
Hormones in Labor endorphins


Oxytocin Oxytocin stimulates powerful contractions

Love Nurturing Opens the cervix

Moves the baby down

Pushes out the placenta

Controls bleeding Bonding Feelings of calm & bonding after birth Controls “let down” reflex in breastfeeding

Stimulates powerful contractions

Opens the cervix

Moves the baby down

Pushes out the placenta

ControlsEndorphins bleeding Help mom to stay Calm & connection after birth calm & confident c Controls the let down reflex in breastfeeding Avoid disturbances in labor https://www.healthline.co c m/hlcmsresource/images/3 667--scales- categorical-1296x728- Keeping* mom upright in labor “Nature’s ” body_0.jpg

1 3/26/2019

Endorphins Helping mom stay Calming calm & comfortable

Feeling alert & attentive c

Euphoric Light & touch

Helps mom enter “Labor Land” c Avoid disturbances in labor Helps with the release of prolactin & oxytocin * c Strengthen mother-baby bond Delaying epidurals

Stimulates powerful contractions

Opens the cervix

Moves the baby down

Pushes out the placenta

ControlsAdrenaline bleeding Adrenaline Increases blood pressure Calm & connection after birth

Creates a sense of panic Controls the let down reflex in breastfeeding

Increases senses of pain

Causes labor to stop or slow https://hellodoktor.com /wp- content/uploads/2017/0 Causes distress to the baby in the 1st stage of labor 3/gender-mix-up- surprise-today-160531- tease_dac4ef45f89a8bf0 dc4012aebb420f7d.jpg?x “Fight or Flight” 13626 Hormone

Stimulates powerful contractions

Opens the cervix

Moves the baby down

PushesHold out the the placenta phone………

Controls bleeding Help mom stay calm & comfortable Calm & connection after birth

ControlsSlows the contractions let down & reflex in breastfeeding Helps the newborn c gives mom the burst to be wide-eyed and of energy that she alert! needs to for Explaining procedures & pushing! keeping* mom informed

Adrenaline does serve an important roll in birthing babies!

2 3/26/2019

Prolactin Prolactin Moves labor along

Helps a newborn adjust to life outside of the womb

Breastmilk production

Helps mom adjust to motherhood

Strengthen mother-baby bond “Mothering” Hormone

Stimulates powerful contractions

Opens the cervix

Moves the baby down

Pushes out the placenta

Minimizing stress in labor *TheControls Three bleeding Core

c CalmRequirements & connection after birth for Assist mom in using Controls Laboringthe let down reflex Females in breastfeeding productive labor positions c Magic Hour……. keep* mom & baby together after birth
