Recent Literature

BANDING EQUIPMENT AND TECHNIQUES 47. Scottish Marine Biol. Assoc., Dunstaffnage Marine Lab., Oban, Argyll PA34 4AD, Scotland. Using aerial marking for assessing population (Incubating Common Terns were significantly dynamics of late summer roosting Red-winged lighterin Scottishcolonies than in German colo- Blackbirds. G.M. Linz, C.E. Knittie, J.L. nies,but weights of bothCommon andArcticTerns Cummings, J.E. Davis, Jr., D.L. Otis, and D.L. varied considerablyamong years in Scotland.) Bergman. 1991. Prairie Nat. 23:117-126. U.S. MKM Dept. Agriculture,Denver Wildh Res. Center, N.D. Field Stn., Fargo, ND 58105 (Blackbirdsat large Growth of Guillemots Uria aalge after roostswere sprayedwith fluorescent particle mark- leaving the colony. M.R Harris,A.Webb and M.L. ers from the air. Although some of the earliest- Tasker. 1991. Seabird 13:40-44. Inst. Terrestrial sprayed birds may have molted their markers by Ecol., Hill of Brathens,Banchory, Kineardineshire the end of the study,recoveries provided informa- AB31 4BY, Scotland. (Growth, as measured by tion on roost dispersal to feeding areas and on weights and wing lengths, continuedat sea after roost turnover rates.) MKM leaving a colony in Scotland at the same rate as prior to leaving.) MKM A composite treadle/Bal-chatritrap for Logger- head Shrikes. R. Yosef and F.E. Lohrer. 1992. Subspecies and morphs of the Snow Goose. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 20:116-118. Mitrani Center for R. Pittaway. 1992. Ont. Birds 10:72-76. Box 619, DesertEcology, Dept. of Biology,Ben-Gurion Univ., Minden, Ont. K0M 2K0. (Differentiating features Jacob BlausteinInst. for Desert Res., Sede Boqer between white and blue morphs of Greater and Campus 84993, Israel. (A treadle trap was en- Lesser Snow Geese are discussed and changes hanced by adding a skirt around the base and in their Ontario distribution reviewed. A neck- puttingmonofilament nooses on the roofand skirt.) banded Greater Snow Goose observed near DMC Cornwall, Ont. in 1991 had been banded in Dela- ware in 1990.) MKM Territories:a key to understandingbird behav- ior. R.A. Askins. 1987. Amer. Birds 41:35-40. The practiced eye/Cassin's Finch versus Purple Dept.Zool., Connecticut College, New London,CT Finch. K. Kaufman. 1986. Amer. Birds 40:1124- 06320. (Includedrole of banding,especially color- 1127. c/o American Birds, 950 Third Ave., New banding,in studyingthem.) MKM York, NY 10022. (Discussionof identificationfea- tures, with brief referenceto House Finch.) MKM IDENTIFICATION, MOLTS, PLUMAGES, WEIGHTS AND MEASUREMENTS Relationshipsof age, moult and plumage in the White-cheeked Honeyeater near Beverley, Growth of Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle Western Australia. P. Congreve. 1992. Corella chicks in Shetland in 1983-84. P.J. Ewins. 1992. 16:89-92. Greenfields,2 Edwards St., Beverley, Seabird 14:3-14. Can. Wildl. Sew., Canada Cen- WA 6304,Australia. (1166 retrapsof 1977 banded tre for InlandWaters, Box 5050, Burlington,Ont. birdsprovided data thatallow revision to previously L7R4A6. (Weightincreases were among the high- published age codes for White-cheeked est recordedfor boththis species and alcidsgen- Honeyeaters. Molt patternsare also described.) erally,but were higherin a year of betterfeeding MKM conditionsthan the previousyear. Wing lengths were also measured.)MKM Colour difference in Red-browed Firetail. B. Foreman.1992. Corella 16:93. Arbury Park Out- Temporal and spatial variations in body- door School, BridgewaterSA 5165, Australia. (A weights of Common Terns and Arctic Terns. more orangy-coloredbird than usual, includinga J.C.A. Craik and P.H. Becker. 1992. Seabird14:43- golden beak, was captured in a mist net.) MKM Sept-Dec.1993 North American Bird Bander Page 151 Data exchange. Morphometrics of the White- NORTH AMERICAN BANDING RESULTS faced Robin. J.W. Hardy and F.W. vanGessel. 1992. Corella 16:94. RMB 6121 Tapley Rd., Built in babysitter? Immature bluebird assists Lisarow,NSW 2250, Australia.(Measurements of parents at the nest. M. Renaud and S. Stoddard. 65 adult birds sexed by cloacal examinationten- 1992. Sialia 14:10. 2707 Reynolds Ct., tatively indicatethat sex can be determinedby Columbiaville,MI 48421. (Color-bandedyoung wingspanand wing length.)MKM of the year was seen feedingnestlings, remaining in the box when the parentswere absent and re- Data exchange. Wedge-tailed Shearwater movingfecal sacs.) MKM Puffinus pacificus. S.G. Lane. 1992. Corelia 16:59. Lot 6, Fairview Rd., Moonee, via Coffs Antipredator behavior of Mountain Plover Harbour,NSW 2450, Australia.(Weights of nest- chicks. T.A. Sordahl. 1991. Prairie Nat. 23:109- lingsin New SouthWales.) MKM 115. Dept. Biol., Luther College, Decorah, IA 52101-1045. (The influenceof age and habitaton Body mass of ColumbianSharp-tailed Grouse type of escape behaviorwas studiedon 76 Moun- in Colorado. K.M. Giesen. 1992. Prairie Nat. tain Plover chicks color-banded in 42 broods in 24:191-196.Colorado Div. Wildl., 317 W. Prospect Montana.) MKM Rd., FortCollins, CO 80526. (In a sampleof 291 grouse, males had greater mass than females Strait of Georgia Brant Survey - 1991. E.L. within each age class and each season. Adult Nygrenand N.K. Dawe. 1992. B.C. Nat. 30(3):10- males had greater mass than yearling males in 11. Can. Wildh Sen/., R.R. 1, Site 12, C-4, Qualicum spring,while mass was greater in springthan in Beach,B.C. VOR 2T0. (An estimated6000 Brant fall in both sexes.) MKM have been banded on nestinggrounds, often with color bands. Volunteer surveyors obtained 1730 Molt pattern and duration in a female Northern readings of 615 banded Brant in B.C.'s Strait of Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis). C.J. Reading. Georgia in 1991, 78% of which were from the 1990. Journ.RaptorRes. 24:91-97. Inst.Terr. Ecol., Yukno-Kuskokwin Delta, Alaska. The rest were Furzebrook Res. Stn., Wareham, Dorset BH20 from other parts of Alaska, Wrangell Is. in Siberia 5AS, U.K. (Detaileddescription of firstseven an- and the CanadianArctic.) MKM nual moltsof wild-bredcaptive.) MKM History and current population status of the Notes on female orioles. K. Kaufman. 1987. Black-capped Vireo in Oklahoma. J.A. Amer. Birds41:3-4. c/o American Birds, 950 Third Grzybowski,R.B. Clapp and J.T. Marshall.1986. Ave., New York, NY 10022. (Brief notes on fea- Amer. Birds 40:1151-1161. Dept. Biol., Central tures distinguishingfemales of North American State Univ., Edmon, OK 73034. (Includingsev- oriole species and the two races of NorthernOri- eral bandingrecords.) MKM oles.) MKM Blopolitics, management of federal lands, and Notes on the at-sea identification of some Pa- the conservation of the Red-cockaded Wood- cific Gadfly Petrels (genus: Pterodroma). L. pecker. J.A. Jackson. 1986. Amer. Birds40:1162- Spear,S.N.G. Howelland D.G. Ainley.1992. Co- 1168. (Dept. Biol. Sci., Box Z, MississippiState Ionial Waterbirds15:202-218. PointReyes Bird Univ.,Mississippi State, MS 39762. (A markedbird Obsen/.,Stinson Beach, CA 94970. (Discussion was reportedto move from a colonynext to a N.C. of identificationfeatures of 14 Pteridromaspecies highwayto anothercolony over 50 milesaway, but of the easternPacific, with mass,wing extent and next to the same highway.)MKM taillength of all 14 plustwo Puffinus species. Sev- eralidentification features mentioned in this paper Habitat use, survival, and causes of mortality havenot been published in fieldguides.) MKM among Mallard broods hatched near the James River in North Dakota. G.L. Krapuand C.R. Lunn. 1991. Prairie Nat. 23:213-222. U.S. Fish & Wildl.

Page 152 North American Bird Bander Vo1.18 No.4 Serv., Northern Prairie Wildl. Res. Center, Box 966, cent Long-earedOwls. Adults migrated later than Jamestown,ND 58402-9736. (Hatchingsuccess iramatures.Significantly more captures were made was determined on radio-marked hens, and fate in the four hoursbefore sunrisethan other times.) to fledging or predation was followed on radio- DMC marked ducklings.) MKM Movements and habitat use by Wild Turkey Natal dispersal and inbreeding in the Cooper's hens with broods in a grassland-woodland Hawk. R.N. Rosenfield and J. Biefeldt. 1992. Wil- mosaic in the northern plains. K.S. Day, L.D. son Bull. 104:182-184. Collegeof Nat. Resources, Flake and W.L. Tucker. 1991. Prairie Nat. 23:73- Univ. Wisconsin,Stevens Point, WI 54481. (Ob- 83. Idaho Dept. Fish & Game, Region 6, 1515 servationsof breedingadults banded as nestlings LincolnRd., Idaho Falls, ID 83041. (In S.D., as resulted in detectionof first known inbreedingin determined by monitoring17 radio-tagged hens Cooper'sHawk or any NorthAmerican Accipiter. with broods.)MKM A grandson/grandmotherpair bred successfully for threeconsecutive years, although in oneyear only Habitat use and movements of Canvasback one of four eggs hatched. One female dispersed broods in southwestern Manitoba. J.E. Austin 14.4 km. while six males dispersedfrom 2.4 km. and J.R. Serie. 1991. Prairie Nat. 23:223-228. U.S. to 35.2 km., with an averageof 12.0 km.) DMC Fish & Wildl. Serv., North. Prairie Wildl. Res. Cen- ter, Jamestown, ND 58401. (Observations of Seasonaldynamics of bird populationsin small broods with marked females showed extensive New England wetlands. R.J. Craig and J.S. movements to larger ponds as brood age in- Barclay. 1992. Wilson Bull. 104:148-155. North creased.) MKM Marianas College, Box 1250, CommonwealthNo. MarianasIslands, Saipan, MP 96950. (Birdswere Peregrine Falcons in Calgary- 1992 highlights. mist-nettedand bandedat six siteschosen to rep- W. Condon. 1992. Pica 12(3):11-12. 3034 28th resentthe range of small,typically human-affected St. SW, Calgary,Alta. T3E 2J5. (A partial band wetlandspresent in Connecticut.Marshes reached readingand distincthead markingson a Peregrine peak species richnessin spring. Borderingthick- female confirmed that she was the bird from the ets showed a sharp decline in species richness same site in 1991, while the band of the male, and densityduring winter.) DMC found dead, confirmed that he was also her mate in 1991.) MKM Migration of woodland birds at a fragmented island stopover site. K. Winker, D.W. Warner and Reintroduction of Greater Prairie-Chickens in A.R. Weisbrod. 1992. Wilson Bull. 104:580-598. northeastern Colorado. R.W. Hoffman, W.D. Bell Mus. of Nat. Hist., 10 Church St. S.E., Minne- Snyder,G.C. Miller,and C.E. Braun. 1992. Prai- apolis,MN 55455. (17,019 birdsof 100 species rie Nat. 24:197-204. Colorado Div. Wildl., 317 W. were mist-nettedduring spring and fall 1984-1986 ProspectRd., Fort Collins,CO 80526. (Move- in woodedhabitats of the St. Croix River Valley, ments and lek attendance were determined WashingtonCounty, MN. No habitatemerged as throughradio tracking.)MKM "best"for migrants.A shiftin the aviancommunity as a wholeoccurred seasonally.) DMC Post-fledging behavior of American Kestrels in central Kentucky,C. Kellner.1990. Journ.Rap- Autumn owl migrationat Cape May Pont, New tor Res. 24:56-58. Dept. Biol.Sci., East. Kentucky Jersey. K. Duffyand P. Kerlinger. 1992. Wilson Univ.,Richmond, KY 40475. (Twonestling kestrels Bull. 104:312-320. Cape May BirdObserv./New were fitted with radio transmitters and their behav- JerseyAud. Soc., Box 3,707 EastLake Dr., Cape ior and movementswere documented,along with May Point,NJ 08212. (1042 owlswere mist-net- data on their siblingsand the young of another ted and bandedfrom 1980-1988. Sixty-oneper- brood. At least some of the non-transmittered cent were NorthernSaw-whet Owls and 37 per- young were banded.) MKM

Sept-Dec.1993 North American Bird Bander Page 153 I Osprey nestlingsfostered by hacked adults two Developmentof foraging behavior in theAmeri- weeks after predation of their young. L.M. can Kestrel. D.E. Varland, E.E. Klaas and T.M. Ryman. 1990. Journ.Raptor Res. 24:71-72. Dept. Laughlin.1991. Joum. RaptorRes. 25:9-17. U.S. Biol. Sci., East Stroudsburg Univ., East Fish & Wildl. Serv., Iowa Coop. Fish & Wildl. Unit, Stroudsburg,PA 18301. (Bands showed that the Iowa State Univ.,Ames, IA 50011. (Post-fledging adultstending the chickswere the same pair that social interactionsand the developmentof forag- had nested earlier rather than a replacementpair ingabilities were studied in youngkestrels banded and that the male of the originalpair was the win- and fittedwith coloredvinyl leg jesses. Adultswere ner in an altercationwith an intrudingmale.) MKM also color marked and a few birds fitted with trans- mitters.) MKM Nutting's Flycatcher (Myiarchus nuttingi) from Arizona. R.K. Bowers, Jr. and J.B. Dunning,Jr. FOREIGN BANDING RESULTS 1987. Amer. Birds 41:5-10. 2925 N. Cascades Circle,Tucson, AZ 85715. (Photographsprovided Recoveriesof Sanda guillemots and Razorbills. the second substantiated North American record, I. Livingstoneand R. Morton.1992. SeabirdGroup netted and banded in Arizona. Distinguishingfea- Newsletter62:11-12. c/o The Seabird Group, The tures, especiallyin comparisonwith Ash-throated Lodge,Sandy, Bedfordshire SG19 2DL, England. Flycatchers, are reviewed.) MKM (From1984 through1989, 1181 CommonMurres and 424 Razorbills were banded on the island of Diurnal flight time of wintering Canada Geese: Sanda in the British Isles. Recoveries to date have consideration of refuges and flight energetics. been mostlyin the BritishIsles, with several along J.E. Austinand D.D. Humburg.1992. Prairie Nat. the EnglishChannel, a few along the North Sea 24:21-30. U.S. Fish & Wildl. Serv., North. Prairie and a murre in France'sBay of Biscaye.) MKM Wildl. Res. Cent., Rt. 1, Box 9CC, Jamestown, ND 58401-9736. (Flighttimes of geese at a refuge in Results of an examination of Puffins Fratercula Missouriwere determinedon 80 days throughra- arctica washed ashore in Shetland in winter dio tracking.)MKM 1990-91. M.P. Harris,M. Heubeckand D. Suddaby. 1991. Seabird13:63-66. Inst. of Terrestrial Ecol., Survival and movements of released rehabili- Hill of Brathens,Banchory, AB31 4BY, Scotland. tated Bald Eagles. M. Martell, P. Redig, J. Nibe (Bandrecoveries indicated that Atlantic Puffins in- and G. Buhl. 1991. Journ.RaptorRes. 25:72-76. volved in a '•vreck" came from several different RaptorCent. at the Univ.of Minnesota,St. Paul, areas around the North Sea.) MKM MN 55108. (Radiotracking was used to tracksur- vival and movementsof 19 eagles released after Non-oilingguillemot mortality incidents in the rehabilitation. Although at least three died, sur- Moray Firth, 1983-86. G.P. Mudge,C.H. Crooke vival to at least six weeks was documented for 13 and S.J. Apinell. 1992. Seabird14:48-54. Joint (68.4%) and one femalewas foundto nestfor three NatureConservation Comm., Battleby,Redgarton, subsequentyears, two successfully.)MKM Perth PH1 3EW, U.K. (Of 16 banded Black Guillemots found dead in Scotland, 12 were from Strait of Georgia Brant survey - 1992. E.L. nearbycolonies, three from elsewherein the re- Nygrenand N.K. Dawe. 1993. B.C. Nat. 31(1):8- gion and one from Iceland.)MKM 9. Can. Wildl. Serv., 3567 Island Hwy., West Qualicum Beach, B.C. V9K 2B7. (A total of 2058 Radio-tracking of a British Storm Petrel readings of over 642 differentband codes were Hydrobatespelagicus proves a probable new read on Brant winteringin the Strait of Georgia breeding-site in Norway. T. Nygard and K. and nearby areas in 1992. An average of five birds Einavik. 1991. Seabird13:59-62. Norwegian Inst. in 100 were found to have bands. Some birds for NatureRes.,Tungasletta 2, N-7004Trondheim, were seen both in the Strait of Georgia and in the Norway. (A bird, believedto be a female, tagged Queen Charlotte Islands.) MKM near a bandingsite was recapturedat the same place one year later.) MKM

Page 154 North American Bird Bander Vo1.18 No.4 Auk mortality in fishing nets in north Norway. their natal colony in spite of fluctuatingfood re- K.-B. Strann, W. Vader and R. Barrett. 1991. sources,perhaps suggesting that such fluctuations Seabird13:22-29. Zool. Dept., Tromso Mus., Univ. have.appearedonly recently.) MKM Tromso,N-9000 Tromso,Norway. (TwelveCom- monMurres banded in Norway,Shetland and Rus- Breedingbiology of Green-rumpedParrotlets. sia were among large numbersof alcids killedin J.R. Waltman and S.R. Bessinger.1992. Wilson fishingnets off northernNorway.) MKM Bull. 104:65-84. Natl. Audubon Soc., 666 Penn- sylvania Ave. S.E., Suite 200, Washington, DC The breeding biology of Cory's Shearwater 20003. (Adults and nestlings were uniquely Calonectrisdiomedea borealis on BerlengaIs- banded with plastic color and aluminum bands. land, Portugal. J.P. Granadeiro. 1991. Seabird Femalesdid all broodingand incubating.Ninety- 13:30-39. ServicoNacional de Parques,Reservas one percent of pairs remained mated during the e Conservacaoda natureza,Rua Filipe Folque, breeding season, while a maximum of 69% re- 46ø3,1000 Lisboa,Portugal. (Adults were banded mainedtogether in subsequentyears.) DMC and color-codedwith paint on their breast feath- ers to permitindividual recognition. Biometric pa- Avian distribution and abundance records for rametersof adultswere comparedwith those from the Sierre de Los Tuxtilas, Veracrue, Mexico. elsewhere,and growthdata are givenfor young.) K. Winker,R.J. Oehlensclager,M.A. Ramos,R.M. MKM Zink, J.H. Rappole and D.W. Warner. 1992. Wil- son Bull. 104:699-718. Bell Mus. Nat. Hist., 10 Short-tailed Shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris. ChurchSt. S.E., Minneapolis,MN 55455. (More F. McKergow. 1992. Corella 14:62.AustralianBird than80,000 net hoursof mistnetting between 1973 andBat Banding Scheme, c/oAustralian Bird Study and 1987, as well as observationaldata, yielded Assoc., Box 1313, Sydney South, NSW 2000, 405 species, of which 58 had not been reported Australia. (Map of recoveriesof birds banded in for the regionpreviously and 96 were considered Australia,Japan and Alaska, and recovered in threatenedby tropicaldeforestation.) DMC Australia,New Zealand, Japan, the Bering Sea and Alaska.) MKM Daytime activity of Little Owls (Athene noctua) in southwesternSpain. J.J. Negro,M.J. de la Riva Changesin the ShetlandGuillemot Uria aalge and F. Hiraldo.1990. Journ. Raptor Res. 24:72- population and the pattern of recoveries of 74. EstacionBiol. de Donana,Consejo Superior ringed birds, 1959-1990. M. Heubeck, P.V. InvestigacionesCientificas, Apdo. 1056, 41080, Harveyand J.D. Okill. 1991. Seabird 13:2-21. Dept. Sevilla,Spain. (The captureof nine LittleOwls Zool.,Univ. Aberdeen, Tillydrone Ave., Aberdeen withbal-chatri traps placed out for kestrelsduring AB92TN, Scotland.(After periods of increase and theday and other observations show that this spe- stability,colonies of CommonMurres in Scotland cies is less strictlynocturnal than previouslybe- declined in the 1980s. Recoveries of tourres lieved.) MKM bandedat the coloniesincreased during the pe- riod of the decline,suggesting more over-winter Patterns of winter distribution and abundance mortality.Hunting in Norwaywas an important of LesserKestrels (Falco naumannl) in Spain. cause of deaths of bandedbirds in the 1960s, but J.J. Negro,M. de la Rivaand J. Bustamente.1991. declinedin importance after Norway banned hunt- Journ. Raptor Res. 25:30-35. Estacion Biol. de ing of thisspecies. Oilingand drowningin fish Donana, Pubellandel Paru, Avd. Maria Luisas/n, nets increasedin importance.)MKM 41013 Sevilla,Spain. (Colorbanding showed that adultsremain near their breeding colonies during Why do Foula Great Skuas not behaveopti- winter, gatheringtogether in common roosts at mally? F.W.Fumess. 1992. The SeabirdGroup night. All juvenilesleft the coloniesin winter, mi- Newsletter63:2-4. Applied Ornithol. Unit, Dept. gratingto Africa.)MKM Zool., Univ. Glasgow,Glasgow, U.K. (Color- banded, known-agedskuas at an island in Scot- DMC = DouglasM. Collister landshowed high site fidelityand evenfidelity to MKM = Martin K. McNicholl Sept-Dec.1993 North American Bird Bander Page 155