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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

12-6-1945 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1945). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2294.

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1945 BULLOCH TIMES AND SrAT�SIIORO NEWS THURSDAY. NOV. 29. EIGHT BACKWARD LOOK The True Memorial � I • TEN YEARS AGO IS AN UNWRrrrEN BUT IDA). • F_ Bulloch Times, Dec. 5. 1986 Clubs STOaT OF ALL TllAT QUENT Thlrty-odd members from Landrum WITH Jltasonlc Lodge. Savannah. aeaisted In WIR IS BEST IN I...D'B. '" (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) 10UI eonferrtng tho master's degree at Ogeechee lodge Tuesday evenmg ; to raftd dI. Our work belpe supper was served by ladles of the Bullocb TImes. Establiebecl 1891 IS Mr and Mrs W were Conaolldated JanUUJ 17. 11117 MIss Vivian WaterB. of Atlanta. W Brannen to erect members' Statesboro EstabliJIhecl 1901 DEC. 1945 SPIrit whick prompta Joa famihes. News. I STATESBORO. GA .• THURSDAY. 6. I her Mrs John VISItOrs III Jacksonvillo Thur-sday I Artley Construccion will Statesboro Eagle. E.tabllshed 1917-Coneolldated D_ber 9. 1910 I visiting grandmother. the stoDe a. an aet of ....­ Company build the Bulloch Personal Paul Jones. Ernest Lewis, of Atlanta, spent the county Hospital pro­ Purely II aDd devotion•••• Oar � I vided now week with the modified bids before the -======Mr and Mrs Hal KInnon and Paul end bIB mother. Mrs Pauli-=-­ II at your service. board of county cornnuesronors and War Is I Bulloch Still Short 18 a few here during B. Lewis. James Johnston, of the Navy, Kinnon spent days state WPA adminiatration are ap­ STATESBORO HAS Reli�f Fu�d HEADS SELEcrED ROTARY VISITOR Mrs Nattie Allen the week Goal awhile with his famIly here the past week spent proved. their figure was $68.000: oth­ Nearing' Fixed � In Sale of War Bonds espending - Monument Co. er bids ran as as arc Olhff of was end tn Reynolds with his Mr. Brannen Thayer high $75.000. LIeut. and Mrs Joe Neville Mrs Frank Jr. Mllkm. parents. The War Fund drive Bulloch Bond has been Bet for Bulloch county county E VIctory TALKS AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs A Local Since 11111 mary February 5th: PLACID ELECfION TO LRW PROGRA awhile with hIs parents. Mr the week-end guest of Trapp. IndastIT to to M�\, .:spendmg Date for county Democratic pri­ has date • �t� sales are now $56.475. The county Mr and Mrs. Fred Smith Sr. and JOHN II, THAYER. _amounted $5.170.10.. Rabbi NevllJoe Frank Olliff Sr Proprietor was Are Youngennan Spoke of -and Mrs Gesmon I closmg dabe for entrtes to be January Fewer Than Five Hundred The quota for yaar �.OOO. Committeemen Named quota IS $144.000 W. G. Oobb coun, ed to Tech Mrs H. H Cowart has returned Mr and Mrs. H. P. Jones Sr. spent 0.. 4th; candidates re-eleetion al­ .thls Farmers From Issues Involved In Present Dick Brannen has return 46 West Main Street PHONE .. Stateaboro, seeking Votes �ast In Contest Four communtttes have not reported. By Of ty war finance ehairman, ur es' eve tn announced ate J. Eac.h with his par; from where she visited WIth the week end Conyers. ready E McCroan. The CommuOltl_ Disturbance In Palestine .after Thursday Atlanta. -- ....;.....;. ...I.I...... : 11 these ccmmuntttes have one who E spending ...... co-operated County plans to buy theseg bon� has her Mr. and Mrs Doy Newton an.I------ordinary; F. I. clerk: John For City Council Jobs Mrs Brannen relatives last week, Mrs. WIlson returned to ':Vllitams. ""nts. Mr and Lloyd P tax W. m the dirve the quota may be reach. to do so this week If The A most was nounce of a Lee, receiver; W. Deoaeh, J Banks haB been re-elected possible. pleaSIng speaker Rabbi home tn after a VIsit WIth Mr. the birtft son. Danny Doy. � of the Navy. has ar- MISS EhzaUeth Deal. Lyons school Statesboro WIll have two new coun- Albert Hngins, �runswu:k. HARMONY MUSIC CLUB tax collector; H. P. Womack. ed' ehairrnan of bond drive closes December 8. LOUll! Youngerman. of Savannah. who and Mr. Donaldson. Novetnber 23. Mrs. Newton will be the county AAA com- a leave WIth hIS par- the hohdays WIth parents. VIrgIl superintendent; new aspirants are: cilmen after the beginning of the new came srived to spend spent Ih�r The Harmony MUSIC OIub e{ltertain­ Mo.VIE "C,LOCK • B[Ookiet. as in the past. Kermit R. Carr. cashler of the Sea spoke at Rotary luncheon Oil remembered as Miss Hendrix. mit"'e of three members which WIll Monday Mrs W. E W. E. Brunson Kitty B. H. solicitor court: on Mrs. Herbert Hagins Dr and Mrs. D. L. Deal Brunson, ed Noy. at the Ramsey. city year. and will retaIn her board WIth full of if """llI.Mr.'and Thu�ay evening. 15. through. her quota $600, admllllster affairS of the AAA Island Bank. stated that only 1.800 the subject of world-WIde inte_. v18. Mr. and IIrs.\ A. L. Brannen Ji of G. W. Clark. Lowell Mallard and W. farm has returned MISS Ruth Atlanta. was the Jr. and Mrs. W. W. Brannen were GEORGIA three members of the coun- 1>hs. lletty Jean Cone Dabney. Woman's Club. Mrs. John. present ThIS community has met every Ie wouId one bond tbe the dIsorder. announce birth son George L McElveen. for sheriff: J. C. Don­ quota In Bulloch Other peop buy $100 conccrmng present the ofl � . program county viSIt 'and Mrs. BIll itors In Augtf.ta Register. cil, These two new members are \to "I'homaaville afber a holtday guest of Wed:"esday. ston had of the dance•• which aldson and C. C. tax receiver. i the War Fund or exeaecl� WIth aome we�k-end r,I�. Xlton No�e'mbet 10. THIS WHBJ[ Akins, drive, members elected to the board quota WIll be easy. 25.000 Paleatine, "! Rev. and Mrs. Max O'Neal have Lon'nle. on ''Mrs: \cWge WIlbur and A- county Mr. and E. and Dr. J: H.I WHItesIde. ' were Social events: Mrs. Britt Buttrell Woodcock W. Bowen...... th her M,.. Keith gotten and ,\ tn the this 100kB . The now a p�renh. C'I I Brtlnnen Was ''MI•• very \�everly up, NOW SHOWING th lore C. M. Graham. vice-chairman and people county. ea8Y. Rabbi, aerving Savannall .returned to Eutman after a VISIt fbl'mer1y M.arY entertemed a few friends at a con- Mr. Mrs. Duncan McDougald, ' turkey who were wmners m Saturday"s ttisl\ days' .vhnt were Beaver. quartet offermg 0 mov avorabl he iD�n." I .J� Dehghtful refreshments se�ed erBryc II'ege $177.69. are i ng very f y. says. that tim.. he bas been advanced to " Green WIll be remembet'lld as MISS Dec. lot. parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Smgley. of community commltteelRen 01 Mr. and Mrs. Groover. lants. Saturday. electIOn. was defeated. t ,.resultB Miss Dorothy Dennto. parents, pew and each boy and girl left declaring Nevi'I s tur.ned In $248.25'.,S llidDI R" feels that the people will realize the �ead the Frances B_n. of on North Main street; the American as follow.: respo/lsibllity through as Atlants dur- Miss Paaltne Blish. of was Jesup. OF RUSTY. The vote was the holidays· Joe Olltff was called>tb Eastman. had never more. �VENTURES was entertsmed comparatIvely light. Weat the bond. of spent Thanksglvmg �ordon'l they enjoyed anything LegIon Auxihary $167: Leefield. ,75; Side. the situation with small death Rabbi Solomons. . Mr. and Mrs Milton A. an­ 10:00 ta51 44th dIstrIct. J. Hubert Waters com- MaurIce week end because of the serl- the hohday guest of Dean and Mrs. Findley 1:22, 4:57. 7'32. afternoon MrB. H. P the of inter- "dthe guest of Mr., and. Mrs. mg the Tuesday by considenng possiblhty Portal. $3206; Mlddleground. ,1.1.86; and buy them thlB week. The coming of Rabbi nounce the birth pean WOMEN Glenn Thad who and Allen of H Bhtch and daughter. Trapnell Hunter. of OCIlla, town. H. ceremony taktng BETWEEN TWO In outhmng the proposed actlVltleB Jenninlrs and 1II0rtB. ... bave Jr Rllnes. W ----­ tho who clole track of Mrs -- sons, Hatry � commItteeman; John T. Allen. alter. by kept hol- Read of a In Savllnnllh Tuesday evemng, 3'00, 438. 6 16. 7:54, 9.22. of the Chamber of Commerce for the dId not for re-electIon. Neither IN BUREAU DRIVE spent Thursday wltb her Charlotte. spent the ThanksglVlng HamIlton, Savannah, spent plnce offer world events. Familiar with the hla­ :'Sylvullla, I eommg year at mid-day nate. and few last week as of Mr. November 13. at 7 '00 o'clock, With Tuesday's of the new--men has had LOOK FOR CROOKS MI s W R Woodcock. tn Atlanta as of Mr days guestB Dec. 5. previous and Pale•• 10thOl. Idays gueBts Wednesday. luncheon. W. E. McDougald. newly 1340th dlstrtct. W. E Oannady. com· Total of 1,485 Members tory geogrspby affectilllf W Brannen Rev Lon L la both are have returned Chambers. and M,. W Day offICIating FIeld and Zachary Seott took occaSIOn to pohtical experIence. though ths deacrlbed the conell.. Dr and Mrs Goolsby Mrs. E If • Betty elected preSIdent. Police Chief Hart Gives Dan L. alternate. to State Of8ee tine. Bpeaker m her , mitteeman: Futch. Reported a Mrs J L Mrs H. F Ho.ok. The brure, gIven marrtage by SOUTHERNER reVlew some of the actIVIties of the as quahfied pubhc spmt- 11;0 Fernandina Beach. Fla. afte.. a few Johnson, Give Readers recogmzed tiona which are at thie time co.­ LIttle Cynthm Johnston Bpent Digest Timely Wamin« AgaiDSt 1523rd dl.tnct. R. C. Hall. �ommlt- At Close of Mrs Chff Bradley and M,ss Vera father. wore a weddmg gown of whIte 3 00. 4'59. 6 58, 8 57. organizatIOn for the year JUBt closing. ed bUBmess men. of the Te- Campaign 'few VISIt WIth theIr daughber. end tn worthy Results mandlng so much of the thoul'ltt ., days' days during the week Gray- For Christmas. Late MethodIst conference made P088ible Sad teeman. W. Le\1 McElveen. altemate. In u tulle "ell and carrted a whIte te wblch have been and Dr. Damel. Mr. Johnson formed a group Visiting satm, sponslbllitleo they Bulloch county reported 1.�85 memo world leadars. Mrs. Bird Daniel, mont With her uncle and aunt, Dec. 6-7 many changes In local pastorates; 1647th district. R, III, com- the week. book WIth orchIds. Comtng elected. "Sean that check well before you Brag!!'. and Joe Zetterower have durmg past prayer topped Rev. Leland Moore to Rev. bers to the state Farm Bureau on No. he explained that IOIIlAI lilI Mr MrB and MrB VIrgil Durden. Savarn"h MISS goes CaIro: 0, B. Clifton. alternate. Bn"Oy Mrs Albert the bnde's SIB­ SEE MEMBER OF JUNIOR who !oed the cash IIr. Merchant." mltteeman; m MISS Edna NeVIlle. techniCian at the Powell. J,- M. Foster comes to Ststesboro; Mr. Woodcock. ticket. it. vern be.. the date for this or thera had been a -returned to theIr home Galesburg. 167tith J. E. commIt· 30, closing eIght year. ago Harold has been dIscharged .. , district. Deal. Hagins Central of m Sa­ ter and maid of honor, WON a pink Rev. E. F Morgan is made preSIding has been an outstandmg business ThIs warning waB aued toda, by Bu· after a week WIth hIS GeorgIa HospItal. METHODIST YOUTH CARD OF THANKS long fiscal year. The county Fann compact entered into by the contron.. ..lll, spendmg Marmes after two yearB elder of the Savannah Rev. teeman: J. H. Metts. alternate. from the carried an arm of district; a in insurance clrelea of Police Hart III caution. J. J. Zetber- vannah, spent ThanksglVlng holtdays dress and bouquet We to �xpres. our thank. and man. leader Chief Edgar reau waa members for the British Mr. and MIS. wisb, I. sent to Thomas­ eom­ goal 1.000 ing powers. Includlnl' ;parents, now at home With hIS FELLOWSHIP Bascom Anthony 1716tb district. M. L. Taylor. ef­ overseas and IS Edna lavelldar MISB Sal­ to our many friend. of business Mr. Bowen. merchants to be alert for here With her mother, Mrs. chrysanthemullUl. appreciatIon vllh! Rev. C. E. Brook­ and generally. ing ) 945. The mterest III the organi",. which provided that tliere shoul4 wer. for theIr dIstrict; Dell. mltbeeman; Rell Tarpnell. altemate plre, motlmr. Mrs W,il Hugtns MIBB Patton were thIS town arfd commumty Furniture Oom- during the bu;inea. rush pre. Hilda NeVIlle. he NeVIlle and let-New Hope charge. operatmg the B01,Ven forgers tlon was greater than antiCIpated by be to the Jews a to make MIBses Ahce and Eva NevilB. Bnd assistance to us dar. 1803rd C. DeLoach. open right den- kmdnesBe� . district. OIavy Hllam Jackson has returned to Clemson wearmg blue dresses and For Fund. Social e""nts: Mrs. Inman Foy has hlrewlBe established a ree- ceeding Christmas. Ann and John Ed Brannen. coUege bridesmaIds. Missionary our father and pany. the officers wben this pledge .... their homes III Paleltine und�T ce..., Dorothy Kennedy tng cur sorrow when , N. J. alternate. Anelj. after entertained. her brtdge club TueBday and has Chief Hart that committeeman; COlt. tal college m Atlanta spendmg and Miss Sue Bratlnen. car....d arm bouquets of pink chry­ husband from us. God ord, as a successful CItizen. emphaSIzed with\ made conditions. He tbe� Lane have returned to GSCW. Btudent. Betty depart811 May week at home on Savan· explained .lBetty of last her checks la· WIth his mother and hl8 with santhemums. bless eadh everyone of you recently returned from more the millions of government stat- had arisen which after a hohday VIsIt at tlte hoJldays WeBI'ayan. spent Thunksglvmg !ind' nah avenue; Mr. and Mrs J., M. only R. P. MIkell. county secretary. mduBtrlal conditions MIlledgeVIlle. AKINS AND serv- J L. Jackson man MRS. LINTON t·vo of servIce m the Navy sued to dependents of brother. Dr theIr parents. Mr and Mrs. Emory Mr. Sylvester's best ,was 'tr:ayer "'e�e hosts to a number of than years monthly ed th"t Brooklet WIth 186 members had caused a restriction of the rlahta �ome. FAMILY. for TIME RIPE MAKE assume Icemen forgers t Brad and NICholas Handrogea. of Chat­ MOONEY fr)"nds at Tuesday evening The two new members WIll "The temptatIon .� lead the desire to make Be G un SNellue M ISS Laura Margare y Brannen. T/Sgt. DR. JOHN JR. dinne,:, contInued to commulllty of those who mlgh� MIsses tty er, and Mrs 0 G. Checkjfor Mr. usbers were John SALE��-foot electric FrigId. at theIr home: duties at the firBt of IB and the JackIe and Car- her MIBS Irene Brtdges. MiBs Mr, and Mrs Charles Brttton. of ham FIeld. and Announces the reopemng qf his office FOR theIr meeting gre�t. oppo�tun�tles membershIp. Portal moved from 35 th..r homes in Palestine. and that frl.!:. SmIth, Martha Rose. guest. mom­ Lee entertaIned members of theIr Dur- Shaw. at 31 SeIbold street. belepbone 14. aire; can be seen Saturday the council in At that time then are many" 'CHRISTMAS TOYS to Nona and MisB Lorena spent the holidays WIth hIS Doass and Fred at dtnn.r Thurs­ January ilL 1944 to 131 in 1046. MIddle Ground tlOn between nationalities had � Iyn Bowen hav� returned GSWC. HodgeB Atlanp.. CllI'FF KNIGHT. Rt. 1. Stilson. famIly Thanksgiving bro�ht (15nov2tp) mg. admmtstratlon In the "Be sure you know your endoner," returned to after Mrs. JanIe and Followmg th� weddmg a receptIOn at the.. country home. among also the city had some 35 in 1944 and now haB 116, about hostilities which ha.•• -Valdosta. after a hohday Vlsit at den have Wesleyan 'IlIother. Ethertdge. day Christmas Toys May open E. Mr. and M,s. J Z. WIll be announc- the chIef saId "Ask for adequate here at home. her Mr and Mrs. Jo­ was held at the b'ome of Mrs. V. the guests being vartous departments Made at One's StIlson has some 110 mem- practically cloBed ,the country to til• , arne here. spendmg Thanksglvmg grandparents. Easily Badloj)" WIl­ - All honoest �per."n Gracen and later Mr. and Mrs. Syl­ Kenllrlok, J&IiI. • ilia R A .everal West SIde sa a e a seph Woodcock. Irh'. MD<.JftOQlat d, �.� d!u�tllcl'tion.' County �ys b..uhlp for fears. JewjI efuge, !xp • .IIOIlJiMdill aDIl . I, i'k wtl1. rome, left for the.. to - . *n .e � 1IIt:1 �a.�.. w·tt:l w.._ gladl" ..... M,s. Ahce Jo Lane, of the Unlyer­ vester weddmg trIp Mu.eU and' chtl nm. lull lit 110, ..... r·.I!'IiftI,...... _ M�' It'. not too to be planning Canada. will make their varloa8 commlttt.e responslblU· you know· who he 'ls.1f early Denmark from slty HospItal. Augusta. and "'ss Toronto. They KEEP YOURSELF WELL DRESSED Ister from 40 to 65. Uvtng in Germany and tbolll ICOUUtrr.. THIRTY YEARS AGO a letter from H Broad- fo,' Chrlstma. and Ch�IBtmas tOYB, thelf home m New 1n GeoIge SInkhole flom 30 to W,I· were overrun the Germa.. B..tty Lane, of G S.C.W. Milledge­ Charlestown. 71 to 86. 79. which by , of the Atlanta MISS Irma Bulloch county Bulloch Dec. 1915 nax. agent tn charge Spe lind JohnBon and a half .tlll I VIlle. spent Thank.glvtng holidays SERVICE From TImes. 2. low HIll (10m 20 to 50 only about a million �ampshlre. USE OUR SPECIAL DRY CLEANING secret Chief Hart home demonsttatlOn agent. declared I III STUDENTS TO offic... U S. serv.ce, with. theIr parentB. Mr. and Mrs. E. A m...tmg WIll be held the-;'ourt COLLEGE G,ove malRtalRed Its 16 members. Itve. and that tltere IS dire' poaalbility thlr- week. ChIldren need to McGRATIII-CONE hfluse on the mornmg of December saId he was IIIformed that only thlB toys i SLane. APPEAR IN RECITAL Ogeechee has nover had many mem- of the death of a half militon of theae foods. the of mllhon are them at the Ohrlstmas Coral Nov. 22.-Pvt. 11th to conBldel propOSItIOn checks In evel')' make happy Gables. Fla. the ty-elght bIlrs but now has-68 and Warnock haB before the end of the pre.ent mcom- i Qualit, a packmg plant at VOIce and plano students m wholesome estobltBhmg the commented, se880n and for play , Wac, daugh- "But," chief a in PARTIES Anna Evelyn McGarth. First Class Work which IS beIng forged. 60 whel e they Iiave only had few Ing wmter. LOVELY HONOR Statesboro, meeting dIVISion of mustc of Georgia Teachers Wartime re­ to 290 I merchant exerts the caTe throughout the year. ter of pavid McGrath. Dudley the Statesboro BoaId of Hlf every the In the meantime. explained the AI LOWf!� P�lces MR. AND MRS, JONES sponsored by WIll be heard m a recItal m of past. and College Ln checks for strlctlOns reduced the varIety toys Roxbury. Mass. SISgt. Trade. he should cashIng H Smith Jr of the a commltbee has been named �� Btreet. on W .• president Rabbi. Mrs. P. Jones Sr. was hostess at was the audItorIUm FrIday commercIal concerns and of­ H. son Mrs. Aaron J. W. John.ton Sr.. age 58. college thIS could be brought made by James A. Cone. of Vone strangers llgu", local announced that the to the situatIon while the Promptly the roadSIde a mile December at 8 o'clock. chapter. investIgate a brtdge-Iuncheon the found dead by even 109, 7, fered for sale in stores but mnny lovely during 220 North StateB­ even lower." earned Bulloch the rival r BEL."ERY Cone. College street. from home Tuesday morn­ membership obtamed disturbance8 increase among FREE Hotel as a hIS early of MISS Eptmg. Mr. Broucek. maberlals have been past week at the Jaeckel at o'clock PupIls Ln an offiCIal secret serv- toys of substItute Ga .• were married 4 hIS wreck­ Broadnax. to the Am.rl- m Land, He boro. a hundred yards away on the five delegates nationalities the !Ioly Mrs ing: and Dr Nell. who WIll appear for- ThlB caused county compltment to H. P Jones Jr.. in some fallen .. told ChIef Hart that developed toy shortage Saturday afbernoon. November 10. ed buggy was found upgn Ice bull tlll. Bureau FederatIon conven· was critIcal of the actioa Maxwell House mclude Barbara Anderson, can Farm particularly LONG AND MI'. Jones. has come to eVIdence that he had dIed of progarm, of for- famihes to dIscover that many who. Wlt� the Method..t cburch. M,am,. trees: ty-one per cent apprebended many December 16 to 21. of m Trtmty CLEANERS Jesse Car­ tlon tn . the Britfiilf"gtWernment haviDIr SHORT GRAIN COFFEE, Ib, 29c Statesboro reSIde BeautIful fall IDEAL heart attack. Frances Anderson, Deal, commItted toys that children WIll en- b RICE tq The Rev. RufuB Wicker read the gerB m 1944-45 were by mterestmg earned from the its Two oppoBing tickets for city coun­ Holland. Helen John. The county $556.25 abandoned prevlOu.fY-announeecl , fiowers were placed about the hotel lene Elhs, Bobby under may be made at home servICe. voted III the personB 21. Joy natIonal in favor of Paleitl�e a. a Street c'll are being upon today Sara Ann Ruth state and orgalll.atlOnS. attItude where the were enter- East Vine son. Betty Jones. May. tlll... S and chIldren parlors guests as aBsistant one tICket has S. Edwm "Don't be too busy to got proper "Many parents a t SALT The brIde ll! �asigned cIty prImary: whIch meanB that the county WIll have of peace for the mIllion and. MATCHES Altce Marga,ret 1lUI­ place Pot holders as went to T. J. Denmark and J. O. Quarles. Sca.boro, the can make and other play tamed. prtzes at the AAF and Gtoover. IdentIficatIOn of your endorser." toys the fifth have been driven lIU� 31Joxes 2 Boxes 5c die�ltlon RegIOnal Lowell to pay only $18.75 to send half Jews who 12c for the other ticket. S C. Alien. Sherman. Hoke Smith. ThomaB. that will better t, M1'tI: Walter Aldred Jr. hIgh score. abl Martm: 1Q concluston "Remember, terlals at home gIve Citonva escen IIOSpl'taI m C'oraI G 88. Frankhn. chIef saId of theIr by the German horde•• W H Kenncdy and J. W. DorIS Tillman and H1Ida Zetterower. leBs thall delegate. to Mrs. Cone for low. and to stands to lose from a satisfactIOn and cost much 1i000es BIlly and Cone as mess �ergeant m forbId his name to It IS you who M\"lmbors Belected to attend thlB I Sgt (Allen POSItIvely The IS tnVlted to MISS " Mrs H WatklOS for cut. Sachet candIdates pubhc cordIally commerCially-made toys," Spears arry that InstItutIOn be voted for. thus only five forged check." the pleSt­ to the ChrIst­ convention by commumty th,s program and gala ------are whIch ;, MIXED FRUIT CAKE MATERIm was the gift to Mrs. Jones. A salad Mrs. arc m the field.) saId. "Good tOYB toys were are Mr, Attendmg the couple the Phll­ dents at theIr la8t meeting VISITING TEACHER At the 'recent seSBlon of South mas concert to be gIven by IS the With Cherries and Pineapple and dessert were served Guests brtde­ chIldren can do thlllgs. Play .; 'plate John H. Gee III. sIster of the B Thrash­ of Lot SllIIth MI MIkell. C, M. Cowart GeorgIa Conference Rev. J. harmomc chOIr the followtng week Vacant Masonic and the , I ncluded Mrs. Jone Mrs Aldred. Mrs. means by whIch the baby •• and Grant SmIth. of Coral to the of R Jr. The selectIOn , groom. er was aSSIgned pastorate 14th and T Brayan GAINS Prince Albert December n about the Cone. Mrs. Watkms. Mrs Charles 011. MethodiBt Rev Price young chIld leal thtngs DISCUSSES Gables :who IS a .tudent at the Uni­ the Statesboro church; Brings Fancy was made on the baSIB of the mamber. Lb. 6c III TOBACCO 10c SUGAR Mrs MIBS Wllhams was named preBldmg world and the It. Through Iff Jr.• Floyd. Mary N. H people Mr Cowart Miss White She Wl)ldo of MIami. ncar per front foot. In the communities Says \ verslcy' elder of the Dubhn d,strtct. m whIch Brlllgtng $150 WIth and WIth other shIp Mrs. Mrs. thelt play toys Mathews. Henry Bltteh. the ceremony Mr. and AI­ the MasonIC of the Portsl orgamza­ Finds School Attendance Followmg StatesboIO IS located: Rev W G the vacant lot adJolntng IS plesldent Matt Mrs. Buford GEORGIAN FLIES chlldlen the child learns the Impor­ Dobson. Knlgbt. a sent Blooklet. W. In The M,s. Cone entertamed at receptIOn former pastor here, was , sold at before ttle court tlOn and MI. Blyan ..t Improving County Dur_ labcn, lodge publtc of and take 111 human GRAPES ORANGES TANGER� Mrs Paul Sau"". MISS Dorothy 420 S.W Rev SIlas Johnson was tant lesson give of the .. to ABhburn. for at the present resld�nce. door morntng $7.- II R Anderson. vIce-preSident Rev. house Tuesday The teacher of Bulloch )' rs verett WI II' M I'S. Bert to Metter and Stillmore: vIsIting � den, M E lams, MiamI. returned IllS BLOOD Rosenberg. I'JlatlOnshlps could not attend. Seventh avenue, was Sam retumed to San­ TO GIVE 200 The bIdder county olgnntZatlOn, haB been the 8choot. r" I and Mrs. Grover Jr. W. K. iX!nms was of the best toys WIll prOVIde county vls}tmg 'y APPLES RIggs been m servIce for same Many the vocational B.rannen The bnde has Fisher was a stOle Oil the To IlJprcscnt .. agllcuJ­ dersvIJloa; Rev. Guyton of Labor who operabes and oentertatnment� fOI of th" entire county and Bpending Guests for lunch were Mrs. Young Employee amusement Brook­ calhng SIX months. who been Rev. Bascom nearer to the center of J. H Griffeth. Sgt. COM. nsslgned to Montezuma: Plane street a little ture teachers. some WIth each teachel' and her pu­ PLENTY Mrs. ha� Goes By chIldren of ai: ages, the home demon­ , Fred Mrs. Horace SmIth. to the Department All SmIth. almost IS ex- was aSSIgned pastor. was named the fifth delegate. Ciga�t(es:. tn servIce eIght years. Anthony the CIty. let. to encourage better at­ Mrs. W. H. church To Sufferer in stration agent pO lilted out Blocks, pIls trying 2 35c CANDY, BARS 5c Herbert Kingery and next month. ate of Valdosta ). _-' �� pectmg to be dIscharged to ascertam the apPIoxl­ are satIs­ Packag� Merely and Pllllltlllg matellllls tendance, The reBults ""ry . crayons BIlteh Panama Canal Zone of the GeorgIa De­ the sale sand. He served 10 the FORTY YEARS AGO All employee mate value of the property, ALL SISTERS SHARED school an 1m· ' and ma­ each shOWing of last week Mrs. , arc a few of the toys play factory. Tuesday e""ntng to 1940. of Labor was rushed by I� or fn'm 1938 partment was advertised to give every prospect. IN MEMORIAL GIFT tn the.. attendanee record. JAMS Dry From Bulloch TImes, Dee. 6, 1905 that arc suitable-for chIldren provement Jones tnVlted a few couples to her last Frtday bId tellals The brIdal .. is now resldmg to NIlwood, I1hnols. an The Canned coupl Statesboto R. A. M. held plane Ive purchaser opportumty was The best record of improvement for JELL� PRESERVES COCONUT Chapter at dIfferent ages. III thIS last week there home on ParrIsh street for dessert to Harlan paper at 2304 58th court. Coral GableB. even­ to a blood transfUSIOn vote of the S:W. a reorgamzatlon mcetmg Friday gIve was later accepted by some conCIBe clasB that has bIlen reported Jr. Th'C one to two years a tn anyone � and to meet Mr and Mrs. Jones officers were victIm of lymphatIC very young, story dJlscrlblllg ing when the followtng same evening The Lan. youthful lodge 111 sessIOn the whIch waB to the teacher IS f[Om the Mrs. Mrl J L. needs toys whIch WIll gIve hIm the beautIful Bervlc� v,.,ttng Pre&ent were Mr and Jones, DINNER GUESTS elected; A. J Mooney, Mathews. rare dIsease. old, way & leukemID, a blood IS to attach any Warnock were 1. purchaser permitted as a memo- tillrd glade of the ,chooL Mr. and Mrs: Joe Mr. and Mrs. Warburn Gray J. M Jones. Brooks SImmons. J of new sensations, she contmued. Emp­ held 011 Sunday preceding I.� FRESH OYSTERS PINT 754: and Mrs BIll Kelth. CeCIl A. the department the NICE E A. F. Reed. to the north wall of pres­ who Thl. entIre class haB a perfect at­ ., hOB£8' to fam- Lane, M. GrImes, MOlrIS, bUlldtng of vanous sizes and all-wood rlBI to Lleut Bert H Ramsey. Joyner. ,lIr. and Mrs. W. R. Lovett. �inner a transfUSIon to ty spools l1I�m��o'Cthelr 'I ,\ Kennedy. W S. Preeto'rms, J labol employee, gave ent record for more silt at a Perry lodge bu1ldtng. till tn hne of behmd tbe tendance Mr BIII·D. Franklin. Mr. 1Iy anil' a few' otber guiitB lovely T. from clothes pms. sandpapered smooth. lost hIS hfe duty tll� and'Mr1. W. Donaldson. D. B. RIgdon and a child III Atlanta suffenng AB a week.. ThlB IS a very comnulndable anal dmnet W eve'ning 'elf' are for them The chIld tn Holland III May. 1943. OF THE 'WEST FLOUR $1.19 \ anli Mrs. IJester Brannen IJr, Mr. turkey edlle�day" A. Waters. leukemIa last AprIl. and good toys Itnes �. I lymphatIC the and Bulloch collnty Is very on Meth­ YOU? memortal four of record. .� MISS Pruella last: week at th,lir holl1l." Broall At the recent South Georgia at WAS THIS WIll enjOY playmg WIth them �ntl feature of that L.' ' Mrs. Gene HodgeB, to the aid of I1hnols youth were flew of the effort of these ;young­ Canned PEACHES Were for War­ OdIst conference assIgnments or aunts-BIBters of the proud and Jack AverItt. street•• Covers' pltiOel! Elddle Rlcken­ were strmgmg them. If the spools pms man'B ' Cr�martle • marRing you shop­ young made as G. G. N. MacDonell. the request of Captalll Monday lortb m thi. ! of followB tn tbe sterB are putting can LARD CANS �ltII Mrs. H. D. Gray. Y out 01 arc to be sure to UBe a safe mother-had purchase m�iDg No.2Yz rant Offlc�t ... Alrhnes. III a be colo.ed, )omed y';;;;-iavo..u. I of SaBtern pmg for dreBBed gray Statesboro, G. W. Mathews. presid­ backer. preSIdent groceries We are 29cl SUNDAY GUESTS their ' brass a better school year. hoping D. C and daugh­ off'2rlllg plates '\IVashmgWn. .• ..agoll•• In'o your junior elder of Dublm dIstrIct. Bulloch of blood donor ac­ dress with Btrlpes. black patnt of four lovely ing An IIlvestigatlon light pm to have other grad.. \. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Deal entertam­ UniversIty stu­ R S. Zoat CirCUIt, of lumter be used to as a memorIal to and expecting Kay. Emory ... Carole •.• Stevens; of Labor ear­ Seraps may whIch they gave ter. Mary supe<.smooth King Mlss)on, tIvities III the department hat. shoes and csat and pearl H S. wblch he in all the schools of the COUDty to haYe ed WIth .. dehghtful dtnner MIBB Sand. J. B. Woods . heortll P. H. Crumpler: Brooklet. of two make attractIve toys. Buch as boats. Metbodlst church. of NAPKINS TOILET TISSUE Sunday Betty occen,.d 10f' 90 two sonB and the PAPER dent: more than bobs. You have �::r gay. WInning, W. sel't to Blake­ revealed that percent record to and Adams: Langston and other In mentlOnlllg thIS equally as good a report at UniversIty - blocks wh,ch all_chlldren grandchIl­ and Drew Emory man .. to ODe bargeB. trams. was a member. Fuller. appeal Ore.. lor 'he me J M. Rusttn to GIrard: Guyton the had made donations daughters. You also have great­ ly: personn�1 nature Boon It IB reali...d more keen­ SAUSAGE dren were Covers were placed Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gray. wooden MISB declared. sotne fraIlty of human being present students: In hi. in ,h... FIBher to Tnmty. blood donor center in toys. Spears fact. by your eye-co'chinllo the Red Cross granddaughter. that school attend­ who has Dent New­ one name was Iy than ever good SEASONING, Pkg. CASINGS, Pkg. 69c for WIlham Deal. recently MISS Barbara Jean Brown, Personal events: W. W. Sheppard. 11 the described WIll call at Orange crates make IlIce cupboards or mechantcs, omItted, fun:loving originals, Atlanta. lady essential 111 All klndB We WIll your meat for you the after candidate for congress, was a vuntor and for these devoted aunts. ance IS the mOBt tbmg grmd been released f�om Navy MISS Pat PreetorlUB. Ray DarJoey. .. also be for bookB. toys. doll clotbes from the hst of 25clSAUSAGE ton. III the .departm nt the Times office ahe will given in Statesboro last week: Mr. and MIS Records that scholastIc-achievement. two and Mrs Deal, Mr.. and Mr•. War­ Attractive correctIOn years' servIce, John Newton and relutlves COnUn1SSlOner two tickets to tbe pIcture. "Jumor playmg house. scrap­ It IS to make proper to $14.95 J A. Fulcher are vlslttng 3how that Ben T. HUlet, teacher and the county Mr. and Mrs Roscoff $7.95 at cardboard on The four The VIsIting RIChmond HIli: burn Gray. Statesb

Have New Equipment Forestry Department � REFORMPROG Now-sweeter, " For State Hospital For Veteran '1 Service Sixteen tr in tastier ... r.arlollds of new bed bread with , , TO BE CONT.INUED of forestry , Eo.h w...... The state department equipment are' arriving at the Mil­ dlY proudly ,w.I NEED Re-Elected hom. more and mar. of o'ur hie.. IF YOU has just inaugurated a placement '" Hammack Was FLEISCHMANN'S ledgeville state hospital to form the phon. m.n .nd women who hlY. service for returning World \\'ar Two Director of Prisons the by ..",.d our country so w.U. Th." , in in , largest single .hipment the insti­ veterans interested finding employ. State Board of Corrections unice, .r. now urgently tution's at to mcnt in the several phases (If fOl'€:stry FRESH' history, IItste Welfare Di- ne.d.d h.,. hom. help That Governor Ellis Arnall will de- me'. this the pllceful world work in Georgia. rector A. J. Hartley disclosed here. •• went it to b.. They .r. Close contact. will be mnintnined terminedly continue his efforts and COAL Eleven cars, containing 10,000 new .specially n••dld In t,ll­ nlso with the various veterans serv- to clean the phon. commur.lcltion. 'VC. activitnes up Georgia feather pillows and 5,000 mattresses, and in rder war' to •• pand the ices, both state federal, it need prison system wherever may were •• train­ unlonded la.t Bartley re­ world', Ip•••lng vole to, be familiar with on-the-job week, reformation was indicated in While five W. N9.r1y 1.lit the which be uti­ A�AST clearly ported, cars containing 2,- CALL 35 ing opportunities may whln WI eM say 000 metal are day his of the new constitution. beds expected to arrive by the veterans nfter they ob­ setting up "w.lcom. hom," to �ized within a few daya, our I ,lin employment in the field of0, fur­ al State Board of Correction. tllophon. new metal beds," Hartley said, e;;������L"'; mIn Ind wom... cstry. After appointing a progressive ".Tho llill I. unIform. "will replace a large majority of the Bishop, who served over­ Co. George minded board, he urged retentien of wooden Ice bed. which have been in the as DOZEN City seas with the paratroopers regi­ EACH made Francis B. Hammack, who has institution 40 to 50 and addl­ has been ap­ years, mental personnel officer, of the tlnl..... CElDAR ROCK a notable record as director tinnal metal beds will the They head the department's replace in pointed to UP No, 2 of Corrections. Job-­ Have Coal in Bags-Kindling 80 to State Department other wooden beds as 800n more We of all wood­ It's easy ;�ooth-�xtured loa:es as air Co-operation •• $1.39 bak:"::�::oUB' lett. tlnlM patrol. in the Ar­ BEANS Con 120 After swearing members, money becomes available. industries and timberland own­ CU'T jf you use Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast. This fresh ours I Dross using nall confidence would and SUNSHINE expressed they Although the hospital, where there Bundles, and operators in Georgia is BUSH OR is It to work to ers yeast full-strength. goes right help you continue the reform program. No. penal are 8,500 patients, has been aUY VICTORY .aid director J, M. Tinker. 2l using sought: • best results time. was re-elected director • 51.99 get baking every Hammack metal beds for some aOND BE'ANS Can 170 $1.01 time, 5,000 ... CUT the board, He had submitted hi. by wooden beds have remained in use, VAN CA&IP'S BAKED IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-insist on resignation to return to the practice mostl'y in the colored buildingB, Bart­ Mo,2 Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast. The of law, but after 'action by the board dlselosed. • • • $1.51 ley CI. cake with the familiar yellow label! De. Be will lBEANS 130 reconsidered aJl�:"accepted. "These pillows, mattresses and for over pendable-Ameriba's f�vorite a iiilnd to continue ef· LIBBY'S be given fllle beds," Hartley said, "will give the' r.a'M 70 years. � T .. PO. L••• ia's Statesboro Co. �-t 110 AD No, 2 forts to make Georg prison system institution the new her large.t supply of elephone LM-r-. . -S_J._�I_!-�-aO-ns-:-nt'�-rs-'R-�-�-h�-nk-"lin-,was �-n�-M Fla She accompanied by A"". O.XTH In .. . T"."""'-I'IV.." "'ednesday.. Augusta.. 1 $1.51 one of the best and most elfective In MIss Geraldine Sh umans. AD"'A"O. •• known in team. wIn play COUBIn, -La·-ke·-w-.JI"\ .A"'A.L. I" C 130 bed equipment its history, basketball ,SLICED 'BEETS TIle Blocker and on' Mr. and Mrs. Rufus "- the nation. and this is another move in the ""I. �����������������������������=� here Friday evening WHI'rl!l (lprlngtield William Edward and Donald CAROLINE OREAM Uao court. sona, ������.��. Hammack was born In Blakely, fare LOST-Goldlbracelet with RAF SALE-Young ,entle mule; Ioeal department's program of .the and Bomer J. Walker WANTED-Good farm mule. B. M. No, 2 making will entertain Blocker, Sgt. from name "Pauline" inscribed on front, 1781 model A Ford. good tire.. S. 14... R, L. Edenfield Georgia. .He graduated Emory this one Bunter were guests Rt. 3, Stat�boro. (6decl • $1.59 hospital of the most modem B. Rt. Statesboro. school c18ll. Tuesday aft.- Jr., o� Field, LANIER, Con 14· name "Dick" on back. Call phone 628. DRIGGERS, 2, Sunday CORN a bachelor of science ller . 'FANCY with •. A in of Supt. and Mr S. Drig- SALE-1986 Ford a.edan. LON- Uniwrsity the country." (22nov2tp) with a wiener r088t. SundRY FOR , (29novltp) wlngS'jFOR 41l11oon FUDDS master's annouace Ga. PUREl UOLlJEN degree, received his degree Mr. and Mrs. George Ellis NIE LORD,·,Rt.,2,IStat�8boro, Alexander has been""" 28rd. Be gerPf··e., Allen L. No.2 at and his doc­ the birth of a son on N,,�. (Odectp ) - Oglethorpe University Win- discharged frolll serviee nfter servo CREAM STYU $1.39 Middleground! IMusings P�oblems Confronting name of Atlanta Law ....a. the George FOR SALE-Wicker baby CI. 12· tor of laws degree at given the He was three in army. - ing years condition. Call phonecarr�al�1 Growers ton.' South Pacific for ni good Local Pecan School. relatives at Fort stationed in the. SCHOOL OAYR Joyce Smit.h spent Saturday night Alter visiting entitled to (6dec1tp) as Rob- twenty-two months and ls for Collinu, Bulloch has been He made a reputation special Lauderdale, Fla., Mi •• Evelyn FOR RENT-Front bedroom No, 2 with Barbara county recognized wear the Asiatic·Pacific and Philip- Atlanta reo her brother, Lealie, have re- • $1.59 of No.6 in in agent in charge of the IIi". and four bat- couple; meal. optional. Con Miss Dolores Deal, Nevils, spent pecan production Georgia. � liberation ribbon with homo. pine SIFTED PEAS office of the Federal Bureau turned American defense rib- 91-R. �ll�NE)e� the week end as guest of Miss Betty Just what counties rank above Bulloch gional a .tudent at tie stura, the .( t�_, Mi.s Dorothy Avery, Internatlonal die­ PUREl FOODS EXTRA STANDARD Prior to that time, combat infantryman's badge, FOR SALE-TD·6 Deal. is not material, but Bulloch can easi­ of fnvestigation. spent the bon, � Teachers College, tractor. F. W. DARBY No. », Georgia conduct medal sel crawler he was assistant special agent at the -(I with her Mr•. John driver's badge, good I Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lanier were Iy rank No.1 in pecan production if week end sister, medal. CO. (6dedtc) • • $1.39 and the World War 11 victory LUMBER CI. office. He was ap: and Mr. Spence. dinner of Miss Josie and proper attention is given Miami regional J'. Spence, Guin.... tlte South two-bar- TOMATOES guests Beasley )Vhen .' in New , oil drums, Shanklin i. spending He served FOR SAL�Two state director of corrections Mi •• Glady. RIVElR SWElI!lT culture and care of her pecan or­ pointed Mr. and ... and Lueoa. reI with graduated pumps. I"I�IN'� Sun produc- lege eight p. hu.b�nd, poned frQm I'FOR spent Saturday spray been ID the U. S. servIce ,In Christmas soon be laYing. Bel­ "bo ha. which time there will be a I young pullets; and Mrs. Wilbur and tion. Neal' Albany, in Doughet'tY Tho chnracte�s are, Towald that Rt. 2, M,'. Hodges BLACK BOARDS the I'aBt two year., at 7 o'clock. The public is.' GEORGE W. BEA�LEY, $1.19 '.Enlrland f�r program of Savanuh, spent the week county, slB'aying is done by contl"act. mer, the banker, Hal'CY McCormick; D8c I. on hI. home. Mrs. at this: Ga. ('6decJtp) 50n, Glen, lie way invited to attend' this program Stotesboro Stan­ ere. " his farm with es. Nora his the school facultyInghram us I f HEINZ with Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Akin,. A citizen equips Helmer, wife, Peggy ON EASEL a member of have 300 b h "'Ieots end 11 t'Ime. , SALE-I 01 Merit! afternoon the first grade • • •• \ 01 Cannon nnn sential requir'Jments and sprays his fi"ld; Dr. Roach, a friend, Dick Futch; PI,ASTIC Tlresday corn at b Mr. and Mrs, Ivy COUNTING the Leefield school present- Bo:':'� conse­ Mrs. a friend of Jlupil. SOUT'HERN STROLLERS L. G. fOArRTsailNe ,near..$1.�0 ft SO'UP of �h'1 orchard and his neighbor's; Linden, Nora's, Betty �f under the M. TOMATO CHVCK_A daughter, Macon, speltt ,yeek TEA SET X ... umque chapel program Ga. (6dec2tp) Grade FI'unces 9 SI.19 FRAME AT LEEFIELD store, Regl.ter, Mr. and 1111's. J. W. Cnn- have solved the scab Smith; Rosa, €he nu.rse, 13Y2" IIEAD of Mrs. E. L. Harrison. The APPEAR end with quently they 4lr..,tion to house 11·0:&. and Ii at 7:30 IFOR keep f,or Bulloch pecan grow- 'Reeves; Ellen, the maid, Bertha AI­ consisted of a chorus Dec. WANTED-La?y non. • pest problem. program Thursday night 6th, B. F. X Goose of father and �on. een 11. Bob. 18 36Y2" thc Mother a I slx-year.ol<\. 'ROAST have the Helmers' .ramatization of o'clock 'there will be program Co., or Mr. lind Mrs. Hotchkiss ers who Schleys, Frotchers, leI'; thl'e't children, 98c .$1.,98 WATERS, NuGrape Botlhng Sidney 75c music' with stTing band given by had; and other va­ Lynn, and Julia DeWitt. rbyrnes. street. (6dec4tp) "" John Delmas, Pabst many by Betty a ,Institute PEANUJ supper guests Monday night x Carl B. Strollers in the "Grand I' 233 TELLAM'S 24 44" $3.98'" . Friends 01 Lanier, well The Southern PORK I No.1 farm have found their pecans Mr. Helmer is trying to reach his this are Leefield. The per- SALE-Two gentle Hotchkiss, Sue Hotchkiss and rieties, "'own farmer of community, Old Opry" stYle at FOR old. ,·en Jar HARDWOOD of nine and twelve years • 20� and or if nuts hold goal of being a successful business FILlIIFlD to hIS opera- sonnel on the program consist. mule., Mrs. 'Ida Bragg. shriveling falling, .Iad �enr of. succ�ssful 10r-\ Rt. 1, States­ BUTlER Miss. In ihe Hos- Johnnie ("Frosty") RUFUS W. JOINER, but f"w reach full size ma- man while hi. wife is suddenly realiz­ TAIII�E SET tlon on h,. eye Unlve�.,ty mer radio stars lIAROARINB SAUSAGE Lb. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Collins and on, really Lamer had a four miles .outh. (6decltp) 42c STOClUN68 in Augusta. Mr. Daniel Tobly E�ans, Lucky Wilders, bolO that .he has not been a home­ WI .... Z Chairs Jlltal Mr. 1\[,'s. John I turity. . ing '·lb. Ctn. children, Rigdon DOLLS removed 1rom one that Little Flora Dan- sow weighing 180 a�d " eataract e:¥e Guitar' Pete Jones, LOST-One spotted LOIN_A nl which has or a but HeI­ all of one 'NuTREAT Grade ard Mr. and Mrs. Problem No.3 is rosette, maker mother, simply it.... several montn. ago. of the youngest alto almost and daughter, Fay, I . )lad 108t Ight iel, one )Vorld'. about 200 pounds, of the As.o- GEORGE W. TRD 8WEET ORA"O. been covered in in No. 1 prob· mer's doll in their doll !iouse. Mr. able to out eye Parent-Teacher reward. Carol Cannon and son spent Sunday past He s�e singers. "J:he I ear gone' $6 1 ,,1.19 waB over. He i. Statesboro, Ga. Lack of avail- tries to blackmail Mrs. HeI­ 89.98 the operatIOn of this sponsor- ,BEASLEY, Rt. 2, No.2 Can STEAK with Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Cannon. lem-'soil poverty. Krogstad Best Assortm�nt co?,muni�y . 200 T, lI�fore on ciatio� of a a a Lb. 40c ha"" the other eye operated m the mterest t)le, JUICE the soil is one mer in, order to bls in WIll ing thIS program (6d cltp) fj Those the 4-H club coun- able zinc sulphate in keep position that is ORAILUI !lttending Town a few Bulloch Library drive in Bulloch SUNSHl1lB TyPE 1 In in County FOR SALE-Farm cause for roS

BASTERN STAR LADIES PLAN ANNUAL BANQUET the MOVIE CLOCK '., AnnounCleDlent is requested by .. BULLOCH Iadies of Blue Ray Mhapter O.E,S. December 7, THEATRE On Pearl Harbor Day, GEORGIA For on the A� tbat at the regular meeting AND �:at:3:�c:C8:3:l:a�:�c:C8:3:l:a�:��:t8J:a�::::�O::f:8Jt8�:O�=�lj in mobil­ Bft.ptist! will assemble great Tuesday evening in December THIS WEEK second STAT�.BORO NEWS the whole THE ization services throughout will hold their annual banquet, SHOWING they over a NOW MISSION COUNCIL MEETS • that SING South. It is anticiputed and COMMUNITY . IlM urged H. H. Macon was a 'visitor in At- HAVE Editor and OWll6r Miss ,attend, wiuI' I"presentatlves from Buy 'V. B. TURNY'k.. most of them young Junior Distinguished m�mbers �re ,to million Baptists, permitted guest end. CAROLS Ann- Garner lantn durin the week OF CHRISTMAS simultaneously with Pegb'Y • each.1s to. m�te .a PER Y:Bl.A.R wil1 be meeting advance notice IS grven the ax- 8t.rl�SCRl PTlr.N 11.60 people, 6:47, 8:44 provided R d �I J . E P k af CI b will Southern 3:13. 6:00, The l. tHhOeCkCYatlll'oolll."cl MUI�s� in association in every committee. The ban- Music. Clu. :::'�:��I':I'I�I�:sleel�: every ALSO PATHE NEWS entertainment l' lIlarcb ton,lOTSe:e�: v'sit h' I:�I erl, Dec, af'ternon at eeccnd-cleee matter for sponsor Statesbloroa caro community sing sion Council m\!t. ItDtered u mobilization service Service e:c Sunday state. The o'clock. a1. Bta.t"· uet session will be 7 Mrs. Frances IS some- 18, 1006, at tbe pOltofflee q Gay spoendlllg at o'clock I" m. of MI·s. James A, Thompson ot COOgTell be in the First Dec. 8th 17th 7 the home G.1. UDder tbe Act Bulloch county will Saturday, Carolina. ,on �he. co�rt botO, •• I.timewith her sister in North 1678. The square. A special invitat.ion at Brunch. Mrs. McGruth, of of M" a.rcb B. church of Statesboro. Boston Blackie's Rendezvous Ileaee FUNERAL Sr., Buy Buptist and FOR RUSHING MISS Ann Williford and MISS Mar- .house and church to IS extended to the churches Cincinnati Ohio' M' Al Thamp- ser-vice will be Dr. Vt.'.' 7:26, 10:00 Vietol'Y ' spcake- fOJ" the 2:14, 4:50, those from out of Savan- . coming Gamer were visitors in Among garet and to all singers rs. I' were . I' tc ? director of ALSO choirs of the county on Mrs' arke d I;i �c s , P urden. P. Sch T. R. Who Carries B .ssocin�.ional town for the funeral of Rushing nah nn. .I"U lC:de�, work for the of the Prairie Saturday. and music lovers. at the meeting, winch closed Baptist Union Song Balti­ security, etc.; were Mrs. P. R. Carpenter, C. spent g�ests of our Tl'U,"I�g 8:30 old aRC Lieut. G, Coleman, Macon, son sheets will be fur- carols. IN THE LONG AGO days :After the mobiliza- 3:18, 6:54, distinguished travel, Printed WIth the slI1gmg of I state of Georgia. should be Ii Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Black­ and Chfl.stma� There liv­ week end with Mrs. Coleman are to rising more, Md.; the son to be sun serv- a 7:30 of prevent nisbed and the g5 I Thompson was assisted In at our father operuted which begins p. Dec. 9th (or the thousands -by helping Mrs. youth tion service, Sunday, service medal un­ N. J.; Mr. and Simmons. avoiding mer, Woodbury, Mr. and Mrs. Lannie "Hark An- .�rs. nnd Mrs. be held in the who have helped costs through as follows: the Heraldg Mrs. AI�c Thompson center of will ing . mg by chief lrndklg a social hour wives and mothers " store-the m., Janie Charles Bamford, n few days try con­ expenditures: W. C, Bamford" Mrs. Carson Jones spent telh M'dDIght, and are sull necessary ge1"s, HJ tameC U'pon Otto Wallens. to win the victory coun-/ _ Together (Return engagement) Belle Fla.; 8 scope of tcnitory. nnd Miss Gene Rushing, Glade, last week in Savannah as the guest HAn_ large I_ch_u_r_c_h_p_u_rl_o_rs_. to the national their \Var Bonds Little Town of Bethlehem," 2:16, 4:34, 9:26 HENDRIX ttiburing so mightily -by using ··0, and MRS. B. A. se­ Mrs. J. D. Lockhart, Miami, Jones. FUNERAL , what we saw personally as n of Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. James of "As HERE FOR with GIRLS AT their savings backlog gels From the Realms Glory," TEN BULLOCH Dec. 10-11 welfare and Mr. and Mrs. C. Ballard and chil­ we be­ Monday-Tesday, Buie Hendrix, uged 68, more can B. T. Ru.hing Mrs. Donald Fraser and daughter, to Mr. and Mrs, G, heard him speak of frequently, SCHOOL Mrs. Maggie and so thin goods :f1a.; With Gladness Men of Old," "Joy MILLEDGEVILLE Parker and John Garfield fam­ their spending curity and Eleanor temoon at- the current in­ N. Mr. her and MTS. Lewis human nature and died Wednesdayuf -b,Y planning out of E. A, Mull, Charlotte, C.; of Hinesville, are visiting in dren, Sandra Linda; to learn nbout Olark in their be pu'rchnsed1 Jane, the World," "First Noel," UAway gnn coun­ with Dane death coming nnd cpemting Mr. and Dec. 4.-Bulloch ily horne at Pulaski, jrer their saving become L. Augusta: A. B. Green. Foster and children, Lewis Jr. and very Milledgeville, when' "again liIrs. B. Rushing, Mr. and Mrs. "Oh, W. . conditions which hnve changed Besides her hus­ come Ihey parents, a' "Silent Night," the of The Marines after a illness. households on a budget plan; Manger," , ten students enrolled at 'Pride long and Mrs. S. J. Charles E. Holmes, Cadet ty has she is survived by i Mrs. L. K. Rushing Pfc. Aulbert Allen, Ft. McPherson, "We Three .Jerry;-Mrs, little since that day. 8:48. band, B. A. Hendrix, plentiful Come All Ye Faithful," for Women 2:30, 4:36, 6:42, a their money Mr. and Mrs . Miss Mnr� State College home is in Savannah; using I� and cultivating X.iekllgh�r,·GleDnville: the week end WIth Mrs. Allen Nurse Frances Hayslip and Georgia a SOil, whose -by wisely avoiding ,,"'ast.e spent "Deck the Rails," 'and "Jingle mind (or -by • Kings," we have in Marian­ has recently power Mrs.•1. C. S. Particularly do are Hilda Allen, Wednesday-Thursday-Friday, married daughter, who stare up purchasing Vidalia; at their home here. of Spartanburg, C., here. They habits of thriit.1 Cohen Rushing, and his parents Bells." tha Hayslip, the . " home to assist - education. , ,I which existed in Patricia. Deen, 'Dec. 12-13-14 at the use houses, 'Mrs. Leslie Rush­ d their the false logic na Armstrong, Betty been remainln� furure Mr. and B. H. of Jackson- were here for the Iu1\1?rs1 '. and a Thaggard, Mrs. P. Dudley, Accompainments will be played by 'INCi,� WCl'" the ''ln6tlier'. illness, .... who they Lane, Blue during Bartlett last fffORITE SHoMT-ORE; ""...,... minds of men thought Ann Kennedy, Betty Rhapsodie in the sad, Mrs. Anderson, awhile with Dr. grandmother, Mrs, N. M. Flake, THE Dorothy Vashti who lives at ing, ·Mr. is spending Statesboro School band, and ...... Willinm Nash Catherine sister, Buie, High GEORGIA Old man Estelle Eva 3:19, 5:57, 8:36 Pulaski. H. Mr� Jack ville,. Fla.: L, Johnson. Mr. Ballard and Miss Frnn- STATESBOR9. ."� reasoning, Alice Nevil, �.-, Buie family,home near Mr, and Mrs. W. Akin., bel' sister-in-law, Mrs. J. of will 'lead the 'Saturday, ""',.",.",.",."""",."'''''''...... ,.",.".,.",.,,...... - 'Ronald Neil, G.T.C., flea-bitten horse to the store Ouidn Lake Church Savan­ SonIa Jack- , , returned to .rode his A'nna Catherine Nowell, .. Interment' will and Hagin, 01'. J. L. . I' Spartanburg Nevil, b�"at Whaley Mrs. WIlburn Woodcock, Anumbe 0f G'IrI d Boy ces Hays Ip considerable at o'clock. a Proctor. this �iifterl1oon 2 •. an. Ballard's curry awny quite Pelot and Carolyn They HODGES-GREENWOOJ) cemetery and Mn. J. P. Rushing, Brannen have return .r in Mr. tq Mne _": Mr. s(\n and Maurice have been lavited to Sunday morning merchnndise, He had no Bulloch G. L. States­ .. ls ."",,.,4 b'" a.sslst �t of to their homes in Mr. and Mrs. Hodges, TltiJ .....IiJ,., alld Mn. E. A. Akins, in Baltimore. !fIII------�.'./ qua"tity will return 91BxtlM; Mr. ed from a few days' visit Scou�s and tIt)' Offl- plane. mer­ announce the on Dec. II_S_I'_ sing. vehicle in which to store his December 20 for the Christ­ boro, marriage, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Robert Akins, week lsmgmg. Busmes� men. county Palm Beach; Max ("tf Macon, spent the t�e wltb the8tates- of their daughter, Janie Lou, to :West Moss, IClals are it was necessary 1, RETURN TO TEXAS therefore our sil1cere ap· Mr. and Mr•. Leroy at the c�operatlng an chandise, mas holidoys. Howard J. Greenwood, of Pittsburg, We wish to expresB Fla.; end here visiting his family Club to make' thIs com- Statesboro after ab­ back. 8nlrf�d, and Mrs. D. III. left returned to on old Dobbin'! t,he kindnesses Jewett An­ Mr. R'igdon Having to pile it high Kal1sas. The ceremony was perform· for many Mr, and Mrs. Dr, and Mrs. R. J. H. boro, MU�lc preciat'ion of . rela­ And'lrson, 110me slOg a succeSS their home in Grand now and 1 E. Tem­ us friends and mumty for I am ready Mr. Nosh was a thoughtful man, from page ed at the home of Elder A, extended to by 1Jank Anderson, Gray­ Saturday sence of five years in service, TOYS, bereavel"l'mnt. 1Julloc devso� �nd Kerney Loach. our recent Ritel" his sis­ kind attention to his who officiated. Aiter. spending tives dUlin__g GAME Pr'air1e, Texas, visiting needs in'pelled with ples, RUSHING . '. Martha Hodges,De-Iof ATLANTA FOR and to fill your and N. the T, R. Dont-SuJ11mit. Miss Evelyn IN business hOl'se. dolls u few in Asheville, C., MRS. I fo I '" B. and Mr. Lane. to re-open my shrank from overloading a good play Rag days I I I I I I I r 1'1 0)'" ·1· I I I i 0).++++ I who te!", Mrs. B. Lane, old horse, he few with AND FAMILY, '"I II I I II I I I I I lhe week end with those from Statesboro from matednl couple _will spend a days Waynesbm'o, spent Among hom� their ploccmcnts, 80 he nnimals can be mnde PARTY were accompanied by him with direct and then go to BRIDGE Mrs. Wade C. Atlanta the week end They for- be the bride's parents Mis. her pal"nts, Mr. nnd weI" in during milk­ around on Rand. A doll bed mlly Bill Kenlr and who has been a .he stuff his, nll"ady parents. Mr. and Mrs. son, Jack Rigdon, staeked some Kansas to visit the groom's Tech-Georgia foot,ball gllme or small Hodges. for the nnd wlli directed made from u grape basket will make their home in Tulsa, entertnined with a 'Ielight- his home with his uncle aunt, PRINTING then gv astride They Li� SmiU, Miss Janc ing saddle; school. Mr. and Mrs. Dea. Anderson, of. were Mrs. Roy Beaver, handed Oklahoma, where he will attend Owners evening at the Mrs. Lune, for the past two blliance should be box. Car pal-ty Friday J. P. Mr. and STA.MPS that the Report: N bridge are sev- )Irs. RUBBER n. spending Mike McDougald, be smooth with no Keith. Autumn Washington, C., Beaver, LETT�RHEADS • own shoulders. "All toys should of Mr. and years. CARBON PAPER hIm I.e> carryon hill I Joome and Mrs. W. D. Teresa Mr. and Mrs. -ENVELOPES and electric era) with :Mr. Miss Foy, to injure the ehild FOR SALE-51h-foot Frigid­ and needles formed days F<,y, TYPEWRITER RIBBONS old Dobbin of edges cones Gordon STATEMENTS Hc was thu. relieving shul'p morn. ·leavetJ, pine Bow'ln Mr. and Mrs. which can be seen Saturday Andersfln Sr. J. E. Jr., TWO IN TRAINING ADDING MACHINE TAPE N8soned- with no small detachable parts 8ire; decorations for the rOflms, added burde"-Ko he Rt. Stilson. attractive for Mrs. Inman Fay, Mr. and CARDS the CLIFF KNIGHT, I, Mrs. C,,1breth left today Mr. and F'Yt. Ben Grady Gay, so. of BINDING who Miss Spears point- ing. chicken !alad, Wayae Franklin, 1FF'ICE FORMS it himself. You eRn be swallowed," IIIMi during evening Lieut. Waldo New­ by carrying priced rea­ tile where sbe will join Dr. and Mr•. Waldo Floyd, Mrs. B. F. Gay, and Pvt. Earl For or is used FOR SALE-Building lots, PERFORMANCE cake and IJ·acksonville, Agents know that Dobbin even- cd out. "If enllmel paint PREWAR olives, pound rend this can pcltato chips, who is released Miss Virginia Lee Floyd, und Mrs. New. AND mn- in all _tions of city. JO- Dob.on Culbreth, being Jr" son of Mr. Beny UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS wn. sure that all the sonable Mrs, lIlatl (jiO Floyd ton, entire burden, and on toys, make were served. Mrs. tunlly I:ot the 'eofree Verdie Hilliard, Mr. and are takiRg MACHINES if there ZETTEROWER. (6decUp) for latlies' fr<'m service. Mrs. ton, both of Statesboro, SUNSTRAND ADDING nrc ",'n-poisonous, and nail rolieved nor deceived. .reeeived Revelf1n polish Miss Mary I lleitioCl' . left Tuesday , Yard- Mrs. R, J. H. DeLoach E. L. Akins, Bucky Akins, their boot trllining in Fort McClellan, of safety lenve the ISiAH 12 cllltlvateil, men's higb is question FOR SALE-25 ncres, 'and for Olli. . Iterinlsany '. "",,1''' Pfc. John the man- 'higtl to visit her daughter, Groover, the labonte. of ted". road one went to Gene L. for Chicago Virginia Ala. PRINT SHO� Up among an d pI th' best land, on paved shaving lotion Tillman, HENAN'S work- gra2-up; you at 7 o'clock. You who will be their guest Lanier has just Fay, Miss Joan " day mght Lanier. Miss Betty . Classes broke, Ont., Sgt. Banks, Veteran." .. Senior . Fred T. the the us. The Junior and . round and eIther of these groups, Just skIp invlted to be with performance where be James HBul10ch County dially the wiuter. Mrs. Frances Hunter, EDWIN LEWIS, Reporter. ...ill present for returned from overse�s, Trapnell, lines which follow. * ;;;;;;d���������::::������������������ IRMA S. LANE, RETURNS HOME spent a year. Donaldson:�ir�n�d�o�t�h�e�rs�.�:=�=���M�e�m�b�e�r�s=n�r�e�u�r�g�ed�t�o�a�tt�e�n�d�,:� the LANIER who i. transferring We are about has re· Nell Cobb, reading again Me..o Soprano Calvin Lanier Miss U. S. Roy.,.r Pic. JameE Charleston, - Elliott. M. Follow this plan to get your to !toosevelt family mostly mother, DEC 17, AT 7:30 P. discharge after from Melbourne, Fla., In loving I!m"!�"!Po�!��r MONDAY, turned home with a the be­ ' during Coke he was in the limelight L1LLA FRANCES BRADLEY, In a Recital s. to­ will UI. hi' ••p.rt know I...... Pacific. a few days • • Have a Last week Song .0. '0 your u. loyal months in the S, C., spent' 1943. ••r •• , twenty-eight Mrs. T. J. that he had been who died Dec. 8, d.yforatho,oughtl,e Jnlpectlon. tl,. ca,. to k••� y.ur her mother, cau.e of the fact Statesboro High & and five months week with today. Industri�1 actlye until n•• U. I•••y.Ia served five years Cobb. Special How we need you every day! duty He Mrs. Wallis an official position in his School need of n.w sis­ Mr. and .. named t.o .If rou a,. 'n urgen' a,. ayallobl•• is visiting his Cobb, and How we miss you every way! in the army. He had Lablanche Williams will thow how to Brady nnd some official knoweth best A.,.,ompanj.t B. tlrel, h. you and Sa- nnd Mrs. Lilla church, high-up But the Lord who .The quick." woy to ••t n•• U." brothel' at Pembroke Remer Brlldy rest. AdmisSion t them at ,h••0,U••t pOlllbl. tOI' and and him Hnot in good stand- Called home and gave you •• I. to,t., 'your tlr. Wednesday I· pronuonced you loyal' in Savannah Mrs. 35c. Adults, 5Oc: momon'. vannah. were for und son, Mr. and Children, ne.d, wl'h your U. S. ..ya. Remer and therefore ineligible the, Daughtel' accompanied back by ing." E. Brad- now. were Mr. and Mrs. W. • If n •• d I. not Immedlat•• h. Deoler was on M. Rowe, your to be at his office, While that little riffle lind M·ETHODIST WOMEN who is now able Mr. and MI·s. L. J, Harris;Mr'. Barnes into 1'1.'"y, at waters Elliott's brol,e WSCS will meet church, a at St. Joseph's the dog �=:i:i;====-=:ij=� The home f�llowing stay

_ t�e , had a serious 3:30 a clock for , public life 'when he cn·I_M_r_._,_J_,_B_,_I_,_u_r_t_. Monday aftemoon at h . The Ho�pltal, :sa�nnna with the little hairy Scottie program. and Gerson, counter IN MEMORIAM the Christmas literary Mrs. MOITIS son, i to Fo� result I Means Roosevelt home, and QS ·�Whnt the Church and son, Neal ef the Station In and M'Ts. Neal Robmson member which the Scott ie went to the ,�nAL�;:07E'lJ In And Out Filling be presented. Ench of Mr. and of �B;" will were guests Monday life fo�r years ago small Jr., mastif to the who departed this a f(\r a were en- pital Illld Elliott's Qull haS-I' • is �sked to bring gift Prin('"e Preston. They Dec. 6, 1941. GEORGIA Mrs. today, STATESBORO, spent eemetery, OOlld. to Chicago after having I In lile we loved you, Daddy, I'oute we do the same; Savannah. apparently un· l]n death sometime in All these incidents, of .. Your Community P.-T.A. TO MEET We often sit and think com- y,ou, •• S. TIRE DEm. States- Kenneth who has were bared. to un i�erested meeting of the Pvt. Smith, were here • related, And WIsh you again. aOCKEFfLLiiR CENTIa NEW YOlK 10, N • .,. The regular 230 AVINUE 01' THE AMERICAS at Parris 151- • more or I ess held Thursday boot bl' whereupon h nave or sadness; • P,-T.A, will be his training pu Ie, "'e still days bora pleted ".c at the naval Ellrott hel' We still have secret tears, :30, A Christmas u�d is now stationed sedaw mother of snapped night, Dec. 13, at 7 lind But v,.� to meet you, Daddy, sev· VOCI'O Beach, Fla., spent nnd demanded that the news hope will be presented by the air station at jaws I ended here. COMPANY ,ageant :When (lur life is STATES RUBBER Mr. "a-ttcnd to their UNITED is urged to week end witb his parents, gathering agencies MRS. WA LEY LEE . enth grade. Everybody the CHILDREN, Frank Smith. own business". AND attend. and Mrs, _ _ ------...!..--- President. - S. MURRAY, Dukes and small son, news MRS. J, Mrs. Lyman Now CC'lmes fllong that same Edenfield II .... Jr" and Mrs. Lester with the insinuation. if not Jeweler Lyman agency E. BOWEN, in Savannah 1'------tv· J. the week end that this same. BAPTIST PROMPTLY DONE Sr. spent positive stutement, FIRST CHURCH ALL WORK Mrs, Lester Ed­ 'THE STREET of Mr, and to discontinue INSURANCE SOUTH MAIN as guests mothel' is going attcnj-! I YOUR UG. I." 4 has been noti­ T. E. SERSON, Pastor GEORG� enfield Jr. 1111'S. Dukes the family church from I STATESBORO, ance upon M ISgt. Dukes, -OR- (2Vsep) fied by her husbllnd, which Elliott was dictoriully GREAT SBRVICES DEC. 9TH. INVITES YOU TO AT'rEND TWO SUNDAY, farm mule. arrive at his home FOR SALE-Two good that he expects to ed as an official. ,·ubber. J. exclud-/' and riding cultivator 0.11 the week end. Brooklet, Ga. (3t) here during INSURANCE Prayer 9:15 R. m. S. LATZAK, Rt. I, Combined, aU these incidents make! NATIONAL LI�E meeting inasmuch as I legitimate news, every Sunday School 9 :45 R. m. known unusual act of noted )'re:l"sons NEED ATTENTION SOON the WILL is' legitimate news-und therefore MORNING WORSHIP HIRE the that Ijbusiness" of news gatherers. FOR like home !!freshes SERVICE ••. no for p"ause , TRUCKS place chance assemble all 11:00 a. m. home for a It's sort of difficult to what a n,lief to get After a bustling day shopping, incidents under one heading­ I thes'2 assist with it or give you Christian Priest" I will be glad to you �ubject, liThe at home wives, al1d church I HAULING Coca-Gola is right p1ural dogs, plural PREPARED TO DO and refresh with' ice-cold Coke. even information about it AM to pause association-but we insist that. any possible P. M. I B. T. U., 6:30 Distance family the barking of a dog is the business, Local and Long That's where it belongs to bring you, your Elliott's in your refrigerator. of all lhe neighbors; and Evangelistic Gos­ Evening reasonable prices moment's notice. his wife both sprang into at , on a short dog and pel Hour friends the pause that refreshes or so and your prominence that day a year ago Coke. ANDERSON 7:30 m. crowded two .soldiers I H. D. p. Ito .bbreviatioD. whel1 th·� dog on hand. "Coca-Col." IUId a always trad. ride from Service Have supply Ire tbe reliatered off a plal1.e so that he might Song Coke- 'ANY IV lire into Master COCA.COtA COM rnarb wbIcb dIotiJrcuioI> � tC' California to come Subject, "Jesus the AUTHORITY Of THE Memphis Special Agent IOTTLED UNDER Coca·CoIo Healer" TH01�PSON I uct 01 Tho CompaQ. influence of Elliott's new thf.l family ' R. G. I PHONE 9733 COCA·COLA BOTTLING COMPANY actress wife.' YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. South-wide STATESBORO NEW Remember! . ... SAVANNAH, GA. OI9.S�C.C�,.. Now that the dog has been killed, Youth Mobilization Night, CIRCLE Bulloch Bank TRAFFIC to hear mort> Oounty Building L. we won't expect . Dec. 1945 (22nov4tc) or 7, finds himself still another GA. The Fam '1 Ch h W'thJ a W Id V' until Elliott PHONES 372 and 592 STATESBORO, �

wife-which won't be very 1 .. probably __ 1 .,� __J_y u_rc_.__ __ �_lo_n long. .. .,...

FLIGHT' "s • • WELLS.MAKEs' ADMINISTRATRix's LE SIMMONS MEETING PETITION FOR CHARTER GEORGIA-Bulloch OF CAPTAIN TO CHICAGO ACTION DIVORCE. County. TO RANKPR6.MOTED . Fo.� 'LY IJLIT SA. coart an order 01 the Dec. 4.-l'rtaident V!. Nicholas GEORGIA-Bulloch Connty. lUi' Ro'osmmi I to Dec. 4- Milledgeville, Aline Racioppi Air Base, Sparks of Said County: Agr�eubly Orlando Army ASKINGB� I for Total Divorce, To the Snperior Court of ordinary of Bulloch county granted H. of the Georgia 'State I Raccioppi-Snit Ilyo:taTG First Simmons, of Guy Wells, and un- Lie';,t. The of W. L. Huggins at December 1945, the Grady Bulloch Superior Court, January petition CHURCH .t�e .te.rm, for Women, flew to ChIearo B. both of BANNED BY of the has been pro- College 1946. Mrs. Gertrude Huggins, dersigned as n

.. THURSDAY, DEC. 6,1� BA(){WARD LOOK The True Memorial I I YR' ...... ' • • TEN YEARS AGO ��T=:.:. 18 AN UNWRI.'ITBN BUT JILO. Social • Clubs • Personal From Bulloeh11i..... �. 12, 1935 QUENT STORY OF ALL TIIAT Almost in the very heart of States­ i 18 BEST IN LIFE. bore, Frank Smith's hatchery is run­ (STATESBORO WITH DIng full blaat: incubators have ca- NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE) WIR 10lDI pacity of and are run- ��'��������������� Our work helpa to rellect til. 67,000 egg8 CLUB DINES ning full time. Bullaeh Times, E.tabllohed 1892 t which to erect Members of the T.E.T. club were ap'irlt prompts JOG State.boro New Consolidated Januar;v 17, 1111'1 Lnrge number of new announce- .. ,EatabUahed 18011 a. an STATESBORO. GA .. 1945 at a the .tone act of r.,,_ ments for State.boro Eagle. E.tabll.bed THURSDAY, DEC. 13, VOL. 53-NO, ... Purely Personal entertained Tuesday evening de­ the county primary tp be 1917-ConlOlidale.t D_mher 9, IlliG IT.E.T. and devotion•••• held Our Cleve Jones spaghetti supper given by � February 5th; seeks re-electlon as solicitor of the . IlightfulAkins at his home on North Ie at your .ervfce. city' Mrs. Bob West spent Monday in Bucky .• Bllie Main street. Ray Chapter Masons Plan Augusta. �fe����n F�. �ha����esofo�h!\!��d �i EMERGEN'CY LOANS Ha,s FLU EPIDEMIC mTS !Ogeechee county Lee Its Annual Election LOCAL CLUBSTERS Miss Vivian Waters spent the wcck Brannen- Thayer Co. commissioners; Georg'e I' Annual Ladies' Night Primitive Church M�nulnent Oft'\1fS for re-election as member of! Baptist . end in Savannah. A Local Since 1911 At the Industry the C. M. Anderson offers for OPEN meet(ng Tuesday Ogeechee Masonic at its an- Hours of Saturday, Dec. board; TO FARMERS" eveulDw, COUNTY Lodge, Miss Ann Williford is spending the worship: JOHN M. THAYER 1nx DeLoacb Blue Ray O.E.S. elactad oft'lo SCHOOLS SERVE VETERANS Proprietor collector; Ellis for sher- I Chapter nual meeting next Tuesday 8th, 10:30 a. m.; Sunday, 11 a. m. and evening week with relatives at Warrenton. iff; Julian Groover for solicitor of I cers for the year, and accord- 4& WeBt Main Street PHONE a.. enaulng' Visiting Teacher .will not only "Ioct officors for the en- Women of AAUW 7 :30 m. A cordial welcome to all. .all Btateeboro, court. Reports Studyin. Lester Martin, Miss Trixie MRrtin p. eity . WAihdolSMEayxtoentdhederwTiseo TFh.a08eil ing to cuatom, the ladle. served an­ aNt'0 ieeabIe Off .uing year. but will have a special pro- Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Morgado V. F. Pastor. Social events: Friends of John W. To Failing In Means by Which They Are and Miss Vivian Waters spent Sunday Edwin Groover. I Finance Their Farms t rk d'mner dl at wh ich rnaI tGAN, prece ng at which the wivves and mem- nounce the birth of n son, Edmundo of the met , gram Able W. C. Graham and Mrs. Lea- Donaldson, Bay district, Attendance Due to Sickness to Give A�istance in Savannah. Mrs. loans m.ember� of their families were gueatB.1 bel'. of Gerardo Scarritt, Dece mber at the at hi. home Sunday to celebrate his Emergency crop and "mer- Mason.' families may be pres- Turner her little .. Sr. were visitors in Sa­ 3, lUCY and Edenfi ld .. In M,·s.· George tel' eighty-second the Treasure feed Officers Iected were: WortllY mao' making a visit to the schools of ent. "Are Bulloch soldiers Bulloch County Hospital. birthday; gency loans for 1946 are now county recely- are vnnnah Seekers class of the Sun- Mrs. E. H. \ daughter, Brenda, visiting Tuesday, ., available to farmers in tron, Usher; worthy pa- Bulloch The social ing the h"lp and M�thodist Bulloch . county the latter of last aesstcn will be held In that Is re1r- county. . part atten�ion - day school entertained .. tro tives in Cordele. Mrs. DeLoach, Columbia, and Mrs. L. B. of ; n,..E HUhs aS80Clate theierr d ue l' Eugene Mr. Ohassereau, Applications for these loans are be-. er; matron, week and the domestic science room of the 'wa. a question aBked day afternoon by Mrs. Grover Bran- tbis ,,'.ek,. the visiting teach- High b)- Mr. and Mrs. Williams and little S. is visiting Mrs. Cecil Brannen and announce the Mrs. Mamie Lou A.A.U.W. C., Augusta: Statesboro, ••• nen received at ·associate School at 6:30. membera. Mrs. Charles 011- ' Fireside Chatter at her home on Zetterower ave- ing Statesboro. second Ken,nedy; building beginning Mi.s Maude White, reports that � were . Sandra, of Springfield, and Mrs. J. E. Donehoo. a Luther No­ pat D B . Tel', Inn"'ff M rs. daughter, birth of son, Leroy Jr., n';le, with MrB. Hinton Booth, Mrs. floor of Bulloch County B.,nk build- ron, urner; conductreas, Supper will be prepared for "'oae who Ralph Lyon were aaallm- was sbe finds a of Mr. and Mrs. Prince Milton of Jacksonville, Warm as a ••• revel in th ese Robes as Gibson Mrs. J. B. Johnson Mrs. M. O. drastic in cd to guests Sunday Hudson, vember 22, at the University Hospital bunny bug you'll snug, easyofitting you unwrap Johnston, Wednes_, B. Taylor; associate conduc- drop attendance, in advance find out. This Is the th.. Burnsed of their intention ing, by Henry J field super- notify report ,. and Mrs. Dorman . ..._ of his sis- Alfred I .. . n, co-hostesses; tress Mrs. . due to an ou 'I: the guest Monday evening in Augusta. -e: or at home. in a visor ' Fay Cliften;' secfe-....". tbreak 0 f a d reade.d throat :",""\11\i! day h t: "*\ '!I of to be nlg . Pr�st0t.!.... "" -r: Christm� gifts, spend chilly Sunday mornings Wrap up copy quilted the Emergency '€rop and tFhe secretary. Josh T. . ..' Mrs. Marvin Pittman was hostess at prtll�t, e,.��,u8S Mr. Mrs. Tom Jacobs ar ter, Mrs. H. H. _. Feed Mrs. J. Grady trea.uret, Mrs. and an influenza The 811d sllend. Cowart; 01' a rayon crepe housecoat Christmas for ;_.- a five-course dinner I Loan division of the Fann Credit Smith; :di.esse epidemic. Neamith, should b" contacted to that' W�n,New Veteran � first arrivu M,'. and Ml'l(�ve. DeLoach, of Co­ Robe, dainty DelightfUl giftl;l. IIWjther 'Friday' evening ' in Florida M iss Louise Hagi';- ·lias' returned Cora DeLoach. "Iected attendance was a r ing awbile followt'plf·a:,.e- at which members tl\e Administration. This early Newly officers' reaching high peak end. Plateil will be served at $1 each.! 'bpj1le �� must '·Jport. to the draft announeefbbe birth of a son, and alike .�' �t .college opening " cent rl1;1t with her mother,.M'rlI:- W. to Atlalita after visiti'llg- her sisters, lumbus. daughter' - M,s8 Ed,th fac-,' and those to be will be In- and a attendancc M. ulty we�e guests; Brunson, of the loan program in Bulloch uppointed perfact campaign that, of Grimes Novem­ r;, county �QlLrd', fl. Roberlf!OlI-.ays Bertha and Dell John Jr., Wednesday, stalled at was W. Edge.' Misses Hagins. is for thc benefit of those the first meeting In the being advocated, but now th-e vis- i ,�pe ,.2,146 men with ,be was eligible re�iat'red' ber 28. Mrs .. DeLoach form.rly S{a�:g���er,\V:�: U��:d'�n Miss. Vivian Wat...s will ·re.....n to I Mrs. Jack Carman left Tuesday for M';::��a;! coming year. iting teacher the Bulloch draft �fternoon at the home I who need financial as.istance encourages pupils FEDER'AL EMPLOY county """"rd, 733 had Miss Ann of Columbus. Saturday of. farlll�r., Atlanta after spending two Atlanta to meet Sgt. Carman, who Cannon, and teacherB to returned Sunday the brid·.'s .m�ther, with Rev. F. to meoet the reSUlting bo vel'Y careful, and home by Dec. 7. Mr. 'Ro..... Mrs. from the Pacific. . weeks with h"r grandmother, hus just returned Mi­ Jordun offlclBtlng. at the first symptom. of u .ick "rtson advises Veteran Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Mallard, of from the recent storm and flood, as pupil, JOBS ARE O'FFERED Joe where'to John Jones. Sellman F ..-ed Darley, Key West, to isolate as JI."t In paul ami, 'Fla., form-zriy of Savannah, an­ AGO well as to provide fund. for financing SOLDIER.S RETURN tho� complaining early· help carrying out hia plana if' his TWENTY' YEARS Mrs. J. C. Lane, of Atlanta, and Fla" is two weeks with as possible. he does not al .... spending nounce the birth of a daughter, Carol the normal em.ergeRcieB SutPlus Property Positions ady haY\! hi. next stepa J., crop Bulloch Dec. 1925 Mr. and Mrs. Burd"tte Lane, of SIl- Mr. J. F. Darley. .FrJrn Times, 10:' fa_n'andoearlY"Wlnter Miss· White the of the And in mind. parents,. at and.lItrs. on the St. _ urges Revenue Jean, November 20th, , feed reqUlreln'ant. of farmers who TO ARMY SERVICE people Agents Places were the week-end of on of held ash vBl1nah, guests Andn2W Herrington, terrpinal Miami Fla. Knights can oounfy to stay away from To Be Filled at Lanier wa. intecested In Francis Beach, Statesbor? Py�hias establish ' Mr. Burnsed picture Date atart- Hospital, Eearly . eligibility . Mrs.' Her- annual election evemng, when.. After Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brannen. lenve from the Navy. and Monday Brief Vacation Men •hows, ball and other her- 109 B new I ...... Mrs. Mallard was formerly Miss As In past years, these loan. games gat Some of l"we ry bu"in He wa. the following were electcd to various ,and the best United States Mrs. Charlie Simmons and were visitors here . s�,P. Are Permitted to Go as a Mr.·and rington, of ClaxtCln, Fields. WIll be to Back Ings, as possible until this directed to bank for bu.lness advl.,. Blanch·. offic"B: W. E. Dekle, E. A. Woods, made farmers whoso cash muph civil service pOBitions open are with Bnd Mrs. Bill Simmons With Substantial Bonus "pideniic can be out. She and a loan" The two 80n, Charles, Tuesday. E. V. Holli., J. O. B. Rimes, W. F. n�s are relatively small and who stamped the R�constructlon 'Finance Corpora- banke repoR from a visit in Johnson has been dis- J. E. S. C. th·. that returned Tuesday J. Brantley Key, McCroan, Groover, are pupils to eat plenty of fruit about 65 10anB have en made STEPHENS-HENDRIX unabre to obtain from other S/Sgt. Ben Bolden, Huntsville, AI... ,begs tion in surplus property, and and sev� Horne, J. M. Murphy and J. P. Washington, D. C., Baltimore. charged from the marines after to very carcful to voterans. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stephens an­ sources, including local bank. and pro- bama Cong�es.ional Medal win""r,' a�d veg�table. �nd �e with the Bureau of Internal Revenue Mrs. J. E. Don. and is now with ��n!: D. Mrs. Cecil Brannen, ern I yenrs' service duction With the'r clothing during the wmter E. Gay wanbod to " fanao nounce the marriage of their daugh­ I Members of' the Statesboro Gun credit as.ociations, loans in re-enlisted in the regular army last a. revenue gaents, D. R. DeLoach, of 'buy Mrs. ehoo, Mrs. Eugene DeLoach, his family here. what to I months; wenr p.dnty of clothing, After he and Agent tel', Betty, to Otis Hendrix, son of Clu.b inaugurated tbey plan amount. adequate to meet their needs. week after being a civilian Bince July. bllt Stat'3sboro. disclosed today. Veteran. County Byroa Jamea Bland and an annual Bruce Olliff, Mrs. Edwin Groover has arrived feature remove all wraps while inBide warm Dyer looked around, found a Pfc. Mrs. Rufe Hendrix, the marriage m�lnta'n a� I.ast Mr. Burnsed pointed out that ere- Bolden d,,'Cided to re-enlist in who oan qualify are being aought par- tbey wh"n held lad,es' . . . Claud Howard Wednesday Friday evemng they but be sure to use them when better it''on. r. Mrs. spent from months in the Pacific farmers 110 so to take rooms, propos M Gay purch..... eighteen having occurred in Statesboro No­ at the room of the Nor- g,ble desmng t? may advantage of biB Bix ,y�ara' ticularly, but application. will be ac- night dining ·.orderl a in Savannah. with his tractor and i. cuato... to spend sometime mother, mal S. Lewi. as now for loans to take care of in the and from men or women auccea.fully 24th. 11/. apply . vember College; presided seniority army, mentally necessa�y: . . cepted any ,.ith Lieut. and Mrs. Edwin Brady and were made The t-aacher I. a"-,minent young under Brya and of "boro found on Misses suddenly ·Neil ill a .Cobb, county war finance chairman. SALT F. McCoy, Inman Fay, Mari.on the�e!ves bu.i eos/men d'ed .uddenl at his' preaent gala MATCHES of th.., town are a P ..... Of Brooklet Bureau . The given a ,1 y". � ' people an an, M,'ss· Nannl'e the e .. The result w_as Ch".�st�as·1 ecem r d L·OU,se I Foy, d sam. armY.p'ost rt . Tbe Ioan dr,v", ended D be 8, t , . Boxes 2 Boxes cordinl invitation to service. home?in I't an "arly hour CO�I�� II Mell went to Savannah S�tut- .. � ',' T. R Jr. was named Olliff dinner with Statesb9ro.t. _ .. Pl'll"o party dancing and':t>rid�. .,_.1£ Th'e . of - but" the calles for Bmaller group college singers ,B,},lln . program eighty ' to wl'ness "The' B,'rth of a Na - """"d�'• ue. ay "",rnlDg, h";1,'B d'ea'th oelmg a.- D day and a chance to catch on thite aws d'ent atef h' klet commuDlty Farm up .. will be aBsi.ted Miss Elarluth ,.roo bonds the montb to be a part VISITED IN WASHINGTON. ami Wilibel Par- Cll'bed to a a,'1ment. In I by Ep... through tion;" Agnes ,.eart usua. .' at De- visit home town news. Jack W. Bureau for another year the of the official drivo. ker have returned w�t� tlng, . Avant Daughtry, who sp'ilnt several f�om"a. bealth upon Monday hl'rp,st, .and Broucek,. Bul- retiring nigbt J. as VI""'- oJ . A. MATERIALS 'former' Place cards were small . cember Knight' MIXED FRIJIT CAKE his Rev. and Mrs. Milo Ma.sey, bags clarinetist. Individual solo. will be meetlllg. 'Bulloch' county has reported .ome days during the week end ...,.,.;..,.e, me''1 I durmg the Dlght and w\t� who are' now - The Malin as With Cherries and Pineapple Tesidents of Statesboro, loch grown .peanuts. ICha ,..W W secretary, Bond. county sung b'y B'II'y H aII d R' rd S president .00,000opo worth .f E on'.the parents, Col. and Mrs. B. A. Daugh­ II G M H E "arl,. Tuesday morning so seri- an, tarr,. included Mr. Mr•. Ralph and and W. Lee MMcElveen as treasur..,r This is D. group ou. that a was called. He Margaret Sherman, Hoke Smith $U4,00 quota to date. 80me try, at their home in Washington, �:i��tl�t e�:�:in;d 'a�: physician P.rince Albert W'�dne��'ay Ram- were also eleeted to .ucceed them- of Mallard, and Mrs. nndlTa madge died, before the arrival of BarabaTB Ander.on. The choir will 56 cent. of tbe and about 6 has returned home. Miss Vera ernoon with " 42 party in honor L.t. however, per quota TOBACCO lOc SUGAR C., the doctor Under this of officers the Mrs. of and Mrs. Cohen Anderson, Besides hi. wife, fonnerly a foe.tival selves. group the .tate as a awhile in Wash­ her sister, Johnson, Americus; sey, Sgt. be heard in special arrange- per cent in advance of \ Johnson is spending Miss Sara of be is from of and Davi·J. Atlanta, Brooklet has some Miss Callie Clarll, Eastman, spent Miss Christine Caruthers Sgt. ment of "Onward Chrl.tian Soldiers," chapter grown whole purchases: as the of h'�r sister, Mrs. ington guest last w""k as the guest Miss Mary and . members to 18$ at the present �f. Aldrich Hagan. Gwendolyn Ralph ass,sted b a s01a artet rnad e u of th.irty The bOlld s�'es... a8 a whole on the . p . r. an rs. ra In, a y qu and Col. Daughtry. Col. Mrs. L. W. WIlliams enter- . ·Murvivedd bMy thrGeeeorgech.ildrOcn;Fhisnkpal�entsf· Daughtry, Willcox; stIll feel that S tate boro time. Part of the business 8ession of GRAPES ORANGES TANGERINES at the Mallard .'s Pulaski, and two br<>thers, George, of Betty Jones, James, Hubert total 01 $190,000 are exccption­ and Mrs. Daughtry and their son, tained last Friday evening •. Evelyn quota hav·o lived In and of Statesboro. the D'"ccmber was devoted home of I:cr parents, Mr. and Mrs. home, although they Metter. Lehman. and Richard Starr, an obligato meeting in 'Bulloch county. Jamie Miss Johnson and Avant Kirby. ally s,atisfactory sev'Jnteen' Tal- Coming to Statesboro five years ago to' for a freezer locker. ThOBe APPLES J. A. McDougald. Anniston for years. of the three and a plans Mr. Cobb more tbAn $251,000 'attended the Army-Navy Mr. Franklin and his brother Lehman trumpets two-piano reports Daugl;try lRTC and Fran - some rnadge, an o'ff··Icer III , The Fred ar- pl'esnt, fifty members. expressed worth of ,bonds have been in FORTY YEARS AGO engaged in business 8S repres.antatives accompaniment. Waring purcha&ad football gam'a Philadelphia com- PLENTY ces have been stationed at McClellan th'Jmsclves us' feeling that the All Cigarettes �atur-I of the Chevrolet company, llnd later rangement of "The Battle Hymn of in the county, putting the county well BARS day. !From Bulloch 11imcs. Dec. 13. 1905 Cohen and Ne""lle took on other had should have ono ood that they 2 Packages 35C CANDY for the past year. Th..,y The Republic," which the choir feu- munity over thc tot..1 quota. The E Banda Announcement is made of th'a�form­ in for the recently acquired" block of business would it in every way. H"ow- INFORMAL PARTIES have becn Anniston past tured so successfully last "",ason, will support make excellent Christmas pr"scnts, on East Main street and ation of the law firm of Johnston & He is property thc it would be two and a half yers. assigned be at concert. Miss ever, group thought Mr. Cobb and many are or FOR WEEK-END GUEST were in pro....s of beginning a large repeated this Ep- pointed out, JAMS Dry Cone (G. S .. Johnston and Howel) fa the lRTC headquar��rs furlough of best for the plant to be privately own_ for this If . for the will purppse. Daniel of . building housing provide harp accompaniment always purchased PRESERVES COCONUT Canned Mrs. John noal, Waynes� Cone.) project ting was named to work 'JELLIES Announcement made. section. Chris is a medical social their growing business. �d. A committee is the total who spent the week end with is that the and Mr. Broucck clarinet obligato for this practice" continued, boro, services were held I1t the guano factory m�ntioned in worker with the American Red Cross 'Funeral with some individuals that probably. the E Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Deal, was delight­ proposed a group of unusual Christmas songs. will atill ·reach goal. last issue of this was abandon­ ,M·.thodist church Wednesday after- paper ..> arrived would establish the locker plant. th - having th" at two infor­ regioljal hospital, noon Thc will close with entertained lovely on the at 3 olclock, conducted by Rev. program fully ed because 'of obiection part has vocational PINT at McClellan in Ma'rch. Aldrich L. E. former of that of familiar carols the choir Ralph Dixon, agriculture NICE FRESH OYSTERS mal parties during her visit. Satur­ of adioining property owners; S. H. Williams, pastor singing by Arnall and Heads To to' MP' det�chcment and Elder J. Walter Hendrix, tcacber from Claxton, discussed the Mrs. B. A. Dcal Lichtenstein was promoter of the en­ been as�igned the churcb, and audience.. This event promises to day morning was. and terprise. for the two years. Teach- system that plant is sct up on, Decide. hostess at her hom.e on South Main past be the finest ever giV'.n by·tbe Let Lawmakers A� a of trustees of the �er�a';::::'be� o�����;a��i��?seas��� OF THE WEST FLOUR meeting [t is that Pfc. Belton Bras- is some of tbe strong and ""ak points QUEEN .$1.19 and h'arcissi expected school cla8.. Interment was in ers Collegc group, and' the public nor stp�et. Chrysanthemums Statesboro Institute Monday after­ day establish Not the klgi.lature'a leadership and Mr.s. George Preston, East Side with Lanier's' to attend. in it. He recommended they used about her rooms nlid fat noon a full faculty was "Iected: Prin­ ",.11, Capt. cemetery urged the Governor will decide how the Canned PEACHES "were and in connection Brinson and G. B. Frank- who are to the IRTC, Mortuacy �n charge. a privately owned plant refl'eshments cookies, sandwiches, cipals, Fred issigned' new will be but can ' state'. money spent, No. 2Vz LARD CANS Misses Mattie civilian em- some other busiwess. 1in; assistants, Lively, Miss Winfred Johnston, . with nuts and Russian t�a were served. ht _ To Be the memoors of the assembly Maude Akins, Hassie Newton, Pawline will able to '. Georgia Guard general P. ploye for signal corps, lie an inter'2sting contest Mrs. C. qUiff Smith and Ella Saunders themselves, in the January s�ssion. Trapnell; elocution, Statesboro H.-s.Returned IOn Number as attend next party. Doub'ed� WAS THIS YOU? Jr. received dusting powder the Miss Earle Wood; music,1 Miss Lessie th.e Thus declares Governor Elli. Ar­ From Overseas,. Duhr�J You are a small matron with dark prize. Overseas stationery was the Brannen.. . Georgia's National Guard is to be nall, Hou.e Speaker Roy Harri. and Social events: B. T. Mallard and brown 'ayes and hair. You are em· was CANTATA SUNDAY EVE Sgt. James SOn of almost in it has been ... gift to Mrs. Deal, and fancy soap Grady Saundersi doubled size, as Senaw President Frank Gross SAUSAGE Mi.. Eliza Smith were married last played down town. Weduesday fol�o Mr. and R. of .. Mar- to Mrs. Ingram, guest of -AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH Mrs. G. Saunders, Rocky announced by Adjutant G neral to lunch wore a fur in to the ap­ SEASONING, Pkg. presented week at the home of th,,-bride's father, you went you ing conference regard has and a 01 brt>W11 sh_ Mrs. Buford Knigllt. Guests were Mrs. M. C. Smith: on Wednesday Ford;" returned to the stetes vin Griffin, and will reach total coat, white tam and session. Arnall .tated as All kinds evening The First Baptist church will ,p"e­ pl'oacAing and Mrs. Olliff, Mrs. Hodges, Mrs. Frank Kicklighter and Miss Sula received bis di.charge at Ft. Jackson, almost ten thousand men. bag. follows: Deal, sent a candle light and cantata serv­ described will call at Waters were unit-ad in marriage at S. C. He has t·.en in service four of If the lady Knight, Mrs. Ray Malecki, Mrs. Paul the Addressing the annual meeting be "The senate's the House tbe home of the minister. ice under the direction of Jack Aver� the Times office she will given president, officiating and of which he the in Sauve Miss Isabelle Sorrier, Mrs. years eight months, of nation the and I are on wbat HOME MAD� CANE SYRUP Rev. T. J. Cobb; Henry Lyell and itt, with Mrs. E. L. Barnes as organ­ adjutants general two tickets to picture, "Rhap­ .pealoor agreed NEW and and Mrs. Joe Joyner. of Mrs. served seventeen months overseas i. New Orleans, he .aid that at the be- in Blue," showing today to and what Stoth;rd Deal, Mi.s Eula Johnson, daugbter ist. The will consist of a sody things ought be done. 0'1 program Theater. She Mr. and Mrs. Stoth­ w'(!re united in at the the ETO th..,ater of war. He received of World War over five Friday at the Georgia members Saturday evening Hearn, marriage music ginning n, we will recommend to the Silent rie . on proces.ional, Night. will like tbe home of J. M. Fordham. West the conduct and also held attOna Guards- picture. BEEF AND PORK Belowp���!ng ard Deal entertain'ild with a lovely good medal tbousand G eorg'a N' I if the of the Baserably. Ho_ver, ��:��� 'CUTS Main Mrs. R. J. H. DeLoach to lle presented will be "In the High­ After receiving her tickets, generaal street; four .tars. was the the dinner in honN" of Deal. An aT· battle He among men wer" induct6d into armed will call at the Statesboro Flo­ the members of the legislature them­ came down from Athens Sunday to !!st "Glory," by Nool Benson. The con­ lady first tobe a of narcissi was used as .her drafted from Statesboro, services: • ral she will be given lovely will decide on wbich items 1"1\11gement spend the holidays with parents, to be 'Will be Shop selves . the,. 'Iuding number given of the a. thrEe RECEIVED DAILY I E. D. Richarc! and took at Ft. N. national association orchid with crunpliments pro- Cash a centerpiece for the table and VISIT TOYLAND ON OUR THIRD FLOOR. NEW rfEMS Mr. and Mrs. Holland; 'Gloria," by Mozart. Soloist. for the training Bragg, Officiala of the want to spend 18o""y." Grocery . Shuman's has for several m.onths Mr. Whitehurst. was served. Covers Brann�n, who will be Mrs. William Shel­ GeneraI G rU."fim lD hi'• prietor, two COUl"Se dinll'Cr vening Smith, .C.; Camp Blanding, Fla.; Camp will �id vIgorous week waB Beginning January 1, for weeke, YOUR COMPLETE FOOD STORE been in stenographic work The lady described last employed \irs. B. L. Smith, Mrs. Gilbert Cone. and more armo- were ,placed for Mrs. :Daal, Dr. and by, Miss.; PIU1lP Gruber, Okla., effort to obtain thirt'J Or J. H. Watson. She called Friday the Will confer in .malt PHONE 248 in Atlanta, is spending t.... holiday. \frs. Matt Dobson, Jack Averitt, Mrs. legislators PHONE 248 A. Mr. and Mrs. Joe SONS [o'ort Sill, Hia wife, lOb" former ries for cities if the {"deral attended the show, ·Mrs. B. Dcal, H. at home here; Mr. and Mrs. Frank :>rince Pl�ston and Mrs. O. L. Mc� Oklai Georgia for her ticket., group. with Arnall, Grou anil Har:riIi, MINKOVIT�"l8l her en- . Mr. are visit­ Miss Edna i. with his at the bill in and later to express Joyner, little Deal McArthur and Klarpp, of Oarrabelle, Fla., The church decoration is in Hendrix, armory-constructlon Congre.. phonl!d or uutll the 14..QAy s_lon opens Jan- �jempre. thusiasra at the and the . relatives her.. for several ' home of pic�ure and Mrs. Deal. ing days. charge of Mrs. H. F. Hook. his parents. passes. 14th. 1iiiii��iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 /.- prchid. uary