Case Officer: Mrs Nicola Glanville Ward:

Ward Member: Cllr P Ridgers

Application No: 01422/2014 Applicant: Mr I Wheeler High Wynds Martin Farm Whiddon Down EX20 2QL

Site Address: Martin Farm, Whiddon Down, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2QL

Development: Householder retrospective application for the erection of a shed for the storage and repair of classical motor vehicles (hobby use).

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Reason item is being put before Committee – This application has been called to Committee by Cllr Ridgers for the following reason:

‘This application is brought to committee having regard to the local concerns in respect of the size of the building and its potential for business use.’


Recommendation: Conditional Consent

Conditions: 1. Strict compliance with the drawings 2. Non-commercial use only/ancillary to the dwellinghouse known as High Wynds.

Key issues for consideration:  The main planning considerations are siting, design and appearance and amenity of neighbouring occupiers  Noise

Site Description: The proposal site is 230m north of a highway and is accessed by private track, with multiple users. The building is located to the left of the track, with in the garden belonging to High Wynds, a domestic residence. The building is situated at the end of the garden, to the south west of the dwelling.

To the south of the site is View Holiday Park, which is a static caravan park and to the north and west are open fields. On the other side of the access track, to the east of the site is another private dwellinghouse, known as New House.

The site is approximately 300m from the settlement of Whiddon Down, 3.5km from and 9km from Okehampton. The site is not Listed, nor is it within a Conservation Area.

The Proposal: The building subject to this application is a timber framed vertically clad, green building. The roof is constructed of Cladco 34/100 rib roof sheets. The building has double width, timber barn doors and a single door in UPVC. The barn measures 11.43m x 8.83m, with an eaves height of 4m.

The applicant collects and renovates classic cars as a hobby. The garage is used to store and renovate these cars.

Consultations: County Highways Authority – No Highways Implications.

Environmental Health Section - No comments received.

Drewsteignton Parish Council – Object. The Councillors are concerned about noise levels in a residential area, which includes a Bed and Breakfast, and Dartmoor View Holiday Park.

Concerns were raised about this proposal becoming a business set up, and the associated additional issues.

Planning History of two adjoining properties shows that other proposals in the immediate vicinity were considered ‘sporadic development in the countryside’.

Representations – No letters of representation received.


Relevant Planning History 02830/2012 Removal of mobile home and replacement with erection of residential dwelling. Conditional consent 12/12/2012 6354/2004/OKE Erection of a detached dwelling and garage. Refusal 12/10/2004


Principle of Development/Sustainability: The building is a domestic garage to be used for an ancillary/hobby use for the storage of a collection of classic cars. The building is large, but due to the materials used, is agricultural in appearance and therefore not out of keeping with its rural setting. It is not the applicants’ intention to use the building for commercial use.

Design/Landscape: The building is large; however, it has been finished to a good standard of workmanship. Its materials mirror those used in agricultural buildings in the surrounding area and it is not considered to be out of keeping with the rural landscape.

The building has been painted Juniper Green, which helps it merge into the backdrop of trees surrounding the site. There is a good shelter belt of mature trees and hedgerow that would screen the building well during the Spring and Summer months; the building is not visible from long vistas.

The site is close to the boundary of the Dartmoor National Park (DNP) and there are important DNP vistas to the south of the site. However, the garage building is well screened by existing natural vegetation and trees and is not considered to have a negative impact upon Dartmoor National Park purposes.

As such, the building is considered acceptable in landscape terms.

Neighbour Amenity: The site is adjacent to a Holiday Park, which is situated 12m to the south of the site. Another single residence is located 55m to the north east of the site.

The proposed use is an ancillary/hobby use and non-commercial. To ensure that this remains the case, it is recommended that planning permission is granted subject to an ancillary condition.

Being that the use is non-commercial it is not considered that the proposed use to store motor vehicles, with the occasional use of the workshop, will cause an unacceptable level of disturbance or noise and therefore the proposal is considered acceptable in this respect.

Any occurrence of noise nuisance as a result of the use would be subject to and enforceable under separate legislation.

Highways/Access: The existing access to the site is unaffected by the proposal. The existing track giving access from the Highway is wide and well maintained. It is not considered that the ancillary residential use of the proposal will have any detrimental Highways implications.


Conclusion: Given the assessment above the development is considered acceptable in Planning terms and the Officer’s recommendation is to Approve with conditions.

Planning Policy This application has been considered in accordance with Section 38 of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and, where relevant, with Sections 66 and 72 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas).

Planning Policy NPPF:

West Devon Borough Council Core Strategy 2011 SP1 – Sustainable Development SP17 – Landscape Character SP20 – Promoting High Quality Design

West Devon Borough Council Local Plan Review 2005(as amended 2011) NE10 – Protection of the Countryside and Other Open Spaces T8 – Car Parking H40 - Residential Extensions

Considerations under Human Rights Act 1998 and Equalities Act 2010 The provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998 and Equalities Act 2010 have been taken into account in reaching the recommendation contained in this report. ______