Why was Avraham the first Jew and not Noach?

Based on a source sheet by Dovid Birk

Isn't Noach the perfect candidate? Saved civilization. Unmoved by public opinion or action. Trusts in G-d.

1. Genesis 6:9

(9) These are the generations of . Noah was a wholesome righteous man in his generations; Noah walked with God.


"In his generations"

Some of our Sages interpret the words “In his generations”] favorably:

How much more so if he had lived in a generation of righteous people, he would have been even more righteous.

Others interpret it in a derogatory way: In comparison with his generation he was righteous, but if he had been in ’s generation, he would not have been considered of any importance.

Why is the comparing Noach to Avraham?

If you can explain something positively, why explain it negatively?

3. Rabba 56:10

Abraham called the city of “Yeiraeh” as it is written, “And Abraham called the place “G-d will see” (for it will be said that on this mountain G-d will be seen” (Yireh)).

Shem (son of Noach) called it “Shalem”, as it is written, “Malkitzedek, the king of Shalem.”

G-d said: If I call it Yirah as Abraham called it, who is a holy man will object, and if I call it Shalem, Abraham, a holy man, will object. Rather I will name it Yerushalayim, combining their names together:

Yirah-Shalem= Yerushalayim. Why are these two people chosen?

Why would they get so upset about the naming of the city?

4. .54.9

(9) For this is as the waters of Noach to Me; For as I have sworn that the waters of Noach should no more go over the earth, so have I sworn that I would not be get angry at you…

Why call the flood the "waters of Noach?"

5. , Noach 67b

Once G-d told Noach that he and his family will be saved, he did not pray for the rest of the world, and it was destroyed. That is why the flood is named after him, as it is written (Isaiah 54:9):

"For this is to Me [as] the waters of Noah, as I swore that the waters of Noah shall never again pass over the earth…”

6. Zohar, Noach 67b

Rabbi Judah said: What could Noach have done better?

... Noach was scared for himself that he should not perish among the guilty of the world.

7. Our Sages taught: The Chanukah candle - it is a to place it at the door of his house, on the outside. And if he was living in an attic (), he places it in a window adjoining the public area. And in times of danger [i.e., persecution], he places it on his table and it is sufficient for him. 8. Genesis 12.5

(5) And Abram took Sarai his wife, and his brother’s son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in ; and they went forth to go into the land of ; and into the land of Canaan they came.

9. Rashi on Genesis 12.5.1

(1) "that they 'made' in Haran"-they brought them under the wings of the Shechina (God's presence); Abraham would convert the men and would convert the women, the Torah writes it as if they 'created' them (that's why it says 'made')... 10. Genesis 18.18-19

(18) seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? (19) For I have known him, to the end that he may command his children and his household after him, that they may keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice; to the end that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which He hath spoken of him.’

11. Sotah 10a:23-10b:1

“And he [Abraham] called there in the name of

G-d, Master of the world.” ( 21:33) ​ ​

Reish Lakish said: Do not read it “He called” but rather “He made others call.” This teaches that Abraham our father taught all the passersby to call out the name of the Almighty...