وسيلة النظام فى محاولة قمع ثورة الشعب



فإن عظمة األجداد تَحَدٍلإلحفاد

من الضرورى أن تراعى وأنت تشاهد أنوا ليست تماثيل فحسب ... أو أنوا نقوش ودهانات ليس إال أو أنوا حجارة وأضرحة للملمة عظام موتاهم أو أنوا مبانى ومنازل إلوائوم وسكناهم

من الضرورى أن تراعى وأنت تشاهد أنوا نتاج فكر وعقل ... تدبر وتأمل ... عمل وعرق إنوا علم وتقنية ... تصميم وتنفيذ ... فن وذوق ... إحساس بالرقى وزهو بالنفس إنوا سمو منزلة وعلو قدر وإرتفاع ذات وإنتصاب هامة ...ويقين بمصير

هذا فى الوقت الذى كانت فيى الدنيا تلتحف بالظالم هذا هو المصرى على مر العصور واألزمان

فكن مصريا تكن حضاريا والحياة مبادئ ... إبحث عن مبادئك تجد حياتك


منطقة األهرام باألقمار الصناعية








Valley of the Kings

يشير السوم إلى موقع وآدى الملوك بالنسةب لنور النيل

خريطة تخطيطية لموقع وآدى الملوك 11


Entrance of the Tomb of Thutmose III

Tomb of Thutmose III from the interior 13

Burial site of Thutmose III

Decoration in Thutmose III Tomb


Decoration in Thutmose III Tomb 15

Decoration in Thutmose III Tomb


Decoration according to the 20th Dynasty style ( IV)

Burial site of Merenptah 17

Burial site of Ramesses IX; Far wall of the burial chamber

Right wall of the burial chamber of Ramesses IX 18

Decoration of the burial chamber in the tomb of


Pillar in 's tomb

al-Qurn dominates the valley 20

The Valley was used for primary burials from approximately 1539 BC to 1075 BC, and contains at least 63 tombs, beginning with (or possibly earlier, during the reign of ), and ending with Ramesses X or XI, although non-Royal burials continued in usurped tombs. Despite the name, the also contains the tombs of favorite nobles as well as the wives and children of both nobles and , meaning that only about 20 of the tombs actually contain the burials of kings; the burials of nobles and the royal family, together with unmarked pits and embalming caches make up the rest. Around the time of (ca. 1301 BC); construction commenced in the separate Valley of the Queens. The first royal tombs in the valley were those of Amenhotep I (although this identification is also disputed), and Thutmose I, whose advisor Ineni notes in his tomb that he advised his king to place his tomb in the desolate valley (the identity of this actual tomb is unclear, but it is probably Thutmose I or Thutmose III). I saw to the excavation of the rock-tomb of his majesty, alone, no one seeing, no one hearing. Ramesses's IX Tomb in Egypt's Valley of the Kings was the final resting place of the 20th-dynasty Ramesses IX. However, the archaeological evidence and the quality of decoration it contains indicates that the tomb was not finished in time for Ramesses's death but was hastily rushed through to completion, many corners being cut, following his demise. View of the central East Valley, showing area around the . The tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings, which became famous for the wealth of treasure it contained. The tomb was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter, underneath the remains of workmen's huts built during the Ramesside Period; this explains why it was spared from the worst of the tomb depredations of that time. KV is an abbreviation for the Valley of the Kings, followed by a number to designate individual tombs in the Valley. Merenptah Tomb, located in the Valley of the Kings, was used for the burial of Pharaoh Merenptah of Ancient Egypt's Nineteenth Dynasty. The burial chamber, located at the end of 160 meters of corridor, originally held a set of four nested sarcophagi. The outer one of these was so voluminous that parts of the corridor had to have their pillars demolished and rebuilt to allow it to be brought in. Tomb of Ramesses IV, found in the Valley of the Kings, is the tomb of Ramesses IV, and is located low down in the main valley, between Ramesses II and Ramesses VII. It has been open since antiquity and contains a large amount of graffiti. Tomb Thutmose III in the Valley of the Kings (near the modern-day Egyptian city of Luxor) was the final resting place of 18th dynasty Pharaoh Thutmose III. One of the first tombs to be dug in the Valley, it was cut high in the cliff face of the furthermost wadi. A steep corridor leads down, in a dog-leg shape, from the entrance past a deep well to a trapezoidal antechamber. Beyond the antechamber lies the cartouche-shaped burial chamber, off which stand four smaller side chambers. The stone sarcophagus in which Thutmose was laid to rest is still in place in the burial chamber, albeit damaged by tomb robbers. Tomb of Ramesses III, located in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, was intended for the burial of an unidentified son of Pharaoh Ramesses III during the early part of the Twentieth Dynasty. It is similar in design to the "straight axis" tombs typical of this dynasty, and an ostracon written in hieratic script from the time of Ramesses III mentions the founding of a tomb for a royal prince, likely this tomb. The unfinished state of a couple of rooms in the tomb along with scant archeological evidence suggests that the tomb was never used. Some have suggested that it was originally intended for use by the prince regent who would succeed as Ramesses IV, and who started building his own tomb of Ramesses IV soon after he came to the throne. 21

Panorama of the valley, looking north


Entrance to a Royal Tomb, drawn in 1821

Entrance to 's tomb, soon after discovery in 1908 23

Howard Carter and associates opening the door to the innermost shrine in the burial chamber, 1923

Plan of the tomb of Tutankhamun 24

Cross-section of shrines and sarcophagi in the tomb of Tutankhamun.

The pharaoh's solid gold funerary mask was interred with him the tomb (Tutankhamun).


Burial site of Tutankhamun, The wall decorations in the tomb of Tutankhamun's burial chamber are modest in comparison to other royal tombs in the Valley.

Burial site of Ramesses IV 26

Typical Jogged Typical Straight axis post-Amarna axis tomb Nineteenth/Twentieth Dynasty tomb

Typical Bent axis Early Eighteenth Dynasty tomb

مقبرة العصر المبكر من لألسرة الملكية الثامنة عشر فى تل العمارنى


جيولوجية الطبقات فى وادى الملوك

Lithic core: Museum of Toulouse 28

An alabaster vase found in the tomb, symbolizing the union of Lower and .

Ramesses IX's names appear on the doorway to the tomb


One of the golden shrines, now on display in the Cairo Museum

Tutankhamun's wooden chest 30

تجميع وتصنيف وإعداد وكتابة التعليق أحياناً أ. د. محمد عبد العزيز جعفر أستاذ الفيزياء بكلية العلوم جامعة أسيوط

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