Terri L. Hoskins AT&T Services, Inc. General Attorney 1120 201h Street. NW Suite 1000 0 Washington. D.C. 20036 Phone 202 457-3047 S~ at&t 202 457-3073 ~ RECEIVED JAN 11 201li P.U.C. January 7, 2016

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554

Re: Section 63.71 Application of AT&T

Dear Ms. Dortch:

On January 6, 2016, AT&T Services, Inc., on behalf of its affiliates, AT&T Alaska d/b/a· AT&T Corp., AT&T Communications of Indiana, LLC d/b/a AT&T Corp., AT&T Communications of New York, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Corp., AT&T of Texas, LLC d/b/a AT&T Corp., AT&T Communications of Virginia, LLC d/b/a AT&T Corp., AT&T Corp., BellSouth . , LLC d/b/a AT&T Alabama, AT&T Florida, AT&T Georgia, AT&T Kentucky, AT&T Louisiana, AT&T South Carolina, AT&T Mississippi, AT&T North C~ and AT&T Tennessee, BellSouth Long Distance--d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Service; Company d/b/a AT&T Illinois, Telephone Company, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Indiana, Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Michigan, The Bell Teiephone Company d/b/a AT&T Ohio, Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T California and AT&T Nevada, SBC Long Distance d/b/a.AT&T Long Distance, Southwestern . d/b/a AT&T Arkans~s , AT&T Kansas, AT&T Missouri, AT&T Oklahoma, and AT&T Texas, Teleport Communications of America, LLC d/b/a AT&T Corp., Teleport Communications Group d/b/a AT&T Corp., and , Inc. d/b/a AT&T 'Wisconsin filed a Section. 63.71 Application to discontinue offering certain Operator Services throughout the United States and U.S. territories.

AT&T is filing an amended 214 Application on January 7, 2016, to correct the discontinuance date in the application that was submitted on January 6, 2016. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Dave Talbott on (202) 457-3039. Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of ) ) Section 63.71 Application of ) ) File No. AT&T Alaska, ) AT&T Communications of Indiana, LLC, ) AT&T Communications ofNew York, Inc., ) AT&T Communications of Texas, LLC ) AT&T Communications of Virginia, LLC, ) AT&T Corp., ) BellSouth Telecommunications, LLC, ) BellSouth Long Distance, ) Illinois Bell Telephone Company, ) Indiana Bell Telephone Company, Inc., ) Michigan Bell Telephone Company, ) The Telephone Company, ) Pacific Bell Telephone Company, ) SBC Long Distance, ) Telephone Company, ) Teleport Communications of America, LLC, ) Teleport Communications Group, and ) Wisconsin Bell, Inc. ) ) For Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of ) The Communications Act of 1934, As Amended, ) To Discontinue the Provision of Service )


AT&T Services, Inc. on behalf of its affiliates, AT&T Alaska d/b/a AT&T

Corp., AT&T Communications of Indiana, LLC d/b/a AT&T Corp., AT&T

Communications of New York, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Corp., AT&T of Texas, LLC d/b/a

AT&T Corp., AT&T Communications of Virginia, LLC d/b/a AT&T Corp., AT&T

Corp., BellSouth Telecommunications, LLC d/b/a AT&T Alabama, AT&T Florida,

AT&T Georgia, AT&T Kentucky, AT&T Louisiana, AT&T South Carolina, AT&T Mississippi, AT&T North Carolina, and AT&T Tennessee, BellSouth Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Service, Illinois Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T

Illinois, Indiana Bell Telephone Company, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Indiana, Michigan Bell

Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Michigan, The Ohio Bell Telephone Company d/b/a

AT&T Ohio, Pacific Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T California and AT&T

Nevada, SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance, Southwestern Bell Telephone

Company d/b/a AT&T Arkansas, AT&T Kansas, AT&T Missouri, AT&T Oklahoma, and AT&T Texas, Teleport Communications of America, LLC d/b/a AT&T Corp.,

Teleport Communications Group d/b/a AT&T Corp., and Wisconsin Bell, Inc. d/b/a

AT&T Wisconsin, collectively referenced herein as AT&T, applies for authority under

Section 214(a) of the Communications Act, as amended ("the Act"), 47 U.S.C. § 214 and

Section 63.71 of the Federal Communications Commission's ("Commission") rules, 47

C.F .R. § 63. 71, to discontinue offering certain Operator Services throughout the United

States and U.S. territories.

As required by Section 63.7l(a) and (b) of the Commission's rules, AT&T is providing the following information:

Name and Address of Carrier (47 C.F.R. §§ 63.71(a)(l), (b)(2)):

AT&T Alaskad/b/aAT&TCorp. AT&T Communications of Indiana, LLC d/b/a AT&T Corp. AT&T Communications of New York, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Corp. AT&T Communications of Texas, LLC d/b/a AT&T Corp. AT&T Communications of Virginia, LLC d/b/a AT&T Corp. AT&T Corp. BellSouth Telecommunications, LLC d/b/a AT&T Southeast BellSouth Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance Service Illinois Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Illinois IndianaBell Telephone Company, Inc. d/b/aAT&T Indiana Michigan Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Michigan The Ohio Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Ohio

2 Pacific Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T California SBC Long Distance

The address for these entities for purposes of this application is:

60 West Avenue, Room 405, Wayne, PA. 19087.

Date of Planned Service Discontinuance (47 C.F.R. §§ 63.71(a)(2), (b)(2)):

AT&T plans to discontinue this service to its retail customers on or after March

18, 2015, subject to Commission authorization of the discontinuance. In addition, AT&T plans to discontinue this service to wholesale customers that purchase these services pursuant to an agreement on or after June 4, 20161, subject to Commission authorization pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.7l(c).

Points of Geographic Areas of Service Affected (47 C.F.R. §§ 63.71(a)(3), b(2)):

AT&T will discontinue this service throughout its geographic service areas throughout the United States2 including the District of Columbia and the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Brief Description of Type of Service Affected (47 C.F.R. §§ 63.71(a)(3), b(2)):

AT&T is discontinuing the following Operator Services:

1 AT&T began providing its wholesale customers notice of these service changes in 2014, but out of an abundance of caution, AT&T is providing its wholesale customers additional time to address any applicable customer notification and/or legal/regulatory requirements.

2 This proposed discontinuance of service does not apply to AT&T Corp.'s local residential customers in Maine, New Hampshire and Vennont. In these states, AT&T Corp. provides local services under an agreement with FairPoint Communications, and will continue to provide all Operator Services provided by FairPoint, until such time as FairPoint discontinues such services or until AT&T Corp no longer provides local residential services in those states. However, this proposed discontinuance applies to interstate Operator Service provided by AT&T Corp. to residential and business customers.

3 I. Collect Calling - a billing arrangement by which the charge for an operator

assistance call may be reversed (charged to the called station) provided the

charge is accepted at the called station.

2. Person-to-Person Calling - a service where the person originating an

operator assistance call specifies to the Company operator a particular person

to be reached, a particular mobile service point to be reached through a

Mobile Telephone Service attendant, or particular PBX service point,

department, or office to be reached.

3. Billed to Third Party - a billing arrangement by which an operator assistance

call may be charged to an authorized station as determined by the Company

other than the station originating the call or the station where the call is


4. Busy Line Verification (BLV) - allows an operator to establish a "talking"

connection to an apparently busy station line to determine if the station line is

in working order.

5. Busy Line Interruption (BLI) - allows an operator to interrupt a voice

conversation in progress on a line to advise the interrupted subscriber that the

interrupting party has a need to reach the subscriber.

6. International Directory Assistance - allows customers to obtain telephone

numbers for international locations where such information is available to


AT&T is discontinuing these services because of low market demand. Operator assistance calls have been declining at a rate of about 18.0% per year for the last several

4 years. Indeed, AT&T's operator assistance traffic volumes have dropped by 93% since

2004, and on average, AT&T has experienced more than an 18.7% decline in the volumes of these services over the last two years. These services have declined in

popularity over the years due to the growth of other communication methods, including

mobile phones, text messaging, email, and other applications. In regards to

International Directory Assistance, many international telecommunications carriers no

longer provide operator assistance services, which makes AT&T' s service obsolete in

those countries.

Further, if an end user wishes to continue to use these services, they can obtain

alternative services from other wireline interexchange carriers providing operator

services. Equal access and toll presubscription continues to be available, therefore,

customers can reach their preferred primary IXC operator by dialing 00, or can reach a

different IXC using widely available dial around services such as 1OXXX, 800 numbers,

etc. For all of these reasons, the public convenience and necessity will not be impaired

by the discontinuance of these services.

AT&T will continue to provide Sent Paid Calls (e.g., direct dial assistance),

Emergency Call Assistance and Rate Quotes where these services are currently provided.

Brief Description of the Dates and Methods of Notice to All Affected Customers (47

C.F.R. § 63.71(b)(3)):

AT&T sent customer notification letters via U.S. mail as an attachment to each

customer's monthly bill between September 28, 2015 and December 31, 2015. In

addition, AT&T posted copies of its customer notifications in several locations on its

website at http://serviceguide.att.com/ACS/ext/pcn.cfm?type=SN STSI,

5 http://serviceguide.att.com/servicelibrary/ext/aslstate.cfm?state=Rl, http://www.att.com/gen/public-affairs?pid=9700, http://cpr.att.com/pdf/bsld/fc/inter_intl_res _ cust_notice _ trans.html, and http://cpr.att.com/pdf/sbcld/ is/inter res cust notice trans.html.

In addition, beginning on October 10, 2015, when an AT&T customer uses one of the Operator Services included in this proposed discontinuance of service, an AT&T

operator informs the customer of the proposed discontinuance, and provides a phone

number where the customer can obtain additional information.

Copies of this Application are being sent, first class U.S. Mail, to the public

utilities commissions and governors of the affected states and territories, and also to the

Special Assistant for Telecommunications to the Secretary of Defense, as required by

63.7l(a) of the Commission's rules.

Regulatory Classification of Carrier (47 C.F.R. § 63.71(b)(4)):

AT&T offers these services through affiliates that are considered dominant as

well as other affiliates that are considered non-dominant. For ease of administration,

AT&T consents to this application being reviewed pursuant to the Commission's

processes that are applicable to dominant carriers.

Questions about this application may be addressed to David Talbott, AT&T

Services, Inc., Assistant Vice-President - Federal Regulatory, 1120 20th Street, NW,

Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036, (202) 457-3039.


The public convemence and necessity will not be adversely affected by the

discontinuance of these services because other providers continue to provide operator

6 services, and the majority of the market has already replaced these services with other communications services and/or applications. AT&T respectfully requests that the

Commission approve its Section 63.71 Application to discontinue the Operator Services

discussed herein.

Respectfully submitted,

By:/s/ Terri L. Hoskins

Terri L. Hoskins Christopher Heimann Gary L. Phillips David Lawson

AT&T Inc. 1 1120 20 h Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

(202) 457-3047

Its Attorneys

January 6, 2016

7 ATTACHMENT A Customer Notices Page 14of16 Account Number Billing Date Octl,2015 nuestions? 1800358-1111 Web Site att.com

News You Can Use News You Can Use

News You Can Use REGULATORY NEWS - Continued Care Center for information. ACCOUNT STATUS Federal regulation requires AT&T to inform our valued customers that Where allowed by law, AT&T may implement late payment interest of no basic loca! services will not be disconnected for the non-payment of more than 18% annually. Rates will vary based on state regulations. non-regulated service charges. To avoid collection activity, please Interest will be calculated based upon daily balances and will be remember to pay all charges by the due date. applicable for each day that a delinquent balance is outstanding. This charge will apply to all balances that are delinquentthrough such time In addition, you may experience disconnection of your basic local that payment in full is received at AT&T. The late payment interest service if payment is not received for the Long Distance portion of will be billed on a monthly basis. Accounts billed outside the US will your bill except in the following states: Alabama, Arizona, California, not be charged LPI. Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, !owa, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Where allowed by law, AT&T may implement a $25 service fee for Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, restoration of service where delinquency has caused an interruption. Washington. This fee will be applicable to each account that is being restored and will be included on your monthly billing statement Connecticut Customers only: You may experience disconnection of your basic local service for the non-payment of Dial Tone and Directory Some products require electronic billing as their official bill media. Listing charges on your bill. \Nhen electronic billing is the official bill media, an informational statement may be sent containing some of the same information as the SERVICE WITHDRAWAL electronic bill. The informational statement is not your bill. However, Pending federal and state regulatory approval where applicable, on or if you choose to mail your payment instead of paying electronically, the after March 18, 2016, AT&T Corp. will discontinue the following information a I statement has a tear-off that can be used to submit your services originating and terminating in the United States, the payment District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and all international locations: Bill to a Third Number, Busy Line JUST FOR YOUR BUSINESS Verify I Interrupt Collect International Directory Assistance, Make a statement- by not receiving one. View and download your bill and Person-to-Person. details electronically via View Bills from the BusinessDirectwebsite! The FCC will normally authorize this proposed discontinuance of service This state-of-the-art online bill provides all the information that is (or reduction or impairment) unless it is shown that customers would necessary to manage your business. Pay, v·1ew and download your bill, in be unable to receive service or a reasonable substitute from another one easy step ... and it's FREE! For access to BusinessDirect and View carrier or that the public convenience and necessity is otherwise Bills, Please contact your Account Executive. adversely affected. If you wish to object you should file your comments as soon as possible, but no later than 15 days after the Where allowed by law, AT&T will charge a S25 fee for any payment Commission releases public notice of the proposed discontinuance. returned for insufficient funds, applied on your next invoice. AT&T You may fi!e your comments electronically through the FCC's values your business and thanks you for your cooperation in this E!ectronis Comment Filing System using the docket number established matter. in the Commission's public notice for this proceeding, or you may address them to tl1e Federal Communications Commission,Wireline REGULATORY NEWS Competition Bureau.Competition Policy Division, Washington, DC 20554, ****Important News About Your Account**** and include in your comments a reference to the section 63.71 Application of AT&T Corp.,AT& T Communications of Jndiana,LLC,AT& T You are requested to provide in writing to AT&T. within six months of Communications of New York lnc.,AT&T Communications of Tex as, LLC, this bill, any dispute with respectto the charges on this bill, unless AT&T Communications of Virginia, LLC,AT&T Alaska and Teleport a different notification period appr1es under your contract State Communications Group. Comments information about the impact of this Tariff and/or Service Guide. proposed discontinuance(or reduction or impairment) upon you or your company, including any inability to acquire reasonable substitute You can reach AT&T either by using the toll free number on your bill, service. AT&T Customer Service can be reached at the toll-free number or in writing atthe remittance address listed on your bill. on your bill or V(TTY at711. Thank you, AT&T, 60 West Avenue, Room 405 Wayne.PA. 19087_ http:/ /servic eg uid e.att co m/servic el ibra ry /business/ ext/ state_ta riff _buss. cfm Attention Valued AT&T Customers: If your invoice includes any back-billed charges, you have the right to If you receive service pursuantto a signed contract or other term pay these charges in fu!I with your regular bill, or to cal! AT&T to agreement with AT&T and it is currently in effect, its terms will mal(e reasonable payment arrangements. You may choose to pay the govern the provision of your AT&T service. back-bi!led amount in monthly installments equal to the number of back-billed months. Please take note that you must pay the full amount AT& T's standard contract for detariffed services not covered by a of your phone bill each month, including installments to repay signed contract or term agreement, including expired contracts or term back-billed charges, in order to avo'1d possible disconnection and other p!ans that are not renewed, can be found at charges and penalties. If you are interested in using tl1is payment http://www.att.com/business/agreement lmportant!imits of liability method for any back-billed amount, please cal! AT&T on the toll-free apply, including: AT&T is not liable for indirect or consequential number located on your bill. damages (such as your !ostprofits or other economic loss), and direct damages dur'1ng any 12 months cannot exceed one month of your payments OD NOT CALL for affected service. If your business makes outbound telephone solicitations, you must comply with federal do"not-call laws and regulations (47 C.F.R. 64.1200 and Additional terms, conditions, charges, penalties, and price change 16 C.F.R. 310) and any applicable state laws. information for all detariffed business services can be viewed at http://www.att.com/serviceguide/business. lfyou do not have access to Attention Pennsylvania Customers: the , please contact your AT&T Sales Representative or Customer Page 2of 3 + "'"'J Account Number •••••• Billing Date Oct 22, 2015 ~-- at&t

Plans and Services News You Can Use - Continued LOCAL TOLLINFO Our records show that you have AT&T Illinois or a Local Calls company that resells services of AT&T Illinois Direct Dialed Calls as your carrier for loca l toll service. Local Toll - Over 15 Miles 1 Minute(s) I Flat Rate .35 LONG DISTANCE IN FO Total for Direct Dialed Calls .35 Our records in dicate that you have chosen not to have a long distance company. Day Rate: Mon-Fri, 9am-11am. 2pm-8pm Evening Rate: Mon-Fri, 8am-9am. 11am-2pm, 8pm -9pm - 0% Discount MOVING SOON? Night/Wknd Rate: 9pm-8am, Sat/Sun/Holidays - 0% Discount Stay connected with AT&T. Please visit us online at an.com/move or call 800.MOVE.ATI (800.668.3288). Moves of Lifeline service must be 1 Call(sl made this month averaged S.35 per call placed via phone. Lo cal Saver Pack Unlimited PAYMENT OPTIO NS 52 Call(s) were placed this month Use the myAT&T App· on your , visit an.conv'bill to pay yo ur AT&T bills electronically, or use ou r Interactive Voice Response system Surcharges and Other Fees FREE of charge anytime day or night by calling 800.288.2020. Payments 9-1-1 Emergency System ma de with an AT&T representative will be assessed a S5 convenience Billed for Chicago 3.90 charge. · compatible device and account reg istration requ ired. Messaging State Infrastructure Maintenance Fee .12 and data charges may apply for download and usage. State Addition al Charges .02 Infrastructure Maintenance Credit .79CR SERVICE WITHDRAWAL Federal Universal Service Fee .98 Pending state and regulatory approva l where apphcable, lllino1s Bell IL Universal Service Fee .19 Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Illinois (AT&n and SBC Long Distance, LLC IL Telecom Relay Svc and Eqp .07 d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance will d1sconunue the Total Surcharges and Oth er Fees 4.49 following sernces on or after March 18, 2016: Bill to a Third Number, Busy Line Verify/Interrupt, Collect calls. Person to Person ca lls, and Taxes International Directory Assistance ServJce. Federal at 3% .67 Illinois at 7% 1.64 The FCC will nonnally authorize this proposed discontinuance of service Municipal Telecommunications Tax 1.64 (or reduction or 1mpairmentl unless It is shown that customers wo uld be 3.95 Total Taxes unable to receive service or a reasonable substitute from another earner or that the pu blic convenience and necessity is otherwise Total Plans and Services 31.68 adversely affected. If you wish to object, you should file you r comments as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the Comm1ss1on releases publi c notice of the proposed discontin uance. You AT&.T Messaging may file them electronically through the FCC's Electronic Comment Filin g System using the docket number established in the Commission's public notice for this proceeding, or you may address them to the Monthly Service - Oct 22 thru Nov 21 Federal Communications Commission, Wire hne Competition Bureau, Un~ied Messaging 8.95 Competn1on Polley DMs1on. Washington, DC 20554, and include in your comments a reference to the §63.71 Application of AT&T Illinois and Total AT&T Messaging 8.95 AT&T Long Distance. Comments shou ld include specific information about the impact ol th 1s proposed discontinuance (or reduction or impairment) upon you or your company, including any 1nab1lity to acquire reasonab le News You Can Use substitute service. AT&T Customer SeMce can be reac hed at the toll-free number on your bill or V/TIY 800.651.5111. Thank you , AT&T. 60 West Avenue Room 405, Wayne, PA. 19087. PREVENT DISCONNECT Thank you for being a valued customer. It is important to inform you IL UNIVERSAL SVC FEE that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current The IL Universal Service Fee will increase on tO/t/2015. This fee helps and prevent collection activities. In addition, please be aware that to maintain affordable rates for IL consumers in high-cost areas. Your we are required to infonn you of certain charges that MUST be paid in current bill reflects this change. For more information, please contact order to prevent interruption of basic local service. These charges an AT&T Service Representative at the phone number listed on the front are already included in the Tota l Amount Due and are S27.95. of your bill.

C> Z006 AT&T Kn•wl•d1e VtnhlfU. All rigtl1s ru•rved.

pua1uaAuoo pue 'eJnoas 'As ea s,11·1unoooe 5u 1 ~oa40 JnoA 5u 1sn Jadeddots/UJoo·ue·MMM le 1uawAed 01ne JOJ dn u51s 'sdwe1s pue aw11 a• es 011ueM noA JI ·A11 eo1uoJ1oa1a pa1uasaJd aq Aew s~oa40 pawn1a~ ·1uawaaJ5'11 00!f>J•S 1'!11 'II JnoA JO suo~puoo pue swm 041 U! pa1Jlluap1 se saa1 4ons Aed 01 aaJ6e noA P!•dun paumtaJ S! ~'"4' moA JI ·passaooJd aouo paAoJlsap aq ll!M ~'"4 ' 1eu151Jo JOOA iuawJ.ed Jonoe40 JnoA 10 Moo atiew1 ue l UasaJd Ol 1'!1111 aZ!JOtflne noA 'A11•o!uoma1a UO!l::lesueJl a~1 sse::io;d1ouue::i aM lJ ·paf\!a:>eJ S! luawAed JnoAAep awes a41 se uoos se lUno::i::ie moA WOJJ UMBJPlfl!M eq Aew sp u n~ ·1unone JnoA wOJJ Ja1sueJ1puni '!uoma1a aw11-auo e a ~ ew 01 ~'"4' moAwoJj UO!leWJOJU ! e41esn Ol 1'!1111 seZ!Jo41ne ~'"4' Aq 5u1A•d Page 3 of 4 Account Number •••••• at&t - Billing Date Oct 22, 2015

News You Can Use News You Can Use - Continued PAYMENT OPTIONS News You Can Use - Continued Use the myAT&T App* on your smartphone, visit an.com/bill to pay your SERVICE INFORMATION AT&T bills electron ically, or use our Interactive Voice Response system Your lo cal servi ces are provided by AT&T India na (Indiana Bell FREE of charge anytime day or night by calling 800.288.2020. Payments Telephone Company Incorporated). Your AT&T long dista nce services, if made with an AT&T represe ntative will be assessed a $5 convenience any, are provided by one or more of the following AT&T Inc. cha rge. * Compatible device and account registration re qu ired. Messaging subsidiaries: AT&T Long Distance (SBC Long Distance, LLCI, AT&T and data charges may apply for download and usage. Communications of Indiana, LLC (Intrastate ). and/or AT&T Corp. (Interstate and International). You can find the name of your long ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS distance service provider in the long distance section of your bill. To When making a secure electronic bill payment from your ba nk account view your provider's service publications, including Guidebooks, over the phone, you will need to provide suffic ient information to Service Guides and/or Tariffs, go to an.com/servicepublications. authenticate yourself as the account owner. By providing this Term s and Conditions governing any other de-tariffed and non-regulated information, you are authorizing AT&T and your financial institution to services you may have are also available on this website. Terms and process a one-time debit from your bank account for payment of your Conditions may change from time to time. These Term s include bill. Other bill payment options are available at www .an.com. provisions regarding how to resolve any dispute you might have, and include an ARBITRATION CLAUSE. You should review the Terms on a RATE NOTICE regular basis. The monthly rate will increase by $2 on 1/3/2016 for the following packages: Complete Choice® Basic, Complete Choice® Enhanced, ALL SERVICE WITHDRAWAL DISTANCE® and ALL DISTAN CE® ONLINE. To learn more about our Pending state and regulatory approval where applicable, Indiana Bell money-saving services, please visit us at an.com or call 800.288.2020. Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Indiana (AT&T) and SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance will discontinue the RATE NOTCE following services on or after March 18, 2016: Bill to a Third Number, Local To ll (lnterstate/lntralATA Toll Service) Day, Evening & Weekend Busy Line Verify/Interrupt, Collect calls, Person to Person calls, and per minute out-of-state rates will increase from $1 .30 to $1.50 on International Directory Assistance Service. 1/1/2016. This change does not apply to AT&T Long Distance rates. If you have any questions or to learn more about our money-saving The FCC will normally authorize this proposed discontinuance of service services, please visit us at an.com or ca II 800.288.2020. (or reduction or impairmentl unless it is shown that customers would be unable to receive service or a reasonable substitute from another RATE INCREASE carrier or that the public convenience and necessity is otherwise The monthly rate for Automatic Callback, Call Control, Call Screening, adversely affected. If you wish to object, you should file your Multi-Ring 1st Number, Repeat Dialing, Speed Calling 8 and Three-Way comments as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the Calling will increase from $8.50 to S9.00 on 1/3/2016. You will not be Commission releases public notice of the proposed discontinuance. You impacted by this increase if you subscribe to these features as part of may file them electronically through the Fcc·s Electronic Comment a package. If you have any questions or to learn more about our Filing System using the docket number established in the Commission's money-saving services, please visit us at an.com or call 800.288.2020. public notice for this proceeding, or you may address them to the Federal Communications Commission, Wireline Competition Bureau, ONLIN E BILL SUPPORT Competition Policy Division, Washington, DC 20554, and include in your Register at att.com/managemyaccount to view or pay your bill, manage comments a reference to the §63.71 Application of AT&T Indiana and AT&T your account online, sign up for pa perless billing, or enroll in Long Distance. Comments should include specific information about the AutoPay. It's quick, easy, and available 24x7! impact of this proposed discontinuance (or reduction or impairment) upon you or your company, including any inability to acquire reasonable MAKING PAYMENTS EASY substitute service. AT&T Customer Service can be reached atthe AT&Toffers severa l convenient ways to pay your bill. You can pay toll-free number on your bill or V/TTY 800.651.5111. Thank you, AT&T, online at an.com, use the my AT&T app on your sma rtphone, or visit your 60 West Avenue, Room 405, Wayne, PA. 19087. loca l AT&T Mobility ret ail store. Try it today!

MOVING SOON? CUSTOMER SUPPORT Stay connected with AT&T. Please visit us online at an.com/move or AT&Tspeaks many languages. English 800.288.2020; Spanish 800.870.5855; call 800.M OVE.ATT (800.668.3288). Moves of Lifeline service must be Cantonese 800.281.2288; Mandarin 888.333.2828; Korean 800.300.6657; placed via phone. Vietnamese 800.300.5315; Tagalog 800.956.8084; Russian 888.882.4839; Polish 800.41 7.1588. All other languages 800.203.8600; Disabilities and Aging 800.772.31 40. Page 2 of 3 Account Number •11111!!111•• Billing Date Oct 22, 2015

Plans and Services News You Can Use · Continued SERVICE WITHDRAWAL Taxes Pending state and regulatory approval where applicable, M1ch1gan Bell Federal at 3% 1.42 Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Michigan (AT&D and SSC long Distance, State at6% 2.90 LLC d/b/a SBC long Distance d/b/a AT&Tlong Distance will discontinue Total Taxes 4.32 the following services on or after March 18, 2016. Sill to a Third Number. Busy line Verify/Interrupt, Collect calls, Person to Person Total Plans and Services 57.29 ca lls, and In ternational Directory Assistance Service. The FCC will normally authorize this proposed discontinuance of service (or reduction or impairment) unless it 1s shown that customers would be AT8.T Internet Services unable to receive service or a reasonable substitute from another earner or that the public convenience and necessity is otherwise Notice: Charges appearing in this section are for services provided by adversely affected. If you wish to ob1ect. you should hie your AT&T Corp. and/or by AT&T Illinois, AT&T Indiana, AT&T Michigan, AT&T comments as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the Ohio, or AT&TWisconsin, based upon your service address location. Comm1ss1on releases pubhc notice of the proposed d1scontmuance. You may file them electronically through the FCC's Electronic Comment For Billing Inquiries: Filing System using the docket number established in the Comm1ss1on's High Speed Internet IDSLI: 877.722.3755 public notice for this proceeding, or you may address them to the Web Hosting: 888.932.4678 Federal Communications Comm1ss1on, Wireline Competition Bureau, ConnecTech: 888.354.1260 Compeuuon Policy 01v1s1on, Washington, DC 20554, and include in your AT&TWi-Fi contact information located at attwifi.com. comments a reference to the §63.71 Application of AT&T Michigan and AT&T Long Distance. Comments should include specific information about Itemized Charges and Credits the impact of this proposed discontinuance !or reduction or impairment! No. Date Description upon you or your company, including any 1nab1lny to acQu1re reasonable Services for 22642382 substitute service. AT&T Customer Service can be reached atthe 1 10·12 AT&T HSI EXPRESS 42.00 toll-free number on your bill orV/TTY 800.651.5111. Thank you, AT&T, Service Date: 10/11/15-11/10/15 60 West Avenue, Room 405, Wayne. PA 19087. BROWN DAVID HSI No. 313371-0026 MOVING SOON? fuelmixer@sbcg lobal.net Stay connected with AT&T. Please visit us online at an.com/move or call 800.MOVE.ATI (800.668.3288). Moves of lifeline service must be placed via phone. Total AT&T Internet Services 42.00 PAYMENT OPTIONS Use the myAT&T App• on your smartphone, visit an.com/bill to pay your News You Ca n Use AT&T bills electronically, or use our Interactive Vo ice Response system FREE of charge anytime day or night by calling 800.288.2020. Payments PREVENT DISCONNECT made with ari AT&T representative will be assessed a SS convenience Thank you for being a va lued customer. It is important to inform you charge. ·compatible device and account registration required. Messaging that all charges must be pa id each month to keep your account current and data charges may apply for download and usage. and prevent collection activities. In add ition, please be aware that we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS orderto prevent interruption of basic local service. These charges When making a secure electronic bill payment from your bank account are already included in the Total Amount Due and are S99.29. over the phone, you will need to provide sufficient information to authenticate yourself as the account owner. By providing this LOCAL TOLL INFO information, you are authorizing AT&T and yourfinancial institution to Our record s show that you have AT&T Michigan or a process a one-time debit from you r ba nk account for payment of your company that resells services of AT&T Michig an bill. Other bill payment options are available at www .an.com. as your carrier for local toll service.

LONG DISTANCE INFO Our records indicate that you have chosen not to have a long distance company.

02006 AT&T Knowledge VHtu res. All riglus r•stl"fod.

ilUa!UBAUOO pue 'arnoas 'Asea S,ll ·1unoooe 6U!~Oa40 JnOA 5U!Sn JadeddOJS/WOO'll.. MMM i e iuewAed 01ne JOj dn u61s 'sdwe1s pue •W!l aMs 011ueM noA l l ·A11eo1uoJ1oa1a pa1uasaJd aq Aew s1pa40 pauJnJa8 ·1uawaaJ61t aoi11JBS l lll\t ;noA io suo11p uoo pue swJat a41 "! pe1111uap1 se saei 4ons Aed 01 aaJ5e noA P!edun paurn1a; S! ~oa4o;noA ll ·passaooJd eouo paAoJtSap eq lllM ~ oa 40 1•u!61J o ; no A ·iuawAed JOj ~oa40 rnoA jOAdoo a5ew! ue iuasaJd 01111111 azuo41ne noA 'A11•>!uoma1a UO!l:lesueJl a41 sse::>oJd iouue ::> aM JI ·paf\!a::>aJ S! lUBwAed JnoAAep awes a41 se uoos se iuno::i:ie JnoA WOJ~ UMeJP4l!M aq Aew spun~ 1unoooe rnoA wOJj JejsueJJ puni 01uoma1a eW!l·•uo e e~ew 01 ~oa40 JnoA woJj uo!lewJOjU! a41 asn 01111111 sazuo41ne ~oa40 Aq 6u!A•d Page 2of 3 ...-. > Account Number •••••• ~ at&t Billing Date Oct 22, 2015

AT&T Long Dis tance News You Can Use - Continued MOVING SOON? Message Regarding Te rms & Conditions: Stay connected with AT&T. Please visit us online at an.com/move or To view your Te rms & Conditions for AT&T Long call 800.MOVE.ATI (800.668.3288). Moves of Lneline service must be Distance. access www.an.com/servicepublications placed via phone. or call AT&T at the toll free number on your bill. Invoice Sumary PAYMENT OPTIONS (as of October 09, 2015) Use the myAT&T App• on yoursmartphone, visit an.c om/b ill to pay your Current Charges AT&T bills electronically, or use our Interactive Voice Response system Service Charges 7.95 FREE of charge anytime day or night by calli ng 800.288.2020. Payments Credits and Adjustaents .00 made with an AT&T representative will be assessed a $5 convenience Ca 11 Charges .00 charge. · compatible device and account registration required. Messaging surcharges and Other Fees 2.89 and data charges may apply for download and usage. Taxes .76 Total Invoice Slmary 11.60 ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS When making a secure electronic bill payment from your bank account Service Charges over the phone, you will need to provide sufficient information to authenticate yourself as the account owner. By providing this Honthly Service Charges information, you are authorizing AT&T and yourfinancial institution to process a one·time debit from your bank account for payment of your Type of Service Period Qty bill. Othe r bill payment options are ava ilable at www .an.com. 1. Nation Call 60 Prfd 10107-11106 1 7.95 SERVICE WITHDRAWAL Total Honthly Servict Charges 7.95 Pending state and regulatory approval where applicable, The Ohio Bell Total Servi ce Charges 7.95 Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Ohio (AT&T) and SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT& Tlong D1sta nee will d1sconunue the Surcharges and Other Fees following services on or after March 18, 2016: Bill to a Third Number, 2. Carrier Cost Recovery Fee 1.99 Busy Line Verify/Interrupt, Collect calls, Person to Person calls, and International Directory Assistance Service. 3. Federal Universal Service Fee .90 Total SUrcharges and Other Fees 2.89 The FCC will normally authorize th is proposed discontinuance of service Taxes (or reduction or impairment) unless 1t 1s shown that customers would be unable to receive service or a reasonable substitute from another 4. Federal .00 S. State .62 earner or that the public conven ience and necessity 1s otherwise adverse ly affected. If you wish to ob1ect, you should file your 6. Municipal '14 7. Non Hooe State .()() comments as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the Total Taxes .76 Commission releases public notice of the proposed discontinuance. You mayfole them electronically through the FCC 's Electronic Comment Fihng System using the docket number established in the Comm1ss1on·s Total l nvoict Charges 11.60 pubhc nouce for th is proceeding, or you may address them to the Federal Communications Comm1ss1on, Wireline Compet1t1on Bureau, Total AT&T l ong Distance 11.60 Compet1t1on Policy Division. Washington, DC 20554, and include in your comments a reference to the §63.71 Application of AT&T Ohio and AT&T Long Distance. Comments should include specific 1nformat1on about the impact of this proposed discontinuance (or reduction or impairment) News You Can Use upon you or your company, including any inability to acquire reasonable subst~ute service. AT&T Customer SeMce can be reached at the PREVENT DISCONN ECT toll-free number on your bill orV!ITY 800.651.5111 or at an.com. Thank you for being a valued customer. It is important to inform you Thank you, AT&T. 60West Avenue, Room 405, Wayne, PA 19087, th at all charges mu st be paid each month to keep you r account current and prevent co llection activities. In addition, please be aware that we are requ ired to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in order to prevent interruption of basic local service. These charges are already inclu ded in the Tota l Amount Due and are S66.51.

CARR IER INFO AT&T long Distance, or a company that resells their service, is you r long distance and local toll carrier.

C2.006 AT&T Knowlod11e Ycnturu. All right s reunre d.

;iua 1u a•uoo pue 'aJn oas 'Asea s.11·1 unoooe 6u!~>a40 moA 6u!sn Jadeddo1sJ11Joo·ue·MMM 1e 1uawAed 01ne JOJ dn u6!S 'sdwe1s pue aw9 a•es 011ueM noA JI -.~11e>!UOJloe1a pe1uasa•d aq Aew spe40 peUJ"18H ,uawaeJ61f •>!N•S l 'lllll moA JO suo~puoo pue siwa1 •Ill U! P•!J!IU•P! se sa•J 4ons Aed 01 aaJ6e noA P!•dun pauJn1aJ S! ~oa40 •noA JI ·passaooJd eouo paAonsap aq lllM ~oa40 1•u!6!JO JnOA ,uawAed JOJ ~oe4»noA JOA doo a6ew! ue 1uesaJd Ol!'lllll •Z!J041ne noA 'A11• >!UOJ1oa1a UO!l>esuen •Ill ssao oJd 1ouueo &M JI ·paA!•>aJ S! 1uawAed JnoA Aep awes a41 se uoos se 1unone JnoA WOJJ UMe•P41!M aq Aew spun0 ·1unoooe JOOA WOJj J8JSUeJl punJ O!UOJl>a1a 8Wll·0UO e ·~·w 01 ~oa 40 JnoA WOJJ UO!IOWJOJUI •Ill asn 01 l'll!ll seZ!JOljlne ~oa40 Aq 6U!Aed ,-·-- Page 2of 3 - ~ Account Number •••••• ~ at&t Billing Date Oct 22, 2015

Plans and Services News You Can Use · Continued MOVING SOON? Taxes Stay connected with AT&T. Please visit us online at an.com/move or Federal at 3% 1.26 ca ll 800.MDVE.ATI (800.668.3288). Moves of L~e line service must be pla ced via phone. State at 5% 2.14 County at .5% .21 PAYMENT OPTIONS Stadium at.1% .04 Total Taxes 3.65 Use the myAT& T App• on your smartphone, visit an.com/bill to pay your AT&T bills electronically, or use ou r Interactive Voice Response system Total Plans and Services 47.34 FREE of charge anytime day or night by calling 800 .288.2020. Payments made with an AT&T representative will be assesse d a S5 convenienc e charge. •compatible device and account registration required. Messaging and data charges may apply for download and usa ge. News You Can Use ELECTRO NIC PAYMENTS PREVENT DISCONN ECT When making a secure electronic bill payment from your bank account Tha nk you for being a valued customer. It is important to inform you ove r the phone, you will nee d to provide sufficient information to that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current authenticate yourse lf as the account owner. By providing this and prevent co llection activities. In addition, please be aware that infonmation, you are authorizing AT&T and your financial in stitution to we are required to inform you of certa in charges that MUST be paid in process a one-time debit from you r bank account for payment of your order to prevent interruption of basic local service. Th ese charges bill. Other bill payment options are ava ilable at www .an.com. are already included in the Tota l Amount Du e and are $47 .34. SERVICE INFORMATION LOCAL TOLL INFO Your local services are provided by AT&T Wiscons in (Wisconsin Bel l, Our records show that you ha ve AT&T Wisconsin or a Inc.). Your AT&T long distance se rvi ces, ~ any, are provided by one or company that rese lls services of AT&T Wisco nsin more of the following AT&T Inc. subsidiaries: AT&T Long Distanc e (SBC as your carrier for local toll service. Long Distance, LLC), and AT&T Corp, You can find the name of your long distance service provider in the long distance section of your bill. To LONG DISTANCE INFO view your provider"s service publications, including Guidebooks, Our records indicate th at you have chosen not to have a Service Guides and/or Tariffs, go to an.com/servicepublications. Terms long distance company. an d Conditions governing any other de-tariffed and non -regulated services you may have are also avai la ble on this website. Terms and SERVICE WITHDRAWAL Cond itions may change from time to time. These Terms include Pending state and regulatory approval where applicable, Wisconsin Bell, provisions regarding how to resolve any dispute you might have, and Inc. d/b/a ATIW1sconsin !AT&T) and SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC include an ARBITRATI ON CLAUSE. You shou ld review the Terms on a regu lar Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance will discontinue the following basis. services on or after March 18, 2016: Bill to a Third Number, Busy Lme Verify/Interrupt, Collect calls, Person to Person calls, and RATE NOTI CE International Directory Assistance Service The Restoral of Service Fee for a Res idence or Business line will increa se from S35 to S39 on 1/312016. For more information, please The FCC will normally authonze this proposed d1sconunuance of service visit us online at an.com or call 800.288.2020. (or reduction or 1mpa1rmen1) unless rt is shown that customers would be unable to receive service or a reasonable substitute from another RATE NOTCE carrier or that the publtc convenience and necessity is otherwise Loca l Toll (lnterstate/lntraLATA Toll Service) Day, Evening & Weekend adversely affected. If you wish to object, you should ftle your per minute out- of-state rates will increase from $1.30 to $1.50 on comments as soon as possible, but no laterthan 30 days afterthe 1/1/2016. This change does not apply to AT&Tlong Distance rates. If Commission releases public notice of the proposed discontinuance. You you have any questions or to learn more about our money-saving may file them electronically through the FCC's Electronic Comment services , please visit us at an.com or ca ll 800.288.2020. Fil ing System using the docket number established in the Commiss ion's public notice for this proceeding, or you may address them to the RATE NOTICE Federal Communications Commission, Wireline Compet1t1on Bureau, The monthly rate for the follo wing Prima ry and Additional Access Lines CompetJt1on Policy D1vis1on, Washington, DC 20554, and include m your will increase on 1/312016: Access Area A and B from S25 to $26 and comments a reference to the §63.71 Application of AT&T Wisconsin and Access Area C from S21 to $24. Customers with certain Packages and AT&T Long Distance Comments should include specific information about Bu ndles will not be affected by the increase, For more information the impact of this proposed d1scont1nuance (or reduction or 1mpa1rment) visit us at an.com or call 800.288.2020. ' upon you or your company, mcludmg any mab1hty to acquire reasonable substitute service. AT&T Customer Service can be reached at the toll-free number on your bill or V/TIY 800.651.5111 . Thank you, AT&T, 60West Avenue, Room 405, Wayne, PA. 19087.

C2.H5 AT&T k•owldge Yu1uru . All rfg lu s rutrnd.

11ua1ua,uo) pue 'aJnoas 'Asea s.11·1 unO))B 6u1~o a4 ) moA 6u1sn JadeddoJS/UJO)"Jle'MMM 1e 1uawAed 01ne JOJ dn U6!S 'sdweis pue ew11 e,es 011ueM noA II ·A11e01uoma1a pa1uasaJd aq Aew s~·)a 4 ) paurniaH ·iuawaaJ6'\f a)!l\Jas 1'!11'1' JnoA JO suo~puoo pue swJal a41U! P•!J!lUep1se sa a1 4)ns Aed 01 aaJ6e noA P!edun paurn1aJ S! ~oa 4 ) rnoA 11 ·pessa)OJd B)UO peAOJ1sap aq ll!M ~)a4) 1eui61Jo JnoA ·1u ewAed JOJ ~)84) rnoA 10 Ado) a6ew1ue1uasaJd 01 1~!'1' aZ1Jo41ne noA 'All•'!UOJ!oaia uo11oesueJ1 a4l ssaooJd 1ouue) aM JI ·pa,!aoaJ s11uawAed JnoA Aep awes a4l se uoos se i unoooe JnoA woJJ uMeJp 4vM eq Aew spun;j 1unoooe JnoA WOJj JajsueJJ pun1 "uoma1a BW!l·auo e a~ew oqoa40 JnoA WOJJ uo11eWJOJU! a41 asn Ol l~l'I' sazlJ 041ne ~)a 4 o Aq 6uiAed Page 4 of4 AccountNumber ••••••• at&t Billing Date Nov 1, 2015

News You Can Use ONLINE BILL SUPPORT Register at att.com/managemyaccountto view or pay your bill, manage your accountonline,sign up for paperless billing, or enroll in Auto Pay. It's quick, easy, PAYMENTOPTIONS and available 24x7! Use the my AT&T App* on your smartphone, visit att.com/billto pay your AT&T bills electronically, or use our Interactive Voice Response system FREE of charge MAKING PAYMENTS EASY anytime day or night by calling 800.288.2020.Payments made with an AT&T AT&T offers several convenientways to pay your bill. You can pay on line at representativewill be assessed a $5.00 conveniencefee. *Compatible device and an.com, use the my AT&T app on your smartphone,or visit your local AT&T Mobility retail store. Try it today ! account re gistration required. Messaging and data charges may apply for down load and usage. CUSTOMER SUPPORT RATE NOTICE AT&T speaks many la nguages. English 800.288.2020;Spanish 800.870.5855; The Restoral of Service fee for a residence line will increase from $35to $39 Cantonese800.281.2288;Mandarin 888.333.2828;Korean 800.300.6657;Vietnamese on 1/3/2016.For more information, please visit us online at an.com or call 800.300.5315;Japanese800.573.7573.All other languages800.203.8600;Disabilities 800.288.2020. and Aging 800.772.3140.

RATE NOTICE EASY ONLINE SUPPORT! The monthly rate for Priority Call will increase from $7.50to $9.00 on 1/3/2016. If you Online support is quick, easy and available24x7! Have questions abou t your AT&T subscribe to this feature as part of a package, the rate you pay will not change. If products, features or services?Visit att.com/supportfor self help tools, FAQs and you have any questions or to learn more about our money-savingservices, please troubleshootingtips. Checkout att.com/repa irto view our simplified online repair visit us at an.com or call 800.288.2020. experience or visit an.com/bill to find answers to your billing questions.

COLLECTION PO LICY If your final balance remains unpaid afterthe DUE BY date, it may become Terms and Conditions necessaryto send your accountfor fu rther collecti on activity. You may be held responsiblefor fees associatedwith the collection efforts, including attorney's fees, as permitted by law. If you have any questions, please contact us at 800.288.2020. For a complete listing of Tenns and Conditions. please refer to: AT&T appreciatesyour business and we look forward to doing businesswith you in -The inside of the AT&T White Pages di rectory, or the future. -Visit us on the web at att.com/te rm s TOLL AVAILABILITY RATE NOTICE The long distance availabiljry limrt on your account is S200.00 Your monthly rate for ResidenceAccess Line Service will increaseto $26 on 1/3/2016. If you subscribeto one of our packages, you may not be impacted by this SERVICE INFORMATION Your local services are provided by AT&T Arkansas !Southwestern Be ll Telephone Company!. Your AT&T increase. If you have any questions or to learn more about our money-saving long distance services, if arry, are provided by one or more of the following AT&T Inc. subsidiaries: AT&T services, please visit us at an.com or call 800.288.2020. Long Oistance ISBC Long Distance. U C), and AT&T Corp. You can find the name of yourlong distance service provider in the long distance section of your bill, To view your provider's service publications, SER VICEWITH DRAWAL including Guidebooks, Service Guides and/or Tariffs, go to an.com/servicepubli cations. Terms and Pending state and regulatory a pprovalwhere applicable, Southwestern Bell Cond iti ons governing any other de-tariffed and non-regu lated services you may have are also ava ilable Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Arkansas (AT&T) and SBC Long Distance, LLC on this website. Terms and Conditions may change from time to time. These Terms include provisions regarding how to resolve any dispute you might have, and include an ARBITRATION CLAUSE. You should d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance will discontinuethe following review the Terms on a regular basis. services on or afte r March 18, 2016: Bill to a Third Number, Busy Line Verify/Interrupt, Collect calls, Person to Person calls, and International Directory Assistance Service.

The FCCwi ll norm ally authorize this proposed discontinuanceof service (or reduction or impairment) unless it is shown that customers would be unable to receive service or a reasonablesubstitutefrom another carrier or that the public convenienceand necessity is otherwise adversely affected. If you wish to object, you should file your commen ts as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the Commission releases public notice of the proposed discontinuance.You may file them electronicallythrough the FCC's Electronic Comment Filing System using the docket number established in the Commission 's publi c notice for this proceeding, or you may addressthem to the Federal Communications Commission, Wire line Competition Bureau, Competition Policy Division, Washington, DC 20554, and include in your comments a referenceto the §63.71 Application of AT&T Arkansas and AT&T Long Dista nce. Comments should include specific information aboutthe impact of this proposed discontinuance( or reduction or impairment) upon you or your company, including any inability to acquire reasonable substitute service. AT&T Customer Service can be reached at the toll-free number on your bill or V/TTY 800.651.5111.Thankyou, AT&T, 60 West Avenue, Room 405, Wayne, PA. 19087. Page 3 of 4 AccountNumber •••••• at&t Billing Date Oct 21, 2015

DIRECTV RATE NOTICE The Restora l of Service fee for a residence line will increase from $35to $39 on 1/3/2016.For more information, please visit us on line at an.com or call Taxes 800.288.2020. 1. Sales Ta x 6.81 COLLECTION POLI CY Total DIRECTV 92.80 If your final balance remains unpaid after the DUE BY date, it may become necessaryto send your accountfor furthe r collection activity. You may be held responsibleforfees associatedwith the collection efforts, exceptfor attorneyfees, News You Can Use as permitted by law. If you have any questions, please contact us at 800.288.2020. AT&T appreciatesyour busin ess and we look forward to doing businesswith you in the future. PREVENT DISCONNECT Thank you for being a valued customer. Please be aware that all charges must be paid SERVICEWITHDRAWAL ea ch month to keep your account current and prevent collection activities. We are Pending state and regulatory approval where applicable.Southwestern Bell required to inform you that certain cha rgess uch as your telephone line, fees and Telephone Companyd/b/a AT&T Kansas(AT& T) and SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a surcharges, and any feature package, if applicable, MUST be paid in order to SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance will discontinuethe following prevent interruption of basic local service. These charges are alre ady included in the services on or after March 18, 2016: Bill to a Third Number, Busy Line Total Amount Due and are $55.63. Also, neglecting to pay for other charges Verify/Interrupt, Collect calls, Person to Person calls, and International Directory such as long distance, voice mail, Inline®, .and Internet may result in these Assistance Service. services being interrupted. The FC Cwi ll normally a uthorizethis proposed discontinuanceof service (or LONG DIST. PROVIDERS reduction or impairment) unless it is shown that customerswould be unable to Our records indicate that you have selected AT&T Long Distance receive service or a reasonable substitute from another carrier or thatthe public or a companythat resells their se rvices as your primary loca I toll carrier and convenienceand necessity is otherwise adversely affected. If you wish to object, AT&T Long Distance or a companythat resells their services as your primary long distance ca rrie r. Please contact us if this does not agree with you should file your comments as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the Commission releases public notice of the proposed discontinuance.You may your records. file them electronicallythrough the FCC's Electronic Comment Filing System using MOVINGSOON? the docket number established in the Commission'spublic notice for this Stay connected with AT&T. Please visit us on line at an.com/move or call proceeding, or you may address them to the Federa l CommunicationsCommission, 800.MOVE.ATI(800.668.3288).Moves of Lifeline service must be placed via phone. Wireline Competition Burea u, Competition Policy Division, Washington, DC 20554, and include in your comments a reference to the §63.71 Application of AT&T ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS Kansas and AT&T Long Distance. Comments should include specific information When making a secure electronic bill payment from your bank account over the about the impact of this proposeddiscontinuance(or reduction or impairment) upon phone, you will need to provide sufficient information to authenticate you rself as you or your company, including any inability to acquire reasonable substitute the account owner. By providing this information, you are authorizing AT&T and service. AT&T Customer Service can be reached at the toll-free number on your bill you r financial institution to process a one-time debit from your bank accountfor or V/TTY 800.651.5 11 1.Thank you, AT&T, 60WestAvenue, Room 405, Wayne, PA. payment of your bill. Other bill payment options are available at www.att.com. 19087. RATE NOTICE ONLI NE BILL SUPPORT Local Toll (lnterstate/lntraLATAToll Service) Day, Evening & Weekend per minute Register at att.c om/managemyaccountto view or pay your bill, ma nage your Out-of-State rates will increase from $1.30to $1.50 on 1/1/2016. This change does accountonline, sign up for paperless billing, or enroll in Auto Pay. It's quick, easy, not apply to AT&T Long Distance rates. If you have any questions or to learn more and available24x71 about our money-savingservices, please visit us at an.com or ca 11800.288.2020. MAKI NG PAYMENTS EASY SAVE WITH LIFELINE AT&T offers several convenientways to pay your bill. You can pay online at Eligible customers can receive a discount on their monthly local telephone service. an.com, use the my AT&T app on your smartphone,or visit your loca l AT&T Mobility You may qualify if you participate in one of the following programs: Medicaid, retail store. Try it today! SNAP, TANF, General Assistance,SSI, LIEAP, National School Lunch free lunch program, Federal Public Housing/Sections, Food Distribution Program or if your CUSTOMER SUPPORT income is at or below 150% of the federal poverty level. Call 877.677.0250for AT&T speaks ma ny languages. Eng lish 800.288.2020;Spanish 800.870.5855; information. Cantonese 800.281.2288;M and ari n 888.333.2828;Ko rea n 800.300.6657 ;Vietnamese 800.300.5315;Japa nese 800.573.7573.All other languages800.203.8600;Disabilities PAYM ENTOPTIONS and Aging 800.772.3140. Use th e myAT& T App* on yoursmartphone, visit an.com/bill to pay your AT&T bills electronically, or use our Interactive Voice Responsesys tem FREE of charge anytime day or night by calling 800.288.2020.Payments made with an AT&T representativewill be assessed a $5.00conveniencefee. *Compatible device and account registration required. Messaging and data charges may apply for download and usage. Page 7 of7 Account Number 11!!1111111111111!!11111 at&t Billing Date Oct 21 , 2015

News You Can Use Terms and Conditions

RATE NOTICE For a complete listing of Terms and Conditions, please refer to: Your monthly rate for Residence Access Line Service will increase to $26 on -The inside of the AT&TWhite Pages directory. or -Visit us on the web at attcom/terms 1/3/2016. If you subscribe to one of our packages, you may not be impacted by this increase. If you have any questions or to learn more about our money-saving SERVICE INFORMATION services, please visit us at att.com or call 800.288.2020. Your local services are provided by AT&T Missouri (Soutllwestern Bel!Telephone Company!. Your AT&T long distance services, if any, are provided by one or more of tlie fol lowing AT&T Inc. subsid iari es: AT&T SERVICEWITHORAWAL Long Distance (SB CLon g Distance. UCI, and AT&T Corp. You can find tlie name ofyourlong distance service provider in the long distance section at your bill. To view your provide r's service publications, Pending state and regulatoryapprovalwhere applicable, Southwestern Bell including Guidebooks, Service Guides and/or Tariffs, go to an.com/servicepublications. Terms and TelephoneCompanyd/b/a AT&T Missouri{AT& T) and SBC long Distance, LLC d/b/a Conditions goveming any othe r de-tariffed and non-regulated services you may have are also available SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance will discontinuethe following on this web site. Terms and Cond itio ns may change from time to time. These Terms inchJde tirovisions services on or after March 18, 2016:Bill to a Third Number, Busy Line regarding how to resolve any dispute you might have, and include an ARBITRATIO N CLAUSE. You should review the Terms on a reg ular basis. Verify/Interrupt, Collect calls, Person to Person calls, and International Directory Assistance Service.

The FCC will normally authorize this proposed discontinuanceof service {or reduction or impairment) unless it is shown that customers would be unable to receive service or a reason ablesubstitutefrom another carrier or that the public convenienceand necessity is otherwiseadverselyaffected. If you wish to object, you should file your comments as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the Commission releases public notice of the proposed discontinuance.You may file them electronicallythrough the FCC's Electronic Comment Filing System using the docket number established in the Commission's public notice for this proceeding, or you may address them to the Federa l CommunicationsCommission, Wireline Competition Bureau, Competition Policy Division, Washington, DC 20554, and include in your comments a reference to the §63.71Application of AT&T Missouri and AT&T long Distance. Comments should include specific information about the impact of this proposeddiscontinuance(or reduction or impairment) upon you or your company, including any inab11ityto acquire reasonable substitute service. AT&T Customer Service can be reached at the toll-free number on your bill or V/TTY 800.651.5111.Thankyou, AT&T, 60WestAvenue, Room 405, Wayne, PA. 19087. ON LIN E BILL SUPPORT Register at att.com/managemyaccountto view or pay your bill, manage your accountonline, sign up for paperless billing, or enroll in Auto Pay. It's quick, easy, and availa ble24x7!

MAKING PAYMENTS EASY AT&T offers severa l convenientways to pay your bill. You can pay online at an.com, use the myAT&T app on your smartphone,or visit your loca l AT&T Mobility retailstore. Try it today! CUSTOMERSUP PORT AT&T speaks many languages. English 800.288.2020;Spanish 800.870.5855; Cantonese 800.281.2288;Mandarin 888.333.2828;Korea n 800.300.6657;Vietnamese 800.300.5315;J apanese 800.573.7573.All other lang ua ges800.203.8600;Disa bilities and Aging 800.772.3140.

EASY ONLINE SUPPORT! Online sup port is quick, easy and available24x7 ! Have questionsaboutyour AT&T products, features or services? Visit att.com/supportfor self help tools, FAQs and troubleshootingtips. Check out att.com/repairto view our simplified on line repair experience or visit att.com/bill to find answers to your billing questions. Page 3 of 4 AccountNumber •••••• at&t Billing Date Oct 21, 2015

News You Can Use COLLECTION POLICY If your final balance remains unpaid after the DUE BY date, it may become necessaryto send your accountfor further collection activity. You may be held MOVING SOON? responsiblefor fees associated with the collection efforts, in cluding attorney's fees, Stay connectedwith AT&T. Please visit us online at an.com/move or call as permitted by law. If you have any questions, please contact us at 800.288.2020. 800.MOVE.ATI (800.668.3288).Moves of Lifeline service must be placed via phone. AT&T appreciatesyour business and we look forward to doing business with you in the future. ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS When making a secure electronic bill paymentfrom your bank accountoverthe SERVICEWITHDRAWAL phone, you will need to provide sufficient information to authenticateyourself as Pending state and reg ulatory approval where applicable, Southwestern Bell the account owner. By providingthis information, you are authorizingAT&Tand Telephone Companyd/b/a AT&T Oklahoma {AT&T) and SBC Long Distance, LLC your financial institution to process a one-time debit from your bank accountfor d/b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance will disco ntin uethe following payment of. your bill. Other bill payment options are available at www.att.com. services on or after March 18, 2016: Bill to a Third Number, Busy Line Verify/Interrupt, Collect calls, Person to Person calls, and International Directory RATE NOTICE Assistance Service. Your monthly rate for Complete Choice® Basic, Complete Choice® Enha need or ALL DISTANCE® will increase by$2 on 1/3/2016. To learn more, visit us at an.com The FC Cwi ll normally au thorize this proposeddiscontinuanceof service (or or call 800.288.2020. re duction or impairment) unless it is shown that customerswould be unable to RATE NOTICE receive service or a reasonablesubstitutefrom another carrier or that the public Local Toll (lnterstate/lntra LATAToll Service) Day, Evening & Weekend per minute convenienceand necessity is otherwise adversely affected. If you wish to ob ject, Out-of-State rates will increase from $1.30to $1.50 on 1/1/2016. This change does you should file your comments as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after not apply to AT&T Long Distance rates. If you have any questionsor to learn more the Commission releases public notice of the proposed discontinuance.You may about our money-savingservices, please visit us at an.com or call 800.288.2020. file them electronicallythroughthe FCC's Electronic Comment Filing System using the docket number established in the Commission'spublic notice for th is RATE INCREASE procee ding, or you may address them to the Federal CommunicationsCommission, The monthly rate for Selective Call Forwarding will increasefrom S8.50to $9.00 on Wireline Competition Bureau, Competition Policy Division, Washington, DC 20554, 1/3/2016. If you subscribeto this feature as part of a package, the rate you pay will and include in your comments a reference to the §63.71 Application of AT&T not change. If you have any questions or to learn more about our money-saving Oklahoma and AT&T Long Distance. Comments should include specific information services, please visit us at an.com or call 800.288.2020. aboutthe impact of this proposeddiscontinuance(or reduction or im pairment) upon RATE NOTICE you or your company, including any inability to acquire reasonable substitute The per minute rate for In-State {lntrastate/lntraLATA)Local Toll Ca lls will increase service. AT&T Customer Service can be reached at the toll-free number on your bill from $0.40to $0.45 on 1/3/2016. Th is change does not apply to AT&T Long Distance or V/TTY 800.651.51 11.Thankyou, AT&T, 60WestAvenue, Room 405, Wayne, PA. rates. If you have any questions or to learn more about our money-savingservices, 19087. please visit us at an.com or call 800.288.2020. ONLINE BILL SUPPORT PAYMENT OPTIONS Register at att.com/managemyaccountto view or pay your bill, ma nage your Use the my AT&T App* on your smartphone, visit an.com/bill to pay your AT&T bills accountonline, sign up for paperl ess billing, or enroll in Auto Pay. It's quick, easy, electronically.or use our Interactive Voice Response system FREE of charge and available24x7! anytime day or night by calling 800.288.2020.Paymentsmade with an AT&T MAKING PAYMENTS EASY representativewill be assessed a $5.00 conveniencefee. *Compatible device and AT&T offers several convenientwaysto pay your bill. You can pay on line at account re gistration required. Messaging and data charges may apply for an.com, use the my AT&T app on your smartphone,or visit your local AT&T Mobility download and usage. retail store. Try it today!

RATE NOTIC E CUSTOMERSUPPORT The Restora l of Service fee for a residence line will increase from $35to S39 AT&T speaks many languages. English 800.288.2020;Spanish 800.870.5855; on 1/3/2016.For more information, please visit us on line at att.com or call Cantonese800.281 .2288;Ma nda rin 888.333.2828;Korean 800.300.6657;Vietnam ese 800.288.2020. 800.300.5315;Ja pa nese 800.573.7573.All other languages 800.203.8600;Di sa bilities RATE NOTICE and Aging 800.772.3140. The monthly rate for Priority Call will in crease from $7.50to $9.00 on 1/3/2016.lf you EASY ON LINE SUPPORT! subscribeto this feature as pa rt of a package, the rate you pay will not change. If Online support is quick, easy and availa ble24x7 ! Have questionsaboutyour AT&T you have any questions or to learn more about our money-sa vingservices, please products, features or services? Visit att.com/supportfor self help tools, FAQs and visit us at an.com or call 800.288.2020. troubleshootingtips. Checkout att.com/repairto view our simplified online repair RATE NOTICE experience or visit an.com/bill to find answers to you r billing questions. Your monthly rate for ResidenceAccess Line Service will increase to $26 on 1/3/2016. If you subscribe to one of our packages, you may not be impacted by this increase. If you have any questionsorto learn more about our money-saving services, please visit us at an.com or call 800.288.2020. Page 2of 3 AccountNumber •••••• .:;:J Billing Date Oct25, 2015 ~ at&t

AT&T Long Distance LONG DIST. PROVIDERS Our records in dicate that you have selected AT&T Long Distance or a companythat resells their services as your primary local toll carrier and !l!)!!rtant Infomtlon - Contiooed AT&T Long Distance or a companythat resells their services as Distance, access W11W.att.co1/servicepublications your primary long distance carrier. Please contact us if this does not agree with or call AT&T at the toll free number on you r bill. your records.

MOVING SOON? Invoice Summary Stay connectedwith AT&T. Pleasevish us on line at an.com/move or call ~as of October 13, 2015) 800 .M OVE.ATI(S00.668.3288).Moves of Lifeline service must be placed via phone. Cu rrent Charges Service Charges 25 .00 ELECTRONICPAYMENTS Credits and Adjustleflts .DO When making a secure electronic bill payment from your bankaccountoverthe Call Charges .00 phone, you will need to provide sufficientinformation to authenticateyourself as Surcharges and Other Fees 4.68 the account owner. By providing this information, you are authorizing AT&T and Taxes 2.05 your financial institution to process a one· time debit from your ba nk accountfor payment of your bill. Othe r bill payment options are available at www.att.com. Total Invoice Summary 31.73 PAYMEN TOPTIONS Service Charges Use the myAT&T App• on yoursmartphone,vish att.com/billto pay your AT&T bills Monthly Service Charges electronically.or use our Interactive Voice Response system FREE of charge anytime day or night by calling 800.288.2020.Paymentsmade with an AT&T Type of Service Period Qty represe ntativewill be assess eda $5.00 conven iencefee. •compatiblede vice and 1. Unli mited Call One 10/11 ·11 /10 1 25.00 accountregistration required. Messaging and data chargesmay apply for Total MontblyServiceCbarges 25.00 download and usa ge. SERVICE WITHDRAWAL Total Service Charges 25.00 Pending state and reg ulatoryapprovalwhere applicable, Southwestern Be ll TelephoneCompanyd/b/a AT&TTexaslAT&n and SBC Long Distance,LLC d/b/a Surcharqesand Other Fees SBC Long Distanced/b/a AT&T Long Dostancewill disconunuethefollowmg Description services on or after March 18, 2016: Bill to a Third Number, Busy Lone 2. Carrier Cost Recovery Fee 1.99 Verify/Interrupt, Collect calls, Pe rson to Person calls, and International Directory 3. Federal Un iversa l Service Fee 2.13 Ass1stanceServ1ce. 4. State Cost-Recovery Fee .01 5. TX Utility Gross Receipts Assement .02 The FCC will normally authorize this proposeddrscanunuanceof serv1ce(or 6. Texas Universal Service .47 reduction or impairment) unless 1t 1s shown that customerswou ld be unable to Total Surchargesand Othe r Fees ua receive service or a reasonablesubstitutefrom another carrier or that the public convenienceand necessrtyos otherwise adverselyaffected. If you wish to ob1ect, Taxes you should file your comments as soon as possib le, but no laterthan 30 days after Description the Commission releases pub lic noti ce of the proposed discontinuance. You may 1. Federal Tax .00 file them electron1callythroughthe FCC's Electronic Comment Folmg System using 8. State and Local Taxes 2.05 the docket number established in the Commission'spubhc notice for this Total Taxes 2.05 proceeding, or you may addressthem to the Federal CommunicattonsCommiss1on, Wi reline Competition Bureau, Competition Policy D1vis1on, Wash ington, DC 20554, Total AT& T long Distance 31 .73 and include in your comments a reference to the §63.71 Applicatton of AT&T Texas and AT&T Long Distance. Comments should include specific information aboutthe News You Can Use im pact of this proposeddiscontm uance(or reduction or impairment) upon you or your company,mclud1ng any inability to acqu ire re asanab lesubstituteservice. AT&T Customer Service can be reached at the toll·free number on your boll or V{ITY PREVENTDISCONNECT 800.651 5111 .Thankyou,AT&T,SOWestAvenue,Room4-05, Wayne, PA. 19087. Thankvoulor being a valued customer. Please be aware that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current and prevent col lectlon activities. We ONLINE BILL SUPPORT are required to inform you that certa in chargessuch as vourtelephone line, fees and Register at att.com/managemyaccountto view or pay your bill, manag e your surcharges.and any feature package, if applicable, MUST be paid in order to accountonline, sign up for paperless billing, or enroll in AutoPay. It's quick, easy, prevent interruptionof basic local service. These charges are already included in the and ava ilable 24x71 Total Amount Due and areS59 .26. Also, neglecting to pay for other charges such as long distance, voice mail, lnline®, wireless, and Internet may result in these services being interrupted.

CHOI AT&T l•Uhctual P,epertf. All rfg .. ts tn•rvt4.

oo ut1au!alll] eup sa:rn1a' eesA' 1i , se::>::>onuro4ao~ ! u6 AonJ ns1u6M.MM·eu·:iow/sioddeda1 el deAwalll en10 jOJ nd SJ6u s1ewds' eup ~wa seAa lO Meu1 Aon ua1ao1JOUJ0•11A' dJasauiap qa weA04ao~s ijBlruuap 1161aawaur S•JA!Oa '<1l'ill Aon; oiooup!J!ous eup 1a1ws 14a JU !P•lJl!P.aP es 1aas sno4 deA lo e5;aa Aon nud•!P JaJruuap J S04ao~ AonJ IJdJooassap· ouoapaS1JoAap qa M!ll 04ao~ OJ!6!ue1 AOnJ deAwaur JOJ 04ao~ AonJ 01 oodAJWe6a eu dJasau1 lO '

AT&T Long Distance SERVI CE WITHDRAWAL Pending state and regulatory approval where applicable, Telephone Companyd/b/a AT&T Nevada (AT& Tl and SBC Long Distance, LLCd /b/a SBC Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Dista nce will discontinuethe following services on or Key to Calling Codes after March 18, 2016: Bi ll to a Third Number, Busy Line Verify/Interrupt, Collect calls, D Day Z Other Person to Person calls, and International Directory Assistance Service. Total Ot her AT&T long Dista nce . 00 The FCC will normally authorizethis proposeddiscontinuanceof service (or reduction or impairment) unless it is shown that customers would be unable to News You Can Use rec eive service or a reasonable substitute from another carrier or that the public convenienceand necessity is otherwise adverselyaffected. If you wish to object, you should file your comments as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after PREVENT DISCONNECT the Commission releases public notice of the proposed discontinuance. You may All charges must be paid each month to keep your account cu rrent. However, "basic file them electronicallythroughthe FCC's Electronic Comment Filing System using service" and its applicabletaxes and surcharges MUST be paid to avoid disconnection. the docket number established in the Commission 's public notice for this Currently, for this accountthat amount is $56.90. Failure to pay non-basic charges proceeding, or you may address them to the Federal Communications Commission, may result in other collection activities, including restriction of toll calls. Wire line Competition Bureau. Competition Policy Division, Washington, DC 20554, and inclu de in your comments a reference to the §63.71App lication of AT&T CARRI ER INFORMATION Nevada and AT&T Long Distance. Comments should include specific information Our records indicate that you have selected a bout the imp a ct of this proposed discontinuance{or reduction or impairment) u on AT&T Long Distance or a companythat resells their services as you or your company, including any inability to acquire reasonable substitute your primarylocaltoll carrier and AT&T Long Distance or a service. AT&T Customer Service can be reached at the toll-free number on your bill companythat resells their services as your primary long distance carrier. Please or V/TTY 800.651.5111.Thankyou, AT&T. 60 West Avenue, Room 405, Wayne, PA. contact us if this does not ag ree with your records. 19087. ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS MAKING PAYMENTS EASY When making a secure electronic bill payment from your bank account over the AT&T offers several convenientways to pay your bill. You can pay on line at att.com. phone, you will need to provide sufficient information to authenticateyourself as use the myAT&T app on your smartphone,or visit your loca l AT&T Mobility retail the account owner. By providingthis information, you are authorizing AT&T and store. Try it today! your financial institution to process a one-time debit from your bank account for payment of your bill. Other bill payment options are available at www.an.com. ONLINE BILL SUPPORT Register at an.com/managemyaccountto view or pay your bill, manage your LATE CHARGE REMINDER accountonline, sign up for paperless billing, or enroll in Auto Pay. It's quick, easy, A flat$6.50 Late Payment Charge may apply to any unpaid bala nce as of yournext and available 24x7! bill date. For more information, please visit us online at an.com or call 800.288.2020. EASY ONLINE SUPPORT! PAYMENT OPTIONS Online support is quick, easy and ava ilable24x7! Have questions about your AT&T Use the my AT&T App* on your smartphone, visit att.com/billto pay your AT&T bills products, features or services?Visit an.com/supportfor self help tools, FAQs and electronically.or use our Interactive Voice Responsesystem FREE of charge troubleshootingtips. Che ck out att.com/repai rto view our simplified online repair anytime day or night by calling 800.288.2020.Payments made with an AT&T experience or visit an.com/bill to find answers to your billing questions. representativewill be assessed a S5.00 conveniencefee. *Compatible device and account registration required. Messaging and data charges may apply for CUSTOMER SUPPORT download and usage. AT&T speaks many languages. English 800.288.2020;Spanish 800.870.5855;Russian 888.882.4839;Polish 800.417. 1588;Cantonese800.281.2288;Mandarin 888.333.2828; MOVING SOO N? Korean 800.300.6657;Vietnamese 800.300.531S;Japanese800.573.7573 ;T aga log Stay connectedwith AT&T. Please visit us on line at an.com/move or call 800.956.8084. All other languages800.203.8600;Disabilities and Aging 800.772.3140. 800.MOVE.ATI(800 .668.3288).Moves of Lifeline service must be placed via phone. Page 3of3 AccountNumber •••••• at&t Billing Date Oct 19, 2015

News You Can Use EASY ONLINE SUPPORT! Online support is quick, easy and available24x7! Have questions about your AT&T products, features or services?Visit att.com/supportfor self help tools, FAQs and PAYMENTOPTIONS troubleshootingtips. Checkout att.com/repairto view our simp lifie d onli ne repair Use the myAT&T App* on your smartphone, visit att.com/billto pay your AT&T bills experience or visit att.com/bill to find answers to you r billing questions. electronically.or use our Interactive Voice Response system FREE of charge CUSTOMER SUPPORT anytime day or night by calling 800.288.2020.Payments made with an AT&T AT&T speaks many languages. English 800.288.2020;Spanish 800.870.5855; representativewill be assessed a $5.00 conveniencefee. *Compatible device and Russian 888.882.4839;Polish 800.417. l 588;Cantonese 800.281.2288;Mandarin account registration required. Messaging and data charges may apply for 888.333.2828;K orea n 800.300.6657;Vietn am ese 800.300.5315;J apan ese 800.573. 7573; download and usage. Tagalog 800.956.8084.All other languages800.203.8600;Disabilities and Aging MOVING SOON? 800.772.3140. Stay connected with AT&T. Please visit us online at an.com/move or call 800.MOVE.ATI(800.668.3288).Moves of Lifeline service must be placed via phone.

SURCHARGE INCREASE Terms and Conditions The CA Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (ULTS) surcharge increased from 3.80% to 5.50% on 10/1/2015. lf you have any questions, please call us atthe number listed on the front of your bill. THREE PAYMENT OPTIONS: Electronically:through Automatic Payment Service or Online: AT&T eBilJSM. At an Authorized Payment Location. Or mail to AT&T SERVICEWITHDRAWAL PO BOX 5025, Carol Stream, IL 60197-5025. Pending state and regulatoryapprovalwhere applicable, Pacific Bell Telephone BILLING QUESTIONS: Call us at 800.288.2020,or write to: AT&T Residence Service, Company,d/b/a AT&T California (AT&T) and SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a SBC 2150Webster Street, Room 401, Oa kland, CA 94612;or AT&T Business Service, Long Distance d/b/a AT&T Long Distance will discontinuethe following services on 14575 Presidio Square, Room CR, Houston, TX 77083; or visit att.com. If you or after March 18, 2016: Bill to a Third Number, Busy Line Verify/Interrupt, Collect have a complaint you cannot resolve with us, write the California Public calls, Person to Person calls, and International Directory Assistance Service. Utilities Commission(CPUC) at Consumer Affairs Branch, 505 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94102or at cpuc.ca.gov,or call 800.649.7570or The FCC will normally authorize this proposeddiscontinuanceof service (or TDD 800.229.6846.lf your compla int concerns interstate or international reduction or impairment) unless it is shown that customers would be unable to calling, write the FCC at ConsumerComplaints,4451 2th Street SW, receive service or a reasonable substitute from another carrier or that the public Washington,D.C. 20554,or at [email protected] call 888.225.5322, convenienceand necessity is otherwise adverselyaffected. If you wish to object, or TTY 888.835.5322.Note: The CPUC handlescomp laintsfor both interstate you should file your comments as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after and intrastate unauthorized carrier changes("slamming"). The California the Commission releases public notice of the proposed discontinuance. You may consumer protection rules are availableonline at calphoneinfo.com. file them electronicallythrough the FCC's Electronic Comment Filing System using FEDERAL SURCHARGES: The Federal Universa l Service Fee and the Federa l the docket number established in the Commission's public notice for this Subscriber Line Charge are charges imposed by action of the Federa l proceeding, or you may addressthem to the Federal Communications Commission, Communications Commission. Wireline Competition Bureau, Competition Policy Division, Washington, DC 20554, and include in your comments a reference to the §63.71 Application of AT&T TARI FF INFORMATION: Call 1-888-319-8800or visit our web site www.att.com/servicepublications. California and AT&T Long Distance. Comments should include specific information aboutthe impact of this proposed discontinuance( or reduction or impairment) u on CALLER ID SELECTIVE& COMPLETE BLOCKING: Caller ID sends your name and you or your company, including any inability to acquire reasonablesubstitute phone numberto the person or business called. Selective Call Blocking prevents service. AT&T Customer Service can be reached at the toll-free number on your bill your information from being displayed for one call. Dial *67 (1167- rotary phones) or V/TIY 800.651.5111.Thank you, AT&T, 60 West Avenue, Room 405, Wayne, PA. before calling. Complete Blocking keeps your information from being displayed on 19087. aII of your calls exceptthose you elect not to block. Dial *82 (11 82- rota ry phones)to unblock. No blocking on 911, 800 and 900 calls. Both blocking options are free. CA LIFELINE REMINDER SERVICE INFORMATION AT&T offers Lifel ine Telephone Service for eligible low income customers. Your local services are provided by AT&T Ca lifornia (Pacific Bell Telephone California Lifeline provides basic residential telephone service at discountedrates Company). Your AT&T long distance services, if any, are provided by one or more of on Flat Rate and Measured Rate service. The Federal Lifeline program offers an the following AT&T Inc. subsidiaries:AT& T Long Distance(SBC Long Distance, additional benefit, Tribal Lands/Enhancedlifeline. Tribal Lands/Enhancedlifeline LLC), and AT&T Corp. You ca n find the na me of your long distance service provider provides free monthly local access after credits are applied. To be eligible for Tribal in the long distance section of your bill. To view your provider's service Lands/Enhancedlifeline. customers must live on federallyrecognizedTribal Lands. publications, including Guidebooks.Service Guides and/or Tariffs, go to Additional service connection credits may also apply. att.com/servicepublications.T erms and Conditions governing any other de-ta riffed ONLINE BILL SUPPORT and non-regulatedservices you may have are also available on this website. Terms Register at attcom/managemyaccountto view or pay your bill, manage your and Conditions may change from time to time. These Terms include provisions accountonline, sign up for paperless billing, or enroll in Auto Pay. It's quick, easy, regarding how to resolve any dispute you might have, and include an ARBITRATION and available24x7! CLAUSE. You shouldrev iew the Terms on a regular basis.

MAKING PAYMENTS EASY AT&T offers several convenientwaysto pay your bill. You can pay online at att.com, use the my AT&T app on your smartphone,or visit your local AT&T Mobility retail store. Try it today! CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I, Lacretia Hill, certify that I have, on January 6, 2016 served a copy of the foregoing Section 63.71 Application of AT&T by U.S. Mail postage prepaid to the addresses on the attached sheets.

I s/Lacretia Hill Lacretia Hill Office of the Governor Public Utility Commission of Oregon 160 State Capitol 550 Capitol St NE #215 900 Court Street POBox2148 Salem, Oregon 97301-4047 Salem OR 97308-2148

Office of the Governor Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission 225 Main Capitol Building POBox3265 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265

Office of the Governor Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission State House, Room 115 89 Jefferson Boulevard Providence, RI 02903 Warwick, RI 02888

Public Service Commission of South Office of the Governor Carolina, 1205 Pendleton Street 101 Executive Center Dr., Suite 100 Columbia, SC 29201 Columbia, SC 29210

Public Utilities Commission Office of the Governor Capitol Building, 1st floor 500 E. Capitol Ave. 500 East Capitol Avenue Pierre, SD 57501 Pierre, SD 57501-5070