Gut 1998;43:675–679 675 Phenotypic diVerences in familial adenomatous polyposis based on APC gene mutation status Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.43.5.675 on 1 November 1998. Downloaded from

K Heinimann, B Müllhaupt, W Weber, M Attenhofer, R J Scott, M Fried, S Martinoli, Hj Müller, Z Dobbie

Abstract all gene carriers presenting with colonic Background—Familialadenomatouspoly- polyposis by the fourth decade. AVected posis (FAP) is a clinically well defined individuals develop from a few dozen to several hereditary disease caused by germline thousand adenomatous polyps in the colon and mutations within the adenomatous poly- , usually starting in the second or third posis coli (APC) gene. Although several decade of life. If left untreated, some of these techniques are applied in the mutation polyps develop into CRC during the fourth or analysis of FAP kindreds about 20–50% of fifth decade of life.2 Phenotypic heterogeneity, cases remain unclear, with no APC muta- however, is a typical characteristic of this tion identified (APC negative). disease. The attenuated form of APC (AAPC)3 Aims—To delineate phenotypic diVer- or the flat syndrome4 has been char- ences between APC positive and APC acterised by a low and highly heterogeneous negative patients with respect to colonic number of colonic polyps and later age of and extracolonic disease in order to deter- onset. In contrast, other manifestations in mine whether additional mechanisms are addition to colonic polyps may occur, which involved in the pathogenesis of FAP. include polyps of the upper gastrointestinal Methods—The entire coding region of the tract, desmoids, osteomas, fibromas, and lipo- APC gene was analysed using single mas. stranded conformation polymorphism The molecular mechanisms underlying dis- and protein truncation tests in 50 Swiss ease development have been intensively stud- FAP families with a total of 161 aVected ied within the past few years; however, they individuals. DiVerences in phenotypic seem to be more heterogeneous than initially Research Group manifestation were statistically evaluated believed. FAP has been considered to be a Human Genetics, by Student’s t test, Fisher’s exact test, and typical monogenic disease caused by germline University Hospital ÷2 test. mutations within the adenomatous polyposis and Department of Results—Thirty six families (72%) were coli (APC) gene which was first localised to Human Genetics, APC positive. Statistically significant dif- University Children’s chromosome 5q21–22 and then identified in 5–9 Hospital, Basel, ferences between APC positive and APC 1991. However, phenotypic heterogeneity in Switzerland negative groups were found for the mean FAP patients cannot be completely explained K Heinimann age at diagnosis of colonic polyposis (35.2 by diVerent mutations within the APC gene W Weber versus 45.3 years, respectively) and for the and other genetic factors can modify disease M Attenhofer occurrence of stomach polyps (14 pa- Hj Müller expression as suggested by various mouse 10 11 Z Dobbie tients, all APC positive). Additionally, models of FAP. on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. APC negative patients displayed lower Additionally, despite the application of Department of numbers at diagnosis and less several screening techniques, mutation studies , extracolonic manifestations. worldwide fail to identify germline mutations University Hospital Conclusions—FAP kindreds without de- within the APC gene in about 20–50% of all Zürich, Zürich, tected APC gene mutations present with a 12–21 Switzerland FAP patients. Several reasons could ac- B Müllhaupt notably milder disease phenotype com- count for this failure. Firstly, none of the meth- M Fried pared with APC positive families, suggest- ods are sensitive enough to detect all muta- ing that diVerent genetic factors might be tions, although the combination of several Department of involved. diVerent techniques results in a relatively high Surgery, Hospital (Gut 1998;43:675–679) Lugano, Lugano, detection rate. Secondly, to our knowledge, none of the research groups currently includes Switzerland Keywords: familial adenomatous polyposis; S Martinoli adenomatous polyposis coli gene; mutation; colorectal the analysis of regulatory regions of the APC cancer; extracolonic manifestations gene or quantitative tests of APC gene expres- Hunter Area Pathology sion in their screening procedures. Mutations Service, John Hunter within these regions, which would lead to Hospital, University of Newcastle, NSW 2305, Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) has altered gene expression, might account for Australia been recognised for over 100 years. It is an some of the APC negative cases. Additionally, R J Scott autosomal dominantly inherited disease which FAP families with no genetic linkage to the accounts for approximately 1% of all colorectal APC locus have been described,22 23 supporting Correspondence to: cancer (CRC) patients. The population inci- the hypothesis that other genes might be Dr Z Dobbie, Research Group Human Genetics, dence of FAP, according to the Danish involved in the development of FAP or might University Hospital Basel, Register, which is probably the most complete lead to a similar clinical phenotype. CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland. national register, seems to be 1 in 70001 and In the present study, the phenotypic charac- Accepted for publication aVects both sexes equally. Characteristically, teristics were analysed in 161 aVected individu- 18 May 1998 FAP has a very high penetrance with virtually als from 50 clinically diagnosed Swiss FAP 676 Heinimann, Müllhaupt, Weber, et al

In 36 families (72%), mutation analysis All patients (n = 104) revealed germline mutations in the APC gene

40 APC positive patients (n = 82) (APC positive group). Mutations were found at Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.43.5.675 on 1 November 1998. Downloaded from 35 APC negative patients (n = 22) codons 99, 151, 169, 232, 498, 793, 805, 849, 30 935, 1061 (three families), 1062, 1135, 1191, 1193, 1285, 1309 (two families), 1324, 1373, 25 1393, 1403, 1414, 1450, 1465, and 1987 (10 20 % families). Nine families with a mutation in 15 codon 1987 were found to be of common 10 ancestry (founder eVect dating back to the eighteenth century).27 In 14 families (28%) no 5 APC mutation was identified after screening 0 the entire coding region of the gene (APC 0–9 10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 >70 negative group). Based on pedigree data, there Age (years) was no indication of the presence of HNPCC Figure 1 Age at diagnosis of colonic polyposis in FAP patients. in any of these families. families and compared according to their APC Within the 50 FAP families, 161/384 (42%) mutation status. The aim was to delineate dif- individuals were aVected with either colonic ferences between APC positive and APC nega- polyposis (n=122), cancer of the gastro- tive patients in order to characterise further intestinal tract only (n=36), or extracolonic possible mechanisms which might lead to manifestations only (n=3). In the APC positive colonic polyposis in kindreds without an APC group 93 patients had colonic polyposis, 24 mutation. cancer of the only, and three extracolonic manifestations only, result- ing in 120/300 (40%) aVected individuals. In Patients and methods the APC negative group, 41/84 (48.8%) were FAMILIAL ADENOMATOUS POLYPOSIS PATIENTS aVected with colonic polyposis (n=29) or can- In this study, 161 patients from 50 Swiss FAP cer of the gastrointestinal tract only (n=12); families, referred to our department from all none had extracolonic lesions only. parts of Switzerland during the time period The overall sex ratio among aVected indi- 1993–1997 with the clinical diagnosis of FAP, viduals was 55%:45% (male:female) with were investigated. Clinical information was similar ratios in the APC positive and APC obtained from medical records, where avail- negative groups (57%:43% and 51%:49%, able, and from interviews with physicians respectively). and/or patients. Patients undergoing colonos- copy were prepared with 3 litres orally of a COLONIC POLYPOSIS

polyethylene glycol solution. was In 104/122 (85%) patients with colonic polypo- performed according to standard protocols sis the age at diagnosis could be established from without dye spray. their medical records. The mean (SD) age was 37.3 (14.8) years (range 11–73). Interestingly, a MUTATION ANALYSIS OF THE APC GENE comparison between the two groups revealed a Mutation analysis of the whole coding region statistically significant diVerence in age distribu- of the APC gene was performed using the tion, with an average (SD) age at diagnosis of combination of the protein truncation test 35.2 (13.8) years (range 11–70; 95% confidence (PTT), single stranded conformation polymor- interval (CI) 32.2–38.2; median 33) in the APC on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. phism (SSCP), and direct DNA sequencing. positive (n=82) and 45.3 (15.7) years (range These methods were performed according to 13–73; 95% CI 38.7–51.9; median 46) in the published protocols.24–26 APC negative group (n=22) (p<0.01). When FAP families with detected APC gene muta- only index patients of both groups (n=32 and tions were ascertained as APC positive while n=14, respectively) were compared, the diVer- kindreds without detected mutations were ence in mean age at diagnosis (34.6 versus 48.7 included in the APC negative group. years) remained statistically significant (p<0.01). The peak incidence of polyposis in

PHENOTYPIC AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS the APC positive group occurred in the third Both groups of FAP families, APC positive and and fourth decade, whereas in the APC APC negative, were compared for sex ratio, age negative group it was shifted towards the fourth at diagnosis, polyp histology and number, can- and fifth decade (fig 1). cer occurrence, and extracolonic manifesta- From 48 patients data were available on tions. The data were compared with the Swiss polyp histology: 48% were tubular, 46% tubu- population tables on CRC from the Swiss lovillous, and 6% villous , with no Cancer Registries’ Association database. Sta- diVerences between the APC positive and APC tistical evaluation was performed using the ÷2 negative groups. From the endoscopic records, test, Fisher’s exact test, and Student’s t test. the number of polyps at diagnosis could be determined in 33 patients. Nine patients (five APC positive and four APC negative) had less Results than 100 polyps and 24 patients (19 APC posi- In this study, 50 Swiss FAP families were tive and five APC negative) displayed more investigated for APC gene mutations and than 100 colorectal polyps. No correlation evaluated for diVerences in disease expression between polyp number and either age at diag- according to their mutation status. nosis or mutation site was found. In contrast to Phenotypic diVerences in familial adenomatous polyposis 677

18 whereas the sex ratio for the remaining EM was virtually 1:1. Nine patients with stomach 16 All FAP patients (n = 122) polyps harboured the same mutation at codon Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.43.5.675 on 1 November 1998. Downloaded from 14 APC positive patients (n = 93) 1987 with a sex ratio 8:1 (male:female). APC negative patients (n = 29) A statistically significant di erence (p<0.03) 12 V was found with respect to stomach polyps 10 occurring only in APC positive patients (see fig % 8 2). Although not statistically significant, desmoid tumours (four intra-abdominal, two 6 extra-abdominal, three site unknown) also 4 tended to be much more frequent in the APC positive group. 2 With the exception of three patients with 0 stomach polyps (mutation in codons 805, Stomach Desmoids Osteoma Fibroma SIP Lipoma polyps 1191, and 1373) and one with osteoma (codon 1309), all other extracolonic manifestations Figure 2 Percentage of extracolonic manifestations in 27 FAP patients. SIP,small intestinal polyps. were associated with an APC mutation located beyond codon 1403. Desmoid cases were APC negative individuals, APC positive pa- rather clustered in families and did not occur in tients tended to have more than 100 polyps at patients with mutations prior to codon 1403. diagnosis. Discussion CANCER OCCURRENCE Despite using several detection techniques, in Among the 161 aVected persons, 65 (40%) up to 50% of FAP patients worldwide no developed cancer. Twenty nine cancer patients mutation in the APC gene can be found.12–21 (22 APC positive and seven APC negative) also These patients present with common pheno- had clinically verified colonic polyposis. In 36 typic FAP characteristics and represent a diY- patients (24 APC positive and 12 APC cult problem for genetic counselling, as no negative), no clinical record of the presence of presymptomatic diagnosis and phenotypic pre- colonic polyposis could be found. diction can be provided. Fifty four (83%) tumours originated from Besides the incomplete sensitivity of the the gastrointestinal tract. Six (9%) patients applied diagnostic methods, intronic altera- developed another type of cancer (one case tions and/or mutations within the regulatory each of T cell lymphoma, meningeoma, regions of the APC gene could account for the rhabdomyosarcoma, brain tumour, genitouri- failure to identify some APC mutations. nary tract tumour, and skin tumour). The can- Though usually not screened in the routine cer site was unknown in five (8%) patients. The APC testing, such alterations might lead to cancer distribution in all subgroups (APC changes in gene expression. However, assum- positive versus APC negative, and patients with ing no hot spots within this region, based on clinically verified polyposis versus patients the known length of the APC promotor (about without known polyposis) was virtually identi- 800 bp) compared with the overall length of the cal with the overall cancer occurrence. coding sequence (about 8000 bp), it seems For , the mean (SD) age at highly unlikely that promotor mutations ac- diagnosis was 47.8 (12.6) years (range 24–80). count for many FAP cases. Furthermore, as The peak incidence of CRC was found in the FAP families with no linkage to the APC locus on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. fifth decade in contrast to data reported in the exist,22 23 other genes might give rise to a very Swiss general population (Swiss Cancer Regis- similar phenotype. tries’ Association database, 1996) where the To evaluate the possibilities described above, peak incidence occurred in the eighth and we divided 50 FAP kindreds according to their ninth decade. Although no statistically signifi- mutation status into APC positive (36 families, cant diVerence was observed between APC 120 patients) and APC negative (14 families, positive and APC negative individuals with 41 patients) groups and characterised them respect to the mean age at diagnosis, only one phenotypically with respect to polyposis, can- in 12 patients who developed cancer under the cer occurrence, and extracolonic manifesta- age of 40 was APC negative. tions. Due to the small size of the APC negative families, linkage analysis to the APC locus EXTRACOLONIC MANIFESTATIONS could not be performed. Extracolonic manifestations (EM) were identi- Overall mean age at diagnosis for polyposis fied in 27/122 (22%) FAP patients (21/93 APC was 37.3 years which is in general agreement positive and 3/29 APC negative) as shown in fig with data published by other groups.28–30 By 2. Stomach polyps were the most frequent EM comparing the APC positive and APC negative (33%), followed by desmoid tumours (24%), groups, however, a statistically significant osteomas (21%), fibromas (10%), small intes- diVerence in the mean age at diagnosis has tinal polyps (7%), and lipomas (5%). In three been observed (35.2 and 45.3 years respec- patients (all APC positive) no colonic polyposis tively). Furthermore, this delay of about 10 was found: two had stomach polyps at age 39 years cosegregated with a tendency to display and 40 years, respectively, and one had a man- less polyps at diagnosis in APC negative dibular osteoma at eight years of age. Deter- patients. mining the sex ratio for each EM, 12/14 (86%) The age at diagnosis of colorectal cancer patients with stomach polyps were male, ranged between the fourth and the fifth decade. 678 Heinimann, Müllhaupt, Weber, et al

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32546 21 van der Luijt RB, Khan PM, Vasen HF, et al. Molecular on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. AAPC. However, mutations at the 5' end analysis of the APC gene in 105 Dutch kindreds with of the APC gene which have been shown to be familial adenomatous polyposis: 67 germline mutations identified by DGGE, PTT, and Southern analysis. Hum responsible for some of these cases, have been Mutat 1997;9:7–16. excluded using both SSCP and PTT. 22 Stella A, Resta N, Gentile M, et al. Exclusion of the APC gene as the cause of a variant form of familial adenomatous In conclusion, our observations indicate that polyposis (FAP). Am J Hum Genet 1993;53:1031–7. FAP kindreds without an identified mutation 23 Tops CM, van der Klift HM, van der Luijt RB, et al. Non- allelic heterogeneity of familial adenomatous polyposis. Am in the coding region of the APC gene display a J Med Genet 1993;47:563–7. disease phenotype which is notably diVerent 24 Dobbie Z, Spycher M, Mary JL, et al. Correlation between the development of extracolonic manifestations in FAP from patients with an APC mutation, suggest- patients and mutations beyond codon 1403 in the APC ing that they might represent a distinct genetic gene. J Med Genet 1996;33:274–80. 25 Dobbie Z, Spycher M, Hurliman R, et al. Mutational analy- category. In general, the APC negative group sis of the first 14 exons of the adenomatous polyposis coli tended to have less severe disease with a (APC) gene. Eur J Cancer 1994;30A:1709–13. 26 Powell SM, Petersen GM, Krush AJ, et al. Molecular diag- significantly increased age at diagnosis, less nosis of familial adenomatous polyposis. N Engl J Med colonic polyps, and fewer extracolonic mani- 1993;329:1982–7. 27 Scott RJ, van der Luijt R, Spycher M, et al. Novel germline festations. Mutations in the gene promotor as APC gene mutation in a large familial adenomatous well as mutations in genes other than APC with polyposis kindred displaying variable phenotypes. Gut 1995;36:731–6. a weaker influence on disease expression might 28 Morton DG, Macdonald F, Haydon J, et al. Screening prac- account for this observation and should be tice for familial adenomatous polyposis: the potential for regional registers. Br J Surg 1993;80:255–8. addressed in further studies in order to reach a 29 Iwama T, Mishima Y. Mortality in young first-degree better understanding of FAP disease. relatives of patients with familial adenomatous polyposis. Cancer 1994;73:2065–8. 30 De Pietri S, Sassatelli R, Roncucci L, et al. Clinical and bio- logic features of adenomatosis coli in Northern Italy. Scand We thank the families and their physicians for participating in J Gastroenterol 1995;30:771–9. the study. We are grateful to Dr Isabelle Daigle and Daniel 31 Debinski HS, Love S, Spigelman AD, et al. Colorectal polyp Maier for critical review of the manuscript as well as the Swiss counts and cancer risk in familial adenomatous polyposis. Cancer Registries’ Association, in particular, Professor Fabio Gastroenterology 1996;110:1028–30. Levi, for providing us with Swiss population based disease inci- 32 Campbell WJ, Spence RA, Parks TG. Familial adenomatous dence figures. This work was supported by grants from the polyposis. Br J Surg 1994;81:1722–33. Phenotypic diVerences in familial adenomatous polyposis 679

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