Research Article: New Research | Sensory and Motor Systems Whole- Mapping of Direct Inputs to Dopamine D1 and D2 Receptor-Expressing Medium Spiny Neurons in the Posterior Dorsomedial Striatum

Cite as: eNeuro 2020; 10.1523/ENEURO.0348-20.2020 Received: 12 August 2020 Revised: 13 December 2020 Accepted: 19 December 2020

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1 Whole-Brain Mapping of Direct Inputs to Dopamine D1 and D2 Receptor-

2 Expressing Medium Spiny Neurons in the Posterior Dorsomedial Striatum

3 Jiayi Lu, Yifeng Cheng, Xueyi Xie, Kayla Woodson, Jordan Bonifacio, Emily Disney,

4 Britton Barbee, Xuehua Wang, Mariam Zaidi, and Jun Wang*


6 Department of and Experimental Therapeutics, College of Medicine,

7 Texas A&M University Health Science Center, Bryan, Texas 77807


9 Running Title: Mapping inputs to pDMS D1- and D2-MSNs


11 Key Words: posterior dorsomedial striatum, retrograde monosynaptic tracing, whole-

12 brain mapping, , BNST, CeA, D1R, D2R


14 *To whom correspondence should be addressed: 15 Jun Wang, M.D., Ph.D. 16 8447 Riverside Pkwy, 17 2106 Medical Research and Education Building 18 Bryan, TX 77807 19 Tel: 979-436-0389 20 Fax: 979-436-0086 21 E-mail: [email protected] 22

23 Pages: 43, Figures: 5

24 Abstract: 241 words, Significance Statement: 115, Introduction: 729, Discussion: 2212


26 The authors declare no competing financial interests. 27



29 The posterior dorsomedial striatum (pDMS) is mainly composed of medium spiny

30 neurons (MSNs) expressing either dopamine D1 receptors (D1Rs) or D2Rs. Activation

31 of these two MSN types produces opposing effects on addictive behaviors. However, it

32 remains unclear whether pDMS D1- or D2-MSNs receive afferent inputs from different

33 brain regions or whether the extra-striatal afferents express distinct dopamine receptors.

34 To assess whether these afferents also contained D1Rs or D2Rs, we generated double

35 transgenic mice, in which D1R- and D2R-expressing neurons were fluorescently

36 labeled. We utilized -mediated retrograde tracing in these mice to perform

37 whole-brain mapping of direct inputs to D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs in the pDMS. We found

38 that D1-MSNs preferentially received inputs from the secondary motor, secondary

39 visual, and cingulate cortices, whereas D2-MSNs received inputs from the primary

40 motor and primary sensory cortices, and the thalamus. We also discovered that the bed

41 nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and the central nucleus of the amygdala

42 contained abundant D2R-expressing, but few D1R-expressing, neurons in a triple

43 transgenic mouse model. Remarkably, although limited D1R or D2R expression was

44 observed in extra-striatal neurons that projected to D1- or D2-MSNs, we found that

45 cortical structures preferentially contained D1R-expressing neurons that projected to

46 D1- or D2-MSNs, while the thalamus, substantia nigra pars compacta, and BNST had

47 more D2R-expressing cells that projected to D2-MSNs. Taken together, these findings

48 provide a foundation for future understanding of the pDMS circuit and its role in action

49 selection and reward-based behaviors.



51 Significance Statement

52 The dorsomedial striatum (DMS) is a brain region that has critical roles in drug

53 addiction. The DMS receives and integrates information from multiple other regions,

54 such as the cortex and thalamus. These extra-striatal inputs onto two DMS cell types,

55 D1-neurons and D2-neurons, provide a substrate for how the brain segregates

56 information process, as D1-neurons positively and D2-neurons negatively control

57 addiction-associated behaviors. The present study found that the cortex and other brain

58 regions that are involved in motivational and decision-making behaviors preferentially

59 targeted D1-neurons, whereas the thalamus, which plays essential roles in behavioral

60 flexibility, preferentially projected to D2-neurons. These findings of distinct innervations

61 of D1- and D2-neurons provide a foundation for future studies of DMS function.



63 The basal ganglia has critical roles in movement control and action selection

64 (Balleine et al., 2009). The striatum, which provides the primary input to the basal

65 ganglia, receives and integrates information from cortical, thalamic, and limbic

66 structures before passing this to the basal ganglia for an appropriate action (Bamford et

67 al., 2018). Growing evidence indicates that the dorsomedial striatum (DMS) is involved

68 in the control of goal-directed actions and drug-seeking behaviors (Volkow et al., 2006;

69 Wang et al., 2010; Ma et al., 2018). Two distinct subtypes of medium spiny neuron

70 (MSN) make up as much as 95% of neurons within the DMS (Gerfen and Surmeier,

71 2011; Cheng et al., 2017). One type of MSN expresses dopamine D1 receptors (D1Rs)

72 and projects to the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr), forming the direct pathway

73 (Kreitzer and Malenka, 2008; Gerfen and Surmeier, 2011). The other type of MSN

74 expresses dopamine D2 receptors (D2Rs) and projects to the external globus pallidus

75 (GPe), forming the indirect pathway (Kreitzer and Malenka, 2008; Gerfen and Surmeier,

76 2011). Activation of D1R-expressing MSNs (D1-MSNs) or D2R-expressing MSNs (D2-

77 MSNs) produces opposing effects on movement and reward-related behaviors (Gerfen

78 et al., 2013; Cheng et al., 2017; Luscher et al., 2020). Thus, many learned responses

79 require the coordinated activation of the direct pathway and inhibition of the indirect

80 pathway in the DMS. Importantly, recent studies have found that the posterior region of

81 the DMS (pDMS) is likely to play a greater role in goal-directed behavior than the

82 anterior DMS (aDMS) (Yin and Knowlton, 2004; Yin et al., 2005b; Regier et al., 2015).

83 The pDMS is necessary for the integration of action-outcome associations and

84 expression of goal-directed learning (Yin and Knowlton, 2004; Yin et al., 2005a; Yin et


85 al., 2005b; Corbit and Janak, 2010; Shiflett et al., 2010). Additionally, a recent

86 anatomical study also found different cortical inputs to the aDMS and pDMS (Hunnicutt

87 et al., 2016). While the aDMS mainly receives inputs from the orbital, prelimbic,

88 infralimbic, and anterior cingulate cortices, the pDMS primarily receives inputs from the

89 motor, orbital, cingulate, and visual cortices (Hunnicutt et al., 2016). While the

90 innervation of D1-MSNs and D2-MSNs in the dorsal striatum has been studied using the

91 rabies virus-mediated retrograde monosynaptic tracing system (Wall et al., 2013), it

92 remains unclear whether D1- and D2-MSNs in the pDMS receive distinct inputs from

93 other brain areas.

94 In addition to receiving excitatory glutamatergic inputs from the cortex, thalamus,

95 and amygdala, DMS D1- and D2-MSNs are modulated by dopaminergic inputs from the

96 substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) (Bamford et al., 2018). Dopamine can alter MSN

97 activity by acting on their postsynaptic D1Rs or D2Rs (Gerfen and Surmeier, 2011;

98 Cheng et al., 2017; Luscher et al., 2020) or by acting on presynaptic receptors (Wang

99 and Pickel, 2002; Dumartin et al., 2007; Lu et al., 2019). Electron microscopy studies

100 have provided evidence that cortical fibers in the dorsal striatum contain both D1Rs and

101 D2Rs (Wang and Pickel, 2002; Dumartin et al., 2007), although D1R immunoreactivity

102 was observed less frequently (Dumartin et al., 2007). A recent study also showed that

103 cortical neurons that projected to the DMS preferentially expressed D2Rs, rather than

104 D1Rs (Lu et al., 2019). However, these studies could not determine which specific DMS

105 neuronal types received the D1R- or D2R-expressing inputs.

106 In this study, we assessed D1R and D2R expression patterns in extra-striatal

107 neurons by generating cell-type-specific Cre-expressing double transgenic mice, in


108 which D1R- and D2R-expressing cells were labeled by a fluorescent protein. To map

109 direct inputs to D1- or D2-MSNs, we utilized the rabies virus-mediated retrograde

110 tracing approach; this allowed us to label neurons that projected monosynaptically to

111 D1- or D2-MSNs (Wall et al., 2013; Ogawa and Watabe-Uchida, 2018). We discovered

112 that neurons in the orbital frontal, secondary motor, visual, and cingulate cortices

113 preferentially targeted pDMS D1-MSNs. In contrast, neurons in the thalamus, primary

114 motor cortex, and primary sensory cortex preferentially projected to pDMS D2-MSNs.

115 Furthermore, our triple transgenic mouse models showed that the bed nucleus of the

116 stria terminalis (BNST) and the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) contained

117 abundant D2R-expressing, but few D1R-expressing, neurons. Lastly, we found that

118 while the number of D1R- or D2R-expressing neurons that projected to pDMS MSNs

119 was low, they exhibited distinct distribution across different brain regions. These findings

120 lay a foundation for an improved understanding of how the pDMS organizes information

121 from multiple upstream brain regions to determine an action.



124 Reagents

125 Two Cre-dependent (Flex) adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotype 8 vectors were

126 employed in this study; one expressed rabies glycoprotein (RG) (AAV8-Flex-RG) and

127 the other expressed an avian membrane EnvA receptor protein (TVA) and mCherry

128 (AV8-Flex-TVA-mCherry). These helper viruses were purchased from the University of

129 North Carolina Vector Core. The pseudotyped rabies viruses, EnvA-SADΔG-mCherry


130 and EnvA-SADΔG-GFP (2.04 x108 TU/mL), were obtained from the Salk Institute Vector

131 Core. All other reagents were purchased from Sigma.

132 Animals

133 Drd1a-Cre (D1-Cre) and Drd2-Cre (D2-Cre) mice were acquired from the Mutant

134 Mouse Regional Resource Center. Snap25 mice and D1-TdTomato mice were

135 purchased from The Jackson Laboratory. D1-Cre or D2-Cre mice were crossed with

136 Snap25 mice on a C57BL/6J background to produce D1-Cre;Snap25 or D2-Cre;Snap25

137 offspring. D2-Cre mice were also crossed with D1-tdTomato on a C57BL/6J background

138 to produce D1-tdTomato;D2-Cre offspring. Mouse genotypes were determined by PCR

139 analysis of Cre or the fluorescent protein gene in tail DNA (Cre for D1-Cre and D2-Cre

140 mice; tdT for D1-tdTomato; GFP for Snap25 mice) (Wang et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2015;

141 Cheng et al., 2017; Cheng et al., 2018; Ma et al., 2018; Wei et al., 2018; Lu et al.,

142 2019). Mice were group-housed at 23°C with a 12-h light: dark cycle (lights on at 11:00

143 pm). Food and water were provided ad libitum. Male 2- to 3-month-old mice were used

144 in this study. All animal care procedures and experimental protocols were approved by

145 the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and were performed in agreement with

146 the National Research Council Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

147 Stereotaxic virus infusion

148 Stereotaxic viral infusions were performed as described previously (Wang et al.,

149 2015; Cheng et al., 2017; Huang et al., 2017; Ma et al., 2017; Ma et al., 2018; Lu et al.,

150 2019; Roltsch Hellard et al., 2019). Briefly, mice were anesthetized using isoflurane and

151 mounted in a rodent stereotaxic frame (Kopf). The skin was opened to uncover the skull

152 and expose Bregma and Lambda, and the location of the desired injection site. A three-


153 axis micromanipulator was used to measure the spatial coordinates for Bregma and

154 Lambda. Small drill holes were made in the skull at the appropriate coordinates,

155 according to the Paxinos atlas (Franklin and Paxinos, 2007). Two microinjectors were

156 loaded with 0.5 μL of a 1:1 mixture of AAV8-Flex-RG and AAV8-Flex-TVA-mCherry and

157 then lowered into the pDMS (AP: 0.0 mm, ML: ± 1.87 mm, DV: -2.90 mm). This helper

158 virus mixture was infused into the brain at a rate of 0.1 μL/min. To avoid the backflow of

159 the virus, microinjectors were left in place for 10 min after the infusion was complete

160 and were then removed. The skin was sutured, and the mice were allowed to recover

161 for 3 weeks prior to the infusion of pseudotyped rabies virus (EnvA-SADΔG-mCherry or

162 EnvA-SADΔG-eGFP). The rabies virus was injected at the same site and using the

163 same injection volume as the initial helper virus injection. To prevent coincident rabies

164 infection along the AAV injection tract, the rabies virus was infused at an angle of 10

165 degrees (Wall et al., 2013) into adapted coordinates (AP, 0.0 mm; ML, ± 2.42 mm; DV, -

166 2.94 mm). The modified coordinates were calculated by measuring from the midline and

167 parallel to the dorsal-ventral axis.

168 Confocal imaging and cell counting

169 Rabies virus was allowed to replicate and spread for 7 days prior to perfusing the

170 mice intracardially with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)

171 (Wall et al., 2013). The were extracted and post-fixed overnight in 4% PFA/PBS

172 solution, followed by dehydration in 30% sucrose. Each whole brain was sectioned

173 serially into 50-μm coronal sections using a cryostat. We mounted sections in a 1 in 4

174 series. Confocal images were obtained using a confocal laser-scanning microscope

175 (Fluoview 1200, Olympus). Fluorescent images were reconstructed in three dimensions,


176 and cell counts from these scans were manually acquired using the Bitplane Imaris

177 8.3.1 (Bitplane, Zurich, Switzerland), as previously reported (Wei et al., 2018; Lu et al.,

178 2019). Green and red neurons were counted using the Spot module within Imaris, which

179 also calculated colocalization. Brain structures were registered using the Paxinos

180 mouse atlas as a reference (Franklin and Paxinos, 2007).

181 Statistical analysis

182 Data were analyzed by two-tailed t test, two-way ANOVA with repeated

183 measurement (RM), or one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey post hoc test.

184 Significance was determined if p < 0.05. Statistical analysis was conducted by

185 SigmaPlot.



187 Identification of distinct whole-brain extra-striatal inputs to D1-MSNs and D2-

188 MSNs in the pDMS

189 To compare afferent inputs onto pDMS D1- and D2-MSNs, we employed rabies-

190 mediated monosynaptic retrograde tracing in D1-Cre;Snap25 and D2-Cre;Snap25 mice,

191 in which D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs selectively expressed Cre (and thus GFP), respectively

192 (Madisen et al., 2015; Wei et al., 2018; Lu et al., 2019). In these mouse lines, the pDMS

193 was injected with Cre-dependent AAVs that expressed TVA-mCherry and RG (Figure

194 1A). TVA facilitated neuronal infection by the pseudotyped rabies virus, while RG

195 facilitated retrograde monosynaptic spread of the rabies virus from infected neurons

196 (Wall et al., 2013; Ogawa and Watabe-Uchida, 2018). Three weeks after the infusion of

197 these vectors, we injected the glycoprotein-deleted pseudotyped rabies virus, EnvA-

198 SADΔG-mCherry, at the same pDMS location using an angled injection tract (Figure

199 1B) to prevent coincident infection (Wall et al., 2013). This strategy of selectively

200 expressing TVA and RG in Cre-expressing D1-MSNs in D1-Cre;Snap25 mice or D2-

201 MSNs in the D2-Cre;Snap25 mice meant that the rabies virus selectively infected these

202 neurons and spread to neurons with monosynaptic inputs to them (Figure 1C). One

203 week after the rabies virus infusions, serial coronal 50-μm sections of the whole brain

204 were prepared, and every fourth section was imaged using confocal laser-scanning

205 microscopy. We observed intense GFP expression in the striatum and at D1-MSN

206 projection targets, including the GPe (Figure 1Div), entopeduncular nucleus (Figure

207 1Dv), and SNr (Figure 1Dvii), and at D2-MSN projection targets such as the GPe

208 (Figure 1Dxi). We also observed a large number of mCherry-positive extra-striatal


209 neurons with monosynaptic connections to D1-MSNs (Figures 1Di–1Dvii) or D2-MSNs

210 (Figures 1Dviii–1Dxiv); these were located in the cortex (Figures 1Di–1Dxiv), BNST

211 (Figures 1Diii and 1Dx), GPe (Figures 1Div and 1Dxi), amygdala (Figures 1Dv and

212 1Dxii), thalamus (Figures 1Dvi and 1Dxiii), and the midbrain (Figures 1Dvii and 1Dxiv).

213 These rabies-labeled afferent (mCherry-positive) neurons in both hemispheres

214 were counted relative to brain region boundaries. The total number of extra-striatal

215 mCherry-positive neurons did not differ significantly between D1-Cre;Snap25 and D2-

216 Cre;Snap25 mice (Figure 1E; t(11) = -0.55, p > 0.05). Since both AAV8-Flex-TVA-

217 mCherry and the rabies virus expressed mCherry, this did not allow for selective

218 visualization of starter cells, which were infected by both the rabies virus and AAV8-

219 Flex-RG. Thus, labeled neuron counts from any given brain region were normalized to

220 the total inputs to the pDMS detected within each animal. This approach was used to

221 account for any inter-animal differences in viral infusion. This analysis identified

222 significant differences in the extent of inputs from distinct brain regions (Figure 1F; F(5,55)

223 = 627.19, p < 0.001). Specifically, the majority of inputs onto pDMS D1-MSNs and D2-

224 MSNs arose from the cortex (Figure 1F; p < 0.001 for cortex versus thalamus, basal

225 ganglia, amygdala, midbrain, and others), and from the thalamus (Figure 1F; p < 0.001

226 for thalamus versus basal ganglia, amygdala, midbrain, and others). Interestingly,

227 cortical neurons preferentially innervated D1-MSNs versus D2-MSNs, whereas thalamic

228 neurons preferentially connected with D2-MSNs versus D1-MSNs (Figure 1F; cortical

229 neurons: p < 0.01; thalamic neurons: p < 0.05).

230 Both the cortex and thalamus contain many subregions. Within the cortex, the

231 most prominent inputs to D1-MSNs (expressed as a percentage of total inputs) were


232 from the orbital frontal cortex (6.62 ± 1.45%), primary (6.17 ± 1.31%) and secondary

233 (21.93 ± 1.47%) motor cortices, primary sensory cortex (10.53 ± 1.25%), and cingulate

234 cortex (18.59 ± 1.27%) (Figure 2). For D2-MSNs, the equivalent percentages were 5.20

235 ± 0.93%, 8.40 ± 0.94%, 17.13 ± 0.42%, 15.31 ± 1.52%, and 11.66 ± 1.10% of total D2-

236 MSN inputs, respectively (Figure 2). Within the thalamus, the parafascicular nucleus,

237 mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, and central thalamic nucleus gave rise to the majority of

238 thalamostriatal inputs to D1- and D2-MSNs (Figure 2; 2.75 ± 0.77%, 2.21 ± 0.40%, and

239 1.28 ± 0.21% of total D1-MSN inputs, respectively; and 2.97 ± 1.10%, 2.29 ± 0.31%,

240 and 3.10 ± 0.86% of total D2-MSN inputs, respectively). These data suggest that pDMS

241 MSNs receive inputs primarily from the cortex and thalamus, which preferentially project

242 to D1-MSNs and D2-MSNs, respectively.

243 Previous studies have demonstrated that the striatum plays a critical role in

244 sorting sensory, motor, and reward information arriving from two major excitatory

245 sources: the cortex and thalamus (Lovinger, 2010; Bamford et al., 2018). Differential

246 activation of the direct and indirect pathways subsequently results in the selection and

247 execution of appropriate responses. Therefore, we next analyzed whether there were

248 cortical or thalamic subregions that preferentially targeted D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs.

249 Although many cortical structures provided similar proportions of the inputs to D1-MSNs

250 and D2-MSNs, we identified some cortical regions that showed a considerable bias in

251 their synaptic input to a specific cell type. The secondary motor, cingulate, and

252 secondary visual cortices provided significantly higher proportions of the inputs to D1-

253 MSNs, as compared with D2-MSNs (Figures 1D and 2; p < 0.001, 0.001, and 0.05,

254 respectively). This trend was also observed in the orbital frontal cortex (Figure 2; p =


255 0.055). In contrast, the primary motor and primary sensory cortices provided more

256 inputs to D2-MSNs than to D1-MSNs (Figures 1D and 2; p < 0.05 and 0.001,

257 respectively). The other major source of glutamatergic input to the striatum, the

258 thalamostriatal projections, also showed some biased connectivity. Both the central and

259 ventromedial thalamic nuclei provided significantly higher proportions of inputs to D2-

260 MSNs than to D1-MSNs (Figures 1D and 2; p < 0.05). In addition to these cortical and

261 thalamic inputs, the amygdala provides glutamatergic inputs to the DMS. The present

262 study found similar proportions of synaptic inputs to D1-MSNs and D2-MSNs from the

263 central, basal, and lateral amygdala (Figures 1D and 2; p > 0.05 for all areas).

264 We also compared the projections from the SNc, a known dopaminergic input to

265 the DMS, to D1- and D2-MSNs (Surmeier et al., 2007). Consistent with a previous

266 report (Wall et al., 2013), we found that a relatively small proportion of the total inputs

267 were from the SNc, and there was no significant difference between the percentages of

268 these inputs to D1-MSNs and D2-MSNs (Figures 1D and 2; p > 0.05). Lastly, we

269 compared the GABAergic inputs from the GPe to the DMS (Lee et al., 2004; Hernandez

270 et al., 2015) and found significantly greater D2-MSN innervation (Figures 1D and 2; p <

271 0.05).

272 Taken together, these observations demonstrated input specificity onto two MSN

273 subtypes in the pDMS. We discovered that the secondary motor, secondary visual, and

274 cingulate cortices preferentially targeted D1-MSNs, whereas inputs from the thalamus,

275 primary motor cortex, and primary sensory cortex preferentially projected to D2-MSNs.

276 Consequently, the cortex and thalamus preferentially projected to pDMS D1-MSNs and

277 D2-MSNs, respectively.



279 Preferential expression of D2Rs versus D1Rs in the BNST and CeA

280 Having identified the distinct extra-striatal inputs to D1-MSNs versus D2-MSNs,

281 we next asked whether there are any differences in the presynaptic inputs onto D1-

282 MSNs or D2-MSNs in terms of their D1R and D2R expression, especially from the

283 reward-associated brain areas that project to the DMS (e.g., cortex, amygdala, and

284 BNST). Interestingly, although dopamine receptors are widely distributed in the brain,

285 the receptor subtype densities vary between different areas. A previous study

286 discovered that D1R- or D2R-expressing neurons were highly segregated in the

287 orbitofrontal cortex, prefrontal cortex, and basolateral amygdala (Wei et al., 2018).

288 However, the distribution pattern of D1R- and D2R-expressing remains unclear in the

289 BNST and CeA. The BNST and CeA play crucial roles in many neuropsychiatric

290 disorders that include fear formation, anxiety, or reward-related impulsivity (Davis et al.,

291 2010; Kim et al., 2018). Dopaminergic afferents from the ventral tegmental area

292 innervate the amygdala and BNST, but the detailed D1R- and D2R-expression patterns

293 remain unclear. Therefore, we crossed D1-tdTomato transgenic mice, which expressed

294 tdTomato under the control of the D1R gene, with D2-Cre;Snap25 mice. We counted

295 neurons expressing D1Rs (tdTomato-positive) and D2Rs (GFP-positive) in coronal

296 sections containing the BNST and CeA of these D1-tdTomato;D2-Cre;Snap25

297 transgenic mice. Strong expression of GFP and tdTomato was observed in the striatum

298 (Figures 3A and 3B). However, while strong GFP expression was present in the BNST

299 area, tdTomato expression was barely detectable (Figures 3A and 3B). For each mouse,

300 we examined six BNST sections from Bregma AP +0.26 to -0.34 mm (Figure 3C). The


301 average number of D1R-expressing neurons (41) was significantly lower than the

302 average number of D2R-expressing neurons (215) (Figure 3D; t(34) = -3.28, p < 0.01).

303 A previous study showed relatively high D1R expression and weak D2R

304 expression in the basolateral amygdala (Wei et al., 2018). Interestingly, using the same

305 transgenic animals, the present study identified a high level of D2R expression in the

306 CeA (Figures 3E and 3F). We examined six CeA sections from Bregma AP -0.82 to -

307 1.46 mm (Figure 3G). An average of 82 D1R-expressing neurons was observed, and

308 this value was significantly lower than the average number of D2R-expressing neurons

309 (439) (Figure 3H; t(34) = -7.42, p < 0.001). These results indicate that D2Rs are

310 preferentially expressed in the BNST and CeA.


312 Whole-brain mapping of D1R- or D2R-expressing inputs to pDMS MSN subtypes

313 The above results (Figure 3) and recent transgenic models have revealed a tight

314 segregation of D1Rs and D2Rs in some reward-related structures, including the

315 orbitofrontal cortex, prefrontal cortex, and amygdala (Wei et al., 2018). In addition to the

316 differential innervation of D1-MSNs and D2-MSNs, it is essential to note that previous

317 anatomical studies indicated that cortical fibers in the dorsal striatum contained

318 abundant D2Rs, but few D1Rs (Wang and Pickel, 2002; Dumartin et al., 2007). In

319 addition, a recent study reported that DMS-projecting extra-striatal neurons

320 preferentially expressed D2Rs, rather than D1Rs (Lu et al., 2019). We thus asked

321 whether extra-striatal D1R- or D2R-expressing inputs showed biased projections to D1-

322 MSNs or D2-MSNs in the pDMS. To test this, we measured the overlap between

323 neurons that projected to D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs in the pDMS, and extra-striatal


324 neurons that expressed D1Rs or D2Rs. To explore the anatomical connections between

325 extra-striatal D1R-expressing inputs and D1-MSNs (D1ÆD1), and between D2R-

326 expressing inputs and D2-MSNs (D2ÆD2), we analyzed the numbers of neurons that

327 were both GFP-positive and tdTomato-positive in D1-Cre;Snap25 and in D2-

328 Cre;Snap25 mice following EnvA-SADΔG-mCherry injection.

329 D1R- or D2R-expressing neurons were selectively labeled with GFP (Figures 4A,

330 4B, and 4D left and middle) and the EnvA-SADΔG-mCherry rabies virus infected D1-

331 MSNs or D2-MSNs before spreading to neurons with direct inputs to these cells

332 (Figures 4A, 4B, and 4D left and middle). As a result, neurons that projected to D1-

333 MSNs or D2-MSNs were labeled red (mCherry) in these mice. To probe the connections

334 between extra-striatal D1R-expressing inputs and D2-MSNs (D1ÆD2), we employed

335 D1-tdTomato;D2-Cre mice, in which extra-striatal D1R-expressing neurons and pDMS

336 D1-MSNs were both labeled red (tdTomato) (Figures 4C and 4D right). These mice did

337 not express GFP in D2-MSNs, and GFP was subsequently used in the rabies virus.

338 Injection of AAV8-Flex-TVA-mCherry and AAV8-Flex-RG into the pDMS, followed by

339 EnvA-SADΔG-GFP, led to the infection of Cre-positive D2-MSNs and extra-striatal

340 inputs to D2-MSNs by rabies virus; these expressed GFP and were thus labeled green

341 (Figures 4C and 4D right). Note that pDMS-projecting neurons that contained D1Rs (or

342 D2Rs) showed co-expression of mCherry (or tdTomato) and GFP and were thus yellow

343 (Figure 4D).

344 To our surprise, the majority of extra-striatal neurons that projected to D1-MSNs

345 or D2-MSNs did not express D1Rs or D2Rs. Specifically, the D1R was expressed by 2.6

346 ± 0.5% of the rabies virus-labeled neurons that projected to D1-MSNs in D1-


347 Cre;Snap25 mice (D1ÆD1), and the D2R was expressed by 5.4 ± 0.9% of the inputs to

348 D2-MSNs in D2-Cre;Snap25 mice (D2ÆD2). The D1R was expressed by 0.8 ± 0.4% of

349 the inputs to D2-MSNs in D1-tdTomato;D2-Cre mice (D1ÆD2). We directly compared

350 the number of D1R-expressing neurons that project to the D1-MSNs (D1ÆD1), D2R-

351 expressing neurons that project to the D2-MSNs (D2ÆD2), and D1R-expressing

352 neurons that project to the D2-MSNs (D1ÆD2), and we found that there were

353 significantly more D2ÆD2 connections than either D1ÆD1 or D1ÆD2 connections

354 (Figure 4E; p < 0.05 and 0.01, respectively). This was consistent with previous

355 anatomical studies showing greater D2R expression, as compared with D1R

356 expression, at presynaptic terminals in the dorsal striatum (Wang and Pickel, 2002;

357 Dumartin et al., 2007; Lu et al., 2019).

358 Interestingly, although the number of extra-striatal D1R- or D2R-expressing

359 neurons that projected to D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs was low, these neurons showed

360 distinct distribution patterns across the brain. We normalized D1R- or D2R-expressing

361 inputs from individual brain regions to the total number of extra-striatal D1R- or D2R-

362 expressing inputs. Distinct D1ÆD1, D2ÆD2, and D1ÆD2 connections were observed

363 in cortical and thalamic structures, but not in the amygdala (Figure 4F; F(2, 20) = 60.22, p

364 < 0.001). Cortical regions had higher percentages of D1ÆD1 or D1ÆD2 connection, as

365 compared with D2ÆD2 (Figure 4F; p = 0.001), while the thalamus had a higher

366 percentage of D2ÆD2 than of D1ÆD1 or D1ÆD2 (Figure 4F; p < 0.05). In the SNc, a

367 higher percentage of the connections was D2ÆD2, as compared with D1ÆD1 or

368 D1ÆD2 (Figure 4G; p < 0.01). In the BNST, a higher percentage of the connections was

369 D2ÆD2, as compared with D1ÆD2 (Figure 4G; p < 0.05).


370 We also analyzed the distribution of D1ÆD1, D2ÆD2, and D1ÆD2 in subregions

371 of the cortex, amygdala, and thalamus that provided the most inputs to the pDMS.

372 Analysis of ten cortical regions found a marginally higher percentage of D1ÆD2 than of

373 D2ÆD2 projections from the frontal associate cortex (Figure 5A; p = 0.082). D1ÆD2

374 was also detected more frequently than D2ÆD2 from the cingulate cortex, although

375 these differences did not achieve statistical significance (Figure 5A; p = 0.074). The

376 basolateral amygdala and CeA contained similar percentages of D1ÆD1, D2ÆD2, and

377 D1ÆD2 connections (Figure 5B; F(1, 10) = 0.62, p > 0.05). The data presented in Figure

378 5C showed that a significantly higher percentage of D2ÆD2 than of D1ÆD1 or D1ÆD2

379 projections arose from the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (p < 0.001), central thalamic

380 nucleus (p < 0.001), and ventromedial thalamic nucleus (p < 0.001). A higher

381 percentage of D1ÆD1 than of D1ÆD2 was observed in the parafascicular thalamic

382 nucleus (Figure 5C; p < 0.05). Together, these results suggest that while the number of

383 D1R- or D2R-expressing neurons with projections to pDMS MSNs was low, they

384 exhibited distinct brain distribution patterns.



386 Using the rabies virus-mediated retrograde monosynaptic tracing system, the

387 present study investigated the inputs onto pDMS D1-MSNs and D2-MSNs and

388 examined the distribution pattern of brain-wide extra-striatal D1R- and D2R-expressing

389 inputs to these MSNs. We found that the cortex, including the secondary motor and

390 cingulate cortices, preferentially projects to pDMS D1-MSNs, whereas the thalamus,

391 including the central and ventromedial thalamic nuclei, preferentially innervates pDMS

392 D2-MSNs. In addition, while providing fewer inputs than the cortex and thalamus to the

393 pDMS, the BNST and CeA contained more D2R-expressing than D1R-expressing

394 neurons. Lastly, we discovered that MSN-projecting neurons exhibited distinct

395 distribution patterns of the D1R and D2R across the whole brain. These results suggest

396 that the segregation of connections between upstream brain regions and pDMS D1- or

397 D2-MSNs may provide the basis for biased information propagation to basal ganglia

398 structures, resulting in differential effects on behavior. In addition, D2R-expressing

399 neurons in the BNST and CeA may exert distinct roles in anxiety and addiction.


401 Distinct monosynaptic inputs to pDMS D1-MSNs and D2-MSNs

402 Given the broad roles of the striatum in motor execution, action selection,

403 learning, behavioral flexibility, and reinforcement-associated behaviors such as reward-

404 seeking and reinstatement (Ragozzino ME et al., 2002; Bamford et al., 2018; Roltsch

405 Hellard et al., 2019), improving our understanding of how individual brain regions

406 precisely innervate two major subtypes of striatal neurons represent an essential step

407 towards dissecting the circuits that impact striatal function. The striatum extends a


408 significant length along the anterior-posterior axis, and growing evidence (Yin and

409 Knowlton, 2004; Yin et al., 2005a; Yin et al., 2005b; Corbit and Janak, 2010; Shiflett et

410 al., 2010; Regier et al., 2015) suggests a functional dissociation between anterior and

411 posterior striatum. Although the coordinates that have been used for defining anterior

412 and posterior of striatum varies, the coronal sections (e.g., -0.4 mm) posterior to the

413 anterior commissure crossing the midline were usually considered as the posterior

414 striatum in the majority of rat studies (Betancur et al., 1997; Yin and Knowlton, 2004;

415 Yin et al., 2005a; Yin et al., 2005b; Lex and Hauber, 2010; Shiflett et al., 2010;

416 Stalnaker et al., 2010; Bradfield et al., 2013; Corbit et al., 2013; Hart and Balleine,

417 2016). According to the Paxinos atlas (Franklin and Paxinos, 2007), the anterior

418 commissure crosses the midline more anteriorly in the mouse brain (at +0.14 mm) than

419 in the rat brain (at -0.12 mm). Thus, a section at 0.0 mm from Bregma in a mouse brain

420 was used to define the posterior DMS (Shan et al., 2014; Matamales et al., 2016; Wang

421 et al., 2018). Note that increasing evidence indicate that a third striatal portion along the

422 anterior-posterior axis, the tail of the striatum, exhibits distinct functions and anatomic

423 connections from aDMS or pDMS (Menegas et al., 2015; Matamales et al., 2016a;

424 Menegas et al., 2017; Guo et al., 2018; Menegas et al., 2018; Gangarossa et al., 2019;

425 Guo et al., 2019).

426 The present study discovered that pDMS D1-MSNs and D2-MSNs received

427 asymmetric inputs from other brain regions. We employed a monosynaptic rabies virus

428 system (Wall et al., 2013) to label brain-wide neurons with direct connections to pDMS

429 D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs. We discovered that these two MSN subtypes received

430 asymmetric inputs from other whole brain regions. Dense D1-MSN innervations


431 originated primarily from the orbital frontal, secondary motor, cingulate, and secondary

432 visual cortices. These prefrontal and limbic structures are devoted mainly to reward

433 motivation, emotional regulation, planning of complex cognitive behaviors, and decision

434 making (Floresco et al., 2008; Balleine et al., 2009; Gremel et al., 2016; Barthas and

435 Kwan, 2017). Therefore, our results suggested that information related to reward, based

436 on past experience, may be preferentially passed to the direct pathway circuit and thus

437 facilitate actions likely to procure a reward. In contrast, D2-MSNs received inputs that

438 mainly originated from the primary motor cortex, primary sensory cortex, central

439 thalamic nucleus, and ventromedial thalamic nucleus. Concurrent activation of D1- and

440 D2-MSNs has been reported during action initiation (Hikida et al., 2010; Cui et al.,

441 2013). Biased projections from the primary motor and sensory cortices onto D2-MSNs

442 may contribute to the suppression of unwanted behavior via activation of D2-MSNs. In

443 addition, there is growing evidence that the thalamostriatal pathway plays an essential

444 role in responses to salient stimuli and behavioral flexibility; projections from the central

445 median and parafascicular nuclei onto cholinergic interneurons, which have also been

446 found to express the D2R, appear to be particularly important in this context (Kreitzer

447 and Malenka, 2008; Smith et al., 2011; Bradfield et al., 2013; Guo et al., 2015). The

448 present study used D2-Cre mice to identify extra-striatal inputs onto D2-MSNs. Despite

449 the relatively low abundance of striatal cholinergic interneurons (Kreitzer and Malenka,

450 2008), we cannot rule out the possibility that the observed connections between central

451 and ventromedial thalamic regions and D2-expressing striatal neurons may also have

452 included some projections to cholinergic interneurons. This architecture suggests that

453 salient information from the thalamus may be differentially transmitted to D2R-


454 expressing cholinergic interneurons and D2-MSNs to stop a current ongoing action and

455 initiate a new action, thus facilitating flexible switching between behaviors.

456 The pDMS appears to be more involved in the acquisition of goal-directed

457 actions than the aDMS (Yin et al., 2005a; Corbit and Janak, 2010; Shiflett et al., 2010),

458 and the present study, therefore, focused on inputs to the pDMS. Our results were

459 mostly consistent with other recent studies, which identified major inputs onto D1-MSNs

460 and D2-MSNs that arose in the cortex and thalamus (Doig et al., 2010; Wall et al., 2013;

461 Hunnicutt et al., 2016). Interestingly, in contrast to a previous observation (Wall et al.,

462 2013), we identified significant projections from the secondary motor cortex and

463 cingulate cortex to the pDMS. These inputs selectively innervated D1-MSNs.

464 Anatomical and functional studies have suggested that the dorsomedial, dorsolateral,

465 and ventral striatum received preferential inputs from the associative, sensorimotor, and

466 limbic structures, respectively (Burton et al., 2015; Hunnicutt et al., 2016). Thus, this

467 discrepancy may reflect the medial injection site employed in the present study.


469 Distinct expression of D1Rs and D2Rs in the BNST and CeA

470 Interestingly, we observed that D2R-expressing neurons predominated in the

471 BNST and CeA, which are closely associated with anxiety and addictive disorders

472 (Davis et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2018). This was consistent with previous anatomical

473 studies that identified a high proportion of D2R-expressing cells in the BNST and CeA

474 using D2-GFP transgenic animals and D2 in situ hybridization (Perez de la Mora et al.,

475 2012; De Bundel et al., 2016). The CeA and BNST receive dense dopaminergic inputs

476 that originate in the ventral tegmental area (Hasue and Shammah-Lagnado, 2002;


477 Krawczyk et al., 2011). A study using a mouse behavioral paradigm for auditory threat

478 response generalization found that dopamine facilitated the consolidation of fear

479 memory through concomitant activation of D2Rs in the CeA and BNST (De Bundel et

480 al., 2016). A previous immunohistochemical study revealed that most D2R-expressing

481 cells were also positive for protein kinase C-G (Kim et al., 2018), a marker previously

482 shown to identify GABAergic neurons. Selective expression of D2Rs in the BNST and

483 CeA may have a critical impact on final behavioral outcomes in anxiety- and reward-

484 related processes.


486 D1R- or D2R-expressing inputs to D1- and D2-MSNs in the pDMS

487 Dopaminergic modulation of corticostriatal neurotransmission is particularly

488 crucial during reward-based behaviors (Luscher and Malenka, 2011; Bamford et al.,

489 2018; Ma et al., 2018). A recent anatomical study observed high expression levels of

490 D1Rs and D2Rs in the medial prefrontal cortex, orbital frontal cortex, and amygdala

491 (Wei et al., 2018). Furthermore, these D1R- and D2R-expressing neurons were highly

492 segregated, with a low percentage of neurons co-expressing both D1Rs and D2Rs (Wei

493 et al., 2018). Importantly, we found that D1R- or D2R-expressing neurons within the

494 cortex and amygdala sent projections to the DMS and formed functional connections

495 with D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs (Lu et al., 2019). Thus, we expected that there would be

496 strong anatomical connections between extra-striatal D1R- or D2R-expressing DMS-

497 projecting neurons and D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs. Surprisingly, we did not detect a high

498 level of overlap between extra-striatal neurons expressing D1Rs or D2Rs and D1- or

499 D2-MSNs; this suggested that the majority of extra-striatal neurons projecting to D1- or


500 D2-MSNs did not express these receptors. Although only a minority of neurons with

501 inputs to D1- or D2-MSNs expressed D1Rs or D2Rs, increasing evidence indicates that

502 presynaptic D1Rs and D2Rs are essential for dopamine-dependent modulation of

503 glutamate release at corticostriatal (Wang and Goldman-Rakic, 2004;

504 Bamford et al., 2018; Cui et al., 2018; Lu et al., 2019).

505 When the cortical inputs are stimulated at a low frequency, activation of

506 presynaptic D1Rs was shown to boost glutamate release to D1 and D2-MSNs, whereas

507 activation of presynaptic D2Rs suppressed glutamate release (Wang et al., 2012; Cui et

508 al., 2018; Lu et al., 2019). However, when the cortical inputs are stimulated at a higher

509 frequency, this dopaminergic modulation of glutamate release was blocked by

510 adenosine and endocannabinoids (Bamford et al., 2018). This type of presynaptic

511 dopaminergic modulation facilitates the appropriate selection and transmission of

512 excitatory inputs via corticostriatal synapses during learning (Bamford et al., 2018). The

513 D1R- and D2R-expressing inputs to D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs may play important roles in

514 this presynaptic filtration.

515 We observed that D1R- or D2R-expressing neurons with inputs to pDMS D1- or

516 D2-MSNs had distinct brain distribution patterns. Cortical regions contained a higher

517 percentage of D1ÆD1 or D1ÆD2 connections, as compared with D2ÆD2, while

518 thalamic areas had more D2ÆD2 connections, as compared with either D1ÆD1 or

519 D1ÆD2. It is known that D1Rs exhibit a relatively low affinity for dopamine and are

520 mainly activated by fast phasic release of high concentrations of dopamine, while D2Rs

521 have a higher affinity for dopamine and mainly respond to slow tonic dopamine release

522 (Richfield EK et al., 1989; Grieder et al., 2012). The relative levels of D1R- and D2R-


523 expressing inputs to MSNs from cortical and thalamic regions observed in this study

524 suggest that the corticostriatal pathway may be more sensitive to phasic dopamine

525 release. In contrast, the thalamostriatal pathway would be modulated by an increased

526 basal dopamine level. These anatomical findings indicate that phasic dopamine release

527 would preferentially initiate an action, while an increased basal dopamine level would

528 stop an action. In addition, the SNc, lateral habenula, and BNST were similar to

529 thalamic regions in that they expressed high levels of D2Rs than of D1Rs (Krawczyk et

530 al., 2011; Ford, 2014). As we did not examine the anatomical connections between

531 D2R-expressing inputs and D1-MSNs in the present study, it is not surprising that

532 D2ÆD2 connections were more prevalent than either D1ÆD1 or D1ÆD2 in these

533 regions.

534 Interestingly, the analysis of brain-wide inputs onto pDMS D1-MSNs and D2-

535 MSNs revealed that orbital frontal cortex, secondary motor cortex, cingulate cortex, and

536 secondary visual cortex preferentially innervated D1-MSNs, whereas the primary motor

537 cortex, primary sensory cortex, central thalamic nucleus, ventromedial thalamic nucleus,

538 and globus pallidus preferentially innervated D2-MSNs (Figure 2). Besides geometric

539 subdivisions, our study also included cell-type-specific inputs, based on their expression

540 of D1Rs or D2Rs, onto either type of MSNs. We found that extra-striatal D1R- or D2R-

541 expressing inputs also showed biased projections to D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs in the

542 pDMS (Figure 5). It is worth noting that the subregion-based distinct input connectivity

543 of D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs does not guarantee all types of neurons from this region show

544 the same innervation preference. For instance, we did not find biased projection onto

545 D1-MSNs versus D2-MSNs from the frontal associated cortex in Figure 2. However, we


546 observed that D1R-expressing neurons in this brain region preferentially innervated D2-

547 MSNs versus D1-MSNs in Figure 5. Thus, the innervation segregation of MSNs is not

548 clear-cut based on the classification of brain structures. Therefore, it is of particular

549 interest to understand how individual cell-type-specific inputs from different subregions

550 precisely innervate the D1-MSNs and D2-MSNs.


552 Technical consideration

553 The modified rabies virus-mediated monosynaptic tracing enables cell-specific

554 tracing and has been a powerful tool to reveal brain circuitry. However, this method has

555 some technical limitations. The variability of viral expression or imaging conditions may

556 contribute to the discovered differences in the relative proportion of rabies-labeled input

557 cells from certain brain areas onto either D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs. In addition, the

558 efficiency of retrograde transmission of rabies virus at different excitatory, inhibitory, and

559 neuromodulatory synapses is still not fully understood. We and others observed that the

560 dopamine neurons innervating D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs only account for a small

561 percentage of total neurons labeled by rabies virus (Wall et al., 2013; Smith et al.,

562 2016), but the density of midbrain dopaminergic terminals and dopamine receptor

563 expression were high within the striatum (Gerfen and Surmeier, 2011; Cheng et al.,

564 2017; Wei et al., 2018). As compared to the corticostriatal excitatory synapses, those

565 neuromodulatory synapses seem to be underestimated by rabies-mediated retrograde

566 tracing. Similarly, the inhibitory synapses between BNST or CeA may be underreported

567 by current data, as a strong inhibitory functional connection has been found from BNST

568 to MSNs (Smith et al., 2016).


569 In summary, we have demonstrated that pDMS D1-MSNs and D2-MSNs

570 received differential innervation from cortical and thalamic structures. Additionally, we

571 found that the majority of brain-wide extra-striatal inputs to D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs did

572 not express D1Rs or D2Rs, and that the input neurons that did express these receptors

573 exhibited distinct distribution patterns. These findings provide a foundation for the

574 understanding of information segregation in pDMS circuits that will guide future studies.



577 This research was supported by NIAAA R01AA021505 (JW), R01AA027768 (JW), and

578 U01AA025932 (JW).


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779 Figure 1. Rabies virus-mediated retrograde monosynaptic whole-brain tracing of

780 neurons projecting to D1-MSNs and D2-MSNs in the pDMS. A and B, The

781 experimental design used to trace neurons with afferent inputs to D1-MSNs in the

782 pDMS. The design shows how we employed D1-Cre;Snap25 transgenic mice, in which

783 D1-MSNs selectively expressed Cre and GFP (green). Please note that the same

784 approach was repeated in D2-Cre;Snap25 and D1-tdTomato;D2Cre mice, where we

785 traced afferent inputs to D2-MSNs. Selective rabies infection of D1-MSNs was achieved

786 by injecting the pDMS of these mice with Cre-dependent helper viruses expressing an

787 avian membrane EnvA receptor protein (TVA) and rabies glycoprotein (RG) (AAV-Flex-

788 TVA-mCherry and AAV-Flex-RG) three weeks before injection of a modified rabies virus

789 (EnvA-SADΔG-mCherry) into the same area at a 10-degree angle. C, One week after

790 rabies injection, the rabies virus had specifically infected TVA-expressing D1-MSNs, and

791 spread retrogradely from RG-expressing D1-MSNs to neurons with monosynaptic

792 connections with them. Note that extra-striatal neurons with monosynaptic connections

793 to RG-expressing D1-MSNs expressed rabies-derived mCherry (red). mCherry-

794 expressing neurons that also contained D1Rs and thus expressed Cre-driven GFP

795 (green) appeared yellow. Extra-striatal neurons that expressed D1Rs but did not make

796 any connections with RG-expressing D1-MSNs were labeled green. D, Representative

797 confocal images of rabies virus-labeled mCherry-expressing neurons (red) that project

798 to D1-MSNs (i–vii) or D2-MSNs (viii–xiv) throughout the brain in the D1-Cre;Snap25 or

799 D2-Cre;Snap25 mice, respectively. Rows 2 and 4 show enlarged images of the boxed

800 areas in rows 1 and 3, respectively. Note that there were extensive mCherry-positive


801 neurons in the cortex (i–xiv), BNST (iii, x), GPe (iv, xi), amygdala (v, xii), thalamus (vi,

802 xiii), and midbrain (vii, xiv). M2, secondary motor cortex; Cg, cingulate cortex; PrL,

803 prelimbic cortex; S1, primary sensory cortex; M1, primary motor cortex; BNST, bed

804 nucleus of the stria terminalis; GPe, globus pallidus external; AD, anterior dorsal

805 thalamus; AV, anterior ventral thalamus; BLA, basolateral amygdala; CeA, central

806 amygdala; EP, entopeduncular nucleus; Pf, parafascicular thalamic nucleus; SNc,

807 substantia nigra pars compacta; SNr, substantia nigra pars reticulata; inj. site, injection

808 site. Scale bars: 500 μm (rows 1 and 3), 200 μm (rows 2 and 4). E, There was no

809 significant difference between the total number of extra-striatal neurons with projections

810 to D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs; unpaired t test. F, Extra-striatal inputs onto D1-MSNs (blue)

811 versus D2-MSNs (orange); *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; two-way RM ANOVA

812 followed by Tukey test for the indicated comparisons; n = 5 mice for D1-MSNs (D1-

813 Cre;Snap25 mice) and 8 mice for D2-MSNs (4 D2-Cre;Snap25 mice and 4 D1-

814 tdTomato;D2-Cre mice) (E and F).


816 Figure 2. Summary of brain-wide monosynaptic inputs to pDMS D1-MSNs and D2-

817 MSNs. The majority of direct synaptic inputs to the pDMS arose in the cortex and

818 thalamus. Analysis of the normalized distribution of rabies virus-labeled neurons

819 showed that the orbital frontal cortex, secondary motor cortex, cingulate cortex, and

820 secondary visual cortex preferentially projected to D1-MSNs versus D2-MSNs. The

821 primary motor cortex, primary sensory cortex, central thalamic nucleus, ventromedial

822 thalamic nucleus, and globus pallidus preferentially innervated D2-MSNs versus D1-

823 MSNs. The extra-striatal inputs onto D1-MSNs (blue) or D2-MSNs (orange) are


824 expressed as a percentage of the total inputs to these cell types; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01,

825 ***p < 0.001; two-way RM ANOVA followed by Tukey test; n = 5 mice for D1-MSNs (D1-

826 Cre;Snap25 mice) and 8 mice for D2-MSNs (4 D2-Cre;Snap25 mice and 4 D1-

827 tdTomato;D2-Cre mice).


829 Figure 3. The BNST and CeA preferentially express D2Rs versus D1Rs. A,

830 Representative fluorescent image of a coronal section of the BNST from a D1-

831 tdTomato;D2-Cre;Snap25 mouse. The atlas skeleton (left) shows the BNST location at

832 +0.26 mm relative to Bregma. B, Representative dual-channel higher magnification

833 fluorescent images of the boxed region of panel A showing abundant GFP-expressing

834 (D2R-positive) neurons (left), a few tdTomato-expressing (D1R-positive) neurons

835 (middle), and some colocalization (right). The bottom panels show an enlarged image of

836 the boxed region from the top panels. Str, striatum; aca, anterior commissure area; acp,

837 posterior commissure area. C, Schematic representation of the BNST starting at +0.26

838 mm and ending at -0.34 mm relative to Bregma. D, Bar graph summarizing the numbers

839 of D1R- and D2R-expressing neurons in the BNST; **p < 0.01, unpaired t test; n = 18

840 sections from three mice. E, Representative fluorescent image of a coronal section of

841 the CeA from a D1-tdTomato;D2-Cre;Snap25 mouse. The atlas skeleton (left) shows the

842 location of the CeA at -1.22 mm relative to Bregma. F, Representative dual-channel

843 higher magnification fluorescent images of the boxed region of panel E showing

844 abundant GFP-expressing D2R-positive neurons (left), a few tdTomato-expressing D1R-

845 positive neurons (middle), and some colocalization (right). The bottom panels show

846 enlarged images of the boxed region of the top panels. GPe, globus pallidus external;


847 tDS; tail of the striatum; BLA, basolateral amygdala. G, Schematic representation of the

848 CeA starting at -0.82 mm and ending at -1.46 mm relative to Bregma. H, Bar graph

849 depicting the higher average number of D2R-expressing neurons than D1R-expressing

850 neurons in the CeA; ***p < 0.001, unpaired t test; n = 18 sections from three mice. Scale

851 bars: 1 mm (A, E); 250 μm (B, F, top panels); 20 μm (B, F, bottom panels).


853 Figure 4. Rabies virus-mediated retrograde monosynaptic whole-brain labeling of

854 D1R- and D2R-expressing neurons projecting to D1-MSNs and D2-MSNs in the

855 pDMS. A-C, Schematic showing the experimental approach used to label extra-striatal

856 D1R- or D2R-expressing neurons with projections to pDMS D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs. D1-

857 Cre;Snap25 mice were employed to identify D1ÆD1 connections (A), D2-Cre;Snap25

858 mice for D2ÆD2 connections (B), and D1-tdTomato;D2-Cre mice for D1ÆD2

859 connections (C). D1-Cre;Snap25 and D2-Cre;Snap25 mice expressed GFP in D1R- and

860 D2R-expressing neurons, respectively (A and B). In D1-tdTomato;D2-Cre mice, D1R-

861 expressing neurons were labeled red (C). Injection of Cre-dependent helper viruses

862 (AAV-Flex-TVA-mCherry and AAV-Flex-RG) into the pDMS induced selective

863 expression of TVA and RG in Cre-expressing D1-MSNs (A), D2-MSNs (B), and D2-

864 MSNs (C). Three weeks after helper virus infusion, injection of EnvA-SADΔG-mCherry

865 into the same site of the D1-Cre;Snap25 (A) and D2-Cre;Snap25 (B) mice, and of EnvA-

866 SADΔG-GFP into the same site of D1-tdTomato;D2-Cre mice (C) caused selective

867 rabies infection and expression of mCherry by D1-MSNs (A) or D2-MSNs (B), and

868 expression of rabies-GFP by D2-MSNs (C). Retrograde spread of rabies virus then

869 occurred from D1-MSNs (A) or D2-MSNs (B, C) to extra-striatal presynaptic neurons.


870 This facilitated identification of D1ÆD1 (A), D2ÆD2 (B), and D1ÆD2 (C) connections,

871 as indicated. D, Representative confocal images of the cortex in the indicated mice

872 following injection of either EnvA-SAD'G-mCherry or EnvA-SAD'G-GFP. White arrows

873 indicate colocalization of D1ÆD1 (left), D2ÆD2 (middle), and D1ÆD2 (right). Scale

874 bars: 10 μm. E, The relative levels of the indicated connections, where D1ÆD1 is

875 expressed as a percentage of the total number of D1-MSN inputs, and D2ÆD2 or

876 D1ÆD2 is expressed as a percentage of the total number of D2-MSN inputs; *p < 0.05,

877 **p < 0.01 for the indicated comparisons, one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test. F,

878 Bar graph comparing D1R- and D2R-expressing inputs from the cortex, amygdala, and

879 thalamus onto MSNs. D1R- or D2R-expressing inputs from the indicated brain regions

880 were normalized to the total extra-striatal D1R- or D2R-expressing inputs, as

881 appropriate. Note that the cortex exhibited high percentages of D1ÆD1 and D1ÆD2

882 connections, whereas the thalamus showed a high percentage of D2ÆD2 connections;

883 ***p < 0.001, *p < 0.05, two-way RM ANOVA followed by Tukey test. G, Bar graph

884 comparing D1R- and D2R-expressing inputs from the SNc, lateral habenula (LHb), and

885 BNST onto MSNs. D1R- or D2R-expressing inputs from these brain regions were

886 normalized to the total extra-striatal D1R- or D2R-expressing inputs; **p < 0.01, *p <

887 0.05, two-way RM ANOVA followed by Tukey test. n = 5 (D1ÆD1), 4 (D2ÆD2), 4

888 (D1ÆD2) mice (E-G).


890 Figure 5. Distribution of extra-striatal D1R- or D2R-expressing inputs onto MSNs

891 from the cortex, amygdala, and thalamus. D1R- or D2R-expressing inputs from the

892 indicated brain regions were normalized to the total extra-striatal D1R- or D2R-


893 expressing inputs, as appropriate. A, Bar graph of cortical inputs, segregated into ten

894 major subregions, indicating that the frontal associate cortex had a high proportion of

895 D1ÆD2 connections; *p < 0.05, two-way RM ANOVA followed by Tukey test. B, No

896 significant differences were found in the proportions of connection types between the

897 BLA or CeA and the pDMS. C, No significant differences were found in the proportions

898 of connection types between the paraventricular thalamic nucleus (PVT), anterior

899 thalamic nucleus (ATN), anteroventral thalamic nucleus (AV), intermediodorsal thalamic

900 nucleus (IMD), or posterior thalamic nucleus (Po) and the pDMS. However, the

901 mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD), central thalamic nucleus (CM), and ventromedial

902 thalamic nucleus (VM) were found to have high percentages of D2ÆD2 connections,

903 while the parafascicular thalamic nucleus (Pf) had a high percentage of D1ÆD1

904 connections; ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05, two-way RM ANOVA followed by Tukey

905 test. n = 5 (D1ÆD1), 4 (D2ÆD2), 4 (D1ÆD2) mice.