Local Stakeholder Group (LSG)

Initial Meeting, May 27, 3-5 PM Holyoke Public Library LSG Facilitator Introduction John D’Auria, Teachers21 Andrew Bundy, Community Matters David Castelline, Teachers21 Agenda for Today Welcome & Introductions Provide an Overview of our Process & the role of the LSG Set Norms for Our Work Review the Core Data on HPS Students and Schools Closing Reflections 3

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Welcome and Introductions Name and affiliation


Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Members of the LSG…

 Marie Auguste, Parent, Morgan Full Service Community School  Edgardo Camacho, Parent, E.N. White Elementary School  David Cruise, President & CEO, Regional Employment Board of Hampden County  Bill Ennen, Program Director of regional programs, Innovation Institute at MassTech Collaborative  Vionette Escudero, Associate Principal, William J. Dean Technical High School  Jacqueline Glasheen, Principal, Kelly Full Service Community School  Jeffrey Hayden, Vice President for Business and Community Services at Holyoke Community College (representative of higher education chosen by the state secretary of education) 5  Erin Hebert, class of 2014 (community member selected by Mayor Morse)

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Members of the LSG, continued

 Stephen C. Huntley, Executive Director, Valley Opportunity Council (chosen by commissioner of MA Dept. of Early Education & Care)  Paul Hyry-Dermith, Assistant Superintendent, HPS  Jennifer Keitt, Parent, Maurice A. Donahue Elementary School  Gus Morales, President, Holyoke Teachers Association  , Mayor of Holyoke & School Committee Chairman  Yasmin Otero, Regional Director of the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance  Brigetann Reilly, Teacher at William J. Dean Technical High School  Debra Sicilia, Director of areas for Holyoke and Greenfield at the MA Department of Children and Families  Vilma Soto, Parent, Peck-Lawrence Full Service Community School 6  Shelly Whelihan, Teacher, Lt. Elmer J. McMahon Elementary School

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Laying the Foundation

Russell Johnston Senior Associate Commissioner, ESE

Our Charge

The purpose of the Holyoke Public Schools Local Stakeholder Group is to make recommendations to the commissioner and the receiver on the content of the turnaround plan, “…to maximize the rapid improvement of the academic achievement of students.” 1

1) Massachusetts General Law, Chap. 69, Sec. 1K 8

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Roles and Expectations: LSG Members Make recommendations to the Commissioner and receiver on aspects of the turnaround plan Serve in an advisory capacity Actively represent the stakeholder group(s) of which you are a member, as well as all others Outside of LSG, engage in open conversations with members of multiple communities and groups Inform LSG deliberations with those conversations Share LSG recommendations, as they emerge, with 9 groups and communities with whom you interact

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Roles and Expectations: LSG Members, continued 45-day period for LSG to conduct its work Statutory requirement Facilitators record and summarize recommendations over course of meetings During final meeting, LSG reviews and solidifies recommendations Commissioner and receiver review recommendations 10 Commissioner and receiver consider recommendations Turnaround plan issued in late summer

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Roles and Expectations: Audience Members Observe and take notes Provide comments and/or recommendations after meeting adjourns Offer your recommendations to: [email protected] LSG group members directly, during meeting breaks Collection box at entrance of room 11

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education LSG Meeting Dates and Times

 Meeting #1: Wednesday, May 27th, 3:00 – 5:00pm – Community Room, Holyoke Public Library  Meeting #2: Monday, June 1st, 3:00 – 6:00pm – exact location to be determined  Meeting #3: Wednesday, June 10th, 3:00 – 6:00pm – exact location to be determined  Meeting #4: Wednesday, June 17th, 3:00 – 6:00pm – exact location to be determined  Meeting #5: Wednesday, July 1st, 3:00 – 6:00pm – 12 exact location to be determined

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Proposed Focus for Meetings

 Meeting #1: Meet, get oriented, review core HPS data

 Meeting #2: Student support and special populations

 Meeting #3: Family and community engagement

 Meeting #4: HPS secondary schools

 Meeting #5: Recommendations and wrap up 13

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Norms: How We Will Work

We will encourage full participation and listen respectfully to all LSG voices

We will check for understanding

We will balance advocacy with inquiry

We will make recommendations that are

affordable, sustainable, and scalable 14

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Beginning the Work

In a sentence or two, please tell us: What important aspect about the Holyoke Public Schools would you like to share? What aspect of the HPS would you like to understand better and would help your advisory work on the LSG?


Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Holyoke Public Schools Data Discussion

Holyoke Public Schools Local Stakeholder Group Meeting Presented by Rob Curtin, ESE May 27, 2015 Goals for the Presentation

Present a baseline set of data about Holyoke public schools Present comparative data to add context to the data about Holyoke Gather requests for analyses that might be helpful to the group Answer questions


Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Enrollment and Demographics


Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Holyoke Public Schools 2011-2015 Enrollment


5,896 5,877 6,000 5,782 5,573 5,573





1919 1,000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Holyoke Public Schools Special Populations (%) 2011-2015 100 90 85.3

80 74.3 70

60 50.8 50 47.7

40 28.5 30 26.2 24.1 26.0 20


0 2020 Low Income Students w/ disabilities ELLs and Former ELLs First Language Not English

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Holyoke Public Schools Race/Ethnicity (%) 2011-2015 100 90 78.9 80 77.2






20 18.2 16.3

10 3.4 3.1 0.9 0.8 0 2121 Hispanic/Latino White African-American/Black Asian 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Commissioner’s Districts

Level 5 Level 3 Holyoke Brockton Lawrence Lowell Level 4 Lynn Boston Fall River New Bedford Springfield

Worcester 22

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Special Populations: Holyoke, Commissioner's Districts, State (%) 2014-2015

100 90 85.3 79.8 80 70 60

50 47.7 41.9 38.3 40 28.5 30 24.1 24.3 18.2 18.5 20 17.1 8.5

10 Percent of Enrollmentof Percent 0 Low Students ELLs and First Low Students ELLs and First Low Students ELLs and First Income w/ Former Language Income w/ Former Language Income w/ Former Language disabilities ELLs Not disabilities ELLs Not disabilities ELLs Not English English English 2323 Holyoke Other Commissioner's Districts State

2014 2015

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Student Performance


Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education School Accountability Data

School Accountability School Name School Type Grades Served Enrollment* percentile level (1-99) Metcalf Preschool Preschool PK-K 224 Insufficient data Insufficient data Lawrence ES K-3 291 Insufficient data Insufficient data Peck MS 4-8 371 Level 3 6 Donahue ESMS K-8 588 Level 3 7 Kelly ESMS K-8 586 Level 3 9 McMahon ESMS K-8 401 Level 3 12 Morgan ESMS K-8 399 Level 5 7 Sullivan ESMS K-8 567 Level 2 21 White ESMS K-8 424 Level 3 12 Holyoke High School HS 9-12 1,309 Level 3 11 Dean Vocational HS 9-12 403 Level 4 3 Technical HS Totals 11 schools PK-12 5,573 2525 *as of October 1, 2014

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education MCAS ELA % Proficient or Higher All Grades 2011-2014



80 69 69 69 69 70


50 47 47 46 48

40 34 34 34 32 30



0 26 Holyoke Other Commisioner's Districts State 2011 2012 2013 2014

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education MCAS ELA % Proficient or Higher 2014 by Grade

Holyoke Other Commisioner's Districts State 100 90 90 79 80 75 72 72 68 69 70 64 57 59 60 54 50 48 50 45 42 42 40 37 35 33 32 30 26 21 20 15 13 10

0 03 04 05 06 07 08 10 ALL 27

Tested Grade

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education MCAS ELA % Warning or Failing 2014 by Grade

Holyoke Other Commissioner's Districts State 100




60 49 50 43 40 37 34 32 30 25 26 26 20 20 20 20 16 17 18 13 10 10 9 10 7 8 7 7 8 3 0 28 03 04 05 06 07 08 10 ALL

Tested Grade

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education ELA Growth (Median SGP) by Grade, 2011-14

Holyoke Other Commissioner's Districts 80 80

70 70

60 60

Typical 50 50 growth

40 40

30 30

20 20 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 29

04 05 06 07 08 10 04 05 06 07 08 10

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

MCAS Math % Proficient or Higher, All Grades 2011-2014 100 90


70 59 61 60 60 58

50 40 41 40 37 37

30 28 30 27 26



0 3030 Holyoke Other Commisioner's Districts State 2011 2012 2013 2014

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education MCAS Math % Proficient or Higher 2014 by Grade

Holyoke Other Commisioner's Districts State 100

90 79 80

70 68 61 60 60 60 57 53 55 52 50 52 50 41 39 41 40 36 31 30 31 30 28 28 22 22 22 20 16


0 31 03 04 05 06 07 08 10 ALL

Tested Grade

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education MCAS Math % Warning or Failing 2014 by Grade

Holyoke Other Commissioner's Districts State 100




60 58 49 50 45 45 39 40 40 35 35 36 28 28 28 30 24 19 21 19 20 20 15 15 17 15 11 12 10 7

0 32 03 04 05 06 07 08 10 ALL

Tested Grade

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Math Growth (Median SGP) by Grade, 2011-14

Holyoke Other Commissioner's Districts 80 80

70 70

60 60

Typical 50 50 growth

40 40

30 30

20 20 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 33

04 05 06 07 08 10 04 05 06 07 08 10

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education MCAS Science % Proficient or Higher All Grades 2011-2014





60 55 52 54 53 50


30 27 28 24 26 18 20 20 15 15


0 3434 Holyoke Other Commisioner's Districts State 2011 2012 2013 2014

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education MCAS Science % Proficient or Higher 2014 by Grade

Holyoke Other Commisioner's Districts State 100


80 71 70

60 53 55 50 45 42 43 40

30 28 28 20 20 17 9 9 10

0 05 08 10 ALL 35

Tested Grade

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Graduation and Dropout Rates

Four-Year Graduation Rates, 2011-2014 100 90 86.1 83.4 84.7 85.0


68.4 69.2 70 67.6 67.9 66.5 67.1 64.6 64.0 60.2 60 52.8 53.8 49.5 50 41.5 39.3 40

30 27.5 24.6



0 Wm J Dean Voc Tech High Holyoke High Holyoke District Other Commissioner's State 3737 Districts

2011 2012 2013 2014

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Five-Year Graduation Rates, 2010-2013 100 90 87.5 87.7 84.7 86.3

80 73.0 71.5 71.4 72.4 69.5 69.1 69.4 70 67.0

60 56.8 58.2 56.1 54.6

50 43.9 39.7 40 31.7 29.1 30



0 Wm J Dean Voc Tech High Holyoke High Holyoke District Other Commissioner's State 3838 Districts

2010 2011 2012 2013

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Annual Dropout Rates, 2011-2014

16 15.2


12 10.3 10.2 10.1 9.8 10 9.1

7.7 8 7.2 6.8 6.2 6.4 6.1 6 5.5 5.0 5.1 4.8

4 2.7 2.5 2.2 2.0 2

0 Wm J Dean Voc Tech High Holyoke High Holyoke District Other Commissioner's State 3939 Districts

2011 2012 2013 2014

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Additional Indicators


Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Postsecondary Enrollment Class of 2013

# # % % % % % High School Attending Attending Private Private Public Public Graduates Coll./Univ. Coll./Univ. Two-Yr Four-Yr Two-Yr Four-Yr Holyoke 301 212 70.4 0.0 14.6 72.6 12.7 Commissioner’s Districts 10,367 7,209 69.5 0.4 23.1 50.2 26.3 State 66,359 50,829 76.6 0.2 34.6 29.4 35.7

% % % # # % MA MA Univ. % High School Attending Attending Community State of Requiring Graduates Coll./Univ. Coll./Univ. College University Mass. Remediation Holyoke 301 212 70.4 71.7 9.9 1.9 63.8 Commissioner’s Districts 10,367 7,209 69.5 48.9 9.5 14.5 48.1 State 66,359 50,829 76.6 28.3 11.9 14.1 33.4


Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Out-of-School Suspension Rates 2013-2014 25 21.5 20.0 20


10 9.0 8.2

5 4.3 3.9

0 4242 Holyoke Other Commissioner's Districts State 2013 2014

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Mobility: Churn Rate, 2011-2014


26.5 24.3 23.6 23.2 21.3

20 19.2 18.1 17.1

9.5 9.9 10 9.0 8.5

0 4343 Holyoke Other Commissioner's Districts State 2011 2012 2013 2014

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Mobility: Attrition Rate, 2011-2014



9.5 10 9.2 8.2 8 7.8 7.5 7.9 6.6

2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6

0 4444 Holyoke Other Commissioner's Districts State 2011 2012 2013 2014

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Educator Evaluation Results - 2014

2013-14 HOLYOKE # of Educators to be % Needs # Evaluated % Evaluated % Exemplary % Proficient % Unsatisfactory Evaluated Improvement All Educators 622 507 81.5 5.3 76.5 16.6 1.6 Administrators 60 39 65.0 12.8 38.5 48.7 0.0 Principals 12 11 91.7 0.0 36.4 63.6 0.0 Non-Administrators 562 468 83.3 4.7 79.7 13.9 1.7 Teachers 501 435 86.8 4.8 78.6 14.7 1.8 Teachers-Professional Status 265 262 98.9 5.3 82.4 11.5 0.8 Teachers - Non-PTS 173 173 100.0 4.0 72.8 19.7 3.5

2013-14 COMMISSIONER'S DISTRICTS WITHOUT HOLYOKE # of Educators to be % Needs # Evaluated % Evaluated % Exemplary % Proficient % Unsatisfactory Evaluated Improvement All Educators 16,792 14,804 88.2 11.0 80.3 7.5 1.1 Administrators 1,010 699 69.2 13.2 82.0 4.6 0.3 Principals 359 236 65.7 11.4 84.3 4.2 0.0 Non-Administrators 15,844 14,105 89.0 10.9 80.2 7.6 1.2 Teachers 13,951 12,918 92.6 10.5 80.5 7.8 1.2 Teachers-Professional Status 9,870 9,359 94.8 12.6 80.8 5.5 1.1 Teachers - Non-PTS 3,771 3,559 94.4 4.8 79.6 13.9 1.7

2013-14 STATEWIDE RESULTS # of Educators to be % Needs # Evaluated % Evaluated % Exemplary % Proficient % Unsatisfactory Evaluated Improvement All Educators 87,923 71,675 81.5 8.1 86.5 4.8 0.5 Administrators 6,726 4,561 67.8 12.9 83.5 3.4 0.1 Principals 1,827 1,299 71.1 11.3 84.1 4.4 0.2 Non-Administrators 81,522 67,114 82.3 7.8 86.7 4.9 0.5 45 Teachers 72,518 60,720 83.7 7.6 86.8 5.1 0.6 Teachers-Professional Status 51,206 44,516 86.9 8.3 88.2 3.1 0.4 Teachers - Non-PTS 15,281 14,268 93.4 3.5 85.3 10.4 0.9

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Questions and Discussion


Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Resources

Level 5 District ESE page http://www.doe.mass.edu/apa/sss/turnaround/level 5/districts/default.html Receiver email address [email protected] Facilitators John D’Auria: [email protected] Andrew Bundy: [email protected]

David Castelline: [email protected] 47

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education