Pediatric Heat-Related Illnesses Bryan Greenfield, MD; Joel M. Clingenpeel, MD, MPH, MS.MEdL

248 EMERGENCY MEDICINE I JUNE 2016 www.emed-journal.com Children are more susceptible than adults to heat-related illnesses. While heat-related conditions often are minor and self-limited, heatstroke can be fatal without early recognition and prompt treatment.

eat-related illnesses in children stimulant medication for attention-deficit/ encompass a wide range of disease hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). processes—from minor conditions At approximately noon, the boy col- H such as heat rash to life-threaten- lapsed on the field and had a seizure. ing thermoregulatory emergencies such When the EMS technicians arrived, they as heatstroke. Physiological differences in administered a dose of intramuscular (IM) children compared to adults make them midazolam. Although his seizure ceased, particularly susceptible to illnesses caused he remained obtunded and was intubated. by heat exposure. A rectal temperature revealed a tempera- Pediatric heat-related illnesses can usu- ture of 105.8°F and paramedics noted that ally be prevented if appropriate precau- while the patient felt hot, he was no longer tions are taken (see “Taking Steps to Pre- sweating. While en route to the ED, EMS vent Heat-Related Illnesses” box on page technicians removed the patient’s football 250). In lieu of prevention, early recogni- uniform; placed a fan in front of him; and tion and treatment of heatstroke in chil- sprayed cool water on him in an effort to dren may drastically reduce life-threaten- lower his body temperature. At the time ing complications related to multisystem of arrival to the ED, his rectal temperature organ dysfunction. Management of heat- was 104.9°F. stroke rests primarily on prompt initiation of rapid cooling measures and evaluation Case 2 for organ dysfunction. A previously healthy 3-month-old female infant was brought to the ED by EMS after Case Scenarios she was accidentally left in a car on a sum- Case 1 mer day with a temperature of 90°F and An obese 10-year-old boy was brought to 100% humidity. The infant’s father said the ED by emergency medical services that while running errands, he had forgot- (EMS) during the first week of youth foot- ten his daughter was in the car and had left ball tryouts. It was a hot day in late August, her in the rear facing backseat car carrier with 100% humidity and temperatures for approximately 10 minutes. When he over 95°F. The patient, who weighed ap- returned to the car, he found his daughter proximately 240 lb, was trying out for foot- awake but crying inconsolably. She had ball but had no previous athletic-condi- sweated through her clothes, vomited, and tioning experience. Despite his obesity, he felt very hot, so he called 911. Her initial had been generally healthy and only took a rectal temperature was 102.2°F, and her

Dr Greenfield is a resident, department of pediatrics, Eastern Virginia Medical School/Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters, Norfolk. Dr Clingenpeel is the fellowship director of pediatric emergency medicine; and associate professor of pediatrics, Eastern Virginia Medical School/Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters, Norfolk. DOI: 10.12788/emed.2016.0033

www.emed-journal.com JUNE 2016 I EMERGENCY MEDICINE 249 Taking Steps to Prevent Heat-Related Illnesses Acclimatization is important in preventing most forms of heat-related illness. Children should be given ample time to acclimate to elevated bolic or environmental causes of heat, the temperatures and humidity, a process that for many children may hypothalamus primarily acts on the auto- 10 require 10 to 14 days of repeated, limited heat exposure. Another nomic nervous system to engage mecha- important consideration for both pediatric athletes and infants is the 4 provision of loose-fitting and single-layered clothing during times of nisms of heat dissipation. Evaporation of extreme heat. Infants should of course never be left in an unattended sweat is believed to be the most important vehicle.11 Hydration with water and/or electrolyte-containing fluids (not mechanism of heat dissipation in humans; soda or any other carbonated beverages) should be reinforced before, however, this method becomes less effec- 28 during, and after exercise on hot days. tive when humidity levels are above 75%.5 Exercise may need to be restricted on days that are excessively hot or Radiation allows heat to transfer from humid. While the wet-bulb globe temperature measurement is consid- the skin to the air, but is reliant on a tem- ered a more predictive measurement of potential risk for heat illness, the heat index is generally more accessible to coaches and pediatric perature gradient. Conduction can allow caregivers. Standard guidelines recommend cancelling outdoor activi- heat to transfer to a cooler object through ties if the heat index is above 126°F.29 Heat indices between 104°F physical contact (as seen with cold-water to 125°F are considered dangerous for children who have not yet ac- immersion), while convection utilizes air climated to these conditions, and activities should be rescheduled to a movement to transfer heat (as illustrated cooler time of the day if possible. Heat indices between 91°F to 104°F 6 warrant extreme caution and close monitoring of all pediatric athletes by fanning). for heat-related illnesses. Other helpful adaptations include providing Thermoregulation is disrupted when shade for rest and allowing more frequent hydration breaks.30 the body is unable to balance metabolic heat production and heat dissipation. Heat dissipation mechanisms are easily clothes were removed as she was being overwhelmed when a person is exposed transported in an air-conditioned ambu- to excessive heat from the environment. lance to the ED for further evaluation. Once The resulting stress from hyperthermia undressed, she was noted to have an ery- can directly injure cells, leading to a cy- thematous rash with multiple papules and tokine storm and endothelial . Heat pustules on her trunk. can cause proteins to denature and cells to undergo apoptosis, which, if severe, can Epidemiology result in multisystem organ dysfunction.7 From 2006 to 2010, an average of 668 heat- related deaths per year occurred among Physiological Differences in Children people of all ages in the United States. Of Several physiological differences in chil- these deaths, approximately 7% occurred dren compared to adults compromise their in children younger than age 4 years (2.5% ability to manage heat exposure. Ther- in those younger than age 1 year and 4.5% moregulation in infants is less developed in those age 1-4 years). These figures have secondary to an immature hypothalamus; remained relatively stable over the last 10 therefore, they are less able to utilize com- years.1,2 Adolescents are particularly at pensatory mechanisms to dissipate heat.8 risk for overexertion, and heatstroke is the In addition, infants and young children third leading cause of death in young ath- have a decreased sweating capacity, which letes, after traumatic and cardiac causes.3 makes evaporative cooling less effective.9 As may be expected, most heat-related Children also produce more endogenous deaths (76%) occur in the southern and heat per kilogram than adults, which is western regions of the United States. believed to be secondary to a higher basal metabolic rate. They have less blood vol- Pathophysiology of ume than adults, which decreases their Heat-Related Illnesses ability to transfer warm blood into the pe- The hypothalamus is the main control riphery in order to cool the central core. center for temperature homeostasis. As the Lastly, children have a higher surface core temperature rises due to either meta- area-to-body mass ratio, which causes in-


creased heat absorption. All of these fac- though benign, the cramps are very pain- tors ultimately result in a slower rate of ful spasms that often affect large muscle acclimatization in children compared to groups, particularly in the legs, such as adults.10 the calves, quadriceps, and hamstrings. There is conflicting data regarding the un- Environmental Factors derlying cause of heat cramps. Many be- Several environmental risk factors pre- lieve there is a significant component re- dispose children to heat-related illnesses. lated to dehydration, while others attribute Infants are completely dependent on their the cramps to fatigue or a combination caregivers for hydration and environmen- of the two.15 tal protection from the heat. Infants who are over-bundled or left in a hot car are par- Heat ticularly at risk for heat-related illnesses.11 secondary to peripheral va- Older children are at risk for sports-related sodilation, and venous pooling occurs overexertion and typically must depend as the body attempts to dissipate heat by on permission from a coach or supervising transferring warm blood to the periphery. adult to hydrate or take a break from ex- Relative dehydration plays a role in heat ercise. Lastly, medications such as stimu- syncope, which is often precipitated by lants frequently prescribed for ADHD or a rapid change in positioning during ex- medications with anticholinergic proper- ercise, such as moving from a sitting to ties (secondary to decreased sweating) can standing position. Heat syncope usually predispose children to heat intolerance.12 improves after the patient is supine, and children with heat syncope do not have an Minor Heat-Related Illnesses elevation in core body temperature.14 Some Heat-related illnesses range from benign conditions (eg, heat rash) to life-threaten- ing processes (eg, heatstroke).

Miliaria Rubra There are several forms of miliaria. Miliar- ia rubra, also known as heat rash or prickly heat, is a common, benign manifestation of heat exposure in infants and young chil- dren. A combination of heat exposure and obstructed sweat glands results in a pru- ritic, erythematous rash with papules and pustules (Figure). This is often seen in ar- eas of friction from skin rubbing against skin or clothing.13

Heat Edema/Heat Cramps Heat edema is another benign process re- lated to heat exposure that generally occurs in older adults but can also occur in chil- dren. It is the result of peripheral vasodila- tion as the body attempts to shunt warm blood to the periphery.14 Heat cramps are © Science Source a common manifestation in young athletes Figure. A child with miliaria (also known as miliaria rubra, sweat rash, exercising in hot, summer conditions. Al- heat rash, or prickly heat).


patients who experience heat syncope, of clotting factors disrupts the clotting sys- however, may also have heat exhaustion. tem and can cause disseminated intravascu- lar coagulation (DIC).20 Damage to the mu- Heat Exhaustion cosal lining of the intestines may result in Heat exhaustion occurs in patients with a ischemia and massive hematochezia.21 known heat exposure. As opposed to the Heatstroke is classified as either nonex- previously described processes, heat ex- ertional or exertional. Nonexertional heat- haustion is characterized by a body tem- stroke occurs most frequently in younger perature elevated up to 104°F. Heat ex- children who are exposed to a hot envi- haustion is often accompanied by diffuse, ronment, such as an infant left in a car on nonspecific symptoms such as tachycar- a warm day. Exertional heatstroke occurs dia, sweating, nausea, vomiting, weakness, primarily in children exercising on a hot fatigue, headache, and mild confusion. day, such as young athletes.6 Dehydration often plays a significant role Due to its significant morbidity and in heat exhaustion, but in contrast to heat- mortality, heatstroke is the most concern- stroke (described in the following section), ing manifestation of excessive heat expo- mentation is normal, or there is a transient, sure. The mortality rate for children with mild confusion.16 heatstroke is significantly lower than for adults; however, approximately 10% of Heatstroke children with heatstroke will not survive,22 Heatstroke is observed in patients with and 20% will have long-term neurological a known heat exposure who have a tem- disabilities, including permanent impair- perature greater than 104°F accompanied ment in vision, speech, memory, behavior, by central nervous system (CNS) dysfunc- and coordination.23 tion.14 The CNS dysfunction involves an alteration in mental status manifested by Management of Minor slurred speech, ataxia, delirium, halluci- Heat-Related Illnesses nations, or seizure activity. In severe cases, For most minor heat-related illnesses, sup- obtundation or may result in airway portive care is the mainstay of treatment compromise.17 Vital signs are unstable, (Table). and tachycardia and hypotension are often present. Patients with heatstroke may stop Miliaria Rubra sweating, although the absence of sweat- Infants with miliaria rubra typically im- ing is not required for the diagnosis. Other prove once they are placed in a cool en- nonspecific findings such as vomiting and vironment and their clothing is removed. diarrhea are common.6 In infants, lotions may contribute to sweat The hallmark of heatstroke is multisys- gland obstruction and should be used spar- tem organ dysfunction, which is caused by ingly.13 heat-induced tissue damage resulting in a systemic inflammatory response.18 Since the Heat Edema/Heat Cramps pediatric brain is particularly sensitive to Similarly, heat edema generally improves temperature extremes, cerebral edema and once the child is removed from the hot herniation are potential complications of environment and the extremities are el- heatstroke.17 Damage to myocardial tissue, evated.14 Heat cramps are likely the result coupled with dehydration and systemic va- of fatigue and dehydration; therefore, these sodilation, results in hypotension and poor painful contractions often improve with systemic perfusion.19 Muscle breakdown rest, stretching, oral hydration, and re- causes rhabdomyolysis that can lead to kid- moval from the hot environment. If cramps ney failure and hepatic injury. Degradation persist despite these measures, parenteral

252 EMERGENCY MEDICINE I JUNE 2016 www.emed-journal.com Table. Heat-Related Pediatric Illnesses: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Condition Signs/Symptoms Treatment

Miliaria rubra Pruritic, erythematous rash with papules and Place patient in a cool environment, remove pustules often seen in areas of skin friction. excess clothing, and avoid lotions.

Heat edema Swelling that often affects the lower extremities due Remove patient from hot environment and to peripheral vasodilatation. elevate the extremities.

Heat cramps Painful spasms that often affect large muscle groups. Patients usually improve with rest, stretching, oral hydration, and removal from the hot environment. If cramps persist, parenteral rehydration (20 mL/kg of normal saline) may be beneficial.

Heat syncope Transient loss of consciousness, often related to Remove patient from hot environment. Oral dehydration and rapid changes in positioning during rehydration with salt-containing fluids is safe; exercise (eg, moving from a sitting to standing patients may require IV rehydration with normal position). saline if orthostatic hypotension does not improve with oral rehydration alone.

Heat exhaustion Body temperature elevated up to 104°F and usually Cessation of exercise with removal from hot accompanied by tachycardia, sweating, nausea, environment. Oral rehydration with salt- vomiting, weakness, fatigue, headache, and mild containing fluids is important; most patients confusion. Dehydration often plays a significant role. improve with these measures alone. Mentation is normal (in contrast to heatstroke). Patients who do not improve require emergent evaluation. Check electrolytes; patients typically warrant a 20 mL/kg IV bolus of normal saline. Obtain complete neurological examination and a rectal temperature at initial presentation.

Heatstroke Occurs in patients with a known heat exposure who Support the airway, breathing, and circulation have a temperature >104°F accompanied by central with intubation, if necessary, and initiate fluid nervous system dysfunction (eg, slurred speech, resuscitation. ataxia, delirium, hallucinations, seizure activity). Initiate rapid cooling measures immediately In severe cases, obtundation or coma results in with cool water spray, air conditioning, and ice airway compromise. Vital signs are unstable with packs (placed along the neck and axilla). tachycardia and hypotension. Patients may stop Avoid medications such as acetaminophen, sweating (this is not required for the diagnosis). dantrolene, and ibuprofen. Benzodiazepine Vomiting and diarrhea are common. (eg, lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg IV) can be given Multisystem organ dysfunction is hallmark for seizure activity. of heatstroke. Evaluate for multisystem organ dysfunction with imaging (chest X-ray and head CT) and laboratory assessment (CBC, PT/PTT/INR, fibrinogen, CMP, UA, CPK, ABG). Admit to ICU for further management of multisystem organ dysfunction.

Abbreviations: ABG, arterial blood gas; CBC, complete blood count; CMP, comprehensive metabolic profile; CPK, creatine phosphokinase; CT, computed tomography; ICU, intensive care unit; INR, international normalized ratio; IV, intravenous; PT, prothrombin time; PTT, partial thromboplastin time; UA, urinalysis.


rehydration (20 mL/kg of normal saline) and placed in a warm environment.24 None- may be beneficial.15 theless, it is important to address these pa- tients with a broad differential diagnosis in Heat Syncope mind, and always consider the possibility Patients with orthostatic hypotension from of sepsis. If the history and examination are heat syncope usually improve once they consistent with hyperthermia secondary are resting in a cool environment and have to heat exposure, a period of observation been rehydrated. Pediatric oral rehydra- with supportive care may be a reasonable tion with salt-containing fluids, such as option. Infants should have a rectal tem- commercial sports drinks, is safe; nonethe- perature assessed every 15 to 30 minutes to less, these patients may require intrave- monitor for improvement; if they improve nous (IV) rehydration with normal saline if with supportive care alone, a septic evalua- orthostatic hypotension does not improve tion can be potentially avoided. Antipyret- with oral rehydration alone.14 ics will confuse the clinical picture and should be avoided in this situation.24 Heat Exhaustion Differentiating heat exhaustion from heat- Management of Heatstroke stroke is of upmost importance because Significant morbidity and mortality are as- the treatment courses vary greatly. The dif- sociated with heatstroke, and prompt recog- ference in neurological status is the most nition and initiation of therapy are required effective way of differentiating the two to prevent or minimize serious complica- diseases. All patients with slurred speech, tions.22 As in any other life-threatening con- ataxia, delirium, hallucinations, or seizure dition, the initial treatment of heatstroke activity should be treated for presump- requires support of the airway, breathing, tive heatstroke until proven otherwise (see and circulation. Patients are often neuro- “Management of Heatstroke” section). logically unstable and cannot protect their Although children with heat exhaustion airway, which should prompt endotracheal may have mild confusion, this tends to intubation. Children who are tachycardic be transient and resolves with supportive and hypotensive should be resuscitated care. Patients with heat exhaustion should with normal saline prior to intubation if stop exercising and be placed in a cool en- oxygenation and ventilation are maintained vironment without excess clothing. Oral with supplemental oxygen alone. Most pa- rehydration with salt-containing fluids tients require at least 20 mL/kg of IV nor- is important, and most patients improve mal saline but many ultimately need up to with these measures alone. 60 mL/kg.14 If blood pressure (BP) does not Children with apparent heat exhaus- respond adequately to fluid resuscitation tion who do not improve should be evalu- alone, vasopressors may be necessary. Sei- ated in the hospital setting, and laboratory zure activity can be managed with IV ben- studies should be obtained to evaluate for zodiazepines, such as lorazepam (0.1 mg/kg electrolyte abnormalities. Such patients with maximum 4 mg per dose).14 typically warrant a 20 mL/kg IV bolus of Rapid cooling therapy is the mainstay of normal saline. A complete neurological ex- treatment for heatstroke and should be ini- amination and a rectal temperature should tiated as soon as the diagnosis is suspected, be obtained on initial presentation.16 since morbidity and mortality correlates The evaluation of an overbundled infant directly with the duration of hyperthermia. with hyperthermia may be particularly These measures are ideally started prior to challenging. Studies have demonstrated arrival at the hospital. Evaporative cooling that it is possible for an infant to develop can be achieved in the field or ambulance core temperature elevation if overbundled with a cool water spray and air condition-

254 EMERGENCY MEDICINE I JUNE 2016 www.emed-journal.com ing. Additionally, ice packs can be placed His vital signs included the following: rec- Antipyretics along the neck and axilla to augment rapid tal temperature, 104.9°F; heart rate (HR), cooling measures and can be continued in 149 beats/minute; and BP, 82/36 mm Hg. such as the ED until the patient’s core temperature Heatstroke was diagnosed and rapid cool- decreases to 101.4°F.25 ing measures were initiated. acetaminophen Medications have a limited role in the Evaporative heat loss was maintained treatment of heatstroke. Antipyretics such with a fan and water spray, and ice packs and ibuprofen as acetaminophen and ibuprofen have no were placed along the patient’s groin and proven benefit and may exacerbate hepat- axillae. Laboratory evaluation included a have no proven ic, gastrointestinal, clotting, and renal dys- complete blood count (CBC), CMP, CPK, UA, function.26 Benzodiazepines are helpful coagulation panel, and ABG. A normal sa- benefit and for seizure activity and may have a role in line IV bolus at room temperature was given seizure prophylaxis. Dantrolene is not rec- and a postintubation chest X-ray confirmed may exacerbate ommended for treating heatstroke as stud- appropriate position of the endotracheal ies have not demonstrated a statistical im- tube, without any evidence of acute respira- hepatic, provement in cooling time, complications, tory distress syndrome (ARDS). A head CT or mortality.14 The use of chilled IV fluids scan did not reveal cerebral edema. Since gastrointestinal, instead of room-temperature fluids is not the child’s BP and HR did not improve after definitively supported in the literature.27 the first normal saline bolus, he was given clotting, Further diagnostic evaluation is direct- a total of 40 mL/kg of IV normal saline in ed at determining the degree of multisys- the ED. The patient’s laboratory results were and renal tem organ dysfunction that results from concerning for an AKI, with elevated CPK, heatstroke. A head computed tomography hepatic injury, coagulopathy, and severe dysfunction. (CT) scan can evaluate for cerebral edema, metabolic acidosis. He was subsequently whereas a comprehensive metabolic pro- admitted to the PICU for further care. file (CMP) will screen for electrolyte abnor- The child’s PICU course was compli- malities such as hyponatremia (salt loss), cated by multisystem organ failure, which hypernatremia (volume depletion), and ultimately included DIC, ARDS, acute re- possible transaminase elevation, which nal failure requiring hemodialysis, and may indicate hepatic injury. Prolonged co- hypotension requiring vasopressors. A re- agulation studies may reveal DIC and an peat head CT scan 3 days after admission arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis often may revealed marked cerebral edema. The pa- reveal metabolic acidosis. A serum creatine tient subsequently died within a week of phosphokinase (CPK) and urinalysis (UA) presentation. can help to identify rhabdomyolysis or the presence of an acute kidney injury (AKI).16 Case 2 After their condition is stabilized, chil- [The 3-month-old girl who was left in a hot dren with heatstroke should be monitored vehicle.] in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) to effectively address complications of The initial evaluation revealed a fussy in- multisystem organ dysfunction. fant with dry mucous membranes, elevated HR, and sunken fontanelle. Her rectal tem- Case Scenarios Continued perature on arrival to the ED was 100.7°F Case 1 after conservative measures were taken (ie, [The 10-year-old boy who collapsed during removing her from the hot environment football tryouts.] and removing her clothing). A peripheral IV was placed due to her clinical dehydra- The initial evaluation revealed an obese tion and she received a 20 mL/kg bolus of child who was intubated and obtunded. normal saline at room temperature. A glu-


cose level was obtained and was normal. ther a septic work-up nor empiric antibiot- The patient’s rectal temperature was ics were initiated, since heat exposure was monitored every 30 minutes over the next felt to be the likely source of her core tem- 4 hours, and her temperature and HR grad- perature elevation. Child Protective Ser- ually normalized. vices (CPS) was notified and opened a case The patient’s rash appeared consistent for further evaluation of possible child ne- with miliaria rubra and improved as her glect. The patient ultimately returned to temperature decreased. The infant under- her baseline in the ED and was discharged went a brief period of observation in the home with a family member, according to ED where she continued to look well and the safety plan outlined by CPS, and close tolerated oral fluids without vomiting. Nei- follow-up with her pediatrician.

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256 EMERGENCY MEDICINE I JUNE 2016 www.emed-journal.com