strains of pollution-resistant trees, it is desirable to develop a technique to shorten the tree life cycles. To establish up and maintain forests, amidst environmental pollution, it is necessary to establish a systematic technology resting on a strong platform of basic and applied research relating to the selection of resistant plant, elucidation of their features, methods of efficient tree nutrition, methods for reinforcing resistance to pollution, and methods for plant cultivation tailored to the conditions of

- 3 - each area.

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Proposals Damage of forests on a global scale is continuing. It is not always attributable to two or more combined factors. To suppress the increase of CO2 release into the air, it is essential to plant trees and to preserve existing forests. To this end, elimination of pollutants and the development of pollution-resistant plants are essential. Pollution-resistant plants are able to be selected by screening, and also obtained by molecular plant breeding. The growth of plants is supported by microorganisms which symbioses with their roots. Symbiotic microorganisms elevate the resistance of plants to environmental stresses and promote their growth, resulting in suppression of an increase in ambient air CO2 levels. It remains to be clarify whether or not the resistance of plants carrying symbiotic organisms can be increased even in polluted environments, if appropriate microorganisms are selected for symbiosis. It is urgently needed to establish a molecular breeding system, especially in vitro culture system, for woody plants, and to develop a technique of gene transfer to plants, which can be called "gene therapy". Furthermore, we should clarify the physiology of symbiosis of plants and fungi which form mycorrhiza, which has not yet been clarified except for symbiosis between leguminous plants and rhizobia, and establish techniques of breeding, culturing and inoculating such organisms, with the goal of establishing a system for developing and maintaining better forest environment with the help of these microorganisms. At present, the course shown in Fig. 1 is turning in a negative direction. If the course is partially modified, the current negative direction of things will become positive.

- 4 - Current state Preservation of the Grobal Environment X Environmental pollution; Control of environmental pollution e. g. , Acid rain \ Inhibition of the growth Inhibition of Superior mycorrhizal of mycorrhizal fungi Pollution-res is tant plant growth fungi plants

Promotion of nycorrhiza formation * Reduction of Selection and Gene manipulation (gene therapy) breeding Promotion of nutrient absorption forests ^ Resistance to drought Enlargement of the sink

Aggravation of environments ;Increase of ambient air C02 Desirable steps and action

Fig.l Turn the environmental circuit from the negative to positive direction

- 5 - co,

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xffmg02 W^%iaEs9^^@a.™008'T ~00Z‘WS©@MSl9 ie 52f)2)^0Z6T °9 f^2-Q ^s?3£S* X^L5>¥W v (^wec^WBI) ^(3^^0961 x£t MOV ^ V < -6- 3G9IIU -1f XCUPf B^A • O

#^9^^#^*;006T xa.2%##0# x^#o## WlDm^%?^m0P^3:qc4i4^%p)

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- 22 - 1.3

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Ggdsj##©Y±###©^#©##j;D EtcS12,500^W©S© pH £SIS L^kZ5, 1955#af$©pH©^fb#. 1 o ^ C 2: o &=)„ y;v>x —T^SSS©S'S^j3V^Tx 1940¥£2500Ebl±£SLT^fcVX^1975 ^(3{i^Mbfe10)o 1986#Cff 1005#a©#Wik= a a, pH5.0^#©#^S(±E 40%$>bx pH5.5*Sh&a b^#:©E60%T'$>o£10)o jtSBTiiS2K©EE

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/[ItK©^— $ 1$frfc>tLtz2\ iSOpHMiIt¥^4.7, b, ES#Btf£BftTS®<7M Jr y (SO/". NO,". Cl". NH4\ Na\ K\ Ca2+. Mg 2+) ©SSttM^L. ##©pH (± ±#f ^nii. <&##&&$'

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b. 3 —D'y/1 xe7x-^>sm^©7>, *$/, h^k%^©##±%T, #)40~60#DECpH ^o.3-o.9#TL, ±#©me©, '####'# 2 ( b t> b » Tl9©#36# : Orthic PodsoljSh ^7 b# : Dystric Cambisol) Cj3V^T(±, T#±#t"C##r FJf ©±J®C -o i a T15 ~25 ^ US C

- 29 - (%###&6K 20 7Pfrl±pH^3.0C#LTl^CL##^iT,-C^%4A F7 7©V-

V yPiht&s a /V70jSx 7^ h7/l/iijSC£tATx ±S*©Ca, Mg&if©7A>li^ ^mLx m^m^#L<@TLT^^o ±##% 4b\z £ zm^VWLM ftm^£tlT^%£^o46)o ZOteftJK^^-CDEntisoh InceptisoL SpodsoL ;\>^V-©^FV;K j@&m#±#&^T##m:#Cj;60 A7>^x 7777. 7^7x A-7FV7&^©


7^3L-^>mgB®hot:0###i!^ am±@kmmbL, LT^Zfz®, mWhtt^W<7)SJ^iiSS^jS^tg©Ca/Ali:b(C^6^il^ 48) = F7 7© v'— V >*£&±J® 1 cm CDS£ IZ&lfZCa/ Alit©EBxF^{bC £2>t, 1969/75 #C#A*#L<^#Lx O.S^T'C-^^L^o O.llZMftg-D^foZo Z(DM\ull±7'i~Ut F7L#f &^#&

c. jbA * ± yOi:bmEt$Ci^V>Lu visol^Brun isol-e ^##|#T#©B# %Zot$% Rjf£f4

{b/^#f%L/-C^6f4% %tzs -3-—3—7 Wl© 77^ D>7 y7 ,'e&alE50^f3EE£±j8 pHizgiEo^ ^&i 47) o 77 h^boaitos Alyb $E% L CaA^ C £&&(Dtgtl, ## mx3©C;kfLx 7 hTtt^tMOANC ^5meq/ioog^±k%-3T^eo mm#-e(±#e±^#mLx ftfttZ D B/v^±ST$) D x Fe kAKTWbt)^** V :M FCSAvTU&o fotx pH hJlXS&W®^LSC{StA±i8h&^TU3o (2)### w#f»T# k ^ % cm A Lx % mA* Am c % % ^ mA#A$(±Aicjt^%ad;mT6#e%^f4% F7 7^bS1960 6Pb LCu®###^mn LZz/^x Et£©^i> F 7b#TttZn(±tf LdMd>OMiR]C$.^55)o C©Ml»]^7'A©^#CZ^A E^WTrB^^^-ex Cax Mgx Mnx Zn ©B® L T V £ © C x Fe hAl&gVATii

- 30 - f (DB#T #%((Z)pH(Z)#TC#-3T±#^^

stitons^ aam^K m##c ^ (t % ± ^ ^ (±, ±js^©qjs ^Co0#a^#AD LT

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- 33 1.4 h X A xXA

(so/-#) (^-m)


'^^t)KtS/v^ES7K©±S4I^©Sai (##) I Sr®CD{te^BfSB©£MS (##) I (#m)

i mzkmmomT i (mm-$km)


#cfmLT^&qT#e#mv\ m^ecD ^Ll^X^r/b^kX h l/X&^ac

#L, X4=Oa-^#(D%^&g#g[#^CLl:V^qT#e^V^ #^ggC^*L e^mwo l*»u #K0^#^±#M###m@gx jrommmac(±%:o

&&N l$!#gfk(DB#(xoi^T(±s ks Ax

Bt£PS0 #### iz£%t MW v ^;vcd ^7kpH T£$Etf> £ ti& ^ £ k & ¥f? %, x^cDmmm@T(±^i^#m^iT,^\ &i±®j:9kx Amx^^#m^xjrCD^m

- 34 - (3)'7'}/ # k A/^(Dv $, O"C, A# c##L/=mm%m2ai-cwao c(Dj:3%^T(±. <\ <%%« T')/(±

9o SEKjic, ■ryti:v'yy-!f>f-b>f- 3-^7 %caT%^E(cg%^ fut%%& tl&o >^:L^kv'yy < jpV (c«k&®


l#± i Dx f SEOfST • #±


11, 12) o a. ±##mba%

-%>$%#&,& a. b.

C. Mg^S.S6

— 35 — LfrU EMBOSS (no 3"x nh 4+) (DMIfiXB

f. % h x h V^izii^JSx %*K M/%,


(5)MTVT (*B)

%l^o tzfzL, ##O#LL^am#T0SO2#m^^^jl|l#k:it^l5fgTlOO ppb & E^.Tj3b13)x %fz, ^Etoi3%r(DSJS*e^WEW7b^TV^> 14)o

&%, ±#(D#^b(Dmec

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-37- l.5S^Sh*m43(DC0 2;Sjt(Di|An1' 2' 3)

(i) AM^©^ T Ifc $)!;£#> a o Am^©z:m

mm#x ^^^jio^LTb'ao ipcc (Mm^mcMTa ©#^ (1990 ) k:j:a^x %m(j^ ###, 1 9 8 7) OTcm^fiT&tb ^©m^AmgT, B*&4SB©4. 9%T'&

^#cj;o"c^%a^ ipcc-c(±m)S©j±#%#mT#a#^^RLT16±12m h>bl^S^£Lfco C^L(±A^(zj;a#$©A%m*©6-3 3%(z#^f ao c© j;o %%m^%#{bm$mm©±#% A ^ b-c i\ a c b^^©mm± #i!]-n 1. 5 ppmC##bT^am(±^mm©$9#^T^acb^%6A4z^^Tb a« %-o%\ ^!]©$9^(d:##a^±^#^{c#ii%^^-ci\ach(c%a^ -e©^A ipcc©##^, mai 0^^ (19 8 0- 1 9 8 9) TA&cj;am8©^amm#7o±i5mh>/%#bT\ Am^ cm@Ta#^3 4mh>/^ ##c#m^^am^2o±8#h>/^T, mgi#i 6± 1 4#h>/^©eA^%"C&D, ^b^©l#±^m^^>(7bbT##b'Cl\ aw#^^mmb%v>ao ^$#mt7=;i/Cj;a##i|gm^e,, eA©^98&^#fb#m ©^>^bb-c©##©#^A(±/j^<. ^©&^^/^7>%-fa(c(±, #(c#^©m±

- 38 - mm

g^lz s 41 ©—Bfb^SilMi£;&□x.X, *#> (CH4) ffiBtbSS (N20) > # @7D>^% (eras) mDL#(j-Zl^o #C, A%m#(DCFCs(Di#AO^^#

(2) c##&u f®3#m^#±^ scorns (@ 1.5-1).

:k5<"i 750 + 3/year

##@ 1000 +l/year


gj 1.5-1 (#mi 0#S>)

6 0 8 omh >. ^ -c^am^s 2 0 omh% 1^213 o#h>

%cc, m# me u t ^ a tz j: a AT & a „

- 39 - 19 s o~19 s 5^®# ^11 3 07]ha, ^omm##(±7 5 0^hah#^^h,-Cl\%o COE@^

$>b, wsi3$>o7rEfeeM-r^3^©@E^, u^u ^ ##e%##CL-CA, SSiMT:'J-XT*&Z>Ztlz\±^m^& V^#^h,Tl^o &, v—%#&awa^>?T&v— aswm^L-t, '^(Dum• hL-mtfcu 10 ~

citbtc^LT, a, A#au-c^ 1# h (S 1.5-1) o B#0##(zow%<& %a, n 1.5-1 Bfo(Dm&m±mm(DmbizwoMm(Dmi&&m &fcA,£&;to^TV>& (1 9 80%) (#ti1 012gZ y ) L^, %#^W0"rA#:a mmm LXis>9ffl fc&Zt #x. 6h/^o #15®^ • SWIM (###) USA - 2 5 &$91# m 31LTZ 3 —□ y;i -2 8 #%2CmE#LT^k, I0USSR 3 5 B$(DMm%m 6 9 ;ELTwac kc&a, itT? Vti • tpM 7 /-%h^VT 2 8 MMofctiaftmzm*) — a. — v—3 > K UT, ^ A#f 1 3 3 fgmmmtms h> /ha ##7^ V * 6 6 5 T 1. 5 h >/ha), # ^77 U* 3 7 3 #@#(±$4 2 5 0 0^ #^7^7 6 2 1 h a£j|&-&£CDt;\± f# 16 5 9

$43 7 5 0^ D, Ch,&mLg|(Da^m^%%oOmD, ^>7&V-7W)# tocmv-m, 4; - ^omMA^u^mn ^3#< u, ts #t3j£#6D

— 40 — toi-fsffl v ^mmbwwm&ea t s #c^&icpp ^ a 0

#eccE+¥©^T#L^ca, -E


j;o%. ##^#0^L^a@#^mem^L, me

u-cm^Taca aca. ^ma#m

2se, ca c#&ma ^7 ^^ a. c # a # m-c&a^ #^mmomfb% ¥±fct VTV>f J-X$)mcDjj&±%^£%z. ZtlZl^Zo m±Oj:9e, ?^iTav ^ h t e, ±%

(4) M#fb(C#$Jkm5 mmemeL'3'3$,am#£&) % ti v ^ a 0 mmfbemwmkL L^m^%m^^®%mR]mijemt,a*m a^^Ae, #F^fjm^mbTa^^^&#^em#fac a^^tao mmm) ®i/2ti^ofci®M^@^biis!:^

#Oo ctT,#^#ibM#(D—oai/-c##e##^^a##^%^%^ao tklzM±®%Mfs • Mf&t&fz®

— 41 — OUT I P C CTfMf^ftTU&o iz & it % h®# c £ 3 j^s £ o v r ©$st £ £ 3 ^ m# 2(13 0 0 75ha©^at 6S21 o o:5ha0±ma##(cmLTwak#^2hT^ao sse 5 0 073 ha(0##mmA^b, ^C0ft5Sha&im&T\ a 0 ###^##0[ql±C^ T#^t^X 15 o o#h>0-#{b^

o±^T^%2 9#b>^i^& u, #&#m&j;&##t:«t-3T4m 6 5 0 0 75ha(Dmtt%§rtzlzmmir%£^oi'i-')*%:WimLtzo 3©'>t'Jm ¥ (###) 1 5 m3/h a (7.5 b>/ha) &##aUT, #^©^I &##)&C 1 haOAlttW 6.24b XDj^S^M • StbtV^o ##o% b

aLTU%) (D1 3%&%#T%^TV^0#^, ##8 0 077ha#m# 6A#A^& 0, Z.tUzffl^tZ>MM&&^3 OSbVV^&So ZtUzk^T, # ^2 6i m3 ©eS/b$MjA$n, 2 0 3 0^ #&qT#CT% k LTU'So c©'>T')#^\±WMMz£%MttL(DM^%%M.hT, &M i^3~4 b>/haAbbTl^o LTU&A*, SBf-E)CoaiTWc ##(±#TL, -€■^£: & 3 COT, ouk:&$/>^T& V—;*T&& < & a° %oT, #jmg^A*, ^^cm s, M#&#omTcacc®#

1-2^6##®cboc i o o^m±tc #«&.&&(%)&&&<, ufticoMmc^um^ ab^(:LT%, a^##M60^#^^A%^#T, ^ ©MitixT^T^—©^&& & o $qJf£&;H;t^T:n*;i/^-^ LT©*lf SSMfflti:, ^i©S@ ^sii:t> s©

— 42 — teamen?#% J;o %#

^LT, #;;tira2:a&&, # arn^L-c I6ALT.

^ LT, u «k

9 ,

1) #± M; #### Vol.2(1991),Pl 2) R)mx ; MMMM. Vol.47(i99i),Pi9i 3 ) R.KDixon, S.Brpwn, R.A.Houghton, A.M.Solomon, M.C.Texler and J.Wisniewski; Science Vol.263(1994), P185 4) tofflfc ; ±tWb^ Vol. 16(1982), P78 5 ) No.584(1990), P2

-43- 1.6

JClis l''t)f9>^> ” (SustainableDevelopment) ” &#(j"%j# +$m^ -c # ^o ^ CO20#jg&^%< ZtibCD'gMteteti'teiooziz btffrti>Z)t&t>ti% 0 LfrU ZfimtWMM


^ ao ^ % a%#{&&,

9 c actot. o mu&mmimma&a c z=. a##^, m#c«tac# mmaefbo^^aaomf-ao

m# % t: ^mmuf a 0#m t %m%-e a

WS£g#j£: UT> $1\ M£(D$$9iT:ffl6^^^iit # tzmmmmm^^-rmmn^um^ u^ ht*>ru (& @) &98&&CL2:o %^ b &^A, &gc. *Z:XA%#%L.

2.2 ymvmmmm

2.2.1 :ftm^%ft^*mmz5-x%%>wjkmm^nmmm^SSti* sWVo S02tt, Tk^mMLX HS03-J*>&tzl± SO32-J*>t ft t)7°U h >££Ca0 t%fc>?> so 3SSMBF

— 45 — u so/- so/-^®#

c^aso/-^j5L'cmm^c$< ^

02-1fiB.l&tZ>z. £.£&*)' «i:H202l)W^^ft^o ^tiiictot^H ^

so/ i±uyD-^ i,5-e%u> 11

so 32-(zj;oTE^to(3EWSSIt^o £*>£, so 2(DmMtes BE£>M t^ls>(DM

^m)mm®nm^w. ,$ere/ine) &S02BB£^U ^ ® C W#f 6 (W. E. Winner, et al. 1991) o


asm * mm >w WIPto 7*77, T;v7r^7r, *yyyv7, xy/t?, **A*. *79, * 79, *zKf f, ?o-A-, 3 A*, 97 v**, 7a.y*7, 7/f, y*oy, 7VX, 7/0, h7X97, 7X, xys?y, ,\7*7"* ay, t77 9, Xoyay —, *77 777, 77x 7E# 79X*('vXyy-7 ,/t'-*), * 7o*/ff, 3XtX, X*MJ~, X5 v, t^7-yy», vA//<79-**, *y^v77 #* 7*vy, 77 y* h*y 3, *9vy, 77, 77*, 79*/<, 7*37 *9-7 7, XX9Xt S, 97, vxh/OxX ES 7* ex, *7**X*. **/<3, *7f7, 7o-/t-, 7*37t;v* *, yyy, t773*y, tx, 7777 'asm* ...... #f#% xy K7, *7^7, Xv, 7977, 79v7, 977*, hvh X9, /t*V, /\777*. 7T7 7E# 7^7*, /«9, ^Xx7 «* 77 V*7X, 77 V»xv, * 7*, xyyA/vy H7t, 7ov7, 97 Xi^a, 7 7*377, fcv77X*, xy, «77, tt, x y y 3 —ny/tyovy »S 7* If, 7 7>KjK e^"M*m*) ...... #ff# 77, **, *e, 7yX* t, toy, 7V**, h 7*0 3 7, e-vy, ti, 7ay TEfF 777, *7, X9S>*9X, 9a7V yX, 9*9v7 tt* 7*X7 7, 77 y****S, *fi7, *7Xh7t, *7*yjB, *s 797 }> 7, *7x7*xf, th7*xf, 79*7, X*. X**, ty *, 7xjRf*y a »* 7 17/f

— 46 — (l)-2 #$#fb# (NOx) y5 s£tJ b fl~C V ^ -2) (T. Yoneyama, et al. 1979) 0 L^Ln ^f©cb "5

Coot 15N02£fflVT N026*©M7C#:SSe^UTrco -5^ N02mb#*A^-#^^(7)(±Kjr^#(7)f > KO^Djff (5.7 mg N02-N/g% M) T&tX (0.006 mg N02-N/g %##) ##/J\t!&c7ho # ##^-CN02Mb#*(c#^m 1,000 (S 2.2-2) 0 , -y No 2mb#©(±m^ 7 • ZL-* (H. Morikawa, et al. (1992)) 0

2.2-2 -mt

£594 * (H14 'J9 ##% >fyyy, *?yy. d-v, y^f x, y/o. yx, tvyy, jfcyyyyy, vyx %# 77#*(^yyy-x^-), *y, yj7, /wt;x*x, / V*-feyyyy-9\ *$y^v7, y^yx, A*yatf, a tf £594 4> ### *7, ay-fy, 7h-f t, y,<. KK ^9, tf-vy, TEfp y?^*9x. fvi'tr* ** 4a7f-yh7, yv, 77*. yy, XF7, %% »9c 7*7. yyjKd?, /xa< 7/>xyy. atf «&#;)'"(## ±)"...... ### 7X/f 7ay, S#l 5 * y, *4r, yov7, Xf, 7/<*. ty* ss y fc y/f

V—(S 2.2-3) o 2 i &MT a ###*##(: bb^T NO2mb#±0(f <, bb#%imfb#*®mv^###m NO2©i0fcJ& - fW#*km-#©###T 6 ripgj #& Dx c© I"t!j o$ # ^@(±#%$*##(zbb^T##:^© N02l@Hbt^*©tf feo ##©N02©#iR %

qT#t & a C k L% ^ a o N02 A^©m7C#^#m©AM7C^ o © No 2iqHb#cMLt 7o '7 b Ta (@2.2-1) no 2-n bb^5 %bb±©®tJ^Mv^^tis

— 47 — 11.4%T"$)0^0 ZtlZ &SHE 8 Blflg^J 4 ppm CD N02{3||St~££ tlz X b > WWtD^MT^SSS© 5-1 1%# N02^X69fe®EST-ES^n^ c (0 2.2-2) o NO20#$(|sHb^

#2.2-3 mmmmm/±m7Lmmmmtt (%) A

(2) (l) (l)/(2) NOj-N ±a5c®N* **< X100(%) (mg/g dw) (mg/g dw) f/O BY-2 5.7 50.0 11.4 #y v &(''-'?) 1.5 14.0 10.4 ryrxuftu&g.*?®) 5.7 56.5 10.1 ?'*3 SRI 3.1 32.2 9.5 5.1 55.3 9.2 3.0 33.9 8.9 2.7 32.5 8.4 7 * ')**>?>?■* 3.0 37.4 8.0 7*^/V(/\ — -f) 1.5 18.6 8.0 2.2 27.2 8.0 3.0 37.2 8.0 2.8 37.6 7.4 ^ >/<^= yx (*S) 2.8 38.1 7.3 1.6 22.4 7.3 (HS* * 14) 3.2 44.5 7.1 sK7*7 («*) 0.7 10.6 7.0 1.6 23.2 6.9 *e-7/f ;i/(/\—y) 2.3 34.6 6.5 2.5 39.1 6.5 0.8 11.9 6.4 3X^ex(HS*^F) 2.6 42.1 6.2 2.2 37.4 6.0 3.4 57.7 5.9 f >>J~(/s—’7) 2.2 37.0 5.9 y? 5> > 1.7 28.9 5.8 2.7 47.2 5.8 2.0 35.2 5.8 X h ?*(■£) 2.7 50.5 5.3 rffK^dw, *et«is) 3.0 58.2 5.2 1.7 33.5 5.1 -^-f-y?(H^) 0.8 15.7 5.1 1.5 28.9 5.0 y^x 5 y(ffi*) 1.1 22.0 5.0 ~ 12.00

e 10.00-


NO, A'^6$ro«5cSES36* (mgN/g* 24**) HI 2.2-1 N02-N it£©M# ) Q:#m (mm%) ##. • : N02-N bb# 5 3 3@#&fL&0

. ^\Erechtites hieracifolia 5.7 NO,-fl (mg/g R4**)

Campylopus japonicus 0.043 NO,-N (mg/g 124**)

3 6.00- S 5.00 s\W/cof/ana tabacum cv.BY-2 §400 5.7 NO,-N( mg/g |£4»*)

IK 3.00 Tillandsia ionantha m ZOO- 0.006 NO,-N (mg/g $24**) «1.00- K 0.00 *7.0° <5" z 6.00 5.00 Jasminum pubigerum . 4.00 1.1 NO,-N (mg/g $24**) 3.00 Camellia japonica ZOO- var. japonica 0.035 NO,-N (mg/g *24**) 1.00 0.00 m 2.2-2 (A) , (B) , (C) ©N02^b^©J±«

— 49 — (i)-3

■b^’y ’V— h V—h (peroxyacetyl nitrate) & 5 ~10%i3i;tlTl^?)o

a. ^V> (Oj

< o s 77u)l/tf

tTigi^i<^t2ocw§^i:^t§c s-cDiiSttx mufe(Dm(D^mf&

ii®iitMSo $%izm~(DmmtvT, pjmbu^o'M.

jBiz£-3Z£\z%7¥-tiM£&t>®z>£fo!®)Wtfc}fcLrs fflm

-4zYg#CD{&T, OH 8-t Yu*^?7~y7% -lf7-r>Ax 7 7 i/7, (#2.2-4) 0

2.2-4 -Sjmss^ b JLfcJftf'MfcIfc «fc VBS^^CDTh V >S^tt(DS^

® S te * * £ ta i£ 0.10 ppm* • hr JUT 0.11~0.30 ppm* • hr 0.31~1.00ppm* • hr 1.01 ppm* • hr JU± 77#* ^/fX * V 757- 7=V 7/fa tyhw y^yf 7 at7*y?y *'"/■&?■< a y 7^7r^7r V 7 "vy 7-r^vy * 91 / y y 7 h"? h 7*74 X7 5777X TW a y 9 y A-te'f 7rf7 4f7-7A 4 yyy-?/ 3.-7 /\77* 775/7 7M* 4 T 7*yy /fyy- * * — ys?y tf—t y + 7 V 7 X yf x 5/n 7 5X7 7/yy 9 * X K-Xtt*$$:2SL*:t>

— 50 — b. A°—M/—h (PAN; Peroxyacetyl nitrate; CH3C[0]00N02)

h"C&&0 -^© #m±^-vy z D PAN - v >mm©e U EW©MSjB© ^b & 3h V>S W£ M1& U T tA 3 ##©@^T 0^f4©M(is *'J>(DW}'nbl$.Mte%Zt'&^tlXl'2> (#2.2-5) o PAN (C^L TS^SSfS©iSv^E#J^^a.-y-eS'So 3. —7©t#^A -5^ -me. PANT^mummm^^f##

2.2-5 PAN

m&# * mm /j') *yyf, yy r, bvb, tfy htf-y, a/yy>, y^-y^a, a -7 (6?EjR), thfrvyvx ?*yaA^, vfa

T fry 7^77, **A* t fS/4rS/, 3Af, ff/f, -tf-7*>T, */*□, f-7;vt?-b, fyf>f, ^y^y, y?a «®li*/jV*(iiS*)* ...... rify^, f v**, b^^enny, bvb, fa, /^^/^yy, b- vy, ynyay, s

(i)-4 r5'l4ES$^fiSc1'>E.'ft:^tf (BWiJMS)

K, ;i73-b. v;i/77Vy) (±, a-x- b (o,). mmibzk# (H2o 2). k bn^y y#;i/ (OH ). (io 2). (Loon) tu^tz7vtui%%.f<, M©^w^ES*r^= %% #$%^r©y ^ y z a

#%, z©a b %#(±, @^©m#^g (^, #co„ mmmm,

#]&#. mabya%zf%mc^^T. co^ma#, ^ fb#^ i ^^©m7c##NADP+^©m?©^A%a & < mmf, ^ ©^m##©^^ 7nb^;i/74'Vy-yy©#fb#^&m#f'5 ^7x“il/X-fJI/^t^ < P(DWj'nl^ TOSS'S© f by if D—;i/©ppT

— 51 — (2) ±#zk#^#(zMT 6 ^ #$ (2)-l Ef£±j® Bt4—7j A l±, mmm±#®Ef$

pH6.omTc&&^7;i/<:z5A-Mg#mymm&%#(mLT, <%a« #cpH5mT(z%%a^#cm^ag^#^m%&%o ^A^*s±{ff,n«o ^^^^0.05 mg /i (DW&wmztiz>o a ^ ^ -c ^ a ^;±7k##g-r mmm# Tmma somg/1 % 3art^a#. mm^©#mT(±^ ^

v>Ek@#Ac,tav>©#m#m©mK m^©u>EYbA

(2>-2 mAmme mmcotpizte' i~D&%m±m.Wi

\^^tzWk(Dm±.m\zmtz>Ml&*^o mmmiz%wsttes ajs ^jm\zzm a%©### 6 v ^ a o

^mur, sAs©m^wjrao (D*stMist*b> ±-ra0 ^fflv^rt^BtoMmrac @*

=fE^©WSET^rV-b Ltx ##x^Mb$5A2#-c##fb-#-a%^ ^^ai,-cwao K v^k:y$^irc(±®^®0##^##BLT^ak#^6aT,T i^ao • W. E. Winner, J. S. Coleman, C. Gillespie, H.A. Mooney, E. J. Pell; in Ecological Genetics and Air pollution, eds. G. E. Taylor, Springer Verlag (199 l)pp. 177-202 • T. Yon e yam a, H. Sasakaw a, T. Totsuka, Y. Yamamoto; Progress report in 1976- 1977. Report of special research project, NIES R-2. (1979) pp. 103-111. • H. Morikawa, A. Higaki, M. Nohno, M. Kamada, N. Nakata, G. Toyohara, K. Fujita, K. Irifune; in Research in Photosynthesis eds. N. Mu rat a N Vol.IV, Kluwer Academic Publisher (1992) pp. 79-82. - mm m; (1997 )

- 53 - to to to rt 8 dti to Pr XI M 4r eP * m b to m ofi X m to i > H to 8 fT ep 8 fT at % H cr CT fY o fY n m St to At iSw d ni # & & to m s BE m to ^lr oj li n to if d if (p 4 ys 8 &4 yi 0 (p ■b 9f if fT a # o its d' to BE m aft B s# 9r gg 3 # fT d % to if 8 8 to tp rtt to d fT & 3 toi o to M* XP y 3 -B- at to B £j # At to id O' # me H B at 4 # At d to 4 3 @ Xjv % 4? # m @t B y ys if d & nn fY 8 a » M- R to nii fY to (4t dt VP % d f^V eP m 3 s 6f ✓ # 4 s B 1 II 8 fT 8 if Xi ft 8 SI # rr fY ep d E 8- & )S if g M 4^ & cp- y # 3 # m B to fY * ee 11 ft 0. 8 fT t O d u r\ E tP fr (X dftt s Sf # tit n> 5 # Iffit E CZI o V 2, O ft 8 yi F7 rh Si ?f if d r 8 tf y fx eP id SI %% Uli W & o 3fi $ (4 lg -(E to tz. V XJ 4" 8 00 o to to U) rr tp r 8 & id m c id ffl m if 411 o ft # # I# M 3$ %! # t m # to n V n 8 % ft <- 8 rf Si yi ? d % 94 % it if e>j fY et d vo|, A 8>i o )B= 0 ufi 3 r <~ % U- Ti rr d to CT r d 8 it eys m d w fr ^ir 4 m «* iH m ufi E y E # # n 0 0 rt 4 r r # oft At & At o f4 X y 5# B # 4$ % y a X m to ft ft fT to ov % id o M- to eP w d At to to *H| H mi W B o d X to % & m to 3 B # X s # rt 8 fY d to m eP # a B 9* to At vp o X 2| s s vo|. s *X O

CO O y

o SOg/ha


o »i«

9 S!i!


B ! BjgjBBl o


2.2-3 * 5 1 4 3

(l)-i 2) 6 Aim#6 tia o


^6(c, zti£Z"lzlU£gtiri'%f5%k%jWZt

#2.2-6 it s ($*= 1) HP BWbffffl 0.69 HE $ fc K%%***6 c see, isn • mmmm E±as t ©*ffc&* Ko#0E^ T»6 * PAN Kfbf^m 4.10 mmm•mm^mm , i (WE£*'x) nm.**? 0= 1.67 3S©*ffiC»e*5-v»H:Rft«c fcmm•##m* if©/j'«js*w-r. j£*»Twt m *»©mc,

■x?-i/y 0.97 mw, ±®es ' r (WE£#x) /j \ SO, 2.26 *»e~Biwft©aEja*3B«T. •mmmm *ft#m C30«T»i*IRIWc, tlist

NO, 1.60 SO, t*RM©#R*3;f •mmmm

— 55 — 2.2-7 (1) S 0 2\Zttt(B####)

#^e 7^vx^ k^X^X/W me Ly^, vtvsw.

2.2-7 (2) S OJzMt'SS^CDSSe WI3SSS)

Sensitive Intermediate Tolerant Acer negundo var. interius Abies balsamea Abies amabilis Amelanchier alnifolia Abiesgrandis Abies concolor Betula alleghaniensis Acerglabrum Acer platanoides Betula papyrifera Acer negundo Acer saccharinum Betula pendula Acerrubrum Acer saccharum Betula populifolia Alnus tenuifolia Crataegus douglasii Fraxinus pennsylvanica Betula occidentalis Ginkgo biloba Larix occidentalis Picea engelmannii Juniperus occidentalis Pinus banksiana Piceaglauca Juniperus osteosperma Pinus resinosa Pinus contorta Juniperus scopulorum Pinus strob us Pinus monticola Picea pungens Populus grandidentata Pinus nigra Pinus edulis Populus nigra italica Pinus ponderosa Pinus flexitis Populus tremuloides Populus angustifolia Platan us acerifolia Rhustyphina Populus balsamifera Populus canadensis Salix nigra Populus deltoides Quercus gambelii sitchensis Populus trichocarpa Quercus palustris Ulmusparvifolia Prunus armeniaca Quercus rubra Prunus virginiana Rhus glabra Pseudotsuga menziesii Thuja occidentalis Quercusalba Thuja plicata Sorbus aucuparia Tilia cordata Syringa vulgaris Tiliaamericana Tsuga heterophylla Ulmus americana

2.2-8 (1)

7^-1/, MDV^ %AV^p. t^3 >X /\XXXX^ XXXvK, k^X^^X^P, X;i/X^'A kVX^X—X. hX^fX^XTX ^r 3 X X X h X me X TXXX, xxxwx -f X<, <^^*3:7, ^ rmxvXx ^ffa^ XXV^P, &1])l#3{‘ tf(PEPC)©ts^^±#f a 3)0 c,##re&ap. pspc putrescine & £©^ V T 5. >E^7X 3;V If >B©S1#S PEPC htstfi©^fb£^T4) o c. ^i/>(±^m#scj:a % hi/ X © ^ 1 C f ij ^ tL t # o :n^U>©jgg?©B&SE#*efe3 Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic Acid; ACC)^^Sf %:f"l/ >©^J5)c # a o =L o Acc ©a##ac#mfa 6)0

ao e. #^(D7k^^7>^^^/^;i/Wg#aL"C

(i)-3 ?Sf^ES©E# #%r©^ b co,#mA*@Tf a^o ATP ^NADPH ti$ CO20^R+^flJffl^il^V>o C©^ ^{b#^ I © 7 = 1/ F4-S/>Asg##fb&aa;:L. ^e#$©^#T$,a%-^-^jpS/F7^±i;i/ (o,-)%^mTa')o c©mmm%#mc#i\T&meL-t:&tK ©m#T&ao 7Sf&#mc^ai%#M0aL'c, Txzui/

- 59 - tf>Hx a- M7 7jld —^ £j$L & 02-&##^&X—d-jr:S/K^;%Af--'tf(SODX -if(APX), -me.

£ t^K.^>tl§o

(i)-4 %m

C j; c ^ z ^ -A&C SO, ®##(c j; 12)0 zcoztte, m&£htzso^;mMM(D pH {ST so,fSzki:Mj$l/-C so/^b^A*, so/T:(±^v#mb#m^& o, ^E*;v*> '> 5 —tf id: so 2 ^ J: o TPSS^n^ o ^fiScSTem 15) so,cz

(l)-5 %#{b^m (NO,)^#T0ft##C^^.%## $-< 0###, ±tS4'O$IE^7r>(N03-)S:SSM^ VTT^ VE>

N03 "> NO, -> NH4+ —15, ^^©N02(i, 7jChSSVT5^E^^>(N03-)^^D^o £©HJ®T tTX5tz NO/MiMWi^iifcno 3-IWil£{tS£ti3 ^oNO,(Sft#%%A

D LTV^V^O #TTt, N02^M^©SS(r TO-tMii7cHS(NR)©?§

— 60 — (i)-6 (oj

zkhSSLT o 2\ h 2o 2„ OH

>©##&^ <( Pinus sylvestris20)JP P.

oTPIW^ftS 22)o *') >SSf£©£ 'y)\Betula pendula * VySSoigflak: dd 7^U *)„ ^^©^-vy^e^o-y-c^ RuBisco ©iSe#T^##^^rcn&o ^Vy(zj:%^y;^^#ige©±#^m&6^%Lic6: V>(z: j;oT large subunit © aggregate %>tz&)' RuBisCO ^WS©i£T £D S V y^fSt4ESC: £ o T RuBisCO RuBisCO ©%%{&T

#yycj:&##©#m©-oc:fVya:nf yy©m3fm##(fSfi&o Vy^so 2^©#mt: ^Vy^^yyaMmLT^;i/A TJl^t FhiiMSzkS^CS (03+C2H4->2HCH0+H202) ^o C©SST;MUfc ECHO h H202&^l^St4£#L*tU3o tfe^otx ^-V>C«k%##©##(C(ix hcho tH2o2^^mm^jtLrm-¥vri^o ±#a^ctx ^vy^###©^mm"\ yDvy©m«r\

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(DmM^&U£n2>%X(D'MUlzMs&%&XX, b ^ ^ % o


frb ®1R $ ft 2> % (D CD-—gfl fcfc ? 3- ? 7 m £ 'M Mt £ z. t iz 11 tvX U

- 62 - btiTi^o

SuLn > ^ ^ > X T'S;b £ ft a o WfaKL £ a *" x TOO jEJSfcft #X£>t£Slx #m%#f4k:^#ftaA*x cft^o^Ai


^ftT^a. fciix DMMS&x ^?L0WSx ±#^x H6£#<#t"ao 5o®XD — >XX^ >X a S c ao 0 3

L^L^^6x m?L3>^^>%^03(c^T^#^ek6D^®Nmm±^f LtA<

&/2x L&Lx n&%Mfet%Ztl±T:Btj:^o

(2)-3 Am^#^C^fta^?L0M^ ##^MM%#m(:l#^fta am?L^m^^bT%^x SOgC^ftaMfLOM^C o^T%Mftaagm###3ft-c^ao f%t>t,x sOgtc^bmfL^m^moftaa^ 9#^^x i&Tftaa^9##^&a^"°ft SO2(cj;0mma:mTTa#W:AB A##@A*^

^@T^#ao O3^Tam,?L0M^^##0#'ga#(Cck^m%^'Cwa^x MfL3>yx^>x^T^#a'^"\ ^e,t:x m?L3>XX^>XCD^fbk:l^?L

— 63 — (2)-4 s o g 'yei-#^6D#A&{%mT a % z: & ic.

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a. rMi\MM (so 2) so/H 2s ©-gmAM#

H2S Pin us sylvestris ii H2S < \ Picea abies ■%> Picea pungens ©$\J 18 {□© H2S <5 1}o % ^ ^^mia so2 tc J: D ^ ^ 6 ^,-C i ^ o so/- ^ ^ mmd' ^ >(SO/)

P.pungenSs P. sylvestris ©3 S026 pungens ^yt%/Pta < x #j6n >

a#^ u % ±# 2.2-4)3)0

65 #


m 2.2-4 so2(d)iism b. (O,)

S0Dfm#m'Ck soo^^ v > (zMi- ^ # % c ^ ti-c i\ & &&,

90 ftPM£.M7iM9‘)VP;f-*>(GSH)lZtti‘Z>&JihM2 rfy#3-*>(GSSG)

L^U ck^T soo #^&&0 GR7g%&m*>Tt) GSH ^#^7y3;i/kr>m^#^C

7 =7iSJ4 F^XfM>^Jf07iy-;Hb'n‘tl©'nJ^^^ V>tc«k^T{lsm^^%o cjT,s®#M(±m:#m#c«kD^

&c7-0 v 17 > y %#fbC#

1^0 y n V >V^#k:«k ^ y ^ D ^ ^

##C%]AT)M L:h%Wo c. S^SWt4

(Latex)P#(C#A#^##%(Z##f & C h^l\6o ttz. i/tl^TtlXx©^

— 67 — 1) G. Kindermann, K. Huve, S. Solovik, H. Lux; Plant Soil Vol. 168-169 (1994), P.421-423 2) D. Grill, H. Esterbauer, U. Klosch; Environ. Pollut. 19 (1979), P. 187-194 3) K. Huve, A. Dittrich, G. Kindermann, S. Slovik, U. H eber; Planta Vol. 195 (1995), P. 578-585 4) K. Tanaka, K. Sugahara; Res. Rep. Natl. Inst. Environ. Stud. Vol. 11 (1980), P.155-164 5) D. Grill, O. Hrtel; Mitteilungen, Forstliche Bundesversuchsanstall, Austria Vol. 97 (1972), P. 367-386 6) A. S. Akkapeddi, D. Shin, M. T. Stanek, D. F. Karnosky, G. K. Podila; Plant Physiol. Vol. 106 (1994), P. 1231-1232 7) W. Van Camp, H. Willekens, C. Bowler, M. Van Montague, D. Inze, P. Reupold-Popp, H. Sandermann Jr. ,C. Langebartels; Biotechnology Vol. 12 (1994), P. 165-168 8) C.H. Foyer, N. Souriau, S. Ferret, M. Lelandais, K.-J. Kunert, C. Pruvost, L. Jouanin; Plant Physiol. Vol. 109 (1995), P. 1047-1057 9) A.S. Gupta, R. G. Alscer, D. McCune; Plant Physiol. 96(1991), 650-655 10) J. M. Tepperman, P. Dunsmuir; Plant Mol. Biol. Vol. 14 (1990), P. 501-511 11) P. Karoleski; Environ. Pol. Vol.57 (1989), P. 307-315 12) W. Landolt, I. Pfenninger, B. Luthy-Krause; Trees 3 (1989), P. 85-88 13) S. Anttonen, J. Herranen, P. Peura, L. Karenlampi; Environ. Pollut. Vol. 87 (1995), P. 235-242 14) F. W. Telewski; Can. J. For. Res. 20 (1990), P. 1277-1282 15) H. Denny, D.A. Wilkins; New Phytol. Vol. 106 (1987), P. 535-544

- 68 - 2.3


T ^ 5 & ©£■o vvT ^©li?£©J$ll§ OT £flfc *) t h & 5 o

(1) ta^x ##, p^asmc -c^ ;v^f-^->&#&S 5o CW±?)]/#?•*>£^tfsH 5. K, sulfometuron methyl) A# {il K < 0 A) (C^-f %o bfctfoTS£S©*s^H^yAP-l &GSH1 ^Sf±©#%@B juYRE £MAbTE¥£rSBfbU50V57f-;t>©ei*]l/ y <,b£±#£-ti:T;b M< ^A

(2) AgMAe^T"^ M phytochelatin * F^AfittC^ni/^C^ M < ^ A % # 5 h AEMAtS^r^- H phy tochelatin(PC)©#^###^ ll,5 3b l/57%T(±2.5 /zM^lO /zM©* K 5. 57 A ft-^-Z-Zts TklSttS phytochelatin (PC^SS^il 5.0 C©Cb(±PC #* ^Am^CR#LT^5ca^^#LTW5')o ©^M<^A# e*^j;rf#^ak:*K^p7A&4:t. PC-*|:5

^ T(±* M < t A####© o 5 5o F^AliPC-* M<^A%A# (PC-Cd#A#) & m&^5o 2:©mA#:(±^^T^%PC-Cd.m^AR&^m©%o©#m^g^^^5o ^mb&pc-cd-a Yb##AW±mm(zmm^^5 mAmcm^5 ap c©^A^&m#b, mAmme&^m'#-5o 5}###^^ p c- c d#A#©##c;#&5kmbhamam hmti ^#mc^©3@ b-ET-sxr5 b, mAmme#^#^ti5o hmti mfc^mmzmx L"C#A#####©f^##oI#bT&5 9 o HMT 1 vacuolar vesicle &p c-cd#A#:^m^&tfca^-c#. cdm#©##t:m#&mu&m&b%^5 e##mcj3WT, yu>^Amm&©%c©ms?^3-M-57^-D3;\^#

- 69 - — *ti:33 Xf succinoaminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide (SAICAR) synthetase \±P C - C P C - C d-sulfide K ^ tf AM

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (CjoV^T * K 5. ^ AB 7° 3 — KT&mfz? YCF1 CDfflMigM'V&Z YRE SttCfelB? yAPl -£U YCF1 ©te^£t&t£{b1“£o fcTA K 5. $AM&AEt4© — A, Yrsl iiisjfe* K^^AWti©^t:feil-¥bT33??x ^0# ##(±Ycfl £-g&fiifL*0^ 12>o

(3) />^4-^%## ibtJ^33V>TS^S©WS^H4:T^y > (MT)

(MT-imS?) &^/i3(c#ALTb7>7^x

-A, ^Utl^fNELx Mot) *A^M©fgl^A":3©Wl$£t£ M 7 ^ -;i/ o h 7 > A ^ xz: y f tnuomot! \* ^AOl/^;i/&Tlf T^XMTcDNAi: rbcS ( V 7”D — # ^M3fc:#ALTf#£ti;fc h^>A'7x“ y MT^mmemeytz^mL. =:> bn-Mb

&MT&&W3MT SS 6Hvbs#£f 6 o Candida glabrata 0 DNA *g^g 6E (e^a?) tefl^oTtsmb^tu

7>S Synechococcus PCC6301 £ A 7 V —- >VT f#fc* K 5. >7 AEBST & smtA om*g%%;e^^c^Ti^c: ^ tflS® £ tit 1A £ 17)o ^ >MSynechococcus PCC7942 CD smt (R2-PIM8 m &m^^rnT^smt*e?(±7>m(Z)^#c^mT(±%^^ #$6333;%;* m333%a")o cutA(±mmf$&^f^^(3"c%<. #$&, -

- 70 - 2.3.2 7;i/<-r>AW#e (pH ^ 5.5 J: DfSv)


5-1 0#T&&o ') >3^(Dfr'$£T)l/^-^Aift4 7;i/<-^A% h i/^&a V4±7;i/

C0#^(±7;i/#^#i^^a 22)= h^D3'> (maize) IZ&^Z T}^ \ =-t> A %^-TL a £#«<£> ^#a#mDfa#, z(Dzt&m±T)i^-tAM&(D%n£tem&(Dmm±-&^t& fctiZo T;i/ &1EM£ti%tiK y^-r^ASStWe&^cka&S^&E^a&Vo tfe t;v ^-r>A#%%-t^7A#^%#0^0j^#(Dm##^;C&a£?&y;v^- ^A#m"C(±, c0*s#(±i^t D 3 ^-^7AEtt©SS^S^^So-Cl>a^

(2) 7;i/<-5AC#m ##(CT;i/ < Zi ^7 A ^4:^. a e,M^F^LTa c k ii, TjoDx acktca##

y^X(C^^T(±, *B© ftJggB £ £ It £ T;v ^ A ©liiT)]y ^ A Wt»(3it T;V^-^7 A#^t%c#^t# L < 3H'0 Z. CD £ t±©©$fcS|8® £43 It a?;^- ^ Ao#m##®#% A*7;i/ < z: e; D-c^ a c ^

E) ^^iWt7;i/^ -'yA%WltitZ>ZtlZ£-DZ^mtft-oT^Z>t%Z-t>tl a. 7;i/\±T^ * -^ae ^^izmzznzt Tmg%^T&^,T;i/


- 71 (3) 4" V 3 % ky;i/^ - ^ Aj3 y;i/<-^AC^f TV>2>o CCD#^, ^ V 3 &^#a c k(i50c&B^Ta c 2: & :')'*)o 3A^{Z^3V^T^ y;i/<-^7A(D## (i&EES)

W.'%Ug$t%z.hlz&*)T)]/X=-tr&M^.j$%MTZ> 30)o

$ tzfflmm-%m%$k±-raie* x ja ifH+®mA k K+®#m c amjaamom^m^

(4) y;i/<

tmmm&mztiz^z^o £^e> < zcDzttmMtzt&totizfts 3A^cjaw T, T;i/

Jj&Z&%Zbft7jk£tlZl^&36)o 3 Adr (Triticum aestivum L. var. BH1146) i2£(ta T;i/ 5.AiH4&±£ LTlfe 6#:4D±(:&%-oX(±%"3(Dme?(:j:c"C^^^,%ck^^^^ 3^o 3A^r BH1146 R F L P^fb&m# L, #-© (rJ:orr;v^-r>atizztftmm^titz0 (Alt-BH) ^me#:4DL±k:^%Ck^#±&6^ 3')o 3A^C

J3-T%mfcm?&%*&fo2D;i/3^*;i/, —SilESx x—a—7!-4r'> F7-t» %zavc#o, &##Ta##%#^T^ao

ixyxx —iz3@-6?&#AL^ >x^ 31—v xxA3-e(±x;kX^2)->i/X"xx —tf M#A#0###:-e3> h 3—;i/6D3#C^f a« Z:(D^m, S02, A^3— HZjfcfLT

- 72 - (S0D)SX-7-x-^^'> F7r^>^lt»l^-3oX> h^tiAOCu/Zn SOD methyl viologen (%—KI^P^RJ) (2i^(D$k^k\Z.%LTlStrLb sod ©ii^^cfc^TrSE^S^BAf ^^hvb$-e§> #{b%y h U7izM 41>0

SOD. Cfi6##a@ mtftMifi&Z£Bt>nz0fflM(D® L-7 3L-;VT7->ET>^E- TWS (PAL ; phenylpropanoid 5) &# #^E%C jsWT C L^o -o^ b%##3E* T©MJB^i6t. Tteto-bWjWfr}fo£MM(Dmtmmizn>bv-)]s£tiZ>mm:&Z>


DC) TSE±#®#. 7hL^>0l//<;i/#±#fao l-T^J'>s7n7 ’u;iy-l-tDVtf>mifiM£TZ>o uCreii/M/^VtADC

=t;ti7 x.*'nv-7Y\s*yvi$-*'jym E*(7)S©lfflJBM'S-rtt3M6 V. *'J> CBS£ii3 kcti##Ao LXX'J >tz X b ## #V7<

lz£ bSS^ti^iBB/b^0S^S©^ititit3'C>v>T%IWS(DMla]^M^tL^)o c tiii*

2.3.4 %?5$s®mzM-t&wm. ^r>L> Vf7(±ft#(Z##L^ H,S H2S E6iE5^T45)o > v ^ fp #m L so, & m^c% ^ f) o ##mm a##* ^

-y-t^v-b v > (y^-—;v) -ij7-tfefeb. o-yty;i/t u >a#ib#a^S/% 3A^©o-7tf-M'j> (yyr-;v) - vy-4f j@e?& CaMV35S yDt-^6DM#IT(cm^T^^3(C#ALTf#mLa:h7>%A;

- 73 - = -y77;s=rf & £ ©?t{S7©iS V Wff fc> fts E h u—)ud 3 ~ 47)0 N 0 2##-#- % k N 0 / L. #^0##^^ >7* > ##& @% U <.

“taoTWJ'eiSo ^feSODly^;Vtt^^U>V^T'(±-r Ctl5>

(C#7& WftiSIfItC'CH'tTti: Zymomonas mobolis (CUT<5##A^^o# BilSt^J OTAC (octadecyltrimethylammonium chloride ) Sf5iZ\^t)tz%>W\ flSoEM^b)W^Ti^o r^bt»S^MT;v* V;b7 7r7—t?©^fb, Tris-HCi

^mma#F53 49k SSM7SI####\z~dut(±#fs7#fbbiot7A’n, b77nn:>

<'Di?mftirz>o 7xt'j"E;v(ib”v m©ebimwi/n^n- 71/^'aJgt.^PES't' -E>^@SlJ,t:$)^)o 77 '77*77 (7#@ Nectria haematococca var. cucurbitae) 0 7 7 3:7 V 711/#% (C(j; 9 O0jtfSd^® (fen-1 ~fen-9) 707*. 1 /<;!/%# 2 0FJf|Bl^0^MTi±BS0Et4vbs%Sr^.o rntmca^TB?V 711/0^#

b77nri'> (maize) 0VA7;i/7n>£;kj-f3SS%OT—03£%)lfc7£ £ o T $:

09H%#^ b % ^o 7 u 11/^77 3:7 77o b^-% s;7 D ^ 7 7(: ^LTBhbfe'SrzF'f'-i 7 U 77 V A7 (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) 0#%## "C ^ o 7 0#%##(j: C 0#A% 7 D ^ 7 7C L T #%& ## L ^ 71711/-

m (Naco

^^ias^n^/bs^st*?) §^0(3EoT 9lb$>tffco An7> (L BrN Cl) S — 777 711/ — L —7 7^"— >^7 711/%-^-f^b VT halide methyltransferase 0f## b££frM&SJfo£ CH3C1 #%ai7tf6o C0rSt4tt ##0@M(:«k%m^# 6 tz o $ 7 HS-&77& b bisulphide methyltransferase © ft ffl T' b tl £ 7 711/ {b b T CH3SH £ fg 5b 1~ & o halide methyltransferase Jk.U bisulphide methyltransferase 0W^§lS%%S!6L]fc: 2 OHM 7^T©^fcH^£&o-tE#>b>ftTi^o b ft 6 0 b b(±####i^±M70;\o7 7

74 - ;V©iK£fc^4LTl'*3 ££©£*&£> t\. 7XD^ WbMtf HS->f

til 5^616 Saccharomyces cerevisiae & EMS 1 0-1 8%) 0# (NaCl) \ZMM5©>mm:\ C0C LESSEE 59) o 5. cerevisiae J h°—Tr'atf S. cerevisiae 09 t,, 1.5 M NaCl #6TT»

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- 77 - 2.4 imwnMmmnmmm 2.4.1 mmffinmfatmm &tz, moxov

£l±(D£5 fcffiAfctjtfc ' W##^^^C%9±"C

j;o%#Ao#e^mgL, moeomm

s#:mm >m £gtiT^-&^m&M±s mi^mxmmxs & u 0 o

T#a« %*(Dwm^-c(±x mefm^A%w#®&A^%a^ #AT(±^<#35(cga u^L,

#A®#^a c ^uTSBBt-^o

(l) #A££If a

na0 zcDfzwmix&, 'M^mm^^xi^^ntz^MoM^i^mMxxi^o

(#2.4-1)!' 2)^

(l)-l #&?#Am m& #A&a u -c m ^ 6 -c ^ a ^ 3 ^#^^cTi\ao a. iMiMM Agrobacterium tumefaciens (D Ti 7°7% < M &$JMT^o SASfS^PA5^ —>fy b h & a 16MJBMa ^ *-XA £TM£ for v a fc #\ %##:&#aC^A*T#am#%(D^l^m-C&ao fwme/acfen^ ©s^iEffl^ckoTES^nao m^m»g £ e s £ n a aa a. (wme/acienf faA:K)A^#m(:#mf%A[]tac^cj:oTmm$Bm^A'e#aA0^^#^^ao

78 - 2.4-i A it & (*#2) x 3)

## SXX& ###79 (Populus alba x Ti-79X< K& P. grand!dentata) ###79 (P. alba x P. tremula, Ti-79X< P& P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides) ###79 (P. alba x P. grandidentata, A##t P. nigra x P. trichocarpa) ###79 Ti 79X< Kffi (P. alba x P. tremula) ###79 (P. Sieboldii x Ti-79X< P. grandidentata) ###79 Ti-79X< K& ###79 T:-79X< K& (P. tremula x P. tremuloides) 3l‘-n?;^ntvt9 '> (P. nigra) Ti-79X< K& b-7;i/y azL7-df(GUS) b- 7 X n — 7“ -tf(GUS) Ti 79X< (P. nigra var. italica) 3-D y/W?79'> (P. tremula) T1-79X5 K& b-7;V9 n-7-4f(GUS) JXV y 4r b-7;vy n-7—t?(GUS) {Liriodendron tulipifera)

Ti-797 a Kfe AWStt (Liquidambar styraciflua) --feT# vT R1-79X5. Kffi (Robinia pseudoacacia)

Ti-79X< b-7;vy n-7“-tf(GUS) (Paulownia fortunei)

Ti 79X< K& b 711/9 n^7“df(GUS) (Betula platyphylla) # 7 d’ h X 7W —X(Picea glauca) /'(-Td' SSE'B 3“D';A"i7V7 (Larix decidua) /i-Td' b.

?#At)qT#T$>^,o L^Lx # Aitfs^

#&§■£& So

(i>-2 ms?#AM®^mA ^L±o«t9m&?#Ac

a. #Aa@&f ±#a%>#W±(A?;h,3x SA?tf5^©AV AA^oE-n^ELx h°—Wl(D B^&m#:^h(Z#A3&S?(D^m0#jSCmw^D%(Position effect)0

#K '»^>f^DY^ '> >& t'{PWC(DtfL^W Witts ftMU^—ti — t UT

#C%%o c. u^u, #A*m

@(3Bfflnjt^#5s^vr, mmmmzhNm&m'T ")o

(2) DNA tl — %m U/rBESEICDiMhWfi^^flJffl

mk. rnmrnof; ^(z(±T-r vif-r 7^vif^ U3o 7-r VifV Ai:^ot DNA (D^m^\mTZ>^i£i$MW£}lZ.%M'Ltz0 DNA ^

- 80 - UTttx DNA S!)E^SEM*S^M(Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism, RFLP) 6\ PCR Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)& 7)#i'$tTr&S#x Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP)^ tKT & ##03 tVCl^(S2.4-2)9) o

^16Dx m%BM®m&?m(Quantitative Trait Loci, QTL)t X oTfM3tl Tl^o QTL #MU&I3±£vy h‘>^T'Siiifx WfflSE©¥$ #^#Pl#a%Dx W*©WB¥E£*ll|g£MBT» % %o Z(Dtz®, *©QTL Stff#E*to(rj3C^t)il'Cj3Dx #&^TCx 51—^'.y©M©itS 10)x # tlTl>£o ^±©j;^Cx fe ")o L^#-3Tx me?#A#3UM-?#&w#&-e&x uzqT#ir6<, u#u ##iy^;i/-cmee^3^^# ackca #3ti,6^Ax

(3) ms%^#%©##

^xS(^"V >SJ$©^;de^)SF/f#^Populus tremuloides >##& ^3%-3^kc6x ^w#mf©^v>mmk#m^#'c©##@j&c(±#^m©%^# Mtbhtl, Jrv y\Z£Z>U SWt&#&£ oT ^ 3 £SS3 ilT l> 5 16)o %tz, Pinus sylvestris TkL ^m#(C##L^##:©7>f Vif^f A^#tZ j: ^)x

ftceaatKf "CkL ##©%^#^#±#%^#&#LTV^#x so,, HF&&Bo,&#m-c#&L&#ACBx w%*#©%^m@©*e^##/j\3

©&1>SM© Pinus sylvestris ©H^T'&x #^©T-f V if Y AI: 6 ^ t # A### Hardy-Weinberg ®^IU#^>^f#3tl£ Dtz 19) 0 MCx ±#© m&mPsWt'&WOsl^Mi&tePicea abies ©@&##Lx 4llofcffi©jtfK^M£§l^fc


- 81 - m2.4-2 m*izj3u-zmMi&gi(Dft£M

•v'-A-coSE mam# #m #### (&) (m) (cM) Picea glauca (4?) RAPD (47) 12 (12) 874 Populus RFLP (54) Fx (93) 14 (19) 682 tremuloides isozyme (3) Pinus elliottii MEIL (68) RAPD (73) 22 (12) 782 Populus RFLP (203) trichocarpa F2 (90) STS (17) 35 (19) 1261 P. deltoides RAPD (92) Eucaryptus grandis RAPD (240) 1552 Fj_ (62) 14 (11) E. urophylla RAPD (251) 11(11) 1101 Picea ables M«(72) RAPD (152) 17 (12) 3584 RFLP (73) Pinus taeda F2 (95) 20 (12) 632 isozyme (2) Pinus palustris ##E$L (72) RAPD (133) 22 (12) 1635 RAPD (436) Pinus pinaster ME?L (124) 13 (12) 1860 isozyme (27) RFLP (207) EUcalyptus nitens F2 (118) RAPD (119) 12 (11) 1462 isozyme (4) RFLP (116) Cryptpmeria F2 (73) RAPD (26) 20 (11) 887 japonica isozyme (2) Pinus palustris RAPD (122) 21 (12) 1368 ##E$L(98) P. elliottii RAPD (91) 19(12) 953

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9ltiti7!§£:kLTS, ^ ft £> MWf* % O MS&BeflS/b5 TnlE k & £ o tt£tD*>, #u<^ #A ©ii^kft ^ft^£WLSW£S$T5S;Ticti;(qJ 1 gkfa„ ^me© itm^x^^zt^M^-r^o t) u. s?&#AL, (m#©^^#) A*T#ft(^ ©##&^(rc^a##&:e©a:3;m#f&ckanmc&&km&ft&o m#©#^, eckMc^w-c, warn (*&?) cN±, mee©

\^1?b(D^X\zM~3\^(iHS^&S) o ftTit 1972 %-\Z\±fem

-r%®Fi(DMMz&-3T, mfcT'&mzM'fzWL^vm.fom^tiT^tzo isth izM-r%mfciL'&:0(Dfz®(DmteTmA&tLTi±, sskjiww-a^ )iiiyv*M ;v;x sJj'&ta¥&U£tix^ s = L^u, iM;vx&

#(CI/ hD -)4;^t7r7 '37'0]/X%m^fzJ3'&'tfM.b&L 4 )UXfct RNA t> 4 )IXX\ ^047Ai:li long terminal repeat (LTR)kMft£E?!j ^W#C&b, ?(DF3lzmMlz$m(Dm&M%zi— YtZ>WMi$&%>o Z(D ltr izm^ti u h D trj )\/X^ 9 #—tfii/Et>tl&o X(D^o\Z\yXi^^titzV Yut>4 — (±, (A'SKAS in vitro Ti^tE 100%©$!*) TW^tH k ^^SA c©^^^-t±#^yyA(cm^&^ft%^%. ^©m^mft& Mtc^bficDS^OySmb^Mmb^^ltE^I-W^yb^^kvaA^^^oT ffl^Tt t ©A###(Cj#i^#©MB)#i5iP (adenosine deaminase) &#AL\ #AL ^m6f©^m^mm36*^©^m^ftx ^©mmx *^^m©#^©@B^eb^[mm

£ SB LT -M ;i/X^ d? —vWj$;* ftT l> -E> o 7rV t> 4 )VX>f J A (±#^©yv Ak(±mALT#Aft%^K), #AU^MSf©^e^l/ hob7^;i/A j:

lZifiXc$'bfz&) n in vivo X (DMiTZ-F^rXlZMXX l^§o XCD^t? *?—V'iTn 6 A© ^ t -3 #Au^m k ^fttc# a #^©mm^^ ^ ft/t c ^ ft-c w ^ k}'^LT^'f;i/^/<^^-&muTme?#A (^m f©^Af^©

84 - /^StiltiS^fiTUSo zti%WrtZ>fzmz, ##(:(D#^&b##U& g 'f )ix y

izznzzizM,g tifcOTg t>A)iz$-&&re;±, &#bfiTW&Wo C0C^f±, #AC!t^ j;^m#C^MnTmT&6Ck&^LTV^')o

(^m) c# l4:,T'^tC2|^ltb^l'‘ifoCD(i N potato virus X, tabacco etch virus, tabacco mosaic virus

Wfetez%Z>fzttBW%-5z--&^£olzj:>iz^%>o Z(Dfz&, gglcy-r

%fzZ®£%, t>'OlZlz£%m 9 '12)o ^ 6 (C tabacco etch virus CD %M^^—^^tzmzi^ ####:^6^6#T%,

fbti£^LTl>3o F3M.&t LTti:>^)V7sif RNA ^4)\'ZZ&2>fz&, Z


#?Kk:Nl/T(±, #77^77A&MB^;b:%(Z)# ^0##^L(±eaDaT,Tv^A0o" m^?#A®^(±frt)aT,"c^%^o f-ccso %ca*±,

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- 86 - 2.5 ##

#:^&am#©M3@x B%@#©^a##©fE@x be © y * - x a ©iP-ti h ^ tis WBse^ £ o

^T©Sh ££ D ^ 6(c, ## '

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m* ti« © m« tm^tomizimmtf&ztz®, ^##©atx 7;i/

#*%##%hk%cjLo-cm:f&;&*\ © mt©nmsito-fu & s < & i > <, Ltzftz>Ts ^m#m©#wmc z bte'fr'te b SMti'&Z t^ZZtiZo

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- 87 - ##(±, m#

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tm&m, mwmmcbo-c ^ommznt%mmhmm\z-D^xm^%o ^^#em f ^Aoaf ^,o

- 89 3.2 mm c & it & a±##©#m

©m^#©m#©mmmm%m (z^ ;t % %#j k, a m###©

3.2.i®t)©>5S¥(DlRl±x ^#{smi:^lt^%#J^#^


(1) t§$\AiitoXXfFrankiaOUfz b #

y ###©### (Rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium) N @ (Frankia ) (Ztx# 6fL<5o (1)-1 IS^a M {Rhizobium, Brady rhizobium) (D\&fz ^ § ### A%±#(D%mk:%AZ:'3 ca(±^v^^x D - 7l#ft©^ < ^ mmeucm

tizztti&ck&6x v/###(:J; &^^l©@^y:»i^©»i@©ff

• v>- h -;imM±?'mm&M5)6)7)o cF 6 (Z Rhizobium fredii(COl^Ttt$T bt''Sinorhizobium kl'''5S^ tlTl'»•?>8) 0 /?/zzzo^zMmCD^i4EH(i3^1''©i3^tLT> Broz/yr/izzoz«m"tfttiSV^Ibffl©tS^A^ Sj$1"30 ^©2SMJB^>;^S©2->^W^$I©$M 10)11)(Zt5l^TEW^^M^^fo %fzRhizobiumHItMM T 3 ^ < © ?i ^BrazfyrAzzo6m/MT(^@#:±k:&%^a^^

Ti^^x #^##©#m@©#ACI±x #$(^o l930^ft(:#^L^^S#m©^m(±x #^##©^#^^©§^^-5^^ A^##:©#mbLTx ^©##%A%©6ti^©#g##(:J; < 5o

tia%, Vy E{tlxl700jSN $tll9,000fE$)-iE> bl^tlx Fabaceaex Mimosaceae^ Caesalpiniaceae© 3 # ^ 7^: (t 3 ##(Z^A^tl6o CaesalpiniaceaetttE^A^# b T^5:@ •?> A ©#^b»o Mimosaceae©##(C

- 90 - CaesalpiniaceaeCD^'n J; D '}>t£. 4 x FabaceaeTUlEE&f# £> V

©£E^;h/ti>515)o ^^(cEE®k##a©#^M#(:7)m:##(c#&^^^4)©(± 0.5%j^TT^,^x

^Stt^JlS7500T7 h >T\ £ W@/£e©-nff- (1^850077 h >) ©2#W±C "7;<#zj;a&(Z)##$&^#T8OOO73h>2:A#0ia#5O%&[S#)\ f ©{w#vy#x ®#x # X57~94 kg (^USha^fc D) x ^VH'X *<> fcT-tl&85 kgtu^ ^n-A’-104~160kg x 771/7 771/7 7128 —300 kg%^W6tlTj3 Dx i&SE©®

17)o Aizobmm ©m%^@C Z c T x C S ^x #% mumtmtn6?,& m©®t^mum& ?> nx t ^ 0 ###&#©##&##?- 6C^TX #©##©^%{S#^^X Uemura")(±7*7'7&7^#^^(±y <

^CDMjJ%MlZ£W~t A cacia^Leucaenafehfll '4 x

EE® ©SS@5£&- h n W - -t?£ £ O Tfrfoft 3 /t)Sx c©##C^4-f ■?©Sf^Eiix 3io r il^©EE@/b>5) 3EOnitite^ (H,D, K) *^M^n x ^n^CDDNAdDSSE^IJ

7ff £ t>&321)0 ^I(*4{B©th7'7L-^ h (0:2/52) =fcD&t>x Fe-Mo#®Bf ^Mo-Fe^ yAZMtmttiZo at)"7ZL-v F(±mfD]@Sf C> y h& nifKSfc^j; Dx K^iiTi^o J^n&®—©1t7iL-y b 2f@J; b> & ^x 4#©$mf&^tpca^6x l£tl%0 C©^>7Wg(±nifH#6?(:Z-377- J^Ijo £rM^II©^ ^,A^X nifH, D, K{3 J; t) 7 — F£ftT w^^>7i^^©7<7^E^j(±x em^#^-cm^m^e&#i/Tw^o cfis©#m mef©±mc#%T^x ^a?©^m&mmf %7Dt-^-#^(c-owT^m&©E ^<©SS@^%^t)E7:EML^E^!j©#6AsES^iLri>522)o tfz

(l)-2 WMMFrankia £ W t ©£;£ 7\>74r^"V7tt^j-6©fraTitwT6%o C © ^ *) x Frankiab^^E't'&t actinorhizal plants (%#®E##) 1A-2) o ##(C

- 91 - ^ N u -c^ o

Frankia(D^^MM\±JiZ < > #-3T^a&(Z)-f8#2;J#, ^J280|I(Z©S^> 24)o B *01*1 ©$SS®ffi WUem ura B 25)ffiAlnus (ssyj^rJi 5) 16 Us Elaeagnus (y < #) 13@^ Myrica (i7'7:E:E JH) 3 @\ Coriaria ( F ^ ^ /^r#) lS©St33|S:SSn' LT V'' 5 0 Cronquist 26)CD£HE'$^T'

MiUMUte^^X J 3r(DW&te~D^T(DMeyen27)(D:b(DX'&2>o Woronin 28) (is Alnus i dutinosa(DWML x$(E)M:fe'%.WM Ux V^0It#% fft\ c(D2^»(Df-r ;\>v^rC^Ty## # h (±# % § MMcdWl: feW#6t"3 >:i:§0BiPi:bfco c Brunchorst 29)30) (3 V ##^CD t) CD =t D cfc 22)\iAlnus, Myrica, Elaeagnus, Coriaria, C asuarina lZ~C # -& T©IJUft^x %#@#CD#%a#M £>tl% t. #^L^:o FrankiaCD^i-M&fyJ&Tfj'O fe©(iPommer 33)T\ t&dAlnus glutinosaCD^UM.

FrantiaCD#%(±x B8?

- rZM'g'Cfo ^vesicle {±, o Frankia Elaeagnaceae#®## hT^Fron^att, IE C#(D##KDl^f ^1 k t) # -So %.tzCasuarina eq lisetifolia^ C. cristata^ft &.XFC. glaucai? ^W^tl^Frankia^^. fz, ##re#634)&N nif DH£7°D Frankia%^<~-D(D 7)1 ElaeagnustPhWM 1$: 'I'&Frankia —7°x Alnus^ComptoniaiP 6 SS^n^B^>-7°x £ £ TIC asuarina £SS£t" 3 C W - 7°-£ $> 3 o C0^l/-7^(± c j; % m a % u -c i ^. ;\>y j; <%o u-c &###*##

H tii a L <( #(C LT W&o Myrica-^Caa'warma# CD

^iSjbTA Inus^Comptonia , Myricaf&^foWs&TC. Ceanothus, Colletia, Purshia, Shepherdia\Z]^C^X.^'^[^ l&.t^mi^<.

- 92 - mtAlnus^MyricaXltlO ~25°CX\ 25°CbLt£&§ £o Casuarina&M^X, IX tfrb, 3O°Cj^±0^#C A 6 tlTV^o *OTM&l:fcSSia^rStt£&#>;E>^@b&5o Purshia tridentataXH^vRCDykby^ is ^ JVifi —25 barJ^Tk2&-5> o

20%T-& tem'Pt&o pH(i6.8##mT, 7.5C&&&

BECKING35)(iA/wwMS glutinosa ^MSSintfe"^'WT fcill n\ Frankia £j|clE L & l't & OTtt&fc^ir^WLfc^Ofc:, 1g®bfe^©Tiilism-4WU *©li£&m±fc:fc ;\>y^(±##(cj:Di#(:^^^-;i/&^D50^6200kg0#$ %:m7KbX V''-S36)o /\>/ Hippophae rhamnoidesX 2 —58 kg/ha^SjSL C eanothus^PurshiaX 1 — 60 kg/ha blBcicf il/Tl^o %#E## va 0 #i2A>y^S&^bJ[£^S:^T'fiJffi£;h/Ttfco 3-□ y/^EBBST©®* A. cory4r#T&SC^^^o ###^##0 H^T’tiA. rubra^A. crispah %WL&MMt£jfMX$b&1)o %.jts A>y^J: —^(3^*7

ztfrb, ¥#^SiST»kb ™bra£Mt~3lto>b5&£*VttA3o C(D*©SS@S

LTS W£§5 ©T—StrWStT % 6 o ScESMt)©^ < (iM^ir^effiS^S©S^(3^r^^x Casuarinaceae#© w.m±@mx, m#m©#^• ###&##vvy^Acada®kkt^ sses^mE Itl^o Casuarinaceae#©##W\ #60%#####!^#, LTfiJffld:

#m©m#p (Bi::S:6£ft3©£R5<) tfBESS (J£S#> 0## T(is 10077 hatt>fz fyC. equisetifolia'&W.%.t>bX\^%o

(2) mumoittz %

#, 3.\yy^M^(DEricoidM@iE^^(7 bb% 3S\ ##%(Z)±m#%T'y#, XXM, y#A#>f3k */W jr#, y btt##©##(±^E#^7)< #*©E$

X ti: VAE® £ Ml £ tt^x /b> & D z> ft l A ll^ftf£t)©^< &VAE®44©fc #\ ^*©VAES(roVATcDE^(iSS(2S-v^o (2)-l VAE® (vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza ^fzii. arbuscular mycorrhiza)

93 - -W

VAlliflSiB&GlomalesQ (TJSlT Acaulosporaceae#, Glomaceae#, Gigasporaceae##^% U C#^7(:147#A#6#7lx%^ 77*4 Ui4, 7* if#, 7

(vesicule) , #%4f#.(arbuscule) ^)o ##(Z(±±#P# l^o VA##@(C(4#^$B@(4%<, S*lW^7©Mj£:M£7#3h%A6;h,7lx §o

:^(4#^^^^4i677^74 M

M4^©—S&lSJIISyi&F^^fiBA V, #^#f^(arbuscu 1 e) & o #%4ff^(4if 7 7 ©SiT^2PiiUfcME7, ;i©^{i7#E*^$l£ti7ix;z>o Wr^E^#ST 'b jB^ttolSESU(T DBAV, ©7##(vesicule) b>o C©##(4BB^©Mf ####

VA@#m©#^##(ZM7%%#©^^7, m^&&©(4±m#©V>&##l/, f #&## (C#$q A b> C £l7$> b) 40^ Rhizobium JtWiWLlsfzStylosanthes guyanensislZ V >m#&vAm#@©##&mA&#&#m7(4, IT, VASS@£j§WUfc, £fci4U >M£frof::^|'£-(;:(4$Jl0#©^SMfc&U,

4 D, 'M7(4MM@©%7 #4 771.2#, <4? >71.7-4#, 7 77l.5#3S6htE/bs 4<%%C^^^4l,7W^^o U>(4±#*©^, 7;i/<-<7A%^(D#6#(CI%#^jT ^ 7 <, ##©m^ (±7 (4+e (c #jR7 # % i x c k A*# v x« vAm#m###(D#u 7lx&Vxm$S;7S4t£#(4U U >&®*A<#4%f &C#&o Lei e>42;(432P& fflix, ®#@4Dii.7cmSnfcito/b^© V >©M^EEL71X^)0 c©k#@4t# ^^#(Du>(cie^f;mL7^^&#iRf%c^(±%vx^^ii,7ix^^, #©±#m v >0qm#&#mL7vxaM###&&o (CEA6/W A—7##4), ####7f#6tT^##(±VA@fMCMT'5##'K^#lxC &#msaT7vx&#"\ cw±, c9ix^^m#(zj3(y-%±#^®qT^#u>(D^#m @7&6>o u >^±#*cm#jc#&f %^vAm#m©##^MJ^4i6o Amij ee.iDi5)\£Allium porrum&M 1x7, @##@Kk###E&#(47, U > (KH2P04) &0, 150, 300, 450, 600, 750 mg/kgSELfc h £ 5, ##*(4150 mg/kg®## A7, 74UAJb7(4#<&^&o C(D##M7*-XA(ZOlx7(4, ^/^4<#^7lx &lX/A Thomson^ (T 4 o7S#£4l7lx 3 7 7-7'-£ffllxfc, root split&\Z 4 b> ##7(4, V >&4i7 h A(C 0/zg/g soil, B(C 105 /zg/g soil Sr'MyfJI] LfciH'n, IS© U > SjS(4B(245Vx7EeJ6U(2Wtx0 L&L, ®*©W#ESS(-(4^(4^<, 4fcVAM|g m©##^(4W#©^7#^%^^^^Lx^^^#f,4L74;U, %^7, U>(:4%# #*©M4>(4, U>©@^8(lB#7(4^<, ##©##@©&MXcj;&a#;t6aT7!Aa,

- 94 - 49)50) o bfrU xtib (DM^MomUlzkt V XDWj&(D £ a ftfOTkbE^ £, f\ M, -v 'tvk VASSS©S^tc

CD £. XX l£Phytophthora parasiticalZ £ % jj y^r'VMtEMtl^52) \ Gauemannomyces graminis var. triticifcl £ Z> 3 A^rFusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersicitC £ %> b V b §"£> i 9 ^54\ Thielariopsis basicolalZ <£. ■§ ^ }f.1$$b\'f X fi&o z 9^-3U VA#@ b^b, XVA@tESWS©itttitiM£ %>^MMThielariopsis basicola(DWWkWllr(F>l&$$iLe=ii$ E® 6 fi5S\ hv b-ei±vAM#^#, #%##(: v 7-yftWW.U c LTtja^M(3*oTVA^^h«^tlTV^56)o —Verticillium dahliae\Z£%y $VerticilliumlH57\ V V bPVXtif ^ ^#%&^"e(±VA###CD#!%!C j: c A#b<%^^S^£*lT&«#:*© V tlz£Z>

emu. ^cD^m±#cD#me^%#^^


**M/£^^£VAS®cDfij/gtiu fjy^yM, V yzfftt'OMffl&ftMtXfzt)®

^vAmm@cm#i/-cv^%cDkm^iie"^o mwmtm&oi&ckL mm## m^btiZo upu MMtiz£i!), mtzizvam vAmm^#&b m@#@c £oT3£S£;h^ £tz, VA@$MM(D##C j; D, Phytophthoralz£

l^o b^b, ^CDe##(c(±^mcD^H/^^^c-C^^x vAm#@cD*^M/^#m#McD#jm^#t^^,%^o -3WT, M^T#VA#IB#CD^@#, E^^bTV^^o S&Acacio, Leucaena^lZyAMMM^^UT^X tX\ XtlT V

- 95 - 1/ — b71?(±3 3 7(CGigaspora margarita ^#@ 1T-5>PIfn 71 — 1x^1/©#^^#% Tb-i>7 ~^.Albizia falcataria s Gmelina arborea^ Intsia palembanica^ Leucaena leucocephala Mfoils b£H/b^#bilTbS71)o £fzil±yT(iwhite ash©St*©^ M7K^©VAM##©#@#ffbti,"C w&o (2)-2 ^tTbSSI (ectomycorrhiza)

^£SSS©HBti:5,000 @W± {2&5 ^Malloche>72)LTV^ §o vAgMhttn&tK Ds Alpova sp. (iA/nus spp. h £fzSuillus spp. Rhizopogon spp. f±-^^-%^#^©V'7©^Vl/ —7°b b^#z^ #"3### 6^ Pisolithus tinctorius^C enococcum graniforme^f(D £o (C1000@#^

£ bAH'iX. n Alnus h^^T&^^SSISOliSI&A/pova spp. bGyrodon spp . ®2!'< 4>$tbfr£fl bil"t Pseudotsuga menziesii^'l:l£.WCSWWSA-£.(D9\-^.MMM b

b^T/'O''•?>77o EfcLundeberg 78) t2cb-S Boletus subtomentosus ©5 7>©^|£©f*]N CiT,6©^(i

7 ^ D # So Lewis ® ©J^7jc T";i/3-%^7;i/7 h M£*is £fzy-y£m-Xl±frM£tiT¥ns^-X(DB'?:WtU£tiTUtzo (± c & ©#m(±##^ & @©^ am^-c ^ f ©i^^mmmc j; ^ t ^ tz^^^-Mts Mj©*iJffl^&b h W\n-74>T>->-;W2^£tu SbM

^ c 5©#^# <

%#^T"e(±V>#*V^A©mT^t^^6^ e^T(j:V>©50%bl±^ ##V >©ST#£bT& Dx #^#g#l±c^b©##u >^it§fe»©2t277 ^^^##©#@(±7^777^-^^^^^^ C©Me(± V >#©^^f4:T"Cm< %%87 )o

- 96 ;i/^^r L$')/ m %(Dm£ &20MOOmmt, ^£@fS©^S©25~40%%£®ri^% ZtlTl^Z88)0 JVly^j b W@^W^#(C#L < @#M^##©^©##^#©#^%-o

£SoTL£a©T&&<, J6jW*^(3MJB^m^BoT43D, cW±#Ak^

yf##^-e&gm©m&&a&©##^o c©#%^m#©#^(±@#bu % t #©

#*(c h o TS*SE^^SS©SIESx ±#F#©#^j3 j: tf zK^©#*89^#$re &%. ^mmi±#m#j;D(±m#^<, #E©^&©# tz>^bi$^mx$>%o tft, ±m^om^f)^m^^t^mpfr^m^itmuLxxy) $*#©&###?1/%#*^#% vrj3D> ewisauT&m^-c&a88 >98 )")ioo >0 ^mmmmi^x^ u >©#E#©mE:(±x %^mmm©m*(c j; %#mm@#©# m^iiru^o #^M#© V >©#E#(±x SSS©M»^i:b^TE^irtgSf >E.^ t

ET 101)102)o < ©SS£Mf 5o &K ^ cT(±mm©^ < (±mam^ ^© WStb-^tlhLTiMLTi^o ^MIgM(iT>^E-^7A, 7< 7#, S6S&SSS

LTWT^, ks 0b@###Cbb^T±#< & az&a#s:h/ma% c©«t-9cma^Cck^#^#E^{mm^^%^0, ##© £W&£ < &£103)o

%x b vx©^yb^^^SSW(i:x #;####(:jt^T^io#©^ARE#±;^#d:

c © j: 9 ^^m#©Tge(±^@mm©#mtz ^ -c #& &"% @#"C^b^##©# < "OV^fcS^x Rhizoctonia ^©zfctS^MS^^l'1 L"C##%A^

— 97 ^izocfon^ Fusarium, Pythium, Phytophthora & Zo"C^6 tlTl'' a

Wilkins^110)#> @C

StSuiitioe>na£?C&Di^ijjAaiottoL ##&%## ecjwpfK). f c?@#f

L&frofco D'>7T'(d:l902^^@fc(ZVysotskii^ a

(71/- V -) O^!930-40^@C(j:, ^SfSS©M© SEt£/^EH £fta L/b>U -jl-^/-7> K^S77 V*Tti:^BS©7y£MA aci^LTx <77(7)m%#^ak#C(±^'j/ KEI-tmr^StBS &|n]fft£AoT^fcfctf)-£&a Z

TjoDx M^r'CD^M^MUmmo—-oX&ZzL-j] V ©##(c^wT(±^@tMM^# m^flT^T^ao E«ca/yp^#©$'<©##(±^m^#(C#j7tit ^sss©jgs£ 3.-# U ©J^a^40~80%#j&{SB^fb"C Wao 3 >nT&£. urophylla tE. kirtonianaOMMtfiM&MJj tlX^'' %> o Z.Z.\ZPisolithus tinctorius ^#A u^kcax #©^AT(±6o%A©^m%m^m*)^^©(:jt^akx ttMA'Lfc117^ £iU£#ALfcP. tinctorius \±&&(DScleroderma spp.(CWy7%De La Cruz £>U9)££ o Tx £. deglupta \Z%'t%)P. tinctorius&^\^fzW:MWM.t) %'i7fc>tltzo -^©MMx #i#(C S1S^50%AS < &ofc 0 HBfittiu MWjfoiia £-5 £&o -c#^^%x maE(D#&M6fca^T#a@x V^TW^^B»^tlTV^ao Z(D£olZZL-±it) iztep. tinctorius h tlX a

- 98 - (2)-3 EricoidS-fS yyy%% (Ericaceae) ©#(±|^% F^T'ffl $ tlfz£ —MOfeMMMfc 6 & a @@50^100//m @]g©##k:#W&©T&%, hair rootkMftTl^o #©#@C(d: # A A# BtiUCJ&^TjoDx *F*3© 3 d' ;Vt^S^6sS £> tL, EricoidStl^lWiu: V'i^o Peason £>l23H$.Calluna vulgaris(D$t%:$G&$k^ Ls �A©

IZ Z tl^OM&C. vulgaris^ Erica spp. N Vaccnium spp. iZ^^£it £Z ^>s 1B$I©#JB £©Hf, S^^-B&E#)B fc0 FasoIo6 124)^Duddridgee) 125){i Calluna vulgaris -, Rhododendron ponticum mmhtztZ^, H^fcctEFWoroninbodyC©##@(j:?©9#© Hymenoscyphus ericae£^fi££tzo Seyiour &>126H$Azalea indicaCDWiISjUfiM ffl6C/ovana©^||#:£###%(C[SHT^ack&#EL, AEricoidS Z> RjfbtS^TT^l/fco ^^Ao^o(/cM(froM©@#T(±f ©9#\ % a c & u ^ u c ^ ^ a@m#6&©mE(± &2;bTj36-#\ Leak^,'%^W^^gLT^a. Stribley h 129) \&^WMMM'&l5lN'Z:WMi£tzizWi\ZVaccinium macrocarpon&W.%-s @

tt£to%MWM1iMi$WM^titzZ£%:m^bwa 0 £fz&bl±?f') '>X

§:£E8 V/rE. macrocarpon % Festuca ovina ©:$Wds|n]-hU/t Cl

© hvStDiLa o Stribley b 129) ii;Ml§T b'A §;)iES!ltw4Fx. .§ £V. macrocarponCOM

vA#%m^^©#©@# h Isis v >&#$&&fitwa aa&fiao

(3) SEIEIS©ttfc6S ##©^Wa#E##^PGPR (Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria) tmttlT^Zo ^tl^©PGPR©filI(CJ:oTHtJ©^*^#^tia131)132) 133)o Z(D Z o %##©6&#%:#©%M©#^ k L% (±, j: a##^;i/t >©^m^\ ## #m@©Mf% mma^3\ v>©qii§

- 99 - IstMM'rtLffi^&fmiPzifzAzospirillum © 1 % CL }zlZ J; D 1 SU S6OTLT

jt£tlT^&lA138) o ISPHIizSS "^BoaV/us polymixa %P^iZ^MTZ> X t X£MM.(DMM1fiUtb ^tlX^Z 139) o ^^9J©B«ci7/«5sp. #©{%m#M64iT^%#, c©#AC(±c©##(c %. 6tl"Cl^5140)o Pseudomonas sp. ^7X^©Eti142)143)Q £© %bMMt/^SS©SPBfJJNg^©S^B> S^m©iij!jnizJ;3h#;L£>:h,TU3o c CDPseudomonas sp.^TC^^/J^^ 6^#^ tlX cftz^ (DX$b % 7C©#^^1^©# v>^44^h^ ^145)146^ v>qT^#©mG#'r(±^^7"h©7 ;i/)!? V±#^. U A©BT##LT^% v >©#iR{sm©^A c, v>w#Ybmm&±mc##L&ac5, i .6^@&©%mm KLrn&Ltzzt&mztix^z 149)0 #M@©M^JCMl^4b^PGPR^LT(±x ^Bacillus subtilis # k’ - ;h \y y £ WJf 3%/jSyb^ £ftTtA3150)151) 152)o Pseudomonas spp., Bacillus spp .%£ If ifiWitDRhizoctonia k *£> zjn c? tlT k* § o C©# 'n(Z'6^©#^(±^(Cjji@%#|#©^.#(Z

3.2.2 (i)

154’155)o VAStSShS^S ^#© m# (Z 3 V (4: ^l^K Mcllveen £,156)kGildon 64%m##(ZZ^x VA###©##A4&T1"6 C k&##LTl^o Killham £>51)&Ehrharta calycinalZ Glomus fasciculatum&WcWiisXl^^ ~"J *1 7K #6^ iffiiik i£> 37i^l/ h

Weissenhorn 5)15S)SSEme^a(Z^^n fzWJfX ©®|g©71M k###p#©#A###z 3 v >TES o fc feo V^LSchuepp^ 159) ©iSETtt* ^A©#W±@##^#@L^:%©T^%<

&3&0 h,@xt>il^)o fc^LWeissenhorn^ 158) ©^,E©j:^izS^ET'^^tl^ilFjf'C'^VAS f&Bwms-r&fx m^(zme)VAm#@©mm(a&&a#&%aT,ao #f^#l#©VA@#tZMT%##(Z3l^©#^(±^^##(Zjt^.^ 4"V

- 100 > ^ > (Poncirus trifoliata x Citrus sinensis) *$]^k.\i.Glomus fasciculatus < &oT33 D, L"CVA@ Mccooi^^ hT ^ C 6, G. fasciculatus 7

^v>m@ej;T^T LT^ ^

Glomus geosporum%mnLfcmT:li'h$ <, SESe £ £M G £

(2) e j; o %<, ^ eo^% T)V ^ ^ A^nJWbLT 4 Pisolithus tinctorius^ Thelephora terrestriss Cenococcum geophilumi^ 150 /zM^V'i'9'fSSS©7 ,ll/^ — ■y'ATfiKSd s30~60%}T $IJ£*l3164)o AWes V/r d$l ''fST]h-§ 165)o 3 ^-^(DPinus sylvestrislZM U, pH 3

V>-5>0 h t> tl©f4I^T$)'bPicea rubens^Abies balsamea^tpH 3 T'TIV < — ^ A^fiS^ MZ-Z7kffihfztZ5, & t$ £ A,}f.WM£ § v^\ Ml±185 juMVL±(DT

X. £> tlfz161)o |B(3^J‘t“-Si^#{iAlexander £>mHz<£ oT&$x#fcS'tlTl'''5o 5*r\M.l$t(DPinus rigidalZP. tinctorius^tWiWLC' 3f§©}f|Il£©Tll/ 5, — t) A'i ^V mmm#;#^^, T;i/<

mmm, mm,


z c % #^#0#e e#f % ^ c ^ g, <, Jones % Jones ^"4)(d:7;i/

Galli h 175)& V t) fc A e^fT

- 101 - bx *g^©SSti:WV>bb£^bTb5o Jones b 176, 177)ti: y JI/CD#%(C'3li"Cx Lactarius rufus ttifoi; i. ^Scleroderma /7aW<7 am'bb&^bT#0x @##0#^t: «t % b M 6 tl % o Z

>©S6*!5[i&ffi H b T i £ b *> b x #mm t «t £ - y «t t ii V > ^N#b-Cl^qT#e^#t^^-CL^o Berry %Wb'alZl$.P. tinctorius %iWiW\stz\3iO ffiThelephora spp.#® waa##ct^ca&^b%w&o

g-D®m$T#c:ctab m^^,^##0sm#^3-Dzcdx b tb£1" 3^£S®©S{IJb W*fl©i5to £SiB6W

/bT V ^ ##1: y 3 b T # T !) x #& W#T (± ^r y 3



Dighton ^^;±pH^2 - 7 ? @am©Gm&mi#bx mwF#i(: ^###©Mf&(^:x fiMkl ct oti^ fc> &> id. b/bo P. n'/ictortas^Stfl b /rM@zbtS(-lWT tzPinus 5rro7>M5(CpH3.5CDAX^ ,|^§|5[LIi$:fT'y bx m/KSf^©## (:&&#; Gwercwfra6raCA%#f$M#

%%>Betula papyrifera ti; AXgt^PiMS't: {$ b /u b'Bil § SB (j* Tx 3 y ~7

- 102 - pH 3 (Pinus thunbergii) ZlVZ?

lZs tV'yt^ltliP. tinctorius(DjjbK ZZ^tti&MlZftLZltP. tinctorius(Dlji$£ @®#mcj:oTme^%6o

aTc#sf""\ maauT^ #

(: (±tb#-e # b (f ^ tiT ^ % 1% (3) Ericoid##^###

Calluna vulgaris(DM.£b tlZ V^ -5 197) o Bradley b198,199) ififf ~3 fzZ'V MtiUT&N to%(C^ ffiSS^SS'&Sx.TiQ^.x Calluna vulgaris > Vactinium macrocarpon^ Rhododerdron ponticum WWtMM-Zkk^fz k.Z.%^ # MMIZZteCu lOmg/L, Zn 25, 50 mg/LZ£.H'&%MlZM%7&/vtz(DlZMU ##g Zl£, Cu 75 mg/L> Zn 150 mg/L -£&£WftsE#> £titli&o C0ct 9 (CEricoid@#(±# ±M)f3S^JSi^£f^bT^3&©^#x.£>;lx3o Z(D*fi=-X2±\z^\^z\££t££ btrftlb titl^Agrosris ten«is&, b#§-£-£%m^z^2>zti£m?>Mzt£Y), #@# t^r±S^^XTl^200)o j:oTEricoid®5E©S'nTttSbtlt)b©f^CDT h V Mt^M%M'n-^-frTV>^©-e(i^V>Aib#X.btlTV^o Ericoid##bLTl^ yy'vf4©wttpH m&<> e^sss^u^-ez.t&z%z>fz®s 4-

3.2.3 ttoiBET (ico 2c7)^5n A §- & fIM b & oTd3Dx 100^(7) -? *> £co2S®ti: 2 f§@ ccD«k9^mmk:^(j'6co2mm(Dmm»mDt:^bT#

A:Sbb#x.biiTi^202)o S®S©S^t3j;oTs 5# #(:acT(±tf ^'^o Ekwebelam

103 - Pinus contorta

c©^x ^%)©T^mu^wb©o 3sjwss^>^aLT©##(cj;a% ©©2-3©m@&^(j-ci^k#^6^"Ci^o @#mcj;a##i^;{/t>©^ ll&^X. &> tl£209)o Pseudotsuga menziesii(Dm V^Tx Rhizopogon ^:#x Jfc'a$L t5t$(i*gcS©^©(ctb^TW t~ a = Z(DZtJ?%, R. vinKoW±^^m#©i>>^ ^ LT##Lx &^Z= ^^,a2'% ^feCairney?> 2U)(i^- h7^^77^-§fflt^ 3fc-£$fc:J: @#©^>^kL"C©##&%^Et:LT^%o Koener^f ©l/^'^-©^T#^-Cl^ j:9(:^x CO^^AOC ©*m $> dx c©A#6 %mam©#@&##©M#am#%#0

VA##©#@(cj: Ox ##©zK^% h UZteftTZ$ 0x *#% h V^©S #TT(±m#^#Ea#^@E©^Wm^A# < %a$^#^^^,T^a2"' 2^o Bologiano ?> 214)(ix ^ V^^r^S£'MT£43l>|Tx V >HE t|£|-c£. 0 ^Glomus etunicatumCD mmcj^-Cx ^^x safire,^avA

6 Cx m#^mE©^^##A!#^L^: a eo±#*###a##@E j; 0 ^

^mmm c & iEm©#m##^* frc iA a "2' =")«

- 104 - 3.3

3.3.1 L-mmi-aua, ^<

$»<(%)##&&#&f-&0 7^'J^Ma (USDA,NifTAL) N -f ^rU A (Rothamsted) , t-Xb7'J7 (CSIRO) & ¥\t%? < s ^ ft £>itm^m^^x


u @ms?& ^ z<#iw^ftT^%mmc#AL'c, s c®j:5CLT%maft&m%aw>m

—mma ^(Dwm^tLxm^n^m^-hu^i'-^iznmm^^^^o^t^o z

w&mx'MB.mzmmmm^mzt^o, mmm'MMoM®e>ntzmtxxit, r. leguminosarumXX'P X < MpIJlOO80$E#^.(C j: DSS@^lb* s31~128%iSto^tlfc C atr&a^o C6D^#T(±, Nod+Fix + Hup-(D^##:(CpIL1008A7A < M&#Aft %ZtlZ X '0Kup+%fe-$Lfz&(DX&2>o ^®#(CTn5-mob(C=k DpIJlOOStZB^ft

©igA^W^LTft^fN pIJ100877%<

LX It, B. japonicum (DC33$tifi&lf £> ft £ 223)o £CDS4£&USDA110£ £> £: MSSB mmm7c##K (mr) ige

% A C L % l ^'J## ^ o * A # v ^ '> > v h T' © W£MT It, ###

- 105 - o t.'f'§IScfr%fxtiTi^o bfrU ±#@C

$v^, ^ y y -y #1 &£Y®©±Siz(i, usDAi23S£^t"^'V XIII ^±#mki/Z^£pL-cv>6o v^o -?2t\ USDA123#(Z)#Ab^V\^W Xgn#&#^L"C^ #Moo@k LT#^f % B mt%m21 FnfM^&USDA® #Wnnnfil,278E©a^ 13s USDA123#&#@LT## u $mm®#^u^i#ma@aLTi3@#mm^£b-cw%o ^e>^^ne>©Dnna^ USDA123#hUSDA110,122,138#®l^f£l^&#o#@Lx ^ c 5, usDAi23#&7o~8o%®m\[mMi%^ u&® tz*fU ?i$kM(D¥H X-e(i[S]iR*(iO-8% tl&fr^tzo USDATkL c®Pi^@(z#$ @SIE®^V>S#S^aVTStSf ^^h^l+HVTl^o k^m#h® mfrt)# (z«ty%mf%^ckxp6, -

T’U&S^SS@^t6£^irh&Ee>fttAo 2MllgLfell(:K#lti^±ilJ:

±#^T®±##®%jS&#^LT, jgaSB^gcStUB&S' < 6e^fr£)£ii:£3^^\

fsu@# (Aioiv) ^u^izmuhxM^vrzmizit, m&n



#mrnc#(±#m^4=T-c®^^m^LwK #®mmm®#A^ KGkfNa, j:V^o (b)i±£mz+^&t FnW--t? (Hup) %e&j$ocko miXlt-Y u>fir-VK. ZCD^A. zzhD/ff-^CW&^iT,

TT^^o ^C5A*, (Uptake bydrogenase ) ^ #&#Ta&®#&?X -3^1/

— 106 — ©^4©—#^"2$#$©^ MUft%©7kS%3^sMbiiftb/b\ (c)y t4 b b ^ 5/ > T b&b <— bo BradyrhizobiumWMM. @© [# tc(±#A##(z^ o o (H&^#f 232’233)0

3.3.2 TOSCDMtfe (1) VASES© Sik va SES£b & b *b #±(z#T6BEt£Cbti30 M^^Lopez-Aguillon^^^^D-^-bVVl/^ACMf ^3#©VAM©##^&K b, ##©#^(zj3V^TS(:J:%#%#©m^j:DX#<%o^bb'CW6o c©^Am ^^scz^-c, f&©

##A#b bT, Sffl^^S©W©^SEES@^va SSSC£-d T$tt> B&ftS rT

^bCT(3fe{f&238)o (a) #@#a^ C#^©EC##T6 C to ±##c&# < ©#© VASESJ^£tJ^#£bTb3©‘£\ *> bUB^ICJ; t>, ##S##©#^#©# & c bb&»w

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107 - ^ fzl&Rhizopogon luteolus ^StfSSuillus luteus ■%>Cenococcum graniforme L ^ b (C V ^ o £tzm—UXb%1foifi

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#&©k <2 M^fflM$£Wi(DWiJi$MX#)Z)Pisolithus tinctorius x Thelephora terrestriss Laccaria laccata^ L. bicolor x Cenococcum geophilum

©^@##(c-3i\T(±x JB^%^(cJ;oT#M©@^/b$#6iiTj3bx ztiboW® 2#©#ACo^%(±, c©j:9^^Cj;^Tx Tttvy^o

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c . m&*± i/ f ^ ut^ «

W:NGR234#&ZZM. trifoliiUTnS£ o ^fzi* 6 (Z^ R. leguminosarum bR. trifolii’^ll'i.W^^-^


c#ALT#mLim%B^%o A, B, C\ D©4#©^f J: D^CCl\%^o #^#W%##CM#T6hsn (host spesific nodulation) btPp-l^tl&Mljk 1?- (A> B^ C\ D) ^^Mcf il268 \ "nod box" ©^Vtf jlffl £*ITv^3269) o Ztlb(Dm nodA : 21kDa, nodB : 28kDa x nodC : 44~45kDaN nodD : 33kDa©^ >M?MT& Q 270\ £> ©IAA-^tH h2H->(D&mzm{%t%WM,

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ZlZffi&MmXfcZo #T##©mi&0kAu-c,

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TT'£>(DXs ClCD^^^M^nts (nitrate tolerant symbiosis) Tt^£o 5mM iE*©y^ xmoommk(Dmffi.%m^-r%(DizttLXntsxit7oom&^mtL*m£T%o mmm# ^X©^W(±^TL%A<%V^o ##^#©Hg

^mumiLT c ^ a ^,T ^ ©^m©#€(: L & W T 3 cm# 2 =h% V \ & # C (Dn ts 1^, C 0 a@S^£^£nLTV3&©£itS£ii3o T tzWlMM \Z-DWX ©#^S(±##@ iz bt^XMflX Frankia itRhizobium © £ WT SbH £ £ e> £ £ if £ ft 5WtmttSl>t

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a^m^KD^wc^j-^mmcc^-c^ ^0##c R h izob ium \Z~DWX &SS MB^ £ ovT0fl$tr&fffc>tlTSTjo Dx ^©;£{b^to&Mt£^^T&#^S.liPJ|£tiTtT

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wf^uz#j:x ^me®m@(z(±x mto%#m#(#^mx mem^^me^T^m^cNL-Cx 77< h hp> ft t'lzZ'f >yikMWt% x t &§S7:$> 3o —^x LT It, m&x #&x X t &X t, S02, N0/PC02©#]^&$#f & C h©m^%/j\#©#mmG##m (rn^#2.6-3.5m%@) ^ mtffx

- 125 - £S3S^£*VTV^ (04.2-1) 14)0 CtUi. S^3.8m. @@3.5 mx !)&tr# mtmmafrc^&o $^x ef)&04.2-2C^fo C0#fr, S@5 Om0FWffl©*5^£@@25m©IfiBE £ t> ? (j"CW6o @@5Orn0^m:%oT^2.5m®#X%m;W 7l3$^O^9O@0#jgT 4^mT £fcx SiiCSDT^X^mMJS§Sg51-^ = 7dCjo s ^5ff§8.5b~^(DAlnus serrulata (A MV 4rf4) ©SL> Frankia (C j;^>@

Con- tinuously Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) Fumigation Chamber ktPptiilT l''?) 51 #a#2frc^&^#x ^V>{ix Frankia b (D

4.2.3 m#x mmm#) x

#(cmLT(±x -^x

%#A0#A(Z)#^(±'7y (Rizobiumjfi JiXfBradyrhizobium) T? $)%o M^b-^otc^o-Cx

»x te«s<7)ffi^£*-v y^^-iix m{m%^L, mmmmzmiz&uxmm&'&m%$ktzLT^%o a?) (zxb##m#x w@^@©@Etcj;oT^LroM^o-cj3Dx tt©—H££ibTV317)o uti6®iltt±(:7;v7 7 7^ d -/N-, X^:^'0 ^^^ffl^TSIB^cFilT cf & ©"C?<&&d$18,19) > tUvfc (4^>% A\ Leucaenaleucocephala)

7^^V7^1f(D#Ax #A(±/\>yjp (A/MMf #x , "VTtt (MyricaMx "Wtt#) &£\ Dx ^SttStSS© Frankia'? $> £ o & Dx UT$>£ DSl^f V^OT&l^fctox

- 126 - Chamber height §! activated charcoal Chamber diameter 3.5 m Chamber volume 35.3 m1

aide cover side cover raised lowered when treatments are during not being applied-*" treatment Irrigation line

O particle filter

=p psychrometer

10 cm / Soil thermocouple

04.2-1 m*(D* v i'





04.2-2 l?^SSSE(D#iJ

- 127 T&to^x Frankia(Di%m5m±, IZM Lx h ^^x A/»wgrwtra(Dm?^6077^y^ HL&Wx f r^jWaC ck a l\ 9 A & Frankia(Dm^mmmz.m\,x\^ kbm%#m&mswe'j^x Tl''£o Elaegnus angustifolia (7" X f4) -^#07 < #®##(j:x #4"®# ^WL’fyiptoWWicSfofz. Frankia(DM%kl/Z >5)bSx Casuarina sp. (t77^" 7#) 77f-7 7^if0B^m^ ti%o ^vr, 24) o VA@#@(±x L A,k%#x Tf^i~nt

o rn&*mu wfecDMmzv l^o —A^^%##%#-(!

B%0#@&^###(Z)#&L%V^±#(c##T^#Ax &6&U##EG:jSW-C#& SS LT^^StE&Sfiit;*i± 3frlT l>3o 3'7777 (Pisolithus tincto- r«,f)kL #A#m^^L^%#7%#m(c^mLx mmmtLxmmommzm^^nz^^o

®cRLT(±. 77^7-r I'to L:7 Lx ;777-3-77;£?'x,'7 (Pinus sylvestris) ©SIT1 £>:07i&cF flfzi^y^^^'XDX ^f->#CckD. 77 «38^£ftfco (DfcllLT&x 377' 77" (P. tinctorius )x L.7/^77 (Paxillus invoIutus)0M^^:M^ \ XsfzZ. L^UxS cFil "CV^o L&Lx Yb-er#0|aI^±mm^fiT^Sfx ©x @x ©izHU (:##%(: 7 >/^7MAL -$7cS*t$tB£ £ DUS;* tlTectomy-corrhizin^^M^^tlfeo j; D7i##^f#A[lx Xx M L^L%:^6x 7>;^7M(DI#l^x -e

128 - 4.3 96titi £ 4i£ig#J©Wfi££E

4.3.1 Wffls mm&ffi


sss c * it § mm c ^ ft n&\ ^wu>ztiztti%0 J$S#B&£ld:^&b^;b>oTi^S©S&3o ^^©fit^fCo^Tttx

&##^©#Alix WEx ^S^’dv >Tx 6)k^o %jox '7^vif4't>f-3.Y7mm]ew@0#^±x mc^*n:em^@i^e)©#?m©$ i®4I^Sott^c EiJiBv^cD^seid:, !995#c(j:#28,ooo$:a%"3Ti^%

4.3.2 m#x mitoMtEZMr ##@©#A###(±^#(C#^t)©©x >f > H * '>TSS*© Parasponia undersoniii?^MM^fltzW&M\±, 70@(Zj3

#% c a%frc^ &*>„ c©mm@©mmm^##&

M^LTx 7;i/77;v77©m&6##3:h,&&©2:L"C 4,4'-dihydroxy-2'-methoxychalconex 4 ',7-dihydroxyflavanonex 4',7-dihydroxyflavone6 s5H ‘-b tl (@4.3-1) x -€ © 9 4,4'-dihydroxy-2'-methoxychalcone©T§% t) #b^o Cfb ^ ©{bA#©zbA^#[email protected] (Z^RT^x 2,,4,4l-trihydroxychalcone©^ i^^Mb(2 <£. D 4,4'- dihydroxy-2-methoxychalcone ^ 3;)$ c? T^V h ^ >X T7 3:37—4f (Chal OMT) © V &T>f"fe J; D £ t £ a'%

#%Lx B0&M#LT^a^{b#ai&&#^Lx L £>U Zti

@©j@&f©##x ^ ©fcfetx ^(:^:amu^x fm©#a#m&M^Ux ^©^A^&mu#f %cj; o

129 - L-Phenylalanine Jr PAL Acetyl CoA | CA4H


CH-CH-CSCoA 3 malonyl CoA

4', 7-Dihydroxyflavanone

OH O o

F3' OH 4', 7-Dihydroxyflavone


Luteolin Chrysoeriol

04.3-1 (7?#; j k) cdt)17t)17t

4,45 -dihyroxy-2 ’ -methoxychalcone N 4’ ,7-dihydorxy-flavonetttE^ b n luteolin ^chrysoerioll±@f £>SttiticFil l/WMZ'&Zo PAL,7i^77->7>^-7IJ?-If. CA4H, hE4-h Kn4r'>^—tfx 4CL,p-^7 v—;VEC oa U #—ACC,7t f-;i/Coa*;v^>'>7—CHS,*;vn>'>>d7—tfN chr,#;k3>u^ fe\ CHI,*;Vn W vy 7—Chal0MT,*;VZ2>0-y^;V h7>7 7x7—FO,77;V l?\ F3 ’ OH,7^^V>3’ - t D h* =>r'>7—fe\ F3 5 0MT,7 7;V>3’ -O-7 ^\>I/h 7 >7 7 x 7—t?

- 130- o $,< o stiao

C##f % C ^ qj AT & % o

4.4 m&ztitzm^cD^mm^cDmmmvvfflm

4.4.1 (i)

BATti: TiiyyjiyyMWM, ;v—h°>tg^S(i$>$ D#<^%v^TX^S@##&#f# f § t £fc?v—^lzttt%igM%!)M;bMi'27)o Ax #@(±x Axiliiffio®&B©SiH@ t)T#&<, ftlV8) o Jr—y b y ]) TZl±&? u—j^izm #fu<#ALA^2:L^^y 9 V—t>^d—;^(r(±SS@^A^ #@L^#A#A4C±; miztJ%B^Tffi%L%Bl$Lfz(DfrZmfrV)ZM th7> 1/-T>^7 D- -A©;®|&4I©^SLfcE©SJ'n£S<{$'3fc&t;:ti:x ±###$-1^

M^fz D X ttft>fr-ofz30)o jt&tiW3£iiTi^o C0Aa&B#®Z=#t:W\ #€»###&## a - < a„ o

^T,6o (i)-i


#o#A(±. fosammm&L-c## cm^a;:2:#Te&o

— 131 — (1) -2

it^J:i:J:otiIlT^fe 33)o LfrU £ ©7j &reMSiz«iSWSLTUZfz (t^©r% mo t-h^—^ h%^©@#^(z##m^ #Au, i@?g

k:-h (^) &m'&*mmm&©--#r

MTIfflfr < U *— y-C:MS LTj3<0 -@^=Mfc D YMM#:iS%T’SSM £T^SUfcl01^L±©®m£Mrt§#momi£M@h‘- Hz Sgfinx., a^&(z ^,0 c©i$/b\ i?(;77t”73A, 5K, tt±, h S(ZWisest]x.TE

(2) Frankia ©jg@^& l^4I^titli:^SOii±i4,©MIffi'?fel)o L^L, fr3k#tzkL 6°c-r^#f % & 3 5-^ iil g&fz t> 10s—106 cfu ©SSfefE£t£z>yb^ 6^%#o^c©#±(±A k©o.oi%(z % o $m%# L ^FranmqT#T & & o

1 -5L^„ 41B.5- 2mg, - 5g^f im ii'it'fe^o Frankia% jgSL tztit)©£{£B£ 3 (Z tiu SSM^SgTfeSo mmB^(±mmk:0;#(z##"c, mmm###©4:(z(±m#7>tz:H7A^6 mM&&&

;z(±u>m###±;h&©-^ u gBpH&S' < ©##"Cf%T&&#, Myrica galeltpU 5.4-6.3©^!Et4T A < f^TSo tlB©^JSi*i5-30 oC/b5M^T$>^o


##©m&tzjeg-rsc^>b sEi/i^o ###hjt&^©ss£©(z-diat (±@(zaot #%D, Glomus sp. T&JB^so® t 2g©SWSt£lBlCWS©fi5cS{SB$AS^^ Vfc^x Acaulospora sp.T'(i^^tl©($'9 d^M6tlT'$> o A;40-^ #& fl 9 ^ (Z (±^ #@M mfc-owT&m&mtac&T, ##&#z#(A-ckL #

- 132 - ^ hr-ems^ ^ fit^ s« u-c (±m$R(D±(cj0?^m


;i/D-%am^. vAam^±%h%±h&#^ ^i/v

u^uc^ e>©S^id:SST<7)jSSS(cl:b^> £'0±wL(D&MM%:t&Wt-r%fz&, h@(Df^E

vases £m^mmt%±mm^pta <, ±mp u^u, ±#a###

^©tgffl^sETsvAssMmMtt^M5>n^.o wmt, m^® PMi'P^J®—"^'^ ^0 Wfttm^Glom u s fasciculatum ^ Acaulospora sp. %hT(D##%VASES(D^f &##T6#|ol^ab^)^o ha#^#am& momm #?% < jp w<. ca^ y^ach ^Tm&&mmh&o TV'1 &®~C'$> -3 "5 o Pearson £>47H&ScutelisporacalosporabGlomus sp. htDisn’^SS''''^ w#mmm##ma(7)m\s. caiosPora®mmi:^itmp®^l&^M®Mm&i: u,

(4) Kp.mmn®myd^®mmm k^W^Ai^c h ## & frc wHWSMh

5 £d&Sk£;h/Tl^o ^##%%SfMS(D#@^(C^lM:(±Peterson £>50)£:#^ (DC ^a#&^m#±m^##^2-4kg/m%#±j»# mm-t

em^ama®##®fLZ= momma, ;a h ^

- 133 - H"?T\ Pisolithus, Laccaria, Thelephora,Rhizopogon,Paxillus, Cenococcum <5o

h k K— h LXPisolithus tinctorius ©S^£t:aSiLfc&©£: EEf^©;i:t

tznynv c© j; 9%E©#(±###^zkf ^lo]©##A^@i\ ^ < #ty- %##©%m^mv^ %©immA#& # %>P. tinctorius^Scleroderma spp.> Rhizopogon spp.^C ^f©#

fcm-&xtmhitte5mm^m^ 5S)o £©<£?^A%m%^@©#Ac*±±#©#mm

61)o ^;i/^J©JSffllZiot Trichodermat£&Dfb&&$$%.*>tlZtztotZ, ^k^.@#©i#5&#^#A0 tztz Vtriamephon, hexazione&£f©

zztizx^tg ###&{&#^%A&%o cL£©£5&SBSW^ir kmirL'c^&o #T o rnm-^ if- h t ^ ^ ^. ^IZPisolithus tinctorius o ±##ec-3VM:kL #^#© u > % c ^

C© b fzPinus strobus ©S^^U

— 134 — #m< 7c^fmwmT^m#&L-ri^ #^w%#^tbsca-CTsmbi/^a#^.^^So v^A^^u-c^s# -&C&, maomm&eackCck^-c^mmcDBm^m^^o miJ&m)-&;t:#X ^&TfU>0aW:5O-6OppmO$5mmcmc)C^^m^^^-CW So ^.©iBHCDSEflEKiPmMS' banksiana^ Picea mariana ^®^'^{3'OV''T$?M'^$>S

T{@m^ ^ s c a ^ fi-c #-c, mm

4.4.2 (l) va MIIS tw&M

L"C WSo Rhizobium melilotiQ'ftyj&'t' S y (DWiiP £> (D'fi'Y&ffiOA'&tti Ao^#s#W6^-c^s^\ zti&mm£vAm&M(D&%!ibftMlfco art Rhizobium (±#4">##EftTt^Svb^ 3frl£ &VASES©!*

Ml^h^£ftT^S71)o VAmmj$±m$~?(DRhizobium

^^LTV^So vass izx-dx ©am t tizt^o t & o x 1944 mz® f, j;9^ iR*^29%JiJnt-fc ^IB'n L^o S ifcMosse &>16)\&.Stylosanthes lZM~t%>Rhizobium (DWtWMMkX\ U >IE maE^e^caxrmm®B^m^mnf-sca&##LTv\So tlT43 D VASS® ©SS&£<£OTs V V >#&^#C#^

VA@#M tFrankia ©ffiEfFffl £&#&@0#Ai: fsl C

#©#&%%##(: j; ,, %<%#* fbS C ^ fb"C S%

- 135 - 4.4.3 wmm (1) SS@^SS — * hoidr^-^V- h— (pH 6.5-6.8) T'£WT5©T? ##(±ct,a,

#@M@##@(D%#(c(±, E #J£S DT ftSS^tStWEffl£H5o #<€» Rhizobium ©inSi(3tilt/ 3H:$flkil> 6 Bradyrhizobiumim *7 V *fe D—71/#^,#

©sum 1-10%n&-e$>zifi, mm 0#A®qT#e&M^-#-o %#mm(i26-32m@m^j;v^^^-cv^o A#T, /J\m#(D77%3#, #m##T 1-5 xio'/m

K h&£©$1®%(SfflnJET-&5o WkkR#:m&L&l\ %##fr # #%. ±##Tk&§M(z#

mo~27m-c##mm&fz-5c ac b, LTf^^n^mM(iSv«l@©rSt4^^o tz £ # 3 o

(2) vAmmm

&l>o #±(D&V\##T(±#A®##]##!?DNA0 TiASo S^(rj3VTS^CDt6SbSjl^aoTVA^S^(DJEATPase©

VASSSo^ir^^b^,5t^cDm©fc®(rM^(DS^(3j:oT^ C^.f5j^/?p


- 136 - & u & L c % c & & % o

®#^(±#m^ u % < % % ^ ^^m®m^m±#%f% z a #-e # % « fgmCkL ±, B\ K hr- h ^ A &£#-JS£M^Cb tu i#m:(±3~ 4X^&#T%o Gianinazzi^ "4±4m"®AMP CM@±W&AK ^P— A'-£

%W%ZtftXB%tLX^%o C®###(C(± lkg$)^ 05,000-10,000®####^ < ttlZo Warnere>89) &h°— b £fflVfc###®£B73&tCOVTifWF&@loTl>3o cN±##®i^cmAf % #@®a&M6f &0%rMo t>ifimxi±±Mte£Z)fflm)ijt>nxjot)s 3ttt\ fT"£W6MLMijju T l > £ 0 ^ m^^®^m, u#L. #^p%h@T®

(3) ^mum m^-C^ /i-<3r^7-r hahr-h^^##:kLTm^&##L^%®####kL Tj£<^t»nTi^o tztzLs mm IZ.mWiWklZ&^^i&tX^Wkl'i.Pisolithus tinctorius #®#@(CRB6^T^). ^—X h7 ’J7 Xlitfioletusplorans'^.m^'^lX-^^^tz . Xfl\i.XN #

Tl^o h S%^ilTl>^>92) o £tzLaccaria bicolor(DUMfomX(D^^M& !bWMM t LX£$j]X& %o if:3>rtTS§fT5#A(C(±##:®###^%##%###

'i h £ffll^fc#?ll##Mycorr Tech Incorporated Jr On International Forest Tree Seed Company ilSouth Pine Incorporated® 24tct 0 n Wl @#4^®hizotech Laboratories Incorporated & o £fz 7;i/4=>#f h 7 7>%"C(±Somycel%j;0A^qI

137 4.5 $SW

HwoT-c, :amu^o

mum, Franks J; o k#(c, 6^fb##j; (c. % c a wm-r $> % a # t s % o

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^T(±##%##(D—A"C&%o mkomm^^ Farchau ^####0###^, M

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38 4 8 (*) |^S§ Horb N RotweiK N eustadt $$Eti ~7 7? 4 7VV7:|| 3 8 5 8 (*) 7 7 >r mm 38 6 8 (*) 7 7 ^ y;F 7 (7^r>7#m 7 7 y;i% ^

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6 mmm&: 282 88 (A)

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