T0349 T0455 T0438 T0163 LO NGFORD North T0359 BROOK T0170

T0471 T0226 T0408 T0323 T0470 T0161 T0358 A B C

T0169 T0225 T0328 T0144 T0157 T0148 D E F

T0299 T0350 T0357 T0351 T0356 T0404 T0454 T0298 T0325 T0150 T0297 T0325 G T0456 I J 395000 H T0324 Trafford

T0174 T0348 K M L

N T0224


T0392 T0310 T0331 T0309 T0182 T0457

D T0433 OL EEA BR O OK T0473 T0308 T0156 Ashton, Bridgewater and T0396 T0326 Council Boundary T0443 T0166 Canals T0354 Fluvial Flood Extent T0361 / Grey Irwell 1 in 100 Year T0360 Other Waterbodies 1 in 100 Year With Climate Change T0355 Main Rivers (V8.0) 394000 T0327 M0038 Potential Development Sites / Locations T0353 Culverted Employment Open T0464 Housing T0223 Digitised River Lines Mixed Use Culverted Other LOW VERF Open MERSEY O Regional Centre Boundary



393000 This map has been produced in accordance with PPS25: Development and Flood Risk and

K its Practice Guide. S OO TR BR O MF ORD The map shows estimated flood extents using the modelling outputs produced for this SFRA on the , Grey Irwell, Irk, Medlock, Corn Brook, Mersey at Carrington and the B AR RO Manchester Ship Canal. Beyond the modelled reaches, recent EA modelling or the Flood W B RO OK Zones have been used. Where climate change outlines do not exist, Flood Zone 2 was used T0203 as a proxy to represent how flood risk might increase in the future. The SFRA modelled reaches are shown on Figure 1.1 of the Maps Index.

T0222 T0140 The Main River information shown in the SFRA is provided by the Environment Agency; the T0215 centreline data may deviate from that shown on basemapping due to inherent differences in T0200 data resolution. Further information on Main Rivers is provided on the Environment Agency’s website. The mapping of culverted sections of watercourse is a strategic screening only T0368 based upon Ordnance Survey 1:10,000 mapping and should be confirmed for more detailed studies such as site specific Flood Risk Assessment. The canals layer does not necessarily cover all the canal arms, but the modelled overtopping/breaching and hydraulic interactions T0212 with rivers and other waterbodies is complete and accurate as appropriate for a Strategic T0208 Flood Risk Assessment.

These maps should be used as an indication of areas in which fluvial flooding may increase in the future. These maps should be used to apply the Sequential Test and are also useful T0429 when reviewing which sites may require the Exception Test by Spatial Planners, T0430 Development Management and developers in assessing possible future fluvial risks. Emergency planners may also find them useful while designating access and egress routes. T0207 T0137 T0479 M The map should be used to apply the Sequential Test and Exception Test. T0209 E T0206 RS 392000 T0139 EY

T0406 T0453 T0136 T0211 T0126 T0204 T0231 T0230 T0129 T0214 T0135 T0138 T0195

T0132 T0194 T0444 T0201 T0202 www.jeremybenn.co.uk T0133 T0218 T0196 T0196 t 01925 570876 f 0845 8627772 T0134 e [email protected] T0407 T0217 T0193 T0127 Bank Quay House T0141 Sankey Street T0210 T0213 T0431 WA1 1NN Other offices at Atherstone, Doncaster, Edinburgh, Haywards Heath, Limerick, T0130 T0192 , Newport, Northallerton, Saltaire, Skipton, Tadcaster & Wallingford

T0197 for

391000 T0199 Manchester City, Salford City and Trafford T0216 T0198 K OO BR F K IE LDEN PA R Councils Level 2 Hybrid SFRA

L A 1 in 100 Year and 1 in 100 Year With Climate Change T0186 N A C

R Flood Extents E T A W Drawn by: E J Cheetham Date: This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the G 17/11/2010 D I permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller R of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown copyright. B Checked by: Date: Y J Dimelow 22/11/2010 E Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and S R may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence E Approved by: Date: M H O'Callaghan 22/11/2010 number: 100019568 2011. B AG UL EY B File Name: RO ...ArcView\Mapping\Level2\MST_Fluvial_Q100_extent_V1.2.mxd OK Drawing Number: Status: Scale: 0 0.5 1 Kilometre T0220

0 0 0 0 0 0 FL_1.3I FINAL 1:10,000 0 F RYWELL 0 0 0 0 0 0 I B 0 0 0 0 0 A RO 8 O 9 0 1 2 3 7 K 7 8 8 8 8 3 3 3 3 3 M3 0039 Original @ A1