CHICAGO – The University of Chicago Institute of Politics today announced seven Fellows who will come to campus during the upcoming Fall Quarter:

- Laura Haim, a French/American journalist who was spokesperson for Emmanuel Macron’s presidential campaign and served as U.S. Bureau Chief for Canal Plus/iTele - Fred P. Hochberg, former chairman and president of the U.S. Export- Import Bank - , former Secretary of State, former Missouri State Representative, and founder of - Jeff Roe, a Republican political consultant who served as national senior advisor and campaign manager for Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign - Kathleen Sebelius, the 21st U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services and former Governor of Kansas - , former State Representative - Karen Tumulty, national political correspondent for The Washington Post

While on campus next quarter, the seven IOP Pritzker Fellows will interact with students and faculty, participate in public forums and, along with guests, lead off-the-record student seminars.

Haim will lead a series on French politics and issues currently roiling the European Union.

Hochberg will discuss America’s economic relationship with the world and the debate over trade.

Kander will focus on the transition from the military to politics and entering politics.

Roe will lead a series focusing on the “business of politics,” the role of data and analytics, and discuss what it takes to build and run a successful campaign. Sebelius will look at health care policies and politics and the impact on all of us.

Sellers will focus on the progressive movement within the Democratic party and the politics of the South.

Tumulty will examine the ideological division in America today, what it has done to our ability to grapple with problems, and whether there is any way back from the brink.

Since its launch in January 2013 the IOP has hosted 86 Fellows, including former Michigan Gov. , former RNC Chairman Michael Steele, former speechwriter for President Obama Jon Favreau, Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report, GOP strategist Liesl Hickey, former Pakistani Ambassador to the U.S. Husain Haqqani, and former New York City Deputy Mayor Howard Wolfson.

The IOP’s Pritzker Fellows program is generously supported by a lead gift from the Pritzker Foundation and a major gift from the MacArthur Foundation.

For more information about the IOP Fellowship Program, please visit and follow the IOP on Facebook ( and (@UChiPolitics).


The Institute of Politics is a nonpartisan extracurricular program designed to ignite in University of Chicago students a passion for politics and public service. Three programs form the core of the initiative: a resident fellows program where political officials, policymakers, journalists and others involved in politics and policy share their experiences with students and others over an academic quarter; an expanded set of policy and public interest internships and civic engagement projects; and a continuous series of public speakers discussing current events and political life.