District Census Handbook Bikaner, Rajasthan and Ajmer

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District Census Handbook Bikaner, Rajasthan and Ajmer CENSUS, 1951 RAJASTHAN AND AJME~ DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK BIKANER PART D-PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRAOT OR V'LLAGE DIRECTORY By Pt. YAMUNA LAL DASHORA, B.A., LL.B., Superintendent of Census Operations, Raiasthan and Ajrner. JODHPUR, PBnrrlllD ~!J! !JIB GOVERNItBNT PRESS 19611 LIST OF CONTENTS s. No. Particulars Page , (i) 1 ~xpla.n.a.tory Note ... I •• .. 2 Definition and Key to Symbols '. ' ,~ •. (Ul-'" iv) - ...-. ~ 3 Part I-Urban (i) Bikaner Urban Non-City .. 2- 3 (ii) Bibner Urban City 4-15, 4 Part II-Rura.l (i) Tehsil Bikaner 6-15, 16-25 ' (ii) Tehsil Lunkaran Sar I •• " . (iii) Tehsil N okha 26-33 (iv) Tehbil Magra 34-39 5 List of Unpopulated Villages 40-4:1 6 List of Hamlets 42' PRDI&RY casos ABSTBAC'lS Exp1anatory Note .... Th.trae abstraots show figures of population according to eight livelihood class68 for .,.,. _town and e~ of it! ward and each village. They also show the area. of each village _ t;u"ll and fo:r each vi.ll&gtt or townward the nnmber of occnpied h01l8es, house-holds and literabs, .~~~es and females separately. These abstracts are in essence a village directory ""ah t~ data exhibited. ae'cording to livelihood classes instea.d of communities as in 1941. t~.~,.bstral'f;s have·.b)6n prepare:l in. two parts: Part I for towns in which all towns of ~.• dis~ricf; ara shown together, arranged alphabetically, the name of tehsil in which the to'Pl is .situated being given within bra.ckets against the name of the town and Part II for ~s, in which the villages have been arranged a!phabetically for each tehail and tehsils are ~ged by location c()de numbers in eacll district. The information regarding the displaced persona Ilas been given &8 He&d Note on .each abstract, for the whole tehsil in the rural and for the whole district in urban abstracts. In column No. 2 the code number of each village only .is given, that of tahsil and district has been given in the Head Note. The area figures given in Col. No.. 3 have been obtained from the (Cha.rge Superintendents) Tehsildars, etc• . The figures in Cols. Noi 6, 7, 27 and 28 have been obta.ined from the abstracts of the National t.<egisters of Citizens prepa.red by the enumerators. These registers consist of a transcription of the repliei to the more iniporta.nt ceDsns qne9tions in respect of every person enumerated. Figures of literates according to the tracts, derived from the cen'lUS slips shown in Table D. VI £, are genera.lly more reliable than the village figures obtained from Na.tiona.l Registera of Citizens. The census slip, on which the replies to the census questions were recorded, wa.s the main docu.ment, the National Regjsters of Citizens was m.ere1y a copy. Moreover errors seem to have been committed by the enumeratol-s while peparing the abstracts of National Registers of Citizens. Un-popula.ted villages and hamlets have not been given a place in the abstraot$, their lists are given at the end. \- Repea.ted attempts were made to verify the names of villages through the local offioora, and corrections suggested have been embodied so far it Was practicable. At ~e time of this verification certain other discrepancies also came to notice, namely (I) confusion in the trett.tment of hamletl was observed in ROme cases, (2) certain villages belonging to one tehsil were entered in another one and fJice versa, (3) the population figures of villages having similar or comDlon names were wrongly entered, (4) in some cases figures of hamlets were found totalled with the viUage figures twice. This resulted in a slight change in total figures. This explains the difference, if any, between the totals of the Primary Census Abstract'i and those of tables prepared from it before such verification. ( iii ) DEFINITIONS AND KEY TO SYMBOLS Definitions. Tr~t:-In.. past ,censuses ~he 'Census figures were tabulated, by administrative units ,;}t ;:e.' cIfstricts; 'tehsiIs, etc. This time in almost all tables the figures have been represented by units Whi~h ha y~, peel). technically called '''TRACTS.''. Tracts, are 'of three kinds, (1') all' villlLges;'of a sub-division taken together form one rural tract; (2) all towns (which a.re not oities) in a district taken together form an· ,"urban non-city tract:' and (3) every <.:ity is an "urban city tract" or in short "city tract". A list of tracts comprised in each distriot has been gi ven in the handbook of the district. Town:-A "Town" has been defined as every municipality, ev~ry ca.ntonment or every village which had a population of 5,000 or over in 1941 or any other village which was treated as a ~own for special reasons by the State Census Superintendent. ' Qity:-A "Ci~y" is normally defined as a town with a population of one lac or over, but this definition has been relaxed in Rajasthan, and towns with a population of 5Q,qOO , or, over have, :also been treated as cities, to bring the' definition ~n uniformity with I~he! 6;n~ ~dopt~d in the, Municipal Act. Viilage:-A"Village" means a revenue mauza whose revenue is realised, under' a 'separat~ name. It includes all hamlets attached ,to it., , House :-A "House" has been defined as every structure made of' any ma.terial which is actually used as human habitation or if not so used is capable of being so used, whioh has separate main entrance from the street, Jane, by-lane, etc. It includes 8t~uctures of all kinds such as resid~n~ial houses, temples, mosques, offices, etc. The minimum which waR necessary for quahfyIng a structure to be classed as a house was at If'ast two w . lIs and a roof made of any materia). - Occupied house:-"Occupied houses" were those which were used actua.lly for the residence of human beings. ' ' Houselwld:-A "Household" has been defined to' ll~.ean and include all persons living in one and the same house and dining at a common mess irrespective of thail' blood .J:~ation~ip,.e. g. ~rvant residing with their masters and taking meals in ~heir kitchen ,!ere treated as members of the master's household. Qn' the contrary even nearest relatIves as hush and or wife were treated as separate families if for any reason they happened to live in separate buildings and dine at separate kitchens. Household Population:-"Household PopUlation" means persons living in numbered houses as members of a. commensal family including guests'- and servants. It does not include (a) houseless persons or (b) inma.tes of institutions like jails, hospitals, hostels, dak bungalows, boarding houses, orphanages sarais, dharmashalas, police lines, military lines, asylums, eto. Displaced person:-A "Displaced person" was defined as "a person who migrated from Western Pakistan after 1st March, 1947 or from Eastern Pakistan after 15th October 1946 due to communal disturbances or fear of disturbances or due to partition of India and Pakistan. Children born to such persons after their migration to India were not to be treated as displaced persons". Ward.-A "Ward" was defined as municipal ward in case of municipal towns. In non-municipal towns wards have been made arbitrarily by the Census Department. Means of Livelihood.-In former censuses it was customary to represent the basic population data by community or religion. This time an innovation has been marle and in mUst of the tables the figures are published by means of livelihood groups. All occupations have been classified under eight broad classes and given code numbers which are as follows: I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependants. ( iv) II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unoWned and 'their dependants, III Cultivating labourers and their dependants. IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agl'icultural rent receivers and th'lir dependa.nts. Persons including dependa.nts who derive their principal mea.ns of liveliliood:from;­ V- Production other than cultiva.tion. VI - Commerce. 'VI r-Transport. VUI-Other services and miscellaneous sources. N. B.-In most of the Tables, the mIl class number is only given instead of desctibing the clas•• Oode No.-In the enumeratWn stage a set of location code DUmbers Wf:l,S prescribed to identify each inhabited spot whereby tho districts were numbered serially within the Sta.te, tehsils within a district and cities, towns and villages within a tehsil. Similary . houses were numbered within a village 11nd households within each house. Hamlets were given sub-numbers under the number of tbe parent village. Key to Smook MIL = Means of livelihood. T = Total. R = Rural. U "'ii:'" Urba.n. P = Persons. M = Males. F = Females. S. D. R. = Sub-Division Rural. U. N. C. =:;:: Urba.n Non-Oity. Letter "M" when used with the name of a. city indicates "Municipality". 'etters "T. B.", TQwn Board; "N. A.", Notified Area. ' ---_ P-HIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT OR V ILL AG -E 0 IRE C T 0' R Y - 2 THE PBIIIARY PART I BJKANER 1. No. &; Name of District-9 BlKANER 2. No. of Trao~2 (Urban Non-city) 8. No. of Towna-6 ,-------_ I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their III dependants Name of Town !t"'" Number of Total No. of persone l- J'-. ________........... ,_----"-""'\,--_.A---_""'\, ___ .A.__ ""'\ r-------- o ..~ . ) Code No. ~;: Occupied House- 'j ofl'owns Roman Script Nagri Script t ~ houses holds Persons Malee Females Males Females rQ <.S (1) (2) (S) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 1 9/1/128 BBIlfA8AR TOWN 2,419 265 296 4.361 2,097 1.264 186 235 Ward No.
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